8A U6学英语随堂反馈词组背诵篇

8A U6学英语随堂反馈词组背诵篇
8A U6学英语随堂反馈词组背诵篇


Unit 6 Birdwatching

Welcome to the unit

1.go to the market to watch the birds 去市场观鸟

2.the bird at the market 市场上的鸟

3.encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事

4.join the Birdwatching Society 加入观鸟社团

5.join us/ join the Party 加入我们/ 入党

6.What do you know about birds? 你了解鸟类些什么?

7.show the students some pictures of birds 向学生展示一些鸟的图片

8.brown and grey feathers / white feathers 棕灰色的羽毛/ 白色的羽毛

9.broad wings 宽宽的翅膀

10.What do cranes look like? 鹤看起来是什么样的?

11.They have long legs and a long thin neck. 他们有长腿和一个细长的脖子。

12.How many types of cranes are there in the world? 世界上有多少类型的鹤?

13.only 15 types of cranes 仅有15种鹤

14.rare birds 珍稀鸟类


1. a special place 一个特殊的地方

2.in Heilongjiang Province in North-east China 在中国东北部的黑龙江省

3.one of the world’s most important wetlands世界上最重要的湿地之一

4.provide food and cover for a lot of wildlife/provide a lot of wildlife with food and cover


5.provide sth. for sb.= provide sb. with sth. 为某人提供某物/ 提供某人某物

6.It’s a perfect place for some rare birds.它是一个对于一些珍稀鸟类的极好的地方。

7.Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。

8.all year round= the whole year 一年到头/全年

9.go there for a short stay 去那儿作短暂停留

10.Most birds are active in the daytime. 大多数的鸟在白天是活跃的。

11.There are not many cranes left in the world. 世界上没有剩下太多的鹤。

12.40 per cent of them live in Zhalong 它们中的百分之四十居住在扎龙

13.make the wetlands smaller in order to have more space for farms and buildings


14.have/make space/room for… 为…获取空间

15.lead to less and less space/room for wildlife 导致野生动物的空间越来越少

16.lead to (doing)sth. 导致(做)某事

17.All roads lead to Rome. 条条道路通罗马。

18.Moreover, fishermen keep fishing there. 此外,农民一直在那里钓鱼。

19.As a result, the birds do not have enough food to eat. 结果这些鸟类没有足够吃的食物。

20.make laws to prevent all these things 制定法规来预防所有这些事

21.go to study the birds in Zhalong 去研究在扎龙的鸟类

22.record their types and changes in their numbers 记录它们的类型和数量上的变化

23.a lot of tourists go to Zhalong to watch the birds 许多游客去扎龙观鸟

24.invite them to help us 邀请他们帮助我们

25.need more people to count and describe the birds 需要更多的人们来统计和描述鸟儿

26.help people understand the importance of the wetlands 帮助人们理解湿地的重要性

27.stop something from happening 阻止某些事情发生

28.have something as a result 有某事作为一个结果

29.help count and describe the birds 帮助清点和描述鸟

30.Birds in Zhalong are in danger. 扎龙的鸟处于危险中。

31.an important wetland in the world 世界上一个重要的湿地

32.find food and cover in Zhalong 在扎龙找到食物和居所

33.live in large cages 居住在大笼子里

34.be active at night 在晚上活动(很积极)

35.take an active part in the sports meeting 积极参加运动会

36.forty per cent of cranes 百分之四十的鹤

37.live in other parts of the world 居住在世界的其他地方

38.make laws to protect wildlife 制定法律来保护野生动物

39.need more people to feed the birds 需要更多的人来喂鸟

40.Studying Zhalong helps us learn about protecting wildlife.


