


1.We can get knowledge from news, but some people think we cannot trust the journalist. What do you think What qualities do you think a successful journalist should have

The advent of the information age has bombarded the public with numerous news and many people spend a great deal of time going through news every day. Some people are suspicious of these news because they do not trust the journalists, while I am convinced that a successful journalist with certain qualities could provide true news reports.

Admittedly, so much news on social media is fake and wrong, which has become one of the most concerning aspects of the media environment. According to a recent survey, only about two-in-ten Americans trust the information they get from local news organizations a lot, whether online or offline. The reason behind the low trust rate is that some sites are created with pre-existing views, and more than that, others present facts that are actually false or biased. However, in the fast growing information age, we as readers must develop skills and strategies to distinguish between real journalism and wrong ones. We cannot believe those so-called facts simply because they match up to our own preconceptions.

Given that loss of public trust could be journalism’s greatest challenge, journalists worldwide should equip themselves with a number of good qualities. Firstly, they should have a strong desire to unearth the truth. In other word, a very passionate person is enthusiastic to get information, uncover scandals and inform people. Secondly, a good journalist must be an extremely disciplined person to be able to work strict deadlines. Staying punctual is significant or else people will not be able to trust the information reported. Thirdly, a journalist must be objective

and accurate, no matter what the situation is. The reported story must be free of any prejudice and be reported as it is. Journalists may have their own choices with regards to political parties and leaders. However, it is important to keep them aside when covering a story. Moreover, journalists should be open to new ideas and views and should not cover stories with any preconceived notions. In addition to the above mentioned qualities, it is always better if a journalist has expert knowledge of the beat he intends to cover.

In conclusion, the fact is the media is distrusted by lot of people all over the world. If the journalism industry wants to regain its reputation, journalists must do their job honestly and honorably.

2.News media are important in modern society. Why are they so important Are their influences generally positive or negative

In present-day society, modern people are interacting with all kinds of news media including print media, broadcast news, and more recently online newspaper as well as news blogs. These media are important and could cause both positive and negative effects to the society.

It is undeniably that news media have played an indispensable role in modern society. Obviously, news media timely provide the public with vast amount of information. Communities and individuals are bombarded constantly with messages from a multitude of sources including TV, billboards, and magazines, to name a few. These messages promote not only products, but moods, attitudes, and a sense of what is and is not important.

Given the popularity and importance of news media, people start to realize the associated positive impact. The media are credited with considerable power to shape opinion and belief, to change habits of life and to mould behavior actively. For instance, some finance news could influence the way people invest their savings. As fitness magazines

increasingly highlight the risk of a sedentary lifestyle and obesity, more and more people set out to make their weigh-loss plans, develop healthier eating habits, and exercise on a regular schedule.

Despite of the positive influence, news media?may cause detrimental effect to the society. With the arise of new media through social media, there has been an increase in fake news. For example, the use of Twitter and Facebook has made it easier for false or misleading articles to be seen. Coco-Cola, as an example, funds a front group by the name of The Global Energy Balance Network to confuse consumers about soda science and divert attention away from the mounting evidence showing that sweet beverages are a major contributor to disease associated with insulin resistance, such as diabetes. Given the erosion of trust in the media and the rampant spread of hoaxes via social media, it will become even more important for news organizations to scrutinize content that looks and sounds like the real deal.

In conclusion, news media not only offer people information and knowledge but also exert good and bad effects on the society. In my opinion, those good effects could outweigh bad ones if the media could be used in a wise and appropriate way.

3.Some people claim that newspaper is the best way to get the latest information because it has more influence than other forms of media. To what extent do you agree or disagree

Newspaper has been a part of our daily life for several centuries. Some people argue that newspaper is the best access to latest information, while I would like to say that other forms of media are also important ways for the public to be informed of important events that are occurring around the world.

