


Chapter 1: Introduction

1.Linguistics:语言学It is generally defined as the scientific study of language.

( Linguistics studies not any particular language ,but it studies language in general)

2.General linguistics:普通语言学The study of language as a whole is called general linguistics.

(language is a complicated entity with multiple layers and facets )

https://www.360docs.net/doc/0d1884116.html,nguage:Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.

4.descriptive (描述性):A linguistic study aims to describe and analyze the language people actually use.

5.prescriptive(规定性): It aims to lay down rules for “correct and standard” behaviors.

i.e. what they should say and what they should not to say.

6.synchronic(共时语言学): the description of language at some point of time

in hiatory

7.diachronic (历时语言学):the description of language as it changes through


3) speech(口语)Writing(书面语)

These the two media of communication. Modern linguistics regards the spoken language as primary, not the written. (speech is prior to writing)

https://www.360docs.net/doc/0d1884116.html,ngue(语言): refers to abstract linguistic system shared by all the members

of the speech community.

It is the set of conventions and rules which language users all have to abide

by. Such as: In English sentence must have subject and predicate.

9.parole(言语):refers to the realization of langue in actual use.

It is concrete use of the conventions and the application of the rules. (Saussure )

https://www.360docs.net/doc/0d1884116.html,petence(语言能力): the ideal user’s knowledge of the rules of his language

11.performance(语言应用):the actual realization of this knowledge in linguistic communication. (Chomsky)

traditional grammar and modern linguistics

1.linguistics is descriptive,while traditional grammar is prescriptive

2.modern linguistics regards the spoken language as primary,not the writer.

3. also in that it does not force languages into a latin-based framework.

Functions of language.



第8章英语语言的应用(I) I. Fill in the blanks. 1. A perlocutionary act is the act performed by or resulting from saying something; it is the _____ of, or the _____the utterance. (人大2004研) 【答案】consequence, change brought about by 【解析】言外行为指说话的效果。 2. When a teacher says “The exam this year is going to be really difficult”, the sentence would have an _____force. (清华2001研,清华2000研) 【答案】illocutionary 【解析】言外行为,表达说话人的意图。 3. _____ were sentences that did not state a fact or describe a state, and were not verifiable. 【答案】Performatives 【解析】施为句是用来做事的,既不陈述事实,也不描述情况,且不能验证其真假。 II. Multiple Choices. 1. The speech act theory was developed by _____.(对外经贸2006研) A. John Searle B. John Austin

C. Levinson D. G. Leech 【答案】B 【解析】言语行为理论是哲学家约翰·奥斯丁在他《如何以言行事》一文中提出的。它从哲学意义上对语言交际的本质进行解释,其目的在于回答”用语言干什么”这个问题。 2. Point out which item does not fall under the same category as the rest. (Focus on the type of illocutionary act) (南京大学2007研) A. threaten B. advise C. beseech D. urge 【答案】A 【解析】A为命令性言语行为,而其他三项为指示性言语行为。 3. _____ is using a sentence to perform a function. (西安外国语学院2006研) A. A perlocutionary act B. An illocutionary act C. A locutionary act D. Speech act 【答案】D 【解析】约翰·奥斯丁在他《如何以言行事》一文中提出言语行为理论, 此理论对语言交际的


