




2. 发音是否标准决定着考官评判你英语(论坛)水平起点的高低。

3. 词汇作为四大评分标准之一,并不是考察学生运用长难词汇的能力,而是对常用词汇的灵活把握。

4. 雅思口语中的语法,时态的把握尤其重要,不仅要求考生正确使用相应时态形式,同时,时态的多样性也必须有所体现。

5. 流利程度并非一味强调语速,而是要尽可能的减少表述中不必要的停顿和重复。

6. 大多考生习惯用单词或者短语回答口语第一部分的问题。但切记,雅思是语言能力的考试,句子的完整性至关重要。一句话回答问题总显得单薄无力,也达不到交流的目的。所以,学会合理扩充答案便成了一种技巧。

7.常见扩充答案的方法有三种:a. 给理由;b. 举例子;c. 做展望。

8.学会层次化信息,此时需要用到一些逻辑联系词,比如:first of all, besides, finally, etc.










18.如遇政府类或者抽象类话题,一个原则要记住:talk small, never talk big. 可采取以点代面的政策。

19.处理对比类问题,比如:Do you prefer A or B? 可尝试用“It depends”的方式作答。这样的答案好处有两点:a. 讨论式作答比单一式作答更合理;b. 讨论式作答会花费更多的时间,减少考官发问的频率。

20.回答对比类问题时,还应注意连接词的运用,比如:but, while, on the other hand. 同时,句型句式的重复也是这类题的死穴。



7月7,8,12,13日口语试题2012-07-15 23:40:59| 分类:2012年口语机经| 标签:| Part One: *Hometown/living city (纽西兰,阿德莱德,杭州,北京,上海,郑州,厦门,青岛,广州,南京,深圳,合肥,昆明) Tell me about the place you grew up. 第二部分卡片提前 What are the best thing and the bad thing in there? What are the changes in your hometown? 第二部分卡片提前 What kind of city do you like living in? Have you ever been to one of those cities? Which spot in your hometown did you like to visit as a child? *Study (阿德莱德,纽西兰,利物浦,深圳,成都,杭州,合肥,北京,青岛,石家庄,广州,呼和浩特) Are you working or studying? What is your major? *School (广州,呼和浩特) Can you say something about your primary school life? 第二部分卡片提前 What subject did you like in your primary school? Do you still keep contact with classmates from primary school? *Work/ Job(西安) Are you working or a student? What would you do after graduation? What is your ideal future job? 第二部分卡片提前 *Clothes(阿德莱德,广州,深圳,杭州,北京)


雅思口语Part2常考话题:交通工具 本文为大家收集整理了雅思口语Part2常考话题:交通工具。雅思口语Part2着重考察同学们的英语交流能力,同学们在备考阶段可以注意多积累素材,平时多模仿多练习,这样在考试中才不至于无话可说。 Describe an important form of transport for you I want to describe the bus, which is probably the most common form of transport for most of us in Suzhou. I probably use the bus about 10 or more times in a week. I use it not just to go back and forth to work but also to go shopping. I have a monthly pass and so I can travel freely on one without having to pay each time I go on. I also use a bus when I want to go traveling from one place to another for distances that do not last fur more than a day. I do have a bicycle, but I use that only for very" short distance" things, like getting some vegetables at the local grocery store or things like that. I prefer taking the bus. I always feel safe taking a bus because it is a big vehicle and it moves more slowly than a taxi. It is quite convenient, since there are enough lines. Even though it is not as convenient as a car, it allows you to work while you are traveling. It is relatively cheap


2019年9-12月雅思口语Part 2新题预测:有意义的 歌 有意义的歌 P2 Describe a song that is meaningful to you. You should say: what song it is; when you first heard it; what the song is about; and explain why it is meaningful to you. P3 1.Is it good for children to learn music? 2.How do Chinese people learn music? 3.Do men and women play different kinds of musical instruments? 4.what's the status of traditional music now? 5.Do all grades have music class? 6.Is music class important? 7.What kind of music do children like? 8.Why would some parents force their children to learn some musical

instruments? 解析 题目要求考生描述“一首对你有意义的歌”。作答要点包括:是什么歌、什么时候第一次听到、歌是关于什么的,并说明为什么这首歌对你有特殊意义。 范文 Three years ago, a song came out that celebrated being young and relaxed and I was instantly crazy about it. It was called ‘Young for you’ and the beat and melody were off the hook! The song became a massive hit across China that year and you could hear it being played everywhere. When I listen to the song now it immediately takes me back to my youth. I first heard the song playing in a shopping mall and was instantly drawn to it. The singer's voice was like no other I had ever heard before and the melody was haunting and sad. I stopped shopping and used an app on my phone to identify the tune. I immediately downloaded the album off iTunes.


