

Lesson Two Marrakech

George Orwell


thread (v.) : pass through by twisting,turning,or weaving in and out穿过,通过


pomegranate (n.) : a round fruit with a red,leathery rind and many seed s covered with red,juicy,edible flesh;the bush or small tree that bears it石榴;石榴树


chant (n.) : a simple liturgical song in which a string of syllables or word s is sung to each tune(礼拜仪式唱的)单调的歌


bier (n.) : a platform or portable framework on which a coffin or corpse is placed棺材架;尸体架


hack (v.) : break up(1and)with a hoe,mattock,etc.(用锄等)翻地,挖(土) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

oblong (adj.) : longer than broad;elongated长方形的


lumpy (adj.) : full of lumps;covered with lumps多块状物的;凹凸不平的


hummocky (a.) : full of or looking like low,rounded hills布满小丘的;似小圆丘的


derelict (adj.) : deserted by the owner;abandoned;forsaken无主的;被遗弃的


lot (n.) : a plot of ground一块地

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- undifferentiated (adj.) : without clear qualities or distinctive characteristics 无区别的;无显著特点的


mound (n.) : a heap or bank of earth,sand,etc.built over a grave,in a fortification,etc.土堆;堤;坟堆


prickly (adj.) : full of prickles多刺的


prickly pear : any of a genus of cactus plants having cylindrical or large,flat,oval stem joints and edible fruits仙人掌(属)


bumpy (adj.) : full of bumps;rough;jolting崎岖不平的;颠簸的;震摇的----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

gazelle (n.) : any of various small,swift,graceful antelopes瞪羚


hindquarter (n.) : either of the two hind legs and the adjoining loin of a carcass of veal,beef,lamb,etc.;[p1.]the hind part of a four—legged a nimal(牛、羊、猪等的)后腿肉;[复](四肢动物的)后躯


nibble (v.) : take small,cautious,or gentle bites小口地咬;谨慎地咬(啃) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

butt (v.) : strike or push with the head or horns:ram with the head(用头或角)撞击;顶撞


mid—air (n.) : any point in space,not in contact with the ground or othe r surface空中;上空


navvy (n.) : n unskilled laborer,as on canals,roads,etc.劳工;无特殊技术的工人


sidle (v.) : move sideways,esp.in a shy or stealthy manner(羞怯或偷偷地)侧身行走


stow (v.) : pack or store away;fill by packing in an orderly way装载;装进;收藏municipality n.a city,town. etc.having its own incorporated go vernment for local affairs自治市(或镇)


ghetto (n.) : (in certain European cities)a section to which Jews were form erly restricted(某些欧洲城市中从前的)犹太人居住区


sore (adj.) : giving or feeling physical pain;painful疼痛的;感到疼痛的


skull—cap (n.) : a light,closefitting,brimless cap,usually worn indoors(室内戴的)无沿便帽


infest (v.) : overrun or inhabit in large numbers,usually so as to be har mful or bothersome;swarm in or over(虫害等)侵扰;骚扰;蔓延


booth (n.) : a stall for the sale of goods,as at markets or fairs(市场或集市上的)货摊;摊店,摊棚


prehistoric (adj.) : pertaining to ancient times,very old-fashioned老式的;



warp (v.) : become bent or twisted out of shape变弯曲;变歪


frenzied (adj.) : full of uncontrolled excitement疯狂的,狂乱的


clamour (v.) : make a loud confused noise or shout;cry out喧嚷,喧嚣,吵闹


grope (v.) : feel or search about blindly,hesitantly,or uncertainly摸索;探索


self-contained (adj.) : having within oneself or itself all that is necessary;s elf-sufficient,as a community自给自足的


witchcraft (n.) : the power or practices of witches: black magic;sorcery巫术;魔法


square (adj.[colloq.]) : satisfying;solid;substantial[口]令人满意的;充实的----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

conspicuous (adj.) : attracting attention by being unexpected,unusual,out standing惹人注目的,显眼的


grove (n.) : orchard果园


legionnaire (n.) : a member of a legion军团的成员

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- back—breaking (adj.) : requiring great physical exertion;very tiring费劲的;辛苦的,累人的


desolate (adj.) : uninhabited;deserted荒无人烟的,荒凉的


lucerne (n.) : a type of plant whose leaves grow in groups of three and w hich is used for feeding farm animals紫花苜蓿


fodder (n.) : gorse food for cattle,horses,sheep,etc. as cornstalks,hay and straw(牛、马、羊的)粗饲料;饲草


yoke (v.) : put a yoke on;join together;link用轭连起;连合;连结


harrow (n.) : a heavy frame with spikes or sharp—edged disks,drawn by a horse 0r tractor and used for breaking up and leveling plowed ground,covering seeds,rooting up weeds,etc.耙


furrow (n.) : a narrow groove made in the ground by a plow沟,畦;犁沟----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

trickle (n.) : the act of trickling;a slow,small flow滴,淌;细流;


subsoil (n.) : the layer of soil beneath the surface soil底土,下层土,


mummify (v.) : shrivel or dry up干瘪;枯干;成木乃伊状


hobble (v.) : go unsteadily,haltingly,etc.蹒跚


leathery (adj.) : 1ike leather in appearance or texture. tough and flexible (外观或质地)似皮革的;坚韧的,粗硬的


infuriate (v.) : cause to become very angry;enrage(使)发怒,激怒


damnably (adv.) : execrably该诅咒地;极坏地


packsaddle (n.) : a saddle with fastenings to secure and balance the load c arried by a pack animal驮鞍


bridle (n.) : a head harness for guiding a horse马勒


halter (n.) : a rope,cord,strap,etc.,usually with a headstall,for tyin g or leading an animal;a bitless headstall,with or without a lead rope缰绳;(马)笼头


gut (n.[usu.in p1.]) : the bowels;entrails[常用复]内脏


plight (n.) : condition or state of affairs;esp,now, an awkward.sad,or dangerous situation情况;状态;(现尤指)苦境;困境或险境


gall (v.) : injure or make sore by rubbing;chafe擦伤,擦痛;磨


stork (n.) : any of a family of large,long—legged,mostly old—world wad ing birds.having a long neck and bill,and related to the herons鹳


reach-me—down (adj.[colloq.]) : second—hand or ready—made(衣服)用旧的;别人用过的;现成的


khaki (adj.) : made of khaki(cloth)卡其(布)制的


squash (v.) : force one’s way;squeeze挤进,挤入


slump (v.) : have a drooping posture or gait低头弯腰(而行);消沉


inquisitive (adj.) : inclined to ask many questions or seek information;eag er to learn好询问的;好奇的


syphilis (n.) : an infectious venereal disease,caused by a spirochete and us ually transmitted by sexual intercourse or acquired congenitally梅毒


garrison (n.) : troops stationed in a fort or fortified place驻军;卫戍部队----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

charger (n.) : a horse ridden in battle or on parade战马, 军马


square meal: a complete and satisfying meal美餐丰盛的、令人满足


in a cloud: a large number of small things moving through the air as a mass一团

例:a cloud of locusts一群蝗虫


get at: to approach or reach到达,得到

例:You have to use a little ladder to get at the jars on the top she lves.你得使用一把小梯才可以拿到架子上面的坛子。


next door to: almost the same as几乎

例:Leaving a man to die is next door to murder.让一个人等死无异于谋杀。


in this connection: while speaking of such things关于这一点,就此而论


it doesn’t matter twopence:it doesn’t matter a bit无关紧要

例:It doesn’t matter twopence if he doesn’t accept the invita-tion.他接不接受邀请都不要紧。

Lesson 3 Pub Talk and the King' s English


intricate (adj) : hard to follow or understand because full of puzzling part s,details,or relationships错综复杂的;难以理解的,难懂的


