中学经典短篇英文小说赏析《the cat and the fiddle》

中学经典短篇英文小说赏析《the cat and the fiddle》
中学经典短篇英文小说赏析《the cat and the fiddle》

The cat and the fiddle


The cat and the fiddle,

The cow jumped over the moon!

The little dog laughed

To see such sport,

And the dish ran off with the spoon!

Perhaps you think this verse is all nonsense,and that th e things it mentions could never have happened;but they di d happen,as you will understand when I have explained the m all to you clearly.

Little Bobby was the only son of a small farmer who live d out of town upon a country road.Bobby's mother looked a fter the house and Bobby's father took care of the farm,a nd Bobby himself,who was not very big,helped them both a s much as he was able.

It was lonely upon the farm,especially when his father an d mother were both busy at work,but the boy had one wa y to amuse himself that served to pass many an hour whe n he would not otherwise have known what to do.He was ver y fond of music,and his father one day brought him fro m the town a small fiddle,or violin,which he soon learne d to play upon.I don't suppose he was a very fine musicia n,but the tunes he played pleased himself;as well as hi s father and mother,and Bobby's fiddle soon became his con stant companion.

One day in the warm summer the farmer and his wife determi ned to drive to the town to sell their butter and eggs an

d bring back som

e groceries in exchange for them,and whil

e they were gone Bobby was to be left alone.

“We shall not be back until late in the evening,”said hi s mother,“for the weather is too warm to drive very fas t.But I have left you a dish of bread and milk for you r supper,and you must be a good boy and amuse yourself wi th your fiddle until we return.”

Bobby promised to be good and look after the house,and th en his father and mother climbed into the wagon and drov e away to the town.

The boy was not entirely alone,for there was the big blac k tabby-cat lying upon the floor in the kitchen,and the l ittle yellow dog barking at the wagon as it drove away,an d the big moolie-cow lowing in the pasture down by the bro

ok.Animals are often very good company,and Bobby did no t feel nearly as lonely as he would had there been no liv ing thing about the house.

Besides he had some work to do in the garden,pulling u p the weeds that grew thick in the carrot-bed,and when th e last faint sounds of the wheels had died away he went i nto the garden and began his task.

The little dog went too,for dogs love to be with peopl e and to watch what is going on;and he sat down near Bob by and cocked up his ears and wagged his tail and seeme

d to tak

e a great interest in the weeding.Once in a whil

e he would rush away to chase a butterfly or bark at a b eetle that crawled through the garden,but he always came b ack to the boy and kept near his side.By and by the ca t,which found it lonely in the big,empty kitchen,now th at Bobby's mother was gone,came walking into the garden al so,and lay down upon a path in the sunshine and lazily w atched the boy at his work.The dog and the cat were goo d friends,having lived together so long that they did no t care to fight each other.To be sure Towser,as the littl e dog was called,sometimes tried to tease pussy,being him sel

f very mischievous;but when the cat put out her sharp c laws and showed her teeth,Towser,like a wise little do g,quickly ran away,and so they managed to get alon

g i n a friendly manner.

By the time the carrot-bed was well weeded,the sun was si nking behind the edge of the forest and the new moon risin g in the east,and now Bobby began to feel hungry and wen t into the house for his dish of bread and milk.

“I think I‘ll take my supper down to the brook,”he sai d to himself,“and sit upon the grassy bank while I eat i t.And I‘ll take my fiddle,too,and play upon it to pas s the time until father and mother come home.”

It was a good idea,for down by the brook it was cool an d pleasant;so Bobby took his fiddle under his arm and carr ied his dish of bread and milk down to the bank that slop ed to the edge of the brook.It was rather a steep ban k,but Bobby sat upon the edge,and placing his fiddle bes ide him,leaned against a tree and began to eat his supper. The little dog had followed at his heels,and the cat als o came slowly walking after him,and as Bobby ate,they sa t one on either side of him and looked earnestly into hi s face as if they too were hungry.So he threw some of t he bread to Towser,who grabbed it eagerly and swallowed i

t in the twinkling of an eye.And Bobby left some of the m ilk in the dish for the cat,also,and she came lazily u p and drank it in a dainty,sober fashion,and licked bot h the dish and spoon until no drop of the milk was left. Then Bobby picked up his fiddle and tuned it and began t o play some of the pretty tunes he knew.And while he pla yed he watched the moon rise higher and higher until it wa s refected in the smooth,still water of the brook.Indeed,Bo bby could not tell which was the plainest to see,the moo n in the sky or the moon in the water.The little dog la y quietly on one side of him,and the cat softly purred u pon the other,and even the moolie-cow was attracted by th e music and wandered near until she was browsing the gras s at the edge of the brook.

After a time,when Bobby had played all the tunes he kne w,he laid the fiddle down beside him,near to where th e cat slept,and then he lay down upon the bank and bega n to think.

It is very hard to think long upon a dreamy summer nigh t without falling asleep,and very soon Bobby's eyes close d and he forgot all about the dog and the cat and the co w and the fiddle,and dreamed he was Jack the Giant Kille r and was just about to slay the biggest giant in the wor ld.

And while he dreamed,the cat sat up and yawned and stretc hed herself;and then began wagging her long tail from sid e to side and watching the moon that was refected in th e water.

