
Ideas not coupled with action never become bigger than the brain cells they occupied.
5. hook vt. (L21)
catch sth. by hook Examples
My father is hopelessly hooked by cigarettes.
Many students get hooked on computer games.
He was hooked by the vender’s tricks.
mpeursstownaoiftt. en shakes hands.
1. When she smoked Marlboros and Players I hardened myself against feeling so bad; … (L7)
When she smoked Marlboros and Players I made myself become less sympathetic and less easily affected emotionally; …
8. starve of (L42)
vt. not give or not be given sth. that is needed 使缺乏;使得不到
这个地区的人们极需饮用水。 这棵植物因缺乏光照而死掉了。
People in this region are starved of drinking water.
新视野大学英语读写教程2 unit5 课文翻译

Section A Spend or save –The student’s dilemma花钱还是存钱,学生进退维谷1 你是不是跟我一样对“我应该花钱还是存钱”这个问题感到困惑,且有被操纵的感觉?我觉得我们从生活的环境里所获得的信息似乎是有违常识、互相矛盾的。
2 这里还有一个大家熟悉的例子:如果我们不按时支付信用卡账单,我们会收到从信用卡公司发来的类似这样的令人讨厌的催缴账单的电子邮件:不还款是不可接受的。
到底哪一个描述是正确的?有麻烦的失败消费者还是宝贵的客户?这两者之间可是天壤之别!3 自相矛盾的情况还有,我们每天都收到彼此相左的两种信息。
4 但相反的信息,即那些纵容人们不断花钱的广告,无所不在。
最近有人说:“唯一可以逃脱广告的时候是当在床上睡着时!”5 据计算,普通的美国人到18岁时,会看过60万则广告;到40岁时,看过的广告总数近百万。
新视野大学英语第二册Unit5 Parents 2

• The first Father's Day was observed on June 19,1910 in Washington. And it was in 1966 that President Lyndon Johnson officially declared the 3rd Sunday of June as Father's Day. • 1910年的6月19日人们在华盛顿庆祝了第一个父亲节。 林登· 约翰逊总统最终于1966年宣布每年六月的第3个星期 天为父亲节。
• 父亲节不像母亲节一样成为大商业活动也许是因为它存在 的时间还不够久。大多数人会选择买卡片赠送给自己的父 亲作为父亲节礼物,其余的一些人也买礼物, 最受欢迎 的礼物要数领带,巧克力和袜子了,尽管父亲有时候不需 要,但这些的或者小挂件之类的广告给我 们提供意见,供我们选择去买。卡片店将摆上带有温馨的 祝福语的马克杯或笔之类的商品。一些家庭可能会一起做 些事来庆祝父亲节比如聚餐。作为特殊的礼物,人们可能 让父亲享受片刻悠闲时光——为他沏杯茶,给他洗车,或 者帮忙修剪草坪。
How we be a father
• Hi, everybody. This Sunday is Father's Day, and so I wanted to take a moment to talk about the most important job many of us will ever have - and that's being a dad. Today we're blessed to live in a world where technology allows us to connect instantly with just about anyone on the planet. But no matter how advanced we get, there will never be a substitute for the love and support and, most importantly, the presence of a parent in a child's life. And in many ways, that's uniquely true for fathers. I never really knew my own father. I was raised by a single mom and two wonderful grandparents who made incredible sacrifices for me. And there are single parents like my mom all across the country who do a heroic job raising terrific kids. But I still wish I had a dad who was not only around, but involved; another role model to teach me what my mom did her best to instill values like hard work and integrity; responsibility, delayed gratification - all the things that give a child the foundation to envision a brighter future for themselves. That's why I try every day to be for Michelle and my girls what my father was not for my mother and me. And I've met plenty of other people - dads and uncles and men without a family connection - who are trying to break the cycle and give more of our young people a strong male role model.
新视野大学英语第二册 unit 5 ppt

Part Ⅱ
(Para. 2-5)
3. How did smoking hurt her father’s health?
Smoking made him breathe difficultly; he had to rest very often when he was climbing stairs. It’s usual for him to cough for an hour. He died from pneumonia at last.
smoke(slang); pull
I. Old to New
near, close by wear link/associate with rest on (for support) make great effort to do
ຫໍສະໝຸດ close at hand be dressed in couple with lean on struggle to do
an experienced and worldly man family reunion rat poison poison gas agricultural insecticide chemical insecticide
Ⅲ. Word Using
1. pick sth./sb. up (L3)
Text Understanding
Structure Survey Questions Answering
新视野大学英语2Unit5 Section A

