

全新版大学英语综合教程4 Text A课后练习答案 Unit One Fighting with the Forces of Nature Part II Text A Vocabulary 1) alliance 2) at the cost of 3) stroke 4) limp 5) minus 6) regions 7) eclarations 8) siege 9) raw 10) bide his time 11) have taken their toll 12) in the case of 2. 1) is faced with 2) get bogged down 3) is pressing on / pressed on 4) drag on 5) get by 6) dine out 7) have cut back 8) get through 3. 1) The rapid advance in gene therapy may lead to the conquest of cancer in the near future. 2) Production in many factories has been brought to a halt by the delayed arrival of raw materials due to the dock workers’ strike. 3) Sara has made up her mind that her leisure interests will/should never get in the way of her career. 4) Obviously the reporter's question caught the foreign minister off guard. 5) The introduction of the electronic calculator has rendered the slide rule out of date / obsolete. 4.1) Being faced with an enemy forces much superior to ours, we had to give up the occupation of big cities and retreat to the rural and mountainous regions to build up our bases. 2)Unity is crucial to the efficient operation of an organization. Failure to reckon with this problem will weaken its strength. In many cases, work may be brought to a halt by constant internal struggle in an organization. 3)The Red Army fought a heroic battle at Stalingrad and won the decisive victory against the Germans. In fact, this battle turned the tide in the Second World War. During this famous battle, the Soviet troops withstood the German siege and weakened the German army by launching a series of counterattacks. II. More Synonyms in Context 1) During the First World War, battles occurred here and there over vast areas. Some of the most dramatic fighting took place in the gloomy trenches of France and Belgium. 2) Elizabeth made careful preparations for the interview and her efforts / homework paid off. 3)1 spent hours trying to talk him into accepting the settlement, but he turned a deaf ear to all my words. 4)Pneumonia had severely weakened her body, and I wondered how her fragile body could withstand the harsh weather. III. Usage 1)But often it is not until we fall ill that we finally learn to appreciate good health. 2)A rich old lady lay dead at home for two weeks—and nobody knew anything about it. 3)It's said he dropped dead from a heart attack when he was at work 4)Don't sit too close to the fire to keep warm—you could easily get burned, especially if you fall asleep. 5)In those days people believed in marrying young and having children early. 6)Little Tom was unable to sit still for longer than a few minutes. Comprehensive Exercises I. Cloze 1. 1. invasion 2. stand in the way 3.conquest 4. catching... off his guard 5. launching 6. declaration 7. campaign 8. drag on 9. reckon with 10. bringing...to a halt 2. 1. allow 2. reckoned 3. highly 4. forecasts 5. rapidly 6. instant 7. delivery 8. advantage 9. observing 10. Powerful II. Translation 1.1) Mr. Doherty and his family are currently engaged in getting the autumn harvest in on the farm. 2)We must not underestimate the enemy. They are equipped with the most sophisticated weapons. 3)Having been cut of a job/Not having had a job for 3months, Phil is getting increasingly


??程3 第二 ?案 UNIT 1 Vocab?ulary? 1) on balan?ce 5) illus?trate? d 9) invol?ved 2) resis?t 6) budge?t 10) econo?mic 3) haul 7) lower?ing 11) blast?ing 4) wicke? d 8) bound?ary 12) just about? 2.1)cut back/ down 2) pick up 3) getby? 4) get throu?gh 5)face up to 6) turn in 7) makin?g up for 8) think?up 3. 1) pursu?ed his mathe?matic?al studi?es and taugh?t himse?lf astro?nomy 2) often?gener?ate misle?ading?thoug?hts 3) attac?h great?impor?tance?to combi?ning theor?y with pract?ice inour?work 4) be suspe?cted of doing?every?thing?for money? 5) befor? e he gets throu?gh life 4. 1) their?indoo?r, a profi?t, to inves?t in 2) devic?e, the impro?vemen?t, on a globa?l scale? 3) stack?ed, tempt?ation?, never?dined?out II Confu?sable?Words? 1. 1) house?2) Home 3) home,famil?y 4) house?hold 2. 1) doubt?2) suspe?ct 3)doubt?ed 4)suspe?cted 5) suspe?ct