But the fiddle lay just behind her,and as she moved he r tail,she drew it between the strings of the fiddle,whe re it caught fast.Then she gave her tail a jerk and pull ed the fiddle against the tree,which made a loud noise.Thi s frightened the cat greatly,and not knowing what was th e matter with her tail,she started to run as fast as sh e could.But still the fiddle clung to her tail,and at eve ry step it bounded along and made such a noise that she s creamed with terror.And in her fright she ran straight towar ds the cow,which,seeing a black streak coming at her,an d hearing the racket made by the fiddle,became also fright ened and made such a jump to get out of the way that sh e jumped right across the brook,leaping over the very spo t where the moon shone in the water!

Bobby had been awakened by the noise,and opened his eye s in time to see the cow jump;and at first it seemed t

o him that she had actually jumped over the moon in the s ky,instead of the one in the brook.The dog was delighte d at the sudden excitement caused by the cat,and ran bark ing and dancing along the bank,so that he presently knocke d against the dish,and behold!it slid down the bank,carr ying the spoon with it,and fell with a splash into the w ater of the brook.

As soon as Bobby recovered from his surprise he ran afte r the cat,which had raced to the house,and soon came t o where the fiddle lay upon the ground,it having at las t dropped from the cat's tail.He examined it carefully,an d was glad to find it was not hurt,in spite of its roug h usage.And then he had to go across the brook and driv e the cow back over the little bridge,and also to roll u p his sleeve and reach into the water to recover the dis h and the spoon.

Then he went back to the house and lighted a lamp,and sa t down to compose a new tune before his father and mothe r returned.

The cat had recovered from her fright and lay quietly unde r the stove,and Towser sat upon the floor panting,with h is mouth wide open,and looking so comical that Bobby thoug ht he was actually laughing at the whole occurrence.

And these were the words to the tune that Bobby composed t hat night:


The cat and the fiddle,

The cow jumped over the moon!

The little dog laughed

To see such sport,

And the dish ran off with the spoon!


《英语短篇小说选读》教学大纲 作为一门选修课,《英语短篇小说选读》主要面向英语专业本、专科学生,同时兼顾非英语专业各科英语成绩优异并对英语文学感兴趣的学生。本课程旨在通过引导学生仔细研读英语短篇小说,欣赏其精美的语言和深邃的思想,提高学生的语言素养,帮助学生了解西方的思想与文化,培养学生阅读、欣赏英语文学作品、撰写读后感和简短评论的能力。 课时安排:每周两次,每次两小时,共授课一学期。 使用教材:姜晓梅(编著)《英语小说名篇赏析》,世界图书出版公司,1999年10月,西安具体教学内容: Chapter 1 I Want to Know Why by Sherwood Anderson Chapter 2 The Darling by Anton Chekhov Chapter 3 A Rose for Emily by William Faukner Chapter 4 The Snows of Kilimanjaro by Ernest Hemingway Chapter 5 The Cap and the Anthem by O. Henry Chapter 6 Araby by Jamse Joyce Chapter 7 The Magic Barrel by Bernard Malamud Chapter 8 Life of Ma Parker by Katherine Mansfield Chapter 9 The Necklace by Guy de Maupassant Chapter 10 The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin 参考书目: 叶华年《英语短篇小说导读—结构与理解》,华东师范大学出版社,1999 《英国短篇小说选》(上、下),上海译文出版社,1982 王佐良,刘承沛《美国短篇小说选》,商务印书馆,1984


外国文学之三大短篇小说家 契诃夫(1860年-1904年),俄国的世界级短篇小说巨匠,是 俄国19世纪末期最后一位批判现实主义艺术大师,与法国作家莫 泊桑和美国作家欧?亨利并称为“世界三大短篇小说家”,是一个 有强烈幽默感的作家,他的小说紧凑精炼,言简意赅,给读者以独 立思考的余地。他的作品的两大特征是对丑恶现象的嘲笑与对贫苦 人民的深切的同情,并且其作品无情地揭露了沙皇统治下的不合理 的社会制度和社会的丑恶现象。代表作品《变色龙》《装在套子里的人》《小公务员之死》《凡卡》《樱桃园》等。 《变色龙》作品简介 巡逻中的督警奥楚蔑洛夫和巡警穿过集市广场时,忽然听 见有人在尖声大喊,于是他们朝喧闹的人群走去。原来,金银 匠赫留金想用烟蒂去烫一只无主的小狗的鼻子,却被小狗咬了 手指。见来了督警,于是便向他告状。一开始,奥楚蔑洛夫很 是公正和严历,大声斥骂养狗的人,并要把小狗处死;当听到 有人说这好像是席加洛夫将军家的狗时,他立即改变态度,并 警告赫留金不要玩花样。这时巡警说,好像这不是将军家的狗。 他又开始“变脸”,说“这样的小贱种,怎么会是将军养的”,“是该对它进行惩罚的时候了”。但接着又有人说好像在将军家看到这条狗时,他又改口大骂赫留金。他对小狗的态度一变再变,当最后从将军家厨师口中得知这是将军哥哥的狗时,他马上大声赞扬小狗是“伶俐的”,“小坏包”。处置完“事件”后,他警告赫留金说:“我早晚要来收拾你的!”又继续巡逻了。 《变色龙》是契诃夫的许多短篇小说中脍炙人口的一篇。作家在描述一个警官偶然审理一件人被狗咬的案情中,只用寥寥几笔,就极其简练、锋利地为我们勾勒出一个灵魂丑恶,面目可憎的沙皇走狗——警官奥楚蔑洛夫的形象,寄寓着一个发人深思的主题。作品以善于适应周围物体的颜色,很快地改变肤色的变色龙作比喻,起了画龙点睛的作用。