A Section
Spend or save – The student’s dilemma
Warming-up Activities Text Study Language Application Summary
A Section
Spend or save – The student’s dilemma
2. In the United States , what does Student Financial Aid refer to?
The funding intended to help students pay education expenses including tuition and fees, room and board, books and supplies, etc. for education at a college, university, or private school.
□ Save it □ Spend it
Listen to a short passage concerning money markets and fill in the missing information.
In the money markets, businesses governments and sometimes individuals borrow or lend funds for short period of time. Usually 1 to 120 days. US Treasurybills are the _d_o_m__in_a_n__t money market instrument. They are followed by negotiable certificate deposit and _c_o_m_m__e_r_c_ia_l_ paper.
第二版新视野大学英语读写教程第二册unit 5课后练习答案PPT

IV 1.leaned on 3. die of 5. coupled with 7.are…dressed in 9.struggling to V 1.J 2.G 3.K 4.M 6.O 7.D 8.H 9.A
2.close at hand 4. are starved of 6.is directed…at 8.grateful to 10.a bunch of 5.E 10.C
II 1.A 2.C 3.D 4.D 5.A 6.B 7.B 8.C III 1. assigned 2. compensate 3. prompt 4. manner 5. tendency 6. undermined 7. submit 8. inferred 9. fluctuates 10. Responded
6. People in this region have pined for a peaceful life since the religious war broke out three decades ago. 7. Poor health had made it difficult for Jim to hold down a job for more than a year. 8. Betty gets very depressed at times because of the pressure of her work. 9. The boys at my school used to make fun of me because I have a flat nose. 10. Jenny kept begging me for a new bicycle, and I finally gave in.
新视野大学英语II Unit 5 Text A课文讲解

Unit 5 The money gameText A Spend or save--The student’s dilemma花钱还是存钱,学生进退维谷1.Do you feel as confused and manipulated as I do with this question, “Should I spend or shouldI save?”引语外面是一个复合句,包含一个比较状语从句,引语是一个选择疑问句。
你是不是跟我一样对“我应该花钱还是存钱”这个问题感到困惑,且有被操纵的感觉?I think that the messages we get from our environment seem to defy common sense and contradict each other.在动词think后面跟了一个由that引导的宾语从句,从句中有一个省去了that/which的定语从句修饰主语the messages。
The government tells us to spend or we’ll never get out of the recession.这是一个并列句,两个并列分句由并列连词or连接。
At the same time, they tell us that unless we save more, our country is in grave danger.在tell us后面跟了一个由that引导的宾语从句,从句中又包含一个unless引导的条件状语从句。
Banks offer higher interest rates so we increase savings.这是一个并列句,两个并列分句由并列连词so连接。

故意,特意 赶走,驱逐 对……给与高度评价;赞扬 找到;找出 出发,动身 1.拉伸,拉长 2. 躺平,舒展 1.(使)积压;(使)拥塞 2. 支持 1. 长久的;详尽的2. 最终;终于 (排)成一行;(排)成一队 (使)安定下来
Phrases and expressions
for the time being 暂时,眼下
Detailed Study of Text
Para 3 Inspiration in solitude is a major commodity for poets and philosophers. They’re all for it. They all speak highly of themselves for seeking it out, at least for an hour or even two before they hurry home for tea.
• social / gregarious animals • solitary animals
• bees
• turtles
• ants
• tigers
• elephants
• spiders
• primate animals
• ……
• ……
What about human being?
Detailed Study of Text
Para 7 You may have noticed that most of these artistic types went outdoors to be alone. The indoors was full of loved ones keeping the kettle warm till they came home.

Unit 5
miserably /5mIzErEblI/ ad. end up in doing
disrespectful /7dIsrI5spektfJ l/ a. racist /5reIsIst/ a. take sb. down keep one’s nose on the grindstone way too condescend /7kɒndI5send/ vi. inclusive /In5klu:sIv/ a. cheer leader
糟糕地 以……最终结束、成为、变 得 失礼的 种族的 贬抑某人 埋头苦干
极,太 屈尊 包容的 啦啦队队员
mind reader
Unit 5
Unit 5
Activity 2: Guided Note-taking
Directions: Watch the video again and complete the following guided note-taking.
Unit 5 Section One Lead-in
Activity 1: Instructor’s Opening Words
Directions: Listen to the instructor’s opening words carefully and try to get the message. Before that, getting to know the following useful language might be helpful.
2. understand and use the language for such notions as admitting your errors, accepting the blame for something, promising never to repeat a particular mistake, offering sincere or polite apologies, making excuses for failure or offense, asking for forgiveness and offering
《新视野大学英语》第二版读写教程Unit1,3,4,5 SectionA课文翻译

