

目录 一课程设计书 2 二设计要求2三设计步骤2 1. 传动装置总体设计方案 3 2. 电动机的选择 4 3. 确定传动装置的总传动比和分配传动比 5 4. 计算传动装置的运动和动力参数 5 5. 设计V带和带轮 6 6. 齿轮的设计 8 7. 滚动轴承和传动轴的设计 19 8. 键联接设计 26 9. 箱体结构的设计 27 10.润滑密封设计 30 11.联轴器设计 30 四设计小结31 五参考资料32

一. 课程设计书 设计课题: 设计一用于带式运输机上的两级展开式圆柱齿轮减速器.运输机连续单向运转,载荷变化不大,空载起动,卷筒效率为0.96(包括其支承轴承效率的损失),减速器小批量生产,使用期限8年(300天/年),两班制工作,运输容许速度误差为5%,车间有三相交流,电压380/220V 表一: 二. 设计要求 1.减速器装配图一张(A1)。 2.CAD绘制轴、齿轮零件图各一张(A3)。 3.设计说明书一份。 三. 设计步骤 1. 传动装置总体设计方案 2. 电动机的选择 3. 确定传动装置的总传动比和分配传动比 4. 计算传动装置的运动和动力参数 5. 设计V带和带轮 6. 齿轮的设计 7. 滚动轴承和传动轴的设计 8. 键联接设计 9. 箱体结构设计 10. 润滑密封设计 11. 联轴器设计

1.传动装置总体设计方案: 1. 组成:传动装置由电机、减速器、工作机组成。 2. 特点:齿轮相对于轴承不对称分布,故沿轴向载荷分布不均匀, 初步确定传动系统总体方案如:传动装置总体设计图所示。 选择V 带传动和二级圆柱斜齿轮减速器(展开式)。 传动装置的总效率a η 5423321ηηηηηη=a =0.96×3 98.0×295.0×0.97×0.96=0.759; 1η为V 带的效率,1η为第一对轴承的效率, 3η为第二对轴承的效率,4η为第三对轴承的效率, 5η为每对齿轮啮合传动的效率(齿轮为7级精度,油脂润滑. 因是薄壁防护罩,采用开式效率计算)。


教师系列 高级专业技术职务岗位申请表 姓名:胡利永 现任职务:讲师 拟申请职务:副教授 申报类型:教学科研型 申请日期:2015 年9 月30 日

填表说明 1、申报教师系列高级专业技术职务的人员,根据各学院(系、部)公布的任职条件,限填满足或高于申报岗位评审条件的业绩。 2、申报教学为主型岗位的人员,不填写第三部分的科研业绩栏目;申报科研为主型岗位的人员,不填写第三部分的教学业绩栏目(除教学情况外)。 3、关于格式。填入的文字,原则上使用宋体五号字,行距为固定值20磅;日期格式为20**.*-20**.*;第 五、六部分,单独成页。 4、关于第一部分,主要填写申报人的基本情况。(1)晋职外语和计算机应用能力,符合免试条件的人员填写“免”字;参加考试并符合岗位申报要求的人员填写“合格”两字。(2)普通话等级,符合免修条件的填写“免”两字;参加过普通话等级考试的写明“*级*等”。(3)学习和工作简历部分,由远及近填写;学习经历从大学开始。 5、关于第二部分,主要阐述申报人任现职以来近5年的学术成就、标志性成果及其学术价值。 6、关于第三部分,主要填写申报人任现职以来近5年年均业绩、育人业绩、教学业绩和科研业绩。 7、关于第四部分,主要阐述申报人任现职以来近5年的其他突出业绩、社会兼职及荣誉等情况。 8、关于第五部分,主要阐述申报人聘任成功后5年内的工作思路、预期目标和工作计划。预期目标要求按照申报岗位类型写明育人、教学和科研等方面业绩的具体量化目标;工作计划从2015年起,按照年度分列。 9、第六部分为同行专家鉴定表,申报人填写“代表作题目”及以上部分内容。


