




The science and technology of modern world is developing by leaps and bounds, thus the social life changes greatly. Language is the carrier of culture. People speak differently because they think differently. Because sex discrimination exists in most of the social environments and political systems, so it is reflected in language. In the traditional sense of gender, males are superior to females. As a universally social phenomenon, it is clearly reflected in language. More and more scholars concentrate on the relations between language and gender. Many people believe that language change must be in a dynamic state. This thesis analyses the social and cultural causes of such phenomenon and how people observe the cooperative principles when it comes to gender differences. The result gives a hint that the gender differences in verbal communication has already become a focus on the modern linguistics researches.

I. A Brief Introduction of Gender language Differences.

1.1 Definition of Gender Language Differences(老师说这段语法错误很多请仔细检查,她没有一个一个给我指出而且这个也很重要要是看你前面都改得不认真就直接返功了)

It is easy to find that gender differences are reflected in language as a basic fact existing in most of the countries and people’s daily life. Man and woman speak differently because they think differently. But what is the element that causes the difference? It may be very difficult to answer the question. A lot of linguists find their interests on it and have their researches. It is said by Lakoff, (老师说不明白什么意思)who published an article named ‘Language and women’s place’. Lakoff的一个观点。He is the pioneer who holds the view that males speak different from females and the ways they speak differently reflect and produce a superior position in society. Then more and more researchers are taken on. First,

what is gender? The definition of gender should be recognized more clearly if it is contrasted with sex. According to Longman dictionary, sex and gender have several explanations. sex 1) the condition of being either male or female 2) the set of all male or female people 3) sexual intercourse 4) activity connected with this act. Gender 1)(in grammar ) the system (in some languages ) of marking words such as nouns adjectives and pronoun as being masculine female and neuter 2) the division into male or female. From the dictionary, we find that sex refers to the biological divisions into female and male but gender refers to the socially constructed categories based on sex. They are clearly distinguished in social and cultural fields, On the contrary; they have no big differences on biological dimension.

Gender differences have been fundamental phenomena in social life and have attracted many scholars’ interests. It has been long studied from sociological anthropological and linguistic fields. The research began firstly in ancient Greek, Cicero, who found the linguistic differences between men and women. Besides Cicero’s finding, the drama of ancient Greek also reflected the phenomenon. But until the 20th century, gender differences are studied in linguistics. In 1922, Otto Jesphersen, a Danish linguist wrote about the characteristics on females’ languages on his book language; its nature, its development and origin. But this period the study of language and gender is not systematic and casual. Robin Lakoff held a view that there must be closely related between gender differences and social classes. At the same time, J.Cotes, who published her famous book, Women, Men and Language. In the book, she mentioned there are many differences between women’s speech and men’s speech and she tried to explain why it happens from sociolinguistics. In China, there are also many scholars who probe into the question. The first Chinese is Gu Hongming (辜鸿铭) who wrote an article named Chinese Women. Then Chen Yuan published his book Sociolinguistic and Language and social life after the Cultural Revolution. There

are also many books written by later scholars. All these books form the research on gender differences in China.

1.2 The Phenomenon of Gender Language Differences in Verbal Communication 那就不改标题了,不重写了,时间来不及Gender differences have been fundamental phenomena in social life and have attracted many scholars’ intere sts. Here are some examples of the phenomena of gender difference.

1)M: What do you want for birthday?

W: It doesn’t matter. Anything is OK.

M: Frankly, what do you want most?

W: You don’t need to buy something for me, because we cannot afford for it.

M : How about going out for a dinner ?

W: That’s right. I don’t need the gift because you already have given me what I need.

From the conversation, the female’s content is different from male’s speech. Females in most conditions are good at using indirect sentence, while males like to express their ideas in a direct way.

2) W: This TV show is very interesting

M: Mm

W: The man said he loved the woman, but this is not true.

M: Mm

W: What do you think?

M: Mm, what did you say?

This is a normal conversation in daily life. The woman wants to talk with the man about love, But the man is not so cooperative that he thinks other things. There is also a common sense that females pay more attention to keep good relationship with others than males. In the above conversation, the woman wants to communicate with the man, and she also hopes the man can say “I love you ” to

her. Then their relationship may become more close. To her disappointment, the man is not aware of what she said, then they are in an embarrassed situation.

3) W: How is your work going?

M: I must have done it in two days.

W: Would you like some tea? I guess you may be tired

M: Yes, please.

W : You are like my father. He is so industrious a person like you.

M: Thanks.

From the conversation we discover that the speech speaks by man is more powerful than the woman their talks are not imbalance with each other. The woman is in a good manner

It is important for us to do researches on gender differences and language. As we all know, language is dynamic and it is the carrier of culture. In another way, what culture reflects is the life of our human beings. While the most things we do in our life is communication. What distinguishes us and animals is we human have our thoughts. And we can communicate them by a lot of tools. Then we form our unique civilization. Art comes from life. So does our science. If we want to further our research it’s more important for us to find something in our verbal communication.

II. Introduction of the Cooperative Principle(整体需要重新写这章要注意有很多东西在介绍章节的时候都要交代清楚)

The Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy gives the cooperative principle the definition of following: A convention suggested by Grice directing participants in

conversation to pay heed to an accepted purpose or direction of the exchange. Contributions made without paying this attention are liable to be rejected for other reasons than straightforward falsity: something true but unhelpful or inappropriate may meet with puzzlement or rejection. We can thus never infer from the fact that it would be inappropriate to say something in some circumstance that what would be said, were we to say it, and would be false. This inference was frequently made in ordinary language philosophy, it being argued, for example, that since we do not normally say ‘there seems to be a barn there’ when there is unmistakably a barn there, it is false that on such occasions there seems to be a barn there.

2.1 Proposal of Cooperation Principles

Cooperative Principle was put forward by Herbert Paul Grice in1975.In making conversation, Grice holds that there is a general principle which all participants are expected to observe.

Make your conversational contribution such as required at the stage at which it occurs by the accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange in which you are engaged.

2.2 Introduction of the Grice’s Theory

In making conversation, Grice holds that thee is a general principle which all participants are expected to observe. Grice, who is a philosopher, thinks there is a common rule that governs what the utterances are spoken of. Because pragmatics studies language in context, what the speakers say are utterance. Utterance meaning is context-dependent. It is the product of sentence meaning and context. Therefore, it is richer than the meaning of the sentence. According to the principle, the speaker and addressee should cooperative with each other if they

want get their conversation on smoothly. He believed a set of rules that guide the conversation going on is the theory he put on. According to his theory, both sides of speaker should conform to the rules to make their conversation effective. There are four maxims, the maxim of quantity, the maxim of quality, the maxim of relation, and the maxim of manner. The maxim of quantity tells us that we should offer enough information about the topic. Neither should we speak too much nor too little. All what we say should be adequate. The maxim of quality shows what the speaker said should be true and exact. Never say something that the speaker himself believes is false. The maxim of relation shows us never speak something that has no relation with topic. If we do, the conversation will go on other directions. The maxim of manner tells us what we said must be clearly and without any ambiguities. In all, it is important for speakers to speak clearly, revelantly and sincerely.

