











会议第四项,颁奖。*** 颁奖完毕

























谢谢黄院长,下面有请市科技局石局长讲话,掌声欢迎。 ? 谢谢石局长,接下来有请市医学会卜秘书长讲话,掌声欢迎。?






好,请大家安静,现在我宣布:“20XX盐城骨科学术交流会”正式开始,首先由我为大家作《股骨粗隆间骨折的治疗进展》学术讲座。 ?

下面请薛锦林主任和我们共同一起《胫骨平台骨折的治疗进展》,大家欢迎! ??。













1. 河南省人民医院贺燚主任《小儿眼表疾病的预防和治疗》;

2. 菏泽爱尔眼科医院角膜病科主任刘凤华《角膜移植的手术适应症》;

3. 菏泽爱尔眼科医院CEO张晓山《青光眼治疗经验的分享》;

4. 本次活动爱尔康提供了很大的支持,有请爱尔康公司于瑞霞经理讲话;

5. 菏泽爱尔眼科医院准分子科主任王丽霞《准分子术前筛查及选


6. 菏泽爱尔眼科医院泪道科主任段玉龙《内窥镜下经鼻泪囊鼻腔吻合术》;

7. 菏泽爱尔眼科医院眼底病科主任陈峻《《糖尿病性视网膜病变》。



国际会议主持词 英语口语

Ladies and Gentlemen: Good afternoon Welcome to Nanjing! Welcome to Southeast University! I’m going to be the host of this management forum. Please allow me to extend our warmest congratulations to the conference and the most cordial welcome to you. Thank you very much for your attention.Management forum is devoted to expanding academic communication, promoting mutual understanding and following the advanced studies. This time, the forum will focus on frontier international management. It includes the frontier trend and the application of new theory. Now, let’s clap our hands and welcome the chairman of the conference to have an welcome speech. Thank you! It’s really a heart-warming speech. Well, ladies and gentlemen, please allow me to introduce our speaker today, Professor Cui, and it’s a great pleasure for me to introduce her to us all. She comes from Harvard Business College and devoted to the study about frontier management. The topic of her speech is”Current Management Trends and Issues”. Please join me in welcoming our guest speaker, Cui. The next speaker is Professor Wang. Since 1992, he has published nearly 20 papers, of which more than 5 were included in Journal of Management. At present, he is also the regular member of Society of Business Administration, which is the most authoritative international organization in this field. Please join me in welcoming professor Wang, whose topic is”leadership”. Thanks for two professors’ excellent reports. Do you have any questions? I hope you will participate in the discussion by raising your hands. Thanks two professors again for their excellent explanation. And thanks all of you for your attention and your time. I appreciate it very much. But now, I’m sorry to say that this conference will have to stop here. We will invite the next conference organizer to give an speech.


《学术会议主持词》 学术会议主持词(一): 尊敬的各位领导、各位同仁: 大家下午好! 这天,我们在那里召开医院第xx届学术年会。让我们用热烈的掌声向各位领导的到来表 示热烈的欢迎和衷心的感谢! 首先,我荣幸地向大家介绍台上就座的各位领导,他们是: xxx、xxx、xxx、xxx。 这天的会议有七项仪程。第一项,全体起立,奏院歌。 请坐下。下面,大会进行第二项,有请***作20xx年~20xx科教工作报告。 ***院长的工作报告对近年来的科教工作作了全面总结。20xx年以来,医院科教工作取 得了必须的成绩。这些成绩的取得,靠的是上级主管部门的大力支持,靠的是在座各位和全院 职工的刻苦钻研和忘我工作。在此,我谨代表医院感谢大家的辛勤劳动!***院长还在报告中 就今后一段时间内我院科教工作做了一个布置和安排,请在座的各位和各科室按照这个工作思 路认真组织实施,力争科教工作取得更大更好的成绩。 下面,会议进入第三项,请***宣读《关于表彰第六届学术年会科研成果、论文著作及继 教项目的决定》。 会议第四项,颁奖。***颁奖完毕 下面,会议进入第五项,请***、***分别上台与大家交流论文写作和科研工作心得。 ***在攻读硕士、博士期间,在紧张的工作和学习之余,将他搞科研、写论文的心得写成 了厚厚一本书,我觉得很受启发。***主任多年来勤耕不辍,学术功底很深厚、人文精神也很 浓厚。两个主任都是我们大家学习的榜样,期望在座的各位和全院职工以他们、以这天获奖的 先进个人为榜样,不断加强科研工作,善于总结临床经验,多出文章、出好文章,推动技术水 平不断进步。再次感谢两位主任的精彩发言。 会议进入第六项,请市科技局***书记为我们讲话。 ***书记的讲话可谓既高瞻远瞩又贴近实际,按照此刻时髦的话说,很接地气,对我院科 研工作有很强的指导性,与会人员要认真消化,结合实际工作加以落实。让我们再次用热烈的 掌声感谢***书记莅临大会进行指导。 会议第七项,请***院长作重要讲话。 ***院长的讲话肯定了近3年来的科教工作所取得的成绩,也指出了不足和差距,很中肯,很务实。同时,也对我们下一步的科教工作提出了期望,指明了方向,大家务必要高度重视, 充分领会,在今后的工作中贯彻执行。