edicated to a Happier Year PART Once a term the whole school went for a walk—that is to say the three masters took part as well as all the boys. It was usually a pleasant outing, and everyone looked for-ward to it, forgot old scores, and behaved with freedom. Lest discipline should suffer, it took place just before the holidays, when leniency does no harm, and indeed it seemed more like a treat at home than school, for Mrs Abrahams, the Principal's wife, would meet them at the tea place with some lady friends, and be hospitable and motherly. Mr Abrahams was a preparatory schoolmaster of the old-fash-ioned sort. He cared neither for work nor games, but fed his boys well and saw that they did not misbehave. The rest he left to the parents, and did not speculate how much the parents were leaving to him. Amid mutual compliments the boys passed out into a public school, healthy but backward, to receive upon un-defended flesh the first blows of the world. There is much to be said for apathy in education, and Mr Abrahams's pupils did not do badly in the long run, became parents in their turn, and in some cases sent him their sons. Mr Read, the junior assistant, was a master of the same type, only stupider, while Mr Ducie, the senior, acted as a stimulant, and prevented the whole concern from going to sleep. They did not like him much, but knew that he was necessary. Mr Ducie was an able man, orthodox, but not out of touch with the world, nor incapable of seeing both sides of a question. He was unsuitable for parents and the denser boys, but good for the first form, and had even coached pupils into a scholarship. Nor was he a bad organizer. While affecting to hold the reins and to prefer Mr Read, Mr Abrahams really allowed Mr Ducie a free hand and ended by taking him into partnership. Mr Ducie always had something on his mind. On this occasion it was Hall, one of the older boys, who was leaving them to go to a public school. He wanted to have a "good talk" with Hall, during the outing. His


世界经典短篇小说选读目录 《一碗清汤荞麦面》[日本] 栗良平 《法律门前》[德国] 卡夫卡 《免费》[美]雪莉·凯撒 《一天的等待》[美国] 厄内斯特·海明威 《没有锁上的门》[美国] 罗伯特·斯特恩德力 《小公务员之死》[俄国] 契诃夫 《穷苦人》[俄] 列·托尔斯泰 《“诺曼底”号遇难记》[法国] 雨果 《雨伞》[日本] 川端康成 《陈小手》汪曾祺 《陈奂生上城》高晓声 《没有完的故事》[美国] 欧·亨利 《热爱生命》[美国] 杰克.伦敦 《小丑》[俄国] 屠格涅夫 《半张纸》[瑞典] 斯特林堡 《饥饿艺术家》[奥地利] 卡夫卡 《罗生门》[日本] 介川龙之介 《桔子》[日本] 介川龙之介 《鱼服记》[日本] 太宰治 《柏林之围》 [法国] 都德 《夜》 [意大利];路·皮兰德娄 《阿拉比》 [爱尔兰] 詹姆斯·乔伊斯 《羊脂球》 [法国] 莫泊桑

正文 一、推介原因 这个在日韩广为流传的真实故事,感动了亿万人,成为在逆境中奋起,决不向命运低头的精神象征。在日本,该书的出版被形容为掉进了“一亿泪的海”;《读者》总编彭长城认为《一碗清汤荞麦面》是该刊创刊以来刊出的最感人的作品之一。 二、作者简介 栗良平.本名伊藤贡,日本著名作家、演讲家。1943年5月生于日本北海道。曾经从事过十多种职业。在综合医院任职十年,高中时代曾翻译安徒生童话而引起对口述童话的创作兴趣.。他利用业余时间收集四百多篇民间故事以各地方言亲自巡回讲述。主要作品有《纺织公主》《又听到二号汽笛》《穿越战国时代的天空》,而以《一碗清汤荞麦面》而成为儿童类畅销作家。 [思考] 母子三人为什么要在顾客都散尽后,才去北海亭面馆吃面? 那女人购买清汤荞麦面时,为什么“怯生生地问……”“可以吗? ” [参考答案] 命运的不幸,生活的艰难,在母亲心中刻上了深深的伤痕,每当除夕夜来临,他都有一种难以述说的复杂心情,既要与孩子过年又不愿在人前表现家境的窘迫,以至伤害孩子的自尊心,只得在顾客散尽时候去。 三人要一碗面的尴尬,这样晚的时间因吃一碗面而麻烦人的歉疚,使得母亲每次都怯生生的发问。 推介理由 有人曾说鲁迅是中国最痛苦的文人,那么卡夫卡也许可以称作奥匈帝国最痛苦的文人了。卡夫卡短暂的一生是在痛苦和孤独中度过的。“孤独感”与“死亡意识”几乎成了他创作的永恒主题。无论主人公如何抗争努力,强大无形的外来力量始终控制着一切,