2.3 Maxims of the Cooperation Principle

The maxim of quantity

1. Make your contribution as informative as required (for the current purpose of the exchange).

2. Do not make your contribution more informative than is required.

The maxim of quality

1. Do not say what you believe to be false.

2. Do not say that for which you lack adequate evidence

The maxim of relation

Be relevant

The maxim of manner

1. Avoid obscurity of expression.

2. Avoid ambiguity.

3. Be brief.

4. Be orderly.

III. Theoretical Analysis of Gender Differences(这章是文章的重点篇章。Observing 和flouting 都要重点写而且就需要举一到二个典型的语料就好。

There are four maxims in Grice’s theory, the maxim of quantity, the maxim of quality, the maxim of relation, and the maxim of manner.

3.1 Observing the Cooperative Principle

Generally speaking, speaker and addressee will cooperate with each other when they are engaged in a conversation. If they are obedient to the conventional rules, it will not be difficult for them to proceed to their talks. The conventional rules here are called the Cooperative Principle.

3.1.1 in Observing the Maxim of Quantity

The maxim of quantity shows that speaker should give enough information, no more, no less. People observe this maxim to make their idea express more clearly. In order to convey their thoughts to others without mistakes, speakers must offer enough information; otherwise others would not get what the meaning of their words. Linguists believe that females tend to be more observable than males.

3.1.2 in Observing the Maxim of Quality

The maxim of quality requires that speaker’s speech should be true, in other words, speaker must not say things that he believes to be false or without grounds. There exist different degrees of observing the rule between different genders.

Linguists believe females are more observable in consistency with it.

3.1.3 in Observing the Maxim of Relation

The maxim of relation requires that context of the speaker say should be related. Never say something that has no relation with the topic. Otherwise others may mistake the speaker’s meaning. It is believed that females’speech is more observable in observing the maxim of relation.

3.1.4 in Observing the Maxim of Manner

The maxim of manner requires speaker should express their ideas orderly, briefly and clearly. Try not to say thing in a mess, otherwise it’s more easily to be confused. Linguists find that females are more observable in conforming to the maxim of manner.

3.2 Flouting the Cooperative Principle

When we violate these maxims, in some situations, conversational implicature will arise. Generally speaking, males tend to flout the principle in conversations. 3.2.1 in Flouting the Maxim of Quantity

In daily life, it is universally found that males are easily out of their minds when they have conversations with females especially the talk between husband and wife. When the female try to express their views, the male usually use yes mm, oh, hmm and other interjective words. Actually, they don’t know what the speaker say.

Jill: What happened in the Hangzhou Street, my dear? There are so many people talking about it outside the supermarket.

Jack: I don’t know.

Jill: Have you finished your work at hand? I want to have a short tour with you. We haven’t enjoyed holiday for a long time. Do you think so?

Jack: Yes.

Jill: Where should we go? I want to go a small city with green mountains and clear water. Which place do you want to go?

Jack: Mm, what did you say?

From the example, we can see Jack did not offer enough information that Jill wanted to get from him, so the conversation cannot go on. Maybe of the inadequate information, Jill thinks Jack ignores her and they will have a quarrel. In this context, Jack flouts the maxim of quantity because his information is inadequate. It is found that man is easily negative to response woman’s questions. This act shows they are unwilling to engage in the topics because they are forced.

3.2.2 in Flouting the Maxim of Quality

Speakers are required to say something that is true and genuine. According to Grice, speakers do not say what they believe to be true or have adequate evidence. There is a classical example in literature.

Mrs. Bennet: My dear, Mr. Bennet, have you heard that Netherfield Park is let at last?

Mr. Bennet: No.

Mrs. Bennet: But it’s. Mrs. Long has just been here, and she told me about it. Mr. Bennet: (No answer)

Mrs. Bennet:Do you want to know who has taken it?

Mr. Bennet: You want to tell me, and I have no objection to hearing it.

(Pride and Prejudice) From the dialogue in Jane Austin’s famous book Pride and Prejudice, we can feel that Mr. Bennet’s attitude towards his wife. Mrs. Bennet is a noisy woman. All she want is to marry her five daughters. She is so ignorant and stupid. Mr. Bennet have no idea with his wife. He doesn’t follow the maxim of quality. He gives a false answer “You want to tell me, and I have no objection to hearing it.” What he

really means is that I don’t want to listen, but if you want me to know, I just listen. His answer has an ironic effect. The violation of the rule makes the conversation vividly and the people’s characters are portrayed. In this situation, Mr. Bennet’s words forms a humorous effect.

3.2.3 in Flouting the Maxim of Relation

This is an important rule in cooperative principle. It is obvious that if what a speaker say that has nothing to do with what others say in a conversation, then the conversation is hard to proceed. People are easily to find that males tend to violate the rule than females. And these situations usually happen in inter-gender communication.

Jane: The hostess is an awful bore. Don’t you think?

Jack: The roses in the garden are beautiful, aren’t they?

In this dialogue, the girl Jane tried to gossip something about the hostess, but the boy Jack felt no interest in the topic. So he changed the topic and said something that had no relationship with hostess. Jack flouted the maxim of relation.

Lucy: I should have a get -together with my townswoman, you know we haven’t seen each other for more than one year. You know her, who has a long brown hair, big eyes, slim building, and hum

Tim: Excuse me, please open the door. It’s time for me to receive our child. Lucy: How about this Sunday? I will be free if you can take care of our child. From this dialogue, the wife Lucy wanted to draw her husband’s attention with saying something concerning about herself. But instead of saying something related to her w ife’s friend, he said something else. So the man flouted the maxim of relation.

From the two dialogues, we find males usually change topic if they are unwilling to talk about the previous topic. Linguists tell us males tend more

frequently to flout the maxim of relation.

3.2.4 in Flouting the Maxim of Manner

The maxim of manner requires speaker should express his ideas clearly, briefly and avoid ambiguities. It is believed females are easily to flout the maxim of manner because females usually say something in an indirect way.

Man: Your Birthday is coming. What present do you want?

Woman: I don not need anything.

Man: I must give a present to you.

Woman: I like everything that you buy for me.

We all know that the woman’s speech is indirect. She didn’t answer the question without ambiguity. According to her answer, the man got no useful information. So the woman flouted the maxim of manner.

These maxims of cooperative principle require speaker’s speech should offer sufficient information and true facts. People sometimes flout the principle for their needs. According to De Francisco’s study, males violate the maxims more frequently. He argues that females put more attention to deal with the interaction between different genders. Thus females tend to observe the principle that makes conversations going on and they seem to be supporters of conversations. While males seem more likely to flout the maxim and make the conversation stop to go on.

IV. Three Causes of Gender Language Differences(这段要求写出文章的亮点原因要深刻这章也转变成为重点篇章,而且这段要和前面第三章举的例子照应。也就是第三章举得语料要体现这章的原因。

The most obvious differences between males and females include all the features related to reproductive role, notably the endocrine (hormonal) systems and their physiological and behavioral effects, including gonad differentiation, internal and external genital and breast differentiation, and differentiation of muscle mass, height, and hair distribution.

4.1 Caused by Biological Factors

A gender difference is a distinction of biological and/or physiological characteristics associated with either males or females of a species. These can be of several types, including direct and indirect. Direct being the direct result of differences prescribed by the Y-chromosome, and indirect being a characteristic influenced indirectly (e.g. hormonally) by the Y-chromosome. Sexual dimorphism is a term for the phenotypic difference between males and females of the same species.

