欧亨利《麦琪的礼物》英文读后感The Meaning of Gift

欧亨利《麦琪的礼物》英文读后感The Meaning of Gift
欧亨利《麦琪的礼物》英文读后感The Meaning of Gift

The Meaning of Gift

O.Henry (1862-1910) was a prolific American short-story writer, a master of surprise endings, who wrote about the life of ordinary people in New York City. Although his plot is full of coincidence, the surprise ending is his feature and appeals to the reader so much. He is one of three short story masters in the world.(O.Henry, Maupassant, Chekhov)

Henry's first collection, Cabbages and Kings appeared in 1904. The second, The Four Million, was published two years later and included his well-known stories "The Gift of the Magi" and "The Furnished Room". The Trimmed Lamp (1907) included "The Last Leaf". Henry's best known work is perhaps the much anthologized "The Ransom of Red Chief", included in the collection Whirligigs (1910). The Heart of the West (1907) presented tales of the Texas range. O. Henry published 10 collections and over 600 short stories during his lifetime.

I chose The Four Million this term. There are many short fictions in this collection,and every of them are worth reading. However, TheGiftoftheMagi left a deep impression on me. I consider itas the most touching novel I have ever read. It is delicate and beautiful. It contains love and tenderness.

In this article, O. Henry used his style of writing narrated a winding and simple story with humor and a little sadness. The story is about the young couple, who was short of money but had developed deep affection for each other, wanted to buy their lovers a surprising Christmas gift. Unbeknown to Jim, Della sold her most valuable possession, her beautiful hair, which was described as “a brown cascade”“had the queen of Sheba livedin the flat across the airshaft, Della would have let her hair hang out thewindow someday to dry just to depreciate Her Majesty's jewels and gifts”, in order to buy a platinum fob chain for Jim's watch; while unbeknown to Della, Jim sold his own most valuable possession,his watch, which was appreciated as “hadKing Solomon been the janitor, with all his treasures piled up in the basement,Jim would have pulled out his watch every time he passed, just to see him pluckat his beard from envy”, to buy a set of comb with pure tortoise shell andjewelled rimsfor Della's hair.The young couple sacrificedtheir greater treasures to a gift, but neither had practical need for the other’s gift any more. But in the last paragraph, the author wrote,“But in a lastword to the wise of these days let it be said that of all who give gifts thesetwo were the wisest. All who give and receive gifts, such as they are wisest.Everywhere they are wisest. They are the magi.”

In this materialistic society, people often use money to measure

gifts.They even forget the persons they love and the persons who love them.Nevertheless, whenever people give gifts for their monetary value or physical impressions, the gifts are immediately devalued. When bags of gifts which are packaged delicately in front of us,what can us see except empty and blank? Parents feel happy because of our simple greeting cards in their birthday, or a few words of blessing.These gifts are incredibly simple, but true.We need to care more about others,no matter how much money we have.What our loved one need is how our concerns about him or her. Not only in some important festivals but also in our daily life,don’t niggard to show your love.

AlthoughJim and Della were as poor as a church mouse, as long as they had love, they felt happier than any millionaire.


九年级语文优质教案: 麦琪的礼物 晋华实验学校王丽霞 【教学目的】: 1. 体会作品巧妙的构思;引人入胜的悬念,出人意料的结尾。 2.体会详略得当的处理材料的方法。 3.感悟人性美,人情美。让学生学会尊重他人的爱,并学会爱他人。 【教学重点】:理清情节,把握思想内容,体会精巧的构思。 教学难点:材料详略的处理,及重要语句的分析。 【教学过程】: 第一课时 一.导入新课 《圣经》上记载着这样一个故事:耶稣降生时,三个贤人麦琪从东方耶路撒冷赶来送给他礼物:“光明之王”梅尔基奥尔赠送黄金表示尊贵,“洁白者”加斯帕赠送乳香象征神圣,巴尔萨泽赠送毒药预示着基督后来遭受迫害而死。从此以后,西方在圣诞节这一天互相赠送礼物来表达自己心中最真挚的感情,因而演绎了许多动人的故事。美国作家欧.亨利的《麦琪的礼物》就是一个感人至深的故事。 二.复习小说三要素,了解小说的阅读方法。 提问:什么是小说的三要素?怎样阅读小说? 小说三要素:人物,环境,情节。 阅读小说可分三步:1 明作家,知背景 2 读小说,析要素 3 深分析,挖主题 三.明作家,知背景 欧.亨利,美国著名的短篇小说家。一生创作了三百多篇短篇小说,代表作有《麦琪的礼物》,《警察与赞美诗》,《最后一片藤叶》等。他的作品以轻松幽默的笔调,描写了大都市里小人物的不幸命运和美好的品质,揭露了上层社会的虚伪无耻与专横腐败。艺术上精于构思,往往有曲折的情节与出人意料的结尾,使人回味无穷。 世界三大短篇小说之王:莫泊桑(法)《我的叔叔于勒》 契珂夫(俄)《变色龙》 欧.亨利(美)《麦琪的礼物》 四.指导学生阅读课文,整体把握全文(读小说,析要素) 1.下列词语正音,释义。 抽噎 (yè) 馈(kuì)赠吝(lì)啬 (sè) 鹌(?n)鹑(chún) 掂(di?n)斤拨两相形见绌(chù) 俗不可耐忐(t?n)忑(tè)不安 2.速默读课文,标好自然段,找出小说三要素。 提问:(1)小说的主人公是谁? (2)故事发生在什么样的环境里? (3)小说主要叙述了一个什么样的故事? 圣诞节前,德拉牺牲了自己引以为傲的美发为丈夫杰姆买来圣诞礼物——表链;但杰姆放弃了金表为德拉买回美丽的发梳。两人珍贵的礼物都成了无用的东西。


