



1. population是个集合名词,在句中作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。如:

The population of Brazil is smaller then that of India.

2. 表示某国、某城市有多少人口时,可用have/ has a population of…结构。如: The USA has a population of 296 million.

3. 对population提问时要用what或how large。如:

What’s the population of your city?

4. 说明人口多少时,不用many、much、few或little,而用large、big或small。如:

China has a very large population.



1. 世界人口增长越来越快。

The world’s population faster and faster.

2. 那座城市有五万人。

The city 50, 000.

3. 你知道澳大利亚有多少人口吗?

Do you know the population of Australia is?

4. 加拿大、美国和澳大利亚,哪个国家的人口最少?

Which country , Canada, the USA or Australia?

Keys: 1. is growing 2. has a population of 3. what 4. has the smallest population


考点: 1. 掌握可数名词的复数 2. 学会表示不可数名词的量 3. 掌握构词法:名词变形容词 4. 掌握名词所有格的用法 5. 掌握名词做主语、定语的用法 冠词离开名词没有任何意义,因此在学习冠词前,首先要了解名词的分类: '个体名词:人或物所共用的名称 dog, chair 名词可分为::可数名词v 丄集体名词:集体的名称 class, family, police, 物质名词:物质的名称 p aper, water 抽象名词:抽象的物的名称 happi ness 专有名词:人或物所特有的名称 Tom, China 考点一:可数名词的数 可数名词复数变化规则: (1) 规则变化:a.以-s,-x,-sh, -ch,结尾的名词,在词尾 +es,发音/-Is/ eg : classes, brushes, boxes, watches b. 以辅音字母+ -y 结尾,将y 变i ,再+es , eg : parties, stories (注意元音同y 结尾时+s boys ) c. 部分以f 或fe 结尾的词,将变 f/fe 为v+es , eg : wife-wives 口诀:(妻见小偷加下藏,手拿小刀想杀狼,忽然飘下一片叶,砸在头上一命亡) d. 部分以o 结尾的词,(生物名词,包括动植物,口诀:黑人英雄爱吃土豆西红柿)后加 es , 女口: Negroes, heroes, potatoes, tomatoes, 以o 结尾的无生命的词,一般直接 +s eg : photos , pianos , kilos , tobaccos (2) 不规则变化: a.名词中所含元音字母发生变化 eg: foot-feet; tooth- teeth; man-men; woma n- wome n; b:名词词尾力口 en/ren : ox-oxen ; child-children ; c. 单复数同行: fish; sheep; deer; means; aircraft; d. 关于国家:中日不变,英法荷变,其他后面加 s two Chin ese; five Japa nese;/ En glishme n; En glishwome n; Dutchme n; /Germa ns; America ns e. 有些集体名词用单数形式表达事物总称 ,如hair, fruit,但在 表示"几根头发”,"若 干水果”时,则用复数形式 a few white hairs; several foreig n fruits f. 有些名词形式上是单数的,但实际上是复数的,这一类名词有:cattle 牛, 家畜;people 人 们;vermin 害虫;police 警察;staff 全体职员;clergy 僧侣,神职人员;youth ; mankind ; bacteria ; crew 等 g. 有些集体名词 表示整体时用单数,表示集体中的各个成员时用做复数 ,能这样用的 集体名词有: audienee , club , class, college , crowd , company , couple , department , enemy , family , firm , flock, generation, government, group, herd, navy, party, public, population, press 新闻界 /记者群, staff, team, university 等 (3) 复合名词的复数 a.由man 或woman 为前缀的复合名词,两者都变成复数 a man teacher/ men teachers ; a woman doctor/ women doctors 名词 I 不可数名词


