
2012年11月10日托福写作真题解析综合写作:某地区下了2个月的red rain,三个原因,1 volcanic eruption, 2meteoric explosive,3sporesof lichens,教授说第一种可能造成red rain,但不太可能会造成这么长时阁的red rain,而且雨水成分中没有火车喷出物,第二种情况也不会造成那么大的clouds,而且clouds会飘走,若发生了explosion,下雨应该是在另一个地方;第三种情况,lichens住在地面,只能影响到ground-leve!的air,若要行成red rain,需要很多很多的lichens,可是市民没有看到这种现象。
独立写作Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The best way to increase students' interest in a subject is to teach them the significance of the subject outside of school.Our interest in a subject is influenced by many things. For subjects with direct, practical applications outside of school, this extracurricular significance may be a huge factor in determining a student's interest in it. In these cases, it would be suitable to teach them about the subject's significance outside of school. For subjects that don't have many practical applications, however, this may not be the case.For a subject like art, for example, teaching students about its significance outside of school may actually have the opposite effect. Art has very little practical utility, and I say this as someone who absolutely loves art. It is a fairly noncontroversial viewpoint, reinforced by the fact that art funding is universally one of the first things sent to the chopping block during government budget crunches. It's true significance is even debated by those in the art world--this is something I can personally attest to, having been party to many of these debates while studying art during my M.A. program. For those not already inspired by art classes, learning about art's extracurricular significance is probably not going to be the best way to get them excited about it.The same could be said of philosophy. Philosophy, at least in the Western tradition, used to have practical applications. That was several hundred years ago, back when science still comprised a branch of philosophy. Nowadays, people will reflexively cringewhen they hear you have a philosophy degree. And who could blame them? Philosophy is almost by definition an airy pursuit--its name comes from the term "philosophia", Greek for "the love of wisdom". Loving wisdom is not an employable skill-set, and I have a feeling that teaching students about this lack of practical utility will do little to sway the unconverted. Why should they get excited about a subject with no obvious use?These are both subjects near and dear to my heart, and I think it would be a shame if more people were not adequately exposed to them. I think the best way to get students interested in these subjects, however, is not to talk about their grander significance outside of school, but to make them more immediate and personal. Studying Buddhist philosophy helped me to detach myself from a life focused on material gain. Experiencing Mark Rothko's massive color-field paintings gave me personal insight during a difficult period of depression. These are two ways in which more personal encounters can deepen a person's interest in them, and it's far more impactful and longer-lasting than.Teaching students about a subject's extracurricular significance is important, but for some subjects, there are better ways of stoking their interest.。

12月托福写作小范围机经思路12月托福写作小范围机经思路NO.1A high school has decided that all students must take a class in which they learn a practical skill. School administrators are trying to decide whether to hold a class in cooking, managing personal finances or auto repair. Which do you think the school should require students to take? Why?这道题目是一个三选一的题目,这类题目最简单的思考方式,就是从A,B,C三个选项中,选出其中一项,然后说出这一项的好处,然后说出另外两种的缺陷,就可以了。
此题,笔者建议选择managing personal finances,具体思路如下全文思路结构:理由一:获得理财能力,可以帮助学生形成理性的消费观,避免攀比心理,从而合理分配自己的零用钱。
(To begin with, Acquiring the ability of managing money can help students form a rational view of spending and avoid competing mind between each other, thus making them allocating money properly. As we know, the formation of distributing one’s financial resources has a great influence on students’ current and future life. )理由二:学习做饭会存在安全隐患,因为学生缺乏安全意识,很容易引起火灾。

