


全国青少年科技创新大赛 查新报告 (参考样例) 项目名称: 项目作者: 查新完成日期:

填写说明 一、查新报告 查新报告是查新者用书面形式就查新情况及其结论所做的正式陈述。 二、查新报告格式说明 本报告采用A4纸,每栏的大小可随内容调整。 三、报告内容应当打印,签字使用钢笔或者碳素笔。 四、查新点与查新要求 查新点:是指需要查证的内容要点。 查新要求:(1)通过查新,证明在所查范围内有无相同或类似研究;(2)对查新项目分别或综合进行对比分析;(3)对查新项目的新颖性做出判断。 五、文献检索范围及检索策略 应当列出对查新项目进行分析后所确定的手工检索的工具书、年限、主题词、分类号和计算机检索系统、数据库、文档、年限、检索词等。 六、检索结果 检索结果应当反映出通过对所检数据库和工具书命中的相关文献情况及对相关文献的主要论点进行对比分析的客观情况。 检索结果应当包括下列内容: ①对所检数据库和工具书命中的相关文献情况进行简单描述; ②依据检出文献的相关程度 ③对所列主要相关文献进行简要描述(一般可用原文中的摘要或者利用原文中的摘要进行抽提),对于密切相关文献,可节录部分原文并提供原文的复印件作为附录 七、查新结论 查新结论应当客观、公正、准确、清晰地反映查新项目的真实情况,不得误导。查新结论应当包括下列内容: ①相关文献检出情况; ②检索结果与查新项目的要点的比较分析; ③对查新项目新颖性的判断结论。 八、申报者本人、所在学校及省级大赛主办单位的查新声明 查新报告应当包括经申报者本人、所在学校及省级创新大赛主办单位签字的查新声明。声明的内容可以参考下面的内容进行撰写。 (1)报告中陈述的事实是真实和准确的。 (2)我们按照项目查新规范进行查新、文献分析和审核,并做出上述查新结论。 九、附件 附件主要包括密切相关文献的题目、出处以及原文复制件;一般相关文献的题目、出处以及文摘。


创新英语作文竞赛范文 【篇一:创新英语大赛获奖作文】 best motivation and reward before you hit the roads to achieve a goal, have you ever given any thought to your motivation or what are you expecting to get as a reward? attitudes towards this question vary from person to person. some people claim that wealth and fame is the best motivation and reward, others believe that the fulfillment of a job well done is its own reward. in my opinion, the later point holds more water. in the end, it is the joy in the journey that truly matters. doing the work with the attempt to be rich or famous will bring an unfortunate outcome and even will lead us to a dangerous situation. gradually, we will consider wealth and fame as the most important things in our lives instead of the care of our parents, or our ‘friends-time’. besides, this kind of thoug ht might have bad effects on our work, since we only care about how much money we earn or how to get as many glories as we can, we may tend to forget the original significance of doing the job and can’t concentrate our minds on doing the job well. thus our work efficiency will be reduced and it is unlikely that we can make a great development in our own career. what’s worse, once we fail to get or lose all those glories or wealth, we may feel rather depressed, empty and even sink into a desperate situation. however, if we change our train of thought and attach more importance to the sense of happiness and fulfillment by accomplishing some simple things, our life will become more wonderful. we won’t get tired of our work and we will be courageous enough to overcome all the obstacle on our road and enjoy the abundant happiness that the job brings to us. every workday is like a journey full of surprise and delight. besides, without the burden of wealth or fame, we can immerge ourselves into the job and there is a good chance that we can achieve a lot. in this case, although we don’t aim for wealth and fame, wealth and fame will follow naturally. if not, we will not feel discouraged, as we firmly


