
Conan Welcome to Conan`s world

?writer:Gosho Aoyama 青山刚昌

?Introduction:Japanese cartoonist漫画家. Born in 1963. After high school, entered Nihon University Arts College. 1986 "Youth Sunday" published his first works, from then the official debut开始. 1994, "Detective Conan" In "Youth Sunday" began serialization 连载,in 2001," Detective Conan "comics have been the 46th Junior Prize. His comics are juvenile comics, warm and meaningful , so although not much work,but each one popular. Works: "Gosho Aoyama short set,"青山刚昌短篇集"4 3 base"4号3垒,"YAIBA", "Magic fast fighting,"魔术快斗"Detective Conan" ?this is the mark of Gosho Aoyama

?Conan theatre:In 1997, the first Movie is premiere ,Until now a total of 13 Movie exhibition,there are

《Timing detonated skyscrapers》《14 Fan goals 》《end of the century magician》《Captured in Her Eyes》《the countdown leading to heaven》

《Bake Street, the souls》《Labyrinth of the crossroads》《Silver Wing's Magic》《Horizontal line plot》

《Detectors of Zhenhun Ge》《Gan Bi the coffin》《Full music of Fear》《black Chaser》,In 2010, the new version of Movie 《The sky's death ship》will join their ranks.Conan Movie badges

?Edogawa Conan , real name Kudo Jimmy . is the protagonist主人公of "Detective Conan" , kenan

knowned as the "savior of the Japanese police", " Heisei平成era Holmes." he turns into a small kid after being forced eating a deadly pill, back to the state of child. So the new name of "Edogawa Conan "and lodging寄宿at Lan's house. He claimed seven and at the Danish school 1 grade class

B .he is confident, cautious, brave, witty, calm, rational.Good at reasoning, football, shooting, cute

?Kudo Jimmy

?Family: (father) Kudo Yusaku (mother) Kudo a Greek children

? a high school student, is equivalent to a modern Sherlock Holmes. However, He is professional at football and uses his football practice his body and mind. His close friends include another high schooler Hattori Heiji , Mouri Lan, and his next door neighbor and inventor Dr. Agasa. All the high school girls swoon 着迷Kudo, which often makes Lan jealous.

?Mouri Lan, who is a high school student,friends with Kudo, was with him on the night that he disappeared. Later, she meet Conan, who claims to be a distant relative of the lost Kudo and adopts him. She doesn't know that Conan really is Kudo even though she suspects it. Lan is trained in martial arts and often uses her skills to help defeat criminals. Lan lives with her dad,Mouri Kogoro , a detective who isn't quite bright.She is good at karate, housework, cooking, piano.She is simple, clean, warm, kind, generous, Soft on the outside on the inside,

?Haibara Ai . Real name: Miyano Shiho

? A fan favorite,this mysterious little girl is just plain mysterious and quiet, She likes

Conan.True identity is a researcher at black organization,APTX-4869 pharmaceutical https://www.360docs.net/doc/0216680206.html,anization,code-named "Shirley", Sister want to make her leave the organization

to be killed off, so she doesn`t want to contine to study the APTX-4869 and was imprisoned. Desperated, she wanted to poisoned herself ,did not expect reduced to child physical appearance, to escape.She is maturity, wisdom, calm, in the same class with Conan.

?Hattori Heiji and Toyama Kzuha

?Hattori has a deep Kansai 关西accent, with Osaka大阪's hearty and self-confidence.Like Kzuha .Hattori and Kudo are completely different people, and more blood.He and Kudo are good friends, often joint action,they have a deep friendship.

?Kzuha with Heiji are childhood friends.She like Heiji,her cheerful exterior 外表and has a soft heart,In each low brow, in every look, in the time greeting each other, in every fight, she has a girl's modesty稳重,

but from time to time

for the Heiji jealous.

?Maori Kogoro and Kisaki Eri

?Maori former is a criminal police and current a private detective,wife is Kisaki Eri (been separated),Idol is Yoko Okino .Reasoning ability is very bad, he solves cases less than 10,mostly implied by Conan can be cracked.?Kisaki Eri is Lan's mom , a very intelligent lawyer. She is separate from Lan's father Kogoro,.They care for each other, like each othe, but for the face they always quarrel with each other.

?Young detective team

?Yoshida Ayumi ,Conan·s classmates, like Conan, expression many times. Although timid 害羞, but enthusiastic and adventurous. Lovely, cry, love to make friends with people,

?Round Valley Mitsuhiko ,step from kindergarten beginning like Ayumi, since the 212 bit like Haibara Ai . Often linked to the mouth of science, in the juvenile detective group, in addition to Conan and Haibara Ai is the most intelligent.?Kojima Genta often claimed the detective team leader, and Conan is his hands. Body size is 2 times of normal kids, very like the eel rice, heard a huge amount of money, like to get compared with eel rice.

?Tkagi Wataru ,criminal police,like Sato Miwako,he's not smart , just younr plain decent citizen. He is greatly helped by Conan.