indulge (v.) : give way to one’s own desire尽情享受;从事于


meander (v.) : wander aimlessly or idly;ramble漫步;闲逛

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- conversationalist (n.) : a person who converses;esp.,one who enjoys and is skilled at conversation交谈者;(尤指)健谈者


anecdote (n.) : a short,entertaining account of some happening,usually p ersonal or biographical轶事,逸事


intimate (n.) : a close friend or companion密友,知己


on the rocks[colloq.] : in or into a condition of ruin or catastrophe (婚姻)破坏的;失败的


musketeer (n.) : (formerly)a soldier armed with a musket火枪手


delve (v.) : investigate for information;search发掘;调查(研究)


recess (n.) : a secluded,withdrawn,or inner place幽深处


desultorily (adv.) : aimlessly;at random随意地;无目的地


alchemy (n.) : an early form of chemistry,whose chief aims were to chang e baser metals into gold:a method or power of transmutation; esp. the se emingly miraculous change of a thing into something better炼金术;变化物质的方法或魔力


tart (adj.) : sharp in taste;sour;acid辛辣的;尖酸的;刻薄的


convict (n.) : a person found guilty of a crime and sentenced by a court 罪犯


churl (n.) : a farm laborer;peasant农民;庄稼人,乡下人


rift (n.) : an open break in a previously friendly relationship分裂;失和


scamper (v.) : run or go hurriedly or quickly急驰,快跑


rendering (n.) : a translation翻译


bilingual (adj.) : of,in or using two languages(用)两种语言的


intercept (v.) : seize or stop on the way,before arrival at the intended pl ace拦截;截断;截击。


abuse (v.) : use wrongly;use insulting,coarse or bad language;scold har shly滥用;辱骂,口出恶言


coin (v.) : make up;devise;invent(a new word,phrase,etc.)编造;杜撰(新词、新短语等)


tussle (v.) : fight,struggle,contend,etc.vigorously or vehemently斗争,搏斗;竞争


dandelion (n.) : any of several plants of the composite family,common la wn weeds with jagged leaves,often used as greens,and yellow flowers蒲公英(属)


pejorative (adj.) : disparaging or derogatory轻蔑的;贬低的


facetious (adj.) : joking or trying to be jocular,esp.at an imappropriate time滑稽的;诙谐的;(尤指在不适当的时候)开玩笑的


underling (n.) : a person in a subordinate position;inferior disparaging(通常作蔑词)下属;


edict (n.) : an official public proclamation or order issued by authority;de cree法令;命令;布告


immune (adj.) : exempt from or protected against something disagreeable or harmful不受影响的;可避免的


ultimatum (n.) : a final offer or demand,esp.by one of the parties engag ed in negotiations,the rejection of which usually leads to a break in relati ons and unilateral action,the use of force etc.by the party issuing the ul timatum最后通牒


chimpanzee (n.) anthropoid ape of Africa,with black hair and large,outst anding ears(非洲)黑猩猩



make a point: explain fully what one is proposing充分解释

例:All fight,you’ve made your point;now keep quiet and let the others say what they think.好啦,你已经把话说清楚了;那就别说了,让别人谈谈看法。


in a flash: suddenly,very quickly转瞬间,立刻

例:Just wait here.I’u be back in a flash.就在这儿等我,我马上就回来。----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

on the rocks : (colloq.)in or into a condition of ruin or catastrophe(婚姻)破坏的,失败的

例:Tim’s marriage is on the rocks.提姆的婚姻亮起了红灯。


get out the bed on the wrong side: to be cross or grouchy早晨起来便心情不好----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

lay down : to assert or declare声明,颁布

例:The regulations lay down a rigid procedure for checking safety equipment.法令规定了一套严格的安检程序。


on wings : in flight;continually moving about像飞一样地,飘飘然例:The birds are on wings in the sky.鸟儿在空中展翅高飞。


turn up one’s nose at :to sneer at,scorn嘲笑,轻蔑

例:The children turned up their noses at my home cooking.孩子们嘲笑我的厨艺。


in the shoes of : in another’s position站在别人的立场上,设身处地例:I’m glad I’m not in his shoes with all those debts to pay of f.我庆幸不用像他那样去偿还所有的债务。


come into one’s own :to receive what properly belongs to one,esp.acclaim or recognition得到自己该得的东西,如荣誉或世人的口碑


sit up : (colloq.)to。become suddenly alert;be surprised or startled吃惊,警觉

例:I called her a damned hypocrite and that made her sit up.我骂她惺惺作态,她马上警觉起来。

Lesson Four Inaugural Address


inaugural (adj.) : of an inauguration就职(典礼)的


signify (v.) : be a sign or indication of;mean表明;意味


almighty (adj.) : having unlimited power;all—powerful有无限权力的;全能的----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

forebear (n.) : an ancester 祖先,祖宗


prescribe (v.) : set down as a rule or direction;order;ordain;direct命令;指示;规定,订立


generosity (n.) : the quality of being generous慷慨;宽宏大量


heir (n.) : person who appears to get some trait from a predecessor or seems to carry on in his tradition继承者;后嗣


foe (n.) : enemy;opponent敌人


undoing (n.) : the act of bringing to ruin,disgrace,or destruction毁灭;破坏----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

at odds : in disagreement;quarreling意见不一致;有争执


asunder (adv.) : into parts or pieces分成碎片;分散


prey (n.) : a person or thing that falls victim to someone or something牺牲品;掠夺品


subversion (n.) : a subverting or being subverted.ruin 颠覆(活动);破坏


sovereign (adj.) : independent of all others独立自主的


outpace (v.) : surpass;exceed在速度上超过;胜过


invective (n.) : a violent verbal attack.strong criticism,insults, curses, etc.; vituperation 抨击;辱骂,谩骂


shield (n.) : any person or thing that guards,protects,or defends; protection保护人;防护物;保护


writ (n.) : a formal legal document ordering or prohibiting some action命令;律



adversary (n.) : a person who opposes or fights against another; opponent;enemy对手,反对者;敌手,敌方


anew (adv.) : again重新,再


unleash (v.) : release from or as from a leash(解开皮带以)释放


engulf (v.) : swallow up;overwhelm 吞没,淹没,压倒


civility (n.) : politeness.esp. in a merely formal way 礼貌,客气


belabor (v.) : talk about at unnecessary length唠唠叨叨地反复讲


formulate (v.) : put together and express (a theory.plan ,etc.)a systematic way系统地阐述(或提出)(理论、计划等)


tap (v.) : draw upon;make use of开发、发掘


heed (v.) : pay close attention to;take careful notice of注意, 留神,留心


beachhead (n.) : a position established by invading troops on an enemy shore;a position gained as a secare starting point for any action;foothold滩头堡,登陆场;立足点


endeavor (n.) : an earnest attempt or effort努力,尽力


testimony (n.) : any form of evidence,indication. etc.;proof证明,证据


embattle (v.) : [常用于被动语态]prepare,array,or set in line for battle使准备战斗,使严阵以待


tribulation (n.) : great misery or distress, as from oppression;deep sorrow苦难;困苦;忧伤


forge (v.) : move forward steadily,as if against difficulties; form;produce(似乎迎着困难)稳步前进;形成;结成


alliance (n.) : a close association for a common objective as of nations,political parties,etc.联盟,联合,同盟



at issue : in dispute;to be decided;at variance;in disagreement意见不一致例:What is at issue is the extent to which exam results reflect a student’s ability.意见的分歧之处在于考试对于学生能力的影响程度。


at odds : in disagreement;quarrelling;antagonistic意见不一致,有争执例:IHe was at odds with his colleagues.他与同事意见不合。


east off : to discard;abandon;disown丢弃,摆脱

例:A haven of tranquility where you can cast off the strains and stress of life.一个可以摆脱生活重负的宁静港湾


beyond doubt : certainly毫无疑问

例:She was beyond doubt one of the finest swimmers in the school.毫无疑问,她在学校里游泳游得最棒。

