






The government issues money and stamps.



This book was issued in New York in 1972. selina26034784288c982d4




A lot of blood was issuing from the wound.




n.房东 The landlord put a new stove in my room.



literature n.文学Many foreigners are studying Chinese literature. selina26034784288c9834e






The manufacture of watches is the chief business of Switzerland.



The factory manufactures automobiles in large quantity by using machines.





n.军队 In some countries every bealthy young man must do 2 or 3 years' military service.






The population of the city is multiplying rapidly.





Children often asked numerous questions about the universe.




adj.通常的 His ordinary lunch consists of soup, a sandwich and milk. 他平常的午餐包括汤,一个三明治还有牛奶.




n.原谅 I beg your pardon for being late.


v.原谅 We must pardon him for his little faults.





n.半岛 Spain or Italy is a peninsula.



刘毅词汇3000英语单词 Lesson1 attend v.上学;参加n.attendance 七岁以上的小孩都得上学。 All children over seven must attend school. blame n.责难反:compliment I have done my best, neither praise nor blame can affect me now. 我已尽最大的努力,赞扬或责难现在都影响不了我。 bubble n.气泡 Children like to make bubble with soap and water. 孩子喜欢用肥皂水做泡泡。 cemetery n.墓地同:graveyard There are many tombs in the cemetery. 墓地里有许多墓碑。 commendation n.赞扬同:praise 反:blame He was given a commendation for bravery after he saved the little children from the fire. 他从火灾中救出孩子们后,因为他的勇气可嘉而受到赞扬。 conflict n.冲突;争斗同:fight 反:reconciliation Some people think that there is a great deal of conflict between religions (宗教)and science. There was nobody to direct the workman. 没有人监督工人。 Which is the most direct way to London? 去伦敦最直接的路是哪一条? draw v.拉同:drag, haul Draw your chair nearer to the table. 把你的椅子往桌子拉近一点。 empire n.帝国同:realm The United States was once a part of the British Empire. 美国一度曾经是大英帝国的一部分。 file n.文档卷v.归档 Please put these letters in the main file. 请把这些文件放入文卷总档中。The secretary filed the cards in order. 秘书将卡片依序归档。 frank adj.坦白的同:candid, honest反:deceiful, dishonest He was frank to admit (承认)that he hadn't studied the lesson. 他坦白承认没有念那一课。 generate v.产生同:produce, make We know that heating water can generate steam. 我们知道将水加热可以产生蒸汽。 halt v.停止前进 The soldiers halted for a rest. 士兵们停止前进,以休息片刻。 horn n.角 A goat (山羊) has two horns on its head. 山羊的头上有两只角。 individual adj.个别的n.个人同:person A teacher can't give individual attention if his class is large. 如果班上的人数众多,老师就不能个别的注意到每一个学生。 The rights of the individual are more important than the rights of society as a whole. 个人的权利比整个社会的权利重要得多。


刘毅词汇系列之Lesson 1 adv在国外 v影响 v上(学);参加n责难 n气泡 n墓地 n赞扬 n冲突,争斗 v合作 adj好奇的 adj美味的 v指导adj直接的v拉 n帝国 n事件 n失败 n文卷档v 归档adj坦白的 v产生 v停止前进 n角 adj个别的n个人n(时间的)间隔n绳结 adj自由主义的adj华丽的 adj心理的 adj暂时的 adj中立的 v遗漏,删除 n孔雀 n先驱者 v祈祷 v读…的音 n种族,比赛 n亲戚adj相对的v常去,求助 v摩;擦 n阴暗处 n情势 adj疼痛的 v覆盖;铺基础词汇 abroad affect attend blame bubble cemetery commendation conflict cooperate curious delicious direct draw empire event failure file frank generate halt horn individual interval knot liberal magnificent mental momentary neutral omit peacock pioneer pray pronounce race relative resort rub shadow situation sore spread n胃 n手提箱 n天才 n王位 n/v转移,调职 n使用 n元音字母 v缩回,撤销 Lesson 2 adj绝对的 n经销处 n态度 adj空白的 n堆,容量 n典礼 n贸易 v混淆 n铜 v诅咒 n娱乐,消遣 v消失 n/v漂流 v雇用 n证据 n能力,大学教员 adj经济上的 n货物 adj慷慨的 adj便利的 adj可怕的 adj勤劳的 adj亲密的 n了解,学识 n自由 n庄严 v提起 n纪念物 n绰号 n洋葱 n山顶 n坑 v传教 n证据 stomach suitcase talent throne transfer usage vowel withdraw absolute agency attitude blank bulk ceremony commerce confuse copper curse delight disappear drift employ evidence faculty financial freight generous handy horrible industrious intimate knowledge liberty majesty mention monument nickname onion peak pit preach proof