?Satoa Miwako ,an female officer whose kicks and pun ches are amazing. she's much smar ter than the average officer,The police panicked惊慌whenever she's trouble.

?Shiraitori Ninzaburo ,criminal

police,likeSatoa Miwako

?Megure Juzo ,the leader of the criminal polices

?Suzuki Snoko, Lan's best friend and classmates, very romantic, like Makoto . When not

Kogoro ,Conan anesthesia麻醉she solve the case, when she wake up always boast herself detection high level.

?Kid,A genius theif who is also a worthy and rival enemy of Conan. He loves to steal things that are hard to get ,doesn't mind in risky adventures along the way.

?Agasa Hiroshi, is kudo's neighbor, friend, and inventor. Agasa often inventes many cools gadgets for Conan to use.

?Kudo Yusaku , father of Conan. His career is writing detective stories.

?Black Organization

?Gin,the backbone of black organization. He

is a killer of great intelligence, manufacturing制造 a number of criminal cases, is an important negative character.

?Vermouth, the backbone of black organization. Nicknamed the "Thousand Faces Witch魔女." She has the right to direct reports and action,she is the most loved woman by BOSS.?Vodka

Thank you


Conan Welcome to Conan`s world

?writer:Gosho Aoyama 青山刚昌 ?Introduction:Japanese cartoonist漫画家. Born in 1963. After high school, entered Nihon University Arts College. 1986 "Youth Sunday" published his first works, from then the official debut开始. 1994, "Detective Conan" In "Youth Sunday" began serialization 连载,in 2001," Detective Conan "comics have been the 46th Junior Prize. His comics are juvenile comics, warm and meaningful , so although not much work,but each one popular. Works: "Gosho Aoyama short set,"青山刚昌短篇集"4 3 base"4号3垒,"YAIBA", "Magic fast fighting,"魔术快斗"Detective Conan" ?this is the mark of Gosho Aoyama

?Conan theatre:In 1997, the first Movie is premiere ,Until now a total of 13 Movie exhibition,there are 《Timing detonated skyscrapers》《14 Fan goals 》《end of the century magician》《Captured in Her Eyes》《the countdown leading to heaven》 《Bake Street, the souls》《Labyrinth of the crossroads》《Silver Wing's Magic》《Horizontal line plot》 《Detectors of Zhenhun Ge》《Gan Bi the coffin》《Full music of Fear》《black Chaser》,In 2010, the new version of Movie 《The sky's death ship》will join their ranks.Conan Movie badges


《名侦探柯南》的人物介绍 柯南之父 姓名:青山刚昌 国籍:日本 出生年月:1963年6月21日(和怪盗基德一样) 血型:B 身高:174cm(和工藤新一一样) 籍贯:鸟取县大荣市 毕业院校:由良育英高校日大芸学部 喜欢的食物:咖喱饭蛋卷米饭等 讨厌的食物:纳豆和葡萄干 喜欢的漫画家:安达充江川达也 喜欢的颜色:青紫 兴趣:职业棒球足球电影欣赏 特长:剑道(从小学四年级至高二都是剑道部成员) 江户川柯南(Edogawa Conan) 名字由来∶江户川乱步(日本推理小说始祖)、柯南道尔 名句:真相永远只有一个 年龄:自称7岁 生日:5月4日 星座:金牛座 身高:104CM 身份:帝丹小学一年级学生、侦探、少年侦探团团员 身高:104CM(工藤泉子提供) 长处:推理、足球、滑雪、溜冰、滑板、游泳、射击、拆卸炸弹、驾驶直升飞机 目前知道身份的人:阿笠博士、工藤有希子、工藤优作、服部平次、灰原哀(宫野志保)、怪盗基德、宫野明美(已死)、贝尔摩得(黑衣组织)、泽田弘树、苦艾酒 最常穿著的服装:红领结蓝西装短裤球鞋。但现较少穿着。 初登场:漫画1卷FILE.2 变成小孩子的名侦探 声优:高山南 工藤新一( Kudou Shinichi) (略去与江户川柯南重复的部分) 年龄:17岁 身高:174cm 身份:帝丹高中高二B班学生、侦探 住址:东京米花市米花町2段21号(福尔摩斯家:贝克街221号)

