

托福听力疑难词组 part 1


[ALBERTYY 的听写笔记] ----


1,a while back 不久以前,刚才

-Sam want to be able to play in the basketball game this week ,yeah he hurt his knee pretty badly a while back ,i don't why he didn't quit right away

2,about to 正要,正准备

-i am about to go swimming

3,according to 按照,根据

-there are a big sales going on at the department store downtown this week according to Chali 4,account for 说明,解释

-how do you account for it

5,and how 对,当然,那是自然

-the concert pianoist is fantastic

and how

6,as a rule 通常

-I am not suprised you didn't like that movie,I found it really frightening myself

I did too, I don't care much for horror movie as a rule

7,at one's service 随时效劳

-Phil ,could you give me a hand with this file cabinet that belongs against the wall next to the bulletin board

at your service

8,at the most 至多,最多

-has Sandy ever missed coming to one of our parties

only once or twice at the most

9,back and forth 来回,往返

-most fishes can do this by waving back and forth in snacklike motion

-i don't want a raser racer(赛车) or touring bike(山地车) or anything,mostly I will just be using

it ,a bike to get me back and forth from work

10.backup 挡住,堵住

-while i was going to come down n Elm street ,but the traffic was really backed up

-the subway is running behind schedule and traffic is backed up for blocks,I don't know if we will make the seven fifteen show

it's a beautiful night ,let's try to get there on foot ,and if we don't make it,let's just

have dinner near the theater

11,be anything but 决不

-Susan is anything but poor

12,be beyond 太难以致不能做到或理解

- I think Tom left his own umbrella on the bus

why he's so irresponsible is beyond me

13,be broke 破产的,身无分文

-Caro was broke after his vacation

14,be hard on 对某人要求严厉

-Larry certainly made a mass mess of that plain job,don't be too hard on him,he was only trying to help

15,be in another world 精神恍惚,魂不守舍

-Peter's really out at these days,yeah, i know, ever since he met ann,he's been in another world 16,be onto something 发现,理解,懂得

-how's your work going ,I think this time i am really onto something

17,be tied 平局

-the game was tied until John score the winning point

18,be under the impression 有什么的印象,以为

-I heard there are a few seats left for tonight show ,

really i was under the impression that they were sold out a long time ago

19,be up 熬夜

-I am going to be up all night studying for my exam

Do you think really that's wise?

20,before long 不久以后,很快

-before long we all got to know one another

21,beyond the reach of 超出某人的能力之外

-they just builds senior apartments near campus ,but one bedroom rents for five hundred dollars a month, that’s a bit beyond the reach of most students

22,boil down 变成,基本上是或简要的是

-they said the train won't arrive until nine, well, what that boils down to is yet an another delay in our schedule 基本上说,我们的行程又要延误了

23,break down 出故障,出毛病

-registration ought not to be easier than ever this year, unless the computer breaks down


-if the computer doesn't break down again, the dad data will be available to us soon

-it's only a matter of time before my car breaks down again

24,break in 通过使用使变柔软或合用些

-the walk phone sounds like a perfect opportunity for me to break in my new pair of sports shoes

25,brighten one's spirits 提神,使某人高兴起来

-the flowers in the window really brighten my spirits

26,bring up something 开始讨论,谈及,提到

-I am glad you’ve brought up the question about our investigation sent to the makeup of the earth centeria interior

27,brush up on 温习,复习,改进

-I really need to brush up on my math

28,build up 积累,增长

-you also learned how to use the computer data base because the records are kept on it and building up the computer skills is a good preparation for lots of jobs

29,bump into 偶然碰上

-how long has you been since you saw Baky,I bumped into her at the market just last week

-you know my car hasn't been the same since I had bumped into the telephone tall toll(电话厅) You’d better have that looked into before you drive to Florida

30,burn in a hole in one's pockets 指人想买东西,可能很快的被花光

-have you saved enough to buy that new printer of your computer yet

You know money seems to be burning a hole in my pocket lately, maybe next month

31,by all means 一定,无论如何

-shall I call you to let you know about the next meeting

By all means

32,by and by 不久以后,将来

-you will be able to meet these people by and by

33,call off 中止,停止,取消

-has tomorrow's meeting been confirmed

I was told that it has been called off

34,can't risk not doing 不敢冒险不做某事

-I can't risk not telling him

35,carry on with 继续做,继续

-I don't know whether I should time my speech now or keep on revising my notes, what you think

I’d carry on with what you are doing

36,carry out 实施,按照执行

-over the course(过程,进程) of the year, the company carried out the plan 一年以来

37,cash a check 兑换现金

- Robber stopped in at a bank to cash a check

-did you say you were driving to town this morning

Yes, I have to get a check cashed to pay my bookstore bill

38,catch one's breath 喘过气来,使呼吸平稳下来

-if you are interested in genetics, the university has an outstanding team

-I can't even climb the stairs without having to stop and catch my breath

39,catch on 受欢迎

-it's only open to phycology psychology(心理学) majors ,but I bet it will catch on elsewhere 40,catch up on 补足,赶上

