

新视野大学英语 短语

新视野大学英语  短语

汉英互译 短语活用
English Equivalents of Chinese
在信息时代繁荣 解决资金问题 大容量光纤 基础设施 信息高速公路 提供优质服务 由自己支配 与某人保持联系 迈出大胆的一步
to thrive in the Information Age to lick the problem of funds high-capacity optical fiber basic infrastructure information superhighway to offer peak performance at one’s disposal to remain in contact with sb. to make a bold leap
the latest wireless transmission system
a parade of to go too far to be desperate for to lack experience in sth. to weigh costs to choose between technologies factors separating winners from losers
English Equivalents of Chinese
提高生活水平 促进国内投资 最新无线传输系统 一系列 走得太远 急需 缺某方面经验 估算成本 选择技术 区分输赢的因素
随 笔
to boost living standards to promote internal investment



Phrase1.At times有时,偶尔2.Be worth sth/doing sth.值得…的3.Not only…but also…不仅…而且…4.Far away=not …at all ;rather than 一点都不5. A couple of=two=a small number of 两个;一些;几个6.Get/have/obtain access to. 有享用权7.Participate in=take part In. 参加8.Keep up with=keep the same speed as. 赶上不落后9.Feel like sth./doing sth. 想要想做10.Give up 停止放弃11.Think out 仔细考虑;推敲;琢磨e across 偶然遇到;偶然发现13.Reap the benefit(s) 得到益处,得到好处14.Trade for=exchange for 用..换15.Give sb. Insight(s) into 深刻理解16.Now that 既然,由于17.Instead of 而不是,代替18.Reach out to 接触,联系19.Play a role 起作用;扮演一个角色20.be/become aware of 认识到;知道,发觉到21.in addition 另外;加之22.reflect on 深思,考虑23.speak up 说出意见和看法;大声说24.be finished with 做完,完成25.allow for 为..留出余地;考虑到26.on sb.’s part/on the part of sb. 某人所做的;就某人而言27.catch up (with) 赶上追上28.remind sb. of sh. 使想起;提醒29.along with=together with 一起;一道30.turn off 关闭31.burst into 闯入;突然开始32.over and over 一再,反复33.reach for 伸手去摸。

新视野大学英语Unit4 短语和句型

新视野大学英语Unit4 短语和句型

短语1. 自愿参军 to volunteer for military service2. 祝某人平安to wish sb. safety3. 出发那天 on the day of departure4. 感激某人的支持to appreciate sb’s support5. 一遍遍读某人的信to read sb’s letter again and again6. 收到某人的回信to read sb’s letter again and again7. 战争的艰苦岁月里during the difficult days of war8. 从未减少过without decrease9. 谢绝某人的要求to decline one’s request10. 解释反对的理由to decline one’s request11. 可以自由做某事to be free to do sth.12. 感到与某人有联系to feel a connection with sb.13. 立刻right away14. 犹如春天般生气盎然like springtime comes alive15. 嘴角露出笑容smile forms on one’s lips16. 与某人同路to go sb’s way17. 向某人靠进一步to make one step closer to sb.18. 一位四十好几的女人 a woman well past forty19. 让别人认出他to identify him to others20. 因某事而感激某人to be thankful to sb. for sth.21. 注视/ 盯着to focus one’s eyesight on22. 禁止……做….. to forbid… from…23. 把……压缩成……to compress… into…24. 对……的渴望to long for…25. 克制……的冲动to re sist the urge to…句型:1.用于表述“某人或物的与众不同”While all people/sth.…, sb./sth. is the only person/one to do sth. else.2.用于表述“某人对某事正反面的看法及结论”Suppose… sb. would do sth. Suppose… (opposite to the previous), sb. would do sth. else.Either way, sb. would…3.用于表述“对某事的联想或感悟”Sth. will be sth. + adj., sth. perhaps even more / less+ adj. than sth. else …。



Book 3 Unit 1 教材总结Text A一、单词1. deviate vi. 背离;偏离2. preclude vt. 阻碍;阻止;妨碍3. premier a. 最好的;最大的;最重要的n. [C] a prime minister 首相;总理4. whereby ad. 凭那个;借以5. civic a. 1公民的;市民的2城镇的;城市的6. patriotic a. 爱国的;有爱国心的7. clear-cut a. 明确的;清楚的8. inhibit vt. 阻碍;妨碍;抑制9. scholarly a. 1 博学的;学问精深的2学者的;学术的10. idiot n. [C]笨蛋;傻子11. bypass vt. 1(做某事时)避开,越过(某人)2绕过;绕…走12. persecution n. [C, U](尤指因种族、宗教或政治信仰而进行的)迫害,残害13. misfortune n. 1 [C]不幸的事;灾难 2 [U]厄运;不幸14. glamor n. [U] 魅力;吸引力15. glamorous a. 极富魅力的;非常吸引人的16. tragic a. 可悲的;悲惨的;不幸的;悲剧性的17. spur n. [C]刺激;激励;鞭策;鼓舞vt. 1 encourage sb. to do sth. 刺激;激励;鞭策;鼓舞 2 cause sth. to happen 使发生18. optimism n. [U]乐观;乐观主义19. dedication n. [U] 奉献;献身20. commend vt. 1 praise sb. or sth. formally or publicly (正式或公开)表扬,称赞,表彰2 tell sb. that a person or thing is good, useful, or suitable 推荐21. uphold vt. 支持;拥护;维护22. endeavor n. [C, U] 努力;尽力vi. (~ to do sth.) try very hard to do sth. 努力做(某事);尽力做(某事)23. statesman n. [C]政治家24. diligent a. 勤奋的;用功的25. pursuit n. [U]追求;寻求26. ranch n. [C]大牧场27. prestige n. [U]声望;名望;威信(enjoy a great~)28. circuit[C] 1(与某种活动相关的人)定期前往的一系列场所2电路;回路;线路3环形路线29. unprecedented a. 1前所未有的;史无前例的 2 (大小、数量、程度等)前所未知的,空前的30. nominate vt. 提名;推荐31. appoint vt. 1任命;委派;指派 2 确定,指定,约定(时间或地点)32. abortion n. [C]人工流产;堕胎33. expend vt. 花费;消耗;支出34. threat n. 1 [C, U] 危害;威胁 2 [C] 恐吓;威胁35. inward a. 1内心的;精神的 2 向内的;向中心的;内部的36. robust a. 1坚定的;强硬的2(人)强壮的,强健的37. maintain vt. 保持;维持38. slack vi. 偷懒;逃避工作 a. 1松弛的;不紧的 2 松懈的;懈怠的;疏忽的39. transcend vt. 超越,摆脱(消极的态度、思想或情绪)40. handicap n. [C] 1障碍;不利条件2(身体或智力的)缺陷,残疾(该词现在被认为具冒犯义)41. feat n. [C]技艺;业绩;功绩二、词组1. remove sth. / sb. from sth.移开;拿开;去掉;从…机构开除2. deviate from sth.背离;偏离;违背3. preclude sb. from doing sth.阻止某人做某事;妨碍某人做某事4. write sb. / sth. off认定…失败(或没有价值、不可救药等)5. fail in sth.做…失败;未能做到…6. triumph over打败;战胜;成功7. in (the) pursuit of sth.在追求…的过程中;在寻求…的过程中8. work one's way to / through / into(通过努力)逐步达到9. act as充当;起作用10. fall down不足;不够好Text B一、单词1. stricken—~(与某些名词连用)受…侵袭的poverty-stricken areas贫困地区a. 1患病的;受伤的2罹难的;受侵害的;受灾的;遭损失的2. prospective a. (only before noun) 1可能发生的;预期的2可能的;有希望的3. destined a. (never before noun) 1注定的;肯定的 2 (~ for)指定的;预定的4. jockey n. 操作者5. celebrity n. 1 [C](尤指娱乐界、体育界的)名人,名流 2 [U]出名;著名6. indulge v. (使)(自己)沉湎于;(让自己)享受一下indulge oneself in…让自己沉溺于…7. masterpiece n. [C] 1杰作;名著;大作2典范8. aggravate vt. 1激怒;惹恼2使(尤指局势或病情)恶化;加剧9. scorn vt. 看不起;鄙视n. [U]轻蔑;鄙视10. nonetheless ad. 然而;不过11. renowned a. 有名望的;著名的12. enterprise n. [C] 1(尤指全新或不同的)事业,计划2企业;公司;事业单位13. layout n. [C] 陈设;布局;安排14. dubious a. 1无把握的;怀疑的2令人怀疑的;不确定的;靠不住的15. straw n. 1 [U] (干燥的)麦秆,稻草,禾杆 2 [C](喝饮料用的)吸管16. expertise n. [U] (从经历、培训或学习中得来的)特殊技能,专门知识17. blunt a. (言语)率直的,直言不讳的,直截了当的18. bust n. (infml.) (mainly AmE) a complete failure 彻底的失败19. adore vt. 疼爱;爱慕;崇拜20. persuasive a. 有说服力的;能使人信服的21. cater v. 1 (~ to / for) 满足,迎合(某群人的需要)2(为…)提供饮食,承办酒席The restaurant is capable of catering food for several hundred people. 这个饭店能为数百人提供饮食。



Phrase1.At times有时,偶尔2.Be worth sth/doing sth.值得…的3.Not only…but also…不仅…而且…4.Far away=not …at all ;rather than 一点都不5. A couple of=two=a small number of 两个;一些;几个6.Get/have/obtain access to. 有享用权7.Participate in=take part In. 参加8.Keep up with=keep the same speed as. 赶上不落后9.Feel like sth./doing sth. 想要想做10.Give up 停止放弃11.Think out 仔细考虑;推敲;琢磨e across 偶然遇到;偶然发现13.Reap the benefit(s) 得到益处,得到好处14.Trade for=exchange for 用..换15.Give sb. Insight(s) into 深刻理解16.Now that 既然,由于17.Instead of 而不是,代替18.Reach out to 接触,联系19.Play a role 起作用;扮演一个角色20.be/become aware of 认识到;知道,察觉到21.in addition 另外;加之22.reflect on 深思,考虑23.speak up 说出意见和看法;大声说24.be finished with 做完,完成25.allow for 为..留出余地;考虑到26.on sb.’s part/on the part of sb. 某人所做的;就某人而言27.catch up (with) 赶上追上28.remind sb. of sh. 使想起;提醒29.along with=together with 一起;一道30.turn off 关闭31.burst into 闯入;突然开始32.over and over 一再,反复33.reach for 伸手去摸。

新视野第二版课后短语 (1)

新视野第二版课后短语 (1)

1.track down 追踪到,最查到2.pick on 找茬;欺负3.tell on 告发4.work out 找出答案;解决5.on one’s own 独自地;独立地6.hit/strike home 被领会7.reckon with 考虑;面对;对付8.call on/ upon 要求(某人做某事)9.lead up to 最为···的先导,引起10.end up doing sth 以···结束11.get through (帮某人)渡过难关12.not much of a···不太好的13.speed up 使加速14.give up on 对···不抱希望15.fall apart 破裂;解体16.on impulse 因一时的冲动e along 快点;加油18.mislead sb. into doing误导某人做某事19.let go 放手,放开;不再考虑20.bounce back 恢复健康;振作起来21.in general 大体上;通常22.up to 多达;高达23.tip sb. over the edge 是某人受不了24.out of breath 上气不接下气25.throw up 呕吐26.go up 上升;上涨27.interfere with 妨碍;干扰28.sum up 总结;归纳29.obstacle course 越障训练30.go through 完成31.in contrast 相比之下32.apply to 适用于33.in response to 回应与34.point to (因认为重要)提到(某物)35.see···as 认为···是36.be scheduled to do 别安排,定于37.over one’s protest 不顾某人的抗议38.put forth 使出;发挥plete with 包括;具有40.do one’s utmost 竭尽全力41.work out 制定;找到42.at the outset 开始43.kind of 有点儿;有几分e/get to grips with开始并应付45.distinguish···from 使区别于46.be true of 对···来说也一样47.fall through 失败;成为泡影48.press for 反复请求;紧急要求g behind 落后50.in a pinch 迫不得已时;必要时51.work on 从事;致力于52.go ahead 开始;继续53.for sale 出售,代售 after 以···命名55.rise to fame 成名56.capture one’s attentio吸引某人的注意力57.pose for 摆姿势58.go against 违背59.with an eye to 关注60.dress up 穿着盛装61.show up 出现62.have one’s feet on the ground 注重实际63.date back to 始于;追溯到64.take off 迅速成功65.the pit of one’s stomach 胸口;心窝66.feel for 摸索;寻找67.go about 着手做;开始做68.pull up a chair 把椅子拉近坐下69.except for 除···以外70.read about 读到71.make oneself understood 使他人明白自己的意思72.be dependent on 依赖,依靠73.go on 持续;继续e along 出现;来到75.take/run its course 自然发展76.fight off 抵抗;击退77.in vain 徒劳78.slip away 悄悄溜走e by 得到,获得80.chances are (that)···很可能e down to 归结为82.insist on 坚持;坚决要求83.bring in 使某人参加84.in addition to 除···之外85.in/when/where necessary 如果必要的话86.agree on/ upon 就···达成一致87.make a difference(对某物)有影响作用pared to/with 与···相比89.take to 去;到90.in terms of 在···方面91.bring about 引起92.out of proportion 不成比例93.be ignorant of 不知道,不了解94.take away 带走;拿走95.without doubt 无疑的96.stem from 源于;来自97.put in 投入(时间或者精力)做某事98.in high gear 全力以赴99.on the subject of 谈到;关于100.in the interest of 为了···起见101.bat out 匆匆做出,草草做完102.work on 从事,致力于103.by name 以名字104.claw one’s way 艰难的走到某处105.fight over 为了···而争吵106.end in 以···告终107.live on 继续存在108.establish···as 确立···为109.appeal for 请求,恳求110.roll in 大量涌进111.vote on/upon 投票表决112.tell of 告诉113.at the expense of 为···代价114.share in 分享;参与115.set aside 留出;拨出116.within reach 可获得的e to life 活跃起来;栩栩如生118.in the wake of 随着···而来119.in the first place 一开始;起初120.fall into 可分成121.break apart 裂开;破裂122.in theory 从理论上讲123.identical to/ with 与···一模一样124.and so forth/on 等等125.what if 要是···怎么样126.with···in mind 考虑到某人(事)127.get around 成功地解决;克服128.refer to 称呼,叫129.under the name of 用别名130.puzzle over 绞尽脑汁;冥思苦想131.wonder about 对···好奇;想知道;132.at the prospect of /that 当意识到···时133.grow out of 产生于134.applicable to 适用于;合适于135.make sense 合情理;明智136.on/upon reflection 经考虑后137.in case 以防万一138.view···as 把···视为,看做139.perceive···as 把···视为,当做140.carry out 进行;实施141.in the name of 借···之名;为···目的142.queue up 排队143.stand a chance of 有可能144.seek out 寻找并发现145.pass on 传递,传给146.take a chance on 冒险147.make an enquiry into 调查,打听148.store away 储藏149.insist on 坚决要求150.make no mistakes 完全可以肯定151.gain in 得到更多152.make/hit the headlines 成为头条新闻153.be in line for sth 有可能得到154.under pressure 在压力下155.draw up 写出;起草156.send out 发出;寄出157.under one’s nose 就在···面前158.just about 几乎,差不多159.enter into 达成;订立160.have no bearing on sth 对···无影响;y sth bare 揭露,暴露162.shed light on 使···易于理解163.serve as 担任;起···作用164.dozens of 许多;数十个165.vary from···to 从···到···不同166.to the point 达到···的程度167.go on to sth 继续做168.scrape by 勉强生活169.be free with 慷慨使用170.take to 喜欢上171.cruise through 轻松取胜172.by word of mouth 口头的173.keep sb.up to date with sth 使某人知道有关某事的最新消息174.dawn on/upon 开始明白;醒悟175.to the memory of 纪念(某人)176.on the beat 在巡逻177.run into trouble/difficulty/problems 遇到麻烦178.make one’s way 去;前往179.tear down 拆毁180.toy with 摆弄y siege to 包围。

