2. 95年10月 托福听力真题、文字及答案-修正版

2. 95年10月 托福听力真题、文字及答案-修正版
2. 95年10月 托福听力真题、文字及答案-修正版

托福听力真题、文字及答案—修正版2. 95年10月托福听听力



历年托福听力考试真题下载五(原文+音频 为了让同学们更好地备考托福听力,下面小马编辑为大家整理了历年1月份托福听力考试真题,并附有文本和听力音频,供同学们进行下载练习。 以下是2002年1月托福听力考试真题音频: 部分 2002年1月托福听力考试真题原文如下: Never be unduly elated by victory or depressed by defeat. Part A 1:A: With so little time left to study for the history final. I think we should concentrate on going over our lecture notes. B: That sounds good. At least we have an idea what Prof. Martin thinks important. Q: How do the students plan to prepare for the exam? 2:A: Sorry I'm late. There was road construction on highway 9 and traffic was backed up for a miles(排起长龙. B: Tell me about it. I take that road. And it took me two hours to get home last night. Q: what does the man mean? 3:A: u said u wanted to borrow my camera for Prof. Wilson's assignment. Well, here it is. B: I know this is precious to you, and I'll take good care of it. I hate using other people's things, especially expensive equipment like this. Q: according to the conversation, what will the woman do?


97年1月份托福听力 1.(A) His mother was on hr lunch break. (B) His mother can’t talk about her new job. (C) His mother doesn’t like going to lunch. (D) His other’s new job keeps her busy. 2.(A) She thinks the man should drive to town. (B) She likes to pass cars. (C) The man should mind his won business. (D) The traffic won’t be detoured after tomorrow. 3.(A) See his professor about the paper. (B) Try to get better grades. (C) Be on time for his appointment. (D) Pick a different topic for his paper. 4.(A) She doesn’t like fresh vegetables. (B) She doesn’t have time to go to the market. (C) She has already been shopping. (D) She only has enough for herself. 5.(A) She prefers to exercise in the morning. (B) It is important to warm up before exercising. (C) The man should start running daily. (D) The man should continue his exercise program. 6.(A) The party doesn’t interest him. (B) He may already have plans. (C) He’d like to bring a guest to the party. (D) He’d rather come another time. 7.(A) She is embarrassed. (B) She had forgotten all about the test. (C) She just got one question correct. (D) She is very pleased. 8.(A) He prefers to go to the concert tonight. (B) He doesn’t like to go to movies at night. (C) The others should do what they like. (D) They should go to more movies and concerts this year. 9.(A) The books slipped off the table. (B) He forgot to get the books. (C) He reminded Ron about the books. (D) Ron should pick up the books. 10.(A) She left them at home. (B) She needs them right now. (C) They might be hard to read. (D) They are incomplete. 11.(A) Wait until the sale is over. (B) Watch for the ad on television. (C) Return his suit to Canard’s.


历年托福听力考试真题下载十(原文+音频) 为了让同学们更好地备考托福听力,下面小马编辑为大家整理了历年5月份托福听力考试真题,并附有文本和听力音频,供同学们进行下载练习。 以下是2005年5月托福听力考试真题音频: 部分 2005年5月托福听力考试真题原文如下: Part A 1. M: Do you know when the next train is I need to be at the Museum of Fine Arts by 10:30. W: Actually there is a shuttle bus at 10 that takes you directly there. And it’s only a 25-minute ride. Q: What does the woman imply 2. M: It was such a great weekend. I saw two really good movies on the play. What did you do W: What you were supposed to be doing Studying! Did you forget we have an exam today Q: What does the woman mean 3. W: So what are they supposed to be building over there Another gym M: Isn’t that where the new library is going Q: What are the speakers talking about 4. W: Do you mind if I use your computer to write a history paper Mine’s out for repairs. M: Sorry, I am in the middle of typing something and it’s gonna be a while. You know, the computer lab is still open. Q: What does the man imply the woman should do 5. M: Hi Gina, that’s a really cool watch. Where did you get it W: Well, my sister works at the jewelry store right off campus.