-hi, Annie, you are looking better, it’s nice to have you back,

Thanks, I just hope I can catch up on all the work I’ve missed

41,check out 发给或借出并登记

-it seems to me I've seen that dark-haired man before

Sure you have, he checked out our books at the circulation desk yesterday

-the exit gate in front of the door wouldn't open and the guard immediately warned me that I Haven’t checked out my books


-I think I’ll add that information to my paper

You really should check it out in your reference book

42,clean out 扫荡一空,把东西全倒出来,倒空

-well, you cleaned out the refrigirator refrigerator this time, you must have been really hungry All I do was fix a snack, it would may left over there were not many leftovers from yesterday - Hey what happened to all that food we bought, the refrigerator was empty

My little brother with a big apetide appetite was here, he really clean these out

43,clean up 把什么清理干净,把收拾整齐

-before we get started, I’d like to thank everyone for coming down to the lake today to help with the cleaning up project

-should I help clean up by throwing away these newspapers

I want to clip a couple of articles first

-what a mass mess for the custodian to clean up

You can say that again

44,clear out 把东西全倒出来,倒空

-you must also make sure that all of your personal property has been cleared out of your room 45,clear up 使清楚,明白,解释,解决

-we can pass it out in our classes tomorrow to clear up the problem

46,come about by accident 偶然发生,出现

-cola's transformation from medicinal syrup(糖浆,果汁) to a carbonated soft drink came about quite by accident

47,come across 无意中发现,偶然遇见

-I happen to be looking through some of my roommate's science magazines and I came across an article on phynology phrenology


48,come alone 进展,改进,成功

-how is Ann’s lab experiment coming alone

I am not sure, why don't we go have a look

-Jenys, you are redecorating your apartment, aren’t you, how’s it coming alone

I am just taking at one step at a time 我只是一步一步在做

-how is your paper coming alone

My type writer is broken

-how is your oral presentation coming alone

49,come around 改变意见或目的,以迎合他人

-Gary is beginning to come around to my point of view

50,come down with 因患什么而病倒,染上

-anyway, every year around the holidays like clockwork, I come down with something


5月9日 [10:26.6]

51,come over 从远处而来

-he came over to our house just the other day

52,come right out 直截了当,毫无隐瞒,坦率得

-I would really like to know why Dona is always so hostile toward me

Did you ever think of just coming right out and asking her

53,come up 接近,靠近

-Mark is watching a movie on TV

Should he be doing that now with the exams coming up next week?

-I know you have a lot in your mind with finals (决赛) coming up

-I am way behind my letter writing, I’ve got to get started

Who’s got time to write letters, exams are coming up, remember

54,come up with 提供,供应,供给

-what have they decided to call a stadium, no one has come up with a good name

-that means I better come up with the speech pretty quickly

-I've finally found a research topic for a sociaology sociology class

Really, I am going to be up all night trying to come up with something by tomorrow

-that's why they came up with the program

55,come what may 无论如何

-we'll pick you up tomorrow at eight, come what may

56,cool off 使安静,使冷淡,使失去兴趣

-I was expecting another hot lucky muggy(闷热的) day

But the wind's cooled things off, hasn’t it

57,cope with 应付,对付

-at one time, children didn't have to learn any more than how to cope with their physical



58,count on sb or sth 指望,依靠,相信

-I should take them forecast seriously about the cold ,but not count too much on a lot of extra snow

59,count the days 迫切的盼望某时刻的到来

-did your roommate looking forward to going home for the summer

She is counting the days

60,cram for 死记硬背,临时抱佛脚

-you seem well prepared for the Spanish mid-term test ,I am impressed

I'd better be prepared ,I spend the last eighteen hours cramming for it

61,cut back 削减,减少,少用

-I will be working three days a week next semester and it was either cut back on my classes or try this ,the distance learning course(函授课程) out

62,cut down 减少,削减,限制

-It must really help with their schedules ,not to mention(更不用说) how it will cut down on traffic

63,cut off 打断,停止

-did you get cut off

No they asked me to hang up and try again later


64,cut out 停止

-I told you to cut it out

65,day and night 夜以继日的,一连几天的,不停的

-I can't stop thinking about my research

Neither can I ,I am working on my thesis day and night

66,day in and day out 日复一日的,经常的,连续的,一直,总是

-when is Jack going to finish writing that program

I don't know ,he has been working on it day in and day out

-has Cynthia been working hard on her term paper

Day in and day out

67,die out 逐渐灭绝,渐渐消亡

-when gold and silver mining died out ,many of the prospectors turn the bruce lose burros loose(把驴放生了)

68,dirt cheap 非常便宜

-you 've already furnished your apartment,I found some useful furnishes used furniture that was dirt cheap

69,do good 对什么有好处

-the students have been protesting against the increasing intuition (抗议学费)