擅长:《福尔摩斯探案集》(可以随口背出他的话) 短处:大音痴、不擅长“某些方面”的推理 幸运色:红色 讨厌:葡萄干(特别篇中山岸荣一设定) 偶像:福尔摩斯、雷?卡蒂斯、莫里亚提教授(仅限小说) 喜欢:毛利兰、推理小说(最喜欢的柯南道尔的作品是《四个签名》)、柠檬派 称号:日本警察的救世主、平成年代的福尔摩斯、关东的工藤 首次侦办的案件:在前往洛杉矶的飞机上 初登场:001 云霄飞车杀人事件 声优:山口胜平 毛利兰( Mouri Ran ) 年龄:17岁 生日:5月18日 血型:和新一相同 身高:去美国看金苹果那时是160CM 职业:帝丹高中高二B班学生 长处:空手道(曾获得空手道大赛的冠军)、家务、做饭等… 短处:怕鬼 幸运色:红色 偶像:前田聪 擅长:料理家事、空手道、扑克牌 偶像:空手道冠军前田聪 最怕的东西:妖魔鬼怪 最大的愿望:新一赶快回来 穿着:校服(蓝色西装),一般是穿短裤在夏天,冬天也喜欢穿裙子 初登场:第1集(云霄飞车杀人事件) 声优:山崎和佳奈 毛利小五郎( Mouri Kogorou) 名句:哈哈哈哈……(舌头都伸出来了) 年龄:约40岁 身份:侦探 长处:射击、柔道 喜欢:美女、喝酒、吃好的食物、看电视、抽烟、钱、打麻将、毛利兰、妃英理、赛马偶像:冲野洋子 缺点:恐高、怕坐飞机以及登高 绰号:沉睡的小五郎 家人:妃英理(妻)、毛利兰(女) 喜欢的颜色:灰色 不擅长:滑雪


靠谱分析《名侦探柯南》中酒厂组织各个角色的实力! 哈喽呀~这里是百合娘。今次主题是分析《名侦探柯南》酒厂组织各个角色的实力!1、首先便是萌萌哒的GINGin 的敏锐观察力,在pisco事件以及板仓事件中,前者事件便是仅凭灰原一根头发以及呼吸声判断出灰原的躲藏地点到 了后者事件,Gin的实力可能有所下退还是有放水嫌疑?柯南的剧烈喘气声并没有引起Gin的怀疑。并且门开了一半就关上了。同时在第一集中,Gin敏锐察觉到洗衣机在偷看交易现场,一棒打晕了过去,也表现了Gin的力量之大。那么说说Gin的智商,推理能力。这个应该说是不容置疑了,在全剧中可以算在前列。主要表现在以下几点1:在pisco事件中察觉灰原所在地,从此根据灰原的性格判断出他会在米花饭店现身,并且知道灰原藏在壁炉后,立马在楼顶守株待兔,实力非凡。2:在黑色冲击事件中,根据Kir鞋上的窃听器与发信器推断出小五郎有重大嫌疑。3:在红黑事件中,利用三个事件制造城市混乱,以此得出kir的所在地。并且根据秀的性格后来得出Kir所藏匿的车辆,后来还怀疑了Kir。琴酒的各项指标评价体质:9(不受麻醉针影响,被秀一枪击后无太大影响)智商:8(这个不说了)察觉力:9(在上面)力量:8(琴酒可能不是近战选手,但可以从他打晕洗衣机所知)枪技:9(在上面)总分:432、伏特加,作为琴



名侦探柯南--主要人物介绍(附图) ◆江户川柯南(Conan Edogawa) 名句:真相永远只有一个 性别:男 生日:5月4日 血型:A 年龄:自称7岁 身高:120CM 体重:19kg 身份:帝丹小学一年级小学生,名侦探 喜欢:毛利兰、推理、香菇 长处:足球、推理、拉小提琴、弹钢琴,滑板 他是故事里的男主角,"名侦探柯南"的灵魂人物。原名工藤新一,帝丹高中二年极学生,与小兰是青梅竹马。继承了父亲的超强推理能力,帮助警方破获了不少案子,被誉为高中生名侦探。他喜欢看推理小说,最崇拜福尔摩斯,另外踢足球的水平也是一流的。不幸被卷入黑衣组织

的交易被灌下毒APTX4869,但是没有死,只是变成了小孩,目前年龄定为6、7岁。改名江户川柯南(取自两个侦探小说里的人名)。幸亏智力没有衰退,头脑还是一样灵光,推理能力丝毫未减。为了找出黑衣人的下落,寄住在家开侦探事务所的小兰家,一方面暗地协助小五郎破案。而体力上的不足靠阿笠博士的发明来弥补。变小后就读于帝丹小学1年纪B班,认识了步美、元太、光彦三人,还成立了少年侦探团,是其中最重要的"首脑"。不管是变小前后,唱歌五音不全还是没有办法变更的事实……唱歌走音非常夸张。 最常穿著的服装:红领结+蓝西装+短裤+球鞋。(但现较少穿著)受到许多同年龄(如步美)的女孩们欢迎,人气和未缩小前不相上下!有多次差点泄漏身份,但到最后总是千钧一发。 知道他真实身份的有:阿笠博士、他父母(听博士说的)、服部平次(与柯南一起破案过程中自己发现的)、怪盗Kid(与柯南的较量中自己发现的)、灰原哀(变小前奉黑衣组织之命调查新一时发现的)。因为变小后有和小兰一起洗澡,还睡同一张床,所以柯南最怕自己的真实身份被小兰知道,否则小兰的空手道攻击可不是说笑的。 名字的由来:江户川·乱步、柯南·道尔 声优:高山南