英文学术讲座主持词 【篇一:英文学术会议主持人发言稿】 模拟国际会议主持词 一、开题语 good morning, ladies and gentleman. welcome to chicago, a beautiful city of america. i’m^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^, from*********** university of china.its a very very great pleasure to participate in the 110th association of american geographers conference as the chairman,its my first time to do so.and i really enjoy being stay here with you this morning. the international geography conference has been held 110th times by the association of american geographers (aag) institute since 1904. the purpose of the conferences have contributed to share our experiences and knowledge of the advancement of geography, frontier developments and reaserches, as well as possible applications of them in solving practical problems. a lot of current issues have been discussed, and some of them have been effectively soluted. welcome to the association of american geographers annual meeting in los angeles, california! you will be joined by fellow geographers, gis specialists, environmental scientists, and other leaders for the latest in research and applications in geography, sustainability, and gis science. the meeting will be held from december14 to december18, 2014, and will feature over 6,000 presentations, posters, workshops, and field trips by leading scholars, experts, and researchers. today, as the first time of the conference debut in this city, we’ll have a unique session. the topic of prepared presentations is the application of quantitative methods in geography , today’s speakers will share their thoughts on how to effectively run models in different issues and give a reasonable answer. then, we’ll have a question and answer session, which allows the everyone to ask some questions you may be interested. i am sure that you will find some topics to be presented both interesting and informative. 二、介绍第一个演讲者


英文会议主持词开场白 【导语】会议是人们为了解决某个共同的问题或出于不同的.目的聚集在一起进行讨论、交流的活动,它往往伴随着一定规模的人员流动和消费。下面关于英文会议开场白,希望可以帮到您! Good morning ladies and gentlemen wel to the 20XX SUST model united nations. SUMUN was established in April 20XX. our continuous efforts and innovation, and relentless pursuit and struggle. Today, Model United Nations has developed into a powerful team which Made a lot of achievements. Today we are pleased to gather here to host 20XX SUST Model United Nations. let me introduce our distinguished guests tonight: now i have the great privilege of presenting our distinguished guests today. They are*******wele

let’s warmly wele the chairman SUMUN Miss luo to make a speech. Finally, we hope all the delegates can make effort to show your talent and model united nations can get a plete sucess. Distinguished guests, distinguished delegates,ladies and gentlemen, and all the friends: At this special time of wonderful December, in this grand hall of the beautiful city, our respectable guests are here getting together. On behalf of the organizing mittee and the program mittee, I am happy to wele your participation in “International Phocology Developing Conference”, held in Shihezi University. Now, first of all, please allow me to give our hearty wele to all of you present, and thank you, for your friendly ing,despite the long distance and the cold weather. We feel so proud, and appreciated as well to be the host of the event.


