





在这个案例中,我们可以看出美国和中国在商务洽谈中的礼节差异。美国文化注重直接、效率和专业性,而中国文化则更加注重人际关系和面子。为了避免类似的情况发生,英语学习者可以采取以下策略: - 尊重和理解对方文化的特点,尽量适应对方的沟通方式; - 在交流过程中保持礼貌和尊重,不要过于直接或冷漠; - 尽量避免忽视对方分享的个人经历,可以采用开放式的问题引导对话,促进更深入的交流。



这个案例揭示了中西文化在表达方式上的差异。在西方文化中,人们更加注重准确、简洁和问题解决的能力,而在中国文化中,个人经历和故事往往被用来支撑观点和表达。为了在面试中避免类似的问题,英语学习者可以考虑以下建议: - 在理解问题后,先思考问题的目的和重点,再做回答,确保回答与问题相关; - 注意在语言组织和表达上的准确度和简洁性,避免赘述和冗长的个人经历; - 多进行模拟面试和语言练习,熟悉和适应西方文化中的表达方式。




培养学生在商务英语教学中的跨文化交际能力探讨 一、商务英语语言层面的中西文化差异 安徽新华学院于20XX 年开始招收商务英语专业本科生,目前在校商务英语专业本科生为13 级商英本科两个班级共计61 人,14 级商英本科三个班级共计93 人,15 级商务英语本科三个班级共计102 人。笔者作为《商务英语阅读》课程的专业课教师,针对该课程教学内容中的商务英语中西方文化差异,从语言层面和非语言层面两个层面对此进行分析,探索如何在《商务英语阅读》课程教学中有效实施跨文化交际能力培养策略,为商务英语教学中学生跨文化交际能力的培养提供借鉴基础,为构建适合我校商务英语学生跨文化交际能力培养的教学模式提供一定参考。 以下内容以《商务英语阅读》课程为素材,总结得出商务英语中的文化差异主要体现在语言层面和非语言层面。其中语言层面的文化差异主要体现在以下几个方面。 1. 商务英语语音方面的文化差异 英语和汉语的发音体系存在很大区别,商务英语尤其具有自己独特的文体色彩,语言清晰准确,行文简洁,用语礼貌正式。( 张晓慧,20XX: 14) 从语言表达方式来看,重音、语调、语速对语言的信息意义起调节作用。与词汇相比较,英语本族人对英语语音方面的反应更为强烈,不同的语气音调和语速表达不同甚至是截然相反的语义。另外,良好的发音可以赢得对方的认同感,英语中的重音用来表达特殊的会话含义,适当地调整语速则可以增强语音表达的感染力,停顿的正确使用可以达到幽默和强调的作用。如果注意到这些显性的语音细节,会在商务沟通中提高商务英语交际者语言表达的精准度,营造轻松和谐的沟通环境,有助于商务谈判的有效进行。 2. 商务英语词汇方面的文化差异 从词汇角度来看,商务英语属于专门用途英语。商务英语学习者会意识到英语不同的语言形式和丰富的语言内涵是影响语言理解、跨文化交际的主要障碍,是造成商务活动中误会和冲突的主要原因。这主要体现在以下几个方面,首先,商务英语词汇的首要特点就是专业性强,因为商务英语所涉及的词汇包括金融、外贸、广告、银行、零售、旅游、证券、保险、货运、管理、出版等各行业的术语。以下列举商务英语阅读教程中的一些典型词汇。商务英语中有关贸易方


跨文化英语案例分析万能模板 White Dress 女王的白色长裙:Case analysis: The Indian women might think the wedding ceremony is a funeral if they see the western bride in white gown. The case reflects the similes and metaphors in the text. 案例分析:印度女人可能觉得婚礼是一个葬礼, 如果他们看到西方的新娘的白色礼服。这个案例反映了明喻和隐喻在文本。 Culture is like an iceberg: we can identify the color of the dress worn by women in different cultures, but we do not know the values underneath. Culture is like the water a fish swims in: people wear dress of different colors for different context but they usually take it for granted and never ask why. 文化是像冰山:我们可以辨认颜色衣服的妇女所穿不同的文化, 但我们不知道下面的值。文化是像水鱼游在:人们穿不同颜色的衣服为不同的上下文, 但他们通常是理所当然的, 从不问为什么。 Case 4 (P18) Coconut-skating 椰子-溜冰:Case analysis: The case reflects the characteristics of culture. W e can tell from the case that