开头 《名侦探柯南》是日本漫画家青山刚昌的一部以侦探推理情节为主题的漫画作品,讲述了高中生侦探工藤新一被神秘的黑衣组织灌下代号为APTX4869的毒药后身体缩小为小学生,因此隐瞒身份,调查组织的同时不断解决各类案件的故事。初始创作于1994年,目前仍在日本小学馆的漫画杂志《周刊少年Sunday》上连载。 Style, a number of characters between the popular love description,Conan Edokawa character set has been widely support from readers. Forty-sixth primary school children back to the museum manga award to the Department awards in 2001. Adaptation of the animation works since 1996,the broadcast has maintained a high popularity, the annual drama theater version can also come out in front in the box office charts. Since its inception in 1994, work has been running for 19 years, but still enduring, is a miracle of Japanese anime industry. 作品的创作契机是1992年在《周刊少年Magazine》开始连载的《金田一少年之事件簿》所引发的推理漫画热潮。青山在其前一部作品《剑勇传说》连载结束后的仅4周时间(其中的前两周是在为游戏《狂飙骑士》进行人物设定的工作,实际时间为两周左右)的作品构思后,《名侦探柯南》的连载就开始了。[1]对新一与柯南的构思来源于赤川次郎著的推理小说《三毛猫福尔摩斯》中“真相被蒙蔽的推理”的思路。 下面为大家介绍一下《名侦探柯南》的主要内容 The story is about a 17-year-old genius detective named Shini chi Kudo who gets poisoned by a mysterious underground crime orga nization and shrinks into his 7-year-old body. He's forced to hid e his true identity, and fools his almost-girlfriend Ran into bel ieving that he's just a 7-year-old boy named Conan Edokawa. He en ds up living with Ran and her father in their home slash private de tective agency. He continues to try and find a cure to un-shrink his body, solving various mystery


江户川柯南(江戸川コナン)(Conan Edogawa)…………… 高山南 工藤新一(工藤新一)(Shinichi Kudo)…………………… 山口胜平 毛利兰(毛利兰)(Mouri Ran)……………………………山崎和佳奈 灰原哀(灰原哀)(Ai Haibara)……………………………… 林原惠美 毛利小五郎(毛利小五郎)(Kogoro Mori)…………………神谷明 服部平次(服部平次)(Heiji Hattori)…………………………堀川亮 怪盗基德(怪盗キット)(Kaito KID) …………………………山口胜平(与工藤新一相同)铃木园子(铃木园子)(Sonoko Suzuki)……………………松井菜樱子 远山和叶(远山和叶)(Kazuha Toyama)……………………宫村优子 目暮十三(目暮十三)(Jiuzou Megure)…………………茶风林 阿笠博士(阿笠博士)(Hakase Agasa) ……………………绪方贤一 圆谷光彦(円谷光彦)(Mitsuhiko Suburaya)………………大谷育江 小岛元太(小岛元太)(Genta Kozima)……………………高木涉 吉田步美(吉田歩美)(Ayumi Yoshida)……………………岩居由希子 高木涉(高木渉)(Wataru T akagi)…………………………高木涉 白鸟任三郎(白鸟にんざぶろう)(Ninsaharou Shiradori)…盐泽兼人(2000年前)…………………………………………………………………… 井上和彦(2000年后) 千叶一伸(千叶一伸)…………………………………………千叶一伸(同名) 横沟参悟…………………………………………………………大冢明夫 佐藤美和子(佐藤美和子)(Satou Miwako)…………………汤屋敦子 工藤优作(工藤优作)(Yusaku Kudo)………………………田中秀幸 工藤有希子(工藤有希子)(Yukiko Kudo)…………………岛本须美 妃英理(妃英理)(Eri Kisaki)…………………………………高岛雅罗 白马探(白马さぐる)(hakuba saguru)………………………石田彰 宫本由美(宫本由美)(Miyamoto Yumi)…………………衫本优 赤井秀一(赤井秀一)(Akai Shuichi)……………………池田秀一


why the career of detective declined? Since being a little child, my dream of being a detective had existed. When I grew older , I found that although a movie character like Sherlock holmes is in such a great worship. The career of detective isn't booming across China. And this is why I'm here , giving this informative speech to you all. To begin with, I prefer to put the police as the biggest obstacle to the private detective . Policemen had taken over all the crime-solving work . Unless you make the police your aquntance, you 'll never have chance to get to the crime scene . In addition, as China is associated with family affection and friends' keen friendship, everyone will put an eye on what others evaluate him. In China , the job of detective means doing little things like help looking for puppies, hiding to photo liberaties, and so forth. Thus those innocent ones are viewed similarly to tramps.Because of the stress their family and friends gave, the detectives quit. Then comes a third reason, which is common enough, the stereotype of the detective career itself, it can be very dangerous sometimes. For instance , a criminal, forced into a corner, despairing and eagering to live, what will he do? Of course he is likely to hurt or even kill you, of course that's thrilling . Finally, not everyone can be a Sherlock holmes, sharp insight, intelligence and fast action, every single one skill among these is so precious that merely a few men own one. As a result , few people are qualified to be a Sherlock. In a nutshell, for reasons above, the career of detective is bound to be recession.