A . He wishes he had a jacket like Steve's B . He knew someone who looked like Steve C . Jack looks good in anything D . Jack should get a new jacket 提交的答案:Jack should get a new jacket 正确答案:Jack should get a new jacket 题目详解:观点与态度题,男士使用了虚拟语气,表示他认为Jack应该买件新的。 A . She reads good books only. B . Their taste in books is different. C . She doesn't like to read. D . The man is hard to please. 提交的答案:Their taste in books is different. 正确答案:Their taste in books is different. 题目详解:观点与态度题,由“Nothing you would like”可知答案。 A . She suggests they check in the catalog. B . She has found this subject in the catalog. C . She is not sure where the catalog is. D . She doesn't know if there is such a subject. 提交的答案:She suggests they check in the catalog. 正确答案:She suggests they check in the catalog. 题目详解:建议题,由“Let's look at the catalog”可推出答案。 1. A . Chatting with neighbors. B . Knitting socks. C . Watching TV. D . Doing housework. 提交的答案:Knitting socks.


兰州工业学院学院 毕业设计 题目二级直齿圆柱齿轮减速器系别机电工程学院 专业机械设计与制造 班级机设 姓名***** 学号****** 指导教师**** 日期2013年12月

设计任务书 题目: 带式运输机传动系统中的二级直齿圆柱齿轮减速器设计要求: 1:运输带的有效拉力为F=2500N。 2:运输带的工作速度为V=1.7m/s。 3:卷筒直径为D=300mm。 5:两班制连续单向运转(每班8小时计算),载荷变化不大,室内有粉尘。6:工作年限十年(每年300天计算),小批量生产。 设计进度要求: 第一周拟定分析传动装置的设计方案: 第二周选择电动机,计算传动装置的运动和动力参数: 第三周进行传动件的设计计算,校核轴,轴承,联轴器,键等: 第四周绘制减速器的装配图: 第五周准备答辩 指导教师(签名):

摘要 齿轮传动是现代机械中应用最广的一种传动形式。它由齿轮、轴、轴承及箱体组成的齿轮减速器,用于原动机和工作机或执行机构之间,起匹配转速和传递转矩的作用。齿轮减速器的特点是效率高、寿命长、维护简便,因而应用极为广泛。 本设计讲述了带式运输机的传动装置——二级圆柱齿轮减速器的设计过程。首先进行了传动方案的评述,选择齿轮减速器作为传动装置,然后进行减速器的设计计算(包括选择电动机、设计齿轮传动、轴的结构设计、选择并验算滚动轴承、选择并验算联轴器、校核平键联接、选择齿轮传动和轴承的润滑方式九部分内容)。运用AutoCAD软件进行齿轮减速器的二维平面设计,完成齿轮减速器的二维平面零件图和装配图的绘制。 关键词:齿轮啮合轴传动传动比传动效率

目录 1、引言 (1) 2、电动机的选择 (2) 2.1. 电动机类型的选择 (2) 2.2.电动机功率的选择 (2) 2.3.确定电动机的转速 (2) 3、计算总传动比及分配各级的传动比 (4) 3.1. 总传动比 (4) 3.2.分配各级传动比 (4) 4、计算传动装置的传动和动力参数 (5) 4.1.电动机轴的计算 (5) 4.2.Ⅰ轴的计算(减速器高速轴) (5) 4.3.Ⅱ轴的计算(减速器中间轴) (5) 4.4.Ⅲ轴的计算(减速器低速轴) (6) 4.5.Ⅳ轴的计算(卷筒轴) (6) 5、传动零件V带的设计计算 (7) 5.1.确定计算功率 (7) 5.2.选择V带的型号 (7) 5.3.确定带轮的基准直径d d1 d d2 (7) 5.4.验算V带的速度 (7) 5.5.确定V带的基准长度L d 和实际中心距a (7) 5.6.校验小带轮包角ɑ 1 (8)