《麦琪的礼物》教案 课前预习 熟读课文,认知生字词,了解作者及写作背景,理清故事情节。 相关课程标准: 欣赏文学作品,有自己的情感体验,初步领悟作品的内涵,从中获得对自然、社会、人生的有益启示。对作品中感人的情境和形象,能说出自己的体验;品味作品中富于表现力的语言。教学目标 1.掌握本课生字词及文学常识。 2.理清文章的内容,理解主题。 评价任务: 1、深入文本,品味关键词语。 2、体会细节描写对刻画人物的作用。 3、理解本文主题。 教学时间一课时 教学过程 一、导入新课 爱情是个古老而又新鲜的话题,“关关雎鸠,在河之洲,窈窕淑女,君子好逑”写出了对爱情的渴望;“山无棱,天地合,乃敢与君绝”是坚贞不移的爱情宣言;今天,我们就走进美国作家欧·亨利的小说《麦琪的礼物》,一起去领略那份真挚纯洁的爱情。 二、自主学习 5分钟时间速读课文,找出本文生字词,了解作者。 1、读准字音,注意字形。 馈(kuì)赠抽噎(yē)吝(lìn)啬(sè)鹌(ān)鹑(chún) 晦(huì)涩忐(tǎn)忑(tè)不安玳(dài)瑁(mào)啜(chuò)泣 (学生互批互查,纠正错误,也可提出自己认为重要的字词和大家一起交流。) 2、欧·亨利是国著名的批判现实主义作家,他与和并称为“世界三大短篇小说巨匠”。他的代表作品有、。 三、交流研讨 活动任务一 用简洁的语言概括故事情节。 参考:一对贫困的年轻夫妇为互赠礼物而忍痛卖掉引以为豪的长发和金表,却换了不再起作用的发梳和表链的故事。 (学生把答案写在自己的练习本上,同位互相交流,然后在全班展示。) 活动任务二 问题:作者为什么能把原本无聊的一件事写得那么好?你能不能根据刚才概括的故事情节试着扩充这篇文章?在扩充的时候要抓住时间、地点、人物、事情的起因、经过、结果等要素。学生活动: 1、时间:圣诞节前夕 2、人物:德拉和吉姆 3、地点:租来的房子里。 ⑴为什么要租房子?说明了什么问题? 参考:经济拮据。 ⑵文中还有哪些地方写到了他们经济的拮据?