全国青少年科技创新大赛科技论文格式 科学论文是为了培养我们具有综合运用所学知识解决实际问题的能力,而论文格式使行文简练、版面美观。下面是小编为大家精心推荐的全国青少年科技创新大赛科技论文格式,希望能够对您有所帮助。全国青少年科技创新大赛科技论文格式 1 题目是科技论文的中心和总纲。要求准确恰当、简明扼要、醒目规范、便于检索。一篇论文题目不要超出20个字。用小2号黑体加粗,居中。科学论文格式要求和科技论文写作技巧 2 署名署名表示论文作者声明对论文拥有著作权、愿意文责自负,同时便于读者与作者联系。署名包括工作单位及联系方式。工作单位应写全称并包括所在城市名称及邮政编码,有时为进行文献分析,要求作者提供性别、出生年月、职务职称、电话号码、e-mail等信息。用小4号宋体科学论文格式要求和科技论文写作技巧 3 摘要摘要是对论文的内容不加注释和评论的简短陈述,是文章内容的高度概括。主要内容包括:1)该项研究工作的内容、目的及其重要性。2)所使用的实验方法。3)总结研究成果,突出作者的新见解。4)研究结论及其意义。中文摘要200字左右,中文名称的内容摘要用小2号黑体加粗,居中,其内容另起一行用小4号宋体(1.5倍行距),每段起首空两格,回行顶格。英文内容提要项目名称规定为Abstract,用小2号Times New Roman字体加粗,居中,其内容另起一行用小4号Times New Roman 字体,标点符号用英文形式。科学论文格式要求和科技论文写作技巧科学论文格式要求和科技论文写作技巧 4 关键词关键词是为了满足文献标引或检索工作的需要而从论文中萃取出的、表示全文主题内容信息条目的单词、词组或术语,一般列出3~8个。有英文摘要的论文,应在英文摘要的下方著录与中文关键词相对应的英文关键词(key words )。中文名


全国创新英语大赛作文评分标准细则 文章来源:创新英语大赛组委会 作者:佚名 点击数: 1686 更新日期:2012-12-26 全国创新英语大赛作文评分标准细则 参加自主招生 抓住五大要领 文章来源:本站原创 作者:佚名 点击数: 2992 更新日期:2012-10-18 “自主招生”这个备受社会关注的考事儿,每年都被媒体炒得热热闹闹的。新一届高三考生和家长在高二或许更早就听说过这件事儿,现在真的要轮到自己了,非要弄个一清二楚才罢休。高老师博客今天就和大家一同探讨这个话题。 一、抓准自主招生的特点 自主招生也叫高校自主选拔录取,是扩大高校自主权、深化高校招生录取制度改革的重要举措,是高考制度的重要补充,也是对选拔优秀创新人才的新探索。通俗地说,自主招生给了高校更多的招生自主权,可以不拘一格选人才。 那么,自主招生有哪些特点呢?这是考生家长首先应该了解的。归纳起来有以下几方面:参加自主招生的考生不但要参加高考,而且要参加自主招生高校的测试(一般包括笔试和面

试);测试合格在录取时可享受降分优惠,高校将向社会公示获得自主选拔录取资格的考生名单;预选上的考生,按照当地招办要求填报自主招生志愿,且高考成绩须达到该校规定的水平;自主选拔录取人数一般不超过试点高校当年本科招生计划总数的5%,且不占用试点高校当年在当地投放的招生计划;生源质量好的部分高校自主招生比例不设定5%的上限。 二、选择适合自己的高校 到现在为止,共有76所试点高校面向全国进行自主招生。如果你想参加自主招生,一定要在这些学校中选择最适合自己的。怎么选呢,考生首先要对自己有个正确的定位和评价,自身的实力和水平是否适合参加,一味盲目的报考只会增加考生的负担。 这里说的正确定位和评价的意思是根据自己的实力,挑选和自己成绩相匹配的高校,不要冲太高,也不要就低。如果憧憬太高,就算拿到降分优惠,高考成绩若达不到要求一样不能被录取;如果选择的学校比自己平时成绩还低很多,也浪费了自主招生的降分的优势。 可以选择那些冲一冲就能够到学校,例如正常发挥条件下裸分成绩排名达不到,算上自主招生加分可以考入;或者凭裸分成绩排名刚好能考入的学校,选择更好的专业,自主招生优惠算是一种保障。 在数量上可以有目标的多选几所院校,也有人建议选两三所,至于选几所都无妨,重要的是要拉开档次,这样至少能保证通过一所或两所高校的初审。另外,可以了解一下所在中学在自己目标院校的录取率,如果某校通过率不高的话,应理性地选择。无论如何做,最好先确定自己的目标院校。 三、细读高校自主招生简章 每年在10月底~11月,各自主招生试点高校都会针对自主招生发布新一年的简章或者章程。所以,确定好目标院校的考生家长,一定要仔细阅读该校的章程或简章。 自主招生简章主要包括关键几项:报名条件;报名方式;选拔程序;录取规则等。因为各高校自主招生选拔的条件不同,如重要的截止时间;笔试、面试时间地点;考试科目;申报材料的要求;自荐信规格(打印签名还是手写)等重要的信息细节,每一个细节都不要忽视,这里要提醒考生家长特别注意!例如,2012年人大的自主招生简章中就要求《个人申请》由考生本人手书。 往年常会有因错过报名截止时间、缴费时间、未按照要求提交申报材料等原因和心仪高校失之交臂的情况出现。 四、精心准备申请材料 向学校递交申请材料是自主招生过程中一个很重要的环节。申请材料通常包括报名表、自荐信、推荐资料、获奖证书复印件、高中成绩以及其他附属材料等。获奖证书可以是考生在高中阶段获得的各种奖励证书。个人陈述主要是让高校更加了解你,内容可以是你参与的一次重要活动、取得的成绩,还可以介绍自己在大学期间的计划等。组织申请材料时需注意一定按高校要求填写。 另外,这里要说一下,学生最好能拿到所在中学的校荐,“校荐名额”比个人自荐的机会大得多。一般“自荐”比例只占初选通过的不到20%,而“校荐”通过初选获得资格的占95%,获得校荐名额基本等同于初选成功。但并不是学校在推荐信上盖了章就算“校荐”,因为所有