新视野大学英语第一册短语汇总 (1)

新视野大学英语第一册短语汇总 (1)

新视野大学英语第一册短语汇总Unit 1 Section A有时,偶尔at times值得……的well worth the effort积极的方法positive method前一任老师former teacher遇到生词come across new words网络课程online course虚拟课堂virtual classroom课程进度the flow of the course得到好处reap the benefits of茫然不解stare into space参与participate in赶上,不落后keep up with想要,想做feel like sth./doing sth.艰难却有意义的经历the difficult yet rewarding experienc踊跃回答问题eagerly answer questions没有多久it doesn’t take long to……有…..的机会be offered an opportunity to……学习远程……课程study…..through onl ine course犯令人尴尬的错误make embarrassing mistakes 因挫折而哭泣cry out of frustration因…..而心生畏惧feel intimidated by…..想出主意think out one’s ideas更为重要的是and most importantly非常艰辛的经历a most trying experience全新的视角new ways of seeing things了解不同文化insights into another culture建立难忘的友谊form unforgettable friendships 与别人打交道,接触,联系reach out to others 弥合鸿沟bridge the gap between……and ….名列前茅be at the top of远不尽人意be far from perfect有权利使用/接触get access to满足最低限度/要求meet the minimum standards 拿什么都不换not trade sth. for anything Section B起作用,扮演一个角色play a role认识到,知道,觉察到be/become aware of另外,加之in addition (to)深思,考虑reflect on做完,完成be finished with为…..留出余地;考虑到allow for某人所做的;就某人而言on sb’s part / on the part of sb.赶上,追上catch up with使想起;提醒remind sb. of sth.从心里乐于接受,对······的思想是开放的be open-minded about 是······的障碍be a barrier toIt is / was critical that … (should) do …: ······是十分重要的。



UNIT 11. hold together使结合/团结在一起:面对大难,中国共产党人通过自身垂范把全民族团结在一起。

In face of the great disaster, the Chinese communists held the whole nation together through their own role models.2. track down追踪到:通过不懈努力,他们设法找到了通往震中的捷径。

Through unyielding effort, they managed to track down the shortest way to the epicenter.3.pick on找茬/选择:尽管他认为社会和他过不去,我仍坚持认为他是拿自己的无耻做秀。

While he grasped that our society was picking on him, I held that he was picking on his own shamelessness for showoff.4.adjust to适应:许多地震导致的孤儿尚未适应没有亲生父母呵护的生活。

Many of the earthquake-made orphans haven’t adjusted yet to living without good care from their biological parents.5.hit home被领会:大爱的力量直到这次地震发生后才被真切地感受到。

The power of boundless love did not hit home until in the wake of this terrible earthquake.6.reckon with考虑/面对/对付:仍不可忽视的,是成功者的表象对孩子们产生的副作用。

What remains to be reckoned with is the negative effect the superficial phenomena of achievers exert on the children.7.to lead up to作为······的先导/引起:据一些地震专家说,此次地震发生前的很长时间内,没有发现地震的先兆。


prevent from阻止;防止
they prevent you from making necessary adjustments to the new

separate from 把...分开;分离
it separates you from those things that could really help you. • 你把那些能真正帮助你的东西和你 隔离开来了。
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• • • • • •
be slaves to doing受支配 result in+结果;result from+原因 ...but... 除...之外 account for解释;占...比例 stand+adj race throung匆忙做某事
• • • • •
at hand手头正进行地 be close at hand迫在眉睫 commit to doing投身于;致力于 be drinkable for以...著名 much less 更不用说 be due partly to部分原因是
results in
This attitude results in a nation of people committed to researching, experimenting and exploring. 这种态度造就了 一个投身于研究、实验和探 索的民族。
导致; 造成... 结果
run out 用完;耗尽
work at 致力于;从事



Unit 1fall behind 落在……后面result in 导致,造成……结果run out 用完,耗尽in a rush 匆忙地go with 同时发生,伴随work at致力于,从事in person亲自,亲身due to由于pour into大量投入(精力或金钱等adjust to适应familiar to为……所熟悉culture shock文化冲击,文化震撼tirde of (doing) sth.厌烦(做)某事separate from把……分开,分离prevent from从(疾病,事故,震惊等)中恢复go through经历,经受Unit 2next to靠近in sb.’s presence/in the presence of sb.有某人在场by no means决不,决非count on依靠,依赖,指望on one occasion有一次come upon/across偶然遇见,偶然发现pack into塞入,使挤入take notice of注意到sing out (大声清晰地)喊出(唱出)point out指出reflect on仔细考虑in advance事先,预先act as作为above all最重要的是not hear of it不听,拒绝听取set one’s mind on决心做某事(或得到某物)ser the stage for为……做好准备focus on聚焦于,集中(精力)于be used to (doing) sth.习惯于hold one’s breath屏住呼吸strip sb. of sth.剥夺charge sb. with sth.指控,控诉Unit 3ups and downs盛衰,沉浮work out成功,产生结果for a time暂时,一度meet with遭遇,遇到all along始终have nothing to do with与……无关on the surface表面上,外表上at one’s worst最差的时候,最糟糕的时候learn of获悉,听说take care of负责,处理proceed to do sth. 接着做某事come up with想出,提出(答案,解决方案等)win over说服,把……争取过来from head to toe从头到脚,浑身上下on the short/fat/thin,etc.side有点矮(胖,瘦等)think of有……看法put (sb.) to bed安置(某人)睡觉hit it off相处得很好,一见如故Unit 4without fail必定,总是as long as假如,如果,只要be free to do sth.随意做某事right away立即,马上more than (+adj)十分,非常be thankful for对……心存感激from day to day天天form hour to hour不停地,一直地on occasion有时,偶尔take its toll on损害,破坏cling to坚持,忠于lose control失去控制be/become accustomed to(doing) sth.习惯(做)某事a far cry from与……相距很远,与……大相径庭have sth. in common有共同之处on earth到底,究竟Unit 5pick up拿起,举起be grateful for感激,为……致谢be dressed in穿着coupled with加上die from死于direct at 针对,对准starve sb. of sth.使缺乏,使得不到make a point提出论点take…for granted视……为理所当然hold down保住(工作)pine for为(不能得到某物)而伤心make fun of嘲笑,取笑stand up to经得起,经得住give in屈服,让步to some degree在某种程度上on demand一经要求turn over a new leaf悔过自新,洗心革面in the end最后,终于Unit 6fill out填写if only就算……都行,哪怕……也好for better or worse无论好坏,不管怎样even so即使如此turn down拒绝come up to 走近,靠近press for催促,竭力争取ill at ease不自在free from无……的,不涉及……的take charge of负责,管理be stuck with被迫使用或拥有go to great lengths竭尽全力做某事take sides支持某人,偏袒一方act out(思想或感情)表达出来speak of表明,意味着turn off使离开tune out不理会,不理睬up to能适合的,能胜任的more or less几乎,差不多follow one’s track跟着,跟踪apart from除了,除……之外blow one’s cover揭露,揭某人老底out of character与某人个性不相符out of bounds禁止进入的Unit 7among other things除了其他事情之外blow one’s top勃然大怒,大发雷霆on one’s trail在……路上cut down减少……的数量keep in mind记住other than除了……之外(还)on the other hand另一方面to the contrary相反地burn the midnight oil(学习,工作)到深夜,开夜车rack up积累,逐步增加fear for为……担心at works在工作的地方,在工作come in出现,发生put all one’s eggs in one basket 孤注一掷Unit 8be wasted on sb.被浪费在某人身上if only但愿,要是……就好了well off富裕的at a low处于低水平be meant to do sth.应该做某事read of读到,从……得知only to不料,反而,结果却in the long run从长远来看send in派(人)去the good old days过去的好时光play (it) safe稳扎稳打,小心行事whether…or not无论,不管be happy with对……感到满意,认为……是好的in short总之,简言之by comparison相比之下associate with把……联系在一起,与……相关联at large全部,整个in the absence of由于缺乏protect… from…防御,保护grind to a halt逐渐停止Unit 9in (the) face of面对make sth. of sb.使成为有出息的人pass away死亡,逝世have sth. at heart关心from sb.’s standpoint 从某人的立场或观点来说be entitled to有权做,有权得到pick up the pieces收拾残局,恢复正常take shelter躲避lap up欣赏look forward to盼望,期待know better有头脑,明事理(而不至于)watch out注意,小心once and for all一劳永逸,永远地,彻底地out of touch with 不再了解prefer…to…更喜欢,宁可apply for申请pay for获益,得到回报in the meantime与此同时,在此期间with reference to关于du to因为,由于look at考虑,思考be obliged to do sth.有责任或义务做某事fill up填满,装满take offense (at sth.)(对某事)生气,(因某事而)见怪Unit 10drive off击退,赶走be sure of一定会,肯定会in broad daylight光天化日之下carry on继续做under control受到控制,处于控制之下on the air(广播或电视)播出keep sb. from doing sth.阻止某人做某事watch for留意,密切注意put out扑灭,熄灭mark down记下了,下下来provide for为……做准备break off(使)折断,中止,中断sink into恶化,陷入更糟糕状态watching in sth.某物不足,缺少某物expect sth. of sb.对某人有……期望,指望某人做remain of从……留下,剩下make for朝……走去,朝……前进take sb. in收留,收容be seized with被(强烈的感情)影响或支配give way to被……取代go into 陷入。

新视野大学英语第一册短语汇总 (1)190410

新视野大学英语第一册短语汇总 (1)190410

UniБайду номын сангаас 6 Section A
逐一巡查,访问 make the rounds 与…相配 go with 整整四个小时 for four solid hours 痛得厉害 hurt wickedly 朝街上走 head to the street (时间)过得飞快 fly by 看起来和善的 look approachable 长时间的聊天 lengthy talks
Unit 2 Section B
结果是 as a result 因此,转而;依次,轮流 了解 tap into in turn
取得进步;成功 get ahead 依赖;指望 look to sb. for…. 以…..方式,以….方法 the way 听起来;似乎 sound like 而不是 rather than 观点,意见 point of view 与….对照;而不是 as opposed to (被)理解;(被)接受 get across 担心 be concerned about 打电话报平安;登记入住,办理登机手续 check in 把…..收好或放好 put sth. away 失去冷静 lose one’s cool 使某人意识到某事 awaken sb. to sth. different values and beliefs 不同的价值观和信仰 失去影响力 lose influence 同伴的观点 peer opinions 弥和代沟 bridge the generation gap 尊重与信任 an attitude of respect and trust 采用一种好奇的态度 adopt an attitude of
Unit 4 Section A