Unit 1注重时间的美国人美国人认为没有人能停止不前。

新视野大学英语视听说教程2答案第二版完整答案Unit 1 Roll over, Beethoven!II Listening skills1-5: B B D C AIII Listening inTask 1: 1-5: F T F T FTask 2: 1-5: B B D A CTask 3: 1-5: classical, peaceful, relaxing, Jazz, sadness6-10: heavy metal, energy, sporting events, physical labor, road accidents V Let’s talk1-8: Good Morning to All, success, musical talents, without, second part, replaced, legal action, real ownersVI Further listening and speakingTask 1: 1-6: special, joke, talent, proud, loud, joy7-12: honesty, dancer, talk, wondered, capture, fanTask 2: 1-5: B A A D CTask 3: 1-5: F F T T Tunit test 1-5 CCDBC 1.favorite band 2.Not anymore 3.no longer 4.a big fan 5.collected 6.the ones 7.Going crazy 8.Maybe to you9.pressure 10.fall in love 11.get it 12.from time to time 13.Go on 14.music video 1-5 BCDDA 1-10 CDABACDCBCUnit 2 What’s on at the cinema?II Listening skills1-5: A D B C BIII Listening inTask 1: 1-5: director, sound effects, good story, think, sad6-9: violent, light-hearted movies, mystery movie, in the futureTask 2: 1-5: D C D A BTask 3: 1-5: film, directors, actors, important, the United Kingdom6-10: viewers, 40 million, Olympic, World Cup, time11-15: artistic value, depth, Best Picture, favor, science fictionV Let’s talk1-5: A B C D DVI Further listening and speakingTask 1: 1-5: memorizing lines, remember one line, I hear the guns roar, a loud boom, forgot his lineTask 2: 1-5: A C C A DTask 3: 1-5: F T F T Funit test 1-5 CBABD 1.a very good2.starring3.best-seller4.a newclassic5.violent6.somewhat7.before8.the calmness9.death10.thought1-5 DBDCA 1-10 CCBABCCDACUnit 3 Every Jack has his Jill!II Listening skills1-5: B C D A AIII Listening inTask 1: 1-5: go out, flaming red, crush ,chicken, likes6-9: guts, turn him down,konw, keeping everything , tell herTask 2: 1-5: early, late teens, Double-dating, Group dating, marry6-9: Adult dating, hardly, Blind date, neverTask 3: 3-2-1-5-9-7-6-4-8V Let’s talk1-5: B B C D AVI Further listening and speakingTask 1: 1-4: B D C ATask 2: 1-5: the young man’s plans, a nice house, God will provide for us, Don’t worry, sir, play the role of GodTask 3: 1-5: F F T T Funit test 1-5 BDCDC 1.He's engaged2.even3.fell in love with4.swept him off his feet5.popped the question6.getting married7.lonely8.divorced9.different 1-5CADBA 1-10 BCADDCACBDUnit 4 Beware of adsII Listening skillsGood to the last drop.—Maxwell coffeeMake yourself heard.—Ericsson mobile phoneObey your thirst.—Sprite soda drinkWe lead. Others copy.—Ricoh photocopierNo business to small, no problem too big.—IBM companyDrivers wanted.—Volkswagen carDon’t leave home without it.—American Express credit cardShe works while you rest.—A washing machineIII Listening inTask 1: 1-7: shoes, funny, a lot of life, ad, extra spring, money, tall man8-13: millions of dollars, for nothing, reach the top, hard work, focus on, forget Task 2: 1-5: F T F F TTask 3: 1-5: A B B C CV Let’s talk1-5: T F T F TVI Further listening and speakingTask 1: 1-5: banned tobacco/cigarette ads, young people smoking cigarettes, ways around the law, new customers, old ones, smoking on campusTask 2: 1-5: A C B D DTask 3: 1-5: F T F T Funit test 1-5 BBCDC 1.We do2.change the image3.do somesurveys4.different age groups5.all the time6.your users7.target1-5 CAAAB 1-10 CDCDCCBDBCUnit 5 Does your best friend have four legs?II Listening skills1-5: A B B D CIII Listening inTask 1: 4-1-3-5-2-6Task 2: 1-5: A D B C CTask 3: 1-5: C D B A CV Let’s talk1-6: five dollars, chops, worst/lowest quality, barked, finest, money7-12: own/have, followed, apartment house, third floor, scratched on, door13-18: yelled at, stop, smartest/cleverest, lamb chops, looked at, his keyVI Further listening and speakingTask 1: 1-5: a dog, delighted/pleased, one of her friends, be close, interview 6-9: warn, smell, foretell/predict, a chickenTask 2: 1-5: C B C D DTask 3: 1. in the theater2. a ticket3. well-trained, intelligent, human4. any problem, leave the theater, any other dog5. let the dog in, almost emptyunit test 1-5 ABACA 1.how's2.they seem to be3.protects them from4.all the time5.scaring away6.though7.they're lazy/they are azy8.avoid beingseen9.much faster10.like horses11.in Greek 1-5BCDAC 1-10AACBCDBCAD Unit 6 What’s in fashion?Dialog 1: D, The first