浙江大学宁波理工学院2013–2014学年第二学期 《数据库系统原理》课程期末考试试卷(A) 开课分院:信息科学与工程学院__ ,考试形式:闭卷 考试日期:__2014__年__6__月__12__日,考试所需时间: 120 分钟 考生姓名学号考生所在分院:专业班级: . 注:一律在答题纸上做答,否则不得分 命题(组)老师签名:____________________ 年月日 研究所(教研室)教学负责人签名:_______________ 年月日

一、单选题(每题2分,共30分) 1、下列属于数据库管理系统的是。 A .Windows Server B.Linux C.SQL SERVER D.EXCEL 2、下列关于视图的说法中,错误的是_________。 A.一个关系表上只能建立一个视图 B.视图可以提供一定的安全性 C.视图可以提供一定程度的逻辑独立性 D.删除视图时不影响有关的数据 3、目前数据库领域中主流的逻辑结构模型是_________。 A.概念模型B.对象模型 C.ER模型 D.关系模型 4、下列哪一项不属于专门的关系运算符________。 A.选择B.投影 C.连接D.笛卡尔积 5、任何一个基本关系中() A.列的次序可以任意交换B.列的次序不可以任意交换 C.不能有两列出自相同的域D.行的次序不可以任意交换 6、索引的作用是________。 A.提高查询效率B.方便修改表结构 C.提高修改的效率D.方便创建视图 7、实体完整性是指_________。 A.关系表的属性列不能有缺失与遗漏 B.关系表必须指定主键 C.关系表的主属性不能取空值 D.关系表必须指明外键 8、对SELECT语句中分组运算的结果进行选择的是。 A.ORDER BY B.WHERE C.HAVING子句D.GROUP 9、统计元组个数的聚合函数是________。 A.SUM B.COUNT C.AVG D.LEN


Section C Woman’s role in politics has been changing. During the (36) _______movement, woman began to play an active role in American politics. Woman had long been interested in (37)______movement, but the number of woman active in political (38)_____ had been very limited. Now the educated, (39) _____woman have begun to grow tired of the passive role that men had (40) _____to them. Their own interests as a mother were brought into play by their concern over the education and (41) _____of their children, and the city in which they lived. For such purposes, they will also care such public (42) ____as schools and parks. Their interests as a (43) ____were put on the alter by political struggles over taxes, monopolies, and dishonesty in government. But woman’s sympathies are more important than their interests. (44)______________________.Therefore, woman began to devote themselves to charity activity, and also to feel strongly about their own political rights. (45)__________________________________________________________________.They believe they are also more active than men in introducing into politics the note of honesty and human concern that America seemed to need badly. (46)_________________________________________________________________. Test Three 36. progressive 37. reform 38. affairs 39. middle-class 40. assigned 41. welfare 42. facilities 43. consumer 44. Because shocked y the almost daily exposure of the terrible working conditions in the factories and crowded living conditions in cities. 45. Women began to realize that they were better equipped than men for political activities. 46. Thus, an increasing number of women demanded their right to vote. Birth, marriage and death: these are the greatest (36)_______ events ____ in a human's life. Many things, good and bad, can happen to us in our lives. Yet there are three days which are usually (37) ______marked _____ by some special (38)______ ceremony ____: the day we are born, the day we get married and the day we die. These are the three main things in life. We only have a choice in the second of these: we can choose whether or not to marry. But we have no choice in birth and death. All human beings are (39)____ affected ______ by these three things. The only thing that (40)_______ differs ____ in each society is the way in which these are (41)_____ celebrated _____. Yet all societies(42) _____ share ______ common (43) ____ characteristics _______. Birth is a time of joy. (44)___________________ The proud parents receive congratulations and presents on behalf of the new-born.___________________________ Marriage is also a time of joy. (45)_________________ The young couple go through a special wedding ceremony and receive presents to help them set up their home ________________________. Death is a time of sorrow and is marked by a special ceremony and mourning. (46)__________________ The dates of all three events are usually remembered _________________________. Test2 Section C To be a good teacher, you need some of the (36) ______of a good actor. You must be able to hold the attention and interest of your (37)______; you must be a clear speaker, with a good, strong, (38)_______voice; and you must be able to act what you are teaching, to make its meaning (39)______comprehensible. Watch a good teacher, and you will see that he does not sit just (40)______ before his class: he stands the whole time he is teaching; he walks about, using his arms, hands and fingers to help him in his (41)_______. Listen to him, and you will hear the (42)_______,the quality and the