Newspaper is still a major source of the general public for a variety of reasons. Firstly, general newspapers cover all topics, including politics, economy, celebrity news, and a collection of the latest events. Moreover, some might have good coverage of international events of importance, and others might concentrate more on national or local entertainment or sports. Therefore, readers have a wide range of choices. Secondly, in recent years, newspaper has adapted to the changing technology by starting to offer online edition to cater the needs of the public. As of 2007, virtually all major printed newspapers have online editions distributed over the Internet, which allows readers to search for their most interested topics conveniently.

However, the availability of news via 24-hour television channels and then the availability of online social media posed an ongoing challenge to the business model of most newspapers. To begin with, reading at no cost is highly valued by a majority of readers. Television channels and a number of online news websites, such as Google news, are free to access, which is a comparative advantage over some charged newspapers. In addition, nowadays, the public, especially the younger generation, prefer to get news from social network. By just opening an app, such as Facebook and Twitter, they can learn about all the people who are signed into the same network. Moreover, they could make their personal comments and thoughts instantly and globally public, and then communicate with others.

In conclusion, as more forms of news media become available, newspaper outlets face an increasingly serious challenge. Given that individuals have different areas of interest, it is better to have freedom to choose their favorite ways of getting the newest information.

4.Advertising discourages people from different individuals by making us all want to do the same and look the same. To what extent do you agree or disagree

Advertising is an essential factor in modern business methods, and it is also an industry that knows how to influence and change behaviour. Some people argue that advertising prevents people from pursuing their individuality and identity because it encourages consumers to blindly buy the same products. However, I am not convinced by this view.

Admittedly, massive promotion campaigns are able to deliberately influence customers’purchasing decision towards several specific brands. Once increasing numbers of customers make the purchase of these commercial goods and products, it marks the success of advertisements in monopolizing the market and creating so called trends and fashions. To a large extent, advertisements impose a notion that the advertised subjects are famous. The reason why some people prefer to purchase these goods is that they pursue a style of being popular. Young people, especially those who still strive to find out who they are, would probably lose their individuality since they buy the same goods advertised constantly in media or they buy whatever their idols try out. For instance, if a star is invited to advertise for an article,some people will impulsively buy the goods which might be far more expensive than the same kind products under other brands.

However, it is by no means to claim that commercials would force the public to such an extent that they all expect to do the same and look the same. After all, buying behaviour is a phenomenon that varies depending on a wide range of factors, such as demographics, income, social and cultural factors.

The majority make their purchase decision based on personal preferences and affordability. As the financial crisis and economic downturn seriously dampens people’s purchasing power, many global companies face a major challenge in terms of the profitability and even survival. No matter how heavily some luxurious brands are willing to spend on their commercials, they can only attract those living in upper class rather than the common people who earn average incomes. The general public would not buy products only with stylish shapes since they prefer goods with practical functions as well as reasonable prices.

In conclusion, advertisements could exert influence on our purchasing behaviors to some extent, but are not powerful enough to make all of us the same. Competitions among prestigious companies worldwide, on the contrary, will promote increasingly diversified tastes.

5.People are surrounded by many kinds of advertising which can influence their life. Do the positive effects of this trend outweigh negative effects

Business owners know a smart marketing plan is essential to brand development and to the conversion of viewers into clients and customers. One aspect of a marketing plan is advertising. Yet there is a controversial debate over the effects of advertisements.

It is undeniable that advertising do have its merits. Firstly, they help the consumers by giving them information about various products available on the market. Many readers appreciate advertising because it allows them to know the properties, functions, and prices of the products they want to buy at home. Secondly, given that numerous companies promote their goods and services on the same media, be it newspapers, magazines, TV, and the Internet, customers could compare thoroughly before they make their purchasing decisions.

However, many advertisements make misleading claims and promise instant solutions to people’s problems in order to gain profits. For example, an advertisement may depict a pimply boy being surrounded by pretty girls as soon as he applies a particular brand of pimple cream. Though many know that this is an exaggeration, they may still cling to the hope that it may be true and rush out to buy the cream and try it out. When the claims are not matched in real life, it can cause a lot of disappointment and frustration. Another harm that advertisements could bring about is that they nurture superficial values in people. People lust for products they cannot afford and some even resort to illegal ways of getting money in order to obtain them. This in turn breeds a class of snobbish people who only respect others for the material things they possess.