地图的基本特征是:地理信息的载体,数学法则的结构,有目的的图形概括和符号系统的运用。地图的功能:地图信息的载负功能,地图的传递功能,地图的模拟功能,地图的认知功能(图形认知和空间认知)。 地图:是遵循相应的数学法则,将地球上的地理信息,通过科学的概括,并运用符号系统表示在一定载体上的图形,以传递他们的数量和质量在空间和时间上的分布规律和发展变化。 .国家基本比例尺1:100万、1:50万、1:25万、1:10万、1:5万、1:2.5万、1:1万、1:5千这八种。 地图类型:按尺度划分、按区域范围划分、按地图图形划分、按地图维数划分、 虚地图:存在于人脑中或电脑中的地图。实地图例如:纸质地图,屏幕地图、地球仪。 地图的应用:经济建设、科学研究、国防建设、政治文化、教育及日常生活。 现代地图的生产,可以分为实测成图和编绘成图两种,后者包括:常规编图、遥感制图、数字制图。 第二章 法线是测量地球的基准线。 地理坐标是用经线、纬线、经度、纬度表示地面点位的球面坐标。经纬度有三种提法:天文经纬度、大地经纬度,地心经纬度 在地图学中,认为大地经纬度来定义地理坐标更好、因为大地经纬度定义的地理坐标,是在规整的椭球面上构建的,每条经纬线投影到平面皆呈直线或平滑曲线,便于地图投影的研究与应用。 大地控制网简称大地网,由平面控制网和高成控制网组成。平面控制网一般可由三角测量或导线测量完成,高程控制网:一种称绝对高程,另一种称:相对高程。 投影,数学上的含义是两个面(平面或曲面)上的点与点(或线与线)的对应关系。地图投影的变形具体变现为以下三个方面:长度(距离)变形、角度(形状)变形和面积变形 地图投影的分类:(1按地图投影的构成方法分类:几何投影(方位投影、圆柱投影、圆锥投影)根据球面与投影面的位置不同可分为正轴方位投影、横轴方位投影、斜轴方位投影。2)按投影变形性质分类(等角投影、等积投影、任意投影) 等角航线与大圆航线 投影选择依据:制图区域的地理位置、形状和范围,比例尺,地图的内容,出版方式、 方位投影适用于区域轮廓大致为圆形的地图正方位投影适用于两极地区图,圆锥投影适用于编制出于中纬地区沿线方向东西延伸地域的地图 地图比例尺的含义:我们把地图上所表示的空间尺度。比例尺的几种表现形式:数字比例尺、文字比例尺(又称说明比例尺)、图解比例尺 第三、四章 数据分布的量表的量表法可分为:定名、顺序、间距、和比率四种,它们各自适用于一种或多种数学的处理方法。数据处理的三种方法:量表法、两种现象的相关分析、回归残差制图 地图学概括的实质,是在制图过程中对地图数据和图解形式经过科学化处理,使其能表现制图区域的基本特征和制图现象的基本的、典型的面貌和主要特点 影响地图学概括的因素:地图的用途与主题对地图概括的影响,地图比例尺对地图概括的影响、制图区域的地理特征对地图概括的影响,制图数据质量对地图概括的影响,制图图解限制对地图概括的影响。 地图概括的内容:选取和简化:资格法、定额法、区域指标法。简化就是显示空间数据的重要特征,删除不重要的细部。数量特征简化:其目的将是空间数据按数量排序进行分级,以等差分级,等比分级或任意分级处理。分级的等级愈多,概括程度愈低。数量特征的简化主要表现为减少数量分级,增大各等级间的数值间距。夸张包括:不以比例尺的放大和移位。符号化,数据的符号化,其实质是空间数据的可视化,是地图概括的最终结果的体现。 第五章 基本视觉变量包括:形状变量尺寸变量、方向变量、颜色变量、网纹变量。


Chapter one Introduction 1.1什么是语言学 1.1.1定义 语言学Linguistics Linguistics is generally defined as the scientific study of language. 1.1.2The scope of linguistics语言学分支必考P2 普通语言学General Linguistics The study of language as a whole is often called General linguistics. The study of sounds, which are used in linguistic communication, is called phonetics.(语音学) The study of how sounds are put together and used in communication is called phonology. (音位学) The study of the way in which morphemes are arranged to form words are called morphology. (形态学) The study of how morphemes and words are combined to form sentences is called syntax(句法学) The study of meaning in language is called semantics. (语义学) The study of meaning in context of use is called pragmatics. (语用学) 1.1.3 Some important distinctions in linguistics 成对的概念辨析差异必考P3 (1)Prescriptive and descriptive 规定与描写 If a linguistic study describes and analyzes the language people actually use, it is said to be descriptive, if it aims to lay down rules to tell people what they should say and what they should not say, it is said to be prescriptive. Modern linguistics differs from traditional grammar. Traditional grammar is prescriptive while modern linguistics is descriptive. The task of linguists is supposed to describe the language