was the one field of awareness about which humans had anything more than the vaguest of insights. It is impossible to know today just what our Stone Age ancestors knew about plants, but from what we can observe of preindustrial societies that still exist, a detailed learning of plants and their properties must be extremely ancient. This is logical. Plants are the basis of the food pyramid for all living things, even for other plants. They have always been enormously important to the welfare of people, not only for food, but also for clothing, weapons, tools, dyes, medicines, shelter, and a great many other purposes. Tribes living today in the jungles of the Amazon recognize literally hundreds of plants and know many properties of each. To them botany, as such, has no name and is probably not even recognized as a special branch of "knowledge" at all. Unfortunately, the more industrialized we become the farther away we move from direct contact with plants, and the less distinct our knowledge of botany grows. Yet everyone comes unconsciously on an amazing amount of botanical knowledge, and few people will fail to recognize a rose, an apple, or an orchid. When our Neolithic(新石器时代)ancestors, living in the middle East about 10,000 years


目录 1.题目 (1) 2.传动方案的分析 (2) 3.电动机选择,传动系统运动和动力参数计算 (2) 4.传动零件的设计计算 (5) 5.轴的设计计算 (16) 6.轴承的选择和校核 (26) 7.键联接的选择和校核 (27) 8.联轴器的选择 (28) 9.减速器的润滑、密封和润滑牌号的选择 (28) 10.减速器箱体设计及附件的选择和说 明 (29) 11.设计总结 (31) 12.参考文献 (31)

广东技术师范学院机电系 《机械设计课程设计》 设计任务书 题目:设计一带式输送机使用的V带传动或链传动及直齿圆柱齿轮减速器。设计参数如下表所示。 1、基本数据 数据编号QB-5 运输带工作拉力F/N2000 运输带工作速度 1.4 v/(m/s) 卷筒直径D/mm340 滚筒效率η0.96 2.工作情况两班制,连续单向运转,载荷平稳; 3.工作环境室内,灰尘较大,环境最高温度35度左右。 4.工作寿命15年,每年300个工作日,每日工作16小时 5.制作条件及生产批量: 一般机械厂制造,可加工7~8级齿轮;加工条件:小批量生产。生产30台 6.部件:1.电动机,2.V带传动或链传动,3.减速器,4.联轴器,5.输送带 6.输送带鼓轮 7.工作条件:连续单向运转,工作时有轻微振动,室内工作; 运输带速度允许误差±5%; 两班制工作,3年大修,使用期限15年。

(卷筒支承及卷筒与运输带间的摩擦影响在运输带工作拉力F中已考虑。) 8.设计工作量:1、减速器装配图1张(A0或sA1); 2、零件图1~3张; 3、设计说明书一份。 §2传动方案的分析 1—电动机,2—弹性联轴器,3—两级圆柱齿轮减速器,4—高速级齿轮,5—低速级齿轮6—刚性联轴器7—卷筒 方案分析:


目录 一.设计任务书 (1) 二.传动方案的拟定及说明 (3) 三.电动机的选择 (3) 四.计算传动装置的运动和动力参数 (4) 五.传动件的设计计算 (5) 六.轴的设计计算 (14) 七.滚动轴承的选择及计算 (26) 八.箱体内键联接的选择及校核计算 (27) 九.连轴器的选择 (27) 十.箱体的结构设计 (29) 十一、减速器附件的选择 (30) 十二、润滑与密封 (31) 十三、设计小结 (32) 十四、参考资料 (33)