41.know the importance of the reserve for wildlife 知道野生动物保护区的重要性

42.study the birds in Zhalong once a year 一年研究一次扎龙的鸟类

43.face some problems 面临一些问题


1.take a notebook with you 随身带个笔记本

2.write down what you see 写下你所看到的

3.read about the birds first to learn about them 首先阅读关于鸟类的知识来了解它们

4.take a camera to take photos of the birds 带一个相机来给鸟拍照

5.study the birds in the wetlands 研究湿地中的鸟类

6.ask people not to catch birds for any reason 要求人们不要因为任何理由来抓鸟

7.agree to let me join their school trip 同意让我参加他们的学校旅行

8.see a b aby panda drink her mother’s milk看见一只小熊猫喝母乳

9.hear someone sing in the park 听到有人在公园唱歌

10.ask us to wear a pair of comfortable shoes 要求我们穿一双舒适的鞋子

11.have to walk a long way 不得不走很长一段路

12.hear the birds sing in the trees 听到一些鸟儿在树上唱歌

13.tell us to watch the birds carefully 告诉我们要仔细观察鸟儿

14.encourage us to describe the birds 鼓励我们描述鸟儿

15.advise us not to shout in the wetlands 建议我们不要在湿地里大声喧哗

16.The cold weather made some birds fly south for the winter. 寒冷的天气使一些鸟儿飞到南方去过冬。

17.The trip helped us learn more about wildlife. 这个旅行有助于我们了解更多的关于野生动物(的信息)。Integrated skills & Study skills

1.Yancheng Nature Reserve is in Jiangsu Province in East China. 盐城自然保护区在华东的江苏省

2. a perfect place to watch the birds /go birdwatching 一个可供观鸟的极好地方

3.The reserve covers an area of over 4,530 square kilometers. 这个保护区占地4530平方公里

4.cover A with B 用B覆盖A

A is covered with

B A被B覆盖

5.the second largest home to red-crowned cranes 丹顶鹤的第二大家园

6.fly to Yancheng Nature Reserve to spend the winter 飞到盐城保护区来过冬

7.one of the world’s most important wetlands世界上最重要的湿地之一

8.be home to different kinds of plants and rare birds 是不同植物和珍稀鸟类的家园

9.not only... but also 不仅……而且……

10.be important to health 对健康非常重要

11.What should we take with us? 我们该随身带什么?

12. a pair of binoculars 一副望远镜

13.help you see the birds more clearly 帮你更清楚地看见鸟类

https://www.360docs.net/doc/6d14757371.html,ually it takes hours to watch the birds. 通常花费几个小时观看鸟类

15.get thirsty 会口渴

16.make beautiful sounds 发出美妙的声音

17.Some actors can make different bird sounds. 一些演员可以发出不同的鸟叫声。

18.Some writers like to include birds in their poems. 一些作家喜欢在他们的诗歌中包含鸟。

19.Birds are part of our lives. 鸟是我们生活的一部分。


1.make an application 做个申请表

2.let me introduce myself 让我自我介绍

introduce A to B 把A介绍给B

3.learn about different kinds of plants 了解有关不同种类的植物

4.be interested in learning about different kinds of plants 对了解不同种类的植物感兴趣

5.enjoy the natural world 喜欢自然界

6.It’s important for me to do something to protect them.对我来讲做些事情保护它们是重要的

7.take part in activities from 2p.m. to 5p.m. on Sundays 参加星期天下午2点到5点的活动

8.I will be very happy if I can become a member of the Birdwatching Society.


9.call sb. on +电话号码拨打某人电话……

10.email sb. at +邮箱地址发邮件到……


1.Accounting(会计) The process of indentifying, recording, summarizing and reporting economic information to decision makers. 2.Financial accounting(财务会计) The field of accounting that serves external decision makers, such as stockholders, suppliers, banks and government agencies. 3.Management accounting(管理会计) The field of accounting that serves internal decision makers, such as top executives, department heads and people at other management levels within an organization. 4.Annual report(年报) A combination of financial statements, management discussion and analysis and graphs and charts that is provided annually to investors.

5.Balance sheet (statement of financial position, statement of financial condition)(资产负债表) A financial statement that shows the financial status of a business entity at a particular instant in time. 6.Balance sheet equation(资产负债方程式) Assets = Liabilities + Owners' equity. 7.Assets(资产) Economic resources that are expected to help generate future cash inflows or help reduce future cash outflows. 8.Liabilities (负债) Economic obligations of the organization to outsiders ,or claims against its assets by outsiders.


