


?there exist

?for all

p?q p implies q / if p, then q

p?q p if and only if q /p is equivalent to q / p and q are equivalent


x∈A x belongs to A / x is an element (or a member) of A

x?A x does not belong to A / x is not an element (or a member) of A

A?B A is contained in B / A is a subset of B

A?B A contains B / B is a subset of A

A∩B A cap B / A meet B / A intersection B

A∪B A cup B / A join B / A union B

A\B A minus B / the diference between A and B

A×B A cross B / the cartesian product of A and B


Real numbers

x+1 x plus one

x-1 x minus one

x±1 x plus or minus one

xy xy / x multiplied by y

(x - y)(x + y) x minus y, x plus y

x/y x over y

= the equals sign

x = 5 x equals 5 / x is equal to 5

x≠5 x (is) not equal to 5

x≡y x is equivalent to (or identical with) y

x≡/y(x不等于y)x is not equivalent to (or identical with) y

x > y x is greater than y

x?y x is greater than or equal to y

x < y x is less than y

x?y x is less than or equal to y

0 < x < 1 zero is less than x is less than 1

0?x?1 zero is less than or equal to x is less than or equal

to 1

| x | mod x / modulus x

x 2 (x的平方)x squared / x (raised) to the power 2

x 3 x cubed

x 4 x to the fourth / x to the power four

x n x to the nth / x to the power n

x ?n x to the (power) minus n

x的(算术)平方根(square) root x / the square root of x

x的立方根cube root (of) x

x 的4次方根fourth root (of) x

x 的n 次方根nth root (of) x

( x+y ) 2 x plus y all squared

( x/y ) 2 x over y all squared

n! n factorial

x ^ x hat

x ˉ x bar

x ? x tilde

x i xi / x subscript i / x suffix i / x sub i

∑ i=1 n a i the sum from i equals one to n a i / the sum as i runs from 1 to n of the a i

4.Linear Algebra

‖ x ‖ the norm (or modulus) of x

OA → OA / vector OA

OA ˉ OA / the length of the segment OA

A T (转置) A transpose / the transpose of A

A ?1 (逆) A inverse / the inverse of A

5. Functions

f( x ) fx / f of x / the function f of x

f:S→T a function f from S to T

x→y x maps to y / x is sent (or mapped) to y

f'( x ) f prime x / f dash x / the (first) derivative of f with respect to x

f''( x ) f double-prime x / f double-dash x / the second derivative of f with respect to x

f'''( x ) triple-prime x / f triple-dash x / the third derivative of f with respect to x

f (4) ( x ) f four x / the fourth derivative of f with respect to x

?f /? x 1 (f对x1的偏导)the partial (derivative) of f with respect to x1

? 2 f /? x 1 2 (f对x1再对x2

的2 阶偏导)

the second partial (derivative) of f with respect to x1 ∫ 0 ∞ (积分0到∞)the integral from zero to infinity

lim x→0 the limit as x approaches zero

lim x→ 0 + the limit as x approaches zero from above

lim x→ 0 ?the limit as x approaches zero from below

log e y log y to the base e / log to the base e of y / natural log (of) y

lny log y to the base e / log to the base e of y / natural log (of) y



数学 mathematics, maths(BrE), math(AmE)

公理 axiom

定理 theorem

计算 calculation

运算 operation

证明 prove

假设 hypothesis, hypotheses(pl.)

命题 proposition

算术 arithmetic

加 plus(prep.), add(v.), addition(n.)

被加数 augend, summand

加数 addend

和 sum

减 minus(prep.), subtract(v.), subtraction(n.)

被减数 minuend

减数 subtrahend

差 remainder

乘 times(prep.), multiply(v.), multiplication(n.) 被乘数 multiplicand, faciend

乘数 multiplicator

积 product

除 divided by(prep.), divide(v.), division(n.)

