中国与俄罗斯贸易 中英文

常用外贸单证中俄文对照CHINESE RUSSIAN拨款授权书.拨款许可разрешение на финансирование发明证书авторское свидетельство на изобретение结算通知单,报单,汇款通知单авизо借记(借方)通知书,借记(借方)报单дебитовоеавизо贷方(贷记)通知书,贷方报单кредитовое авизо装载单据,运单погрузочные документы货物处理单据,货物在途中结算凭据товарораспорядительный документ现金付款交单документы за наличный расчёт承兑交单документы против акцепта成套单据комплект документов全套单据полный комплект документов付款通知书извещение о платеже当月通知书извещение о платеже с месячным уведомлением托收单据документы на инкассо托收单,托收委托书инкассовое поручение借记通知书,付款通知书кредит-нота托付单,付款委托书платежное поручение对账单,抄账单,账单выписка счёта账单,发票счёт- фактура账单检查一览表ведомость рекапитуляции выписки счёта 临时发票,预先发票предварительный счёт支票,交款取货单чек银行支票банковский чек划线支票кроссированный чек付后支票,已付支票оплаченный чек命令支票,抬头人支票,记名支票ордерный чек废支票погашенный чек结算支票расчётный чек保付支票удостоверенный чек不记名支票чек на предъявителя银行拒不接受的支票чек, не принятый к оплате банком 缺陷检验报告акт дефектации验收单,验收证书акт приёмки技术检验报告акт технического осмотра技术情况报告акт технического состояния技术鉴定证书акт экспертизы受损明细表дефектировачная ведомость检查维修登记表ведомость осмотра и ремонта质量证明书сертификат качества正式证书официальный акт临时证明书временный сертификат最终质量证明书окончательный сертификат单独证明书отдельный сертификат最后验收证明书сертификат об окончательной приёмке 工程竣工证明书сертификат о завершении работ移交工程项目证明书сертификат о передаче объекта初步验收证明书сертификат о предварительной приёмке 货物检查及检验证书акт осмотра и экспертизы грузы工作细则,操作规程(指南)рабочие инструкции技术规范,操作规程(指南)технические инструкции 用两种语言编写的说明инструкции на двух языках技术说明书техническая сертификация安装(说明)指南инструкции по монтажу投产要求инструкции по пуску维修说明инструкции по ремонту装配说明инструкции по сборке保养及维修说明инструкции по уходу и ремонту运营规程,使用规则инструкции по эксплуатации异议证书,索赔证书рекламационный акт, акт-рекламация仲裁裁决书решение арбитража设备使用和保养说明书инструкция по эксплуатации и уходу за оборудованием产品目录、产品分类表номенклатура изделий技术规格техническая спецификация备件清单перечень запасных частей安全条例правила технически безопасности材料说明описание материалов材料一览表перечень материалов建筑设备一览表перечень строительного оборудования工程鉴定书рабочие характеристики标书тендерная документация许可证证书лицензионный паспорт租船委托书фрахтовый ордер专利证书патентная грамота专利保证书патентное обеспечение专利卡патентный формуляр共同海损协议书、海损分担证书аварийный бонд灭鼠证明书сертификат о дератизации运输单证транспортная документация订货确认书подтверждение заказа货物准备装运通知书извещение о готовности товара к отгрузке 发货须知,货运要求отгрузочная инструкция已装船提单бортовой коносамент外运提单коносамент на груз, отправляемый за границу记名提单,直交提单именной коносамент海运提单морской коносамент附有空白转让背书的提单ордерный коносамент с бланковой передаточной надписи直运(直达)提单сквозной коносамент清洁提单чистый коносамент成套提单(全套提单)полный комплект коносаментов 附有保留条款的提单коносамент с оговорками熏仓证明свидетельство о фумигации海关许可证разрешение таможни技术注册证технический паспорт银制存款证серебряные сертификаты电放телекс релиз跟单信用证документальный аккредитив。