雅思口语考试绝对不能说的话 雅思口语考试绝对不能说的话——在雅思口语考试中,有些单词/短语虽然听起来很酷,但绝对不能说。比如脏话类。虽然脏话是语言的浓缩,也是语言中最地道的部分,但也仅限于本国人使用,外国人如果贸然使用,会被认为是文化的一种侵略。 雅思口语考试中绝对不能出现的单词/短语: 1. Suck。Suck中规中矩的解释是“吮吸“。但是日常生活中,suck常常表达的意思是“糟透了”“逊毙了”“太菜了”等,可以说一个很粗鲁的词。曾经有个考生在雅思考试中被问”Tell me something about your hometown“,此考生回答曰:It sucks. 考官一口水差点没喷出来。说自己的家乡suck,无异于侮辱自己的出生地,是很雷人的。。。 2. Damn。如果英文中有一个词可以完美对应中文的“他妈的“,那就是damn。言情剧中男主角装酷的时候总喜欢说:I don’t give a damn。翻成中文就是我他妈的屁都不放一个。这句话是电影《乱世佳人》中男主角的经典台词,曾经被美国某杂志评选为“史上100句最经典台词”的冠军,曾经被无数电影抄袭过,但是,尽管有这么多的荣誉,它他妈的还是一句脏话……这种话是不能对考官说的。。。。 3. Holy系列,Jesus系列,God系列。不要随便调戏别人的神。你一个不信耶稣的人,在那里乱喊“看在耶稣的份上“,考官会想,我们的耶稣他妈的关你什么事了。。。 4. Ass系列。kick-ass形容词,极好,接近中文的“牛B”,是一个表示高度赞扬、却总让人不是个滋味的词……kick one’s ass, 动词短语,意思是把某人打得屁滚尿流,同样是一个让人听了不是个滋味的表达。。。。pain in the ass,名词,等于中文里的2B。。。。


雅思口语上考场时的答题技巧 雅思口语上考场时的5个答题技巧一文总结了站在雅思口语考场上时的5个技巧,这些技巧都是关于心态调整和面对面交流的技巧。下面就和大家分享雅思口语上考场时的5个答题技巧,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。 雅思口语上考场时的5个答题技巧 在面对IELTS口语考试时,除了语言知识的储备外,下面这些小提示,希望可以帮到正在为雅思口试而拼搏的你。 1.保持礼貌和热情。 打招呼是考官观察考生的第一步,所以一定要大方,自然。要注意在面试过程中表现出良好的文化修养。进入面试室之前,应该先敲门;进门后,应主动问候考官。如果考官伸出手表示要握手,考生应当立即上前热情大方地与对方握手。但考生不应主动要求握手,更不能戴着手套握手。问候要自然,不要背诵已准备好的问候语,那样会给人一种虚假的感觉。 2.坐势须自如。 考生必须有良好完美的坐势,以使口试中的沟通和接触能够顺利进行。如果你坐的是一张直背椅,千万不要“瘫”在椅背上,

脊背应挺直,切勿弯腰弓背,也不要摇摆小腿,头要挺起,但不宜高昂头颅,僵直着脖子,这样给人一种冷冰冰的感觉。口试时最忌讳的坐势就是把腿翘起来。 3.面对考官的问题,不能简单的回答“YES”或“NO”,而应尽量积极主动。 考官不希望考生像法庭上的被告,用“YES”或“NO”来回答问题。考官在提问时,总是希望你作具体的解释说明,在你的说明中了解你的个性,语言水平等。 4.不要过分奉承考官。 有的考生一味迎合考官,像一个唯唯诺诺的用人,无论考官说什么,都表示赞成或者一味地点头,开口闭口就有意恭维考官:“You are perfectly right。”或“What you have said is true。”这样只顾一心奉承考官而不敢发表自己的意见或见解,其结果只能是使口试越来越枯燥,乏味;考官最终会对你失去信心而得出结论:你是个平庸之辈。 5.有语法错误时不要害怕,应镇定地更正。 力求准确,少犯语法错误当然是考生们追求的目标之一,但千万不要为了追求绝对准确而牺牲了流利。另外,流利不等于语速快,流利意味着没有太多间断的平稳,顺畅的表达。