The gift of Magi麦琪的礼物英语鉴赏

The story opens with $1.87. That's all Della Dillingham Young has to buy a present for her beloved husband, Jim. And the next day is Christmas. Faced with such a situation, Della promptly bursts into tears on the couch, which gives the narrator the opportunity to tell us a bit more about the situation of Jim and Della. The short of it is they live in a shabby flat and they're poor. But they love each other. Once Della's recovered herself, she goes to a mirror to let down her hair and examine it. Della's beautiful, brown, knee-length hair is one of the two great treasures of the poor couple. The other is Jim's gold watch. Her hair examined, Della puts it back up, sheds a tear, and bundles up to head out into the cold. She leaves the flat and walks to Madame Sofronie's hair goods shop, where she sells her hair for twenty bucks. Now she has $21.87 cents. With her new funds, Della is able to find Jim the perfect present: an elegant platinum watch chain for his watch. It's $21, and she buys it. Excited by her gift, Della returns home and tries to make her now-short hair presentable (with a curling iron). She's not convinced Jim will approve, but she did what she had to do to get him a good present. When she finishes with her hair, she gets to work preparing coffee and dinner. Jim arrives at 7pm to find Della waiting by the door and stares fixedly at her, not able to understand that Della's hair is gone. Della can't understand quite what his reaction means. After a little while, Jim snaps out of it and gives Della her present, explaining that his reaction will make sense when she opens it. Della opens it and cries out in joy, only to burst into tears immediately afterward. Jim has given her the set of fancy combs she's wanted for ages, only now she has no hair for them. Jim nurses Della out of her sobs. Once she's recovered she gives Jim his present, holding out the watch chain. Jim smiles, falling back on the couch. He sold his watch to buy Della's combs, he explains. He recommends they put away their presents and have dinner. As they do so, the narrator brings the story to a close by pronouncing that Della and Jim are the wisest of everyone who gives gifts. They are the magi. Book Review of The Gift of the Magi Ⅰ.About the author: This book was wrote by O. Henry (1862~1910), whose real name was William Sydney Porter, and was born in North Carolina. His schooling was rudimentary, and after working in a drug store, he went to Texas in 1882; he became a rancher for a time, then a bank teller and journalist, founding a comic weekly magazine, The Rolling Stone (1894~1895) before being employed by the Houston Post to write a humorous daily column. In 1896 he was indicted for alleged embezzlement by the bank for which he had worked, and fled to Honduras. He returned three years latter to be with his dying wife, was arrested and spent three years in the federal penitentiary in Columbus, Ohio. Here Porter started to write short stories under the pseudonym of O. Henry, thought to be adopted from a French pharmacist mentioned in the US


麦琪的礼物赏析 赏析:一、小说的情节 这篇小说的情节并不复杂。圣诞节快到了,一对恩爱的小夫妻想互赠礼物。但是拮据的经济条件使他们捉襟见肘,只能卖掉自己心爱的东西换取对方心爱的东西。结果妻子卖掉了美丽的长发,给丈夫买了白金表链;而丈夫却卖掉了祖传的金表,给妻子买来了她向往已久的发梳。两人珍贵的礼物均变成了无用的东西。 作者运用了巧合和悬念,使不复杂的情节充满变化,引人入胜。 生活中充满了各种巧合,但要让读者觉得故事情节真实可信,不能只依靠偶然,巧合必须成为故事情节展开过程中合理的一部分,而且要通过预示使读者在思想上有所准备。作者首先为这个巧合设立了时间环境:圣诞节,按习惯夫妻要互赠礼物表示爱意,德拉希望送给丈夫一件“精致、珍奇而真正有价值”的礼物,这是作者预示的第一步(以后德拉为丈夫买的白金表链正符合这三点要求)。但是德拉只有“一块八角七分钱”,如果她很有钱,就没有下文卖长发的无奈之举了。德拉被作者一步一步地安排到卖头发的地步,下面就简单了,德拉用一头美发换回了“精致、珍奇而真正有价值”的白金表链。──在毫不知情的丈夫方面,他也带回了一包东西,同样包含着挚爱的礼物。作者没有直接叙述德拉看见礼物的表情,而是用杰姆“奇怪”的神情和举动来铺垫情节,其实都是为了使巧合来得更让人信服,更让人同情。德拉终于看见了丈夫的礼物,“全套的发梳”,“那是百老汇路一个橱窗里的,德拉渴望了好久的东西”,“配那已经失去的美发,颜色恰恰合适”,作者不厌其烦地渲染这套发梳,为了说明“可是用来装饰那一向向往的装饰品的头发却没有了”这一巧合至极的结局。 作者从开始安排这段巧合的情节,就给读者以阅读上的等待──悬念。读者急于知道事情发展的下一步是什么。从买礼物开始,读者就在猜测德拉会买什么样的礼物,杰姆会买什么样的礼物,读者也会为他们设计所买的礼物。但是事情的结局既出人意料,又不悖情理。读者的阅读兴趣始终紧张着,直到最后的结果出现,才恍然明白。作者高明的悬念设置手段,使故事一波三折,高潮迭起。 二、人物 德拉,有着让希巴女皇的“珠宝和首饰相形见绌”的金发,可以想见她的美丽。她对贫苦平淡的生活心静如水,也没有渴望表现自己的骚动。小说细致地描写了她无钱为丈夫买礼物的焦灼心情,她上街卖发买表链的急迫,回家后为了不让丈夫难过精心修饰短发,这一切都深刻细腻地表现了她深厚诚挚的爱情。 杰姆,在小说中着墨并不算多,作者对他没有什么深入细致的刻画,只是用“很瘦削,非常严肃”稍加润色。不过从他卖掉祖传金表为妻子买礼物,以及回家后一系列的言行,都表现了他是一位体贴妻子、纯真善良的男人。 德拉和杰姆夫妇是挣扎在社会底层的小人物,但是苦难的生活并没有消磨尽他们纯真的感情。他们勇于自我牺牲,无私奉献,仍保持着纯朴、善良的美德。在人性物化的时代,他们是真正有智慧、有勇气的“麦琪”。 三、写作特点 1.精巧的构思。这主要表现在作者运用巧合和悬念方面,上面已经分析过了。 2.丰富的细节描写。小说一开始,作者就反复讲述德拉数“一块八角七分钱”;然后用“房租”“信箱”“电铃”“名片”等细节描写,突出德拉夫妇的穷困。接着写德拉为无钱给丈夫买礼物而悲痛,“突然她从窗口转过身来,站在镜子前面。她的两眼晶莹明亮,但是在20秒钟内她的脸失色了。她很快地把头发解开,叫它完全披散下来”,她想到了自己的头发,“她又神经质地很快地把头发梳起来。她踌躇了一会儿,静静地站在那里,有一两滴泪水溅落在破旧的红地毯上。”一系列的细节描写把她内心的斗争表现得淋漓尽致。这样的细节描写在课文中还有许多,可以让学生自己找出来品味一下。