英语随堂反馈答案 篇一:牛津英语九年级上册Unit 7英语随堂反馈提高卷(含答案) 9上Unit 7英语随堂反馈提高卷 (整卷满分为90分) Class ____________Name ____________ 一、单项填空 (15分) ( ) 1. Guilin is ___ attractive city. It’s ____ nice place that many tourists go there every year. A. an; so aB. a; a soC. a; a suchD. an; such a ( ) 2. When you get the paper back, pay special attention to what _______.A. has marked B. has been marked C. had marked D. had been marked ( ) 3. Mr Wu is considered _______ our model. He puts all his effort _______ his career.A. to; to B. as; into C. as; to D. like; to ( ) 4. _____ the sun was not up yet, many people were already taking exercise in the square.A. As B. If C. ThoughD. Because ( ) 5. —I haven’t been to Shanghai for years. —You really need to pay a visit, and you’ll find changes there are _______ imagination (想象). A. beyondB. withC. withoutD. for ( ) 6. Paul is really considering _______ himself to _______ those children in the earthquake-hit area.A. to devote, teaching B.


《学英语随堂反馈》提高练习Unit 5-6 of 7A 一、单项填空 ( ) 1. — Have you seen _______ iPad? I left it here this morning. — Is it _______ white one? I think I saw it somewhere. A. an; the B. the; / C. an; a D. the; a ( ) 2. My uncle gives me _______ flowers as a gift. How sweet! A. little B. few C. a little D. a few ( ) 3. —_______ sleep do you think is necessary for a Grade 9 student? — 8 hours at least. A. How often B. How long C. How many D. How much ( ) 4. Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 was expected to land in Beijing _______ the morning of March 8. A. in B. on C. of D. at ( ) 5. —It’s 7:30 in the morning now. I believe Da Runfa is _______. —Let’s go and buy some food. A. close B. closed C. opened D. open ( ) 6. —Mom, why is Dad easy to get angry these days? —I think he has _______ work pressure (压力). A. too much B. too many C. much too D. many too ( ) 7. —How did you _______ the movie last night? —Oh, both interesting and meaningful. A. find B. feel C. think D. find out ( ) 8. Look! Some salad (沙拉) _______ here and some hamburgers _______ on the table. A. is;is B. are; are C. is; are D. are; is ( ) 9. —_______ do you usually have a Halloween party? —After the dinner. And _______ do you eat mooncakes to spend the Mid-Autumn Festival? A. What; how B. How; why C. When; what D. When; why ( ) 10. _______ great news that The Three-body Problem got Hugo Award in 2015! A. What B. How C. What a D. How a ( ) 11. —We need to book two more rooms for the first week in November. —_______. The hotel is not busy then. A. Never mind B. My pleasure C. It doesn’t matter D. No problem ( ) 12. There _______ some milk and eggs on the table. A. has B. have C. is D. are ( ) 13. He never _______ a hat even if (即使) it is winter. A. wears B. be in C. in D. puts on ( ) 14. How many _______ and how much _______ can you see on the table? A. meat, water B. orange, lemons C. apples, bread D. pears, cakes ( ) 15. —Do you know _______ the girl in red is? —I’m not sure. Maybe a teacher. A. when B. how C. where D. what ( ) 16. —_______?—I want to buy a pair of shoes for my son. A. Where do you go B. How do you want for your son C. How much do you have D. What can I do for you ( ) 17. This unit _______ us about how to dress for a party. A. says B. tells C. speaks D. talks ( ) 18. Can you tell me how _______ Hua Mulan? A. dress up B. to dress up C. can dress up as D. to dress up as ( ) 19. —Excuse me, how can I get to the nearest bus stop? —Go down this road. It’s about _______ walk. A. five minute’s B. five minutes’ C. five-minutes D. five-minute ( ) 20.—_______? —Thank you. But I’m full now.