girl (The girl who wears the short skirt)Dialog 2: B, No, she hasn’t.III Listening inTask 1: 1-4: looks funny, looks fine, out of fashion, good on her5-7: out-dated, following the fashion trends, no wonderTask 2: 1-5: fashionable clothes, trends, copied, traditional center, are guarded 6-10: July, great numbers, a high price, starting point, only a partTask 3: 1-5: D A C B CV Let’s talk1-5: different and daring, Teenagers, their legs, shorter and shorter, five inches 6-10: loose morals, never appear, look childlike, women’s liberation, traditionalVI Further listening and speakingTask 1: 1-5: T F T F FTask 2: 1-7: nervous, afraid, first time, locker, blanket, come out, woreTask 3: 1-4: new clothes, full of clothes, university tuition, clothes in fashion5-7: the Middle Ages, part-time job, not too expensiveunit test 1-5 DDCAC1.trying on2.a business suit3.in a blouse4.cotton tights5.a dress6.a miniskirt7.to an office8.catch more eyes9.suit10.a typical boy1-5ACBDC 1-10CBAADBCDACUnit 7 Does money talk?1-5: B A A D BIII Listening inTask 1: 1-5: banker, loan, saving, save, spend, mortgage, property, property values, risen/gone up/increased by 30 percentTask 2: 1-5: A B D C CTask 3: 1-5: F T F T FV Let’s talk1-7: money, all his money, promise, in the casket, sitting, next to, close8-14: box, locked, foolish, all that money, go back on her word, put the money, checkVI Further listening and speakingTask 1: 1-7: the beggar, needed help, careful, a job, a hard time, waste, good luckTask 2: 1-5: D C B D ATask 3: 1-5: T F F T Tunit test 1-5CDABC 1.give me a loan2.What for3.support4.are spending5.hard up myself6.let him know7.get nowhere8.easy-going9.general manager10.my luck 1-5DCBAB 1-10 BACDABDCCCUnit 8 Crime does pay!II Listening skills1-6: First, not only, but also, Also, Instead, More importantly7-11: though, Moreover, In fact, Last but not least, for exampleIII Listening inTask 1: 1-5: F T F T FTask 2: 1-5: B D C A CTask 3: 1-6: give out, number, online, sites, credit card, low7-11: outgoing, thieves, offers, mailbox, front doorV Let’s talk4-5-6-7-3-2-1VI Further listening and speakingTask 1: 1. freeze2. tall, shorter, red jacket3. his gun, open, the rest of the people4. key, safe5. calm, a medalTask 2: 1-5: A D C D BTask 3: 1-5: F T T F Funit test 1-5BDDCA 1.greater part of3.small office4.things5.3 meals6.get a break7.play games8.get fired9.all ears10.allow11.on the phone12.change places13.In spite of 1-5BCDDA 1-10BACBCADABDUnit 9 Are you safe today?II Listening skills1-6: crashing into, at least three, dozens more, big hole, danger, 327-12: 68, 5:48, 18 minutes, terrorism, four, the pilotIII Listening inTask 1: 1-5: T F T F FTask 2: 1-5: D A B C CTask 3: 1-7: candle, couple, six, 190 people, 1,500, 15 percent, nearly 5 percent8-13: about 1 percent, 700 percent, burning candle, away, at least a foot, children and petsV Let’s talk1-5: lost it for drunk driving, stole the car and killed the owner, in the trunk, horrified, calls for backup, I was speeding, tooVI Further listening and speakingTask 1: 1-5: 120°, burns, candles, blow them out, electrical appliances6-10: flickering lights, smoke alarm, floor plan, exitsTask 2: 1-5: A C C B DTask 3: 1-5: emergency 911, had broken down, woman passenger, No. 15, 15 miles6-9: ambulance, the operator, calm and warm, a boyUnit 10 Want freedom from fear?II Listening skills1-8: take off, land, representative, how a plane flies, stays on the ground, short flight, increase, another cityIII Listening inTask 1: 1-5: go camping, planning to go, the mountains, the most beautiful, drive6-11: heights, wonderful views, skip the climbing, clean up, fun, overcome Task 2: 1-5: T F F T FTask 3: 1-5: C D B A AV Let’s talk1-5: a school examination, the basement, shopping, steps, frightened6-10: come in, the window, toy gun, upstairs, take the dog11-14: have heard, the window, her parents, dial the numberVI Further listening and speakingTask 1: 1-6: first prize, software competition, a trip to, fly, turns, goes pale, a cold sweat, some medicines, cause, a lot of troubleTask 2: 1-5: A C D B ATask 3: 1-5: T T F F Tunit test 1-5CCADC 1.driven through2.right away3.smells of4.runinto5.going6.Look out7.hit it 8.the opposite way1-5 BDACC 1-10ABDACBBDAD牛郎织女学习目标:1.了解民间故事幻想奇丽、情节动人的特点。