《麦琪的礼物》赏析 《麦琪的礼物》是美国著名文学家欧·亨利写的一篇短篇小说,它通过写在圣诞节前一天,一对小夫妻互赠礼物,结果阴差阳错,两人珍贵的礼物都变成了无用的东西,而他们却得到了比任何实物都宝贵的东西——爱,告诉人们尊重他人的爱,学会去爱他人,是人类文明的一个重要表现。 赏析: 麦琪,是圣子耶稣诞生时前来送礼的三位智慧的贤人。他们首创了圣诞节馈赠礼物的风俗。在西方人看来,圣诞礼物是最可珍贵的,因而也希望自己获得的礼物是最有价值的“麦琪的礼物”。美国著名作家欧?亨利在《麦琪的礼物》这篇小说中,用他笔调幽默又带有淡淡哀伤的艺术语言讲述了一个“没有曲折、不足为奇的故事”。以圣诞前夜馈赠礼物如此平常的题材创构的小说,在西方文坛并非罕见,其中也不乏精心之作,而欧?亨利的《麦琪的礼物》独自绝响,成为这类题材的杰作,确实是令人深思的。 首先,从内容上看。全篇以馈赠圣诞礼物为中心线,写了美国一对贫穷而恩爱的夫妇。这个家庭的主妇为了节省每个铜子儿,不得不“每次一个、两个向杂货铺、菜贩和肉店老板那儿死乞白赖地硬扣下来”。尽管如此,到圣诞前夕全家只剩下一块八毛七分钱。作家不用多费笔墨去写这个家庭的拮据困窘,只是简单地用“一块八毛七分钱”引出全篇。唯其如是,深爱丈夫的主妇德拉把这钱数了三遍,并因为无法为丈夫购得一件称心的“麦琪的礼物”而伤心地哭泣。欧?亨利最擅长用貌似平淡的话语作素描,去营构一种气氛,让读者沉湎其中,领味和思考人物的命运。“一块八毛七分钱”为这个“没有曲折、不足为奇的故事”营构的忧郁凄凉的气氛始终贯穿全文,即使写到夫妇看到礼物时的瞬时惊喜和欢乐时也明显地带有这种气氛袒露的伤痛。“人生是由啜泣、抽噎和微笑组成的,而抽噎占了其中绝大部分”。这句话似乎折射出欧?亨利对当时美国现实的深沉思考。作家写出了一对贫穷夫妇的痛苦,也在对人物思想性格和故事情节的描写中,把读者的趣味引向高尚的境界,给人以启迪,让人从中获得美的陶冶。这是《麦琪的礼物》这篇小说真正价值之所在。 德拉为了给丈夫心爱的金表配上一副精巧的表链,忍痛卖掉自己一头美丽的头发。那“美丽的头发披散在身上,像一股褐色的小瀑布,奔泻闪亮”,丈夫吉姆非常喜爱妻子这头美丽的褐发。他深知爱妻为了装扮头发对百老汇路上一家商店橱窗里陈列的玳瑁发梳渴望已久。为了在圣诞前夕给爱妻赠送玳瑁发梳作为有价值的“麦琪的礼物”,吉姆也忍痛卖掉了三代祖传的金表。德拉的美发和吉姆的金表,是这个贫穷家庭中唯一引为自豪的珍贵财产。为了


