

Some Thoughts Concerning Education

Know English education, he was moved by the gentleman's education," education on" really is a very suitable for us to read -- understanding of Rock's" gentleman education" method; to

study -- Study of Rock's educational thought, learning of his education; to distinguish - a dialectical view of the education of Rock thought and method, continuous improvement. I

think that those people the beginning of a father mother or parenting, must read this book

these his thoughts is recorded in his writings on education on" education"." Education in"

book of 217sections, divided into three main parts: a body care ( section 1~30) two. The

moral education ( section 31~146) three. Intellectual ( section 147~216)217th section is the conclusion.( a ) physical health careIn" educational talking", Rock first talked about

health education, because" we have our own business, want to be happy, must have a healthy body; and to achieve success and win recognition, rise head and shoulders above others, but must first have to endure hard to strengthen the body". In general, in our present point of

view, should be put in the first place because of virtue, virtue is how to evaluate a

person's success factors, for example: we are not so care about Zhang Haidi's body or his

mind is not complete and deny their ability. But, why would Rock do that attention to

physical health? In fact, it is with the time closely related. The bourgeoisie in the rising

phase, they are business, to navigation, exploration, colonial conquest, the fund with ew

open up, so the body is not healthy to good and fast completion of these tasks. So, Rock solemnly presented" the happiness of life has a short but full description: healthy mind in

a healthy body .". For him to have done special research as well as some hear seen specific comparative evidence to put forward specific suggestions for health education,

including:1avoid be spoiled;2 feet to exercise and cold bath;3swimming and outdoor activities;4in5; diet and meal;6 sleep and bed78; defecation; medication;9 body care rules.

He suggested that" a gentleman should be sincere and prosperous farmers do to treat their children", advocate" whether summer or winter, children should not wear too warm", the child

is best not to wear a hat, should be every day cold feet, the sole to be thin, do not dress

too tight, diet should be light and simple, do not drink wine or strong drink, fruit should

be in anteprandial eat, rest time early to bed and early to rise, should sleep on a hard

bed, defecation time, after the medication is not sick. Also added was Rock clearly pointed

out that" I will discuss here is mainly boys education method, the education of girls is not

fully applicable.". The proposal put forward by Rock and our society advocate a healthy way

of life there are many similarities, but some are not applicable, such as: Rock thought the

meal time" as best as possible are not fixed," modern social thought this would make the digestive fluid secretion disorder, easily lead to gastrointestinal disease. Of course Rock

these recommended in addition to exercise the child's body, to make the healthy growth of children will also help exercise.( two) moral educationTalking about how to make the

children keep healthy and energetic, Rock believed that "the second is the main problem to

let the spirit remained normal, making it on all occasions can reflect a rational animal

nobility of excellence". Rock puts forward " of all virtues and the great value principle

and foundation is:, a person can restrain his desire, can disregard their own hobbies and

pure follow a rational thought is the best guide, although desires tend to another

direction". I think this is the rationality is an important principle in the spirit of the

child, the most delicate time, let them to comply with discipline, obedience to reason, to

let them know what should be and what is not supposed to, what is to be done and what should not do, and why so why not do. As Thomas Henry Lakshley points out that" perhaps the biggest education value, it can make you do what you have to do, if that's what you should do, whether you like it or not.". Let the children learn the reason, learning using reason to

control their behavior, need to do:First, meet the child's natural need, but what, how much

to meet, should from parents to children to choose and arrange. Can not because the child crying Begging, give him what he wants. So it is easy to enhance children's possessive.

China is now the only child parents should pay attention to this point, never again will the child form" small emperor"" little princess", otherwise they blame is to obey in every way they too love their parents and other caregivers to their people. I personally think: in no

to meet at the same time, we should tell children why should such an arrangement, let them know we are well-intentioned rational, not give oneself over to blind emotions. For example, my little cousin in other friends and relatives can be most simply by crying she wants ice cream, chocolate, candy, also can refuse her didn't like the food, such as carrots, rice,

fish. But in my home, my mother told her that she refused food for her growth and health. Then, her every day to eat a little. Along with the growth of the age, children will also

slowly realize what is beneficial to them. But if the parents as early as possible to

explain to them the stakes, they should be a little earlier to understand these

principles.Second, to teach children to learn to share. " Let them know from experience, the most generous person who got the most, but also can get the respect of others and reputation, so they will soon learn to do". Now China 's one-child more and more at home, their lack of companionship, only in kindergarten or school can come into contact with

similar-age partners. So I think, parents and teachers to teach them how to share, share

those belonging to their own things, such as: exchange toy play, share, share the fun,

together with the resolution of pain. Parents and teachers should encourage children to tell their partners together things, timely praise him or partners' positive behaviors and thoughts, also want to point out their mistakes to give certain kind or severe

admonition.Rock on moral education also made many specific suggestions:1" education should doctrine is a major event training what kind of habit; therefore in this matter, as well as

in all other things, if you do not want it to continue growing, cannot make a habit of it"

to let children develop some good habits! 2 handle the relationship between parents and children," if you want a child in awe of you, you will be in his infancy. Mark; but when he

is getting more and more close to the adult, you should take more and more familiar approach to treat him ( her ); thus, when he was young, one of your obedience servants -- it is then suitable for your identity, and later became one of your intimate friends, because in my opinion, people treat their children is extremely impolitic, them when the children were