刘毅词汇系列之基础词汇 Lesson 1 n胃stomach adv 在国外abroad n 手提箱suitcase v 影响affect n 天才talent v 上(学);参加attend n 王位throne n 责难blame n/v 转移,调职transfer n 气泡bubble n 使用usage n 墓地cemetery n 元音字母vowel n 赞扬commendation v 缩回,撤销withdraw n 冲突,争斗conflict Lesson 2 v 合作cooperate adj 绝对的absolute adj 好奇的curious n 经销处agency adj 美味的delicious n 态度attitude v 指导adj 直接的direct adj 空白的blank v拉draw n 堆,容量bulk n 帝国empire n 典礼ceremony n 事件event n 贸易commerce n 失败failure v 混淆confuse n 文卷档v 归档file n铜copper adj 坦白的frank v 诅咒curse v 产生generate n 娱乐,消遣delight v 停止前进halt v 消失disappear n角horn n/v 漂流drift adj 个别的n 个人individual v 雇用employ n (时间的)间隔interval n 证据evidence n 绳结knot n 能力,大学教员faculty adj 自由主义的liberal adj 经济上的financial adj 华丽的magnificent n 货物freight adj 心理的mental adj 慷慨的generous adj 暂时的momentary adj 便利的handy adj 中立的neutral adj 可怕的horrible v 遗漏,删除omit adj 勤劳的industrious n 孔雀peacock adj 亲密的intimate n 先驱者pioneer n 了解,学识knowledge v 祈祷pray n 自由liberty v读…的音pronounce n 庄严majesty n 种族,比赛race v 提起mention n 亲戚adj 相对的relative n 纪念物monument v 常去,求助resort n 绰号nickname v 摩;擦rub n 洋葱onion n 阴暗处shadow n 山顶peak n 情势situation n坑pit adj 疼痛的sore v 传教preach v 覆盖;铺spread n 证据proof

刘毅突破词汇3000 LESSON 2(纯练习题+答案)

LESSON 2 Exercise 2.0选出最适当的答案: 1 .The rider cursed his_____ horse. (A) great (B) bad 2 .An absolute ruler can do just as_____. (A) people tell him (B) he pleases 3 .There is usually a ceremony when a new building is_____. (A) opened (B) destroyed 4 .The_____ was sent to him by freight. (A) letter (B) box 5 .The peak of the roof is the_____ part of the house. (A) highest (B) lowest Exercise 2.1从第一部分中选出最适当的一个单词,填入空格内: 1. He stood there in a threatening_____. 2. _____ is an excellent conductor of heat and electricity. 3. He_____ when a car almost hit him. 4. Long ago some rulers had_____ power. 5. If you try to learn too many things at the same time you may get_____. Exercise 2.2 从第二部分中选出最适当的一个单词,填入空格内: 1.He was very_____ in his treatment of the captives. 2.He has a great_____ for arithmetic. 3.The city of London is a great_____ center in Europe. 4.The steel manufacturing company_____ most of the young men in town. 5.This_____ must be carefully handled when loading. Exercise 2.3从第三部分中选出最适当的一个单词,填入空格内: 1 .He is a(n) _____ student and deserves good grades. 2 .The_____ of the Niagara Falls attracts a number of visitors. 3.I heard many_____ stories from my grandfather when I was young· 4 .She opened the cage and gave the bird its_____. 5 .He has a good_____ of French history. Exercise 2.4从第四部分中选出最适当的一个单词,填入空格内: 1.Do you have any_____ that you weren't there at 9 o'clock last night? 2 .The nurse will be_____ from duty at 7 o'clock。 3 .Most pupils feel_____ for those who cheat in the exam. 4 .He_____ that God would soon destroy the evil world. 5 .Don't be so_____ to your teacher. Exercise 2.5从第五部分中选出最适当的一个单词,填入空格内: 1 .Many people believe in the immortality of the_____. 2 .The flowers_____ in the cold. 3 .She_____ her head to get into the car· 4 .We_____ ashes on the icy sidewalk this morning. 5 .The goods were_____ by rail and ship.