综述之《麦琪的礼物》中的爱情观 中文摘要:作为欧·亨利爱情小说系列的代表作.名著<麦琪的礼物》与《爱 的牺牲)姊妹篇,以其独具爱情美德十性特征的人物形象.高扬人性美的主旋律,在独特的复合结构技巧和诗美语言妁综合运用中,见出其典型的“欧·亨利手法”及其创作艺术风格<麦琪的礼物)写的是纽约社会底层一对年轻夫妻互赠圣诞礼 物的故事:在家里只有1块8毛7分钱过圣诞节的困境中,夫妻为了给对方赠送相称的礼物,不惜牺牲各自身上最引以自豪的宝贝的故事。 Abstract: In spite of an old-fashioned talkiness, the story succeeds because it tempers sentimentality with humor and real insight. The trick ending, typical of O. Henry, is here not so much a contrivance of plot as it is a genuine irony found often in the deepest human relationships. Jim's selling of his watch and Della's selling of her hair are not merely examples of manufactured storytelling, but rather of a recognition of love's readiness for ultimate self-sacrifice, which is its own reward. In depriving themselves, Della and Jim enrich each other. They are, as O. Henry concludes, the true magi, the wisest of thewise. 关键词:麦琪的礼物,爱情,欧亨利,温暖,亲身经历 正文: 自从我看到这部短篇小说起,我就很喜欢这个小故事,喜欢里面惟妙惟肖的语言,喜欢里面纯纯的爱,喜欢里面一直洋溢着的温暖。我来简述一下里面的内容。《麦琪的礼物》是美国著名文学家欧·亨利写的一篇短篇小说,它通过写在圣诞节前一天,一对小夫妻互赠礼物,结果阴差阳错,两人珍贵的礼物都变成了无用的东西,而他们却得到了比任何实物都宝贵的东西——爱,告诉人们尊重他人的爱,学会去爱他人,是人类文明的一个重要表现[1,10]。 也许你会奇怪,小说中的女主人公叫德拉,为什么小说名却叫麦琪的礼物呢?所以,我们有必要了解一下相关背景。 麦琪, 是圣子耶稣诞生时前来送礼物的三位智慧贤人。他们首创了


麦琪的礼物》,是欧·亨利的短篇代表作,小说的主要内容是德拉和杰姆这对小夫妻在圣诞节前想互赠礼物,结果却阴错阳差,两人珍贵的礼物却变成了无用之物。小说主题为揭示人性的光明面,歌颂了纯洁的爱情,写得生动感人。这篇小说,作者巧妙地运用悬念和巧合,使情节波澜起伏,引人入胜。 [教学目的] 1、学习利用感受、分析、对比、推论等手段去鉴赏小说,培养学生想象和再创造能力。2、学习主人公纯洁善良、关爱他人的优良品德。3、领会小说构思之巧妙。 4、. 详略得当的处理材料的方法。 [教学重难点] 1、小说精巧的结构,出乎意料的结局。2、理解作者对小人物身上人性美的歌颂。3、如何利用感受、分析、对比、推论等手段去鉴赏小说,培养学生想象和再创造能力。 4、教学重点:理清情节,把握思想内容,体会精巧的构思。[教学设想] 总体构想摒弃按照小说情节“开端、发展……结局”而教的公式,采取“总体一局部一总体”的方法:先通览全篇,了解概貌(包括内容与形式),理清思路,再深入局部(细部),仔细揣摩。最后又回到全文,综合理解与消化篇中精华。这是一篇篇幅较长的小说,要求学生应充分预习课文,除了常规做到的借助工具书解决生难字词外,须准备用四五百字复述全文大意,注意交代清楚时、地、人、事、事件的因果。 教学时数:2课时 [教学步骤] 第一课时 一.导入新课 《圣经》上记载着这样一个故事:耶稣降生时,三个贤人麦琪从东方耶路撒冷赶来送给他礼物:“光明之王”梅尔基奥尔赠送黄金表示尊贵,“洁白者”加斯帕赠送乳香象征神圣,巴尔萨泽赠送毒药预示着基督后来遭受迫害而死。从此以后,