商务英语与跨文化交际论文商务英语与跨文化交际论文 商务英语与跨文化交际论文怎么写,下面推荐商务英语与跨文化交际论文相关范文,可供浏览参考。 商务英语与跨文化交际论文【1】 摘要:跨文化交际是泛指一切在语言文化背景中有差异的人们之间进行的交际。 作为英语的专门用途——商务英语,在经济日益全球化的今天,成为现代国际商务活动中最重要的交流工具,成为人们工作学习中不可缺少的技能。 商务英语所包含的内容涵盖了商务活动的全过程,也涵盖了市场调查、谈判、签约、定购、支付、装运等一系列基本国际商务环节,作为一门沟通工具,商务英语就贯穿在这些商务活动及商务环节中,是商务活动成功的关键所在。 本文根据商务英语的特点,从跨文化交际角度,对如何培养学生的跨文化交际能力加以讨论,并提出了自己的看法。 关键词:商务英语;跨文化交际;培养 一、引言 文化是语言的重要属性之一,没有文化的语言是无生命的“死语言”,在人类社会的发展过程中必将消失。 随着社会的不断发展,经济的全球化,英语这门世界性的语言更是逐渐渗透到商务领域,商务英语逐渐成为大家争相学习的热点。 商务英语课程不只是简单地对学习者的英文学习水平、能力的提高,它更多地是传授如何和外国人打交道、如何和外国人合作、工作的方式方法、以及他们的生活习惯等。 从某种程度上说是包含在文化概念里的。 学习者在学习商务英语时,社会文化能力中最薄弱的环节在于语言本身所涉及的文化因素上,尤其是词汇的文化内涵,文化意识的培养对学习者的英语学习有事半功倍的效果。

在对外贸易、国际金融、海外投资、技术引进、招商引资、对外劳务承包与合同等国际商务活动领域,所使用的英语统称为商务英语(Business English),内容涉及到商务活动的方方面面,它是以适应商务领域中的职场生活的语言要求为目的,商务英语作为国际化交往中最重要的交流工具,已经成为人们学习和工作中不可缺少的技能。 商务英语教学的目标,不仅是交给学生“死”的单词、语法、句式等。 它还应该向学生传授“活”的社会文化知识,提高学生对文化差异的敏感性、宽容性和处理文化差异的灵活性,从而培养学习者的跨文化交际能力。 二、商务英语的概念 商务英语——顾名思义是指人们在商务活动中所使用的英语。 它是与某种特定专业和目的相关联的专门用途英语的一种。 从这个意义上讲,商务英语是从事或将要从事商务行业的专业人才所学习和运用的专用英语,它作为ESP其中的一个分支,它的基本目的在于提高在商务情景中进行英语听、说、读、写等交流的水平,以适应职场生活的语言要求,内容涉及到商务活动的方方面面。 商务英语有非常丰富的内涵,但很长一段时间以来,很多人对商务英语概念的理解过于简单化,认为商务英语是综合英语加一些商务词汇,这是一个不太准确的概念,真正的商务英语由以下三个要素组成:语言知识、商务技能和商务文化。 不同于以传授专业知识为目的的专业课和以传授基础知识为目的的基础英语课,商务英语不再局限于商务函电方面的应用文写作和一些专业术语、商务词汇的学习,更需要培养学生运用良好的语言知识、商务技能和商务文化来处理国际商务中的实际问题。 1.语言知识:英语的语言水平是基本的要求。 帮助学习者切实提高英语水平才能满足这一要求。 商务英语的教学还是以语言为主,教授给学习者如何在商务领域中运用英语是教学目的,我们首先解决的是学员的语言水平问题。 要教给学员在商务活动中必备的英语词汇,在合同、谈判、签约、定购、信函等商务环节的英语运用技巧等。 2.商务技能:商务英语的课程是在提高学习者语言水平的基础上,进行商务方面的学习培训。