In conclusion, people in the modern society enjoy and value the conveniences and competitive prices brought by commercials. Therefore, although commercials designed by businesses sometimes could be misleading and pass materialism values, I am convinced that the positive effects outweigh the negative ones.

6.Nowadays, there are many television advertisement aimed at children. What are the effects of these advertisements on children Should TV advertisements be controlled

Children are important targets of advertising campaigns. However, children have been found to be particularly vulnerable to negative effects of advertising, and protecting children from these effects is an important task of consumer policy.

It is undeniable that commercials familiarize kids with the latest products in the market and inculcate some good habits in them like the ones related to dental hygiene. In addition, advertising could impart a set of good values and a sense of responsibility to children. For example, some public service advertising is designed to inform children of the importance of education, safety, and filial piety. However, some advertisements do have negative impact on children that cannot be ignored. Advertisers use all sorts of gimmicks to promote their own product. For example, fast-food restaurants promise attractive toys and prizes in scratch and win competitions. As a result, children badger their parents to take them to that particular fast-food restaurant, which in turn contributes to the problem of obesity. Moreover, a lot of advertisements difficult to understand for kids because the misleading tactics that advertisers employ is centered on the use of exaggeration. Claims such as "the best' or “better than" can be subjective and misleading; even adults may be unsure as to their meaning. They represent the advertiser's opinions about the qualities of their products or brand and, as a consequence, are difficult to verify.

As children continually assume larger roles in their homes and are becoming more involved in the shopping habits of the household, TV advertisements should be controlled to some extent. Studies have shown that the impact on children of cigarette advertising is greater than one would imagine it to be. Because present advertising of cigarettes, already limited to non-TV media, has such a great impact on children, all advertising likely to influence children, even if not aimed at them directly, should be more carefully scrutinized.

In conclusion, the influence of advertising has permeated much of what children do and see. Due to the fact that children do not have the same critical thinking and judgement

as adults, TV advertisements, especially those associated with unhealthy food and lifestyle choices, should be controlled or even banned.

7.Research shows that over-eating is as harmful as smoking. Therefore, advertising for certain food products should be banned, in the same way as cigarette advertising is banned in many countries. To what extent do you agree or disagree

Nowadays, as competition in the food industry becomes increasing fierce, food manufactures spend heavily on advertising their food products. Given more and more people suffer from obesity, some argue that food advertisements should be banned.

Opponents of food advertising claim that for the sake of public health those advertisements should be prohibited. Certain food advertisements designed by manufactures shift people’s food choice towards junk food and exert bad influence on health condition and eating behavior. Consumers could have a higher levels of obesity and blood cholesterol when they eat food with excessive fat, sugar and salt. In addition, some advertisements employ exaggeration tactics to attract consumers and boost sales. Claims made in advertising can be subjective and misleading since they only represent the advertiser’s opinions. The case gets more completed when advertisers use a disclaimer to offset or counterbalance an exaggerated claim. For example, the claim that breakfast cereal has a health benefit may be accompanied by the disclaimer - when part of a nutritionally balanced breakfast. Readers, especially children, might have difficulty understanding these disclaimers. Instead, it may cause disappointment and frustration.

However, advertising for food products do have its advantages. Firstly, it provides customers with information about a variety of foods and drinks available on the market. People can know about the nutrition content, the price, and the taste of their interested products at home, which saves a lot of time. By making comparison between various brands,

individuals could ensure a balanced nutrition for their family members. Secondly, health concern is no longer a problem since more and more advertisements focus on nutritive value and disclose the way food and drinks are manufactured and the way they are prepared for the table to customers.

In conclusion, although certain food advertisements are harmful and misleading, it is by no means to claim that all food commercials should be banned.