全国青少年科技创新大赛科技论文范例 环境学科 建设生态社区、发展循环经济 ----松岗街道东方社区现状与改造调查 研究者:廖真仪高姗 学校:深圳市松岗中学 辅导老师:高强陈锋 目录 1、封面 (1) 2、目录 (2) 3、摘要 (3) 4、调查对象与思路 (4) 5、城中村的定义及社会问题 (4) 6、改造与借鉴 (7) 7、收获与建议 (9) 8、鸣谢 (10) 9、参考文献 (10) 10、附件 (11)

建设生态社区、发展循环经济 -----松岗街道东方社区现状与改造调查 研究者:廖真仪高姗 摘要:城中社区在经济较发达地区较为普遍,目前深圳共有以社区为单位的社区241个,其中特区内社区91个,特区外社区150个。以自然社区为单位的社区和旧村则更多,共计2000余个。总面积43.9平方公里,居住人口215万,他们是深圳常住人口的两倍,几乎为户籍人口的一半。其中原民仅为35.8万人。有48.7%暂住民住在城中村中。走进“城中村”,虽然新楼房成片拔地而起,但布局零乱,建筑密集,“一线天”、“握手楼”随处可见,基础设施不完善,道路、供水、供电、电讯、排水、垃圾处理等基础设施不配套;缺少公共绿地、体育等设施;违法建设、违章搭建、乱倒淤泥垃圾等脏乱现象突出,社区貌比较差。“城中村”与城市经济、社会、空间发展极不协调,影响城市规划实施,对“发展循环经济、建设生态城市”产生不良影响,所以我们深入到“城中村”——松岗山门社区实地调研,听取社区居民对社区现状和改造的心声,向他们宣传改造政策,并计划将调研资料整理后寄给相关部门,为政府的改造计划提供一些有价值的意见和参考。 关键词:城中村改造生态社区循环经济 一、调查对象与思路 选取松岗街道东方社区为调查对象,在资料查阅和实地调研的基础上,重点分析了该社区村的历史起因、现状、居民状况、改造前景以及可能带来的隐含影响。比较其他城市在城中村改造上的经验和教训,提出我们的一些关于城中村改造的建议和想法。 二、城中村定义及社会问题:


The Significance of Having A Purpose in Life 赵浚洲四川省平昌中学高一十七班指导教师吴昌荣with regard to life’s purpose, it is indisputable that having a purpose in your life has long been recognized as an important element in enabling humans to dispose of adversity and live with greater satisfaction. As John F. Kennedy puts it,”Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction.” As far as I am concerned, a purpose in life plays an irreplaceable and vital role in your road to success. In the following context, I am going to justify my perspective from several aspects. To start with, there is no denying that having life's purpose can change the quality of your life. People often find that when they have discovered their life's purpose and begun to live by it, their lives take on greater meaning and authenticity. They report feeling less fragmented. They feel less overwhelmed by the complexities of modern living. Their course is clearer, their decision-making easier. Furthermore, having life's purpose provides you with unique motivation to live your life in a certain way. Your life purpose should be powerful and compelling enough to drive you forward--to lead you into activities that reflect this passion. Regarding senior high school students, all of you should set a great and ambitious life’s purpose and strive to pursue it with fervent passion. Otherwise, you would become degenerate and mediocre, at the same time, and couldn’t discover the meaning of your life. Eventually, having your life's purpose can give direction to your life, and help you figure out where to focus your energy, time and money. Provided that you often find yourself fluttering about your life from one fad to the next, you lack a directional focus. As Seneca says,“When a man does not know what harbor he is making for, no wind is the right wind”. Accordingly, a purpose serves as a lighthouse that guides you direction to navigate through the stormy waters. Even though you confront various setbacks and difficulties, you will spare no efforts to pursue your ideal and you will not be at a loss. In a nutshell, I can naturally draw a reasonable conclusion that success comes about as a corollary to embracing your purpose. Therefore, it is high time that you were aware of the significance of purpose in your life.


全国青少年科技创新大赛获奖作品-科技小论文-1 案例一: 光谱脉冲周期扫描环境对植物生长的影响的研究 第17届全国青少年科技创新大赛一等奖 提高植物能量利用率? 加快蔬菜瓜果中农药残留的降解? 如何通过调控光环境提高蔬菜瓜果规模生产的效率和品质? 如何通过先进的工业技术促进我国农业产业化的发展? 质疑,思考,分析,研究,我们提出一种新的植物优化工业平台。 科学性 1.太阳光谱是吸收光谱,它受到大气层中不断运动的水蒸汽、冰晶、烟雾等物质的影响,客观上形成一种脉冲式周期扫描组合光谱cpsps。 2.自行设计并制作出光强度小于5%太阳光的cpsps平台。 3.通过调控脉冲周期、扫描周期、光质;测定在cpsps中植物的各项生长指标、营养状况;研究cpsps对植物生长的影响。 原创性 经科技查新检索,证实本课题研究属国内首创。 实用性 1.在光强度小于5%太阳光的人造cpsps中,植物呈现优化生长趋势。出芽速度加快,叶片面积更大,更厚,花期更长,植株更高,更壮。 2.在cpsps中,植物在单位时间内合成更多的可溶性糖和蛋白质。而在单位质量内的糖与蛋白质减少。形成一种健康食品。 3.Cpsps有利于植株创伤的修复与再生。 4.Cpsps可加速农药的降解。 在我们的这个课题中,我们设计,制造出了一种新的光环境CPSPS。CPSPS具有低能耗、脉冲式周期扫描、色光组合三大特性,我们通过试验发现在CPSPS中,植物培植能够得到高效优化,农药的降解速度加快。

我是在高一的时候开始研究的,我们学校一向鼓励学生积极参与研究性学习,选择自己的课题研究,我呢,当时就选择了这一个在物理、化学、生物和农业产业交叉点上的课题。 目前,“民以食为天”嘛,农业生产、产品在老百姓的生活中涉及面非常广,农业是中国最大的基础产业,而中学生在农业上的科技技术研究又是非常之少。 因此在高一选题的时候,我本身是学奥林匹克竞赛物理的,我就想运用我的新想法,以及本身物理化学知识,在农产业,植物学方面进行究。 过去人们多是通过化学、生物方面的技术来实现对植物的影响,我现在要运用一种物理的手段,选择通过调控植物生长的光环境,从而提出一种新的植物培植模式。 新的光环境CPSPS是相对于一般的太阳光环境来说的,“植物生长靠太阳”嘛。我们都知道,太阳光是七色光,它是一种色光组合,而太阳在照射到地面上来的过程中,由于各层大气的影响,在某一程度上,它是以一种脉冲式周期扫描组合光谱的形式作用于地球上的植物上的,于是我参考太阳光的这一些性质作为我的新的光环境的特性来研究其对植物生长的影响。在另一个方面呢,CPSPS的光强度非常小,仅为太阳光的5%以下,通过用光度计测量,在CPSPS中的光强度是几百勒克斯,而在中午,太阳光光照度可达十几万勒克斯。CPSPS的耗能非常低,这是我们课题的原创性。 经过有关部门的联机检索查新,已经证实了本课题属于国内首创。 在这个新型的课题研究中。在刚刚起步的时候。我们主要是联系了有关的机构,找来了大批的植物广泛地开展试验,品种有生菜,仙人掌,银龙球等等,每一种植物我们设置了对照组和试验组,对照组的植物种植在温室里自然光条件下;试验组的植物种植于CPSPS中,在一段时间之后我们就观察到了令人非常令人惊喜的现象。 我们注意到小昆虫,好像小青虫,蚂蚁什么的,特别爱吃我们的试验材料,然后我们就想,在植物的内部的生长结构是怎么样的呢?有没有变异?还有它们的营养成分又是什么样? 我们联系了华南师范大学生命科学院的实验室和导师,我检定了植物中可溶性总糖和总蛋白质的含量,比较分析之后发现,在CPSPS中,植物在单位时间内合成更