被除数 dividend

除数 divisor

商 quotient

等于 equals, is equal to, is equivalent to 大于 is greater than

小于 is lesser than

大于等于 is equal or greater than

小于等于 is equal or lesser than

运算符 operator


算术平均数arithmatic mean

几何平均数geometric mean n个数之积的n次方根倒数(reciprocal) x的倒数为1/x

有理数 rational number

无理数 irrational number

实数 real number

虚数 imaginary number

数字 digit

数 number

自然数 natural number

整数 integer

小数 decimal

小数点 decimal point

分数 fraction

分子 numerator

分母 denominator

比 ratio

正 positive

负 negative

零 null, zero, nought, nil

十进制 decimal system

二进制 binary system

十六进制 hexadecimal system

权 weight, significance

进位 carry

截尾 truncation

四舍五入 round

下舍入 round down

上舍入 round up

有效数字 significant digit

无效数字 insignificant digit

代数 algebra

公式 formula, formulae(pl.)

单项式 monomial

多项式 polynomial, multinomial

系数 coefficient

未知数 unknown, x-factor, y-factor, z-factor 等式,方程式 equation

一次方程 simple equation

二次方程 quadratic equation

三次方程 cubic equation

四次方程 quartic equation

不等式 inequation

阶乘 factorial

对数 logarithm

指数,幂 exponent

乘方 power

二次方,平方 square

三次方,立方 cube

四次方 the power of four, the fourth power n次方 the power of n, the nth power

开方 evolution, extraction

二次方根,平方根 square root

三次方根,立方根 cube root

四次方根 the root of four, the fourth root n次方根 the root of n, the nth root




常量 constant

变量 variable

坐标系 coordinates

坐标轴 x-axis, y-axis, z-axis

横坐标 x-coordinate

纵坐标 y-coordinate

原点 origin





点 point

线 line

面 plane

体 solid

线段 segment

射线 radial

平行 parallel

相交 intersect

角 angle

角度 degree

弧度 radian

锐角 acute angle

直角 right angle

钝角 obtuse angle

平角 straight angle

周角 perigon

底 base

边 side

高 height

三角形 triangle

锐角三角形 acute triangle

直角三角形 right triangle

直角边 leg

斜边 hypotenuse

勾股定理 Pythagorean theorem

钝角三角形 obtuse triangle

不等边三角形 scalene triangle 等腰三角形 isosceles triangle 等边三角形 equilateral triangle 四边形 quadrilateral

平行四边形 parallelogram

矩形 rectangle

长 length

宽 width

周长 perimeter

面积 area

相似 similar

全等 congruent

三角 trigonometry

正弦 sine

余弦 cosine

正切 tangent

余切 cotangent

正割 secant

余割 cosecant

反正弦 arc sine

反余弦 arc cosine

反正切 arc tangent

反余切 arc cotangent

反正割 arc secant

反余割 arc cosecant


元素 element

空集 void

子集 subset

交集 intersection

并集 union

补集 complement

映射 mapping

函数 function

定义域 domain, field of definition 值域 range

单调性 monotonicity

奇偶性 parity

周期性 periodicity

图象 image

数列,级数 series

微积分 calculus

微分 differential

导数 derivative

极限 limit

无穷大 infinite(a.) infinity(n.) 无穷小 infinitesimal

积分 integral

定积分 definite integral

不定积分 indefinite integral

复数 complex number

矩阵 matrix

行列式 determinant

圆 circle

圆心 centre(BrE), center(AmE)

半径 radius

直径 diameter

圆周率 pi

弧 arc

半圆 semicircle

扇形 sector

环 ring

椭圆 ellipse

圆周 circumference

轨迹 locus, loca(pl.)

平行六面体 parallelepiped

立方体 cube

七面体 heptahedron

八面体 octahedron

九面体 enneahedron

十面体 decahedron

十一面体 hendecahedron

十二面体 dodecahedron

二十面体 icosahedron

多面体 polyhedron

旋转 rotation

轴 axis

球 sphere

半球 hemisphere

底面 undersurface

表面积 surface area

体积 volume

空间 space

双曲线 hyperbola

抛物线 parabola

四面体 tetrahedron

五面体 pentahedron

六面体 hexahedron菱形 rhomb, rhombus, rhombi(pl.), diamond 正方形 square

梯形 trapezoid

直角梯形 right trapezoid

等腰梯形 isosceles trapezoid

五边形 pentagon

六边形 hexagon

七边形 heptagon

八边形 octagon

九边形 enneagon

十边形 decagon

十一边形 hendecagon

十二边形 dodecagon

多边形 polygon

正多边形 equilateral polygon

相位 phase

周期 period

振幅 amplitude

内心 incentre(BrE), incenter(AmE)