第01卷出版(日本):1994年6月18日[2] ISBN 4-09-123371-6 1 现代的福尔摩斯(平成のホームズ,Heisei no Hōmuzu) 2 变成小孩子的名侦探(小さくなった名探偵,Chīsaku natta meitantei) 3 失去声援的名侦探(仲間はずれの名探偵,Nakama hazure no meitantei) 4 第6个的烟囱(6本目の煙突,Ropponme no entotsu) 5 另一个歹徒(もう一人の犯人,Mō hitori no han'nin) 6 迷糊侦探变成名侦探(迷探偵を名探偵に,Meitantei o meitantei ni) 7 沾血的青春偶像(血ぬられた??ドル,Chi nurareta aidoru) 8 和你相像的人(あなたに似た人,Anata ni nita hito) 9 不幸的误会(不幸な誤解,Fukō na gōkai) 对应动画版: 1 云霄飞车杀人事件(动画第1话) 2-5 董事长千金绑架事件(动画第2话) 6-9 偶像密室杀人事件(动画第3话) 为了庆祝毛利兰获得东京都空手道大赛冠军,工藤新一和小兰去了游乐园,结果在云霄飞车上遇到了杀人事件,事件解决后,新一跟踪可疑的黑衣男子并目击了他们的交易,但被同伙从背后攻击,灌下实验中的毒药变成小孩。变成小孩后为隐藏身份化名江户川柯南,在阿笠博士的提议下,寄住在私家侦探毛利小五郎家中。之后又解决了董事长千金绑架事件和偶像密室杀人事件。 第02卷出版(日本):1994年7月18日[4] ISBN 4-09-123372-4 10 好赚的跟踪(割のいい尾行,Wari no ii bikō) 11 完美的不在场证明(完璧な?リバ?,Kanpeki na aribai) 12 照片说话了(写真は語る,Shashin wa kataru) 13 行踪不明的男子(行方不明の男,Yukue fumei no otoko) 14 可怜的少女(かわいそうな少女,Kawaisō na shōjo)


《名侦探柯南》人物资料简介 工藤家: 江户川柯南(edogawa konan) 声优:高山南 他是故事里的男主角,"名侦探柯南"的灵魂人物。原名工藤新一,帝丹高中二年极学生,与小兰是青梅竹马。继承了父亲的超强推理能力,帮助警方破获了不少案子,被誉为高中生名侦探。他喜欢看推理小说,最崇拜福尔摩斯,另外踢足球的水平也是一流的。不幸被卷入黑衣组织的交易被灌下APTX4869,但是没有死,只是变成了小孩,目前年龄定为6、7岁。改名江户川柯南(取自两个侦探小说里的人名)。幸亏智力没有衰退,头脑还是一样灵光,推理能力丝毫未减。为了找出黑衣人的下落,寄住在家开侦探事务所的小兰家,一方面暗地协助小五郎破案。而体力上的不足靠阿栗博士的发明来弥补。变小后就读于帝丹小学1年纪B班,认识了步美、元太、光彦三人,还成立了少年侦探团,是其中最重要的"首脑"。不管是变小前后,唱歌五音不全还是没有办法变更的事实……唱歌走音非常夸张。最常穿著的服装:红领结+蓝西装+短裤+球鞋。但现较少穿著) 受到许多同年龄的女孩们欢迎,人气和未缩小前不相上下!有多次差点泄漏身分,但到最后总是千钧一发。知道他真实身份的有:阿利博士、他父母(听博士说的)、服部平次(与柯南一起破案过程中自己发现的)、怪盗Kid(与柯南的较量中自己发现的)、灰原哀(变小前奉黑衣组织之命调查新一时发现的)。名字的由来︰「江户川」乱步、「柯南」.道尔。 初登场:002 董事长千金绑架事件 工藤新一(kudou shinichi) 声优:山口胜平 工藤新一,帝丹高中二年极学生。5月4日生,金牛座。与小兰是青梅竹马,两人感情很好。继承了父母的优良基因。有敏锐的观察力、过人的推理能力,是位高中生侦探。帮助警方破获了不少棘手的案件,经常活跃在新闻、报纸上,拥有不少侦探迷。被誉为"高中生名侦探"、"平成的福尔摩斯"、"日本警察的救世主"、"关东的工藤"。他喜欢看推理小说,偶像是柯南.道尔所创造的名侦探:夏洛克.福尔摩斯。最喜欢的柯南.道尔的作品是〈四个签名。最擅长的运动是足球,踢足球的水平也是一流的,其它运动也很在行,国中时是足球队的中锋。最大缺点唱歌五音不全,是个大音痴。喜欢的食物是柠檬派,最讨厌葡萄干("特别篇"漫画山岸荣一老师设定)。喜欢的人是青梅竹马的毛利兰。自父母3年前

