


































有形贸易(Tangible Goods Trade)是指买卖那些看得见、摸得着的具有物质形态的商品(如粮食、机器等)的交换活动。


无形贸易(Intangible Goods Trade)是指买卖一切不具备物质形态的商品的交换活动,


















技术贸易(International Technology Trade)是指技术供应方通过签订技术合同或协议,将技术有偿转让给技术接受方使用










贸易值又叫贸易额(Value of Trade),是用货币表示的反映贸易规模的指标。










《国际贸易实务》(英汉双语)课程设计大纲 课程类别:必修学时:72 课程性质:理论教学学分:4 适用专业:外文系、管理系、政法系等国贸专业、英语专业开课教研室:外文系、管理系、政法系专业教研室 一、课程设计基本目的、任务及课程建设指导思想 根据21世纪社会、经济、科技文化发展趋势,中国入世后对各类人才需求类型的变化,客观上使高等教育改革势在必行,培养既熟悉外贸业务,又精通英语的合格人才是当前大学教育面临的一个迫切任务。《国际贸易实务》是一门主要研究国际商品交换的基本知识、基本规则和具体操作技术的学科,也是一门具有涉外经济活动特点的实践性很强的综合性、应用性学科。该课程是我院外文系经贸英语专业、管理系市场营销专业、政法系国际贸易实务等专业的专业主干课程,有着独特的重要地位。 本课程比较系统地讲述了进出口业务环节,使我系经贸英语方向的学生既能够学到国际贸易进出口的基本专业知识,又能够提高和巩固英语语言应用能力,有利于学生能更好地就业,并且能很快地胜任对外贸易工作。本课程主要的任务是掌握国际贸易的基本知识并能较熟练地用英语进行阐述。 同时,为了更好地实施《国际贸易实务》课的教学改革,积极探索新型人才培养模式,我们逐渐确立了“三融合”的教学理念和“双主”教学思想。

所谓“三大融合”即: 1. 把知识传授与技能训练及职业态度培养有机融合起来,使三者相互融通,相互促进; 2. 把综合能力、创新能力和实践能力的培养有机融合起来,并强调以实践能力培养为中心,使三者相互作用,协同提高; 3. 把素质教育、知识传授与能力培养有机融合起来,使学生的知识、能力和素质结构优化、全面协调发展。 “双主”教育思想是一种既发挥教师的主导作用,同时又要充分体现学生的认知主体作用,即要把“教师中心”和“学生中心”两者的长处吸收过来,又要把两者的消极因素加以避免的教学思想。这就要求教师在一般的“传递-接受”教学活动后,通过多种手段向学生提供精心组织的情景,让学生在情景中运用教师讲过的原理、原则,主动思考、主动探索、主动发现,从而完成教学目的。 在“三融合”和“双主”教学思想的指导下,《国际贸易实务》课程组展开了一系列的教学改革,并取得了一定的成效。 二、课程设计的基本内容和教学要求 《国际贸易实务》是我院外文系、政法系、管理系相关专业必修的专业主干课之一。是一门专门研究国际间商品交换具体过程和习惯性做法的应用学科,也是一门具有涉外经济活动特点的实践性很强的综合性应用学科。 《国际贸易实务》课程的主要任务是,从贸易实践和法律的角度,