97年10 月托福听力文字带答案

97年10月托福听力文字 Part A 1. A: Have you saved enough to buy that new printer for your computer yet? B: You know money seems to be burning a hold in my pocket latterly. Maybe next month. What does the man mean? (A) He doesn't have enough money to buy a printer now. (B) He's not sure how much a printer costs. (C) He'll buy a computer later this week. (D) He lost the money he was saving. 2. A: We need a fourth player for tennis this morning. Do you want to join us? B: I’ve got a class at nine. But Carol’s free and she’s really good. What does the man suggest the woman do? (A) Wait to play until after his 9 o'clock class. (B) Ask Carol to play tennis. (C) Ask Carol if she's going to class. (D) Get a tennis lesson from Carol. 3. A: I don’t understand how this budget was calculated? B: Let me have a look, OK? What does the woman mean? (A) They should ask for an increase in the budget. (B) The calculations appear correct to her. (C) She'll try to see what method was used (D) They need to make a copy of the budget. 4. A: I’m going to the snack bar for a cup of coffee. Would you like me to bring you back something? B: Not from the snack bar. But could you pick up a paper for me? What does the man mean? (A) He could bring something to the woman (B) He'd be happy to go with the woman. (C) He wants the woman to get him a newspaper. (D) He'd like something to eat. 5. A: I’ll be coming straight from work. So I’ll have to pack a change of clothes. B: It’s only a barbecue. Jeans and a T-shirt will be fine. What does the woman imply? (A) The barbecue has been canceled.

97年01月 托福听力文字

97 年01月托福听力文字 Part A 1. A: I invited your mother to lunch yesterday. But she said she didn’t have any free time. B: Yeah. She’s just got a new job. What does the man mean? 2. A: The sound of all that traffic is driving me out of my mind. B: It is bad. But the highway will reopen tomorrow. Then we won’t have all those cars passing by any more. What does the woman imply? 3. A: I don’t understand why I received such a low grade on my term paper. B: You should make an appointment with the professor to discuss it. What does the woman suggest the man do? 4. A: I’m going to the vegetable stand today. Can I pick up anything for you? B: No, thanks. I just came back from the market myself. What does the woman mean? 5. A: I’ve been running a mile every afternoon for the past month. But I still haven’t been able to lose more than a pound or two. I wander if this worth it. B: Oh, don’t give up now. It always seems hard when you just starting out. What does the woman mean? 6. A: We’re having a part at our house on the wee kend of the thirtieth. Would you like to join us? B: That sounds like a lot of fun. But I’ll need to check my calendar first. What does the man imply? 7. A: Just one person in the whole class got an A on the test. You! B: All right! What does the woman mean? 8. A: Would you like to go to the movies with us tonight? B: To the movies? Tonight’s the biggest concert of the year. What does the man mean? 9. A: Did you pick up my books form Ron’s house? B: Sorry. It slipped my mind. What does the man mean? 10. A: Could you lend me your biology notes? B: Do you think you’ll be able to make out my handwriting? What does the woman imply about the notes? 11. A: I just saw an ad on television that said men’s suits were on sale today and tomorrow at Conrad’s Men’s Wear. B: Great! That’s just what I’ve been waiting for. What will the man probably do? 12. A: John, I’m sorry. But I forgot to bring your tape player back. B: Well, as long as I get it by Friday. What does the man mean? 13. A: I’m way behind in my letter writing. I’ve got to get started.


TPO Listening Exercises Subject: Animal Sciences Your Name: Your Class:

TPO1 Lecture 4 is the main topic of the lecture The types of habitats marmots prefer Methods of observing marmot behavior Feeding habits of some marmot species Differences in behavior between marmot species to the case study, why are marmots ideal for observation They do not hide from humans They reside in many regions throughout North America They are active in open areas during the day Their burrows are easy to locate the appropriate description of each marmot species' behavior to the box below the marmot's name Click on a phrase. Then drag it to the space where it belongs. One of the phrases will not be used Displays aggressive tendencies is family oriented says active during the winter reason does the professor give for the difference in marmot behaviour patterns? Type of food available The size of the population Interaction with other marmot species


95 年12 月托福听力文字 Part A 1. A: It’s a beautiful day today. Want to go roller-skating(轮滑)? B: Any other time will be great. But today I’m working on a paper. What does the woman mean? 1.(A) She doesn’t like roller skating. (B) She writing a story about roller skating. (C) She’s too busy to go roller skating. (D) The man shouldn’t be going roller skating. 2. A: I thought you said you are going to call me last week about that car I’m selling. B: Oh, I’m so sorry. It completely slipped my mind. What does the man mean? 2.(A) He already bought a car. (B) He didn’t mean to bother the woman. (C) He didn’t say he would call the woman. (D) He forgot to call the woman. 3. A: Before we go to the movie theater, I have to stop at the bank and get some money. B: Don’t worry about that. This is my treat(请客). What does the woman mean? 3.(A) Admission to the movie is free. (B) She’ll lend the man some money. (C) She’ll b uy the tickets for the movie. (D) She paid for the movie the last time. 4. A: How did you like the concert? I found it really moving(动人的,感动的). B: I love classical music. But that conductor seemed a bit inexperienced. What does the man mean? (A) He was surprised the woman didn’t like the concert. (B) He enjoyed the concert more that the woman did. (C) He was not impressed by the conducting. (D) He didn’t like the choice of music.