Instead in place of, or as an alternative to; Smart very clever Carry If you carry something, you take it with you, holding it so that it does not touch the ground Correct if something is correct, it is in accordance with the facts and has no mistakes. Intelligent a person or animal that is intelligent has the ability to think, understand, and learn things quickly and well. Mistake If you make a mistake, you do something which you did not intend to do, or which produces a result that you do not want. Present A present is something that you give to someone, for example at Christmas or when you visit them. Dictionary A dictionary is a book in which the words and phrases of a language are listed alphabetically, together with their meanings or their translations in another language. Expensive if something is expensive, it costs a lot of money. Fresh A fresh thing or amount replaces or is added to a previous thing or amount. Stale, stale food is no longer fresh or good to eat. Sour something that is sour has a sharp, unpleasant taste like the taste of a lemon. Soft something that is soft is pleasant to touch, and not rough or hard. Exam An exam is a formal test that you take to show your knowledge or ability in a particular subject, or to obtain a qualification. Fail if you fail to do something that you were trying to do, you are unable to do it or do not succeed in doing it. Cheer If you are cheered by something, it makes you happier or less worried. Difficult something that is difficult is not easy to do, understand, or deal with.


英文单词近义词解释 本文是关于英文单词近义词解释,感谢您的阅读! 热切的英文: fervent 参考例句: gung-ho(enthusiastic) gung-ho(热切的)Helookedaroundthecircleofeagerfaces. 他看了看四周热切的脸庞。Bekeenabout;beeagerabout 热心;热切Weearnestlyhopethatyouwillgiveusyourvaluablecriticismsandsu ggestions. 热切希望各位提出宝贵意见。(ofawoman)makeover-eageradvancesto(aman) (指女子)热切亲近(男子)Iamlookingforwardtoyourreply. 我热切盼望您的回音.Theyenteredintoeagercolloquywitheachother. 他们展开热切的相互交谈。Theyenteredintoeagercolloquywitheachother 他们展开热切的相互交谈。ThechildrenwaitedwitheageranticipationforChristmas 孩子们热切期待圣诞节的到来。He'sintentongoingtoaustralia. 他热切希望到澳大利亚去。fervent是什么意思:

adj.热诚的;炽热的,热烈的 ConvertedtoChristianitybyaferventAmericanevangelist 受虔诚的美国布道家感化而皈依基督教Shehadaferventfarewellspeech. 感谢您的阅读,本文如对您有帮助,可下载编辑,谢谢


一、选择填空 1.Bill’s sister has _____ MP4. A. an B. the C. / D. a 2.What does your sister like _____ _breakfast ? A. with B. in C. for D. at 3.What’s your brother’s name ? ____name is Victor Green. A. He B. She C.Her D.His 4.What are _____ under the chair ? They are books . A.the B. this C. those D. that 5.Can you ____your tennis racket to me ? A. bring B. call C. take D. like 6.His uncle plays tennis very _______ A.good B. fine C. nice D. well 7.Linda ____7basketball games every evening. A. looks B. look C. watch D. watches 8.Mom, ____my friend, Jane. A. she is B. here is C. he is D. this is 9.Mrs Green has three daughters, ___she loves them very much. A. but B. for C. and D. with 10. I can’t play ping-pong.It is _ A. difficult B. fun C. interesting D. relaxing 11.I like carrots, but Mona doesn’t like _____ A. it B.them C. this D. these 12.Does Peter have a tennis racket ? ___________. But he has some tennis. A.Yes, he does B.Yes, he is C.No, he isn’t D.No, he doesn’t 13. How is your grandmother,Tom? ________. A. She is 62 years old B. She is OK C. I'm fine D. sorry 14.It’s October 10th. Lucy is _______ years old now. Today is her ______ birthday. A. twelve twelvth B. twelve twelve C. twelfth twelve D. twelve twelfth 15. He usually watches TV S aturday evening. A.on B.in C.at D.for 16. ___your brother___ a baseball? A. Do,has B. Does, have C. Does has D. Don't have 17. --_____is my computer game? ---It’s in the drawer.