1 由于缺少资金,整个计划失败了The whole plan fell through for want of fund. 2 牛顿被公认为是世界最杰出的科学家之一。Newton is actnowledged as one of the world;s most eminent scientists. 3 他对生产成本的估算总是准确无误He calcuates the cost of production with invariable accuracy 4 公司发言人的不负责任的讲话受到了严厉的指责The spokesman of the corporation was berated for his irresponsible words. 5 这名商业银行的年轻职员看出那张十英镑的假币The young clerk from the commercial bank soitted thecorinterfeit ten-pound note. 6 这个精干的经理立刻行动起来The efficient manager acted promptly 7 请把候补名单上她的名字换成你的名字Pleasure replace her name for yours on the waiting list 8 她觉得她在当地综合医院任实习医师是一段宝贵的经历Shen found that her internship in the local general hospital was a rewarding experience 9 不要感叹过去得不幸,振作起来行前看Don't lament your past misfortunes., keep your shin up and look to the future 1 富兰克林在他的自传里力劝读者要勤俭Franklin exhorted readers to be diligent and thrifty in his Autobiography. 2.谁能证实这签名无讹Who can attest to the genuineness of the signature? 3. 人们给它起了小家伙的绰号。。。He is dubbed “Tiny” because he looks so small for his age. 4.他试图为自己拒绝接受这一劝告辩解He tried to rationalize his refusal to take the advice. 5. 他的一番话引起了我们的不满His words incurred our displeasure. 6. 要我们在这么短的时间内完成这一项工作几乎是不可能的It is virtually


《新编简明英语语言学教程》第二版练习题参考答案 Chapter 1 Introduction 1. How do you interpret the following definition of linguistics: Linguistics is the scientific study of language. 答:Linguistics is based on the systematic investigation of linguistic data, conducted with reference to some general theory of language structure. In order to discover the nature and rules of the underlying language system, the linguists has to collect and observe language facts first, which are found to display some similarities, and generalizations are made about them; then he formulates some hypotheses about the language structure. The hypotheses thus formed have to be checked repeatedly against the observed facts to fully prove their validity. In linguistics, as in any other discipline, data and theory stand in a dialectical complementation, that is, a theory without the support of data can hardly claim validity, and data without being explained by some theory remain a muddled mass of things. 2. What are the major branches of linguistics? What does each of them study? 答:The major branches of linguistics are: (1) phonetics: it studies the sounds used in linguistic communication; (2) phonology: it studies how sounds are put together and used to convey meaning in communication; (3) morphology: it studies the way in which linguistic symbols representing sounds are arranged and combined to form words; (4) syntax: it studies the rules which govern how words are combined to form grammatically permissible sentences in languages;


Reference for Unit 6 workbook exercises Blank Filling A. 1.changed, promising https://www.360docs.net/doc/0d1884116.html,ing, qualified 3.determined 4.spoken, leading, surprising 5.frightening 6.demanding 7.pleased, soiled https://www.360docs.net/doc/0d1884116.html,plicated 9.interested, exciting, soaked 10.tiring, tired B. 1.giving 2.Fascinated, rising / rise 3.singing, to do, making

4.keeping, playing, to be, to see, climbing 5.opening 6.to take, shopping, doing, to do 7.to have remembered, to tell, preparing, to do 8.to watch, to read, reading, watching 9.missing, to tell 10.to be taken 11.swimming, cleaning, to do 12.waiting, seeing, missing, to find, to be C. 1.for 2.to 3.of 4.on 5.read 6.across 7.about / for 8.in 9.until / till 10.opinion 11.by 12.keep 13.excellent 14.time 15.pleasure 16.from 17.yourself 18.in 19.filled 20.trains