跨文化交际商务英语论文2篇 第一篇 一、跨文化交际培养在商务英语教学中现状分析 1.跨文化交际。“跨文化交际”从词义来说,一般情况下指的是使用不同种语言交流的过程,也可以说是在语言和文化背景上具有差异性的人们之间的交际过程。“它作为一种现象久已存在,但是作为一门学科进行研究是近些年才开展的。早在两千多年前,中国的“丝绸之路”就是跨文化交际的一个典范。跨文化交际就是指不同国度、不同种族、不同文化背景下的人们之间进行相互间的交流与交往。”从目前世界范围内的冲突来看,大部分冲突都是由于文化差异造成的。在野蛮时代,人们人们不理解文化差异的重要性,认为强者就应当征服弱者。而进入和平年代后,越来越多人认识到文化差异的重要性,并学会尊重文化差异,因此缓解了许多争端与矛盾。世界范围内的商业交往在如火如荼的进行着,商业交往虽然不像战争那样恐怖,但中国有俗话称“商场如战场”,这也表明了商业交往活动的激烈。在英语成为世界语言后,越来越多人愿意去主动学习英语。但是单单从英语的语言本身去学习训练,只是掌握了一门语言。在实际运用中,考虑到不同文化的差异甚至可以说是冲突,如果不了解对方的文化背景和特征,即使熟练的掌握英语,仍然会对商业交往活动产生不良影响。因此在商务英语的日常教学实践中,除了基本的语言教学

2.教学现状。从我国目前高校课程设置中,我们发现大部分高校,包括本科、专科学校,基本开设了商务英语专业。但是在日常的教学实践中,很多时候教师往往只注重日常英语读写听说的教学,而忽视了跨文化交际能力的培养。在这种情况下,学生往往可以熟练掌握日常商务交往中英语的运用,但由于中国与外国文化背景的差异,在实际操作中不注意的话还是会闹出笑话,甚至带来商业上的损失,这是十分不利的。并且从教师本身来看,大部分教师在英语教学上都具有较高的职业水平,但这种职业水平仅仅局限在英语本身的语言教学上,而对于不同地区的文化背景则很少有人具有丰富的教学经验,虽然在部分高校中,教师在课堂的授课过程中会提到跨文化交际的内容,但并没有真正重视起来,这些都是我们在未来的教学实践改革中需要注意到的。 二、如何培养跨文化交际能力 针对商务英语专业学生的职业能力培养,除了基本的专业英语教学外,还应当设置专门的课程来培养跨文化交际能力。在培养中,我们认为必须体现的有两点,一是需要通过模拟真实的语境现场,让学生参与到其中,实际操作。二是理论性的概念传授,让学生了解到文化差异的重要性,学会转变固有的“中国式思维”。“商务英语的一个显著特征是商务知识与英语的结合,这个特点就注定了商务英语的教学必须加入跨文化交际的知识。在课堂上,学生虽然在一定程


大学生跨文化交际中的障碍和能力的培养 A brief analysis of the application of body language in cross-cultural Communication Specialty: English Name: Student ID: Advisor: College of Foreign Languages Nov , 2013

Acknowledgements In writing this paper, I want to thank all my teachers ,for their teaching and kind support, their continuous encouragement and massive help during these years. To the my twenty six classmates who helped me with my research, for their enthusiastic participation;To my friends in shijiazhuang, beijing, Liverpool, Western Ontario encouragement and great support. Second, I would like to express my heartfe lt gratitude to professors Fu Tianjun, my advisor who spent much of his precious time discussing with me and helping me to narrow the topic at the initial stages, as well as showing great concern for my progress. I am deeply indebted for his assistance in helping me to accomplish this study. Without his encouragement and specific guidance, the completion of this thesis would have been impossible. In addition, he has been very kind to me whenever I confronted problems during the project. Also, I hereby express my sincere gratitude to my classmates and roommates, who helped me to do the data collection I needed for this project. They have generously offered their help at the preparatory stage during this study. Finally, I thank the subjects whose cooperation and participation contributed to the very basis for this research work.