Yes, I heard about the protest,but I don't know how much good it will do

-you don't believe in diet diets ,do you

There’s nothing wrong with them persay

Per se 单个来讲(by, of,or in itself or oneself or themselves),

But they have to combine with exercise to do any good

70,drive up the wall 使发疯

-this computer is driving me up the wall

71,drop a line 写和邮寄信件

-please drop me a line when you get a chance

72,drop by 在某处做短暂的拜访或停留

-let's drop by the post office again ,Fred, and see if there's any mail in it

The post office again ,it's only been an hour

73,drop in on 短暂或临时性来访,看望

-Shara's been in home sick for a week

Why don't we drop in on her and find out how she is doing

74,drop off 睡着

-she dropped off to sleep in the chair instead of getting up and going to bed


Mary ,did you drop off the roll of film for developing

No ,I got Susan to do it

-I heard that the park electronics is going to be holding interviews on campus next week Yeah,what day, I might to talk to them and drop off my resume

75,drop sb off 让某人下车

-where do you want me to drop you off

Right here is fine

76,easier said than done 说起来容易,做起来难

-listen Joe you've already taken an exam ,just forget about it

That’s easier said than done

77,eat up 耗尽

-are you going to join the chess club this year

Chess eat up too much of my time

78,end up 结束,完成,停止

-I am usually miserable for a week and it ends up ruining my holidays

79,every now and then 有时,时时,偶尔

-he stops to take a break every now and then

80,every once in a while 偶尔,有时

-come to the movie with us ,everybody needs to take a break every once in a while

I guess I might as well ,I 've been studying so long ,and I can hardly concentrate

81,every so often 偶尔,有时

-do you have to work over time on your job

Every so often I do

82,fall back on 求助于,在需要时依靠

-were you able to understand that French novel without any help from the teacher

I did pretty well, but I had to fall back on my dictionary occasionally

83,far from being 毫不,远非,根本不是

-you are not much of a rock and roll fan ,are you

It’s far from being my favorite kind of music ,that's for sure

84,figure out 想出来,解决

-that's why scientists are trying to figure out what the

barnacle's(藤壶一种蔓足亚纲的海洋甲壳类动物) glue is made of

-aren't you clever to figure that out

-I thought Paul might be able to help me to figure out this computer program

Paul is about the last person I ask if I were you

-that's a nice computer you have, now I have to do is to figure you out how to use it

-I have my new stereo for a whole week ,but I haven't yet figured it out how to record a cassette Didn’t an instruction manual come with it

85, fill in for 临时代替,补缺

-Richer was feverish yesterday ,I am not sure if he'll be up to attend today's meeting

And can someone fill in for him

86,fill one's shoes 很好的顶替,满意的替代

-have you heard that Professor Johns is retiring

Yes, the faculty won't find anyone to fill her shoes

87,fill out 填好,在报告或申请表中填写所需要的事实情况

-fill out the registration form and duplicate ,then keep one copy for your records

-I am having trouble filling out this application form

Take it line by line and it won't seem so hard

-I'd like to apply for the part-time job

Fine just fill out this form, and someone will be with you in a moments

88,finish up 完成

-what's happening with the new library building

The work crew is just finishing it up

89,fix a snack 吃了一点东西

-well ,you cleaned out the refrigerator this time, you must have been really hungry

All I did was fix a snack ,there won't many leftovers from yesterday

90,for the sake of 看在什么的份上,为了

-so you'll be taking the courses just for the sake of learning

91,from now on 从现在起

-form now on ,I refuse to put up with your silliness

92,fry an egg on the side walk sidewalk人行道形容天气及其炎热

-It's a bit warm out today

Warm ,you can fry an egg on the sidewalk

93,get along 和睦相处,合作

-they are getting along fine in the their new school

-Bob usually gets along with us

94,get away 逃脱,离开,逃跑

-Twain was in a confederate army for just two weeks and then he and his whole company went west to get away from the war and the army

95,get away with 做坏事或错事之后而没有被抓住或受惩罚

-did you know that Bob is leaving for home tonight,he is planning to take his final exams

He can get away with that

96,get by 满足需要和要求

-I stayed up all night studying for the test

Again, how you get by with so little rest is a mystery to me

97,get going 使什么开始

-I 've got to get going on my research project

98,get nowhere 毫无进展

-I am getting absolutely nowhere with this physics problems

How about my going through them with you

99,get off on the wrong foot 开始就不顺利,一开始就犯了个错误

-I hate to get off on the wrong foot

100,get off the ground 顺利的开始,成功的开始,前进,取得进展

-how did you talk with Henrico Henry go

It never really got off the ground

101,get on someone's nerves 使人不安,使人心烦

-why did you come to the meeting late, I left a message with your roommate about the time change

She has a very short memory and it really gets on my nerves sometimes

102,get out of 逃避,改掉

-how come your not working on that presentation any more

Oh I got out of having to give it

-I never thought that Stan would try to get out of doing his work

-we are going to the game on Friday ,but Saturday I am on duty at the library all day and can't Get out of it

103,get over 传授时领会,使懂得

-we just can't get over the fact that Teddy and March got married


-I heard John was turned down for the gradate fellowship she must be upset

He was that first, but you know John ,she got over it pretty quickly

104,get over with 完成

-I honestly don't want to paint the room this week in June

Neither do I ,but I think we should get it over with

105,get something out of the way 处理掉,完成

-how about going to the museum today ,they are having a special exhibit of local artists