外文翻译原文Foreign T rade o f ChinaMaterial Source:W anfang Database Author:Hitomi Iizaka1.IntroductionOn December11,2001,China officially joined the World T rade Organization(WTO)and be c a me its143rd member.China’s presence in the worl d economy will continue to grow and deepen.The foreign trade sector plays an important andmultifaceted role in China’s economic development.At the same time, China’s expanded role in the world economy is beneficial t o all its trading partners. Regions that trade with China benefit from cheaper and mor e varieties of imported consumer goods,raw materials and intermediate products.China is also a large and growing export market.While the entry of any major trading nation in the global trading system can create a process of adjustment,the o u t c o me is fundamentally a win-win situation.In this p aper we would like t o provide a survey of the various institutions,laws and characteristics of China’s trade.Among some of the findings, we can highlight thefollowing:•In2001,total trade to gross domestic pr oduct(GDP)ratio in China is44%•In2001,47%of Chinese trade is processed trade1•In2001,51%of Chinese trade is conduct ed by foreign firms in China2•In2001,36%of Chinese exports originate from Gu an gdon g province•In2001,39%of China’s exports go through Hong Kong to be re-exported elsewhere2.Evolution of China’s Trade RegimeEqually remarkable are the changes in the commodity composition of China’s exports and imports.Table2a shows China’s annu al export volumes of primary goods and manufactured goods over time.In1980,primary goods accounted for 50.3%of China’s exports and manufactured goods accounted for49.7%.Although the share of primary good declines slightly during the first half of1980’s,it remains at50.6%in1985.Since then,exports of manufactured goods have grown at a muchfaster rate than exports of primary goods.As a result,the share of manufactur ed goods increased t o90.1%,and that of primary good decr eased to9.9%by2001.Also shown in those tables are five subgr oups for manufactur ed goods and primary goods.China’s export was highly dependent on its exports of coal, petroleum,and petr oleum products until mid-80s.The large export volume of petr oleum was also support ed by a sharp rise in oil prices during the period.In1985, the share of mineral fuels is26.1%.In1986,the su d d en decline in the share of primary goods in total exports occurs,which is largely associated with the decline in the export volume of mineral fuels.The price reforms coupled with the declined world petr oleum price areattributable t o the decline.Domestic agriculture production expanded during the1980’s in response to the higher prices thr ough the price reforms and mo r e opportunities given t o the producers to market their products.Although the share of food and live animals in total exports has declined over time,China has become a net exporter of such products since1984.T urning to the manufactur ed goods,the large increase in the share of the manufactur ed goods in the total exports since mid-80s is largely accounted for by the increase in the export in the textile category and the miscellaneous products category.These two gr oups include labor-intensive products such as textiles,apparel, footwear,and toys and sporting goods.During the1990s,the category that exhibited the mos t significant surge in exports is machinery and transport equipment.Its share exp anded from9.0%in1990t o35.7%in2001.3.China’s Processing Trade and Trade by For eign Invested FirmsChina established the legal framework for processing and assembly arrangements in1979.Since then,China has built up considerable strengths in assembling and processing of industrial parts and components.It covers a wide range of industries such as electric machinery,automobile,aerospace,and shipbuilding.T able3a and T able3b demonstrate the amount of processing exports and imports and the importance of stateowned enterprises(SOEs)and foreign-invested enterprises(FIEs)in such forms of trade for1995-2001. Throughout the period from1995to2001,the shares of these two types of processing exports exceed more than half of China’s total exports.In2001,processing exports account for55.4%of the total exports.As is seen in T able3a, process&assembling was dominat ed by SOEs in1995.However,the tr end has been changing.The share of SOEs in process&assembling has been steadilydeclining over the years from84%in1995to62%in2001.The other type of trade, process with imported materials was largely conducted by FIEs and their shares have been gradually increasing from81%in1995to88%in2001.In China’s imports(see T able3b),processing trade is relatively small comp a r ed to exports. After it peak ed at49%in1997,processed imports decline to39%in2001.The decreasing importance of SOEs can be seen in China’s imports as well.Shares by SOEs decr eased from81%in1995t o58%in2001for process&assembling,and from18%to7%for process with imported materials.The decr eased role for SOEs in processing trade may reflect the inefficiency in conducting their business.Since 1997,the Chinese government decided t o implement the shareholding system and t o sell a large numbe r of medium-and small-sized SOEs to the private sector.A n u mbe r of larger enterprise gr oups will be established in various industries thr ough mergers,acquisitions,and leasing and contracting.The restructuring of SOEs is intended to increase profits and to improve their competitive edge.4.China’s Tr ade by Provinces and RegionsA regional breakdown of exports and imports reveals important characteristics of the foreign trade in China.In1997,89.1%of the total exports came from the Eastern region of China(Beijing,Tianjin,Heibei,Lioaning,Guangxi,Shanghai, Jiangsu,Zhejiang,Fujian,Shangdong,Guandong and Hainan).Within the East,the Southeast region accounts for76.3%of China's exports in1997.4Gu ang dong alone pr oduces41.6%of the total exports for the sa me year.Such regional imbalances in exporting activities persist to the present day.In2001,Guandong's share of the national exports is36.0%.For the Southeast and the East,the shares are respectively 79.0%and91.1%.This imbalance of the regional growth in foreign trade may partially be attributed t o the various geographic-specific and sequential o pen-d oo r policies China has exercised thr oughout the last twenty years.The strong growth of th e export sector in the coastal area has been support ed by the massive use of foreign direct investment(FDI).FDI was first attracted by the creation of the Special Economic Zones(SEZ).FDI was concentrated in the provinces of the Southeast coast,namely,Guandong and Fujian.The multinational enterprises that are export-oriented or use adv anced technologies are able to enjoy various preferential policies in the SEZs,such as r educed or ex empt e d corporate income tax,exemption from import tariffs on imported equipment and raw materials.In1984,fourteen coastal cities were opened and were grant ed similar policies as SEZs.Out of thosefourteen cities,ten are located in the Southeast coast regions and four are in the rest of the Eastern regions.Furthermore in1985,similar preferential policies were grant ed t o other coastal economic regions,Pearl River Delta,Y angtze River Delta and Minnan Delta which is t o the south of Fujian.In1990,Pu d o n g in Shanghai was opened and was grant ed extensive preferential policies.Since1984,the Chinese government established thirty-two national-level Economic and T echnological Development Zones(ETDZs).The share of exports in The Y angtze River Delta,the home of Shanghai and two provinces,Jiangsu and Zhejiang has grown steadily during the period1997to 2001.The share of those three regions grew to10.1%,11.0%,and9.1%in2001 from8.1%,7.9%and5.9%in1997,respectively.As the role of high-tech industry beco mes mo r e significant in China’s output and China’s comparative advantage in skilled-labor and capital-intensive industries beco mes higher,the Y angtze River Delta be co mes a new magnet for investment by foreign enterprises.These foreign investments in turn lead to mo r e export and trade.5.Foreign T rade by Major World RegionsUsing China’s official statistics,Table4a and4b highlight merchandise export s and imports t o and from major world regions for1993-2001:Asia,Africa,Europe, Latin America,North America and Oceania.As we see from Table4a,China’s most important export region has always been Asia,which absorbs53%of China’s exports in2001.However,their share of absorption declines from almost62%,their peak level of1995.The importance of North America and Europe in China’s exports, however,has been increasing since1998.In2001,North America takes in mo r e than22%of exports and Europe takes in mo r e than18%.6.China’s Merchandise Exports and Imports by Major Trading PartnersTable5a and Table5b document China’s merchandise exports to and imports from its major trading partners,using China’s official statistics.According to Tabl e 5a,the major exports markets for China in2001are:the United States(20.4%), Hong Kong(17.5%),Japan(16.9%)and the European Union(15.4%).It is well-known that a large proportion of Chinese exports to Hong Kong are re-exported elsewhere so that the true size of the Hong Kong export market has t o be estimated. T o save space for this paper,we will just rely on the official Chinese figures.6Even without adjusting for re-exports,the United States in2001is the largest export market for China.Thus,from an international trade perspective alone,the most important bilateral trade relationship for China is the relationship with the UnitedStates.T ogether t he United States,Hong Kong,Japan and the European Union take in70.2%of China’s exports in2001.Within ASEAN(Association of Southeast Asian Nations),Singapore has been the largest export market for China.In2001, 31.5%of China’s total exports to ASEAN is destined for Singapore.Within the European Union(EU),Germany is the largest market with23.8%of the total Chinese exports going to the EU.9.ConclusionIn the future,we see that there are at least two challenges facing China in the area of international trade.First,with China’s competitiveness growing,many countries will perceive that their producers will no t be able to c o mpe t e with the Chinese exports,either in the third market or in their own domestic market.The backlash will take the form of an increased use of anti-dumping duties and safeguards.W e have already seen the use of such trade instruments against China from a variety of countries,including Japan,the European Union and the United States.A relatively new development is that even developing countries such as India and Mexico are using anti-dumping measur es against Chinese exports to their countries.The difficulty with anti-dumping duties is that they are generally WT O-consistent.Thus joining the WTO d o es no t mean that other countries will reduce their use of anti-dumping duties against China.A second challenge facing China is how t o manage its trade relationship with the United States.The United States is the largest economy on earth.The United States is China’s largest export market.It is also a critical source of technology.A stable and healthy relationship with the United States is important for China’s economic development.It is always a difficult adjustment process for countries to accept a newly e mer gen t economic power.The United States as well as other countries may perceive China as a potential economic threat.Judging from the experience of the relationship betw een the United States and a rising Japan in the 1970s and the1980s,it will n o t be too har d to imagine that there will be difficulties in the trade relationship betw een the United States and China.Managing and smoothing such a relationship should be an important goal for China.译文中国的对外贸易资料来源:万方数据库作者:Hitomi Iizaka1、简介2001年12月11日,中国正式加入世界贸易组织(WTO),成为其第143个成员,中国在世界经济中的作用将继续增强和深化。