Unit5SectionAWeeping for My Smoking DaughterDetailed study of the Text1.While she is doing her homework ,her feet on the bench in front of her and her calculatorclicking out answers to her geometry problems…(Para.1)→In the sentence ,“her feet on the bench in front of her”is an expression that describes the behavior or a minor event which goes together with the major event described in the clause. Another example:The man sat in the front row ,his hands on the table.那男子坐在前排,手放在桌子上。
This type of expression can be rewritten by adding “with”.The above example can thus be rewritten as follows:The man sat in the front row ,with his hands on the table.Similarly ,“her calculator clicking out answers”performs a similar function and can be rewritten ina similar way:with her calculator clicking out answers.2.…I am looking at the half-empty package of Camels tossed carelessly close at hand. (Para.1) ★at hand:close by;nearWhen Betty writes,she always keeps a dictionary at hand.贝蒂写作时,手边总放着一本词典。
新视野大学英语听说教程第二册听力unit5 听力文稿

• M: 4.My son doesn’t watch much TV, so it must be something else. • W:Maybe it’s music. Teenagers typically listen to four hours of music every day. Many of the songs have very violent messages. • M: Does the article say that violence in pop music leads to导致 violent behavior? • W: It isn’t quite clear.还不清楚The article reports on two studies. One report says teenagers who listen to pop music are almost twice as likely to become violent, while the other one says there’s no significant connection between the two factors.
• 5. • M: Thank you for meeting with me. Can you tell me how my daughter is doing in class?
• W: Since our last meeting, there has been a great improvement in her work. • Q: What has taken place发生了什么 since the man and the woman met the last time?

|<1>solitary|a. |tending to spend a lot of time alone |独自的;喜欢独处的| | | |a solitary traveler |一位孤独的旅行者| | | |A solitary tree remained standing after the hurricane. |飓风过后,惟有一棵树孤独地挺立在那儿。
|@ |<2>tame |vt. |make sb. or sth. easy to control |驯服;控制| | | |Atomic energy has been tamed and harnessed for useful work. |原子能已被控制并得到实际应用。
| | | |He tamed the wild horse. |他驯服了那匹野马。
| | |a. |(esp. of animals) not afraid of people, and used to living with them |(尤指动物)温顺的,驯化的| | | |The birds in the park are quite tame and will take food from your hand. |公园的鸟很温顺,它们会吃你亲手喂给它们的食物。
| | | |He keeps a tame bear as a pet. |他养着一头驯服的熊作为宠物。
| |<3>pond |n. |[C] a small still body of water formed naturally or created artiicially |池塘| | | |She has a pond at the bottom of her garden. |她在花园深处有个池塘。
| | | |She chose a bench beside the fish pond and sat down. |她在鱼塘旁挑了个板凳,坐了下来。

