



Fall in Love With Your Writing With These Books!

Write Naked

ByJennifer Probst

WAS: $16.99

NOW: $15.99

Bestselling author Jennifer Probst reveals her pathway to success, from struggling as a new writer to signing a seven-figure deal. Written in Probst's unmistakable and honest voice, Write Naked mixes personal essays on craft with down-to-earth advice on writing romance in the digital age.

Just Write

ByJames Scott Beli

WAS: $17.99

NOW: $10.99

Write yourself past fears, doubts and setbacks, using your desire writing excellence to deeply involve yourself in the craft. In Just Write, you'll learn how to master the nuances(细微差别) of fiction, discover what readers really want, and persevere through the challenges of getting started, conquering writers block and dealing with rejection.

Damn Fine Story

By Chuck Wendig

WAS: $17.99

NOW: $8.99

Great storytelling is making readers care about your characters. And to tell a damn fine story, you need to understand why and how that caring happens. Using a mix of personal stories, pop fiction examples and traditional storytelling terms, The New York Times bestselling author Chuck Wendig will help you internalize the feel of powerful storytelling,

Fearless Writing

By William Kenower

WAS: $16.99


Filled with insightful wisdom and practical advice, Fearless Writing teaches you how to accept the inner value of your work, enter a flow state while writing and overcome rejection, delay and other obstacles that prevent your creativity. With Fearless Writing, you'll find the inner strength to set on a brave journey and build a lifelong career in the process.

(1)Who shares his/her own writing experience with the readers?

A. Jennifer Probst.

B. James Scott Beli.

C. Chuck Wendig.

D. William Kenower.(2)Which book has the highest discount?

A. Write Naked.

B. Just Write.

C. Damn Fine Story.

D. Fearless Writing.(3)What do the four books have in common?

A. They are written by bestselling authors.

B. They focus on traditional storytelling terms.

C. They show how to overcome rejection.

D. They give some practical advice on writing





(1)考查细节理解。根据By Jennifer Probst部分中的“Written in Probst's unmistakable and honest voice, Write Naked mixes personal essays on craft with down-to-earth advice on writing romance in the digital age.”可知,Jennifer Probst. 与读者分享自己的写作经验。故选A。(2)考查推理判断。根据Damn Fine Story部分中的“By Chuck Wendig WAS: $17.99 NOW: $8.99”再结合另外三本书的价格可知,Damn Fine Story有最大的折扣。故选C。




During this shopping season, salesmen will come up with different strategies to get your business. Many product companies use specific colors to cause positive emotions and compete for a sale. However, sight is not the only sensory (感官的) retail that companies use. Sounds and smells can also influence consumers' purchasing decisions.

Nobel Prize-winning research shows that our sense of smell has great power to cause an emotional response. A study published earlier this year compared purchasing in a French flower shop when the smell of lavender (薰衣草) was given off and when it wasn't. It found that the smell increased the number of consumers' purchasing items and the amount of their purchases. An earlier study using Nike shoes found that consumers desired the shoes more, and were willing to pay more, when the room had a mixed smell of flowers. Realizing the subconscious impact of smell, many stores apply artificial scents (气味) through their heating and air-conditioning vents (通风口) or place scent machines above their doors. For instance, a coconut scent might make that bikini more appealing as you long for a vacation.

Ever felt frenzied due to a store's fast-paced music? Or calmed by a piece of light music? A retailer's choice of music can have a big impact on consumers' moods. One study found that when subjected to loud music, consumers will spend less time in a store. But interestingly, the researchers did not find a difference in sales or customers' satisfaction. Another interesting finding from a recent study was that customers actually shop longer when exposed to unfamiliar music. Just as department stores use different scents in certain departments, many use different music in some areas to appeal to varying consumers.

Well, you could always leave the store and take a break, but the food court probably isn't your

best choices as brands like Cinnabon and Panera Bread also use scents as part of their customers' experience. Online retailers (零售商) use a variety of other strategies to get your business, but you can always neglect those and enjoy the familiar scents of home.

(1)The passage is mainly about ________.

A. consumers' favorite sounds and smells while shopping

B. shopping malls' strategies for satisfying consumers

C. some special services from super shopping malls

D. two factors affecting consumers' shopping decisions

(2)What can be inferred from Paragraph 2?

A. Decorating stores with flowers becomes a fashion.

B. Shops with special smells can attract more consumers.

C. Smells can actually help businessmen gain more profits.

D. The products with a kind of special smell are more popular.

(3)How does music have an effect on consumers?

A. It controls consumers' desire for shopping.

B. It influences how long consumers stay in a shop.

C. It gives consumers the satisfaction of enjoying shopping.

D. Whether consumers are willing to buy things depends on it.

(4)Which of the following can replace the underlined word “frenzied” in Paragraph 3? A. Satisfied. B. Depressed. C. Surprised. D. Excited.

(5)What does the writer try to express in the last paragraph?