10天背诵英文10000单词教程1. A monument was built to commemorate the victory. 记念碑是为了记念胜利而建的. 2. The children huddled together for warmth. 孩子们暖和暖和挤成一团。 3. Censure is sometimes harder to bear than punishment. 责难有时比责罚还难以忍受。 4. The new vaccine eradicated all traces of the disease within three months. 新疫苗在3个月内彻底根出了这种疾病。 5. The barbarians defiled the church by using it as a stable. 蛮夷之人把教堂当作畜生圈,使其受到玷污。 6. The pregnant woman has an enlarged abdomen. 孕妇大腹偏偏。 7. The lost hikers were bereft of hope when the rescue plane did not see them. 营救飞机没有发现迷路的徒行者,他们绝望之极了。 8. The children were bereaved by the death of their parents. 孩子失去了双亲。 9. This battlefield is consecrated to the memory of the soldiers who died here. 这个战场纪念那些英勇牺牲在此的战士。 因为缅怀那些牺牲的战士,人们对这个战场充满了敬意。 10. A good joke does not necessarily evoke a hearty laugh. 极品笑话未必哄然大笑。 真正的笑话不是笑话。残阳犹念桥上人 11. Wheels left grooves in a muddy dirt road. 车辙印在泥泞路上。 道路泥泞不堪,满布车辙。残阳犹念桥上人 12. The old car jolted its passengers badly as it went over the rough road. 老爷车过颠跛路,坐车的颠来倒去。 13. Bowing to greet a lady is now an obsolete custom. 见女士弯腰致礼已是昔日旧习。 14. Many wild animals prowl at night looking for something to eat. 众多野兽夜间外出觅食。 许多野生动物在夜间捕猎觅食。0-1-0 许多野生动物在夜间捕猎觅食。 兽类多半在夜间觅食。残阳犹念桥上人 15. The children scooped holes in the sand.


刘毅5000 1—12单元测试题 Ⅰ. 单词连线。(20') 1.devise a. producing much fruit 2.apparatus b. affirm 3.fruitful c. think out 4.@ 5.eliminate d. robber 6.extinct e. no longer living or in existence 7.certify f. being close 8.deceit g. tools or equipment for special purpose 9.burglar h. equal to or enough for 10.> 11.vicinity i. the act or practice of deceiving or lying 12.adequate j. get rid of Ⅱ. 根据解释及首字母写出下列单词。(20') 13.i______ ___ not polite 14.| 15.n_________ sail or direct a ship or other vessel 16.v_________ conquer 17.e_________ give moner or property to provide an income for 18.b_________ the written story of a person's life 19.d_________ give the meaning of explain 20.$ 21.p_________ obtain by care or effort; get 22.t_________ the place where a dead person is buried 23.g_________ make a deep, low, angry sound 24.p_________ rather fat … Ⅲ. 从下列单词中选出合适的填入句子中。(20') alter entry embarrass oath inherit slaughter regulate essence blend selfish 25.He made a(an) ______ that he would tell the truth and nothing but the truth. 26.You'd better _______ the kitchen; it's too small to put a refriger-ator in. 27.》 28.She _______ her mother's good looks and her father's bad temper. 29.His sudden ______ startled all of us. 30.They were ________ because there was not enough food for all the guests. 31.My watch is losing time; I will have to _______ it. 32.The ________ of his teaching is love for all men. 33." 34.Oil does not _______ with water.