Case 1 Girl-ness As a visiting professor in an American university, Zhang Hua was invited to give a lecture to a group of American students. He talked about university students in China. During the question-and-answer period after the lecture, one female student asked a question that surprised Zhang Hua.“ When you talked about female students, you referred to them as girls. Why?” “ Because they are girls. That’ s what they are called,” Zhang Hua tried to answer, but he knew he did not really understand the tentin of the question.“ I don’ t quite understand your question, I’ m afraid.” “ In the States, we call ourselves‘ women’ if we’ re old enough to go to the university. Calling us‘ girls’ is insulting.” Do Chinese female college students prefer to be called women? Case 2 Many years ago, a Chinese man showed a photo of his wife to some American visitors. Out of courtesy, they all said,” She is very beautiful.” Also out of courtesy, the man replied with what he would have done in Chinese under the circumstance,” Where! Where! ” Quite taken aback, nobody said anything for a moment, until the most ingenious one among the visitors, taking another look at the photo, said,“ Oh, everywhere!” What did the Chinese intend to mean by replying with“ Where! Where!”? Case 1 Girl-ness As a visiting professor in an American university, Zhang Hua was invited to give a lecture to a group of American students. He talked about university students in China. During the question-and-answer period after the lecture, one female student asked a question that surprised Zhang Hua.“ When you talked about female students, you referred


Case analysis Situation:Suppose you were Mr.Li, CEO of Rising Sun Incoparated, facing CTO, Mr. Robinson’s resignation, and the fevered laid-off employees because of the downsizing plan, please write down a speech to present to the employees or to Mr. Robinson in solving the problem (you can choose to write a speech either to Mr. Robinson or to employee in 500 words.) According to the situation we’ve got, I chose to write a short speech to persuade the fevered laid-off employees. And before the speech, I ‘d like to show you the train of my thought which I think is important, I will persuade the employees using these methods as following: I. Persuading oneself before others In business communication, before persuading others, one should in the first place persuade himself. Intrapersonal communication is a process of knowing oneself, improving oneself and surpassing oneself. Others people cannot read our minds, we are the ones that must translate the things we think so that the others can understand us. So we need to take movements to think about ourselves, about your wishes and desires. Until we persuaded ourselves, we can persuade others. II. Setting personal objective Setting personal objectives is the core of professional success. It can help us know what we have to do now and it also can save our time. When we definitely know what we will do and what our expectation is, we can persuade others follow this way we think. But sometimes there are obviously other considerations which must be woven into the objective specification. If we can not fulling committed at this stage, we are unlikely to achieve our objective. III. Applying the power of personality Knowing others different personality are very important for the leaders. Also we need to know our personality well. Everyone is different. There is no such thing as a right or a wrong personality. People just think and act differently in different influencing situations. If you learn more about others personality and weaknesses, you can use it in a right way to make a success in communication. IV. Say the right things in a right way (Choosing the right approach ) Depend on what outcome you want, how much commitment you seek, you will choose the style most suitable and follow it through. But remember that, no matter what kind of approach you chose, you must make sure it is the best choice. It’s must fit for the situation. Saying the right things , but what are the right things, I recommended these as following: a. Boss should rehearse what they will say, and even bring notes into the meeting,so they won’t say the wrong things or forget something important, b. Refrain from talking about other employees’situations, which could raise questions of fairness. c. Realize that they may not take in everything you say at such a tough time, so give the