专业词汇解释 Accessory: A supplementary building product, such as a door, window, skylight, ventilator, louver, etc. Anchor Bolts: Bolts used to anchor structural members to a concrete floor, foundation or other support. Usually refers to the bolts at the bottom of all columns and door jambs. Anchor Bolt Plan: A plan view of a building(s) foundations showing all dimensions and sections required to properly locate the anchor bolts, including the projections of the bolts above the concrete surface, required recess, etc. Column reactions (magnitude and direction), and base plate dimensions are also included. Angle: A hot rolled member with two legs forming a 90o angle. Approval Drawings: Drawings sent to the customer to verify design and dimensions and to verify the sales contract description of materials and services the manufacturer has agreed to furnish. Assembly: Two or more components bolted together. Astragal: A bent plate attached to one leaf of double sliding or hinged doors to prevent dust and light ingress. Auxiliary Loads: All specified dynamic live loads, other than the basic design loads, which the building must safely withstand. Examples are loads imposed by crane systems, material handling systems and impact loads. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Back-up Plates: Additional plates used in connections to provide sufficient bolt grip, allow for erection tolerances, or increase strength. Base Angle: A continuous angle fixed to the floor slab or to the grade beam to enable the attachment of wall panels.

《学英语随堂反馈》提高卷 Unit 7 of 7B

《学英语随堂反馈》提高卷 Test for Unit 7 of 7B 一、单项填空 ( ) 1、 Don’t drive so fast! We must slow down when we drive _______ the tunnel (隧道)、 A、 past B、 across C、 over D、 through ( ) 2、 _______ important information she gave me yesterday! A、 What a B、 How C、 What an D、 What ( ) 3、—Do you hear there was _______ fire in the hospital last night? —Yes、 _______ fire was terrible、 A、 the; The B、 /; A C、 the; A D、 a; The ( ) 4、 Lisa is a little poor at Chinese、 I think she needs _______ it every day、 A、 practise to speak B、 to practise speaking C、 practise speaking D、 to practise to speak ( ) 5、—Can’t you sing this song in English? —_______、 Let me sing it for you、 A、 Yes, I can B、 No, I can’t C、 Yes, I can’t D、 No, I can ( ) 6、 I could not _______ out because I _______ my leg、 A、 get; hurt B、 get; hurted C、 got; hurt D、 got; hurted ( ) 7、 I often hear the little girl _______ in her room、 Listen, she _______、 A、 singing; is singing B、 sing; singing C、 sing; is singing D、 is singing; is singing ( ) 8、 Zhang Hua spends _______ on English、 Now he is _______ at it、 A、 enough time; enough good B、 enough of time; enough good C、 enough of time; good enough D、 enough time; good enough ( ) 9、 Mr Liu was glad that the girls there _______ the violin、 A、 can play B、 are able to play C、 were able to play D、 could be able to play ( ) 10、—Excuse me, Sir、 But smoking is not allowed (允许) here、—Sorry, I didn’t see the sign、 I’ll _______ my cigarette (香烟) at once、 A、 put out B、 put away C、 put up D、 put off ( ) 11、 Don’t leave the TV _______、 A、 on B、 off C、 close D、 open ( ) 12、—_______ the man there be our English teacher? —He _______ be, but I’m not sure、 A、 May; mustn’t B、 Can; may C、 Can; can’t D、 May; can’t ( ) 13、 All of us hope _______ the award、 A、 her to get B、 her getting C、 she get D、 she will get ( ) 14、 _______ exciting news! We will have a _______ holiday after the exam、 A、 What an; two months B、 How an; two months C、 What; two-month D、 How; two months’ ( ) 15、 My mother is ill _______ hospital、 I have to look after her _______ hospital、 A、 in; in the B、 in; in a C、 in the; in D、 at the; at ( ) 16、—When did you _______ from your brother? —Well, I _______ from him last month、 A、 hear a letter; got B、 get; heard C、 get a letter; heard D、hear; heard a letter