Unit 1 Growing Up Part II Language Focus Vocabulary Ⅰ. 1. 1.has been assigned to the newspaper’s Paris office. 2.was so extraordinary that I didn’t know whether to believe him or not. 3.a clear image of how she would look in twenty years’

time. 4.gave the command the soldiers opened fire. 5.buying bikes we’ll keep turning them out. 3. 1.reputation, rigid, to inspire 2.for 3.of 4.with 5.as

6.about 7.to 8.in, in 9.from 10.on/upon 2.surprise 3.pulled 4.blowing 5.dressed

6.scene 7.extraordinary 8.image 9.turn 10.excitement company’s safety rules. 5.It is reported that the government has taken proper measures to avoid the possibility of a severe water shortage. /The local government is reported to have taken proper measures to avoid the possibility of a




全新版大学英语综合教程4 Text A课后练习答案 Unit One Fighting with the Forces of Nature Part II Text A Vocabulary 1) alliance 2) at the cost of 3) stroke 4) limp 5) minus 6) regions 7) eclarations 8) siege 9) raw 10) bide his time 11) have taken their toll 12) in the case of 2. 1) is faced with 2) get bogged down 3) is pressing on / pressed on 4) drag on 5) get by 6) dine out 7) have cut back 8) get through 3. 1) The rapid advance in gene therapy may lead to the conquest of cancer in the near future. 2) Production in many factories has been brought to a halt by the delayed arrival of raw materials due to the dock workers’ strike. 3) Sara has made up her mind that her leisure interests will/should never get in the way of her career. 4) Obviously the reporter's question caught the foreign minister off guard. 5) The introduction of the electronic calculator has rendered the slide rule out of date / obsolete. 4.1) Being faced with an enemy forces much superior to ours, we had to give up the occupation of big cities and retreat to the rural and mountainous regions to build up our bases. 2)Unity is crucial to the efficient operation of an organization. Failure to reckon with this problem will weaken its strength. In many cases, work may be brought to a halt by constant internal struggle in an organization. 3)The Red Army fought a heroic battle at Stalingrad and won the decisive victory against the Germans. In fact, this battle turned the tide in the Second World War. During this famous battle, the Soviet troops withstood the German siege and weakened the German army by launching a series of counterattacks. II. More Synonyms in Context 1) During the First World War, battles occurred here and there over vast areas. Some of the most dramatic fighting took place in the gloomy trenches of France and Belgium. 2) Elizabeth made careful preparations for the interview and her efforts / homework paid off. 3)1 spent hours trying to talk him into accepting the settlement, but he turned a deaf ear to all


英语复习材料 汪晓寒 location 场所位置 dumb 愚蠢的(foolish),哑的(toneless) assure 向某人保证(promise),使确信(guarantee) glorious 极好的(wonderful),辉煌的(splendid),光荣的 (completely) exhaust 筋疲力尽,用完 community 社区 committee 交流 fade 渐渐消失,褪色 comtast 持续的,不变的 humiliate 羞辱,使丢脸 simultaneous 同事的 interference 干涉,干扰 keep (sb)in suspense 使产生悬念 talented /gift/ genius 天赋 typical 典型的 consist of / be made up of 由……组成 reversal 颠倒 critical 至关重要的 principal 主要的 initial 最初的 investigate 调查 elementary 基本的 vigorous 用力地,精力充沛的 colleague 同事 creative 独创的 creativity 创造力 originality 独创性 independence 独立 enormous 巨大的,极大的 breakthrough 突破 (一到五单元单词) 1)背离传统需要极大的勇气。(departure,enormous)' It takes an enormous amount of courage to make a departure from the tradition. 3) 很多教育家认为从小培养孩子的创新精神是很可取的。(creative,desirable) Many educators think it desirable to foster the creative spirit in the child at an early age. 5)如果这些数据在统计上是站得住脚的,那它将会帮助我们认识正在调查的问题。 (throw lighton, investigate, valid)


