
模拟试题二I ? Vocabulary Section ADirections: There are 10 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B. C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence and mark your answer on the answer sheet.1.A fter we had been in the village for a few months, we so liked it that we decided to settle there ____A. in turnB. for goodC. as usualD. at most2.High speed aircraft is made of metals that can____ both high temperature and pressure.A. stand byB. put up withC. withholdD. withstand3.He failed again in the driving test. I don’t know why____ he was so nervous.A. in the earthB. on the earthC. in earthD. on earth4.No one can behave _,completely regardless of social conventions.A. at willB. at randomC. on purposeD. on easy5.W ith the winter here you can ____ these skirts till you need them again next summer.A. do away withB. put awayC. get rid ofD. give away6.In the bitter cold, the explorers managed to despite the shortage of food.A. liveB. surviveC. bearD. endure7.It is _practice to bring a present to ____ the hostess when one is invited to dinner.A. generalB. usualC. ordinaryD. common8.T he Johnsons __ t he house before they decided to buy it.A. looked outB. looked overC. looked afterD. looked on9.It was a long time before the cut on my hand ____ completely.A. healedB. recoveredC. improvedD. cured10.He has to make a living by himself because he doesn’t have parents to____.A. keep onB. depend withC. rely onD. go toSection BDirections: There are 10 sentences in this section. Below each sentence are four other words or phrases. You are to choose the one word or phrase which would best keeping the meaning of the original sentence if it were substituted for the underlined word or phrase. Then, mark your answer on the answer sheet.11.Many parental groups advocate against lower drinking ages.A. recommendB. protestC. hurryD. rebel12.S upply side economic ideas have spread in popularity throughout the western world.A. disseminatedB. grownC. increasedD. enlarged13.S ince I has been ill, my appetite has diminished.A. desire for exerciseB. desire for visitorsC. desire for sleepD. desire for food14.H er husband is very competent: he will repair the roof himself.A. capableB. industriousC. thriftyD. careful15.C ontrary to popular belief, Cleopatra, the famous Egyptian queen, wasGreek, spoke six language, and was a brilliant military strategist.A. an intelligentB. a knownC. a professionalD. a popular16. A conscientious teacher spends hours preparing for classes and correcting students' papers.A. creativeB. skillfulC. leadingD. careful17.The initial step is often the most difficult.A. quickestB. longesC. lastD. first18.H e was greatly vexed by the new and unexpected development.A. astonishedB. annoyedC. enlightenedD. contented19.I n order to strengthen both the forearm and the grip, many athletes willrepeatedly squeeze a tennis ball in their hands.A. drenchB. impaleC. penetrateD. compress20.Isaac Stem manipulates his violin with exquistite beauty and grace.A. handlesB. carriesC. treatsD. maintainsII.Grammatical StructureSection ADirections: There are 10 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence and mark your answer on the answer sheet.21.It is human nature to think back to a Golden Age ____ one's country was strong and respected.A. whenB. providedC. asD. unless22.Isn’t it love ly to think that I ____ myself on the sunny beach tomorrow at this time.A. will enjoyB. am enjoyingC. will be enjoyingD. shall enjoy23.He always dreams of ____ a chance for him to bring into full play his potential.A. there beingB. there to beC. there isD. being24.I’d just as soon remind those important documents with you.A. that you won’t takeB. your not takingC. please don’t takeD. you didn’t take25. ___ ,the book has many mistakes.A. Having not been written carefullyB. Not writing carefullyC. Having written not carefullyD. Not having been writtencarefully26.1 guess Jones didn’t have a chance to win the election.____ the people in the city voted for hisopponentA. Most all ofB. Most of allC. Almost all ofD. Almost the whole of27.Your hair needed ; 1 am glad you had it cut. ?A. cutB. cuttingC. to cutD. being cut28. __ at the railway station when it began to rain.A. Hardly had he arrivedB. Hardly he had arrivedC. No sooner did he arriveD. No sooner arrived he29. __ the number of paid holidays enjoyed by most employees in the company, three weeks ofvacation seems generous.A. Compared withB. ComparedC. Comparing withD. Comparing30.He is younger thanA. any other boy in the classB. any boy in the classC. all boys in the classD. you and me as well as the classSection BDirections: In questions 31-40 each sentence has four underlined words or phrases, marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the one word or phrase which is incorrect and must be changed to make the sentence correct. Then mark your answer on the answer sheet.31.In the United States, the Cabinet consist of a group advisers, each of whom is chosen by theA B CDPresident to head an executive department of the government.32.A great aviation pioneer. Amelia Earthart was already famous when she sets out on herA B Cill-fated attempt to circle the globe in 1936.D33.Total amount of the membership dues collected at the annual conference eas misplaced.A B C D34.Your intelligent and energy will help you solve any problem you encounter;useA Bthese strengths wisely.C D35.My colleagues and I did not find the new software program to be easy asthe old one.A B CD36.Mr. Lyons called to find out where was the meeting being held.ABC D37.Rapidly fallen oil prices caused OPEC ministers to meet and plan astrategy.A B CD38.The voters were disappointed since they had expected knowing theoutcome of theA B Celection before now.D39.The manager should receive a telephone call from Tokyo this morning,transfer it to hisABC Dextension.40.L ooking for the perfect location and are assessing the needs of theircompany, the membersA Bof the executive committee took a long time before making their decision.C DIII. Cloze TestDirections: There are 10 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choicesmarked A, B, C and D. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage.Then mark youranswer on the Answer Sheet.Most people have no idea of the hard work and worry that go into the collecting of thosefascinating birds and animals that they pay to see in the zoo. One of thequestions that is alwaysasked of me is 41 I became an animal collector in the first place. The answeris that I havealways been interested in animals and zoos. According to my parents, the firstword I was able~' to say with any 42 was not the conventional "mamma" or "daddy", 43 theword "zoo",which I would repeat over and over again with a shrill voice until someone, ingroup to 44 meup, would take me to the zoo. When I grew a little older, we lived in Greeceand I had a great45 of pets, ranging from owls to seahorses, and I spent all my spare-timeexploring thecountryside in search of fresh specimens to 46 to my collection of pets.later on I went for ayear to the City Zoo, as a student 47 , to get experience of the largeanimals, such as lions,bears, bison and ostriches, which were not easy to keep at home~ When I left,I successfully hadenough money of my own to be able to 48 my first trip and I have been goingregularly eversince then. Though a collector's job is not an easy one and is full of 49, itis certainly a jobwhich will appeal 70 all those who Jove animals and travel.4 1. A. how B. where C. whenD. whether42. A. clarity B. emotion C. sentimentD. affection43. A. except B. but C. except forD. but for44. A. close B. shut C. stopD. comfort45. A. many B. amount C. numberD. supply46. A. increase B. include C. addD. enrich47. A. attendant B. keeper C. memberD. aide48. A. pay B. provide C. allowD. finance49. A. expectations B. sorrows C. excitementD. disappointments50. A. for B. with C. toD. fromIV. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: There are 4 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by 4 questions orunfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C andD. You shoulddecide on the best choice and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.Questions 51 to 54 are based on the following passage:According to the dictionary definition of "create", ordinary people are creative every day. Tocreate means "to bring into being, to cause to exist"--something each of us does daily.We are creative whenever we look at or think about something in a new way.First thisinvolves an awareness of our surroundings. It means using all of our sense to become aware ofour world. This may be as simple as being aware of color and texture, as well as taste, when weplan a meal. Above all, it is the ability to notice things that others might miss.A second part of creativity is an ability to see relationships among things.If we believe theexpression, "There is nothing new under the sun," the creativity is remaking or recombining theold in new ways. For example, we might do this by finding a more effective way to study or abetter way to arrange our furniture, or we might make a new combination of camera lenses andfilters to create an unusual photograph.A third part of creativity is the courage and drive to make use of our newideas, to applythem to achieve some new results. To think up a new concept is one thing; to put the idea to workis another.These three parts of creativity are involved in all the great works of genius, but they are alsoinvolved in many of our day to day activities.51. The author holds thatA. creativity is of highly demandB. creativity is connected with a deep insight to some extentC. creativity is to create something new and concreteD. to practise and practise is the only way to cultivate one's creativity52. "There is nothing new under the sun." (Par. 3) really implies that __A. we can seldom create new thingsB. a new thing is only a taleC. a new thing can only be created at the basis of original thingsD. we can scarcely see really new things in the world53. What does the author think about the relationship between a new thought andits being putinto practice?A. It's more difficult to create a new thought than to apply it in practice.B. To find a new thought will definitely lead to the production of a newthing.C. One may come up with a new thought, but can not put it into practice.D. A man with an excellent ability of practice can easily become an inventor.54. The best title for this passage is __A. How to Cultivate One's CreativityB. What is CreativityC. The Importance of CreativityD. Creativity--a Not Farway ThingQuestions 55 to 58 are based on the following passage:Born in 1830 in rural Amherst, Massachusetts, Emily Dickinson spent her entire life in thehousehold of her parents. Between 1858 and 1862, it was later discovered, she wrote like a personpossessed, often producing a poem a day. It was also during this period that her life wastransformed into the myth of Amherst. Withdrawing more and more, keeping to her room,sometimes even refusing to see visitors who called, she began to dress only in white--a habit thatadded to her reputation as an eccentric.In their determination to read Dickinson's life in terms of a traditional romantic plot,biographers have missed the unique pattern of her life--her struggle to create a female life not yetimagined by the culture in which she lived. Dickinson was not the innocent, lovelorn andemotionally fragile girl sentimentalized by the Dickinson myth and popularized by WilliamLuce's 1976 play, the Belle of Amherst. Her decision to shut the door on Amherst society in the1850's transformed her house into a kind of magical realm in which she was free to engage herpoetic genius. Her seclusion was not the result of a failed love affair, but rathera part of a moregeneral pattern of renunciation through which she, in her quest for self sovereignty, carried on anargument with the puritan fathers, attacking with wit and irony their cheerless Calvinist doctrine,their stem patriarchal God, and their rigid notions of "true womanhood".55. What's the author's main purpose in the passage?A. To interpret Emily Dickinson's eccentric behavior.B. To promote the popular myth of Emily Dickinson.C. To discuss Emily Dickinson's failed love affair.D. To describe the religious climate in Emily Dickinson's time.56. Which of the following is not mentioned as being one of Emily Dickinson'seccentricities?A. Refusing to eat.B. Wearing only white.C. Avoiding visitors.D. Staying in her room.57. The author implies that many people attribute Emily Dickinson's seclusion to__A. physical illnessB. a failed love affairC. religious fervorD. her dislike of people58. It can be inferred from the passage that Emily Dickinson lived in a societythat wascharacterized by __A. strong Puritan beliefsB. equality of men and womenC. the encouragement of nonconformityD. the appreciation of poetic creativityQuestions 59 to 62 are based on the following passage:Once upon a time, the United States seemed to have plenty of land to go around.Plenty ofrivers to dam and plenty of rural valleys left over. Plenty of space for parks and factories. Plentyof forests to cut and grasslands to pl0w. But that was once upon a time.. The days of unused landare over. Now the land has been spoken for, fenced off, carved up into cities and farms andindustrial parks, put to use.At the same time, the population keeps growing. People need places to work and places toplay. So we need more sites for more industries, more beaches for more sunbathers, and moreclean rivers for more fishers. And it isn't just a matter of population growth. Our modemtechnology has needs that must be met, too. We need more coal for energy, and weneed morepower plants; cars must have highways and parking lots, and jets must have airports.Each ofthese land uses swallows up precious space. Highways and expressways alone take some 200,000acres each year. And urban sprawl -- the spreading out of cities -- is expected to gobble up vastareas of land by the year 2,000. But there is only so much land to go around. It is always hard todecide. Take, for example, a forest. A forest can be a timber supply. It can providea home forwildlife. It is scenery and a recreation area for man. It is soil and watershed protection.59. "...the United States seemed to have plenty of land to go around" means that__A. the United States seemed to have vast land for its people to walk aroundB. the United States seemed to have enough land for sharing with everyoneC. the United States could provide whatever its inhabitents' needsD. the United States was not able to allow its people to do what they wantedto60. The sentence of "Plenty of rivers to dam and plenty of rural valleys left over"suggests thatA, the United States had a lot of rivers to dam and many rural valleys, tooB. the rivers could be dammed laterC. rural valleys would be considered in the futureD. people needn't think of the rivers and valleys61. "Now the land has been spoken for, ..." tells us that __A. today, land has shown its valuesB. now, people have said something about landC. nowadays, land has been claimed by human beingsD. recently, people spoke for the land62. The word "sprawl" indicates thatA. cities are developing very fast to meet the people's demandsB. urban areas are diminishing smoothlyC. urban areas are enlarging steadily in a planned wayD. cities are spreading out without any plansQuestions 63 to 66 are based on the following passage:Social change is more likely to occur in societies where there is a mixture of different kindsof people than in societies where people are similar in many ways. The simple reason for this isthat there are more different ways of looking at things present in the first kind of society. Thereare more ideas, more disagreements in interest, and more groups and organizations with differentbeliefs. In addition, there is usually a greater worldly interest and greater tolerance in mixedsocieties. All these factors tend to promote social change by opening more areas of life to decision.In a society where people are quite similar in many ways, there are fewer occasions for people tosee the need or the opportunity for change because everything seems to be the same.Andalthough conditions may not be satisfactory, they are at least customary and undisputed.Within a society, social change is also likely to occur more frequently and more readily in thematerial aspects of the culture than in the non material, for example, in technology rather than invalues; in what has been learned later in life rather than what was learned early;in the less basicand less emotional aspects of society than in their opposites; in the simple elements rather than inthe complex ones; in form rather than in substance; and in elements that are acceptable to theculture rather than in strange elements.Furthermore, social change is easier if it is gradual. For example, it comes more readily inhuman relations on a continuous scale rather than one with sharp dichotomies (一分为二). This isone reason why change has not come more quickly to Black Americans as compared to otherAmerican minorities, because of the sharp difference in appearance between them and their whitecounterparts.63. What kind of society tends to promote social changes?A. A society where people are similar in many ways.B. A society where there are only white people.C. A society where there are only black people.D. A society where there is a mixture of different kinds of people.64. Which of the following is not true, according to the passage?A. Social change is more likely to occur in the material aspect of society.B. Social change is less likely to occur in what people learned when they wereold.C. Disagreement with and argument about conditions tend to promote socialchange.D. Social change tends to meet with more difficulty in basic and emotionalaspects of society.65. Social change is less likely to occur in a society where people are quitesimilar in many waysbecauseA. people there are easy to pleaseB. people there are less argumentaryC. people there have got so accustomed to their conditions that they seldomthink itnecessary to changeD. people there have same needs that can be satisfied without much difficulty66. The passage is mainly discussingA. two different societiesB. certain factors that determine the case with which social change occursC. the necessity of social changeD. the significance of social changeSection BDirections: You should answer questions 67-75 which are based on the following passages. Mark your answer on the answer sheet.Tidal PowerUndersea turbines which produce electricity from the tides are set to become an important source of renewable energy for Britain. It is still too early to predict the extent of the impact they may have, but all the signs are that they will play a significant role in the future.A Operating on the same principle as wind turbines, the power in sea turbines comesfrom tidal currents which turn blades similar to ships’ propellers, but, unlike wind, the tides are predictable and the power input is constant. The technology raises the prospect of Britain becoming self-sufficient in renewable energy and drastically reducing its carbon dioxide emissions. If tide,wind and wave power are all developed, Britain would be able to close gas, coal and nuclear power plants and export renewable power to other parts of Europe. Unlike wind power, which Britain originally developed and then abandoned for 20 years allowing the Dutch to make it a major industry, undersea turbines could become a big export earner to island nations such as Japan and New Zealand.B Tidal sites have already been identified that will produce one sixth or moreof the UK’s power ? and at prices competitive with mod em gas turbines and undercutting those of the already ailing nuclear industry. One site alone, the Pentland Firth, between Orkney and mainland Scotland, could produce 10% of the country's electricity with banks of turbines under the sea, and another at Ald erney in the Channel Islands three times the 1,200 megawatts of Britain’s largest and newest nuclear plant, Sizewell B,in Suffolk. Other sitesidentified include the Bristol Channel and the west coast of Scotland, particularly the channel between Campbeltown and Northern Ireland.C Work on designs for the new turbine blades and sites are well advanced at theUniversity of Southampton’s sustainable energy research group. The first station is expected to be installed off Lynmouth in Devon shortly to test thetechnology in a venture jointly funded by the department of Trade and Industry and the European Union. AbuBakr Bahaj, in charge of the Southampton research, said: “The prospects for energy from tidal currents are far better than from wind because the flows of water are predictable and constant. The technology for dealing with the hostile saline environment under the sea has been developed in the North Sea oil industry and much is already known about turbine blade design, because of wind power and ship propellers. There are a few technical difficulties, but I believe in the next five to ten years wc will be installing commercial marine turbine farms.” Southampton has been awarded £215,000 over three years to develop the turbines and is working with Marine Current Turbines,a subsidiary of IT power, on the Lynmouth project. EU research has now identified106 potential sites for tidal power, 80% round the coasts of Britain. The best sites are between islands or around heavily indented coasts where there are strong tidal currents.D A marine turbine blade needs to be only one third of the size of a wind generatorto produce three times as much power. The blades will be about 20 meters in diameter, so around 30 metres of water is required. Unlike wind power, there are unlikely to be environmental objections. Fish and other creatures are thought unlikely to be at risk from the relatively slow-turning blades. Each turbine will be mounted on a tower which will connect to the national power supply grid via underwater cables. The towers will stick out of the water and be lit, to warn shipping, and also be designed to be lifted out of the water for maintenance and to clean seaweed from the blades.E Dr Bahaj has done most work on the Alderney site, where there arc powerfulcurrents. The single undersea turbine farm would produce far more power than needed for the Channel Islands and most would be fed into the French Grid and be re-imported into Britain via the cable under the Channel.F One technical difficulty is cavitation, where low pressure behind a turningblade causes air bubbles. These can cause vibration and damage the blades of the turbines. Dr Bahaj said: “We have to test a number of blade types toavoid this happening or at least make sure it does not damage the turbines or reduce performance. Another slight concern is submerged debris floating into the blades. So far we do not know how much of a problem it might be. We will have to make the turbines robust because the sea is a hostile environment, but all the sign s that we can do it are good.”Questions 67-70This passage has six paragraphs, A-F. Which paragraph contains the following information? Choose the correct letter, A-F, for questions 67-70 and mark your choice on the answer sheet.NB You may use any letter more than once.67. the location of the first test site68. a way of bringing the power produced on one site back into Britain69. a reference to a previous attempt by Britain to find an alternative source ofenergy70. mention of the possibility of applying technology from another industryQuestions 71-75Do the following statements agree with the views of the writer in this passage? For questions 71-75, chooseA. if the statement agrees with the views of the writer (YES)B. if the statement contradicts the views of the writer (NO)C. if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this (NOT GIVEN)71. It is a more reliable source of energy than wind power.72. Its introduction has come as a result of public pressure.73. It could contribute to the closure of many existing power stations in Britain.74. It could face a lot of resistance from other fuel industries.75. It is best produced in the vicinity of coastlines with particularfeatures.。

模拟试题六I. V ocabularyDirections: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.1. An ambulance must have priority as it usually has to deal with some kind ofA. crisisB. urgencyC. emergencyD. emergence2. No one could tell how the magician was able to produce a rabbit from his hat until he his tricks.A. strayed away fromB. threw light onC. gave birth toD. fell back on3. More than two hundred years ago, the United States __ from the British Empire and became an independent country.A. got offB. pulled downC. broke awayD. dropped off4. Everybody looked __ the direction of the explosion.A. toB. fromC. inD. into5. The flood the townspeople from the rest of the world.A. cut...outB. cut...awayC. cut...downD.cut...off6. During the strike, the electricity was cut off for hours, so we had to __ candles for lighting.A. manage withB. turn onC. carry outD. keep to7. I don't think I know the girl with long hair although she __ me of someone I know.A. remembersB. recallsC. suggestsD. reminds8. They remained full of hope and determination __ their repeated failures.A. instead ofB. in search ofC. because ofD. in spite of9. All the information we have collected in relation to that case very little.A. put offB. hold backC. put asideD. hold up10. The rainbow is one of the most beautiful in nature.A. phenomenonB. phenomenaC. appearanceD. experience11. Sometimes even the smallest thing will upset an __ person.A. annoyedB. irritatedC. irritableD. angry12. All the participants in the meeting a loud laugh when the lecturer began his speech with a joke.A. let offB. let outC. let downD. let through13. In Britain, the best season of the year is probably __ spring.A. latterB. laterC. lastD. late14. They have been waiting for many hours to see the singer, but the airplane must have beenA. off timeB. on timeC. ahead of scheduleD. behind schedule15. The roar of the crowd finally __ to a murmur.A. reducedB. diminishedC. decreasedD. cut down16. This singer is always very __ to the reaction of the audience when she gives a performance.A. sentimentalB. sensibleC. positiveD. sensitive17. If you don't put the food in the refrigerator, it may __A. go offB. go overC. go wrongD. go out18. You'll have to buy some new shoes as these areA. used upB. wasted awayC. broken downD. worn out19. Though badly damaged by fire, the palace was eventually __ to its original splendour.A. repairedB. renewedC. restoredD.renovated20. The seeing eye dog was the blind man's companion.A. continualB. consistentC. constantD. continuousII. Grammatical StructureDirections: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.21. If this university __ such a good reputation, I would not have come here.A. didn't haveB. hadn't hadC. doesn't haveD. hasn't had22. If only we __ then the disease was curable.A. knewB. could knowC. had knownD. would have known23. An Olympic Marathon is 26 miles and 385 yards, approximately __ from Marathon to Athens.A. the distanceB. distanceC. the distance isD. is the distance24. You are supposed __ everything ready by now.A. to getB. gettingC. to have gotD. havinggot25. It's high time that something __ to prohibit selling fake commodities.A. must be doneB. was doneC. be doneD. were done26. A cold is nothing to you __ it is merely a cold; but it sometimes becomes a danger.A. no matterB. as well asC. so long asD. so far as27. Sally's score on the exam is the lowest in the class. She hard.A. should have studiedB. must have to studyC. must have studiedD. needn't have studied28. All flights __ because of the heavy storm, we decided to take the train.A. having canceledB. being canceledC. having been canceledD. canceled29. David's mother seldom does her homework on Sunday.A. So does my motherB. Nor does my motherC. My mother isn't, eitherD. My mother doesn't, too30. his youth and inexperience, he is not suitable for the job.A. SeeingB. SeenC. Having seenD. To see31. I am interested in __ you have told me.A. whichB. all whatC. thatD. all that32. The world's supplies of petroleumA. have been gradually being exhaustedB. have graduallyexhaustedC. are gradually exhaustedD. are being gradually exhausted33. He __ writing the paper now. He hadn't written a single word when 1 left him ten minutes ago.A. shouldn't beB. can't have finishedC. can't beD. mustn't have finished34. Your hair wants . You'd better have it done tomorrow.A. cutB. to cutC. cuttingD. being cut35. The impact of this well known book might not have been so far reaching __ for Mr. William, who dared to publish it.A. if had it not beenB. had it not beenC. is it not beingD. its only having been36. Studying hard is more rewarding __A. than to be lazyB. than being lazyC. than to be like a lazy personD. than it is to be lazy37. , the more necessary it is to break it up into a number of parts which the readers can visualize.A. The more complex a subject becomesB. The more becomes a subject complexC. A subject becomes the more complexD. The more subjects become essential38. Mr. Brown advised us to withdraw __A. so as not to get involvedB. so as to get not involvedC. as not to get involvedD. as to get not involved39. The suspicion that the servant is dishonest has proved __ true.A. all tooB. too allC. much tooD. too much40. Either of these young ladies __ perfectly qualified to teach Greek, Latin and French.A. wereB. areC. isD. have been III. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: There are 5 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by 4 questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.Questions 41 to 44 are based on the following passage:At dawn on September 5th, 1972 a band of "Black September" Arab guerrillas broke into the Israeli building in the Olympic village near Munich where 10,000 athletes were staying. Over 250 plain clothes police had been brought into the village, following a tip off of trouble ahead, but none of them saw the Arabs scale the fence. They burst into the Israeli building with submachine guns blazing at 5:10 am. Some Israeli athletes escaped through the windows and side doors. Nine were taken hostage. The guerrillas demanded the release of 200 Palestinians held in Israeli jails and a safe passage out of Germany. Within hours the Olympic village was surrounded by 13000 police. The Olympic Games were suspended. After some negotiations, the terrorists were told they would be flown with their hostages to an Arab country. They were taken by helicopter to the Furstenfield military airport 25 miles from Munich. Just before midnight the guerrillas and their hostages began to walk across the tarmac to a waiting Boeing 727 aircraft. Suddenly all the airport lights were turned out and German police sharp shooters opened fire. The rescue attempt failed tragically. In the gun battle all nine hostages were killed, as well as four Arabs and one policeman. Three Arabs were captured and one escaped into the nearby woods. On the 8th, Israeli planes bombed ten guerilla bases in revenge for Munich massacre.41. The most possible reason for Israeli athletes being attacked and kidnapped is that __A. they had a conflict with the Arab guerrillasB. the Arab guerrillas wanted to save the Palestinians held in Israeli jailsC. the German Government hated IsraelD. the Arab guerrillas hoped to get a large sum of money42. When the trouble took place, the Olympic Games __A. were completedB. were going onC. were to be finishedD. were to take place43. How many Arabs were there as terrorists?A. Seven.B. Eight.C. Nine.D. It wasn't mentioned.44. What do you think Palestine and Israel would act next?A. They would begin another conflict.B. They would begin to negotiate.C. They would try to improve each other's relation.D. They would turn to UN.Questions 45 to 48 are based on the following passage:Increasingly, over the past ten years, people-especially young people-have become aware of the need to change their eating habits, because much of the food they eat, particularly processed foods, is not good for health. Consequently, there has been a growing interest in natural foods: foods which do not contain chemical additives and which have not been affected by chemical fertilizers widely used in farming today.Natural foods, for example, are vegetables, fruit and grain which have been grown in soil that is rich in organic matter. In simple terms, this means that the soil has been nourished by unused vegetable matter, which provides it with essential vitamins and minerals. This in itself is a natural process compared with the use of chemicals and fertilizers, the main purpose of which is to increase the amount but not the quality of foods grown in commercial farming areas. Natural foods also include animals which have been allowed to feed and move freely in healthy pastures. Compare this with what happens in the mass production of poultry: there are battery farms, for example, where thousands of chickens live crowded together in one building and are fed on food which is little better than rubbish. Chickens kept in this way are not only tasteless as food; but also produce eggs which lack important vitamins.There are other aspects of healthy eating which are now receiving increasing attention from experts on diet. Take, for example, the question of sugar. This is actually a nonessential food! Although a natural alternative, such as honey, can be used to sweeten food if this necessary, we can in fact do without it. It is not that sugar is harmful in itself. But it does seem to be additive: the quantity we use has grown steadily over the last centuries and in Britain today each person consumes an average of 200 pounds a year! Yet all it does is provide us with energy, in the form of calories. There are no vitamins in it, no minerals and no fiber.It is significant that nowadays fiber is considered to be an important part of a healthy diet. In white bread, for example, the fiber has been removed. But it is present in unrefined flour and of course in vegetables. It is interesting to note that in countries where the national diet contains large quantities of unrefined flour and vegetables, certain diseases are comparatively rare. Hence the emphasis is placed on the eating of whole meal bread and more vegetables by modem experts on "healthy eating".45. Which statement best expresses the main idea of this article?A. People should eat any food to keep themselves healthy and strong.B. People should eat natural foods to keep themselves healthy and strong.C. People should eat fiber foods to keep themselves healthy and strong.D. People should eat vegetables to keep themselves healthy and strong.46. "Particularly processed foods" meansA. foods which are particularly processed by adding chemical additivesB. foods which are particularly made by commercial farmsC. foods which are specially produced by commercial factoriesD. foods which are not specially made by adding anything47. Natural foods meansA. foods good for healthB. foods not good for healthC. foods such as vegetables, fruit and grain from rich organic matters soilD. crops from rich organic matters soil and meats of animals from healthy pastures48. "Yet all it does is provide us with energy, in the form of calories." It meansA. processed food provides us with energyB. natural food furnishes us with vitamins and mineralsC. sugar gives us enough energy in the form of caloriesD. fiber helps us to digest foodQuestions 49 to 52 are based on the following passage:Sixteen years ago, Eileen Doyle's husband, an engineer, took his four children up for an early morning cup of tea, packed a small case and was never seen or heard of again. Eileen was astonished and in a state of despair. They had been a happy family and, as far as she knew, there had been nothing wrong with their marriage.Every day of the year a small group of men and women quietly pack a few belongings and without so much as a note or a good-bye close the front door for the last time, leaving their debts, their worries and their confused families behind them.Last year, more than 1,200 men and nearly as many women were reported missing from home--the highest in 15 years. Many did return home within a year, but others rejected the past completely and are now living a new life somewhere under a different identity.To those left behind this form of desertion is a terrible blow to their pride and self-confidence. Even the finality of death might be preferable. At least it does not imply rejection or failure. Worse than that, people can be left with an unfinished marriage, not knowing whether they will have to wait seven years before they are free to start a fresh life.Clinical psychologist Paul Brown believes most departures of this kind to be well planned rather than impulsive. "It's typical of the kind of personality which seems able to ignore other people's pain and difficulties. Running away, like killing yourself, is a highly aggressive act. By creating an absence the people left behind feel guilty, upset and empty."The Salvation Army's Investigation Department has a 70 percent success rate in tracking missing people down. According to Lt. Co. Bramwell Pratt, head of the department, men and women run away for very different reasons though lack of communication is often the biggest motive. "The things that disturb a man's personality are problems like being tied up in debt. Or serious worries about work. And some women make impossible demands on their husbands. Women usually leave for more obvious reasons but fear is at the root of it. Men are more often prepared to give their marriage another try than women, but we are aware that, for some wives, it would be a total impossibility to return after the way they've been treated."49. When her husband left home, Eileen DoyleA. could not forgive him for taking the childrenB. had been expecting it to happen for some timeC. could not understand whyD. blamed herself for what had happened50. The man or woman left behind usually __A. demits responsibility for the situationB. wishes the person who has left were deadC. feels embarrassed and useless comes back within a yearD. will have no legal marriage life for seven years51. Paul Brown regards leaving home in such circumstances asA. an act of despairB. an act of selfishnessC. the result of a sudden decisionD. the result of the enormous sense of guilt52. The Salvation Army believes that __A. most men run away because of the impossible demands of their wivesB. men's reasons are more understandable than women'sC. some women never give their men another chanceD. women are often afraid to start marriage againQuestions 53 to 56 are based on the following passage:Investment in the public sector, such as electricity, irrigation, public services and transport (excluding vehicles, ships and planes) increased by about 10%, although the emphasis moved to the transport and away from the other sectors mentioned. Trade and services recorded a 16% to 17% investment growth, including a 30%increase in investment in business premises. Industrial investment is estimated to have risen by 8%. Although the share of agriculture in total gross investment in the economy continued to decline, investment grew by 9% in absolute terms, largely spurred on by a 23% expansion of investment in agricultural equipment. Housing construction had 12% more invested in it in 1964, not so much owing to increased demand, as to fears of new taxes and limitation of building.Total consumption in real terms rose by close on 11% during 1964, and per capital personal consumption by under 7%, as in 1963. The undesirable trend towards a rapid rise in consumption, evident in previous years, remained unaltered. Since at current prices consumption rose by 16% and disposable income by 13%, there was evidently a fall in the rate of saving in the private sector of the economy. Once again consumption patterns indicated a swift advance in the standard of living. Expenditure on food declined in significance, although consumption of fruit increased. Spending on furniture and household equipment, health, education and recreation continued to increase. The greatest proof of altered living standards was the rapid expansion of expenditure on transport (including private cars) and personal services of all kinds, which occurred during 1964. The progressive wealth of large sectors of the public was demonstrated by the changing composition of durable goods purchased. Saturation (饱和) point was rapidly being approached for items such as the first household radio, gas cookers, and electric refrigerators, whereas increasing purchases of automobiles and television sets were registered.53. The author thinks that the trend towards a rapid rise in consumption was "undesirable" becauseA. people saved lessB. people were wealthyC. people consumed lessD. expenditures on luxuries increased54. It can be inferred form the increase of fruit consumption thatA. people had to spend more on transportation and furnitureB. people were more health consciousC. people were more money consciousD. the price of fruit dropped dramatically55. The word "registered" in the last line most probably means __A. markedB. approachedC. listedD. booked56. From this passage, we learn that the people __A. spent more money than they earnedB. saved more money than previouslyC. spent their money wiselyD. invested and consumed at an accelerated paceQuestions 57 to 60 are based on the following passage:Online courses (also called distance learning) are a hot new trend in American education. According to the nonprofit Distance Education and Training Council, about 400 US colleges and schools offer some portion of their programs on the Web. At the university level, they cost the same as traditional classes and require similar weekly assignments and textbook reading, the difference is in class participation. Generally speaking, students congregate (使聚集) online throughout each week to explore topic with the professor, but these discussions occur "asynchronously (不同时发生地)" rather than in real time. (You read others' comments and post your own whenever you get a chance.) Written assignments are posted, you email in your work periodically, and you're required to take a proctored exam in order to receive degree credit. Career boosting business administration and information technology programs are the most popular, but you'll also find a variety of literal arts offerings, from film theory to medieval history and foreign language study. While you still can't get an Ivy League degree on line, a growing number of elite (卓越的) institutions, including Stanford and New York University are beginning to offer on line courses.The benefits for busy people are obvious. "I always get a front row seat," says one student studying at the State University of New York Learning Network. "I can get up in the middle of class, grab a cup of coffee. The class is waiting for me when I get back, and I haven't missed a thing." On the other hand, some students miss the face to face interaction that often sparks interest and involvement.57. Generally speaking, on line education costs __A. more than the traditional oneB. less than the traditional oneC. as much as the traditional oneD. the author hasn't mentioned58. The major way to hand out assignments of online students is __A. to hand out them in personB. to post themC. to email in themD. to let the teacher enter into their personal main pages59. The closest meaning of "Ivy League" (Par. 1)A. famous universities in USAB. famous business colleges in USAC. famous companies in USAD. universities with a long history60. It is implied that in USA __A. online education will take the place of the traditional one soonB. there are only a few online programs until nowC. one need not take part in the exam in order to receive a diploma by way of online educationD. one can not receive a degree certificate of New York University through distant learningSection BDirections: There are 10 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.In every cultivated language, there are two great classes of words which, taken together, comprise the whole vocabulary. First, there are those words 61 which we become acquainted in daily conversation, which we learn ,that is to say, from the members of our own family and from our familiar associates, and 62 we should know and use even if we could not read or write. They 63 the common things of life, and are the stock in trade of all who use the language. Such words may be called "popular", since they belong to the people 64 and are not the exclusive share of a limited class. On the other hand, our language 65 a multitude of words which are comparatively 66 used in ordinary conversation. Their meanings are known to every educated person, but thereis little necessity to use them at home or in the market-place. Our 67 acquaintance with them comes not from our mother's lips or from the talk of our school-mates, 68 from books that we read, lectures that we attend, or the more 69 conversation of highly educated speakers who are discussing some particular topic in a style appropriately elevated above the habitual extent of everyday life. Such words are called "learned", and the 70 between them and the "popular" words is of great importance to a right understanding of linguistic process.61. A. at B. with C. by D. through62. A. which B. that C. those D. ones63. A. mind B. concern C. care D. involve64. A. in public B. at most C. at large D. at best65. A. consists B. comprises C. constitutes D. composes66. A. seldom B. much C. never D. often67. A. primary B. first C. principal D. prior68. A. besides B. and C. or D. but69. A. former B. formula C. formal D. formative70. A. diversion B. distinction C. diversity D. similarityIV. TranslationDirections: There is 1 passage in this part of the test. You are to translate the passages into Chinese on your Answer Sheet.71.in fact, a refinery is essentially a group of manufacturing plants that vary in number with the variety of products produced; refinery processes must be selected and products manufactured to give a balanced operation: that is, crude oil must be converted into products according to the rate of sale of each. For example, the manufacture of products from the lower boiling portion of petroleum automatically produces a certain amount of higher boiling components. If the latter cannot be sold as, say, heavy fuel oil, they accumulate until refinery storage facilities are full. To prevent the occurrence of such a situation, the refinery must be flexible and able to change operations as needed. This usually means more processes-a cracking process to change an excess of heavy fuel oil into more gasoline with coke as the residual product or a vacuum distillation process to separate the heavy oil into lubricating oil stocks and asphalt-to accommodate the ever-changing demands of the market.模拟试题六参考答案及部分试题答案解析一、答案I. Vocabulary1-20 CBCCD ADDDB CBDDB DADCCII. Grammatical Structure21-40 ACACB CACBA DDBCB BAACCIII. Reading Comprehension41-60 BBBAB ADCCC BCABC DCCAD61-70 BABCB ABDCBIV. Translation 翻译答案略,请参考2004年版通用英语选读相关课文。

2023年中石油职称英语考试真题及参照答案解析I. VocabularySection ADirections: There are some sentences inthis section. Below each sentence are four other words or phrases. You are tochoose the one word or phrase which would best keeping the meaning of theoriginal sentence if it were substituted for the underlined word or phrase.Then mark your answer on the answer sheet.1、In most countries,the crime of murder carries harsh penalties.A. unconsciousB. thriveC. severeD.prudent【参照答案】C【释义】harsh adj.残酷旳;严酷旳;严厉旳;恶劣旳unconscious adj.无知觉旳;昏迷旳;不省人事旳;无意识旳thrive v.繁华;茁壮成长;蓬勃发展;兴旺发达severe adj.极为恶劣旳;十分严重旳;严厉旳;苛刻旳prudent adj.谨慎旳;谨慎旳;精明旳2、I tell my motherabout my trials at work and brag about the kids.A. lieB. boastC. secretiveD. feel awkward【参照答案】B【出处】2023版《通用选读》第28课That "Other Woman" in My Life第8段。
【释义】brag v.吹嘘;自吹自擂lie v.躺;说谎;撒谎;在于boast v.自夸;自吹自擂;有(值得自豪旳东西)secretive adj.(思想、情感等)不外露旳;惯于掩藏自己旳;有城府旳feelawkward 为难;作难;犯难3、The employee had to breakoff the conversation in order to wait on his manger.A. continueB. hurryC. beginD.discontinue 【参照答案】D【出处】MBA联考大纲英语词组。

I. VocabularyDirections: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are fourchoices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence andmark your answer on the Answer Sheet.1. He is a man you can rely on. He never goes back on his __.A. wordB. wordsC. permissionD. saying2. After second thought, she ___a better solution.A. came up withB. added up toC. put up withD. made up for3. The club has___ a new rule allowing women to join.A. brought forthB. associated withC. turned overD. laid down4. The performance will begin __ at eight thirty.A. preciselyB. consequentlyC. accordinglyD. exceedingly5. It's very discourteous to __ during some one's conversation.A. inspectB. interruptC. interfereD. instruct6. His joke went too far. It was more than 1 could __.A. get rid ofB. put up withC. keep up withD. do away with7. Will all those ___the proposal raise their hands?A. in relation toB. in excess ofC. in contrast toD. in favor of8. At the gathering, he talked __ about the matter, dampening everyone ' s spirits.A. in detailB. with easeC. on endD. in a confusing way9. We cannot always ___the wind, so new windmills should be so designed that they can also bedriven by water.A. hang onB. count onC. hold onD. come on10. I don't want to___ you in if you are what you say.A. runB. catchC. makeD. take11. Mr. Brown is a ___old man and all his neighbors are __ to him. A.respectful...respectable B. respectable...respectiveC. respectable...respectfulD. respective...respectable12. I wish my son would stop __ and do something realistic.A. hanging aboutB. hanging onC. hanging upD. hanging off13. There are some ___flowers on the desk.A. artificialB. falseC. unrealD. untrue14. We all can't __ why she married a man like this.A. reason outB. figure outC. make believeD. take in15. John wants to dispose ___his old car and buy a new one.A. onB. inC. ofD. to16. He slept in the __ of the trees on such a hot day.A. shadeB. shelterC. shadowD. shield17. Ted agreed to __ the strike if the company would satisfy the demand of the workers.A. call outB. call toC. call offD. call on18. We are not __ to veto 否定)our own proposals.A. likelyB. possibleC. probableD. potential19. He agreed with the plan in ___, but thought that in practice it would not work.A. attitudeB. approachC. viewpointD. principle20. The conversation was so interesting that we were __ of the lateness of the hour.A. negligibleB. inattentiveC. irrelevantD. obliviousII. Grammatical StructureDirections: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are fourchoices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence andmark your answer on the Answer Sheet.21. ___nothing more to discuss, the secretary-general got to his feet, said goodbye and left the room.A. There wasB. BeingC. There beingD. As there being22. It was urgent that he __ her immediately.A. callsB. calledC. callD. would call23. ___the size and nature of a business, its main goal is to earn a profit. (10 年)A. WhateverB. WhicheverC. WhereasD. Because24. What's the matter? I smell something __.(09年)A. bumB. bumsC. being burnedD. burning25. Mathematics as well as other subjects __ a science.A. wasB. isC. areD. belong to26. ___he was a regular customer, the boss allowed 10% discount off the prices of the goods. (10年)A. GivingB. Given thatC. Giving thatD. To give that27. It was during the 1920's __ the friendship between Hemingway and Fitzgerald reached its highest point.A. whenB. thatC. beforeD. after28. ___dwell on her past.A. Little need sheB. Little did she needC. Little she neededD. Little she did need29. ___a fine day, I decided to go for an outing.A. BeingB. Having beenC. It beingD. How30. The car ___seventy miles per hour until it reaches the riverside at about ten o'clock tonight.A. goesB. will goC. wentD. will be going31. Many a time __ not to play with fire but he turns a deaf ear to the warnings.A. the child being toldB. the child has been toldC. has been told the childD. has the child been told32. I would rather ___out to look for a job instead of moping around here everyday.A. to goB. goingC. wentD. go33. ___is still a controversial issue.A. If he is the right person for the jobB. That he is the right person for the jobC. Whether he is the right person for the jobD. He is the right person for the job34. Tom __ my letter; otherwise he would have replied before now.A. ought not have receivedB. shouldn't have receivedC. has been receivedD. couldn't have received35. You'll soon get used to __ a large breakfast in England.A. eatB. it that you eatC. eatingD. you eat36. I left very early last night, but I wish I __ so early.A. didn't leaveB. hadn't leftC. haven't leftD. couldn't leave37. The cottage will be cold. Make sure __ the heater.A. you lightB. for lightingC. lightingD. you'll light38. "How many from your class went abroad? ” “ ___but one".A. AnyB. SomeC. AllD. Most39. Heating ___into the students' dormitories now.A. is puttingB. is being putC. is been putD. has been putting40. He has got himself into a dangerous situation ___he has no control.A. becauseB. asC. over thatD. over which皿.Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: There are 5 passagesin this section. Each passageis followed by 4 questions orunfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.Questions 41 to 44 are based on the following passage:American Indians played a central role in the war known as the American Revolution. To them, however, the dispute between the' colonists and England was peripheral. For American Indians the conflict was a war for American Indian independence,and whichever side they chose, they lost it. Mary Brant was a powerful influence among the Iroquois. She was a Mohawk, the leader of the society of all Iroquois matrons, and the widow of Sir William Johnson, Superintendent of Indian Affairs. Her brother, Joseph Brant, is the best known American Indian warrior of the Revolution, yet she may have exerted even more influence in the confederacy than he did. She used her influence to keep the western tribes of Iroquois loyal to the English king, George III. When the colonists won the war, she and her tribe had toabandon their lands and retreat to Canada. On the other side, Nancy Ward held positions of authority in the Cherokee nation. She had fought as a warrior in the war against the Creeks and as a reward for her heroism was made "Beloved Woman" of the tribe. This office made her chief of the women's council and a member of the council of chiefs. She was friendly with the white settlers and supported the Patriots during the Revolution. Yet the Cherokees too lost their land.41. What is the main point the author makes in the passage?A. Siding with the English in the Revolution helped American Indians regain their land.B. At the time of the Revolution the Superintendent of Indian Affairs had little power.C. Regardless of whom they supported in the Revolution, American Indians lost their land.D. The outcome of the Revolution was largely determined by American Indian women. 42. 42.The word "it" in line 4 refers to ___.A. sideB. revolutionC. disputeD. independence43. How did Ward gain her position of authority?A. By bravery in battle.B. By marriage to a chief.C. By joining the confederacy.D. By being born into a powerful family.44. According to the passage, what did Mary Brant and Nancy Ward had in common?A. Each was called "Beloved Woman" by her tribe.B. Each influenced her tribe's role in the American Revolution.C. Each lost a brother in the American Revolution.D. Each went to England after the American Revolution. Questions 45to 48 are based on the following passage:More people than ever are drinking coffee these days--but in smaller quantities than they used to. Some manufacturers of coffee makers are trying to take advantage of this trend by developing diminutive machines that brew smaller amounts of coffee. Two US appliance companies--Black & Decker, based in Towson, Maryland, and Toastmaster Inc. of Columbia, Missouri--have recently introduced "drip" coffee makers that brew one or two cup servings of coffee. Both of the products brew the coffee directly into a cup or mug, eliminating the need for a separate carafe. Since many people make a pot of coffee in the morning but drink only a single cup, the new coffee makers should reduce the wasted coffee. Black & Decker's Cup-at-a-Time costs $27, while Toastmaster's Coffee Break Retails for $20. Black & Decker also makes a coffee maker that drips coffee directly into a carry-around thermal carafe. The carafe, a glass vacuum bottle, is supposed to keep the coffee fresh for hours. The product, called the Thermal CarafeCoffee-maker, comes with a built-in lid that opens during the brewing process and close when it is completed. There are several models,including one that firs under the counter, ranging from $60 to $110 in price.45. The main purpose of the text is to___.A. introduce a new trend of drinking coffeeB. introduce new coffee makersC. introduce two U.S. appliance companiesD. introduce the new coffee industry46. The advantage of "drip" coffee makers shown in the text isthat___.A. they are much more economicB. they can produce only one cupC. they are more convenient and easier to operateD. they are more economical47. According to the passage, a thermal carafe is necessary when the coffee is___.A. preservedB. producedC. manufacturedD. brewed48. Which of the following statements can be inferred from the passage?A. People used to drink coffee in larger quantities.B. It is essential to attach a separatecarafe, while "drip" coffee makers are applied.C. People used to make a pot of coffee in the morning and drink it up.D. The new coffee makers usually cost less than before.Questions 49 to 52 are based on the following passage:No one expressed this attitude more strongly than Noah Webster (1758- 1843). Born near Hartford, Connecticut, he received his education at Yale College and later began to practise law. But business in this profession was slow, and he was forced to turn to teaching. As a teacher, he soon discovered that the English school books then in use were unsatisfactory, and the American Revolution reduced the supply of such books as there were. Webster therefore began to work on three simple books on English, a spelling book, a grammar, and a reader, and these were the first books of their kind to be published in this country. The success of the first part was surprisingly great. It was soon issued again under the title THE AMERICAN SPELLING BOOK, and in this form about 80 million copies were sold during the next hundred years. From a profit of less than one cent a copy, Webster got most of his income for the rest of his life. Not only did the little book have great influence on many generations of school children, but it also had the effect or turning its author's attention to questions of language. In 1806 he produced a small dictionary, and this was followed by his greatest work, AN AMERICANDICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, published in two volumes in 1828. In both of these works and in many smaller writings he had one purpose: to show that the English language in his country was a truly American thing, developing in its own special way and deserving to be considered from an independent, American point of view. As he himself wrote," It is not only important, but in a degree necessary, that the people of this 'country should have an AMERICAN DICTIONARY of the English language; for, although the body of the language is the same as in England...some differences exist No person in this country will be satisfiedwith the English definitions of the words congress, senate, assembly, court, and so forth, for although these are words used in England, yet they are applied in this country to express ideas which they do not express in that country." By giving American meanings and American pronunciation, by adopting a number of American spellings, and especially by introducing quotations from American authors beside those from English literature, he was able, to a great extent, to justify the title of his work. If, after a hundred years, some people still doubt the existence of a separate American language, his efforts, nevertheless, have left a lasting mark on the language of his country.49. Webster first tried to earn his living in the field of___.A. educationB. journalismC. lawD. medicine50. Apparently Webster published his first books while he was a __.A. teacherB. studentC. lawyerD. doctor51. This article could be entitled___.A. Noah Webster and American English SpellingB. Noah Webster, the author of An American Dictionary of the English LanguageC. Noah WebsterD. Noah Webster and American English Grammar52. According to the article, Webster __.A. had created American English and its usagesB. had discovered American English and improved itC. had tried his best and left a milestone on the language of his countryD. had left a language which was not used in England.Questions 53 to 56 are based on the following passage:Albert Schweitzer was born in 1875 in Alsace. At that time, it was a part of Germany. His generous spirit was first awakened through his training as a Lutheran minister. Besides gaining a reputation as a preacher, he also became respected for his ability to play the organ. He was a man of many talents. His concern for other people turned his attention to medicine. He had also acquired doctoral degrees in philosophy and music. His wife took an interest in medicine too and became a nurse. Many people thought that he should remain and lecture in Europe to have a strong impact on Western civilization. Though he listened to their suggestions, he ultimately decided to follow his own conscience. This led him to Africa. Albert had felt that all men should accept the responsibility of helping others. He felt particularly concerned for black Africans who had been exploited by white men. He earned the money he needed by performing on the organ and by lecturing. With this money he bought equipment and opened a hospital in Africa. He was a man of great strength who faced great problems with courage. The threat of war, the reality of imprisonment during World War, one as a German citizen, and the unbearable heat in Africa did not deter him at all. He believed that man could overcome these obstacles if he had a sense of idealism. He died in 1965.53. He had talents for___.A. training his wife to be a nurse, giving concert and lecturingB. giving medical care, lecturing, playing the organC. taking care of sick people, fighting as a soldier, lecturingD. giving concert, making equipment, helping others54. In spite of people's suggestions, Albert decided to go to Africa___.A. because he was born thereB. because he wanted to help others particularly black Africans who had been exploited by white menC. because he wanted to give a concert to African peopleD. because he wanted to' make money there55. Why did the author think he was a man of great strength?A. He always faced great problems with courage.B. The threat of war and the reality of imprisonment during World War didn't discourage him.C. The unbearable heat in Africa did not deter him at all.D. All of the above.56. Albert Schweitzer lived to be___.A. 70 years oldB. 80 years oldC. 90 years oldD. 100 years oldQuestions 57 to 60 are based on the following passage:The oldest and simplest method, then of describing differences in personality was to classify people according to types, and such a system is called a Typology. A famous example of this method was set forth in Greece about the year 400 B. C. A physician named Hippocrates theorized that there were four fluids, or humors, in the body. Corresponding to eachhumor, he believed, there existed a definite type of personality.The four humors were blood, yellow bile, black bile, and phlegm. A person in whom all four humors were in perfect balance had a harmonious personality. If a person had too much blood, he was called sanguine (血红色), or cheerful and optimistic. Someone with too much yellow bile was choleric, or irritable and easily angered. Too much black bile made a person melancholy, or depressed and pessimistic. An oversupply of phlegm causeda human being to be phlegmatic, or slow and unfeeling. Scientists have long since discarded Hippocrates' fluid theory. But the names of the humors, corresponding to these temperaments, have survived and are still useful, to some extent, in describing personality.Other features of people, such as their faces and physics, have also been used to classify personality. Today, however, personality theories and classifications may also include factors such as heredity 遗(传特征), the environment, intelligence, and emotional needs. Psychology, biology, and sociology are involved in these theories. Because of the complexity of human personality, present day theories are often very different from one another. Psychologists vary in their ideas about what is most important in determining personality.57. According to Hippocrates' fluid theory, a man with too much phlegm will be ___.A. optimisticB. easily angeredC. unexcitableD. pessimistic58. The main idea of this passage is about __.A. the complicated factors in determining one's personalityB. Hippocrates' fluid theory and its developmentC. the past and today of personality classifications and theoriesD. different personalities and their details59. At present, psychologists __.A. have common opinion about personality theories and classificationsB. use biology, archaeology and sociology to study personality theoriesC. have abandoned Hippocrates' fluid theory entirelyD. all agree that human beings are characterized with complex personalities60. According to this passage the factors which are still NOT used to classify personality are___.A. one's born features and needs of love and successB. one's height and weightC. one's hobbies and idealsD. the environment and intelligenceSection BDirections: There are 10 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose theONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.Music comes in many forms; most countries have a style of their own.61 the turn of the century when jazz was born, America had no prominent style fits own. No one knows exactly when jazz was 62 , or by whom. But it began to be heard in the early 1900s. Jazz is Americans contribution to 63 music. In contrast to classical music, which follows formal European traditions, jazz is spontaneous and free form. It bubbles with energy, 64 the moods, interests, and emotions of the people. In the 1920s jazz sounded like America, and 65 it does today. The origins of this music are as interesting as the music 66 .American Negroes, or blacks, as they are called today, were the jazz pioneers .They were brought to Southern States 67 slaves. They were sold to plantation owners and forced to work long hours. When a Negro died his friend and relatives 68 a procession to carry the body to the cemetery. In New Orleans, a band often accompanied the procession .On the way to the cemetery the band played slow, solemn music suited to the occasion. 69 on the way home the mood changed. Spirits lifted. Death had removed one of their relations, but the living were glad to be alive. The band played happy music, improvising (即兴表演)on both the harmony and the melody of the tunes 70 at the funeral. This music made everyone want to once. It was an early form of jazz.61. A. By B. At C. In D. On62. A. discovered B. acted C. invented D. designed63. A. classical B. sacred C. popular D. light64. A. expressing B. explaining C. exposing D. illustrating65. A. as B. so C. either D. neither66. A. concerned B .itself C. available D. oneself67. A. for B. as C. with D. by68. A. demonstrated B. composed C. hosted D. formed69. A. Even B. Therefore C. Furthermore D. But70. A. whistled B. sung C. presented D. showedIV. TranslationDirections: There is 1 passagein this part of the test. You are to translate the passages intoChinese on your Answer Sheet.71.One of the rules for being rich is to avoid frivolous temptations. Surely there are many other rules for the purpose. One of them is to stay in school or, if out of school, go back to it for continuing education. It has never been easier to get an education but you will learn something worth the time and effort. College costs have been rising gradually relative to family income level for more than twenty years. However the rate of return on a college education has been rising as well, making the investment a good deal. Meanwhile, the cost of self-education has fallen with the multitude ofsources of knowledge and information available on CD-ROMs and Internet. In addition, to choose a good major for education is also important. History and politics professors earn less than acco un ti ng professor, much less tha n bus in essme n. For that reas on, accounting professors can expect to earn much less than their students who major in bus in ess.参考2013 版教材46.Becoming Wealthy: It's Up to You 致富取决于你自己一、答案I. Vocabulary1-20 AADAB BDCBA CAABC ACADDII. Grammatical Structure21-40 CCADB BBACD DDCDC BACBDIII. Readi ng Comprehe nsion41-60 CDABB DAACA CCBBD CCCDC61-70 BCCAA BBDDCIV. Tran slation翻译答案略,请参考2007年版通用英语选读相关课文。