01年5月托福听力文字 Part A 1. A: So are you going to see the student play tonight? B: I doubt it. I'm still getting over the flu. Q: What does the man mean? 2. A: Gordom needs to find another place to live. The apartment he rents now has been sold to a new owner. B: He'd better start looking right away. When all the students come back in a few weeks, he won't find any near the campus. Q: What does the woman suggest Gorden do? 3. A: Mind if I borrow ur Spanish workbook? B: Not as long as I have it back in time to take to class this evening. Q: What does the man mean? 4. A: U know that quiz we took in Dr. Turner's class today? Did u know that she was going to give it to us? B: Actually I was just as surprised as u were. Q: What does the woman mean? 5. A: I don't know which color folder to use, white or brown? B: What difference does it make? It's the content that's important. Q: What does the man mean? 6. A: U know I heard that professor Martin's introduction to chem class is way to demanding for first year students. They say it's as hard as courses for graduate students. B: Yeah, but a lot of students will tell u otherwise. To talk to anyone who's gone on to the advanced course,like organic chem or who study chem in graduate school. They r really glad they started out with professor Martin. Q: What does the man imply about professor Martin? 7. A: Hey Mark, have u been able to sell ur old piano yet? B: Ah, u were right, just posting notices on bulletin boards at a coupke of supermarket wasn't enough. I think i'll have to place an advertisement in the local newspaper. Q: What does the man imply? 8. A: My back has been aching ever since I started playing tennis on the weekends, B: haven't u had that checked out yet? Q: What does the woman imply? 9. A: Hi,uhm... I think something's wrong with the washing machine. It works and I just did my laundry but it makes some strange noises. Maybe u should call sb to fix it. B: Oh don't worry. Sb from the repair shop is already on the way over to take a look at it. Q: What does the man imply? 10.A; It's so thoughtful of u to offer to drop me off at the train station. Ru sure it's not out of ur way? B: Not at all. The station is really close to where i'm going. Q:What does the man mean? 11.A: I'm here about the job u advertised in the paper. B; U need one of those forms over there, on the table next to the file cabinet.


历年托福听力考试真题下载四(原文+音频) 为了让同学们更好地备考托福听力,下面小马编辑为大家整理了历年1月份托福听力考试真题,并附有文本和听力音频,供同学们进行下载练习。 以下是2004年1月托福听力考试真题音频: 部分 2004年1月托福听力考试真题原文如下: Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are gonna get. Part A 1. M:Sorry, but I can't go and have a cup of coffee with you now. I've only done half the readings for the philosophy class tomorrow. W:And I thought I was a slow reader. Q:What does the woman mean? 2. W:I entered one of my new photographs in the newspaper's contest. M:If it's anything like the others you've shown me, I'm sure you'll come out on top(=win the contest)! Q:What does the man mean? 3. W:You took the European literature class last year; are you interested in selling me any of the books? M:I always hold on to them for future reference. Q:What will the man probably do? 4. M:I haven't heard from Janet since she entered medical school. I wonder how she's doing. W:Well, I understand she gave our department secretary her new address and phone number. Why don't you try to get in touch with her? Q:What does the woman suggest the man do? 5. M:Hi, I have a map of the campus, but I still can't find the building with the new sculpture exhibit in it. Can you tell me how to get there? W:That looks like an old map. Follow me; I'm going that way myself.


2000年8月托福听力文字答案 man:do you have this style shirt in my size? woman:i’ll check.but...to tell u the truth,i think this one’s right for u. Q:what does the woman mean? 2 man:oh,i’m sorry,i just realized that i forgot to bring the tape recorder you lent me.i left it back in my dorm. woman:that’s all right.i won’t need it until tonight.as long as i’ve got it my by then. Q:what does the woman imply? 3 man:so how much was your plane ticket? woman:more than i could really afford.i had to dip into my saving. Q:what does the woman imply? 4 woman:Wed. are going to be busy days for me next semester.three class in the morning and then two more in the afternoon. i won’t even have time for lunch. man:you relaly should try to fit it in,you know.those afternoon classes would be tough to sit through if u stomach’s rumbling. Q:what does the man suggest the woman do ? 5 woman:you are dropping out of the Marching Band?but i thought you loved it.all the travelling,playing before big crowds.. man:i do.but...with all that time away from my studies my grades are really starting to slip. Q:what does the man mean ? 6 woman:i’m thinking of getting a new pantsuit to wear to James’ wedding. man:i just hope that my old suit still fits.you know how i feel about shopping. Q:what does the man imply? 7 man:what’s my share of the bill?18.50?that can’t be right!i only had a salad for dinner. woman:don’t get excited.let me check them out. Q:what will woman probably do next? 8 man:i’m surprised that Sarah told her boss he was wrong to have fired his secretary. woman:i know.but that Sarah...if she has an opinion,everyone’s got to know it. Q:what does the woman mean? 9man: how about a movie tonight?that new comedy is opening in town. woman:sounds great,but i’ve got be finishing sketches on my psychology research paper. Q:what does the woman imply? 10 woman:you won’t have to look very hard to find a job on campus.but i


