5. 96年01月 北美托福听力真题、文字及答案-修正版

5. 96年01月 北美托福听力真题、文字及答案-修正版
5. 96年01月 北美托福听力真题、文字及答案-修正版

托福听力真题、文字及答案—修正版5. 96年01月北美托福听力



历年托福听力考试真题下载五(原文+音频 为了让同学们更好地备考托福听力,下面小马编辑为大家整理了历年1月份托福听力考试真题,并附有文本和听力音频,供同学们进行下载练习。 以下是2002年1月托福听力考试真题音频: 部分 2002年1月托福听力考试真题原文如下: Never be unduly elated by victory or depressed by defeat. Part A 1:A: With so little time left to study for the history final. I think we should concentrate on going over our lecture notes. B: That sounds good. At least we have an idea what Prof. Martin thinks important. Q: How do the students plan to prepare for the exam? 2:A: Sorry I'm late. There was road construction on highway 9 and traffic was backed up for a miles(排起长龙. B: Tell me about it. I take that road. And it took me two hours to get home last night. Q: what does the man mean? 3:A: u said u wanted to borrow my camera for Prof. Wilson's assignment. Well, here it is. B: I know this is precious to you, and I'll take good care of it. I hate using other people's things, especially expensive equipment like this. Q: according to the conversation, what will the woman do?

97年10 月托福听力文字带答案

97年10月托福听力文字 Part A 1. A: Have you saved enough to buy that new printer for your computer yet? B: You know money seems to be burning a hold in my pocket latterly. Maybe next month. What does the man mean? (A) He doesn't have enough money to buy a printer now. (B) He's not sure how much a printer costs. (C) He'll buy a computer later this week. (D) He lost the money he was saving. 2. A: We need a fourth player for tennis this morning. Do you want to join us? B: I’ve got a class at nine. But Carol’s free and she’s really good. What does the man suggest the woman do? (A) Wait to play until after his 9 o'clock class. (B) Ask Carol to play tennis. (C) Ask Carol if she's going to class. (D) Get a tennis lesson from Carol. 3. A: I don’t understand how this budget was calculated? B: Let me have a look, OK? What does the woman mean? (A) They should ask for an increase in the budget. (B) The calculations appear correct to her. (C) She'll try to see what method was used (D) They need to make a copy of the budget. 4. A: I’m going to the snack bar for a cup of coffee. Would you like me to bring you back something? B: Not from the snack bar. But could you pick up a paper for me? What does the man mean? (A) He could bring something to the woman (B) He'd be happy to go with the woman. (C) He wants the woman to get him a newspaper. (D) He'd like something to eat. 5. A: I’ll be coming straight from work. So I’ll have to pack a change of clothes. B: It’s only a barbecue. Jeans and a T-shirt will be fine. What does the woman imply? (A) The barbecue has been canceled.


95 年12 月托福听力文字 Part A 1. A: It’s a beautiful day today. Want to go roller-skating(轮滑)? B: Any other time will be great. But today I’m working on a paper. What does the woman mean? 1.(A) She doesn’t like roller skating. (B) She writing a story about roller skating. (C) She’s too busy to go roller skating. (D) The man shouldn’t be going roller skating. 2. A: I thought you said you are going to call me last week about that car I’m selling. B: Oh, I’m so sorry. It completely slipped my mind. What does the man mean? 2.(A) He already bought a car. (B) He didn’t mean to bother the woman. (C) He didn’t say he would call the woman. (D) He forgot to call the woman. 3. A: Before we go to the movie theater, I have to stop at the bank and get some money. B: Don’t worry about that. This is my treat(请客). What does the woman mean? 3.(A) Admission to the movie is free. (B) She’ll lend the man some money. (C) She’ll b uy the tickets for the movie. (D) She paid for the movie the last time. 4. A: How did you like the concert? I found it really moving(动人的,感动的). B: I love classical music. But that conductor seemed a bit inexperienced. What does the man mean? (A) He was surprised the woman didn’t like the concert. (B) He enjoyed the concert more that the woman did. (C) He was not impressed by the conducting. (D) He didn’t like the choice of music.