To begin with, according to Chambers’study, organs of sound production between man and woman are different. The glottis of man’s is bigger and his vocal cord is longer so that vibration of vocal cord is more frequency. As a result, man’s voice sounds rough while woman’s voice sounds soft.

Second, gender language differences lie in the different brain construction. As we known, there are two hemispheres in human’s brain. The left hemisphere controls language use, while the right hemisphere controls visual and spatial activities. It is find that man speaks later than woman. This is result by woman’s left hemisphere develops much earlier than man’s. Last but not least, due to the neurotic difference, woman is better at language than man.

4.2 Caused by Psychological Factors

Direct gender differences follow a bimodal distribution. Through the process of meiosis and fertilization (with rare exceptions), each individual is created with zero or one Y-chromosome. The complimentary result for the X-chromosome follows, either a double or a single X. Therefore, direct gender differences are

usually binary in expression (although the deviations in complex biological processes produce a menagerie of exceptions). These include, most conspicuously, male (vs female) gonads.

Psychological factors are very important in causing gender language differences. Man is usually the bread-winner of a family. So he is independent, brave, industrious and decisive. His speech is always brief, powerful and confident. Woman is rich at emotions, and she is sensitive, tenderness and polite. In communication, woman is more apt to agree with others, on the contrary, man is more likely to argue with others.

4.3 Caused by Social Factors and Cultural Factors

Indirect gender differences are general differences in class, as quantified by empirical data and statistical analysis. Most differing characteristics will conform to a bell-curve (i.e. normal) distribution which can be broadly described by the mean (peak distribution) and standard deviation (indicator of size of range). Often only the mean or mean difference between sexes is given. This may or may not preclude overlap in distributions. For example, males are taller than females on average, but an individual female may be taller than an individual male. Language expresses cultural reality, reflects the people’s attitudes, beliefs, world outlooks, etc.Culture affects its people’s imagination or common dreams which are mediated through the language and reflected in their life. On the one hand, language as an integral part of human being, permeates in his thinking and way of viewing the world, language both expresses and embodies cultural reality; on the other, language, as a product of culture, helps perpetuate the culture, and the changes in language uses reflect the cultural changes in return.


By aids of Grice’s cooperative principle, the author finds females are more observant than males. Males usually flout the maxims to express particular meanings. Females’ speeches tend to be more polite, sensitive, and cooperative. Males’speech is more brief, order and full of power. Men are more likely to express their ideas even they are against others who are engaged. But woman will adopt a friendly attitude to different ideas. They will listen first, and then they will come up with their own ideas. From this point of view, women are more polite and men are more competitive. There are many causes of gender language differences. There are mostly caused by biological factors, psychological factors, social and cultural factors. In order to be effective in inter-gender communication, the speakers should first improve the mutual knowledge; what is more, they should put emphasis on recognizing the differences in communication. The study

of gender and language has attracted more and more attention in recent years, and gender differences in communication is the most important part of this study in the practical world. What’s more, Cross-gender communication is quite important in daily conversations as well. In this thesis, the author first gives us an overview on gender differences in communication both in western countries and in China. And she finds out that the framework of this study is formed in western countries, while Chinese researchers just do some summaries. Thus, we need more empirical data in Chinese context, and the study of this field should not be confined to the pure knowledge of different linguistic facts. Thus we need to reconfirm the previous study on the gender differences.


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性别不同导致人们的日常生活也有差别。这种差别不仅仅体现在衣着装饰上,在生理、看法等方面也有所表现。并且男性和女性在运用语言时也明显地有所差别。 然而为什么性别会使语言出现差异呢?语言作为思维、交际的工具。同时也受到语言使用者的思想、情感、心理等因素的影响。语言中的性别差异是语言使用者出于社会、文化、心理、生理等方面的综合因素所表现出来的一种语言现象。当然造成语言性别差异的原因很多,往往是各种因素交织在一起形成的。性别语言的成因可分为:一,社会背景,社会背景对语言使用者有着极为重要的影响,社会背景的不同导致男女两性在语言使用上的不同。男女两性在社会生活的不同地位对语言性别差异产生重要的影响。二,心理因素男女两性之间存在着不同的心理特点,这是大家所公认的事实。男性和女性不同的心理特点对语言的运用会产生一定的影响,决定了两者在语言上出现某些差异。三,语言反映着社会文化、风俗习惯以及不同的人文观念和文化意识,文化也影响和制约着语言的运用。社会文化更是对性别角色有所制约。 语言是社会生活的一种折射。性别语言差异体现在男人和女人在几乎相同的社会、文化、心理等方面的影响下其所使用的语言不同。它反映出男女两性的社会心理、民族民俗的心态以及社会文化价值趋向。假如听见有人自称“人家”或说“心烦”这类词语,不难判断说话者是个女性。这是由女性的柔弱性格在人们心中所留下的印象所导致的。首先,女性用语偏于保守、委婉、含蓄,带有浓烈色彩的词语。男性

更多使用偏于直白、强烈的语言。 男女在交谈的话题上也有所不同。女性更多谈个人的情感、日常生活琐事等,把谈话作为一种交流关系的方式。男性更关注政治、经济、体育等把谈话作为一种传达信息的工具。 在日常生活中人们常常用比较抽象、委婉、文雅的话语来表达他们所忌讳的、不宜直说的、隐私的或被认为粗俗的事物。委婉语是一种语言现象,它不仅指委婉词语,而且还包括在运用语言进行交际时。女性较男性更常运用委婉的词语,女性常常对生理现象与某特定的人体部位名称避而不言。另外,在日常生活的交往中,人们常常从生理方面评价女性,几乎所有指称女性的词语都不同程度上受到贬低,如小姐原指年轻女子或未嫁的女子的称呼。但目前小姐也指从事性工作的女子的委婉表达。 女性更喜欢使用文雅、委婉词语而男性则不然。男性更多使用强烈和禁忌语,借以表达其男子气概。比如:男性更多使用“他妈的”,而女性更多使用“讨厌”、“可恶”、“有毛病”等。女性把粗语当作禁忌,因此选择使用委婉语来回避。女性在交际过程中也常常运用“我想”、“我认为”、“我觉得”等句式委婉地表达自己的见解。而男性却认为叫板、反驳、贬低等在交际中是不可避免的。需要注意的是,女性已经把委婉语的使用扩大到生活上的许多方面,只要让她们感觉可能会给自己或别人带来尴尬、不便的内容都会使用委婉、含蓄的方法表达出来。其次,男女两性在谈话内容上有很大的差异。男性谈话时一般侧重于信息交流,提出个人对事情的意见、看法或提出对某一问题的具体解