1.那是个正式的宴会,我照妈妈对我讲的那样穿着礼服去了。 As it was a formal dinner party, I wore formal dress, as Mother told me to. 2.他的女友劝他趁抽烟的坏习惯还未根深蒂固之前把它改掉。 His girlfriend advised him to get out of/get rid of his bad habit of smoking before it took hold. 3.他们预料到下几个月电的需求量很大,决定增加生产。 Anticipating that the demand for electricity will be high during the next few months, they have decided to increase its production. 4.据说比尔因一再违反公司的安全规章而被解雇。 It is said that Bill has been fired for continually violating the company’s safety rules. Bill is said t o have been fired for continually violating the company’s safety rules. 5.据报道地方政府已采取适当措施避免严重缺水的可能性。 It is reported that the government has taken proper measures to avoid the possibility of a severe water shortage. The local government is reported to have taken proper measures to avoid the possibility of a severe water shortage. 1) 半个小时过去了,但末班车还没来。我们只好走回家。Half an hour had gone by, but the last bus hadn’t come yet. We had to walk home. 2) 玛丽看上去对汉语考试很担心,因为她还没有背熟课文。 Mary seems to be very worried about the Chin ese exam because she hasn’t learned the texts by heart. 3) 既然篮球赛已被推迟,我们不妨去参观博物馆。Since the basketball match has been postponed, we might as well visit the museum. 4) 个二次世界大战期间他一直和父母住在澳大利亚。 He stayed in Australia with his parents all the way through WWⅡ 5) 自1985年从南京大学毕业至今,可以说我与我的大学同学失去了联系。 Since I graduated from Nanjing University in 1985, I have kind of lost touch with my classmates. 1) 正如科学家所预言的那样,全球污染成了人类面临的最严重的问题之一。 A s is predicted by scientists, global pollution has become one of the most serious problems humans are faced with. 2) 谋求这些职位的竞争很激烈——今年的求职者是去年的五倍。 Competition for these jobs is very tough –we have five times as many applicants this year as we did last year. There are five times as many applicants this year as there were last year. 3) 正如事实表明的那样,教育大纲应当符合国家的经济发展计划。 As the facts show, educational programs need to fit into the national plan for economical development. 4) 这辆汽车太费油,而且价钱几乎是我想付的两倍。