学术会议主持词:医学会议主持词 学术会议主持词:医学会议主持词 学术会议主持词:医学会议主持词尊敬的王陇德副部长、孙士彬副省长、国际行为医学会主席Norito Kawakami 教授、孙大业院士、李春岩院士、中国科协科普部高勘部长,在座的各位领导、各位专家、各位同仁、同志们:大家好!在这秋高气爽的金秋十月,中华医学会第十二次全国行为医学学术会议在这里隆重开幕。来自海内外的600多位行为医学及相关学科的精英汇聚一堂,交流经验,分享信息,共谋行为医学发展大计。尤其,我们特别荣幸的邀请到全国人大常委会委员、中华预防医学会会长、国家卫生部原副部长、中国工程院士王陇德教授,河北省人民政府孙士彬副省长,中国科学院院士孙大业教授,中国工程院院士李春岩教授,中国科协高勘部长,以及河北省科技厅、河北省卫生厅、河北省民政厅、河北省科协等方面的多位领导光临大会指导工作。在此,我谨代表中华医学会行为医学分会和《中华行为医学与脑科学杂志》编委会,向出席这次会议的各位领导、各位同仁表示热烈的欢迎和诚挚的谢意!河北省医学会、河北省人民医院、解放军256医院等单位的领导和同志们对这次大会的召开给予大力支持,热情帮助,为此次会议的胜利召开积极筹办、辛勤工作,在此也向他们表示衷心感谢!行为医学(behavioral medicine)是研究 和发展行为科学中有关健康和疾病的知识和技术,并把这些知识和技术应用于疾病的预防、健康促进、诊断、治疗和康复的一门交叉学科。因此,可以说行为医学是保障和促进人类健康最关键的学科之一。行为医学的发展大大丰富了医学理论,也促进了医学模式向生物-心理-行为-社会模式的转变。目前较多的学者已形成共识,认为行为医学与生物医学、社会医学并列,是现代医学体系的三大支柱之一,在保障和促进人类的健康方面正发挥着愈来愈重要的作用。我国在行为医学方面的研究和记载虽然可追溯到很多年前,如中医学十分注重人的行为与健康和疾病的关系。中医的整个理论体系几乎都是建立在对人的行为观察分析之上的。只是没有提到“行为医学”一词。但自1977年“行为医学”问世以来,行为医学在中国的发展也仅仅是20多年的时间(1990年行为医学分会正式成立),但我们在中华医学会


学术会议开幕式主持词 学术研讨会主持词 关于学术会议主持词大全 篇一:学术研讨会议主持词 (正式开始之前先强调会场纪律) 上午好!欢迎大家莅临"XXXX眼科学术交流会",会议期间为了维 护会场秩序,确保会议的正常进行,全体与会人员请遵守以下会议纪律: 1.与会人员请在指定区域就座; 2.请关闭手机或调成静音; 3.会议期间保持会场安静,不在会场随意走动。 (10:00点开始会议,举行简单开幕式,介绍专家及听课代表。) 尊敬的各位专家、各位代表、医学同仁及朋友们: 在这个收获的季节,我们感受到各位远道而来的专家学者和同仁 们对XXXX眼科医院的一片盛情,首先我代表XXXX眼科医院对各位的到来表示热烈的欢迎和诚挚的感谢!作为XXXX首家国家三级眼科专 科医院,我们很荣幸承办这次的学术交流会,这对于我们是一次极为珍贵的学习机会。因为在这次会议上,我们很荣幸的邀请到了在眼科有着丰富经验,取得丰硕成果的著名眼科专家XXXX两位专家为大家 进行精彩的学术演讲,他们德高望重、着作等身,用我们热烈的掌声欢迎他们的到来!