young hour let it free, and the adults regardless of you and me, but when the children grow

up an adult, but the fulminate, keep distance with"3reward and punishment to develop simultaneously, make children feel sincerely respected happy and be humiliated shame. " Only a moral constraint, because of wrong, should be punished and shame", while only a fault should be a punishment, it is stubborn, or rebel -- intentional. Determination of

resistance. 4 sermons to take into account the child's age, temperament and interest. 5let children learn moral in the most simple, the most easy, the most effective way is to"

establish you want them to do or should they avoid things model, the model refers to them,

at the same time, beautiful or ugly, published reviews.".( three) intellectual" Education"

on the third part is about intellectual, Rock put forward some reasonable advice:1 induce children to learn, to learn as a reward or game;2let children read some simple, interesting and suitable for their ability to books;3foreign language learning should create a can only speak the language environment4teachers; the outstanding skill lies in and keep the students' attention.In the teacher's teaching methods, I would like to add to Armstrong's words:" if a child is a discipline with poor performance, we should from his strong intelligent project proceed with to remedy the missing items, but not always for him no intelligent project desperately to him. His weak intelligence to improve his has lagged behind the skill, but perceptibly, will only increase student learning helplessness, finally make his interest in learning completely disappeared".


最新英语教师教学反思11篇 最新英语教师教学反思篇1 作者认为教师在教学过程中首先要把握重点、难点,语法讲解一定要清楚、透彻;加强学生的对话强度等。 初二是学生初中生涯的关键期,是世界观和人生观的形成期,在这一阶段,学生的身体心理都发生了很大的变化,在学习方面也会有不同的看法,所以在这一时期一定要抓住学生的心理,不能让他们走入歧途。要使每个学生都有所发展,作为英语教师的我们在施教过程中必须要做到以下几点。 首先,教师在教学的过程中首先要把握重、难点。我认为这是教学中对教师最起码的要求。如果无法很好的把握重难点,则会对重点知识的讲授蜻蜓点水,导致学生也无法分清重、难点。学生在学习的过程中把大量的时间花费在零散知识上,而忽视了重中之重。教师为了更好的把握重难点就要认真的研读教材,仔细研究教学参考,并且做好教学反思,从同学们的错误中反馈自己的失误,不断地摸索和探索。 其次,语法讲解一定要清楚,透彻。在讲解重点语法的过程中,教师要多举例子,并且要学生造句子,不能光停留在枯燥,抽象的讲解过程中。 再次,应加强学生的对话强度,鼓励不开口说英语的学生开口。

有些学生是对自己不自信,是因为曾经对话的过程中,出现失误却被老师尖刻的言语刺伤,所以当学生出现错误的时候应微笑着让他坐下,然后再纠正错误。有些同学的对话可能会脱离现实生活,但只要开口说英语就要鼓励。 然后,在教学过程中应以学生为主体,这也是新课标的精髓所在。整个课堂是学生在开口说而不是老师在干巴巴的讲授,尤其是教材的最后一部分,阅读部分。要使同学们在默读的前提下做课本上要求的练习题,也可以确定几个话题,学生用英语进行讨论,锻炼他们用英文思考的能力,运用所学语言的能力。课文3a部分教材给出了一篇文章然后学生进行阅读,并且每篇文章后面都有若干个问题,在这一部分一定要让学生在默读的前提下独立完成回答问题,锻炼他们的应试能力。还一定要让学生多背课文,让他们在背中去理解。去培养他们的语感。 最后,一定要了解学生,因才施教,只有了解了学生的知识结构,知识水平,学习特点之后,才能很好的教授学生。 最新英语教师教学反思篇2 本年度我教高三(13)、(14)两个班的英语教学。 根据对近年来的高考英语试题的命题思路和特点分析,高考英语试题有这样一些特点:更加注重了对学科能力和学科素质的要求;既遵循了中学英语教学大纲却又不拘泥于大纲;在知识测试方面,减少了纯语法性的试题,增加了更多的语境化因素;在能力测试方面,做了进一步挖掘和拓展;根据“在稳定中求发展,在发展中求创新”的


英语公开课教学反思 英语公开课教学反思(一) 一、教学内容和目的:本节课采用的是Unit3C部分的内容,为故事教学,旨在课堂上使学生能听懂,会说本篇对话及听懂,会说新单词:great,again,能运用会话中的句型进行扩展性的情景对话,并最终培养学生掌握正确阅读方法,提高英语学习兴趣。 小结:在对教学内容,教学目的及教学重,难点的定位上,我认真钻研教材,把握得还是比较准确,到位的。 二、课型定位:C部分的故事教学分为两课时,此节课呈现的是第一课时的教学,因此我将之定位为一节阅读课,将课堂的大部分时间花在故事的听,读,练以及语言点的突破上。 听课教师反方观点:PartC是故事课,特别在低年级的故事教学中,应用表演的方式体现,感知语言,更多地培养学生听,说,演的能力。 小结:在备课的过程中,我也反复衡量过这个问题:C部分到底是要上成阅读课还是故事表演课?最终我还是选择了以阅读课的课型呈现,因为我觉得演是建立在理解的基础上的,第一课时不妨让学生多听,多读,多练,那么第二课时的表演对于他们来说就易如反掌了。但同时我也思考:是否能够让阅读和表演在同一节课上完美地融合呢?