Unit 1 Growing Up 为自己而写 ——拉塞尔·贝克从孩提时代,我还住在贝尔维尔时,我的脑子里就断断续续地转着当作家的念头,但直等到我高中三年级,这一想法才有了实现的可能。在这之前,我对所有跟英文课沾边的事都感到腻味。我觉得英文语法枯燥难懂。我痛恨那些长而乏味的段落写作,老师读着受累,我写着痛苦。 弗利格尔先生接我们的高三英文课时,我就准备着在这门最最单调乏味的课上再熬上沉闷的一年。弗利格尔先生在学生中以其说话干巴和激励学生无术而出名。据说他拘谨刻板,完全落后于时代。我看他有六七十岁了,古板之极。他戴着古板的毫无装饰的眼镜,微微卷曲的头发剪得笔齐,梳得纹丝不乱。他身穿古板的套装,领带端端正正地顶着白衬衣的领扣。他长着古板的尖下巴,古板的直鼻梁,说起话来一本正经,字斟句酌,彬彬有礼,活脱脱一个滑稽的老古董。 我作好准备,打算在弗利格尔先生的班上一无所获地混上一年,不少日子过去了,还真不出所料。后半学期我们学写随笔小品文。弗利格尔先生发下一张家庭作业纸,出了不少题目供我们选择。像"暑假二三事"那样傻乎乎的题目倒是一个也没有,但绝大多数一样乏味。我把作文题带回家,一直没写,直到要交作业的前一天晚上。我躺在沙发上,最终不得不面对这一讨厌的功课,便从笔记本里抽出作文题目单粗粗一看。我的目光落在"吃意大利细面条的艺术"这个题目上。 这个题目在我脑海里唤起了一连串不同寻常的图像。贝尔维尔之夜的清晰的回忆如潮水一般涌来,当时,我们大家一起围坐在晚餐桌旁——艾伦舅舅、我母亲、查理舅舅、多丽丝、哈尔舅舅——帕特舅妈晚饭做的是意大利细面条。那时意大利细面条还是很少听说的异国食品。多丽丝和我都还从来没吃过,在座的大人也是经验不足,没有一个吃起来得心应手的。艾伦舅舅家诙谐有趣的场景全都重现在我的脑海中,我回想起来,当晚我们笑作一团,争论着该如何地把面条从盘子上送到嘴里才算合乎礼仪。 突然我就想描述那一切,描述当时那种温馨美好的气氛,但我把它写下来仅仅是想自得其乐,而不是为弗利格尔先生而写。那是我想重新捕捉并珍藏在心中的一个时刻。我想重温那个夜晚的愉快。然而,照我希望的那样去写,就会违反我在学校里学的正式作文的种种法则,弗利格尔先生也肯定会打它一个不及格。没关系。等我为自己写好了之后,我可以再为弗利格尔先生写点什么别的东西。 等我写完时已是半夜时分,再没时间为弗利格尔先生写一篇循规蹈矩、像模像样的文章了。第二天上午,我别无选择,只好把我为自己而写的贝尔维尔晚餐的故事交了上去。两天后弗利格尔先生发还批改过的作文,他把别人的都发了,就是没有我的。我正准备着遵命一放学就去弗利格尔先生那儿挨训,却看见他从桌上拿起我的作文,敲了敲桌子让大家注意听。 "好了,孩子们,"他说。"我要给你们念一篇小品文。文章的题目是:吃意大利细面条的艺术。" 于是他开始念了。是我写的!他给全班大声念我写的文章。更不可思议的是,全班同学都在听着他念,而且听得很专心。有人笑出声来,接着全班都笑了,不是轻蔑嘲弄,而是乐乎乎地开怀大笑。就连弗利格尔先生也停顿了两三次,好抑制他那一丝拘谨的微笑。 我尽力不流露出得意的心情,但是看到我写的文章竟然能使别人大笑,我真是心花怒放。就在十一年级,可谓是最后的时刻,我找到了一个今生想做的事。这是我整个求学生涯中最幸福的一刻。弗利格尔先生念完后说道:"瞧,孩子们,这就是小品文,懂了没有。这才是——知道吗——这才是小品文的精髓,知道了没有。祝贺你,贝克先生。"他这番话使我沉


全新版大学英语综合教 程 TYYGROUP system office room 【TYYUA16H-TYY-TYYYUA8Q8-

U n i t1 To use the machine, first insert the correct cions,then select the drink you want and button. 使用这台机器,首先插入正确的硬币,然后选择你想喝和按钮。 2)Professor Smith translated not only from the French but also, on occasion ,from the Polish. 史密斯教授翻译不仅从法国也,有时,来自波兰。 3)Food chemists will investigate the health food on sale to see if it really dose give the benefits claimed. 食品化学家将调查在销售保健食品是否真的剂量给人的利益。 4)In retrospect,it was the wrong time to open anew data processing center in this city. 回想起来,那是打开新的数据处理中心在这个城市,错误的时间。 5) My initial reaction to the news was relief,but as I thought more about it I began to feel angry. 听到这个消息我最初的反应是救济,但我想一下我开始感到愤怒。 6)A full understanding of mathematics is sufficient to explain a wide variety of natural phenomena. 一个全对数学的理解是足以解释各种各样的自然现象。 7)Make sure the label is firmly attached to the parcel before you mail it. 确保标签牢牢地贴在包裹邮寄前。 8)Make boyfriend bought me dinner to make up for being late the say before. 做男朋友给我买晚餐要迟到了说之前。 9)The committee is awaiting a decision from the head office before it takes any action. 该委员会是在等待总部的决定所采取的任何行动之前 10)The little girl did not seem to be in the least frightened if being left by herself in the house. 小女孩似乎不在最害怕如果自己被留在家里。 11)The WTO is intended to promote trade among its member states. 在WTO的目的是促进其成员国之间的贸易。 12)When the moon emerged from behind the clouds I made out a figure moving in the distance. 当月亮从云层后面出现我开出了人物移动的距离。