模拟试題一I. VocabularySection ADirections: There are 10 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence and mark your answer on the answer sheet.1.I could just see a car in the distance, but I couldn't ____ what colorit was.A. make outB. look toC. look outD. take in2.He mumbled something and blushed as though a secret had been____A. imposedB. exposedC. composedD. opposed3.You should these tables and buy new ones.A. throw offB. throw downC. throw upD.throw away4._ ____ their suggestions, we will discuss them fully at the nextmeeting.A. In regard forB. In regard toC. With regard ofD. Regardless for5.On cloudy nights it is not possible to see the stars with ____eye.A. nakedB. bareC. fleshD. pure6.Many new _____ will be opened up in the future for those with auniversity education.A. opportunitiesB. necessitiesC. probabilitiesD. realities7.I found myself completely ____ by his vivid performance.A. carried outB. carried offC. carried awayD.carried on8.Although the examination he had passed was unimportant, his success____ him in his later study.A. persuadedB. promisedC. urgedD.encouraged9.This is the first time you have been late.A. under no circumstancesB. on no accountC. by no meansD. for no reason10.The taxi had to because the traffic light had turned red.A. set upB. catch upC. shut upD. pull upSection BDirections: There are 10 sentences in this section. Below each sentence are four other words or phrases. You are to choose the one word or phrasewhich would best keeping the meaning of the original sentence if it were substituted for the underlined word or phrase. Then mark your answer on the answer sheet.-11.The roof of the house was practically falling in and the front steps were rotting away.A. almostB. essentiallyC. alwaysD. convenientlyspace humans have under their chins.A. attractionB. dangerC. comfortD. differencethought process.A. substituteB. assumeC. projectD. reflectdwellings.A. intellectualsB. rentersC. colonizersD. contractors15.Buddhist monks claim to detach their minds from their bodies.A. separateB. attachC. deliverD. detainA. metB. sawC. helpedD. surprised17.He paid almost $900.00 for a vacuum cleaner.A. deceivedB. incitedC. implicatedD. saturatedA. singB. rewriteC. introduceD. practiceA. angerB. biasC. rudenessD. action20.A. feedB. touchC. angerD. chaseII. Grammatical StructureSection ADirections: There are 10 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence and mark your answer on the answer sheet.21.So frightened in darkness that she did not dare to move an inch.A. was the girlB. the girl wasC. such a girl wasD. that the girlwas22.___you may be right, I can’t altogether agree.A. AsB. WhileC. IfD. Since23.—I must have eaten something wrong. I feel like ___.—I told you not to eat at a restaurant. You’d better at home.A. to throw up ... to catB. throwing up ... eatingC. to throw up ... catD. throwing up... cat24. His response was that he didn’t say yes and he didn’t say no.A. soB. whichC. whatD. such25. I have not found my book yet. I’m not sure ____I could have donewith it.A. whetherB. whatC. whyD. where26. He is sure that there was a flying saucer over there. If he hadn't seen it himself, he ___ it.A. never have believedB. never did believeC. could never believeD. would never have believed27.I _____________________________________ w ish Bill would drive us tothe train station but he has __________ ____ to take us all.A. very small a carB. too small a carC. a too small carD. such a small car28.___ the building for stolen goods, the police found twenty machineguns.A. SearchingB. Being searchingC. SearchedD. To search29.Close the door, ?A. will youB. do youC. shall youD. don’t you30.The storm ,they had to live in a cave.A. has destroyed their hutB. to destroy their hutC. having destroyed their hutD. being destroyedDirections: In questions 31-40 each sentence has four underlined words or phrases, marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the one word or phrase which is incorrect and must be changed to make the sentence correct. Then mark your answer on the answer sheet.most prominent in theA B C DUnited States for the past eight years.A B Cstationed.Doutright; thus more peopleA B CDA B C D waking hours.III. Cloze TestDirections: There are 10 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the ONEthat best fits into the passage. Then mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.If you were to begin a new job tomorrow, you would bring with you some basic strengthsand weaknesses. Success or 41 in your work would depend, to a great extent, 42 yourability to use your strengths and weaknesses to the best advantage. Of the utmost importance isyour attitude. A person 43 begins a job convinced that lie isn't going to like it or is sure that heis going to ail is exhibiting a weakness which can only hinder his success. On the other hand, aperson who is secure 44 his belief that he is probably as capable of doing the work as anyoneelse and who is willing to make a cheerful attempt by it possesses a certain strength of purpose.The chances are that he will do well.45 the prerequisite skills for a particular job is strength. Lacking those skills is obviouslya weakness. A book keeper who can't add or a carpenter who can't cut a straight line with a saw ishopeless cases.This book has been designed to help you capitalize 46 the strengthand overcome the47 that you bring to the job of learning. But in group to measure your development, you mustfirst take stock of where you stand now. 48 we get further along inthe book, we'll be dealingin some detail with specific processes for developing and strengthening49 skills. However, tobegin with, you should pause to examine your present strengths and weaknesses in three areas thatare critical to your success or failure in school: your 50 , your readingand communicationskills, and your study habits.41. A. improvement B. victory C. failureD. achievement42. A. in B. on C. ofD. to43. A. who B. what C. thatD. which44. A. onto B. on C. offD. in45. A. Have B. Had C. HavingD. Had been46. A. except B. but C. forD. on47. A. idea B. weakness C. strengthD. advantage48. A. as B. till C. overD. out49. A. learnt B. learned C. learningD. learn50. A. intelligence B. work C. attitudeD. weaknessIV. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: There are 4 passages in this section. Each passage isfollowed by 4 questions orunfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.Questions 51 to 54 are based on the following passage:In the past, American families tended to be quite large. Parents raising five or more children were common. Over the years, the size of the family has decreased. One reason for this is an increase in the cost of living. On the average, children attend schools for more years than they used to, making them financially dependent on their families longer. Moreover, children nowadays are better dressed and have more money to spend on entertainment. The parents usually take the responsibility for all the expenses. Meanwhile, families are less close than they used to be. More and more American mothers work away from home. The break up of the family occurs when the parents divorce, A lot of children in the U. S. live part of their young lives with only one parent. Broken families usually result in problems for children and parents alike. Children blame themselves when their parents separate. They grow up feeling unsettled as they are moved back and forth between parents. Usually one parent is responsible for raising the children. These single parents must care for the children'semotional and psychological needs while also supporting them financially. This is very demanding and leaves very little time for the parent's own personal interests. Single parents often marry other single parents. In this type of family, unrelated children are forced to develop brother or sister relationship. The situations of many American families today are not good. However, recent signs indicate that things are getting better. The divorce rate is declining. The rate of childbirth is rising. Perhaps Americans have learned how important families are.51. To parents who take the responsibility for children's expenses, the cost of living increasesbecauseA. children attend school for more yearsB. children are better dressedC. children spend more money on entertainmentD. all of the above52. What problems would broken families bring to both children and parents?A. Children grow up feeling unsettled and parents didn't pay much attention to children.B. Children grow up feeling free and one parent is responsible for raising the children.C. Children are moved back and forth between parents and the single parent is busy workingto make money to support himself/herself.D. Children grow up feeling unsettled, and the parents have little time for his/her owninterests because one parent is too busy taking care of children.53. According to the author, the situations of American families in the future may __A. become worseB. remain the sameC. get betterD. keep unchanged54. The title of the article might be __A. American ChildrenB. American FamiliesC. American MotherD. American Parents Questions 55 to 58 are based on the following passage:When I was studying at Yale, some phenomena puzzled me greatly.I found that Chinesestudents or Asian students were very polite in class while American students often interrupted theprofessor, asking questions and dominating the discussion. The Chinese students were not asaggressive as American students.I was impressed by the role of the professor in the seminar (讨论会). The professor didn't actas an authority, giving final conclusions, but as a researcher looking for answers to questionstogether with the students. One linguistic (语言的) feature of his interacting with his students wasthat he used many modal (情态的) verbs--far more than I did in Beiwai. When answeringquestions, he usually said, "This is my personal opinion and it could be wrong." or "You could beright, but you might find this point of view also interesting." In China, authorities are alwayssupposed to give wise decisions and correct directions. Therefore, students always expect theprofessor to give an answer to the question, i still remember how frustrated they were whenforeign teachers did not provide such an answer. Their expectations from authorities are muchhigher than that of American students. Once the Chinese students got the answer, they were sureabout it.Education in China is valued for united thinking. I remember American teachers who taughtin our university complaining about the fact that Chinese students uniformly expressed the sameidea in their English composition. The examinations in America usually do not test a student'sability to memorize the material but his ability to analyze and solve problems. Education inAmerica is valued not only as a means to obtain employment but as a process of enhancingcritical thinking.55. In the USA, when the students are in class, __A. a Chinese student tends to be very activeB. an American student likes to make troubleC. a Chinese student likes to puzzle the teacherD. an American student tends to be vigorous56. A teacher in the USA prefers to __ when he answers questions.A. be very sincereB. be very directC. be very self-confidentD. be very indifferent57. What is the opinion of the author concerning the difference of teaching methods betweenChina and the USA?A. He thinks that Chinese teaching methods can make students learn more.B. He holds that the major purpose of Chinese teaching methods is to improve students'remembrance.C. He thinks that American teaching is ability oriented.D. He holds that American teachers hate to give a test.58. The author thinks that the relationship between the student and the teacher is __A. more intimate in ChinaB. closer in ChinaC. looser in USAD. more harmonious in USAQuestions 59 to 62 are based on the following passage:With a tremendous roar from its rocket engine, the satellite is sent up into the sky. Minuteslater, at an altitude of 300 miles, this tiny electronic moon begins to orbit about the earth. Its radiobegins to transmit an astonishing amount of information about the satellite's orbital path, theamount of radiation it detects, and the presence of meteorites. Information of all kinds races backto the earth. No human being could possibly copy down all these facts, much less remember andorganize them. But an electronic computer can. The marvel of the machine age, the electroniccomputer has been in use only since 1946. It can do simple computations--add, subtract, multiplyand divide--with lighting speed and perfect accuracy. Some computers can work 500,000 timesfaster than any person can.Once it is given a "program" -- that is, a carefully worked out set of instructions devised bya technician trained in computer language -- a computer can gather a wide range of information formany purposes. For the scientist it can get information from outer space or from the depth of theocean. In business and industry the computer prepares factory inventories, keeps track of salestrends and production needs, mails dividend checks, and makes out company payrolls. It can keepbank accounts up to date and make out electric bills. If you are planning a trip by plane, thecomputer will find out what to take and what space is available.Not only can the computer gather facts, it can also store them as fast as they are gathered andcan pour them out whenever they are needed. The computer is really a high powered "memory"machine that "has all the answers"--or almost all. Besides gathering and storing information, thecomputer can also solve complicated problems that once took months for people to do. At timescomputers seem almost human. They can "read" hand printed letters, play chess, compose music,write plays and even design other computers. Is it any wonder that they are sometimes called"thinking" machines?Even though they are taking over some of the tasks that were once accomplished by our ownbrains, computers are not replacing us at least not yet. Our brain has more than 10 million cells. Acomputer has only a few hundred thousand parts. For some time to come, then, we can safely saythat our brains are at least 10, 000 times more complex than a computer. How we use them is forus, not the computer, to decide.59. "Program" means __A. a plan of what is to be doneB. a complete show on a TV station at a fixed time tableC. a scheduled performanceD. series of coded instructions to control the operations of a computer60. The computer is a high powered "memory" machine, which __A. has all the ready answers -- or almost all to any questionsB. can remember everythingC. can store everything and work for youD. has all the answers -- or almost to all the information that has been stored61. "Thinking" machines suggest that __A. they can "read" hand printed letters etcB. they really can think and do many other jobsC. they even design other computersD. they can't think, but can do something under human control62. Can computers do whatever they want to do? Why?A. Yes, because some computers can work 500,000 times faster than any person can.B. No, because they normally have a few hundred thousand parts.C. No, because human brains are at least 10000 times more complex than any computers.D. No, because how a computer works is decided by human.Questions 63 to 66 are based on the following passage:Within fifteen years Britain and other nations should be well on with the building of hugeindustrial complexes for the recycling of waste. The word rubbish could lose its meaning becauseeverything that goes into the dumps would be made into something useful. Even the mostdangerous and unpleasant wastes would provide energy if nothing else.The latest project is to take a city of around half a million inhabitants and discover exactlywhat raw materials go into it and what go out. The aim is to find out how much of these rawmaterials could be provided if a plant for recycling waste were built just outside the city. Thisplant would recycle not only metal such as steel, lead and copper, but also paper and rubber aswell.Another new project is being set up to discover the best ways of sorting and separating therubbish. When this project is complete, the rubbish will be processed like this: first, it will passthrough sharp metal bars which will tear open the plastic bags in which rubbish is usually packed;then it will pass through a powerful fan to separate the lightest elements from the heavy solids;after that grounders and rollers break up everything that can be broken. Finally the rubbish willpass under magnets, which will remove the bits of iron and steel; the rubber and plastic will thenbe sorted out in the final stage.The first full scale giant recycling plants are, perhaps, fifteen years away. Indeed, with thegrowing cost of transporting rubbish to more distant dumps, some big cities will be forced tobuild their own recycling plants before long.63. The main purpose of the passage is __A. to show us a future way of recycling wastesB. to tell the importance of recycling wastesC. to warn people the danger of some wastesD. to introduce a new recycling plant64. How many stages are there in the recycling process?A. 3.B. 4.C. 5.D. 6.65. What is the main reason for big cities to build their own recycling plants?A. To deal with wastes in a better way.B. It's a good way to gain profits.C. It's more economical than to dump wastes in some distant places.D. Energy can be got at a lower price.66. Which of the following statements is true?A. The word "rubbish" will soon disappear from dictionaries.B. Dangerous wastes can be recycled into nothing but energy.C. To recycle paper and rubber will still be impossible even with the new recycling methods.D. Big cities will soon have their own recycling plants. Section BDirections: You should answer questions 67-75 which are based on thefollowing passages. Markyour answer on the answer sheet.The Motor CarA There are now over 700 million motor vehicles in the world •and thenumber is rising by more than 40 million each year. The average distance driven by car users is growing too - from 8 km a day per person in western Europe in 1965 to 25 km a day in 1995. This dependence on motor vehicles has given rise to major problems, including environmental pollution, depletion of oil resources, traffic congestion and safety.B While emissions from new cars are far less harmful than they usedto be, city streets and motorways are becoming more crowded than ever, often with older trucks, buses and taxis which emit excessive levels of smoke and fumes. This concentration of vehicles makes air quality in urban areas unpleasant and sometimes dangerous tobreathe. Even Moscow has joined the list of capitals afflicted by congestion and traffic fumes. In Mexico City, vehicle pollution isa major health hazard.C Until a hundred years ago, most journeys were in the 20 km range,the distance conveniently accessible by horse. Heavy freight could only be carried by water or rail. The invention of the motor vehicle brought personal mobility to the masses and made rapid freight delivery possible over a much wider area. In the United Kingdom, about 90 per cent of inland freight is carried by road. Clearly the world cannot revert to the horse-drawn wagon. Can it avoid being locked into congested and polluting ways of transporting people and goods?D In Europe most cities arc still designed for the old modes oftransport. Adaptation to the motor car has involved adding ring roads, one-way systems and parking lots. In the United States, more land is assigned to car use than to housing. Urban sprawl means that life without a car is next to impossible. Mass use of motor vehicles has also killed or injured millions of people. Other social effects have been blamed on the car such as alienation and aggressive human behaviour.E A 1993 study by the European Federation for Transport and Environmentfound that car transport is seven times as costly as rail travel in terms of the external social costs it entails such as congestion, accidents, pollution, loss of cropland and natural habitats,depletion of oil resources, and so on. Yet cars easily surpass trains or buses as a flexible and convenient mode of personal transport. It is unrealistic to expect people to give up private cars in favour of mass transit.F Technical solutions can reduce the pollution problem and increasethe fuel efficiency of engines. But fuel consumption and exhaust emissions depend on which cars arc preferred bycustomers and how they are driven. Many people buy larger cars than they need for daily purposes or waste fuel by driving aggressively. Besides, global car use i彡increasing at a faster rate than the improvement in emissions and fuel efficiency which technology is now making possible.G One solution that has been put forward is the long-term solutionof designing cities and neighbourhoods so that car journeys are not necessary - all essential services being located within walking distance or easily accessible by public transport. Not only would this save energy and cut carbon dioxide emissions, it would also enhance the quality of community life, putting the emphasis on people instead of cars. Good local government isalready bringing this about in some places. But few democratic communities are blessed with the vision - and the capital - to make such profound changes in modem lifestyles.H A more likely scenario seems to be a combination of mass transitsystems for travel into and around cities, with small “low emission” cars for urban use and larger hybrid or lean bum cars for use elsewhere. Electronically tolled highways might be used to ensure that drivers pay charges geared to actual road use.Better integration of transport systems is also highly desirable - and made more feasible by modem computers. But these are solutions for countries which can afford them. In most developing countries, old cars and old technologies continue to predominate.Questions 67-72This passage has eight paragraphs labelled A-H. Which paragraphs concentrate on the followinginformation? Choose the correct letter A-H for questions 67-72 and mark your answer on theanswer sheet.NB You may use any letter more than once.67. a comparison of past and present transportation methods68. how driving habits contribute to road problems69. the relative merits of cars and public transport70. the writer's own prediction of future solutions71. the increasing use of motor vehicles72. the impact of the car on city developmentQuestions 73-75Do the following statements agree with the views of the writer in this passage? For questions73-75, chooseA.if the statement agrees with the views of the writer (YES)B.if the statement contradicts the views of the writer (NO)C.if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this (NOTGIVEN)73. Vehicle pollution is worse in European cities than anywhere else.74. Technology alone cannot solve the problem of vehicle pollution.75. Redesigning cities would be a short-term solution.。

新版中石油职称英语模拟考试题公司标准化编码 [QQX96QT-XQQB89Q8-NQQJ6Q8-MQM9N]模拟试题二I Vocabulary Section ADirections: There are 10 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B. C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence and mark your answer on the answer sheet.1.A fter we had been in the village for a few months, we so liked it that we decided to settle there ____A. in turnB. for goodC. as usualD. at most2.High speed aircraft is made of metals that can____ both high temperature and pressure.A. stand byB. put up withC. withholdD. withstand3.He failed again in the driving test. I don’t know why____ he was so nervous.A. in the earthB. on the earthC. in earthD. on earth4.No one can behave _,completely regardless of social conventions.A. at willB. at randomC. on purposeD. on easy5.W ith the winter here you can ____ these skirts till you need them again next summer.A. do away withB. put awayC. get rid ofD. give away6.In the bitter cold, the explorers managed to despite the shortage of food.A. liveB. surviveC. bearD. endure7.It is _practice to bring a present to ____ the hostess when one is invited to dinner.A. generalB. usualC. ordinaryD. common8.T he Johnsons __ t he house before they decided to buy it.A. looked outB. looked overC. looked afterD. looked on9.It was a long time before the cut on my hand ____ completely.A. healedB. recoveredC. improvedD. cured10.He has to make a living by himself because he doesn’t have parents to____.A. keep onB. depend withC. rely onD. go toSection BDirections: There are 10 sentences in this section. Below each sentence are four other words or phrases. You are to choose the one word or phrase which would best keeping the meaning of the original sentence if it were substituted for the underlined word or phrase. Then, mark your answer on the answer sheet.11.Many parental groups advocate against lower drinking ages.A. recommendB. protestC. hurryD. rebel12.S upply side economic ideas have spread in popularity throughout the western world.A. disseminatedB. grownC. increasedD. enlarged13.S ince I has been ill, my appetite has diminished.A. desire for exerciseB. desire for visitorsC. desire for sleepD. desire for food14.H er husband is very competent: he will repair the roof himself.A. capableB. industriousC. thriftyD. careful15.C ontrary to popular belief, Cleopatra, the famous Egyptian queen, wasGreek, spoke six language, and was a brilliant military strategist.A. an intelligentB. a knownC. a professionalD. a popular16. A conscientious teacher spends hours preparing for classes and correcting students' papers.A. creativeB. skillfulC. leadingD. careful17.The initial step is often the most difficult.A. quickestB. longesC. lastD. first18.H e was greatly vexed by the new and unexpected development.A. astonishedB. annoyedC. enlightenedD. contented19.I n order to strengthen both the forearm and the grip, many athletes willrepeatedly squeeze a tennis ball in their hands.A. drenchB. impaleC. penetrateD. compress20.Isaac Stem manipulates his violin with exquistite beauty and grace.A. handlesB. carriesC. treatsD. maintainsII.Grammatical StructureSection ADirections: There are 10 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence and mark your answer on the answer sheet.21.It is human nature to think back to a Golden Age ____ one's country was strong and respected.A. whenB. providedC. asD. unless22.Isn’t it lovely to think that I ____ myself on the sunny beach tomorrow at this time.A. will enjoyB. am enjoyingC. will be enjoyingD. shall enjoy23.He always dreams of ____ a chance for him to bring into full play his potential.A. there beingB. there to beC. there isD. being24.I’d just as soon remind those important documents with you.A. that you won’t takeB. your not takingC. please don’t takeD. you didn’t take25. ___ ,the book has many mistakes.A. Having not been written carefullyB. Not writing carefullyC. Having written not carefullyD. Not having been writtencarefully26.1 guess Jones didn’t have a chance to win the election.____ the people in the city voted for hisopponentA. Most all ofB. Most of allC. Almost all ofD. Almost the whole of27.Your hair needed ; 1 am glad you had it cut.28.A. cutB. cuttingC. to cutD. being cut28. __ at the railway station when it began to rain.A. Hardly had he arrivedB. Hardly he had arrivedC. No sooner did he arriveD. No sooner arrived he29. __ the number of paid holidays enjoyed by most employees in the company, three weeks ofvacation seems generous.A. Compared withB. ComparedC. Comparing withD. Comparing30.He is younger thanA. any other boy in the classB. any boy in the classC. all boys in the classD. you and me as well as the classSection BDirections: In questions 31-40 each sentence has four underlined words or phrases, marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the one word or phrase which is incorrect and must be changed to make the sentence correct. Then mark your answer on the answer sheet.31.In the United States, the Cabinet consist of a group advisers, each of whom is chosen by theA B CDPresident to head an executive department of the government.32.A great aviation pioneer. Amelia Earthart was already famous when she sets out on herA B Cill-fated attempt to circle the globe in 1936.D33.Total amount of the membership dues collected at the annual conference easmisplaced.A B C D34.Your intelligent and energy will help you solve any problem you encounter;useA Bthese strengths wisely.C D35.My colleagues and I did not find the new software program to be easy asthe old one.A B CD36.Mr. Lyons called to find out where was the meeting being held.ABC D37.Rapidly fallen oil prices caused OPEC ministers to meet and plan astrategy.A B CD38.The voters were disappointed since they had expected knowing theoutcome of theA B Celection before now.D39.The manager should receive a telephone call from Tokyo this morning,transfer it to hisABC Dextension.40.L ooking for the perfect location and are assessing the needs of their company,the membersA Bof the executive committee took a long time before making their decision.C DIII. Cloze TestDirections: There are 10 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choicesmarked A, B, C and D. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage.Then mark youranswer on the Answer Sheet.Most people have no idea of the hard work and worry that go into the collecting of thosefascinating birds and animals that they pay to see in the zoo. One of the questions that is alwaysasked of me is 41 I became an animal collector in the first place. The answer is that I havealways been interested in animals and zoos. According to my parents, the first word I was able~' to say with any 42 was not the conventional "mamma" or "daddy", 43 the word "zoo",which I would repeat over and over again with a shrill voice until someone, in group to 44 meup, would take me to the zoo. When I grew a little older, we lived in Greece and I had a great45 of pets, ranging from owls to seahorses, and I spent all my spare-time exploring thecountryside in search of fresh specimens to 46 to my collection of pets. later on I went for ayear to the City Zoo, as a student 47 , to get experience of the large animals, such as lions,bears, bison and ostriches, which were not easy to keep at home~ When I left, I successfully hadenough money of my own to be able to 48 my first trip and I have been going regularly eversince then. Though a collector's job is not an easy one and is full of 49, it is certainly a jobwhich will appeal 70 all those who Jove animals and travel.4 1. A. how B. where C. whenD. whether42. A. clarity B. emotion C. sentimentD. affection43. A. except B. but C. except forD. but for44. A. close B. shut C. stopD. comfort45. A. many B. amount C. numberD. supply46. A. increase B. include C. addD. enrich47. A. attendant B. keeper C. memberD. aide48. A. pay B. provide C. allowD. finance49. A. expectations B. sorrows C. excitementD. disappointments50. A. for B. with C. toD. fromIV. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: There are 4 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by 4 questions orunfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C andD. You shoulddecide on the best choice and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.Questions 51 to 54 are based on the following passage:According to the dictionary definition of "create", ordinary people are creative every day. Tocreate means "to bring into being, to cause to exist"--something each of us does daily.We are creative whenever we look at or think about something in a new way.First thisinvolves an awareness of our surroundings. It means using all of our sense to become aware ofour world. This may be as simple as being aware of color and texture, as well as taste, when weplan a meal. Above all, it is the ability to notice things that others might miss.A second part of creativity is an ability to see relationships among things.If we believe theexpression, "There is nothing new under the sun," the creativity is remaking or recombining theold in new ways. For example, we might do this by finding a more effective way to study or abetter way to arrange our furniture, or we might make a new combination of camera lenses andfilters to create an unusual photograph.A third part of creativity is the courage and drive to make use of our newideas, to applythem to achieve some new results. To think up a new concept is one thing; to put the idea to workis another.These three parts of creativity are involved in all the great works of genius, but they are alsoinvolved in many of our day to day activities.51. The author holds thatA. creativity is of highly demandB. creativity is connected with a deep insight to some extentC. creativity is to create something new and concreteD. to practise and practise is the only way to cultivate one's creativity52. "There is nothing new under the sun." (Par. 3) really implies that __A. we can seldom create new thingsB. a new thing is only a taleC. a new thing can only be created at the basis of original thingsD. we can scarcely see really new things in the world53. What does the author think about the relationship between a new thought andits being putinto practice?A. It's more difficult to create a new thought than to apply it inpractice.B. To find a new thought will definitely lead to the production of a newthing.C. One may come up with a new thought, but can not put it into practice.D. A man with an excellent ability of practice can easily become aninventor.54. The best title for this passage is __A. How to Cultivate One's CreativityB. What is CreativityC. The Importance of CreativityD. Creativity--a Not Farway ThingQuestions 55 to 58 are based on the following passage:Born in 1830 in rural Amherst, Massachusetts, Emily Dickinson spent her entire life in thehousehold of her parents. Between 1858 and 1862, it was later discovered, she wrote like a personpossessed, often producing a poem a day. It was also during this period that her life wastransformed into the myth of Amherst. Withdrawing more and more, keeping to her room,sometimes even refusing to see visitors who called, she began to dress only in white--a habit thatadded to her reputation as an eccentric.In their determination to read Dickinson's life in terms of a traditional romantic plot,biographers have missed the unique pattern of her life--her struggle to create a female life not yetimagined by the culture in which she lived. Dickinson was not the innocent, lovelorn andemotionally fragile girl sentimentalized by the Dickinson myth and popularized by WilliamLuce's 1976 play, the Belle of Amherst. Her decision to shut the door on Amherst society in the1850's transformed her house into a kind of magical realm in which she was free to engage herpoetic genius. Her seclusion was not the result of a failed love affair, but rather a part of a moregeneral pattern of renunciation through which she, in her quest for self sovereignty, carried on anargument with the puritan fathers, attacking with wit and irony their cheerless Calvinist doctrine,their stem patriarchal God, and their rigid notions of "true womanhood".55. What's the author's main purpose in the passage?A. To interpret Emily Dickinson's eccentric behavior.B. To promote the popular myth of Emily Dickinson.C. To discuss Emily Dickinson's failed love affair.D. To describe the religious climate in Emily Dickinson's time.56. Which of the following is not mentioned as being one of Emily Dickinson'seccentricities?A. Refusing to eat.B. Wearing only white.C. Avoiding visitors.D. Staying in her room.57. The author implies that many people attribute Emily Dickinson's seclusion to__A. physical illnessB. a failed love affairC. religious fervorD. her dislike of people58. It can be inferred from the passage that Emily Dickinson lived in a societythat wascharacterized by __A. strong Puritan beliefsB. equality of men and womenC. the encouragement of nonconformityD. the appreciation of poetic creativityQuestions 59 to 62 are based on the following passage:Once upon a time, the United States seemed to have plenty of land to go around. Plenty ofrivers to dam and plenty of rural valleys left over. Plenty of space for parks and factories. Plentyof forests to cut and grasslands to pl0w. But that was once upon a time.. The days of unused landare over. Now the land has been spoken for, fenced off, carved up into cities and farms andindustrial parks, put to use.At the same time, the population keeps growing. People need places to workand places toplay. So we need more sites for more industries, more beaches for more sunbathers, and moreclean rivers for more fishers. And it isn't just a matter of population growth.Our modemtechnology has needs that must be met, too. We need more coal for energy, and we need morepower plants; cars must have highways and parking lots, and jets must have airports. Each ofthese land uses swallows up precious space. Highways and expressways alone take some 200,000acres each year. And urban sprawl -- the spreading out of cities -- is expected to gobble up vastareas of land by the year 2,000. But there is only so much land to go around. It is always hard todecide. Take, for example, a forest. A forest can be a timber supply. It can provide a home forwildlife. It is scenery and a recreation area for man. It is soil and watershed protection.59. "...the United States seemed to have plenty of land to go around" means that__A. the United States seemed to have vast land for its people to walk aroundB. the United States seemed to have enough land for sharing with everyoneC. the United States could provide whatever its inhabitents' needsD. the United States was not able to allow its people to do what they wantedto60. The sentence of "Plenty of rivers to dam and plenty of rural valleys leftover" suggests thatA, the United States had a lot of rivers to dam and many rural valleys, tooB. the rivers could be dammed laterC. rural valleys would be considered in the futureD. people needn't think of the rivers and valleys61. "Now the land has been spoken for, ..." tells us that __A. today, land has shown its valuesB. now, people have said something about landC. nowadays, land has been claimed by human beingsD. recently, people spoke for the land62. The word "sprawl" indicates thatA. cities are developing very fast to meet the people's demandsB. urban areas are diminishing smoothlyC. urban areas are enlarging steadily in a planned wayD. cities are spreading out without any plansQuestions 63 to 66 are based on the following passage:Social change is more likely to occur in societies where there is a mixture of different kindsof people than in societies where people are similar in many ways. The simple reason for this isthat there are more different ways of looking at things present in the first kind of society. Thereare more ideas, more disagreements in interest, and more groups and organizations with differentbeliefs. In addition, there is usually a greater worldly interest and greater tolerance in mixedsocieties. All these factors tend to promote social change by opening more areas of life to decision.In a society where people are quite similar in many ways, there are fewer occasions for people tosee the need or the opportunity for change because everything seems to be the same. Andalthough conditions may not be satisfactory, they are at least customary and undisputed.Within a society, social change is also likely to occur more frequently and more readily in thematerial aspects of the culture than in the non material, for example, in technology rather than invalues; in what has been learned later in life rather than what was learned early;in the less basicand less emotional aspects of society than in their opposites; in the simple elements rather than inthe complex ones; in form rather than in substance; and in elements that are acceptable to theculture rather than in strange elements.Furthermore, social change is easier if it is gradual. For example, it comes more readily inhuman relations on a continuous scale rather than one with sharp dichotomies (一分为二). This isone reason why change has not come more quickly to Black Americans as compared to otherAmerican minorities, because of the sharp difference in appearance between them and their whitecounterparts.63. What kind of society tends to promote social changes?A. A society where people are similar in many ways.B. A society where there are only white people.C. A society where there are only black people.D. A society where there is a mixture of different kinds of people.64. Which of the following is not true, according to the passage?A. Social change is more likely to occur in the material aspect of society.B. Social change is less likely to occur in what people learned when theywere old.C. Disagreement with and argument about conditions tend to promote socialchange.D. Social change tends to meet with more difficulty in basic and emotionalaspects of society.65. Social change is less likely to occur in a society where people are quitesimilar in many waysbecauseA. people there are easy to pleaseB. people there are less argumentaryC. people there have got so accustomed to their conditions that they seldomthink itnecessary to changeD. people there have same needs that can be satisfied without muchdifficulty66. The passage is mainly discussingA. two different societiesB. certain factors that determine the case with which social change occursC. the necessity of social changeD. the significance of social changeSection BDirections: You should answer questions 67-75 which are based on the following passages. Mark your answer on the answer sheet.Tidal PowerUndersea turbines which produce electricity from the tides are set to become an important source of renewable energy for Britain. It is still too early to predict the extent of the impact they may have, but all the signs are that they will play a significant role in the future.A Operating on the same principle as wind turbines, the power in sea turbinescomes from tidal currents which turn blades similar to ships’ propellers, but, unlike wind, the tides are predictable and the power input is constant. The technology raises the prospect of Britain becoming self-sufficient in renewable energy and drastically reducing its carbon dioxide emissions. If tide,wind and wave power are all developed, Britain would be able to close gas, coal and nuclear power plants and export renewable power to other parts of Europe. Unlike wind power, which Britain originally developed and then abandoned for 20 years allowing the Dutch to make it a major industry, undersea turbines could become a big export earner to island nations such asJapan and New Zealand.B Tidal sites have already been identified that will produce one sixth or moreof the UK’s power and at prices competitive with modem gas turbines andundercutting those of the already ailing nuclear industry. One site alone, the Pentland Firth, between Orkney and mainland Scotland, could produce 10% of the country's electricity with banks of turbines under the sea, and another at Alderney in the Channel Islands three times the 1,200 megawatts of Britain’s largest and newest nuclear plant, Sizewell B,in Suffolk. Other sitesidentified include the Bristol Channel and the west coast of Scotland, particularly the channel between Campbeltown and Northern Ireland.C Work on designs for the new turbine blades and sites are well advanced at theUniversity of Southampton’s sustainable energy research group. The first station is expected to be installed off Lynmouth in Devon shortly to test the technology in a venture jointly funded by the department of Trade and Industry and the European Union. AbuBakr Bahaj, in charge of the Southampton research, said: “The prospects for energy from tidal currents are far better than from wind because the flows of water are predictable and constant. The technology for dealing with the hostile saline environment under the sea has been developed in the North Sea oil industry and much is already known about turbine blade design, because of wind power and ship propellers. There are a few technical difficulties, but I believe in the next five to ten years wc will be installing commercial marine turbine farms.” Southampton has been awarded £215,000 over three years to develop the turbines and is working with Marine Current Turbines, a subsidiary of IT power, on the Lynmouth project. EU research has now identified 106 potential sites for tidal power, 80% round the coasts of Britain. The best sites are between islands or around heavily indented coasts where there are strong tidal currents.D A marine turbine blade needs to be only one third of the size of a windgenerator to produce three times as much power. The blades will be about 20 meters in diameter, so around 30 metres of water is required. Unlike wind power, there are unlikely to be environmental objections. Fish and other creatures are thought unlikely to be at risk from the relatively slow-turning blades. Each turbine will be mounted on a tower which will connect to the national power supply grid via underwater cables. The towers will stick out of the water and be lit, to warn shipping, and also be designed to be lifted out of the water for maintenance and to clean seaweed from the blades.E Dr Bahaj has done most work on the Alderney site, where there arc powerfulcurrents. The single undersea turbine farm would produce far more power than needed for the Channel Islands and most would be fed into the French Grid and be re-imported into Britain via the cable under the Channel.F One technical difficulty is cavitation, where low pressure behind a turningblade causes air bubbles. These can cause vibration and damage the blades of the turbines. Dr Bahaj said: “We have to test a number of blade types toavoid this happening or at least make sure it does not damage the turbines or reduce performance. Another slight concern is submerged debris floating into the blades. So far we do not know how much of a problem it might be. We will have to make the turbines robust because the sea is a hostile environment, but all the signs that we can do it are good.”Questions 67-70This passage has six paragraphs, A-F. Which paragraph contains the following information Choose the correct letter, A-F, for questions 67-70 and mark your choice on the answer sheet.NB You may use any letter more than once.67. the location of the first test site68. a way of bringing the power produced on one site back into Britain69. a reference to a previous attempt by Britain to find an alternative source ofenergy70. mention of the possibility of applying technology from another industryQuestions 71-75Do the following statements agree with the views of the writer in this passage For questions 71-75, chooseA. if the statement agrees with the views of the writer (YES)B. if the statement contradicts the views of the writer (NO)C. if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this (NOT GIVEN)71. It is a more reliable source of energy than wind power.72. Its introduction has come as a result of public pressure.73. It could contribute to the closure of many existing power stations in Britain.74. It could face a lot of resistance from other fuel industries.75. It is best produced in the vicinity of coastlines with particularfeatures.。

模拟试题二I. V ocabularyDirections: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.1. After we had been in the village for a few months, we so liked it that we decided to settle thereA. in turnB. for goodC. as usualD. at most2. I am easily hurt because my feelings are very __A. sensibleB. sensationalC. sensitiveD. sentimental3. A large sum of money has been raised for the __ of the poorly educated children in the mountainous districts.A. profitB. favorC. advantageD. benefit4. High speed aircraft is made of metals that can __ both high temperature and pressure.A. stand byB. put up withC. withholdD. withstand5. He failed again in the driving test. I don't know why __ he was so nervous.A. in the earthB. on the earthC. in earthD. on earth6. No one can behave __., completely regardless of social conventions.A. at willB. at randomC. on purposeD. on easy7. The attack on Pearl Harbor __ the indignation of the whole nation.A. raisedB. roseC. arousedD. arose8. Eminent physicists from all over the world came to the U.S. to __ the centennial ( --~qz )of Einstein's birth.A. congratulateB. applaudC. celebrateD. participate9. With the winter here you can __ these skirts till you need them again next summer.A. do away withB. put awayC. get rid ofD. give away10. In the bitter cold, the explorers managed to __ despite the shortage of food.A. liveB. surviveC. bear D, endure11. She was a simple, __ and hard-working woman.A. practicableB. favorableC. feasibleD. practical12. It is __ practice to bring a present to the hostess when one is invited to dinner.A. generalB. usualC. ordinaryD. common13. Mother hopes her son will __ doing anything rash.A. keep fromB. avoid fromC. ask fromD. protect from14. The Johnsons __ the house before they decided to buy it.A. looked outB. looked overC. looked afterD. looked on15. It was a long time before the cut on my hand __ completely.,~, 287A. healedB. recoveredC. improvedD. cured16. They remained full of hope and determination __ their repeated failures.A. instead ofB. in search ofC. because ofD. in spite of17. I mistook you ~ your brother.A. forB. asC. to beD. by18. to secret document is denied to all but few.A. AccessB. ApproachC. ContactD. Touch19. On Christmas Eve, we had several guests, who were . friends of our daughter.A. almostB. mostlyC. mostD. nearly20. He has to make a living by himself because he doesn't have parents to __A. keep onB. depend withC. rely onD. go toII. Grammatical StructureDirections: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.21. So forcefully __ that we were all convinced.A. he did speakB. he spokeC. did he speakD. that he spoke22. It is human nature to think back to a Golden Age one's country was strong and respected.A. whenB. providedC. asD. unless23." them an inch, and they will ask for a mile." is just one of the wise sayings in theEnglish language.A. GivingB. Given C, Give D. To give24. Isn't it lovely to think that I __ myself on the sunny beach tomorrow at this time.A. will enjoyB. am enjoyingC. will be enjoyingD. shall enjoy25. He always dreams of __ a chance for him to bring into full play his potential.A. there beingB. there to beC. there isD. being26. I'd just as soon remind ~ those important documents with you.A. that you won't takeB. your not takingC. please don't takeD. you didn't take27. The only thing .__ really matters to the children is how soon they can return to their auntand uncle's farm.A. thatB. whatC. whichD. this28. _, the book has many mistakes.- A. Having not been written carefully B. Not writing carefullyC. Having written not carefullyD. Not having been written carefully29. I guess Jones didn't have a chance to win the election. __ the people in the city voted for his288 ~'opponent.A. Most all ofB. Most of allC. Almost all ofD. Almost the whole of30. Susan must __ quite well on the exam since she seems so confident of passing.A. doB. have been doingC. be doneD. have done31. The ancient Egyptians believed all illnesses were related to __ was eaten.A. whichB. itC. whatD. that32. How many times have I told you __ football on the street?A. do not playB. not to have playedC. not to playD. not your playing33. Never before that night the extent of my own power.A. had I feltB. I had feltC. did I feelD. I did felt34. The newly developing science of artificial intelligence aims at programming the computer to think, reason and react people do.A. by the same way asB. in much the same way thatC. with the same way asD. as much as the same way that35. Your hair needed ; I am glad you had it cut.A. cutB. cuttingC. to cutD. being cut36. I wish that he __ to the movies with me yesterday.A. wentB. could goC. was goneD. could have gone37. __ at the railway station when it began to rain.A. Hardly had he arrivedB. Hardly he had arrivedC. No sooner did he arriveD. No sooner arrived he38. __ the number of paid holidays enjoyed by most employees in the company, three weeks of vacation seems generous.A. Compared withB. ComparedC. Comparing withD. Comparing39. He is younger thanA. any other boy in the classB. any boy in the classC. all boys in the classD. you and me as well as the class40. You __ me because I didn't say that.A. must misunderstandB. must be misunderstandingC. must have misunderstoodD. had to misunderstandIII. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: There are 5 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by 4 questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.,~ 289Questions 41 to 44 are based on the following passage:According to the dictionary definition of "create", ordinary people are creative every day. To create means "to bring into being, to cause to exist"--something each of us does daily.We are creative whenever we look at or think about something in a new way. First this involves an awareness of our surroundings. It means using all of our sense to become aware of our world. This may be as simple as being aware of color and texture, as well as taste, when we plan a meal. Above all, it is the ability to notice things that others might miss.A second part of creativity is an ability to see relationships among things. If we believe the expression, "There is nothing new under the sun," the creativity is remaking or recombining the old in new ways. For example, we might do this by finding a more effective way to study or a better way to arrange our furniture, or we might make a new combination of camera lenses and filters to create an unusual photograph.A third part of creativity is the courage and drive to make use of our new ideas, to apply them to achieve some new results. To think up a new concept is one thing; to put the idea to work is another.These three parts of creativity are involved in all the great works of genius, but they are also involved in many of our day to day activities.41. The author holds thatA. creativity is of highly demandB. creativity is connected with a deep insight to some extentC. creativity is to create something new and concreteD. to practise and practise is the only way to cultivate one's creativity42. "There is nothing new under the sun." (Par. 3) really implies that __A. we can seldom create new thingsB. a new thing is only a taleC. a new thing can only be created at the basis of original thingsD. we can scarcely see really new things in the world43. What does the author think about the relationship between a new thought and its being putinto practice?A. It's more difficult to create a new thought than to apply it in practice.B. To find a new thought will definitely lead to the production of a new thing.C. One may come up with a new thought, but can not put it into practice.D. A man with an excellent ability of practice can easily become an inventor.44. The best title for this passage is __A. How to Cultivate One's CreativityB. What is CreativityC. The Importance of CreativityD. Creativity--a Not Farway Thing.~, 290Questions 45 to 48 are based on the following passage:Born in 1830 in rural Amherst, Massachusetts, Emily Dickinson spent her entire life in the household of her parents. Between 1858 and 1862, it was later discovered, she wrote like a person possessed, often producing a poem a day. It was also during this period that her life was transformed into the myth of Amherst. Withdrawing more and more, keeping to her room, sometimes even refusing to see visitors who called, she began to dress only in white--a habit that added to her reputation as an eccentric.In their determination to read Dickinson's life in terms of a traditional romantic plot, biographers have missed the unique pattern of her life--her struggle to create a female life not yet imagined by the culture in which she lived. Dickinson was not the innocent, lovelorn and emotionally fragile girl sentimentalized by the Dickinson myth and popularized by William Luce's 1976 play, the Belle of Amherst. Her decision to shut the door on Amherst society in the 1850's transformed her house into a kind of magical realm in which she was free to engage her poetic genius. Her seclusion was not the result of a failed love affair, but rather a part of a more general pattern of renunciation through which she, in her quest for self sovereignty, carried on an argument with the puritan fathers, attacking with wit and irony their cheerless Calvinist doctrine, their stem patriarchal God, and their rigid notions of "true womanhood".45. What's the author's main purpose in the passage?A. To interpret Emily Dickinson's eccentric behavior.B. To promote the popular myth of Emily Dickinson.C. To discuss Emily Dickinson's failed love affair.D. To describe the religious climate in Emily Dickinson's time.46. Which of the following is not mentioned as being one of Emily Dickinson's eccentricities?A. Refusing to eat.B. Wearing only white.C. Avoiding visitors.D. Staying in her room.47. The author implies that many people attribute Emily Dickinson's seclusion to __A. physical illnessB. a failed love affairC. religious fervorD. her dislike of people48. It can be inferred from the passage that Emily Dickinson lived in a society that wascharacterized by __A. strong Puritan beliefsB. equality of men and womenC. the encouragement of nonconformityD. the appreciation of poetic creativity,~, 291Questions 49 to 52 are based on the following passage:The Carnegie Foundation report says that many colleges have tried to be "all things to all people". In doing so, they have increasingly catered to a narrow minded careerism while failing to cultivate a global vision among their students. The current crisis, it contends, does not derive from a legitimate desire to put learning to productive ends. The problem is that in too many academic fields, the work has no context; skills, rather than being means, have become ends. Students are offered a variety of options and allowed to pick their way to a degree. In short, driven by careerism, "the nations colleges and universities are more successful in providing credentials (文凭) than in providing a quality education for their students." The report concludes that the special challenge confronting the undergraduate college is one of shaping an "integrated core" of common learning. Such a core would introduce students "to essential knowledge, to connections across the disciplines, and in the end, to application of knowledge to life beyond the campus."Although the key to a good college is a high quality faculty, the Carnegie study found that most colleges do very little to encourage good teaching. In fact, they do much to undermine it. As one professor observed: "Teaching is important, we are told, and yet faculty know that research and publication matter most." Not surprisingly, over the last twenty years colleges and universities have failed to graduate half of their four year degree candidates. Faculty members who dedicate themselves to teaching soon discover that they will not be granted tenure (终身任职), promotion, or substantial salary increases. Yet 70 percent of all faculties say their interests lie more in teaching than in research. Additionally, a frequent complaint among young scholars is that "There is pressure to publish, although there is virtually no interest among administrators or colleagues in the content of the publications."49. The word "core" (lines 9, 1 st paragraph) might meanA. aimB. unitC. centerD. course50. One of the reasons for the current crisis in American colleges and universities is that __A. a narrow vocationalism has come to dominate many collegesB. students don't have enough freedom in choosing what they want to learnC. skills are being taught as a means to an endD. students are not interested in learning51. American colleges and universities failed to graduate half of their fouryeardegree candidatesbecauseA. most of them lack high quality facultiesB. students are becoming more and more lazyC. there are not enough incentives for students to study hardD. they attach greater importance to research and publication than to teaching52. It can be inferred from the passage that high quality college education calls for __A. high quality facultiesB. a commitment to students and effective teachingC. the cultivation of students' interest in learning,~, 292D. dedication to research in frontier areas of knowledgeQuestions 53 to 56 are based on the following passage:Once upon a time, the United States seemed to have plenty of land to go around. Plenty of rivers to dam and plenty of rural valleys left over. Plenty of space for parks and factories. Plenty of forests to cut and grasslands to pl0w. But that was once upon a time.. The days of unused land are over. Now the land has been spoken for, fenced off, carved up into cities and farms and industrial parks, put to use.At the same time, the population keeps growing. People need places to work and places to play. So we need more sites for more industries, more beaches for more sunbathers, and more clean rivers for more fishers. And it isn't just a matter of population growth. Our modem technology has needs that must be met, too. We need more coal for energy, and we need more power plants; cars must have highways and parking lots, and jets must have airports. Each of these land uses swallows up precious space. Highways and expressways alone take some 200,000 acres each year. And urban sprawl -- the spreading out of cities -- is expected to gobble up vast areas of land by the year 2,000. But there is only so much land to go around. It is always hard to decide. Take, for example, a forest. A forest can be a timber supply. It can provide a home for wildlife. It is scenery and a recreation area for man. It is soil and watershed protection.53. "...the United States seemed to have plenty of land to go around" means that __A. the United States seemed to have vast land for its people to walk aroundB. the United States seemed to have enough land for sharing with everyoneC. the United States could provide whatever its inhabitents' needsD. the United States was not able to allow its people to do what they wanted to54. The sentence of "Plenty of rivers to dam and plenty of rural valleys left over" suggests thatA, the United States had a lot of rivers to dam and many rural valleys, tooB. the rivers could be dammed laterC. rural valleys would be considered in the futureD. people needn't think of the rivers and valleys55. "Now the land has been spoken for, ..." tells us that __A. today, land has shown its valuesB. now, people have said something about landC. nowadays, land has been claimed by human beingsD. recently, people spoke for the land56. The word "sprawl" indicates thatA. cities are developing very fast to meet the people's demandsB. urban areas are diminishing smoothlyC. urban areas are enlarging steadily in a planned wayD. cities are spreading out without any plans,~ 293Questions 57 to 60 are based on the following passage:Social change is more likely to occur in societies where there is a mixture of different kindsof people than in societies where people are similar in many ways. The simple reason for this is that there are more different ways of looking at things present in the first kind of society. There are more ideas, more disagreements in interest, and more groups and organizations with different beliefs. In addition, there is usually a greater worldly interest and greater tolerance in mixed societies. All these factors tend to promote social change by opening more areas of life to decision. In a society where people are quite similar in many ways, there are fewer occasions for people to see the need or the opportunity for change because everything seems to be the same. And although conditions may not be satisfactory, they are at least customary and undisputed.Within a society, social change is also likely to occur more frequently and more readily in the material aspects of the culture than in the non material, for example, in technology rather than in values; in what has been learned later in life rather than what was learned early; in the less basic and less emotional aspects of society than in their opposites; in the simple elements rather than in the complex ones; in form rather than in substance; and in elements that are acceptable to the culture rather than in strange elements.Furthermore, social change is easier if it is gradual. For example, it comes more readily in human relations on a continuous scale rather than one with sharp dichotomies (一分为二). This is one reason why change has not come more quickly to Black Americans as compared to other American minorities, because of the sharp difference in appearance between them and their white counterparts.57. What kind of society tends to promote social changes?A. A society where people are similar in many ways.B. A society where there are only white people.C. A society where there are only black people.D. A society where there is a mixture of different kinds of people.58. Which of the following is not true, according to the passage?A. Social change is more likely to occur in the material aspect of society.B. Social change is less likely to occur in what people learned when they were old.C. Disagreement with and argument about conditions tend to promote social change.D. Social change tends to meet with more difficulty in basic and emotional aspects of society.59. Social change is less likely to occur in a society where people are quite similar in many ways becauseA. people there are easy to pleaseB. people there are less argumentaryC. people there have got so accustomed to their conditions that they seldom think itnecessary to changeD. people there have same needs that can be satisfied without much difficulty60. The passage is mainly discussing294A. two different societiesB. certain factors that determine the case with which social change occursC. the necessity of social changeD. the significance of social changeSection BDirections: There are 10 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.Most people have no idea of the hard work and worry that go into the collecting of those fascinating birds and animals that they pay to see in the zoo. One of the questions that is always asked of me is 61 I became an animal collector in the first place. The answer is that I have always been interested in animals and zoos. According to my parents, the first word I was able~' to say with any 62 was not the conventional "mamma" or "daddy", 63 the word "zoo", which I would repeat over and over again with a shrill voice until someone, in group to 64 me up, would take me to the zoo. When I grew a little older, we lived in Greece and I had a great65 of pets, ranging from owls to seahorses, and I spent all my spare-time exploring the countryside in search of fresh specimens to 66 to my collection of pets. later on I went for a year to the City Zoo, as a student 67 , to get experience of the large animals, such as lions, bears, bison and ostriches, which were not easy to keep at home~ When I left, I successfully had enough money of my own to be able to 68 my first trip and I have been going regularly ever since then. Though a collector's job is not an easy one and is full of 69, it is certainly a job which will appeal 70 all those who Jove animals and travel.6 I. A. how B. where C. when D. whether62. A. clarity B. emotion C. sentiment D. affection63. A. except B. but C. except for D. but for64. A. close B. shut C. stop D. comfort65. A. many B. amount C. number D. supply66. A. increase B. include C. add D. enrich67. A. attendant B. keeper C. member D. aide68. A. pay B. provide C. allow D. finance69. A. expectations B. sorrows C. excitement D. disappointments70. A. for B. with C. to D. fromIV. TranslationDirections: There is 1 passage in this part of the test. You are to translate the passages intoChinese on your Answer Sheet.71.Refining petroleum is a complex series of steps by which the original crude material is,~ 295eventually converted into salable products with the desired qualities and, perhaps more important, in the amounts dictated by the market.In fact, a refinery is essentially a group of manufacturing plants that vary in number with thevariety of products produced; refinery processes must be selected and products manufactured to give a balanced operation: that is, crude oil must be converted into products according to the rate of sale of each. For example, the manufacture of products from the lower boiling portion of petroleum automatically produces a certain amount of higher boiling components. If the latter cannot be sold as, say, heavy fuel oil, they accumulate until refinery storage facilities are full. To prevent the occurrence of such a situation, the refinery must be flexible and able to change operations as needed. This usually means more processes--a cracking process to change an excess of heavy fuel oil into more gasoline with coke as the residual product or a vacuum distillation process to separate the heavy oil into lubricating oil stocks and asphalt--to accommodate the ever-changing demands of the market.In addition, a complete refining installation must include the following: all necessarynon-processing facilities; adequate tankage for storing crude oil, intermediate, and finished products; a dependable source of electrical power, material-handling equipment; workshops and supplies for maintaining a continuous 24 hour/day, 7 day/week operation; waste disposal and water-treating equipment; and product-blending facilities.。