雅思口语考试未来的3种趋势 雅思口语考试是雅思考试的一大亮点,在雅思口语考试中不仅考生的口语水平是考官关注的一个焦点,大家的肢体动作也是。要想提高雅思口语成绩,明白雅思口语考试的趋势也是一个非常好的切入点,下面就请天道小编来为大家讲解一下雅思口语考试未来的3大趋势吧。 趋势一、内容商业化 雅思考试的口语题库一向比较稳定,考试每年增加几个新的topic,每个topic又包括相应的几道新题,但数量有限,题型和原本的保持一致,因此对新试题的准备工作并不难。 但也许是受到全球化商业的影响,或是因为各大商务类考试的红火局面,口试的内容在近年来偏向商业化领域拓展,不少考题和该方面内容相关,甚至出现过关于外企面试的一些题目,考生要做好准备。同学们一定注意多总结一些雅思口语考试范文。这是很重要的内容。 在第一和第三部分中,关于work and career方面曾经考过的几道真题有,如: Do you think salary is only thing that counts in a job? What do you think of leaflets? How can we increase the sales profits of a company? Could you tell me the difference between big and small shops in their service? How to provide a good service? Is it important for a shopping center to have good service? 在第二部分里则大玩商务基础知识,如: Describe a company that your relative or friend owns. Describe how to run a business (You should say what you must do and where you run the business) 对于商业类问题,考生应该积累适量的基本知识,毕竟在这个商业发达的年代,没有这类知识是吃不开的,建议考生在考前可以参考外企的一些简单面试材料,并试着用英文回答,或者参加一些培训机构的课程,从中获得可供参考的答题内容。 趋势二、越来越日常化、生活化 这道极为日常化的题是这样的:Could you name some famous flowers in China? 在考生自我介绍之后,随之而出的这道题使很多考生考雅思高分的梦想瞬间破灭。 很多考生都表示从来也没有准备过这种题目,但是它毕竟来了。


关于雅思口语考试的二十条细则 做事要按法则、规律来,这样才能事半功倍。雅思口语备考也是有法则的,同学们需要谨记并且按照这些法则来备考。今天三立在线教育雅思网为大家带来的是关于雅思口语考试的二十条细则的相关资讯,希望能给备考的烤鸭们带来一定的帮助,赶紧来看看吧! 1.雅思口语考试的关注点绝不是考生提供的信息内容,而是提供信息时所选用的形式,也就是词汇和句型。 2. 发音是否标准决定着考官评判你英语(论坛)水平起点的高低。 3. 词汇作为四大评分标准之一,并不是考察学生运用长难词汇的能力,而是对常用词汇的灵活把握。 4. 雅思口语中的语法,时态的把握尤其重要,不仅要求考生正确使用相应时态形式,同时,时态的多样性也必须有所体现。 5. 流利程度并非一味强调语速,而是要尽可能的减少表述中不必要的停顿和重复。 6. 大多考生习惯用单词或者短语回答口语第一部分的问题。但切记,雅思是语言能力的考试,句子的完整性至关重要。一句话回答问题总显得单薄无力,也达不到交流的目的。所以,学会合理扩充答案便成了一种技巧。 7.常见扩充答案的方法有三种:a. 给理由;b. 举例子;c. 做展望。 8.学会层次化信息,此时需要用到一些逻辑联系词,比如:first of all, besides, finally, etc. 9.一分钟题卡准备时间的分配如下:5-10秒读题;10-15秒确定表述对象;35-45秒做笔记。 10.给自己的speech录音是练习口语行之有效的方法之一。

11.学会用题卡中隐藏相关信息做扩充。比如,当谈论人物类话题时,可就其外观和性格作适当描述;当谈论地点类话题时,可就其地理位置作相应叙述。 12.表述过程当中,注意语音语调的抑扬顿挫。一成不变的音律只会让考官怀疑你在背诵答案。 13.一般情况下,第二部分的表达时间尽量控制在一分半钟左右。如果考官提前打断你,不要着急,也许并不是因为你表现欠佳,而是时间不够了。 14.尽量保证在一分半钟之内完整表达你的speech,其中包括题卡中每一个问题的作答。 15.口语第三部分重新回归一问一答的模式,没有额外准备的时间,考生需凭借第一反应作答。 16.问题回答没有时间限制,考生不必强迫自己说太多,只要答在点上即可。 17.减少“I”在这一部分的的出现次数,必要时可以用“we”或者“people”替代。 18.如遇政府类或者抽象类话题,一个原则要记住:talk small, never talk big. 可采取以点代面的政策。 19.处理对比类问题,比如:Do you prefer A or B? 可尝试用“It depends”的方式作答。这样的答案好处有两点:a. 讨论式作答比单一式作答更合理;b. 讨论式作答会花费更多的时间,减少考官发问的频率。 20.回答对比类问题时,还应注意连接词的运用,比如:but, while, on the other hand. 同时,句型句式的重复也是这类题的死穴。