跨文化交际教程案例分析(英文) cross-cultural communication 一.CaseAnalysis In India, a white Sari(纱丽服,一种女性服装) symbolizes widowhood, while in the west, a white dress symbolizes purity. Answer the following questions: (1) What might these Indian women think about the Western custom of a bride in white? (2) What cultural phenomenon can be revealed in this case? Answer: 1.Some Indian women who are more knowledgeable and well educated would have no difficulty in understanding the western brides in white, because they have seen the movies or plays from those English speaking countries or have read books about the western style of marriage routines. However, for some Indian women who hardly knew anything about the foreign culture or language, probably they would think the ladies in white are widows. 2. In different cultures the same thing means differently to different people. This case particularly shows us that we are living in a world composed of nothing but cultures. The culture of one nation kind of defines their life and perceptions. It is hard to change your life not because you cannot change yourself but because you can’t change something invisible but powerful there, and that is culture. 二.BOb中午下班的时候拿了本trade magazine 准备出去吃中饭在大厅走廊里看到同事们在一起聊天其中几个跟他打招呼他心里不太高兴因为他们没有邀请他来吃中饭可他不知道的是他们之前讨论的就是他Bob不主动加入他们吃午饭每次都一个人先跑出去了他们觉得他被什么困难整天缠身他们很担心他 This is a typical communication problems. Bob is not so active that his colleagues think he is always likes stay alone, which leads to a result that they do not ask Bob to have meal together. Actually, they all worry about him and think there must be something wrong with Bob. To avoid this situation they should have more communication to each other .As Bob i think he should spent more time with his collegues which is necessary to develop their relationship. As for the collegues, they should take more care about each other.


Case 1: An Interview in India Case analysis: The case is about an interview between an American program host and an Indian interviewee. They talk about some aspects of Indian culture and the changes occurred these years。The case reflects some basic cultural elements people may find in all cultures: language, family pattern, marriage, wedding ceremony, food and the way to eat food, etc. From this case, guide the students in culture study and culture comparison。 The students should realize that there are both similarities and differences in culture。 Culture is in fact very dynamic and pervasive. 案例是关于美国的节目主持人和印度的受访者之间的会谈。他们谈论印度文化的某些方面的变化发生了这些年。该案件反映了一些基本的文化元素的人可能在所有文化中找到:语言,家庭模式,结婚,婚礼,食物和吃的食物等等.从这个案例中,引导学生在学习文化和文化比较的方式.学生应该认识到,有既有相似之处,文化的差异。文化其实是非常有活力的和普遍的。 Case 2: White Dress Case analysis: The Indian women might think the wedding ceremony is a funeral if they see the western bride in white gown. The case reflects the similes and metaphors in the text。 Culture is like an iceberg: we can identify the color of the dress worn by women in different cultures, but we do not know the values underneath。 Culture is like the water a fish swims in: people wear dress of different colors for different context but they usually take it for granted and never ask why. 印度女人可能会认为婚礼是一个葬礼,如果他们看到白色长衫西部新娘。案件反映在文本中明喻和暗喻。文化就像一座冰山:我们可以找出妇女在不同文化所穿的衣服的颜色,但我们不知道下面的值。文化是像鱼一样游在水:人们穿着不同颜色的礼服不同的环境,但他们通常认为理所当然,从来没有问为什么。 Case 3: The French in North America Case analysis: The French were able to see Indian behavior only in the light of their own hierarchical social system, where it is natural for the few to command and the many to obey. Social systems that worked on other principles were literally unimaginable. 法国人只能看到印度的行为,只有在他们自己的层次的社会制度,在那里是很自然的为数不多的指挥和许多服从.在其他原则上工作的社会系统是不可想象的. Case 4: Coconut—skating Case analysis: The case reflects the characteristics of culture. We can tell from the case that culture is pervasive and it’s learned。 People may invent different ways for things even as simple as the issue of floor moping. The Philippine woman must have learned this way of mopping