对中俄贸易的影响英语作文The impact of Sino-Russian trade is significant in the global market. Both countries have strong economic ties and rely on each other for various goods and services.The trade between China and Russia has been growing steadily over the years, with both countries benefiting from the partnership. China is a major importer of Russian oil and natural gas, while Russia imports a wide range of goods from China, including electronics, machinery, and textiles.The trade relationship between China and Russia is not without challenges. Both countries have had disputes over trade practices and tariffs, which have led to tensions in the past. However, the two countries have managed to work through these issues and continue to strengthen their economic ties.The Sino-Russian trade relationship also hasimplications for other countries in the region. As China and Russia increase their trade volume, other countries in Asia may feel the impact on their own economies. This can lead to increased competition and changes in trade patterns in the region.Overall, the Sino-Russian trade relationship is complex and multifaceted, with both countries benefiting from the partnership while also facing challenges and tensions. As the global economy continues to evolve, the impact of Sino-Russian trade will likely continue to play a significant role in shaping international trade dynamics.。

商贸俄语:外贸俄语谈判必学(三)—俄汉对照Х. Здравствуйте, мы заказывали номера для русских гостей.Х.您好,我们为俄罗斯客人订了房间。
Д. Сейчас посмотрю. Да, (Интурист) для вас забронировал номера.Д.我马上查一下。
Д. Какие номера вы предпочитаете:одноместные или двухместные?Д.你们比较喜欢什么样的房间?单人的还是双人的?Г. Нас вполне устроил бы один номер на одного, два номера на двоихГ.我们希望要一个单人房间、两个双人房间。
Д. Я могу предложить вам номера на втором этаже или на восьмом. Какойэтаж вы хотите?Д.我可以向你们提供二层或八层的房间,你们喜欢哪一个楼层?Г. Даже я и не знаю. Посоветуйте, какие номера нам взять?Г.我也不知道。
您看我们住什么样的房间好?Х. По-моему, лучше номера наверху. Окна выходят на гору. Видна гора на многие километры. Прекрасная панорама! Вы можете любоваться прекрасным пейзажем, дышать свежим воздухом.Х.依我看,最好是楼层高的。
Г. Вы меня уговорили.Г.我同意您的意见。

蔬菜出口的中英文或者中俄文贸易合同全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Vegetable Export Trade ContractThis Contract is entered into on [Date] between [Exporter Name], a company incorporated in [Country], hereinafter referred to as the "Exporter", and [Importer Name], a company incorporated in [Country], hereinafter referred to as the "Importer".1. Product1.1 The Exporter agrees to sell and the Importer agrees to purchase the following products:- [List of vegetables to be exported]2. Quantity2.1 The Exporter agrees to export a total quantity of [Quantity] of the products listed in section 1.1.3. Price3.1 The price for the products shall be [Price] per [Unit] as specified in the attached price list.4. Payment Terms4.1 The Importer shall make a deposit of [Deposit Amount] upon signing this Contract and the remaining balance shall be paid in full before the products are shipped.5. Delivery5.1 The Exporter agrees to deliver the products to the Importer's specified location in [Country]. The delivery date shall be mutually agreed upon by both parties.6. Quality Control6.1 The Exporter shall ensure that the products meet the quality standards as specified in the attached quality control guidelines. Any products that do not meet these standards shall be replaced at the Exporter's expense.7. Packaging7.1 The Exporter shall package the products in accordance with the Importer's requirements as specified in the attached packaging guidelines.8. Inspection8.1 The products shall be subject to inspection by the Importer upon arrival at the specified location. Any discrepancies found during the inspection shall be reported to the Exporter immediately.9. Force Majeure9.1 Neither party shall be liable for any delay or failure to perform its obligations under this Contract if such delay or failure is due to a force majeure event.10. Governing Law10.1 This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Country].IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Contract as of the date first above written.[Exporter Name]By: ________________________Title: ________________________[Importer Name]By: ________________________Title: ________________________篇2Vegetable Export Trade ContractThis Contract is made on [Date], between [Exporter], a company registered under the laws of [Country], with its principal place of business at [Address], hereinafter referred to as the "Exporter", and [Importer], a company registered under the laws of [Country], with its principal place of business at [Address], hereinafter referred to as the "Importer".Whereas, the Exporter is engaged in the business of exporting vegetables, and the Importer is desirous of purchasing vegetables from the Exporter for import into [Country].Now, therefore, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements set forth herein, the parties agree as follows:1. Commodity: The Exporter agrees to sell and the Importer agrees to buy the following: [List of vegetables to be exported]2. Quantity: The quantity of vegetables to be exported shall be as agreed upon in each individual purchase order placed by the Importer.3. Price: The price for the vegetables shall be as agreed upon by the parties in each individual purchase order. The prices shall be stated in USD per unit.4. Delivery: The vegetables shall be delivered by the Exporter to the Importer at the port specified by the Importer. The delivery schedule shall be as agreed upon by the parties in each individual purchase order.5. Payment: The Importer agrees to make payment for the vegetables in accordance with the payment terms specified in each individual purchase order.6. Quality and Inspection: The Exporter shall ensure that the vegetables conform to the specifications agreed upon by the parties. The Importer shall have the right to inspect the quality of the vegetables upon arrival at the port.7. Force Majeure: Neither party shall be liable for any delay or failure to perform its obligations under this Contract if such delay or failure is caused by a Force Majeure event.8. Governing Law: This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Country].9. Dispute Resolution: Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Contract shall be resolved through amicablenegotiations between the parties. If the parties are unable to resolve the dispute amicably, the dispute shall be referred to arbitration in accordance with the rules of [Arbitration Institution].10. Entire Agreement: This Contract contains the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous agreements and understandings.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Contract as of the date first above written.Exporter:[Signature][Printed Name][Title]Importer:[Signature][Printed Name][Title]【注意:此为示范合同,实际合同内容需根据具体情况进行修改和调整】篇3Vegetable Export Trade ContractThis Export Trade Contract (hereinafter referred to as the "Contract") is made and entered into by and between the Seller and the Buyer on this [date].1. Product: The Seller agrees to sell and deliver to the Buyer the following products:- Product: Fresh vegetables- Quantity: [insert quantity]- Quality: Grade A- Packaging: [insert packaging details]- Price: [insert price per unit]2. Delivery: The Seller shall deliver the products to the Buyer at [shipping address]. The delivery schedule shall be as follows:- Delivery Date: [insert delivery date]- Incoterms: [insert agreed upon Incoterms]- Shipping Method: [insert shipping method]3. Payment: The Buyer shall pay the Seller for the products at the following payment terms:- Payment Currency: [insert currency]- Payment Method: [insert payment method]- Payment Terms: [insert payment terms]4. Inspection: The Buyer shall have the right to inspect the products upon delivery. Any discrepancies or damages shall be reported to the Seller within [number] days of delivery.5. Force Majeure: Neither party shall be liable for any failure or delay in performance under this Contract if caused by events beyond their reasonable control, including but not limited to natural disasters, acts of government, and labor strikes.6. Governing Law: This Contract shall be governed by the laws of [country/state], without regard to its conflict of laws principles.7. Dispute Resolution: Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Contract shall be resolved through good faith negotiations. If the parties are unable to reach a resolution,the dispute shall be referred to [arbitration/mediation/court] in [jurisdiction].In Witness Whereof, the parties hereto have executed this Contract as of the date first above written.Seller: ______________________Buyer: ______________________Date: ______________________Please sign below to indicate your acceptance of the terms and conditions of this Contract.Signature: ______________________Signature: ______________________Date: ______________________This Contract shall become effective upon the date of signature by both parties.。

