
第 1 页 共 20 页

Crushing or pressing the berries releases the juice and mixes the components of the grape.


What is Wine ?


WINE (葡萄酒)

Questions (问题):

1. What is wine? (什么是葡萄酒?)

2. What is the most important reaction during winemaking procession?



Acids (酸) Water (水) Flavour Compounds (香味)

Sugars (糖份)

Colour &Tannin Compounds



(葡萄汁) Fermentation converts the sugar to alcohol (发酵使糖份转化为酒精)


The other components are carried over into the wine. (其它成份被带入葡萄酒)

Flavour Compounds (香味)

0.1% Colour & Tannins (颜色及单宁)


(in red wines 在红葡萄中)

Acids (酸)

1% Sugar (糖份) 0.1%---8%

(dry wines) (sweet wines) (干性酒) (甜性酒)

Alcohol(酒精) 10%---20%

(table wines) (fortified wines) (餐酒) (加度酒)

Water (水) 80%---90%

Some components of wine: approximate percentage composition (by weight)


Notes (注)


It is the very small amounts of these colour, tannin and flavour compounds that give wine its character.(含量极少的颜色、单宁和香味赋予葡萄酒各自不同的风格)


The amount of each component will vary depending on the type of wine: dry, sweet, sparking or fortified.(葡萄酒的成份根据其种类不同而不同:红酒、白酒干性、甜性、汽泡酒或雪利酒) ?

Alcohol content is normally expressed as % by volume, not weight. However, the values are similar to those given in this illustration.(酒精度通常以体积百分比

第 2 页 共 20 页

How to make Wine ? (如何酿制葡萄酒?)

Grape Varieties (葡萄品种)

Oak Barrel (橡木桶) Questions (问题): 1. In which step does fermentation happens?(发酵在第几步发生?)

2. Where does the red wine get its colour?(红葡萄酒的颜色是从哪来的?)

3. Do you know the main difference between white wine & red wine making procession?

Sorted crop Health & ripe



De-stemmer (抽梗机)

Stems (梗)

Crusher (压榨机)



cap Pressing (榨汁机)



AGING (陈年)







WINE (葡萄酒)

Notes (注):


Both American oak &French oak can be used in wine aging procession, but they have different style. (美国橡木桶、法国橡木桶都被用于葡萄酒的陈年,它们有各自不同的风格。)

Stainless Steel Tank


The taste of wine is inevitably bound up with the grape variety. The fundamental balance

of sugar, acid and tannin is particular to each variety.



Red Grapes (红葡萄)

Cabernet Franc—Medium, blackcurrant, grassy, sometimes earth and raspberry. Cabernet sauvignon加本力苏维翁(赤霞珠)---Dark, tannic, blackcurrant, cedar, mint, green pepper, chocolate, tobacco, olives

It is the most recognizable and most versatile of the red wine grapes. The Cabernet Sauvignon grape with its thick skin thrives in warm climates and is grown throughout the world. This grape is late ripening, which makes it the slowest wine to mature. It needs time to age in oak or bottle and is at its best blended with Merlot. In Bordeaux the percentages of Cabernet Sauvignon to Merlot may vary from Chateau to Chateau but the influence of the grape is always predominate. A very good example of this grape is Chateau Cos d'Estournel. 是红葡萄品种中最为著名最为丰富多彩的一种。加本力苏维翁葡萄皮较厚,生长于温暖的气候,在世界各地都有种植。此葡萄成熟较晚,并且需要时间在橡木桶中或酒瓶中进行陈年,如与梅洛葡萄混合则口味最佳。在波尔多地区加本力苏维翁和梅洛的混合比例在每个古堡皆有可能不同,但此种葡萄酒的影响是深远悠长的。


Gamay—Light to medium, strawberry, peach, pepper, going to farmyard earthiness, and Pinot –like strawberry jam.

Merlot 梅洛-Full, soft, blackcurrant, honey, raisin, mint, plum.Similar to Cabernet Sauvignon but with more plum and rose than blackcurrants, more spice and rich fruit cake with less mint.

The basis for many fine, very aromatic wines. Merlot is similar to Cabernet Sauvignon, but it is less tannic and has less intense blackberry flavor. It produces a softer, plumper, juicier, earlier maturing wine. Merlot's homeland started in Bordeaux where the most sought after Merlot based wines are from the Pomerol and St-Emilion regions in France. Either used as a blending partner or on its own, Merlot is very much a wine of our times and enjoys enormous popularity throughout the world. A very good example of this grape is Summerfield Merlot.


Flavor characteristics:


Shiraz or syrah 设拉子或设拉---In Australia it is Shiraz and it tends to taste richer, riper and more full-bodied than France's Syrah blended wines such as Chateauneuf du Pape from Rhone, even though they are the same grape. Very few Australian producers do not make a Shiraz wine of some sort. It is the country's most planted wine grape variety. This is a wine that has early drinking appeal and yet has the ability to age for many years. Bridgewater Mill's Shiraz from the South Australia is an award winning Shiraz showing off Australia's rich side of Shiraz.


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