第一单元1 budget n. 预算 ; v. 编预算 , 为…做预算2 charge |v. |向 ... 收费,要价3 acute a. 敏锐的 , 敏感的,严重的5 restless a. 不安静的 , 焦虑的7 elbow n. 肘 , 扶手 ; v. 用手肘推开 , 推挤8 abrupt a. 突然的 , 粗鲁的10 opening n. 开始 , 开业典礼 , 空缺职务 ; 开始的11 ritual n. 惯常的惯例仪式 , 典礼 , , 12 interaction n. 交流相互作用 , 相互影响13 convention n. 大会 , 惯例 ; 习俗14 leisure n. 空闲 , 闲暇16 assess v. 估定 , 评定17 surroundings n. 周围的事物 , 环境 20 probe n. 探针 , 调查 ,20 social a. 社会的社交的21socially ad. 与社会 (或社交相关地 21 tick n. 滴答声 , 滴答响22 consequently ad. 所以 , 因此25 device n. 装置 , 器械,方法,手段 26 fax n. 传真 ; v. 传真27 email n. 电子邮件(electronic mail 的缩略24given 如果考虑到28 electronic a. 电子的 ; n. [-s]电子学 , 电子设备29 significance n. 意义 , 重要性30 conduct n. 行为 , 举动 , 品行 ; vt. 引导 , 指挥 , 管理 ; vt. 导电,传热25gathering 集会,聚会26 impersonality不牵涉个人感情; 无人情味 27 electronic 使用电子设备的电子的 28 significance |n要性;重要意义29 conduct 进行;实施传导(电或热行为,举止31 increasingly ad. 日益;愈加34 obtain vt. 获得 , 得到 ;35 superb a. 极好的36 whereas conj.&ad. 然而 , 但是30 postal 邮政的;邮寄的31 efficient效率高的 |无礼的,失礼的 37 elapse v. (时间逝去 , 过去 38 skillful a. 熟练的有技巧的40 competent a. 有能力的 , 胜任的 ,41 fulfill v. 完成 , 履行 ; vt. 履行41 capital 资本;资金unit01_newwords_b.spite 虽然;尽管clash |vi. 不一致;冲突 n. 争论 tradition |n.传统honeymoon |n. 蜜月期; (喻短暂的和谐期marvelous |a. 非常好的;绝妙的 amusement 愉快,快乐娱乐(消遣活动hostility |n.敌意;敌对moreover |ad. 此外;而且distress |vt. 使痛苦;使苦恼 n. 痛苦, 苦恼devise |vt.设计;发明mechanism |n.行为方式;机制cope |vi.应付;处理repression |n.对情感或欲望的压抑;抑制镇压acceptable |a.可接受的;合意的isolate |vt. 使孤立;使隔离isolation |n.隔离;孤立reject |vt.拒绝;不接受抛弃,丢弃 utilize |vt.使用deal |vi.对付;应付;处理hostile |a.怀有敌意的,敌对的敌方的, 好战的recognition |n.承认;认可temporary |a.暂时的recovery |n. 恢复;痊愈重获;复得 favorable |a.有利的赞成的symptom |n. |迹象;征兆症状 distinction |n.特点; 特征区别; 差别卓越; 杰出appreciate |vt.欣赏;赏识对 ... 表示感谢 acquisition |n.获得,得到alleviate |vt.减轻,缓和interact |vi.交流互相作用;互相影响 considerable |a.相当大的;相当多的furthermore |ad.此外;而且unit02_newwords_apat |vt.轻拍presence |n.在场;出席promising |a. 有前途的;有希望的 amateur |a.业余的 n. 业余爱好者 session |n.(从事某项活动的一段时间, 会议amusing |a.有趣的lower |vt.减少;降低,降下 anniversary |n.周年纪念日woolen |a.羊毛的romantic |a. 浪漫的gratitude |n.感激;谢意ski |vi. 滑雪massive |a.大的;严重的fatigue |vt.使疲劳 n. 疲乏,疲劳clearing |n.(林中空地 approximately |ad.大约,大概breeze |n. 微风,和风powder |n. 粉末;粉状物fuss |v.n (因小事抱怨;小题大做 indifferent |a.漠不关心的;冷漠的rebel |vi.造反; 反叛; 反抗 n. 造反者, 反叛者,反抗者bachelor |n.未婚男子,学士(学位 shift |v. 转移;移动;变换 makeshift |a. 权宜的;暂时的stack |vt. 堆放sticky |a.黏的;黏性的mate |n. 伙伴,同伴assert |vt.断言;声称napkin |n. 餐巾(纸swear 咒骂 vt. 发誓damn |a. | |该死的;讨厌的unfair |a.不公平的;不公正的 passion |n. 激情;热情persist |v. 坚持 vi. 继续存在或发生 frown |vi.皱眉billion |num. 十亿rank |vi.位于 ... 等级(或地位 vt. 排列 n. 职位;社会地位indissoluble |a坚不可摧的bond |n. 联系;纽带tropical |a. 热带的 Phrases and Expressionsnext to 靠近;接近in sb.'s presence/in the presence of sb.有某人在场by no means决不,决非count on依靠;依赖;指望on one occasion有一次come upon偶然遇见;偶然发现pack into塞进;使挤入take notice of注意到sing out (大声清晰地喊出 (或唱出 point out指出reflect on 仔细考虑in advance事先,预先unit02_newwords_bcompetition |n.竞争sake |n. 为了 ... 目的,为了 ... 好处 athlete |n. 运动员sacrifice |vt.牺牲;奉献injury |n. 伤害;损害exploit |vt.利用;剥削glory |n.光荣;荣誉virtue |n. 美德determination |n.决心;毅力dash |n.短距离赛跑,奔;冲 competitive |a.喜欢竞争的;好胜的 ,竞争的;有竞争力的defy |vt.向 ... 挑战 ,违抗;不服从 stopwatch |n. 秒表pursue |vt.从事;追求追逐strip |n. 条 ;带 vt. 剥去;除去singular |a.卓越的;非凡的单数的 phenomenon |n.奇才;奇迹,现象 horizon |n. |范围;眼界;视野,地平线 observer |n. 观看者crack |n.爆裂声;劈啪声 v. (使发出爆裂声, (使破裂trail |vi. 拖沓地走;无精打采地慢走, vt. 跟踪;尾随explosive |a. 迅猛的, 易爆炸的; 易发作的 n 爆炸物overcome |vt.战胜;击败committee |n.委员会indicate |vt.表明 ; 显示conquest |n.攻占 ; 占领;征服condemn |vt.谴责condemnation |n.谴责opponent |n.对手;敌手deny |vt.否认,拒绝(给予counter |v.反驳rumor |n. 谣言,传闻formula |n.方法;方案 ,公式;方程式 suspicion |n.猜疑;不信任 . 怀疑;疑心 erosion |n. 侵蚀;腐蚀participation |n. 参与,参加relay |n. 接力赛reception |n. 接待;欢迎,招待会;欢迎会 amazing |a. 令人惊异的unit03_newwords_acharacter |n. 性格,个性,特点,特征 compromise |n.v妥协;折中involved |a. 参与的;有关的subtle |a. 微妙的,细微的hatred |n. 痛恨,憎恨illusion |n. 幻觉;错觉married |a. 已婚的mutual |a. 相互的,共同的;共有的 compatible |a. 合得来的; 情投意合的, 兼容的;配套的incompatible |a. 合不来的;不兼容的 overlook |vt.没注意到;忽略,俯视;眺望expectation |n.期待;预料painful |a.痛苦的divorce |n. v.离婚bud |vi. 发芽,萌芽 n. 芽;花蕾resistance |n.抵制;反对,抵抗;对抗 supportive |a. 支持的;支援的grand |a.表示“ (亲戚关系隔一代的” , 壮丽的;宏伟的grandchild </em> |n.(外孙; (外孙女 congratulation |n. 祝贺;道喜counsel |vt.劝告;忠告date |vt.与 ... 约会subsequent |a.后来的;随后的harbor vt. 心怀;怀有 n. 港,港口 reservation |n. 存疑;保留,预订 prejudice |n.偏见;成见charm |vt.迷人;使陶醉 n. 魅力;吸引力 caring |a.体贴的 indication 迹象confirm |vt. 证实;证明;确定,确认 citizenship |n.公民身份;公民权利 suspect |vt.怀疑 n. 嫌疑犯harsh |a.严厉的;苛刻的,刺耳的 hesitate |vi. 犹豫;踌躇;迟疑cancel |vt.取消proceed |vi.继续进行quote |v.引用; 引述 n. 引语,引文 hardship |n.艰难;困苦realistic |a.实际的;现实的resolve |vt.解决;解除, |决定;决心 unit03_newwords_bbrilliant |a. 出色的;聪颖的,明亮的;光亮的arrange |v. 准备;安排 vt. 排列;布置 eve |n. 前夕;前一天cube |vt.切成方块 n. 立方体garlic |n. 蒜,大蒜slice |vt. 切成薄片 n. 片ingredient |n.(食品的成分,配料,因素;要素chop |vt. 切;剁碎purple |a. 紫色的, |紫色concerning |prep.关于toe |n. 脚趾anticipate |vt. 预料;预计criticism |n. |[C, U]批评;指责curl |n. 卷发;卷曲物splash |n. 有色斑点freckle |n. 雀斑;斑点compact 结实的,紧凑的bubble |vi. 冒泡, n 气泡;泡沫bump |n.肿块;突起 , v 碰撞;猛撞 compel |vt.强迫,迫使behalf |n.代表某人;代替某人innocent |a. 无恶意的, 无罪的; 无辜的 dialect |n. 方言,土语pox |n. |[U] |痘,痘疮criticize |vt.批评;批判,评论clue |n. 线索;提示cue |n. 暗示;信号proclaim |vt.宣布;声称diplomatic |a.有交际手段的;圆滑的,外交的soy |n. |大豆sauce |n. 调味汁,佐料china |n. |瓷器somehow |ad.以某种方法;不知怎么的, 由于某种未知的原因miserable |a.痛苦的;悲惨的modest |a.谦虚的,虚心的,适中的,适度的A-OK |ad. 极好;棒极了unit04_newwords_adigital |a. 数字的;数字显示的eyesight |n. 视力volunteer |v. 自愿(做某事 n. 志愿者 identical |a.完全一样的,完全相同的 departure |n. 离开,出发destination |n. 目的地;终点overseas |ad. 在海外; 在国外 a. 海外的; 外国的aboard |prep.&ad.在船(车,飞机等上; 上船(车,飞机等cargo |n.(船,飞机或车辆运送的货物 territory |n.领土;领地deck |n.甲板decrease |n.减少 v. (使减少; (使降低 nourish |vt滋养;给 ... 营养decline |v. 拒绝;谢绝 vi. 减少, n 降低, 下降objection |n.反对;异议forbid |(forbade, forbidden vt.禁止 connection |n. 联系;关系spectacular |a. 壮观的;引人入胜的 fancy |a. 多装饰的;花哨的;别致的 n. 喜爱;迷恋fossil |n.化石patch |n. 小块vanish |vi.消失fog |n. 雾compress |vt. 压缩;压紧cement |n. 水泥warmth |n.温暖resist |vt.忍住;抗拒highway |n. 公路 unit04_newwords_bwhip |n.鞭子chamber |n. 特殊用途的房间security |n.安全;平安rifle |n. |[C] |来复枪;步枪 mechanical |a. 机械的;不动脑筋的 landscape |n. |风景;景色,风景画 kneel |vi. 跪下timber |n. |木材;木料item |n. 条;项;项目gravity |n.引力;重力fairy |n. |[C]小仙子;小精灵toll |n.伤亡人数,通行费stain |v.染污;沾污 n. 污迹;污斑crystal |n. |[C, U]水晶product |n. |[C]产品;制品magnetic |a. 磁的;磁性的,有魅力的; 吸引人的trace |n.微量;少量, [C]踪迹,痕迹 precision |n. 精确,准确descend |v. 下降,下落accustomed |a习惯了的diet |n.日常饮食scenery |n.景色,风景prosperity |n.繁荣;富裕aluminum |n. 铝installation |n. 安装recycle |v.回收利用insurance |n. 保险reluctant |a.不情愿的;勉强的exile |vt. n. 放逐,流放specify |v.明确说明;指明tedious |a.冗长的;乏味的embrace |v. n. 拥抱 vt. 包括,涉及 unit05_newwords_aweep |vi. 哭泣calculator |n.计算器geometry |n. |[U] |几何 (学package |n. 一盒 , 包裹 vt. 包装;打包;捆扎 filter |vt.过滤 n. |[C] |过滤器grateful |a.感激的,感谢的harden |v. (使变得坚强; (使变得冷漠 , (使变硬; (使硬化brand |n.品牌;商标manufacturer |n.制造者,制造商cane |n. 手杖hook |vt.吸引,迷住 n. 钩子;钩状物 noticeable |a.显而易见的;明显的 pneumonia |n. |[U] |肺炎reunion |n. |[C]团聚;重聚slim |a. 苗条的;纤细的 , 微小的;渺茫的 advertisement |n.广告drag |vi.抽烟 vt. 拖;用力拉starve |vt. (使缺乏; (使得不到 v. (使挨饿; (使饿死weaken |v.(使变弱poisonous |a.有毒的swallow |vt.吞;咽 , 轻信;轻易接受bunch |n.串;束;把 , 群;伙insect |n. |[C] |昆虫pregnant |a.怀孕的,妊娠的poison |vt. 使中毒 n. 毒物;毒药quotation |n. 引语batter |v.击打;猛击shelter |n. 庇护所;避难所 vt. 庇护;保护 zone |n. 地区;地带literally |ad.确实地;真正地unit05_newwords_bspoil |vt. 溺爱; 宠坏 , 损坏; 破坏 vi. (食物变质overnight |ad.在夜间;夜里 , 突然间;一下子 a. 夜间的 , 突然间的assign |vt.给予; 分配, 分派, 指派 (任务 lavatory |n. 厕所;盥洗室kit |n.一套工具closet |n.壁橱barely |ad.勉强地;几乎不tendency |n.趋向,倾向generosity |n.慷慨;大度somewhat |ad.稍微;有些harmful |a.有害的;造成损害的 accommodation |n.和解;调和 , 住所;工作场所compensate |v.补偿;弥补possession |n. (个人财物,财产 , 拥有 infer |vt.推知;推断fluctuate |vi.波动;起伏 generous |a.慷慨的;大方的 resentment |n.愤恨;憎恶variable |a.易变的;多变的 n. 可变因素 loosen |v.(使放松; (使松sour |v.(使变坏; (使恶化 ,(使变酸; (使变馊 a. 酸的;馊的parental |a. 父母的;家长的greedy |a.贪婪的;贪心的 , 贪吃的selfish |a.自私的sensitive |a. 理解别人的 , 敏感的;灵敏的 , 容易生气的;神经过敏的undermine |vt.逐渐削弱;破坏limited |a. 有限的contradiction |n.矛盾;不一致conversely |ad.相反(地limitation |n.限制 , 局限;缺陷submit |v.屈从;服从 vt. 提交;递交;呈送 uncover |vt.揭露;揭开 , 揭开 ... 的盖子respond |vi.反应;回应prompt |a.迅速的;即时的 vt. 促使;推动definite |a.