I'd love to if I can get this reading out of the way

106,get somewhere 取得进展

-no matter how hard he tries ,he doesn't seem to get anywhere

107,get through 让人听懂或明白

-I had hard time getting through this novel

I know how you feel ,who can remember the names of 35 different characters

108,get to 偶然开始,开始

-that leaky faucet is starting to get to me

What shall we do about it

109,give a hand with 帮助

-Phil ,could you give me a hand with this file cabinet ,it belongs to the wall next to the bulletin board

At your service

110,give away 赠送

-did you really give away all your science texts when you moved

Only the out-of-date ones


托福听力疑难词组part 8 [ALBERTYY的听写笔记] ---- 6.4 1,open one's heart 敞开心扉,吐露心事 -After going around worrying Mary opened her heart to her mother 2,out in left field 答非所问 -Johnny tried to answer the teacher's question but he was out in left field 3,out of line 反常的,没有规矩的 -Little Mary got out of line and was rude to antilizbath Aunt Elizabeth 4,out of one's element 不得其所,格格不入 -Wild animals are out of their element in cages 5,out of one's hair 摆脱令人讨厌,心烦的人或东西 -Herry got the boys out of his hair so he could study 6,out of thoughts sorts不痛快,脾气很坏的 -Mary was out of thoughts sorts and wouldn't say good morning -Bob was out of thoughts sorts because he didn't get a bicycle for his birthday 7,out of step 步调不一致,不协调,不合拍 -He has frequently been out of step with society because of his radical opinions 8,out of the blue 出乎意料之外的,意想不到的 -At the last minute Johnny came out of the blue to catch the pass(接过传球) and score touchdown 9,out of tune 不一致,不协调 -What Jack said was out of tune with how he looked, he said he was happy but he looked unhappy 10,own up 承认过错,承认罪行,坦白承认 -When Mr. Johns asked who broke the window, Johnny owned up 11,pass away 不再存在,中止,消失,灭亡 -When automobiles became popular the use of horse and buggy( 四轮马车) passed away 12,pay through the nose 出高价,付出太大的代价 -He had wanted experience but this job seemed like paying through the nose for it -there was a shortage of cars ,if you found one for sale(待售) you had to pay through the nose 13,pick on 经常的招惹或打扰某人,与某人为难,责骂 -Other boys picked on him until he decided to fight them - 挑选,选择,选中 -He visited a lot of colleges and finally picked on Stanford 14,pick out 选择 -It took Mary a long time to pick out a new dress at the store 认出,辨别 -We could pick out different places in the city from the airplane 从飞机上我们可以辨别出这个城市不同的地方 15,play ball 与他人合作,合作 -It is often a good business to play ball with a political machine(政界核心人物)


托福听力疑难词组part 2 ----飞跃重洋, [ALBERTYY 的听写笔记] ---- 1,give credibility to =相信 -did you hear about jam(拥挤,堵塞) Jim你听说有关Jim的事了吗 I wouldn't give that rumor any credibility 2,give out =分给人们,分发 -The dormitory laundry service gives out clean sheets each week, doesn’t it? 3,give sb a ride =让某人搭车 -Can I give you a ride over there? 4,give someone a break =行行好吧, 用于口语(与人方便) -Give me a break; I am nervous enough as it is? 行行好吧,我已经够紧张的了 5,give up =放弃,投降,屈服 -You are not going to give it up, are you? -I think I am going to give up playing table tennis I lost again today Just because you lost, is there any reason to quit 6,go ahead =开始做某事 -Do go ahead before with your dessert? 吃点甜点吧 7,go around =足够分配 -Are there enough assignment sheets to go around? 8,go in for =从事,致力于参加,追求 -What he wants to do is get someone to go in for him just pass back the mid-term exams 他希望有人可以帮助他通过期中考试 9,go off =开始响起来 -She never wakes up before her alarm goes off 10,go out of one's way = 格外努力,比往常多做 -I was touched that our neighbor brought over a dish when we moved in Yes, Miss Smith really goes out of her way for others 11,go over =仔细检查,仔细考虑,仔细看 -Would you have some time this week to go over these questions with me? How does tomorrow sound =再读一遍,研究 -How about seeing the new movie at the North Park Theater tonight Sounds great, but I got to go over my notes for tomorrow's mid-term 12,go through the proper channels =通过适当的途径,方式 -In order to do that, you have to go through the proper channels 13,go through =穿过 -A policeman saw you go through that read light It was yellow; anyway, he turned left at the last corner 14,go through with =完成 -I am getting absolutely nowhere with these physics problems How about my go through them with you