II. Listening Skills1. M: The police gave a few tickets out last week along Highway 15.W: In fact, quite a few tickets were given on that road.Q: What does the woman mean?2. M: Who do you think is the smartest student in the class?W: Mary is second to none.Q: What does the woman say about Mary?3. W: What are you so happy about?M: Instead of being given an even dozen, we’ve been given a baker’s dozen.Q: Why is the man so happy?4. M: We have had a lot of rain over the last few years.W: But nothing like this.Q: What does the woman mean?5. M: What effect has the booming economy had on interest rates for loans?W: The interest rates have skyrocketed!Q: What does the woman mean?1. A2. B3.B4.D5.CIII. Listening InTask 1: Dogs aren’t allowed here!Manager: I’m sorry. Miss, but dogs aren’t allowed in this theater.Mary: But I have a ticket for him.Manager: I’m very sorry, but animals aren’t permitted.Mary: You don’t understand. This is a special case. My dog is so well trained and so intelligent that he’s almost human. Manager: I see that you have an exceptional animal, but…Mary: I promise you that if there is any problem we’ll leave the theater immediately. I promise you that this dog isn’t like any other dog you’ve ever seen.Manager: Well…all right. I’ll let you go in, since the theater is almost empty tonight. But your dog will have to behave himself, or you will have to leave.Mary: Thank you very much.1. allowed movie theater2. a ticket3. well trained intelligent human4.any problem leave the theater any other dog seen5. almost emptyTask 2: Put the cat out!A couple was going out for the evening to celebrate the wife’s birthday. While they were getting ready, the husband put the cat out. The taxi arrived, and as the couple walked out of their home, the cat ran back into the house. Not wanting their car to have free run of the house while they were out, the husband went back upstairs to chase the cat out. The wife, not waiting it known that the house would be empty, explained to the taxi driver, “He’s just going upstairs to say goodbye to my mother.” A few minutes later, the husband got into the car, and said, “Sorry it took it so long. The stupid old thing was hiding under the bed, and I had to poke her with a stick to get her to come out!”4-1-3-5-2-6 D) She was ill-treated at home.Task 3: A Sudden Change in the Parrot’s AttitudeA young man named John received a parrot as a gift. The parrot had a bad attitude and an even worse vocabulary. Every word out of this bird’s mouth was rude. John tried every method to change the bird’s attitude by constantly saying polite words, playing soft music, and anything he could think of to set a good example. Nothing worked. Finally, John got fed up and he yelled at the parrot. And the bird yelled back. John shook the parrot, and the bird got angrier and ruder. Finally, in a moment of desperation, John put the bird in the refrigerator freezer. For a few minutes, John heard the bird scream and kick. Then suddenly there was silence. Not a sound for over a minute. Fearing that he’s hurt the bird, John quickly opened the door to the freezer. The parrot calmly stepped out and said, “I believe I may have offended you with my rude language and actions. I am truly sorry, and I will do everything I can to correct my poor behavior.”John was greatly surprised at the bird’s change of attitude. As he was about to ask the parrot what had caused such a sudden change in his behavior, the bird continued, “May Ii ask why you put the chickens there and what they did wrong?”1.C2.D3.B4.C5.AIV. Speaking OutModel 1 The dog will be company for her.John: Se-Jin, come shopping with me. I’m buying a present for my mother.Se-Jin: What are you getting her?John: I’ve got just the perfect idea. A dog.Se-Jin: A dog? Would she like that?John: She’ll love it. My dad works long hours each day, and I think with me away at school, she is a bit lonely. And I’ll just get a small one, a Pekinese.Se-Jin: Good idea! The dog will be company for her.Now Your TurnA: Hi, come shopping with me. I want to buy a gift for my neighbor.B: What for?A: His wife died a couple of weeks ago, and he is feeling lonely. He’s been kind to us. I want to buy something to cheer him up.B: What do you want to get for him?A: I’m thinking of buying a bunch of flowers for him.B: But I’ve got a perfect idea. A dog.A: A dog? Why?B: He’ll be crazy about it. He’s so lonely; he needs company rather than beautiful flowers.A: Good thinking! The dog can keep him company.Model 2 Where to walk dogs?Bob: There’s some talk of a businessman building a dog park in Shanghai.Laura: Really, what on earth for?Bob: Apparently there is a law against having dogs on the streets.Laura: Does it mean that the dogs have to stay inside apartments at all times?Bob: It sounds pretty cruel, doesn’t it? Maybe the park is a good idea.Laura: Maybe they should just allow people to walk their dogs on the streets.Bob: But in many large cities where dogs can be walked, the streets are a mess. I heard Paris is the worst.Laura:Couldn’t people just clean up after their dogs?Bob:Would they?Now Your TurnA: Have you heard the city has passes a law against walking dogs in the streets?B: Sure, it’s published in the newspapers.A: It means that dogs have to be kept inside all the time.B: It’s rather cruel, isn’t it? We shouldn’t be so cruel to dumb animals.A: But dogs often leave a mess from their dogs.B: But owners can clean up the mess from their dogs.A: Would they?B: Perhaps the best solution is to build a dog park. Then people can walk their dogs there.A: Sounds too good to be realistic. The city is already too crowed without the dogs.Model 3 What does having a few fish do for you?Philip: Wow! I see you’ve bought an aquarium. Nice!Peter: You should get one too. I highly recommend it.Philip: Why? What does having a few fish do for you?Peter: I find it relaxing just to sit down and watch tropical fish at the end of a tiring day.Philip: I can understand. I like to take it easy after work , too.Peter: There’s more than that. They’re really fascinating. They give you hours of