雅思写作Task2范文:国际化旅游的利弊 现在,国际游是最大的一项产业。但是,国际游虽然促进了不同国家人民的相互了解,更使他们的关系紧张。这是一篇关于此论题的雅思范文。认真研读一定的雅思范文及作文模板可以帮助我们检验自己的写作水平,并能很好地吸收和应用优秀范文里的优秀内容。 Nowadays, international tourism is the biggest industry in the world. Unfortunately, international tourism creates tension rather than understanding between people from different cultures. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? Model Answer: The growth of tourism and the numbers of people travelling to other countries for their vacations has led to debate as to whether this is beneficial. I believe that there are many problems which arise out of the tourist industry, and will examine these in detail. Many people argue that travel broadens the mind. However, this statement does not fully hold water. I would argue that spending a few weeks in another country is not long enough to gain a proper understanding of an alien culture. A foreigner visiting Britain might be met with the traditional British reserve, and mistakenly conclude that the British are unfriendly. Furthermore, some people are unwilling to open their minds. A Western traveller to an Arab country is unlikely to consider that the veiling of women is acceptable. Being a tourist in a foreign country brings with it problems that can lead to dislike of the native people. Firstly, a foreigner is vulnerable, and is often ripped off by locals. Secondly, the language barrier can lead to misunderstandings. Thirdly, tourists are often hassled to


Growth in air travel harms environment(飞行增多危害环境) Climate change experts from the Tyndall Climate Research Centre in Britain have said urgent action(紧急行动)is needed to curb the rapid growth in air travel(抑制飞行的快速增长)if the government is to meet its commitments(实现承诺)on tackling global warming(处理温室效应). This report from Stephen Evans: Falling ticket price and rising incomes are leading to rapid growth in global air travel.(导致国际航空业迅速发展的原因是机票价格的下降和收入水平的提升。)According to the British government, the number of British air passengers, for example, will more than double in the next quarter of a century(下一个25年). Increases of such an order would mean much more aviation fuel(燃油)being burned and aviation fuel may be more harmful to the environment than other fuels because the resulting smoke is emitted at high altitudes(高海拔). A group of scientists at the environmental research group, the Tyndall Centre, says that if Britain is to meet its overall target for cutting damaging emissions(减少有害气体排放), other uses of fuel like for heating homes or driving cars would have to be cut dramatically. The British government wants the use of aviation fuel covered by international agreement on the environment. The difficulty for any individual government(任何政府)is that taxing fuel used at its own airports might push airlines to move their operations to competing airports in other countries. https://www.360docs.net/doc/4617572791.html,/worldservice/learningenglish/newsenglish/witn/2005/09/050921_aviation.sh tml Calls to control low-cost flights(限制廉价航空) Cheap flights(廉价航空)on no frills airlines may not be a burden on our wallets but they will dearly cost the UK's environment(严重危害环境), campaigners believe. Scientists predict that if carbon dioxide emissions continue to increase, global warming will bring higher annual temperatures and heavier rainfall(温室效应会带来更高的气温以及更大的降水)- with all the associated problems(相关的问题). +将来时)it is . Agencies such as the Sustainable Development Commission (SDC) want our air tickets to reflect "the true cost of flying" to the environment. To green groups, this involves the aviation industry having to pay tax on the fuel(航空业应该为燃油使用赋税)it puts in planes.


雅思写作Task2范文:全球化使文化特征消失 由于通信和交通运输的飞速增长,整个社会迅速全球化。一些人担心这种全球化将导致文化特征的流失。你同意这种说法么?一起来看看这篇雅思范文是如何回答的吧!认真研读一定的雅思范文及作文模板可以帮助我们检验自己的写作水平,并能很好地吸收和应用优秀范文里的优秀内容。 Write about the following topic: As mass communication and transport continue to grow, societies are becoming more and more alike leading to a phenomenon known as globalization. Some people fear that globalization will inevitably lead to the total loss of cultural identity. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Model Answer: Globalization means that in some ways people around the world are becoming more and more similar. We often eat the same food, watch the same TV programmes, listen to the same music and we wear the same clothes. Some of this at least can be blamed on the spread of multinational brands available all over the world. On the surface, it may appear as if the global diversity of cultural identities is being lost. If, the argument goes, people in Tokyo and London look and dress the same, then that must mean that cultural differences are disappearing. However, I would argue that this is a very narrow definition of culture and that in fact cultural differences are as present as ever.