科技创新大赛创意作品 Prepared on 22 November 2020

未来黑板 单位名称: _山西省太谷县第二中学校___ 设计人: _____杨宇静 __ 辅导教师: _____游艳忠_____ 联系电话:_________ 未来,是非常美好的。 爱迪生曾经说过:“科学需要幻想,发明贵在创新。”没错,当了这么多年的学生,吸了这么多年的粉笔灰,多年后,我一定会发明一个全新的智能的黑板。而且,如果你看黑板的角度过小,会因为反光而看不清。 新发明的这种全自动的黑板表面和普通的黑板一样,都是黑绿色的。黑板下面有一条不很宽的缝。它的测面有三个按钮:第一个是红色的,只有轻轻一按,就会从黑板下面出来两盒粉笔。一盒是白色的,另一盒是彩色的;第二个按钮是黄色的,他的功能是自动擦黑板。而且会擦的和新的一样;第三个按钮是蓝色的,他的神器之处就是使粉笔灰变为完好的一支粉笔而且白色的和彩色的自动分开。如果老师想让学生看的更清楚,把一张平放在讲桌的显示器上,图片就会被放大而且清晰地显示在黑板上。 新发明的黑板也充分考虑到了老师的感受。冬天可以散出热气,夏天可以散发出凉爽的空气,这样老师就能更

舒服的讲课。除此之外,老师吧胳膊举得很高会非常累,黑板会根据教师的身高自动调节高度。 现在的黑板对人体损害太多了;咱擦黑板时还会有大量的粉笔灰进入老师和同学的鼻子里,呼吸道里,容易引起气管炎,而且黑板上也不容易擦干净,很难看,而这种黑板正是克服了这个致命的缺点。上面提到了,有一个黄色的按钮就是这个功能。只要按一下黄色的按钮,黑板上的字就会消失的无影无踪。对了,我发明的黑板还能纠正错别字呢,如果你或者老师写错字了,它会发出滴滴的响声,并且能自动改正。 怎么样,我发明的黑板还不错吧!


第七届全国创新英语作文大赛优胜作文选登复赛试题: Directions: With the development of computers, more and more people are working with computers. But, we know that computers are harmful as well as useful and helpful .Here, you are asked to write an essay on the topic “The Advantages and Disadvantages of Computers”. You can give some examples and facts to support your opinion. Your essay should be written in English with no less than 300 words within 60 minutes. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Computers 李彦妮 辽宁市鞍山市第一中学10届14班 Nowadays, the idea of progress loorns so large in the modern world, and the progress of a particular kind is actually taking place around us. In this circumstances, computers which have a great help come out with the wisdom and hard-working of human beings. It do have given human a tremendous help, it, however, has brought to us its harmness at the some time. The computers can make a great help for us in this high speed society. In the light of this statement, it is computers that can store documents for us which is essential for us, it is computers that can shorten the time in seeking useful information instead of looking for knowledge from a large sums of books and it is computers that can make it possible to comunicate with different people who are far away from you. In a word, we can't live nomally without computers in such a high-tech society. On the contary, having helped us a lot, computers are harmful to people at the same time, especially the adolescents. First of all, sitting in front of the computer may do harm to our eyes. On the other hand, computers not only bring us useful information but also entertainments. Being weak in controlling themselves, those poor adolescents are more easier to get crazy about the fantasy world. Seeing a vivid picture which is about a son who gets stuck in computers and phones to his parents downstairs to bring dinner for him. I realized deeply that the computers really have their disadvantages. According to the statements above, it can not be superficial to simply say that computers are good or bad for us as every coin has both sides. Personally, I still consider that a computer can bring us convinience and high speed which is extolled to all the people even though it is a two-edged weapon. We can learn well punctuated by those purchasable wells of wisdom - computers. 专家建议:


全国青少年科技创新大赛 规则 全国青少年科技创新大赛组织委员会 2018 年修订

目 录 目 青少年科技创新成果竞赛规则 (2) 科技辅导员科技教育创新成果竞赛规则 (10) 青少年科技实践活动比赛规则 (16) 青少年科技创意比赛规则 (19) 少年儿童科学幻想绘画比赛规则 (21) 附录:全国青少年科技创新大赛项目申报书 小学生科技创新成果竞赛项目申报书 (23) 中学生科技创新成果竞赛项目申报书 (27) 科技辅导员科技教育创新成果竞赛项目申报书 (31) 青少年科技实践活动申报书 (36) 青少年科技创意作品申报书 (40) 少年儿童科学幻想绘画作品申报书 (44)

全国青少年科技创新大赛分为创新项目竞赛和创新作品评比展示。创新项目竞赛包括:青少年科技创新成果竞赛和科技辅导员科技教育创新成果竞赛;创新作品评比展示包括:青少年科技实践活动比赛、青少年科技创意比赛和少年儿童科学幻想绘画比赛。 全国青少年科技创新大赛相关竞赛信息可登陆 https://www.360docs.net/doc/0a5105186.html,查询,如有疑问可通过网站“在线咨询”功能或发送电子邮件至castic@https://www.360docs.net/doc/0a5105186.html,邮箱进行咨询。

青少年科技创新成果竞赛规则 一、学科分类 (一)小学生项目 1.物质科学:研究物质及其运动、变化的规律。 2.生命科学:研究生命现象、生命活动的本质、特征和 发生、发展规律,以及各种生物之间和生物与环境之间相互 关系。 3.地球环境与宇宙科学:研究地球与宇宙中有关现象、 事物和规律,人类与地球环境、地球与宇宙的关系等。 4.技术:技术创新;将科学、技术应用于生产和生活, 综合设计或开发制作以解决实际问题。 5.行为与社会科学:通过观察、实验和调查的方法研究 人或动物的行为与反应,人类社会中的个人之间、个人与社 会之间的关系。 (二)中学生项目 1.数学:包括代数、分析、组合数学、博弈论、几何与 拓扑、概率与统计等。 2.物理与天文学:包括力学、磁学、电磁学、光学、热学、计算力学、原子物理、天体物理、凝聚态物理、等离子 体物理、核与粒子物理、天文和宇宙学、生物物理、计算物理、材料物理、半导体材料、超导材料、物理演示仪器等。 3.化学:包括无机化学、有机化学、物理化学、分析化学、材料化学、计算化学、环境化学、化学工程、材料工程等。


11 Directions:Would you expect a “thank you” when you give your seat to an old man, or a woman with her baby? How do you feel if they take your seat without even taking a look at you? Would you be angry? You are given 60 minutes to state your view on the topic within less than 300 words. You can add a title by yourself. “Thank you”—a powerful gift Recently, some individuals would not give their seats to the old or the pregnant as the result of no reaction given back. Naturally, problems arouses: Must we demand a “thank you”when we give a seat to others? As my opinion, a “thank you” is both beneficial to the seat sharers and the ones who take the seat. A smile and a “thank you”paid back can promote the phenomenon of giving seats and enhance the moral value of the society. The first time I gave my seats to a pregnant and she smiled to me saying “thank you”. That time I felt the flower of my heart come out and bloomed .So I kept on doing that until an old lady once stared at me without saying a word when I gave my seat to her. I felt as if I would never do that again and got off of the bus. Apparently, the simple smile and words motivate people to do more moral things for the ones needing help while everyone is longing for a “thanks”when they do things for you. Your reactions are really important to others. If we are ignored by the ones who take your seat, do not be sad and keep on doing the things we think are right. We might be disappointed ,or even sad, when we are ignored as our own view. But have you ever thought that the impolite actions might be reasonable? Maybe those individuals were in a bad mood and did not tend to talk to anyone else. Or maybe they just got some bad news of their body and were extremely week so that they could not make an reaction. Standing in others view can always alleviate our disappointment on them and encourage us to keep on the good things. We should always believe that the world ,with our positive outlook and action, will be increasingly beautiful and warm and advance morally. In conclusion, we should continue to give seats to others and give others a thank you and a smile when they do the same to us. Like the saying : “Giving others roses and the scent will remain.”Let’s make our slightest action as a gift to others and contribute to a happier world positively. 10 Directions: Chinese people always have the tradition of helping others; regardless of a friend or a stranger. However, in recent years, people find that when they try to help others, some changes are taking places. One of the most common examples is that, a passer-by who sent an injured senior people to hospital would be very likely to be recognized as the accident-maker. This kind of events is being rerun again and again. When trapped in the dilemma of tradition and trouble, what would be your choice?