entertainment, believe me.Philip: Perhaps I should give it a try.Peter: OK, I can lend you a couple of good reference books.Philip: Great! Any other tips on getting started?Now Your TurnA: Wow! You’ve bought a discman! It does look nice!B: You’d better buy one as well. I strongly recommend it.A: Why? What can it do for you?B: I find it relaxing to listen to music on it.A: I can understand. After a day’s work I like to relax a bit myself.B: Not only that. Some music cheers you up and makes you forget all your troubles.A: Maybe I should have a try, but I don’t know how to use the diskman.B: OK, I can lend you this manual.A: Wonderful! Any other tips on getting starded?V. Let’s TalkAn Intelligent DogA black dog walked into a butcher’s shop with a five-dollar bill in his mouth. He spent several minutes looking at the meat on display. He finally fixed his eyes on the lamb chops and barked, showing that he wanted to buy some of them. The butcher, thinking the dog wouldn’t know the difference, picked out the worst chops. The dog barked angrily and continued to bark until the butcher selected the finest chops. After the butcher took the money from the dog’s mouth, the dog picked up the chops and left the shop.The butcher was deeply impressed and decided that he would like to own a clever dog like that. He closed up shop and followed the dog to see where it went. The dog entered an apartment house, climbed to the third floor, and began to scratch on the door. With that, the door opened and an angry man started yelling at the dog. As he did so, the butcher stepped forward to ask the man to stop. “What are you doing?” That’s the smartest animal I’ve ever seen! Surely it doesn’t deserve this kind of treatment.” The butcher then went on to explain how the dog had bought the best lamb chops in the shop. The man looked at the butcher from the corner of his eye and said, “I don’t think he’s so intelligent. You see, this is thirdVI. Furthering Listening and SpeakingTask 1: A Birthday PresentMary: David, how did your mom like the dog you gave her for a birthday gift?David: Oh, Mary, she was delighted. It licked her hand and wagged its tail and she was hooked.Mary: What did she call it?David: She’s calling it “Brian”, after a friend of hers.Mary: Your mom always did have a sense of humor. I read somewhere that dogs can become very close to their owners. David: I’ve heard that. I saw an interview on TV with a man who had epileptic attacks, and his dog would warn him before he would have an attack.Mary: Really? I wonder how they can do that1David: It ahs something to do with the dog’s sense of smell. It’s very keen.Mary: Do you think Brian will be able to foretell when your mom is going to roast a chicken?After David gave his mom a dog as a birthday present, she was very pleased, for the dog licked her hand and wagged its tail. She called it Brian after one of her friends. Mary read an article which says that dogs can be faithful to their owners/masters. David agreed, for he saw a TV interview which introduced a dog that could warn its master of an epileptic attack. He explained that this ability of the dog’s has something to do with its keen sense of smell. Jokingly, Mary said she wounded whether the dog Brian can foretell/predict when David’s mom is going to roast a chicken.Task 2: 100 Percent Polar BearOne afternoon in the Arctic, a father polar bear and his son polar bear were sitting in the snow. The son turned to his father and asked, “Dad, am I 100 percent polar bear?”“Of course, son, you’re 100 percent polar bear.”A few minutes passed, and the bear turned to his father again and said, “Dad, tell me the truth. I can take it. Am I 100 percent polar bear? No brown bear or panda bear?”“Son, I’m 100 percent polar bear and your mother is 100 percent polar bear, so you’re certainly 100 percent polar bear.”A few minutes passed, and the son polar bear again turned to his father and asked, “Dad, don’t worry. But it’ll hurt my feelings if it’s not true. I really need to know…am I really 100 percent polar bear?”Somewhat angered by this continued questioning, the father polar bear yelled at his son, “Why on earth do you keep asking is you’re 100 percent polar bear?”“Because I’m freezing to death out here!”1.T2.F3.F4.T5.FTask 3: An Introduction to Advertising“Are you ready to go to work?” a woman asks her dog Sydney. The dog was her tail. Then she starts sniffing around inside the house. Sydney is hunting for mold. When she sits down, that means she smells mold nearby. Usually mold is found within three or four feet. A boy who lives in this house has epileptic attacks. It could be from mold. His mother wanted to find the mold. She tried other ways to find it, but they didn’t work. She said she trusted the dog more than the other ways. Workers found mold near where Sydney sat. Nobody had thought to look for mold there before. Now it can be cleaned out and the boy will feel much better.Sydney is very special. Only about ten animals in the U.S. can do this. She spent hundreds of hours with a police dog trainer in Florida to learn how. In the U.S., people have used dogs to find drugs and bombs for a long time, but dogs that find mold are something new.People in Europe have used mold-sniffing dogs for many years. Dogs are cheaper to use than human trackers and can find exactly where the mold is. They also do it quickly and for less than %500. Other methods may cost thousands of dollars and take many weeks.1.D2.C3.B4.A5.DSpeakingA Funeral for a Dead FishNancy: Westerners often take pets as their friends, even their family members. Especially dogs They think dogs are man’s best friends.Michael: What pets do people usually keep?Nancy: A lot. Fish, cats, horses… anything could be a pet.Michael: Do you have a pet?Nancy: I have three fish. One day, the fish called Susan died. We even had a funeral for her.Michael: A funeral?Nancy: Yes, usually it’s a ceremony for dead people. But we had a funeral for the dead fish.Michael: Sounds interesting.Nancy: Well, I need to go back to feed my fish. Talk to you later.Michael: OK, bye.。