01年5月托福听力文字 Part A 1. A: So are you going to see the student play tonight? B: I doubt it. I'm still getting over the flu. Q: What does the man mean? 2. A: Gordom needs to find another place to live. The apartment he rents now has been sold to a new owner. B: He'd better start looking right away. When all the students come back in a few weeks, he won't find any near the campus. Q: What does the woman suggest Gorden do? 3. A: Mind if I borrow ur Spanish workbook? B: Not as long as I have it back in time to take to class this evening. Q: What does the man mean? 4. A: U know that quiz we took in Dr. Turner's class today? Did u know that she was going to give it to us? B: Actually I was just as surprised as u were. Q: What does the woman mean? 5. A: I don't know which color folder to use, white or brown? B: What difference does it make? It's the content that's important. Q: What does the man mean? 6. A: U know I heard that professor Martin's introduction to chem class is way to demanding for first year students. They say it's as hard as courses for graduate students. B: Yeah, but a lot of students will tell u otherwise. To talk to anyone who's gone on to the advanced course,like organic chem or who study chem in graduate school. They r really glad they started out with professor Martin. Q: What does the man imply about professor Martin? 7. A: Hey Mark, have u been able to sell ur old piano yet? B: Ah, u were right, just posting notices on bulletin boards at a coupke of supermarket wasn't enough. I think i'll have to place an advertisement in the local newspaper. Q: What does the man imply? 8. A: My back has been aching ever since I started playing tennis on the weekends, B: haven't u had that checked out yet? Q: What does the woman imply? 9. A: Hi,uhm... I think something's wrong with the washing machine. It works and I just did my laundry but it makes some strange noises. Maybe u should call sb to fix it. B: Oh don't worry. Sb from the repair shop is already on the way over to take a look at it. Q: What does the man imply? 10.A; It's so thoughtful of u to offer to drop me off at the train station. Ru sure it's not out of ur way? B: Not at all. The station is really close to where i'm going. Q:What does the man mean? 11.A: I'm here about the job u advertised in the paper. B; U need one of those forms over there, on the table next to the file cabinet.


2000年8月托福听力文字答案 man:do you have this style shirt in my size? woman:i’ll check.but...to tell u the truth,i think this one’s right for u. Q:what does the woman mean? 2 man:oh,i’m sorry,i just realized that i forgot to bring the tape recorder you lent me.i left it back in my dorm. woman:that’s all right.i won’t need it until tonight.as long as i’ve got it my by then. Q:what does the woman imply? 3 man:so how much was your plane ticket? woman:more than i could really afford.i had to dip into my saving. Q:what does the woman imply? 4 woman:Wed. are going to be busy days for me next semester.three class in the morning and then two more in the afternoon. i won’t even have time for lunch. man:you relaly should try to fit it in,you know.those afternoon classes would be tough to sit through if u stomach’s rumbling. Q:what does the man suggest the woman do ? 5 woman:you are dropping out of the Marching Band?but i thought you loved it.all the travelling,playing before big crowds.. man:i do.but...with all that time away from my studies my grades are really starting to slip. Q:what does the man mean ? 6 woman:i’m thinking of getting a new pantsuit to wear to James’ wedding. man:i just hope that my old suit still fits.you know how i feel about shopping. Q:what does the man imply? 7 man:what’s my share of the bill?18.50?that can’t be right!i only had a salad for dinner. woman:don’t get excited.let me check them out. Q:what will woman probably do next? 8 man:i’m surprised that Sarah told her boss he was wrong to have fired his secretary. woman:i know.but that Sarah...if she has an opinion,everyone’s got to know it. Q:what does the woman mean? 9man: how about a movie tonight?that new comedy is opening in town. woman:sounds great,but i’ve got be finishing sketches on my psychology research paper. Q:what does the woman imply? 10 woman:you won’t have to look very hard to find a job on campus.but i

99年5 月托福听力文字带答案

99年5月托福听力原文 Part A 1. A: I need to go across town, but the traffic is so heavy this time of day. B: When you take the subway, you don’t have to deal with traffic. I never drive any more. What does the man imply? (A) The woman doesn’t drive often. (B) Traffic is better than it used to be. (C) Taking public transportation saves time. (D) The subway is crowded. 2. A: I’ve got two tickets to today’s game. Do you want to come along? B: It’ll be on television. Besides, it’s really too cold for me. What will the man probably do? (A) Wear a heavy sweater to the game. (B) Exchange the tickets. (C) Take care of his cold. (D) Watch the game at home. 3. A: You had met Professor Johnson before, right? How would you describe his lectures? B: Well, let me put it this way: I could never stay awake in one of his classes without first drinking at least two cups of coffee. What does the man imply? (A) He dropped out(逃离)of Professor Johnson’s class. (B) He’ll probably take another class with Professor Johnson. (C) Pr ofessor Johnson’s lectures were boring. (D) Students weren’t allowed to bring drinks into Professor Johnson’s class. 4. A: Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the post office? B: Your guess is as good as mine. I’m new around here. What does the woman mean? (A) She hasn’t received any mail yet. (B) She doesn’t know where the post office is. (C) She thinks the post office is nearby. (D) A new post office has just opened. 5. A: I forgot to tell you that Fred called last night to borrow your sleeping bag. B: Oh, I saw him at the gym this morning and he didn’t say anything. So he must’ve