明确的;无疑的 , 一定的;肯定的manner |n.方式;方法bound |a.一定的;几乎肯定的satisfied |a.感到满意的gradual |a.逐步的,逐渐的 improvement |n.改进;改善;提高slip |n.过失;小错;疏忽 vi. 滑倒;失足溜走第六单元elegant a.优雅的;文雅的application n. 申请 , 应用;使用;运用 impulsively ad. without thinking about the possible results of what one is doing 冲动地 substitute vt. 代替;替换 n. 代替者;替代物professional a. 职业的;专业的 n. 专业人员talent n.天才;天赋 ;人才bible n.《圣经》definition n.定义;释义characteristic a. 特有的;典型的 n. 特点, 特征approval n. 赞成;同意批准;认可 reserve n. 克制, 拘谨保留; 储备预定 plainness n.不好看;平常convey vt.传达;表达specific a.特有的;特定的具体的;明确的 latter a. (两者中后者的qualify v.(使有资格;取得资格critic n.评论家;批评家prominent a.重要的;知名的refine vt. 使变得文雅提炼;精炼 attractive a. 动人的;有吸引力的 impressive a. 使人印象深刻的stereotype vt.对 ... 有成见;把 ... 模式化模式化的思想extent n. 程度confess v. 承认供认;招供carpenter n. 木匠,木工physicist n. 物理学家Pope n. 教皇nursery n. 托儿所thoughtful a. 深思的;思考的体贴的;考虑周到的creature n. 生物;人award vt.授予;给予奖金;奖品Dr. abbr. 博士;医生objective a.客观的目标appealing a.吸引人的;悦人的popularity n.受欢迎;流行despair vi.失望;绝望label n. 称号;绰号标签 vt. 把 ... 归类; 描述给 ... 加标签sociology n.社会学★ validate vt. 证实virtually ad.实际上;差不多tidy a.整洁的;整齐的wrinkle v.(使起皱纹; (使起褶皱 n. 皱纹有皱纹的;皱巴巴的pants n. 裤子conceal vt.隐藏;隐瞒clip vt.别在 ... 上;夹住 , 修剪 , 夹子;别针 poverty n.贫穷;贫困mild a.轻微的;不严重的 , 温和的;和善的 emotional a. 情感的; 情绪的 , 引发 (或表现强烈情感的 park v.停放(车辆bargain n.便宜货;廉价品协议;交易 , 讨价还价;谈判charity n. 慈善机构 , 施舍物;救济金 exclusive a. 奢华的;高级的 , 专用的;独享的 , 独家新闻;独家报道wander v.漫游;闲逛second-hand a. 二手的;用过的blend v.(使混合; (使掺和 , 混合;混合物upper a.较高的,上面的scale n. 规模;大小;等级ID n.身份证明;身份证discourage vt.阻止;劝阻 , 使泄气;使灰心 entry n. 进入setting n.环境;背景rib vt.开玩笑;戏弄imitate vt.模仿;效仿 , 仿制;仿造rude a.无礼的;粗鲁的 , 简陋的 accompany vt. 伴随;和 ... 一起发生 , 陪伴;陪同removal n. 消除;清除 , 移动;搬迁grace n. 礼貌;风度symbol n.象征;标志 , 记号;符号inherent a.固有的;与生俱来的dignity n. 端庄;体面 , 尊严★ conspicuous a.显著的;明显的 conspicuously ad.显著地;明显地internal a.内部的 , 国内的;本国的 internalize vt.使内在化superficial a. 肤浅的;浅薄的 , 表面的 prevail vi. 盛行;流行catalogue vt. 把 ... 编入目录undoubtedly ad.确实地;无疑地★ sociologist n. 研究社会学的人; 社会学家 Unit 7 overwhelm vt.使受不了;使不知所措击败spin v.(使旋转title vt. 给 ... 取名 , 名称;题目clinical a.诊所的;临床的react vi. 反应tense a.紧张的tremendous a. 巨大的; 极大的 , 很好的; 非常好的★ cholesterol n. 胆固醇excess a. 过量的;过多的 n. 过量fiber n. 纤维circuit n. 电路pump n. 泵(用泵抽吸attribute vt. (~ to 把 ... 归因于;把 ... 归咎于 exterior n.外部;外表 , 外部的;外表的interior n. 内部 , 内部的destructive a.破坏的perceive vt.理解;认为delegate v.授权;委托委派 ... 为代表 , 代表 cycle n.循环;周期 , 骑自行车emphasis n.强调jam n. 堵塞 , 把 ... 塞入stir vt.使激动;激起 , 搅拌outlet n. 发泄★ physiological a. 生理的;生理学的 recommend vt.建议;劝告 , 推荐financial a. 财政的;金融的independent a.独立的;自立的stimulate vt.刺激;激励;激发temper n.心情;脾气priority n.优先处理的事 , 优先权;重要性 viewpoint n. 观点;看法troublesome a.令人烦恼的;麻烦的 politician n.政治家deadline n.最后期限flee v. 逃跑;逃避;逃脱dimension n.维(长、高、宽等部分;方面constant a.经常的;不断的drunk a.喝醉的consequence n. 结果;影响system n.制度;体制;方法 , 系统;体系 sanction vt.批准;认可employee n.雇员employer n. 雇主loyal a. 忠诚的;忠心的hazard vt.冒 ... 的危险;风险trap vt. 把 ... 困于;使陷入 , 陷阱;圈套 consumption n. 消耗;消费;消耗量;消费量mode n.方式;方法merchant n. 商人rack vt. 痛苦;折磨attain vt. 获得evident a. 明显的;显然的★ bleak a.没希望的;暗淡的;阴郁的 lane n.车道 , 小路;小巷discharge v.(使释放; (使排出 , 释放; 让 ... 离开grief n.悲伤,忧伤 , 令人悲伤的事trait n. 品质;特点▲ equate vt.等同presumably ad.大概;可能denial n. 否认rational a.合理的; 基于理性的理智的, 理性的excessive a.过多的;过度的schedule n.日程表;进度表indispensable a. 必不可少的;不可或缺的 ambition n. 抱负;追求目标 , 雄心;野心durable a. 耐用的;持久的welfare n.幸福;安康psychological a. 心理的summarize v.概述Unit 8formal a.正式的poll n.民意测验;民意调查resident a. 居住(在某地的 , 居民 compute v.计算;算出accordingly ad. 此,所以 , 相应地popular a. 受欢迎的 , 俗的;大众的★ accounting n.会计;会计学humanity n.人文学科 , 人类 , 仁爱;人道 ethnic a. 民族的;种族的enroll v. 登记;注册★ enrollment n.注册(或登记人数 , 登记;注册elementary a. 初级的;小学的 , 基本的; 基础的secondary a. (教育中等的 , 次要的★ specialization n. 专门研究;专修★ maturity n.成熟corporation n.公司agency n. 机构 , 代理机构confine n. 界限;范围 , 把 ... 限制于 occupation n. 工作;职业render vt. 给予;提供 , 使得;使成为 institution n. 机构★ revelation n.泄露;揭示 , 所揭露的事★ deduction n.扣除;扣除额preferable a. 更好的;更合适的 civilization n. 文明incredible a. 难以置信的contribution n.贡献 , 捐助;捐款artistic a. 艺术的;与艺术有关的diverse a.不同的;多样的wisdom n. 智慧;睿智union n.工会;联合会 , 联合;合并 accumulate vt.积累depict vt. 描绘;描述puzzle vt. 使迷惑;使费解 , 难题;谜 distinguish v. 辨别;区分roommate n.室友;住同室的人classical a. 古典的youngster n.年轻人expansion n.扩大;扩张;膨胀scholar n.学者motivate vt.激励;激发prospect n.前程;前途 , 可能性accountant n.会计,会计师domestic a.家的;家庭的 , 国内的;本国的 equality n.平等;同等;均等comparison n. 比较preference n.偏爱; 更喜欢 , 喜爱物, 偏爱物 traditional a. 传统的proportion n.部分 , 比例,比率construct vt. 建造;构筑vision n. 想象;构想;设想 , 视力;视觉 gang n.一伙;一帮swell (swelled, swollen v. 增加 , 增大; 膨胀;肿胀industrial a.工业的periodical n.期刊;杂志 , 周期性的 ariation n.变异;变化的东西forecast n. 预言;预测;预报absence n. 缺乏;没有;缺席plausible a.有道理的;可能正确的gloomy a.无望的; 令人沮丧的 , 昏暗的; 阴暗的implicit a. 暗示的;含蓄的principal a. 重要的;主要的 , 校长;院长 economical a.经济的,节约的economically ad.经济上 , 节约地;节俭地 dominant a.占统治地位的;支配的asset n.财产;资产grind (ground, ground v. 缓慢运转;缓慢移动 , 碾碎;磨成粉末eliminate vt.消除;根除display vt. 显露;表现 , 陈列;展览Unit 9standpoint a. 立场;观点tender a.温柔的;亲切的equivalent n.等同物;对应物 , 相等的; 对等的bamboo n. 竹子torture n.拷打;折磨Christ inter. 天啊 , 基督;耶稣基督utter vt. 说;讲 , 完全的;十足的scatter v.(使分散; (使散开insane a.患精神病的;疯狂的grocer n.食品杂货商;杂货铺店员deceive vt. 欺骗missile n. 导弹ambitious a.雄心勃勃的;充满野心的 identification n.识别;辨认revolve v.(使旋转intermediate a. 中级的;中等程度的 advanced a.高级的,先进的lap vt. 舔食 , (水拍打monstrous a. 残忍的;可怕的refugee n.难民corruption n.腐败fascinate vt.强烈吸引,迷住▲ humiliate vt.使丢脸;使蒙羞 sympathize vi.. 同情;体谅diplomat n. 外交官embassy n.大使馆全体官员;大使馆oval a. 椭圆形的journalist n.新闻记者considering prep. 考虑到★ onward a.&ad.向前的 (地 ; 前进的 (地 correspond vi. 相符;相一致 , 通信marginal a.微小的;少量的 , 边缘的 concession n.承认,认可 , 让步keen a.渴望的;热衷的 , 强烈的 nuisance n.讨厌的人或东西thrill n. 兴奋,激动 , 使激动;使兴奋 fantasy n.幻想depart vi.启程;离开scheme n.计划;规划summit n.顶点;顶峰namely ad.即;也就是overall a. 全面的forevermore ad.永远New Wordsimmigrant n移民disabled a. 残疾的supervise v.监督;指导hearing n. 听力evidently ad. 明显地ownership n. 所有权;拥有loan n.贷款software n.(计算机软件silicon n.硅integrate vt. 使合并;使结合 microcomputer n.微型计算机Inc. abbr. (公司的股份有限的 gamble n.打赌;赌博meantime n. 其间;同时honorable a. 可敬的;高尚的undertake vt.承担;许诺sponsor vt. 赞助;资助 , 赞助者★ affordable a.平价的;廉价的rarely ad. 很少scope n.范围★ non-profit a.(组织非营利性的 regarding prep.关于disability n.缺陷;残疾present vt. 展示;呈现;提交 , 出席的;在场的characterize vt. 描述 ... 的特征bulk n.大部分;多半reference n.提及;谈到 , 参考;查阅 productivity n.生产率;生产力quantity n. 量;数量applicant n.申请人 skilled a.有技术的;熟练的oblige vt. 强迫;迫使equation n.方程式;等式 , 等同;相等 simplify vt. 简化abnormal a.反常的guarantee vt.确保,保证relevant a.有关的;相关的margin a.富余;余地 , 页边的空白 abundant a.大量的;充裕的offense n.冒犯;得罪过错assumption n. 假设;假定unemployment n. 失业 , 失业人数exclude vt.不包括;排除deserve vt. 应得;应受 , 值得Phrases and Expressionsprefer... to... 更喜爱;宁可apply for 申请pay off 获益;得到回报in the meantime与此同时;在此期间 with reference to 关于due to 因为,由于look at 考虑;思考be obliged to do sth.有责任或义务做某事 fill up填满;装满take offense (at sth. (对某事生气; (因某事而见怪Unit 10survival n. 生存;幸存accent n.口音;腔调sorrow n. 悲伤,悲痛suffering n.痛苦;问题ancient a.古老的endure vt.忍受,忍耐 , 持续;持久raid n.突袭;袭击channel n. 海峡; 航道 , 电视频道 , 途径; 渠道cast vt.将(光线、影子投射到cliff n. 悬崖;峭壁invade v.侵略;侵犯 , 干扰;marshal n.元帅surrender vi.投降 , (被迫交出;放弃 royal a.王室的;皇家的hammer vt.锤子;榔头daylight n.白天,白昼historic a. 历史性的radar n.雷达▲ siren n. 汽笛;警报器▲ wail vi. 发出尖叫声agony n.极大的痛苦punishment n.惩罚,处罚crash n.破裂声;哗啦声 , 猛撞;撞毁 spit (spat, spat 喷出;喷射 , 吐痰 commute vi. 上下班往返suburb n.郊区dairy n. 牛奶场;乳品店heroic a.英雄的;英勇的resolution n. 坚决;决心解决handful n. 1. [sing.] a small number (of people or things 少数,少量 , 一把 flock n. 一群 , 群集★ exhaustion n. 筋疲力尽;疲惫 smash v. 打碎;破碎cellar n. 地下室rescue vt.救援;营救underneath prep. 在 ... 下面,在 ... 底下★ wreckage n. 残骸whichever 无论哪个;无论哪些decent a. 得体的;正派的ally vt. 使结盟 , 盟国 , 同盟国的New Wordsdot n.点;小圆点 , 加小点drift vi.飘动;漂流explode vi. 爆炸 , 急剧增加;激增 lightning n. 闪电outward ad. 向外weed v. 除杂草stagger vi. 蹒跚;摇晃expose vt.使暴露 , 揭露;将 ... 暴光 , 暴露的;未受保护的luxury n.奢侈;奢华 , 奢侈品sector n. 区域 , 部门;行业thunder vi.打雷;发出雷鸣般的响声 , 雷; 雷声heir n. 继承人layout n.布局;安排mat n. 席子;垫子 limb n.肢;翼flesh n.肉; 果肉chap n.小伙子glimpse n. 一瞥bandage n.绷带sway vi.摇摆;摇动slope n. 山坡 , 斜坡uneasy a.心神不安的;担心的 heal v.(使愈合; (使康复 radiation n.(核辐射atomic a.原子的dizzy a. 头晕目眩的gum n.牙龈 , 口香糖bowel n. (~s 肠ghost n. 幽灵;鬼historical a.历史上的break off (使折断 , 中止;中断。