Population population是一个集合名词,它的用法有时较为特殊,很容易用错。 一、population常与定冠词the连用,作主语用时,谓语动词常用第三人称单数形式。例如: The world's population is increasing faster and faster. 全世界的人口增长得越来越快。 At the beginning of the twentieth century, the world's population was about 1,700 million. 在二十世纪初,全世界的人口大约是十七亿。 二、当主语是表示"人口的百分之几、几分之几"时,谓语动词用复数形式。例如: About seventy percent of the population in China are farmers. 中国大约有百分之七十的人口是农民。 三、有时population可用作可数名词,其前可用不定冠词。例如: China has a population of about 1.3 billion. (=There is a population of about 1.3 billion in China.) 中国大约有十三亿人口。

New York is a big city with a population of over 10 million. 纽约是一个有一千多万人口的大城市。 补:在表示多个地区的人口时,population要用复数形式populations。例如: Many parts of the world, which once had large populations and produced plenty of crops, have become deserts. 世界上很多地区一度人口众多,种植大量的农作物;现在,这些地区已经变成了沙漠。 四、表示人口的"多"或"少",不用"much"或"little",而要用"large" "big"或"small"。例如: India has a large population. 印度人口众多。 Singapore has a small population. 新加坡人口少。 五、询问某国、某地有多少人口时,不用"How much...?",而用"How large...?";在问具体人口时用"What...?"。例如: -How large is the population of your hometown? 你们家乡有多少人口?


Module 9 Population 词汇精讲 1. noise ,voice &sound (1)noise 可以作可数名词,也可以用作不可数名词,表示“人们不愿听到的声音或嘈杂声”。 例如: I heard some strange noises last night. 昨夜我听见一些奇怪的响声。 There's a lot of noise here. 这个地方人声嘈杂。 (2)voice 作名词,意为“声音,嗓音”。用于人时,指说话、歌唱或发笑的声音,也可指发言权。用于其它方面时,常含悦耳之声,如鸟鸣声,乐器声音等。例如:He talked of his trip to Hong Kong in a cheerful voice. 他兴高采烈地谈了他的香港之行。 She has a sweet voice. 她声音很甜美。 (3)sou nd泛指自然界的任何声音,不论其高低、是否悦耳等。例如: I heard the sound of running water. 我听见流水声。 Light travels faster than sound. 光比声音传播得快。 2. huge huge 是常用词, 用于具体事物或人时, 指“体积或数量大得超过一般情况” ;用于抽象事物时, 作“巨大的”、“无限的”解。例如: He stood tongue-tied before the huge audience. 在大批听众面前他站着说不出话来。 【拓展】 (1)big “大的,巨大的”,常指程度,范围,规模,容积,重量,数量等(还可表示“伟大,重要”之意)常可与large 互换,多用于具体的、有形的人或物(其反义词多为 little/small 。) 例如:There is a big tree beside the house.房子旁边有一棵大树。 (2)great 大“的,极大的,伟大的,重要的,超乎寻常”,常指面积,数量,程度(或指抽象的东西,如知识,能力,人格等),用来指人时,表示“伟大的,杰出的”,其反义词为little/small 。例如: We heard a great n oise我们听到一个很大的响声。 【注意】big还可以作长大了”解,great有时可表达说话人的喜悦、赞扬等感情。 例如:Lily is big enough to ride a bike. 莉莉长大了,可以骑自行车了。 He's the greatest man I have ever seen. 他是我见过的最伟大的人物。 (3)large “大的,巨大的”,常指面积,范围,可表示数和量(当它直接用于人时,可表示身体的大),其反义词为small。例如: They say China is a large and beautiful country. 他们说中国是一个面积大而美丽的国家。 3. question&problem question 和problem 都有“问题”的意思,但用法不同。question 指须解答的问题,是就疑问而言的;problem 指须解决的问题,是就困难而言的。例如: What's your question? Can you answer it? 你的问题是什么?你能自己回答吗? What's your problem? Can you solve it by yourself? 你的问题(困难)是什么?你能自己解决吗? 4. billion (1)billion是数词,意为十亿”当表示具体的几十亿”时,用基数词+ billion ,注意不加-s。 第 1 页