2023中石油职称英语考试真题及答案2023 CNOOC Professional Title English Exam Questions and AnswersThe CNOOC (China National Offshore Oil Corporation) professional title English exam is a crucial test for employees in the oil and gas industry. Below are some sample questions and answers that may appear on the 2023 CNOOC professional title English exam.Part 1: Reading ComprehensionRead the following passage and answer the questions that follow:Oil prices have been fluctuating in recent years, causing uncertainty in the global oil market. Factors such as geopolitical tensions, supply and demand dynamics, and the impact of renewable energy sources have all contributed to the volatility in oil prices. Companies in the oil and gas industry need to be prepared to adapt to these changes in order to remain competitive.1. What are some of the factors contributing to the fluctuation in oil prices?Answer: Geopolitical tensions, supply and demand dynamics, impact of renewable energy sources.2. Why do companies in the oil and gas industry need to be prepared for changes in the market?Answer: To remain competitive.Part 2: Vocabulary and Grammar1. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:The company is ___________ a new drilling project in the Arctic.A) conductingB) constructingC) conservingD) contradictingAnswer: A) conducting2. Fill in the blank with the appropriate preposition:The company is investing billions of dollars __________ renewable energy projects.A) inB) onC) atD) forAnswer: A) in3. Choose the correct form of the verb:By the end of next year, the company __________ a new refinery in the Middle East.A) will buildB) will be buildingC) will have builtD) will have been buildingAnswer: C) will have builtPart 3: WritingWrite a brief essay (200-300 words) on the following topic:"The future of renewable energy in the oil and gas industry"Answer:Renewable energy is an increasingly important aspect of the oil and gas industry as companies strive to reduce their carbon footprint and meet sustainability goals. The future of renewable energy in the industry looks promising, with investments in solar, wind, and biofuel projects on the rise. Companies that embrace renewable energy will not only benefit the environment but also position themselves as leaders in a rapidly evolving market. As technology advances and costs decrease, renewable energy is expected to play a significant role in the future of the oil and gas industry.In conclusion, the 2023 CNOOC professional title English exam will test employees on their knowledge of the oil and gas industry, including reading comprehension, vocabulary, and grammar. By preparing for the exam, employees can enhance their skills and stay competitive in the industry. Good luck to all the test-takers!。

新版中石油职称英语模拟考试题Document number【AA80KGB-AA98YT-AAT8CB-2A6UT-A18GG】模拟试题一I. VocabularySection ADirections: There are 10 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence and mark your answer on the answer sheet.1.I could just see a car in the distance, but I couldn't ____ what color itwas.A. make outB. look toC. look outD. take in2.He mumbled something and blushed as though a secret had been____A. imposedB. exposedC. composedD. opposed3.You should these tables and buy new ones.A. throw offB. throw downC. throw upD. throw away4.__ ____ their suggestions, we will discuss them fully at the next meeting.A. In regard forB. In regard toC. With regard ofD. Regardless for5.On cloudy nights it is not possible to see the stars with ____ eye.A. nakedB. bareC. fleshD. pure6.Many new _____ will be opened up in the future for those with auniversity education.A. opportunitiesB. necessitiesC. probabilitiesD.realities7.I found myself completely ____ by his vivid performance.A. carried outB. carried offC. carried awayD.carried on8.Although the examination he had passed was unimportant, his success____ him in his later study.A. persuadedB. promisedC. urgedD. encouraged9.This is the first time you have been late.A. under no circumstancesB. on no accountC. by no meansD. for no reason10.The taxi had to because the traffic light had turned red.A. set upB. catch upC. shut upD. pull upSection BDirections: There are 10 sentences in this section. Below each sentence are four other words or phrases. You are to choose the one word or phrase which would best keeping the meaning of the original sentence if it were substituted for the underlined word or phrase. Then mark your answer on the answer sheet.-11.The roof of the house was practically falling in and the front steps were rotting away.A. almostB. essentiallyC. alwaysD. conveniently12.T he greatest physical distinction between humans and apes is the hollow spacehumans have under their chins.A. attractionB. dangerC. comfortD. difference13.Scientists are trying to develop computers that will simulate the human thought process.A. substituteB. assumeC. projectD. reflect14.T enants do not own their own apartments, they merely occupy the dwellings.A. intellectualsB. rentersC. colonizersD. contractors15.Buddhist monks claim to detach their minds from their bodies.A. separateB. attachC. deliverD. detain16.We encountered the Smiths before leaving the parking lot.A. metB. sawC. helpedD. surprised17.Mr. Jones was taken in by that door to door salesman’s mooth talk. He paidalmost $900.00 for a vacuum cleaner.A. deceivedB. incitedC. implicatedD. saturated18.The chorale wanted to rehearse the song before the performance.A. singB. rewriteC. introduceD. practice19.Prejudice towards minorities probable stems from fear of the unknown.A. angerB. biasC. rudenessD. action20.It is unwise to provoke strange animals.A. feedB. touchC. angerD. chaseII. Grammatical StructureSection ADirections: There are 10 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence and mark your answer on the answer sheet.21. ___________ So frightened in darkness that she did not dare to move aninch.A. was the girlB. the girl wasC. such a girl wasD. that the girl was22. _ ___you may be right, I can’t altogether agree.A. AsB. WhileC. IfD. Since23.—I must have eaten something wrong. I feel like ___.—I told you not to eat at a restaurant. You’d better at home.A. to throw up ... to catB. throwing up ... eatingC. to throw up ... catD. throwing up... cat24. His response was that he didn’t say yes and he didn’t say no.A. soB. whichC. whatD. such25. I have not found my book yet. I’m not sure ____I could have done with it.A. whetherB. whatC. whyD. where26. He is sure that there was a flying saucer over there. If he hadn't seen it himself, he ___ it.A. never have believedB. never did believeC. could never believeD. would never have believed27.I __________________________________________ wish Bill would drive us to thetrain station but he has ____________________ ____ to take us all.A. very small a carB. too small a carC. a too small carD. such a small car28.___ the building for stolen goods, the police found twenty machine guns.A. SearchingB. Being searchingC. SearchedD. To search29.Close the door, ?A. will youB. do youC. shall youD. don’t you30.The storm __ ,they had to live in a cave.A. has destroyed their hutB. to destroy their hutC. having destroyed their hutD. being destroyedDirections: In questions 31-40 each sentence has four underlined words or phrases, marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the one word or phrase which is incorrect and must be changed to make the sentence correct. Then mark yourDirections: There are 10 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.If you were to begin a new job tomorrow, you would bring with you some basic strengthsand weaknesses. Success or 41 in your work would depend, to a great extent, 42 yourability to use your strengths and weaknesses to the best advantage. Of the utmost importance isyour attitude. A person 43 begins a job convinced that lie isn't going to like it or is sure that heis going to ail is exhibiting a weakness which can only hinder his success. On the other hand, aperson who is secure 44 his belief that he is probably as capable of doing the work as anyoneelse and who is willing to make a cheerful attempt by it possesses a certain strength of purpose.The chances are that he will do well.45 the prerequisite skills for a particular job is strength. Lackingthose skills is obviouslya weakness. A book keeper who can't add or a carpenter who can't cut a straightline with a saw ishopeless cases.This book has been designed to help you capitalize 46 the strength and overcome the47 that you bring to the job of learning. But in group to measure your development, you mustfirst take stock of where you stand now. 48 we get further along in the book,we'll be dealingin some detail with specific processes for developing and strengthening 49skills. However, tobegin with, you should pause to examine your present strengths and weaknessesin three areas thatare critical to your success or failure in school: your 50 , your reading and communicationskills, and your study habits.41. A. improvement B. victory C. failureD. achievement42. A. in B. on C. ofD. to43. A. who B. what C. that D.which44. A. onto B. on C. off D. in45. A. Have B. Had C. Having D.Had been46. A. except B. but C. for D. on47. A. idea B. weakness C. strength D.advantage48. A. as B. till C. over D.out49. A. learnt B. learned C. learningD. learn50. A. intelligence B. work C. attitude D.weaknessIV. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: There are 4 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by 4 questions orunfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.Questions 51 to 54 are based on the following passage:In the past, American families tended to be quite large. Parents raising five or more children were common. Over the years, the size of the family has decreased. One reason for this is an increase in the cost of living. On the average, children attend schools for more years than they used to, making them financially dependent on their families longer. Moreover, children nowadays are better dressed and have more money to spend on entertainment. The parents usually take the responsibility for all the expenses. Meanwhile, families are less close than they used to be. More and more American mothers work away from home. The break up of the family occurs when the parents divorce, A lot of children in the U. S. live part of their young lives with only one parent. Broken families usually result in problems for children and parents alike. Children blame themselves when their parents separate. They grow up feeling unsettled as they are moved back and forth between parents. Usually one parent is responsible for raising the children. These single parents must care for the children's emotional and psychological needs while also supporting them financially. This is very demanding and leaves very little time for the parent's own personal interests. Single parents often marry other single parents. In this type of family, unrelated children are forced to develop brother or sister relationship. The situations of many American families today are not good. However, recent signs indicate that things are getting better. The divorce rate is declining. The rate of childbirth is rising. Perhaps Americans have learned how important families are.51. To parents who take the responsibility for children's expenses, the cost of living increasesbecauseA. children attend school for more yearsB. children are better dressedC. children spend more money on entertainmentD. all of the above52. What problems would broken families bring to both children and parents?A. Children grow up feeling unsettled and parents didn't pay much attention to children.B. Children grow up feeling free and one parent is responsible for raising the children.C. Children are moved back and forth between parents and the single parent is busy workingto make money to support himself/herself.D. Children grow up feeling unsettled, and the parents have little time for his/her owninterests because one parent is too busy taking care of children.53. According to the author, the situations of American families in the future may __A. become worseB. remain the sameC. get betterD. keep unchanged54. The title of the article might be __A. American ChildrenB. American FamiliesC. American MotherD. American ParentsQuestions 55 to 58 are based on the following passage:When I was studying at Yale, some phenomena puzzled me greatly. I found that Chinesestudents or Asian students were very polite in class while American students often interrupted theprofessor, asking questions and dominating the discussion. The Chinese students were not asaggressive as American students.I was impressed by the role of the professor in the seminar (讨论会). The professor didn't actas an authority, giving final conclusions, but as a researcher looking for answers to questionstogether with the students. One linguistic (语言的) feature of his interacting with his students wasthat he used many modal (情态的) verbs--far more than I did in Beiwai. When answeringquestions, he usually said, "This is my personal opinion and it could be wrong." or "You could beright, but you might find this point of view also interesting." In China, authorities are alwayssupposed to give wise decisions and correct directions. Therefore, students always expect theprofessor to give an answer to the question, i still remember how frustrated they were whenforeign teachers did not provide such an answer. Their expectations from authorities are muchhigher than that of American students. Once the Chinese students got the answer, they were sureabout it.Education in China is valued for united thinking. I remember American teachers who taughtin our university complaining about the fact that Chinese students uniformly expressed the sameidea in their English composition. The examinations in America usually do not test a student'sability to memorize the material but his ability to analyze and solve problems. Education inAmerica is valued not only as a means to obtain employment but as a process of enhancingcritical thinking.55. In the USA, when the students are in class, __A. a Chinese student tends to be very activeB. an American student likes to make troubleC. a Chinese student likes to puzzle the teacherD. an American student tends to be vigorous56. A teacher in the USA prefers to __ when he answers questions.A. be very sincereB. be very directC. be very self-confidentD. be very indifferent57. What is the opinion of the author concerning the difference of teaching methods betweenChina and the USA?A. He thinks that Chinese teaching methods can make students learn more.B. He holds that the major purpose of Chinese teaching methods is to improve students'remembrance.C. He thinks that American teaching is ability oriented.D. He holds that American teachers hate to give a test.58. The author thinks that the relationship between the student and the teacher is __A. more intimate in ChinaB. closer in ChinaC. looser in USAD. more harmonious in USAQuestions 59 to 62 are based on the following passage:With a tremendous roar from its rocket engine, the satellite is sent up into the sky. Minuteslater, at an altitude of 300 miles, this tiny electronic moon begins to orbit about the earth. Its radiobegins to transmit an astonishing amount of information about the satellite's orbital path, theamount of radiation it detects, and the presence of meteorites. Information of all kinds races backto the earth. No human being could possibly copy down all these facts, much less remember andorganize them. But an electronic computer can. The marvel of the machine age, the electroniccomputer has been in use only since 1946. It can do simple computations--add, subtract, multiplyand divide--with lighting speed and perfect accuracy. Some computers can work 500,000 timesfaster than any person can.Once it is given a "program" -- that is, a carefully worked out set of instructions devised bya technician trained in computer language -- a computer can gather a wide range of information formany purposes. For the scientist it can get information from outer space or from the depth of theocean. In business and industry the computer prepares factory inventories, keeps track of salestrends and production needs, mails dividend checks, and makes out company payrolls. It can keepbank accounts up to date and make out electric bills. If you are planning a trip by plane, thecomputer will find out what to take and what space is available.Not only can the computer gather facts, it can also store them as fast as they are gathered andcan pour them out whenever they are needed. The computer is really a high powered "memory"machine that "has all the answers"--or almost all. Besides gathering and storing information, thecomputer can also solve complicated problems that once took months for people to do. At timescomputers seem almost human. They can "read" hand printed letters, play chess, compose music,write plays and even design other computers. Is it any wonder that they are sometimes called"thinking" machines?Even though they are taking over some of the tasks that were once accomplished by our ownbrains, computers are not replacing us at least not yet. Our brain has more than 10 million cells. Acomputer has only a few hundred thousand parts. For some time to come, then, we can safely saythat our brains are at least 10, 000 times more complex than a computer. How we use them is forus, not the computer, to decide.59. "Program" means __A. a plan of what is to be doneB. a complete show on a TV station at a fixed time tableC. a scheduled performanceD. series of coded instructions to control the operations of a computer60. The computer is a high powered "memory" machine, which __A. has all the ready answers -- or almost all to any questionsB. can remember everythingC. can store everything and work for youD. has all the answers -- or almost to all the information that has been stored61. "Thinking" machines suggest that __A. they can "read" hand printed letters etcB. they really can think and do many other jobsC. they even design other computersD. they can't think, but can do something under human control62. Can computers do whatever they want to do? Why?A. Yes, because some computers can work 500,000 times faster than any person can.B. No, because they normally have a few hundred thousand parts.C. No, because human brains are at least 10000 times more complex thanany computers.D. No, because how a computer works is decided by human.Questions 63 to 66 are based on the following passage:Within fifteen years Britain and other nations should be well on with the building of hugeindustrial complexes for the recycling of waste. The word rubbish could lose its meaning becauseeverything that goes into the dumps would be made into something useful. Even the mostdangerous and unpleasant wastes would provide energy if nothing else.The latest project is to take a city of around half a millioninhabitants and discover exactlywhat raw materials go into it and what go out. The aim is to find out how much of these rawmaterials could be provided if a plant for recycling waste were built just outside the city. Thisplant would recycle not only metal such as steel, lead and copper, but also paper and rubber aswell.Another new project is being set up to discover the best ways ofsorting and separating therubbish. When this project is complete, the rubbish will be processed like this: first, it will passthrough sharp metal bars which will tear open the plastic bags in which rubbish is usually packed;then it will pass through a powerful fan to separate the lightest elements from the heavy solids;after that grounders and rollers break up everything that can be broken. Finally the rubbish willpass under magnets, which will remove the bits of iron and steel; the rubber and plastic will thenbe sorted out in the final stage.The first full scale giant recycling plants are, perhaps, fifteen years away. Indeed, with thegrowing cost of transporting rubbish to more distant dumps, some big cities will be forced tobuild their own recycling plants before long.63. The main purpose of the passage is __A. to show us a future way of recycling wastesB. to tell the importance of recycling wastesC. to warn people the danger of some wastesD. to introduce a new recycling plant64. How many stages are there in the recycling process?A. 3.B. 4.C. 5.D. 6.65. What is the main reason for big cities to build their own recycling plants?A. To deal with wastes in a better way.B. It's a good way to gain profits.C. It's more economical than to dump wastes in some distant places.D. Energy can be got at a lower price.66. Which of the following statements is true?A. The word "rubbish" will soon disappear from dictionaries.B. Dangerous wastes can be recycled into nothing but energy.C. To recycle paper and rubber will still be impossible even with the new recycling methods.D. Big cities will soon have their own recycling plants.Section BDirections: You should answer questions 67-75 which are based on thefollowing passages. Markyour answer on the answer sheet.The Motor CarA There are now over 700 million motor vehicles in the world ? and the numberis rising by more than 40 million each year. The average distance driven by car users is growing too - from 8 km a day per person in western Europe in 1965 to 25 km a day in 1995. This dependence on motor vehicles has given rise to major problems, including environmental pollution, depletion of oil resources, traffic congestion and safety.B While emissions from new cars are far less harmful than they used to be,city streets and motorways are becoming more crowded than ever, often with older trucks, buses and taxis which emit excessive levels of smoke and fumes. This concentration of vehicles makes air quality in urban areas unpleasant and sometimes dangerous to breathe. Even Moscow has joined the list of capitals afflicted by congestion and traffic fumes. In Mexico City, vehicle pollution is a major health hazard.C Until a hundred years ago, most journeys were in the 20 km range, thedistance conveniently accessible by horse. Heavy freight could only be carried by water or rail. The invention of the motor vehicle brought personal mobility to the masses and made rapid freight delivery possible over a much wider area. In the United Kingdom, about 90 per cent of inland freight is carried by road. Clearly the world cannot revert to thehorse-drawn wagon. Can it avoid being locked into congested and polluting ways of transporting people and goods?D In Europe most cities arc still designed for the old modes of transport.Adaptation to the motor car has involved adding ring roads, one-way systems and parking lots. In the United States, more land is assigned to car use than to housing. Urban sprawl means that life without a car is next to impossible. Mass use of motor vehicles has also killed or injured millions of people. Other social effects have been blamed on the car such as alienation and aggressive human behaviour.E A 1993 study by the European Federation for Transport and Environment foundthat car transport is seven times as costly as rail travel in terms of the external social costs it entails such as congestion, accidents, pollution, loss of cropland and natural habitats,depletion of oil resources, and so on. Yet cars easily surpass trains or buses as a flexible and convenient mode of personal transport. It is unrealistic to expect people to give up private cars in favour of mass transit.F Technical solutions can reduce the pollution problem and increase the fuelefficiency of engines. But fuel consumption and exhaust emissions depend on which cars arc preferred by customers and how they are driven. Many people buy larger cars than they need for daily purposes or waste fuel by driving aggressively. Besides, global car use i彡 increasing at a faster rate than the improvement in emissions and fuel efficiency which technology is now making possible.G One solution that has been put forward is the long-term solution ofdesigning cities and neighbourhoods so that car journeys are not necessary - all essential services being located within walking distance or easily accessible by public transport. Not only would this save energy and cut carbon dioxide emissions, it would also enhance the quality of community life, putting the emphasis on people instead of cars. Good local government is already bringing this about in some places. But few democratic communities are blessed with the vision - and the capital - to make such profound changes in modem lifestyles.H A more likely scenario seems to be a combination of mass transit systemsfor travel into and around cities, with small “low emission” cars for urban use and larger hybrid or lean bum cars for use elsewhere.Electronically tolled highways might be used to ensure that drivers pay charges geared to actual road use. Better integration of transportsystems is also highly desirable - and made more feasible by modem computers. But these are solutions for countries which can afford them.In most developing countries, old cars and old technologies continue to predominate.Questions 67-72This passage has eight paragraphs labelled A-H. Which paragraphs concentrate on the followinginformation? Choose the correct letter A-H for questions 67-72 and mark your answer on theanswer sheet.NB You may use any letter more than once.67. a comparison of past and present transportation methods68. how driving habits contribute to road problems69. the relative merits of cars and public transport70. the writer's own prediction of future solutions71. the increasing use of motor vehicles72. the impact of the car on city developmentQuestions 73-75Do the following statements agree with the views of the writer in this passage? For questions73-75, chooseA.if the statement agrees with the views of the writer (YES)B.if the statement contradicts the views of the writer (NO)C.if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this (NOTGIVEN)73. Vehicle pollution is worse in European cities than anywhere else.74. Technology alone cannot solve the problem of vehicle pollution.75. Redesigning cities would be a short-term solution.。

xx中石油职称英语模拟试题及答案I. VocabularyDirections: There are 20 inplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best pletes the sentence and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.1. After we had been in the village for a few months,we so liked it that we decided to settle there .A. in turnB. for goodC. as usualD. at most2. I am easily hurt because my feelings are veryA. sensibleB. sensationalC. sensitiveD. sentimental3. A large sum of money has been raised for the of the poorly educated children in the mountainous districts.A. profitB. favorC. advantageD. benefit4. High speed aircraft is made of metals that can both high temperature and pressure.B. put up withC. withholdD. withstand5. He failed again in the driving test. I don't know why he was so nervous.A. in the earthB. on the earthC. in earthD. on earth6. No one can behave , pletely regardless of social conventions.A. at willB. at randomC. on purposeD. on easy7. The attack on Pearl Harbor the indignation of the whole nation.A. raisedB. roseC. arousedD. arose8. Eminent physicists from all over the world came to the U.S. to the centennial (一百周年) of Einstein's birth.A. congratulateC. celebrateD. participate9. With the winter here you can these skirts till you need them again next summer.A. do away withB. put awayC. get rid ofD. give away10. In the bitter cold, the explorers managed to despite the shortage of food.A. liveB. surviveC. bearD. endure。

24年中国石化专业人员职称英语考试卷全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇124-Year China Petrochemical Professional Title English Exam PaperInstructions:1. Time: 120 minutes2. Total Marks: 1003. Answer all questions4. Write your answers on the answer sheet providedSection A: Multiple Choice Questions (25 marks)Choose the correct answer for each question.1. The primary function of China Petrochemical Corporation is:A. Exploration and drillingB. Refining and processingC. Distribution and marketingD. All of the above2. The abbreviation SINOPEC stands for:A. Southern International Petroleum CorporationB. Sino Petroleum CorporationC. China National Petroleum CorporationD. China Petrochemical Corporation3. The main product of China Petrochemical Corporation is:A. Natural GasB. CoalC. PetroleumD. Uranium4. The headquarters of China Petrochemical Corporation is located in:A. ShanghaiB. BeijingC. GuangzhouD. Chengdu5. China Petrochemical Corporation was founded in the year:A. 1988B. 2001C. 1998D. 2002Section B: Short Answer Questions (30 marks)Answer the following questions in brief.6. Describe the process of refining crude oil.7. Explain the significance of Petrochemical industry in China.8. How does China Petrochemical Corporation contribute to the country's economy?9. Discuss the environmental challenges faced by China Petrochemical Corporation.10. What are the future prospects of the Petrochemical industry in China?Section C: Essay Questions (45 marks)Write an essay on ONE of the following topics.11. The role of technological advancements in the growth of China Petrochemical industry.12. The importance of safety measures in Petrochemical plants and refineries.13. The impact of China Petrochemical industry on global energy market.14. Sustainable practices in China Petrochemical Corporation.15. The challenges and opportunities for women professionals in Petrochemical sector.Best of luck with your exam!篇224th China Petroleum Professional Title Examination in EnglishPart I Multiple Choices (40 points)Directions: For each of the following questions, choose the best answer from the four choices given.1. Which of the following is NOT a type of crude oil?A. BrentB. WTIC. GoldD. Dubai2. The standard unit for measuring natural gas is:A. BarrelB. GallonC. Cubic meterD. Liter3. The chemical formula for methane is:A. CH4B. C2H6C. C3H8D. C4H104. Which of the following countries is NOT a member of OPEC?A. Saudi ArabiaB. QatarC. RussiaD. Venezuela5. The process of converting crude oil into gasoline is called:A. RefiningB. ExtractionC. ExplorationD. DrillingPart II True or False (30 points)Directions: Determine whether the following statements are true or false.1. Hydraulic fracturing is a technique used in the extraction of natural gas and oil. (T/F)2. The term "upstream" in the oil and gas industry refers to the exploration and production activities. (T/F)3. The Middle East is the largest producer of crude oil in the world. (T/F)4. The majority of natural gas reserves are found in North America. (T/F)5. The Strategic Petroleum Reserve in the United States is used for storing gasoline. (T/F)Part III Essay Questions (30 points)Directions: Answer the following questions in complete sentences.1. Explain the difference between conventional and unconventional oil and gas resources.2. What are the main challenges facing the global petroleum industry in the 21st century?3. Describe the process of hydraulic fracturing and its environmental impacts.4. Discuss the importance of renewable energy sources in reducing carbon emissions and combating climate change.5. How can the petroleum industry improve its sustainability and reduce its environmental footprint?Part IV Vocabulary and Definitions (10 points)Directions: Match the following vocabulary words with their definitions.1. Reservoir2. Shale3. Distillation4. Refinery5. Renewable energyA. A rock formation that contains oil or gasB. The process of separating components of a liquid mixture based on differences in boiling pointC. A facility that processes crude oil into various petroleum productsD. Energy derived from resources that are naturally replenishedE. A fine-grained sedimentary rock that contains oil and gasGood luck on your examination!篇324-Year China Petrochemical Professional Title English Exam PaperPart I: Multiple Choice1. What does the acronym PET mean in the field of petrochemicals?A) Polyethylene TerephthalateB) Petrochemical Ethylene TolueneC) Petroleum Extraction TechnologyD) Polypropylene Ethylene Toluene2. Which of the following is NOT a commonly used method in the production of ethylene?A) Steam CrackingB) Catalytic ReformingC) DehydrogenationD) Oxidative Coupling3. Which of the following is a primary product of the catalytic cracking process?A) EthyleneB) PropyleneC) ButadieneD) Methanol4. What is the main application of polyethylene in the petrochemical industry?A) Water treatmentB) PackagingC) Automotive fuelsD) Lubricants5. Which of the following is a major challenge in the field of renewable energy in the petrochemical industry?A) Greenhouse gas emissionsB) Technological advancementsC) Cost competitivenessD) Regulatory compliancePart II: Short Answer1. Explain the process of steam cracking and its importance in the production of petrochemicals.2. Discuss the role of catalysts in the production of various petrochemical products.3. Describe the applications of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) in different industries.4. Explain the concept of downstream processing in the petrochemical industry and its significance.5. Discuss the impact of digitalization on the future of the petrochemical industry.Part III: Essay Questions1. Analyze the challenges and opportunities of transitioning to a more sustainable petrochemical industry.2. Discuss the role of China in the global petrochemical market and its implications for the future.3. Evaluate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the petrochemical industry and the strategies for recovery.4. Explore the potential of bioplastics as a sustainable alternative in the petrochemical industry.5. Assess the importance of continuous professional development for petrochemical professionals in the rapidly changing industry landscape.Part IV: Case StudyYou are working as a process engineer in a petrochemical plant that is looking to optimize its production processes to reduce energy consumption and emissions. Develop a comprehensive plan outlining the steps you would take to achieve this goal, considering both technical and operational aspects.Good luck on your exam!。