Unit FiveSection A 优雅的双手我从未见过克拉克夫人,但看过她的医疗记录和上一位值班医生交给我的报告后,我知道她今晚会去世。
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put on 穿上,戴上
I saw him put on his jacket, pick up his case and go out.
6 Look—it’s too long, even on me. And this material is so heavy that it would pull you down.” 7“I have never heard of anyone being injured by too heavy a coat.” 8 “Do you want to be the first? Just cut it off here,” he said, drawing his hand across his knees.
risks–from careless waiters who might drop hot
coffee onto your head, to employees who didn’t
wash their hands.
to this day: 至今
To this day, Yellow Stone Park has remained
a prized possession to the American people. 黄石公园至今仍是美国人民的宝贵财产。
Watch your eyes:当心眼睛
out,take care , be careful in 当心 留意
Para. 3-4
reБайду номын сангаасember doing:记得曾做过某事
can remember doing some really, really spectacular doodles.
我记得曾经画出的涂鸦真的很棒。 remember
to do:记得要做某事;记得去做
4 Restaurants, Dad warned, presented many
is possible if you do your best, so try to do your best every day. 没有什么是不可能的,只要你尽你所能。 所 以,试着每天尽你所能(做到最好)吧。
try not to do sth 试着不做某事 ; 试图不做 某事 ; 尽力不要做某事 ; 尽量不做某事 Try not to do that 尽量不要那么做
时装只是我们必须提防的许多危险之一。知道现 在,当走到离树枝尚有数码之遥时,我仍会停下 来,耳边似乎又响起了父亲的声音:“当心戳到 眼睛!”
Para. 9-10
guard from 防卫;防范;保护„„的安全
Soldiers must guard the president from possible dangers. 卫兵必须保护总统不受任何危险的侵害。
Para. 1-2
ran into:跑进…;偶然碰见…
friend Terry ran into me on my way to class. 在我去上课的路上遇到了我的朋友特里。
into view:映入眼帘 ran out into 跑到 ; 跑去 ; 跑出去到
stick out
fully conscious of 完全认识到 know of:知道,了解
Text A
3 I remember having dinner at a friend’s house once,
and being surprised that nobody said a word about food poisoning. At home, “Did you wash your hands?” was spoken at every single meal. 记得有一次在朋友家吃饭,竟然没有一个人提及同食 物中毒有关的字眼,我感到奇怪。如果在家里,每顿 饭时都会有人问:“你洗手了吗?”
Text A 5 Fashion, too, could be dangerous, according to my father. A few years ago, he took away my coat because he said I hadn’t had it made right. When I asked him about it, Dad put the coat on to show me how serious the problem was.
你的身上拿走的,那,就是你的智慧 take-away food 外卖食物 ; 可带走的熟食 ; 外卖食品 ; 快餐食物
have something done: 让(别人)
做某事 I had my car fixed yesterday. 我昨天找 人把车修了。 He had the roof of the house painted red. 他让人把屋顶漆成了红色。
Parental love is returned: the child shows as much love in the same manner.
Text A
Father Dearest
1 My father and I were watching a video in which my two-yearold nephew, Cameron, ran into view with a spoon sticking out of his mouth. “ He’ll trip, and that spoon will go right into his throat,” my father said with worry. 我和父亲在看录像,这时画面上出现了我两岁的侄子卡梅伦, 嘴里叼着一只勺子。“要是绊倒的话,勺子会戳进他的喉咙 的,” 父亲担心地说。
在父亲看来,时装也会有危险。几年前,他拿走了 我的大衣,因为他说那大衣做得不对劲。我问他怎 么不对劲,他穿上大衣,向我说明问题有多严重。
Para. 5-8
according to:根据,按照;
teacher regraded the students into small groups according to ability.
take away:带走,拿走,取走
there is only one thing that people can 't take away from you, and that is your wisdom.
Of course, as children, we did not always listen to Dad.We had our broken bones, car accidents, and illnesses— some of which might have been avoided if we had followed his advice.
“看,我穿着都太长。而且这料子这么重,会把你压坏 的。” “我可从没听说过有人因大衣太重而受伤的。” “你想成为第一个吗?要从这儿剪掉。”父亲说着用 手在他的膝盖处比划了一下。
hear of
听说;知道;了解(某一事实、某 人或某物等的存在)
The police heard of the robbery and acted upon the information they got at once. 警察一听到有劫案, 就立刻根据所得情报采 取了行动。
当然,我们小时候并不总是听父亲的话。我们曾 经摔断过骨头,出过交通事故,生过病。如果我 们听从父亲劝告的话,有些意外是可以避免的。
follow one’s advice 遵循某人的意见、建议
如果你按照老师的建议去做, 英语学习可以变得很有趣。 If you follow the teacher’s advice, the study of English can be much more interesting.
from· · · to:从· · · 到· · ·
east to west 从东到西
drop onto:落到
passengers drop anything onto the track, they should ask the subway staff for help.
Text Structure
Text Parts Introduction 1-2
Main Ideas Presenting the thesis statement:” Like most parents, Dad has always tried to protect his children.” Dad shows his love by giving warnings against all types of risks: in restaurants, in fashion, in sports, in driving and even in cleaning
11 When my brothers and sisters and I talk about the old days, we recall Dad’s telling us not to jump too hard and high while playing sports because of the possibility of backbone injury, and the driving directions he gave us with as few left turns as possible. Now, we find ourselves giving similar warnings:we phone my younger brother to tell him that we read about someone dying from poisoning, or my younger sister to warn her about the high lead content of certain window coverings.