许国璋,现代英语第一册 Lesson13

]Lesson Thirteen

A Modern Fairy Tale

By the time spring came around again, there was a baby sister for him.

"This time we'll plant an apple tree, my love ,"the princess decreed “Next to the orange t ree. And in the springtime we’ll call our daughter Anne. A for apple, A for Anne.”

The tree was duly planted at the correct distance from the orange tree which by now was very sturdy. Anne was a sweet contented baby, and Oscar was already on his chubby but rather uncertain legs.

Exactly a year later a third baby arrived. And if you're thinking that by now our princess will have lost some of her grace and beauty you'd be wrong. With each birth she grew more radiant. Her hair was just as-gold, her complexion like a nose petal, and her figure (though admittedly for only a brief time each year〉was as slim and supple as the day she married.

The baby was another boy. Blond like his mother and the other two children.

"A lemon tree this time,” the princess. “For his hair is the same pale gold as a lemon. And we'11 call him---”She pau sed, thinking of names beginning with L. "We’11 call him Leo."

The lemon tree was immediately planted. The prince judged that by now the trees reached half way down the avenue from the front door to the main gates ,leaving space for three more.

There was surely not a happier place in the country anywhere ! Filled with the sounds of happy children playing ,the latest baby crying, and always in the backyard a vista of snow-white napkins strung around the rotary hoist.(The princess didn't approve of clothes dryers.)

As for the prince , he t00,one way and another, was kept pretty busy. He engaged a young man to tend the lawns and the flower beds and the vegetab1e garden ,but he himself looked after the fruit trees. He afertilized and pruned at the appropriate times, and kept them free of pests. He didn't believe in noxious chemicals,and personally removed chewing ,gnawing and crawling insects by hand ,keeping a ladder expressly for the purpose. By the time evening came he was aLways tired----though not too tired , mind you.

Just as the orange and the apple and the len1on tree blossomed in the springtime ,so did our princess. Next spring if was twin boys ! The prince was particularly delighted because they lobked exactly like hin1,with olive skin ,glossy black curls and big dark eyes.

"Peter and Paul ,"the (temporarily) exhausted princess said dreamily. "A peach and, a plum tree, my love. Why, we're getting quite an orchard ,aren't we?"

"And it's very nearly reached the main gates," to be prince reminded her. "We're running out of space ,my love ,and soon we'll be running out of fruits too."l

"Nonsense-Why ,we don't have an apricot tree yet ,nor a cherry ,nor a----" But with a that the princess smiled at him sweetly , then promptly fell asleep ,a babe ozi each arm.

As a matter of fact they were running out of bedrooms too ,because by now the prince had moved into one of his own. He had to, because he needed his rest. The princess believed in feeding on demand ,and none of the babies had the remotest idea of time. The prince ,as you may remember ,was quite a lot older than the princess.(This always seems to be regarded as a good thing ,both in fairy tales and real life ,though why it should be so is a mystery. Because men tend to lose not only their hair and their figures first ,but their energy as well.) Anyway ,he managed to persuade the princess that there was a certain romantic charm about visiting, instead of always being on tap, so to speak. And to his credit ,he proved his point quite frequently.

Spring was early next year. Which meant that the cherries were too. And so was the princess. The unseasonably warm days ripened the small luscious fruit at the same time as she was delivered of a girl , slightly ahead of schedule. There was no question as to what tree would be planted ,or what to call this baby. With her vivid dark

coloring and her lively little face the name Cherry suited her to perfection.

The row of fruit trees was now complete, and from then on the prince seemed to flag a little. To be sure , he still visited his princess from time to time ,but his visits were not quite so---spontaneous ,shall we say. The princess knew almost to the hour when to expect him.

She herself ,though ,seemed to have perennial youth. She was insatiable. No. That is definitely not a nice word for a fairy tale. Let us say, rather, that she had an infinite capacity for love, including the love of chidren.

It's not Surprising, therefore ,that with the springtime she gave birth to yet another baby boy. The prince was pleased and proud. Somewhat surprised ,too. Who said he was getting old? Yet he was a little puzzled bythe ch ild’s titian coloring. His eyes were more green than blue, and his hair was the color of a burnished new-minted copper coin. Extraordinary !

"Not extraordinary at all ,my love ,"the princes-s hastened to explm. “in fact, it's strange that it hasn't happened before. The combined genes of a blonde and brunette often produce thisparticular coloring. Surely you're aware of that?"

No.The prince hadn't been aware of it·He smiled rather fatuously and stifled an exclamation of pain as he rose from the floor beside hiswife’s bed where he’d been kneeling.

"Now ,about the baby's name ,"he said. "And the fruit tree. Where are we going to plant this one ?"

“A nectarine," the princess replied promptly. “And piaf1t it right under my bedroom window."

The prince looked dubious. “How about another citrus tree?” he suggested. “Or a mulberry? I don't think a nectarine is a true fruit, my own. I seem to remember reading that it's a cross strain. Between a peach, I think it was, and something else."

"That's as may be,” the p rincess said firmly. “But cross strain or not.I happen to be very fond of them. And the rich green leaves and rosy fruit will look beautiful against the white wall."

The prince walked stiffly over to the window and leaned over the sill. Yes ,no doubt about it, it was a fine spot for a tree. Then he noticed that the downpipe was broken. He took out his little pocket book and n1ade a note to have it repaired. He sighed. There was a1ways something to repair these days. Like himself, the beautiful place in the country was beginning to show signs of wear and-tear. Funny about the downpipe, though. Why, it was less than a year since this new one had been firmly attached to the wall with metal brackets. It looked as though something heavy bad been swinging on it. A possum, maybe?

"And the baby’s name ,my sweet?" he asked ,without turning around. "What shall we call him?"

The princess was thoughtful. She gazed beyond her husband’s back at the vista of flower beds and velvety lawns , where she could see the strong lusty figure of the hired man Norman, wielding the mower. The late afternoon sun glinted on his hair , the color of a burnished new-minted copper coin.

"How about-Norman?" she asked tentatively. "Do you like that?"

"Norman wi11be fine," the prince answered absently, his thoughts on the new tree.

The princess sighed with deep contentment. Her eyes dwelt on the stooped back of her husband with great tenderness. There was no doubt in her n1ind that like in all fairy ta1es, she and her prince would live happily after.

As she gently stroked the soft silky head of the new baby a small smile played about her lips. She thought of what a wonderful husband and lover and father her prince was ,and of how much she loved him. She thought about the fruit trees, the symbols of their love. And she thought about the new nectarine tree, wondering how long it would take to grow as tall as hey window sill. She thought about----oh, all kinds of things.




王妃说,"亲爱的,这次我们种棵苹果树,就种在桔子树旁边。春天到来时,我们从窗子里就可看到鲜花盛开。我们给女儿取名安妮。A的代表apple 〈苹果〉,又代表Anne (安妮)."





