1 hierarchy=class 2 companionship=friendship 3 starvation=hunger 4 resorted to=turned to 5 sustain=support 6 prestigious=famous 7 tenure=a permanent position 8 lobbying for=persuading people to support 9 unidentified=un known 10 saucer=plate 11 sensible=reasonable 12 source=cause 13 enormous=huge 14 account=report 15 crew=sailors 16 helmets=hard hats 17 remote=far away in distance 18 multidisciplinary=involving many subjects of study 19 striving=trying hard 20 portable=easily carried 21 foster=encourage the development of 22 maintenance=keeping in good condition 23 mission=specific task 24 innovations=new inventions 25 myths=old beliefs 26 boom=growth 27 erroneous=mistaken 28 exgausting=tiring 29 lean=thin 30 novice=newcomer 31 stationary=fixed 32 gasped for air=took in breath quickly 33 unconscious=unweare 34 reveal=show 35 disposition=character 36 grumpy=bad-tempered 37 chaos=confusion 38 complacent=self-satisfied 39 repress=hold back 40 sentimental=based on tender feelingd 41 whiteashed=painted white 42 depressing=discouraging 43 melodious=pleasant 44 nibbled=took smal bites 45 company=frlenfs 46 attained=achieved 47 idle=lazy 48 reluctance=unwillingly 49 complex=complicated 50 adjust=change 51 consistent=continuous 52 diagnoses=medical judgments 53 literal meaning=original meaning 54 bias=prejudice 55 aesthetic=artistic 56 stimulated=aroused 57 teenagers=people aged 13 19 58 rhythms=regular repeated pattern of sounds 59 blues=aslow sad style of music 60 rocked=moved from side to side 61 hit=success 62 trenf=fashion 63 vs=aginst 64 amazed=surpried 65 suspected=believed it to be likely 66 accustomed to=used to 67 extend=make it longer 68 secure=safe 69 well-meaning=well-intentioned 70 compliments=expressions of praise and admiration 71 fluctuated=kept going up and down 72 prevails=is widespread 73 layer=covering 74 approximately=nearly 75 vertical=upright 76 absord=take in 77 expanded=became greater 78 maximum=greatest 79 saturated=filled 80 constant=unchanging


树人初级中学2014-2015学年第一学期第一次月考 初一英语(参考答案) 2013—2014学年度第一学期第一次阶段性测试初一英语听力原文及答案 第一部分听对话回答问题 本部分共有10道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。 1. W: Bob, where does your mother work? M: She works in a school library. 2. M: Is the girl Amy? W: No, Amy has long hair and often wears glasses. 3. M: My cousin likes playing football. W: Oh, I know him. He’s a member of our school football team. 4. W: What’s the weather like today? M: It’s sunny. But tomorrow it will be rainy. 5. M: Do you know your homework, Lucy? W: Yes, look at the blackboard. 6. M: How often do you exercise? W: I keep running every day. Sometimes I go swimming, but I don’t play ball games. 7. W: Joe, what are you doing? M: Tomorrow I’ll have an English lesson. But I can’t find my English book. I’m looking for it. 8. M: What a hot day! Do you want to go out, Kitty? W: Yes, I want to buy some meat and fish. 9. M: When is your birthday, Lily? W: I was born on Women’s Day. 10. M: How do you usually go to school? W: By bike. But I’ll take a bus when it rains. 答案 一、听力测试(15') 1-5 ABACA 6-10 ACBBC 二、单项填空( 15') 11-15 CBABB 16-20 CCCBB 21-25 CBABA


听力部分(20分)略 笔试部分(80分) 一.单项选择:15分 ( ) 1. Please call me Mary___256-7893. A. in B. at C. to D. of ( ) 2.What’s your name? _____me Jack. A. Make B. Name C. Ask D. Call ( ) 3.How do you spell______. A. they B. them C. Its D. their ( ) 4.Anna is not my sister. _____my cousin. A. He B. He’s C. She D. She’s ( ) 5. Thanks _____your last letter. A. of B. for C. from D. to ( ) 6. What are those? ---___________ A. They are apples trees. B. They are apple trees C. Those are apple trees D. Those are apples trees ( ) 7. There is ___ “n” in the word pencil. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( ) 8. ____she ___a pen? A. Does, has B. Is ,there C. Does, have D. Do ,have ( ) 9. What’s your cat’s name? ___name is Kitty. A. It’s B.Its C. It is D. It ( )10. I don’t know____. But I know ______name. A. her,her B. him, him C. his, his D. you, you ( )11.What’s this? _____a book A. It B. That C. It’s D. That’s ( )12. Is this a computer? Yes,_____. A. this is B. this’s C. it’s D. it is ( )13. --What’s seven _____two. --Nine. A. in B. and C. are D. at ( )14. Han Mei , _____is Susan. A. the B. this C. it D. you ( )15. --What’s your name? --____Alice Green. A. It’s B. It is C. My name is D. Name is 二.用am,is,are填空(10分) 1.Excuse me! ________ this your eraser? 2.What ________ those? ________ they birds? 3.This ________ his ruler. Where ________ my ruler? 4.I ________ in Class Three. ________ you in Class Three,too? 5.________ these her English books? 6.Those ________ their apples. Where ________ his apples? 7.She ________ eleven. How old ________ that boy?

