Dating in America美国式约会

Dating in America美国式约会
Dating in America美国式约会

Dating in America

Millions of people in the United States are alone. They are not married or involved in a close relationship. Some of these people wish they could find someone to date. They wish they could celebrate Valentine’s Day with a special person. There are a number of ways to find someone to date. Some people meet at work, others meet by chance in a public place. Still others visit places where other single people go or they can use businesses that help organize dates. Many men and women find dates through services they find on their personal computers. The purpose of dating is to have fun. Sometimes people who date develop a close relationship. Some people decide to live together, yet remain unmarried. Others decide to get married. In the past, young people in America usually lived with their parens until they got married. Today, some still do, yet, most young people live a more independent life. They have a job. They travel. They rent or own their own apartment or house. They wait longer to get married. While waiting, they date. Often a friend will plan a meeting between 2 unmarried people who do not know each other. This is called a blind date. The people involved are not blind. They just have never seen each other. However, most unmarried people have to find their own dates. Many go to public eating, drinking, or dancing places. Every city in America has them.

Some places are popular with young people. Others are for older people. Many Americans, however, want to go where they are sure they can meet people with similar interests. For example, they may go to a bookstore. Some bookstores in America now serve coffee and food. Many offer special programs and social activities for single people. Other singles join health clubs to exercise and to meet people or they may join groups for people who like to take long walks or watch birds.