Population用法 population是一个集合名词(无复数形式),它的用法有时较为特殊,所以很容易用错。 下面谈一下它的用法: 一、population常与定冠词the连用,作主语用时,谓语动词常用第三人称单数形式。 例如: The world\'s population is increasing faster and faster. 全世界的人口增长得越来越快。 At the beginning of the twentieth century, the world\'s population was about 1,700 million. 在二十世纪初,全世界的人口大约是十七亿。 二、当主语是表示\"人口的百分之几、几分之几\"时,谓语动词用复数形式。 例如: About seventy percent of the population in China are farmers. 中国大约有百分之七十的人口是农民。 三、有时population可用作可数名词,其前可用不定冠词。 例如: China has a population of about 1.3 billion. (=There is a population of about 1.3 billion in China.) 中国大约有十三亿人口。 New York is a big city with a population of over 10 million. 纽约是一个有一千多万人口的大城市。 在表示多个地区的人口时,population要用复数形式populations。 例如: Many parts of the world, which once had large populations and produced plenty of crops, have become deserts. 世界上很多地区一度人口众多,种植大量的农作物;现在,这些地区已经变成了沙漠。 四、表示人口的\"多\"或\"少\",不用\"much\"或\"little\",而要用\"large\"或\"small\"。 例如: India has a large population. 印度人口众多。 Singapore has a small population. 新加坡人口少。 五、询问某国、某地有多少人口时,不用\"How much...?\",而用\"How large...?\";在问具体人口时用\"What...?\" 例如: -How large is the population of your hometown? 你们家乡有多少人口? -The population of our hometown is nearly twice as large as that of yours. 我们家乡的人口是你们家乡人口的将近两倍。 -What is the population of Canada? 加拿大的人口有多少? -The population of Canada is about 29 million. 加拿大的人口大约有二千九百万。 六、population还表示\"某地、某类的动、植物或物品的总数\"。 例如: In India, however, the population of tigers has increased, from 2,000 in 1972 to about 5,000 in 1989. 然而在印度,老虎的总数已从1972年的2,000只增长到了1989年的大约5,000只。


population 的用法 1.population 常以单数形式出现,意为“人口”“人数”。如果指世界不同地区的人口时,用复数。 (1)The population of this city is growing every year. (2) Many parts of the world, which once had large populations and produced plenty of crops, have become deserts. 2.做主语时,谓语动词的数的选用,population直接做主语,谓语动词一般用单数,前面有some, most 或者百分数时,谓语动词常用复数,前面有分数时,谓语动词单复数即可。 (1).The population is increasing faster and faster. (2).At the beginning of the twentieth century, the world\'s population was about 1,700 million. (3).About seventy percent of the population in China are farmers. (4).Most of the population of the city are workers. (5).One third of the population now smoke/smokes. 3.population 前的冠词的选用,population of 跟地名或者事物时,用定冠词the, population of 跟数词时,用不定冠词a, population 表示抽象意义时,用零冠词。 (1).China has a population of about 1.3 billion. (2). New York is a big city with a population of over 10 million. (3). The population of Canada is about 29 million. (4). The people’s living standard has risen, causing a rise in population. 4.询问某国、某地有多少人口时,不用\"How much...?\",而用\"How large...?\";在问具体人口时用\"What...?\"。表示人口的\"多\"或\"少\",不用\"much\"或\"little\",而要用\"large\"或\"small\" (1).How large is the population of your hometown? 你们家乡有多少人口? (2).The population of our hometown is nearly twice as large as that of yours. 我们家乡的人口是你们家乡人口的将近两倍。 (3).What is the population of Canada? 加拿大的人口有多少? 5.在表示多个地区的人口时,population要用复数形式populations。例如: Many parts of the world, which once had large populations and produced plenty of crops, have become deserts. 世界上很多地区一度人口众多,种植大量的农作物;现在,这些地区已经变成了沙漠。


