计算机文化基础 第7版 (解福 著) 中国石油大学出版社 课后答案

计算机文化基础 第7版 (解福 著) 中国石油大学出版社 课后答案
计算机文化基础 第7版 (解福 著) 中国石油大学出版社 课后答案


第一次作业 第1题 – hello. may i speak to mary? -- _________ 您的答案:B 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注:电话用语,常直接说,speaking,意思是我就是,您请讲。 第2题 – Can I talk with Mr. Wang? --___________ 您的答案:A 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注:打电话常用语。 第3题 –I’d like to speak to Jessie, please. --___________ 您的答案:C 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注:打电话常用语。hold on 意思是请别挂断,稍等。 第4题 She wanted to go boating with Jack, but her father warned her ________. 您的答案:C 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注:warn一词要求后用不定式,warn sb. to do sth.劝某人做某事,否定形 式为warn sb. not to do sth. 劝某人不要做某事 第5题 Her English is very good. She can speak English better than _________ in her grade. 您的答案:C 题目分数:0.5

批注:anyone else 其他任何人 第6题 They usually have less money at the end of the month than _______ at the beginning. 您的答案:C 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注:注意比较的对象,是他们有钱的情况 第7题 Iron expands when____ . 您的答案:C 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注:当when 引导的时间状语中的主语与句子的主语一致时,主语和be动词都 可以省略。Iron expands when it is heated. 第8题 All the people here, whether ______, will get a present. 您的答案:B 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注:wheather...or... 的用法 第9题 If you_________, I’ll buy the tickets. 您的答案:A 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注:从句意来判断 第10题 This is one of the oldest buildings in town, ___________. 您的答案:A


第一次在线作业 单选题(共40道题) 收起 1.( 2.5分)-- How do you do, Mr. Wang? --_________________. A、How do you do? B、I’m doing fine. C、Nice to meet you. D、I’m OK. 我的答案:A 此题得分:2.5分 2.(2.5分)-- What’s up? --______________. A、How do you do? B、Hello. C、Nothing much. D、What’s down? 我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分 3.(2.5分)-- ______________ -- Quite well.And you? A、Good to see you. B、How are you doing? C、Hi! D、What’s up? 我的答案:B 此题得分:2.5分 4.(2.5分)He responded with great anger ________this unfair treatment of his classmates. A、for B、at C、to D、with 我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分 5.(2.5分)You should take an umbrella with you when you go to school _______of rain. A、in case B、in the case C、in cases D、in the cases 我的答案:A 此题得分:2.5分 6.(2.5分)He works ______. A、lone B、lonely C、alone D、lonesome 我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分 7.(2.5分)He got up at 6:00 that day but he ________up at 7:00. A、usually getts


在线考试 单选题 (共25道题) 收起 1.( 2.0分)盛唐山水诗派的代表人物是()。 ? ? ? 2.(2.0分)唐代以意境朦胧含蓄多情的“无题”诗著称的诗人是()。 ? ? ? 3.(2.0分)杜甫诗歌的风格是()。 ? ? ? 4.(2.0分)《定风波》(莫听穿林打叶声)最能表现苏轼()。 ? ? ? 5.(2.0分)《张中丞传后叙》中写南霁云抽刀断指时:“一座大惊,皆感激为云泣下”,对刻画南霁云的形象,表现手法是()。 ? ? ? ?

我的答案:D 此题得分:2.0分 6.(2.0分)《张中丞传后叙》的写作特点是()。 ? ? ? 7.(2.0分)中国古代小说产生于神话传说、寓言故事、史传、杂记,发展中形成了( )两个系统。 ? ? ? 8.(2.0分)“五四”运动以来,针对当时的自由体诗缺少节制,过于散漫而提出格律化要求的是()。 ? ? ? 9.(2.0分)40年代在雅俗共享方面,作品既为现代的、先锋的、新潮知识分子接纳,又能够吸引传统的、通俗的、新市民读者群的作家是()。 ? ? ? 10.(2.0分)下列关于诗人徐志摩的表述错误的一项是()。 ? ? ? 11.(2.0分)《诗经》中的“风诗”,宋代学者郑樵称为()。

? ? ? 12.(2.0分)《赞美》全诗所表达的感情与信念的核心是每一节的结尾()。 ? ? ? 13.(2.0分)《面朝大海,春暖花开》是一首用词明丽的短诗,给读者的是()感受。 ? ? ? 14.(2.0分)37岁的巴金离家18年后第一次返回故乡的旧宅。《爱尔克的灯光》抒写了他见到故居时的()。 ? ? ? 15.(2.0分)《爱尔克的灯光》中象征对新生活的信念和对理想的追求的是()。 ? ? ? 16.(2.0分)王小波在《工作与人生》中认为“人生意义”是()。 ? ? ?