雅思写作题目解析之出境旅游的影响 【文化类】: International travel often lead people have some prejudices rather than broad minds. What are the main reasons of this phenomenon? What do you think people can get better understanding of the countries they visit? 国际游经常使人们产生文化偏见,而非帮助他们开拓视野,原因何在?如何帮助人们更好地理解旅游目的地。 【点评】: 雅思旧题,原题重现,角度较冷,写作较难。尤其考察的头脑风暴,人生阅历,以及相关的语料库的积累和运用。本题属于分析问题解决问题的提问角度,符合雅思写作轮转提问的规律,但是,其角度比较简单。其考察内容,对于一般考生,想在现场完成高分作文,阻力较大。本篇解析为旧文润色,语料库覆盖全部雅思提问角度。 分析问题和解决问题布局图: 首段:背景介绍 +(问题影响)+ 写作目的 二段:分析问题产生的根源:(客观上+主观上)(社会原因+家庭原因+个人原因) 三段:问题的解决策略展开:(针对原因:政府如何做;企业如何做;媒体如何做;教育者如何做;家庭如何做;个人如何做) 尾段:再次亮明观点(强调问题的解决应该是各方的协同努力) 【头脑风暴】: 人人渴望旅行,以拓宽视野和丰富阅历,但是,有时候,旅行的过程使游客们产生的却是文化偏见,而非精神的愉悦和视野的开拓。 例证拓展:在韩国,抚摸人的头是文化禁忌之一;是一种不尊重人的表现。 例证拓展:在泰国,女性在参观寺庙的时候,如果衣服露出膝盖和肩膀会被认为是一种不尊敬宗教信仰的体现。 例证拓展:在西方国家给服务者小费是一种习惯和风俗,尤其是在热门的旅游目的地。例如,在马尔代夫,很多欧美人习惯性地服务生小费,但是,有些中国人就喜欢给小费(因为中国没有这个传统),这时候,如果有服务生索取小费,游客不给,矛盾冲突,在所难免。(比较有意思的是:如果游客说没有小费可给,服务生会说:留下手表、项链、相机作为礼物也是可以) 例证拓展:台湾人是不食狗肉,在中国大陆,很多地方,例如延边,人们以狗肉为美食(延边人有句话:鲜族人过年,要了狗命了)。可以想象:如果台湾人到延边去旅行,被邀请吃狗肉,他们不会认为这是一种盛情款待,反而,会感到不解甚至愤怒。 【原创范文赏析】: 首段:背景介绍 + 写作目的 Such is human nature to explore those exotic countries and feel the sense of refreshment. Many people desire to expand their minds and enrich their experience of the world during the process of visiting their dream tourism destination. However, some problems inevitably ensue. Instead of feeling the pleasure of travel, what some sightseers feel are only culture prejudice, conflicts and misunderstandings.