一、设计任务书: 题目:设计一用于带式运输机传动装置中的展开式二级圆柱齿轮减速器 1.总体布置简图: 1—电动机;2—联轴器;3—齿轮减速器;4—带式运输机;5—鼓轮;6—联轴器 2.工作情况:

载荷平稳、单向旋转 3.原始数据: 输送带的牵引力F(kN):2.1 输送带滚筒的直径D(mm):450 输送带速度V(m/s):1..4 带速允许偏差(%):±5 使用年限(年):10 工作制度(班/日):2 4.设计内容: 1)电动机的选择与运动参数计算; 2)直齿轮传动设计计算; 3)轴的设计; 4)滚动轴承的选择; 5)键和联轴器的选择与校核; 6)装配图、零件图的绘制; 7)设计计算说明书的编写。 5.设计任务: 1)减速器总装配图一张; 2)齿轮、轴以及箱座零件图各一张; 3)设计说明书一份; 6.设计进度: 1)第一阶段:总体计算和传动件参数计算 2)第二阶段:轴与轴系零件的设计

3) 第三阶段:轴、轴承、联轴器、键的校核及草图绘制 4) 第四阶段:装配图、零件图的绘制及计算说明书的编写 二、传动方案的拟定及说明: 由题目所知传动机构类型为:展开式二级圆柱齿轮减速器。故只要对本传动机构进行分析论证。 本传动机构的特点是:减速器横向尺寸较小,两大齿轮浸油深度可以大致相同。结构较复杂,轴向尺寸大,中间轴承受载荷大、刚度差,中间轴承润滑较困难。 三、电动机的选择: 1. 电动机类型和结构的选择: 因为本传动的工作状况是:载荷平稳、单向旋转。所以选用常用的封闭式Y (IP44)系列的电动机。 2. 电动机容量的选择: 1) 工作机所需功率 P w P F V /1000w w η=?=3.1kW 2) 电动机的输出功率d P d P =P w /η 由于 3 2 0.86 ηηηηη=???=轴承齿轮链联轴器,故:d P =3.6kW


浙江大学宁波理工学院2007–2008学年二学期 《材料力学及实验(甲)》课程考试试卷(B) 开课分院: 机能分院 ,考试形式:闭卷,允许带__计算器___入场 考试日期: 年 月 日,考试所需时间: 120 分钟 考生姓名 学号 考生所在分院: 专业班级: . 题序 一 二 三 四 总 分 计算题 题型 判断题 选择题 作图题 1 2 3 4 得分 评卷人 命题(组)老师签名:____________________ 年 月 日 分院主管教学院长或首席主讲教授签名:_______________ 年 月 日

一. 是非判断题(每小题1分,共10分;将你认为是对的打“√”,错 的打“×”) 题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 判断 1、在连接件挤压实用计算中,挤压面积A 是挤压面的实际面积。 2、变截面杆受轴向集中力F 作用,如图1所示。设11-s 、22-s 、33-s 分别表示杆中截面1-1,2-2,3-3上的全应力的数值,则可能有11-s <33-s <22-s 。 图1 3、泊松比是横向应变与轴向应变的比值,是一个无量纲的量,其值可取正或负。 4、直径d 和长度L 相同、材料不同的两根轴,受到相同的扭转力偶作用,则它们的最大剪应力和最大扭转角相等。 5、梁的受力如图2所示,在B 截面处:F s 图有突变,M 图连续光滑。 图2 6、提高弯曲刚度的措施中,除了改变梁的结构形式和选择合理的截面形状以外,选择高强度钢(即提高材料的弹性模量)也是一种非常有效的方法。 7、铸铁和低碳钢在扭转过程中,虽然断面形状不同,但破坏的原因一样,即都是因为切应力达到极值所引起的。