三、教学过程 第一环节:这一环节,我通过边唱边做,边说边做,复习单词,翻译短语,猜谜语等一系列活动活跃课堂气氛,调动学生学习兴趣,为下文学习做好铺垫。这一整个系列的热身活动我都是经过精心设计的,从单词到短语到句子,引导学生一步一步地巩固旧知,为接受新知做好充分的准备。 反方教师观点:猜谜语这一个环节是否没有必要,浪费了时间? 小结:这也是一个我备课时考虑到的问题,当时我是觉得猜的谜语是关于动物的,似乎跟本课的主题Myrobot没有直接的联系,但这个环节却是承接了之前的单词,短语,复习了本课的重点句型:Ithas、Itcan…所以我还是保留了下来。 第二环节:Presentation:这一环节,我主要通过多次的听,读来完成新知的输入。听分为三次,第一次是看着动画听,整体感知故事的主要内容。第二,三次都是带着问题听,并试着找出问题的答案,这就使得学生能够集中精神地去听,而不是仅仅把注意力停留在动画上。读也分为三次,第一次是让他们跟读,遇到不懂的地方停下来并将之在课文中圈出来,第二次是让他们集体朗读,加深课文印象,第三次让他们和同桌一起读,并找出问题的答案……同时在这一环节中,还有一个解决本节课语言障碍点的任务,即通过创设情景,学习新句型:Oh,dear!That”sgreat.


小学一年级英语教学反思 2014年11月份,在我校组织的“全过程评优课”活动中,我有幸给一年级上了一堂英语观摩课,课后在获得好评的同时,结合日常工作中的点点滴滴,我对一年级的英语课堂教学总结了以下几点反思: 反思一所有的唱歌、游戏等教学手段都应为教学内容服务 众所周知,小学英语教学要重视培养兴趣,尤其是一年级七八岁的孩子,所以大家都强调在“玩”中学,学中“玩”。通常,这样一节课下来,看起来轰轰烈烈、兴趣激昂,但知识性收获甚微。同时,游戏重复多了,也不能培养学生持久的兴趣,新鲜劲儿一过,孩子们就会厌倦。所以,唱歌、游戏应该作为小学生学习英语语言知识、技能的一些手段,而不是培养兴趣的全部手段。比如我在教授颜色的单词时,很多小朋友看见颜色都会用英语说出来,但当我板书black和brown,pink和purple时,孩子们就辨认不清,这就说明他们对单词在认识停留在游戏学习的听说阶段,并没有将单词的认读落到实处。我们在设计一节课的内容时,应考虑到各种游戏都只是为这节课的教学内容服务,绝对不能将此作为这节课的主导因素。教学手段、方式是为传授知识服务的,所以我们在教学中不能本末倒置。我们可以采用多种手段帮助小学生在记忆力强的时期多记单词,多学习语言规则,并尽可能在英语学习中让听、说、读、写、译五种能力互补运用。真正做到听说先行,读写跟上。 反思二让英语思维浸入学生脑海中,注重日常兴趣培养

在这节“评优课”上,很多教师都很惊讶于我和孩子们之间的英语对话如此流利,其实这都是我在平时的教学中一点一滴积累起来的,对于一年级刚入学的孩子们来说,英语对话对于他们来说是课堂师生交流的一大难点。于是我从第一节课开始就有意对他们进行英语对话的训练,如:Open your books,please! Who can tell me? Who is the winner?等等一系列指令性用语和互动性英语,哪怕一节课学会一句英语对话,日积月累他们也学会了用英语交流,久而久之他们也就学会了用英语思考问题。让学生浸泡在全英文课堂环境中,英语思维也就会浸入学生脑海中,英语兴趣自然而然就得了培养。当每个学生都喜欢英语教师和英语课时,英语课堂教学效益也就提高了。 反思三、小学英语教师应有发展意识提高自身专业素质 很多小学英语教师对自己的语言知识能力要求不高,认为小学英语简单,不需要太好的语言功底,只要有良好的教学技能就可以了。其实时代在进步,社会在发展,同样英语作为人们最广泛的交际用语之一,更是随着高科技的迅猛发展而日新月异地变化着。如果我们的英语教师不求进取,将会被时代所淘汰。 作为教师,我们有责任使每个学生学好英语。通过这节课,我也认识到英语教学要想大面积提高教学质量,必须面向全体学生,因材施教,充分调动每一个学生的积极性主动性,让每个学生主动地、生动活泼地学习和发展,一步一个脚印,最终都有所学。希望这点滴反思能得到大家的探讨,将我们的教学引向心灵的更深处,共同关注我们的教师、教学、学生。