《英美经典短篇小说赏析》课程教学大纲 A Guide to Classic British and American Short Stories 学分:2 总学时:32 课程性质:选修课 考核方式:考查适用专业:各类专业 一、课程性质、目的与任务 1. 课程性质:本课程是高等学校非英语专业的一门选修课,是为培养学生了解英国和美国文学短篇小说知识而设置的一门选修课程。 2. 教学目的:本课程旨在帮助学生全面了解英国和美国在不同历史时期所出现的重要作家与作品、风土人情与习俗、历史与文化等,通过经典短篇小说的分析,让学生能欣赏原作的风格、语言等,从而更好地把握英语,更全面地了解英国和美国的政治、经济与传统,扩大知识面,提高文学修养。 3. 教学任务:通过对英国文学和美国文学发展的主要阶段中的著名作家的短篇作品的分析,使学生掌握基本的短篇小说构成要素、在英美文学史上著名的短篇小说家以及分析小说的基本方法。本门课虽然是一门选修课程,但是,它对学生进一步学习和掌握英美文学有着重要的辅助作用。因此,要求学生在培养自己学习兴趣同时,增加短篇小说理论知识,更重要的是,加强学生对短篇小说理解及分析能力。 二、教学基本要求 1. 重点掌握:所选短篇小说涉及到的著名作家的写作特色,短篇小说的重要因素包括主题,内容,写作技巧,象征意义等。 2. 一般了解:作者的生平,所选短篇小说涉及的与英国和美国文化相关的背景知识。 三、课程内容与学时分配 第一讲英美短篇小说简介(4学时) 1. 重点:短篇小说的概念、短篇小说的基本要素、Rip Van Winkle和The Minister's Black Veil的基本要素及主旨内涵。 2. 难点:短篇小说的基本要素、Rip Van Winkle和The Minister's Black Veil主旨内涵。 3. 主要内容 3.1、短篇小说的概念


BOOK WRITER The Adventures of Augie March Saul Bellow(两本上榜) All the King's Men Robert Penn Warren American Pastoral Philip Roth (两本) An American Tragedy Theodore Dreiser Animal Farm George Orwell (两本) Appointment in Samarra John O'Hara Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret Judy Blume The Assistant Bernard Malamud At Swim-Two-Birds Flann O'Brien Atonement Ian McEwan (一定要弄一本来看看)Beloved Toni Morrison The Berlin Stories Christopher Isherwood The Big Sleep Raymond Chandler The Blind Assassin Margaret Atwood Blood Meridian Cormac McCarthy Brideshead Revisited Evelyn Waugh The Bridge of San Luis Rey Thornton Wilder Call It Sleep Henry Roth Catch-22 Joseph Heller The Catcher in the Rye J.D. Salinger A Clockwork Orange Anthony Burgess The Confessions of Nat Turner William Styron The Corrections Jonathan Franzen The Crying of Lot 49 Thomas Pynchon(两本) A Dance to the Music of Time Anthony Powell The Day of the Locust Nathanael West Death Comes for the Archbishop Willa Cather A Death in the Family James Agee The Death of the Heart Elizabeth Bowen Deliverance James Dickey Dog Soldiers Robert Stone Falconer John Cheever The French Lieutenant's Woman John Fowles The Golden Notebook Doris Lessing Go Tell it on the Mountain James Baldwin Gone With the Wind Margaret Mitchell The Grapes of Wrath John Steinbeck Gravity's Rainbow Thomas Pynchon The Great Gatsby F. Scott Fitzgerald A Handful of Dust Evelyn Waugh The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter Carson McCullers (感兴趣) The Heart of the Matter Graham Greene (也是两本,也感兴趣)


世界著名短篇小说《窗》—泰格特(中英文) 世界著名短篇小说《窗》—泰格特 《窗》 在一家医院的病房里,曾住过两位病人,他们的病情都很严重。这间病房十分窄小,仅能容下他们俩人。病房设有一扇门和一个窗户,门通向走廊,透过窗户可以看到外面的世界。其中一位病人经允许,可以分别在每天上午和下午起身坐上一个小时。这位病人的病床靠近窗口。而另一位病人则不得不日夜躺在床上。当然,两位病人都需要静养治疗。使他们感到痛苦的是,两人的病情不允许他们做任何事情借以消遣,只有静静的躺着。而且只有他们两个人。两人经常谈天,一谈就是几个小时。他们谈起各自的家庭,各自的工作,各自在战争中做过什么,等等。 每天上午和下午,时间一到,靠近窗的病人就被扶起身来,开始一小时的仰坐。每当这时,他就开始为同伴描述起他所见到的窗外的一切。渐渐地,每天的这两个小时,几乎就成了他和同伴生活中的全部内容了。 很显然,这个窗户俯瞰着一座公园,公园里面有一泓湖水,湖面上照例漫游着一群群野鸭、天鹅。公园里的孩子们有的在扔面包喂这些水禽,有的在摆弄游艇模型。一对对年轻的情侣手挽着手在树阴下散步。公园里鲜花盛开,主要有玫瑰

花,但四周还有五彩斑斓、争相斗艳的牡丹花和金盏草。在公园那端的一角,有一块网球场,有时那儿进行的比赛确实精彩,不时也有几场板球赛,虽然球艺够不上正式决赛的水平,但有的看总比没有强。那边还有一块用于玩滚木球的草坪。公园的尽头是一排商店,在这些商店的后边闹市区隐约可见。 躺着的病人津津有味地听这一切。这个时刻的每一分钟对他来说都是一种享受。描述仍在继续:一个孩童怎样差一点跌如湖中,身着夏装的姑娘是多么美丽、动人。接着又是一场扣人心弦的网球赛。他听着这栩栩如生的描述,仿佛亲眼看到了窗外所发生的一切。 一天下午,当他听到靠窗的病人说到一名板球队员正慢悠悠地把球击得四处皆是时,不靠窗的病人突然产生了一个想法:为什么偏是他有幸能观赏到窗外的一切?为什么自己不应得到这种机会的?他为自己会有这种想法而感到惭愧,竭力不再这么想。可是,他愈加克制,这种想法却变得愈加强烈,直至几天以后,这个想法已经进一步变为紧挨着窗口的为什么不该是我呢? 他白昼无时不为这一想法所困扰,晚上,又彻夜难眠。结果,病情一天天加重了,医生们对其病困不得而知。 一天晚上,他照例睁着双眼盯着天花板,这里,他的同伴突然醒来,开始大声咳嗽,呼吸急促,时断时续,液体已