外心 excentre(BrE), excenter(AmE)

旁心 escentre(BrE), escenter(AmE)

垂心 orthocentre(BrE), orthocenter(AmE)

重心 barycentre(BrE), barycenter(AmE)

内切圆 inscribed circle

外切圆 circumcircle

统计 statistics

平均数 average

加权平均数 weighted average

方差 variance

标准差 root-mean-square deviation, standard deviation 比例 propotion

百分比 percent

百分点 percentage

百分位数 percentile

排列 permutation

组合 combination

概率,或然率 probability

分布 distribution

正态分布 normal distribution

非正态分布 abnormal distribution

图表 graph

条形统计图 bar graph

柱形统计图 histogram

折线统计图 broken line graph

曲线统计图 curve diagram

扇形统计图 pie diagram


英语加减乘除表达 1.加减乘除公式 ⑴ A+B=C A plusB equals/is C 20+5=25 Twenty plus 5 equals/is twenty-five. ⑵ A-B=C A minusB equals/is C 20-5=15 Twenty minus 5 equals/is fifteen. ⑶ A×B=C A multiplied byB equals/is C 20×5=100 Twenty multiplied by 5 equals/is one hundred. ⑷ A÷B=C A divided byB equals/is C 20÷5=4 Twenty divided by 5 equals/is four. 2.加减乘除口语化的表达 ⑴ Add twenty and five, we can get twenty-five. ⑵ Subtract five from twenty, we can get fifteen. ⑶ Multiply twenty by five, we can get one hundred. ⑷ Divide twenty by five, we can four. 3. 用how much对加减乘除进行提问 ⑴Twenty minus five equals fifteen. How much does twenty minus five equal? ⑵Twenty minus five is fifteen. How much is twenty minus five? 英语分数、小数及百分数的表达 1.表达形式 ⑴分数 ①基本规则:子基母序(即:分子用基数词,分母用序数词) 1/3 one third 1/8 one eighth 1/12 one twelfth ②当分子大于1时,分母要加s变成复数。 2/3 two thirds 3/8 three eighths 5/12 five twelfths ③特殊的表达: 1/4 可以表示为 one fourth 或者 a quarter 3/4 可以表示为 three fourth 或者 three quarters 1/2 a half ⑵.小数 小数点前后的数均按基数词来读,小数点读成point,小数点后的数字逐位读出。 3.1415926 three point one four one five nine two six 0.463 zero point four six three ⑶.百分数 汉语中先读百分号,再读数字;英语中恰恰相反:先念出数字,再加上百分号percent 80% eighty percent 99.5% ninety-nine point five percent


英语数学符号 +plus加号;正号 -minus减号;负号 ±plus or minus正负号 ×is multiplied by乘号 ÷is divided by除号 =is equal to等于号 ≠is not equal to不等于号 ≡is equivalent to全等于号 ≌is equal to or approximately equal to等于或约等于号 ≈is approximately equal to约等于号 <is less than小于号 >is greater than大于号 ≮is not less than不小于号 ≯is not more than不大于号 ≤is less than or equal to小于或等于号 ≥is more than or equal to大于或等于号 %per cent百分之… ‰per mill千分之… ∞infinity无限大号 ∝varies as与…成比例

√(square) root平方根 ∵since; because因为 ∴hence所以 ∷equals, as (proportion)等于,成比例∠angle角 ?semicircle半圆 ?circle圆 ○circumference圆周 πpi 圆周率 △triangle三角形 ?perpendicular to垂直于 ∪union of并,合集 ∩intersection of 交,通集 ∫the integral of …的积分 ∑(sigma) summation of总和 °degree度 ′minute分 ″second秒 ℃Celsius system摄氏度 {open brace, open curly左花括号 }close brace, close curly右花括号