教学反思 反思一、词汇教学 《新目标英语》词汇量大,其中七年级上册有词汇700个左右,下册约450个,八年级上册约450个,下册约400个,九年级全册约500个,合计2500个。词汇量大自然也就增加了教学的难度,但我们又必须让学生掌握,否则难以适应教材的要求。那么我们该采取什么方式来教学单词? 实践证明,传统教学中,靠讲解和机械操练掌握词汇的方法是不行的。尤其在当前中、小学英语脱节,词汇量大,教学任务重的形势下,我们更应注重培养学生自学的能力。我认为我们应做好下列几点: 1、重示范。在教单词时,要求教师自己示范到位,发音清晰,讲解发音要点。同时培养学生认真听,专心看,积极模仿的好习惯。听清后再跟说。确定学生大都听清,模仿正确后,再出示单词卡片,以免分散学生的注意力。对直观的单词配以图片、体态语帮助学生理解。顺利完成音——形——义的逐步过度。 2、重情景。单词是构成语言的三大要素之一。人类思维活动是借助词汇进行的。人类思想的交流也是通过由词构成的句子来实现的。没有词汇任何语言都是不可想象的。因此单词具有语言的意义,应在特定的语境中引出,这样既便于学生理解,印象也深刻。 3、重迁移。在教学中我们应提倡“新旧贯通”或叫“相互迁移”。其实这也是一个很好的学习方法。如:pen----pencil-----pencil-box , day----today----monday----tuesday----yesterday,all---tall---ball----small 等等。 4、重趣味。英国著名语言家c.e 埃克斯利说:“教英语的最好的方法就是能引起学生学习英语兴趣的那种方法。”我们在单词教学中不能一味让学生死记硬背,而应尝试运用多种形式巧记。如采用儿歌、猜谜语、简笔画等形式。 5、重运用。学习单词的目的是为了运用词汇,并能正确运用到笔头表达之中。在英语教学中创设一定的语言情景,使学生宛如置于一种真实的语言环境中,就能使学生自然而然使用所学习词汇来表达他们的思想感情,从而达到学以至用的效果。如:七年级上册unit3的教学,我们可以让学生带全家照来学校,让学生相互介绍自己的家人,让学生在运用中掌握单词与句型。 反思二、任务设计 《新目标英语》倡导以任务为基础的教学,也就是引导学生通过完成具体的任务活动来学习语言,让学生为了特定的学习目的去实施特定的语言行动,通过完成特定的交际任务来获得和积累相应的学习经验。任务的设计也就是要给学生提供明确、真实的语言信息,使学生在一种自然、真实或模拟真实的情境中体会语言、掌握语言的应用。那么我们在教学中又应如何设计任务? 1、任务要真实。既要从学生的认知水平和生活实际出发,又要与社会生活紧密相连。如教


小学英语教学反思10篇 小学英语课教学反思(一): 小学英语重在真实自然,贴近学生的生活。教材中选用的单词和句式,一般都是社会中最常见,最基础的,但由于种种原因,有些学生还是不能很好的掌握他们的语音、音调。尤其是一些较难读的单词。 学生刚开始接触英语时,就凭一时的兴趣学习。他们对课堂上动手、游戏的部分十分感兴趣,而对英语基本技能(单词及语音的模仿、记忆等)一开始还有板有眼的,时光长了,加上有些单词比较难读,他们就感觉索然无味,于是就不专心听讲。这样,他们既使在课堂上记住了一些语音知识,下了课就忘得一干二净。随着学习资料的不断增多,这部分学生学习上的问题更加突出。之后,既使他们认识到学习英语的重要性,但学习吃力,就自信心大减。最后甚至有不再要上英语课的想法。 有些学生由于内向,孤僻的性格。他们不愿开口,不善交往;而开口少,与他人接触少,往往模仿潜力也差,这就使及他们更不愿参与各种英语练习活动,内向的性格使他们回避与别人交往,碰到问题常常不向同学或老师请教,在课堂上害怕表现不佳,有损自我在老师和同学心目中的形象,降低自我价值。因此,他们缺乏自我表现的习惯和勇气。就连不得不参加的 one by one 都是极低的声音,试图不引起别人的注意。具有这种性格倾向的学生,不仅仅学习上的困难无法解决,而且语言知识也不能到达最大限度的再现。进行 pair work 时,他们总是不投入,缺乏跟同学的合作精神。 目前,大部分学生每周只有三节课能接触到英语,加之班额较大,既使在英语课堂上也只有少数优秀的、用心的学生想参与语言实践活动,一堂课上单词、对话或课文等教学资料一项接一项,对于学习潜力不强的学生来说犹如看电影似的过了一遍,根本掌握不了。


初中英语教学反思随笔 初中的教学内容是比高中要简单很多,但随着“二期”课改的推进,英语的初中版也涵盖了很多的知识点,词汇量也大,有些单词连目前的高中生也无法认知,所以,教师的备课量和难度都增加了不少。而且,初中生的求知欲非常强烈,对新鲜事物的联想力也很丰富,很多课本中出现的生活性词汇在短时间内便能掌握,所以老师上课前要做好充分的准备,以应付学生们提出的各种课本外的问题。另外,课本的另一特点便是内容贴近生活,所以老师在课堂中如果能够把学生在日常生活中经常接触的一些实际情况予以结合,那么更加能够产生吸引力,增加同学们的学习兴趣。现在,我们也鼓励学生们多阅读课外比较浅显的英语读物,推荐订阅英语报,一方面可以培养他们对英语的兴趣,另一方面也是扩大他们的知识面,增加词汇量,为今后的课堂教学做准备。 在课堂上课时,初中学生是喜欢有趣味的活动,长篇大论是无法吸引他们的注意力的,因此,老师除了知识点的准备之外,认真考虑设计课堂活动也是很必要的。预备和初一的教材内容本身就比较生动活泼,所以上课时要多鼓励他们举手发言,进行学生间的配对对话练习,结合课本内容组织一些小范围的调查、猜谜,或者短小的英语小品表演,以提高学生学习的主动性和积极性。从初二开始,课本课文的形式渐渐与高中模式接轨,但如果上课时也像高中一样重点强调语法知识,那么学生很容易变得思想分散,而且根据初中生的英语基础,无法接受较为系统的语法知识,只有把语法点结合到令他们感兴趣的操练中,经过多次的重复练习,才能在学生的脑中形成概念。所以,初中的课堂一定要组织的活跃一点,从而让学生能在一个较为轻松的环境中掌握更多的知识。 反思一、词汇教学 《新目标英语》词汇量大,其中七年级上册有词汇700个左右,下册约450个,八年级上册约450个,下册约400个,九年级全册约500个,合计2500个。词汇量大自然也就增加了教学的难度,但我们又必须让学生掌握,否则难以适应教材的要求。那么我们该采取什么方式来教学单词?