接下来介绍今天出席会议的专家:XXX、XXX、XXX、XXX;感谢专家们以及各位眼科学界的同仁们参加我们的会议! 由XXXX眼科医院主办的"XXXX眼科学术交流会",承蒙眼科学术界同仁的大力支持,现在正式开幕! 3、10:30分开始专家讲课。专家和参会人员互动提问。 下面有请XXXX著名青光眼专家XXX医师上台为我们进行题为《新图像技术指标在青光眼诊治的应用策略》的精彩演讲。感谢XXX医师带给我们的精彩演讲。下面有请著名的白内障专家XXX医师上台为我们做题为《眼前节OCT的临床应用》的精彩演讲。感谢XXX医师带给我们的精彩演讲。 再次感谢XXXX医师为我们带来精彩的演讲,让我们用热烈的掌声感谢两位医师。接下来,进入互动提问环节,请大家踊跃提问。 感谢大家的提问!为促进加强我院白内障专业和青光眼专业的临 床经验及技术交流,下面由我院XXX为XXXX专家颁发"XXXX眼科医院促进临床医学进步"的荣誉证书,望今后两位专家能经常莅临我院指导工作及经验交流!有请XXXX医师上台。有请我院XXX上台颁发荣誉证书!谢谢! 4、会议结束,组织讲课专家与我院领导合影留念,组织整体参会人员合影留念。感谢各位远道而来的专家学者和同仁们来我院参加"XXXX眼科学术交流会",XXXX眼科医院祝您今后的工作和生活顺利,谢谢大家的大力支持!此次会议圆满结束!接下来,请专家和领导上台合影!


医学学术会议主持词 篇一:中国医师协会学术会议主持词 会议主持辞 尊敬的各位领导、各位眼科同仁、各位朋友: 大家上午好,感谢大家参加这次由中国医师协会主办的眼科继续教育讲座。我对大家的到来表示衷心的感谢! 首先我向各位介绍一下参加这次会议的各位嘉宾:中国医师协会主任魏薇女士;市卫生局办公室主任、市医学会副会长王家君先生;河南省人民医院贺燚主任;以及各位眼科同仁。在此,对大家的到来,表示最热烈的欢迎! 1、 2、 3、首先请菏泽爱尔眼科医院CEO张晓山院长致辞;谢谢张院长,欢迎中国医师协会主任魏薇女士致辞;谢谢魏薇女士,有请菏泽市卫生局办公室主任、市医学会副会长王家君先生致辞。 谢谢王局长。现在我宣布:中国医师协会菏泽区眼科继续教育讲座正式开始,有请学术讲座主持人张晓山院长。 讲座议程: 1. 河南省人民医院贺燚主任《小儿眼表疾病的预防和治疗》; 2. 菏泽爱尔眼科医院角膜病科主任刘凤华《角膜移植的手术适应症》;

3. 菏泽爱尔眼科医院CEO张晓山《青光眼治疗经验的分享》; 4. 本次活动爱尔康提供了很大的支持,有请爱尔康公司于瑞霞经理讲话; 5. 菏泽爱尔眼科医院准分子科主任王丽霞《准分子术前筛查及选 择》; 6. 菏泽爱尔眼科医院泪道科主任段玉龙《内窥镜下经鼻泪囊鼻腔吻合术》; 7. 菏泽爱尔眼科医院眼底病科主任陈峻《《糖尿病性视网膜病变》。 各位眼科同仁,到此,眼科继续教育菏泽区讲座圆满结束。相信通过这次会议,必将进一步提高眼科医师的临床技能水平,促进医药卫生信息的交流,推动基层眼科疾病防治培训工作的发展! 再次谢谢大家!请大家到门诊一楼楼前合影留念。之后请各位出席我们在龙凤大酒店的答谢午宴。谢谢大家! 篇二:学术会议主持词 妇产科医学论坛暨庆阳市第三届妇产科年 会主持词 尊敬的各位专家、各位领导、各位医学同仁: 大家上午好! 《妇产科医学论坛暨庆阳市第四届妇产科年会》在各级领导的关心支持下,经过精心筹备,今天在西峰区人民医院如期召开。在此,我代表医院,向在百忙之中前来我院传经送宝的各位专家,表示热烈的