A. Online shopping is becoming more and more popular nowadays.

B. People should spend more time at home with family members.

C. People can choose to get rid of salesmen's promotion strategies.

D. Smells and sounds are important for consumers' shopping experience.






【解析】【分析】本文为说明文。这篇文章主要介绍了影响消费者购物决定的两个因素。(1)主旨大意题。根据第一段中的Sounds and smells can also influence consumers' purchasing decisions.(声音和气味也会影响消费者的购买决定)及下文对这两个因素的介绍可知,本文主要介绍了影响消费者购物决定的两个因素。故答案选D。

(2)推理判断题。根据第二段中的It found that the smell increased the number of consumers' purchasing items and the amount of their purchases.(研究发现,这种气味增加了消费者购买物品的数量和购买量)可推知,气味实际上可以帮助商人获得更多的利润。故答案选C。

(3)细节理解题。根据第三段中的One study found that when subjected to loud music, consumers will spend less time in a store…Another interesting finding from a recent study was

that customers actually shop longer when exposed to unfamiliar music.(研究发现,当音乐音量过大时,消费者在商店里的时间会减少……最近一项研究的另一个有趣发现是,当顾客接触到不熟悉的音乐时,他们的购物时间实际上更长)可知,音乐会影响消费者在商店里停留的时间。故答案选B。

(4)词义猜测题。A. Satisfied满意的;B. Depressed沮丧的;C. Surprised吃惊的;D. Excited兴奋的。根据第三段中的Or calmed by a piece of light music?(还是听着轻音乐平静下来?)可知,划线词所在句意为“有没有因为商店里快节奏的音乐而感到疯狂?”,由此推知,划线词意为“疯狂的”,疯狂是一种兴奋的状态。故答案选D。

(5)推理判断题。根据最后一段中的Online retailers (零售商) use a variety of other strategies to get your business, but you can always neglect those and enjoy the familiar scents of home.(网上零售商使用各种各样的策略来获得你的生意,但你可以忽略这些,享受熟悉的家的味道)可知,作者想要告诉人们,我们可以选择摆脱销售员的促销策略。故答案选C。



Parents may think they're smart about where they store medicines, but their kids are smarter. Nearly 60,000 young children are rushed to the hospital every year after getting into medicines not meant for them, according to a new report from Safe Kids Worldwide.

The report finds little connection between what parents know about storing medicines safely and what they actually do. Nine out of 10 parents know that medicines should be stored up and away out of reach and sight, but 7 out of 10 of them admit not doing that. They leave medicines out on kitchen counters, sinks and sofas, believing babies and toddlers(学步者)aren't tall enough or strong enough to reach them. Unfortunately, they probably can. Children as young as a month have ended up in an emergency department because they'd been poisoned by getting into a medicine that was left within reach.

Most poisonings related to medicines---particularly among babies and toddlers---occur within their home. Kids develop rapidly and they want to explore their environment. At certain ages they have a lot of hand-to-mouth activity, and so it's very common for them to explore their environment and then try to taste what they find.

The new Safe Kids worldwide report includes a survey of 2,000 parents with children under age 6. While the number of children visiting an emergency department for accidental poisonings had declined since the 2010 maximum, the decline has slowed in recent years.

Prescription and over-the-counter medicines cause the most severe poisonings, but vitamins and supplements(补充品)can also cause problems. There are steps families can take to lower the risk for an accidental medicine poisoning.

(1)Why are children poisoned according to the text?

A. Some of the medicines at home taste nice.

B. There is something poisonous in medicines.

C. Kids have easy access to medicines at home..

D. Kids are curious to explore the environment

(2)What can we learn from the text?

A. Vitamins and supplements can do good to kids.

B. The team made a survey of 2,000 kids under age 6.

C. 600 parents surveyed could keep medicines properly.

D. Kids are usually smart at storing medicines at home.

(3)What could be the best title for the text?

A. Parents' Casual Behavior Leads to Kids Poisoned

B. The Number of Kids Poisoned Has Declined Lately

C. Nearly 60,000 Children Are Poisoned by Medicines

D. Kids Are Facing the Risk of Being Poisoned at Home





(1)考查细节理解。根据第三段中的“ At certain ages they have a lot of hand-to-mouth activity, and so it's very common for them to explore their environment and then try to taste what they find.”在一定的年龄,他们有很多的手和嘴活动,所以他们很容易去探索他们的环境,然后尝试品尝他们发现的东西在家里,他们很容易碰到药品,故选C。

(2)考查细节理解。根据第一段中的“Parents may think they're smart about where they store medicines, but their kids are smarter. ”父母可能会认为他们很聪明,他们在哪里储存药品,但他们的孩子更聪明。故选D。

(3)考查主旨大意。根据倒数第三段中的“Most poisonings related to medicines---particularly among babies and toddlers---occur within their home.”很多中毒事件是发生在家中的,再根据文章大意,故选A。



Bike Share Toronto is the city's official bike share program, designed to give locals and visitors a fun, affordable and convenient alternative to walking, taxis, buses and the subway. There are 200 Bike Share Toronto stations and 2,000 bikes across the city, making Bike Share the most accessible way to get around and explore.

How it works

Become an Annual Member or buy a day Pass to access the system.

Find an available bike nearby, and get a ride code or use your member key to unlock it.

Take as many short rides as you want while your pass or membership is active.

Return your bike to any station, and wait for the green light on the dock(停靠点)to make sure it's locked.

Choose a plan

For visitors

Day Pass: $7. Unlimited 30-minute rides in a 24-hour period.

3-Day Pass: $15. Unlimited 30-minute rides in a 72-hour period.

For locals

Monthly Pass: $25. Unlimited 30-minute rides for a month.