第一次在线作业 单选题 (共40道题) 1.( 2.5分)The question is still ______ d iscussion. A、in B、by C、for D、under 我的答案:D 此题得分:2.5分 2.(2.5分)–hello. may i speak to mary? --_________ A、Sorry. B、Speaking. C、I don’t know you. D、Why? 我的答案:B 此题得分:2.5分 3.(2.5分)–Can I talk with Mr. Wang? --___________ A、He’s not in right now. B、He’ll come back.

C、He likes coffee. D、He has run away. 我的答案:A 此题得分:2.5分 4.(2.5分)–I’d like to speak to Jessie, please. --___________ A、I don’t know. B、Never mind. C、Hold on, please. D、Go on. 我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分 5.(2.5分)She wanted to go boating with Jack, but her father warned her ________. A、not go B、not C、not to D、don’t 我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分 6.(2.5分)Her English is very good. She can speak English bette r than _________ in her grade. A、any one B、the one


第1题 —hello. may i SPeak to mary? 您的答案:B 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注:电话用语,常直接说,SPeaking, 意思是我就是,您请讲 第2题 -Can I talk With Mr. Wang? -- ___________ 您的答案:A 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注:打电话常用语第3题 -I ' d like to SPeak to Jessie, please. -- __________ 您的答案:C 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注:打电话常用语。hold on 意思是请别挂断,稍等。 第4题 She Wanted to go boating With Jack, but her father Warned her ______ 您的答案:C 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注:Warn 一词要求后用不定式,Warn sb. to do sth. 劝某人做某事,否定形式为Warn sb. not to do sth. 劝某人不要做某事第5题 Her English is very good. She can sPeak English better than _______________ in her grade. 您的答案:C 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注:anyone else 其他任何人第6题

They usually have less money at the end of the month than beginning. 您的答案:C 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注:注意比较的对象,是他们有钱的情况第7题 Iron expands when ___ 您的答案:C 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注:当when 引导的时间状语中的主语与句子的主语一致时,主语和都可以省略。Iron expands when it is heated. 第8题 All the people here, whether _____ , will get a present. 您的答案:B 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注:wheather...or... 的用法第9题 If you _______ , I 'll buy the tickets. 您的答案:A 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注:从句意来判断第10 题This is one of the oldest buildings in town, __________ 您的答案:A 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注:这是镇上最老的建筑之一,如果不是最好的话第11 题 —Can I take a message? 您的答案:A 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注:打电话时的常用语第12 题 - Good evening. This is Kevin Restaurant. 您的答案:D 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注:餐馆订餐时的常用语第13 题 All the machines _______ by the end of the following week. 您的答案:A 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注:一般将来时中被动语态的用法第14 题 What we have done _______ useful to people. 您的答案:A 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 at the be 动词


育明教育-中国石油大学(北京)翻译硕士最权威考研辅导机构 2011年真题(原题) 百科与汉语写作 (育明教育注:大纲上写的是考选择题,但是试卷上却是名词解释,共20个) 一、名次解释 加息 通胀 汇率 三大股指 拉美 G20国集团 保障性住房 烂尾房 安居工程 殷商 甲骨文 罗马帝国 彗星 太阳黑子 伏尔泰 二、应用文写作 商品介绍,写自己熟悉的一款商品,要求有标题,开头,主体段,结尾,来引导消费者的心理。450字,做的也不好,没有想到它第一年就考这个,光准备求职信了。。。 三、大作文 出污泥而不染800字。

2014年翻译硕士视频课程+近三年真题+笔记+公共课阅卷人一对一指导=2500元7月1日前报名,8折优惠!8月1日前9折优惠! 北大、北外、北师、首师大教授领衔辅导! 2013年包揽北大、贸大、苏大、川外、北外、南大、西外翻译硕士考研状元!育明学员马林同学