The First China Unconventional Gas Summit Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, Good morning! I am the chairwoman of the China Unconventional Gas Summit. It is a great pleasure for me to welcome you to Beijing to discuss various aspects of unconventional gas. I hope that this summit will provide opportunity for academic exchange and contribute to the development of unconventional gas in China. Now I declare the China Unconventional Gas Summit is open! Please allow me to introduce today’s speakers. They are Yuan Dandan and Hu Ying, who both are professors of China University of Petroleum. They will jointly deliver a speech titled “Prospect and Development of Shale Gas in China”. Let’s welcome them. Thanks professor Yuan and Professor Hu for their excellent presentation. Do you have any questions about it? Any other question? Thank you again for your excellent explanation. Okay, as time is limited, I am sorry to say that this session has to stop here. Now we come to the end of this summit. On behalf of all the members of the organizing committee, I wish to express our sincere gratitude to all of you who have so actively participated in this congress to make it such a success. And now, I declare the China Unconventional Gas Summit closed. Thank you!

会议主持词 英文

会议主持词英文 会议场地: 1.opening ceremony开幕典礼 2.conference room. 会议厅 3.international conference room国际会议厅 4.meeting-place;venue会议地点 5.offical meeting 正式会议 6.deliberate conference 研讨会 7. forum;symposium座谈会 8. tea party茶话会 9. hall大堂 10.leisure bar餐厅 11.cafeteria自助餐厅 12.entrance, 会议厅入口 13. exit 会议厅出口 会议各种名称: 1.汇报会:领导组织,单向交流的汇报。 2.工作会:产生一个结果,例如做出一个决定。 3.员工会:经理与下属的会议。 4.碰头会:分工合作的同事一起开的会。 5.非例行会议:为了一个专门的目的开的会。 6.管理层会议:经理们开的会。 7.董事会会议:董事会开的会。 8.一对一会议:两个人开的会。 9.外出静思会/退修会:在英国叫awayday meeting,指不在工作场所开的会。一般在度假胜地等举办。 10.项目启动会:项目组以及项目雇主的首次会议,讨论分工等。 11.标前会:指招标前与所有竞争者开的情况介绍会。 12.学术会议 12.业务会 12.研讨会 13.新闻发布会 14.和解会议:诉讼案件中原被告之间的和解会。

15.听证会 会议流程: 1、 introductions(会议介绍) 2、 reviewing past business(对前段工作小结) 3、 beginning the meetingintroducing the agenda (开始会议议程) 4、discussing items(讨论具体事项) 5、 finishing the meeting(做结束语) 6、closing the meeting(会议结束)第三篇:英文主持词 the beginning before the ceremony, the officiator provides the participants the rings, emblems, and gems, and gives them time to examine and inscribe them. it is customary to have the officiator stand behind the participants, who face each other. guests then stand or sit in a semi-circle around them, at a respectful distance. guests may be asked to make short speeches before the ceremony begins. officiator: welcome, friends and family of and ! let us begin. of free will officiator: , are you here of your own free will? bride: yes officiator: , are you here of your own free will? groom: yes officiator: are there any here who have legitimate cause to oppose this marriage? the groom’s vows officiator: , do you take to be your lawfully wedded wife? groom: i do. officiator: do you pledge to love, cherish and honor her, through all your time in dereth? groom: i do. officiator: do you promise to remain faithful unto her, to support her, to be her finest friend, through all trials and tribulations, joys and victories? groom: i do. officiator: what seal do you place upon your vows? groom: the seal of .


主持词 (2016年12月5日) 尊敬的各位领导、各位专家、各位同仁: 大家下午好! 感谢大家百忙之中参与,由郑州大学附属洛阳中心医院、洛阳第九人民医院联合主办、承办的学术合作共建项目签约仪式。 今天,对洛阳市第九人民医院来说是一个意义非凡的日子,通过郑州大学附属洛阳中心医院和我院领导共同努力下,结成医疗学术合作共建,这既是对我院内科临床工作的肯定,也标志着我院在内科疾病的临床救治、科研能力将得到大幅度的提升。 今天,我们相聚于此,不仅仅是见证一个学术合作共建,更多的是通过双方搭建的这个平台来开展技术交流、缔结友谊,对内科领域的专业发展方向和新技术的临床应用进行学术交流与推广,努力提升我市内科临床诊疗技术水平,给全市广大内科患者带来新的健康福音。 在此,再次感谢各位领导、嘉宾和同仁们的到来。 下面,请允许我介绍一下主席台上的各位领导,他们分别是: 洛阳市养老协会李荣霞副会长、郑州大学附属洛阳中心医院内科亓民主任、郑州大学附属洛阳中心医院老年病科李玉孝主任、郑州大学附属洛阳中心医院内科杨萍护士长、洛阳第九人民医院罗卫兵副院长、洛阳第九人民医院徐建民副院长、洛阳第九人民医院内科潘社红主任。 谢谢。 首先,有请洛阳第九人民医院罗副院长致辞!大家欢迎!……