Annual Membership: $90. Unlimited 30-minute rides for a whole year. The Annual Membership is the best deal for locals of Toronto and other frequent riders.

The first 30 minutes of each ride is included with the membership or pass price. Avoid extra fees by dropping off your bike every 30 minutes at any other station. If you keep a bike out for longer than 30 minutes at a time, you will be charged an extra $1.50 for the first 30 minutes over, $4 for the next 30 minutes, and $7 for each additional 30 minutes after that.

Contact us

●Customer Service: (855)898-2388

●Repair Service: (855)-2378

●Corporation Partners: (855)898-2398

●Employment Opportunities: (855)898-2498

(1)Which is the most suitable choice for locals in Toronto?

A. Day Pass

B. 3-Day Pass

C. Monthly Pass

D. Annual Membership (2)How much will the extra fee be if you travel for two hours by bike?

A. $5.5

B. $9.5

C. $12.5

D. $15.5

(3)For more information about working at Bike Share Toronto, contact it at _________.

A. (855)898-2399

B. (855)898-2378

C. (855)8989-2398

D. (855) 898-2498(4)Which of the following statement is TRUE?

A. A member can get a code or a key to the bike

B. Bike Share Toronto is a non-profit organization

C. Shared bikes have taken the place of other vehicles

D. The green light on the dock shows the bike is unlocked






(1)考查细节理解。根据文中“The Annual Membership is the best deal for locals of Toronto and other frequent riders”一年一度的会员是多伦多当地最好的交易和其他频繁的骑手。故选D。

(2)考查细节理解。根据" If you keep a bike out for longer than30 minutes at a time, you will be charged an extra $1.50 for the first 30 minutes over $4 for the next 30 minutes. and s7 for each additional 30 minutes after that”如果你保持自行车超过30分钟你将被一个额外的1.50美元的前30分钟4美元在接下来的30分钟7美元为每个额外的30分钟之后。所以超过两小时,就是1.5-4+7=12.5,故选C。

(3)考查细节理解。根据“Employment Opportunities: (855)898-2498”就业机会打(855)898-2498,故选D。

(4)考查细节理解。根据“Become an Annual Member or buy a day Pass to access the system. Find an available bike nearby, and get a ride code or use your member key to unlock it.”系统是怎么工作的,成为一年一度的成员或买一天通过访问系统。附近找到一个可用的自行车,和搭车的代码或使用你的解锁的关键成员,故选A。



Taking on the task of producing a short movie might seem like an impossible feat, but if you can assemble a good team and if you break down each stage of production into small blocks of tasks, you'll come to realize that producing a small-scale movie isn't too bad. Just follow these steps and you'll be on your way to Kevin Smith-like fame in no time.

Assemble a production crew. If you run out of friends or people you can get to work for screen credit, offer people “points”, which is a percentage of the movie profits.

Get a director of photography. You need someone who knows a lot about films cameras to make the movie come out right. Local film schools are the best place to find them.

Assemble the props and costumes. Costume shops and local theater groups can definitely help you here. But you can also borrow from friends and family or check out thrift stores for bargains. Choose filming locations. Make sure you have permission from the owners of the property you choose to film on.

Get the film processed. Find the right processor with the help of your director of photography. You may need to send the film to Los Angeles for this.

Edit the film. You need to find someone who can transfer your film to video and arrange the completed scenes in the right order. You can likely find one in the same place as your director of photography,

Obviously, this is just a basic overview—the thing about producing a short independent movie is that the whole process is unpredictable. You can only set yourself up for the basics, but as long as you know things will go wrong every day, at least you'll be prepared to deal with the difficulties.(1)What can we know about directors of photography?

A. They must be from film schools.

B. They know everything about films.

C. They can send films to Los Angeles.

D. They can help get the right processor.

(2)Where can you most probably find a person to edit the film?

A. Los Angeles.

B. Costume shops.

C. Local film schools.

D. Local theaters.

(3)What does the author agree with?

A. All the process of film-making is quite controllable.

B. We should make full preparations before film-making.

C. Producing an independent movie is an impossible task.

D. Following the steps, you must become a famous director.

(4)What may be the best title for the text?

A. How to be a good director

B. How to produce a short film

C. Secrets of being a successful director

D. Methods of making your film a hit





【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了如何制作短片的流程和需要注意的事项。(1)考查细节理解。根据倒数第三段中的“Find the right processor with the help of your director of photography.”可知director of photography可以帮助找到合适的加工者,故选D.(2)考查细节理解。根据第三段中的“You need someone who knows a lot about films cameras to make the movie come out right. Local fil m schools are the best place to find them”可知在当地的摄影学校比较容易找到摄影导演,故选C。

(3)考查推理判断。根据最后一段中的“You can only set yourself up for the basics, but as long as you know things will go wrong every day, at least you'll be prepared to deal with the difficulties.”可知作者认为拍电影之前要为基本的事情做好准备,才能准备好应对遇到的困难。故选B。




Taxi-booking app Uber agreed to sell its business in China to Didi Chuxing. The two firms had been fierce competitors, but Didi Chuxing had controlled the Chinese market with an 87% share. Uber China launched in 2014, but it had failed to make any profit for a long time. Cheng Wei, founder and chief executive of Didi Chuxing, said the two companies had learned a great deal from each other over the past two years in China. He added that the deal would set the mobile transportation industry on a healthier path of growth at a higher level. As part of the deal, Mr. Cheng would join the board of Uber, while Uber chief executive Travis Kalanick would also join Didi's board.