托福听力常见难题解题思路分享 托福听力常见难题解题思路分享, 如何做对讲座开头题?今天给大家带来了托福听力常见难题解题思路分享,希望能够给帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 托福听力常见难题解题思路分享如何做对讲座开头题? 托福听力疑难考点解读:讲座开头问题 首先解释一下这个考点:所谓讲座开头部分,指的是教授开始的寒暄以及引入讲座的部分,时间在第一分钟左右。大家需要明确的是,在讲座开始部分的提问,无论学生还是老师是发出者,教授的意思大多数是要引出下文。比如托福考试曾经考过metacognition(元认知),教授在刚开始先引出元认知的概念,然后就举例,说音乐家和其他人的大脑有个部分不一样,大家有谁能知道不同大脑的元认知在这个时候有何不同? 这个信息点以原因题的形式考的,问到为什么教授会问这个问题,答案自然是,为了讲到这篇主旨:大脑和元认知的关系。在人手必备的托福官方真题当中,这个考点也经常考到:托福官方真题17 L1实例讲解

“Amy: why don’t we know the exact date when this head was made? Professor: That’s a fair question. We are talking about prehistory here. So obviously the artists didn’t put a signature or date on anything they did. So how do we know when this figure was carved? ” 这是在讲座第一分十秒开始的一个问答,题目的考试形式是重听题,重听内容即以上片段中的内容,那么按照答题规律,这道题目不管问法如何,答案选的是引出下文: Why does the professor say this? A. to make the point that written records are not important B. to explain why the question is worth discussing C. to justify the omission of an important point D. to express this point about the quality of prehistoric art 正确答案B选项,虽然B说的是来解释一下为什么这个问题值得讨论,但正是说明这个问题是值得讨论的,所以接下来这篇讲座讲的便是对这个问题真正的全面的回答,即所谓的引出下文。


托福听力疑难词组part 4 - [ALBERTYY的听写笔记] ---- 03.5.21---5.22 5.21 1,get at -意思,目的,暗示 -I don't understand what she's getting at -do you understand what I am getting at 2,get hold of -得到,找到 -Stan has been trying to get hold of you all week 3,get one's hands full ---太忙了 -Do you think you can fix my television for my today? Sorry, I’ve got my hands full as it is 4,get ride of -除去,摆脱 -I wish I haven't got ride of those old letters 5,get together -聚集,集会 -do we need to get together to plan our summer art seminar(讨论会) is there anything wrong with right now 现在就开始,好吗 6,go on -发生 -what's going on for the renovation in your house, aren’t you building a new kitchen The workers are finishing up this week 7,go out of business -停业停产,关门倒闭 -Did you buy your car from that dealer in the city? He went out of business last month 8,ring and bell grin and bear -任劳任怨,毫无怨言的忍受(逆来顺受) grin :咧嘴笑-Carla, I can't take this job any longer If you need the money, you’ll just have to rang and bell grin and bear it 9,had better 最好还是,应该 -Julie had better to go to the supper market right away because her sister is coming for lunch 10,have a hand in 对...有影响,对...富有部分责任 -She had a hand in this project 10,have one's hands full 忙于 -you look like you have your hands full, do you need some help carrying those boxes I sure do 11,hit the spot sport特指吃了食物喝饮料之后精神完全恢复过来,恢复精力,提精神 -this lemonit lemonade sure hits the spot sport And how! 当然了 12,hold off 推迟,拖延 -I think I'll break down and get myself some new tows? I'll hold off, if I were you, there are some good sales next month 13,hold the line 别挂电话,等一下 -Hello, can you tell me if the library will be open Saturday evening


托福听力疑难词组 part 1 ----飞跃重洋, [ALBERTYY 的听写笔记] ---- 第一部分全真试题听力疑难词组解释(89.1-97.10) 1,a while back 不久以前,刚才 -Sam want to be able to play in the basketball game this week ,yeah he hurt his knee pretty badly a while back ,i don't why he didn't quit right away 2,about to 正要,正准备 -i am about to go swimming 3,according to 按照,根据 -there are a big sales going on at the department store downtown this week according to Chali 4,account for 说明,解释 -how do you account for it 5,and how 对,当然,那是自然 -the concert pianoist is fantastic and how 6,as a rule 通常 -I am not suprised you didn't like that movie,I found it really frightening myself I did too, I don't care much for horror movie as a rule 7,at one's service 随时效劳 -Phil ,could you give me a hand with this file cabinet that belongs against the wall next to the bulletin board at your service 8,at the most 至多,最多 -has Sandy ever missed coming to one of our parties only once or twice at the most 9,back and forth 来回,往返 -most fishes can do this by waving back and forth in snacklike motion -i don't want a raser racer(赛车) or touring bike(山地车) or anything,mostly I will just be using it ,a bike to get me back and forth from work 10.backup 挡住,堵住 -while i was going to come down n Elm street ,but the traffic was really backed up -the subway is running behind schedule and traffic is backed up for blocks,I don't know if we will make the seven fifteen show it's a beautiful night ,let's try to get there on foot ,and if we don't make it,let's just have dinner near the theater 11,be anything but 决不 -Susan is anything but poor


解析托福听力考试出题思路 俗话说:知己知彼,百战百胜。知道游戏规则,自然可以掌握游戏。托福听力自然也是如此。 1.对话或讲座的目的(purpose)意指其功能,是这个对话或讲座发生的主要理由。 对话中,说话人的目的是与对话的话题、说话人之间的关系以及谈话的背景相关的。 新托福考试中,关于目的的试题形式如下: Why does the student go to see the professor? What is the man's problem? Why is the woman concerned? What is the purpose of the conversation? 2.谈话或讲座的目的与主题相关。新托福考试中关于目的的试题形式如下: What is the purpose of the talk? ' i What is the main purpose of the lecture'l What is the speaker's main purpose? 3.有些关于目的的试题只与部分对话或讲座的内容相关。这些问题通常问的是某个短语或句子的作用: Why does the student say _? Why does the professor mention -? Why does the instructor talk about . ? Why does the speaker tell a story about -? Why does the professor ask the class about 4.有时考生可以再听一次部分对话或讲座的内容。之后会听到问题问及说话人的目的。例如: Listen again to part of the lecture. Then answer the question.(You hear part oftbe lecture again.