080105CNW1【08 年1 月5 日大陆托福机经写作第1 题-综合写作】The reading passage explains the negative effects of introducing foreign species into a local ecosystem. The lecture, on the other hand, offers counterarguments to prove that introduced species many not necessarily be harmful.First, according to the reading, imported species may destroy the existing balance within an ecosystem. However, the lecturer argues that these species don’t always do harm to the local ecosystem. Instead they may bring benefits to local agriculture.Second, the reading states that imported species may destroy the useful aspects of local species. Yet the lecturer points out that this is not always the case. He points out that it depends on local circumstances. For example, the cane toads introduced into the state of Florida have helped to exterminate pests that have infested local harvest.Finally, the reading contends that imported species may add to the local economic burden. Again, the lecturer refutes this point by saying that the impact on local economy varies from place to place. He/She uses the example of mesquite to illustrate this point. This plant imported into Africa has been used as food and firewood by the local people, a useful contribution to the local economy.080427CNW1The reading passage provides three pieces of evidence to support author Gavin Menzies’s claim that it was Chinese who first visited the Americas. However, the lecturer dismisses this claim as unfounded.First, as to the markings resembling Chinese characters discovered on a rock on Bimini Road, the lecturer argues that these markings are natural formation rather than human engraving. It looks as if they were carved by humans but a closer examination by geologists would immediately reveal that they are formed by natural forces.Second, regarding the donut-like anchor found off the Coast of Bimini, which seems to be made by Chinese, the speaker suggests that this does not necessarily mean Chinese had been there first, because similar anchors had long been used in navigation by many other countries.Finally, the lecture refuses to view the stone towers on Bimini Island as evidence of the arrival of Chinese sailors earlier than others. He points out that although these towers look like a Chinese lighthouse from a distance, they are in fact built in an English architectural style. Furthermore, carbon dating technique has indicated that the construction by Chinese sailors took place much later than the 15th century.090118CNW1The lecturer argues against the theory presented in the reading that the inhabitants of Easter Island originally came from South America.The first point in the reading is that settlers from South American could have arrived at Easter Island by taking a raft and sailing with wind. However, the lecturer argues that there were no remains of rafts or boats on the island that had signs of a South American origin.Secondly, the reading refers the stone walls on Easter Island as evidence because they had similar structure with the Inca stone walls in South America. However, the lecturer says that they only have superficial similarity. A closer study reveals that the stone walls on Easter Island were hollow inside, unlike those in South America.Finally, the reading states that some plants on Easter Island clearly came from South America, but the lecturer throws doubts on that evidence. He explains that the seeds of native South American plants could have drifted across the ocean and reached Easter Island, and then germinated and propagated there. Studies show that even after several days of being immersed in sea water, the seeds can still grow.090222CNW1Some dinosaur fossils were discovered in Ghost Ranch which, according to the reading passage, could explain the death of a heard of dinosaurs in that area. Three possible hypotheses were given as to why these dinosaurs died, but the lecturer challenges these explanations.The first hypothesis is that the dinosaurs may have been stuck in the mud and eventually died there because they could not escape. This theory was supported by evidence that mud was found around the bones. Weixin:laoxikou. However, the lecturer argues that if the dinosaurs did indeed die stuck in the mud, their bones found at the site would have been found lying down instead of standing up.The second hypothesis is that the dinosaurs died after drinking poisoned water since there were poisonous chemicals found in their bodies. However, the lecturer points to the remains of fish also found in the same site, arguing that these fish showed no signs of being poisoned, indicating that poisoned water may not have been the cause of death.The last hypothesis is a sudden flood which had drowned the dinosaurs to death. This is supported by evidence that the skeleton of the dinosaurs remained complete. The opposing evidence, however, is that the dinosaurs appeared to have died with their necks curved inward. This posture indicates that their death occurred before the flood.090613CNW1The reading passage provides three reasons to argue against paying admission charges to national parks. However, in the lecture, the professor states that admission charges are reasonable.The first point in the reading is that most national parks are built and maintained by taxpayers’ money, so they should provide free access to every taxpayer. The professor, on the other hand, points out that not every tax payer would pay a visit to the national park, so it would only be fair if those who do visit the park are charged with some admission fees, and those who never visit the park are not.Second, the reading claims that the number of visitors to national parks will decline if they are not free. However, the lecturer does not agree with this. He argues that, on the contrary, parks that charge admission will receive even more visitors. This is because people will think of parks that charge high admission fees as more worth visiting than those parks that charge less or provide free entranceFinally, according to the reading, work related with ticket sales and disposal may distract staff’s attention from doing more important things such as providing safety measures and protecting park environment. Yet the lecturer regards such work as beneficial because it gives employees at the park opportunities to get close to visitors, learn about their needs, and listen to their suggestions on how to improve the park.090808CNW1(=071028CNW1)The reading passage challenges a claim that a cave discovered in North America has a history of 20,000 years. However, the lecture supports this claim.First, the reading argues that carbon dating does not necessarily produce convincing data about the true age of this cave, because the carbon samples used for dating might have originated from somewhere else. However, the professor questions this argument. He says that, if these carbon elements indeed came from other sources, there should have been signs of erosion, or indications in the ground water.(由于机经回忆不详,无法还原更多答案细节,考试时请注意听)Second, the reading states that the last ice age was about 20,000 years ago. The plants and handicrafts excavated from this cave could not have dated so long ago because they require warm conditions for preservation. However, the professor argues that the cave could have supported a warm condition, because it was located at lower altitudes, and temperatures tended to increase at such altitudes.Third, the reading points out that human or animal activities over the ages might have moved lower layers of archaeological objects to upper layers, making interpretation of the age of these objects less accurate. However, the lecturer refutes this theory by saying that human or animal activities could only have affected stratifications close to the surface of the soil. Excavation of the cave was deep beneath the soil, so destruction at that depth was less than possible.091018CNW1Many farms in the US suffer crop damage from hail. Cloud seeding is a common technique used to prevent such damage. Cloud seeding works by dispersing chemicals such as silver iodide into the cloud, turning hail into light snow. Three pieces of evidence in the reading passage prove that cloud seeding is very effective in preventing hail damage to crops. However, the lecture refutes each of them.First, the lecturer argues that success in lab experiment is not sufficient to prove that cloud seeding is beneficial in reality. Silver iodide not only reduces hail, but also reduces natural phenomenon such as snow and rain, which may lead to drought. This is even worse for the crops.Second, success in Asia cannot be repeated in other places. Asian cities have a high level of pollution so there are large amounts of particles in the air which react with silver iodide for cloud seeding to work. Weixin:laoxikou.However, in the US, the skies over farmlands are not polluted and do not have these particles. So cloud seeding is not likely to work well in these regions.Finally, local study is not convincing either. Indeed local records show that in some places that use cloud seeding, occurrences of hail damage are reduced. But in other places where cloud seeding is not used, there is also a decrease in hail damage. So the improved situation may not be the result of could seeding. They may be due to other environmental factors.091025CNW1Some high schools require students to participate in volunteer activities for at least 2 hours every week. The reading passage claims that such requirement is not meaningful, while the lecture argues that volunteer work is beneficial to high school students and therefore justified.Firstly, the reading says that some high school students can easily fulfil this requirement by reporting that they have done some work in places like their grandparents’ gardens. There is no way the school can monitor their work. However, the lecturer says that students’ own report is only part of the evaluation. The school also checks with relevant local authorities at the students’ place of work, asking for official document as proof of the student’s record of volunteer service.Secondly, the reading raises the concern that volunteer work mandated by the school may instill a concept in students’ mind that volunteer work is actually tied with some forms of benefits. This may prevent students from participating in volunteer work in the future when there is no such benefit. Yet the lecturer explains that many students who have done some types of volunteer work such as working in the hospital regard such experience as very powerful and rewarding. They feel motivated to continue doing volunteer work in the future.Finally, according to the reading passage, requiring students to do volunteer work is a violation of student’ freedom and rights, which is illegal. The lecturer, however, draws an analogy between volunteer work and academic curricula. He argues that if there is nothing wrong with schools requiring students to take academic courses such as math, then they are not violating any student’s right when they demand the student to do some volunteer work.091121CNW1The reading passage states that it is impossible to establish permanent human presence on Venus, due to significant challenges caused by the plant’s hostile surface environment. Yet the lecturer argues that there are ways to overcome these challenges.The first challenge is pressure. The atmospheric pressure on the surface of Venus is far greater than on Earth, so any spacecraft that tries to land on Venus for more than one hour would inevitably crush. [s-keygen-aswer-20110108]However, the lecturer argues that 50 meters above the surface of Venus, the atmospheric pressure is similar to that on Earth, so humans can probably establish floating stations above Venus like balloons.Furthermore, water and oxygen, both essential for human survival, are almost absent from Venus. But the lecturer states that water and oxygen can be produced by chemical process. Venus provides plenty of raw materials to allow such process so there is no need to transport water and oxygen from Earth to Venus.The final challenge is the dense layer of clouds over Venus, which blocks sunlight, making navigation based on solar power unlikely over Venus. However, the lecturer explains that solar cells can be used effectively because there is plenty of sunlight above the clouds and these clouds also reflect sunlight down below, providing abundant sources of electricity091205CNW1(=070721CNW1)The dodo bird is an extinct species native to the island of Mauritius. The reading passage attributes the extinction of the dodo to the Dutch settlement on the island. However, the lecture rejects this view.First, the reading states that the dodo is a flightless and so defenseless bird, but they were unafraid of humans, making it easy prey for the Dutch settlers on the island. However, the lecturer argues that the Dutch settlers found that the dodo meat was unpleasant to eat. Actually, the Dutch called the dodo, in their native language, the disgusting bird.Second, the reading claims that when the Dutch settled on the island, they had destroyed the forest, which severely reduced the territory in which dodos could live and reproduce. The lecturer admits that there was deforestation on the island, but he argues that deforestation did not cover the entire island. He also points to the fact that many other bird species did not become extinct because of deforestation.Finally, in contrast to the reading’s argument that a disease brought by the Dutch may have killed the dodos, the professor says the dodo population may already have been declining. He then blames the extinction of the dodo on natural disasters such as massive cyclones that destroyed their nests and eggs.100221CNW1The lecture rejects views presented in the reading passage regarding the effectiveness of iron fertilization. Contrary to what the reading says, the lecturer argues that iron fertilization is a promising solution to global warning.First, the reading criticizes that iron fertilization is an ineffective solution because experiments show that only a small amount of carbon dioxide can be absorbed. Yet the lecturer rejects this criticism,arguing that experiments last too short (only a month) for the effect of iron fertilization to be visible. Increased CO2 absorption would only be significant in the 2nd or 3rd month.Second, the reading warns us that toxic chemicals released in the process of iron fertilization will harm local fishery as well as humans who eat contaminated fish. However, the lecturer argues that contamination is limited within certain areas only. By practicing iron fertilization in isolated areas away from the fish population would help to reduce such risk.Finally, regarding the reading’s worry that iron fertilization may cause unpredictable damage to a region’s marine eco-system, the lecturer argues that such risk is worth taking because iron fertilization address a more important issue – global warming, which causes a much higher level of risk to the ocean environment across the entire globe. So iron fertilization is completely justifiable. 