Lesson Five Love is a Fallacy

Max Shulman


fallacy (n.) : a false or mistaken idea,opinion,etc.;error谬论,谬见;错误


enterprising (adj.) :full of energy and initiative;willing to undertake new p rojects有进取心的;充满首创精神的;有胆量的


unfetter (v.) : free from fetters;free from restraint of any kind;liberate 除掉…的脚镣;解放;使获得自由


limp (adj.) :1acking or having lost stiffness;flaccid;drooping,wilted柔软的


flaccid (adj.) : hanging in loose folds or wrinkles:soft and limp;flabby不结实的;松驰的;松软的


spongy (adj.) :of or like a sponge;soft and porous海绵(状)的;柔软有弹性的


pedantic (adj.) : of or like a pedant迂腐的,书呆子气的


trauma (n.) :a painful emotional experience,or shock.often producing a l asting psychic effect and sometimes a neurosis(精神)心灵创伤


calculating (adj.) : shrewd or cunning. esp. in a selfish way;scheming精明的;(尤指)专为自己打算的;有算计的

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- perspicacious (adj.) :having keen judgement or understanding;acutely perc eptive聪颖的;敏锐的


astute (adj.) : having or showing a clever or shrewd mind:cunning;craft y;wily 聪明的,敏锐的;精明的;狡猾的


dynamo (n.) :generator发动机


scale (n.) : either of the shallow dishes or pans of a balance秤盘;天平盘----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

penetrating (adj.) :sharp;piercing锐利的


scalpel (n.) : a small,light,straight knife with a very sharp blade,used by surgeons and m anatomical dissections解剖刀,手术刀


faddist (n.) :a person who follows fads赶时髦的人


fad (n.) : a custom,style,etc.that many people are interested in for a s hort time;passing fashion;craze一度时髦的风尚,风行一时的东西;一时的狂热


craze (n.) :something that is currently the fashion;fad一时的风尚;风行一时的东西;时髦


acme (n.) : the highest point;point of culmination顶点,极点


appendicitis (n.) :inflammation of the vermiform appendix阑尾炎


laxative (n.) : any laxative medicine;mild cathartic轻泻药;通便剂


raccoon (n.) :a small,tree—climbing, chiefly flesh—eating mammal浣熊


mumble (v.) : speak or say indistinctly and in a low voice;mutter喃喃地说;含糊地说


temple (n.) :either of the flat surfaces alongside the forehead,in front of e ach ear太阳穴,鬓角


incredulous (adj.) : unwilling or unable to believe; doubting;skeptical不相信的;怀疑的


unsanitary (adj.) :not clean;harmful to health不卫生的;对健康有害的


shed (v.) : shed a natural growth or covering,as hair(毛发等)脱落


unsightly (adj.) :not sightly;not pleasant to look at;ugly不美观的;难看的;丑陋的


swim (n.) : current fashion潮流,时髦/砌the swim conforming to the cur rent fashion赶时髦


gear (n.) :a specific adjustment 0f a toothed wheel(汽车等的)排挡


narrowly (adv.) : closely;carefully;thoroughly仔细地;严密地


attic (n.) :the room or space just below the roof of a house;garret顶楼,阁楼


covet (v.) : want ardently;long for with envy垂涎;觊觎


cerebral (adj.) :appealing to the intellect rather than the emotions;intellect ural理智的;凭理智行事的


pin—up (adj.[colloq.]) : designating a girl whose sexual attractiveness mak es her a subject for the kind of pictures often pinned up on walls[口](女子)其照片可供倾慕者钉在墙上的


proportions (n.) :1ines;shape of the body线条;身材


making (n.[often in p1.]) : the material or qualities needed for the maki ng or development of something[常用复]素质;内在因素


carriage (n.) :conduct;behaviour;posture行为;举止;姿态


bearing (n.) : way of carrying and conducting oneself:carriage;manner举止,风度,姿态


breeding (n.) :good upbringing or training良好的教养(或培养)


exquisite (adj.) : very beautiful or lovely,esp.in a delicate or carefully w rought way优美的,高雅的,精致的


specialty (n.) :an article characterized by special features,superior quality,novelty, etc.特产;特制品


gravy (adj.) : the juice given off by meat in cooking肉汁,调味汁


dipper (n.) :a long—handled cup or similar container for dipping长柄杯或类似容器


sauerkraut (n.) :chopped cabbage fermented in a brine of its own juice wi th salt泡菜


veer (v.) :change direction:shift;turn or swing around改变方向;转向;变向


gamy (adj.) :having a strong,tangy flavor like that of cooked game;stron g in smell有猎物气味的;气味强烈的


Holy Toledo adj.[colloq.]) :excellent[口]好极了


reverent (adj.) :feeling。showing,or characterized by reverence恭敬的;虔诚的


greasy (adj.) :smeared with or containing grease涂(或含)有油脂的;油污的----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

pelt (n.) :the skin of a fur—bearing animal,esp. after it has been stripped from the carcass毛皮;生皮


canny (adj.) :careful and shrewd in one’s actions and dealings;clever and cautious谨慎的;机警的;精明的


waif (n.) :a person without home or friends,esp.a homeless child流浪汉;无家可归者;(尤指)流浪儿


swivel (v.) :turn on旋转


wax (v.) :grow gradually larger;increase in strength,lntensity,volume.e re.渐渐变大;增加


wane (v.) :become.1ess intense,strong,bright,etc.变弱;减少


kick (n.[colloq.]) :pleasure高兴,兴奋


loom (v.) :appear,or come in sight indistinctly隐约出现


dimension (n.) :extent,size,or degree}scope体积,容积,面积;范围,规模;方面


tryst (n.) :an appointment to meet at a specified time and place,esp。one made secretly by lovers约会;幽会


wince (v.) :shrink or draw back slightly,usually with a grimace.as in pai n,embarassment, etc.(因疼痛、窘迫等)畏缩;退缩


tug (v.) :pull hard;drag;haul用力拉,拖,拖曳


desist (v.) :cease;stop;abstain停止


contrite (adj.) :feeling deep sorrow or remorse for having sinned or done wrong;penitent懊悔的;忏悔的


premise (n.) :a previous statement or assertion that serves as the basis for an argument(尤指逻辑)前提

chirp (v.) :speak in a lively,shrill way嘁嘁喳喳地说


deposit (v.) :put,lay or set down放下,搁下


glum (adj.) :feeling or looking gloomy,sullen忧郁的,闷闷不乐的


ember (n.[usu.in p1.]) :the smoldering remains of a fire[常用复]余烬,余火----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

smolder (v.) :burn and smoke without flame;be consumed by slow combus tion闷烧;熏烧


fraught (adj.) :filled,charged,or loaded充满…的;蕴含…的


blubber (v.) :weep loudly, like a child(小孩般)大声哭


analogy (n.) :an explaining of something by comparing it point by point w ith something similar类比


brief (n.) :a concise statement of the main points of a law case,usually fil ed by counsel for the information of the court诉讼摘要;辩护状