Uber's China business would own its separate branding while US-based Uber Technologies would hold about 17.5% in the combined company. Didi Chuxing is backed by Chinese Internet giants Tencent and Alibaba.

Uber had been struggling to break into the Chinese market despite having Chinese search engine Baidu as an investor. Last February, the company admitted it was losing more than $1

billion a year in China. “Funding their Chinese dreams was becoming too expensive for Uber,” Duncan Clark, chairman of Beijing-based consultancy BDA, told the BBC. Travis Kalanick said, “As a businessman, I've learned that being successful is about listening to your head as well as following your heart.”

The fierce competition had led both companies to spend much more on their journeys. The combination is likely to see fewer such subsidies(补贴). “One thing to watch carefully is how quickly consumers feel the impact as subsidies are withdrawn.” Mr. Clark added.

The deal with Didi Chuxing came just days after China had agreed to provide a legal framework for taxi-ordering apps. Both Uber and Didi welcomed the decision. The new rules took effect last November and could, among other things, forbid such platforms to operate below cost.

(1)According to the second paragraph, what can we know?

A. Being successful is about listening to your head and following your heart.

B. The deal would make the mobile transportation industry grow much faster.

C. Didi Chuxing had learnt more in China than Uber over the past two years.

D. Mr. Cheng would be working as a member of the board of Uber as planned.

(2)What is the best title of the passage?

A. Uber sold Chinese business to Didi Chuxing

B. Using Didi Chuxing brings more subsidies

C. Listen to your head and follow your heart

D. The new rules took effect last November (3)What is the impact of the fierce competition between Uber and Didi?

A. Uber dominated the Chinese market with an 87% share.

B. China provided a legal framework for taxi-ordering apps.

C. Funding their Chinese dreams became expensive for Uber.

D. Chinese search engine Baidu became an investor of Uber's.

(4)The passage is probably taken from a website about ________.

A. apps

B. politics

C. economy

D. technology






(1)考查推理判断。根据第二段中的“As part of the deal, Mr. Cheng would join the board of Uber, while Uber chief executive Travis Kalanick would also join Didi's board.”可知,Mr. Cheng将按计划担任优步董事会成员。故选D。

(2)考查主旨大意。根据第一段中的“Taxi-booking app Uber agreed to sell its business in China to Didi Chuxing. The two firms had been fierce competitors, but Didi Chuxing had controlled the Chinese market with an 87% share.”可知,优步将中国业务出售给滴滴出行。故选A。

(3)考查细节理解。根据第四段中的“Funding their Chinese dreams was becoming too expensive for Uber,”可知,优步和滴滴之间激烈竞争对优步来说,为他们的中国梦提供资金变得很昂贵。故选C。

(4)考查推理判断。根据第一段中的“Taxi-booking app Uber agreed to sell its business in China

to Didi Chuxing. The two firms had been fierce competitors, but Didi Chuxing had controlled the Chinese market with an 87% share.”可推知这篇文章很可能来自一个网址的“经济栏目”。故选C。



I visited Copenhagen for the first time last Easter. As a student,I'm always strapped for cash,so I assumed I could only afford to breathe the air — but luckily everything about Copenhagen is breathtaking.

I was staying in an Airbnb, and rented a bike so I could cover more ground. One of the first places I visited was the Rundetaarn, or “round tower” built in the 17th century as an astronomical observatory. It has an equestrian staircase (a wide set of stairs big enough for horses to use) that went on and on. As I was going up, I stopped to visit the tower's library hall. At the top, there's a glass platform that gives a view 80-foot straight down, as well as a bell loft. Luckily, the views over Copenhagen from the top were well worth the climb.

After coming down, I hiked up to the Kastellet Fortress to see the famous Little Mermaid statue. Taking a photo with her was almost impossible with all the tourists crowding around—but sitting there and hearing the lapping waves of the deep blue Baltic Sea, waiting for the sun to set, was an unforgettable and calming experience.

The next day, I visited the Glyptotek art museum, exploring the grand exhibits. I looked into the marble eyes of many Roman gods,and walked down dimly lit staircases to see mummies from Egypt.

Before I unwillingly boarded the train back to the airport, I told myself that I must visit again—to experience the thrills of Tivoli Gardens, try more of the street food and everything else from this amazing city.

(1)Why did the author rent a bike?

A. Because she loved to ride a bike.

B. Because she didn't afford to rent a car.

C. Because she found nowhere to rent other vehicles.

D. Because she wanted to see as many attractions as possible.

(2)What did the author find difficult at the Kastellet Fortress?

A. Finding a sitting place

B. Waiting for the sun to set

C. Listening to the sound of waves

D. Having a photo taken with a statue.

(3)Which of the following didn't the author visit?