地图学复习 练习一: 《新编地图学教程》(第二版)毛赞猷等编 复习指导 第一章导论 一、填空: 1、地图的基本特征:遵循特定的数学法则、具有完整的符号系统、经过地图概括、地理信息的载体。 2、地图和文字一样有着4000多年的历史。 3、地图至少有四方面的功能:地图信息的载负功能、地图信息的传递功能、地图的模拟功能、地图的认知功能。 4、地图能够存贮数量巨大的地理信息,以表达它的空间结构和时间序列变化,以及各现象间的相互联系。空间结构指地理信息的空间分布规律,包括它的数量、质量特性;时间序列变化反映制图对象的动态变化,也即制图对象的历史进程、现代发展和未来趋势。 5、地图投影、坐标系统、比例尺构成地图的数学法则。 6、经过分类、简化、夸张和符号化,从地理信息形成地图信息的过程,称为地图概括。 7、地图信息由直接信息和间接信息组成。直接信息是地图上用图形符号直接表示的地理信息,如水系、居民点等;间接信息是经过解译、分析而获得的有关现象或实体规律的信息,如通过对等高线的量测而获得有关坡度、切割密度的数据和图形。 8、地图按图型划分为普通地图与专题地图。 9、虚地图是指存在于人脑中或以数字形式记录存储在电脑中的地图。前者例如心像地图,后者如数字地图。 10、实地图是地理信息可视化了的地图。例如纸质地图、屏幕地图、地球仪等。 11、地图是伴随着文字出现的,是随着人类经济活动的需要产生的。古尼罗河、黄河流域的农田水利和城郭的发展带动了天文测量、平面测量和地图制作技术。古希腊手工业作坊比较发达,地中海贸易和战争使测绘用于航海成为当时的迫切任务,他们着重于测量经纬度、研究地图投影、编绘航行地图,因而将地图测绘建立在天文——大地测量的基础上。 12、古希腊毕达哥拉斯提出大地是圆球的观念,埃拉托色尼估算出地球的一段经线弧长,以此推算出地球的大小。托勒密是西方重要的天文学家、地图学家,他的名著是《地理学指南》。 13、1978年河北省平山县出土了一块公元前310年以前铜版的“兆域图”,是我国现存最古老的平面图实物。 14、1986年甘肃天水放马滩出土了秦王嬴政八年(公元前239年)绘在四块松木板上的地图七幅,以水系构成地图框架,水系、居民点、交通线和地形等地图的要素和比例概念基本形成,是我国现存最早的地理图。 15、1974年,长沙马王堆汉墓中出土了三幅绘在帛上的彩色地图,这些图距今已有2200年。其中一幅属于地形图、一幅属于驻军图、一幅属于城邑图。其年代之早、地理位置之精,显示我国地图制作在当时世界上的领先地位。 16、裴秀(公元223——271年)是我国古代魏晋时期杰出的地图学家。在他主持编绘的《禹贡地域图十八篇·序》中,他总结出编纂地图的六项规则,即地图史上文明的“制图六体”。 17、裴秀总结的“制图六体”是:分率、准望、道里、高下、方邪、迂直。其中“高下、


实用标准文案 Chapter 1: Introduction 1.Linguistics:语言学It is generally defined as the scientific study of language. ( Linguistics studies not any particular language ,but it studies language in general) 2.General linguistics:普通语言学The study of language as a whole is called general linguistics. (language is a complicated entity with multiple layers and facets ) https://www.360docs.net/doc/0d1884116.html,nguage:Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication. 4.descriptive (描述性):A linguistic study aims to describe and analyze the language people actually use. 5.prescriptive(规定性): It aims to lay down rules for “correct and standard” behaviors. i.e. what they should say and what they should not to say. 6.synchronic(共时语言学): the description of language at some point of time in hiatory 7.diachronic (历时语言学):the description of language as it changes through time 3) speech(口语)Writing(书面语) These the two media of communication. Modern linguistics regards the spoken language as primary, not the written. (speech is prior to writing) https://www.360docs.net/doc/0d1884116.html,ngue(语言): refers to abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of the speech community. It is the set of conventions and rules which language users all have to abide by. Such as: In English sentence must have subject and predicate. 9.parole(言语):refers to the realization of langue in actual use. It is concrete use of the conventions and the application of the rules. (Saussure ) https://www.360docs.net/doc/0d1884116.html,petence(语言能力): the ideal user’s knowledge of the rules of his language 11.performance(语言应用):the actual realization of this knowledge in linguistic communication. (Chomsky) traditional grammar and modern linguistics 1.linguistics is descriptive,while traditional grammar is prescriptive 2.modern linguistics regards the spoken language as primary,not the writer. 3. also in that it does not force languages into a latin-based framework. Functions of language. 精彩文档