常用的数学英语表述 1.Logic ?there exist ?for all p?q p implies q / if p, then q p?q p if and only if q /p is equivalent to q / p and q are equivalent 2.Sets x∈A x belongs to A / x is an element (or a member) of A x?A x does not belong to A / x is not an element (or a member) of A A?B A is contained in B / A is a subset of B A?B A contains B / B is a subset of A A∩B A cap B / A meet B / A intersection B A∪B A cup B / A join B / A union B A\B A minus B / the diference between A and B A×B A cross B / the cartesian product of A and B 3. Real numbers x+1 x plus one x-1 x minus one x±1 x plus or minus one xy xy / x multiplied by y (x - y)(x + y) x minus y, x plus y x y x over y = the equals sign x = 5 x equals 5 / x is equal to 5 x≠5 x (is) not equal to 5 x≡y x is equivalent to (or identical with) y x ≡ y x is not equivalent to (or identical with) y x > y x is greater than y x≥y x is greater than or equal to y x < y x is less than y x≤y x is less than or equal to y 0 < x < 1 zero is less than x is less than 1 0≤x≤1 zero is less than or equal to x is less than or equal to 1 | x | mod x / modulus x x 2 x squared / x (raised) to the power 2 x 3 x cubed x 4 x to the fourth / x to the power four


数学公式的英文表达 Pronunciation of mathematical expressions The pronunciations of the most common mathematical expressions are given in the list below. In general, the shortest versions are preferred (unless greater precision is necessary). 1. Logic 9 there exists 8 for all p ) q p implies q / if p, then q p , q p if and only if q /p is equivalent to q / p and q are equivalent 2. Sets x 2 A x belongs to A / x is an element (or a member) of A x =2 A x does not belong to A / x is not an element (or a member) of A A ? B A is contained in B / A is a subset of B A ? B A contains B / B is a subset of A A \ B A cap B / A meet B / A intersection B A [ B A cup B / A join B / A union B A n B A minus B / the di?erence between A and B A £ B A cross B / the cartesian product of A and B 3. Real numbers x + 1 x plus one x ° 1 x minus one x ? 1 x plus or minus one xy xy / x multiplied by y (x ° y)(x + y) x minus y, x plus y x y x over y = the equals sign x = 5 x equals 5 / x is equal to 5 x 6= 5 x (is) not equal to 5 1 x ¥ y x is equivalent to (or identical with) y x 6¥ y x is not equivalent to (or identical with) y x > y x is greater than y x ? y x is greater than or equal to y x < y x is less than y x · y x is less than or equal to y 0 < x < 1 zero is less than x is less than 1 0 · x · 1 zero is less than or equal to x is less than or equal to 1 jxj mod x / modulus x x2 x squared / x (raised) to the power 2 x3 x cubed x4 x to the fourth / x to the power four


[zz]各种符号的英文读法(1.2版) 一、一般符号对应的英文单词 .period 句号 ,comma 逗号 :colon 冒号 ;semicolon 分号 !exclamation 惊叹号 ?question mark 问号  ̄hyphen 连字符 'apostrophe 省略号;所有格符号 —dash 破折号 … ?single quotation marks 单引号 “ ”double quotation marks 双引号 ( )parentheses 圆括号 [ ]square brackets 方括号 《》French quotes 法文引号;书名号 ...ellipsis 省略号 ¨tandem colon 双点号 "ditto 同上 ‖parallel 平行 /virgule 斜线号 &ampersand = and ~swung dash 代字号 §section; division 分节号 →arrow 箭号;参见号 +plus 加号;正号 -minus 减号;负号 ±plus or minus 正负号 ×is multiplied by or cross 叉乘 ÷is divided by 除号 =is equal to 等于号 ≠is not equal to 不等于号 ≡is equivalent to 全等于号 ≌is equal to or approximately equal to 等于或约等于号 ≈is approximately equal to 约等于号 <is less than 小于号 >is more than (is greater than在数学中更常用)大于号≮is not less than 不小于号 ≯is not more than 不大于号 ≤is less than or equal to 小于或等于号 ≥is more than or equal to 大于或等于号 %per cent 百分之…