浙江大学宁波理工学院学士学位授予工作细则 (试行修改版,征求意见稿) 第一条为规范学士学位授予工作,根据《中华人民共和国学位条例》、《中华人民共和国学位条例暂行实施办法》等规定,结合学校实际情况,特制定本细则。 第二条学校按文学、法学、经济学、管理学、理学、工学、艺术等学科门类授予学士学位。 第三条凡具有下列条件的普通全日制本科毕业生,经学校学位评定委员会审议批准,可授予学士学位: (一)遵纪守法,道德品行良好,未受到记过及以上纪律处分; (二)课程学习和毕业论文(毕业设计或其他毕业实践环节)的成绩,表明确已较好地掌握本门学科的基础理论、专业知识和基本技能,且具有从事科学研究工作或担负专门技术工作的初步能力; (三)达到相应专业培养方案的各项要求,修满规定的学分,经审核准予毕业; (四)学业成绩优良,以符合学生毕业时所在专业培养方案要求的最低学分(或以上)的所有课程的有效成绩为准计算课程平均学分绩点,且此课程平均学分绩点大于或等于2.6; (五)学校学位外语课程期末考试成绩及格。不同专业的学位外语课程对应如下: (1)艺术类专业:《大学英语(艺术类)Ⅳ》; (2)英语专业:《综合英语Ⅳ》或《综合英语(中美)Ⅳ》; (3)日语专业:《中级日语Ⅱ》; (4)其他专业:《大学英语Ⅳ》或《大学英语(中美)Ⅳ》。 第四条已毕业,但因课程平均学分绩点和学位外语成绩未达要求而

不能获得学士学位者,可在学校规定的学习年限内申请重修课程,修读后,符合学校学士学位授予条件,可以申请学士学位。 第五条因受到记过及以上纪律处分而不能获得学士学位者,在受处分后的学习中取得下述成绩之一,经本人申请,学校学位评定委员会审议批准,仍可授予学士学位: (一)获校级一等奖学金; (二)参加省级及以上的A类学科竞赛,并获省级一等奖或全国二等奖及以上奖项; (三)毕业前以第一作者在核心期刊及以上级别刊物上发表与本专业相关的学术论文,或取得与本专业相关的授权发明专利; (四)毕业前取得研究生录取资格。 第六条各学院(系)设立学士学位初审工作委员会,负责审核毕业生的学位申请资格,提出是否建议授予学位的意见。学校学位评定委员会办公室对各学院(系)上报的名单进行复核,并将复核结果报学位评定委员会审议通过。 第七条学士学位获得者由学校授予学士学位证书。学位证书的签发日期以学校学位评定委员会决定的日期为准。 第八条学生若对学士学位授予有异议,可在60个工作日内,以书面形式向学校学位评定委员会提出复议申请。 第九条学校学位评定委员会如发现学位错授,或发现有舞弊等严重违反相关法律规定的情况,通过复议,可以作出补授或撤销学士学位的决定。 第十条学校学位评定委员会闭会期间,授权学位评定委员会办公室根据本细则相关规定审核处理学生学士学位申请事宜,并报学位评定委员会备案。 第十一条本细则自发文之日起实行。


一 It has been thought and said that Africans are born with musical talent. Because music is so important in the lives of many Africans and because so much music is performed in Africa, we are inclined to think that all Africans are musicians. The impression is strengthened when we look at ourselves and find that we have become largely a society of musical spectators. Music is important to us, but most of us can be considered consumers rather than producers of music. We have records, television, concerts, and radios to fulfill many of our musical needs. In most situations where music is performed in our culture it is not difficult to distinguish the audience from the performers, but such is not the case in Africa. Alban Ayipaga, a Kasena semiprofessional musician from Northern Ghana, says that when his flute and drum ensemble is performing, "Anybody can take part". This is true, but Kasena musicians recognize that not all people are equally capable of taking part in the music. Some can sing along with the drummers, but relatively few can play the flute along with the ensemble. It is fairly common in Africa for there to be an ensemble of expert musicians surrounded by others who join in by clapping, singing, somehow adding to the totality of musical sound. Performances often take place in an open area (that is, not on a stage) and so the lines between the performing nuclear and the additional performers, active spectators, and passive spectators may be difficult to draw from our point of view. A . most of us are consumers while most of them are producers of music B . we are audience and they are the additional performers C . most of us are passive spectators while they are active spectators D . we are music performers and they are semiprofessional musicians A . people tend to distinguish the audience from the performers B . music is performed without the participation of the audience