Unit1raise a glass to :express good wishes to向…祝贺,为…干杯turn out :1.dress(sb.)well打扮,装饰 2.appear 露面,出现buy up :buy all or as much as possible(of sth. ) 全部买进,尽量收购bring …to life : give…liveliness 使有活力(或生气)live out :do or experience 过某种生活bring...into court : make a charge against sb.控告,起诉fall upon dark days : be in difficulties and troubles遭到不幸,倒霉stick by sb.: continue to support and be loyal to sb.(esp. through difficult times)继续支持,忠于(尤指困难时刻)add on : include附加,加上sink...into : invest(money)in a business投资fix up : repair ; redecorate整修,修理make...into : change...into 使转变为sell sth. at a loss : sell sth. at less than it costs 亏本出售Unit2lead to : have (sth.) as the result 导致bounce back : start feeling better or stronger after experiencing problems or unhappiness恢复正常,恢复过来in general : mostly; usually 大体上;通常up to : as a maximum number or amount 至多,多达,直到take in : absorb into the body by breathing or swallowing 吸入,吞入at risk : in danger 处于危险之中tip over the edge : bring about a noticeable change; (cause to )develop into another status 引起显著变化;(使)进入另一种状态out of breath : breathing very quickly (e.g. after running) 呼吸急促,气喘吁吁add sth. to : put sth. together with sth. else 加,增加,添加throw up : be sick; vomit (sth. such as food) 恶心,呕吐go up : become higher in price level etc.; rise (价格、水平等)升高,上升sum up : summarize briefly 概括,总结Unit3see sb. / sth. as : consider sb. or sth. to be 认为某人或某物是…prepare sb. for sth. : make sb. ready for sth. 使做好准备spread (sth.) to : (cause sth. to) become widely known (使)传播be willing to do : have no objection to doing sth. 愿意做某事,不反对做某事spend sth. on sth./(in) doing sth. : use time or money for a purpose 在…上花费时间或金钱be scheduled to do : be arranged to do 被安排,定于over protest : despite opposition 在有异议的情况下take responsibility for : be responsible for 对…负责任complete with : including; fully supplied with 包括,备有do one`s utmost : try as much as one can 竭尽全力work out : 1.plan develop or produce by a process of thought 计划,设计,想出2.find the answer to sth. 解决难题,找到…的方法focus (sth.) on : concentrate (sth.) on (使)集中于kind of : slightly; to some extent 有点,有几分Unit4work on sth. : have sth. as the subject of thought or effort 从事于,致力于be in love with sb. : feel affection and desire for sb. 与…恋爱,相爱approve of sth. : say show or feel that sth. is good 赞成,称许,满意go ahead : continue; advance 继续,进行for sale : intended to be sold 出售,待售come up with : find or produce (an answer a solution etc.) 找到,想出(答案、解决办法等)rise to fame : become famous 成名name after sb. : give (sb./ sth.) the name of sb. as an honor 以某人姓名命名save sb./ sth. from : prevent sb./ sth. from having or doing sth. bad 拯救,使免于go against : be opposed to or contrary to 与…相反,违背run away from : suddenly leave or escape from sb. or a place 突然离开,逃离Unit5the pit of the stomach : the hollow place just below the bones of the chest specially thought of as being the place where fear is felt 胸口,心窝hang around sth. : (cause to) swing from or round sth. (使)在…上挂着,(使)围在…上so that : with the aim that; in order that 为的是,以便reach for : stretch one`s hand in order to touch or take 伸出手以触到或拿到feel for : search with the hands the feet a stick etc. (用手、足、棍等)摸索,寻找turn toward(s) : change position or direction so as to face the particular direction 转向bend to : bow to a specific direction 俯向make an attempt to do sth. : make an effort to do sth. 尝试,企图go about doing sth. : start to work at sth.; set about doing sth.着手处理,开始做provide for sth. : make arrangements to deal with sth. that might happen in the future 为可能发生的事做安排/准备pick sb. up : take hold of and lift sb. 举起,抱起pull up : pull sth. forward 把…拉过来,把…拉向前Unit6watch...for : look at or observe sth. for 留意,观察come out of : leave 离开,从...出来after all : 1.(used for reminding sb. of a certain fact) it must be remembered 应该记住,别忘了;2.in spite of everything毕竟终究attach sth. to sth. : fasten or join sth. to sth.将某物系在、敷在或附在另一物上in addition (to) : as an extra person thing or situation (to) 加之;除...之外at work : at the place where one works; doing work在工作的地方;在工作put out : cause to stop burning熄灭扑灭turn off : stop the flow of (electricity gas water etc.)by turning a tap etc.关上(电源,煤气,水等),关闭agree on : have the same opinion about 就达成一致意见be busy with : have much to do ; work on 忙于,忙碌check in : report one`s arrival as at a hotel desk airport etc.登记,报到make a difference : have an effect on sb. or sth.对某人或物)有影响、起作用向…祝贺,为…干杯turn out :1.dress(sb.)well打扮,装饰 2.appear 露面,出现buy up :buy all or as much as possible(of sth. ) 全部买进,尽量收购bring …to life : give…liveliness 使有活力(或生气)live out :do or experience 过某种生活bring...into court : make a charge against sb.控告,起诉fall upon dark days : be in difficulties and troubles遭到不幸,倒霉stick by sb.: continue to support and be loyal to sb.(esp. through difficult times)继续支持,忠于(尤指困难时刻)add on : include附加,加上sink...into : invest(money)in a business投资fix up : repair ; redecorate整修,修理make...into : change...into 使转变为sell sth. at a loss : sell sth. at less than it costs 亏本出售Unit2lead to : have (sth.) as the result 导致bounce back : start feeling better or stronger after experiencing problems or unhappiness恢复正常,恢复过来in general : mostly; usually 大体上;通常up to : as a maximum number or amount 至多,多达,直到take in : absorb into the body by breathing or swallowing 吸入,吞入at risk : in danger 处于危险之中tip over the edge : bring about a noticeable change; (cause to )develop into another status 引起显著变化;(使)进入另一种状态out of breath : breathing very quickly (e.g. after running) 呼吸急促,气喘吁吁add sth. to : put sth. together with sth. else 加,增加,添加throw up : be sick; vomit (sth. such as food) 恶心,呕吐go up : become higher in price level etc.; rise (价格、水平等)升高,上升sum up : summarize briefly 概括,总结Unit3see sb. / sth. as : consider sb. or sth. to be 认为某人或某物是…prepare sb. for sth. : make sb. ready for sth. 使做好准备spread (sth.) to : (cause sth. to) become widely known (使)传播be willing to do : have no objection to doing sth. 愿意做某事,不反对做某事spend sth. on sth./(in) doing sth. : use time or money for a purpose 在…上花费时间或金钱be scheduled to do : be arranged to do 被安排,定于over protest : despite opposition 在有异议的情况下take responsibility for : be responsible for 对…负责任complete with : including; fully supplied with 包括,备有do one`s utmost : try as much as one can 竭尽全力work out : 1.plan develop or produce by a process of thought 计划,设计,想出2.find the answer to sth. 解决难题,找到…的方法focus (sth.) on : concentrate (sth.) on (使)集中于kind of : slightly; to some extent 有点,有几分Unit4work on sth. : have sth. as the subject of thought or effort 从事于,致力于be in love with sb. : feel affection and desire for sb. 与…恋爱,相爱approve of sth. : say show or feel that sth. is good 赞成,称许,满意go ahead : continue; advance 继续,进行for sale : intended to be sold 出售,待售come up with : find or produce (an answer a solution etc.) 找到,想出(答案、解决办法等)rise to fame : become famous 成名name after sb. : give (sb./ sth.) the name of sb. as an honor 以某人姓名命名save sb./ sth. from : prevent sb./ sth. from having or doing sth. bad 拯救,使免于go against : be opposed to or contrary to 与…相反,违背run away from : suddenly leave or escape from sb. or a place 突然离开,逃离Unit5the pit of the stomach : the hollow place just below the bones of the chest specially thought of as being the place where fear is felt 胸口,心窝hang around sth. : (cause to) swing from or round sth. (使)在…上挂着,(使)围在…上so that : with the aim that; in order that 为的是,以便reach for : stretch one`s hand in order to touch or take 伸出手以触到或拿到feel for : search with the hands the feet a stick etc. (用手、足、棍等)摸索,寻找turn toward(s) : change position or direction so as to face the particular direction 转向bend to : bow to a specific direction 俯向make an attempt to do sth. : make an effort to do sth. 尝试,企图go about doing sth. : start to work at sth.; set about doing sth.着手处理,开始做provide for sth. : make arrangements to deal with sth. that might happen in the future 为可能发生的事做安排/准备pick sb. up : take hold of and lift sb. 举起,抱起pull up : pull sth. forward 把…拉过来,把…拉向前Unit6watch...for : look at or observe sth. for 留意,观察come out of : leave 离开,从...出来after all : 1.(used for reminding sb. of a certain fact) it must be remembered 应该记住,别忘了;2.in spite of everything毕竟终究attach sth. to sth. : fasten or join sth. to sth.将某物系在、敷在或附在另一物上in addition (to) : as an extra person thing or situation (to) 加之;除...之外at work : at the place where one works; doing work在工作的地方;在工作put out : cause to stop burning熄灭扑灭turn off : stop the flow of (electricity gas water etc.)by turning a tap etc.关上(电源,煤气,水等),关闭agree on : have the same opinion about 就达成一致意见be busy with : have much to do ; work on 忙于,忙碌check in : report one`s arrival as at a hotel desk airport etc.登记,报到make a difference : have an effect on sb. or sth.对某人或物)有影响、起作用。