blueprint (n.) :a photographic reproduction in white on a blue backgroun d,as of architectural or engineering plans(建筑或工程设计用的)蓝图


hypothesis (n.) :an unproved theory,proposition,supposition,etc.tentativ ely accepted to explain certain facts or to provide a basis for further inve stigation,argument,etc.假设;前提


yummy (adj.) :[echoic of a sound made in expressing pleasure at a taste][c olloq.]very tasty;delectable;delicious[表示享受美味的象声词][口]美味的,可口的


chunk (n.) :a short,thick piece,as of meat,wood,etc.一厚块(肉、木头等)


pitchblende (n.) :a brown to black lustrous mineral,the massive variety of uraninite沥青铀矿

fracture (v.[Am.slang]) :cause to react with enthusiasm[美俚]使着迷


gurgle (v.) :make a bubbling sound in the throat,as a contented baby doe s(婴儿高兴时)发咯咯声


notorious (adj.) :widely but unfavorably known or talked about声名狼藉的,臭名昭著的


indignation (n.) :anger or scorn resulting from injustice, ingratitude, or me anness; righteous anger愤慨,义愤


exultant (v.) :exulting;triumphant;jubilant狂欢的;欣喜的;兴高采烈的


hamstring (v.) :disable by cutting a hamstring;lessen or destroy the power or effectiveness of割断…的腿腱以使残废;削弱(或破坏)…的力量(或功能) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

cretin (n.) :a person suffering from cretinism;a stupid person愚侏病者;白痴,傻瓜


let—up (v.) :a slackening or lessening。as of effort;a stop or pause放松(努力);中止,休止


chink (n.) :a narrow opening;crack;fissure;slit缝隙;裂口


grueling (adj.) :extremely tiring;exhausting折磨人的;使人筋疲力竭的


well—heeled (adj.) :[slang]rich;prosperous[俚]有钱的,富有的


fashion (v.) :shape;mold塑造;做成


constellation (n.) :the part of the heavens occupied by a number of fixed s tars星座;星宿


languish (v.) :lose vigor and vitality;become weak变得萎靡不振;倦怠

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hollow—eyed (adj.) :having deep—set eyes or dark areas under the eyes,a s from sickness or fatigue(由于生病或疲倦)眼窝凹陷的,有黑眼圈的

hulk (n.) :an abandoned wreck or shell废船


surge (v.) :have a heavy,violent swelling motion;move in or as in a surg e汹涌澎湃


perspiration (n.) :sweat汗


wag (v.) :cause something to move rapidly and repeatedly back and forth,from side to side,or up and down摇摆。摇动


bellow (v.) :cry out loudly, as in anger or pare。(由于愤怒或疼痛)大声叫


reel (v.) :give way or fall back;sway,waver, or stagger as from being str uck倒退,退缩;站立不稳


infamy (n.) : very bad reputation; notoriety; disgrace; dishonor臭名昭著;丢脸,耻辱;不名誉


turf (n.) :a surface layer of earth containing grass plants with their matte d roots;sod草皮;草地


modulate (v.) :vary the pitch, intensity, etc.(of the voice), to a lower degre e 使(声音)转调,是声音变低


knot-head (n.[slang]) :a foolish,stupid person笨蛋,痂汉


jitterbug (n.) :a dance for couples;esp. in the early 1940’s,involving fast,acrobatic movements to swing music’[fig]an emotionally unstable person(尤指20世纪40年代的)吉特巴舞;[喻]变化无常的人



nothing upstairs : (Am.slang)empty-headed;a nitwit没头脑的,愚笨的


in the swinl : conforming to the current fashion赶时髦

例:She is always involved in the swim.她总是追求时髦。


get one’s hands on :to obtain sth.得到,获得

例:They all want to get their hands on my money.他们都觊觎我的钱。----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

go steady : to date someone of the opposite sex regularly and exclu-sively.be sweethearts约会,成为关系确定的情侣

例:When did you go steady with her?你和她是什么时候确定恋爱关系的? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

out of the picture : not considered as involved in a situation不相干的,不合适的

例:“Is Pam still with Eric?”“No,he’s out of the picture.”“帕姆还在跟埃里克在一起吗?”“没有,他们已经互不相干了。”


get at : seem to be saying sth.that other people d0 not completely un-derstand 暗示

例:What exactly are you getting at?你到底在暗示什么?


have…at one’s finger tips :to be completely familiar with;精通

例:We have all the facts and figures at our fingers.我们已经掌握了所有的事实和数字。


go far : to accomplish much:achieve much success 成功,大有前途例:Ginny’s a smart girl.and I’m sure she’u go far.吉尼是个聪明的姑娘,我相信她会成功的。


knock out : to elicit enthusiasm or an emotional response,esp.deep sympathy or laughter使高兴,使情绪激动

例:The music was just brilliant it really knocked me out.这音乐太美妙了——它真让我激动。


fire away : begin;start;esp.to talk or ask questions 开始谈话或提问例:“I have some question.”“Fire away.”“我有问题。”“请问。”


hammer away(at) : t0 keep emphasizing or talking about一再强调例:He kept hammering away at his demand for a public inquiry.他一再强调需要进行公众调查。


month of Sundays : (colloq.)long time很久,很长的时间


Lesson Nine The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas



rigging (n.) : tackle,esp. the chains,ropes,etc.,used for supporting and working in the masts,sails,yards,etc.,of a vessel索具


decorous (adj.) : characterized by or showing decorum,propriety,good taste,etc.有礼貌的,正派的;有教养的,高雅的


mauve (n.) : any of several shades or delicate purple淡紫色


tambourine (n.) : a shallow,single—headed hand drum having jingling metal disks in the rim(鼓框周围装有金属片的)铃鼓;小手鼓


dodge (v.) : move or twist quickly aside;shift suddenly,as to avoid a blow闪开,躲闪,躲避


lithe (adj.) : bending easily;flexible;supple;limber;lissome柔软的;易弯曲的


gear (n.) : a harness马具,挽具


halter (n.) : a rope,cord,strap,etc.,usually with a headstall.for tying or leading an animal;a bitless headstall,with or without a lead rope缰绳;(马)笼头


mane (n.) : the long hair growing from the top or sides of the neck of certain animals,as the horse,lion,etc.(马、狮等的)鬃毛


braid (v.) : interweave three or more strands of(hair,straw,etc.)编织(毛发、草等)


nostril(n.) : either of the external openings of the nose鼻孔


prance (v.) :(said of a horse)rise up on the hind legs in a lively way,esp.while moving along(马)后足立地腾跃


archaic (adj.) : antiquated;old-fashioned;ancient陈旧的,过时的,老式的;古代的


stallion (n.) : an uncastrated male horse,esp. one used as a stud未经阉割的雄马(尤指种马)