Crime 类范文 犯罪类 There are an increasing number of juvenile delinquents. What are the causes of this phenomenon? 只分析一个方面(产生原因),写成5段式 开头段(不少于4句) In this day and age, the incidence of juvenile offenses has been growing at an alarming rate. Today, the sheer number of juvenile offenders has reached staggering proportions. A recent survey conducted by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences revealed that one out of four crimes today was carried out by minors. Hence, it is imperative that we pinpoint the causes of this disturbing phenomenon. 主体段1(不少于4句) In the first place, many instance of juvenile delinquency have been attributed to the violent or pornographic content of some TV shows and video games. Now we are facing a proliferation of blood and guts and nudity on TV, the computer and the Internet. Many youngsters, especially boys, get addicted to such scenes. Lacking the capacity to distinguish between right and wrong, they develop criminal tendencies. 主体段2(不少于4句) In the second place, parental neglect and domestic violence play a pivotal role in the increase of youth crimes. Today there are an ever-growing number of dysfunctional families. The children raised in such families tend to be afflicted with constant fear. In the end, they develop a hatred for society and other individuals. 主体段3(不少于4句) In the third place, there is a definite correlation between the increase of juvenile crime rate and the rise of adult crime rate in society. The more adult crimes, the higher the probability of youngsters falling prey to adult offenders. Many youths are tempted by evil adults into committing crimes. And some others are victims of adult offenses and become criminals themselves to get their revenge on society. 结尾段(不少于2句) In sum, many factors contribute to the surge of juvenile delinquency. It is crucial that we take vigorous measures to tackle these problems and ensure that the future or our nation—that is, the youngsters, have a more promising future ahead of them. Crime 类8分范文 Some people think the media should not report details of crimes to the public. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 一边倒写法=写完全同意或者完全不同意:五段式 开头段(不少于4句) With the crime rate hovering at high level, the print media as well as the electronic media dedicate large proportions of their space or airtime to detailed crime coverage. Whether the media should present detailed accounts of crimes has triggered spirited debate. Many assert that the news media should stop giving details of crimes. Speaking for myself, I totally agree with their views. 表示同意可以替换成approve of /wholeheartedly support/ cannot agree with their view more/ consent to/ am for 不同意可以替换成disagree with/ am against/ am opposed to / object to/ disapprove of/ cannot go along with 主体段1(不少于4句) In the first place, given the mercenary motives behind most detailed crime coverage, it is imperative that we discourage such coverage. The principal purpose of reporter covering criminal acts is to boost newspaper circulations or television ratings; much detailed crime coverage is biased or exaggerated. It only serves to leave a multitude of citizens constantly fearful about crime. 主体段2(不少于4句) In the second place, detailed reports of crimes by the press afford the potential criminals very useful learning materials. Reporting crimes in graphic detail helps those who are in the process of plan some criminal act to perfect their plans. Drawing on the well-documented crime stories in the media, would-be criminals learn how to avoid the mistakes in their crime. And this may aggravate the already soaring crime rate. 主体段3(不少于4句) In the third place, detailed reports of heinous crimes may traumatize the victims of the reported crimes. The reporters rarely consult the victims before they describe details of horrific crimes to the public. Hence, such reports become nothing more than an attempt to satisfy the curiosity of some base minds. Without




Some people believe that charities should give aid to those who need the aid most, wherever they live. Some people believe that charity organizations would better concentrate on people in their own countries instead. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. Concern about humanitarian assistance has been heightened in recent years. Although it illustrates a moral ideal of mankind, many people who hold opposing views think that the welfare of fellow citizens is the priority. International aid has its weaknesses but its importance should not be denied. The main reason why international donation agencies should view international aid from a global perspective is that their funds can help the citizens of those recipient countries to combat poverty, disease and inequality. We should first recognize that citizens of developing countries are in desperate need of aid, because they are susceptible to natural or man-made disasters such as wars. In those war-torn or poverty-stricken countries, where resources are scanty, there is a high demand for food, medicine tents and shelters. In addition, humanitarian action can restore some of their basic rights, such as the right to receive education. This is also consistent with the universal principle of supporting vulnerable populations. Those who cannot provide financial support can work as international volunteers and deliver services, such as training and medical service, to those needy people. Despite the heightened importance of international aid, people have discovered