高云鸿老师:托福听力考试细节题解读 托福听力细节题是托福听力考试的必考题型,也是考生比较难以掌握的一类题型?所谓托福听力细节题,顾名思义也就是考托福听力材料里面的细节内容,例如事实?定义?特征?例子?原因或者结果等? 一般情况下,托福听力细节题会针对对话或者讲座的一些重要细节进行提问?主要的细节通常包括以下一些方面: 托福听力细节题内容1:新术语?概念或者想法的定义 e.g. what are X? what is a speculator? what is a gain medium? 托福听力细节题内容2:具体特征 e.g. what are the two features of X ? What materials are good for building artificial reefs? what characteristics distinguish the Ainu from other Japanese people? 托福听力细节题内容3:具体事件的原因或者结果 e.g. what causes the Coriolis effect? why does the student need a letter of recommendation? why is the student unable to work on Friday? 托福听力细节题内容4:事实或者例子 e.g. which of the following are true about X?

Based on the information in the lecture, indicate whether the statements refer to Rudolph Valentino or Dougl as Fairbanks. 针对托福听力细节题的考试技巧是什么? 在听力材料中,有几大类的信号词要提高警惕? 托福听力细节题信号词1:因果关系词 比如:because, for, the reason is that, therefore, as a result, so, attributed to... 托福听力细节题信号词2:转折关系词 比如:however, but, on the other hand, unfortunately, though, unluckily, while, although... 托福听力细节题信号词3:细节信号词 比如:changes, differences, especially... 托福听力细节题信号词4:总结信号词 比如:in conclusion, to sum up, in a word... 托福听力细节题信号词5:序号信号词 比如: firstly, secondly, in addition, finally, at last... 托福听力细节题信号词6:举例信号词 比如:for example, take X for example, say...

雅思口语 托福 IBT 语言考试短语大全

雅思口语托福IBT 语言考试短语大全 2010年1-4月雅思口语预测 雅思扫盲之口语考试流程 雅思考官揭露中国学生口语弊病 雅思口语 雅思口语教育类词汇 八招教你快速提高口语 口译&TOEFL听力都需要的速记法则!(三) 口译&TOEFL听力都需要的速记法则!(二) 口译&TOEFL听力都需要的速记法则!(一) 助你轻松背诵10000个GRE高级词汇 按场景分类识记听力词汇 雅思句型总结 新托福口语解码 签证口语面试之“5C原则” 雅思口语2010【转】 备考IBT口语《老友记》实用精选 精选IBT口语考试必备80题(转) 托福iBT听力必备习语300(下) 托福iBT听力必备习语300(中) 托福iBT听力必备习语300(上) 雅思托福写作词汇大放送,非常有用! 雅思口语“经典”病句 和老外对话如何提高自己的口语 口语中总用但是想不起来英语怎么说的话~ 学英语你必须脱口而出的句子 英文不懂这些,弄错会很丢脸的! 老外最常说的二十个钻石级句子? 容易犯错误的英语口语 不查词典你可能会弄错的二十个英文词汇 那些出境率极高但是你绝对想不到怎么说的单词们翻译必备黄金词组 写英语的时候换点牛词吧~ 英语口语集锦 必须要脱口而出的英语 提高修养的100句话

美国俚语全网罗,吐血整理 美国俚语 美国习惯用语 美国大学生活中常用的词汇 美国人最爱用的个性短语 英语谚语 上千句英语谚语、俗语、名言 英语中常见的123个中国成语 翻译必备黄金词组 英文版的中国谚语 我的美国俚语笔记---如何一句话噎死人 学俚语记单词:十句话让你的美语更地道?美国俚语(三) 美国俚语(二) 美国俚语(持续更新中...) 美国习惯用语 你该如何用俚语表达自己的不满? 国外生活必备英语,不学不行 外出旅行必备50句实用口语 男人最爱听的七句话 英语肉麻情话 最肉麻情人节英语 日常交流用语 食品英文总结(吃遍英文单词) 值得背的电影台词(转~~~) 网络流行语的英文版 化妆品的英文说法,在国外超级有用! 写英语的时候换点牛词吧~ 美国大学生活中常用的词汇扫盲 [转载]用英语描述疾病 停车场实用英语 租房实用英语 女士必备,化装品中英对照 英语吵架&玩笑用语 美国校园最in俗语大全 美国很生活的英语~~