A. Rundetaarn

B. Tivoli Gardens

C. Glyptotek art museum

D. Little Mermaid Statue (4)What is the author's purpose in writing the text?

A. To remember a holiday

B. To introduce a new attraction

C. To share her travel experience

D. To show her love of Copenhagen






(1)考查细节理解。根据第二段中的“I was staying in an Airbnb, and rented a bike so I could cover more ground.”可知作者租一辆自行车是因为她想要看尽可能多的旅游胜地,故选D。

(2)考查细节理解。根据第三段中的“Taking a photo with her was almost impossible with all the tourists crowding around”可知在Kastellet Fortress,作者发现最困难的事情就是和雕塑拍照,故选D。

(3)考查细节理解。根据第二段中的“One of the first places I visited was the Rundetaarn,”排除A;根据第四段中的“The nex t day, I visited the Glyptotek art museum, exploring the grand exhibits.”排除C;根据第三段中的“After coming down, I hiked up to the Kastellet Fortress to see the famous Little Mermaid statue.”排除D,故选B。




This is my origin story: when I was a teenager I wrote terrible poetry. Like really bad. Worse than yours, I bet. A lot of it about how every little thing reminds me that we're all going to die one day. I wrote collections and collections of these poems, thinking one day I would have my moment. I named one collection, ironically, The Eternal Optimist.

In 1996, I found an advert for the International Poetry Competition. I was 16 years old and ready for my poetry to be released on the world. Not only was it a competition with a cash prize, but it was poetry, which I wrote, and international. This was my ticket to becoming world-famous.

I submitted a poem called Trail of Thought. If you ever wrote bad poetry as a teenager, you'll have written something like it. In the poem, I went for a walk and noticed small poignant(辛酸的) things in nature, and each one reminded me that we were all going to die one day.

I filled out the form, printed off the poem and sent it off, fingers crossed. I waited to hear back I carried on writing, I probably finished another collection. Then I got a letter from the International Society of Poets. I opened the envelope carefully, just in case a prize-winning cheque fell out I hadn't won. But, they liked my poem enough to include it in their anthology(诗选), Awaken to a Dream. I closed my eyes, I wanted to scream with happiness. I was going to be a published poet.

All I had to do in order to be published was accept the terms and pay £ 45(plus £ 5 p & p)for an anthology. If I didn't buy a copy of the anthology, my poem wouldn't be included. I had to convince my mum, who thought my writing a meaningless pastime, to part with £ 50. She even

aske d the question: “Why do you have to pay to be in this book?” Nevertheless, she wrote a cheque for £ 50 and I returned it with my letter of agreement.

I was 16 and about to be a published poet. This was what it had all been about. This is what it had all been leading to. The months waiting for the anthology were a torture. I hit some sort of writer's block, I couldn't write anything. It was almost as if, now I was published, it mattered more what I committed to page and I didn't want to write anything down unless it was good enough to go into an anthology like Awaken to a Dream.

The book arrived through the post. Here it was. The first thing I had ever been published in a book called Awaken to a Dream, featuring a blistering take on the mundanity(世俗) of mortality by yours truly. I opened the package to find a book, containing my work. The first thing that struck me about the book was that it was bigger than A4. And it was thick. And on each page was a poem, next to another poem, next to another. The type was small and the paper thin enough to trace with. With three or four poems per page and more than 700 pages, I had a sinking realization. This was a scam, an illegal trick for making money.

If each poem had cost the author £ 45, they were sitting on a fortune. I felt ashamed. Everyone who had submitted something to the International Poetry Competition had fallen for the same hustle(忙碌)as me. I couldn't bring myself to show my mum. And she never asked to see it. Perhaps she thought if the price of me learning a lesson was £50 we didn't really have, then so be it.

But that stayed with me, that moment of realization. Because I determined to keep writing and ensure that my precious words always found a home worthy of them. Or at least that's how, more than 20 years later, I justify falling for a scam. Because your first time being published should be special, and if I don't convince myself that there was a reason for my first poem being in a vanity(无价值) book, then what good was it in the first place? And, strangely, someone is selling this book on Amazon at the moment. I wonder how many other writers who went on to do more stuff are in there.

(1)What does the underlined sentence in paragraph 1 mean?

A. The author was sure he was going to die like everyone else.

B. The author was optimistic about the publication of his poetry.

C. The author was worried the tragedies in the poetry would happen to him.

D. The author was considering writing positive poems instead of terrible ones.

(2)When the author received the letter from the organizing committee, he felt ________.

A. upset

B. calm

C. excited

D. surprised

(3)While waiting for the anthology, the author ________.

A. reflected on what he had written about

B. set a higher criterion for his future works

C. felt too miserable to write anything more

D. wondered what future was in store for him (4)The author realized the anthology was a trick from the fact that ________.

A. the poems were of poor quality

B. the organizers just made a quick profit

C. he was charged higher than others

D. the content was carelessly edited

(5)The passage is mainly about ________.

A. why the author fell for the trick of a poetry competition

B. what it took for a poetry

enthusiast to be a published writer

C. how a terrible teenage poem taught the author a lifelong lesson

D. whether poetry enthusiasts could guard against tricks targeted at them

(6)How did the author feel about the scam at the end of the story?

A. He laughs best who laughs last.

B. A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit.

C. Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.