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和我一起背单词<刘毅3000>(第九课第三节)(1) 第9课第3节单词 1 issue n.发行 The government issues money and stamps. 政府发行钞票和邮票. n.出版 This book was issued in New York in 1972. selina26034784288c982d4 这本书于1972年在纽约出版. 同.publish n.流出 A lot of blood was issuing from the wound. 大量的血正从伤口流出. 2 landlord n.房东 The landlord put a new stove in my room. 房东在我的房间里放了一个新暖炉. 3 literature n.文学Many foreigners are studying Chinese literature. selina26034784288c9834e 许多外国人正在学习中国文学.selina26034784288c98352 adj.literary 4 manufacture n.制造 The manufacture of watches is the chief business of Switzerland. 钟表制造是瑞士的主要行业. v.制造 The factory manufactures automobiles in large quantity by using machines. 该工厂使用机器制造大量的汽车. 同.make;produce 5 military n.军队 In some countries every bealthy young man must do 2 or 3 years' military service. 在某些国家,所有年轻力壮的男子都必须服两年或三年的兵役. 反.civilian 6 multiply v.增加 The population of the city is multiplying rapidly. 该市人口正迅速地增加.


和我一起背单词<刘毅3000>(第九课第二节) 第9课第2节单词 1 dispute n.争论 They disputed for hours where to go for their picnic. 他们为去那里野餐争论了好几个小时. 2 ease n.轻松 The soldiers marched twenty mils with ease. 士兵们轻松的前进了20英里. adj.easy 3 engage v.雇用 She engaged a carpenter to repair the sofa and the table. 她雇了一个木匠来修理沙发和桌子. v.忙于 The old lady engaged herself in making clothes for her neighbor's children. 那老妇人忙着为邻家的孩子做衣服. n.engagement 4 express v.表达 He is still unable to express himself in English. 他仍然无法用英语表达自已的意思. n.expression 5 fancy n.想像力 By the power of fancy, we may create an unreal world. 借助于想像力,我们可以创造一个虚幻不实的世界. adj.fanciful 6 flee v.逃跑 The enemy were defeated and fled in disorder. 敌军溃败而逃. 同.fly;excape 7 fulfil v.实践 If you make a promise, you should fulfil it. 如果你许下诺言,就应该实践它. 8


学习英文最常遇到的一个问题,便是词汇不足。一个词汇不足的人,在英文听、写、说各方面的能力都会受到严重的限制。因此往往无法适当地与英美人士沟通意见;在参加考试时,更经常因为看不懂题目,而不知从何作答。我们有鉴于此,特别为全国广大的英文读者编排了一系列的词汇丛书,从最基本的Vocabulary Fundamental,到足以应付留学考试之所需的Vocabulary 22000,循序渐进,为您扎实地打好词汇基础,无论您目前在校求学还是已步入社会,都会发现本系列书籍即是您苦寻已久,增强英文实力的最佳利器。 本书重点:单词的大家族→词根相同的词。单词的联想→词义相似的词。外来语→来自法语、意大利语、西班牙语等的单词,分量不容忽视。衍生词→单词举一反三的秘诀。研读本书,您的单词量将迅速增加5倍以上! Vocabulary 5000 1.本书所列单词共计1200个,加上各词的衍生词、同义词及反义词,则实际收录约2500词,均属于中上难度的词。读完本书,您的单词量当在5000词以上。 2.详细列出各词的国际音标、词性说明及中文解释,省却查字典的麻烦,并附有英文解释,以培养直接用英文思考、判断的能力。中英文解释均是以该词最常用的意义为主,一词若有若乾常用解释或词性,则一并列出。单词后面附有例句,以说明该词的用法;例句附有中文翻译,以便对照参考。 3.每一课分为四个部分,以便于分段记忆。在课前有预备测验,每一部分之后有习题,课后有效果检测;可借助于重复测验来加深对单词的印象,并学习如何活用单词。 4.本书共分为22

课,建议进度为一天一课,如此便可在一个月内增加2500个词汇。下载链接 第一课的单词 Barren adj.贫瘠的同:sterile The barren land could produce little food. Bump v.碰撞同:collide The room was dark and I bumped my head against the door.