英语教学反思(初二英语) 马欣 新课程倡导全人教育,强调课程要促进每个学生身心健康发展,培养学生良好的品质和终身的学习的能力,新课程提倡交流与合作,自主创新学习,课程改革的成败关键在于教师,教师是课程改革的实施者。下面简单的回顾,反思两年来的英语教学工作。 一、面向全体学生,为学生全面的全身和终身发展奠定基础 1. 创设各种情景,鼓励学生大胆地说英语,对他们在学习过程中犯的错误,采取宽容的态度。根据教材中的情景,真实再现于课堂并创造新的环境,如教What’s your hare? How old are you?时情景有“结识新朋友”。医生与生病的孩子,“自我介绍”一些语境,使学生积极参与,到讲台上锻炼英语表达能力和胆量。 2. 在教学过程中注意学生的听、说、读、写的综合能力,鼓励他们大胆地说并运用到实际中去。没课的课前10分钟对话,然后读,让学生表演,通过表演尽量多让学生参与到活动中来,表演过程中,除要求学生,语言语调正确外,还应让学生注意到交流手段,如表情、手势、姿态。 3. 创造条件让学生能够发现他们自己的一些问题,并自主的解决。 二、创造宽松和谐的气氛 在教学过程中,注重与学生沟通,让学生消除对英语学习的恐惧感,只有对英语感兴趣,才能保持学习的动力,并取得好的成绩。 1. 鼓励学生大胆的尝试 教师再让学生有大胆尝试的思路,也要求教师有创新的精神,是不是引导学生,给与鼓励,哪怕出错了也要鼓励他们,同时也是不是激发学生。 2.鼓励学生大声朗读并多背诵课文,促进学生相互学习,相互帮助。 3. 对于学习不好的,要让他们与学习好的结伴相互帮助,经常鼓励他们。 4. 引题而异,做题时简单,容易的多找些差生去做,提示他们自信心,同时激励他们。 5. 建立良好的师生关系,经常反思一下每次考试的不足争取下次让他们不犯同样的错误,以提高自己的成绩。


Ⅰ Preparation and teaching process During my preparation, I prepared a lot of pictures to realize the revision and teaching of the new words. I found that they were quite attractive when students saw them during the teaching. To some extent, the use of the pictures of some famous stars could cultivate students’ interest to use the adjectives to describe their appearance, personality and order to avoid the one-sidedness of comprehension, I gave students more time to read and practice. Ⅱ Students’ learning process During the class, I proceeded well as I designed. Once I raised a question, most of the students could undertake brainstorm and gave me the correct answers. When the discussion time came, I divided them into groups of four, asking them to do related tasks. What I didn’t expect was that they preferred not to come to the front for acting. I felt a bit embarrassed at first, but I respected their choices and dealt with it properly. For most of the time, all of the students were very hard-working. It seemed that they had grasped all the knowledge effectively in this period. However, I found some problems when they stood up to give me answers. At that time, I felt nervous about my teaching effect. “Was my teaching method unsuitable for them”, I said to myself, but I had no time to think. I tried to speak more slowly and clearly, giving them more time to think and speak. It really worked. The students and I cooperated well during the following steps. In my teaching process, I felt it a pity that I didn’t give the students time to present their papers and correct their mistakes, which I thought I should keep in mind for future teaching. After the class, our instructor gave me some advice, which was quite acceptable and suitable to me. Ⅲ The organization of the class In terms of my organization of the class, there were seven steps in detail. They were warm-up, revision, presentation, practice, conclusion, discussion and writing. From the angle of the time control, all of the steps were carried out successfully during my class. Warm-up and revision occupied about 8 minutes; presentation occupied 5 minutes; practice accounted for half of the class; writing lasted about 7 minutes. I was quite satisfied with the part of oral practice, because every student participated in listening and talking. They could give correct answers when they stood up. The feedback information was ideal at this point. Meanwhile, I was not satisfied with the writing part, as I mentioned in part Ⅱ.Although students had time to write their compositions, they didn’t have the opportunities to know how well they had written. They should get some comments on their composition, for instance, grammar, sentence structure, hand-writing and so on. If I had five more minutes, I would present their papers to the whole class and gave some corrections if necessary. All in all, on one hand, this was a comparatively successful class. On the other hand, during my competition, I found some unsatisfactory elements in my teaching. I think it would be better for me to improve the teaching procedure for