1.alter v. 改变,改动,变更 2.burst vi.,n. 突然发生,爆裂 3.dispose vi. 除掉;处置;解决;处理(of) 4.blast n. 爆炸;气流vi. 炸,炸掉 5.consume v. 消耗,耗尽 6.split v. 劈开;割裂;分裂a.裂开的 7.spit v. 吐(唾液等);唾弃 8.spill v. 溢出,溅出,倒出 9.slip v. 滑动,滑落;忽略 10.slide v. 滑动,滑落n. 滑动;滑面;幻灯片 11.bacteria n. 细菌 12.breed n. 种,品种v. 繁殖,产仔 13.budget n. 预算v. 编预算,作安排 14.candidate n. 候选人 15.campus n. 校园 16.liberal a. 慷慨的;丰富的;自由的 17.transform v. 转变,变革;变换 18.transmit v. 传播,播送;传递 19.transplant v. 移植 20.transport vt. 运输,运送n. 运输,运输工具 21.shift v. 转移;转动;转变 22.vary v. 变化,改变;使多样化 23.vanish vi. 消灭,不见 24.swallow v. 吞下,咽下n. 燕子 25.suspicion n. 怀疑,疑心 26.suspicious a. 怀疑的,可疑的 https://www.360docs.net/doc/0818636610.html,d a. 温暖的,暖和的;温柔的,味淡的 28.tender a. 温柔的;脆弱的 29.nuisance n. 损害,妨害,讨厌(的人或事物) 30.insignificant a. 无意义的,无足轻重的;无价值的 31.accelerate vt. 加速,促进 32.absolute a. 绝对的,无条件的;完全的 33.boundary n. 分界线,边界 34.brake n. 刹车,制动器v. 刹住(车) 35.catalog n. 目录(册)v. 编目 36.vague a. 模糊的,不明确的 37.vain n. 徒劳,白费 38.extinct a. 绝灭的,熄灭的 39.extraordinary a. 不平常的,特别的,非凡的 40.extreme a. 极度的,极端的n. 极端,过分 41.agent n. 代理人,代理商;动因,原因 42.alcohol n. 含酒精的饮料,酒精

公司英语词汇大全(doc 14页)

公司英语 -----教育训练部 一:常用术语 Hon Hai 鸿海 CMM Component module move 机动组件整合 CEM Contract Manufaction service 合约委托代工 IBSC Internet Business Solution Center 国际互联网应用中心 PCEG Personal Computer Enclosure group 个人计算机外设事业群(FOXTEQ)CCBG Connector&cable business group CPBG Competition business group ESBG Enterprise system business group 鸿富锦事业群 SABG system assembly business group 系统组装事业群 NWE Net Work Enclosure NSE Network system enclosure NSG Network system group NFE Network flexible enclosure Foxcavity = HZ = Hong Zhun 鸿准 Stamping tool shop I 冲模一厂 Stamping tool shop II 冲模二厂 Prototype workshop 样品中心 Steel factory 裁剪厂 PCE molding tooling workshop PCE塑模厂 Hua Nan test and measurement center 华南检测中心 MPE mobile phone enclosure MPE MBE mobile phone and notebook enclosure 明塑厂 MGE Alloy magnesium alloy enclosure 镁合金 Engineer standard 工标 Document center (database center)资料中心 Design Center 设计中心 Painting 烤漆(厂) Assembly组装(厂) Stamping 冲压(厂) Education and Training教育训练 proposal improvement/creative suggestion提案改善 Technological exchange and study 技术交流研习会 Technology and Development Committee 技术发展委员会 BS Brain Storming 脑力激荡 QCC Quality Control Circle 品质圈


高考英语600高频词汇(有中文和音标,背这些吧) 高考英语考试大纲虽然要求考生需要掌握3500个单词,但是绝大多数单词大家平时都认识。大家只要把以下将近600个比较难的、经常在高考英语试题中出现的高频词汇背会就可以了。学好英语,单词是第一关,2013年高考剩下60天左右,600个单词,每天背会10个就可以了! 1.accelerate/?k'sel?re?t/vt.加速,促进 2.absolute/'?bs?lu:t/a/?/.绝对的,无条件的;完全的 3.liberal/'l?b?r?l/a/?/.慷慨的;丰富的;自由的 4.transport/tr?ns'p?:t/vt.运输,运送n/en/.运输,运输工具 https://www.360docs.net/doc/0818636610.html,d/ma?ld/a/?/.温暖的,暖和的;温柔的,味淡的 6.tender/'tend?/a/?/.温柔的;脆弱的 7.nuisance/'nju:sns/n/en/.损害,妨害,讨厌(的人或事物) 8.tide/ta?d/n/en/.潮汐;潮流 9.export/'eksp?:t/n/en/.出口(物)v/vi:/.出口,输出 10.import/?m'p?:t/n/en/.进口(物)v/vi:/.进口,输入 11.impose/?m'p??z/vt.把...加强(on/?n/);采用,利用 12.religion/r?'l?d??n/n/en/.,信仰 13.burst/b\:st/vi./n.突然发生,爆裂 14.dispose/d?s'p??z/vi.除掉;处置;解决;处理(of/?v/) 15.blast/blɑ:st/ n/en/.爆炸;气流vi.炸,炸掉 16.consume/k?n'sju:m/v/vi:/.消耗,耗尽 17.split/spl?t/v/vi:/.劈开;割裂;分裂a/?/.裂开的 18.spit/sp?t/v/vi:/.吐(唾液等);唾弃


1 v. 改变,改动,变更 2 . 突然发生,爆裂 3 . 除掉;处置;解决;处理() 4 n. 爆炸;气流 . 炸,炸掉 5 v. 消耗,耗尽 6 v. 劈开;割裂;分裂a.裂开的 7 v. 吐(唾液等);唾弃 8 v. 溢出,溅出,倒出 9 v. 滑动,滑落;忽略 10 v. 滑动,滑落n. 滑动;滑面;幻灯片 11 n. 细菌 12 n. 种,品种v. 繁殖,产仔 13 n. 预算v. 编预算,作安排 14 n. 候选人 15 n. 校园 16 a. 慷慨的;丰富的;自由的 17 v. 转变,变革;变换 18 v. 传播,播送;传递 19 v. 移植 20 . 运输,运送n. 运输,运输工具 21 v. 转移;转动;转变 22 v. 变化,改变;使多样化 23 . 消灭,不见 24 v. 吞下,咽下n. 燕子 25 n. 怀疑,疑心 26 a. 怀疑的,可疑的 27 a. 温暖的,暖和的;温柔的,味淡的 28 a. 温柔的;脆弱的 29 n. 损害,妨害,讨厌(的人或事物) 30 a. 无意义的,无足轻重的;无价值的 31 . 加速,促进 32 a. 绝对的,无条件的;完全的 33 n. 分界线,边界 34 n. 刹车,制动器v. 刹住(车) 35 n. 目录(册)v. 编目 36 a. 模糊的,不明确的 37 n. 徒劳,白费 38 a. 绝灭的,熄灭的 39 a. 不平常的,特别的,非凡的 40 a. 极度的,极端的n. 极端,过分 41 n. 代理人,代理商;动因,原因 42 n. 含酒精的饮料,酒精

43 . 呼吁,恳求 44 . 重视,赏识,欣赏 45 v. 赞成,同意,批准 46 . 刺激,激励 47 . 取得,获得;学到 48 .完成,到达;实行 49 n. 网状物;广播网,电视网;网络 50 n. 潮汐;潮流 51 a. 整洁的,整齐的 52 . 追踪,找到n. 痕迹,踪迹 53 . 拷打,折磨 54 . 漫游,闲逛 55 n. 蜡 56 v. 织,编 57 v. 保护,保存,保持,维持 61. v. 滥用,虐待;谩骂 62. a. 学术的;高等院校的;研究院的 63. n. (高等)专科院校;学会 64. n. 电池(组) 65. n. 障碍;棚栏 66. n. (船、飞机等装载的)货物 67. n. 生涯,职业 68. n. 船舶;容器,器皿;血管 69. a. 垂直的 70. v. 迫使,责成;使感激 71. a. 阴暗,模糊 72. n. 程度,范围,大小,限度 73. n. 外部,外表a. 外部的,外表的 74. a. 外部的,外表的,外面的 75. n. 汽油 76. n. 石油 77. . 推迟,延误,耽搁 78. . 腐烂,腐朽 79. a. 像样的,体面的 80. n. 路;路线;航线 81. v. 毁坏,破坏n. 毁灭,[.]废墟 82. n. 缘故,理由 83. n. 卫星 84. n. 大小,规模;等级;刻度 85. n. 庙宇 86. a. 乏味道,单调的, 87. .易于,趋向 88. n.趋向,趋势 89. a. 极端的,最大的,最终的n. 极端