刘毅词汇3000 Lesson 2 预备测验 选出最适当的答案: 1. The rider cursed his horse. A. great B. bad 2. An absolute ruler can do just as . A. people tell him B. he pleases 3. There is usually a ceremony when a new building is . A. opened B. destroyed 4. The was sent to him by freight. A. letter B. box 5. The peak of the roof is the part of the house. A. highest B. lowest 解答:1. B 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. A Part 1 1. absolute adj. 绝对的 He is a man of absolute honesty. 他是个绝对诚实的人。 2. agency n.经销处 The Ford Company has agencies all over the country. 福特公司在全国都由经销处。 3. attitude n. 态度 He took a sympathetic attitude toward my situation. 他对我的境遇抱同情的态度。 4. blank adj.空白的同:empty Please write your name in the blank space at the top of the page. 请把你的名字写在此页上头的空白处。 5.bulk n.堆,容量同:volume A vast bulk of coal(煤)is still stored in the basement(地下室). 地下室中仍储有大量的煤堆。 6.ceremony n.典礼 Their marriage ceremony was performed in the church. 他们的结婚典礼在教堂举行。 https://www.360docs.net/doc/2d5646826.html,merce n.贸易https://www.360docs.net/doc/2d5646826.html,mercial 同:trade Our country has grown rich because of its commerce with other nations. 我国由于与别国间的贸易而致富。 8. confuse v. 混淆n. confusion 同:embarrass , puzzle Even their own mother sometimes confused the twins. 即使是双胞胎自己的母亲,有时候也会搞混。 9. copper n.铜 Copper is easily shaped into thin sheet or fine wire. 铜易于塑成薄板或细丝。 ※thin sheet:钢皮,薄片,薄钢板;fine wire:细丝 10.curse v.诅咒 He cursed the poor waitress who had spilled soup on him. 他诅骂那个把汤倒在他身上的可怜女侍。


刘毅10000词汇学习笔记lesson 1(1) 1.abdomen:part of the body below the chest and diaphragm,containing the stomach. 腹部 abdominal(adj) 腹部的an abdominal operation 腹部手术 belly:(口)front of the human body from the waist to the groin;belly 肚子,胃 with an empty belly 空着肚子 in the belly of a ship 在船腹里 belly out(动词用法):鼓涨,凸出The wind bellied out the sails 2.bereave:使某人丧失(尤指亲属)bereave sb of sb an accident which bereaved him of his wife 使他丧失妻子的事故 the bereaved husband 死了妻子的男人 the bereaved 丧失亲人的人 bereavement(n):丧亲之痛,丧失亲人 deprive:take sth away from sb;prevent sb from enjoying or using sth 剥夺sb/sth的sth;阻止某人享有或使用sth deprive sb/sth of sth deprive of one's civil rights 剥夺某人的公民权 deprivation(n):剥夺;贫困;被剥夺的事物 widespread deprivation 普遍贫困 Missing the holiday was a great deprivation.错失假日是极大的损失。 deprived(adj):贫困的,穷苦的deprived childhood 贫苦的童年 3。consecrate:devote sth/sb to or reserve sth/sb for a special (esp religious) purpose 把sth/sb 献给sth/sb做某种(尤其宗教)用途consecrate sth/sb to sth consecrate one's life to the service of God,to the relief of suff ering 献身于为神服务(解除世人痛苦)的事业 devote:give one's time,energy to sth/sb; dedicate 为某人付出,向某人奉献,献身于devote oneself/sth to sb/sth devoted(adj):热爱的,非常忠实的,全心全意的 a devoted son 孝子 She is devoted to her children. 她深爱她的孩子。 devotee(n):献身于某事物的人,热心者,某事物的迷恋者;某一宗派的拥护者 a devotee of sport devotion(n):devotion to sth/sb 深爱,忠心,忠诚 4.evoke:bring to mind(a feeling,memory) 引起或唤起情感,记忆 produce or cause(a response ,reaction) 产生或引起(回应,反应) evocation(n): invoke:use as a reason for one's action 援用(sth)为行动依据或理由 beg for sth by praying 以祷告祈求某事物 The government has invoked the Official Secrets Act in having thebook banned.政府援引国家机密保密法以禁该书。 invocation(n): invocation to sb 求助于神或法律 5。groove:沟,槽,纹 习语:get into a groove 养成某种生活习惯 furrow:犁沟,垄沟 (v)(尤用被动语态)犁,使起皱纹 newly furrowed fields 刚犁过的田地