英语教学反思 英语教学反思 作为一位到岗不久的教师,我们要有很强的课堂教学能力,借助教学反思我们可以学习到很多讲课技巧,来参考自己需要的教学反思吧!下面是小编精心整理的英语教学反思,欢迎大家分享。 英语教学反思1 一、树立信心,明确目标 信心是动力,目标是方向。我们知道初一英语生词多,课文长而且难,听、说、读、写要求高。学生在学习中将会遇到许多困难,因此,信心十足,目标明确是成功地进行英语教学的一个重要因素。首先,教师要上好课。如:备好课,吃透教材,抓住重点、难点,做到有的放矢。其次,教师要提高授课的效率,注重授课的艺术,活跃课堂气氛,激发学习兴趣,采用灵活多变的教学方法。 二、夯实基础,查缺补漏 英语基础对于英语学习至关重要,对英语基础不好的同学更应加强这一要求。如何在较短的时间内做到这一点呢? 1、立足课本,夯实基础 我们知道,初一英语学习主要是以深化基础知识为主。我想,在学习中要分阶段学习,在第一阶段要以大纲为标准,以课本为依据,按照课本的编排顺序,每一册、每一单元、每一课都要细致地学习,力求基础,全面。所谓基础,是指学习要抓住“三基”,即基础知识、基本技能和基本解题方法。所谓

全面,一是指学习要全面覆盖所学知识,不遗漏任何一个知识点,二是要面向全体学生,防止“片面追求高分”现象,绝不能冷落“差生”。 2、找出不足,查缺补漏 查缺补漏主要体现在语音、词汇、日常交际用语上。语音和词汇的补漏工作应穿插在教学单词的时候进行。在教新词的过程中及时讲解有关的语言知识和单词辩音,及时归纳所学过的单词;在复习时要善于触类旁通,形成语音类、单词串,力争使没有掌握的语音、词汇逐一巩固。日常交际用语的补漏要融汇于“四会”的语言运用中。要努力使基础知识转化为技能,要不断提高英语的日常交际能力,力争做到听得懂、说得脱、读得畅、写得神。 三、模拟训练,综合提高 查缺补漏后,学生的基础知识已比较全面、系统、完整。但是对于重点内容还要以专题的形式进行训练,以便于进一步突出重点。同时要强化易错点,为达到这一目的,教师要选取高质量的模拟训练题进行训练,然后进行讲评。那么,如何讲评呢?好的讲评应该在讲评之前认真地分析,找出学生的错点,并在课堂上讲评时抓住这些错点,帮助学生弄清出错的原因,使学生及时纠正错误。同时,讲评不能就题论题,而是应该抓住试题中的典型题目,讲清原理,归纳方法,总结规律,并对典型题目进行引申、推广。要做好这一点,需要注意以下两方面: 1、课本为主,资料为辅 2、讲练结合,练重于讲 我们学校地处林区小镇,学生原有的英语基础和学习英语的习惯都较差,这势必大大影响了初中英语的学习效果,我从


小学四年级英语教学反思 一、在课堂教学中,要面向全体。 在我的教学中,要面向全体,要为学生全面发展和终身生展奠定基础。 1、创设各种情境,鼓励学生,大胆的使用英语,对他们在学习过程中的英语和错误采取宽容的态度。 2、为学生提供自主学习和直接交流的机会,以及充分表现和自我发展的一个空间。 3、鼓励学生,通过体验、实践、合作、探究等方式,发展听、说、读、写的综合能力。 4、创设条件让学生能够探究他们自己的一些问题,并自主解决问题。 二、教学中,关注学生的情感。 在我的教学过程,应多关注学生的情感,创设民主、和谐的教学气氛。 学生只有对自己,对英语及其文化有积极的情态,才能保持英语学习的动力并取得成绩,刻板的情态,不仅会影响英语的学习效果,还会影响其他发展,情态是学好英语的重要因素,因此,我努力创设宽松、民主、和谐的教学空间,要做到: 1、尊重每个学生,积极鼓励他们在学习中尝试,保护他们的自尊心和积极性。 2、把英语教学与情态有机会结合起来,创设各种合作学习活动,促进学生互相学习,互相帮助,体验成就感,发展合作精神。 3、关注学习有困难的或性格内向的学生,尽可能的为他们创造语言的机会。 4、建立融洽、民主的师生交流渠道,互相鼓励和帮助,做到教学相长。 三、教学中,注重交际活动 学习英语一个重要的目的是运用英语进行交际,两人之间的交际是活动的重要形式,因此,语言训练中应常开展二人活动。 两人之间的对话活动是最常见的两人活动。要求学生就某一话题、某一张图片、某一个人等进行一问一答形式的对话,也可要求学生发展一个发指令,另一个做的活动,还可以开展两人之间的讨论、辩论、商量等活动。 两人活动,很容易在课桌上开展,不需要学生离开课堂,有时为了活跃课堂气氛,或者提供更多与不同人进行训练的机会,可以让前排的学生转身和后排的学生进行两人活动。 小学英语课堂教学反思 英语是一门国际的通用语言,小学英语教学也就成了热门的话题。英语教学在很多时候都要经历考试,因此很多学生都被考试压的喘不过气来,而小学教学则拥有了这个优势,从小培养了学生学习英语的兴趣。但身为教师,不得不反思自己的教学。 一、反思学习的环境