第10章认知语言学 10.1 复习笔记 本章要点: 1. Cognitive linguistics 认知语言学 2. Categorization and categories 范畴化与范畴 3. Conceptual metaphor and metonymy 概念隐喻与转喻 4. Iconicity and grammaticalization 象似性与语法化 常考考点: 认知语言学定义;范畴化与范畴定义分类等;概念隐喻与转喻的定义,层次分类;象似性的分类以及语法化等。 本章内容索引: I. Definition of cognitive linguistics II. Categorization and categories

1. Definition of categorization 2. The classical theory 3. The prototype theory 4. Levels of categorization III. Conceptual metaphor and metonymy 1. Conceptual metaphor 2. Conceptual metonymy IV. Iconicity 1. Iconicity of order 2. Iconicity of distance 3. Iconicity of complexity V. Grammaticalization I. Definition of cognitive linguistics (认知语言学定义) 【考点:名词解释】 Cognitive linguistics is an approach to the analysis of natural language that focuses on language as an instrument for organizing, processing, and conveying information. 认知语言学是一种研究自然语言的方法,集中研究语言组织,处理与传达信息的作用。 II. Categorization and categories (范畴化与范畴) 1. Definition of categorization and categories (定义)

新编英语教程6 课文翻译

第1单元避免两词铭记两词 在生活中,没有什么比顿悟更令人激动和兴奋的,它可以改变一个人——不仅仅是改变,而且变得更好。当然,这种顿悟是很罕见的,但仍然可以发生在我们所有人身上。它有时来自一本书,一个说教或一行诗歌,有时也来自一个朋友。 在曼哈顿一个寒冷的冬天的下午,我坐在一个法国小餐馆,倍感失落和压抑。因为几次误算,在我生命中一个至关重要的项目就这样落空了。就因为这样,甚至连期望看到一个老朋友(我常常私下亲切的想到的一个老人)的情形都不像以前那样令我兴奋。我坐在桌边,皱起眉头看着色彩多样的桌布,清醒的嚼着苦涩的食物。 他穿过街道,裹着旧棉袄,一顶帽子从光头打下来,看上去不像是一个有名的精神病医生,倒像是一个精力充沛的侏儒。他的办公室在附近到处都有,我知道他刚刚离开他最后一个病人。他接近80岁,但仍然扛着一个装着满满文件的公文包,工作起来仍然像一个大公司的主管,无论何时有空,他都仍然爱去高尔夫球场。 当他走过来坐我旁边时,服务员早已把他总是要喝的啤酒端了过来,我已经几个月没有见他了,但他似乎还是老样子。没有任何寒暄,他就问我“怎么了,年轻人?” 我已经不再对他的样子感到奇怪,所以我详细地把烦恼告诉他。带着一丝忧伤的自豪。我尽量说出实情,除了我自己,我并没有因为失望而责备任何人。我分析了整件事情,但所有负面评价以及错误仍然继续。我讲了约有十五分钟,这期间老人只是默默的喝着啤酒。 我讲完后,他取下眼镜说:“到我的办公室去。” “到你的办公室?你忘了带什么了吗?” 他和蔼的说“不是,我想看看你对某些事情的反应,仅此而已。” 外面开始下起小雨,但他的办公室很温暖,舒服,亲切:放满书的书架靠着墙壁,长皮沙发,弗洛伊德的亲笔签名照,还有墙边放着的录音笔。他的秘书回家了,只有我们在那里。 老人从纸盒里拿出一盘磁带放进录音笔,然后说:“这里有到我这来求助的三个人的简单录音,当然,这没有说明具体是哪三个人。我想让你听听,看你是否能找出双字词的短语,这里是在三个案例中共有的。”他笑道:“不要这么困扰,我有我的目的。” 对我来说,录音中三个主人共有的东西不是什么快乐的东西。首先讲话的是一个男人,他在生意中经历了一些损失或失败,他指责自己没有辛勤工作,也没有远见。接下来说话的是一个女人,她还没有结婚,因为对她寡妇母亲的强烈的责任意思,她伤心的回忆了所有擦肩而过的婚姻机遇。第三个说话的是一位母亲,她十多岁的儿子在警察局有麻烦,她总是不停地责备自己。 老人关掉收音机,侧身坐到椅子上:“在这些录音中,有一个短语像病毒一样的出现了六次。你注意到了吗?没有?噢,这可能是因为几分钟前你在餐馆说过了三次。”他拿起磁带盒扔给我。“正好在标签上有那两个伤心的词语。” 我向下一看,那里有两个清晰的红色的印字:如果。 “你受惊了吗?”老人说:“你能想象我坐在这把椅子上以这两个词开头的话有多少次了吗?他们总是对我说:如果换一种方法做——或根本不去做。(如果我没发脾气、没有做那虚伪的事、没有说那愚蠢的谎言。如果我聪明点,或更无私点,或更自控点。)直到我打断说话他们才会停止。有时我让他们听你刚说过的录音。我对他们说(如果你停止说如果,我们就已取得进展了。)” 老人伸出双脚,说:“问题是,‘如果’并没有改变任何东西。它使那人面对错误——后退而非前进,那样只是在浪费时间。最后,要是你让它成为一个习惯,它就会变成真的障碍,变成你不再去做尝试的借口了。” “现在回到你的情况:你的计划没成功,为什么?因为你犯了某种错误。唔,这个没关系,毕竟错误谁都会犯,我们也从中学到东西。但是,当你告诉我那些东西时却悔恨这个,