合同KOHTPAKT甲方:乙方:签订日期:年月日签约地点:签约时间:MecTO nognuca 售方:HUH: BpeMH nognucaHuH :购方:nPO几ABEU:noKynATE刃b :地址:地址:A几PEC:A几PEC:电话电话TE刃E①OH:TE刃E①OH :传真传真TE刃E ①AKC:TE刃E ①AKC:售方和购方通过友好协商,同意签订合同条款如下:B pe3y貝bgpy^eecTBeHHoromenHpuoigaueruoKynamejTBiacu^uKJibQquTbHU來ec 貝egyern;ue cTaTbu u yc^QBUH HacTOH^ero KOHTpakTa1. 商品名称HAHMEHOBAHHE A TOBAP2. 规格品质CnEUM ①HKAUH5HECT KA3. 单位EMHHUA4. 数量KO^H^ECTBO5. 单价UEHA 3A E几.6. 金额OB^AH CyMMA7. 合同总值OB^AH CyMMA AKKTHTP8. 交货条件:(DAF.CIF.FOB ) 。
以上货物数量允许卖方有权. . . %溢短装。
yC^OBHECAAH-nPHEMKHTOBAPOB :...%( KA①.CM①.gCOBH T.)p a E HCOMnpegycMOTupHeoHeo ,B TbioieyKa3ayiH<BiOBcga-np)ueMKru)Bapge 巾CTB)BQT cooTBeT c" T K BOWMM epne cycunou ucaMeji OKB Hemme cfip ro p one o MeHgoBaHH IIMU My來gyHapogHO 巾TOproBon npaBunaMu ux TonkOBaHUH "( MHK npaBO yMeHbmaTb u yBenunuBaTb konumecTBO noceaBnHeMi9. 原产地国别CTPHA nPOMCXO冰几EHHAI:TOBAP10. 包装ynAKOBKA :11. 装运期CPOK nOCTABKM :12. 装运口岸和目的地nyHKT norPAHnEPEXo几A耶EMECT:O HA3HA13. 保险CTAXOBAHHE :14. 支付条款:本合同采用...(A:信用证L/C; B:即期付款交单D/P、承兑交单D/A、托收;C:汇付、信汇M/T、电汇T/T; D: 易货贸易) 方式结算。

出口俄罗斯合同中俄双语进出口合同/ЭКСПОРТНО-ИМПОРТНЫЙ КОНТРАКТномер: WMB200801 от 25.12.2008 город Чанчунь КНР卖方: Продавец:买方:Покупатель:1合同标的物 1.ПРЕДМЕТ КОНТРАКТА1.1本合同买卖双方按本条款缔结, 1.1. Продавец продает, а Покупатель покупаетгрузовые автомобили (далее именуемый товар).Товар поставляется на условиях DAF (Благовещенск,Поярково, Биробиджан)согласномеждународными правилами толкования терминов«Инкотермс» 2000卖方同意售出买方同意购进以下货物:所有条款符合《2000年国际贸易术语解释通则》。
2.合同价格及总值2.1 合同货币:美元(USD)2.2 货物价格及详细参数见附表。
2.3 货物价格包括制造成本及货物运送至黑河的运费和商检费用。
2.4 合同总金额为:500 000 美元3.装运条款及日期3.1包装:裸装3.2发运港:黑河3.3 目的港(口岸):俄罗斯(布拉戈维申斯克,波雅尔科沃,比罗比詹)2.ЦЕНА И ОБЩАЯ СУММА КОНТРАКТА2.1 Валюта контракта –доллар США.2.2 Цены на товарыустанавливаютсяв долларах СШАивключают в себя стоимость товара,2. 3транспортные расходы по доставке Товара до г. Хэйхэ КНР технические характеристики в приложении.Хэйхэ, КНРирасходы по коммерческому осмотру.2.4 Общая сумма контракта составляет: 500 000.00 долларов США(пятьсот тысяч долларов 00 центов США)3.СРОКИ И ДАТА ПОСТАВКИ ОТГРУЗКИ3.1 Упаковка:нет3.2 Порт (граница) отгрузки:Хэйхэ3.3 Порт (граница) назначения: Россия (Благовещенск, Поярково, Биробиджан)3.4 Продавец должен подготовить товар в течение 30 рабочих дней после получения30% предоплаты от общей стоимостиинвойса.3.4卖方收到30%预付款后30个工作日内备好货,并从工厂发运。