4A广告公司常用英语词汇 A above-the-line advertising 线上广告 广告代理商能从媒介获得佣金(代理费)的广告,如报刊广告、广播广告、电视广告、影院广告、户外广告等。 account executive (AE) :客户经理 广告公司的业务人员职称。客户经理往往须负责下列工作:1,与客户及内部其他部门共同计划广告(planning),向各部门传达客户的诉求;2,内部协调(coordination);3,将广告设计稿提供给客户;4,监督执行政府的有关广告规章和法规(regulatory matters);5,利润管理(agency profit management)。客户经理通过计划和协调公司的服务部门,为客户提供更好的服务。 account service 客户服务 客户服务是广告代理商的中心工作,肩负着使客户满意从而建立起长期的合作关系,及推动广告代理商内部工作有效运转的任务。它是广告代理商直接同客户进行沟通、交流的一种功能。 advertising agency 广告代理商 习惯上称为“广告公司”,即《中华人民共和国广告法》中所称的广告经营者,一般设有许多职能和业务部门。 advertising campaign 广告活动 有时称为“运动”或“战役”。广告活动包括以下四个重点:制作适当的销售信息、及时传达给受众、选择适当的时机,用合理的成本。广告主制定一项能测定的目标后,为达到这一目标制定广告战略,然后在市场上执行,包括:广告计划、广告制作、销售及营销等。 advertising department 广告部 分为企业的广告部和媒介的广告部。企业的广告经理负责拟定、审核及实施企业的广告计划。一般也是负责有关广告的具体工作。媒介的广告部经理负责出售报刊等的版面,广播、电视的时间等。 airport advertising 机场广告 利用机场的候机室及在机场内其他各种场地和设备上制作刊出的广告,也包括在指示牌上制作的广告。 Appeal 诉求 广告通过媒介向目标受众诉说,以求达到所期望的反应。诉求是制定某种道德、动机、认同,或是说服受众应该去做某件事的理由。诉求分三类:理性的、感性的和道义的。诉求所用语句应具有强烈的感染力。


A above-the-line advertising 线上广告,广告代理商能从媒介获得佣金(代理费)的广告,如报 刊广告、广播广告、电视广告、影院广告、户外广告等. account executive (AE) :客户经理,广告公司的业务人员职称.客户经理往往须负责下列工作:1,与客户及内部其他部门共同计划广告(planning),向各部门传达客户的诉求;2,内部协调(coordination);3,将广告设计稿提供给客户;4,监督执行政府的有关广告规章和法规(regulatory matters);5,利润管理(agency profit management).客户经理通过计划和协调公司的服务部门,为客户提供更好的服务. account service 客户服务 客户服务是广告代理商的中心工作,肩负着使客户满意从而建立起长期的合作关系,及推动 广告代理商内部工作有效运转的任务.它是广告代理商直接同客户进行沟通、交流的一种功能. advertising agency 广告代理商 习惯上称为“广告公司”,即《中华人民共和国广告法》中所称的广告经营者,一般设有许 多职能和业务部门. advertising campaign 广告活动 有时称为“运动”或“战役”.广告活动包括以下四个重点:制作适当的销售信息、及时传达给受众、选择适当的时机,用合理的成本.广告主制定一项能测定的目标后,为达到这一目 标制定广告战略,然后在市场上执行,包括:广告计划、广告制作、销售及营销等. advertising department 广告部 分为企业的广告部和媒介的广告部.企业的广告经理负责拟定、审核及实施企业的广告计划.一般也是负责有关广告的具体工作.媒介的广告部经理负责出售报刊等的版面,广播、电视 的时间等. airport advertising 机场广告 利用机场的候机室及在机场内其他各种场地和设备上制作刊出的广告,也包括在指示牌上 制作的广告. Appeal 诉求 广告通过媒介向目标受众诉说,以求达到所期望的反应.诉求是制定某种道德、动机、认同, 或是说服受众应该去做某件事的理由.诉求分三类:理性的、感性的和道义的.诉求所用语 句应具有强烈的感染力. area sampling 区域抽样 群体抽样的一种形式.样本空间按区域进行划分,选定某抽样区域,如一个县、一个行政区、 一个街区,从中确定调查对象. Audience 受众 接受广告的公众,也就是广告的对象.通过任何广告媒介接触的观众或听众,都有数量、特征 方面的不同需要考虑到.这些不同可使广告做到有的放矢. audience composition 受众构成 广告媒介受众的人数、性别、年龄、职业、经济情况等的构成. audience share 受众份额 根据任何日期或时段中,看到广告主广告的受众占总受众的百分比,即为受众份额.也可以是 某一电视频道总受众的某一百分比. audio-visual advertising 视听广告


. ★ 形容词: 1. 贫穷的:poor = needy = impoverished = poverty-stricken 2. 富裕的:rich = wealthy = affluent = well-to-do = well-off 3. 优秀的:excellent = eminent = top = outstanding 4. 积极的,好的:good = conducive = beneficial=advantageous 5. 消极的,不良的:bad = detrimental= baneful =undesirable 6. 明显的:obvious = apparent = evident =manifest 7. 健康的: healthy = robust = sound = wholesome 8. 惊人的:surprising = amazing = extraordinary = miraculous 9. 美丽的:beautiful = attractive = gorgeous = eye-catching 10. 有活力的:energetic = dynamic = vigorous =animated 11. 流行的: popular = prevailing = prevalent= pervasive 1.Everywhere 普遍的Widespread、Prevalent、Overflow、Rampant 2.Good 好的Beneficial、Advantageous 3.Harmful 有害的Inhumane、Detrimental、Baneful 4.Rich 富有的Wealthy、Affluent 5.Poor 贫穷的Impoverished 7.Serious 严重的Severe 8.Obvious 明显的Manifest、Apparent、Evident 9.cheap 便宜的Economical、Inexpensive ★ 动词: 1. 提高,加强:improve = enhance= promote = strengthen = optimize 2. 引起:cause = trigger = endanger 3. 解决:solve =resolve =address = tackle =cope with = deal with 4. 拆除:destroy = tear down = knock down = eradicate 5. 培养: develop = cultivate = foster = nurture 6. 激发,鼓励:encourage = motivate = stimulate = spur 7. 认为: think = assert= hold = claim = argue 8. 完成:complete = fulfill = accomplish= achieve 9. 保留:keep = preserve = retain = hold 10. 有害于:destroy = impair = undermine = jeopardize 11. 减轻: ease = alleviate = relieve = lighten 1.Improve 提高:Promote、Advance、Enhance 2.change 改变:Transform 3.Emphasize 强调:Highlight、Stress、Address(这是个9星级用法) 4.Develop培养:Agriculture、Cultivate、Nurture 5.Break 破坏:Impair、Undermine这两个词指的是抽象意义上的破坏Jeopardize、Devastate 6.Keep 保存Preserve、Conserve 保护资源 7.deal With解决Tackle、Address(这也是高难度用法,很牛)、Resolve 8.need 需要Require、necessitate、call for ★ 名词: 1. 影响:influence= impact 2. 危险:danger = perils =hazard