中石油职称英语考试大纲模拟试题一文档编制序号:[KK8UY-LL9IO69-TTO6M3-MTOL89-FTT688]模拟试题一I. VocabularySection ADirections: There are 10 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence and mark your answer on the answer sheet.1.I could just see a car in the distance, but I couldn't ____ whatcolor it was.A. make outB. look toC. look outD. take in2.He mumbled something and blushed as though a secret had been____A. imposedB. exposedC. composedD. opposed3.You should these tables and buy new ones.A. throw offB. throw downC. throw upD. throw away4.__ ____ their suggestions, we will discuss them fully at the nextmeeting.A. In regard forB. In regard toC. With regard ofD. Regardless for5.On cloudy nights it is not possible to see the stars with ____eye.A. nakedB. bareC. fleshD. pure6.Many new _____ will be opened up in the future for those with auniversity education.A. opportunitiesB. necessitiesC. probabilitiesD.realities7.I found myself completely ____ by his vivid performance.A. carried outB. carried offC. carried awayD.carried on8.Although the examination he had passed was unimportant, his success____ him in his later study.A. persuadedB. promisedC. urgedD. encouraged9.This is the first time you have been late.A. under no circumstancesB. on no accountC. by no meansD. for no reason10.The taxi had to because the traffic light had turnedred.A. set upB. catch upC. shut upD. pull upSection BDirections: There are 10 sentences in this section. Below each sentence are four other words or phrases. You are to choose the one word or phrase which would best keeping the meaning of the original sentence if it were substituted for the underlined word or phrase. Then mark your answer on the answer sheet.-11.The roof of the house was practically falling in and the front steps were rotting away.A. almostB. essentiallyC. alwaysD. conveniently12.T he greatest physical distinction between humans and apes is the hollowspace humans have under their chins.A. attractionB. dangerC. comfortD. difference13.Scientists are trying to develop computers that will simulate the human thought process.A. substituteB. assumeC. projectD. reflect14.T enants do not own their own apartments, they merely occupy the dwellings.A. intellectualsB. rentersC. colonizersD. contractors15.Buddhist monks claim to detach their minds from their bodies.A. separateB. attachC. deliverD. detain16.We encountered the Smiths before leaving the parking lot.A. metB. sawC. helpedD. surprised17.Mr. Jones was taken in by that door to door salesman’s mooth talk. Hepaid almost $900.00 for a vacuum cleaner.A. deceivedB. incitedC. implicatedD. saturated18.The chorale wanted to rehearse the song before the performance.A. singB. rewriteC. introduceD. practice19.Prejudice towards minorities probable stems from fear of the unknown.A. angerB. biasC. rudenessD. action20.It is unwise to provoke strange animals.A. feedB. touchC. angerD. chaseII. Grammatical StructureSection ADirections: There are 10 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence and mark your answer on the answer sheet.21. ___________ So frightened in darkness that she did not dare tomove an inch.A. was the girlB. the girl wasC. such a girl wasD. that the girlwas22. _ ___you may be right, I can’t altogether agree.A. AsB. WhileC. IfD. Since23.—I must have eaten something wrong. I feel like ___.—I told you not to eat at a restaurant. You’d better at home.A. to throw up ... to catB. throwing up ... eatingC. to throw up ... catD. throwing up... cat24. His response was that he didn’t say yes and he didn’t say no.A. soB. whichC. whatD. such25. I have not found my book yet. I’m not sure____I could have donewith it.A. whetherB. whatC. whyD. where26. He is sure that there was a flying saucer over there. If he hadn't seen it himself, he ___ it.A. never have believedB. never did believeC. could never believeD. would never have believed27.I _______________________________________ wish Bill would drive us tothe train station but he has _____________ ____ to take us all.A. very small a carB. too small a carC. a too small carD. such a small car28.___ the building for stolen goods, the police found twenty machineguns.A. SearchingB. Being searchingC. SearchedD. To search29.Close the door,A. will youB. do youC. shall youD. don’t you30.The storm _ ,they had to live in a cave.A. has destroyed their hutB. to destroy their hutC. having destroyed their hutD. being destroyedDirections: In questions 31-40 each sentence has four underlined wordsor phrases, marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the one word or phrase whichis incorrect and must be changed to make the sentence correct. ThenDirections: There are 10 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.If you were to begin a new job tomorrow, you would bring with you some basic strengthsand weaknesses. Success or 41 in your work would depend, to a great extent, 42 yourability to use your strengths and weaknesses to the best advantage. Of the utmost importance isyour attitude. A person 43 begins a job convinced that lie isn't going to like it or is sure that heis going to ail is exhibiting a weakness which can only hinder his success. On the other hand, aperson who is secure 44 his belief that he is probably as capable of doing the work as anyoneelse and who is willing to make a cheerful attempt by it possesses a certain strength of purpose.The chances are that he will do well.45 the prerequisite skills for a particular job is strength. Lacking those skills is obviouslya weakness. A book keeper who can't add or a carpenter who can't cut a straight line with a saw ishopeless cases.This book has been designed to help you capitalize 46 the strength and overcome the47 that you bring to the job of learning. But in group to measure your development, you mustfirst take stock of where you stand now. 48 we get further along in the book, we'll be dealingin some detail with specific processes for developing and strengthening 49 skills. However, tobegin with, you should pause to examine your present strengths and weaknesses in three areas thatare critical to your success or failure in school: your 50 , your reading and communicationskills, and your study habits.41. A. improvement B. victory C. failureD. achievement42. A. in B. on C. ofD. to43. A. who B. what C. thatD. which44. A. onto B. on C. offD. in45. A. Have B. Had C. HavingD. Had been46. A. except B. but C. forD. on47. A. idea B. weakness C. strengthD. advantage48. A. as B. till C. overD. out49. A. learnt B. learned C. learningD. learn50. A. intelligence B. work C. attitudeD. weaknessIV. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: There are 4 passages in this section. Each passage isfollowed by 4 questions orunfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A,B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark your answeron the Answer Sheet.Questions 51 to 54 are based on the following passage:In the past, American families tended to be quite large. Parentsraising five or more children were common. Over the years, the size ofthe family has decreased. One reason for this is an increase in thecost of living. On the average, children attend schools for more yearsthan they used to, making them financially dependent on their familieslonger. Moreover, children nowadays are better dressed and have moremoney to spend on entertainment. The parents usually take theresponsibility for all the expenses. Meanwhile, families are less closethan they used to be. More and more American mothers work away fromhome. The break up of the family occurs when the parents divorce, Alot of children in the U. S. live part of their young lives with only one parent. Broken families usually result in problems for children and parents alike. Children blame themselves when their parents separate. They grow up feeling unsettled as they are moved back and forth between parents. Usually one parent is responsible for raising the children. These single parents must care for the children's emotional and psychological needs while also supporting them financially. This is very demanding and leaves very little time for the parent's own personal interests. Single parents often marry othersingle parents. In this type of family, unrelated children are forced to develop brother or sister relationship. The situations of many American families today are not good. However, recent signs indicate that things are getting better. The divorce rate is declining. The rate of childbirth is rising. Perhaps Americans have learned how important families are.51. To parents who take the responsibility for children's expenses, the cost of living increasesbecauseA. children attend school for more yearsB. children are better dressedC. children spend more money on entertainmentD. all of the above52. What problems would broken families bring to both children and parentsA. Children grow up feeling unsettled and parents didn't pay much attention to children.B. Children grow up feeling free and one parent is responsible for raising the children.C. Children are moved back and forth between parents and thesingle parent is busy workingto make money to support himself/herself.D. Children grow up feeling unsettled, and the parents havelittle time for his/her owninterests because one parent is too busy taking care of children.53. According to the author, the situations of American families in the future may __A. become worseB. remain the sameC. get betterD. keep unchanged54. The title of the article might be __A. American ChildrenB. American FamiliesC. American MotherD. American ParentsQuestions 55 to 58 are based on the following passage:When I was studying at Yale, some phenomena puzzled me greatly. I found that Chinesestudents or Asian students were very polite in class while American students often interrupted theprofessor, asking questions and dominating the discussion. The Chinese students were not asaggressive as American students.I was impressed by the role of the professor in the seminar (讨论会). The professor didn't actas an authority, giving final conclusions, but as a researcher looking for answers to questionstogether with the students. One linguistic (语言的) feature of his interacting with his students wasthat he used many modal (情态的) verbs--far more than I did in Beiwai. When answeringquestions, he usually said, "This is my personal opinion and it could be wrong." or "You could beright, but you might find this point of view also interesting." In China, authorities are alwayssupposed to give wise decisions and correct directions. Therefore, students always expect theprofessor to give an answer to the question, i still remember how frustrated they were whenforeign teachers did not provide such an answer. Their expectations from authorities are muchhigher than that of American students. Once the Chinese students got the answer, they were sureabout it.Education in China is valued for united thinking. I remember American teachers who taughtin our university complaining about the fact that Chinese students uniformly expressed the sameidea in their English composition. The examinations in America usually do not test a student'sability to memorize the material but his ability to analyze and solve problems. Education inAmerica is valued not only as a means to obtain employment but as a process of enhancingcritical thinking.55. In the USA, when the students are in class, __A. a Chinese student tends to be very activeB. an American student likes to make troubleC. a Chinese student likes to puzzle the teacherD. an American student tends to be vigorous56. A teacher in the USA prefers to __ when he answers questions.A. be very sincereB. be very directC. be very self-confidentD. be very indifferent57. What is the opinion of the author concerning the difference of teaching methods betweenChina and the USAA. He thinks that Chinese teaching methods can make students learn more.B. He holds that the major purpose of Chinese teaching methods is to improve students'remembrance.C. He thinks that American teaching is ability oriented.D. He holds that American teachers hate to give a test.58. The author thinks that the relationship between the student and the teacher is __A. more intimate in ChinaB. closer in ChinaC. looser in USAD. more harmonious in USAQuestions 59 to 62 are based on the following passage:With a tremendous roar from its rocket engine, the satellite is sent up into the sky. Minuteslater, at an altitude of 300 miles, this tiny electronic moon begins to orbit about the earth. Its radiobegins to transmit an astonishing amount of information about the satellite's orbital path, theamount of radiation it detects, and the presence of meteorites. Information of all kinds races backto the earth. No human being could possibly copy down all these facts, much less remember andorganize them. But an electronic computer can. The marvel of the machine age, the electroniccomputer has been in use only since 1946. It can do simple computations--add, subtract, multiplyand divide--with lighting speed and perfect accuracy. Some computers can work 500,000 timesfaster than any person can.Once it is given a "program" -- that is, a carefully worked out set of instructions devised bya technician trained in computer language -- a computer can gather a wide range of information formany purposes. For the scientist it can get information from outer space or from the depth of theocean. In business and industry the computer prepares factory inventories, keeps track of salestrends and production needs, mails dividend checks, and makes out company payrolls. It can keepbank accounts up to date and make out electric bills. If you are planning a trip by plane, thecomputer will find out what to take and what space is available.Not only can the computer gather facts, it can also store them as fast as they are gathered andcan pour them out whenever they are needed. The computer is really a high powered "memory"machine that "has all the answers"--or almost all. Besides gathering and storing information, thecomputer can also solve complicated problems that once took months for people to do. At timescomputers seem almost human. They can "read" hand printed letters, play chess, compose music,write plays and even design other computers. Is it any wonder that they are sometimes called"thinking" machinesEven though they are taking over some of the tasks that were once accomplished by our ownbrains, computers are not replacing us at least not yet. Our brain has more than 10 million cells. Acomputer has only a few hundred thousand parts. For some time to come, then, we can safely saythat our brains are at least 10, 000 times more complex than a computer. How we use them is forus, not the computer, to decide.59. "Program" means __A. a plan of what is to be doneB. a complete show on a TV station at a fixed time tableC. a scheduled performanceD. series of coded instructions to control the operations of a computer60. The computer is a high powered "memory" machine, which __A. has all the ready answers -- or almost all to any questionsB. can remember everythingC. can store everything and work for youD. has all the answers -- or almost to all the information thathas been stored61. "Thinking" machines suggest that __A. they can "read" hand printed letters etcB. they really can think and do many other jobsC. they even design other computersD. they can't think, but can do something under human control62. Can computers do whatever they want to do WhyA. Yes, because some computers can work 500,000 times faster than any person can.B. No, because they normally have a few hundred thousand parts.C. No, because human brains are at least 10000 times more complex than any computers.D. No, because how a computer works is decided by human.Questions 63 to 66 are based on the following passage:Within fifteen years Britain and other nations should be well on with the building of hugeindustrial complexes for the recycling of waste. The word rubbish could lose its meaning becauseeverything that goes into the dumps would be made into something useful. Even the mostdangerous and unpleasant wastes would provide energy if nothing else.The latest project is to take a city of around half a million inhabitants and discover exactlywhat raw materials go into it and what go out. The aim is to find out how much of these rawmaterials could be provided if a plant for recycling waste were built just outside the city. Thisplant would recycle not only metal such as steel, lead and copper, but also paper and rubber aswell.Another new project is being set up to discover the best ways of sorting and separating therubbish. When this project is complete, the rubbish will be processed like this: first, it will passthrough sharp metal bars which will tear open the plastic bags in which rubbish is usually packed;then it will pass through a powerful fan to separate the lightest elements from the heavy solids;after that grounders and rollers break up everything that can be broken. Finally the rubbish willpass under magnets, which will remove the bits of iron and steel; the rubber and plastic will thenbe sorted out in the final stage.The first full scale giant recycling plants are, perhaps, fifteen years away. Indeed, with thegrowing cost of transporting rubbish to more distant dumps, some big cities will be forced tobuild their own recycling plants before long.63. The main purpose of the passage is __A. to show us a future way of recycling wastesB. to tell the importance of recycling wastesC. to warn people the danger of some wastesD. to introduce a new recycling plant64. How many stages are there in the recycling processA. 3.B. 4.C. 5.D. 6.65. What is the main reason for big cities to build their own recycling plantsA. To deal with wastes in a better way.B. It's a good way to gain profits.C. It's more economical than to dump wastes in some distant places.D. Energy can be got at a lower price.66. Which of the following statements is trueA. The word "rubbish" will soon disappear from dictionaries.B. Dangerous wastes can be recycled into nothing but energy.C. To recycle paper and rubber will still be impossible even with the new recycling methods.D. Big cities will soon have their own recycling plants.Section BDirections: You should answer questions 67-75 which are based on thefollowing passages. Markyour answer on the answer sheet.The Motor CarA There are now over 700 million motor vehicles in the world ? and thenumber is rising by more than 40 million each year. The average distance driven by car users is growing too - from 8 km a day per person in western Europe in 1965 to 25 km a day in 1995. This dependence on motor vehicles has given rise to major problems, including environmental pollution, depletion of oil resources, traffic congestion and safety.B While emissions from new cars are far less harmful than they used tobe, city streets and motorways are becoming more crowded than ever, often with older trucks, buses and taxis which emit excessive levels of smoke and fumes. This concentration of vehicles makes air quality in urban areas unpleasant and sometimes dangerous to breathe. Even Moscow has joined the list of capitals afflicted by congestion and traffic fumes. In Mexico City, vehicle pollution is a major health hazard.C Until a hundred years ago, most journeys were in the 20 km range, thedistance conveniently accessible by horse. Heavy freight could only be carried by water or rail. The invention of the motor vehicle brought personal mobility to the masses and made rapid freight delivery possible over a much wider area. In the United Kingdom, about 90 per cent of inland freight is carried by road. Clearly the world cannot revert to the horse-drawn wagon. Can it avoid being locked into congested and polluting ways of transporting people and goodsD In Europe most cities arc still designed for the old modes oftransport. Adaptation to the motor car has involved adding ring roads, one-way systems and parking lots. In the United States, more land is assigned to car use than to housing. Urban sprawl means that life without a car is next to impossible. Mass use of motor vehicleshas also killed or injured millions of people. Other social effects have been blamed on the car such as alienation and aggressive human behaviour.E A 1993 study by the European Federation for Transport and Environmentfound that car transport is seven times as costly as rail travel in terms of the external social costs it entails such as congestion, accidents, pollution, loss of cropland and natural habitats,depletion of oil resources, and so on. Yet cars easily surpass trains or buses as a flexible and convenient mode of personal transport. It is unrealistic to expect people to give up private cars in favour of mass transit.F Technical solutions can reduce the pollution problem and increase thefuel efficiency of engines. But fuel consumption and exhaust emissions depend on which cars arc preferred by customers and how they are driven. Many people buy larger cars than they need for daily purposes or waste fuel by driving aggressively. Besides, global car use i彡 increasing at a faster rate than the improvement in emissions and fuel efficiency which technology is now making possible.G One solution that has been put forward is the long-term solutionof designing cities and neighbourhoods so that car journeys are not necessary - all essential services being located within walking distance or easily accessible by public transport. Not only would this save energy and cut carbon dioxide emissions, it would also enhance the quality of community life, putting the emphasis on people instead of cars. Good local government is already bringing this about in some places. But few democratic communities are blessed with the vision - and the capital - to make such profound changes in modem lifestyles.H A more likely scenario seems to be a combination of mass transitsystems for travel into and around cities, with small “low emission” cars for urban use and larger hybrid or lean bum cars for use elsewhere. Electronically tolled highways might be used to ensure that drivers pay charges geared to actual road use.Better integration of transport systems is also highly desirable - and made more feasible by modem computers. But these aresolutions for countries which can afford them. In most developing countries, old cars and old technologies continue to predominate.Questions 67-72This passage has eight paragraphs labelled A-H. Which paragraphs concentrate on the followinginformation Choose the correct letter A-H for questions 67-72 and mark your answer on theanswer sheet.NB You may use any letter more than once.67. a comparison of past and present transportation methods68. how driving habits contribute to road problems69. the relative merits of cars and public transport70. the writer's own prediction of future solutions71. the increasing use of motor vehicles72. the impact of the car on city developmentQuestions 73-75Do the following statements agree with the views of the writer inthis passage For questions73-75, chooseA.if the statement agrees with the views of the writer (YES)B.if the statement contradicts the views of the writer (NO)C.if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this(NOT GIVEN)73. Vehicle pollution is worse in European cities than anywhere else.74. Technology alone cannot solve the problem of vehicle pollution.75. Redesigning cities would be a short-term solution.。

《中石油职称英语》考试时间:120分钟 考试总分:100分遵守考场纪律,维护知识尊严,杜绝违纪行为,确保考试结果公正。
1、<p> German, spoken by just over 100 million people, is one of the world ’s ten-largest languages ()population.<br /> </p>( ) A.inplaceof B.bymeansof C.intermsof D.bywayof2、The Chinese nation has () significantly to the progress of human civilization.( )A.relatedB.contributedC.owedD.attached3、The bees ()out o ftheir hive.( ) A.flocked B.swarmed C.packed D.crowded4、I was exhausted when I reached home, and I flung myself down on the front steps to ().( ) A.discover B.recover C.dissolve D.retreat姓名:________________ 班级:________________ 学号:________________--------------------密----------------------------------封 ----------------------------------------------线-------------------------5、() all we have learned from space flights, the moon is still a riddle from the distant past.()A.InsteadofB.InspiteofC.InsearchofD.Becauseof6、The first step is to () your problem and go to work on it.()A.recognizeB.revengeC.recollectD.receive7、1 () into the dark, sure that I would finally reach the hospital.()A.workoutB.setoutC.makeoutD.putout8、I believe in the () worth of the individual and in his right to hfe, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.()A.superiorB.surplusC.supremeD.suppress9、There is one suggestion that the footsteps of crowds walking the streets in major cities could () energy.()A.assembleB.gatherC.generateD.yield10、It is possible to predict how much energy and water a building will consume, how much () will be needed()A.matterB.thingsC.materialD.substance11、We go out for dinner a couple of times a month. Sometimes we ()a movie.()A.takeinB.keepdownC.takeoverD.takeafter12、The speaker is the person who () a speech transaction.()A.initialB.initiatesC.initiativesD.initiation13、The Atlantic hydrographic chart is being () continuously; even as we speak submarines are charting the Arctic basin under the ice.()A.rehearsed B.revised C.renewed D.retiled14、The waiters will refill your coffee cup several times for no extra().()A.expandB.offerC.priceD.charge15、A professional degree will () an average annual income of about twice that of college graduates.()A.feellikeB.resultinC.holdonD.keepto16、A green building is () to have reduced its environmental impact by 60% compared with an equivalent conventional building.()A.established B.estimated puted D.counter17、If you do not know the subject, you will not understand what is said or written, even if English is your mother () what is said or written.()A.speakingnguageC.sayingD.tongue18、Scientists are () about the formation of coal.()A.confidentialB.conferC.confidentD.conform19、Purchasing the new production line will be a () deal for the corporation.()A.profitableB.tremendousC.forcefulD.favorite20、He felt a bit () because her life seemed completely out of balance.()A.depressedB.suppressC.thoughtfulD.weakness21、Some people wait for () to come knocking. Some people sought it out.()A.necessityB.opportunityC.realityD.probability22、If things are going badly, the optimist acts quickly, looking for ()and forming a new plan of action.()A.resultB.solutionsC.responseD.settlement23、Plants use the carbon, along with sunlight, for growth, and ()oxygen into the atmosphere in a process known as photosynthesis.()A.relieveB.relateC.releaseD.retain24、We all gather facts and () conclusions, but we have very different styles of thinking.()A.pullB.drawC.takeD.receive25、Alberta () fourth in population among Canadian provinces.()A.ranksB.occupiesC.arrangesD.classifies26、In a given month, Friday is the 21st day of the month. What day of the week was the 5th of the month? ()()A.MondayB.ThursdayC.SaturdayD.Wednesday27、Love can () imperfection.()A.resistB.sustainC.undergoD.tolerate28、Certain layers of the atmosphere have special names ().()A.whichindicatedtheircharacterpropertiesB.whosecharacteristicpropertiesareindicatingC.whatcharacterizetheirindicatedpropertiesD.thatindicatetheircharacteristicproperties29、(),he had to leave school.()A.Sincehisfather’sunemploymentB.SincehisfatherwasunemployedC.HisfatherwasunemploymentD.Becauseofhisfatherwasunemployment30、()astrology and alchemy may be regarded as fundamental aspects of thought is indicated by their apparent universality.()A.Bothare B.Whatboth C.Both D.Thatboth。

模拟试题一I. V ocabularyDirections: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.1. I could just see a car in the distance, but I couldn't ___what color it was.A. make outB. look toC. look outD. take in2. The ___of new scientific discoveries to industrial production methods usually make jobs easier to do.A. additionB. associationC. applicationD. affection3. He mumbled something and blushed as though a secret had been___.A. imposedB. exposedC. composedD. opposed4. Mr. Morgan can be very sad ___, though in public he is extremely cheerful.A. in personB. in privateC. by himselfD. as individual5. You should these tables and buy new ones.A. throw offB. throw downC. throw upD. throw away6. ___ their suggestions, we will discuss them fully at the next meeting.A. In regard forB. In regard toC. With regard ofD. Regardless for7. The medicine which the doctor gave her can only ___her temporarily from pain.A. relaxB. relieveC. relayD. release8. On cloudy nights it is not possible to see the stars with ___ eye.A. nakedB. bareC. fleshD. pure9. Many new __ will be opened up in the future for those with a university education.A. opportunitiesB. necessitiesC. probabilitiesD. realities10. The weather is highly __ at this time of the year and it is hard to know what to wear.A. variousB. variantC. variableD. varied11. When you go to a new country, you must __ yourself to new manners and customs.A. adoptB. fitC. suitD. adapt12. I found myself completely ___by his vivid performance.A. carried outB. carried offC. carried awayD. carried on13. These safety measures will __ the reduction of accidents.A. give inB. result fromC. result inD. originate in14. Some discussion has ___about who should be put in charge of this project.A. risenB. liftedC. raisedD. arisen15. __ these changes we must revise our plan.A. In the course ofB. In the light of C, In spite of D. In addition to16. Although the examination he had passed was unimportant, his success___him in his later study.A. persuadedB. promisedC. urgedD. encouraged17. More and more cheaper materials are being ___ for the better, more expensive kind in production.A. replacedB. displacedC. substitutedD. transformed18. We are taking___ a collection to buy flowers for John because he is in the hospital.A. toB. upC. overD. off19. This is ___the first time you have been late.A. under no circumstancesB. on no accountC. by no meansD. for no reason20. The taxi had to ___because the traffic light had turned red.A. set upB. catch upC. shut upD. pull upII. Grammatical StructureDirections: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.21. So frightened ___ in darkness that she did not dare to move an inch.A. was the girlB. the girl wasC. such a girl wasD. that the girl was22. It was ___then that I came to know that knowledge comes from practice.A. untilB. not untilC. tillD. since23. Everything depends on __ we have enough time.A. ifB. whenC. whetherD. that24. I'd just as soon __ rudely to her.A. you not speakB. your not speakingC. you didn't speakD. you hadn't spoken25. ___you may be right, 1 can't altogether agree.A. AsB. WhileC. IfD. Since26.--I must have eaten something wrong. I feel like __. --I told you not to eat at a restaurant. You'd better __ at home.A. to throw up ... to eatB. throwing up ... eatingC. to throw up ... eatD. throwing up ... eat27. His response was __ that he didn't say yes and he didn't say no.A. soB. whichC. whatD. such28. __ nothing more to discuss, the CEO got to his feet, said goodbye and left the meeting room. (2010年)A. There wasB. BeingC. There beingD. As there being29. I went to my adviser to ask him what courses __.A. should I takeB. must I takeC. to takeD. I were to take30. I have not found my book yet. I'm not sure __ I could have done with it.A. whetherB. whatC. whyD. where31. He is sure that there was a flying saucer over there. If he hadn't seen it himself, he __ it.A. never have believedB. never did believeC. could never believeD. would never have believed32. I wish Bill would drive us to the train station but he has___to take us all.A. very small a carB. too small a carC. a too small carD. such a small car33. __ the building for stolen goods, the police found twenty machine guns.A. SearchingB. Being searchingC. Searched D, To search34. Not until the year of 1954 __ made the capital of this province.A. the city wasB. when the city wasC. was the cityD. was when the city35. If the dog hadn't barked loudly, we ___caught red-handed.A. won't have beenB. needn't have beenC. mustn't have beenD. shouldn't have been36. The budget they made is unrealistic___it disregards increased costs.A. for thatB. for whichC. in thatD. in which37. The Latin class had twenty students, __ had had much better language training than I.A. most of whichB. whichC. most of themD. most of whom38. Close the door, ___?A. will youB. do youC. shall youD. don't you39. The storm___, they had to live in a cave.A. has destroyed their hutB. to destroy their hutC. having destroyed their hutD. being destroyed40. It was going to be some time __ he would see his father again.A. sinceB. whenC. untilD. beforeIII. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: There are 5 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by 4 questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.Questions 41 to 44 are based on the following passage:In the past, American families tended to be quite large. Parents raising five or more children were common. Over the years, the size of the family has decreased. One reason for this is an increase in the cost of living. On the average, children attend schools for more years than they used to, making them financially dependent on their families longer. Moreover, children nowadays are better dressed and have more money to spend on entertainment. The parents usually take the responsibility for all the expenses. Meanwhile, families are less close than they used to be. More and more American mothers work away from home. The break up of the family occurs when the parents divorce, A lot of children in the U. S. live part of their young lives with only one parent. Broken families usually result in problems for children and parents alike. Children blame themselves when their parents separate. They grow up feeling unsettled as they are moved back and forth between parents. Usually one parent is responsible for raising the children. These single parents must care for the children's emotional and psychological needs while also supporting them financially. This is very demanding and leaves very little time for the parent's own personal interests. Single parents often marry other single parents. In this type of family, unrelated children are forced to develop brother or sister relationship. The situations of many American families today are not good. However, recent signs indicate that things are getting better. The divorce rate is declining. The rate of childbirth is rising. Perhaps Americans have learned how important families are.41. To parents who take the responsibility for children's expenses, the cost of living increases because___.A. children attend school for more yearsB. children are better dressedC. children spend more money on entertainmentD. all of the above42. What problems would broken families bring to both children and parents?A. Children grow up feeling unsettled and parents didn't pay much attention to children.B. Children grow up feeling free and one parent is responsible for raising the children.C. Children are moved back and forth between parents and the single parent is busy working to make money to support himself/herself.D. Children grow up feeling unsettled, and the parents have little time for his/her own interests because one parent is too busy taking care of children.43. According to the author, the situations of American families in the future may __.A. become worseB. remain the sameC. get betterD. keep unchanged44. The title of the article might be __.A. American ChildrenB. American FamiliesC. American MotherD. American ParentsQuestions 45 to 48 are based on the following passage:When I was studying at Yale, some phenomena puzzled me greatly. I found that Chinese students or Asian students were very polite in class while American students often interrupted the professor, asking questions and dominating the discussion. The Chinese students were not as aggressive as American students.I was impressed by the role of the professor in the seminar (讨论会). The professor didn't act as an authority, giving final conclusions, but as a researcher looking for answers to questions together with the students. One linguistic (语言的) feature of his interacting with his students was that he used many modal (情态的) verbs--far more than I did in Beiwai. When answering questions, he usually said, "This is my personal opinion and it could be wrong." or "You could be right, but you might find this point of view also interesting." In China, authorities are always supposed to give wise decisions and correct directions. Therefore, students always expect the professor to give an answer to the question, I still remember how frustrated they were when foreign teachers did not provide such an answer. Their expectations from authorities are much higher than that of American students. Once the Chinese students got the answer, they were sure about it.Education in China is valued for united thinking. I remember American teachers who taught in our university complaining about the fact that Chinese students uniformly expressed the same idea in their English composition. The examinations in America usually do not test a student's ability to memorize the material but his ability to analyze and solve problems. Education in America is valued not only as a means to obtain employment but as a process of enhancing critical thinking.45. In the USA, when the students are in class, __.A. a Chinese student tends to be very activeB. an American student likes to make troubleC. a Chinese student likes to puzzle the teacherD. an American student tends to be vigorous46. A teacher in the USA prefers to __ when he answers questions.A. be very sincereB. be very directC. be very self confidentD. be very indifferent47. What is the opinion of the author concerning the difference of teaching methods between China and the USA?A. He thinks that Chinese teaching methods can make students learn more.B. He holds that the major purpose of Chinese teaching methods is to improve students' remembrance.C. He thinks that American teaching is ability oriented.D. He holds that American teachers hate to give a test.48. The author thinks that the relationship between the student and the teacher is __.A. more intimate in ChinaB. closer in ChinaC. looser in USAD. more harmonious in USAQuestions 49 to 52 are based on the following passage:With a tremendous roar from its rocket engine, the satellite is sent up into the sky. Minutes later, at an altitude of 300 miles, this tiny electronic moon begins to orbit about the earth. Its radio begins to transmit an astonishing amount of information about the satellite's orbital path, the amount of radiation it detects, and the presence of meteorites. Information of all kinds races back to the earth. No human being could possibly copy down all these facts, much less remember and organize them. But an electronic computer can. The marvel of the machine age, theelectronic computer has been in use only since 1946. It can do simple computations--add, subtract, multiply and divide--with lighting speed and perfect accuracy. Some computers can work 500,000 times faster than any person can.Once it is given a "program" -- that is, a carefully worked out set of instructions devised by a technician trained in computer language -- a computer can gather a wide range of information for many purposes. For the scientist it can get information from outer space or from the depth of the ocean. In business and industry the computer prepares factory inventories, keeps track of sales trends and production needs, mails dividend checks, and makes out company payrolls. It can keep bank accounts up to date and make out electric bills. If you are planning a trip by plane, the computer will find out what to take and what space is available.Not only can the computer gather facts, it can also store them as fast as they are gathered and can pour them out whenever they are needed. The computer is really a high powered "memory" machine that "has all the answers"--or almost all. Besides gathering and storing information, the computer can also solve complicated problems that once took months for people to do. At times computers seem almost human. They can "read" hand printed letters, play chess, compose music, write plays and even design other computers. Is it any wonder that they are sometimes called "thinking" machines?Even though they are taking over some of the tasks that were once accomplished by our own brains, computers are not replacing us at least not yet. Our brain has more than 10 million cells. A computer has only a few hundred thousand parts. For some time to come, then, we can safely say that our brains are at least 10, 000 times more complex than a computer. How we use them is for us, not the computer, to decide.49. "Program" means __.A. a plan of what is to be doneB. a complete show on a TV station at a fixed time tableC. a scheduled performanceD. series of coded instructions to control the operations of a computer50. The computer is a high powered "memory" machine, which __.A. has all the ready answers -- or almost all to any questionsB. can remember everythingC. can store everything and work for youD. has all the answers -- or almost to all the information that has been stored51. "Thinking" machines suggest that __.A. they can "read" hand printed letters etcB. they really can think and do many other jobsC. they even design other computersD. they can't think, but can do something under human control52. Can computers do whatever they want to do? Why?A. Yes, because some computers can work 500,000 times faster than any person can.B. No, because they normally have a few hundred thousand parts.C. No, because human brains are at least 10000 times more complex than any computers.D. No, because how a computer works is decided by human.Questions 53 to 56 are based on the following passage:Within fifteen years Britain and other nations should be well on with the building of huge industrial complexes for the recycling of waste. The word rubbish could lose its meaning because everything that goes into the dumps would be made into something useful. Even the most dangerous and unpleasant wastes would provide energy if nothing else.The latest project is to take a city of around half a million inhabitants and discover exactly what raw materials go into it and what go out. The aim is to find out how much of these raw materials could be provided if a plant for recycling waste were built just outside the city. This plant would recycle not only metal such as steel, lead and copper, but also paper and rubber as well.Another new project is being set up to discover the best ways of sorting and separating the rubbish. When this project is complete, the rubbish will be processed like this: first, it will pass through sharp metal bars which will tear open the plastic bags in which rubbish is usually packed; then it will pass through a powerful fan to separate the lightest elements from the heavy solids; after that grounders and rollers break up everything that can be broken. Finally the rubbish will pass under magnets, which will remove the bits of iron and steel; the rubber and plastic will then be sorted out in the final stage.The first full scale giant recycling plants are, perhaps, fifteen years away. Indeed, with the growing cost of transporting rubbish to more distant dumps, some big cities will be forced to build their own recycling plants before long.53. The main purpose of the passage is __.A. to show us a future way of recycling wastesB. to tell the importance of recycling wastesC. to warn people the danger of some wastesD. to introduce a new recycling plant54. How many stages are there in the recycling process?A. 3.B. 4.C. 5.D. 6.55. What is the main reason for big cities to build their own recycling plants?A. To deal with wastes in a better way.B. It's a good way to gain profits.C. It's more economical than to dump wastes in some distant places.D. Energy can be got at a lower price.56. Which of the following statements is true?A. The word "rubbish" will soon disappear from dictionaries.B. Dangerous wastes can be recycled into nothing but energy.C. To recycle paper and rubber will still be impossible even with the new recycling methods.D. Big cities will soon have their own recycling plants.Questions 57 to 60 are based on the following passage:There were two widely divergent influences on the early development of statistical methods. Statistics had a mother who was dedicated to keeping orderly records of governmental units (state and statistics come from the same Latin root, status) and a gentlemanly gambling father who relied on mathematics to increase his skill at playing the odds in games of chance. The influence of the mother on the offspring, statistics, is represented by counting, measuring, describing, tabulating, ordering, and the taking of censuses--all of which led to modem descriptive statistics. From the influence of the father came modem inferential statistics, which is based squarely on theories of probability.Descriptive statistics involves tabulating, depicting, and describing collections of data. These data may be either quantitative, such as measures of height, intelligence, or grand level--variables that are characterized by an underlying continuum--or the data may represent qualitative variables, such as sex, college major, or personality type. Large masses of data must generally undergo a process of summarization or reduction before they are comprehensible. Descriptive statistics is a tool for describing or summarizing or reducing to comprehensible from the properties of an otherwise unwieldy mass of data.Inferential statistics is a formalized body of methods for solving another class of problems that present great difficulties for the unaided human mind. This general class of problems characteristically involves attempts to make prediction using 'a sample of observations. For example, a school superintendent wishes to determine of the proportion of children in a large school system who come to school without breakfast, have been vaccinated for flu, or whatever. Having a little knowledge of statistics, the superintendent would know that it is unnecessary and inefficient to question each child; the proportion for the entire district could be estimated fairly accurately from a sample of as few as 100 children. Thus, the purpose of inferential statistics is to predict or estimate characteristics of a population from a knowledge of the characteristics of only a sample of the population.57. With what is the passage mainly concerned?A. The drawbacks of descriptive and inferential statistics.B. Applications of inferential statistics.C. The development and use of statistics.D. How to use descriptive statistics.58. Which of the following is NOT given as an example of qualitative variable?A. Gender.B. Height.C. College major.D. Type of personality.59. Which of the following statements about descriptive statistics is best supported by the passage?A. It simplifies unwieldy masses of data.B. R leads to increased variability.C. It solves all numerical problems.D. It changes qualitative variables to quantitative variables.60. According to the passage which is the purpose of examining a sample of a population?A. To compare different groups.B. To predict characteristics of the entire population.C. To consider all the quantitative variables.D. To tabulate collections of data.Section BDirections: There are 10 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.If you were to begin a new job tomorrow, you would bring with you some basic strengths and weaknesses. Success or 61 in your work would depend, to a great extent, 62 your ability to use your strengths and weaknesses to the best advantage. Of the utmost importance is your attitude. A person 63 begins a job convinced that lie isn't going to like it or is sure that he is going to ail is exhibiting a weakness which can only hinder his success. On the other hand, a person who is secure 64 his belief that he is probably as capable of doing the work as anyone else and who is willing to make a cheerful attempt by it possesses a certain strength of purpose.The chances are that he will do well.65 the prerequisite skills for a particular job is strength. Lacking those skills is obviously a weakness. A book keeper who can't add or a carpenter who can't cut a straight line with a saw is hopeless cases.This book has been designed to help you capitalize 66 the strength and overcome the 67 that you bring to the job of learning. But in group to measure your development, you must first take stock of where you stand now. 68 we get further along in the book, we'll be dealing in some detail with specific processes for developing and strengthening 69 skills. However, to begin with, you should pause to examine your present strengths and weaknesses in three areas that are critical to your success or failure in school: your 70 , your reading and communication skills, and your study habits.61. A. improvement B. victory C. failure D. achievement62. A. in B. on C. of D. to63. A. who B. what C. that D. which64. A. onto B. on C. off D. in65. A. Have B. Had C. Having D. Had been66. A. except B. but C. for D. on67. A. idea B. weakness C. strength D. advantage68. A. as B. till C. over D. out69. A. learnt B. learned C. learning D. learn70. A. intelligence B. work C. attitude D. weaknessIV. TranslationDirections: There is 1 passage in this part of the test. You are to translate the passages into Chinese on your Answer Sheet.71.The existence of oil wells has been known for a long time. Some of the Indians of NorthAmerica used to collect and sell the oil from the wells of Pennsylvania. No one, however, seemsto have realized the importance of this oil until it was found that paraffin-oil could be made fromit; this led to the development of the wells and to the making of enormous profits. When theinternal combustion engine was invented, oil became of worldwide importance.There are four main areas of the world where deposits of oil appear. The first is that of theMiddle East, and includes the regions near the Caspian Sea, the Black Sea, the Red Sea and thePersian Gulf, another is the area between North and South America, and the third, between Asiaand Australia, includes the islands of Sumatra, Borneo and Java.The forth area is the part near the North Pole. When all the present oilfields are exhausted, itis possible that this cold region may become the scene of oil activity. Due to general workingconditions and the environment, the costs may be so high that no company will undertake thework. And if they do, the cost of the oil will eventually be passed on to consumers. If progress inalternative power sources to drive machines is fast enough, it is possible that oil-driven enginesmay give place to the new kind of engine. In that case the demand for oil will fall, and theoilfields will gradually disappear, and the deposits at the North Pole may rest where they are forever.模拟试题一参考答案及部分试题答案解析一、答案I. Vocabulary1-20 ACBBD BBAAC DCCDB DCBCDII. Grammatical Structure21-40 ABCCB DDCCB DBACD ADACDIII. Reading Comprehension41-60 DDCBD ACDDD DDABC DCBAB61-70 CBADC DBACCIV. Translation翻译答案略,请参考2004年版通用英语选读相关课文。

模拟试題三I. Vocabulary Section ADirections: There are 10 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence and mark your answer on the answer sheet.1.You’ll have to buy some new shoes as these are.A. used upB. wasted awayC. broken downD. worn out2.Will all those _ the proposal raise their hands?A. in relation toB. in excess ofC. in contrast toD. in favor of3.He is among those lucky students who have won ___ t o first rate university.A. permissionB. admittanceC. professionD. admission4.People try to avoid public transportation delays by using their cars, and this createsfurther problems.A. after allB. in turnC. in caseD. in time5.He was unable to ___ to the group what he meant.A. get inB. get acrossC. get alongD. get off6.Some old people don’t like pop songs because they can’t so much noise.A. resistB. tolerateC. sustainD. undergo7.His discovery counts __ nothing though he tried very hard.A. onB. forC. inD. up8.Difficulties and hardships have the best qualities of the young geologist.A. brought outB. brought aboutC. brought forthD. brought up9.Richard doesn’t think he could ever what is called “free-style〞 poetry.A. take onB. take overC. take toD. take after10.He kept rubbing the child until _ he fell asleep.A. long afterB. soon afterC. before longD. long beforeSection BDirections: There are 10 sentences in this section. Below each sentence are four other words or phrases. You are to choose the one word or phrase which would best keeping the meaning of the original sentence if it were substituted for the underlined word or phrase. Then, mark your answer on the answer sheet.11.One hundred years ago, communication lag between countries was measured in days or evenmonths, but now due to modem technology the lags has been reduced to seconds.A. inconvenienceB. delayC. intervalD. progress12.A full moon's illumination will highlight the San Francisco skyline against the night sky.A. discernB. brightenC. illustrateD. project13.The issue we are discussing concerns everyone who has children.1 / 14A. subjectB. bookC. articleD. equation14.Most teenagers think their actions are mature.A. grown-upB. intelligentC. seriousD. childlike15.The budget director wanted to be certain that his officers were aware of the deadline.A. ask ifB. pretend thatC. make sure thatD. know if16.An archeologist must know exactly where and when an artifact was found.A. intuitivelyB. immediatelyC. brieflyD. precisely17.The President forecast that war would soon break out between the two neighboring slates.A. hintedB. worriedC. predictedD. disagreed18.Jack said that it was essential to leave immediately.A. unwiseB. possibleC. desirableD. necessary19.Weren’t those two writers contemporaries?A. equally famousB. hostile to each otherC. familiar with each otherD. living at the same time20.Those housing projects must be designed and built according to very strict criteria.A. locationsB. relationsC. contractsD. standardsII • Grammatical StructureSection ADirections: There are 10 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B. C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence and mark your answer on the answer sheet.21.You are supposed ___ everything ready by now.A. to getB. gettingC. to have gotD. having got22. __ all behavior is learned behavior is a basic assumption of social scientists.A. NearlyB. That nearlyC. It is nearlyD. When nearly23.I’ll lend you my cassette recorder I’ve done with it.A. every timeB. the momentC. untilD. lest24.He wondered _____ .A. what would his wife’s reaction beB. how would be his wife’s reactionC. whatwill be his wife’s reaction D. what his wife’s reaction would be25.The students ___ the exercises, the teacher went on to explain the text.A. doingB. didC. having doneD. to do26.We shall start at seven if it by that time.A. will stop rainingB. stops to rainC. has stopped rainingD. will have stopped to rain27.You ____ her in office last Friday; She’s been out of town for two weeks.A. needn’t have seenB. might have seenC. must have seenD. can’t have seen28.Don’t you know it’s the first time he this kind of meeting?A. attendsB. attendedC. has attendedD. is attending29.The foreign guests, __ were scientists, were warmly welcomed at the train station.A. most of themB. most of whomC. most of thatD. most of those30.1 need ___ more volunteers to help move the piano.A. noneB. anyC. fewD. someSection BDirections: In questions 31-40 each sentence has four underlined words or phrases, marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the one word or phrase which is incorrect and must be changed to make the sentence correct. Then mark your answer on the answer sheet.31.The Vermont Elementary Science Project according to its founders, are designed to challengeA Bsome of the most widely held beliefs about teaching.C D32.Of the many machines invented in the late nineteenth century, none had a great impact on theA B CUnited States economy than the automobile.D33.Yesterday. Mr. Frank, who was negotiating a new contract, disappoint this supervisor.A B CD34.The director should decide to hire her, we should advise the personnel office to prepare all theA B Cnecessary paperwork.D35.We’ve decided to stop to interview qualified applicants who are not willing to relocate.A B CD36.There is a rumor that the workers are discussing establishing union.A B C D37.Mr. Jenkins made the decisionthat shewill promote her administrative assistant beforeA B Cthe end of the year.D38.A repair job is costing over S3,000 is automaticallydiscounted $500 from the total cost.A B C D39.Mr. Spencer advised me talking to my colleague about the problem before filingan officialA B Ccomplaint against her.D3 / 1440.Louisa May Akott is chiefly remembered for Little women,one of the most popular girlsA B Cbooks ever wrote.DHI. Cloze TestDirections: There are 10 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark you’re a nswer on the answer sheet.Many students find the experience of attending university lectures to be a confusing andfrustrating experience. The lecturer speaks for one or two hours, perhaps 41 the talk withslides, writing up important information on the blackboard, distributing reading material andgiving out 42 . The new student sees the other students continuously writing on notebooks andwonders what to write. Very often the student leaves the lecture 43 notes which do not catchthe main points and which become hard even for the 44 to understand.Most institutions provide courses which assist new students to develop the skills they need tobe effective listeners and note-takers. 45 these are unavailable, there are many useful study-skills guides which enable learners to practice these skills 46 .In all cases it is importantto tackle the problem 47 actually starting your studies.It is important to acknowledge that most students have difficulty in acquiring the languageskills 48 in college study. One way of overcoming these difficulties is to attend the languageand study skills classes which most institutions provide throughout the 49 year. Another basicstrategy is to find a study partner 50 it is possible to identify difficulties, exchange ideas andprovide support.41. A. extending B. illustrating C. performing D. conducting42. A. assignments B. information C. content D.definition43. A. without B. with C. on D. except44. A. teachers B. classmates C. partners D. students45. A. Because B. Though C. Whether D. If46. A. independently B. repeatedly C. logically D. generally47. A. before B. after C. while D. for48. A. to require B. required C. requiring D. are required49. A. average B. ordinary C. normal D. academic50. A. in that B. for which C. with whom D. such asIV. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: There are 4 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by 4 questions orunfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.Questions 51 to 54 are based on the following passage:A scientist who does research in economic psychology and who wants to predict the way inwhich consumers will spend their money must study consumer behavior. He must obtain data bothon resources of consumers and on the motives that tend to encourage or discourage money spending.If an economist as asked which of three groups borrow most--people with rising incomes,stable incomes, or declining incomes--he would probably answer: those with declining incomes.Actually, in the years 1947--1950, the answer was: people with rising incomes. People withdeclining incomes were next and people with stable incomes borrowed the least. This shows usthat traditional assumptions about earning and spending are not always reliable. Another5 / 14traditional assumption is that if people who have money expect prices to go up, they will hasten tobuy. If they expect prices to go down, they will postpone buying. But research surveys haveshown that this is not always true. The expectations of price increase may not stimulate buying.One typical attitude was expressed by the wife of a mechanic in an interview at a time of risingprices. "In a few months," she said, "we'll have to pay more for meat and milk; we'll have less tospend on other things." Her family had been planning to buy a new car but they postponed thispurchase. Furthermore, the rise in prices that has already taken place may be resented and buyer'sresistance may be evoked.The investigations mentioned above were carried out in America. Investigations conducted atthe same time in Great Britain, however, yielded results that were more in agreement withtraditional assumptions about saving and spending patterns. The condition most conductive tospending appears to be price stability. If prices have been stable and people consider that they arereasonable, they are likely to buy. Thus, it appears that the common business policy Of maintaining stable prices is based on a correct understanding of consumer psychology.51. If a scientist wants to study consumer behavior, what must he do?A. He must predict the way in which consumers will spend their money.B. He must do scientific research.C. He must know background of customers.D. He must do research and learn the resources and motives of customers.52. Which of the following groups borrow money most according to traditional assumption?A. People with rising incomes.B. People with stable incomes.C. People with declining incomes.D. None of the above.53. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?A. Traditional assumptions about earning and spending are not always reliable.B. The condition that most helps to produce spending appears to be price rising.C. Maintaining stable prices is a common business policy.D. The results of the investigation in America were not the same as those in Great Britain.54. The research survey in America have showed that when the prices rise, __A. people will hasten to buyB. people will stop buyingC. people will postpone their purchaseD. people will buy more than they can useQuestions 55 to 58 are based on the following passage:The railroad industry could not have grown as large as it did without steel. The first railswere made of iron. But iron rails were not strong enough to support heavy trains running at highspeeds. Railroad executives wanted to replace them with steel rails because steel was ten orfifteen times stronger and lasted twenty times longer. Before the 1870's, however, steel was tooexpensive to be widely used. It was made by a slow and expensive process of heating, stirring andreheating iron ore.Then the inventor Henry Bessemer discovered that directing a blast of air at melted iron in afurnace would bum out the impurities that made the iron brittle. As the air shot through thefurnace, the bubbling metal would erupt in showers of sparks. When the fire cooled, the metal hadbeen changed, or converted to steel. The Bessemer converter made possible the mass productionof steel. Now three to five tons of iron could be changed into steel in a matter of minutes.Just when the demand for more and more steel developed, prospectors discovered huge new deposits of iron ore in the Mesabi Range, a 120 long region in Minnesota near Lake Superior. TheMesabi deposits were so near the surface that they could be mined with steam shovels. Barges and steamers carried the iron ore through Lake Superior to depots on the southernshores of Lake Michigan and Lake Erie. With dizzying speed Gary, Indiana, and Toledo, Youngstown, and Cleveland, Ohio, became major steel manufacturing centers. Pittsburgh was the7 / 14greatest steel city of all.Steel was the basic building material of the industrial age. Production skyrocketed fromseventy-seven-thousand tons in 1870 to over eleven million tons in 1900.55, According to the passage, the railroad industry preferred steel to iron because steel was __A. cheaper and more plentifulB. lighter and easier to moldC. cleaner and easier to mineD. stronger and more durable56. According to the passage, how did Bessemer method make the mass production of steel possible?A. It directed air at melted iron in a furnace, removing all impurities.B. It slowly heated iron ore then stirred it and heated it again.C. It changed iron ore into iron which was a substitute for steel.D. It could quickly find deposits of iron ore under the ground.57. According to the passage, where were large deposits of iron uncovered?A. In Pittsburgh.B. In the Mesabi Range.C. Near Lake Michigan.D. Near Lake Erie.58. It can be inferred from the passage that the mass production of steel caused __A. a decline in the railroad industryB. a revolution in the industrial worldC. an increase in the price of steelD. a feeling of discontent among steel workersQuestions 59 to 62 are based on the following passage:The English have the reputation of being very different from all other nationalities. It isclaimed that living on an island separated from the rest of Europe has much to do with it.Whatever the reasons, it may be fairly stated that the Englishman has developed some attitudesand habits distinguishing him from other nationalities.Broadly speaking, the Englishman is a quiet, shy, reserved person among people he knowswell. Before strangers he often seems inhibited, even embarrassed. You have only to witness arailway compartment any morning or evening to see the truth. Serious-looking businessmen andwomen sit reading their newspapers or dozing (打盹) in a comer; no one speaks. An English witonce suggested to overseas visitors, "On entering a railway compartment shake hands with all thepassengers." Needless to say, he was not being serious. There is an unwritten but clearlyunderstood code of behavior, which, if broken, makes the person immediately the object ofsuspicion.It is well known that the English seldom show openly extremes of enthusiasm, emotion etc.Of course, an Englishman feels no less than any other nationality. Imagine a man commenting onthe great beauty of a young girl. A man of more emotional temperament might describe her as "amarvelous jewel", while the Englishman will flatly state "Um, she's all right". An Englishmanmay recommend a highly successful and enjoyable film to friends by commenting, "It's not bad."The overseas visitors must not be disappointed by this apparent lack of interest; he must realizethat "all right", "not bad" are very often used with the sense of "first class", "excellent". Thisspecial use of language is particularly common in English.59. One explanation for the different character of English people is thatA. they are geographically isolated from the European continentB. they have nothing to do with the other EuropeansC. they like to keep quiet among their acquaintancesD. they tend to be reserved by nature60. According to the passage, on entering a railway compartment, an overseas visitor is expectedtoA. inquire about the code of behavior in the trainB. shake hands with all the passengersC. shake hands with the person he knowsD. behave like an Englishman61. The English way of commenting on something or somebody suggests thatA. the English are modest in most circumstancesB. the English feel no less than any other nationalityC. the English tend to display less emotion than they feelD. the English don't take a strong interest in making comment9 / 1462. What does the passage mainly discuss?A. The differences between the English and the other Europeans.B. The different character of the English man and its reason.C. The reasons for English people's shyness.D. The code of behavior of the nationalities in Europe.Questions 63 to 66 are based on the following passage:James Joyce was an Irish novelist who revolutionized the methods of depicting charactersand developing a plot in modem fiction. His astonishing way of constructing a novel, his frankportrayal of human nature in his books, and his complete command of English have made him oneof the outstanding influences on literature in the 20th Century. Many critics judge that he issecond only to Shakespeare in his mastery of the English language. Joyce was deeply influencedby Ireland and wrote all