合同范本1. 合同基本信息合同编号: [合同编号]签订日期: [签订日期]买方信息:公司名称:[买方公司名称] 地址:[买方公司地址]联系人:[买方联系人]电话:[买方联系电话]邮箱:[买方邮箱]卖方信息:公司名称:[卖方公司名称] 地址:[卖方公司地址]联系人:[卖方联系人]电话:[卖方联系电话]邮箱:[卖方邮箱]2. 双方义务2.1 买方义务:1.准时支付货款;2.根据卖方提供的合同要求和规范,提供相应的订货和交货信息;3.负责清关、运输和保险等。
4.…2.2 卖方义务:1.根据买方的订货和交货要求,按时交付货物;2.负责办理出口手续和相关文件,确保顺利清关;3.负责货物的包装和保护,以确保货物在运输过程中不受损害;4.…3. 价格及支付条款3.1 价格:货物总价为 [货物总价],税费由买方承担。
3.2 支付方式:买方应于合同签订后 [支付期限] 内支付货款。
支付方式可选择以下之一:- 电汇 - 承兑汇票 - …3.3 违约金:如买方未按时支付货款,应支付迟延支付款项的 [违约金比例] 的违约金。
4. 交货和验收4.1 交货方式:货物应由卖方负责承运,并按照买方要求的交货方式和运输方式进行交付。
4.2 交货时间:货物应在合同签署后 [交货时间] 内交付给买方。
4.3 质量验收:买方应在收到货物后 [验收时间] 内对货物的数量和质量进行检查和验收。
5. 违约与争议解决5.1 违约责任:如任何一方违反了合同条款,对方有权根据合同的约定采取相应的惩罚措施,并有权要求对方承担违约责任和赔偿损失。
5.2 争议解决:如发生争议,双方应通过友好协商解决。

编号:_______________本资料为word版本,可以直接编辑和打印,感谢您的下载货物买卖合同范本中俄英文版甲方:___________________乙方:___________________日期:___________________CTaBKy TOBapa H3 KHP通过俄罗斯法人从中国往俄罗斯运输货物合同KOHTPAKT HA HOCTABKy TOBAPA M 3 KHP CONTRACT FOR EXPORT FROM PR CHINA合同 # /Contract No签约地点:MecTO no,n,nnc aH H H : r .Place of signing: Harbin 签约时间:年月日^aTa no,n,nnc aHH H : r .Data: _________买方签字:noKynaTe JIB : Recipient:卖方: Mega Power Hong Kong Group Limitednpo^aB en : MegaPower Hong Kong Group LimitedSeller: Mega Power Hong Kong Group Limited地址:A 贝p e c :MEGA POWER Address:Fax::地址:Tel.:A 4 p e c :效经买卖双方同意成交下列产品订立合同条款如下:noKynaTejib n npo/iaBeu, corjiacnjinct coBep 山HTB c^ejiKy B OTHomeHnn BbimeyKaaaHHBIX TOBapOB H 3 aEJIIOHUJIH KOHTpaKT 0 H nxecjie/iyiOLLi, e M :Buyer and seller agreed to deal regarding heredown goods and signed a contract regardingKOHTpaKT Ha noheredown:7. 买方收到货(设备)以后全部设备的工厂保证是1年.Bee o6opy,n,OB aHne n M e e T 3aBO4CKyio rapaHTHio1 「04 c MOMeHTa nojiyneHnn o6opy/iOBaHHH noxynaTeji e M .The factory guarantee of equipment is within 1 year from the moment when buyer receives the equipment.8. 在中国提供运输业务的费用:到天津,新港.卖方付款nepeB03Ka n o TeppHTOpnn KH P : onjiannBa e T npo/iaBeu,Transportation within PR territory; paid by the seller9. 在中国办理海关手续费用:卖方付款TaMOxeHHoe o(j)opMJieHne B KH P : onjiannBa e T npo/iaBeu, Customs registration in PR China: paid by the seller 10. 增值税,税金:买方付款H^C n B B o 3 H a H n o m JI n H a : noxynaTejib onji aquBaeT c aMOCTOHTejibHO VAT and import duty paid by the Buyer.11. 合同总值:?O 6 m, a H cyMMa KOHTpaKTa cocTaBjin e T : ?Total sum of the contract — ?12. KuTa 讨CKa^i CTOpOHa o 6 H 3 a H a OTrpy3HTb TOBap B THHbU,3HHb (^OpT KCHH「a H「) B Te H e H n e 30 讨 c M o M e H T a nojiyneHnn onjia T bi cnocodoM, corjiacoBaHHbiM B /I a H H O M ^o「OBOp e .中方应该在本合同协议收付款的时间(在30天)内发货物到天津新港。

写中国与俄罗斯的作文英语In the contemporary global landscape, the relationship between China and Russia stands out as a significant factor in international politics and economics. This essay aims to explore the multifaceted nature of this bilateral relationship, touching upon historical ties, current collaborations, and potential future developments.Historically, the relationship between these two nations has been complex, marked by periods of both cooperation and conflict. The 20th century saw a significant alliance during the Cold War era, where both countries were part of the socialist bloc. However, the Sino-Soviet split in the 1960s led to a period of strained relations. Despite these historical challenges, the two countries have managed to forge a strong partnership in recent decades.Economically, China and Russia have become increasingly interdependent. Trade between the two countries has grown steadily, with energy, particularly oil and gas, being a major component. Russia's vast natural resources complement China's industrial might and growing energy needs. Additionally, both countries have been working on various infrastructure projects, such as the development of the Belt and Road Initiative, which aims to enhance regional connectivity and economic integration.Politically, China and Russia have found common ground onseveral international issues. They both advocate for a multipolar world and have been critical of what they perceive as Western hegemony. Their shared interests have led to a strategic partnership that is evident in their coordination within international forums such as the United Nations.Cultural exchanges have also been on the rise, with both countries promoting language learning, educational exchanges, and tourism. The Year of Chinese Language was celebrated in Russia, and vice versa, which has helped to increase mutual understanding and friendship among their peoples.Looking to the future, the relationship between China and Russia is poised to continue evolving. As both countries face challenges from unilateralism and protectionism, their partnership may deepen further. However, it is also important to note that the relationship is not without its complexities, and both nations maintain a delicate balance of cooperation and competition.In conclusion, the relationship between China and Russia is a study in strategic diplomacy and mutual benefit. As the world becomes more interconnected, the partnership between thesetwo influential countries will undoubtedly play a crucialrole in shaping global events and policies. Understanding the nuances of this relationship is essential for anyone lookingto navigate the complexities of international relations inthe 21st century.。