一:常用術語 Hon Hai 鴻海 CMM Component module move 機動元件整合 CEM Contract Manu faction service 合約委托代工 IBSC Internet Business Solution Center 國際互聯網應用中心 PCEG Personal Computer Enclosure group 個人電腦外設事業群(FOXTEQ)CCBG Connector& cable business group CPBG Competition business group ESBG Enterprise system business group 鴻富錦事業群 SABG system assembly business group 系統組裝事業群 NWE Net Work Enclosure NSE Network system enclosure NSG Network system group NFE Network flexible enclosure Foxcavity = HZ = Hong Zhun 鴻準 Stamping tool shop I 沖模一廠 Stamping tool shop II 沖模二廠 Prototype workshop 樣品中心 Steel factory 裁剪廠 PCE molding tooling workshop PCE塑模廠 Hua Nan test and measurement center 華南檢測中心 MPE mobile phone enclosure MPE MBE mobile phone and notebook enclosure 明塑厂 MGE Alloy magnesium alloy enclosure 鎂合金 Engineer standard 工標 Document center (database center)資料中心 Design Center 設計中心 Painting 烤漆(廠) Assembly組裝(廠) Stamping 沖壓(廠) Education and Training教育訓練 proposal improvement/creative suggestion提案改善 Technological exchange and study 技術交流研習會 Technology and Development Committee 技術發展委員會 BS Brain Storming 腦力激蕩 QCC Quality Control Circle 品質圈 PDCA Plan Do Check Action 計劃執行檢查總結 DCC delivery control center 交貨管制中心 3C Computer 電腦類產品 Consumer electronics 消費性電子產品 Communication 通訊類產品 Core value(核心价值) Love 愛心


2014高考英语词汇表(3500左右) 不要下不全 a(n) 一(个,块。。。。) abandon vt.放弃,抛弃 able a.能够,有能力的 ability n.能力 abnormal a.不正常的 abroad ad. 到(在)国外 abolish vt.废除,废止 about ad. 大约,到处,四处 prep. 关于,在各处,四处above prep.在……上面 a.上面的 ad.在……之上 abroad adv. 国外的 absence n. 缺席,不在 absent a.缺席的,不在的 absolute a.绝对的 absorb v.吸收/受 abstract a. 抽象的 absurd a. 荒谬的;荒唐的abundant a.富饶的,丰富的 abuse vt. 滥用;虐待 academic a.学术的 academy n. 学术 accelerate vt.(使)增速 accent n.口音,音调 accept vt. 接受 access n. 入口;接近 accident n.事故,意外的事accommodation n.住处 accompany vt.陪伴 accomplish vt.完成;达到(目的according (to) 根据 account n. 账目,描述 accumulate vt.& vi.堆积,积累accurate a..准确无误的 accuse v.指责,谴责,控告accustomed a.习惯的 ache vi.& n.痛,疼痛 achieve vt.达到,取得 achievement n.成就 acid a.酸的 acknowledge vt.承认 acquire vt. 获得 across prep.横过,穿过 act n. 法令,条例 v.表演,行动,做事action n.行动 active a.积极的,主动的 activity n.活动 actor n.男演员 actress n.女演员 actual a.实际的,现实的 ad (缩) =advertisementn.广告 AD n. 公元 adapt vt. 使适应;改编 add vt.添加,增加 addicted a.沉溺于。。。 addition n.额外,附加 address n. 地址 v.在(信封、包裹等)上写名字、 地址;演说(讲) adequate adj.足够的,充分的 adjust vt.调整;适应 adjustment n. 调整;适应 advertise vt. 为……做广告 advertisement n. 广告 advice n. 忠告,劝告,建议 advise vt. 忠告,劝告,建议 advocate vt. 提倡;为…辩护 affair n.事务;事情 affect vt.影响 affection n. 慈爱;挚爱 afford vt.负担得起(…的费用),抽得出 (时间),提供 afraid a. 害怕的,担心 be afraid of害怕 Africa n. 非洲 African a. 非洲的,非洲人的 n. 非洲人 after ad. 在后,后来 prep. 在…之后,在后面 conj. 在……以后 afternoon n. 下午,午后 afterward(s) ad. 后来 again ad. 再一次,再,又 against prep. 对着,反对 age n. 年龄,时代 agency n.代理 agent n. 代理人;代理商 aggressive a.侵略的,咄咄逼人的 ago. 以前 agree v. 同意,应允 agreement n. 同意,协定,协议 agriculture n. 农业,农学 ahead ad. 在前,向前 aid n. 援助,救护,辅助器具 aim n.目的,目标 v. 计划,打算,瞄准,针对 air n. 空气,大气 aircraft n. 飞机 (单复数同) airline n. 航空公司,航空系统 airmail n.航空邮件 airport n. 航空站,飞机场 alarm n.惊恐;警报;闹铃 album n.相册; 唱片 alcohol n.酒精 alike a. & ad.像….. alive a. 活着的,存在的 all a.全(部),所有的,总,整 allow vt. 允许,准许 allowance n.津贴,补贴,零用钱 almost ad. 几乎,差不多 alone a. 单独的,孤独的 along ad.向前,和……一起,一同 prep. 沿着,顺着 alongside prep.在…旁边 aloud ad. 大声地 already ad. 已经 also ad. 也 alternative n. 两者中选择其一 although conj. 虽然,尽管 altitude n. 海拔 altogether ad. 总共 always ad. 总是,一直,永远 amaterur n.业余爱好者; amaze v.惊奇,惊叹,震惊 ambassador n. 外交官 ambition n.野心,雄心壮志 ambulance n. 救护车 America n. 美国,美洲 American a. 美国的,美国人的n. 美国人 among prep. 在…中间,在(三个以上) 之间 amount n.总数,数额,数量 amuse vt. 使人发笑 amusement n. 娱乐 analyse/analyze v.分析 analysis n.分析 ancestor n. 祖宗,祖先 ancient a. 古代的,古老的 and conj. 和,又,而 anger n. 怒,愤怒 精品文档