全新版大学英语综合教 程2 HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】

Unit 1 To use the machine, first insert the correct cions,then select the drink you want and button. 使用这台机器,首先插入正确的硬币,然后选择你想喝和按钮。 2)Professor Smith translated not only from the French but also, on occasion ,from the Polish. 史密斯教授翻译不仅从法国也,有时,来自波兰。 3)Food chemists will investigate the health food on sale to see if it really dose give the benefits claimed. 食品化学家将调查在销售保健食品是否真的剂量给人的利益。 4)In retrospect,it was the wrong time to open anew data processing center in this city. 回想起来,那是打开新的数据处理中心在这个城市,错误的时间。 5) My initial reaction to the news was relief,but as I thought more about it I began to feel angry. 听到这个消息我最初的反应是救济,但我想一下我开始感到愤怒。 6)A full understanding of mathematics is sufficient to explain a wide variety of natural phenomena. 一个全对数学的理解是足以解释各种各样的自然现象。 7)Make sure the label is firmly attached to the parcel before you mail it. 确保标签牢牢地贴在包裹邮寄前。 8)Make boyfriend bought me dinner to make up for being late the say before. 做男朋友给我买晚餐要迟到了说之前。 9)The committee is awaiting a decision from the head office before it takes any action. 该委员会是在等待总部的决定所采取的任何行动之前 10)The little girl did not seem to be in the least frightened if being left by herself in the house. 小女孩似乎不在最害怕如果自己被留在家里。 11)The WTO is intended to promote trade among its member states. 在WTO的目的是促进其成员国之间的贸易。 12)When the moon emerged from behind the clouds I made out a figure moving in the distance. 当月亮从云层后面出现我开出了人物移动的距离。


全新版大学英语综合教程4 翻译 UNIT 1 1. 多尔蒂先生和他的家人目前正在农场忙于秋收。 Mr. Doherty and his family are engaged in autumn harvest on the farm. 2. 我们不能低估敌人,他们装备了最先进的武器。 We can’t underestimate enemies, they have been equipped with the most advanced weapons. 3. 菲尔已三个月没有找到工作了,正变得越来越绝望。 Phil is becoming more and more desperate, because she has been out of work for 3months. 4. 作为项目经理,山姆办事果断,工作效率高,且判断准确。 As a manager of project, Sam is decisive in action ,efficient in work, and accurate in judgment. 5. 既然已证实这家化工厂是污染源,村委会决定将其关闭,为此损失了一百个工作岗位。Since it has been proved that this chemistry factory is the source of pollution, the village neighborhoo d committee decides to close it at the cost of one hundred jobs. UNIT 2 1. 空气中有一种不寻常的寂静,只有远处响着大炮的声音。 There was an unnatural silence in the air, only with the cannon undering far off. 2. 在某些非洲国家城市的扩展已引起生活水平相当大的下降和社会问题的增多。 The expansion of cities in some African countries has caused a considerable in living standard and inc rease in social problems. 3. 研究表明大气中的二氧化碳的含量与全球温度密切相关。 Studies have shown that atmospheric carbon dioxide levels correlate with global temperature. 4. 最近公共汽车的车辆行驶频率已有改善,从15分钟缩短到12分钟一班。 Recently, the frequency of bus service has been improved, reduced from 15minutes to12minute s every run. 5. 那位跳水运动员立在跳水板边沿,只等教练发出信号便会立刻跳下。 That driver standing on the edge of the diving board, and is poised to dive as soon as the coach sends out the signal. UNIT 3 1. 尽管在此次紧急迫降中,飞机跑道不够长,但经验老到的飞行员还是让飞机滑行了一段时间后就停了下来。 Although the airstrip is not long enough in the urgent landing, the veteran pilot still stopped the plane after it slipped for some time. 2. 在记者反复追问下,该影星终于说漏了嘴,承认自己做过两次整容手术。 Grilled by the reporters, the movie star blurted that she had took plastic surgeries twice. 3. 我们有技术,我们的合伙人有资金。一起干,我们就掌握了未来。 We have technology our partner own funds. The future is in our hands if we work together. 4. 要是我事先知道你会带这么多朋友回家,我会好好准备的。你看,我现有的食品和饮料连小吃一顿都不大够。 If I knew you would bring so many friends home beforehand, I’d make full preparation .You see, the foods and drinks I have now is not enough even for a snack. 5. 当人们得知地震灾区将要建造结构更牢固的新校舍时,纷纷慷慨解囊。 When people knew that new school dormitories would be soiled built in the earthquake-stricken area, they donated money generously.