西方在圣诞节这一天互相赠送礼物来表达自己心中最真挚的感情,因而演绎了许多动人的故事。美国作家欧.亨利的《麦琪的礼物》就是一个感人至深的故事。二.复习小说三要素,了解小说的阅读方法。 提问:什么是小说的三要素?怎样阅读小说? 小说三要素:人物,环境,情节。 阅读小说可分三步: 1 明作家,知背景 2 读小说,析要素 3 深分析,挖主题 三.明作家,知背景 欧.亨利,美国著名的短篇小说家。一生创作了三百多篇短篇小说,代表作有《麦琪的礼物》,《警察与赞美诗》,《最后一片藤叶》等。他的作品以轻松幽默的笔调,描写了大都市里小人物的不幸命运和美好的品质,揭露了上层社会的虚伪无耻与专横腐败。艺术上精于构思,往往有曲折的情节与出人意料的结尾,使人回味无穷。 契珂夫(俄)《变色龙》欧.亨利(美)《麦琪的礼物》 世界三大短篇小说之王:莫泊桑(法)《我的叔叔于勒》 四.指导学生阅读课文,整体把握全文(读小说,析要素) 1.下列词语正音,释义。抽噎(yè)馈(kuì)赠吝(lì)啬(sè)鹌(?n)鹑(chún)掂(di?n)斤拨两相形见绌(chù)俗不可耐忐(t?n)忑(tè)不安 2.速默读课文,标好自然段,找出小说三要素。 提问:(1)小说的主人公是谁?(2)故事发生在什么样的环境里?(3)小说主要叙述了一个什么样的故事? 圣诞节前,德拉牺牲了自己引以为傲的美发为丈夫杰姆买来圣诞礼物——表链;但杰姆放弃了金表为德拉买回美丽的发梳。两人珍贵的礼物都成了无用的东西。3.细读课文,了解课文内容结构。 明确:小说以时间先后为序,可分为三部分。 第一部分:德拉为丈夫买礼物。 第二部分:杰姆送德拉礼物。 第三部分:作者的议论。


《麦琪的礼物》 麦琪,是圣子耶稣诞生时前来送礼的三位智慧的贤人。他们首创了圣诞节馈赠礼物的风俗。在西方人看来,圣诞礼物是最可珍贵的,因而也希望自己获得的礼物是最有价值的“麦琪的礼物”。 美国著名作家欧·亨利在《麦琪的礼物》这篇小说中,用他笔调幽默又带有淡淡哀伤的艺术语言讲述了一个“没有曲折、不足为奇的故事”。以圣诞前夜馈赠礼物如此平常的题材创构的小说,在西方文坛并非罕见,其中也不乏精心之作,而欧·亨利的《麦琪的礼物》独自绝响,成为这类题材的杰作,确实是令人深思的。 首先,从内容上看。全篇以馈赠圣诞礼物为中心线,写了美国一对贫穷而恩爱的夫妇。这个家庭的主妇为了节省每个铜子儿,不得不“每次一个、两个向杂货铺、菜贩和肉店老板那儿死乞白赖地硬扣下来”。尽管如此,到圣诞前夕全家只剩下一块八毛七分钱。作家不用多费笔墨去写这个家庭的拮据困窘,只是简单地用“一块八毛七分钱”引出全篇。唯其如是,深爱丈夫的主妇德拉把这钱数了三遍,并因为无法为丈夫购得一件称心的“麦琪的礼物”而伤心地哭泣。欧·亨利最擅长用貌似平淡的话语作素描,去营构一种气氛,让读者沉湎其中,领味和思考人物的命运。“一块八毛七分钱”为这个“没有曲折、不足为奇的故事”营构的忧郁凄凉的气氛始终贯穿全文,即使写到夫妇看到礼物时的瞬时惊喜和欢乐时也明显地带有这种气氛袒露的伤痛。“人生是由啜泣、抽噎和微笑组成的,而抽噎占了其中绝大部分”。这句话似乎折射出欧·亨利对当时美国现实的深沉思考。作家写出了一对贫穷夫妇的痛苦,也在对人物思想性格和故事情节的描写中,把读者的趣味引向高尚的境界,给人以启迪,让人从中获得美的陶冶。这是《麦琪的礼物》这篇小说真正价值之所在。 德拉为了给丈夫心爱的金表配上一副精巧的表链,忍痛卖掉自己一头美丽的头发。那“美丽的头发披散在身上,像一股褐色的小瀑布,奔泻闪亮”,丈夫吉姆非常喜爱妻子这头美丽的