小学英语单词-Part 01(带音标 全英文解释 图文并茂版)

说明: 1. 本词汇包括小学英语第一册词汇,可以在A4页面用彩色打印机打出使用; 2. 因为的单词解释为英文,全部摘录自Longman及Cambridge英英词典。考虑初学者的词汇量不够,可以结合中文解释一起使用,等理解后,全部使用英文的解释来理解; 3. 一个单词对应一张图片,非常方便理解与记忆。在记忆时,尽量减少母语对英文学习的影响; 4. 建议一开始学习就采用英文解释,不仅从小建立英文环境,而且培训其英文思考的能力。一句话,就好像在国外留学一样学习英文。 5. 更多的分享及建议,请与2487452826@https://www.360docs.net/doc/6d14757371.html,联系; 6. 可以开始你不适应用全英文的方式学习,但是你一旦适应,学习效率提高至少一倍。祝每个英语初学者都有一个良好的开始。 说明备注 Word 单词 Tips 单词解释提示 Function 词性 Pronunciation 发音如果显示不正常,请安装字体文件Explanation 完整解释 Example 例句

Tips an instrument for writing or drawing with ink Function noun Pronunciation /pen/ Explanation an instrument for writing or drawing with ink Example a fountain/ballpoint/felt-tip pen Word pencil Tips an instrument that you use for writing Function noun Pronunciation /?pens ?l/ Explanation an instrument that you use for writing or drawing, consisting of a wooden stick Example a sharp pencil Word pencil-case Tips a bag or box to carry pens and pencils in Function Pronunciation /'pens ?lkeis/ Explanation a bag or box to carry pens and pencils in Example Word ruler


英语随堂反馈8AUnit 8提高练习 一、单项选择 ( )1.The flood in 1998 washed lots of houses_____and lots of people______. A.on;died B.off;die C.away;die D.away;died 答案:D wash away意思是冲走,由washed可以知道这句话是过去时,所以die也要用过去式。( )2.The floor is so wet.Let’s______. A.stop mopping it up B.stop to mop up it C.stop mopping up it D.stop to mop it up 答案:D stop to dosth,表示停下来做某事,mop up要注意代词中置 ( )3.Someone is knocking at the door.It____my mother.It’s time for her to be back. A.can be B.may not be C.must be D.mustn’t be 答案:C根据句意可知这里表示一种肯定的推测。 ( )4.I don’t know if I____free tomorrow.If I____,I will go to the bookstore. A.am;am B.will be;will be C.will be;am D.am;will be 答案:C 第一个if是连词,第二个if遵循主将从现原则 ( )5.All the____things need air and water.Without air or water,nothing can stay___. A.living;living B.living;alive C.alive;alive D.alive;living 答案:B living作定语,alive作表语,意思是活着的 ( )6.The big flood last week affected(影响)____people’s lives,and____them died. https://www.360docs.net/doc/6d14757371.html,lions of;two hundred https://www.360docs.net/doc/6d14757371.html,lions of;two hundred of C.two million;two hundred D.two millions;two hundreds 答案:B与of连用需要加s,与具体的数词连用不需要加s. ( )7.It____hard____he got to the cinema yesterday evening. A.rained;while B.was raining;when C.was raining;while D.is raining;when 答案:B,主句是延续性动作,用when ( )8.We should practise speaking English___to improve our spoken English. A.as many as possible B.as much as possible C.as possible as we can D.as possible as we could 答案:B as…as possible,尽可能作。