浅论语言交际中的性别差异特征及技巧 人类有性别之分,语言也就不可避免的带有性别特征。语言之中及其背后蕴含着深刻而又发杂的两性意识,不这不仅是男女两性对社会、文化、历史等诸方面的认识在语言中的反映,更是社会、文化、历史等对男女两性在语言上的规范与限制。 一、性别差异在语言上的表现 (一)发音 (1)从生理上讲,女性的发音器官有别于男性。一般而言,男性的声带比较宽、厚、长,所以说话声音低一些。女性的声带窄、薄、短,因此女子讲话会给人以声音高、尖的感觉。例如:二梅还没进门就尖着声喊:“奶奶,饭熟了没有?”奶奶站起来笑着说:“熟了,有功的回来了。”(孙犁《麦收》) (2)与男性相比,女子的音域更加宽广,也更善于运用语调韵律的变化,她们说话的音调往往给人起伏多变的的印象。如“是吗?真的呀!”“啊!多漂亮的衣服呀。”在许多语言中,女性说话时多用升调,语调变化多,并富于表现力。在对事物进行评价时,相比之下,男子话语的语调类型则比较少,调型变化较单调,给人计划“四平八稳”的印象。 (二)词语的使用与话语方式的选择 (1)词语 在语言交际词语的使用方面,首先女性掌握的色彩术语比男性多且精确。在语言交际过程中,女性使用颜色词时比男性更富想象力,能更准确、形象地描绘出事物的颜色。比如很多女性就知道用“苹果绿、藕荷色”等词去描绘事物。而大多数男生可能根本知不知道有这些词。其次,女性在进行言语交际时所使用的表达感情的词语比男性丰富,比如女性夸赞一个女孩长得好看的时会用adorable或者charming,而不像男性那样呆板。再次,两次在交际中的称呼语也表现出不同,女性喜欢使用亲密的表示友好的称呼语,男性则不然。比如一个女孩称自己的朋友叫“丽丽”,而男性肯定不会叫自己的朋友“强强” (2)在感叹句的使用方面,女性运用感叹句的频率较男性高。感情外露的特点突出,她们格外喜欢使用感叹句来表达各种情感。矛盾《邻家铺子》结尾时,有一段张寡妇“带哭带嚷”的话:“啊哟!我的宝贝,我的心肝!强盗杀人了,玉皇大帝救命呀!”在遭遇这突发事变之时,她难以抑制情绪,于是发出了这一的感叹,在这激烈的言词下更多的流露出了一个女性的无奈。男子较少有这一类表达,男子容易克制感情能把情绪的激动转化为行为的冲动。 (3)表达方式上的差异 ①含蓄与直露。两性在表达方式上存在着“隐”与“显”的差别;女性言语倾向于“隐”,说话多含委婉含蓄,较少显山露水,而男性语言则偏好直接果断。比如:明明想邀男友出去散步,却不明说,只是絮叨‘这房子窗户怎么这么小?’‘这屋子里真闷!’言在此意在彼。而如果男子想表达类似的想法,一般都会直来直去。 ②细腻与粗犷。男女双方的话语内容和言谈方式有粗细之分。首先在内容方面,女性交谈的话题有时过于琐细;而男性的交谈则多有意避开那些家长里短的话题。对同一件事的叙述,男性往往习惯粗线条地陈述,显得粗放;女性则多关注其中的细节,表达上显得周详绵密。其次,在言谈方式方面,女性说话往往自习考虑自己采用的言语形式能否有助于提高自己的社会地位,因此主观上倾向于使用较为规范标准的言语形式;男性说话时较少去考虑这些。 (三)交际话题 两性在会话题材的选择上各有其倾向性:女性往往在谈话的内容上较多关注社交生活、个人感情、婚姻家庭等私人领域的内容,男性关注的话题则大多涉及新闻、政治、军事、体育等。 (四)话语量 在像课堂讨论、会议等公开场合,男性说话较多,女性话少;而女性在家里这样的私下


广州大学学报(社会科学版) 第1卷第4期JO URN AL OF G U AN GZ HO U U NIV ERSITY V ol.1No.4 2002年4月(SOCIAL SCIE NCE ED ITIO N)Apr.,2002 浅谈广告语言的性别差异 高盈 (广州大学人文学院,广东广州510405) 摘要:本文以广告语言为研究对象,搜集整理了一些有代表性的广告语例,从个体因素和社会因素这两个角度对性别差异现象进行了分析,并就其成因做了一定的探讨。 关键词:广告语言;性别差异;言语爱好 中图分类号:G206.3文献标识码:A文章编号:1671-394X(2002)04-0025-04 语言作为一种社会现象,和人类社会有着紧密的联系。它对于社会全体成员来说是统一的,但是在人们实际运用语言的过程中,却会因各种因素而产生不同的变异。男性和女性在生理、心理和社会行为方式上所存在的巨大差异,必然影响到语言的运用。广告语言就体现了这种性别差异。而且,对于广告来说,语言是其灵魂,具有画龙点睛的作用。为了更好地介绍商品、引起消费者的注意、激发购买欲望,广告语言必须做到恰当而巧妙,能针对不同的消费对象,采用相应的语言策略。这其中的一个重要方面,就要求很好地利用语言的性别差异。本文试就广告语言中的性别差异现象谈一下自己的看法。 一个体因素引起的广告语言的性别差异 这里所讲的个体因素,主要是指两性言语爱好的差异。 广告创作关键的一点,是要紧紧抓住顾客的消费心理,设计不同的广告语言来迎合这种心理,以达到宣传产品、激发购买欲望的目的。所以,在广告文案创意过程中,研究男性顾客和女性顾客不同的言语爱好就显得尤为重要。影响两性言语爱好的因素一般包括以下几方面: 1.气质性格 一般认为,女性具有/阴柔0的气质特征,性格偏向于情绪型。她们内心温柔,情感细腻,对话语含义感受敏锐,喜欢柔美动听、友好礼貌、表情丰富的语词。比如女性商品的命名,就应符合/阴柔0的特征,如蜜雪儿(服装)、雅倩(化妆品)、夏士莲(洗发水)、柔依(口服液)、梦娜(丝袜)、柔爱(卫生巾)等等,所用的字词都给人一种柔顺、雅致的感觉。此外,女性在购物时易受情绪和他人看法的左右,在广告中多用一些情感词,如夸张、感叹以及表程度的副词,会很有感染力。比如现在十分流行的电视购物,在介绍商品(特别是女性商品)时,往往语气夸张,大量使用感叹词和程度副词,什么/好漂亮0、/非常非常有效0、/太神奇了耶0、/绝对超值0、/真的瘦了0,不胜枚举,虽然有时会显得有些做作,但的确能激起部分女性的购买欲望。 而男性具有/阳刚0的气质特征,性格偏向于理智型。对每一位男性来说,/男子汉0的称号绝对是一个很高的评价。商品能否增添或显现出/男子气0是他们购物时一定要考虑的问题。所以男性商品的命名也是有讲究的,比如:古龙(香水)、飞鹰(刀片)、七匹狼(服饰)、豪爵(摩托)、乔仕(衬衫),都意在突出男性的阳刚气质。广告词的设计也是如此,试看四川郎酒的广告: 天地之气男人品味精品郎酒精彩演绎)))精品郎酒必须在天宝洞中修炼 四年方可成品,其酒香纯美、宽厚,不上 头、不刮喉、不伤胃,确有胸怀天下之气 度。 /天地之气0、/男人品位0、/宽厚0、/胸怀天下之气度0几个词使郎酒广告顿显大气,给人一种雄 收稿日期:2001-10-25 作者简介:高盈(1977-),女,浙江嘉兴人,广州大学人文学院中文系硕士研究生,研究方向为言语交际及语言教学。