韩礼德对小说《继承者》所作的文体分析开辟了及物性分析的先河。现今,及物性系统已经发展成为最为学者熟知和最为广泛应用的文体分析模式之一。文章将采取这种模式对欧亨利的短篇小说《麦琪的礼物》中的女主人公情感变化进行分析, 从而说明作者对及物性系统中选择和运用在表现人物情感时的作用, 以及读者对及物性系统的分析和理解在解读人物情感中的意义。 一、引言 系统功能学派认为,语言是人类社会活动的产物。作为人类交际的工具,它承担着各种各样的功能。韩礼德把语言的纯理功能(metal function)分为三种:概念功能( ideational function)、人际功能( interpersonal function)和语篇功能( textual function)。其中概念功能是指语言如何促使人类建构现实世界的心理图景、如何理解周围环境和内心世界所发生的一切。概念功能的主要体现形式为及物性系统(transitivity system)。继韩礼德发表《语言功能和文体分析:对威廉·戈尔丁的〈继承者〉的语言的探索》一文以来,及物性分析模式被越来越多地运用于文体分析中实践证明。现今,及物性系统已经发展成为最为广泛应用的文体分析模式之一。 二、用及物性系统分析女主人公情感变化 韩礼德的及物性系统用小句的形式表现语言的概念功能,是语言再现经验的基石“, 其作用在于把人们在现实生活中的所见所闻、所作所为分成若干…过程?,并说明与各种过程有关的…参加者?和…环境成分?”。在《功能语法导论》中韩礼德区分了六种不同的过程,即“物质、心理、关系、行为、言语以及存在过程。物质过程是表示做某事的过程,物质过程涉及的是诸如跑,跳,坐,扔,打,做,写之类的动作。发出动作的参与者为动作者,受动作影响的参与者为目标,表示动作发生的时间、地点、方式等的成分为环境成分;心理过程表示三种感觉类型:感知、情感和认知;关系过程指语言反映事物之间的关系的功能。 《麦琪的礼物》是欧·亨利的代表作,它通过写在圣诞节前一天,为了给丈夫买一条白金表链作为圣诞礼物,妻子卖掉了一头秀发。而丈夫出于同样的目的,卖掉了祖传金表给妻子买了一套发梳。尽管彼此的礼物都失去了使用价值,但他们从中获得的情感却是无价的。文中作者对女主人公德拉的描写用了大量的笔墨,本文通过德拉不同阶段的情感,将全文分成两部分,为给丈夫买到了称心的礼物而兴奋、为甜蜜的误会而感动。以下就从及物性角度对文章两部分进行分析。 (一)为给丈夫买到了称心的礼物而兴奋 (1)物质过程:此处选取以德拉为动作者的具有代表性的两句: ①Her eyes[动作者] were shining[物质过程] brilliantly[环境:方式] ②She[动作者] fluttered out[物质过程] the door[目标] 两个句子动作者均是Della,物质过程分别为were shining(闪烁),flutter out(飘动),这两个物质过程都是动态的,体现出动作者充沛的精力。但在这两句中,只出现了一个表示位置的环境因子,这表明作者充沛的精力可以几乎不受任何限 制的自由发挥。 (2)言语过程:这一部分中有女主人公Della 和理发店老板娘的一段对话 "Will you buy my hair?" asked Della. "I buy hair," said Madame. "Take your hat off and let's have a sight at the looks of it." Down rippled the brown cascade. "Twenty dollars," said Madame, lifting the mass with a practiced hand. "Give it to me quick," said Della. Della 的话语全部简洁至极,当得知自己的头发能换来二十美元时,Della 的反应是“Give it to me quick”,此句省略主语,充分体现出Della 急不可耐的心情。 (3)关系过程:①Now, there were two possessions of the James Dillingham Youngs in which they both took a mighty pride. One was Jim's gold watch that had been his father's and his grandfather's. The other was Della's hair.