新编简明英语语言学教程 Chapter one Introduction 一、定义 1.语言学Linguistics Linguistics is generally defined as the scientific study of language. 2.普通语言学General Linguistics The study of language as a whole is often called General linguistics. 3.语言language Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication. 语言是人类用来交际的任意性的有声符号体系。 4.识别特征Design Features It refers to the defining poperties of human language that distinguish it from any animal system of communication. 语言识别特征是指人类语言区别与其他任何动物的交际体系的限定性特征。 Arbitrariness任意性 Productivity多产性 Duality双重性

Displacement移位性 Cultural transmission文化传递 ⑴arbitrariness There is no logical connection between meanings and sounds. P.S the arbitrary nature of language is a sign of sophistication and it makes it possible for language to have an unlimited source of expressions ⑵Productivity Animals are quite limited in the messages they are able to send. ⑶Duality Language is a system, which consists of two sets of structures ,or two levels. ⑷Displacement Language can be used to refer to contexts removed from the immediate situations of the speaker. ⑸Cultural transmission Human capacity for language has a genetic basis, but we have to be taught and learned the details of any language system. this showed that language is culturally transmitted. not by instinct. animals are born with the capacity to produce the set of calls peculiar to their species. 5.语言能力Competence


《新编简明英语语言学教程》第二版第4章练习题参考答案Chapter 4 Syntax 1. What is syntax? Syntax is a branch of linguistics that studies how words are combined to form sentences and the rules that govern the formation of sentences. 2. What is phrase structure rule? The grammatical mechanism that regulates the arrangement of elements (i.e. specifiers, heads, and complements) that make up a phrase is called a phrase structure rule. The phrase structural rule for NP, VP, AP, and PP can be written as follows: NP →(Det) N (PP) ... VP →(Qual) V (NP) ... AP →(Deg) A (PP) ... PP →(Deg) P (NP) ... We can formulate a single general phrasal structural rule in which X stands for the head N, V, A or P. 3. What is category? How to determine a word's category? Category refers to a group of linguistic items which fulfill the same or similar functions in a particular language such as a sentence, a noun phrase or a verb. To determine a word's category, three criteria are usually employed, namely meaning, inflection and distribution. 若详细回答,则要加上: Word categories often bear some relationship with its meaning. The meanings associated with nouns and verbs can be elaborated in various ways. The property or attribute of the entities denoted by nouns can be elaborated by adjectives. For example, when we say that pretty lady, we are attributing the property ‘pretty’ to the lady designated by the noun. Similarly, the properties and attributes of the actions, sensations and states designated by verbs can typically be denoted by adverbs. For example, in Jenny left quietly the adverb quietly indicates the manner of Jenny's leaving. The second criterion to determine a word's category is inflection. Words of different categories take different inflections. Such nouns as boy and desk take the plural affix -s. Verbs such as work and help take past tense affix -ed and progressive affix -ing. And adjectives like quiet and clever take comparative affix -er and superlative affix -est. Although inflection is very helpful in determining a word's category, it does not always suffice. Some words do not take inflections. For example, nouns like moisture, fog, do not usually take plural suffix -s and adjectives like frequent, intelligent do not take comparative and superlative affixes -er and -est.

