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SpringerLink全文数据库及其检索 德国施普林格(Springer-Verlag)是世界上著名的科技出版公司,通过SpringerLink系统提供学术期刊及电子图书的在线服务,目前S pringer Link全文期刊已在我校开通,可在线阅读400多种电子全文期刊。包含学科如下:化学、计算机科学、经济学、工程学、环境科学、地球科学、法律、生命科学、数学、医学、物理与天文学等11个学科,其中许多为核心期刊。(一)登陆方式: 1、登陆之前,首先下载并安装Adob e公司的Acrobat Reader5.0以上浏览器。 2、登录到SpringerLink主页 https://www.360docs.net/doc/5a7577501.html, (二)主页页面简介: SpringerLink主页面上方有几个按钮,其意义如下图所示:

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Author Guidelines for the Preparation of Contributions to Springer Computer Science Proceedings Alfred Hofmann1,*, Ralf Gerstner1, Anna Kramer1, and Frank Holzwarth2 1 Springer-Verlag, Computer Science Editorial, Heidelberg, Germany {alfred.hofmann,ralf.gerstner,anna.kramer}@https://www.360docs.net/doc/5a7577501.html, 2 Springer-Verlag, Technical Support, Heidelberg, Germany frank.holzwarth@https://www.360docs.net/doc/5a7577501.html, Abstract. The abstract is a mandatory element that should summarize the con- tents of the paper and should contain at least 70 and at most 150 words. Ab- stract and keywords are freely available in SpringerLink. Keywords: We would like to encourage you to list your keywords here. They should be separated by middots. 1Introduction You will find here Springer’s guidelines for the preparation of proceedings papers to be published in one of the following series, in printed and electronic form: ?Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), incl. its subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics (LNBI), and LNCS Transactions; ?Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (LNBIP); ?Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS); ?Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Tele-communications Engineering (LNICST); ?IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology (IFIP AICT), for-merly known as the IFIP Series; ?Proceedings in Information and Communication Technology (PICT). Your contribution may be prepared in LaTeX or Microsoft Word. Technical Instruc-tions for working with Springer’s style files and templates are provided in separate documents which can be found in the respective zip packages on our website. *No academic titles or descriptions of academic positions should be included in the addresses. The affiliations should consist of the author’s institution, town, and country.


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Rapid Identification of Waste Cooking Oil with Near Infrared Spectroscopy Based on Support Vector Machine Xiong Shen1,a, Xiao Zheng1,b, Zhiqiang Song1,c, Dongping He2,d, Peishi Qi3,e 1Institute of Mechanical Engineering, Wuhan Polytechnic University, Wuhan 430023,China; 2Institute of Food Science and Engineering, Wuhan Polytechnic University, Wuhan 430023, China;3PASHUN GROUP, Wuhan 430023,China a sx198711@https://www.360docs.net/doc/5a7577501.html,, b zhengxiao@https://www.360docs.net/doc/5a7577501.html,, c327463922@https://www.360docs.net/doc/5a7577501.html,, d hedp123456@https://www.360docs.net/doc/5a7577501.html,, e qps@https://www.360docs.net/doc/5a7577501.html, Abstract. The qualitative model for rapidly discriminating the waste oil and four normal edible vegetable oils is developed using near infrared spectroscopy combined with support vector machine (SVM). Principal component analysis (PCA) has been carried out on the base of the combination of spectral pretreatment of vector normalization, first derivation and nine point smoothing, and seven principal components are selected. The radial basis function (RBF) is used as the kernel function; the penalty parameter C and kernel function parameter γare optimized by K-fold Cross Validation (K-CV), Genetic Algorithm (GA), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), respectively. The result shows that the best classification model is developed by GA optimization when the parameters C = 911.33, γ= 2.91. The recognition rate of the model for 208 samples in training set and 85 samples in prediction set is 100% and 90.59%, respectively. By comparison with K-means and Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA), the result indicates that the SVM recognition rate is higher, well generalization, can quickly and accurately identify the waste cooking oil and normal edible vegetable oils. Keywords: near infrared spectroscopy, waste cooking oil, support vector machine, parameters optimization 1 Introduction Catering waste oils include drainage oil (in narrow sense), hogwash fat (waste cooking oil) and fried old oil. After pickling, washing, decoloration, deodorization and other processing, the catering waste oils often close to or completely achieve the national Hygienic Standard of Edible Vegetable Oil in sensory index and conventional typical properties, which consumers and government supervisors are difficult to identify by the sense of the sights and smell. At present, a complete set of testing technology standard of identification of the catering waste oil hasn’t been established domestically or abroad. The Ministry of Health is requesting proposals for proposals from the public. Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR) technology is a nondestructive testing technique rapidly developed in recent years [1]. The domestic


Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Authors’ Instructions for the Preparation of Camera-Ready Contributions to LNCS/LNAI/LNBI Proceedings Alfred Hofmann1,1, Brigitte Apfel1, Ursula Barth1, Christine Günther1, Ingrid Haas1, Frank Holzwarth1, Anna Kramer1, Leonie Kunz1, Nicole Sator1, Erika Siebert-Cole1 and Peter Stra?er1, 1 Springer-Verlag, Computer Science Editorial, Tiergartenstr. 17, 69121 Heidelberg, Germany {Alfred.Hofmann, Brigitte.Apfel, Ursula.Barth, Christine.Guenther, Ingrid.Haas, Frank.Holzwarth, Anna.Kramer, Leonie.Kunz, Nicole.Sator, Erika.Siebert-Cole, Peter.Strasser, LNCS}@https://www.360docs.net/doc/5a7577501.html, Abstract. The abstract should summarize the contents of the paper and should contain at least 70 and at most 150 words. It should be set in 9-point font size and should be inset 1.0 cm from the right and left margins. There should be two blank (10-point) lines before and after the abstract. This document is in the required format. Keywords: We would like to encourage you to list your keywords in this section. 1 Introduction This instruction file for Word users (there is a separate instruction file for LaTeX users) may be used as a template. Kindly send the final and checked Word and PDF files of your paper to the Contact Volume Editor. This is usually one of the organizers of the conference. You should make sure that the Word and the PDF files are identical and correct and that only one version of your paper is sent. It is not possible to update files at a later stage. Please note that we do not need the printed paper. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that it is not possible to modify a paper in any way, once it has been published. This applies to both the printed book and the online version of the publication. Every detail, including the order of the names of the authors, should be checked before the paper is sent to the Volume Editors. 1Please note that the LNCS Editorial assumes that all authors have used the western naming convention, with given names preceding surnames. This determines the structure of the names in the running heads and the author index.


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Springer出版发表文章前网上填报程序详解 很多在读研究生往往是在攻读学位期间开始接触SCI论文的发表,论文一旦接受了,自然大快人心,值得庆祝。但是论文被通知接受后,后续还有很多工作需要论文作者完成,这些同样要认真对待,不能马虎。否则,行百里者半于九十,影响了论文的快速出版上网,有可能会耽误大事,比如毕业答辩。 真好最近的一篇文章被Aquacluture International接受了,所以把后续网上需要填写的程序步骤写下来与大家分享,希望能对需要的朋友有所帮助。 凡是Springer出版的期刊,一旦文章接受,后续会有类似于Elesvier的网上问答程序需要完成。具体过程如下面各图: 1 忘了保存截图了,具体什么内容想不起来了,估计不是很重要,可能就是说明一下整个网上问答程序的 目的意义之类的。 2 这里的Open Choice是指一项服务,签署同意后,别人可以免费在网上下载你的全文。而且一旦同意了, 也不用再做版权转移了。但是需要交付3000美金或2000欧元的费用。所以当然要选择No。 3 因为上一步选择了No,所以这里自然要做版权转移声明喽。这里说的很复杂,其实不管多复杂,都是强 调了出版方和作者本人的一些权利与义务等等。没什么好说的,点击同意就可以了。

4 点击Yes确认 5 这是单行本和彩图的选择页,可以选纸质的,也可以选Pdf的电子格式的。我一般习惯于选择电子版本 的,因为后续用起来方便,而且可以根据需要随意打印n份不受限制。 彩图要收钱的,很贵,所以除非特想发彩图,否则一般都用黑白图。 Poster是类似于海报的东西,包括你发表文章那一期的封面等内容,因为要收费,所以也就不要了。 最后,Table of contents alert。这个如果打钩,以后对方会通过e-mail向你发放最新的水产业的期刊 文章目录。从了解学术行情的角度考虑,一般还是打钩吧。