第33卷第4期湖南科技学院学报V ol.33 No.4 2012年4月 Journal of Hunan University of Science and Engineering Apr.2012 言语交际中性别语言差异的语用分析 杨璐 (湖南科技学院 大学英语教学部,湖南 永州 425100) 摘 要:本文从语用学角度出发,运用Grice的合作原则和Leech的礼貌原则来分析言语交际中的性别语言差异,对言语交际中男女两性遵守和违反合作原则和礼貌原则的情况进行分析,旨在提高人们对性别语言差异的认识,使两性能得体地进行交际。 关键词:言语交际;性别语言差异;语用分析 中图分类号:H08文献标识码:A 文章编号:1673-2219(2012)04-0167-03 早在1922年, 丹麦语言学家O. Jespersen 率先从语言学的角度研究性别语言,并在其专著《语言论:本质、发展及起源》中专设一节讨论语言使用中的性别差异现象。近年来,随着研究的深入,人们试图从语用学的角度来研究言语交际中的性别语言差异。本文拟从语用学角度出发,运用Grice的合作原则和Leech的礼貌原则来分析言语交际中男女两性对这些原则的遵守和违背所反映出来的他们之间的差异。 一、Grice的合作原则 美国哲学家和语言学家Grice于1967年在哈佛大学作了三次演讲,他指出为了保证会话的顺利进行,谈话双方必 须遵守一些基本原则,特别是所谓的合作原则。Grice认为人们在谈话中遵守的合作原则包括四个范畴,每个范畴又包括一条准则和一些次准则(Grice,1975): 1、量的准则(Quantity Maxim): a) 所说的话应包含交谈目的所需要的信息; b) 所说的话不应包含超出需要的信息; 2、质的准则(Quality Maxim): a) 不要说自知是虚假的话; b) 不要说缺乏足够证据的话; 3、关系准则(Relevant Maxim):要有关联。 4、方式准则(Manner Maxim):要清楚明白。 a) 避免晦涩; b) 避免歧义; c) 要简练(避免罗嗦); 收稿日期:2011-03-11 作者简介:杨璐(1980-),女,湖南永州人,研究方向为英语语言学。 d) 要有条理; 以上就是Grice 提出的合作原则。 二、两性言语交际中合作原则的遵守与违反 (一)量的准则 量的准则要求我们说话时所提供的信息量不应少说也不要多说,既不能把对方不要求或不期待你说的说出来,又不能出现沉默不语、冷场的局面。一般来说,女性往往能对对方的提问做出充分的回答,从而倾向于遵守量的准则。在言语交际中,为了使交际能够顺利进行,女性喜欢发出非言语声音来鼓励对方继续说下去。同时,女性会适当地给予加入谈话的信号或者进行提问。然而相反的是,如果男性对话题不感兴趣,他们往往对对方的提问不能做出充分的回答,经常故意沉默或者给以非常简短的回答,明显违反量的准则。下面是节选自《傲慢与偏见》里Bennet夫妇的一段对话: Mrs. Bennet: My dear, Mr. Bennet, have you heard that Netherfield Park is let at last? Mr. Bennet: No. Mrs. Bennet: But it’s. Mrs. Long has just been here, and she told me all about it. Mr. Bennet: (No answer). Mrs. Bennet: Do you want to know who has taken it? Mr. Bennet: You want to tell me, and I have no objection to hearing it. 从上面对话中我们可以看出,Mrs. Bennet 两次向丈夫提出房子出租的事情,可是却很少引起丈夫足够的关注与回应。他对每一个问题的回答尽量简短,明显违反量的准则,使得会话难以顺利进行。 167


2009年第12期(上半月刊 ) 随着20世纪60年代中期社会语言学的兴起和西方女权主义运动的蓬勃发展,语言与性别研究很快成为一个百家争鸣的学术热点。一些语言学家也对语言使用中的性别差异进行了大量的研究。本文主要就1998年以来近十多年发表在外语类核心期刊的21篇相关研究论文作一简要回顾与评述,探讨在这一研究领域研究存在的问题以及后续研究的新视角。 一、相关研究文献状况分析(一)研究样本 本文研究样本来源于国内外语类核心期刊。笔者通过在中国知网(CNKI )键入主题词“性别差异”检索并查阅了1995年至2008年发表在外语类核心期刊中相关的语言性别差异研究,经统计仅32篇文章,主要集中在七种期刊(外语与外语教学,外国语,外语教学,外语研究,现代外语,四川外语学院学报,解放军外国语学院学报)。这些期刊涉及语言研究的面比较广,因此能较好地反映近十年来国内在性别差异这一领域的研究现状。 (二)研究分布 首先我们按文章发表的不同年代、对32篇文章进行统计,以了解近十多年以来国内语言性别差异研究在七种外语类核心期刊中的分布情况以及总体的趋势。从表1我们发现,就期刊而言,在《外语与外语教学》中发表的有关论文最多,其次是《解放军外国语学院学报》,《外语教学》除2003年和2008年未刊登性别差异的相关论文外,其他每年都有1篇。从图1相关文献在不同年代的分布状况来看,从2001年到2008 年,每年发表的有关性别差异的论文数量没有太大区别,最多也就是4篇,出现在2002年和2004年,其他时候都是2-3篇。而在90年代中期到2000年这六年中所查阅的相关论文篇数仅为8篇,占总数的四分之一。由此我们可以看出,有关语言性别差异的研究在国内虽取得了一定的研究成果,但与其他课题的研究相比仍很匮乏,并未引起语言研究者足够的重视。表1 1995-2008年国内外语类七种核心期刊有关性别 差异的研究分布情况 周 浩赵光年 近十年国内语言性别差异研究概述 * *本文系周浩主持的湖南农业大学东方科技学院2009年度教改项目“社会心理语言学视角下独立学院大学生性别差异与二语习得能力的关系研究”的阶段性成果。 [作者简介]周浩,湖南农业大学东方科技学院讲师,硕士,研究方向:第二语言习得(湖南长沙410128);赵光年,湖南农业大学东方科技学院助理研究员,硕士,研究方向:高教管理(湖南长沙 410128) [摘 要]从20世纪60年代中期起,社会语言学蓬勃发展,语言与性别差异的相互关系问题就成 为许多语言学家研究的重要课题之一。本文旨在对近10年外语类核心期刊中语言性别差异的相关研究作一简要回顾与评述,指出研究中存在的问题以及后续研究可采用的新视角。 [关键词]语言;性别差异;问题;启示 年度期刊1995-200020012002200320042005200620072008总计 外语与外语教学1112110018 外国语2000000002外语教学1110111107外语研究1001000103现代外语0000110002四川外语学院学报0020001014解放军外国语 学院学报3100101006 总计834343322 32 26