100626CNW1(=080816NAW1)The reading passage presents three pieces of evidence for microscopic life in a meteorite from Mars. However, the lecturer challenges this view, claiming that the evidence is flawed.First, microscopic image of meteorite fragments show fossils of tube-like organisms which suggests that a primitive form of life may have existed on Mars. However, the lecturer argues that these fossils may have appeared as a result of changes in the meteorite sample’s shape and characteristic feature as it was prepared for microscopic scanning.Second, a chemical compound found on the meteorite is very similar to a chemical compound on Earth called boron ( 硼), a necessary ingredient for life. Weixin:laoxikou.Yet this view is contested by the lecturer, who states that this chemical substance does not necessarily originate from Mars. The meteorite could have contained this chemical due to its impact with Earth during period of volcanic activity.Finally, grains of magnetite were found on the meteorite, resembling those produced by bacteria on Earth (类细菌生命体所产生的磁铁矿颗粒), which can be taken as signs of biological activity on Mars. However, the lecturer says that compared with Earth, the magnetic field on Mars is too weak, so it’s unlikely that these grains of magnetite were used by microbes on Mars to follow its magnetic fields.101009CNThe reading passage criticizes fish farms for causing a number of problems to the local environment. However, in the lecture, the professor argues that solutions have already been found to address each problem.The first problem fish that grow in fish farms may produce large quantities of by-products and wastes that may contaminate the surrounding water. In the lecture, the professor points out that a kind of bacteria (也可能是marine animal) has been introduced in fish farms to effectively break down (或eat) the waste.The second problem is that when the fish escape from the farms and breed with their wild relatives, they could produce offspring with genetic weakness and low viability. However, according to thelecture, domestication has made fish in the farms genetically different, and their reproductive ability much lower than that of the wild fish, so successful breading for the escaped fish in the wild is highly unlikely.The third problem concerns the overconsumption of freshwater resources in fish farms. To address this problem, the lecture says, scientists have invented a water recycling system, in which water is continuous filtered and recycled so the amount of water needed to run a large-scale fish farm is minimized. Furthermore, a type of plant called () can be grown in salt water to help with the cleaning process.101017CNW1【10年10月17日中国大陆托福机经写作第1题-综合写作】原创高分答案Microcredit is a form of financial service which provides small loans to help the poor start their business. The reading passage points to three inherent problems with microcredit. The lecture, however, addresses each of these questions.The first problem is that receivers of microcredit usually do not possess the knowledge and skills necessary to run a business, so their business is likely to fail. However, according to the lecture, microcredit service is more than just providing loans. Borrowers are also taught many useful skills such as how to budget the balance and how to lower their cost. These, together with the credit they are given, will help receivers successfully run their business.The second problem is that microcredit will increase the administrative cost of the bank, and therefore it is an inefficient practice. The lecture argues that this is not necessarily the case, since the bank often lends microcredit to a small group of 4 to 5 people at a time, rather than just to one individual, so the administrative cost involved is significantly reduced, which means more loans can be provided to a larger number of people.Finally, another problem with microcredit is that it takes away the valuable funds which the government could have invested in more important areas like education and infrastructure. The lecture, however, contends otherwise. It explains that microcredit is often financed by non-government institutions. So it does not decrease government fund. On the contrary, with small businesses being financed by microcredit, the government could focus its limited budge on financing larger projects, such as the construction of bridges and roads.10326CNThe reading passage presents three pieces of evidence to support the theory that the Permian–Triassic mass extinction was triggered by a meteorite impacting Earth. However, the lecturer rejects this theory by pointing out its weaknesses.The first evidence is the recent discovery of meteorite fragments containing mineral grains which dated to 250 million years ago, the same time when the extinction occurred. However, the lecturer rejects this theory as unconvincing, arguing that any substance would be transformed completely after 250 million years of gradual chemical process, so the minerals now preserved in the fragments must have been formed quite recently.The second evidence is the scattered meteorite fragments in China, India and [], indicating the magnitude of a disastrous meteorite impact that could wipe out almost the entire species on Earth. Yet according to the lecture, the fact that the fragments were only found in three countries, and notin the rest of the world such as Europe, was actually proof that the meteorite collision was not strong enough to cause such a massive extinction.The third evidence is a large crater found off the coast of Australia. Its size matches that of a meteorite, indicating that it was an impact site for a meteorite collision. Nevertheless, the lecturer proposes a different theory. He explains that this crater may have been caused by Earth’s internal forces such as volcanic activities.110423CNW1(=090227NAW1)Gopher tortoises are listed as an endangered species in the United States. The reading passage introduces three measures that are expteded to help restore the gopher tortoise population. However, the lecture rejects each of the measures as unlikely to succeed.The first measure mentioned in the reading is the conservation of longleaf forest, a vital habitat for gopher tortoises. However, the lecturer argues that the abundance of longleaf pine trees may actually have a negative impact on the ecosystem, because they block the sunlight that is necessary for the growth of a type of grass that gopher tortoises depend on.The second measure is to bring young gopher tortoises to research laboratories where they are fed and their disease is cured, before releasing them to the wild. However, the lecturer considers this as a risky practice because gopher tortoises brought up in laboratory environment is more susceptible to diseases when they are released into the wild, and these diseases may spread very quickly among the tortoise population.The third method is to translocate gopher tortoises to other carefully selected places. The lecture rejects this measure as even more dangerous. Gopher tortoise, the professor argues, have a strong homing instinct and will try to return to their original habitat no matter where they are taken. On their way back, they may run into a series of risks, like being run over by a car while they try to cross a busy road.110514CNW1 (=110514NAW1)The reading passage present three theories as likely explanations for the first mass extinction of species on Earth, while the lecture rejects these theories as unfounded.The first theory is that declining sea levels caused the extinction of coastal living and eventually mass extinction of all species. However, the lecturer suggests that the sea level flucuation was a gradual process, so coastal lives should be able to adapt to such change. This theory, therefore, is not valid because it does not explain why the mass extinction was so rapid.The second theory attributes the mass extinction to volcanic activities which produce excessive amount of sulfur dioxide (SO2) in Earth’s atmosphere and subsequently initiated a drop in global temperature. Yet the lecturer argues that the increase in SO2 levels was not so significant, and that any increased amont would eventually fall back to the ground in the form of acid rain.The third theory links the mass extinction to an asteroid impact. A giant crater was formed and the dust and debris from such impact blocked the sunlight, causing plants and animals to die out. However, the lecturer points out that a possible asteroid impact was recorded around 12 million years ago, which came too early to have been the cause of extinction.110529CNW1The reading passage supports deep-sea mining for minerals near volcanic vents while the lecture raises doubts about such practice. The speaker argues that the benefits mentioned in the reading overlook several important concerns.First, the reading passage states that there are abundant mineral resources that could be exploited near volcanic vents. However, the lecturer says that these minerals may not be easily available because currently the technology needed for separating and transporting the minerals is not sufficiently developed.Second, according to the reading passage, deep-sea mining is environmentally safe because the mining site is considerably far away from the shore. Yet the lecturer argues that contamination could spread over a large area of the ocean because contaminating minerals could drift a long way. Some of the contaminants may even move back to the volcanic vent, endangering the animal species that inhabit there.Finally, the reading passage mentions that international laws and agencies can help to ensure the safe running of mining facilities and prevent accidents, to which the lecturer expressed his doubts. He points out that many deep-sea mining facilitates are operated off the coast that belongs to a particular country, in which case international laws and agencies are not applicable because they only govern international sea waters.110619CNW1 (=100227NAW1)The lecture and the reading passage both address the question why humans need sleep. The reading proposes three theories to explain the purpose of sleep, but the lecture throws doubts on each of them.The first theory is that people need sleep in order to organize and consolidate information that has been acquired during the day. The reading cites REM as evidence of this theory because people’s brains are so active during REM sleep. However, the speaker argues that sleep may not be essential for memory, because some people don’t think about their daytime memories during sleep. They don’t show REM either.The second theory suggests that sleep is needed for revitalizing energy, as is illustrated by some nocturnal animals which prey during the night and sleep during the day. Yet the lecturer states that to restore energy, one simply needs to rest awake. So restoration may not be an essential function of sleep.Thirdly, some experiments have shown that sleep helps to remove toxins that have been accumulated in the body so damaged brain cells can be repaired. However, the lecturer points outthat these experiment results may not be valid, because they are based on extreme cases, in which subjects are kept awake for several days before being allowed to sleep.110625CNW1 (=091017NAW1)The lecture throws doubts over the claim made in the reading passage that T.rex was not able to run. It challenges the three pieces of evidence presented in the reading passage.The first point in the reading is that T. rex had such a huge body that if it could run, then when it fell, the danger could be fatal. However, the lecturer argues that such risk was much less than the benefit that T. rex could gain from the ability to run, because it would enable T. rex to chase its prey, a skill needed for survival. This applies to many other animals, for example the monkey, which would swing from tree to tree at the risk of getting fatally hurt if it drops to the ground.The second point in the reading is that T. rex had long and thin legs, which were not strong enough to sustain the force imposed on them when T. rex was running. The lecturer refutes this argument, using the example of modern day animals such as horses, which had thin legs but are still fast runners. The horse is able to adjust its running postures to minimize impact on its bones. It does so by making small steps and repeating them fast in order to move forward. Weixin:laoxikou.The third point is that it is calculated that in order to run, a T. rex would have 86% of its body weight spread among its legs, which was not possible. But the lecture points out that this calculation is based on a hypothetical model of T. rex. Under this model, many parameters could be wrong. We could draw a totally opposite conclusion if some of the parameters were changed, such as the size of T. rex’s internal organs, or the posture of its body when it was running.110709CNW1 (=100410NAW1)The reading passage introduces to the readers the benefits of genetically modified crops, while the lecture tries to convince us that these benefits are over exaggerated.The first benefit is that GM crops are good for the environment because they possess pest-resistant genes which can reduce the need to use pesticide. However, the lecturer argues that if these resistance genes spread to wild crops, they will grow out of control which may bring more damage to the environment.The second benefit is that GM crops can increase farmers’ profits because GM crops can produce good yields even in dry seasons. However, the lecturer points to the fact that farmers of GM crops have to pay a heavy sum of money to GM seed companies, and they have to do it annually. This brings up the cost of growing GM crops significantly.The third benefit is that GM plant can add important nutrients like vitamin A to the diet of people who lack those nutrients. However, according to the lecture, the nutrients introduced through GM crops are far from enough. The correct and more effective way to deal with nutrient deficiency is to encourage people to eat more vegetables like sweet potatoes.110918CNW1 (=110121NAW1)The reading passage discusses why a whale sometimes strands itself on the beach. It attributes whales’ beaching behavior to three possible causes, but the lecturer does not believe any of these causes to be true.First, the lecturer says that disorientation caused by sickness could not have been the cause of whales’ beaching behavior, because when beached wales were discovered and their bodies were。