Unit 1 A brief introduction to international trade Key I. Answer my questions 1. International trade is business whose activities involve the crossing of national borders. It includes not only international trade and foreign manufacturing but also encompasses the growing services industry in areas such as transportation, tourism, banking, advertising, construction, retailing, wholesaling, and mass communications. It includes all business transactions that involve two or more countries. Such business relationship may be private or governmental. 2. Sales expansion, resource acquisition and diversification of sales and supplies. 3. To gain profit. 4. To seej out foreign markets and procurement. 5. There are four major forms which are the following: Merchandise exports and Imports, Service Exports and Imports, Investment and Multinational Enterprise. 6. It is the account which is a summary statement of the flow of all international economic and financial transactions between one nation (eg.the United States ) and the rest of the world over some period of time, usually one year. 7. Merchandise Exporting and Importing. 8. Yes. There are great differences between them. 1) direct investment takes place when control follows the investment. It usually means high commitment of capital, personnel, and technology abroad. It aims at gaining of foreign resources and foreign markets. Direct investment may often get higher foreign sales than exporting. And sometimes it involves two or more parties. 2) While portfolio investments are not under control. And they are used primarily for financial purposes. Treasures of companies, for example, routinely more funds from one country to another to get a higher yield on short term investments. 9. MNE is the abbreviation of the multinational enterprise. Its synonyms are NNC (the multinational corporation) and TNC (transnational corporation). 10. Examples are travel, transport, fee, royalties, dividends and interest. 11. The choice of forms is influenced by the objective being pursued and the environments in which the company must operate. 12. It is limited by the number of people interested in a firm’s products and services and by customers’ capacity to make purchase. 13. This is because at an early stage of international involvement these operations usually take the least commitment and least risk of a firm’s resources. 14. Royalties means the payment for use of assets from abroad, such as for trademarks patens, copyrights, or other expertise under contract known as licencing agreements.Royalties are also paid franchising. 15. It is a way of doing business in which one party (the franchiser) the use of a trademark that is an essential asset for the franchisers’ business. II Match each one on the left with its correct meaning on the right 1. J 2.A 3.E 4.B 5.C 6.D 7.I 8.G 9.F 10.H III Translate the following terms and phrases into Chinese 1 购买力11经济复苏;恢复


第四章Trade Terms 1.贸易术语的作用; 2.FCA/FOB/CFR/CIF/CPT/CIP买卖双方的责任义务(保险、租船订舱及支付运费、适合的运输方式、所加地点、进出口清关); 3.EXW和DDP买卖双方责任义务比较; 4.FCA术语装货的问题; 5.CIF买卖双方的责任划分界限及关于索赔的相关规定;装船通知的规定 6.CIF\CIP投保险种规定和投保加成率 第五章Quality 1.对等样品(counter sample)的定义: To avoid future disputes over the quality of the goods, the seller usually first duplicates the samples and then sends the duplicate to the buyer for confirmation. 2.凭样成交、凭等级买卖、凭FAQ、凭GMQ、凭产地、凭品牌、凭说明书买卖的适用产品范围: 3.质量有问题的处理 Buyer has the right to ask for reducing the price difference, or will refuse to take the goods, even to cancel the contact and declare for compensation. 4.凭样品卖方的种类 (1) Sale by the seller’s sample (2) Sale by the buyer’s sample (3)

Sale by the counter sample 5.质量机动幅度的内容和类型: 1. Specification of range 2. Specification of limitation 3. Specification of more or less (1) Quality Latitude/Quality Flexible Allowance (2) Quality Tolerance 第六章Quantity 1.数量单位的表示方法 2.运费按W/ M 或W 或M计算的适用产品范围 3.公量、毛重、净重、皮重的定义 4.公量、理论重量适用的产品 5.数量机动幅度的具体规定、溢短装条款及处理 6.数量违约的界定和处理办法 第七章Packing 1.按货物如何包装,产品的分类 2.指示性标志、警告性标志的辨别 3.销售包装和运输包装的含义 4.中性包装及定牌中性的定义 5.整箱装、拼箱装、内外包装的作用 6.运输包装(唛头)的制作 第八章Price 1.佣金(Commission)的定义