柯南英文介绍 两则

Detective Conan a new high school detective Kudo, known as the savior of the Japanese police, Heisei era of Sherlock Holmes. Time in the hair with childhood amusement park Leland to play, the way found two bizarre Men in Black. Kudo one of the new track until the underground scene, but because of too much focus on it did not see another black person from the back, under a clubbing. Later, he was forced to sink under the black people called "APTX-4869" the mysterious poison, the body back to its early development status of children. If black people know that a new Kudo is still alive, will make friends around the lives of their loved ones are threatened, so a new alias for "Conan" with host father is a detective of the blue Maori Kogoro home. Dr. enterprises in Afghanistan with the help of Detective Conan continued life - upon discovering the truth waiting for an opportunity to use the gun to watch Maori Kogoro type of narcotic sleep, and then with the bow-tie voice-changer to imitate the sound of Kogoro reasoning to solve a number of cases of . At the same time, he also has been looking for the whereabouts of black people, hope that one day will change back to the original appearance of this criminal organization to justice. 以下是中文翻译: 名侦探柯南高中生侦探工藤新一,被称为日本警察的救世主,平成年代的的福尔摩斯。一次在与青梅竹马的毛利兰去游乐园游玩时,途中发现了两个诡异的黑衣人。工藤新一跟踪其中一个直至地下交易现场,但由于太过专注,没有察觉另一个黑衣人从后面一棒打下。之后,他被黑衣人强迫灌下一种名为“APTX-4869”的神秘毒药,身体回到发育期的孩童状态。要是黑衣人知道工藤新一还活着,必将使周围的亲人好友的生命受到威胁,于是新一化名为“柯南”寄住在父亲毛利小五郎是侦探的兰家。在阿笠博士的帮助下,柯南继续着侦探生活——发现真相后伺机用手表型麻醉枪让毛利小五郎睡着,然后又用领结型变声器模仿小五郎的声音来推理,解决了许多案件。与此同时,他也在一直寻找黑衣人的下落,希望有朝一日变回原来的样子并将此犯罪组织绳之以法 A grade 11 student named Shinich hopes to be a detective.He solves challenging mysteries for police.One day,he met Gin & Vodka and they give Shinich which bring him to a child.Dr. Agasa discover shinich turn into child and Dr. Agasa call him to keep this secret.Shinichi prevends to be Conan Edogawa and live in his friend's house,Ran Mouri. Ran's father,Kogorou Mouri,also is a detective but a stupid detective.Conan help kogorou using a changing voice bow tie and his watch to help kogorou to solve case. Intro: "Detective Conan" is a detective mystery manga created by Goushou Aoyama in 1994. It's serialized in the weekly shounen magazine "Shounen Sunday." There's also an anime series based on the manga. Both manga and anime are wildly popular in Japan, and they are both still ongoing. There are 47+ volumes of the manga published so far, and 300+ episodes of the anime aired. The manga and anime are being released in North America under the name "Case Closed" by VIZ. See the Americanization section below.


不得不看的几集柯南 首先如果你不是柯南迷,只为了满足一下看柯南的欲望,那么接下来的这些绝对适合你011 钢琴奏鸣曲月光杀人事 件(第一集应该不应说了吧……月光曲这集是公认的比较 恐怖的一集,经典)★★★022 豪华客轮连续杀人事件(上集) 023 豪华客轮连续杀人事件(下集) (经典~~~~~~~) ★★★034 山庄绷带怪人杀人事件(上集) 035 山庄绷带怪人杀人事件(下集) (同样,比较恐怖,不过柯南这集吃醋倒是挺搞笑的)★★★043江户川柯南诱拐事件(父母知道变小) ★048 外交官杀人事件(前编) 049 外交官杀人事件(后编) (第一次出现平次,也是柯南第一次变回新一! )★★★★057 夏洛克·福尔摩斯˙诡异的杀人事件(上集) 058 夏洛克·福尔摩斯˙诡异的杀人事件(下集) (超级搞笑!平次知道了柯南真实身份! )★★★★076 柯南vs怪盗基德(KID出场喽~~~里程碑啊)★★★★096 走投无路的名侦探!连续两大杀人事件(经典~~兰第一次开始怀疑柯南身份, ~~)★★★★128 黑暗组织10亿抢劫事件(因为这一集出 现了哀的姐姐明美为后面做了很多铺垫)★★★129 来自黑 衣组织的女子大学教授杀人事件(第一次出现哀) ★★★132 魔术爱好者杀人事件(事件篇)

133 魔术爱好者杀人事件(疑惑篇) 134 魔术爱好者杀人事件(解决篇)(柯南去救兰那点好感人哦)★★★★136 蓝色古堡搜索事件(上集) 137 蓝色古堡搜索事件(下集) (这集有一点点恐怖~~) ★★153 园子的夏日海滩冒险物语(上集) 154 园子的夏日海滩冒险物语(下集) (园子大小姐终于找到了男朋友!京极真!!帅哦~~)★★★162 飞天密室工藤新一最初的事件(回忆的~新一的最初案件!有新殿的当然好看啦)★★★★174 二十年的杀意圣佛尼号连续杀人事件(实在是经典!!是至今我觉得最恐怖最有悬念的一集!!)★★★★★176 与黑暗组织的再会(灰原篇) 177 与黑暗组织的再会(柯南篇) 178 与黑暗组织的再会(解决篇) (有组织的都经典!!) ★★★★★188 危命的复活洞窟内的侦探团 189 危命的复活负伤之下的名侦探 190 危命的复活第三个选择 191 危命的复活黑衣骑士 192 危命的复活新一回来了 193 危命的复活约定的场所 (柯南变回新一!新一的“黑衣骑士”帅哦!!可惜要表白时……超级感人!!这几集不看真的白看柯南了!!第一个六星推荐!!)★★★★★201 第10位乘客(前篇)