D. Follow your own course, and let people talk.【答案】(1)B







(1)考查句义猜测。根据第一段中的“I named one collection, ironically, The Eternal Optimist.”可知,作者将自己写的一本诗集命名为“The Eternal Optimist”,可以推知,作者写了很多诗集,他对自己的诗集有一天可以被发表持有乐观态度。故选B。

(2)考查推理判断。根据第三段中的“I closed my eyes, I wanted to scream with happiness.”可知,当作者收到组织委员会的信的时候,他高兴地想尖叫,由此可以推知,他非常兴奋,故选C。

(3)考查推理判断。根据第五段中的“The months waiting for the anthology were a torture. I hit some sort of writer's block, I couldn't write anything… I didn't want to write anything down unl ess it was good enough to go into an anthology like Awaken to a Dream.”可知,等待诗选的日子对作者来说是一种折磨。作者遇到了障碍:他什么也写不出来,除非它足够好足以达到进入像诗选“Awaken to a Dream”这样的水平。由此可以推知,作者对自己的作品提出了更高的标准。故选B。

(4)考查细节理解。根据第六段中的“With three or four poems per page and more than 700 pages, I had a sinking realization. This was a scam, an illegal trick for making money”可知,当作者看到这本诗选有700多页,每页上有三四首诗的时候,他意识到这是一个骗局,一个赚钱的非法的骗局。故选B。


(6)考查推理判断。根据最后一段中的“But that stayed with me, that moment of realiza tion. Because I determined to keep writing and ensure that my precious words always found a home worthy of them.”可知,作者意识到受骗之后,他决定要一直写下去,并且要确保自己宝贵的诗句会找到值得它们存在的地方。由此可知,这次骗局激起了作者更加努力的决心。故选A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit.“吃一堑,长一智”。故选B。



Kevin Adkins admits that when he lacks confidence, he uses big words to appear smarter, of which most people don't know the meaning. "Only when I need to impress the person. I prefer using big words," says the 45-year-old.

Adkins is not alone. Many people use longer words in place of shorter ones because they know, consciously or unconsciously, that when others form impressions of them after a glance or a short conversation, they often work harder to give the "right" impression. "People think, if I can show that I have a good vocabulary, I'll sound smarter says Daniel Oppenheimer, PhD, a professor of psychology at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. However, if the listeners do not understand those long words, he adds, it will leave a bad impression instead.

The truth is that it can easily go wrong. "It's almost a game that two people are playing," says Eric Igou, PhD, a social psychologist at Ireland's University of Limerick. "If the observer, person B, doesn't have the same theory, it can backfire." Person A may be regarded as showing off instead of being intelligent.

Using big words may also confuse listeners, which is definitely moving in the wrong direction, "People associate intelligence with clearness of expressions," says Oppenheimer. That's especially true when it comes to the written word. A small study in Applied Cognitive Psychology (应用认知心理学) found that the more writers tried to sound smart, the less intelligent they were considered to be.

So what can you do to sound smarter? Speak clearly and directly. Leave the dictionary at your desk.

(1)Why does Kevin Adkins prefer saying big words sometimes?

A.He wants to make himself more easily understood.

B.He believes that it is cool.

C.He enjoys the feelings of being mysterious.

D.He hopes that what he says sounds smart.

(2)What is Professor Oppenheimer's attitude towards the behavior of using big words?





(3)What does Eric Igou mean by saying "it can backfire" in paragraph 3?

A.It can catch fire.

B.Person B can fire person A.

C.It can deliver an opposite effect.

D.The observer can also fight back.

(4)What can we learn from the small study in Applied Cognitive Psychology?

A.The writer who never uses big words is more intelligent.

B.The writer who uses big words the most is the most intelligent.

C.People like the writers who only use short and clear expressions.

D.The writers should avoid using big words often in their writings.






(1)考查细节理解。根据第一段中的“Kevin Adkins admits that when he lacks confidence, he uses big words to appear smarter, of which most people don't know the meaning.”可知,Kevin Adkins承认,当他缺乏信心时,他会说一些人们不经常使用的词使自己显得更聪明,而大多数人却不知道其中的含义。因此Kevin Adkins有时喜欢说一些人们不经常使用的词的原因是他希望他所说的话听起来充满智慧。故选D。

(2)考查推理判断。根据第二段中的“However, if the listeners do not understand those long words, he adds, it will leave a bad impression instead.”和第四段中的“Using b ig words may also confuse listeners, which is definitely moving in the wrong direction, ‘People associate intelligence with clearness of expressions,’ says Oppenheimer.”可知,Oppenheimer教授认为,如果听者不懂说话者的那些长话,这会给听者留下不好的印象。说人们不经常使用的词可能会使听众感到困惑,这会引起人们的误解,人们将智慧与表达的清晰性联系在一起。因此Oppenheimer教授对说话者使用人们不熟悉的词的行为持不赞成态度。故选A。

(3)考查句义猜测。根据第三段中的“Person A may be regarded as showing off instead of being intelligent.”可知,说长话的人A可能被认为是在炫耀而不能体现其聪明。因此划线句子的意思是“它起到了相反的作用”,即说长话的人达到的效果与预想中的让别人看起来很聪明的效果是相反的。故选C。

(4)考查推理判断。根据第四段中的“A small s tudy in Applied Cognitive Psychology found that the more writers tried to sound smart, the less intelligent they were considered to be.”可知,一项关于应用认知心理学的小型研究发现,作家越是要让自己听起来聪明,他们就越被认为不那么聪明。因此我们可以从应用认知心理学的小型研究了解到作家应避免在写作中经常使用人们不熟悉的词。故选D。



So many of us hold on to little resentments that may have come from an argument, a misunderstanding, or some other painful event. Stubbornly, we wait for someone else to reach out to us—believing this is the only way we can forgive or rekindle a friendship or family relationship.