言语表达的性别差异及其原因分析 男女在语音、用语、交谈三个方面存在着差异,形成这些差异的原因可从生物、心理和性别角色等不同层面加以探究。在语音上,女性发音的绝对音高高于男性,女性的语音听觉比男性更敏感,男性发音比女性含混,年轻女子的发音比男性更娇柔,男性发音的"元气"比女性更足;在用语上,女性颜色词语的掌握能力强于男性,女性比男性更喜欢使用情感词,女性比男性更善于使用委婉语;在交谈上,女性说话比男性含蓄,女性与男性相比不喜欢左右话题,女性的言辞比男性更温文尔雅,男女交谈的兴奋点不同;影响语言性差交际的因素主要有:男女双方对言语交际活动的态度、男女的心理差异、男女的特殊心理、交谈者的性别数量、交谈者的年龄、交谈者的角色关系;性度对性差交际会产生影响,父母自身的言语性度、兄弟姐妹中男女的数量对比、年龄文化层次、工作性质和工作条件、异性交际中的权威等都会影响言语性度。 男女的性别差异,可以从以下三个层面来分析:从生物学的角度看,男女在生理上存在的差异称为性别生物差异;从心理学的角度看,男女在个性心理的特征上存在的差异称为性别心理差异;男女在社会行为方式上存在的差异称为性别角色差异。 传统语言学不研究语言的性别差异,到了社会语言学,才开始研究语言与性别的关系,但它只着眼于语言性别变异的研究,很少涉及到性别心理差异和性别角色差异。 事实上,语言运用作为一种社会行为,的确存在着性别差异。奥斯卡·王尔德说过:“妇女是妩媚动人的,她们可能从来不想说什么,但是她们一旦说起来却足以使人消魂荡魄。”女性的言语为什么会产生消魂荡魄的神奇魅力呢?这和女性的言语特点是分为不开的。据切里斯·克雷默研究,女性言语所具有的特点是:“絮絮闲聊、柔声轻语、急速流畅、礼貌友好、情意绵绵、唠叨不断、坦然无隐、多于细节、彬彬有礼、热情洋溢、词斟句酌,有时莫名其妙令人不得要领”。而男性言语的特点是:“傲慢自负、使用咒语俚语、盛气凌人、气粗声大、言语有力、直来直往、敢说敢道、不容置疑”。这种评论有相当大的主观性,但也说出了男女言语表达的大致特点。男女在语音、用语、交谈三个方面存在着差异,形成这些差异的原因可从生物、心理和性别角色等不同角度加以阐述。 一、语音差异 1.女性发音的绝对音高高于男性 音高是声音的高低,它决定于发音体振动的快慢,人类的发音体是声带,声音的高低和声带的粗细、厚薄、长短、松紧有关。在物理学上,把发音体在一定时间里振动的次数称为频率,频率越高声音越高,频率越低声音越低。男性的声带长而厚,所以说话时声音比女性低。例如在发普通话的a时,成年女性的发音频率为300- 400Hz,而成年男性的频率在160-200Hz之间。语音的音高是相对的,不是绝对的,也就是说语义的表达是依据相对音高而不是绝对音高。如男女都用普通话发:“妈、麻、马、骂”这四个不同声调的字,就绝对音高来讲,女性的发音往往比男性高,可是这种差异并不影响语义的表达,能影响语义表达的是相对音高的变化,无论是男性还是女性,如果"妈、麻、马、骂"的相对音高把握不准,就会影响语义的表达。 2.女性的语音听觉比男性更敏感


文章总体修改意见 文章章节衔接很不好中心章节不突出而且有部分语法错误。由于有的章节删除,所以需要重新改写。我在每段的地方都已经做详细标注。这是我的二稿,我是专门花钱找您修改的。希望写手能够尽自己最大努力接这个单子,咱们都不容易。互相体谅也请按时交稿,因为已经两次给我晚交稿了。而且希望给我按范文排版。谢谢因为我们是省内重点我的导师是个老学究所以论文要求有点深度 Introduction The science and technology of modern world is developing by leaps and bounds, thus the social life changes greatly. Language is the carrier of culture. People speak differently because they think differently. Because sex discrimination exists in most of the social environments and political systems, so it is reflected in language. In the traditional sense of gender, males are superior to females. As a universally social phenomenon, it is clearly reflected in language. More and more scholars concentrate on the relations between language and gender. Many people believe that language change must be in a dynamic state. This thesis analyses the social and cultural causes of such phenomenon and how people observe the cooperative principles when it comes to gender differences. The result gives a hint that the gender differences in verbal communication has already become a focus on the modern linguistics researches.


语言使用中的性别差异及其变化 来源:英语毕业论文 一、语言的性别差异形成的原因圣经记载,上帝在开天 辟地时只造了一个男人,他就是人类的始祖!亚当。当亚当在人世间感到无比寂寞时,上帝为了排遣他的忧愁,就从他的身上抽出一根肋骨,变成了一个女人,她就是在尘世间陪伴亚当的夏娃。这说明在人类产生伊始,就决定了女人从属于男人,在一定程度上也折射了性别歧视存在的客观事实。 相对于这个神话色彩极浓的传说,我们还可以从历史原因、个人心理发展过程以及社会角色分配等方面来探讨语言使用中性别差异形成的根源。 1.历史原因语言是人类文明的象征,是文化传播的载体。 人作为语言的使用者,最初并没有在两性之间划分所谓的? 男性语言#或?女性语言#;但是人类发展到现在,这种语言中的性别差异或歧视越来越受到人们的关注。语言的性别差异通常是指语言形式上和使用中对女性的歧视。人们逐渐意识到两性语言不是凭空而生的,是社会、文化、历史等诸方面在语言上的反映。纵观人类发展的历史,我们可以看到女性在经历了母系氏族社会的短暂辉煌后,很快进入了?男权主义#为中心的父系氏族社会。传统分工中,地位高的职业几乎都是由男性占据,女性往往只做一些地位低下或没有地位的工作,如操持家务、哺育孩子等,而这也正是导致她们在语言上表现出从属于男性的原因。 英语国家的语言发展状况也不例外。 语言学家曾指出:

每一种语言都反映出它们从中得以形成的那个社会的偏见。既然英语在其大部分历史中是一个从盎格鲁撒克逊的白人宗法社会中形成的,那么它的词汇和语法经常反映出排斥或贬低妇女的态度,对此人们是不应该感到诧异的[1]。关于造成男女用语差别的原因,他们也提出了许多假设。比如由于当时连年征战,战胜的一方就会把当地的男人杀绝,然 后将女子纳为自己的妻室。 这样他们的下一代中女孩儿就从其母讲母辈的语言,而男孩儿就从其父讲男性语言。在一代代的不断灌输和语言学习及使用过程中,男性语言的地位得到巩固和加强,男性语 言在男尊女卑的时代里更具优势,而女性的劣势地位反映在语言上就更凸现出其受歧视的命运。虽然这只是一种假设,但也充分说明了两性语言的差异自古就存在,是很自然的事情。 心理特征差异心理学研究表明,在青春期发育以前,女性在理解人际关系、形成工作任务感和工作责任感方面比男性成熟的要早,女性的心理年龄比男性要大一岁到一岁半。过了青春发育期,男性女性的心理特征差异更加明显。男性敢于铤而走险,喜欢争强好胜、说话干脆、做事果断,对异性之美表现一种特殊的关注,但对生活和工作中的事情往往表现粗心、不拘细节;女性文静怯弱、温柔顺从、感情丰富细腻、善解人意、待人友好、有礼貌,但遇事往往犹豫不决、自信心不强、缺乏独立自主的精神,渴望异性的关爱、支持或帮助,依赖性较强。 男女在青春期后性格、心理上的差异也会反映在语言的选择和使用上。为了掩饰自己在身体或心理上与男性的差异,据有关研究表明,相同社会背景的人群中女性倾向于使用更具优势的语言形式。