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Appendix I Key to Exercises (Units 1-8) Unit 1 Part I Pre-reading Task Script for the recording: Have you ever heard of the pop singer, John Lennon? Here he is singing a song he wrote for his son. It's called Beautiful Boy. Close your eyes Have no rear The monster s tone He's on the run and your daddy's here Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful Beautiful boy Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful Beautiful boy Before you go to sleep Say a little prayer 1 John Lennon (1940-1980): First became famous as a singer and guitarist in the Beatles, a British rock group, writing many of their most successful hits. Later he left the group, but continued to be popular as a singer and songwriter. 3


全新版大学英语综合教程课后翻译 Unit 1 1.多尔蒂先生和他的家人目前正在农场忙于秋收。 (be engaged in doing sth) Mr. Doherty and his family are currently engaged in getting the autumn harvest in on the farm. 2.我们不能低估敌人,他们装备了最先进的武器。 (underestimate,equip) We must not underestimate the enemy. They are equipped with the most s ophisticated weapons. 3.菲尔已三个月没有找到工作了,正变得越来越绝望。 (desperate) Not having had a job for 3 months, Phil is getting increasingly desperate. 4.作为项目经理,山姆办事果断,工作效率高,且判断准确。 (efficient,decisive) Sam, as the project manager, is decisive, efficient, and accurate in his judgment. 5.既然已证实这家化工厂是污染源,村委会(village neighborhood committee)决定将其关闭,为此损失了一百个工作岗位。 (at the cost of) Since the chemical plant was identified as the source of pollution, the village neighborhood committee decided to close it down at the cost of 100 jobs.


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教案首页 课堂组织 篇二:大学英语 课件 1) 装在线路中的二极管像一个只允许电流按一个方向流动的阀门. 已知导线中流过的电流, 只要测出导线两端电位差的伏特值, 就能很容易得出任何长度导线的电阻值. 人们习惯上认为, 电流从正极流向负极 抽头增益调节的信息是根据所接收的数据推导出来的. 从这个意义上讲, 整个过程是自适应的. 这种二极管由一根钨丝和一个极板组成.钨丝受热时放出电子, 当电场方向为正时, 电子就移向极板. 晶体管有两大优点: 一是体积小; 二是能密集排布而不至于过热. 电线通常是铜制的电感器的电阻小得可忽略不计. 在液位控制系统中, 计算机执行一种监控功能. 它根据给定的特性指标来分析各种过程条件, 并决定各过程变量的变化以获得最佳操作. 计量电压的单位是伏特. 某些金属比另一些金属有更好的导电性, 这表明前者所拥有的原子, 其所含自由电子数比后者更多. 在本书中, 我们将以非常实际的态度将自适应控制看做是一类特殊的非线性反馈控制.

在大部分的海域中, 生存着无数的微生物, 用肉眼是看不到的. 电容器是由两块被绝缘介质隔离的金属块组成. 多数情况下, 它包括一些不同的部件, 如解调器, 均衡器和显示器等, 它们必须在使用前相互连接好. 如果在控制系统的分析中将系统初始条件一并考虑, 当采用状态变量方法时, 并不会增加任何难度, 不过, 若采用传统的方法就很难做到这一点. Einstein, who worked out the famous theory of Relativity, won the Nobel prize in 1921. 由于爱因斯坦提出了著名的“相对论”理论, 因此他于1921年获得了诺贝尔奖. Matter has certain features or properties that enable us to recognize it easily 物质具有一定的特征, 因此我们很容易识别它. Electric computers, which have many advantages, cannot carry out creative work and replace man. 虽然电子计算机有很多优点, 但它还是不能进行创造性的工作, 因此替代不了人的作用. The bulb is sometimes filled with an inert gas which permits operation at a higher temperature. 灯泡有时充入惰性气体, 为的是能在更高的温度下工作. For any machine whose input force and output force are