新视野大学英语短语总汇大学英语常用高频短语1.be well worth sth./doing sth. 值得…的2.not only…but also…不仅……而且……3.far from 一点都不4.a couple of 两三个5.get access to 可以使用,获得6.keep up with 跟上,不落后7.feel like sth./doing sth. 想要,想做8.give up 停止,放弃/doc/94794631.html,e across 偶然遇上10.reap the benefits of 获得益处,得到好处11.trade…for 用…换12.paticipate in 参加13.now that 既然,由于14.reach out to 接触,联系15.play a role in 起……作用16.be/become aware of 对……清楚17.in addition 另外,加之18.reflect on 深思,考虑,反省19.allow for 考虑到,顾及,为…留出余地20.blast forth (声音)突然响起来21.along with 一道22.turn off 关23.burst into 匆匆进入/突然爆发24.over and over 一次次25.reach for 伸手去抓26.turn up 增大(声音,火焰等)27.turn down 减小(声音,火焰等)28.as well as 和,以及,还有29.turn on 开,打开30.as usual 与往常一样31.that much 那么……32.bolt out 匆匆离开33.in peace and quiet 平静地34.make one’s blood boil 使(某人)生气35.ger rid of 清除/驱赶,消除36.the knots in one’s stomach 不安37.go too far 走极端38.drop out of 退出39.talk over 商量40.grow up 成长,长大41.start out 出发42.make it 及时赶到43.even if 即使,虽然44.subject to 使……遭受45.now that 既然46.even though 虽说,即使47.in some way 以某种方式48.have a good time 过得愉快49.break out 爆发,突然发生50.on leave 休假51.see to 照料,务必做到,务须/doc/94794631.html,e to 苏醒,恢复知觉53.now and again 不时地,有时候54.call for 要求55.set out 出发56.for a while 一会儿,有一段时间57.pay no attention to 不注意,没留意58.now and then 不时地,有时候,时时59.with that 接着,于是60.on one’s way to 在路上61.turn out 结果是,证明是62.ma ke up one’s mind 下定决心,打定主意63.range from…to…从…到…(范围或幅度内)变化64.focus on 使(注意力)集中在65.drive sb.crazy 逼得某人发疯或受不了66.at one’s best 处于最佳状态,在全盛时期/doc/94794631.html,municate with 与…交谈,与…交流68.lighten up 放松,不要生气69.take…seriously 认真地对待/doc/94794631.html,ck of 缺乏,不足71.find out 找出,查明,发现72.actions speak louder than words行动比语言更响亮;事实胜于雄辩73.in relation to 有关,关于74.become/be acquainted with 与……相识,了解75.pick up 获得/学会76.in part 在某种程度上;部分77.account for 作出解释,提出理由,说明78.be/feel at home 感到无拘束,感到熟悉79.be content with 对……感到满足80.a wealth of 大量的,丰富的81.be infected with 感染(疾病)82.in place of 代替83.suffer from 受…之苦,患(某种疾病)84.pass out 分发/晕倒85.as a result 因此,结果86.at risk 有危险,有风险87.regardless of 不顾,不管88.the solution to …的解答;解决…的办法89.threaten to do sth. 扬言要……90.distract…from 使分心91.sign up(for sth.) 报名参加;签约参加工作(或组织)92.in haste 匆忙93.prior to 在……之前94.make it 成功地做某事95.start with 从……开始96.assist(sb.with) sth. 帮助做某事97.share with 分享98.part of 一部分,一份99.fill with 充满100.define…as 界定,定义为101.mistake for 误当作102.fill one’s need 满足需要103.bring up 提起104.save from 保留;抢救;使免于105.make the rounds 串门拜访,四处走动106.go with 与……相配107.Who are you to say…?你有什么权利说……?你竟敢说……?108.boast about 吹牛,吹嘘109.stay away from 别靠近110.stay at 保留;待在111.contrary to 与……相反112.look down on/upon 蔑视;不赞成113.be in for 免不了遭受114.hold water 可证为事实;站得住脚115.call for 要求116.face to face(with) 面对面的/地;无法逃避,只能去处理117.pull into (车)停靠;驶向(一旁等)118.as if 好像119.attach to 系在……上;连接到……上120.rather than 而不121.have mercy on someone 可怜某人122.get to one’s feet 站起来123.look through 浏览;仔细检查124.be out of control 失去控制125.eat(away)at 逐渐毁掉,侵蚀126.be immune to 不受…影响的,对…有免疫力的127.believe in 相信…可行,相信…的真实性;信任128.be capable of 有能力做,能做129.hear of 听说130.in front of 在……前面;在……面前131.at the sight of 一看见132.sleep on sth. 暂时不做决定,过一晚再作决定133.a gift from the gods 不期而获134.depend on 依靠,依赖135.write down 写下来136.be occupied with 忙于做,专心于137.seek for 寻找138.as though 好像,俨然139.take shape 成型140.put into 表达141.at work 在起作用142.arrive at 达成(协议);得到(结论)143.search for 搜索,寻找144.fill sb.with sth. 使充满(感情)145.right away 立刻146.act upon 依照……行动/doc/94794631.html,e one’s way发生在某人身上,可以被某人利用148.fall asleep 睡着149.take advantage of 利用150.at once 同时151.set sth.in motion 使……运转起来152.back and forth 来回,前后153.take up 开始,着手做154.tap dancing 踢踏舞155.impose on(upon) 强加于156.work on(upon) 努力做……157.more and more 越来越……158.pay for 因……而受苦/付钱购买……159.bill for 因……送交某人账单或罚单160.start up 开办,开设161.on average 平均162.at risk 冒险163.change from 由……变来164.under siege 被包围165.at an alarming rate 以惊人的速度166.wash away (被洪水)破坏167.involve in 使卷入,陷入168.May…愿……169.middle point 中间道路;折中170.sell out(to) 背叛事业或立场171.at hand 即将到来;近在手边/在考虑之中172.in short supply 缺货;短缺173.the bottom line 重要因素;关键的东西174.demand of 期待,要求175.consist of 由……组成176.stand for 主张;相信/承受;忍受/代表177.account for 对(钱等)东西做交代/说明,解释(原因)178.think of 考虑;为……设想/回想,想起/想像179.do fine 干得很好180.give(the) credit 赞扬181.rely on/upon 依赖;依靠182.feel good 感觉好183.engage in 参与/使关心184.in other words 换言之185.win the day 赢;成功186.for free 免费187.hand over 递交188.do the trick 达到目的189.get/have access to 有权得到,使用等190.hail as 称赞……为……191.figure out 理解/想出,得出192.get off 搬移;取走193.a little bit 有点194.be inclined to 倾向于;容易(做)195.sort of 有点;有几分196.make the most of 充分利用常用高频短语1.result in 导致,致使,造成……的结果2.nothing but 只有,除......以外什么也不3.account for 解释,说明4.sand in the hourglass 沙漏中的沙5.in a rush 匆忙的6.under pressure 在压力下,在强力下7.go with 同时发生,伴随8.work at 工作,从事于,钻研9.save for 储存,储蓄10.at hand 正考虑的;在附近,在手边,临近的11.in person 亲身,亲自12.due to 由于,因为13.be worthy of 值得的,配的上的14.adjust to 使适应(新环境),适应15.be familiar to 为...所熟悉的;常见(听)到的16. culture shock 文化冲击,文化震撼(在陌生的文化环境中不知所措)17.in the stage 在...阶段,在...时期18.be tired of 讨厌,不耐烦,厌烦19.separate from 使分离,分开20.prevent from 阻止,防止21.deal with 处理,对付/doc/94794631.html,e to 达到某状态23.recover from 从...恢复到正常状态24.go through 通过;完成(某阶段)25.concert with 忙于,从事,关心26.regardless of 不顾,不管27.spring up 迅速(或突然)出现,发生,长出28.take measures to 采取措施,采取办法29.as a result of 因......30. aim at 意欲或试图做31.agree to 同意,允诺,赞成32.set up 建立,创立33.lead to 导致34.cash crop 经济作物35.birth control 节育36.open field 旷野37.in fact 事实上,实际上38.on top of 在......之上39.work on 致力于40.power line 电力线,输电线41.coordinate one’s effort to 齐心努力42.clean up 清扫,收拾,清理43.up to 多达,直到44.for instance 例如45.wash away (指水)洗掉,冲走46.lead into 通往,通向47.ups and downs 好运和坏运的交替,盛衰;浮沉48.work out 按某种方式发展;结果为49.for a time 暂时,一度50.meet with 遭遇,受到;经历51.all long 始终;从开始一直52.have nothing to do with 与......无关;不跟......往来53.on the surface 表面上,外表上,从表面上看54.at one’s worst 最差的一面55.learn of 获悉,听说;认识到56.take care of 负责,处理/doc/94794631.html,e up with 找到,想出(答案,解决方法等)58.win over 争得,(别人的)支持或恩惠59.from head to toe 从头到脚,浑身上下60.think of 有......看法(想法)61.hold one’s breath 屏息62.proceed to do 继续做,继续进行63.even though 纵然......也;即使64.put sb.on bed 安置某人睡觉65.hit it of 相处得很好66.at one’s glance 乍看,最初看到时67.as long as 只要68.live through 经历,经受住69.dream of 想象,梦想,向往70.plan on 为......做准备71.work out 设计,计划72.deoend on 视......而定73.hit the target 达到目的;申请74.in the event of 如果......发生75.take on 决定做;承担工作/doc/94794631.html,ck of 缺乏,缺少,不足77.take along 带着(人或物),带走(人或物)78.to (one’s) capacity 满座的,满载的79.leave behind 留下(某人或某物)80.from then on 从那以后81.in turn 依次,逐个地82.all the longer 更长83.(be) full of 满的,充满...的,装满...的84.know about (sth ) 知道有关...的情况85.bring with (sth ) 拿来,取来,带来86.pay for 付给,付款87.divide into 划分,分别,分开88.make a fortune 发财89.dress sb in 给......穿衣服90.with a heavy heart 心情沉重,不开心91.make sure 查明,证实,了解清楚92.after all 究竟,终究,毕竟93.close at hand 近在手边,在附近94.pick up 拿起,举起95.be grateful for 对...感激,对...致谢96.be dressed in 穿着97.couple with 把...和...联系在一起98.die from 由于(除疾病,感情以外的原因)而死亡99.lean on 倚,靠100.Third World countries 第三世界国家101.direct at 旨在引起注意,针对102.starve of(使)因缺乏而受困苦,渴望,(使)丧失103.struggle to do 奋斗,挣扎104.die of 因(疾病,情感等)而死105.pack with 塞进,挤进106.make a point 提出论点107.take …for granted 认为真实,视为理所当然108.hold down 保住(工作)109.attempt to do 试做,尝试,企图110.along with 与......一道111.make fun of 嘲笑,奚落112.stand up to 勇敢面对;经得起,承受得起113.give in 认输,屈服,投降114.to some degree 在某种程度上115.on demand 一经要求116.turn over a new leaf 悔过自新,洗心革面,重心做人117.keep on doing 继续做118.in the end 最后,终于119.fill out 填写120.for better or worse 不管结果好坏121.convey to 表达(思想感情);转达122.attach sth to sth 使与...相关联123.even so 虽然这样,然而,不过124.turn down 拒绝,驳回125.blind date (第三方安排)男女间初次见面/doc/94794631.html,e up to 走进,移动127.press for sth 反复请求,紧急请求128.be ill at ease 不自由,困窘129.free from 不具...的,未受危险伤害的130.bu guilty of 对......有罪责131.take charge of 负责管理,对...负责132.stick with sth 坚持;无法摆脱133.go to great lengths to do 竭尽全力去做134.be inappropriate for 不适当的,不合适的135.act sth out 实行,(把想法等)付诸行动136.speak of sth 表明,暗示137.turn out 证实是,原来是138.turn sb off (从...)撵走,逐走(某人或某物)139.turn out 不理会,不理睬140.up to sth 能做,胜任141.more or less 几乎,差不多142.follow one’s track 跟着143.apart from 除开,撇开,除...以外144.blow one’s cover 露,暴露145.out of character 不合...个性的146.turn to sb 转向(某人),扭向(某人)147.be out of control 失去控制,不听约束148.blood pressure 血压149.blow one’s top 大发雷霆150.stir in one’s own juice 受煎熬151.blow apart 爆发152.on one’s trail 在...路上153.cut down 减少...的数量154.keep sth in mind 记住155.other than 除了156.on the other hand 另一方面157.suffer from 患有(疾病等),为...所有158.to the contrary (表示或证明)相反地159.burn the midnight oil (学习,工作)到深夜,开夜车160.at risk 处于危险之中161.tend to do sth 倾向于,易于,往往会162.rack up 积累,积聚,逐步增加163.the Store Age 石器时代164.fear for 担心,忧虑165.tie to 使联系在一起;使依附于166.escape from 逃脱,逃避167.at work 在工作的地方,在工作168.devote to 献身于,致力于,专心于/doc/94794631.html,e in 出现,发生170.put all one’s eggs in one basket 孤注一掷171.if only (表示强烈的愿望)但愿,真希望172.according to 根据173.be well off 经济充裕,富裕174.at a law 处于低水平(或数字)175.be fond of 很喜欢,很喜爱176.be proud of 为......感到自豪177.arrive at 达成,得出178.be meant to do nn 应做179.read of 通过阅读发现(或查明)180.go on strike 举行罢工181.in the long run 从长远的观点来看;终究,最后182.the good old days 过去的好时光183.whether or not 是否,无论是不是,不管184.play (it) safe 稳扎稳打,小心行事185.no wonder 不令人吃惊,难怪186.be happy with 对...感到满意,对...感到愉快187.civil servant 文职人员,公务员188.in short 总之,简言之189.by comparison 比较起来190.associate with 联合,联系191.inner city 市中心区,老城区,内城192.at large 全部,整个193.protect sb/sth from sth 防御,保护194.grind to a halt (指过程)慢慢停止195.in general 主要地,大部分,通常196.on top 处于领先地位197.talk of 谈论,提及198.throw sth out 扔掉,处理掉某物199.thumbs up 伸出大拇指表示接受或赞成的手势200.speak of 谈及,提到,讲到201.foot the bill 付帐202.in the hope that 怀者......希望203.keep pace with (与...)同速前进,(与...)并驾齐驱204.in other words 换句话说,也就是说205.in the meantime (与此)同时206.hold water (指辩论,辩解,理论等)经得起检验,站得住脚207.in favor of 支持,赞同208.call for 要求,需求209.drain sb/sth of sth 使逐渐耗尽(力量,金钱等)210.get into 被允许进入211.seek to do sth 试图做,企图做212.engage in sth 从事...... 213.participate in 参与,参加214.push drugs 贩卖毒品215.on assount of 因为216.keep out (使)不进入;(使)远离217.drop in 顺便拜访218.ahead of time (比原定时间)提早219.on vacation 度假220.a couple of 几个221.let in 让......进来,使......入内222.have no intention of doing sth 没有意图做(某事)223.on grounds of 出于......的原因224.get away with sth 不因某事受惩罚225.night after night 一夜又一夜地,连夜地226.no matter what 不论什么227.drive sb/sth off 击退,赶走228.be sure of sth 确信会获得,赢得229.in broad daylight 大白天;光天化日之下230.carry on 继续231.bring under control 控制,使就范232.on the air 开始广播(或电视转播)233.take in 把(某物)拿进来234.keep sb from doing sth 阻止235.watch for 留意,当心236.put out 扑灭,熄灭237.mark down 记下来,写下来238.break (sth) off (使)折断239.sink into 陷入(不活跃或不愉快的状态)240.wanting in sth 不够,不足241.expect of 对(某人)有...期望,指望(某人做)242.remain of 从......留下,剩下243.to bits 成为碎片244.make for 向......前进245.take sb in 收留246.be seized with 被(强烈的感情,愿望等)影响247.keep on doing sth 继续做248.go into 开始以某种方式行动或表现常用高频短语1.raise a glass to 向…祝贺,为……干杯2.turn out 1.打扮,装饰 2.露面,出现3.buy up 全部买进,尽量收购4.bring…to life 使有活力(或生气)5.live out 过(某种生活)6.bring…into court 控告,起诉7.fall upon dark days 遭到不幸,倒霉8.stick by sb. 继续支持,忠于(尤指困难时)9.add on 附加,加上10.sink…into 投资11.fix up 修理,整修12.make…into 使转变为13.sell sth.at a loss 亏本出售14.read about 借助阅读发现或查明15.for one thing (用以列举理由)首先;一则16.in the night 在夜晚,在半夜17.make an appointment 预约,约会18.switch on 接通(电源),开启/doc/94794631.html,e on (电灯、电力机器等)开,开动,运转20.raise the devil 非常生气,大声抱怨21.check on 检查,核实,调查22.answer the door 应声开门23.point (sth.) at 瞄准,对着24.stare after 目不转睛地追随(某人),以凝视的目光随着(某人)移动25.lead to 导致26.bounce back 恢复正常,恢复过来27. in general 大体上;通常28.up to 至多,多达,直到29.take in 吸入,吞入30.at risk 处于危险之中31.tip over the edge 引起显著变化;(使)进入另一种状态32.out of breath 呼吸急促,气喘吁吁33.add sth.to 加,增加,添加34.throw up 恶心,呕吐35.go up (价格、水平等)升高,上升36.sum up 概括,总结37.separate…into 将……分为38.obstacle course 越障训练;(喻)困难重重的事39.go through 完成,通过40.in contrast 相比之下41.apply to 适用于42.focus on 集中于43.engage (oneself) in 从事,忙于44.point to 表示,表明45.see sb./sth.as 认为某人或某物是…46.prepare sb.for sth. 使作好准备47.spread (sth.) to (使)传播48.be willing to do 不反对做某事49.spend sth.on sth/(in)doing sth.在…上花费时间或金钱50.be scheduled to do 被安排,定于51.over protest 在有异议的情况下52.take responsibility for 对…负责任/doc/94794631.html,plete with 包括,备有54.do one's utmost 竭尽全力55.work out 1.计划,设计,想出2.解决难题,找到…的方法56.focus (sth.) on (使)集中于57.kind of 有点,有几分58.cone to grips with 着手解决(问题)或对付(挑战)59.work for 为…工作,受雇于…60.in contrast to 对比,比照61.in some way 在某种意义上;有一点,有些62.be related to 与…相关,与…有联系63.distringuish from 与…相区别64.set up 造成,生产65.fall through 失败,成为泡影66.owing to 因为,由于67.press for 反复请求,紧急要求68.wonder at 对…感到惊讶,惊叹/doc/94794631.html,g behind 走得慢,落后70.in a pinch 必要时71.exert oneself 努力72.work on sth. 从事于,致力于73.be in love with sb. 与…恋爱,相爱74.approve of sth. 赞成,称许,满意75.go ahead 继续;进行76.for sale 出售,待售/doc/94794631.html,e up with 找到,想出(答案、解决办法等)78.rise to fame 成名/doc/94794631.html, after sb. 以某种姓名命名80.save sb./sth.from 拯救,使免于81.go against 与…相反,违背82.run away from 突然离开,逃离83.turn down 拒绝,驳回84.be suited to 适合于85.appear on 在…上出现86.with an eye to 关注87.be comprised of 由……组成88.dress up 穿着盛装89.go out (离家)去参加社交活动90.be influential in 对……有影响91.bother with 为…操心,为…费心92.make a living 谋生,营生93.show up 出现94.have/keep/with one's feet(planted/set) on the ground实事求是(的),脚踏实地(的)95.grow up (指人或动物)长大,成年96.date back to 始于(某时期)97.take off (思想、产品)突然受欢迎,流行98.the pit of the stomach 胸口,心窝99.hang around sth. (使)在……上挂着,(使)围在……上100.so that 为的是,以便101.reach for 伸出手以触到或拿到102.feel for (用手、足、棍等)摸索,寻找103.turn toward(s) 转向104.bend to 俯向105.make an attempt to do sth. 企图,尝试106.go about doing sth. 着手处理,开始做107.provide for sth. 为可能发生的事捉安排/准备108.pick sb.up 举起,抱起109.pull up 把…拉过来,把…拉向前110.make oneself understood 使他人明白自己的意思,说清楚自己的意思111.on one's own 1.单独,独自 2.独立的112.be dependent on 依赖,依靠113.treat with 以…治疗,以…治病114.go on (情况、形势、状态等)持续不变/doc/94794631.html,e along 到达,出现116.on the one hand…on the other hand…一方面……另一方面……117.condemn sb.to sth. 使某人做不愿做的事,把某人逼入某种状态118.take its course 任其自然发展,按常规进行119.fight off 抵抗,击退,避开120.be responsible for 对…负有责任121.in vain 无结果地,无用地/doc/94794631.html,e by 努力获得123.chances are(that)……可能……124.confront with 使面对(问题、挑战等)125.die of 死于126.cone down to 归结为,实质上是127.bar…from 禁止某人做某事128.watch…for 留意,观察/doc/94794631.html,e out of 离开,从…出来130.after all 1.应该记住,别忘了 2.毕竟,终究131.attach sth.to sth. 将某物系在、缚在或附在另一物上132.in additiong(to) 加之,除…之外133.at work 在工作的地方;在工作134.put out 熄灭,扑灭135.turn off 关上(电源、煤气、水等),关闭136.aggree on 就…达成一致意见137.be busy with 忙于,忙碌138.check in 登记,报到139.make a difference (对某人或物)有影响/起作用/doc/94794631.html,pared to/with 跟……相比141.in other words 换句话说,也就是说142.in accordance with 依照,与…一致143 be formed from 由…构成,由…做成144.take to 1.开始(从事)2.喜欢上3.逃入,躲藏于145.in terms of 就……而言146.bring about 使发生147.out of proportion to sth. 与…极不成比例的,大大超过…的148.survive on 靠…活下来,靠…生存149.so much 这么多(表示未明确指出的数或量)/doc/94794631.html,e up 用光,用尽151.in harmony with 与…协调一致,与…相配152.take advantage of 利用153.hunger for sth. 得到某事物的渴望154.live with 接受,容忍155.be ignorant of 不知道,不了解156.give back 归还157.take away 拿走,带走158.go out of style 过时,不再时兴159.offer sth.to sb. 向某人提供,向某人提出160.range from…to…在一定范围内变化或扩展161.look like 看起来像,好像要162.be left over 剩下来,留下来163.hold down (使)保持低水平,(使)不增加/升高164.account for 1.占去 2.解释165.go down 下降,降低166.nothing but 只有;除…以外什么也不167.chase sb./sth.out 驱赶,驱逐168.work with sb. 与某人共事,与某人协作169.get a break 交好运,时来运转170.on sb.'s side 对某人有利;赞同某人的意见171.long for sth. 渴望,极想172.the good old days (在人的一生中或历史上)过去的美好时光173.by land 从陆路174.exclude sb.from 拒绝进入,拒绝接纳175.for short 缩写,简称176.behind schedule 比预定计划(时间)晚177.if not for 要不是178.have sth.in common 有共同之处179.die out 消亡;逐渐灭绝180.drag through (使)缓慢地通过181.introduce sb.to sth, 使某人了解某物182.go back to 追溯,回溯183.by far …得多;最…;显然184.accuse sb./sth.of 谴责,控告185.in case 以防,免得186.a matter of time (某事肯定发生)只是时间问题而已187.succeed in doing sth. 完成,成功188.as well (as) 也;和;除…之外189.within (one's) reach 1.在伸手能及的范围以内2.近的;方便达到的/doc/94794631.html,e to life 活跃起来,表现生动191.in the wake of 随着,紧跟着192.in the first place 首先,一开始193.fall into 可分成;属于194.provide for 为……提供(所需的某物)195.break apart 自行裂开196.in theory 理论上197.identical to/with 与…一模一样198.and(so on and)so forth 等等199.What if…要是…怎么办200.bring into the world 生(孩子)201.with sth.in mind 出于…目的202.get around 成功地解决,克服203.refer to 1.将…成为 2.谈到,提及3.查询,询问4.转送至某人以管理或帮助204.give birth to 生(孩子),产(仔)205.under the name of 用别名206.regardless of 不顾,不管207.be concerned about/over 担心,担忧/doc/94794631.html,parable to/with 可于…相比209.puzzle over 努力思考210.wonder about 对…好奇;想知道;对…疑惑211.send into 使处于(某种状态),使变得212.at the prospect of/that…当意识到…可能时213.grow out of 由…而生,起因于214.make sense 有道理,合乎情理;明智215.turn out(to be) 证实是,原来是216.on/upon reflection 再考虑后217.for the sake of sth./dong sth.为了得到或拥有218.view as 视为,看作219.perceive as 视为,当作220.carry out 进行,实施221.in the name of 借…之名;为…目的222.stock with 使藏有,使备有223.queue up 排长队224.atand a chance of 有可能(取得)225.seek out 寻找并发现226.resign oneself to sth. 只得接受227.pass on 传递,传给228.take a chance on 冒险229.dispose of 摆脱,处理,扔掉230.make an enquiry into 打听,调查231.work out 发展很好;证明是成功的232.work for 1.适用于2.为…工作233.store away 收起来,储存,储备234.insist on/upon 1.坚决要求2.坚持认为235.make no mistake(about sth.) 别弄错了;毫无疑问236.gain in 得到更多的……237.make/hit the headlines 成为头条新闻238.call for 要求,需求239.be in line for 即将获得,很可能得到240.under pressure 在压力下,在强力下241.draw up 1.写出,制定2.(使)停止242.send out 发出,寄出243.take advice 采纳某人的意见244.under sb.'s nose 就在…面前245.argue over/about 为…争论,争吵246.break out 爆发,突然开始247.just about 几乎,非常接近248.lead to 导致249.enter into sth. 开始讨论;着手处理250.have no bearing on 与…无关251.end up 结束,告终/doc/94794631.html,y bare 揭示,说出253.shed/throw/cast light on (使)更容易理解254.serve as 担任…;作…用,起…作用255.be related to 与…相关,与…有联系256.dozens of 许多;数十个257.by the time 到…的时候258.care for 看护,照看259.bring about 使发生260.in particular 1.特别地,尤其2.特别的261.to the point 达到…的程度262.go on to 转入263.scrape by 勉强维持264.instead of 代替,而不是265.take off (飞机等)起飞266.search for 搜寻,探求,寻觅267.without trace 无影无踪地,了无痕迹地268.tell of 讲述,述说,告诉269.go so far as to 说或做到…程度270.turn up 1.发现,挖掘 2.发生,出现,到来271.attribute sth.to 把……归因于,把…归咎于272.go on 发生273.on the contrary 恰恰相反,相反地274.to date 到目前为止,迄今275.on display 展览,陈列276.expand on/upon (对故事、论据等进行)补充277.from time to time 不时,有时278.set off 引起,启动279.make contact with 接触,联系,结识,会晤280.hang over 悬浮与空中281.plug in 插上插头282.fill with 充满,装满,盛满283.pop out (使)突然出来,出来一会儿284.get going (使)开始运行285.go up 上升,攀升286.loas with 装,装载287.ahead of (在空间或时间上)超前,在…前面288.turn sth.over to sb. 把(某事)交给(某人)处理289.think of 想起,记得290.take sb.'s/sth.'s place 代替291.go into 开始(某活动)292.put together 装配,组装293.force into 迫使进入294.hang on 1.坚持 2.抓牢。