哥特式文学首先盛行于18,19世纪的西方世界,旨在描述发生在 充满神秘与恐怖氛围中的传奇经历。许多学者认为,“哥特元素大都运用于小说创作,而诗歌则由于受到情节、节奏与韵律的限制而缺少叙述哥特故事的基础条件” (Tzvetan 25-26)。但部分学者则坚信“哥特元素不仅存在于小说中,在诗歌当中亦可以分外活跃”(刘守兰:55)。作为美国哥特文学大师与先驱,埃德加·爱伦坡的短篇小说以及他的诗作都充满了哥特式的神奇色彩。但是大多数学者仅将研究聚焦于其短篇小说中的哥特研究,而忽视了该元素在其诗歌中也存在的现实。 一、爱伦坡所持的哥特式文学理论 爱伦坡对美好事物的凋零有着强烈的迷恋。追根究底,这还源于他儿时的丧亲之痛,与中年的丧妻之痛。而已逝女子的影子常在他脑海里盘旋,引领他在诗歌王国里翱翔。哥特式风格又恰如其分地被其用于诠释他心底深处的恐惧与压抑。众多作家在描写恐怖情节时,常对外部环境进行大力渲染,而他则更注重对人内心世界的雕琢。他深信“诗歌的最好主题是死亡,尤其是美丽尤物的死亡,将毫无疑问是世界上最具诗意的主题(Poe:133-140)”。他用诗歌践行了自己的写作原则,并将一生都奉献给了这种哀伤的美丽。为更清晰地展现爱伦坡的哥特式写作风格,本文将以《乌鸦》为例并诠释其中所蕴含的死亡之美与哥特式元素。 二、意象塑造 1、人与物的塑造 《乌鸦》塑造了两个重要形象:年轻男子与乌鸦。悲伤的男子刚失去他最爱的女子,他企图沉浸于书以忘却伤痛,但一切都是徒劳,他越看书,越被寂寞与悲痛侵蚀;而象征死亡与不祥的乌鸦却在午夜,飞入这间男子曾常与故去情人蕾诺相会的小屋。此外,诗人还塑造了两个对诗的主旨起重要作用的意象。其一为黑色,“纯色调可使人产生快乐或抑郁之感”(朱立元:489-490)。诗中所连续采用的黑色背景,可使读者感到压抑,从而感受男子心底的恐惧与悲痛。 诗中反复出现的“永远不再”亦可看作一种特殊形象。除该词的原意外,它还具有象征意义。在乌鸦出场时,悲伤的男子问它叫什么名字,乌鸦的回答就是“永远不再”,但当主人翁向乌鸦询问是否有良药以消除他心中对蕾诺的思念时,当他想知道是否能与蕾诺在遥远的天堂再次相会时,以及最后要求乌鸦离开小屋时,乌鸦都是通过“永远不再”作答,也正是这个词,使得男子陷入永恒的悲痛深渊。 2、场景设置 读者可在开篇看到一幅夜半三更的凄厉画卷: 阴森的气氛,令人毛骨悚然的场景,神秘而忧郁的男子,不祥的乌鸦……在阴郁而寒冷的午夜,除寒风的呼啸声与男子翻动书页的声音,周围的一切均可谓万籁俱寂,屋外的世界在夜的面纱笼罩之下,而屋内的狭小空间在昏暗的光线下显得忽明忽暗,突然一阵短暂的敲门声在他房门上叩响,但当他打开房门查看时,却不见敲门人,只有无情的黑夜与肆虐的狂风。然而,当他回到屋内,之前的敲门声却再次响起,乌鸦在这时飞入他的房间,并栖息于他房门之上。 但为何选择午夜作为故事发生的时间?午夜意味着恐怖与神秘,各种幽灵与魔鬼总在此时出没。这种令人发怵的氛围,为乌鸦的出场奠定了基调。诗人将故事设置在一所幽僻而狭小的屋子里也是别有一番用心。首先,狭小而封闭的空间对构


世界经典短篇小说选读 目录 《一碗清汤荞麦面》[日本] 栗良平《法律门前》[德国] 卡夫卡《免费》[美]雪莉·凯撒 《一天的等待》[美国] 厄内斯特·海明威 《没有锁上的门》[美国] 罗伯特·斯特恩德力 《小公务员之死》[俄国] 契诃夫《穷苦人》[俄] 列·托尔

斯泰 《“诺曼底”号遇难记》[法国] 雨果《雨伞》[日本] 川端康成《陈小手》汪曾祺《陈奂生上城》高晓声《没有完的故事》[美国] 欧·亨利《热爱生命》[美国] 杰克.伦敦《小丑》[俄国] 屠格涅夫 《半张纸》[瑞典] 斯特林堡《饥饿艺术家》[奥地利] 卡夫卡《罗生门》[日本] 介川龙之介《桔子》[日本] 介川龙之介

《鱼服记》[日本] 太宰治《柏林之围》[法国] 都德《夜》[意大利];路·皮兰德娄《阿拉比》[爱尔兰] 詹姆斯·乔伊斯《羊脂球》[法国] 莫泊桑 正文 一、推介原因 这个在日韩广为流传的真实故事,感动了亿万人,成为在逆境中奋起,决不向命运低头的精神象征。在日本,该书的出版被形容为掉进了“一亿泪