阅读文章:1. 根据一个survey,当地十六岁以下才有百分之二十的人说当地话,而且在减少。
2. 当地渔业为了实现国际化,只说international话,比如说像English这种语言。
3. 电视和电台大部分都是用English和French播的,这对年轻人影响比较大的。
听力文章:1. 阅读中survey的数据不准确,实际收据比这个要多。
因为survey 只是针对traditional的当地话,而年轻人说的也是当地话,只不过比较modern。
2. 听力说及时发展渔业也还是需要和local交易的。
3. 听力说确实电视和电台是这样的,但是网络媒体并不这样,人家大部分还是用native language的,而且听众也挺多的。
【独立写作】Which option do you prefer? Travel to foreign countries when you are young than when you are older. Give specific reasons or examples to support your decision.题目解析:这道题算是一道老题,和今年5月29日那场考试的题目(It is better to take risks and explore new things when you are older than when you are young.)极其类似。
写作思路解析:选择年轻时旅行1. 丰富生活列出细节(the Golden Gate Bridge ,The Pyramids and The Louvre)具体描绘世界之五彩缤纷。

2019年12月11日托福写作答案解析综合写作独立写作Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Visiting museums is the best way to learn about a country.这是一道绝对词题(题干出现the best,the most important等字眼),反对比较好写,一个实用易学的破解角度是"承合驳绝",即承认合理性,反驳绝对性。
三个主体段能够这么写,1.承认合理性(这段也能够合并进开头段):Visiting museums does have some advantages, i.e. a wide range of carefully selected and beautifully arranged materials;save time and money2.指出不足:the amount of information in museums is limited and not as lively as when it is presented in real life. Besides, museums usually only provide a singe perspective on major historic events and modern issues.3.提出更好的 (必要的逻辑环节):there are better ways to learn about a country like traveling to that country or talking with friends as well as strangers from that country.另外两种主体段分段能够是1.承认合理性2.problem:the amount of information in museums islimited and not as lively as when it is presented in reallifesolution: there are better ways to learn about acountry like traveling to that country to see it yourself3.problem: museums usually only provide a singe perspective on major historic events and modern issues.Solution: talking with friends as well as strangersfrom that country provide you additional point of views一边倒1.things in the museum do not look as lively as when itis presented in real life2.the amount of information in museums is limited and doesn't reflect the diversity of people's interests3.museums usually only provide a singe perspective on major historic events and modern issues.如果同意,比较一些其它很好/很重要的方式(必要的逻辑环节),指出参观博物馆仍是的。