一、数学运算符号的英文表达(小数、分数、百分数和运算符号) 1. 小数表示法 (1) 小数的读法 小数点左边的数通常按基数词读,若为三位以上的数,也可按编码式读法读出,即将数字单个读出;小数点右边的数通常按编码式读法单个读出。如: 6.86 six point eight six 14.15 fourteen point one five 345.456 three four five point four five six 或three hundred and forty-five point four five six (2) 小数中“0”的读法 “0”在小数中通常读作nought(英)或zero(美),也可读作字母o。如: 0.08 (nought)point nought eight 或(zero)point zero eight 9.07 nine point o seven 2. 百分数表示法 百分数中的百分号%读作percent。如: 6% 读作six percent 0.6% 读作(nought)point six percent 500% 读作five hundred percent 3. 倍数表示法 倍数表示方法很多,如: This room is four times as big as mine. 这个房间是我房间的四倍。 This room is three times larger than that one. 这个房间比那个房间大两倍。 The output of coal has doubled. 煤的产量增加了一倍。 My aunt is as old again as I am. 我姑姑年龄比我大一倍。 Productivity is increased three fold. 生产效率提高了两倍。 The volume of the Sun is about 1,300,000 times that of the Earth. 太阳的体积约为地球的1300000倍。 4. 加减乘除式的读法 6+5=11 Six plus five is eleven 或Six and five is eleven. 11-6=5 Eleven minus six is five. 或Six from eleven is five. 4×5=20 Four multiplied by five is twenty.或Four times five is twenty. 20÷4=5 Twenty divided by four is five. 或Four into twenty goes five.


“加减乘除”怎么说?各种数学符号的英文表达,看完学渣变学霸! 不知大家还记得当年所画过的函数图吗?不停地标点,画线,有时候为了画出好看的弧度,甚至要多擦几遍才能做到...每一条函数都有不一样的形状,把它们组合起来,也许会有意想不到的效果噢 数学,相信对于不少人,特别是文科班女生的来说,都是一个大难题。在考试时,靠的就是自己的英语来拉分。那么,想要用英语来说出数学公式,又该怎么表达呢?

一. 首先区分一下Equations 和Formulas的使用 1. An equation等式 says that two things are equal. It will have an equals sign "=" like this: x + 2 = 6 2. A formula公式 is a special type of equation that shows the relationship between different variables. 也是一种特殊的等式,只不过展示的是不同变量之间的关系 举个栗子:我们常用到的长方体的体积等于长X宽X高就是一个formula V = lwh V stands for volume, l for length, w for width, and h for height. 3. Algebra代数 不用多说,就是XY未知数,多年实战,你们懂的

二. 符号 要说公式,总不能只说个字母就完事吧,加减乘除先来一翻1.加号+ plus x + 1:x plus one 2.减号- minus x -1:x minus one 3.乘号x multiplied by x times y; x multiplied by y 4.除号÷ over; divided by x over y; x divided by y; 除了这些小学的算术题外,还有这些 1.约等于x ≈ y x is approximately equal to y 2.大于等于x ≥ y x is greater than or equal to y 3.小于等于x ≤ y x is less than or equal to y


1、Business Hours 营业时间 2、Office Hours 办公时间 3、Entrance 入口 4、Exit 出口 5、Push 推 6、Pull 拉 7、Shut 此路不通 8、On 打开(放) 9、Off 关 10、Open 营业 11、Pause 暂停 12、Stop 关闭 13、Closed 下班 14、Menu 菜单 15、Fragile 易碎 16、This Side Up 此面向上 17、Introductions 说明 18、One Street 单行道 19、Keep Right/Left 靠左/右 20、Buses Only 只准公共汽车通过 21、Wet Paint 油漆未干 22、Danger 危险 23、Lost and Found 失物招领处 24、Give Way 快车先行

25、Safety First 安全第一 26、Filling Station 加油站 27、No Smoking 禁止吸烟 28、No Photos 请勿拍照 29、No Visitors 游人止步 30、No Entry 禁止入内 31、No Admittance 闲人免进 32、No Honking 禁止鸣喇叭 33、Parting 停车处 34、Toll Free 免费通行 35、F.F. 快进 36、Rew. 倒带 37、EMS (邮政)特快专递 38、Insert Here 此处插入 39、Open Here 此处开启 40、Split Here 此处撕开 41、Mechanical Help 车辆修理 42、“AA”Film 十四岁以下禁看电影 43、Do Not Pass 禁止超车 44、No U Turn 禁止掉头 45、U Turn Ok 可以U形转弯 46、No Cycling in the School校内禁止骑车 47、SOS 紧急求救信号


常用数学符号大全 Company Document number:WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998