新编英语教程6 课文翻译

新编英语教程6 课文翻译 第1单元避免两词铭记两词 在生活中,没有什么比顿悟更令人激动和兴奋的,它可以改变一个人——不仅仅是改变,而且变得更好。当然,这种顿悟是很罕见的,但仍然可以发生在我们所有人身上。它有时来自一本书,一个说教或一行诗歌,有时也来自一个朋友。 在曼哈顿一个寒冷的冬天的下午,我坐在一个法国小餐馆,倍感失落和压抑。因为几次误算,在我生命中一个至关重要的项目就这样落空了。就因为这样,甚至连期望看到一个老朋友(我常常私下亲切的想到的一个老人)的情形都不像以前那样令我兴奋。我坐在桌边,皱起眉头看着色彩多样的桌布,清醒的嚼着苦涩的食物。 他穿过街道,裹着旧棉袄,一顶帽子从光头打下来,看上去不像是一个有名的精神病医生,倒像是一个精力充沛的侏儒。他的办公室在附近到处都有,我知道他刚刚离开他最后一个病人。他接近80岁,但仍然扛着一个装着满满文件的公文包,工作起来仍然像一个大公司的主管,无论何时有空,他都仍然爱去高尔夫球场。 当他走过来坐我旁边时,服务员早已把他总是要喝的啤酒端了过来,我已经几个月没有见他了,但他似乎还是老样子。没有任何寒暄,他就问我“怎么了,年轻人,” 我已经不再对他的样子感到奇怪,所以我详细地把烦恼告诉他。带着一丝忧伤的自豪。我尽量说出实情,除了我自己,我并没有因为失望而责备任何人。我分析了整件事情,但所有负面评价以及错误仍然继续。我讲了约有十五分钟,这期间老人只是默默的喝着啤酒。我讲完后,他取下眼镜说:“到我的办公室去。” “到你的办公室,你忘了带什么了吗,” 他和蔼的说“不是,我想看看你对某些事情的反应,仅此而已。”

外面开始下起小雨,但他的办公室很温暖,舒服,亲切:放满书的书架靠着墙壁,长皮沙发,弗洛伊德的亲笔签名照,还有墙边放着的录音笔。他的秘书回家了,只有我们在那里。老人从纸盒里拿出一盘磁带放进录音笔,然后说:“这里有到我这来求助的三个人的简单录音,当然,这没有说明具体是哪三个人。我想让你听听,看你是否能找出双字词的短语,这里是在三个案例中共有的。”他笑 道:“不要这么困扰,我有我的目的。” 对我来说,录音中三个主人共有的东西不是什么快乐的东西。首先讲话的是一个男人,他在生意中经历了一些损失或失败,他指责自己没有辛勤工作,也没有远见。接下来说话的是一个女人,她还没有结婚,因为对她寡妇母亲的强烈的责任意思,她伤心的回忆了所有擦肩而过的婚姻机遇。第三个说话的是一位母亲,她十多岁的儿子在警察局有麻烦,她总是不停地责备自己。 老人关掉收音机,侧身坐到椅子上:“在这些录音中,有一个短语像病毒一样的出现了六次。你注意到了吗,没有,噢,这可能是因为几分钟前你在餐馆说过了三次。”他拿起磁带盒扔给我。“正好在标签上有那两个伤心的词语。” 我向下一看,那里有两个清晰的红色的印字:如果。 “你受惊了吗,”老人说:“你能想象我坐在这把椅子上以这两个词开头的话有多少次了吗,他们总是对我说:如果换一种方法做——或根本不去做。(如果我没发脾气、没有做那虚伪的事、没有说那愚蠢的谎言。如果我聪明点,或更无私点,或更自控点。)直到我打断说话他们才会停止。有时我让他们听你刚说过的录音。我对他们说(如果你停止说如果,我们就已取得进展了。)” 老人伸出双脚,说:“问题是,‘如果’并没有改变任何东西。它使那人面对错误——后退而非前进,那样只是在浪费时间。最后,要是你让它成为一个习惯,它就会变成真的障碍,变成你不再去做尝试的借口了。”