population是一个集合名词,它的用法有时较为特殊,所以很容易用错。下面谈一下它的用 法。 一、population常与定冠词the连用,作主语用时,谓语动词常用第三人称单数形式。例如: The world\'s population is increasing faster and faster. 全世界的人口增长得越来 越快。 At the beginning of the twentieth century, the world\'s population was about 1,700 million. 在二十世纪初,全世界的人口大约是十七亿。 二、当主语是表示\"人口的百分之几、几分之几\"时,谓语动词用复数形式。例如: About seventy percent of the population in China are farmers. 中国大约有百分之七 十的人口是农民。 三、有时population可用作可数名词,其前可用不定冠词。例如: China has a population of about 1.3 billion. (=There is a population of about 1.3 billion in China.) 中国大约有十三亿人口。 New York is a big city with a population of over 10 million. 纽约是一个有一千多 万人口的大城市。 在表示多个地区的人口时,population要用复数形式populations。例如: Many parts of the world, which once had large populations and produced plenty of crops, have become deserts. 世界上很多地区一度人口众多,种植大量的农作物;现在,这 些地区已经变成了沙漠。 四、表示人口的\"多\"或\"少\",不用\"much\"或\"little\",而要用\"large\"或 \"small\"。例如: India has a large population. 印度人口众多。 Singapore has a small population. 新加坡人口少。


Module 9 Population 教案 Unit 1 The population of China is about 1.37 million. 【教学目标】 ●Knowledge objective 1.To understand the conversation in relation to population. 2.To get specific information from the listening material. 3.To talk about and understand numbers. ●Ability objective To make a short passage or a dialogue with the points in this unit ●Moral objective To get the student to know how to make a teamwork 【教学重点】 New words and expressions To learn the grammar knowledge of big numbers 【教学难点】 To grasp the phrases and important sentences 【教学方法】 PWP method, task-based method and interactive approach 【教学手段】 A tape recorder, multimedia and some pictures 【教学过程】 Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Lead-in Ss look at the pictures and fill in the blanks. Step 2 Consolidate new words Look and say. The teacher shows the pictures of new words and let the


名词 考点: 1.掌握可数名词的复数 2.学会表示不可数名词的量 3.掌握构词法:名词变形容词 4.掌握名词所有格的用法 5.掌握名词做主语、定语的用法 冠词离开名词没有任何意义,因此在学习冠词前,首先要了解名词的分类: 个体名词:人或物所共用的名称dog, chair 名词可分为:可数名词 集体名词:集体的名称class, family, police, 物质名词:物质的名称paper, water 不可数名词抽象名词:抽象的物的名称happiness 专有名词:人或物所特有的名称Tom, China 考点一:可数名词的数 可数名词复数变化规则: (1)规则变化:a. 以-s,-x,-sh, -ch,结尾的名词,在词尾+es, 发音/-Is/ eg:classes, brushes, boxes, watches b. 以辅音字母+ -y结尾,将y变i,再+es,eg:parties, stories(注意元音同y结尾时+s boys) c.部分以f或fe结尾的词,将变f/fe为v+es,eg:wife-wives 口诀:(妻见小偷加下藏,手拿小刀想杀狼,忽然飘下一片叶,砸在头上一命亡) d.部分以o结尾的词,(生物名词,包括动植物,口诀:黑人英雄爱吃土豆西红柿)后加es, 如:Negroes, heroes, potatoes, tomatoes, 以o结尾的无生命的词,一般直接+s eg:photos,pianos,kilos,tobaccos (2)不规则变化:a. 名词中所含元音字母发生变化eg: foot-feet; tooth- teeth; man- men; woman- women; b: 名词词尾加en/ren:ox-oxen;child-children; c. 单复数同行:fish; sheep; deer; means; aircraft; d. 关于国家: 中日不变,英法荷变,其他后面加s two Chinese; five Japanese;/ Englishmen; Englishwomen; Dutchmen; /Germans; Americans e. 有些集体名词用单数形式表达事物总称,如hair, fruit, 但在表示“几根头发”,“若 干水果”时,则用复数形式 a few white hairs; several foreign fruits f. 有些名词形式上是单数的,但实际上是复数的,这一类名词有:cattle牛,家畜;people 人们;vermin害虫;police警察;staff全体职员; clergy僧侣,神职人员;youth; mankind;bacteria;crew等 g. 有些集体名词表示整体时用单数,表示集体中的各个成员时用做复数,能这样用的集 体名词有:audience,club,class,college,crowd,company,couple,department, enemy,family,firm,flock, generation, government, group, herd, navy, party, public, population, press新闻界/记者群,staff, team, university等 (3) 复合名词的复数a. 由man或woman为前缀的复合名词,两者都变成复数