托福听力疑难词组part 4 ----飞跃重洋, [ ALBERTYY 的听写笔记] ---- 03.5.21---5.22 5.21 1,get at -意思,目的,暗示 -I don't understand what she's getting at -do you understand what I am getting at 2,get hold of -得到,找到 -Stan has been trying to get hold of you all week 3,get one's hands full ---太忙了 -Do you think you can fix my television for my today? Sorry, I’ve got my hands full as it is 4,get ride of -除去,摆脱 -I wish I haven't got ride of those old letters 5,get together -聚集,集会 -do we need to get together to plan our summer art seminar(讨论会) is there anything wrong with right now 现在就开始,好吗 6,go on -发生 -what's going on for the renovation in your house, aren’t you building a new kitchen The workers are finishing up this week 7,go out of business -停业停产,关门倒闭 -Did you buy your car from that dealer in the city? He went out of business last month 8,ring and bell grin and bear -任劳任怨,毫无怨言的忍受(逆来顺受) grin :咧嘴笑-Carla, I can't take this job any longer If you need the mon ey, you’ll just have to rang and bell grin and bear it 9,had better 最好还是,应该 -Julie had better to go to the supper market right away because her sister is coming for lunch 10,have a hand in 对...有影响,对...富有部分责任 -She had a hand in this project 10,have one's hands full 忙于 -you look like you have your hands full, do you need some help carrying those boxes I sure do 11,hit the spot sport特指吃了食物喝饮料之后精神完全恢复过来,恢复精力,提精神 -this lemonit lemonade sure hits the spot sport And how! 当然了 12,hold off 推迟,拖延 -I think I'll break down and get myself some new tows? I'll hold off, if I were you, there are some good sales next month 13,hold the line 别挂电话,等一下 -Hello, can you tell me if the library will be open Saturday evening Hold the line please, I’ll find out


托福听力考试常见句型 托福听力是托福考试中很重要的一部分,相信很多同学在复习托福听力的时候一定做过不少的真题,有没有发现有哪些考点。一起看看给大家整理的托福听力考点,供大家参考。 句型一.多熟悉类似“功能说话题”的英文逻辑思维特征,因为这是功能说话题的考点。需要特别注意的是,这种题型是听力中唯一可以在第一遍听原文录音放音的时候不需做笔记的考点。 1 conversation:段落开头提到的原因必`考(30S)---problem/question,结尾的建议必考(尾巴题) 2、段落开头提到的本次主题必考—TODAY,段落结尾的点评和总结必考prof 的点评 3、段落中重复两次的地方必考---通常为本节课的要点,师生各重复一次的地方必考,注意在笔记中划双线,重复两次的名词必考,一般重复的名词是AB项的替换词 4、段落中的强调句型,多引出分论点,时考点: This is the first time… One thing important is… The most important thing… You should remember/notice/bear in mind/keep in mind---conversation引出建议的句型 5、针对上下文明显的肯定或者否定的回答必考definitely, absolutely, exactly, it’s a good question, excellent question, 注意听好PROF在这些回答之后的解释,一定会对重要内容作同义的重复 6、段中主论点下有定义加举例的必考(配对表格题)----dolphin in the forest, 罗列多个事实处必考,是非型表格题,说明多个程序,步骤的必考(排序型表格题 中间的步骤一定注意:then, so, ok, well, replace, the next stage… 7、难点的解释说明必考(核心概念)----小黑板,带字的笔记本,只要出小黑板都会有停顿 注意引导词it refers to, that is, that means, which means, This is to say, in other words, in another words, by that he meant, let me make it clear, let me make it simpler, let’s put it this way, let’


因果关系: 因为(原因, 源于): due to,as,for, because(of), since, owing to, thanks to, come from, result from, initiate from, derive from, arise from, originate from,in that, on account of,be attributed to 所以(结果,导致):therefore, thereby, thus, hence, consequently, as a consequence, so, so that, as a result(of), result in, bring about, accordingly, account for, give rise to, contribute to, lead to, spark, prompt, be responsible to, stimulate, cause, make, render, spur, push, motivate 对比转折关系: in contrast to, while, whereas, nevertheless, instead of, but,yet, conversely, alternatively, on the contrary, contrary to, in contrast, different from, differ from, however, rather than, unlike, in fact, while, meanwhile 并列比较关系:or, vice versa, also, as well as, both and, either or, neither nor, in the same way, equally, similarly, similar to, like, just like, unlike,likewise, not onlybut also, more than.