龙源期刊网 https://www.360docs.net/doc/3917399732.html, 从社会语言学角度浅谈性别语言差异 作者:于金池 来源:《青年文学家》2014年第21期 摘要:语言与人们的生活息息相关,是人与人之间沟通的桥梁。“语言与性别”是社会语言学热门主题之一,也是备受争议的话题之一。本文从社会语言学角度简要分析语言性别差异的表现,造成语言性别差异的原因。 关键词:语言;性别;差异;原因;现实意义 作者简介:于金池(1990.10-),女,辽宁本溪人。渤海大学文学院研究生,研究方向:语言应用问题。 [中图分类号]:H0 [文献标识码]:A [文章编号]:1002-2139(2014)-21--01 一、性别语言差异的表现 男女对于语言使用的差异是客观存在的。男女语言差异的现象,有些可以从社会、文化、心里、生理等因素上得到解释,而有些则难以解释。 (一)在语音方面 1.声音的高低,取决于发音体振动的快慢。声音的高低和发音体的大小、粗细、厚薄、长短、松紧有关,大的、粗的、厚的、长的、松的发音体振动频率小,因此声音低;小的、细的、薄的、短的、紧的发音振动频率大,因而声音高。女性的声带短而薄,所以说话的声音高。女性的声音频率为150~300赫兹,平均为240赫兹。男性的声带长而厚,所以说话的声音低,声音频率为60~200赫兹,平均为150赫兹。例如在发汉语普通话的a时,成年女性的频率为300~400赫兹,而成年男性的频率为160~200赫兹。[1] 2.女性比男性更容易分辨声源的位置,女性听觉的绝对感受比男性强,因此,她们辨别声音频率的能力强于男性。 (二)在词汇方面 1.色彩词语 与男性相比,女性知道更多表示颜色的词汇,颜色识别能力和色彩感受能力也要比男性强。


性别和行业差异与言语交际 摘要:男女在言语交际方面存在显著差异。本文试从话题、话语量、话语控制三方面阐释言语交际的性别差异,并从跨性别文化交际的角度分析原因,并对如何进行有效的跨性别文化交际提出建议。 关键词:言语交际性别差异跨性别文化交际 基金项目:华北电力大学2008年校青年基金资助项目(编号:200821006) 一﹑引言 男女在言语方面的差异一直是令人文科学家深感兴趣的课题之一。作为一种语言的社会变体,男女语言的差异也许是人类语言差别最古老的形式。男女在生理上的差别以及在社会化过程中习得不同的性别文化导致不同的交际模式。本文将在以往研究成果的基础上,把言语交际的性别差异放在跨性别文化交际的框架内进行研究。 二﹑言语交际的性别差异 语言与性别研究近年来的发展表明,该项研究的重点已经由过去重视语言内部的性别标记非对称和语言运用的各个层面所发生的性别变体现象转到了交际中的言语风格方面,呈现出明显的动态性质。所谓两性的言语风格,正是两性对语言手段的不同选择和组合运用所形成的不同特点。语言学家对社会交往中话语状况的考察表明,在话题选择、话语量大小、话语控制方面,男女都存在不同程度的差异,本文将一一探讨。 (一)话题 两性兴趣的差异导致话题的差异。研究者发现,男人交谈的话题集中在体育、新闻、工作等, 女性之间爱谈论的话题是个人思想感情、家庭和与其他人的关系。 男女在交谈话题上的差异的结果之一就是导致了一种主要的两性之间的交际失误,即同情与解决。每个人都会碰到问题,差异就在于当别人告诉我们他的问题时,我们是如何回应的。女性趋向于在听到别人的问题时,反过来将自己的问题告诉别人,她们以此表明理解对方所处的情况并对其表示同情。与此相反的是,男性更倾向于将问题看成是别人寻求帮助的一种请求。因此无论是否可行,他都会提出一个解决方法。(Deborah Tannen, 1990) 研究者在200名苏格兰斯特莱斯克莱德大学的大三学生中进行了问卷调查。这些学生来自不同国家,不同专业,100名男生,100名女生。受试者想象他们的异性朋友在电话中向他们抱怨室友的问题,受试者从给出的选项中选出他们可能的回应。如:异性朋友在电话中抱怨:“My housemates are really annoying me. They never wash their dishes!” 回应: A: Why don?t you have a house meeting and discuss it? (advice) B: I know how that goes. I have the same problem. (sympathy) C: That?s too bad. Why don?t you tell them to do it. (both) D: Oh, how do you feel about that? (neither)


摘要:本文从语用学的视角出发,对言语交际这一动态环节中语言的性别差异进行了研究,通过分析男女两性在言语交际中对合作原则、礼貌原则等语用原则的遵守与违反,文章发现了性别语言在语用学方面所存在的差异,在此基础上,文章探究了语言性别差异形成的原因和在男女两性间实现成功的言语交际的途径。 关键词:性别语言差异;言语交际;合作原则;礼貌原则 性别差异是人类生活的基本事实,也同时反映在语言中。男女的语言差异引起了语言学家的极大关注,但是早期人们的研究集中在词汇、音位和词素方面。在1973年,拉科夫发表了一篇文章,名为《语言与女性的地位》,其中说到女性不同于男性的说话方式反映并造成了女性地位的低下。此后,关于这个主题的研究层出不穷。以前人的研究为基础,本文旨在从语用角度分析言语交际中的性别差异,一方面分析男女在使用语言时是如何遵守或违反语用原则,找出其不同,另一方面,分析差异的根源,并且找出有效的方式去推动两性之间的成功交流,尽量降低负面效应。 一、言语交际中性别差异的语用研究 (一)合作原则上的差异 合作原则是由美国语言学家格莱斯提出的,他认为人类话语的产生和理解是受到一些机制支配的,也就是说说话者和听话者要相互合作,只有这样交际才能按既定的方向继续下去。合作原则主要包括四个准则:数量准则,即交际双方必须提供足够的信息,不能太多也不能太少;质量准则,即交际双方要说真话;关系准则,即要说和主题相关的话;方式准则,即说话时要表意清楚,不能模棱两可。 1.数量准则 总的来说,在交际中,女性倾向于遵守规则,而男性往往违反规则。女性在交谈中话轮转换得很自然,并且尽量给出详细而满意的回复,而且女性还很喜欢使用最小回应来支持说话者,即对、嗯、是等等。下面的例子便是很好的说明:(威利和琳达是夫妻) 琳:啊?发生什么事了,威利?威: 没有,没事。琳:你没有 撞车,对吧?威:我说了什么都没发生。没听见吗?琳:你感觉不舒服吗?威:我累死了。在这个对话中,威利违反了数量准则,他总是提供不足的信息。在对七对已婚夫妇为期一星期的调查中,人们发现,68%的负面回应来自于男性,女性只有32%。男性的这种行为表明他们对话题不感兴趣,是被迫参与,有时也表明了关系的冷淡。 2.关系准则 在交流中,关系准则最重要,而男性则往往会违反这一准则,经常打断或转移话题,表明他们不愿和对方交谈。看下面的例子:玛丽:我今天全弄明白了。你知道吗?我向他解释了,恐怕还得……。吉姆:拜托,打开后门,我得喂狗了。玛丽:看来我得取消约会。 在这个对话中,妻子玛丽和她丈夫谈关于自己的事,想引起丈夫关注,但是却没得到回应。丈夫打断了她的话,转而说其他的事,而玛丽只能不理会其态度,把自己的话说完。 3.质量准则 质量准则要求人们要说真话,给出事实,可是这一准则也常被男性违反。下面是《傲慢与偏见》中的一段经典对话:贝内特夫人:亲爱的,你没听说吗?内瑟菲尔德庄园终于租出去了。贝内特先生:没听说。贝内特夫人:的确租出去了。朗格太太刚刚来过这儿,把事情的原委都告诉我了。贝内特先生没有答话。贝内特夫人:难道你不想知道是谁租去的吗?贝内特先生:你想要告诉我,我只有洗耳恭听了。从以上的例子中,我们发现贝内特先生违反了质量准则,他早已知道真相,却装着不知。他是在和妻子开玩笑,也是在避免冲突,也表明他对这个话题不感兴趣。 4.方式准则