目录 Abstract: (2) 摘要 (3) 1 .Introduction (4) 2 . Descriptive indication (5) 3 .The introduction and reflection of twist ending (5) 3.1 The introduction of twist ending (5) 3.2 The deep reflection of twist ending (6) 3.2.1 The pure love between main characters (6) 3.2.2 The human defects of the society (6) 3.2.3 The purpose of moral teaching through the contrast (7) 4 . conversational version of narration (7) 5 . Biblical references adding to the moral lesson (8) 6 .Conclusion (8) Works Cited (9)

Abstract:This essay mainly analyses the writing style in O.Henry’s short story The Gift of the Magi. O.Henry uses descriptive indication, twist ending, conversational version of narration and biblical references to reveal the theme of humanity and achieve the moral teaching. Part one the introduction tell us author’s position and story background. After informed of this information, we can get better understanding of his work and think it more plausibly. The next four parts introuduce the four aspects of O.Henry’s writing style one by one, mainly focusing on twist ending. Benefiting from detailed kowning of his writing style, we can conclude the humanity both virtues and defects. Finally,it’s easy for us to gain the moral teaching and understand O.Henry’s writing intention. Part six draws a conclusion about the whole essay. The essay on analysis of O.Henry’s work will arouse my interest of literary learning. Furthermore, it makes us pay more attention to O.Henry’s works. Key Words:descriptive indication;twist ending;conversational narration;biblical references


语境识词导学案 1.【Classical sentences】 It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair. --A Tale of Two Cities 2.【A short story】 2.1Chunks bring up _________________ permit sb to do _________________ stare at _________________ account for _________________ take a chance _________________ a large amount of _________________ on the contrary _________________ be spotted by... _________________ by accident _________________ be in rags _________________ as for __________________ 2.2Listen and fill in the blanks Sailing Home This novel was about an_______________ but ____________ adventure. Its author was a black businessman who was _________ _____ in America. In 1956, he visited Africa, his_______. One day, when he was_____________ on the pavement near the bay enjoying the sea________, he lost his money and passport that he kept in an_________. So he went to the embassy to _______help, but the ambassador with _______ ________didn’t________ his staff to help though he bowed to him. ________ _____ his_________face, he understood that it was the ______of his skin colour that _______ _____their rejection. So he decided to _______ ____ ________to sail on a small boat home. He met __ _____ _____ ___difficulty but was never stopped. ______ _____ ______, difficulty pushed him to go ahead harder. Three months later, he was ________ by a ship ____ _________. He was in rags indeed. A maid even__________ when bringing him a steak and pineapple dessert. Aboard, he earned his passage by working as a barber and got home finally. ____ _____ the name of his novel, he couldn’t think of a better one than the phrase “Go Ahead”.3.【Classical reading】 The door opened and Jim stepped in and closed it. He looked thin and very serious. Poor fellow, he was only twenty-two and to be burdened with a family! He needed a new overcoat and he was without gloves. Jim stopped inside the door with his eyes fixed upon Della, and there was an expression in them that she could not read, and it terrified her. It was not anger, nor surprise, nor disapproval, nor horror, nor any of the sentiments(情感)that she had been prepared for. He simply stared at her fixedly with that peculiar(特别的)expression on his face. "Jim, darling," she cried, "don't look at me that way. I had my hair cut off and sold because I couldn't have lived through Christmas without giving you a present. It'll grow out again--you won't mind, will you? I just had to do it. My hair grows awfully fast. Say `Merry Christmas!' Jim, and let's be happy. You don't know what a nice--what a beautiful, nice gift I've got for you." "You've cut off your hair?" asked Jim, laboriously(艰难地、辛苦地). "Cut it off and sold it," said Della. "Don't you like me just as well, anyhow? I'm me without my hair, ain't I?" Jim looked about the room curiously. "You say your hair is gone?" he said, with an air almost of idiocy(白痴). "You needn't look for it," said Della. "It's sold, I tell you--sold and gone, too. It's Christmas Eve, boy. Be good to me, for it went for you. Maybe the hairs of my head were numbered," she went on with sudden serious sweetness, "but nobody could ever count my love for you. Jim drew a package from his overcoat pocket and threw it upon the table. "Don't make any mistake, Dell," he said, "about me. I don't think there's anything that could make me like my girl any less. But if you'll unwrap that package you may see why you had me going a while at first." White fingers and nimble tore at the string and paper. And then an ecstatic(狂喜地)scream of joy; and then, alas! For there lay The Combs--the set of combs, side and back, that Della had worshiped long in a Broadway window. Beautiful combs, pure tortoise shell, with jewelled rims--just the shade to wear in the beautiful vanished hair. She hugged them to her bosom(胸口), and at length she was able to look up with dim eyes and a smile and say: "My hair grows so fast, Jim!" And then Della leaped up like a little singed cat and cried, "Oh, oh!" Jim had not yet seen his beautiful present. She held it out to him eagerly upon her open palm. "Isn't it smart, Jim? I hunted all over town to find it. You'll have to look at the time a hundred times a day now. Give me your watch. I want to see how it looks on it." Instead of obeying, Jim tumbled down on the couch(坐到沙发上)and put his hands under the