内容简介: A grade 11 student named Shinich hopes to be a detective. He solves challenging mysteries for police. One day, he met Gin & Vodka and they give Shinich which bring him to a child. Dr. Agasa discover shinich turn into child and Dr. Agasa call him to keep this secret. Shinichi prevents to be Conan Edogawa and live in his friend's house, Ran Mouri. Ran's father, Kogorou Mouri, also is a detective but a stupid detective. Conan helps kogorou using a changing voice bow tie and his watch to help kogorou to solve case. Intro: "Detective Conan" is a detective mystery manga created by Goushou Aoyama in 1994. It's serialized in the weekly shounen magazine "Shounen Sunday." There's also an anime series based on the manga. Both manga and anime are wildly popular in Japan, and they are both still ongoing. There are 47+ volumes of the manga published so far, and 300+ episodes of the anime aired. The manga and anime are being released in North America under the name "Case Closed" by VIZ. See the Americanization section below. Story: The story is about a 17-year-old genius detective named Shinichi Kudou who gets poisoned by a mysterious underground crime organization and shrinks into his 7-year-old body. He's forced to hide his true identity, and fools his almost-girlfriend Ran into believing that he's just a 7-year-old boy named Conan Edogawa. He ends up living with Ran and her father in their home slash private detective agency. He continues to try and find a cure to un-shrink his body, solving various mystery cases along the way. Very few people know Conan's secret, and to this day, Ran is still clueless. 作者简介 Gosho AOYAMA Gosho Aoyama (Yoshimasa Aoyama) was born the 21 June 1963 in Tottori, close to Kyoto. ... Gosho Aoyama is also fan of cinemas, in particular of films of Akira Kurosawa and the films based on the legend of the samurai Family name (in kanji): 青山 Given name (in kanji): 刚昌 Birth name: Yoshimasa (刚昌) Aoyama (青山) Date of birth: 1963-06-21 Hometown: Daiei, Tottori, Japan


服部平次出现的:动画剧集版 048 外交官杀人事件(前篇) 049 外交官杀人事件(后篇) 057 福尔摩斯迷杀人事件(前篇) 058 福尔摩斯迷杀人事件(后篇)(发现江户川柯南就是工藤新一这个秘密) 077 名门连续惨死事件(前篇) 078 名门连续惨死事件(后篇) 117 推理小说家失踪事件(后篇)*(引子以及打给出版社的电话) 118 浪花连续杀人事件(1小时特别篇) 141 结婚前夜的密室事件(前篇) 142 结婚前夜的密室事件(后篇) 166 鸟取县蜘蛛公馆的怪事(事件篇) 167 鸟取县蜘蛛公馆的怪事(疑惑篇) 168 鸟取县蜘蛛公馆的怪事(解决篇)

174 20年的杀意新佛尼号连续杀人事件(1.5小时特别篇)189 危命的复活负伤之下的名侦探 *(探望受伤的江户川柯南) 190 危命的复活第三种选择 191 危命的复活黑衣骑士 192 危命的复活归来的新一* 221 满口谎言的委托人(后篇)*(引子) 222 人鱼失踪记(事件篇) 223 人鱼失踪记(推理篇) 224 人鱼失踪记(解决篇) 238 大阪的3个K事件(前篇) 239 大阪的3个K事件(后篇) 240 新干线护送事件(前篇)*(收尾) 263 大阪双重迷案浪花剑士与太阁之城(1.5小时特别篇)277 英语教师VS关西名侦探(上) 278 英语教师VS关西名侦探(下)

291 孤岛的公主与龙宫城(事件篇) 292 孤岛的公主与龙宫城(追求篇) 293 孤岛的公主与龙宫城(解决篇) 323 服部平次一筹莫展(前篇) 324 服部平次一筹莫展(后篇) 325 火焰中的红马(事件篇) 326 火焰中的红马(搜查篇) 327 火焰中的红马(解决篇) 345 与黑衣组织直面对决满月之夜的双重迷案(2小时特别篇) 371 沉默的航线(前篇)*(一个镜头) 381 谁的推理秀(前篇) 382 谁的推理秀(后篇) 383 甲子园的奇迹绝不能输给看不见的恶魔(1.5小时特别篇) 406 柯南平次的推理魔术(操纵篇)