中国和其他金砖国家贸易英语图表作文China and Other BRICS Countries TradeChina is one of the five countries that form the BRICS group, along with Brazil, Russia, India, and South Africa. These countries have seen significant growth in their trade relationships with each other in recent years. In this article, we will take a closer look at the trade dynamics between China and the other BRICS countries.According to the data released by the World Bank, China's total trade with the other BRICS countries has been steadily increasing over the past decade. In 2018, China's total trade with Brazil, Russia, India, and South Africa reached $747 billion, accounting for 23.5% of China's total trade volume.Among the BRICS countries, China's largest trading partner is Brazil. In 2018, China's total trade with Brazil reached $121 billion, with China exporting $58 billion worth of goods to Brazil and importing $63 billion worth of goods from Brazil. The main products that China exports to Brazil include machinery, electronics, and textiles, while China imports primarily iron ore, soybeans, and crude oil from Brazil.China's trade with Russia is also significant, with total trade reaching $108 billion in 2018. China exported $46 billion worth of goods to Russia, including machinery, electronics, and chemicals, while importing $62 billion worth of goods, such as crude oil, natural gas, and metals, from Russia.India is another important trading partner for China, with total trade reaching $89 billion in 2018. China exported $68 billion worth of goods to India, including machinery, electronics, and textiles, while importing $21 billion worth of goods, such as gems, jewelry, and pharmaceutical products, from India.Lastly, China's trade with South Africa reached $33 billion in 2018. China exported $16 billion worth of goods to South Africa, including machinery, electronics, and vehicles, while importing $17 billion worth of goods, such as mineral fuels, ores, and precious stones, from South Africa.Overall, China's trade with the other BRICS countries has been growing steadily, benefiting both sides. The increasing trade volume has helped boost economic development in these countries and strengthen their partnerships. As China continues to play a leading role in the global economy, its trade relationships with the other BRICS countries are expected to further deepen in the years to come.。

中俄国际商贸用语大全贸易壁垒------------------------- торговые борьеры贸易封锁------------------------- торговая блокада贸易抵制------------------------- торговый бойкот商战----------------------------- торговая война商业票据------------------------- торговый вексель过境贸易,转口贸易----------------------- транзитная торговля贸易伙伴-------------------------------- торговый партнѐр商贸网---------------------------------- торговая сеть贸易结算------------------------------- торговые расчѐты贸易委托书---------------------------- торговая доверенность贸易额---------------------------------- торговый объѐм商务参赞------------------------------- торговый советник汇票------------------------------------- тратта即期汇票------------------------------- тратта по требованию, предбявительноая тратта延期汇票------------------------------------ пролонгационная тратта汇票承兑------------------------------------ акцепт тратты免税贸易------------------------------------ беспошлинная торговля走私贸易------------------------------------ контрабандная торговля多边贸易------------------------------------ многосторонная торговля特惠贸易------------------------------------ преференциальная торговля, льготная торговля优惠税(费)率----------------------------- льготная ставка商品流通量(贸易额)-------------------- товарооборот供货--------------------------------------- поставка товара发货--------------------------------------- отгрузка товара, отправка товара到货------------------------------------------ прибытие товара, поступление товара验货----------------------------------------- проверка товара, приѐмка товара订货--------------------------------------- заказывать товары退货--------------------------------------- возвращать товары货流--------------------------------------- поток товара称皮重,定皮重------------------------- тарировка, тарирование提货单------------------------------------- ордер на выдачу товара商标--------------------------------------- знак товара商品品名---------------------------------- название товара商品信誉---------------------------------- имидж товара关税壁垒---------------------------------- таможенная стена关税税率---------------------------------- таможенная ставка报关单------------------------------------- таможенная декларация关税完税单------------------------------- таможенная квитанция进出口货物保险------------------------- страхование экспортно-импортных грузов意外事故保险--------------------------------- стархование на случай возникновения чрезвычайных обстоятельств运费----------------------------------------- стоимость перевозки赎价----------------------------------------- выкупная стоимость撤销订单----------------------------------- аннуляция заявки索赔----------------------------------------- претензия出席商务谈判------------------------------ присутствовать на торговых переговорах生产停滞---------------------------------- стагнация производства滞销品------------------------------------- неходовой товар畅销品------------------------------------- расхожий товар脱销---------------------------------------- перебой в сбыте反倾销------------------------------------- антидемпинг价格歧视(价格不平等待遇)------------- ценовая дискриминация订货与取货时的价差------------------------- дифферент多元化,多样化------------------------------- диверсификация细分化------------------------------------------ сегментация市场调研--------------------------------------- исследование маркетинга开口订货单(限定供货商的代购订单)-------------------- открытый инденкт闭口订货单(不限定供货商的代购订单)-------------------- закрытый интенкт寡头买主垄断---------------------------------------------- олигопсония寡头卖主垄断---------------------------------------------- олигополия定金---------------------------------------------------------- задаток预付款------------------------------------------------------- авансовая выдача, авансовая сумма违约金-------------------------------------------------------------- неустойка押金------------------------------------------------------------ денежный залог分期付款--------------------------------------------------- платеж в рассрочку信用卡------------------------------------------------------ кредитная карта透支------------------------------------------------ превышение кредита过户、汇划--------------------------------------------------- трансферт进口限制、出口限制--------------------------------------- рестрикция импорта , рестрикция экспорта举办交易会---------------------------------------------- проводить ярмарку国际博览会------------------------------------------- ЭКСПО-(всемирная выставка), международная ярмака名牌产品---------------------------------------------------- марочный товар产品图例样本--------------------------------- иллюстрированный каталог商品价目表------------------------------------------- прейскурант名片------------------------------------------------ визитная карточка进口许可证、出口许可证---------------------------- лицензия на ввоз, лицензия на вывоз合同正本--------------------------------------------------- оригинал договора专利、专利权------------------------------------------------------- патент货物鉴定----------------------------------------------------- экспертиза груза展品--------------------------------------------------- выставочный экспонат运输------------------------------------------- перевозка, перевозки грузов空运-------------------------------------------------- авиационные перевозки, воздушные перевозки海运-------------------------------------------------- морские перевозки船运---------------------------------------------------- перевозка на судах河运---------------------------------------------------- речные перевозки联运---------------------------------------------------- комбинированные перевозки, смешанные перевозки(利用不同交通工具)转运------------------------------------------------ перевозкас перевалкой近海运输------------------------------------ каботажные перевозки过境(转口)运输----------------------------------- транзитные перевозки洲际运输--------------------------------- транскотинентальные перевозки支线运输--------------------------------------------- фидерные перевозки集装箱运输---------------------------------------- контейнерные перевозки液体货物运输------------------------------------- перевозка навалом散装货运------------------------------------------- перевозка наливом, перевозка насыпью打包、打捆货物运输---------------------------- перевозки в пакетах冷藏运输------------------------------------------- перевозки холодильными транспортами承运人------------------------------------------------- перевозчик承运代理人------------------------------------------- агент перевозчка货运单------------------------------------------------ счѐт за перевозку货运价格表------------------------------------------- тариф для перевозок运输投保-------------------------------------------- производить страхованиеот рисков при транспортировке (перевозке)КАФ (стоимость и фрахт)---------------------------------- 运费在货价内СИФ (стоимость товаров, страхование и фрахт) --------- 运费,保险费在货价内цена ФОБ CIF价(船上交货价)цена ФАС fAS (船边交货价)цена КАФ c&f (成本加运费价)цена ФОР for (铁路交货价)цена франко-граница 国境交货价цена франко-вакон 铁路(车上)交货价цена франко-склад 仓库交货价。