An acquaintance of mine, whose health isn't very good, recently told me that she hadn't spoken to her son in almost three years. She said that she and her son had had a disagreement about his wife and that she wouldn't speak to him again unless he called first. When I suggested

that she be the one to reach out, she resisted initially and said, "I can't do that. He's the one who should apologize." She was literally willing to die before reaching out to her only son. After a little gentle encouragement, however, she did decide to be the first one to reach out. To her amazement, her son was grateful for her willingness to call and offered an apology of his own. As is usually the case when someone takes the chance and reaches out, everyone wins.

Whenever we hold on to our anger, we turn "small stuff" into really "big stuff" in our minds. We start to believe that our positions are more important than our happiness. They are not. If you want to be a more peaceful person you must understand that being right is almost never more important than allowing yourself to be happy. The way to be happy is to let go, and reach out. Let other people be right. This doesn't mean that you're wrong. Everything will be fine. You'll experience the peace of letting go, as well as the joy of letting others be right.

You'll also notice that, as you reach out and let others be "right," they will become less defensive and more loving toward you. They might even reach back. But if for some reason they don't, that's okay too. You'll have the inner satisfaction of knowing that you have done your part to create a more loving world, and certainly you'll be more peaceful yourself.

(1)The underlined word "rekindle" in Paragraph 1 probably means "____________".

A. recover

B. develop

C. accept

D. replace

(2)According to the passage, the author's friend never spoke to her son for three years because ____________.

A. she had got an argument with her daughter-in-law

B. she had disagreed about her son's marriage

C. she had got an argument about her daughter-in-law

D. she had disliked her son's wife for many years

(3)Which of the following is NOT the reason for people to be unwilling to apologize first?

A. People believe that they are always right.

B. People always wait for others to offer an apology first.

C. People consider the position more important than happiness.

D. People want to get an inner satisfaction.

(4)The purpose of the passage is to ____________.

A. instruct the readers how to apologize

B. teach the readers how to gain inner peace

C. inform the readers the importance of being forgiving

D. tell the readers to reach out first when there are painful events.






(1)考查词义猜测。第一段中的“Stubbornly, we wait for someone else to reach out to us—believing this is the only way we can forgive or rekindle a friendship or family relationship.”固执地说,我们等着别人来找我们——相信这是我们能够原谅或重新点燃友谊或家庭关系的唯


(2)考查细节理解。根据第二段中的“ She said that she and her son had had a disagreement about his wife and that she wouldn't speak to him again unless he called first.”她说她和她儿子对他的妻子意见不和,她不会再和他说话除非他先打电话。故选C。

(3)考查细节理解。根据第三段中的“We start to believe that our positions are more important than our happiness. They are not. If you want to be a more peaceful person you must understand that being right is almost never more important than allowing yourself to be happy.”我们开始相信我们的地位比我们的幸福更重要。其实不然,如果你想成为一个更爱好和平的人,就必须明白“正确”几乎永远也不会比让自己快乐更重要。可知A、B、C三项都是人们不愿首先道歉的原因,故选D。




Off-Peak fares are cheaper tickets for traveling on trains that are less busy, offering good value for money. The tickets may require you to travel at specific times of day, days of the week or on a specific route. Where there is more than one Off-Peak fare for a journey, the cheaper fare is called Super Off-Peak.

You can buy Off-Peak tickets any time before you travel, either online or at a local station. The travel restrictions for your Off-Peak ticket will depend on the journey you are making. The tickets must be used on the date shown on the ticket. For Off-Peak return tickets, related journeys must be made on the date shown on your ticket as well.

Children aged five to fifteen get a 50% discount for all Off-Peak fares. Up to 2 children under 5years can travel free with each fare paying adult. Railcard holders get 1/3 off all Standard Class Off-Peak fares. Senior, and disabled Railcard holders also get I/3 off all First Class Off Peak fares. Please note that minimum fares and time restrictions may apply to tickets bought with a Railcard. If you plan on a train trip with friends or your family, you may get group travel discounts. Three or four can travel for the price of just two adults—leaving everyone more money to spend on the day out! If you are traveling in a group of ten or more at Off-Peak times, you may be able to obtain a further discount through the train company you are traveling with. Contact the train company directly and be aware that you may need to book tickets in advance.

For more information, please visit www. nationalrail. co. uk

(1)An Off-Peak ticket differs from other tickets in .

A. its good value for money

B. its convenience

C. the specific trains

D. travel schedules

(2)Apart from the Off-Peak fares, you may also save money by .

A. becoming a VIP

B. traveling at rush time

C. buying tickets online

D. getting group travel discounts

(3)What type of writing is this text?