2014年育明教育推荐翻译硕士参考书 说明:除了各个高校自己指定的参考书,以下参考书是实践中证明非常棒的参考书。其实,尤其是翻译方面,也没有什么具体的数目,即使院校指定的也不一定就有帮助。所以大家还是以提升基本功为目的。 1-《英译中国现代散文选》张培基(三册中至少一册) 非常经典,练基本功非它莫属。 2-《高级翻译理论与实践》叶子南 汉译英的经典之作,体裁实用,读来作者亲授一般 3-《翻译硕士常考词汇精编》育明教育内部资料 绝大部分翻译的词汇都可以在这里找到,很实用。 试题中出现比较生僻的单词的话,读了这本词汇书基本你就认识了 4-《中国文化读本》叶朗朱良志 翻译的体裁有时候和中国文化有关,作为译者应该了解中国文化;书本身也很好,图文并茂5-《百科知识考点精编与真题解析》,中国光明日报出版社(13年7月底上市) 各个院校历年翻译硕士考研真题,非常实用,很多词汇和知识点经常重复考察。


一、汉译英 1、虽然我们周围都是空气,但我们看不见它 Although there is air all around us, we can't see it. 2、关键问题是如何把计划付诸实施 The key question is how to put the plan into practice 3、孩子们高兴得跳了起来 The children jumped for joy 4、你听见有人在敲门吗? Do you hear someone knocking at the door? 二、完形填空 A It was two o' clock in the morning and it was dark. Mr. Thompson woke up his wife. "Irene," he called softly, "the baby' s crying." Mrs. Thompson sat up in bed and listened. "That' s not the baby, Jim," she said. "It’ s a cat!" "It can' t be a cat," her husband said. "I' II go and look." Mr.Thompson got up and went to the window. "You' re right, Irene," he said. "There is a cat in the garden. Listen to it!" "You must stop it, Jim," Mrs.Thompson said. "That cat will wake up our baby." "What can I do?" Mr.Thompson asked. "Throw a shoe at it,” his wife said. "I can' t do that,” Mr Thompson said. "Why not?" his wife asked. "Can you see it?" "I can see it very well" said Mr.Thompson. "But I can' t throw a shoe at it. It’ s sitting on my green-house." B In Mount Berry, Georgia, people find a group of schools built specially for mountain children. The schools, as well as the mountain itself, are named after Martha Berry herself, a daughter of a Georgian mountaineer. Martha Berry was born in 1866. Luckier than most Georgian mountain children, she received an education. But she never forgot other children of the mountains whose parents couldn't afford to send them to school. In 1902 Martha Berry started a school for these children It was housed in a single small log cabin and was attended by only five pupils. Now, eighty years later, there are a score of Berry schools in the area, with a total of over one thousand students and waiting list of about five thousand.


1.( 2.5分)–It’s our great pleasure to have you visit our company. --_________________ ?A、Thank you. ?B、Nice to meet you. ?C、It’s our pleasure, too. ?D、Wonderful. 我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分 2.(2.5分)–Would you mind giving me an introduction of your company? --__________ ______ ?A、Of course not. ?B、Thank you. ?C、I’m fine. ?D、You’re welcome. 我的答案:A 此题得分:2.5分 3.(2.5分)–Are there any morning flights to Wuhan? --_______________ ?A、Which one do you like? ?B、Yes, there are two. ?C、Not at all. ?D、Thank you. 我的答案:B 此题得分:2.5分 4.(2.5分)–How much is the air ticket? -- ________________ ?A、It’s 150 dollars. ?B、Which flight do you like? ?C、Nice talking with you. ?D、See you.

5.(2.5分)–Which flight do you want? -- _______________ ?A、I like flying. ?B、May I book a ticket? ?C、I’m sorry. ?D、The morning flight. 我的答案:D 此题得分:2.5分 6.(2.5分)–Excuse me, how long can the taxi get here? -- _____________ ?A、Twenty meter long. ?B、Thank you. ?C、In ten minutes. ?D、It’s all right. 我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分 7.(2.5分)–How much do I owe you? -- _________ ?A、Thirty dollars. ?B、I don’t know. ?C、Excuse me? ?D、Thanks a lot. 我的答案:A 此题得分:2.5分 8.(2.5分)I saw them _________in the river. ?A、swam ?B、to swim ?C、swim ?D、were swimming