的海”;《读者》总编彭长城认为《一碗清汤荞麦面》是该刊创刊以来刊出的最感人的作品之一。 二、作者简介 栗良平.本名伊藤贡,日本著名作家、演讲家。1943年5月生于日本北海道。曾经从事过十多种职业。在综合医院任职十年,高中时代曾翻译安徒生童话而引起对口述童话的创作兴趣.。他利用业余时间收集四百多篇民间故事以各地方言亲自巡回讲述。主要作品有《纺织公主》《又听到二号汽笛》《穿越战国时代的天空》,而以《一碗清汤荞麦面》而成为儿童类畅销作家。 一碗清汤荞麦面 [日本]栗良平

一 对于面馆来说,生意最兴隆的日子,就是大年除夕了。 北海亭每逢这一天,总是从一大早就忙得不可开交。不过,平时到夜里12点还熙攘热闹的大街,临到除夕,人们也都匆匆赶紧回家,所以一到晚上10点左右,北海亭的食客也就骤然稀少了。当最后几位客人走出店门就要打烊的时候,大门又发出无力的“吱吱”响声,接着走进来一位带着两个孩子的妇人。两个都是男孩,一个6岁,一个10岁的样子。孩子们穿着崭新、成套的运动服,而妇人却穿着不合季节的方格花呢裙装。 “欢迎!”女掌柜连忙上前招呼。 妇人嗫嚅地说:“那个……清汤荞麦面……就


《英美经典短篇小说赏析》课程教学大纲 -CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN

《英美经典短篇小说赏析》课程教学大纲 A Guide to Classic British and American Short Stories 学分:2 总学时:32 课程性质:选修课 考核方式:考查适用专业:各类专业 一、课程性质、目的与任务 1. 课程性质:本课程是高等学校非英语专业的一门选修课,是为培养学生了解英国和美国文学短篇小说知识而设置的一门选修课程。 2. 教学目的:本课程旨在帮助学生全面了解英国和美国在不同历史时期所出现的重要作家与作品、风土人情与习俗、历史与文化等,通过经典短篇小说的分析,让学生能欣赏原作的风格、语言等,从而更好地把握英语,更全面地了解英国和美国的政治、经济与传统,扩大知识面,提高文学修养。 3. 教学任务:通过对英国文学和美国文学发展的主要阶段中的著名作家的短篇作品的分析,使学生掌握基本的短篇小说构成要素、在英美文学史上著名的短篇小说家以及分析小说的基本方法。本门课虽然是一门选修课程,但是,它对学生进一步学习和掌握英美文学有着重要的辅助作用。因此,要求学生在培养自己学习兴趣同时,增加短篇小说理论知识,更重要的是,加强学生对短篇小说理解及分析能力。 二、教学基本要求 1. 重点掌握:所选短篇小说涉及到的著名作家的写作特色,短篇小说的重要因素包括主题,内容,写作技巧,象征意义等。 2. 一般了解:作者的生平,所选短篇小说涉及的与英国和美国文化相关的背景知识。 三、课程内容与学时分配 第一讲英美短篇小说简介(4学时)


小王子读后感 Despite I’baive not in my childhood yet, I still prefer reading fairy-tale stories. The tales, which accompany with me in my old days, often make me think of some precious experience and sensation which only belong to children. This summer I’ve review this kind of tale, which was published in 1940. It’s the world-famous fairy-tale by the French author, Antoine de St-Exupery, The Little Prince. As many other fairy-tales, the outline of The Little Prince is not very complex. “duI”, the narrator of the story, is a pilot whose plane has something wrong and lands in the Sahara. In this occasion, the pilot makes the acquaintance of the little prince, a little boy from another planet, the Asteroid B612. The little prince has escaped from his tiny planet, because he has some quarrel with a rose, which grows on his planet. In that case he left his own planet and took an exploration at some neighbor asteroids. On his all-alone journey, the little prince meets different kinds of people, which includes a king, a conceited man, a tippler, a businessman, a lamplighter and a geographer. From these people he gets a conclusion that the grown-ups are very odd. Following the instruction of the geographer, he descends in the Sahara, on the earth. Unbelievable, this little book moved me a lot. I seldom think about the true meaning of love and life before. Well, now I can say, with my short