谢谢罗院长,下面有请洛阳市养老协会李荣霞副会长讲话,掌声欢迎!…… 谢谢会长,接下来有请郑州大学附属洛阳中心医院内科亓民主任讲话,掌声欢迎!…… 谢谢亓主任,下面有郑州大学附属洛阳中心医院内科杨萍护士长讲话,掌声欢迎!…… 谢谢护士长,下面有请洛阳第九人民医院内科潘社红主任讲话。掌声欢迎!…… 谢谢潘主任! 接下来是激动人心的时刻,有请郑州大学附属洛阳中心医院内科亓民主任和洛阳市第九人民医院内科潘社红主任,签约医疗技术合作共建协议书。 签约完毕,谢谢亓民主任,谢谢潘社红主任。 各位领导、各位来宾,洛阳第九人民医院内科,是一支技术功底扎实、力量雄厚的优秀团队,今天,又与郑州大学附属洛阳中心医院联合,开展学术共建,为我院内科的的建设和发展增添了生机和动力,我们将充分利用这一平台,为提高内科临床的救治水平,提升科研能力、开展学术交流,促进内科的发展,保障全市广大内科患者的健康作出新的积极的贡献! 仪式到此结束,有请大家到楼下合影。合影完毕参观医院。 5点半开始出发,统一到餐厅就餐。再次谢谢大家的到来!


学术会议主持人主持词 篇一:学术交流年会主持词尊敬的嘉宾,同学们:大家下午好!欢迎大家来到我们的交流会现场。在今天这样一个秋高气爽的日子里,相信我们的交流会会给你们带来愉快的心情。 我们十分荣幸的邀请到学院的部分领导老师来到此次交流会的现场,为大家解答心中的疑惑,共谈大学的学风建设。首先由我为大家介绍今天来到交流会的各位领导嘉宾。 参加此次会议的有: 。。。。老师 下面让我们再次以热烈的掌声, 向各位领导、来宾表示最诚挚的欢迎! 有请委员会主任、可再生能源学院院长徐进良教授为本次交流年会致辞:致辞结束:谢谢徐进良院长的精彩致辞 今天的交流会不属于我,而是属于在坐的每一位。下面就把时间交给大家,进入本次交流会的第二个议程:现场互动交流:下面有请第一位为我们进行汇报的同学。。。:汇报结束后:感谢。。。同学精彩的汇报,下面有请与会的老师和同学提问,进行互动交流。 提问结束后:再次感谢各位老师和同学的精彩发言,下 面有请。。。 此次交流会达到了预期目的,但这仅仅只是一个开头,下面有请。。。院长为本次的学术交流年会进行简要的评审总结:

总结结束后:感谢徐进良院长精彩的发言同学们:斗转星移,日月如梭,青春的时光就要度过,让蓝天白云为我们起舞,让青山绿水为我们作赋,让我们把握住今天,我们的明天会更加灿烂。 再次感谢各位领导于百忙之中参加我们的交流会,同时也感谢各位同学的到来,华北电力大学第九届研究生学术交流年会可再生能源学院分会场到此结束,谢谢大家的光临! 6、评委离场: 下面请大家以热烈的掌声欢送各位领导老师离场! 篇二:英文学术会议主持人主持词Good morning,ladies and gentleman. and has appeared on CCTV,who is also the author of an upcoming book to speak to you on iNNovation Capability of High tech Enterprises by Gray theory, please weclome Mr JXS with the warmest applause. Wow What an innovative idea,to quantify the Inonovation ability and classify into different categories. Try to think about it and you ' ll find its very enlightening. Thank you for the excellent presentations and ideas. Now,I ll be very pleased and excited to introduce the next speaker,Mrs Hujianjie,who is the vice president of CFA represent