Poisonous Insects and the Birds that Eat them
The Rise of Florence
Characteristics of Tropical Rain Forest
Why Nonavian Dinosaur Become Extinct?
Photography and pictorial weeklies
Magafauna Eቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱtinction Green Crab
Differences between Ancient Europe Towns and Villages Constraints on Natural Selection The decline of Western Rome Insect senses
Art 12月11日
The Sistine Ceiling
Explanation of the Collapse of Bronze Age Societies
Effects of Predation on distribution of species The Age of Industrialism Methane and PETM
History art
Coal, Iron and Steam cinema
The Extinction of the Dinasours

新托福综合写作真题完整解析分享托福综合写作原文:Throughout the Greek islands, archaeologists have found over 200 plate-sized ceramic disks dating to about 2000 to 3000 B.C.E. The disks are typically decorated on one side, while the other side is undecorated and has a raised edge that creates a shallow basin. They usually also have short handles. Archaeologists are still unclear about what the objects were used for. Three theories about their function have been proposed.Pans for Cooking FoodSome archaeologists believe that the objects were used for cooking food. These archaeologists believe that food was placed on the undecorated side and that the raised edge on that side prevented the food from falling out of the pan. The handle would have made it easier and safer to remove the pan from a cooking fire or oven.DrumsOther archaeologists believe that the objects were drums for making sounds. These archaeologists point out that animal skins could have been stretched over the side with the raised edge, creating an air chamber that would have amplified sound when the animal skin was struck. According to this theory, the person doing the drumming would hold the drum by the handle with one hand and strike the skin with the other hand.MirrorsYet other archaeologists believe that the objects were a kind of ancient mirror. Although the objects are not made of a reflective material, they could have been used to create a reflection by pouring a liquid, such as olive oil, into the shallow basin with the raised edge. Supporters of this theory point out that the decorations found on the ceramic disks are similar to decorations found on hand-held metal mirrors made in ancient Greece.Directions: You have 20 minutes to plan and write your response. Your response will be judged on the basis of the quality of your writing and on how well your response presents the points in the lecture and their relationship to the reading passage. Typically, an effective response will be 150 to 225 words.阅读:出土了一种用陶土做的disk,一面有花纹,一面没花纹。