92年5月托福听力文字 PART A 1. We tried calling Ken, thinking he'd be home. 2. She doesn't know we finished the experiment. 3. Didn't she handle her presentation well? 4. I don't know Maxine although we went to the same university. 5. At the end of the street is a bookstore where you can buy used books. 6. If he'd only asked me for help I'd have done my best for him. 7. The shoe polish doesn't match the shoes. 8. You'll need to get another chair from the living room. 9. I had a piece of Carla's birthday cake although I usually don't like desserts. 10. Here, take this pill.Don't chew it. 11. I can't finish what I'm working on until I have your research result. 12. Never have I heard such an unconvincing explanation 13. He used to walk to work when he lived in town. 14. I saw the pitcher of water about to full, but I couldn't reach it in time. 15. It seems as if the bakery has been closed for months, even though it's only been two weeks. 16. I would have gone to the movie if I'd known what was playing. 17. I can't see the need for a car. 18. Roy asked the dean to waive certain requirements. 19. I turned off the lights, all ready for bed. 20. It's unnecessary to take tests in a course you audit. PART B 21.W:Congratulations!I understand you got a job,when do you start to work? M:You must be thinking of someone else,I'm still waiting to hear. Q:What does the man mean? 22.M:Prof.Johnson seems so serious. W:But his lectures are quite humourous,aren't they? Q:What does the woman thinking about Prof Johnson? 23.W:Gary,why is it that whenever I open my mailbox lately,I pull out letters addressed to you? M:Because until I find a new apartment,I'm having the post office foreard my mail to yur place. Q:What's happening to Gary's letters? 24.M: They said the train won't arrive u until nine. W:Well,what that boils down to is yet another delay in our schedule. Q:What does the woman mean? 25.W:If Prof.Thomas's willing to give us a three-day extension to finish the project,maybe he'll give us a few more days. M:Let's not push our luck,Mary.OK? Q:What does the man mean? 26.W.How do you like the play? M:Oh,I've seen worse. Q:What does the man mean?

95年1月 托福听力文字

95年1月托福听力文字 Part A 1. I asked the ticket agent to let me know what time my plane would arrive in Chicago. 2. The coach's assistant showed her how to do it. 3. I don't think I've ever seen you in that sweater before. 4. Betty canceled her trip when she got sick. 5. Didn't they look well 6. Run over to the bus station & check the fare. 7. Those flowers light up the whole room. 8. Sarah had time to read that book? 9. The university library used to be open to the public, but now only students & staff can use it. 10. You didn't have to telephone your office. 11. Over the course of the year, the company carried out the plan. 12. Postcards seem to take forever in the mail. 13. It feels like spring today, but I'm afraid winter is not over yet. 14. Lee won the chess match hands down. 15. When you interrupted me, you made me lose my train of thought. 16. I returned the party invitation with regrets. 17. Susan is anything but poor. 18. Once in a while, a lab experiment may take more than an hour. 19. I didn't write that memo to the department chair to amuse myself. 20. We hardly ever see them here. Part B 21. Do you want to sign up for Prof. Wilson's class? I heard he got his doctorate when he was 19. Really? What does the man mean? 22. Since you miss class yesterday, would you like to borrow my notes? Please, if you don't mind. What does the man mean? 23. I thought you were picking David up at the airport? How could I on a Tuesday night? What does the man imply? 24. I wish I knew how to swim. Why not sign up for the lessons offered by the physical education department? What does the woman suggest? 25. Donna, you said you'd take this package to accounting yesterday. Oh, no. It must’ve slipped my mind What does Donna mean? 26. I think I'll put on some music now. What do you have? I'm a classical music fan. What does the man mean?


2000年8月托福听力文字 1. man: Do you have this style shirt in my size 1。男:你这种样式的衬衫有我能穿的尺寸吗 woman: I'll check. but. . . to tell you the truth, I think this one's right for you. 女人:我查一下。但是……实话告诉你,我认为这个你穿正合适。 《 Q: what does the woman mean 2 man: Oh, I'm sorry, I just realized that I forgot to bring the tape recorder you lent me. I left it back in my dorm. 男:哦,对不起,我意识到,我忘记带你借给我的录音机。我把它留在宿舍。 woman: that's all right. I won't need it until tonight. as long as I've got it by then. 》 女人:没关系。我直到今晚才需要它,。 Q: what does the woman imply about the tape recorder 3 man: So how much was your plane ticket 3人:你的机票多少钱Baritone — woman: More than I could really afford. I had to dip into (浏览,稍加研究)my saving. 女人:超过我能负担得起。我不得不研究我的储蓄。 Q: what does the woman imply Erod 4 woman: We would be going to be busy days for me next semester. three class in the morning and then two more in the afternoon. I won't even have time for lunch. ~ 4女人: 下学期将是我们忙碌的日子。早上三节课,下午两个。我甚至都没时间吃午饭。man: You really should try to fit it in, you know. Those afternoon classes would be tough (坚韧的)to sit through if you stomach's rumbling(咕噜咕噜声). 男: 你知道,你真的应该试着适应。那些下午的课会很艰难,如果你的胃发出咕噜声。Q: what does the man suggest the woman do 问:男人如何建议女人做什么 【 5 woman: you are dropping out of the Marching Band but I thought you loved it. all the travelling, playing before big crowds. 5妇女:你从军乐队退出了吗但我以为你喜欢它。在人群中边走边演奏。 man: I do. but. . . with all that time away from my studies my grades are really starting to slip. 男人:是的。但是。。。长时间不学习,成绩将下滑。 [ Q: what does the man mean 6 woman: I'm thinking of getting a new pantsuit to wear to James' wedding.