雅思写作素材Technology & media

Technology & media 类 科技类 People today can perform the everyday tasks such as shopping, banking or even business transactions, without meeting others face-to-face. What effects will this phenomenon have on individuals and society as a whole? 开头段(不少于3+1句) The interactivity of the Internet and the mobile phone has enabled a multitude of people to purchase their desired items or pay their phone bills without stepping out of their offices or homes. And many others can even register for tests or sign contracts online. This sweeping trend of going about everyday business in the virtual world has triggered a marked decline in face-to-face contact between people. Thus, it is essential that we identify the implication of this trend on both individuals and society as a whole. 主体段1(不少于1+6句) The impact of this phenomenon on individuals is profound. First, Individual efficiency in business transaction and banking will be greatly enhanced. And those who dread shopping are spared the chore of browsing around in shops. Secondly, the increasingly sedentary lifestyle will engender a higher incidence of ailment. More overweight people means more patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases such as vein hardening, diabetes and hypertension. Thirdly, the absence of face-to-face contact may induce distrust between business partners. An inherent sense of disbelief is apt to ruin a telecommunicated negotiation when negotiators can only see videos of each other transmitted via the Internet. 主体段2(不少于1+6句) This trend also has widespread repercussions on society as a whole. In the first place, the burgeoning e-commerce will, doubtless, boost corporate efficiency immeasurably. And higher efficiency means more earnings and less costs for businesses. In the second place, online fraud, be it banking or trading, retail or wholesale, is sure to abound in the cyberspace. We must search for practicable and effectual means of curbing it. In the third place, the proliferation of e-commerce may exacerbate man's overdependence on technology. And that can render our lives unspontaneous and our tempo of life too fast and furious. 结尾段(不少于2句)



雅思小作文真题 【篇一:雅思作文题目汇总】 一、教育 1、教育应该包括哪些内容? 母题:it is generally believed that education is of vital importance to the development of individuals and the well-being of societies. what should education consist of to fulfil both these functions? (050312) 提示:本题围绕教育的两大功能来展开(个人与社会),准备好这篇文章,即可应付教育类话题中的最大分支—教育的功能,做到以不变应万变。对于社会角度,可以从促进经济发展、增加社会流动性(social mobility)、维护社会稳定这几个方面来展开,对于个人,可以写改变思维模式、有利于就业和便利生活来写。 子题:大学应当教授理论知识还是实践技能?大学的是应当把学生培养成合格的公民还是让他们自己得益?准备未来职业最好的方法是上大学还是尽快离校积累工作经验?大学要不要扩招?中学阶段应当提供通才教育还是专才教育?要不要延长义务教育年限?要不要让农村地区的学生更容易上学?老师要教学生如何判断是非吗? 2、学校的科目谁来选择?(060916) 母题:some people think that the government should decide which subjects students should study at the university, while others think that students should be allowed to apply for the subject they prefer. discuss the two views and give your opinion. 提示:这类题目采取的策略就是“双批判”,因为题目中提供的两种选择往往都是错误的。


雅思大作文专项突破:追随时尚 本文收集整理了雅思大作文专项突破:追随时尚。这是目前常见的、高频的雅思写作话题,同学们在备考时可以边写边学,积累写作素材,以便在考试中更胸有成竹。 Topic 24: Fashion is difficult to follow, and some people argue that we should not follow it. They think that we should dress what we like and feel comfortable. Do you agree or disagree? 解析: 支持追随潮流(following fashion)的观点: ? 时装是自我表达( a means of self-expression)的一种休现,表现人的性格和喜好(reflect one's personality or likes),让人们在生活巾体验不同角色(allow people to try on many roles in life),同时便世界更加丰富多彩(diversity and variety of the world in which we live); ? 新时代的时尚(fashion in the new era)并不一定意味着高消费,也并非一定穿某种款式的衣服才算时尚;

? 时装源于生活(root in daily life),反映生活趋势(reflect that life),充分考虑了消费者的需求C consider consumer demand),不像人们想的那样肤浅(not as superficial as some people think) 反对追随潮流(following fashion )的观点: ? 潮流变化太快,盲目追求潮流(follow fashion blindly)是浪费时间和金钱; ? 失去了自己的喜好和判断(dwell too much on what others think); ? 鼓励人们将衣服和地位、社会阶层还有财富联系在一起(associate clothing with status, social class and wealth),这是一种歧视。 范文 Fashion refers to a style of clothing worn by most people of a country. The growing concern about fashion in recent years comes as no surprise, considering the fact that fashion is very often at odds with the traditional function of clothing, protecting wearers from the extremes of weather. In my opinion, fashion is not a betrayal but an indicative of a principle that wearing clothing is for both functional and social reasons. Fashions are linked to personal style. Fashions allow wearers to express emotion and solidarity with other people. People dress to their mood and according to circumstances. Buying fashionable clothes is a