雅思口语PART 1高频考题(4)

雅思口语PART 1高频考题(4) 10. Color What’s your favorite color? Are there any colors you dislike? Do you prefer light or dark colors? Do you think the color of one's clothes is important? What color would you choose to paint the walls of your room? Are there any colors that have a special meaning in your country? 11. Transportation Do you like traveling by car? How often do you take a taxi? Have you ever traveled by train? When was the last time you took a taxi? Do people in your country like to travel by train? Do you think bicycles will become more popular in the future? 12. Clothing Where do you buy your clothes? Is the brand of clothes important to you? The clothes a person wears are important? What kind of clothing do children usually wear? What does traditional clothing in China look like? How do older people feel about younger people's clothing?

雅思口语话题卡片题目汇总 part 1

雅思口语话题卡片题目汇总part 1 人物 1. Someone you would like to spend time with 2. An old person you respect 3. a person who is good at his/her job 4. A school friend 5. a teenager 6. a family you are familiar with (not your own) 7. A person you helped 8. a well-known person 地点 1. A tourist attraction 2. Workplace 3. a place with a lot of water 4. a city you visited 5. Cafe or restaurant 6. a place for shopping 7. a garden you’ve been to 物品 1. A book you recently read 2. A game (not sport) you played when you were a child

3. A photo 4. A good law in China 5. Some interesting news 6. A special gift you gave to another person 7. An organization 8. A show/performance you watched 9. Something that you don't know but would like to learn 10. A white lie 11. an important letter that you received 12. TV program 13. second foreign language 14. a website 15. handicraft you made 16. holiday postcard or email you received and that you liked 17. a film you watched recently 18. a magazine you like to read 19. an interesting animal 20. an electrical appliance that is useful to you 事件 1. an environmental problem in a place that you’ve been to 2. family event (birthday party or wedding)


20个最常见的雅思口 语话题

20个最常见的雅思口语话题 1. Do you think the government is doing enough to prevent road accidents? 2. As there are more and more private cars, what do you think the government should do in order to encourage citizens to use public transport? 3. How do you see yourself in ten years" time? 4. Have you ever thought to have your own business? 5. What business do you hope to have? 6. Do you know about any policies about opening a business abroad? 7. What are your plans for your future? 8. Why do you think there are more and more people leaving to immigrate to other countries? 9. Is it good for China that so many people are going to other countries? 10. Will your life change a lot after you immigrate to ABC? 11. What will you do if you are ill abroad? 12. Do you know what to do in case of emergency? 13. What will do if you cannot find a job in ABC? 14. Why do you want to immigrate to ABC? 15. What will you do after the IELTS test? 16. What will do if you fail the IELTS test? 17. What"s your dream job? 18. How long have you been learning English? 19. What troubles you most at the moment? 20. Does your family support your decision on going ABC? What help do they offer?


雅思口语Part2参考答案之最有礼貌的人 一、参考范文 I have met many persons with very polite behaviors and soft attitude and among them my neighbor Mr. Arun (...say a name you like...) is the most polite person I have ever met. Interestingly he is very talented, well-mannered, has extended experience of travelling and he is a writer. There is a rumor that after his son died; he started living a discrete and solitary life. I first met him after he moved to our neighborhood around 5 years back. One day I went to his home to give some homemade food for a major festival. The way he greeted me and thanked me was simply amazing. I was around 19-20 years old but he treated me as if I was a much aged person. I am at least 20 years junior to him and yet he showed me a respect which is very rare nowadays. In fact he is well-known in our community as a perfect gentleman and a sober person. Almost everyone of our locality likes him for his polite manner, serene life-style and his wit. I often visit his place and discuss on several issues. He is a great problem solver and has a natural gift on Mathematics. He often helped me on my studies and we played table tennis, chess and other indoor games. The most interesting part about him is that he is a brave person and he often protests the unfair issues of our community. But those are so natural and his way of presenting those issues are so important and obvious that people obey him and give great concerns on the issues he raises. Besides, people