英语课堂教学反思 课堂教学侧重教学目标、教学内容、教学过程、教学方法与教学手段、教学情感的五优化。 教学过程是一个系统,施教者必须对参与这个系统的各个要素进行优化的组合,以求得最佳的教学效果。教学过程最优化有两个标准:一是效果最优,即在现有条件下,教学设计及实施效果达到实际可能达到的最高水平;二是时间耗费最优,即在课程计划规定的时间内最佳地完成教学任务,收到“少投入,多产出”的效益。 实验过程中结合教材的特点,强调教师要从整体上把握好教材的教学要求、把握好每一单元,区别对待和处理每一个课型,要求教师设计好教学内容,设法将教材内容转换成生动活泼的语言交际情景,让学生在真实的语言条件下,兴致勃勃地参与真实的语言实践,以保证教学工作的完整性和系统性,从而努力做到课堂教学的最优化。 做好教学情感的最优控制,采取“赏识教育”,形成学生有效学习的策略目标。在实验过程中,我们依照教材以及学与教要达成的目标,逐步形成了系统的帮助学生有效学习的方法。 如:创设情景与激励情意相结合;理解学生和培养学生相结合;统一要求和个别对待相结合;教法研究与学法指导相结合。教学过程中,要求教师设计好教学内容,设法将教材内容转换成生动活泼的语言交际情景,让学生兴致勃勃地参与语言实践。同时,我们还强调教师要重视教学过程中师生双方情感上的交流与沟通,设法激励学生的情意因素,以营造和谐的学习氛围,激发学生内在的积极因素、学习热情和创造意识。 精心设计活动课,充分体现师生互动、生生互动原则。 一节成功的活动课往往需要教师的周密思考,在课程设计中,教师要尽可能多地考虑师生的共同参与性与互动性,操练过程中的趣味性和交际性,充分体现学生学习的自主性和参与性。 学生活动的形式力求丰富多彩,定内容、定时间、定专题、定场地、定专人进行。试图通过开展英语朗诵比赛、单词比赛、诗歌剧表演赛、课本剧表演赛、手抄报比赛、演讲比赛,在学校范围内创设一种英语学习的氛围,丰富学生的语言生活,培养学生学习语言的兴趣,加强学习的自主性和目的性,从而实现学生学习方式的转变。 正确认识考试评价的功能,让学生学有长进,增添自信感和成功感。学习困难学生最害怕考试。为了帮助他们克服害怕考试的心理,提高其学习的积极性,教师根据不同的教学目标和学生的实际程度,制定出不同的层次要求。 实验过程中,根据学生的个体差异,对学生的学习评价实行“同分不等值”,多角度、多方位、多层面、多形式进行分层评价,合作达标,促进每个学生在最适合自己的学习环境中求得最佳发展。 主要尝试了以下几种方法: (1) 实行无人监考制度,让学生淡化“一考定终身”的观念,形成自主学习。 尝试无人监考时,仍需要拉开学生的座位间隔,讲明无人监考的作用与目的,让学生明确学习的目的。起初学生颇感新鲜和高兴,一部分学生认为是机会来了,另一部分学生则由平时考试时的埋头苦干变得东张西望,不知所措。 (2)根据学生学习的个体差异,巧妙地处理部分学生的分数,让学生在学习中有自信心和成功感。 按照学生的学习程度与个体差异,考试制订不同的层次要求。例如:单元测根据整体的测试情况,可以分别按A B C定出不同的分数等级为达标,这样,有助于层次教学的正常进行,更重要的是能调动学生学习的积极性,减少两极分化,培养学习的自信心。 (3) 实行考试分层,合作达标,让各个层次的学生均能找到适合自己发展的空间。 测试设置A、B两卷,要求、难度有所不同;或进行一试两卷: Ⅰ卷为基础达标题,人人需做;


Teaching reflection: Now I’d like to analyze my teaching from the following aspects: ⅠPreparation and teaching process During my preparation, I prepared a lot of pictures to realize the revision and teaching of the new words. I found that they were quite attractive when students saw them during the teaching. To some extent, the use of the pictures of some famous stars could cultivate students’interest to use the adjectives to describe their appearance, personality and etc. When I had to teach the related words about the face, for example, round and square, I presented some cartoons for comparison. As far as the adjectives of eyes and nose were concerned, I also used some flashcards for presentation and comparison. ⅡStudents’learning process In this English class, all of the students were very hard-working. It seemed that they had grasped all the knowledge effectively in this period. However, I found some problems when they stood up to give me answers. At that time, I felt nervous about my teaching effect. “Was my teaching method unsuitable for them?”, I said to myself, but I had no time to think. I tried to speak more slowly and clearly, giving them more time to think and speak. It really worked. The students and I cooperated well during the following steps. In my teaching process, I felt it a pity that I didn’t give the students time to present their papers and correct their mistakes, which I thought I should keep in mind for future teaching. After the class, our instructor gave me some advice, which was quite acceptable and suitable to me. ⅢThe organization of the class In terms of my organization of the class, there were seven steps in detail. They were warm-up, revision, presentation, practice, conclusion, discussion and writing. But I was not satisfied with the writing part, .Although students had time to write their compositions, they didn’t have the opportunities to know how well they had written. They should get some comments on their composition, for instance, grammar, sentence structure, hand-writing and so on. If I had five more minutes, I would present their papers to the whole class and gave some corrections if necessary. The last part was enjoying a poem, which was related to the theme of the class. Because of the limited time, I didn’t realize the teaching aim of this part. I just called them to read it. If I removed this part, I thought it would be better for the writing exercise. All in all, on one hand, this was a comparatively successful class. On the other hand, I found some unsatisfactory elements in my teaching. I think it would be better for me to improve the teaching procedure for future use. In addition, the classed should be practical and adhere to the students’ability. I learned a lot from my experience and my instructor’s guide. In order to realize the new concept of teaching, I think I need to do more research on the textbook and learn more from the others.