中国与俄国的关系英语作文China and Russia have a complex and multifaceted relationship that has evolved over the years. Both countries have a shared history of communism and have often found themselves aligned on various global issues.The economic ties between China and Russia have been steadily growing, with increased trade and investment between the two countries. This has been further strengthened by the signing of various agreements and partnerships in areas such as energy, infrastructure, and technology.However, there are also areas of competition and tension between China and Russia, particularly in Central Asia where both countries have competing interests. This has led to occasional friction and rivalry, especially in the realm of influence and power projection.On the diplomatic front, China and Russia have oftenfound themselves on the same side of the table,particularly in the United Nations Security Council where they have worked together on issues such as Syria and North Korea. This has created a sense of camaraderie and mutual support between the two countries.Military cooperation between China and Russia has also been on the rise, with joint military exercises and arms sales becoming more common. This has raised concerns in the West about the potential for a Sino-Russian alliance that could challenge the existing global order.Overall, the relationship between China and Russia is a complex mix of cooperation, competition, and collaboration. Both countries are aware of each other's strengths and weaknesses, and are constantly navigating theirrelationship to maximize their own interests while minimizing potential conflicts.。
中国与俄罗斯贸易 中英文

1.背景;俄罗斯人主要从中国进口鞋,包,皮带等皮革制品,还有服装,布料,床上用品等纺织品,化工产品,玩具,食品,工程机械及其配件,汽车配件,电子产品,轻工业加工设备,日用小商品等等The Russians are mainly imported from China shoes, bags, belts and other leather products, garments, fabrics, bedding and other textiles, chemical products, toys, food, engineering machinery and accessories, auto parts, electronic products, light industrial processing equipment, small commodities for daily use and so on.2.文化,政治,经济环境4近几年来,中俄两国经贸关系不断深化。
两国如果能在贸易体制、贸易商品结构、金融合作领域方面达成共识,再加之完善的贸易服务体系,两国的贸易发展空间一定更为广阔In recent years,the economic and trade relations between China and Russia arecontinued to deepen.Since the collapse of the Soviet union, as China's important neighbor, Russia is gradually developing and stability become China's eighth largest trading partner, the two countries in the volume of trade climbed, As the two countries closer political relations, both economies also began warming, The prime minister of Russia and China have been set up to meet re gularly mechanism and sponsoring country year of Russia and C hina, set up the Shanghai cooperation organization, economic an d trade cooperation between China and Russia overall developm ent trend good, exchange and cooperation active unprecedented. Currently,trade development problems of the two countries mai nly reflect in the trade frame, trade rules trade service system, talent communication, hand in hand to consciousness, etc. The two countries advantage of location, make economic and trade r elationship between China and Russia's optimism. If the two cou ntries can reach a consensus inthe trade system, commodity structure of trade and financial co operation, plus the perfect trade service system, the trade devel opment space of the two countries must be more promising.双方产业内贸易发展虽一直保持稳定但总体水平较低,长期没有突破性增长。

Coopération économique et commercialement est l ès relation de la fondation de sino-russe ,est aussi une garantie importante pour le développement durable des deux patys.Ces dernière année ,sous la directeur de la traitéde bon voisinage sino -russe ,le partenariat stratégique sino -russe des deux pays continue de renforcer sino -russe économique et du commerce de caperation àun nouveau niveau .2003年中俄贸易额达到157.6亿万,比去年同期增长32.1%,自1999年以来连续第5年保持增长。
Lès échange commeriaux entre la Chine la russie ont atteint 15.76milliard d’yuan en 2003,32.1%plus que l’annee dernière ,depuis 1999,sa cinquième année conséquence croissance .2004年1月至4月,中俄贸易额达到61.7亿美元,同比增长36.8%,有望实现两国领导人确定200亿美元目标。

中国与俄罗斯关系英语作文China-Russia Relations。
China and Russia have enjoyed a long history of friendship and cooperation. The two countries share a border that stretches over 4,200 kilometers, and they have been important partners in various fields, including politics, economy, culture, and military.Political Relations。
China and Russia have established a comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination, which is the highest level of partnership between two countries. The two countries have been working closely on regional and global issues, such as the Korean Peninsula nuclear issue, the Syrian crisis, and the Iran nuclear deal. They have also been supporting each other on issues related to sovereignty and territorial integrity, such as the South China Sea and Crimea.Economic Relations。
China and Russia have been important trading partners.In 2019, the bilateral trade volume reached $110.75 billion, an increase of 3.4% compared to the previous year. The two countries have been cooperating on infrastructure projects, such as the China-Russia East-Route Natural Gas Pipelineand the Moscow-Kazan High-Speed Railway. They have alsobeen promoting the use of their own currencies in bilateral trade and investment.Cultural Relations。

中俄关系友好的作文英语英文回答:Sino-Russian relations have always been a hot topic of discussion. From the early days of the Soviet Union to the present day, the two countries have maintained a complexand ever-changing relationship. In recent years, there has been a growing rapprochement between China and Russia,which has led to increased cooperation in a number of areas.One of the most important areas of cooperation between China and Russia is in the economic sphere. The twocountries have signed a number of agreements to boost trade and investment, and they are now each other's largesttrading partners. China is also a major investor in Russia, and Russian companies are increasingly investing in China.Another area of cooperation between China and Russia is in the security sphere. The two countries have signed a number of agreements to cooperate on security issues, andthey have also conducted joint military exercises. China and Russia are also both members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, which is a regional security organization.In addition to economic and security cooperation, China and Russia also cooperate on a number of other issues, such as climate change, energy, and space. The two countries have also established a number of cultural and educational exchanges.The growing rapprochement between China and Russia is a significant development in world affairs. The two countries are both permanent members of the UN Security Council, and they have a major impact on global affairs. Their cooperation on a range of issues is a positive development, and it is likely to continue to grow in the years to come.中文回答:中俄关系自古以来就是个热门话题。