推荐书,推荐的10篇短篇小说 经常有朋友问我:有什么好的小说推荐吗?虽然我也会顺口说几部自己喜欢的小说,但也深知,阅读这回事,与吃饭无异,每个人的口味都很独特。所以在不知道对方的口味下推荐出去的作品被喜欢的概率不会太大。尽管网络上随处可见满目琳琅的书单,诸如必读的一百本书之类的,但我发现,每张书单至少有一半是不符合我口味的。所有的推荐都是极其主观的,所以听信推荐找自己的喜好,本就是靠运气的事情。但这并不代表推荐没有价值,一个读者和一本书之间,存在缘分,有些缘分是从别人共享中获得的。在这里给大家推荐我个人最喜欢的10篇短篇小说吧。一来,论长篇小说喜欢也不算少,恐难言尽。二来,现在人们生活节奏快,短篇更有被读的可能性。 1、阿城《棋王》 这应该是我喜爱的第一篇短篇小说。这篇小说也一度被称之为寻根文学的代表作品。在近几年流行的“冯唐金线”里,这篇小说也被纳入了金线之内。初看小说的动机多半源自我自己本身对象棋的爱好。后来发现,其实小说中真正讲棋的内容并不多,反倒是讲述了文革时代,被隐藏的“特殊人才”的命运与挣扎。后来我看了小说改编的电影,虽然总体并不如意,但几个重要桥段却十分精彩。但更精彩的还是小说,人物描写的神形兼备,情节的扣人心弦,至今回味无穷。 2、史铁生《命若琴弦》 史铁生大部分的作品里,都隐藏着对自身命运的愤怒与无奈。尽管它被文学的厚重包裹的很好,但是仍然可见他对生活的诘问。这篇小说,他以盲艺人的角度却剖析一个五光十色的世界,然后强调“希望”的重要性,又同时证明着希望本身的虚妄。在这样人物自身制造矛盾的缝隙里,窥探人性骨子里的坚韧与辛酸。这像是一则人类通用的寓言,也是光明与黑暗相互撕扯的写真。史铁生从未假惺惺的歌颂人生的阳面,或者单纯斥责生活的阴面,在他的笔下,人生就是枚转动的硬币,忽明忽暗,永不停息。 3、郁达夫《春风沉醉的晚上》 很难想象,一个作家能把颓废压抑的情绪,冰冷残酷的环境写得如此浪漫和唯美。郁达夫总是把冷色调的环境和低潮期的人物境遇写得细腻入微,意蕴悠长。这篇小说情节看起来极其薄弱,但感情丰富,人物内心的雕刻鬼斧神工,借助着深夜的春风,将一个落魄文人的辛酸与浪漫写得扑朔迷离。其中折射着当时社会的颓唐,人性的善良和对关爱的渴望。小说看起来是似乎是消极的,又似乎是积极的,似乎是乐观的,又似乎是悲观的。似乎是表达着命运的不可逆转性,又似乎在透露某种生活的希望。像是一扇破败的窗户里,亮起的幽幽灯火。 4、余华《世事如烟》 余华的文笔利索而有力,宛如刻刀。他早期的“先锋文学”作品风格独树一帜,风靡一时。其中这篇小说就极具代表性。这篇小说是篇逻辑相当混乱的小说,真至于说,它根本就没有逻辑。全篇以各种怪力乱神的情节和描写拼凑而成,甚至是人物都只是用数字作为代号。看起来没有主题,没有情感张力,没有思想寄托,甚至没有人物形象。那么本来它应该极其枯燥而无味,但相反的是它散发这一种诡异、荒诞、讳莫如深的文学气质,让人喘不过气来。在这样的文字里,读者的想象力和个人见解也获得无限的发挥空间。 5、斯蒂芬·茨威格《一个陌生女人的来信》 这篇小说很早听说,读过后不得不惊叹。茨威格竟然能将一封以女人口吻的信件写得如此牵


詹姆斯·乔伊斯是举世公认的二十世纪英国文坛巨匠。他的早期作品《都柏林人》是一部由十五个故事组成的现实主义短篇小说集。该小说集以作者的家乡都柏林为背景,生动地描绘了二十世纪初该城市的社会现实和人生百态,深刻地反映出当时社会麻木不仁的瘫痪状态,成功地展示了不同身份的人物同僵死和瘫痪的社会之间的激烈冲突以及他们失败之后痛苦不堪的感受。作者从童年期、青年期、成年期和社会生活四个方面对这部小说集进行布局,揭示了当时社会政治、经济和道德的瘫痪。《阿拉比》是该小说集中“童年期”的第三篇,描述的是一个少年对朦胧爱情的浪漫追求以及幻想破灭后的失望和痛苦。 在故事中,乔伊斯细致而深刻地刻画了主人公复杂的内心世界,展示了主人公在认识自我,走向成熟的过程中所经历的困惑、孤独和痛苦。故事是以第一人称叙述的,主人公是一个天真无邪、正在成熟的少年,他居住的地方名叫“北理查蒙德街”,住处的周围是一些阴森森的楼房、幽暗潮湿的花园和满是泥泞的巷子。然而,少年对这些并没有深刻的意识,直到他对“曼根的姐姐”产生了朦胧的“爱慕”之情时才有了一种孤独和茫然之感,因为他根本不知道爱情究竟是什么样的,也不知道如何表达自己对姑娘的爱慕之情。当有一天他朝思暮想的“曼根的姐姐”主动和他说话,并告诉他该去“阿拉比”集市时,他的思想有了变化,他渴望去集市为心爱的姑娘买一份礼物。可见少年去“阿拉比”的渴望是出于对心中朦胧的爱情的本能追求。“阿拉比”这个具有阿拉伯异域色彩和东方世界神秘魅力的集市给他带来了希望和诱惑,寄托着他的爱情和理想,象征着他探索与追求的目标。于是,去“阿拉比”集市意味着他开始了追求理想,寻找自我的“成长之旅”。然而,当他几经周折到达集市时,“几乎所有的摊棚都关门了。半个大厅里黑沉沉的。我有一种孤寂之感,犹如置身于做完礼拜后的教堂中。”当他困难地想起自己来集市的目的时,他随意走到一个摆着瓷花瓶和印花茶具的摊棚前。他看见的却是一个女郎与两名英国男子调情的场面。他们轻浮放肆的话语跟他心中神圣、纯洁而又压抑的爱情成了鲜明的对比。这时他迷茫了,不明白现实生活中的爱情为什么跟他理想的爱情完全不一样,觉得自己心中的爱情受到了亵渎,他无法忍受。恰好在这一刻少年产生了“精神顿悟”:他终于领悟到现实世界和他心中的理想世界之间的巨大差异,认识到现实社会的麻木和不堪。于是,他“抬头凝视着黑暗感到自己是一个受到虚荣心驱使和拨弄的可怜虫,于是眼睛里燃烧着痛苦和愤怒”。由此可见,少年追求理想的“阿拉比”之行实际上是他的一次认识自我、认识人生的的成长之旅。他认识到在这个麻木、瘫痪和压抑的现实社会中,任何美好理想都会最终化为泡影。 通过这个故事,乔伊斯揭露了19世纪爱尔兰社会的黑暗和腐朽,希望爱尔兰人民能够振作起来,摆脱教会的束缚,重新恢复生机与活力。