常用数学输入符号:~~≈ ≡ ≠ =≤≥ <>≮≯∷ ±+- × ÷/∫ ∮∝∞ ∧∨∑ ∏ ∪∩ ∈∵∴//⊥‖ ∠⌒≌∽√()【】{}ⅠⅡ⊕⊙∥αβγδεζηθΔαβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρστυφχψω ΑΒΓΔΕΖΗΘΙΚ∧ΜΝΞΟ∏Ρ∑ΤΥΦΧΨΩ абвгдеёжзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя АБВГДЕЁЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯ

sin(x) 在自变量x处的正弦函数值 exp(x) 在自变量x处的指数函数值,常被写作e x a^x a的x次方;有理数x由反函数定义 ln x exp x 的反函数 a x同 a^x log b a 以b为底a的对数; b log b a = a cos x 在自变量x处余弦函数的值 tan x 其值等于 sin x/cos x cot x 余切函数的值或 cos x/sin x sec x 正割含数的值,其值等于 1/cos x csc x 余割函数的值,其值等于 1/sin x asin x y,正弦函数反函数在x处的值,即 x = sin y acos x y,余弦函数反函数在x处的值,即 x = cos y atan x y,正切函数反函数在x处的值,即 x = tan y acot x y,余切函数反函数在x处的值,即 x = cot y asec x y,正割函数反函数在x处的值,即 x = sec y acsc x y,余割函数反函数在x处的值,即 x = csc y θ角度的一个标准符号,不注明均指弧度,尤其用于表示atan x/y,当x、y、z用于表示空间中的点时 i, j, k 分别表示x、y、z方向上的单位向量 (a, b, c) 以a、b、c为元素的向量 (a, b) 以a、b为元素的向量 (a, b) a、b向量的点积 ab a、b向量的点积 (ab) a、b向量的点积 |v| 向量v的模 |x| 数x的绝对值 Σ表示求和,通常是某项指数。下边界值写在其下部,上边界值写在其上部。 如j从1到100 的和可以表示成:。这表示1 + 2 + … + n M 表示一个矩阵或数列或其它 |v> 列向量,即元素被写成列或可被看成k×1阶矩阵的向量

数学运算符 的英文表达

数学运算符号的英文表达 小数、分数、百分数和运算符号 1. 小数表示法 (1) 小数的读法 小数点左边的数通常按基数词读,若为三位以上的数,也可按编码式读法读出,即将数字单个读出;小数点右边的数通常按编码式读法单个读出。如: 6.86 six point eight six 14.15 fourteen point one five 345.456 three four five point four five six 或three hundred and forty-five point four five six (2) 小数中“0”的读法 “0”在小数中通常读作nought(英)或zero(美),也可读作字母o。如: 0.08 (nought)point nought eight 或(zero)point zero eight 9.07 nine point o seven 2. 百分数表示法 百分数中的百分号%读作percent。如: 6% 读作 six percent 0.6% 读作(nought) point six percent 500% 读作five hundred percent 3. 倍数表示法

倍数表示方法很多,如: This room is four times as big as mine. 这个房间是我房间的四倍。 This room is three times larger than that one. 这个房间比那个房间大两倍。The output of coal has doubled. 煤的产量增加了一倍。 My aunt is as old again as I am. 我姑姑年龄比我大一倍。 Productivity is increased three fold. 生产效率提高了两倍。 The volume of the Sun is about 1,300,000 times that of the Earth. 太阳的体积约为地球的1300000倍。 4. 加减乘除式的读法 6+5=11 Six plus five is eleven 或Six and five is eleven. 11-6=5 Eleven minus six is five. 或Six from eleven is five. 4×5=20 Four multiplied by five is twenty.或Four times five is twenty. 20÷4=5 Twenty divided by four is five. 或Four into twenty goes five. 15:5=3 The ratio of fifteen to five is three. 32 Three squared is nine. 23 Two cubed is eight. 24 The fourth power of two is sixteen. X^(1/2)=Y The square root of X is Y. X^(1/3)=Y The cubic root of X is Y. a > b a is more than b. a < b a is less than b. a ≈ b a approximately equals to b. a ≠ b a is not equal to b.