新视野大学英语 短语

新视野大学英语   短语

新视野大学英语 1Unit 1 Aat times 有时,偶尔be worth sth./doing sth. 值得……的not only … but also …不仅……而且……far from 一点都不a couple of 两个;一些;几个get/have/obtain access to 有权享用;可以使用participate in 参加keep up with 赶上;不落后feel like sth./doing sth. 想要;想做give up 停止;放弃think out 仔细考虑;推敲;琢磨come across 偶然遇到;偶然发现reap the benefit(s) 获得益处;得到好处trade for 用……换……give sb. insight(s) into 深刻理解insight into 洞察now that 既然;由于instead of 而不是;代替reach out to 接触;联系Bplay a role 起作用;扮演一个角色be/become aware of 认识到,知道,觉察到in addition 另外;加之reflect on 深思,考虑speak up 说出意见或看法;大声说be finished with 做完,完成allow for 为……留出余地;考虑到on sb.’s part/on the part of sb. 某人所做的;就某人而言catch up (with) 赶上,追上remind sb. of sth. 使想起;提醒Unit 2 Aalong with 一起,一道turn off 关闭burst into 闯入;突然开始over and over 一再,反复reach for 伸手去摸;伸手去取turn up 调大,开大turn down 调小,开小as well as 除……之外;和turn on 打开开关as usual 像往常一样,照例in peace and quiet 平静地wake up (使)醒来make one’s blood boil 使生气get rid of 摆脱,除去;丢弃,扔掉knots in one’s stomach 紧张,不安in any case 无论如何;不管怎样talk sth. over 商议;讨论Bas a result 结果是in turn 因此,转而;依次,轮流tap into 了解get ahead 取得进步;成功look to 依赖;指望feel like 感觉好像;似乎the way 以……方式,以……方法sound like 听起来;似乎rather than 而不是point of view 观点,意见as opposed to 与……对照;而不是get across (被)理解;(被)接受be concerned about 担心check in 打电话报平安;登记入住,办登机手续put sth. away 把某物收好或放好lose one’s cool 失去冷静awaken sb. to sth. 使某人意识到某事Unit 3 Alean on 依靠grow up 成长,长大let on 泄露,透露start out 出发make it (to) 及时赶到;办到,做到even if 即使;虽然on one’s way (to) 在路上even though 虽说,即使break out 突然发生,爆发on leave 休假see (to it) that 务必做到Bcome to 苏醒,恢复知觉now and again/then 不时地,有时候call for 要求set out = start out 出发for a while 一会儿,一段时间pay attention to 注意,关注hold to 握住,抓住;坚信;忠于with that 接着,随即turn out 结果是,证明是Unit 4 Amake up one’s mind 下定决心,打定主意range from …to …(在一定范围内)从……到……变化,变动be committed to 献身于,投入与be absorbed in 全神贯注于,专心于fix one’s eyes on 凝视,盯住看drive sb. crazy 逼得某人发疯at one’s best 处于最佳状态lighten up 放轻松;别太当真take sb. or sth. seriously 认为某人或某物重要Bthe minute 一……就……find out 找出,查明,发现in relation to 有关,关于become acquainted with 与……相识,了解pick up 学会;得到in part 在某种程度上,部分地be/feel at home 感到无拘束be content with 对……感到满足a wealth of 大量的,丰富的after all 终究,最终还是;毕竟Unit 5 Abe infected with 感染(疾病)in place of 代替suffer from 受……之苦,患(某种疾病)hand out 分发,散发set up 建立,创立(公司,机构等)at risk 有危险,有风险regardless of 不顾,不管guard against 防止……发生wipe out 彻底摧毁;消灭distract sb. from sth. 使分心sign up for 报名参加Bin haste 匆忙地call sb. names 骂某人have a shot at sth. 尝试,企图,努力做某事take first place 获得第一名for fear (that) 担心,生怕start with 从……开始Unit 6 Ahead to 去;去往make the rounds 逐一巡查,访问go with 与……相配look sb. in the eyes(s) 坦然正视某人at the sound of 一听到nothing but 只是be/feel ashamed of 为……感到羞耻;为……感到惭愧boast about/of 吹嘘stay away from 避开stay at 停留在contrary to 与……相反look down on/upon 蔑视;看不起be in for 将遭遇hold water 经得起考验;可靠leave behind 忘记带;留下Bdie of 死于care for 看护,照顾;喜欢stay up 熬夜straighten out 解决(问题);理清(混乱情况)and all that=and so on 等等,诸如此类pick out 认出ask around 到处打听Unit 7 Aface to face (with) 面对面的/地pull into (车) 停靠,驶向(一旁)as if 好像attach … to …系在……上,连接到……上have mercy on sb. 对某人仁慈get to one’s feet 站起来look through 浏览;查找out of control 失去控制eat (away) at 侵蚀;消耗Bbe immune to 不受……影响的,对……有免疫力的believe in 相信……的存在;信任be intended for 打算共……之用;为……而准备hear of 听说,得知at the sight of 一看见live with 忍受,容忍Unit 8 Asleep on sth. 暂时不做决定,过一晚再做决定a gift from the gods 天赐;走运的机会depend on 依靠,依赖write down 写下来be occupied with/in 忙于做,专心于seek for 寻找as though 好像take shape 成形(开始),形成,体现,具体的put into (以……方式)表达at work 在起作用arrive at 达成(协议),得出(结论)search for 搜索,寻找fill sb. with sth. 使充满(感情)Bright away 立刻act on/upon 依照……行动come one’s way 发生在某人身上;可以被某人利用fall asleep 睡着take advantage of 利用;(不公正地)利用某人bring sb. together 使聚在一起;使联合lead to 引发,导致at once 同时set (sth.) in motion 使……运转起来;启动back and forth 来回,前后take up 开始从事;对……产生兴趣Unit 9 A stand out 突出;出色no matter how/where/what,etc. 不管怎样(哪里,什么等)turn in 上交with ease 容易地,不费力地sit back 闲坐着;不做努力get behind 拖延get sth. out of the way 完成或处理某事strike sb. as sth. 给某人某种感觉或印象have to do with 与……有关plow through 艰难地完成adapt to (使)适应Bcatch phrase 流行语;口头禅drop out 中途退学;辍学figure out 想出;理解;明白would rather … than …宁愿……不愿……care about 关心as to 至于;关于page through 翻看;浏览end up 以……结束;最终达到as long as 只要do with 利用;处置Unit 10 Amiddle ground 中间道路;折中sell out (to) 出卖(原则或信念等)at hand 在考虑中;即将到来,近在手边in short supply 缺货;短缺the bottom line 重要因素;关键的东西demand of 期待;要求stand for 主张,支持;代表,象征confront with 面对;对质think of 考虑,为……设想;想起,回忆起do fine 干得好give sb. credit 赞扬in other words 换言之win the day 获胜;成功Bfor free 免费hand over 递交do the trick 达到目的hail as 称赞为a little bit 有点be inclined to 倾向于;容易(做)sort of 有几分;近似be a question of sth. (重要的)是……的问题make the most of sth 充分利用某物新视野大学英语 2Unit 1 Afall behind 落在……后面result in 导致;造成……结果run out 用完,耗尽in a rush 匆忙地go with 同时发生;伴随work at 致力于;从事in person 亲身;亲自due to 由于pour into 大量投入(精力或金钱等)Badjust to 适应familiar to 为……所熟悉culture shock 文化冲击;文化震撼tired of (doing) sth. 厌烦(做)某事separate from 把……分开;分离prevent from 从(疾病,事故,震惊等)中恢复go through 经历;经受Unit 2 Anext to 靠近;接近in sb.’s presence/in the presence of sb. 有某人在场by no means 决不,决非count on 依靠;依赖;指望on one occasion 有一次come upon 偶然遇见;偶然发现pack into 塞进;使进入tack notice of 注意到sing out (大声清晰地)喊出(或唱出)point out 指出reflect on 仔细考虑in advance 事先,预先Bact as 作为above all 最重要的是not hear of it 不听;拒绝听取set one’s mind on 决心做某事(或得到某物)set the stage for 为……做好准备focus on 聚焦于;集中(精力)于be used to (doing) sth. 习惯于hold one’s breath 屏住呼吸strip sb. of sth. 剥夺charge sb. with sth. 指控;控诉Unit 3 Aups and downs 盛衰;沉浮work out 成功;产生结果for a time 暂时,一度meet with 遭遇;遇到all along 始终have nothing to do with 与……无关on the surface 表面上;外表上at one’s worst 最差的时候;最糟糕的时候learn of 获悉;听说take care of 负责;处理proceed to do sth. 接着做某事Bcome up with 想出,提出(答案,解决方法等)win over 说服;把……争取过来from head to toe 从头到脚;浑身上下on the short/fat/thin, etc. side有点矮(胖,瘦)think of 有……看法put (sb.) to bed 安置(某人)睡觉hit it off 相处的很好;一见如故Unit 4 Awithout fail 必定;总是as long as 假如,如果,只要be free to do sth. 随意做某事right away 立即,马上more than (+adjective) 十分,非常be thankful for 对......心存感激Bfrom day to day 天天from hour to hour 不停地;一直地on occasion 有时;偶尔take its toll on 损害;破坏cling to 坚持;忠于lose control 失去控制be/become accustomed to (doing) sth. 习惯于(做)某事a far cry from 与……相距很远;与……大相径庭have sth. In common 有共同之处on earth 到底;究竟Unit 5 Apick up 拿起;举起be grateful for 感激;为……致谢be dressed in 穿着coupled with 加上die from 死于direct at 对准;针对starve sb. of sth. 使缺乏;使得不到Bmake a point 提出论点take…for granted 视……为理所当然hold down 保住(工作)pine for 为(不能得到某物)而伤心make fun of 嘲笑;取笑stand up to 经得起;经得住give in 屈服;让步to some degree 在某种程度上on demand 一经要求turn over a new leaf 悔过自新;洗心革面in the end 最后;终于Unit 6 Afill out 填写if only 就算……都行;哪怕……也好for better or (for) worse 无论好坏;不管怎样even so 即使如此:尽管这样turn down 拒绝come up to 走近;靠近press for 催促;竭力争取ill at ease 不自在free from 无……的;不涉及……的take charge of 负责;管理be stuck with 被迫拥有或使用B go to great lengths 竭尽全力做某事take sides 支持某人;偏袒一方act out 将(思想或情感)表达出来speak of 表明;意味着turn off 使离开tune out 不理会;不理睬up to 能适合的;能胜任的more or less 几乎;差不多follow one’s track 跟着;跟踪apart from 除了;除……之外blow one’s cover 揭露;揭某人的老底out of character 与某人个性不相符out of bounds 禁止进入的Unit 7 Aamong other things 除了其他事情之外blow one’s top 勃然大怒;大发雷霆on one’s trail 在……路上cut down 减少……的数量keep in mind 记住Bother than 除了……之外(还)on the other hand 另一方面to the contrary 相反的burn the midnight oil (学习,工作)到深夜;开夜车rack up 积累;逐步增加fear for 为……担心at work 在工作的地方;在工作come in 出现;发生put all one’s eggs in one basket 孤注一掷Unit 8 ABe wasted on sb. 被浪费在某人身上If only 但愿;要是……就好了well off 富裕的at a low 处于低水平be meant to do sth. 应该做某事read of 读到;从……得知only to 不料;反而;结果却in the long run 从长远来看send in 派(人)去Bthe good old days 过去的好时光play (it) safe 稳扎稳打;小心行事whether … or not 无论;不管be happy with 对……感到满意;认为……是好的in short 总之;简言之by comparison 相比之下associate with 把……联系在一起;与……相关联at large 全部;整个protect…from…防御;保护grind to a halt 逐渐停止Unit 9 AIn (the) face of 面对make sth. of sb. 使成为有出息的人pass away 死亡,逝世have sth. at heart 关心from sb.’s standpoint 从某人的立场或观点来说be entitled to 有权做;有权得到pick up the pieces 收拾残局;恢复正常take shelter 躲避lap up 欣赏look forward to 盼望;期待know better 有头脑;明事理(而不至于)watch out 注意;小心once and for all 一劳永逸地;永远地;彻底地out of touch with 不再了解Bprefer…to…更喜爱;宁可apply for 申请pay off 获益;得到回报in the meantime 与此同时;在此期间with reference to 关于due to 因为,由于look at 考虑;思考be obliged to do sth. 有责任或义务做某事fill up 填满;装满take offense (at sth.) (对某事)生气;(因某事而)见怪Unit 10 Adrive off 击退;赶走be sure of 一定会;肯定会in broad daylight 光天化日之下carry on 继续做under control 受到控制;处于控制之下on the air (广播或电视)播出keep sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事watch for 留意;密切注意put out 扑灭,熄灭mark down 记下来,写下来provide for 为……做准备Bbreak off 1。

新视野第二版课后短语 (3)

新视野第二版课后短语 (3)

1.fall behind 落在···后面2.result in 导致;造成···结果3.run out 用完;耗尽4.in a rush 匆忙地5.go with 同时发生;伴随6.work at 致力于;从事7.in person 亲身;亲自8.due to 由于9.pour into 大量投入(精力或金钱)10.adjust to 适应11.familiar to 为···所熟悉12.culture shock 文化冲击13.tired of (doing) sth. 厌烦做某事14.separate from 把···分开15.prevent from 阻止;防止16.recover from 从···中恢复17.go through 经历;经受18.next to 靠近;接近19.by no means 决不;绝非20.count on 依靠;依赖21.on one occasion 有一次e upon 偶然遇见;偶然发现23.pack into 塞进;使挤入24.take notice of 注意到25.sing out 喊出26.point out 指出27.reflect on 仔细考虑28.in advance 事先;预先29.act as 作为30.above all 最重要的是31.not hear of it 不听;拒绝听取32.set one’s mind on 决心做某事33.set the stage for 为··做准备34.focus on 聚焦于;集中于35.be used to doing sth 习惯于36.hold one’s breath 屏住呼吸37.strip sb of sth 剥夺38.charge sb with sth 指控;控诉39.ups and downs 盛世;沉浮40.work out 成功;产生结果41.for a time 暂时;一度42.meet with 遭遇;遇到43.all along 始终44.on the surface 表面上;外表上45.learn of 获悉;听说46.take care of 负责;处理47.proceed to do sth. 接着做某事e up with 想出;提出49.win over 说服;把···争取过来50.think of 有···看法51.put sb to bed 安置(某人)睡觉52.hit it off 相处得很好;一见如故53.without fail 必定;总是54.as long as 如果;假如;只要55.be free to do sth 随意做某事56.right away 立即;马上57.more than 十分,非常58.be thankful for 对···心存感激59.from day to day 天天60.from hour to hour 不停地61.on occasion 有时,偶尔62.take its toll on 损害;破坏63.cling to 坚持;忠于64.lose control 失去控制65.a far cry from 与···相距很远;66.have sth in common 有共同之处67.on earth 到底;究竟68.pick up 拿起;举起69.be dressed in 穿着70.coupled with 加上71.die from 死于72.direct at 对准;针对73.starve sb of sth 使缺乏;使得不到74.make a point 提出论点75.take...for granted视·为理所当然76.hold down 保住(工作)77.pine for 为···而伤心78.make fun of 嘲笑;取消79.stand up to 经得起80.give in 屈服,让步81.to some degree 在某种程度上82.on demand 一经要求83.turn over a new leaf 悔过自新84.in the end 最后;终于85.fill out 填写86.if only 就算···都行87.for better or worse 无论好坏88.even so 即使如此;尽管这样89.turn down 拒绝e up to 走近,靠近91.press for 催促;竭力争取92.ill at ease 不自在93.free from无··的,不涉及··的94.take charge of 负责;管理95.be stuck with 被迫拥有或使用96.go to great lengths竭尽全力做事97.take sides 支持某人;偏袒一方98.act out 将···表达出来99.speak of 表明;意味着100.t urn off 使离开101.t une out 不理会;不理睬102.u p to 能适合的,能胜任的103.m ore or less 几乎;差不多104.f ollow one’s cover揭露105.o ut of character与某人个性不合106.o ut of bounds 禁止进入的107.b lows one’s top 勃然大怒108.o ne one’s trail 在···路上109.c ut down 减少···的数量110.k eep in mind 记住111.o ther than 除了···之外112.o n the one hand 一方面113.t o the contrary 相反地114.b urn the midnight oil 到深夜115.r ack up 积累;逐步增加116.f ear for 为···担心117.a t work 在工作的地方;在工作118.c ome in 出现,发生119.b e wasted on sb被浪费在某人身上120.i f only 但愿;要是···就好了121.w ell off 富裕的122.a t a low 处于低水平123.b e meant to do sth 应该做某事124.r ead of 读到;从···得知125.o nly to 不料;反而126.i n the long run 从长远看127.s end in 派人去128.t he good old days 过去的好时光129.p lay (it) safe 稳扎稳打130.w hether....or not 无论;不管131.i n short 总之,简言之132.b y comparison 相比之下133.a ssociate with 把···联系在一起134.a t large 全部;整个135.i n the absence of 由于缺乏136.p rotect...from... 防御;保护137.g rind to a halt 逐渐停止138.i n face of 面对139.m ake sth of sb使成为有出息的人140.p ass away 死亡,逝去141.h ave sth at heart 关心142.b e entitled to 有权做;有权做143.p ick up the pieces 收拾残局144.t ake shelter 躲避145.l ap up 欣赏146.l ook forward to 盼望;期待147.k now better 有头脑;明事理148.w atch out 注意;小心149.o nce and for all 一劳永逸地150.o ut of touch with 不再了解151.p refer...to... 更喜爱;宁可152.a pply for 申请153.p ay off 获益154.i n the meantime 与此同时155.w ith reference to 关于156.d ue to 因为;由于157.l ook at 考虑;思考158.f ill up 填满159.t ake offense 生气;见怪160.d rive off 击退;赶走161.b e sure of 一定会;肯定会162.i n broad daylight 光天化日之下163.c arry on 继续做164.u nder control 受到控制165.o ne the air 播出166.w atch for 留意;密切注意167.p ut out 扑灭,熄灭168.m ark down 记下来,写下来169.p rovide for 为···做准备170.b reak off 折断;终止171.s ink into 恶化,陷入糟糕状态172.w anting in sth 某物不足173.e xpect sth of sb对某人有··期待;174.r emain of 从···留下;剩下175.m ake of 朝···走去176.t ake sb in 收留;收容177.b e seized with 被(强烈感情)影响或支配178.g ive way to 被···取代179.g o into 陷入180.i n sb’s presence/in the presence of sb. 有某人在场181.a t one’s worst 最差的时候;最糟糕的时候182.f rom head to toe从头到脚;浑身上下183.o n the short/fat/thin 有点矮(胖、瘦等)184.h ave nothing to do with 与···无关185.be/become accustomed to doing sth 习惯于做某事186.a mong other things除了其他事情之外187.p ut all one’s eggs in one basket 孤注一掷188.f rom sb’s standpoint 从某人的立场或者观点189.b e obliged to do sth 有责任或义务做某事190.keep sb.from doing sth阻止某人做某事。