雅思口语考试中最难的20个题目整理很多同学都会觉得雅思考试前面的部分都是很简单的个人日常 生活的题目,没必要花费时间去准备,只要在考场上临时发挥就能取得好的成绩,但是,经过新通教育老师总结,雅思第一部分和第二部分仍然有很多的试题难度也和后面难度相当。 如果大家不进行充分的备考,可能会出现突然大脑短路和解答不流畅的情况,因此,对于表达能力尚可,时间又比较紧的同学来说,雅思第一和第二部分就是食之无肉弃之可惜的。因此,我们需要抓住重点,解决这里面的难度大的一些题目,这才能最大化的利用好时间取得好成绩。新通教育为大家总结了20道值得大家好好复习的 part20雅思题目。 1.What can you see outside your window? 这个题目考生可能看似很难,但是完全可以投机取巧,借助准备的第二部分的话题,比如说Describe a historical site; describe a restaurant or describe a library. 将这些建筑物写成自己家附近的景色即可。 2.What do you think is a good way to learn English? 可能很多学生认为这个题目很简单,有很多的思路。但是往往思路越多的时候,越是理不清,说起来很乱。基本上,考生们需要找到 1

一条主线,然后顺着主线来讲。比如说形式:学习英语最好的方式就是通过看英文电影,听英文歌曲以及读英语文章。然后,这三个内容都是第二部分常考的话题,这时候考生就可以再次借助第二部分准备过的内容来back up你们的答案。同时,考生还可以加入其它内容,比如说获取这些内容的渠道以及什么时候去练习英文。 3.Do you think it is important to watch movie in the theatre? 这个问题相对来说还是有点难度,但是考生可以抓住这样两条主线,电影的种类以及价格。首先上来,先谈到对于那些对视听效果要求比较高的电影,比如说动作片,或者是恐怖片,电影院是最佳选择,但对于其他的爱情片或者说喜剧片,可能就没有太大的必要了。其次,可以引入价格的讨论,在网上看更加便宜。 4.What kinds of newspaper do you have in China? 这里我们可以从报纸的内容来探讨。有综合性报纸,专栏报纸等等,还有英文报纸。然后考生可以进而结合自己,谈到自己最喜欢的报纸,这里建议考生去说China Daily, 它是自己英语学习道路上的良师益友等等。后面这个部分可以完全套用第二部分中Describe a newspaper的话题。 5.Would you talk to people whom you meet for the first time? 雅思口语里面最难的题目往往是看起来比较幼稚的题目。如何寻找到准确的切入点就自然而然成为了关键。这个题目一个比较明显的 2

雅思口语话题-Describe A Sport Event

A Sport Event You should say: - what the event was (or, what the sport was) - where it was - who was competing - what you did during this competition and explain how you felt about this event. Example 1: I love to play badminton especially in the summer time. It is a game I really enjoy, so play it whenever I can get a willing partner. It is a lot like tennis, but I can play badminton anywhere. I do not have to go to a tennis court to play and I can play in between classes without getting sweaty. Badminton is played with rackets that look a lot like tennis rackets, but they are much more delicate. You should have a net, which sits high above the ground, and a ball that is called a birdie. The birdie has a small rubber half a ball on one end, and it fans out with feathers on the other end to help it to fly. A badminton court has a net in the center that stretches from side to side. Each side of the net has a square that the team mates play in. It is ideal to play badminton with four people, but you can play one on one as well. You can also play without points or a net, but I do not think it is as much fun. It is a game that takes a lot of energy so you get plenty of exercise playing badminton. The main reason I like the game is that everyone, man or woman, has an equal chance to compete. There are so many sports that require height or strength to be good; it is refreshing to play one that I have an equal opportunity to win. Maybe that is why I get very competitive and energetic when I play. I love the game; it is fun and rewarding, and I feel alive when playing. Example 2: Ok, well I have to admit that it was quite a while ago since I took part in any sports event, because I'm not really a very sporty person, but I suppose the one that sticks in my memory the most was a sports meeting between my high school and a few others around the city. And as for where the event was held, well, seeing as I think our school had the only proper running track in the city, it was held there, and the event I was competing in was the fifteen hundred metres, basically because no one else in my class wanted to do it – they said it was too far for them, so I ended up volunteering for it. So anyway, regarding what happened during the competition, well, I seem to remember at the start that most of the other competitors sprinted away, which surprised me a little, because it was quite a long distance that we had to run, so it seemed a little strange and even a bit scary seeing them run so fast - maybe it was because of the adrenaline or something. But anyway, I tried to pace myself, and after a while, as I expected, the others started to fall back, so I was able to overtake them, and then on the last lap, I somehow managed to overtake the leader and ended up winning the race! So if I think back to how I felt at that moment, well as you can imagine, I was over the moon, you know, super happy, because I simply had no idea I would win the race, and what was really