雅思大作文新闻媒体类话题范文--广告是否让人们变得一样 Advertisements discourage us from being different individuals and make us become what they want us to be and look the same. Do you agree or disagree? 广告阻止我们成为不同的个体,使我们成为他们想要我们成为的样子,看起来都一样。你同意或不同意吗? 思路解析: 1. 广告让人们变得个性化。举例,大量的广告标语,如“唯一的”,“特别的”,“最好的”,“不一样的”,都是在暗示人们去购买那些不那么大众化的产品来突出自我。 2. 但是,广告的基本功能却是帮助大公司垄断市场。举例,投入巨资打造的闪亮广告能不断巩固那些大品牌在大众中的形象,这吸引了越来越多的人来购买同样的产品。相反,那些小公司却因为缺乏资金做广告而陷入破产边缘。最终,整个市场会被单一品牌垄断。 3. 广告的另外一个作用是制造流行趋势,这刺激了人们对同一个时尚进行盲目的购买。举例,在大厂商的广告诱惑之下,很多的人们总是购买同一个著名品牌的衣服,鞋子,包包,这让她们的外表缺乏区别。 参考范文: Nowadays, the overwhelming influence of advertisements on media has made too many controversial social issues. Some people argue that advertisements make the audience have the similar look by driving them to buy products of the same brand. Personally, I fundamentally agree with this assertion, and my reasons will be explored as below. Admittedly, the literal intention of advertisements is to sharpen the concept of individualism. For the purpose of distinguishing brand names, slogans and testimonials in advertisement are always full of very personalized words, including "new", "innovation", "uniqueness", "revolution", "the best", "the only", "the first". It is clear that core


0210第3次课ABC Some people believe that public health should be improved by increasing the number of sports facilities, while others believe that it has little effects other measures should be taken to solve this problem. Discuss both views and give your opinion. 政府&行为 A提供体育设施B方便大家参加体育活动(take part in sport),鼓励一种健康的生活方式(encourage a healthy/active lifestyle)C提高人们的健康(create health benefits) A 政府可以加大宣传(launch awareness campaigns) B 说一下不运动(an inactive lifestyle/inactivity)的坏处(health problems/adverse health consequences) C 鼓励人们去运动 A 政府可以制定法律(enforce laws) B 强迫人们改变生活方式(adopt a healthy lifestyle),改变一些破坏健康的行为(health-damaging habits) C 提高健康 People tend to lay emphasis on their fitness today, and I agree that the number of sports facilities should be increased to satisfy their needs. Apart from this, some other approaches should also be taken. It is argued that the access to facilities can provide people with opportunities to take part in sport and improve health effectively. They are likely to exercise regularly in the gym and to make the most of playgrounds and public parks for physical activity. This active lifestyle can create health benefits. These facilities are particularly important for those city dwellers who find it difficult to maintain physical activity due to the lack of sports equipment. It is argued that the access to facilities can provide people with opportunities to take part in sport and improve health effectively. They are likely to exercise regularly in the gym and to make the most of playgrounds and public parks for physical activity. This active lifestyle can create health benefits. It is also worth mentioning that these facilities are available free of charge, so more people will play sport. On the other hand, alternative approaches are proposed and governments can launch awareness campaigns to promote a healthy lifestyle. People will realise that living an inactive lifestyle may cause many health problems, such as obesity and heart disease. They will be encouraged to exercise more frequently, instead of spending many hours in front of the screen every day. In my opinion, enforcing laws to curb some unhealthy habits can also have a positive impact on citizens’ health. Tough punishment can prompt them to adopt a healthy lifestyle and break health-damaging habits. For example, governments can impose a heavy tax on tobacco and alcohol, thereby discouraging smoking and drinking. It is therefore easier to help people maintain health, especially for those who fail to discipline themselves.