高级英语教程5到9 单元整理的单词表--有中文解释

The Lady, or the Tiger? Part II 1.blooming :bloody or damned 盛开的;妙龄的 2.florid :with too much decoration or detail 绚丽的;气色好的 3.fervent :very enthusiastic and sincere, especially about something you believe in or support 热心的;强烈的; 炽热的;热烈的 4.imperious :behaving in a proud and confident way that shows you expect to be obeyed 专横的;迫切的;傲慢的 5.As :a fact that 6.the apple of his eye :the person who someone loves most and is very proud of 掌上明珠, 珍爱的人 7.humanity :people in general 人类;人道;仁慈;人文学科 https://www.360docs.net/doc/0818636610.html,mon to :belonging to or shared by two or more people or things 共同的;共有的;为…所共用 9.conventional :traditional and ordinary 符合习俗的,传统的;常见的;惯例的 10.romance :a story about love 传奇;浪漫史;风流韵事;冒险故事 11.ardor :great enthusiasm or love 热情;狂热;灼热 12.exceedingly :to a very great degree; extremely 非常;极其;极度地;极端 13.happened to :to do or be by chance: 碰巧 14.waver :to vacillate irresolutely between choices 动摇;踌躇;挥动者 15.in regard to :in connection with 关于 16.premises :the land and buildings owned by someone, especially by a company or organization 前提;经营场 址;上述房屋;契约前言(premise的复数) 17.workings :the workings of sth. the way that an organization, machine or organism operates 作用;工作方式; 操作(working的复数 18.in no slight degree :to a large extent 在很大程度上 19.novel :new and original, not like anything seen before 新奇的;异常的 20.the ranks :the groups 普通士兵们 21.in case :if 22.took such great delight and satisfaction :enjoy 欣赏,享受;喜爱;使过得快活 23.thronged :to be or go somewhere in very large numbers 人群;众多, 蜂拥而至;群集, 拥挤的 24.admittance :permission to enter a place 进入;入场权;通道 25.massed :to come together in large numbers 集中;聚焦(mass的过去式和过去分词)集中;聚焦(mass的过去式和过去分词) 26.opposite :being in a position on the other side; facing 相反的;对面的;对立的, 在…的对面 27.fateful :having an important and usually negative effect on the future 重大的;决定性的;宿命的 28.hum :continuous low sound 发低哼声, 嗡嗡声;哼声;杂声 29.grand :splendid in style and appearance; attracting admiration and attention 宏伟的;豪华的;极重要的, 自视高贵的 30.personage :an important or famous person 要人;角色;名士 31.moiety :either of two parts, not necessarily equal, into which something is or can be divided 一部分;一半 32.gone forth :been issued 出发,向前去;发布 33.night or day :all the time 无论黑夜或白昼 34.Possessed of :be possessed of sth to own something or have something as a quality 具有;拥有 35.curtained :to veil or shut off with or as if with a curtain 带帘子的;装有窗帘的 36.radiant: obviously very happy, or very beautiful 辐射的;容光焕发的;光芒四射的 37.damsels :a young woman who is not married少女(damsel的名词复数) 38.returned :to give or perform in return 回国的;归来的;被送回的 39.space :a period of time; or its duration 空间;太空;距离 40.in a flash :quickly or suddenly 瞬间;立刻 41.parapet :a low wall along the edge of a roof, bridge, etc. 栏杆;扶手;矮护墙 42.devious :describes people or plans and methods that are dishonest, often in a complicated way, but often also clever and successful 偏僻的;弯曲的;不光明正大的 43.white heat :the very high temperature at which metal gives out a white light白热化 44.grievous :having very serious effects or causing great pain痛苦的;剧烈的 45.reveries :(a state of having) pleasant dream-like thoughts幻想,梦想(reverie的复数)


广告公司常用英语词汇 A above-the-line advertising 线上广告,广告代理商能从媒介获得佣金(代理费)的广告,如报刊广告、广播广告、电视广告、影院广告、户外广告等。 account executive (AE) :客户经理,广告公司的业务人员职称。客户经理往往须负责下列工作:1,与客户及内部其他部门共同计划广告(planning),向各部门传达 客户的诉求;2,内部协调(coordination);3,将广告设计稿提供给客户;4,监督执行政府的有关广告规章和法规(regulatory matters);5,利润管理(agency profit management)。客户经理通过计划和协调公司的服务部门,为客户提供更好的 服务。 account service 客户服务 客户服务是广告代理商的中心工作,肩负着使客户满意从而建立起长期的合作 关系,及推动广告代理商内部工作有效运转的任务。它是广告代理商直接同客户进行沟通、交流的一种功能。 advertising agency 广告代理商 习惯上称为“广告公司”,即《中华人民共和国广告法》中所称的广告经营 者,一般设有许多职能和业务部门。 advertising campaign 广告活动 有时称为“运动”或“战役”。广告活动包括以下四个重点:制作适当的销售 信息、及时传达给受众、选择适当的时机,用合理的成本。广告主制定一项能测定的目标后,为达到这一目标制定广告战略,然后在市场上执行,包括:广告计划、 广告制作、销售及营销等。 advertising department 广告部

分为企业的广告部和媒介的广告部。企业的广告经理负责拟定、审核及实施企业的广告计划。一般也是负责有关广告的具体工作。媒介的广告部经理负责出售报刊等的版面,广播、电视的时间等。 airport advertising 机场广告 利用机场的候机室及在机场内其他各种场地和设备上制作刊出的广告,也包括在指示牌上制作的广告。 Appeal 诉求 广告通过媒介向目标受众诉说,以求达到所期望的反应。诉求是制定某种道德、动机、认同,或是说服受众应该去做某件事的理由。诉求分三类:理性的、感性的和道义的。诉求所用语句应具有强烈的感染力。 area sampling 区域抽样 群体抽样的一种形式。样本空间按区域进行划分,选定某抽样区域,如一个县、一个行政区、一个街区,从中确定调查对象。 Audience 受众 接受广告的公众,也就是广告的对象。通过任何广告媒介接触的观众或听众,都有数量、特征方面的不同需要考虑到。这些不同可使广告做到有的放矢。audience composition 受众构成 广告媒介受众的人数、性别、年龄、职业、经济情况等的构成。 audience share 受众份额 根据任何日期或时段中,看到广告主广告的受众占总受众的百分比,即为受众份 额。也可以是某一电视频道总受众的某一百分比。 audio-visual advertising 视听广告


近五年高考英语高频词汇(全国卷),可参考性强,值得熟记近五年高考英语高频词汇 give out①分发②用尽 go over①复习②仔细考虑 hang up①挂起②挂断(电话) hold on①等一等②别挂电话③紧紧抓住④坚持 keep up坚持,继续 leave out①省去②遗漏 live up to①符合②履行(诺言) live with①与……住在一起②容忍 look for寻找 look into调查 look through快速查看,浏览 look up查找,查阅 look up from从……抬起头 look up to尊敬,钦佩 make the best of充分利用 make up①编造②组成,构成③化妆 make up for弥补,补偿 pay back偿还 pay for①支付②为……付出代价 pay off①还清债务②取得成功 pick up①拾起②搭载③获得④学会 put away把……收起来 put down①记下,写下②放下 put in①安装②把……写进 put up①张贴②在某地投宿③举起④建造 put up with容忍,忍受 rule out排除 run away from逃避,回避 run out (of)用完,耗尽 see to①照顾②处理 set about着手做 set aside①把……搁到一边②留出,省出(钱或时间) ③驳回④暂不考虑set off①出发,动身②使爆炸③引起(突然行动) set out①出发②开始着手 speed up(使)加快速度 take apart拆开,拆卸 take on①呈现②开始雇用 take over接任,接管 take up①开始从事②占据③采纳 turn down①关小,调低②拒绝 turn out①结果是,证明是②出席,参加 turn over①把……翻过来②翻阅


Lesson Two Marrakech George Orwell 词汇: thread (v.) : pass through by twisting,turning,or weaving in and out穿过,通过 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pomegranate (n.) : a round fruit with a red,leathery rind and many seed s covered with red,juicy,edible flesh;the bush or small tree that bears it石榴;石榴树 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- chant (n.) : a simple liturgical song in which a string of syllables or word s is sung to each tune(礼拜仪式唱的)单调的歌 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bier (n.) : a platform or portable framework on which a coffin or corpse is placed棺材架;尸体架 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hack (v.) : break up(1and)with a hoe,mattock,etc.(用锄等)翻地,挖(土) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- oblong (adj.) : longer than broad;elongated长方形的 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- lumpy (adj.) : full of lumps;covered with lumps多块状物的;凹凸不平的 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hummocky (a.) : full of or looking like low,rounded hills布满小丘的;似小圆丘的 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- derelict (adj.) : deserted by the owner;abandoned;forsaken无主的;被遗弃的 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- lot (n.) : a plot of ground一块地 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- undifferentiated (adj.) : without clear qualities or distinctive characteristics 无区别的;无显著特点的 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mound (n.) : a heap or bank of earth,sand,etc.built over a grave,in a fortification,etc.土堆;堤;坟堆 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- prickly (adj.) : full of prickles多刺的 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