雅思口语考试全面解析 中国人在应试方面的智慧可谓登峰造极,许多人在应付诸如TOEFL、GRE考试中所取得的成绩,即便是英语为母语的人也无法望其项背。然而,面对IELTS的口语面试,大多数人难免感觉诚惶诚恐。虽然应试指导铭记在心,备考资料倒背如流,一旦见了蓝眼睛高鼻子的考官就乱了方寸,难免有束手无策之感,最后对雅思口语的总结就是一个字:难!究其原因,一是因为考生要面对的不再是纸笔,而是要在用耳的同时要动口,考生大都没有这一习惯;更为重要的是,因为IELTS不同于美国普林斯顿的口语考试TSE,雅思考生直接面对考官(face-to-face),而不是记录的机器人(face-to-tape),由于考官必须灵活处理并作出现场判断,以期考生真实水平限度的发挥,这无疑增加了存在不定因素的压力。由此,畏惧心理成了应试中的第一大障碍。 实际上,尽管背诵与记忆不能保证应试的成功,但如果应对策略得当,仍可取得较为满意的成绩。面对考官的时候虽然有其难度,但正因为面对的是人,这无疑也给了考生一个灵活应付的机会,这就要求考生在做好准备与热身的前提下(be ready and warmed-up),作出灵活机敏的反应(be flexible and sensitive)。IELTS注重的是考生用英语交际的能力,其目的显然在于测试在英语国家学习和生活的能力(to survive and be O.K.),经过笔试之后的口试,不仅涉及到考生的语言能力,还涉及到考生运用英语交际的有效性(effectiveness),这必然与交际过程中所运用的交际策略与技巧密切相关。因此,语言能力并非能绝对保障口语应试成功,同时考生也不要因语言难度而一筹莫展,忘记了运用简单的语言(甚至运用表情与体势语)策略性地达到交际的目的。关于这一点,可参考老师的指导及有关资料,再揉进个人的特长和个人风格,面试时处于放松状态(be relaxed),想象自己不是来被考的,而是来作一次小小的交流,这样,过关并非所想象的那样困难。这里虽然不赘述具体的例子,但有一点须牢记在心,即交流在面试中既是最主要的也是最重要的(Communication is the main word in this text),因此,使交流顺利进行10-15分钟(to keep the communication going)才是至上之策。 如何在面试中运用自己有准备的材料,以免陷入被动的境地,也是一个相当重要的问题。


雅思口语考试时听不清问题该如何回答 1. Sorry, I didn't catch you. 对不起,我没听懂你说的。 2. Sorry, I didn't understand. 抱歉,我听不懂。 3. Sorry, I didn't get what you said. 对不起,我没听懂你说的话。 4. I can't hear you very well. 我听不太清楚。 5. I can barely hear you. 我几乎听不到你说的。 6. I'm having trouble hearing you. 我听不清楚。 7. Pardon? 请再说一遍好吗? 8. Excuse me? 请再说一遍? (上列两句都是对不起之意,但用在会话上,如果后面没有接说明,并且语尾上扬,就是要对方再说一次。听到这句话时就要知道对方要自己再说一遍。) 9. I beg you pardon? 能请你再说一遍吗?(此句有请求对方原谅及再说一次的意思) 10. Could you repeat that, please? 能请你再说一遍吗? 11. Would you say that again? 你能再说一遍吗? 12. Would you speak more slowly? 你能再说慢一点吗? 13. Could you speak up a little? 你能在大声一点吗?(speak up 大声说=speak out)

14. Would you speak more clearly? 你能再说清楚一点吗? 16. Would you explain more for me? 可以为我解释一遍吗? 17. Please speak a little louder. 请讲大声一点。 18. Would you slow down, please? 请说慢一点好吗? 400-080-6358 https://www.360docs.net/doc/2415485144.html,