各种符号的英文读法 [zz]各种符号的英文读法(1.2版) 一、一般符号对应的英文单词 .period 句号 ,comma 逗号 :colon 冒号 ;semicolon 分号 !exclamation 惊叹号 ?question mark 问号  ̄hyphen 连字符 'apostrophe 省略号;所有格符号 —dash 破折号 … ?single quotation marks 单引号 “ ”double quotation marks 双引号 ( )parentheses 圆括号 [ ]square brackets 方括号 《》French quotes 法文引号;书名号 ...ellipsis 省略号 ¨tandem colon 双点号 "ditto 同上 ‖parallel 平行 /virgule 斜线号 &ampersand = and ~swung dash 代字号

§sectio n; division 分节号 →arrow 箭号;参见号 +plus 加号;正号 -minus 减号;负号 ±plus or minus 正负号 ×is multiplied by or cross 叉乘 ÷is divided by 除号 =is equal to 等于号 ≠is not equal to 不等于号 ≡is equivalent to 全等于号 ≌is equal to or approximately equal to 等于或约等于号≈is approximately equal to 约等于号 <is less than 小于号 >is more than (is greater than在数学中更常用)大于号≮is not less than 不小于号 ≯is not more than 不大于号 ≤is less than or equal to 小于或等于号 ≥is m ore than or equal to 大于或等于号 %per cent 百分之… ‰per mill 千分之… ∞infinity 无限大号 ∝varies as 与…成比例 √(square) root 平方根 ∵since; because 因为 ∴hence 所以


+ plus 加号;正号 - minus 减号;负号 ± plus or minus 正负号 × is multiplied by 乘号 ÷ is divided by 除号 = is equal to 等于号 ≠ is not equal to 不等于号 ≡ is equivalent to 全等于号 ≌ is equal to or approximately equal to 等于或约等于号≈ is approximately equal to 约等于号 < is less than 小于号 > is more than 大于号 ≮ is not less than 不小于号 ≯ is not more than 不大于号 ≤ is less than or equal to 小于或等于号 ≥ is more than or equal to 大于或等于号 % per cent 百分之... ‰ per mill 千分之... ∞ infinity 无限大号 ∝ varies as 与...成比例 √ (square) root 平方根 ∵ since; because 因为

∴ hence 所以 ∷ equals, as (proportion) 等于,成比例∠ angle 角 ⌒ semicircle 半圆 ⊙ circle 圆 ○ circumference 圆周 π pi 圆周率 △ triangle 三角形 ⊥ perpendicular to 垂直于 ∪ union of 并,合集 ∩ intersection of 交,通集 ∫ the integral of ...的积分 ∑ (sigma) summation of 总和 ° degree 度 ′ minute 分 〃 second 秒 ℃ Celsius system 摄氏度 { open brace, open curly 左花括号 } close brace, close curly 右花括号 ( open parenthesis, open paren 左圆括号 ) close parenthesis, close paren 右圆括号 () brakets/ parentheses 括号


+ plus加号;正号 - minus减号;负号 ±plus or minus正负号 ×is multiplied by乘号 ÷is divided by除号 =is equal to等于号 ≠is not equal to不等于号 ≡is equivalent to全等于号 ≌is equal to or approximately equal to等于或约等于号≈is approximately equal to约等于号 <is less than小于号 >is greater than大于号 ≮is not less than不小于号 ≯is not more than不大于号 ≤is less than or equal to小于或等于号 ≥is more than or equal to大于或等于号 % per cent百分之… ‰per mill千分之… ∞infinity无限大号 ∝varies as与…成比例 √(square) root平方根 ∵since; because因为 ∴hence所以 ∷equals, as (proportion)等于,成比例 ∠angle角 ?semicircle半圆 ?circle圆 ○circumference圆周 πpi 圆周率 △triangle三角形 ?perpendicular to垂直于 ∪union of并,合集 ∩intersection of 交,通集 ∫the integral of …的积分 ∑(sigma) summation of总和 °degree度 ′minute分 ″second秒 ℃Celsius system摄氏度 {open brace, open curly左花括号 }close brace, close curly右花括号