白马探 白马探是《名侦探柯南》里的客串人物,同时也是青山刚昌的另一漫画作品《魔术快斗》的主角之一。他是 白马探 东京都警视厅白马警视总监的独生子,高中生侦探。一直在外国留学,17岁时从伦敦转学归来。他骄傲,认真,绅士,轻度自恋,时间观念强,思维缜密,推理能力与工藤新一,服部平次等不相上下,是怪盗基德的劲敌。在日本境内破获案件500多件。办案时喜欢和福尔摩斯一样的装束,经常带着Watson(福尔摩斯的助手叫华生,但这里是他养的老鹰的名字)。 世良真纯 世良真纯是日本动漫《名侦探柯南》中的角色,自称为侦探的女高中生,柯南的强劲对手。赤井秀一的妹妹,其余身份仍不明。被作者青山刚昌称为“主线剧情中的重要角色”。 出生在日本。自称家中还有两个哥哥,但由于父亲去世等众多原因,三兄妹的姓氏都不同。并称大哥已去世(赤井秀一),二哥一直住在日本,目前行踪不明。3年前世良真纯随家人移民美国,刚刚回国,现住在酒店中,并转学至帝丹中学二年B班。 因为世良是平胸、经常做中性打扮,所以曾被多人误认为是男生,当小兰和园子看到她穿裙子知道她是女生时大为惊讶。

擅长截拳道,曾在公交车上与小兰交手,与小兰的实力相当。拥有敏锐的洞察力,侦探经验丰富(自称见过“无数跳楼的现场”),对医学、举证的技巧都很了解,听力超常(透露与其侦探职业有关),也会接受同学的委托调查。 初登场在未经任何人介绍的情况下便叫出柯南的名字,并说自己和这孩子一样是侦探;在案件中与柯南同时推理出凶手,虽然推理过程错误,但她似乎是故意犯错以观察柯南的反应。世良也曾内心中表现出她了解新一的情况。柯南因为对其微笑时露出的虎牙有印象,所以感觉自己曾经见过世良或是见过长得像她的人。小兰对世良也有似曾相识的感觉,作者青山刚昌也表示世良也曾见过小兰。当柯南问她是不是见过自己时,世良仅笑而不语,并在内心说“这件事还不能告诉你,因为还没到时候”,似乎暗示她不仅见过新一或柯南,并且貌似已经得知柯南真实身份。 安室透 日本动漫《名侦探柯南》中人物。本名降谷零,化名安室透。真实身份为日本公安警察派入黑衣组织的卧底,组织代号“波本”(Bourbon)。表面职业为私家侦探、餐厅服务生,在毛利侦探事务所楼下的波洛咖啡厅打 工,并拜毛利小五郎为师。擅长搜集情报,有极强的观察力与推理能力。与FBI搜查官赤井秀一相互厌恶,因此伪装成伤疤赤井来观察赤井秀一是否已死。为了调查毛利小五郎与雪莉是否有关联而接近毛利,后对柯南的身份产生了兴趣。对FBI成员进行了一系列试探,推断出赤井秀一未死和赤井假扮为冲矢昴活动。由赤井秀一揭晓其真名和日本公安警察的身份。 江户川柯南(工藤新一) 青山刚昌作品《名侦探柯南》中的动漫人物。高中生侦探,原名工藤新一,某一天在调查事件途中,被两个


白羊座(3.21--4.20):"活力"是白羊的标志,朝气蓬勃、热情坦率、慷慨真诚、坚强勇敢、动作敏捷和有些固执已见,像不像京极真? 天蝎座(10.23--11.21):洞察锐利,果决,实际而热情,坚韧不拔,勇往直前,机敏,聪明,悟性高,富直觉能力,感情细腻,也很狠呀.除了服部平次,还有谁更适合? 金牛座(4.21--5.20):性格平稳、有毅力和耐力,勤劳智慧,富有实干精神。为人处世小心谨慎,感情真诚专一,是工藤新一(江户川柯南)的星座呢. 双子座(5.21--6.21):活泼、热情、富有浪漫气质与想象力,知识广博,口齿伶俐,善于思维和表达,具有幽默感,怪盗基德(黑羽快斗)便是典型.

谁说女子不如男动漫十大女豪杰 巨蟹座(6.22--7.22):有慈母般的热情,也洋溢着孩子般的纯洁和天真,和蔼宽容,感情细腻,有些敏感,就和宫野明美一样. 狮子座(7.23--8.22):思想开放,为人博爱,自负而高傲,内心沸腾着强烈的激情,浑身充满活力和生机,正是铃木园子的写照。

处女座(8.23--9.22):有一种内在魅力和特有的浪漫气质,细心体贴,忠贞可靠,明辨是非,表面坚强但多愁善感,这就是毛利兰。 天秤座(9.23--10.22):外表高雅,性格迷人,富有魅力,引人注目,心地善良,重感情,可是有些自我陶醉,善变,一看就是小泉红子。

射手座(11.22--12.21):乐观的精神,健康的体魄,快乐的情绪,活泼,坦率,颇具直觉和鼓励他人的力量,富有崇高的正义感,佐藤美合子就是这样. 魔羯座(12.22--1.19):十二星座中最不食人间烟火的一个,表情平静而淡漠,不太容易接近,喜欢把自己关在象牙塔中,灰原哀(宫野志保)再适合不过了。