托福听力必备词组 1,give out——分给人们,分发 -The dormitory laundry service gives out clean sheets each week,doesn’t it? 2,give credibility to——相信 -did you hear about jam(拥挤,堵塞) Jim——你听说有关Jim的事了吗 I wouldn’t give that rumor any credibility 3,give sb a ride——让某人搭车 -Can I give you a ride over there? 4,give up——放弃,投降,屈服 -You are not going to give it up, are you? -I think I am going to give up playing table tennis I lost again today Just because you lost, is there any reason to quit 5,give someone a break——行行好吧,用于口语(与人方便) -Give me a break; I am nervous enough as it is? 行行好吧,我已经够紧张的了 6,go ahead——开始做某事 -Do go ahead before with your dessert? 吃点甜点吧 7,go around——足够分配 -Are there enough assignment sheets to go around? 8,go in for——从事,致力于;参加,追求 -What he wants to do is get someone to go in for him just pass back the mid-term exams 他希望有人可以帮助他通过期中考试 9,go off——开始响起来 -She never wakes up before her alarm goes off 10,go out of one’s way——格外努力,比往常多做 -I was touched that our neighbor brought over a dish when we moved in Yes, Miss Smith really goes out of her way for others 11,go over——仔细检查,仔细考虑,仔细看 -Would you have some time this week to go over these questions with me? How does tomorrow sound——再读一遍,研究 -How about seeing the new movie at the North Park Theater tonight Sounds great,but I got to go over my notes for tomorrow’s mid -term 12,go through the proper channels——通过适当的途径,方式

托福听力考试Part A考点解析及基本策略

最权威的国际教育服务平台托福听力考试Part A考点解析及基本策略Part A:短对话(Short Conversation)考试当天你将会碰到如下的答题提示:Directions:In Part A, you will hear short conversations between two people. After each conversation, you will hear a question about the conversation. The conversations and questions will not be repeated. After hear a question, read the four possible answers in your test book and choose the best answer. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen. 1.基本策略你所听到的directions叫你先听问题再读选项然后决定选那个选项。对有些人来说这没有问题,但大部分人发现先读选项对做题很有用。这一技巧我们称之为逆向搜索法。下面是逆向搜索法的具体步骤:①打开磁带听Direction,在这一时间里,考试中心不让你看选项。②当Direction叫你turn the page时,快速看题目的四个选项。你可能只有1至2秒的时间,但尽量看那些在4个选项中重复出现的词,诸如名字,地点等等。这将在你听到这些词的时候对你有所帮助.你甚至可能通过这些反复出现的名词和动词猜出对话的主题。③当对话开始的时候,立即停止看题,集中精神听题。④当问题问完以后,再读一边四个选项,选出你的答案。如果你无法马上做出答案,尽量排除一些选项,然后


30个托福听力对话常见习惯用语汇 总 托福听力的对话conversation中,两名老外在对话时常会脱口而出一些美式英语中的习惯用语。这些习惯用语经常看美剧电影或是脱口秀类节目的同学可能并不会陌生。下面就和大家分享这30个托福听力对话中老外脱口而出的习语,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。 30个托福听力对话常见习惯用语汇总 1、fair and square 正大光明的 2、first things first 先说重要的 3、forgive and forget 尽释前嫌;握手言和 4、get the ball rolling 使蓬勃发展 5、a knockout 引人注目 6、a man of few words 沉默寡言的人 7、a rainy day 不如意的日子 8、all thumbs 笨手笨脚的;一窍不通的

9、ants in ones pants (skirt) 坐立不安 10、as mod as sb. 与某人一样时髦 11、a big shot = an important person 大腕儿,大亨 12、a breath of fresh air 使人耳目一新的人 13、Achilles’ heel 致命弱点;个性的瑕疵 14、be all ears 洗耳恭听 15、be all eyes 目不转睛 16、a wet blanket 讨人嫌的人 17、chip in = contribute money捐献,集资 18、sell like hot cakes = sell very well or very quickly 畅销 19、get butterflies in one’s stomach = get nervous 紧张不安 20、two thumbs up 举双手赞成 21、be the apple of one’s eye = be very precious to sb. 非常珍贵 22、pull one’ s leg = tease someone 开某人玩笑 23、break one’ s back 辛勤工作


英语试的好论坛,推荐给大家,很多好资料下载, 托福听力中,小词或习语是必考的,且又是考生最不容易掌握的。现从托福听力原文中精选100例,方便考生复习掌握习语或小词。1,a change of pace 节奏变换 You can’t do these chemistry experiments all day long. You certainly need a change of pace. 2, a far cry from 相距甚远 The published book is far cry from the early manuscript. 3, and how 的确 A: She’s a good dancer. B: and how. 4, a matter of time 时间问题 It is only a matter of time. 5, a phone call away 一个电话之远,愿意过来帮忙。 If you need my help, do let me know. Just remember I am a phone call away. 6, a while back 不久以前 7,all along 一直 I knew it all along. 8, anything but 绝对不 I was anything but happy about going. 9, account for 解释 How do you account for it? 10, after all 到底 A: I’ve just seen the X-rays and your teeth look just fine, B: I see. Then there is nothing to worry about after all. 11, allergic to 对|……过敏 Oh man! Something in this room is making my eyes itch. I must be allergic to something. 12, at sb’s service 愿为某人服务 I am at your service at any time. 13, around the clock 24小时不停 Martha studied around the clock for management exam. 14, as far as I know 就我所知 15,at home with 对…..很熟悉 She is at home with problems like this. 16, back out 1) 退出 A: Wasn’t Bert s upposed to sing tonight? B: Yes, but he backed out at last minute 2)不履行 She finally backed out of her promise. 17, be cut out for 天生适合