都是passage*3的哦 A . because they were driven out of their homes B . because they wanted to find a better place to live C . for the reasons unknown D . because they liked traveling 提交的答案:for the reasons unknown 正确答案:for the reasons unknown 题目详解:根据“Around the year 1000 A. D, some people from northwest India began to travel westward. Nobody knows why.”可以得出选项“for the reasons unknown”为正确答案。 A . Being unfriendly to them. B . Putting up with them. C . Admiring their musical talent. D . Being envious of them. 提交的答案: Putting up with them. 正确答案:Being unfriendly to them. 题目详解:根据原文“Gypsies sometimes have a hard time in the countries where they travel, because they are different.”吉普赛人因为与众不同,每到一处都不太好过。“People may be afraid of them, look down on them, or think that they are criminals. The Nazis treated the Gyps ies cruelly.”人们害怕他们,看不起他们,或者把他们当成罪犯。纳粹更是残忍地对待吉普赛人,可以归纳出人们对吉普赛人不太友好。其他选项“Putting up with them.”忍受他们,“Being envious of them.”嫉妒他们,“Admiring their musical talent.”羡慕他们的音乐天赋,均无法根据原文推断出来。 A . They are now allowed to attend local schools. B . They are now taught in their own language. C . Permanent homes have been built for them. D . Special schools have been set up for them. 提交的答案:Special schools have been set up for them. 题目详解:Special schools have been set up for them. 根据“In some places, the education authorities try to arrange special traveling schools for Gypsy children, so that they can get the same education as other chi ldren.”在有些地方,教育部门试图给吉普赛孩童创办特别的流动学校,这样他们就可以和其他孩子接受同样的教育,


1 “Maybe when I'm a hundred, I'll get used to having everything I do taken for granted,” a young homemaker confided to her neighbor. “If Bill would compliment me once in a while, he'd make my life much happier.” Few of us realize how much we need encouragement. Yet we must bask in the warmth of approval now and then or lose our self-confidence. All of us need to feel needed and admired. But unless we hear words of praise from someone else, how can we know that we are valued friends or co-workers? Anyone who wants to improve his relationships with others need only show a sympathetic understanding. The way to express this understanding and to give others the feeling of importance and worthiness boils down to this:always look for something in the other person you can admire and praise--and tell him about it. We each have a mental picture of ourselves, a self-image. To find life reasonably satisfying, that self-image must be one we live with, one we can like. When we are proud of our self-image, we feel confident and free to be ourselves. We function at our best. When we are ashamed of our self-image, we attempt to hide it rather than express it. We become hostile and hard to get along with. A miracle happens to the person whose self-esteem has been raised. He suddenly likes other people better. He is kinder and more cooperative with those around him. Praise is the polish that helps keep his self-esteem bright and sparkling. What has this to do with your giving praise? A lot. You have the ability to perform that kind of miracle in another person. When you add to his self-esteem, you make him want to like you and to cooperate with you. In a classic bit of advice, Lord Chesterfield suggested to his son that he fellow the example of the Duck de Nivernois:"You will perceive that he makes people pleased with him by making them first pleased with themselves." The effects of praise can be great indeed. A new minister called to a church jokingly referred to as "the refrigerator", decided against criticizing his congregation for its coolness toward strangers. Instead, he began welcoming visitors from the pulpit and telling his flock how friendly they were. Time after time he held up a picture of the church