12月10日托福听力答案解析C1: 校园对话学生找老师讨论一个poem reading的活动,因为原来准备参加的W教授有事不能来了,会有另一个PG教授来做演讲,然后介绍了这个人的诗歌风格有关孤独,能够引起大家的共鸣。
随后说到为了给社团poem club筹钱,学生想要卖postcards 赚钱,上面会写一些特别的诗且每一张都不相同。
相关练习:TPO2-C2,TPO23-C1,TPO30-C1L1: 艺术讲座主要介绍了如何保存油画,光对于画作会产生伤害。
后续又说到如果没有光线照射的话,油画会有yellowish ,smoky的appearance,且一面有光线照射和一面没有光线照射的油画,光的破坏作用在两面的对比很明显。
名师解析:作为讲座中必然会出现的艺术类话题,本次考试的主题——艺术品保存在TPO 中并不常见。

学习:After a century of virtually no population growth, the countries of Western Europe experienced dramatic population increases between 1750 and 1800. Many countries doubled in size. In some countries, the growth continued through the nineteenth century. The population of Great Britain, for instance, doubled between 1750 and 1800 and then tripled between 1800 and 1900.There were several reasons for the sudden increase. Medical advances and improved hygiene limited the devastation caused by epidemic diseases and plagues. The introduction of new food crops, most notably the potato, provided a better diet for thepoor and reduced the incidence of famine. The combination of greater public order and fewer civil wars meant that life was less hazardous. The net result was a lower death rate and soaring populations.The growing population, with a rising proportion of children to raise and older people to care for, put increased pressure on every aspect of society. Many peasants were no longer able to provide land for their children, who were forced to look for other ways to make their living. Small artisans in the cities suffered similar problems, unable to provide places for their children in their own workshops.The exact relationship between population growth and industrialization is unclear, though the two are clearly intertwined. (Even countries that were late to industrialize shared in the general population increase, and its related problems.) What is clear is that the growth in population increased the demand for both food and manufactured goods and provided an abundance of cheap labor to produce them.托福阅读第二篇非洲铁技术的发展原文回顾:非洲铁的发展,非洲曾经是被殖民的地方,殖民者大量开采非洲的铁矿资源,并且他们在非洲大规模的用铁矿资源冶炼金属,牵扯到起源,谁把铁的技术引进非洲,以及铁技术之后的发展和改变。

12.10托福考试解析之二:阅读1 鸟如何学习sing。
2 非洲狩猎文明如何朝农耕文明转变。
但他们的好处就是有可以保证的食物milk meat之类来源,放牧的动物。
但这并不代表他们人更少,他们也有很多可以随时迁徙的财产和很多人口3 美国的一个炼钢技术进步。
开头交代一下背景,大部分钢是用来商业用途,但无法支撑铁路这些需要durative (单词题)的钢。
所以B 这个人研究出了个新装置。

>>>免费试听: T1: which of the following three behaviors would you consider the most negative for kids? Being selfish, saying impolite things or speaking loudly in the public? I would say that speaking loudly might have the most negative impact on kids, as it could be pretty annoying and disturbing to others, and without being aware of this, the kids might have the bad habit of ignoring others’ feeling in the long term. Imagine that you are watching a movie in a cinema or listening to a concert in a hall, a naughty boy is talking loudly over the phone or chatting with his friends all the way without caring about others, it could be a real nightmare. And this has happened a lot to me, for example last time when I went to see The Dallas Buyers Club, a bunch of kids were talking so loudly from the very beginning of the movie that I could barely catch a word from Ron Woodroof, and all the other viewers got so annoyed and disappointed for that. T2: Do you agree or disagree that to succeed we need to make enemies? Well I disagree with the opinion, coz it’s true that most of the time we do face a lot of competitors and rivals in order to succeed, but it doesn’t mean that we have to make enemies. Let’s take a look at LA Lakers, when Kobe Bryant joined Lakers as a Shooting Guard in 1996, he was facing a lot of equally strong competitors like Allen Iverson and Ray Allen, but at that time Shaquille O’Neal was already the second-to-none Center in the whole association. At the beginning, Shaquille and Kobe got good cooperation, and Kobe dramatically grew into a most valuable Shooting Guard in the following years, but later on the team was facing a problem: who was the real core and had more say in the court, Shaquille or Kobe? The two players got different ideas on strategy and planning, which caused sharp conflicts between them two. They might not be real enemies, but no doubt that it was hard for them to have any deeper cooperation, which ended up that Shaquille later transferred to Miami Heats. T3: 阅读 标题:Notice on policy change in-room transfer requirements 将原来的学期初接受调换寝室请求改为开学5周后。

12月10日11日托福独立写作预测及解析2016年12月10日/11日托福独立写作预测及解析理清考试题目的重点有助于我们更快更好的掌握考试方法,以下店铺整理的2016年12月10日/11日托福独立写作预测及解析,希望对大家有所帮助,更多信息请关注应届毕业生网!1.agree or disagree: universities and colleges must do a better job of preparing students for the workplace.agree:1.论点:就业变难,学生应该在大学里培养工作技能。
2. Drivers should pay extra fees to be permitted to drive during rush hours.disagree:1.论点:pay解决不了这个问题论证:大城市那些依靠私家车出行的人们无法改掉这个习惯。