his books about Dublin.When he was in Dublin College, he studied languages and spent his spare time reading books.He refused to take part in the nationalist movement like his fellow students, but he becamepassionately interested in literature. He wrote outspoken articles of literary criticism that shockedhis teachers and even taught himself Norwegian so that he could read Ibsen's works in theoriginal.When he graduated in 1902, he knew he would become a writer and an exile, because he felthe could not be one without the other. In order to preserve his ideal of writing truthfully, fully, andas objectively as he knew how, about the people and places he knew best, he had to escape fromall temptations to become involved in popular opinion or public life. He went to France, Italy andSwitzerland, where he lived in poverty and obscurity for the first 20 years, only returning toIreland when his mother was dying. Except for a couple of brief trips, he stayed abroad all his life.63. James Joyce was famous for many reasons EXCEPT __A. his way of constructing a novelB. his frank portrayal of human natureC. his complete command of EnglishD. his passion in literature64. "He is second only to Shakespeare" is a comment on his __A. achievement in literatureB. achievement in the nationalist movementC. achievement in his study of languagesD. mastery of the English language65. How many examples are used to show his passion in literature?A. 2.B. 3.C. 1.D. 4.66. Why did James Joyce stay abroad almost all his life?A. Because he wanted to live in poverty and obscurity.B. Because he wanted to write the people and places he knew best.C. Because he wanted to escape from all temptations to become involved in popular opinionor public life.D. Because he wanted to preserve his ideal of writing truthfully, fully and objectively aboutthe people and the places he knew best.Section BDirections: You should answer Questions 67-75 which are based on the following passages, Markyour answer on the answer sheet.Part OneA Air pollution is increasingly becoming the focus of government and citizen concern aroundthe globe. From Mexico City and New York, to Singapore and Tokyo, new solutions to this old problem are being proposed, trialled and implemented with ever increasing speed.It is feared that unless pollution reduction measures are able to keep pace with the continued pressures of urban growth, air quality in many of the world’s major cities will deteriorate beyond reason.B Action is being taken along several fronts: through new legislation, improved enforcementand innovative technology. In Los Angeles, state regulations are forcing manufacturers11 / 14to try to sell ever cleaner cars: ihcir first of the cleanest, titled “Zero Emission Vehicles 〞,have to be available soon, since they are intended to make up 2 per cent of sales in 1997. Local authorities in London are campaigning to be allowed to enforce antipollution laws themselves; at present only the police have the power to do so, but they tend to be busy elsewhere. In Singapore, renting out road space to users is the way of the future.C When Britain’s Royal Automobile Club monitored the exhausts of 60,000 vehicles, it foundthat 12 per cent of them produced more than half the total pollution. Older cars were the worst offenders; though a sizeable number of quire new cars were also identified as gross polluters, they were simply badly tuned. California has developed a scheme to get these gross polluters off the streets: they offer a flat $700 for any old, run-down vehicle driven in by its owner. The aim is to remove the heaviest-polluting, most decrepit vehicles from the roads.D As part of a European Union environmental programm, a London council is testing an infra-red spectrometer from the University of Denver in Colorado. It gauges the pollution from a passing vehicle - more useful than the annual stationary test that is the British standard today •by bouncing a beam through the exhaust and measuring what gets blocked.The council’s next step may be to link the system to a computerized video camera able to read number plates automatically.E The effort to clean up cars may do little to cut pollution if nothing is done about thetendency to drive them more. Los Angeles has some of the world’s cleanest cars - far better than those of Europe • but the total number of miles those cars drive continues to grow. One solution is car-pooling, an arrangement in which a number of people who share the same destination share the use of one car. However, the average number of people in a car on the freeway in Los Angeles, which is 1.3,has been falling steadily.Increasing it would be an effective wayof reducing emissions as well as casing congestion.The trouble is, Los Angelenos seem to like being alone in their cars.F Singapore has for a while had a scheme that forces drivers to buy a badge if they wishto visit a certain part of the city. Electronic innovations make possible increasing sophistication: rates can vary according to road conditions, rime of day and so on.Singapore is advancing in this direction, with a city-wide network of transmitters to collect information and charge drivers as they pass certain points. Such road-pricing, however, can be controversial. When the local government in Cambridge, England, considered introducing Singaporean techniques, it faced vocal and ultimately successful opposition.Part TwoThe scope of the problem facing the world’s cities is immense. In 1992, the United Nations Environmental Programme and the World Health Organization (WHO) concluded that all of a sample of twenty megacities - places likely to have more than ten million inhabitants in the year 2000 - already exceeded the level the WHO deems healthy in at least one major pollutant. Two-thirds of them exceeded the guidelines for two, seven for three or more.Of the six pollutants monitored by the WHO - carbon dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, ozone, sulphur dioxide, lead and particulate matter - it is this last category that is attracting the most attention from health researchers. PM 10, a sub-category of particulate matter measuring ten-millionths of a metre across, has been implicated in thousands of deaths a year in Britain alone. Research being conducted in two counties of Southern California is reaching similarly disturbing conclusions concerning this little-understood pollutant.A world-wide rise in allergies, particularly asthma, over the past four decades is now said to be linked with increased air pollution. The lungs and brains of children who grow up in polluted air offer further evidence of its destructive power. The old and ill, however, are the most vulnerable to the acute effects of heavily polluted stagnant air. It can actually hasten death, as it did in December 1991 when a cloud of exhaust fumes lingered over the city of London for over a week.The United Nations has estimated that in the year 2000 there will be twenty-four megacities and a further eight-five cities of more than three million people. The pressure on public officials, corporations and urban citizens to reverse established trends in air pollution is likely to grow in proportion with the growth of cities themselves. Progress is being made. The question, though, remains the same: “Will change happen quickly enough?’,Questions 67-70Look at the following solutions (Questions 67-70) and locations.Match each solution with one location.Choose the appropriate locations and mark your answers on the answersheet. NB you may use any location more than once.SOLUTIONS67.Authorities want to have power to enforce anti-pollution laws.68.Drivers will be charged according to the roads they use.69.Moving vehicles will be monitored for their exhaust emissions.muters are encouraged to share their vehicles with others.13 / 14C. LondonD. New YorkE. Mexico CityF. CambridgeG. Los AngelesQuestions 71-72Do the following statements agree with the views of the writer in this passage? For questions 71-72, chooseA.if the statement agrees with the views of the writer (YES)B.if the statement contradicts the views of the writer (NO)C.if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this (NOT GIVEN)71.It is currently possible to measure the pollution coming from individual vehicleswhilst they are moving.72.Car-pooling has steadily become more popular in Los Angeles in recent yearsQuestions 73-75Choose the best answer and mark your answer on the answer sheet.73.How many pollutants currently exceed WHO guidelines in all megacities studied?A. oneB. twoC. threeD. seven74.Which pollutant is currently the subject of urgent research?A. nitrogen dioxideB. ozoneC.leadD. particulate matter75.Which of the following groups of people are the most severely affected by intenseair pollution?A. allergy sufferersB. childrenC. the old and illD. asthma sufferers。
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模拟试题五I. Vocabulary Section ADirections: There are 10 incomplete sentences in this pari. For each sentence there are four choices marked A. B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence and mark your answer on the answer sheet.1.He is a man you can rely on. He never goes back on his _____ .A. wordB. wordsC. permissionD. saying2.After second thought, she ____ a better solution.A. came up withB. added up toC. put up withD. made up for3.The club has ______ a new rule allowing women to join.A. brought forthB. associated withC. turned overD. laid down4.The performance will begin ____ at eight thirty.A. preciselyB. consequentlyC. accordinglyD. exceedingly5.His joke went too far. It was more than I could ________ .A. get rid ofB. put up withC. keep up withD. do away with6.At the gathering, he talked_____ about the matter, dampening everyones spirits.A. in detailB. with easeC. on endD. in a confusing way7.1 wish my son would stop ______ a nd do something realistic.A. hanging aboutB. hanging onC. hanging upD. hanging off8.We all can’t ____ why she married a man like this.A. reason outB. figure outC. make believeD. take in9.John wants to dispose ____ his old car and buy a new one.A. onB. inC. ofD. to10.Ted agreed to ____ the strike if the company would satisfy the demand of the workers.A. call outB. call toC. call offD. call onSection BDirections: There are 10 sentences in this section. Below each sentence are four other words or phrases. You are to choose the one word or phrase which would best keeping the meaning of the original sentence if it were substituted for the underlined word or phrase. Then, mark your answer on the answer sheet.11.Most high school students look up to the star player on the football team.A. envyB. respectC. trustD. pursue12.Mr. Jackson is considered a man of moderate view.A. modemB. stemC. reasonableD. predictable13.What guarantee do we have of this product's quality?A. possibilityB. knowledgeC. indicationD. assurance14.We thought Jane’s performance was particularly good.A. especiallyB. unbelievableC. necessarilyD. unexpectedly15.Everyone knows that the couple were reluctant to have their daughter marry Mr. Townsend.A. eagerB. pleasedC. unwillingD. disappointed16.Any theories must be modified to suit the facts, and not vice-versa.A. validatedB. betteredC. alteredD. fortified17.A red ruby laser will discharge a beam of coherent red light.A. containB. reflectC. change intoD. emit18.The 1906, San Francisco Earthquake, proved to be very fatal.A. shabbyB. messyC. disastrousD. constructive19.Few boxers have been as outstanding as the present heavyweight champion.A. powerfulB. handsomeC. excellentD. talkative20.The men are negotiating over the sale of the diamonds.A. arguingB. fightingC. thinkingD. bargainingII. Grammatical StructureSection ADirections: There are 10 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B,C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence and mark your answer on the answer sheet.21.___ nothing more to discuss, the secretary-general got to his feet, said goodbye and left theroom.A. There wasB. BeingC. There beingD. As there being22. ___ the size and nature of a business, its main goal is to earn a profit.A. WhateverB. WhicheverC. WhereasD. Because23.What’s the matter? I smell something _____ .A.bumB. bumsC. being burnedD. burning24.The car ____ seventy miles per hour until it reaches the riverside at about ten o'clock tonight.A. goesB. will goC. wentD. will be going25. I would rather ___ out to look for a job instead of moping around here everyday.A. to goB. goingC. wentD. go26.___ is still a controversial issue.A.If he is the right person for the jobB.That he is the right person for the jobC.Whether he is the right person for the jobD.He is the right person for the job27.Tom ___ my letter; otherwise he would have replied before now.A. ought not have receivedB. shouldn’t have receivedC. has been receivedD. couldn't have received28.You'll soon get used to _____ a large breakfast in England.A. eatB. it that you eatC. eatingD. you eat29.1left very early last night, but I wish I _____ so early.A. didn’t leaveB. hadn’t leftC. haven’t leftD. couldn’t leave30.“How many from your class went abroad?” “_____ but one”.A. AnyB. SomeC. AllD. MostSection BDirections: In questions 31-40 each sentence has four underlined words or phrases, marked A, B,C,and D. Choose the one word or phrase which is incorrect and must be changed to make the sentence correct. Then, mark your answer on the answer sheet.31.Faced with petroleum shortages in the 1970's, scientists and engineers in the United StatesAstepped up its efforts to develop more efficient heating systems and better insulation.B C D32.It is a phenomenon known as temperature inversion what causes the worst smog in placesA B Csuch as Los Angles.D33.Of all the software the consultants have looked at, the more powerful one is also the mostA BCDaccessible.34.The latest series of articles on trends and innovations have been praised by the readers.A BCD35.After the presentation of the developed specially program, the audience reacted positively andA B Cendorsed it immediately.D36.The inspector admitted to offer an estimate for the damage free of charge.A B C D37.New shopping mall is being planned for the residential area where new homes are being builtA B Cat a rapid rate.D38.The opinion holding by most investors is to buy now.A B CD39.Whether we make the trip or not, it will be advisable for us to be renewing our passportsA B Cas soon as possible in order to avoid any complications.D40.The only thing what really matters to the children is how soon they can return to theirA B Caunt and uncle’s farm.DIII. Cloze TestDirections: There are 10 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.Music comes in many forms; most countries have a style of their own. 41 the turn of the century when jazz was born, America had no prominent style fits own. No one knows exactly when jazz was 42 , or by whom. But it began to be heard in the early 1900s.Jazz isAmericans contribution to 43 music. In contrast to classical music, which follows formalEuropean traditions, jazz is spontaneous and free form. It bubbles with energy, 44 themoods, interests, and emotions of the people. In the 1920s jazz sounded like America, and45 it does today. The origins of this music are as interesting as the music 46 .American Negroes, or blacks, as they are called today, were the jazz pioneers .They were brought toSouthern States 47 slaves. They were sold to plantation owners and forced to work long hours. When a Negro died his friend and relatives 48 a procession to carry the body to the cemetery. In New Orleans, a band often accompanied the procession .On the way to the cemetery the band played slow, solemn music suited to the occasion. 49 on the way home the mood changed. Spirits lifted. Death had removed one of their relations ,but the living were glad to be alive. The band played happy music, improvising (即兴表演) on both the harmony and the melody of the tunes 50 at the funeral. This music made everyone want to once. It was an early form of jazz.41. A. By B. At C. In D. On42. A. discovered B. acted C. invented D. designed43. A. classical B. sacred C. popular D. light44. A. expressing B. explaining C. exposing D. illustrating45. A. as B. so C. either D. neither46. A. concerned B .itself C. available D. oneself47. A. for B. as C. with D. by48. A. demonstrated B. composed C. hosted D. formed49. A. Even B. Therefore C. Furthermore D. But50. A. whistled B. sung c. presented D. showedIV. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: There are 4 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by 4 questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.Questions 51 to 54 are based on the following passage:American Indians played a central role in the war known as the American Revolution. Tothem, however, the dispute between the' colonists and England was peripheral. For AmericanIndians the conflict was a war for American Indian independence, and whichever side they chose, they lost it. Mary Brant was a powerful influence among the Iroquois. She was a Mohawk, theleader of the society of all Iroquois matrons, and the widow of Sir William Johnson,Superintendent of Indian Affairs. Her brother, Joseph Brant, is the best known American Indian warrior of the Revolution, yet she may have exerted even more influence in the confederacy than he did. She used her influence to keep the western tribes of Iroquois loyal to the English king,George Ili. When the colonists won the war, she and her tribe had to abandon their lands andretreat to Canada. On the other side, Nancy Ward held positions of authority in the Cherokeenation. She had fought as a warrior in the war against the Creeks and as a reward for her heroism was made "Beloved Woman" of the tribe. This office made her chief of the women's council and a member of the council of chiefs. She was friendly with the white settlers and supported thePatriots during the Revolution. Yet the Cherokees too lost their land.51. What is the main point the author makes in the passage?A. Siding with the English in the Revolution helped American Indians regain their land.B. At the time of the Revolution the Superintendent of Indian Affairs had little power.C. Regardless of whom they supported in the Revolution, American Indians lost their land.D. The outcome of the Revolution was largely determined by American Indian women.52. The word "it" in line 4 refers to ~A. sideB. revolutionC. disputeD. independence53. How did Ward gain her position of authority?A. By bravery in battle.B. By marriage to a chief.C. By joining the confederacy.D. By being bom into a powerful family.54. According to the passage, what did Mary Brant and Nancy Ward had in common?A. Each was called "Beloved Woman" by her tribe.B. Each influenced her tribe's role in the American Revolution.C. Each lost a brother in the American Revolution.D. Each went to England after the American Revolution.Questions 55 to 58 are based on the following passage:More people than ever are drinking coffee these days--but in smaller quantities than theyused to. Some manufacturers of coffee makers are trying to take advantage of this trend bydeveloping diminutive machines that brew smaller amounts of coffee. Two US appliancecompanies-Black & Decker, based in Towson, Maryland, and Toastmaster Inc. of Columbia,Missouri-have recently introduced "drip" coffee makers that brew one or two cup servings of coffee.Both of the products brew the coffee directly into a cup or mug, eliminating the need for a separate carafe. Since many people make a pot of coffee in the morning but drink only a single cup, the new coffee makers should reduce the wasted coffee. Black & Decker's Cup-at-a-Time costs $27, while Toastmaster's Coffee Break Retails for $20. Black & Decker also makes a coffee maker that drips coffee directly into a carry-around thermal carafe. The carafe, a glass vacuum bottle, is supposed tokeep the coffee fresh for hours. The product, called the Thermal Carafe Coffee-maker, comes with abuilt-in lid that opens during the brewing process and close when it is completed. There are several models, including one that firs under the counter, ranging from $60 to $110 in price.55. The main purpose of the text is toA. introduce a new trend of drinking coffeeB. introduce new coffee makersC. introduce two U.S. appliance companiesD. introduce the new coffee industry56. The advantage of "drip" coffee makers shown in the text is thatA. they are much more economicB. they can produce only one cupC. they are more convenient and easier to operateD. they are more economical57. According to the passage, a thermal carafe is necessary when the coffee isA. preservedB. producedC. manufacturedD. brewed58. Which of the following statements can be inferred from the passage?A. People used to drink coffee in larger quantities.B. It is essential to attach a separate carafe, while "drip" coffee makers are applied.C. People used to make a pot of coffee in the morning and drink it up.D. The new coffee makers usually cost less than before.Questions 59 to 62 are based on the following passage:No one expressed this attitude more strongly than Noah Webster (1758- 1843). Born near Hartford, Connecticut, he received his education at Yale College and later began to practise law. But business in this profession was slow, and he was forced to turn to teaching. As a teacher, he soon discovered that the English school books then in use were unsatisfactory, and the American Revolution reduced the supply of such books as there were. Webster therefore began to work on three simple books on English, a spelling book, a grammar, and a reader, and these were the first books of their kind to be published in this country. The success of the first part was surprisingly great. It was soon issued again under the title THE AMERICAN SPELLING BOOK, and in this form about 80 million copies were sold during the next hundred years. From a profit of less than one cent a copy, Webster got most of his income for the rest of his life. Not only did the little book have great influence on many generations of school children, but it also had the effect or turning its author's attention to questions of language. In 1806 he produced a small dictionary, and this was followed by his greatest work, AN AMERICAN DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, published in two volumes in1828. In both of these works and in many smaller writings he had one purpose: to show that the English language in his country was a truly American thing, developing in its own special way and deserving to be considered from an independent, American point of view. As he himself wrote," It is not only important, but in a degree necessary, that the people of this 'country should have an AMERICAN DICTIONARY of the English language; for, although the body of the language is the same as in England...some differences exist .... No person in this country will be satisfied with the English definitions of the words congress, senate, assembly, court, and so forth, for although these are words used in England, yet they are applied in this country to express ideas which they do not express in that country." By giving American meanings and American pronunciation, by adopting a number of American spellings, and especially by introducing quotations from American authors beside those from English literature, he was able, to a great extent, to justify the title of his work. If, after a hundred years, some people still doubt the existence of a separate American language, his efforts, nevertheless, have left a lasting mark on the language of his country.59. Webster first tried to earn his living in the field ofA. educationB. journalismC. lawD. medicine60. Apparently Webster published his first books while he was a __A. teacherB. studentC. lawyerD. doctor61. This article could be entitledA. Noah Webster and American English SpellingB. Noah Webster, the author of An American Dictionary of the English LanguageC. Noah WebsterD. Noah Webster and American English Grammar62. According to the article, Webster __A. had created American English and its usagesB. had discovered American English and improved itC. had tried his best and left a milestone on the language of his countryD. had left a language which was not used in England.Questions 63 to 66 are based on the following passage:The oldest and simplest method, then of describing differences in personality was to classify people according to types, and such a system is called a Typology. A famous example of this method was set forth in Greece about the year 400 B. C. A physician named Hippocrates theorized that there were four fluids, or humors, in the body. Corresponding to each humor, he believed, there existed a definite type of personality.The four humors were blood, yellow bile, black bile, and phlegm. A person in whom all four humors were in perfect balance had a harmonious personality. If a person had too much blood, he was called sanguine (血红色), or cheerful and optimistic. Someone with too much yellow bilewas choleric, or irritable and easily angered. Too much black bile made a person melancholy, or depressed and pessimistic. An oversupply of phlegm caused a human being to be phlegmatic, or slow and unfeeling. Scientists have long since discarded Hippocrates' fluid theory. But the names of the humors, corresponding to these temperaments, have survived and are still useful, to some extent, in describing personality.Other features of people, such as their faces and physics, have also been used to classify personality. Today, however, personality theories and classifications may also include factors such as heredity (遗传特征), the environment, intelligence, and emotional needs. Psychology, biology, and sociology are involved in these theories. Because of the complexity of human personality, present day theories are often very different from one another. Psychologists vary in their ideas about what is most important in determining personality.63. According to Hippocrates' fluid theory, a man with too much phlegm will be __A. optimisticB. easily angeredC. unexcitableD. pessimistic64. The main idea of this passage is about __A. the complicated factors in determining one's personalityB. Hippocrates' fluid theory and its developmentC. the past and today of personality classifications and theoriesD. different personalities and their details65. At present, psychologists __A. have common opinion about personality theories and classificationsB. use biology, archaeology and sociology to study personality theoriesC. have abandoned Hippocrates' fluid theory entirelyD. all agree that human beings are characterized with complex personalities66. According to this passage the factors which are still NOT used to classify personality areA. one's born features and needs of love and successB. one's height and weightC. one's hobbies and idealsD. the environment and intelligenceSection BDirections: You should answer Questions 67-75 which are based on the following passages. Mark your answer on the answer sheet.Talking PointLearning a second language fuels children’s intelligence and makes their job prospects brighter. But the fact is, in New Zealand, as in many other English-speaking countries, speakers of two or more languages are in the minority. Eighty-four per cent of New Zealanders are monolingual (speakers of only one language). This leaves a small number who claim to speak two or more languages - a small percentage of whom were born in New Zealand.No matter how proud people arc of their cultural roots, to speak anything other than English is a marker of difference here. That’s why eight-year-old Tiffany Dvorak no longer wishes to speak her mother-tongue, German, and eight-year-old Ani Powell is embarrassed when people comment on the fact that she is able to speak Maori (新西兰毛利人的毛利语>.A s Joanne Powell, Ani’s mother, points out: “In Europe, it’s not unusual for kids to be bilingual. But, if you speak another language to your children in New Zealand, there are some people who think that you are not helping them to become a member of society.”But in fact, the general agreement among experts is that learning a second language is good for children. Experts believe that bilinguals - people who speak two languages - have a clear learning advantage over their monolingual schoolmates. This depends on how much of each language they can speak, not on which language is used, so it doesn’t matter whether they arc learning Maori or German or Chinese or any other language.Cathie Elder, a professor of Language Teaching and Learning at Auckland University, says: “A lot of studies have shown that children who speak more than one language sometimes learn one language more slowly, but in the end they do as well as their monolingual schoolmates, and often better, in other subjects. The view is that there is an improvement in general intelligence from the effort of learning another language.”Dr Brigitte Halford, a professor of linguistics at Freiburg University in Germany, agrees. “Bilinguals lend to use language better as a whole,” she says. “They also display greater creativity and problem-solving ability, and they learn further languages more easily.”So with all of the benefits, why do we not show more enthusiasm for learning other languages? Parentsand teachers involved in bilingual education say pressure from friends at school, general attitudes to other languages in English-speaking countries, and problems in the school system arc to blame.In New Zealand, immigrants face the possibility of culture being lost along with the language their children no long er wish to speak. Tiffany’s mother, Susanne Dvorak, has experienced this. When she and husband Dieter left Germany six years ago to start up a new life in New Zealand, they thought it would be the perfect opportunity to raise their two-year-old as a bilingual. After all, bilingual Turkish families in Germany were normal and Susanne had read all the books she could find on the subject.The idea was to have home as a German language environment and for Tiffany to learn English at nursery school. But when Tiffany went to nursery school she stopped talking completely. She was quiet for about two or three months. Then, when she took up talking again, it was only in English. Concerned for her language development, Dieter started speaking English to his daughter while Susanne continued in German.Today, when Susanne speaks to her daughter in German, she still answers in English. “Or sometimes she speaks half and half. I checked with her teacher and she very seldom mixes up German and English at school. She speaks En glish like a New Zealander. It’s her German that’s behind,” says Susanne.Professor Halford, also a mother of two bilingual children, says, “It’s normal for kids to refuse to speak their home language at the stage when they start to socialise with other ki ds in kindergarten or school”. But, she says, this depends a lot on the attitudes of the societies in question. In monolingual societies, like New Zealand, “kids want to be like all the others and sometimes use bilingualism as one of the battlefields for f inding their own identity in contrast to that of their parents.”She supports Susanne’s approach of not pressuring her daughter. “"Never force the child to use a specific language, just keep using it yourself. The child will accept that. There is often a time when children or teenagers will need to establish their own identity as different from their schoolmates and they may use their other language to do so.”Cathie Elder thinks immigrant parents should only speak English to their children if they are able to use English well themselves. “What parents should do is provide rich language experiences for their children in whatever language they speak well. They may feel like outsiders and want to speak the local language, but it is more important for the child's language development to provide a lot of language experience in any language.”There can be differences between children in attitudes to learning languages. Susanne Dvorak’s two-year-old son, Danyon, is already showing signs of speaking German and English equally well. While her “ideal” scenario hasn’t happened with Tiffany, she is aware that her daughter has a certain bilingual ability which, although mainly passive at this stage, may develop later on.Joanne Powell feels the same way about her daughter, Ani. “At the moment she may not want to speak Maori but that’s okay because she’ll pick it up again in her own time. It’s more important that she has the ability to understand who sheis. By learning another language she can open the door to anot her culture.”Donna Chan, 25,a marketing specialist for IBM, arrived here with her parents from Hong Kong when she was four. She also remembers refusing to speak Chinese when she started primary school. But now she appreciates she had the chance to be bili ngual. “It’s quite beneficial speaking another language in my job. Last year, my company sent me to a trade fair in Hong Kong because I could speak Chinese. Being bilingual definitely opens d o o r s,” she says.Questions 67-69Do the following statements agree with the views of the writer in this passage? For questions 67-69, chooseA.if the statement agrees with the views of the writer (YES)B.if the statement contradicts the views of the writer (NO)C.if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this (NOT GIVEN)67.Most New Zealanders believe it is good to teach children a second language.68.Chinese is the most common foreign language in New Zealand.69.Some languages develop your intelligence more than others. .Questions 70-74Look at the following statements (Questions 70-74) and the list of people below.Match each statement with the correct person, A-E.Choose the correct letter, A-E, for questions 70-74 and mark your answer on the answer sheet.NB You may use any letter more than once.70.Children learning two languages may learn one language faster.71.It has been unexpectedly difficult to raise a bilingual child in New Zealand.72.Children’s attitudes to language depend on general social attitudes.73.Learning a second language provides opportunities to learn another culture.74.Speaking a second language provides work opportunities.Question 75Choose TWO letters, A-F.Choose the correct letters for question 75 and mark your answer on the answer sheet. 75. Which TWO people stopped speaking one language as a child?A.Donna ChanB.Susanne DvorakC.Tiffany DvorakD.Cathie ElderE.Brigitte HalfordF.Joanne Powell。