2003年10月—托福听力真题 1.A She is younger than her sister. B she does not spend much time with her sister’s children. C she does not get along well with her sister D she no longer resembles her sister. 2.A Paper plates are cheaper than dishes. B Dishes break more easily than paper plates. C There is no need to wash any dishes now. D The woman’s roommate will return soon. 3.A She has not applied to any universities yet, B She will begin university classes in a few weeks. C She does not know yet if a university will accept her. D She is too busy to contact the university right now. 4.A Reconsider his position later B Allow the student to miss class C Lower the student’s grade D Suggest that the student try to reschedule the operation 5.A He does not have enough money for the trip yet. B He is planning to work during spring break . C The trip is too far off in the future to think about. D He has changed his mind about going to Canada. 6.A The photograph is not good enough to send. B The photograph was not taken at the Grand Canyon. C They already sent Mary a photograph of their vacation. D Sending pictures through the mail is too expensive. 7.A She should have asked to be excused from the trip. B She deserves the zero. C She is right to be angry. D She should have gone on the field trip. 8.A He wants to live off campus. B There are advantages and disadvantages to living off campus. C Living space in the dorm is crowded. D There are only a few apartments available off campus. 9.A Turn down the volume of the music B Turn the music off

2002年8月 托福真题听力文字

02年08月托福听力原文 Part A 1. A: We've got an hour before our next class, would you like to get something to eat here? B: I can join you for a quick sandwich, but I need to run some errands afterward. 2. A: When is the garbage picked up here? B: On Wednesdays, but I always put the cans out on Tuesday night, so I don't miss the trucks in the morning. 3. A: Hey, how come you never took that introductory math class? You know, the one everyone else had to take, I thought it was a university wide requirement for graduation. B: Oh, I took a similar class in high school. They said that's all I needed. 4. A: Why are you going home to see your parents this weekend? B: I need my dad's help to fill up this loan application. 5. A: Excuse me, could you tell me where the nearest pay phone is? B: Well, the nearest one is in the library. But that closed an hour ago. I think the next closest one is probably in the student center. 6. A: I heard you needed people to bring stuff for a picnic, I was thinking of making a salad or something. But I’m not sure how much we'll need. Any idea how many people are coming? B: Don't worry about it. Everything’s already been taken care of. 7. A: I'm not sure which tie to wear in my interview, what do you think of this red one? B: Maybe you should consider wearing a different one. 8. A: I'm going to be out of town all next week, and I’m looking for someone to feed my cat while I'm gone, you don't suppose I could talk you into it, do you? B: You know, I’d be glad to, but I’ll be away next week too, but you know what? Let me give my sister a call. She loves animals, and she lives only a couple of blocks from your apartment. 9. A: Did you see that new artwork? You know that poster they just put up in the cafeteria; I wonder whose bright idea that was? B: You know there's nothing wrong with the poster itself, it just doesn't go with the colors in the cafeteria. 10. A: You know that report was due in my office a couple of days ago, Where is it? B: I’m sorry. It’s coming along, but as long as computers done, I can't finish it. 11. A: Look, we’re almost out of gas. We’d better stop at the next gas station. B: we have enough to make it to the campus. If we stop now, we’ll be late for class Q: What does the woman imply? 12. A: I don't know what to do, I have two papers due next week, and there’s no way I’m going to get both done. B: Have you ask your professors to extend the deadlines? They are usually pretty good about that sort of thing, but if you're gonna ask them, don’t wait till the last minute. 13. A: You know, Mary, I met your twin sister the other day, and you two look so much alike, and I don't how people ever tell you apart. B: Actually it's not that difficult, because she always wears dresses, and I'm usually in a T-shirt and a pair of old jeans. Q: What does Mary mean?