经典英文短篇小说 (108)

The Romance of a Busy Broker by O. Henry Pitcher, confidential clerk in the office of Harvey Maxwell, broker, allowed a look of mild interest and surprise to visit his usually expressionless countenance when his employer briskly entered at half past nine in company with his young lady stenographer. With a snappy "Good-morning, Pitcher," Maxwell dashed at his desk as though he were intending to leap over it, and then plunged into the great heap of letters and telegrams waiting there for him. The young lady had been Maxwell's stenographer for a year. She was beautiful in a way that was decidedly unstenographic. She forewent the pomp of the alluring pompadour. She wore no chains, bracelets or lockets. She had not the air of being about to accept an invitation to luncheon. Her dress was grey and plain, but it fitted her figure with fidelity and discretion. In her neat black turban hat was the gold-green wing of a macaw. On this morning she was softly and shyly radiant. Her eyes were dreamily bright, her cheeks genuine peachblow, her expression a happy one, tinged with reminiscence. Pitcher, still mildly curious, noticed a difference in her ways this morning. Instead of going straight into the adjoining room, where her desk was, she lingered, slightly irresolute, in the outer office. Once she moved over by Maxwell's desk, near enough for him to be aware of her presence. The machine sitting at that desk was no longer a man; it was a busy New York broker, moved by buzzing wheels and uncoiling springs. "Well--what is it? Anything?" asked Maxwell sharply. His opened mail lay like a bank of stage snow on his crowded desk. His keen grey eye, impersonal and brusque, flashed upon her half impatiently. "Nothing," answered the stenographer, moving away with a little smile. "Mr. Pitcher," she said to the confidential clerk, did Mr. Maxwell say anything yesterday about engaging another stenographer?" "He did," answered Pitcher. "He told me to get another one. I notified the agency yesterday afternoon to send over a few samples this morning. It's 9.45 o'clock, and not a single picture hat or piece of pineapple chewing gum has showed up yet." "I will do the work as usual, then," said the young lady, "until some one comes to fill the place." And she went to her desk at once and hung the black turban hat with the gold-green macaw wing in its accustomed place. He who has been denied the spectacle of a busy Manhattan broker during a rush of business is handicapped for the profession of anthropology. The poet sings


年轻人必读的29本英文短篇小说,分分钟刷新你三观 本周,著名网站Buzzfeed 罗列了一份年轻人必读的29 篇短篇小说书单,这份书单的作者覆盖了英语世界,尤其是美国文学界最富盛名的小说家。《外滩画报》精选出10 篇已经翻译成中文的小说作重点推荐。 编辑:谭浩制图:唐卓人部分图片来自Buzzfeed 2013年,瑞典学院将诺贝尔文学奖颁给了以写作短篇小说见长的加拿大作家爱丽丝·门罗,这在某种程度上褒扬了中短篇小说为世界文学做出的重要贡献。阿根廷女作家萨曼塔·施维伯林甚至说:“门罗能够得到诺贝尔文学奖,让我们这些写作短篇的都松了一口气。”虽然很多人不一定赞同顾彬关于“长篇小说已经没落”的论调,但是短篇小说作为一种更为有力凝练的文学形式,确实更加符合如今这个时代的节奏。本周,著名网站Buzzfeed 罗列了一份年轻人必读的29 篇短篇小说书单,这份书单的作者覆盖了英语世界,尤其是美国文学界最富盛名的小说家。《外滩画报》精选出10 篇已经翻译成中文的小说作重点推荐: 1. 弗兰纳里·奥康纳:《流离失所的人》 《流离失所的人》选自小说集《好人难寻》在弗兰纳里·奥康纳的小说里,尽管大部分时间故事里的人物都被堕

落、自私、愚昧、自负、欺骗或冷漠所掌控,但是,总有那么一个时刻(往往在接近小说结尾处),奥康纳会安排上帝的恩惠(或曰天惠)降临到他们身上。在这圣灵显现的一瞬间,这些人物突然受到某种精神上的启迪,进而达到某种“顿悟”,他们也许会接受这一天惠,也许会拒绝它,但不管怎样,这一灵光闪现的“天惠时刻”会使他们的内心发生改变。——比目鱼,书评人 2. 朱诺?迪亚斯:《沉溺》 选自小说集《沉溺》《沉溺》里面的九个小短篇和一个准中篇都是以朱诺?迪亚斯自己和他的家庭的真实经历为蓝本书写出来的半自传作品,它所处理的是一个移民家族心灵史上最特殊的时段:移民前在多米尼加共和国的等待期和移民初期在美国的无望岁月。朱诺?迪亚斯在写这些“少作”的时候,还没有获得他后来的作品中罗伯特?波拉尼奥式的喷薄的语言强度,但这种语流清浅、句法简朴的写法与作者的青春期原型所附体的叙述者尤尼尔非常合拍:如此“低限度”的风格,恰好能够为那些在生理、心理与地理的转换交接处所蛰伏的晦暗不明的能量提供随机释放的可能性。——胡续东,作家 3. 米兰达·裘丽:《楼梯上的男人》