Unit 1at times:有时、偶尔be worth sth. /doing sth.:值得的not only…but also…:不仅…而且…far from:一点都不a couple of:两个、一些、几个get/have/obtain access to:有权享用、可以使用participate in:参加keep up with:赶上、不落后give up:停止、放弃think out:仔细考虑、推敲、琢磨come cross:偶然遇到、偶然发现reap the benefits:获得益处、得到好处trade for:用……换……give sb. insight(s) into:深刻理解now that:既然、由于instade of:而不是reach out to:接触、联系play a role:起作用;扮演一个角色be/become aware of:认识到;知道;觉察到in addition:另外;加之reflect on:深思;考虑speak up:说出意见或看法;大声说be finished with:做完;完成allow for:为……留出余地;考虑到on sb.’s part/on the part of sb.:某人所做的;就某人而言catch up (with):赶上;追上remind sb. of sth.:使想起;唤醒Unit 2along with:一起;一道turn off:关闭burst into:闯入;突然开始over and over:一再;反复reach for:伸手去摸;伸手去取turn up :调大;开大turn down :调小;开小as well as :除……之外;和turn on :打开开关as usual :像往常一样;照例in piece and quiet :平静的weak up :(使)醒来make one’s blood boil :使某人生气get rid of :摆脱;除去;丢弃;扔掉knots in one’s stomach :紧张;不安in any case :无论如何;不管怎样talk sth. over :商议;讨论as a result :结果是in turn :因此;转而;依次;轮流tap into :了解get ahead :取得进步;成功look to :依赖;指望feel like :感觉好像;似乎the way :以……方式;以……方法sound like :听起来;似乎rather than :而不是point of view :观点;意见as oppsed to ;与……对照;而不是get across :(被)理解;(被)接受be concerned about :担心check in :打电话报平安;登记入住;办登机手续put sth. away :把某物收好或放好lose one’s coot :失去冷静aweaken sb. to sth. :使某人意识到某事Unit 3lean on :依靠grow up :成长;长大let on :泄露;透露start out :出发make it :及时赶到;办到;做到even if :即使;虽然on one’s way (to) :在路上even though :虽说;即使break out :突然发生;爆发on leave :休假see (to it) that :务必做到come to :苏醒;恢复知觉how and again/then :不时的;有时候call for :要求set out :出发for a while :一会儿;一段时间pay attention to :注意;关注hold to :握住;抓住;坚信;忠于with that :接着;随即turn out :结果是;证明是Unit 4出师表两汉:诸葛亮先帝创业未半而中道崩殂,今天下三分,益州疲弊,此诚危急存亡之秋也。

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P h r a s e1.At times有时,偶尔2.Be worth sth/doing sth.值得…的3.Not only…but also…不仅…而且…4.Far away=not …at all ;rather than 一点都不5. A couple of=two=a small number of 两个;一些;几个6.Get/have/obtain access to. 有享用权7.Participate in=take part In. 参加8.Keep up with=keep the same speed as. 赶上不落后9.Feel like sth./doing sth. 想要想做10.Give up 停止放弃11.Think out 仔细考虑;推敲;琢磨e across 偶然遇到;偶然发现13.Reap the benefit(s) 得到益处,得到好处14.Trade for=exchange for 用..换15.Give sb. Insight(s) into 深刻理解16.Now that 既然,由于17.Instead of 而不是,代替18.Reach out to 接触,联系19.Play a role 起作用;扮演一个角色20.be/become aware of 认识到;知道,察觉到21.in addition 另外;加之22.reflect on 深思,考虑23.speak up 说出意见和看法;大声说24.be finished with 做完,完成25.allow for 为..留出余地;考虑到26.on sb.’s part/on the part of sb. 某人所做的;就某人而言27.catch up (with) 赶上追上28.remind sb. of sh. 使想起;提醒29.along with=together with 一起;一道30.turn off 关闭31.burst into 闯入;突然开始32.over and over 一再,反复33.reach for 伸手去摸。

伸手去取34.turn up 调大;开大35.turn down 调小;开小36.as well as=addition to 除..之外;和37.turn on 打开开关38.as usual 像往常一样;照例39.in peace and quiet 平静地40.wake up (使)醒来41.make one’s blood boil 使某人生气42.get rid of 摆脱;除去,丢弃;扔掉43.knots in one’s stomach 紧张不安44.in any case 无论如何;不管怎样45.talk sth.over 商议讨论46.as a result 结果是47.In turn 因此;转而,依次;轮流48.Tap into了解49.Get ahead 取得进步;成功50.Look to 依赖;指望51.Feel like=feel as if 感觉好像;似乎52.The way,in the way that 以…方式,以..方法53.Sound like 听起来;似乎54.Rather than=instead of 而不是55.Point of view 观点;意见56.As opposed to 与…对照;而不是57.Get across (被)理解;(被接受58.Be concerned about 担心59.Check in 打电话报平安;登记入住,办登机手续60.Put sth. Away 吧某物收好或放好61.Lose one’s cool 失去冷静62.Awaken sb. to sth 使某人意识到某事63.Lean on=depend on 依靠64.Grow up 成长长大65.Let on 泄露,透漏66.Start out 出发67.Make it 及时赶到;办到,做到68.Even if 即使;虽然69.On one’s way(to) 在路上70.Even though 虽说;即使71.Break out 突然发生;爆发72.On leave 休假73.See(to it ) that 务必做到e to 苏醒;恢复知觉75.Now and again/then=at times=sometimes 不时地;有时候76.Call for 要求77.Set out 出发78.For awhile 一会儿;一段时间79.Pay attention to 注意关注80.Hold to 握住抓住;坚信;忠于81.With that 接着;随即82.Turn out 结果是;证明是83.The minute=as soon as 一..就…84.Find out 找出;查明;发现85.In relate to 有关关于86.Become acquainted with 与…相识,了解87.Pick up 学会;得到88.In part 在某程度上,部分地89.Be/feel at home 感到无拘束90.Be content with 对…感到满足91.A wealth of 丰富的;大量的92.After all 终究;最终还是93.Be infected with 感染(疾病)94.In place of 代替95.Suffer from 受…之苦,患(某种疾病)96.Hand out 分发散发97. Set up 建立,创立(公司,机构等)98.At risk 有风险,有危险99.Regardless of 不管不顾100.Guard against 防止…发生101.Wipe out 彻底摧毁;消灭102.Distract sb. from sth.使分心103.Sign up for 报名参加104.In haste 匆忙地105.Call sb. names 骂某人106.Have a shot at sth.尝试。

企图;努力做某事107.Take first place 获得第一名108.For fear(that) 担心生怕109.Start with 从...开始110.Head to 去,去往111.Make the rounds 逐一巡查,访问112.Go with 与...匹配113.Look sb. in the eye(s)坦然正视某人114.At the sound of 一听到115.Nothing but 只是116.Be/feel ashamed of 为…感到羞耻;为...感到惭愧117.Boast about/of 吹嘘118.Stay away from 避开119.Stay at=remain at 停留在120.Contrary to 与…相反121.Look down on/upon 蔑视;看不起122.Be in for 将遭遇123.Hold water 经得起考验124.Leave behind 忘记带;留下125.Die of 死于126.Care for 看护照顾;喜欢127.Stay up 熬夜128.Straighten out 解决问题;理清(混论情况)129.And all that 等等;诸如此类130. Pick out 认出131.Ask around 到处打听132.Face to face (with) 面对面地,面临面对133.Pull into (车)停靠:驶向(一旁)134.As if 好像135.Attach… to…系在…上;连接到…上136.Have mercy on sb. 对某人仁慈137.Get to one’s feet=stand up 站起来138.Look through 浏览;查找139.Out of control 失去控制140.Eat (away ) at 侵蚀消耗141.Be immune to 不受…影响的;对…有免疫力的142.Believe in 相信…的存在;信任143.Be capable of 有能力(做)144.Be intended for 打算供…之用;为…而准备145.Hear of 听说得知146.At the sight of 一看见147.Live with 忍受容忍148.Sleep on sth. 暂时不作决定;过一晚再作决定149. A gift from the gods 天赐;走运的机会150.Depend on 依靠依赖151.Write down 写下来152.Be occupied with 忙于做;专心于153.Seek for 寻找154.As though=as if 好像155.Take shape 成形156.Put into=express in (以…方式)表达157.At work 在起作用158.Arrive at 达成协议;得出结论159.Search for 搜索寻找160.Fill sb. with sth. 使充满(感情)161.Right away 立刻162.act on/upon=act according to 依照…行动e one’s way 发生在某人身上;可以被某人利用164.fall asleep 睡着165.take advantage of=make use of 利用;(不公正的利用某人)166.bring sb. together 使聚在一起;使联合167.lead to 引发导致168.at once=at the same time=all at one time 同时169.set (sth.) in motion 使…运转起来;启动170.back and forth 来回;前后171.take up 开始从事;对…产生兴趣172.stand out 突出;特色173.no matter how/where/what,etc 不管怎么样174.turn in 上交175.with ease 容易的;不费力的176.sit back 闲坐着;不作努力177.get behind 拖延178.get sth. out of the way完成或处理某事179.strike sb. as sth. 给某人某种感觉或印象180.have to do sth 与…有关181.plow through 艰难地完成182.adapt to (使)适应183.catch phrase 流行语口头禅184.drop out 中途退出;辍学185.figure out 相出;理解;明白186.would rather…than…=prefer to do or have sth. 宁愿…不愿…187.care about 关心188.as to 至于;关于189.page through 翻看浏览190.end up 以…结束最终达到191.as long as=if 只要192.do with 利用处置193.middle ground 中间道路;折中194.sell out (to) 出卖(原则或信念等)195.at hand 在考虑中;即将到来;近在手边196.in short supply 缺货短缺197.the bottom line 重要因素;关键的东西198.demand of 期待要求199.stand for 主张;支持,代表象征】200.confront with 面对;对质201.think of 考虑;为…设想,想起回忆起202.do fine 干得好203.give sb. credit 赞扬204.in other words 换言之205.win the day 获胜;成功206.for free 免费207.hand over=give to another 递交208.do the trick 达到目的209.hail as 称赞为210. a little bit 有点211.be inclined to=be likely to=tend to 倾向于;容易(做)212.sort of=to some degree 有几分;近似213.be a question of sth. (重要的)是...的问题214.make the most of sth. 充分利用某物215.fall behind落在…后面216.result in 导致;造成…结果217.run out 用完耗尽218.in a rush=in a hurry 匆忙地219.go with 同时发生;伴随220.work at 致力于;从事221.In person=by oneself 亲身亲自222.Due to 由于223.pour into 大量投入(精力或金钱等)224.next to 靠近接近225.in sb.’s presence/in the presence of sb. 有某人在场226.by no means 决不;决非227.count on 依靠;依赖;指望228.on one occasion 有一次e upon 偶然遇见;偶然发现230.pack into 塞进;使挤入231.take notice of 注意到232.sing out (大声清晰的)喊出(或唱出)233.point out 指出234.reflect on 仔细考虑235.in advance 事先;预先236.adjust to 适应237.familiar to=well known to 为…所熟悉238.culture shock 文化冲击;文化震撼239.tired of (doing) sth. 厌烦(做)某事240.separate from 把…分开;分离241.prevent from 阻止;防止242.recover from 从(疾病;事故;震惊等)中恢复243.go through 经历;经受244.act as 作为245.above all 最重要的是246.not hear of it 不听;拒绝听取247.set one’s mind on 决心做某事(或得到某物)248. set the stage for 为…做好准备249.focus on 聚焦于;集中250.be used to(doing)sth. 习惯于251.hold one’s breath 屏住呼吸252.strip sb. of sth. 剥夺253.charge sb. with sth. 指控;控诉254.ups and downs 盛衰;沉浮255.work out 成功;产生结果256.for a time 暂时;一定257.meet with 遭遇;遇到258.all along=all the time 始终259.have nothing to do with 与…无关260.on the surface 表面上;外表上261.at one’s worst 最差的时候;最糟糕的时候262.learn of=come to know 获悉听说263.take care of 负责处理264.proceed to do sth. 接着做某事e up with 想出;提出(答案;解决方法)266.win over 说服;把…争取过来267.from head to toe 从头到脚;浑身上下268.on the short/fat/thin,etc.side 有点矮;(胖,瘦等)269.think of 有…看法270.put(sb.) to bed 安置(某人)睡觉271.hit it off 相处得很好;一见如故272.without fail 必定总是273.as long as 假如;如果;只要274.be free to do sth. 随意做某事275.right away 立即马上276.be thankful for=be grateful for 对…心存感激277.from day to day 天天278.from hour to hour 不停地,一直地279.on occasion 有时偶尔280.take its toll on 损害破坏281.cling to 坚持;忠于282.lose control 失去控制283.be/become accustomed to (doing) sth. 习惯于(做)某事284. a far cry from 与…相距很远;与…大相径庭285.have sth. In common 有共同之处286.on earth 到底究竟287.pick up 拿起举起288.be grateful for 感激;为…致谢289.be dressed in 穿着290.coupled with=together with 加上291.die from 死于292.direct at 对准针对293.starve sb. of sth. 使缺乏;使得不到294.make a point 提出论点295.take… for granted 视…为理所当然296.hold down 保住(工作)297.pine for 为(不能得到某物而伤心)298.make fun of 嘲笑;取笑299.stand up to 经得起;经得住300.give in=give way 屈服让步301.to some degree 在某种程度上302.on demand 一经要求303.turn over a new leaf 悔过自新;洗心革面304.in the end 最后终于305.fill out 填写306.if only 就算…都行;哪怕…也好307.for better or (for) worse 无论好坏;不管怎样308.even so 即使如此;尽管这样309.turn down 拒绝e up to 走进;靠近311.press for 催促;竭力争取312.ill at ease 不自在313.free from 无…的;不涉及…的314.take charge of 负责;管理315.be stuck with 被迫或使用316.go to great lengths 竭尽全力做某事317.take sides 支持某人;偏袒一方318.act out 将(思想或感情)表达出来319.speak of 表明;意味着320.turn off 使离开321.turn out 不理会;不理睬322.up to 能适合是的;能胜任的323.more or less 几乎差不多324.follow one’s track 跟着;跟踪325.apart from 除了;除了...之外326.blow one’s cover 揭露;接某人老底327.out of character 有某人性格不相符328.out of bounds 禁止进入的329.among other things 除了其他事情之外330.blow one’s top 勃然大怒;大发雷霆331.on one’s trail 在...路上332.cut down 减少…的数量333.keep in mind 记住334.other than 除了…之外(还)335.on the other hand 另一方面336.to the contrary 相反的337.burn the midnight oil (学习,工作)到深处;开夜车338.rack up 积累;逐步增加339.fear for 为…担心340.at work 在工作的地方;在工作e in 出现发生342.put all one’s eggs in one basket 孤注一掷343.be wasted on sb. 被浪费在某人身上344.if only 但愿;要是…就好了345.well off 富裕的346.at a low 处于低水平347.be meant to do sth. 应该做某事348.read of 读到;从…得知349.only to 不料;反而;结果却350.in the long run 从长远看351.send in 派(人)去352.the good old days 过去的好时光353.play (it) safe 稳扎稳打;小心行事354.whether…or not 无论不管355.be happy with 对…感到满意;认为…是好的356.in short 总之;简言之357.by comparison 相比之下358.associate with 把…联系在一起;与…相关联359.at large 全部整个360.in absence of 由于缺乏361.protect… from…防御;保护362.grind to a halt 逐渐停止363.in (the) face of 面对364.make sth. of sb. 使成为有出息的人365.pass away 死亡逝世366.have sth. at heart 关心367.from sb.’s standpoint 从某人的立场或观点来说368.be entitled to 有权做;有权得到369.prefer… to 更喜爱;宁可370.apply for 申请371.pay off 获益;得到回报372.in the meantime 与此同时;在此期间373.with reference 关于374.due to 因为。