Language Gender Differences Table of Contents Abstract......................................................................................................................... I Introduction (1) 1 Domestic and International Background of the Research in Language and Gender (1) 2. Aim and Function of this Research (1) Chapter One Gender Differences in Language (2) 1.1 The aspects of pronunciation and Intonation (2) 1.2Lexical Items Aspects (3) 1.2.1Females grasp color words better than males (3) 1.2.2Females prefer to use emotional words than males (3) The use of adjectives (4) The use of adverbs (4) Intimate words (4) 1.3 Syntactic Aspects (4) 1.4 Speech style (5) 1.5 Daily Conversation (5) 1.5.1 Differences in Topic Selection (5) 1.5.2Difference in the Choice of Words (6) 1.5.3Difference in Conversation Quantity (6) 1.5.4Difference in cooperation (6) Chapter Two Possible Causes of Language Differences in Gender (7) 2.1Culture Factors (7) 2.2Society Factors (8) 2.2.1Social Status (8) 2.2.2 Definition of Gender Role (8) 2.3Physiology Factor (9) 2.4Psychological Factor (9) 2.5 Personal Experiences (9) Conclusion (10) Bibliography (11)


语言性别差异+性别差异与女性文学 一、对语言和性别的批判性思考 后结构主义的观点认为,男人和女人都是被话语建构的,在其话语建构的行动中,男人和女 人形成各自男性和女性的主体。 有关语言和性别的研究大多是基于差异模式展开的。这种模式仅仅是反映了社会现实,并没有解释这种差异是如何产生而又如何在现实生活中得以延续;另外,对男女谈话方式的差异的强调也往往掩盖了男人与女人语言行为中存在的大量相似性。 后结构主义的影响,对性别差异和语言的研究有很大启发,我们要关注的不仅是社会性别的差异,而是社会性别身份的建构或者说这种差异是如何形成的,也就是说,关注差异被生产 和被诠释的过程。 二、性别差异——借助商品符号表达 在我们的日常生活中,商品扮演了构造性别认同的角色。也就是说,商品常常成为我们表现自己作为男人或女人的“道具”。例如,口红是专为女人使用的,而香烟似乎成为男人消费的专利。事实上,所有的商品,都具有某种性别:男性、女性或中性。有人说,大街上的服装店绝大部分是为女人开的。为什么会这样?因为服装是女人用来塑造“女人气”的主要“道具”。同样道理,街上的烟酒专卖店绝大部分是为男人开的,因为烟酒是男人塑造“男人气”的重要方式。男人肥胖,只要不过分,可以叫做“福态”;女人肥胖,不论如何,都不是好事情。所以,“减肥茶”便有了女性的性别,因为它主要是为女人做的。 男性与女性的差别,首先是生理解剖结构和生理自然属性和行为的区别。例如,男人嗓音浑厚,女人嗓音清脆。男人肌肉较有力量,女人力量不如男人,等等。但是,这种区别只是两 性的第一层次的区别。 男性和女性的第二层次的区别是社会和文化属性的区别,即“男性气质”和“女性气质”的区别。社会和文化分别给“男性气质”和“女性气质”赋予不同的内容,并对二者的行为规范做出了不同的规定,人们在互动中也分别根据对方的性别而相对应地抱有不同的社会期待。例如,理想的男人被期待要勇敢、坚毅、不畏挑战和困难、勇于承担责任、主动积极、坚强有力、冷静、理性、善于思考、果断、体魄健壮,等等。理想的女人则被期待坚忍不拔、温柔体贴、被动、顺从、富于爱心和同情心、情感细腻丰富、细心周到、爱美、喜爱干净整洁、身材苗条美丽,等等。当然,不同的社会和文化对男性气质和女性气质的规定也是不相同的。但是,无论如何,男性气质与女性气质往往是与对方相对比而存在的。现实中的男人或女人,往往很难完全符合这些理想的标准,因此,根据现实中的人与理想的两性气质标准的符合程度,又可以分别将这些人的男性气质和女性气质分成不同的等级。但是,主导这种等级分类的,是男权话语霸权。例如,在大男子主义者看来,那些女权主义者的女性气质,就应归入较低的等级。而那些传统的温柔体贴、服从温顺、美丽动人的女人的女性气质,就属于最高等级。男性和女性的第三层次的差别是社会心理的区别。由于社会和文化分别对男性气质和女性气质做出了规定,因此,社会往往根据这些规定来教导每个幼儿。例如,成人往往让男孩玩汽车、手枪、变形金刚等玩具,因为这些玩具有助于培养男孩的男性气质。如果男孩玩洋娃娃,则会得到大人及时的纠正和引导:“那是女孩子玩的,男孩子不能玩。”正是通过这种性别社会化过程,每一个孩子逐渐获得了一种与社会规范相符合的性别心理。社会的性别秩序,便在人们的心里扎下了根。违背了这个秩序,不但会被人嘲笑,而且当事人也会感到难堪和窘 迫。 男性和女性的第四个层次的区别是符号的区别。既然男性气质与女性气质相对比而存在,那末,男性气质和女性气质便要通过特定的、被社会广泛认可的符号来体现和表达。这些符号必须是可以看得见的、可以感触得到的,同时又表达了社会关于性别差异的看法。这些符号


Gender Differences in the English Language from A Perspective of Sociolinguistics 2012812059 杨光

Abstract Language is a symbol system closely related to human life. Gender language, as a social variant of language, with its characteristics and differences, has attracted increasing attention from a great many linguists at home and abroad. The characteristics and differences of the language use between male and female are distinctive. Men and women are the subjects of social activities, language is an important tool of human social activities. The socialization of gender roles leads to the differences of gender in using language. The gender differences in English language have distinctive linguistic characteristics and actual presentations in terms of pronunciations, intonation, vocabulary and syntax from the perspective of sociolinguistics. Through a descriptive and comparative analysis of the language differences between males and females, we tries to find out the causes of formation of gender differences in English language from the perspective of social and cultural background, social position, biology and psychology. The characteristics and differences of the language use between male and female are obvious. The gender differences in English have distinctive linguistic characteristics and actual presentations in terms of pronunciation, intonation, vocabulary, syntax and communication from the perspective of sociolinguistics. These differences are closely related to the cultural and historical background, social roles and physiological and psychological features of the females. Key words:sociolinguistics; gender differences; male; female;