刘毅5000词汇测试 5000_L1-3

Vocabulary 5000 Test Lesson1-Lesson3 I.至少写出两个与中文意思相对应的单词(40%) 抑制v. 嘲弄v. 回忆起v. 发现v. 引诱v. 改变v. 倾斜v. 蹒跚v. 承受v. 破灭;粉碎v. 巨大的adj. 暂时的adj. 紧急的adj. 下级的adj. 标本n. 冲击n. 边缘n. 要塞n. 节俭n. 面容;表情n. II.按词性变化要求写出相对应单词(20%) annoy v. → n. induce v. → n. minimize v. → n. mobilize v. → n. precede v. → n. alliance n. → v. interference n. → v. paralysis n. → v. revival n. → v. execution n. → v. predetermine v. → adj. prevail v. → adj.

disrupt v. → adj. chaste adj. → n. subtle adj. → n. fantastic adj. → n. treason n. → adj. vision n. → adj. bulge n. → adj. monster n. → adj. Ⅲ. 从A-Y 的释义中找出匹配项,将字母编号写于对应单词的横线上。(25%) defy foresee gravel twig miniature lick narrate dimension growl oath scar rhyme perch diploma bump fume brood poultry skim apparatus hurrah stitch exert adjoin exit A. a place where a bird rests B. come with a blow or knock C. tools or equipment for a special purpose D. measurement in length, width or height E. put into use F. a place through which to go out G. a solemn promise H. be next to I. pay no attention to J. see or know beforehand K. give an account of L. an educational certificate of graduation M. a shout of joy or approval N. small stones, often mixed with coarse sand O. a small branch of a tree or bush P. make a deep, low, angry sound Q. much smaller than things of the same kind R. think steadily and moodily about something S. domestic fowls T. take up with the tongue U. move swiftly V. a single movement of a threaded needle W. gas or smoke X. a mark left by a wound or burn Y. similarity of sounds at the end of lines in poetry Ⅳ. Antonym 找出一个与斜体词的意义相反的单词(20%) 1. alert (A) heedless (B) vigilant (C) imminent (D) urgent 2. grudge (A) resentment (B) hostility (C) favor (D) animosity 3. random(A)haphazard (B) deliberate (C) casual (D) irregular 4. steadfast (A) inconstant (B) shabby (C) loyal (D) unchanging 5. inflexible (A) blunt (B) stiff (C) stubborn (D) elastic


和我一起背单词(刘毅3000)(第十六课第二节) 第16课第2节单词 1 devote v.致力 He devoted his efforts to the improvement of the parks in the city. 他致力于市区公园的改进. n.devotion 2 divorce v.离婚 He has been divorced for a year. 他已离婚一年. 同.sparate n.离婚 His wife asked him for a divorce, 他太太要求离婚. 3 elegant adj.高雅的 The furnishings of the palace were elegant. 这座皇宫的装饰很高雅. 4 equator n.赤道 The United States is north of the equator. 美国在赤道的北边. 5 exist v.生存 We cannot exist without air, food, and water. 没有空气,食物和水,我们就不能生存. 6 federal adj.联邦制的 The United States has a federal government. 美国有一个联邦政府. 7 forbid v.禁止 Smoking is forbidden in the crowded bus. 在拥挤的公共汽车上禁止吸烟. 同.prohibit 反.permit;allow 8 gallery n.画廊 Many pictures were hung on the walls of the gallery. 画廊的墙上挂着许多画. 9 grind v.磨 That mill grinds corn into meal and wheat into flour. 那家磨坊将玉米磨成玉米分,小麦磨成面粉. 10 improve v.改进 She improved her handwriting by constant practice. 她通过不断的练习来改进她的书法. n.improvement 从以上单词中选出最适当的一个单词,填入空格内. 1 The mother ( ) herself to caring for her sick child last week. 2 A(n) ( ) is an imaginary circle around the middle of the earth at an equal distance