A. An announcement.

B. A ticket booking guide.

C. A business report.

D. A travel review.





(1)细节理解题。根据第一段第一句Off-Peak fares are cheaper tickets for traveling on trains that are less busy, offering good value for money.可知,非高峰期车票与其他门票相比便宜,花的值。故答案选A。

(2)细节理解题。根据最后一段第一句If you plan on a train trip with friends or your family, you may get group travel discounts.可知,你也可以通过获得团体旅行折扣来节约钱。故答案选D。

(3)主旨大意题。纵观全文,特别是第一段第一句Off-Peak fares are cheaper tickets for traveling on trains that are less busy,offering good value for money.第二段第一句.You can buy Off-Peak tickets any time before you travel, either online or at a local station.和最后一段第一句If you plan on a train trip with friends or your family,you may get group travel discounts. 可知本文是一篇机票预订指南。故答案选B。



②按文章的体裁,作者写作的组织模式及有关的信息词,如for example,first,second…等预测应该到何处寻找自己所需要的事实。

③ 快速通篇跳读,自左至右,自上而下呈Z形扫视,直到找到细节出处,待找到含细节句子时,放慢速度,仔细核对比较内容,直至找到答案。



A 2018 report found that food waste would increase by a third to 2. 1billion tons by 2030. Beyond the cost of the waste itself, thrown-away food generates a gas that contributes to climate change.

Home delivery meal kits(盒)can reduce food waste by more than two-thirds, but suppliers need to switch to reusable packaging to make them environmentally friendly.

Tailor-made meal kits cut waste by providing people with precise amounts of fresh ingredients(烹饪原料)for chosen recipes, meaning leftovers are minimized. But while the delivery services score well on reducing food waste, buying the same food ingredients from the supermarket almost always saves energy overall simply because meal kits use so much single-

use packaging. The good news is that if people have meals that are tailored for consumption, they won't overbuy and have less food waste. They fine-tune the amount of food to what they will actually eat.

Meal kits can reduce transport emissions(排放)if people go to the supermarket less frequently. If people only go and buy such goods as soap and toilet paper, they may only have to visit once every couple of months. A delivery truck can carry meals for a lot of people in the neighborhood. So dozens of car trips might be replaced with one truck trip.

However, study found that even if delivery meal kits reduced food waste to zero, they would still use up more energy overall than buying the same food from the supermarket unless the energy used for the meal kit packaging was cut by a fifth. The packaging is a killer if it's single-use and thrown away, which can make all the environmental benefits lost. But if the packaging can be reused, if it's glass bottles, like in the old days, we can get some benefits.

(1)What can we learn about home delivery meal kits?

A.They can cut down on daily expenses.

B.They will totally solve the problem of food waste.

C.They can keep energy consumption to a minimum.

D.They will benefit the environment with reusable packaging.

(2)What does the underlined word "fine-tune" in paragraph 3 mean?





(3)The author suggests carrying meals with a delivery truck to__________.

A.reduce transport emissions

B.save more food

C.shop only in the supermarket

D.shorten car trip distances

(4)What's the author's attitude to meal kits?










(1)考查细节理解。根据第二段中的“Home delivery meal kits(盒)can reduce food waste by more than two-thirds,”家庭送餐包可以减少三分之二的食物浪费。可以得知可利用的包装


(2)考查词义猜测。第三段主要讲述量身定制餐会降低浪费。根据“They fine-tune the amount of food to what th ey will actually eat. ”人们可以根据将要吃多少来调整食物数量。可知选B。

(3)考查推理判断。根据倒数第二段“Meal kits can reduce transport emissions(排放)if people go to the supermarket less frequently. If people only go and buy such goods as soap and toilet paper,they may only have to visit once every couple of months. A delivery truck can carry meals for a lot of people in the neighborhood. So dozens of car trips might be replaced with one truck trip.”可知餐盒可以减少对交通排放,运送卡车可以一次给小区很多人送餐饭,减少交通排放。故选A。

(4)考查推理判断。根据最后一段中的“However,study found that even if delivery meal kits reduced food waste to zero,they would still use up more energy overall than buying the same food from the supermarket unless the energy used for the meal kit packaging was cut by a fifth.”可知研究表明外卖饭盒比超市买食物会耗费更多的能源;以及“But if the packaging can be reused,if it's glass bottles,like in the old days,we can get some benefits.”但是如果这些包装能够被再利用,对我们还是会有一些益处的。作者对饭盒的使用是客观的态度。故选C。



Automatic dishwashers have been around for more than 100 years. It started in 1886 with Josephine Cochrane, a woman in Shelbyville, Illinois. She was a rich woman who could afford servants to wash her dishes, so she really didn't mind the work. What she did mind was that her servants broke the dishes. She hosted quite a few dinner parties, and after every party the servants broke more of her expensive dishes.

Finally, Cochrane took action. First, she measured her dishes and bent wire into racks to hold them. Next, she put the racks on a wheel in a large copper boiler. Then, the boiler sprayed hot, soapy water on the dishes as a motor turned the wheel. After a hot water rinse(冲洗), the dishes were clean!

Josephine Cochrane's friends were impressed with the machine and asked her to build more. After that, word got out fast. Soon hotel and restaurant owners who didn't like broken dishes also were interested. Cochrane then knew that she had a wonderful machine, so she received a patent from the government, which said that only the inventor can make money from an invention. Then in 1893 Chicago held a World's Fair where inventions from all over the world were shown. Cochrane's labor-saving machine was a big hit. Her dishwasher won the highest award.

Cochrane's company came out with a smaller machine in 1914. It was supposed to be for the ordinary home, but it wasn't an immediate success. Many homes couldn't produce the extremely