2017年12月10日托福独立写作题目:Agree or disagree?Students do not respect teachers as much as they did in the past.2017年12月10日托福独立写作思路:Step 1:审题,题目里的关键词是respect和as much as in the past;Step 2:同意还是不同意选一边站,选同意(当然托福独立作文只要言之有理论证充分,站哪边都是可以的,没有对错之分~)Step 3:列大纲,三点分论点(实在想不出三点,写两点写好也是ok的~)分论点1:互联网兴起,知识可得性变高,老师的重要性下降;分论点2:教育商业化,机构变多,学生选择变多,教育资源不再稀缺,导致老师地位下降;分论点3:让步一下,但是老师的一些作用是不能取代的,比如说有些学生不能自学,需要老师监督与引导。
范文:(开头段:他人观点+我的观点+过渡句)With the development of modern society, some people think that students do not behave as respectful to their teachers as in the past. They point out that it is much easier to obtain knowledge in the Internet, so teachers obviouslybecome less important. When it comes to me, I quite agree with the argument above and firmly believe that teachers nowadays receive much less respect than teacher in the past. Here are my reasons and examples.(主体段1:分论点1+展开句+例证)To begin with, with the rapid development of the Internet, knowledge becomes more and more accessible. Various kinds of courses videos or e-textbooks can be found free in the Internet, thus actually leads to the decline of the importance of teachers’ existence. For example, almost all the Shanghai college students need to learn a compulsory course named Chinese Modern History. We took this course every Friday night from 6 P.M. to 8 P.M. However, most of us would choose to skip this class because the contents our teacher showed on the class was very boring. Plus, we could learn Chinese History from online videos, documentaries or history novels. Each of them contained vivid depictions or interesting stories, which made it much easier for us to remember the knowledge we should acquire. As we can see, in this case, the importance of teachers has declined due to the emergence of the Internet, which certainly would lead to students’ losing respect to their teachers.(主体段2:分论点2+展开句+例证)In addition, a large number of educational institutions has been appearing during the last decade. Education is constantly commercializing. Drastic competition among these educational institutions, especially among those private ones, leads to a situation that students and their parents have widerrange of options while they are considering which of the institutions they are willing to choose. Thus leads to a severe drop of the scarcity of teachers and finally results in the decrease of their status. Take my hometown as an example. During my primary school years, all of my classmates behaved respectfully to our teachers in class, for there were no private educational institutions outside public school. However, when I grew up a bit and went to high school, students in my class dared do much more impolite things in our school courses, such as playing their mobile phone or whispering with their friends. The appearance of numerous private educational institutions attributed to this phenomenon. With their existence, students knew they could catch up with their peers even if they did not concentrate in class, for they could get tutoring classes after school. Therefore, the increasing accessibility of private educational resources also play an important role in the decline of teachers’ status.(让步段:承认不足+削弱不足+例证)Admittedly, some people would argue that teachers can perform like a moral model for young kids, especially primary school teachers. Different from those private teachers or the information on the computer, public teachers usually spend much more time with their students, which makes it easier for them to teach the kids something besides knowledge—honesty, kindness, cooperation, and so on. However, these good qualities can also be learned from children’s parents or some other elder people. Take Chinese writer ZhengYuanjie as anexample. He decided not to send his son to public school but to educate him at home. Ten years passed and his son grew up to be a happy, successful man. Without the influence of teachers, the son of Mr. Zheng could also learn these good qualities from his families.(结尾段:重述总论点+重述分论点)In conclusion, students now indeed show less respect to their teachers compared with their past attitude. One the one hand, Internet has the ability to provide students free knowledge; on the other hand, a large number of educational institutions make the accessibility of knowledge decrease, thus can also lead to teachers’ inferior status. Although teachers can perform as a model for their students which is a merit difficult to be replaced by those two factors above, generally speaking, the status of teachers in the society is dropping gradually. All these elements finally cause students’ more negative attitude towards their teachers.。

【题目一】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People should spend more time interacting with nature. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.这个题目是要求对“人们应该花更多时间与大自然互动”这一论点发表观点,并给出理由和例子来支持自己的论述。
【题目二】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is better to have a small number of close friends than a large number of casual acquaintances. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.这个题目是要求对“拥有少数亲密朋友比拥有大量的泛泛之交更好”这一说法发表观点,并给出理由和例子来支持自己的论述。

阅读文章:1. 根据一个survey,当地十六岁以下才有百分之二十的人说当地话,而且在减少。
2. 当地渔业为了实现国际化,只说international话,比如说像English这种语言。
3. 电视和电台绝大部分都是用English和French播的,这对年轻人影响比较大的。
听力文章:1. 阅读中survey的数据不准确,实际收据比这个要多。
因为survey 仅仅针对traditional的当地话,而年轻人说的也是当地话,只不过比较modern。
2. 听力说即时发展渔业也还是需要和local交易的。
3. 听力说确实电视和电台是这样的,但是网络媒体并不这样,人家绝大部分还是用native language的,而且听众也挺多的。
【独立写作】Which option do you prefer? Travel to foreign countries when you are young than when you are older. Give specific reasons or examples to support your decision.题目解析:这道题算是一道老题,和今年5月29日那场考试的题目(It is better to take risks and explore new things when you are older than when you are young.)极其类似。

托福24套TPO综合写作解析资料来源:/muyu0924综合写作TPO解析一 (2)综合写作TPO解析二 (6)综合写作TPO解析三 (11)综合写作TPO解析四 (15)综合写作TPO解析五 (19)综合写作TPO解析六 (22)综合写作TPO解析七 (25)综合写作TPO解析八 (28)综合写作TPO解析九 (31)综合写作TPO解析十 (34)综合写作TPO解析十一 (37)综合写作TPO解析十二 (40)综合写作TPO解析十三 (43)综合写作TPO解析十四 (46)综合写作TPO解析十五 (49)综合写作TPO解析十六 (52)综合写作TPO解析十七 (55)综合写作TPO解析十八 (58)综合写作TPO解析十九 (61)综合写作TPO解析二十 (64)综合写作TPO解析二十一 (67)综合写作TPO解析二十二 (70)综合写作TPO解析二十三 (73)综合写作TPO解析二十四 (76)综合写作TPO解析一【阅读材料】In the United States,employees typically work five days a week for eight hours each day.However,many employees want to work a four-day week and are willing to accept less pay in order to do so.A mandatory policy requiring companies to offer their employees the option of working a four-day workweek for four-fifths(80percent)of their normal pay would benefit the economy as a whole as well as the individual companies and the employees who decided to take the option.在美国,职员一般执行的一周五天,每天八小时工作制。