数词的基本用法 (一)基数词的基本用法 1.定语 Fifty thousand London dockers are out on strike. 2.主语 数词作主语,谓语动词用单数。 如:Two months is quite a long time. Five is an odd number. 3.宾语或介词宾语 How many do you want? -----Eight, please. The city has a population of four million. 4.表语 We are altogether fourteen. Five plus seven is twelve. 5.同位语 What work are you to assign us three? Is there room for us two? 6.基数词+单数名词+形容词构成合成形容词。如:一个五岁的男孩 a five-year-old boy;一座800米长的桥an 800-metre-long bridge;女子400米接力girls'400-metre relay race。

7.句型:主语+is +about(大约)/over =more than(超过)/nearly(接近)+具体数词+metre(s)/kilometre(s)/kilo(s)long /high /tall /deep /away等。如:长江长6300公里。 The Changjiang River is 6,300 kilometres long. 8.表示“。。。。。。十”的数词的复数形式可以用来表示人的岁数或年代: He is in his early thirties. He died still in his forties. This took place in the 1930s. (二)序数词的基本用法 1.序数词主要用作定语,前面一般要加定冠词(或物主代词): Tom is their second son. They celebrated the 10th anniversary of the founding of the republic. I will never give up, not even on the 1,000th or 10,000th try. 2.有时前面可以加一个不定冠词来表示“再一”,“又一”这样的意思: We’ll have to do it a second time. Shall I ask him a third time? When I sat down, a fourth man rose to speak. ,second 等有时可用来表示“第一个人(批)”“第二个人”等: She was among the first to come and settle in Dujiashan. You will be the second to speak.


形容词的用法 【真题再现】 1. —Which city has _________population, Beijing, Guiyang or Xingyi? 【2012黔西南】 —Xingyi, of course. A. the largest B. the smallest C. the most D. the least 2. —Henry, you ______ tell the teacher if you want to go out of the classroom. —Sorry, sir. 【2012贵州贵阳】 A. are supposed to B. are surprised to C. are afraid to 3. —You are relaxing yourself here? 【2012安徽省】 —Yes. It feels to walk slowly along the river. A. fantastic B. boring C. strange D. terrible 4. I work hard this term, but Peter works much _______.【2012北京】 A. hard B. harder C. hardest D. the hardest 5. —Peter is _______ than you, right? 【2012广西玉林】 —Yes, but he is _______ runner in our class. A. heavier; best B. heavy; the best C. heavier; the best D. heavy; better 6.His grandparents live _______ in a small house, but they don’t feel ________.【2012贵州安顺】A.lonely; alone B.alone; lonely C.lonely; lonely D.alone; alone 7.The_______you work at your lessons, the _______ results you will get. 【2012 湖北黄石】 A. hard; good B. harder; good C. hard; better D. harder; better 8 — Do you know sound travels very fast? 【2012湖北荆州】 — Yes. But light travels sound. A. as fast as B. a little faster than C. much faster than D. slower than 【答案与解析】 1. A。修饰population只能用large/big或small,由句意可知“问最少人口的地方是哪个?”,所以用large的最高级largest。 2. A。be supposed to do sth 意为“应该做某事”。 3. A。本题考查形容词作表语的用法。fantastic意为“好极了”。 4. B。考查副词hard的比较级和最高级,由于much可以修饰比较级,所以选项B正确。 5. C。考查形容词的比较级和最高级,由than可知第一空用形容词比较级,由in our class这个整体范围可知第二空用形容词最高级。 6. B。句意为“他的祖父母住在一偏僻的小房子里,但是他们不感到孤独”。alone意为“单独的”,lonely意为“孤独的”。 7. D。本题考查句式“the+接形容词或副词比较级,the+接形容词或副词比较级”,意为“越……;越……”。 8. C。第二句句意为“光旅行的速度比声音快多了”。much修饰形容词比较级,强调程度。 【用法讲解】 考试要求: 形容词的中考要求是:形容词的基本用法,形容词的比较级和最高级;某些特殊变化的形容词的比较级和最高级(good-better-best等);形容词的同级比较(as/ so ... as...的用法);形容词比较级的叠加句型(…more and more beautiful)等。 1. 形容词的知识点: 形容词是用来形容和修饰名词的一类词。大多数形容词具有比较级,形容词的位置一般在其修饰的名词前面。形容词在句子中一般可以作定语、表语和宾语补足语等。如: I want to buy a green sweater. 我想买一件绿色的毛衣。(定语) Our headmaster is ill again.我们的校长又生病了。(表语) My dog’s death made me very sad. (宾语补足语) 形容词的种类一般有:


主谓一致的特殊有以下几种: 1)population表示“人口”,一个国家或地区的居民数目,它作主语时谓语动词要用单数形式。当它前面有分数或百分数时,population 是指一个国家或地区的全体居民,谓语动词用复数形式。 The population of Canada is about 29 million.About eighty percent of the population of this country are peasants. 2)集合名词作主语,如果表示整体概念,谓语动词用单数形式;如表示成员则用复数。常见的这部分名词有:army,audience,class,club,committee,company,crowd,family,group,government,organization,party,team等。 Our football team is playing well. Our football team are having baths and are then coming back here for supper. 3)a number of/a variety of/varieties of+可数名词复数; “the majority of+复数名词”作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式the number of(表数目)和the variety of(表种类)等+可数名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数。 A number of new houses have been built there.There are a variety of goods on sale in the shop.The number of the people who know the secret is very limited.


考点选讲:population 【用法解读】 1. population是个集合名词,在句中作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。如: The population of Brazil is smaller then that of India. 2. 表示某国、某城市有多少人口时,可用have/ has a population of…结构。如: The USA has a population of 296 million. 3. 对population提问时要用what或how large。如: What’s the population of your city? 4. 说明人口多少时,不用many、much、few或little,而用large、big或small。如: China has a very large population. 【实战演习】 根据汉语意思补全下列句子。 1. 世界人口增长越来越快。 The world’s population faster and faster. 2. 那座城市有五万人。 The city 50, 000. 3. 你知道澳大利亚有多少人口吗? Do you know the population of Australia is? 4. 加拿大、美国和澳大利亚,哪个国家的人口最少? Which country , Canada, the USA or Australia? Keys: 1. is growing 2. has a population of 3. what 4. has the smallest population


物主代词用法归纳 一、物主代词的用法 物主代词分形容词性物主代词(my,your,his,her,its,our,your,their)和名词性物主代词(mine,yours,his,hers,its,ours,yours,theirs)。形容词性物主代词在句只用作定语;名词性物主代词则不能用作定语,但可以用作主语、宾语、表语、连用of作定语。如: His son is taller than hers.他的儿子比她的儿子高。 Her son is a friend of ours.她的儿子是我们的朋友。 Ours is a great country.我们的国家是一个伟大的国家 This is my desk and that’s hers.这是我的书桌,那是她的书桌。 She clasped Helen’s hand in both hers.她用双手握住海伦自手。 My view is the very opposite of his.我的看法和他的看法恰恰相反。 He lives in the house which is opposite ours.他住在我们家对面的房子里。 Our school beat theirs at baseball.棒球赛我们学校打赢了他们的学校。 This is your pen.Mine is in the box.这是你的铅笔,我的在铅笔盒里。 【说明】可以说a friend of mine (ours,yours,hers,his,theirs),但是不能说a friendof me (us,you,her,him,theirs),但是“名词+ofit”有时可用来代替“its+名词”,如its price 也可说成the price of it。 二、物主代词与own 连用 为了强调,有时可在物主代词后加上own一词。如: Mind your own business.别管闲事。 I saw it with my own eyes.那是我亲眼看到的。