Key Chapter1 I. Answer my questions 1. International trade is business whose activities involve the crossing of national borders. It includes not only international trade and foreign manufacturing but also encompasses the growing services industry in areas such as transportation, tourism, banking, advertising, construction, retailing, wholesaling, and mass communications. It includes all business transactions that involve two or more countries. Such business relationship may be private or governmental. 2. Sales expansion, resource acquisition and diversification of sales and supplies. 3. To gain profit. 4. To seej out foreign markets and procurement. 5. There are four major forms which are the following: Merchandise exports and Imports, Service Exports and Imports, Investment and Multinational Enterprise. 6. It is the account which is a summary statement of the flow of all international economic and financial transactions between one nation (eg.the United States ) and the rest of the world over some period of time, usually one year. 7. Merchandise Exporting and Importing. 8. Yes. There are great differences between them. 1) direct investment takes place when control follows the investment. It usually means high commitment of capital, personnel, and technology abroad. It aims at gaining of foreign resources and foreign markets. Direct investment may often get higher foreign sales than exporting. And sometimes it involves two or more parties. 2) While portfolio investments are not under control. And they are used primarily for financial purposes. Treasures of companies, for example, routinely more funds from one country to another to get a higher yield on short term investments. 9. MNE is the abbreviation of the multinational enterprise. Its synonyms are NNC (the multinational corporation) and TNC (transnational corporation). 10. Examples are travel, transport, fee, royalties, dividends and interest. 11. The choice of forms is influenced by the objective being pursued and the environments in which the company must operate. 12. It is limited by the number of people interested in a firm’s products and services and by customers’ capacity to make purchase. 13. This is because at an early stage of international involvement these operations usually take the least commitme nt and least risk of a firm’s resources. 14. Royalties means the payment for use of assets from abroad, such as for trademarks patens, copyrights, or other expertise under contract known as licencing agreements.Royalties are also paid franchising. 15. It is a way of doing business in which one party (the franchiser) the use of a trademark that is an essential asset for the franchisers’ business. II Match each one on the left with its correct meaning on the right 1. J 2.A 3.E 4.B 5.C 6.D 7.I 8.G 9.F 10.H III Translate the following terms and phrases into Chinese


国际贸易理论与实务 彭媛 第一章导论 国际贸易理论与实务 国际贸易学 国际经济学的微观部分 主要讲述国际贸易理论和国际贸易政策 国际贸易实务 主要讲述国际货物买卖的有关理论和实际业务 国际贸易的基本概念 国际贸易是指世界各国或地区之间进行的商品和劳务的交换活动,它是世界各国在国际分工的基础上相互交换的主要形式。 对外贸易是指一国或地区同别国或地区之间进行的商品和劳务的交换活动。 两者的区别在于看待贸易的角度不同。前者是在世界的角度看待贸易,后者是从一个国家的角度看待贸易。 一、国际贸易的分类 按照商品的移动方向划分 商品包括有形商品和劳务或技术等无形商品 出口贸易、进口贸易、过境贸易、复出口、复进口 出口贸易:又称输出贸易,是指将本国的商品输送到他国市场销售。 进口贸易:又称输入贸易,是指将外国的商品输入到本国市场销售。 过境贸易:甲国通过丙国向乙国运送商品,对丙国来说就是过境贸易。 复出口:从国外输入的商品,没有在本国消费,又未经加工就再出口,称作复出口或复输出,很大程度与经营转口贸易有关。 复进口:输往国外的商品未经加工又输入本国,则叫做复进口或再输入,多因偶然原因,比如出口退货。 按照是否有第三国参加 直接贸易是指商品生产国与商品消费国直接买卖商品的行为。 间接贸易与转口贸易:甲乙两国通过丙国发生买卖商品的行为,对甲乙两国而言是间接贸易,对丙国来说是转口贸易。 转口贸易不同于过境贸易:货物所有权发生移转。 按照国境和关境划分 总贸易是指以国境为划分标准划分进口、出口的贸易。在一定时期内,凡是进入一国国境的商品就是进口,即总进口;凡是离开一国国境的商品就是出口,即总出口。 总贸易额=总进口额+总出口额 专门贸易是以关境为标准划分进口、出口的贸易。在一定时期内,只有进入一国关境的商品才能列入进口,即专门进口,进入一国国境的商品,而没有进入关境的商品则不能列为进口;凡是运出一国关境的商品才能列为出口,即专门出口。 专门贸易额=专门进口额+专门出口额 过境贸易列入总贸易,不列入专门贸易。 按商品的形式和内容来划分 有形贸易(Tangible Goods Trade)是指买卖那些看得见、摸得着的具有物质形态的商品(如粮食、机器等)的交换活动。