97年8月托福听力文字 Part A 1. A:You know the noise in my dorm has really gotten out of control. My roommate and I can rarely get to sleep before midnight. 1。A:你知道我宿舍里的噪音真的失控。我的室友和我很少能在午夜之前睡觉。 B:Why don't you take the problem up with the dorm supervisor? B:你为什么不把这个问题与宿舍的主管? What does the man suggest the woman do? 男人如何建议女人做什么? 2. A:That's a nice computer you have. 2。答:这是一个不错的电脑。 B:Now all I have to do is figure out how to use it. B:现在我要做的就是弄清楚如何使用它。 What does the man imply? 这个男士暗示什么? 3. A:Your little nephew is growing by leaps and bounce. 3。答:你的外甥在飞速增长。 B:Yes. He must be at least three feet tall already. B:是的。他至少要三英尺高了。 What do the speakers say about the woman's nephew? 演讲者说什么对女人的侄子吗? 4. A:Debra said she's going to stay up all night studying for her exam tomorrow morning. 4。答:黛布拉说她要熬夜学习,为明天早上她的考试。 B:Wouldn't she be better off getting a good night sleep so she'll feel fresh in the morning?B:不,她是更好的得到一个好觉,所以她会感觉新鲜早上? What does the man imply? 这个男士暗示什么? 5. A:Did you pick up your letter at the post office? 5。答:你拿起你的信在邮局? B:No. I got my roommate to do it. B:没有。我的室友去做。 What happened to the letter? 信中发生了什么? 6. A:Have you asked your brother to do the dishes? 6。A:你有没有问过你的兄弟去洗碗吗? B:Thousands of times. B:成千上万倍。 What does the man mean? 男士的意思是什么呢? 7. A:Tom and I are having a party next week. We wonder if you and Joe would be free to join us. 7。答:我和汤姆下周将举行一个派对。我们想知道如果你和乔将免费加入我们。 B:Sounds Great. But I'd better talk to Joe before we say yes. B:听起来不错。但我最好跟乔在我们说的没错。 What does the man imply?

94年8月 托福听力文字

94年8月托福听力文字 Part A 1. Don't forget to go to the bank on Thursday because Friday is a holiday. 2. Can we get this tape recorder repaired? 3. I thought Steve was very disagreeable during dinner last night. 4. She doesn't know what to do with her time today. 5. It used to take Betty months to finish reading a book, but now she gets through one a week. 6. The visitors asked us to recommend a restaurant that isn't too far away. 7. Mark likes to spend time with his friends. 8. It will be ten minutes till the basketball game starts. 9. The paintings in Mrs. Peterson's collection are irreplaceable. 10. He was approached by three companies with job offers, but he turned them all down. 11. He was too restless to sit still. 12. He ran out in such a hurry that he forgot his coat. 13. A store downtown has the same pair of shoes on sale. 14. Donna should save a breath because she can't convince her friends. 15. All we did was to listen to him go on and on about his trip to Washington. 16. It looks as though we've run out of computer paper. 17. I'm not sure how much longer I'll be living a t home. 18. I'm not sure how much longer I'll be living at home. 19. It's only a matter of time before my car breaks down again. 20. The professor used to personalize his talks with stories about his college days. Part B 21. It's a bit warm out today. Warm? You can fry an egg on the sidewalk. What does the man mean? 22. This must be my tenth cup of coffee today. How you're going to be able to fall asleep if you keep on like this? What does the woman imply that the man should do? 23. I thought you were going to read this book by today. Oh, but I already have. What does the woman say about the book? 24. Sarah's the new class president, and she's also one of the best students in the school. You might say she's done all right. What does the man mean? 25. Why don't we drive downtown now? Wouldn't it be better to wait after rush hour?