population 是一个集合名词(无复数形式),它的用法有时较为特殊,所以很容易用错。下面谈一下它的用法: 一、population 常与定冠词the 连用, 作主语用时,谓语动词常用第三人称单 数形式。例如: The world\'s population is increasing faster and faster. 全世界的人口增长得越来越快。 At the beginning of the twentieth century, the world\'s population was about 1,700 million. 在二十世纪初,全世界的人口大约是十七亿。 二、当主语是表示\"人口的百分之几、几分之几\"时,谓语动词用复数形式。 例如: About seventy percent of the population in China are farmers. 中国大约有百分之七十的人口是农民。 三、有时population 可用作可数名词,其前可用不定冠词。例如: China has a population of about 1.3 billion. (=There is a population of about 1.3 billion in China.) 中国大约有十三亿人口。 New York is a big city with a population of over 10 million. 纽约是一个有一千多万人口的大城市。 在表示多个地区的人口时,population 要用复数形式populations。例如: Many parts of the world, which once had large populations and produced plenty of crops, have become deserts. 世界上很多地区一度人口众多,种植大量的农作物;现在,这些地区已经变成了沙漠。 四、表示人口的\" 多\" 或\" 少\", 不用\"much\" 或\"little\", 而 要用\"large\" 或\"small\"。例如: India has a large population. 印度人口众多。 Singapore has a small population. 新加坡人口少。 五、询问某国、某地有多少人口时, 不用\"How much...?\", 而用\"How large...?\";在问具体人口时用\"What...?\" 例如: -How large is the population of your hometown? 你们家乡有多少人口? -The population of our hometown is nearly twice as large as that of yours. 我们家乡的人口是你们家乡人口的将近两倍。 -What is the population of Canada? 加拿大的人口有多少? -The population of Canada is about 29 million. 加拿大的人口大约有二千九百万。


八年级英语上册M9Population知识点(XX 外研版) Population Thepopulationofchinaisabout1.37billion. Thepopulationofspis…….表示sp有多少人。 此外用sphasapopulationof……也可以表示sp有多少人。 形容人口的多少用big/large或sall当population作主语时,谓语动词用单数 ●询问某地有多少人口有两种表达方法: .hat’sthepopulationof… Holargeisthepopulationof… 注意:询问某地有多少人口时不用hoany和houch hundred\thousand\illion\billion等前有数字,用单数形式threehundred hundred\thousand\illion\billion等后有of,用复数形式thousandsof noise噪音noisy吵闹的aenoise发出噪音 voice指嗓音 sound指一切声音 prepare准备preparefor为……做准备

preparetodosth准备去做某事. Eg:TheyarepreparingfortheNeyear. epreparetogofishingnexteeend. report报告;报道aeareport做报告reporter记者,通讯员 notes名词复数形式“笔记随笔”aenotes记笔记 suchas\forexaple例如,比如 toouch+不可数名词uchtoo+ad太…… tooany+可数名词 Eg:Iliefruit,suchasapples,bananas. Ihavetoouchhoeortodotoday. Thatdressisuchtoolongfore. TherearetooanypeopleintheshoponSunday. increaseby+倍数百分数增加了…… to+具体增长后的数字增加到…… Eg:Thenuberofteachersincreasedbytice. Thepopulationofthetonincreasedto50000. bebornin+年份地点Iasbornin1985. of+家庭Heasbornofarichfaily. onefifth五分之一 分数的表达法:分子在前,用基数词;分母在后,用序 数词。当分子大于1时,分母需要用复数如:tothirds