《国际贸易实务(双语)》课程标准 课程编码:课程类型:理论+实践 课程性质:必修课适用专业:商务英语 学时: 72 学分:4 课程负责人: 参编人员: 一、课程定位 (一)课程性质 《国际贸易实务》是一门业务课,也是商务英语专业的专业核心课程,大致了解进出口贸易的各项任务,不仅懂得基本的国际贸易实务,而且全面掌握进出口业务专业知识和技能,增强实践能力,理论联系实际,学会运用国际贸易惯例和法律解决争端,做到真正地满足将来相关贸易工作的需求,是《外贸单证缮制》的前导课程。 (二)课程作用 通过对该课程的学习,使学生对外贸一般流程、方法和要求有初步了解。重点掌握国际贸易实务的基础知识,并了解国际贸易开展的最新进展和应用,在外贸业务中,加强基础理论知识对实操的意义和作用。 (三)前导、后续课程 先修专业基础必修课如《英语精读》、《英语视听说》和《英语应用文写作》之后,讲授此课程稍合适。同时,后续课程有《外贸单证缮制(双语)》、《商务谈判(双语)》《国际市场营销(双语)》《跨境电商》等。 二、课程理念及设计思路 (一)课程理念 课程开发遵循的基于工作过程导向的现代职业教育指导思想,课程的目标是从事国际贸易的职业能力培养。课程教学内容的取舍和内容排序遵循以工作需求为目标原则,本课程采用了项目引领,任务驱动的教学模式。 (二)课程设计思路 本课程的设计思路以服务外贸型企业为导向,对国际贸易活动所涉及的各岗位进行职业能力分析,以处理国际贸易业务为主线,分解项目学习任务,培养学生具备国际贸易实务基础理论知识素养。

三、课程目标 (一)知识目标 培养学生掌握国际贸易的基本原理、基本知识和基本技能及方法,而且应学会分析和解决实际业务问题的能力。学生应具备以下能力: 能对国际贸易理论与实务有一般认知能力; 能进行简单的贸易谈判; 能够计算国际贸易的报价; 能够准备对货物进行描述; 能够选择正确的航线和运输方式; 能够依据不同的货物和目的地,购买不同的险种; 能够继续学习、能独立获取新知识能力,具备分析和解决国际贸易实际问题的基本能力。 (二)能力目标 了解国际贸易理论与实务基础知识; 了解贸易谈判的基本准则知识; 理解并掌握国际贸易报价的组成部分知识; 理解并掌握货物描述的组成部分知识; 了解班轮公司及其他运输方式选择知识; 理解货物保险的基础知识; 掌握支付手段及支付方式的基础知识。 (三)素质目标 培养良好的职业道德如诚实守信、吃苦耐劳; 养成严谨、踏实、认真负责的工作作风; 培养创新意识。 四、课程内容 本课程每周4课时,教学周共18周,总学时为72学时。教学采用讲练结合的方法,理论教学和操作练习穿插进行。讲授时数为 36学时,操作时数为36学时,教学内容详细、教学时数分配表见表1: 表1 课程内容分解表 学习情境或 项目子情境或子项目 学习内容或 具体工作任务 成果形式 学时数 讲 授 实 践