Part1: Opening Speech Good afternoon, Ladies and Gentlemen, It is a great pleasure for me to welcome you to today’s International conference. I am XXX from XXX , XX University, and I am going to be the host for the session. Today, the topic of our discussion is about XXX.(可修改或省略)The goals of this conference can be divided into two parts. Firstly, it should provide a forum for the exchange of information between participants in this interdisciplinary meeting. Secondly, it should stimulate the interest and ambition of participants from all over the world to cooperate in their efforts to call for all people’s attention on Trans-border Rivers. (可省略)Now, welcome the chairman of the conference XXX, who comes from XXX, China, to give an opening speech! OK, that’s all about the chairman‘s introduction, now, let’s move on to the next stage of the conference, which is about making an oral presentation about Trans-border Rivers. Part2: Guide The first paper will be presented by XXX, XXX, China, and his topic is XXX. Now let’s welcome XXX to give us the speech with warm round applause. Ok, that is about XXX’s speech, it is really excellent, his speech is mainly about XXX. 有时间提问:Now, I think we have just a few minutes for any questions that anyone might have. Who would like to lead off? Okay, we have one. Go ahead. That is a really good question, XXX, would you like to give an answer towards this question? Sorry, the schedule is very [rather] tight. We don’t have enough time for discussion, so we need to go on to the next paper. 没时间提问:Okay, well, as time is limited. I am sorry to say that the question section will have to stop here. The next paper will be presented by XXX, and his topic is XXX. Now let’s welcome XXX to give us the speech with our warm round of applause. Part3: Closing Speech Time flies. I am sorry to say that the session will have to stop here. Thank you all for your participation.


英文会议主持词【篇一】 Ladies and Gen tleme n: Good after noon Welcome to Nanjing! Welcome to Southeast University! I ' m going to be the host of this man ageme nt forum. Please allow me to exte nd our warmest con gratulati ons to the conference and the most cordial welcome to you. Thank you very much for your atte nti on. Man ageme nt forum is devoted to expa nding academic com mun icatio n, promot ing mutual un dersta nding and follow ing the advaneed studies. This time, the forum will focus on frontier international management. It includes the frontier trend and the application of new theory. Now, let ' s clap our hands and welcome the chairma n of the conference to have an welcome speech. Thank you! It ' s really a heart -warming speech. Well, ladies and gentlemen, please allow me to introduce our speaker today, Professor Cui, and it ' s a great pleasure for me to in troduce her to us all. She comes from Harvard Bus in ess College and devoted to the study about frontier management. The topic of her speech is ” Current Management Trends a nd Issues ” . Please join me in welcoming our guest speaker, Cui. The next speaker is Professor Wang. Since 1992, he has published nearly 20 papers, of which more tha n 5 were in cluded in Jour nal of Man ageme nt. At prese nt, he is also the regular member of Society of Busin ess Admini strati on, which is the most authoritative intern ati onal organization in this field. Please join me in welcoming professor Wang, whose topic is ” leadership ”. participate in the discussi on by rais ing your hands. Thanks two professors aga in for their excelle nt expla nati on. And thanks all of you for your attention and your time. I appreciate it I ' m sorry to say that this conference will have to stop here. Wewill invite orga ni zer to give an speech. 英文会议主持词【篇二】 Good morning ladies and gen tleme n welcom to the 2011 SUST model un ited natio ns. SUMUNwas established in April 2009. our continuous efforts and innovation, and relentless pursuit and struggle. Today, Model United Nations has developed into a powerful team which Made a lot of achieveme nts. Today we are pleased to gather here to host 2011 SUST Model Un ited Natio ns. Thanks for two professors excelle nt reports. Do you have any questi ons? I hope you will very much. But now, the next conference