NO.1Reading:一种动物叫做M,是素食动物,理由有三1 跑得很慢,体重很重,逮不到可以吃的动物2 claw和素食动物很像,有个钩子,可以把树枝拉到自己跟前吃。
3 jaw和teeth跟素食动物很像Listening:反驳1 M跑得是很慢,但是有一种动物G比它跑的还慢。
2 M的arm structure可以移动地很快,就可以攻击别的动物,像现在的老虎和熊一样。
3 M的jaw和素食动物的不像。
素食动物的jaw可以move from side to side,但是为了嚼草用的,但是M的就不能。
NO.2综合写作:话题:野牛bison数量的下降阅读观点:1、人将它作为了source of food2、动物之间的草竞争competition of grassland,例子:cattle,horse3、新科技的发展如枪械听力反驳:1、人是从prairie东部迁徙过去的,但是bison decline是从西边开始的,东部也吃野牛,但是数量没有下降。
3、过去的科技枪械也能打的很quick和efficient,所以不是科技的事儿NO.3Integrated writing:Manufacturing fuel generated from algae(藻类燃料)是最近能源研发的新成就,可能会成为解决人类能源问题的新方案。
但是阅读文章认为把algae fuel大规模投入使用和制造是存在一些顾虑的,三个要点如下:1. 养殖algae需要大量的土地和水源投入。

2023年12月四级真题作文答案英文回答:In the contemporary era characterized by rapid technological advancements and global interconnectedness, the impact of technology on the workplace has become an increasingly pertinent topic of discussion. While it is evident that technology has brought about myriad benefits, its effects on the workforce are far from universally positive. In this essay, I will explore both the advantages and disadvantages of technology on the workplace, considering its impact on employment, productivity, and work-life balance.On the one hand, technology has undoubtedly enhanced productivity in the workplace. Automation anddigitalization have streamlined processes, freeing up employees for more creative and strategic tasks. Employers can now access vast amounts of data and information, enabling them to make informed decisions and respondswiftly to market changes. Moreover, remote work options facilitated by technology have extended the global talent pool, allowing organizations to attract and retain top talent regardless of geographical boundaries.However, technology also poses challenges to the workplace. One of the primary concerns is job displacement due to automation. As machines become increasingly sophisticated, they can perform tasks that were once exclusively carried out by humans, leading to job losses in certain industries. This has raised fears about widespread unemployment and the widening economic gap between those with technical skills and those without.Furthermore, the constant pressure to stay connected and accessible through technology can blur the lines between work and personal life. The proliferation of smartphones and laptops has made it difficult for employees to fully disconnect from work, leading to burnout, stress, and compromised work-life balance. Additionally, the use of technology for surveillance and monitoring can create an atmosphere of distrust and undermine employee morale.In light of these challenges, it is crucial for policymakers, business leaders, and educators to adopt a proactive approach in mitigating the negative effects of technology on the workplace. Investment in education and training programs can equip workers with the skills necessary to thrive in a technology-driven economy. Governments can also implement policies that promote job creation in emerging industries and support displaced workers.Moreover, organizations need to establish clear guidelines and policies regarding technology use, striking a balance between accessibility and respect for employees' personal time. By fostering a culture of trust and providing resources for employee well-being, employers can minimize the negative impacts of technology on work-life balance.In conclusion, the impact of technology on the workplace is multifaceted, presenting both opportunities and challenges. While technology has undoubtedly enhancedproductivity and expanded access to global talent, it is essential to address concerns about job displacement and work-life balance. Through a collaborative effort involving policymakers, business leaders, educators, and individuals, we can harness the benefits of technology while ensuringthat its negative effects are effectively addressed.中文回答:技术对工作场所的影响,利弊分析。
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1. 根据一个survey,当地十六岁以下才有百分之二十的人说当地话,而且在减少。
2. 当地渔业为了实现国际化,只说international话,比如说像English这种语言。
3. 电视和电台大部分都是用English和French播的,这对年轻人影响比较大的。
1. 阅读中survey的数据不准确,实际收据比这个要多。
因为survey 只是针对traditional的当地话,而年轻人说的也是当地话,只不过比较modern。
2. 听力说及时发展渔业也还是需要和local交易的。
3. 听力说确实电视和电台是这样的,但是网络媒体并不这样,人家大部分还是用native language的,而且听众也挺多的。
Which option do you prefer? Travel to foreign countries when you are young than when you are older. Give specific reasons or examples to support your decision.
这道题算是一道老题,和今年5月29日那场考试的题目(It is better to take risks and explore new things when you are older than when you are young.)极其类似。
1. 丰富生活
列出细节(the Golden Gate Bridge ,The Pyramids and The Louvre)具体描绘世界之五彩缤纷。
2. 对未来有帮助
3. 让步段:老年人虽然更有时间和金钱,但是旅行应趁早,可以提前体验到生活的多彩,而且老了身体可能还不好就会错过。
Globalization has made the world become smaller and the people from all over the world become closer. Many people show a desire to experience different natural and cultural environment in foreign countries. Traveling is usually their first choice. Although the cost may be high for the young, from my perspective, traveling to foreign countries in youth is better than at old age.
To begin with, the young are going to obtain a richer life through traveling to foreign countries. The world is a stunning place, full of treasures for people to explore. Although the young may learn the magnificence of The Pyramids and The Louvre in books, their impression of them are just limited to pictures and verbal descriptions. Only when the young visit these places in person will the sites become part of their lives. If one wants to ride a bicycle across the Golden Gate Bridge in youth, but he fails to achieve the dream, he will live in regret for the rest of his life. On the contrary, if he achieves it, he will have many proud moments when he looks back on his life.
their future careers and studies. The charm of traveling lies in its unexpected adventures. The young may encounter all kinds of difficulties, but anything is possible as long as they have confidence and wills. Traveling to different countries will force the young to care for issues that are bigger than those in their daily lives. Compassion and love will arise in the heart of the young for the pain and suffering experienced by others. Deep and consistent connections may be created with those new friends who they meet during traveling. Along with the new friends during the trip, the young can listen to the sour, sweet, bitter or hot stories, talk to people with different personalities and acquire insights on their own lives.
Granted, some people may argue that young people usually lack money and they are supposed to work hard. Retirement period is a good time to travel to foreign countries, because the senior could usually afford both the time and money. However, it’s worthwhile to invest money and sacrifice time into tasting various aspects of life in the world as early as possible.
In conclusion, it is highly rewarding to travel in foreign countries in youth and it is better to start earlier, for people won’t always be young. Instead of regretting at old ages due to poor physical conditions, it is better to travel in youth.
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