蔬菜出口的中英文或者中俄文贸易合同Vegetable Export Trade ContractThis Vegetable Export Trade Contract (hereinafter referred to as the "Contract") is entered into on [Date] by and between [Exporter Name], a company organized and existing under the laws of [Country], with its principal place of business at [Address], hereinafter referred to as the "Exporter," and [Importer Name], a company organized and existing under the laws of [Country], with its principal place of business at [Address], hereinafter referred to as the "Importer," collectively referred to as the "Parties."1. Product DescriptionThe Exporter agrees to sell and deliver to the Importer the following products:- Vegetables, specifically [List of Vegetables]- Quantity: [Quantity]- Price: [Price]2. QualityThe Exporter guarantees that the products supplied under this Contract will meet the quality standards specified in the applicable laws and regulations of the exporting country.3. Packaging and ShipmentThe Exporter shall pack the products in suitable packaging for export, ensuring their safety during transportation. The Exporter shall arrange for the shipment of the products to the Importer's specified destination and provide all necessary documents for customs clearance.4. Payment TermsThe Importer shall pay for the products in the following manner:- [Payment Method]- Amount: [Amount]- Payment Date: [Date]5. InspectionThe Importer has the right to inspect the products upon arrival at the destination. Any defects or discrepancies found during inspection shall be promptly reported to the Exporter, who shall be responsible for addressing any issues.6. Governing LawThis Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Country], without regard to its conflict of law principles.7. ArbitrationAny dispute arising from or in connection with this Contract shall be settled through arbitration in accordance with the rules of the International Chamber of Commerce. The place of arbitration shall be [City], and the language of the arbitration shall be English.In witness whereof, the Parties have executed this Contract as of the date first written above.Exporter: [Exporter Name]Importer: [Importer Name]By: _______________________ By: _______________________Name: Name:Title: Title:Date: Date:。
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1.背景;俄罗斯人主要从中国进口鞋,包,皮带等皮革制品,还有服装,布料,床上用品等纺织品,化工产品,玩具,食品,工程机械及其配件,汽车配件,电子产品,轻工业加工设备,日用小商品等等The Russians are mainly imported from China shoes, bags, belts and other leather products, garments, fabrics, bedding and other textiles, chemical products, toys, food, engineering machinery and accessories, auto parts, electronic products, light industrial processing equipment, small commodities for daily use and so on.2.文化,政治,经济环境4近几年来,中俄两国经贸关系不断深化。
两国如果能在贸易体制、贸易商品结构、金融合作领域方面达成共识,再加之完善的贸易服务体系,两国的贸易发展空间一定更为广阔In recent years,the economic and trade relations between China and Russia arecontinued to deepen.Since the collapse of the Soviet union, as China's important neighbor, Russia is gradually developing and stability become China's eighth largest trading partner, the two countries in the volume of trade climbed, As the two countries closer political relations, both economies also began warming, The prime minister of Russia and China have been set up to meet re gularly mechanism and sponsoring country year of Russia and C hina, set up the Shanghai cooperation organization, economic an d trade cooperation between China and Russia overall developm ent trend good, exchange and cooperation active unprecedented. Currently,trade development problems of the two countries mai nly reflect in the trade frame, trade rules trade service system, talent communication, hand in hand to consciousness, etc. The two countries advantage of location, make economic and trade r elationship between China and Russia's optimism. If the two cou ntries can reach a consensus inthe trade system, commodity structure of trade and financial co operation, plus the perfect trade service system, the trade devel opment space of the two countries must be more promising.双方产业内贸易发展虽一直保持稳定但总体水平较低,长期没有突破性增长。
这也与同时期中俄两国的G D P和双边贸易额的节节攀升形成了鲜明的对比。
The development of intra-industry trade has remained stable but overall level is inferior, long-term no breakthrough growth .It is also at the same time period and the two countries of the Russia in GDP and the volume of bilateral trade surged in stark contrast.3.经济环境,关税入世之后俄罗斯总体关税水平将有所下降2019年之前俄罗斯进口药物所占比重将达到在近5-8年的时间里还会着重发展化工导国民生产总值的国家民生经济支柱产业之时并不会出台太多具有中国企业要警惕的一点是入付之东流,这种打击对工业方面的企业必定毫不留情企业较之要安心得多对之策;深加工业对于俄罗斯人来说间该行业的经济增长率由原来的入世后的很长一段时期内俄国内停滞的深加工产业根本不会满足原入世将推动俄罗斯联邦融入全球经济,给贸易伙伴和企业带来稳定的贸易环境,有利于统一贸易规则的推广。
在危机中孕育,在危机后成长这无不是一条应对于俄罗斯人来说一直就是一块儿鸡肋,2003经济增长率由原来的108.8%降到95.9%,After joining the WTO, the Russian general tariff level will drop som ewhat 2019 before Russia imported drugs accounts for the proportion w ill reach in the past 5-8 years will focus on the development of chem ical industry by gross national product national economy pillar indus tries and will not introduce too many Chinese enterprises have to be a little into all one's efforts wasted, the blow on industrial enterp rise must relentlessly enterprises than to experience many of the pla n; deep processing industry for the Russians as the industry's econom ic growth rate from the original into the world after a long period o f time in Russia. Deep processing industry will not meet the entry to WTO will promote the Russian Federation integration into the global economy, to trade and business partners to bring stability to the tra de environment, conducive to the unified rules of trade promotion.Aft er joining the WTO, the Russian general tariff level will drop somewh at.Table 1.1 former Russian import drugs accounts for the proportion will reach 70%, at the same time the Russian year will focus on the d evelopment of chemical industry, ferrous metal smelting and animal hu sbandry leading gross national product national economic pillar indus try.Preliminary estimation when the market is unlocked to protectioni st terms, but for the Chinese enterprises to be alert to the point, a new round of world economic crisis will make the investment of early days ofthe blow on industrial enterprises must relentlessly, relieved of muc h.In a crisis, in post-crisis growth this is a must for the Russians had been a chicken, 2003 economic growth rates from 108.8% to 95.9%, 4.制药企业进驻背景,(企业名称:保定999药业网址/view/351033.htm)全球制药业增长盈利何处求?对于这一问题,情况正在发生急剧的变化。