跨文化交际中送礼的英文案例 跨文化交际英语实用教程》名词解释 Define the following terms:1. Culture: it refers to a learned set of shared interpretations about beliefs, values, norms and social practices, which affect the behaviors of a relatively large group of people.文化:它是指一组学习者对信仰、价值观、规范和社会实践的共同理解,从而影响了一个相对大的群体的行为。 2. Intercultural communication: It is communication between people from different cultural backgrounds, or it refers to communication between people whose cultural perceptions and symbol systems are distinct enough to alter the communication event.跨文化交际:它是来自不同文化背景的人们之间的交流,也就是说,人们的文化观念和符号系统之间的沟通是不同的,足以改变交际活动。 3. Denotative meaning tends to be described as the definitional, literal, obvious or commonsense meaning of a word.外延意义往往被描述为定义,文字,一个词明显或常识性的意义。 4. Connotative meaning is used to refer to the socio-cultural associations of the word.内涵意义是指词的社会文化协会。 5. In case of inductive reasoning, onestoresa number of specific instances and induces a general law or rule orconclusion that governs or subsumes the specific instances.在归纳推理的情况下


留学生跨文化交际案例分析 随着全球经济的不断发展,民间跨文化交际(intercultural communication)变得越来越普遍。越来越多的国际学生前往海外求学,他们将面临新的文化环境和新的语言挑战,这种跨文化交际能力变得越来越重要。本文旨在通过一个案例分析,探讨留学生的跨文化交际,分析他们面临的问题并给出相应的解决方案。 我们以一位名叫王小明的中国学生为例,这位学生已经在美国留学一年多了,他参加了一次文化交际活动。此次活动包括由外国学生组成的小组,他们要讨论一个社会问题,讨论的语言是英语。但是由于王小明的英语水平有限,他不能很好地参与讨论并发表自己的看法。同时,由于中国文化的原因,王小明也害怕表达自己的意见,他无法展示出自信。 因此,留学生在跨文化交际中面临着诸多问题,以王小明为例,他面临的问题主要有两个:第一,他的英语水平不够,没有办法很好地参与讨论,第二,由于中国文化的原因,他没有足够的自信来发表自己的看法。 有几种措施可以帮助留学生解决跨文化交际的问题。 首先,他们应该加强英语学习,尽可能提高英语水平,以便能够更好地参与讨论。他们可以通过参加英语学习计划,听英语广播和电视节目来加强英语能力。 其次,他们可以学习和了解外国文化,尽可能了解海外文化的特点,如美国的文化,以便能够更好地参与文化交流活动。

再者,他们可以多锻炼,积极面对社会环境,培养社交能力,不断提高自己的自信心,以便能够更好地参与讨论。 此外,他们应当充分利用资源,如参加各种学术会议、报告、讨论和研讨会,用英语进行交流。这样可以增加他们的英语能力,同时也可以增加他们参与讨论的信心。 总之,本文简要分析了留学生在跨文化交际中所面临的问题,并给出了相应的解决方案。当今社会,跨文化交际能力是必不可少的,希望这一案例能够为留学生提供一些帮助。只有从英语学习、文化了解、自信培养以及充分利用资源等方面入手,留学生才能更好地参与跨文化交流,发挥他们自身的优势。


跨文化交际案例分析答题模板 引言 跨文化交际是在不同文化背景下进行的沟通和交流。由于不同文化之间的差异,跨文化交际往往面临着各种挑战和障碍。本文将通过分析一个跨文化交际案例来探讨其中的问题,并给出解决方案。 案例描述 本案例涉及中国和美国两个国家之间的跨文化交际。假设中国公司A与美国公 司B打算合作开展一项业务。双方派出代表团进行商务谈判。中国方面的代表团 由A公司的高层领导和技术专家组成,而美国方面的代表团则由B公司的经理和 销售人员组成。 案例背景 A公司在中国拥有良好的声誉和丰富的技术经验,而B公司在美国市场上具有 广泛的销售网络和客户资源。双方希望通过合作来获得互补优势,实现共同发展。 案例过程 双方代表团在中国进行了为期一周的商务谈判。在谈判过程中,双方经历了一 系列文化差异引起的沟通困难。 1.语言障碍:双方代表团成员的英语水平参差不齐,中国方面的代表在 英语表达上存在一定困难,而美国方面的代表对汉语了解有限。这导致了双方在交流中出现了一些误解和理解偏差。 2.礼仪差异:在商务谈判中,中国方面注重面子和尊重。代表团成员在 谈话过程中更加注重礼貌和尊称。而美国方面则更注重直接、开放和直截了当的交流方式。这种差异在交流过程中产生了一些不适和不解。 3.职场文化差异:中国方面喜欢以团队为单位进行决策和行动,尊重长 辈和领导的权威。而美国方面更注重个人自由和平等,更倾向于合作和讨论。 在商务谈判过程中,中国方面的代表团经常依靠公司高层来做出决策,而美国方面的代表倾向于与所有成员进行讨论。 分析与解决方案 语言障碍 为了解决语言障碍,双方可以采取以下措施:

1.雇用专业翻译:双方可以雇用专业翻译人员来协助沟通,以确保双方 间的信息传递准确无误。 2.提前做好准备:双方在谈判前可以预先准备好所要谈论的话题和要达 成的目标,这样可以减少沟通过程中的困难。 3.多用图表和示意图:图表和示意图能够帮助双方更好地理解对方的意 思,避免语言障碍带来的困扰。 礼仪差异 为了解决礼仪差异,双方可以采取以下措施: 1.互相了解对方文化:双方可以通过学习和了解对方的文化,更好地理 解并尊重对方的礼仪习惯。 2.灵活适应对方文化:在商务交流中,双方可以互相调整自己的交流方 式,以适应对方的文化习惯和期望。 3.友好解释误解:当出现误解或不适时,双方可以友好地解释彼此的意 图,帮助对方更好地理解自己的行为和表达。 职场文化差异 为了解决职场文化差异,双方可以采取以下措施: 1.沟通的透明与开放:双方可以在谈判前明确沟通的目的和方式,确保 信息的透明和开放,避免隐瞒和不透明带来的矛盾和误解。 2.尊重与合作:双方可以互相尊重对方的决策方式和工作方式,寻找共 同点并加以合作,以实现互利互惠。 3.有效的会议组织:为了提高决策的效率和准确性,双方可以通过有效 的会议组织和决策机制来解决意见分歧和决策困难。 结论 通过本案例的分析,我们可以看到在跨文化交际中,语言障碍、礼仪差异和职场文化差异是常见的问题。为了解决这些问题,双方需要互相尊重、学习和理解对方的文化习惯,并采取适当的沟通和合作方式。只有这样,才能实现跨文化交际的成功,促进两国间的合作和发展。


《跨文化交际学概论》第七章社会交往五、宴请招待p132 Case One:Setting Rules for a Guest – American Hospitality 案例: When Zhang Tao traveled in America, he lived in the home of his American friend,Bill。Once after he had traveled back,he found Bill was in a bad mood. When he asked what the problem was,Bill told Zhang Tao that his son Adam got furious about the noise Zhang made when walking upstairs and also because he was using too much water in the solar powered shower and Adam had to have his shower in cold water. Bill told Zhang Tao that he should walk more softly in future,and have a fast shower to save water. Zhang Tao felt uneasy. How could the host set such rules for his guest! Question:Why did Zhang Tao feel uneasy? 分析: 1) In China,when people host someone,they put the guest in the place of honor to show hospitality. They try to take care of the guest,and try to make the guest feel comfortable and at ease. 2) In America, people tend to give the guest great freedom and treat a guest more casually,naturally and truthfully. 3)Zhang Tao knew he was a guest,and thought in terms of Chinese expectations of hospitality。He thought Bill should treat him courteously instead of setting rules for him. 4)Since Zhang Tao lived in American surroundings,he should have known about the customs there sooner. Case Two: 案例: Lin had traveled 20 hours from Beijing to New York。He needed a good meal. His American friend, Mike, met him。But Mike only offered him a plate of roasted chicken and a glass of orange juice。Lin was used to having a main course,and asked Mike if he had any rice。Mike said he only had fried noodles,and Lin had to make do with it. Though Lin knew Americans didn’t care very much about what food they ate,he still felt surprised because he had taken Mike to the most famous duck restaurant in Beijing -—Quanjude -—when he arrived in Beijing. Question: Why did Lin feel surprised?Offer some advice to him about adjusting to his new environment in America。