1.Logic ?there exist ?for all p?q p implies q / if p, then q p?q p if and only if q /p is equivalent to q / p and q are equivalent 2.Sets x∈A x belongs to A / x is an element (or a member) of A x?A x does not belong to A / x is not an element (or a member) of A A?B A is contained in B / A is a subset of B A?B A contains B / B is a subset of A A∩B A cap B / A meet B / A intersection B A∪B A cup B / A join B / A union B A\B A minus B / the diference between A and B A×B A cross B / the cartesian product of A and B 3. Real numbers x+1 x plus one x-1 x minus one x±1 x plus or minus one xy xy / x multiplied by y (x - y)(x + y) x minus y, x plus y x/y x over y = the equals sign x = 5 x equals 5 / x is equal to 5 x≠5 x (is) not equal to 5 x≡y x is equivalent to (or identical with) y x≡/y(x不等于y)x is not equivalent to (or identical with) y x > y x is greater than y x?y x is greater than or equal to y x < y x is less than y x?y x is less than or equal to y 0 < x < 1 zero is less than x is less than 1 0?x?1 zero is less than or equal to x is less than or equal


+ plus, positive -minus, negative ×multiplied by, times ÷(/) divided by = is equal to, equals ≠ not equal to ≈ is approximately equal to, approximately equals >greater than <less than ≥ equal to or greater than ≤ equal to or less than >> much greater than << much less than ∈is a member of the set ( ) round brackets, parentheses [ ] square brackets { } braces ∽similar to ≌congruent to ⊥perpendicular to, at right angles with ∥parallel to ∠angle

⊙circle e the base o f natural logarithms, approx. 2. 71828 π pi; the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, diameter, approx, 3.14159 n! factorial n, n( n-1) ( n-2) (n-3) (1) ︱x︱the absolute value of x X2 raised to the second power X3 X cube; X cubed; the cube of X; X to the third power; the third power of X; X raised to the third power X-10 X to the minus tenth( tenth power) √x the square root of x 3√x the cube root of x X n the nth power of X, X to the power n, X raised to the nth power, X to the nth power 1/X n one over X to the n α 5/β2 α to the five over β squared X1/n(n√X) the nth root of X, X to the power one over n y=f(x) y is a function of x a+b a plus b; the sum of a and b; the total of a and b; a added to b; a increased to b; a increased by b; a more than b; a greater than b a-b a minus b; a less b the difference of a and b; from a subtract b; a takes away b; a decreased by b; a diminished by b; b is


Pronunciation of Mathematical Expressions The pronunciations of the most common mathematical expressions are given in the list below. In general, the shortest versions are preferred (unless greater precision is necessary). 1、Logic 2、Sets 3、Real numbers x x plus one 1 + x x minus one 1 - ± x x plus or minus one 1 xy xy / x multiplied by y x+ y -x minus y, x plus y ) )( (y x

y x x over y / x on y = the equals sign 5=x x equals 5 / x is equal to 5 5≠x x (is) not equal to 5 y x ≡ x is equivalent to (or identical with) y x ≠y x is not equivalent to (or identical with) y y x > x is greater than y y x ≥ x is greater than or equal to y y x < x is less than y y x ≤ x is less than or equal to y 1 0<


1.Logic \exists there exist \forall for all p q p implies q / if p, then q p q p if and only if q /p is equivalent to q / p and q are equivalent 2.Sets x∈A x belongs to A / x is an element (or a member) of A x A x does not belong to A / x is not an element (or a member) of A A B A is contained in B / A is a subset of B A B A contains B / B is a subset of A A∩B A cap B / A meet B / A intersection B A∪B A cup B / A join B / A union B A\B A minus B / the diference between A and B A×B A cross B / the cartesian product of A and B 3.Real numbers x+1 x plus one x-1 x minus one x±1 x plus or minus one xy xy / x multiplied by y (x - y)(x + y) x minus y, x plus y x y x over y = the equals sign x = 5 x equals 5 / x is equal to 5 x≠5 x (is) not equal to 5 x≡y x is equivalent to (or identical with) y x ≡ y x is not equivalent to (or identical with) y x > y x is greater than y x≥y x is greater than or equal to y x < y x is less than y x≤y x is less than or equal to y 0 < x < 1 zero is less than x is less than 1 0≤x≤1 zero is less than or equal to x is less than or equal to 1 | x | mod x / modulus x x 2 x squared / x (raised) to the power 2 x 3 x cubed x 4 x to the fourth / x to the power four x n x to the nth / x to the power n x n x to the (power) minus n x (square) root x / the square root of x