全国青少年科技创新大赛调查报告范例 范例: 春节前后广州市民 回老家过年情况抽样调查报告 项目作者: * * * 所属学校:**省**市****中学 所属年级: * * * 指导教师:* * * 目录 一、课题提出的背景 (1) 二、研究的目的和意义 (1) 三、研究过程 (1) 四、调查结果分析 (3) 1.市民对春节回老家的认知 (3) 2.过年回老家后,广州市民的心情变化 (4) 3.春节过后,多数人明年还得过年回老家 (8) 五、创新观点 (12) (一)创新实践我的见解 (12) (二)我的建议 (13) 六、收获与体会 (15) 七、结束语 (16)

附原始材料: 附件一:春节过年回老家情况调查统计 附件二:高速公路、市区观察时间及结果统计表 附件三:调查照片 附件四:调查日记: 春节前后广州市民回老家过年情况抽样调查报告 * * * *中学 * * 级* * * 一、课题提出的背景 近一段时间,城市的角角落落都写满了新春的味道。一年中最隆重的春节即将到来,远方的游子们为回老家过年踏进了春运的步调里。 而新婚的“80后”们,也为过年回娘家还是回婆家而犯难。其实,回哪方的家过年,并不只是80后夫妻的烦恼,而是所有家庭都面临的选择。 二、研究的目的和意义 1.广州市民对回老家意义的了解的程度 2.回老家过年对市民日常生活造成的影响 3.回老家过年对市民起到的作用 4.回老家过年有什么问题出现,怎么解决 5. 寻找更佳的回老家过年方法 5. 寻找更快更多地减少塑料袋使用的方法 三、研究过程 1.研究时间: 2011年1月——2011年2月 2.调查地点:广州部分路段,附近村落部分住户、广州小区居民及由**上高速路段行人 3.研究方法: A.问卷调查法:广州**区部分路段由**上速路段行人


高一创新英语作文大赛1 Parents: Call us when you are in trouble and we'll spare no effects to help you. Boy: No, mom and dad, I will make it by myself. Parents: But you'll make mistakes and be hurt. Boy: Don't worry, Mom and Dad. I promise to only make mistakes you never made. Don’ be Afraid of Mistakes For a long time, we teenagers are looking forward to the outside world. We always think about 高一创新英语作文大赛2 the excellent job and the friendly people we will meet. Unknown as they are, we firmly believe that they are always there, appearing sooner or later and helping us live a perfect live. With this sweet expectation about the future, we have grown up day by day, but only to find the huge difference beyond our expectation. We make mistakes and live an unhappy live. Why there is such huge difference between fact and expectation? Teens are unwilling and positive to accept the fact. Couldn’t they change this situation? Personally, too much help from the par ents constantly cause a lack of teens’ self- reliance and independence. On the other hand, teens’ lack of confidence and courage narrows themselves down to accept the mistakes they have made. To be honest, parents play an important part in children’s lives because the power of examples is always much stronger than any words. Parents’ action will influence children’s behaviors unconsciously and easily. Did the parents accept ample outside help when they were teens? Most never . It’s their self-reliance and independence that encouraged themselves to carry on when they make mistakes even failed. It’s the never say-die attitude from the depth of their hearts that drove them to try again, Therefore, parents must be strict with teens, encourage them to try again and help them build a independent character. Just let them go and experience failure and success. If they make mistakes, let them make. Maybe the children would be hurt, but only experiencing the mistakes and correcting them will make their children more in dependent. What’s worth mentioning is that example is the most powerful thing rather than money and too much help.