Chapter Four Quality, Quantity and Packing of the Commodities (2) II. Quantity Concerning Export Commodities 1. Units to Indicate Quantity (1) Existing systems of units SI: System of International Units British System USA System Metric System(公制) (2) General kinds of units indicating quantity Weight (M/T: Metric Ton, L/T: Long Ton, S/T: Short Ton, G: Gram, KG: Kilogram, OZ: Ounce, LB: Pound) Number (piece, pair, dozen, case(容器), drum, bag, bale(大包), basket, gross(总额), set(套), roll(名册)) Area (Square meter, Square feet, Square yard(码)) Length (meter, foot, yard) Volume(体积)(cubic meter, cubic foot, cubic yard, cubic inch) Capacity (liter(公升), gallon(加仑), bushel(美:蒲式耳)) 2. Weight Calculation (1) By gross weight (毛重) The weight of the commodity plus its tare(皮)or weight of packing. Called Gross for Net in business. (2) By net weight(净重) The actual weight of the commodity, that is, the weight excluding(除了)tare. Ways to Calculate the Tare: Actual Tare /Real Tare(实际皮重) Average Tare(平均皮重)/Standard Tare(标准皮重) Customary Tare(习惯皮重) Computed Tare(推定皮重) (3) By conditioned weight(公定量) The scientifically dried weight of a certain commodity plus the standard moisture(水分)of that commodity. (4) By theoretical weight(理论重量) The weight of the goods is deducted(减去)by measuring the size and specifications which are fixed. 针对一些按固定规格生产和销售的商品,如,钢板,马口铁等所采用的计重方法.

国际贸易实务双语课件 delivery

Unit 9 Delivery of Goods

The delivery of the goods means that the seller delivers the contract goods at the agreed time, place and in the agreed manners to the buyer. In international sales of goods, the delivery also means to transfer the necessary documents at the stipulated time to the buyer.

(一)Modes of Transport Sea Land Air Charter Liner Railway, train Roadway, truck Airline Ups, Fedex, DHL,EMS

Postal Parcel Transport Combined Transport OCP Transport: Overland common point Land Bridge Transport Multi-modal Combined Transportation

1、Charter租船 Voyage Charter 1)Modes Time Charter 2) Stipulation of Loading & Unloading Charges F.O. F.I. F.I.O. Liner Terms (Gross Terms) 3)Lay-time and Dispatch, Demurrage




Key Chapter1 I. Answer my questions 1. International trade is business whose activities involve the crossing of national borders. It includes not only international trade and foreign manufacturing but also encompasses the growing services industry in areas such as transportation, tourism, banking, advertising, construction, retailing, wholesaling, and mass communications. It includes all business transactions that involve two or more countries. Such business relationship may be private or governmental. 2. Sales expansion, resource acquisition and diversification of sales and supplies. 3. To gain profit. 4. To seej out foreign markets and procurement. 5. There are four major forms which are the following: Merchandise exports and Imports, Service Exports and Imports, Investment and Multinational Enterprise. 6. It is the account which is a summary statement of the flow of all international economic and financial transactions between one nation (eg.the United States ) and the rest of the world over some period of time, usually one year. 7. Merchandise Exporting and Importing. 8. Yes. There are great differences between them. 1) direct investment takes place when control follows the investment. It usually means high commitment of capital, personnel, and technology abroad. It aims at gaining of foreign resources and foreign markets. Direct investment may often get higher foreign sales than exporting. And sometimes it involves two or more parties. 2) While portfolio investments are not under control. And they are used primarily for financial purposes. Treasures of companies, for example, routinely more funds from one country to another to get a higher yield on short term investments. 9. MNE is the abbreviation of the multinational enterprise. Its synonyms are NNC (the multinational corporation) and TNC (transnational corporation). 10. Examples are travel, transport, fee, royalties, dividends and interest. 11. The choice of forms is influenced by the objective being pursued and the environments in which the company must operate. 12. It is limited by the number of people interested in a firm’s products and services and by customers’ capaci ty to make purchase. 13. This is because at an early stage of international involvement these operations usually take the least commitment and least risk of a firm’s resources. 14. Royalties means the payment for use of assets from abroad, such as for trademarks patens, copyrights, or other expertise under contract known as licencing agreements.Royalties are also paid franchising. 15. It is a way of doing business in which one party (the franchiser) the use of a trademark that is an essential asset for the franchisers’ business. II Match each one on the left with its correct meaning on the right 1. J 2.A 3.E 4.B 5.C 6.D 7.I 8.G 9.F 10.H III Translate the following terms and phrases into Chinese