英语教学反思20篇简短 原创作者:wenkookoo 1.新课导入,宜层层展开,而非总是“提问-回答”模式。在多层次 练习中,将本单元核心话题词汇带入操练。 2.新课导入时,可就个别关乎单元与课时主题词汇(如本单元围绕 sense展开,则可以讲解其名词与动词搭配用法)进行深入反复操练。 3.导入时,举例宜涵盖古今中外,而中国优秀人物事例尤其容易引 起学生共鸣。就情感态度价值观而言,音乐家贝多芬的典型人物事例,紧密结合单元主题人的感官(sense)。 4.导入语言宜少、宜短,稍多则学生困惑不解。 5.贯彻阅读策略(Reading Strategy),宜设计表格,以完成人物形 式,交由学生自己填,促进思考。 6.设计True or False练习,关注篇章关键细节、中心大意,六题 即可。 7.学生辨识副词存在困难,宜提供大量例句。 8.学生自主合作学习,注意组内分工在先。讲解语法,理论呈现在 先、举例在先,逐题讲解在后。忌直接讲题。讲解结束,务必留有时间供学生自主朗读、消化。要求学生站立讲解,则要求注意语速,必使同学听清楚、听明白。 9.课时开始的复习环节,先让学生朗读昨日课文,再针对提问,而 非直接提问,导致难以达成。 10.处理课文,给学生充分阅读时间,口头提问仅限于重要问题、关

键信息。 11.语法课第二课时宜先复习,在进行新授。 12.导入课时,可提供一副图片,然后就一副图片进行深入讨论,并呈现新词汇。 13.导入课时,发现设计情境有难度,则可转为提供选择肢,供学生选择,以降低难度。 14.Word Power课时,宜细致讲解呈现部分三段文字,给学生以充分阅读时间,且设置题目巩固,然后进行填表格等活动,而非直接进入填空练习。 15.课堂任务达成,必须分解步骤:识别、排序、范文、规则、试写、改写。 16.课堂各环节之间,过渡语句不可缺少,亦可呈现于PPT之上。 17.引导学生自己总结,而非急于告诉结论。 18.对于书本印刷规则清楚的语法规则,高一学生并不意会,必须耐心细致,逐条解释、训练。 19.宜引导学生将模块课文中全部信件体连续文本归类观察,学习其开头与结尾方式。 20.情态动词新授课,先唤起学生小学与初中所学,则已引出全部单个情态动词。


初中英语课堂教学反思 在英语课堂教学中,教师将面对各种新的教育思想、资源、模式、过程、手段和方法,因而要求教师具备能够分析、讨论、评估和改变其教育思想和教育实践的能力,成为教学过程的反思者。只有通过不断反思自己的教学过程,才会了解自己的教学理念与教学实践是否存在差距、教学设计和课堂任务的实施中是否存在问题;只有在教学过程中不断反思和探索,自己的教学理念才会得以拓展、更新和发展。而经过拓展和更新的新理念又会引导和推动教师进行新的教学 实践。 下面以新目标英语七年级下册Unit 7 What does he loo k like? Section A这一课时为例,结合具体的教学环节,阐述设计理念、教学模式和教学方法,以求在反思中学习、在反思中进步,努力成为具有反思教育能力的新型教师。 一、课前热身 一首欢快的英文歌曲——Body song身体歌在课前响起:Head, shoulders...eyes and ears and mouth and nos e…同时多媒体课件将描述五官的画面直观、生动地呈现在学生面前,学生们在欢快的音乐中歌唱起来,营造出浓浓的学习氛围,将学生融入到轻松的英语学习之中,快速、高效地复习了有关人体五官部位的词汇。

设计意图:教育心理学表明,音乐教育与智育教育是相辅相成的。课前热身时教师可将与本课内容相关的图片或动画,插入背景音乐或英文歌曲,声情并茂、动静结合地展示给学生,它不失为优化学生心境、抓住学生心弦的重要手段。 二、情境导入——激起求知欲望 多媒体先后出示几幅长相颇有特点的明星图片,用英文来描述他们的相貌。如描述幸运52的主持人李咏: He is ta ll and thin. He has a long face with short curly ha ir. 再如描述著名的歌手孙悦:I think she is tall. She has small eyes with long curly hair…最后在出现学 生们所喜爱的魔术大师刘谦的图片时,学生们热情高涨,跃跃预试,这时巧妙质疑:Do you want to describe him? 同学们一口同声:Yes! 很自然地导入课题: Unit 7 What does he look like? 设计意图:通过展示并描述学生们所喜爱的明星图片,引发学生的求知欲,创造了传授新知识的契机;激发了学生学习英语的兴趣和获取新知的急切愿望。 三、新课实施——“任务”中习得知识、培养能力 充分利用形象、生动的图片,使学生很容易地运用新知进行合理的人物外貌特征描述,并把语言知识落实于听、说、读、写的“任务型”教学模式的实践中。设计如下:1.Task 1---New words