五、英汉互译 1. Those who accomplish their tasks carefully are worthy of praising. 那些认真完成自己工作的人都值得表扬 1.Children tend to believe that their fathers are infinitely resourceful and versatile.孩子们通常认为他们的父亲是足智多谋、多才多艺的人 3.He was shivering from fear as if he had seen a ghost.他恐惧的发抖,就好像看见鬼一样 4.His speech was constantly interrupted by applause.他的讲话不断被掌声打断 5.People have proposed all sorts of hypotheses to explain why dinosaurs have become extinct.人们提出各种各样的假说来解释恐龙为什么已经灭绝

6.He told me that he had lived in America for ten years before he came to China他告诉我他来中国之前他在美国生活了十年 7.John and his brother differ in personality even if their differences in age are not significant.约翰和他的兄弟尽管年龄上有显著差别,但性格不同 8.When she got back home, she showed her new beautiful hat to her husband.当她回到家时,她把她新的漂亮的帽子展示给她丈夫看 9.He is always in a hurry and in the end loses both time and his good name .他总是匆匆忙忙,最后既损失了时间,也损失了好的声誉 10.When he began to work, his money was used up at the end of every month.在每个月末,他的钱用光时,他开始工作


中国石油大学(华东)2014年硕士拟录取名单 地球科学与技术学院 070704海洋地质 王惠东方雪刘兆庆彭德木 070800 地球物理学 秦秋萍林美言李潇胡博凯赵鹏辉崔伟范景文周琦杰王红振周斯琛龚辛侬刘盛悦李雪松游龙庭冉然王泓鉴苏文涵王雨薇范飞 070900地质学 彭甜明张一平曹梦春王思佳栾国强李梦萍房璐姜伟吕夏霏覃曼郄润芝刘波李树博黄赟徐希旺王宇坤王新桐王恒陈程房春子刘泽栋金权于琛李菁陈兴鹏张丽辰畅通程秋萌汪峰李春锐龚静宇贾博付尧肖运凤焦玉玺桑晓彤张樱巾许欣雨张红 080402测试计量技术及仪器 陈俊圆陈德稳古锐瑶 081600测绘科学与技术 于嘉琪姜宇李乐乐臧建飞张迎峰刘敬一时洪涛韩志聪臧琳王诏廖一鸣李瑞洲李越华亮车磊于彬郭结琼 081800地质资源与地质工程 阿山别克·乌任别克(少干)艾热提·吾甫尔(少干)潘守旭张富昌赵强代福材郑笑雪窦铭安邦李倩丁鹏程沙晓宇张汛汛巫振观国运东张文杰徐春露文子桃刘晨旭王思羽张建兴牛海瑞张艳杨京祁翠婷郝鑫陈潇黄伟景琛任心月魏晓晗韩冬徐倩茹刘培君邓炜严杰杨鹏赖仁万弘张静孙鹏谢莹峰张欣李晨晖周金龙宋佳杰陈建军陈佳伟侯茂国李培培王乾赵亭玮赵莹月徐云飞孙洁邵志家何锋宋博王伟刘强赵晨孙启星胡晨晨孙文国张惠徐登辉王晓龙李格贤高强山韩富帅王慧欣王冰张萍袁习勇孙亚楠谢慧卓卢溜于倩倩辛碧霄李美娟郑金芳张涛杨保良丛尧江灿苗秀青阴建新黄靖轩谷美维朱浩然刘婵娟刘陈希何妮茜刘开明陈浩王晓阳葛小波张宇栗文新杜潇瑀洪瑛房涛085215测绘工程(专业学位) 刘慧敏杨洪旭周志敏任启飞梁茜茜宋丽瑶张雪峰耿东哲王乐谦杨俊芳杨雷于琳 085217地质工程(专业学位) 单晨晨包学锋冯雪东吴颖昊杨琛韩智郭晓静吴建文李健许同魏冰涛胡雯周杨任芳张骋沈珊常吉祥陈剑铭陈家昀张秋李河昭王韶洁罗可张亚念陈传浩赵萌苏贺姜永昶孙善勇姜岚杰牛云峰钟诚裴广平曹长城隋杨管国健赵延升杨琨姚继果冯吉浩


第三次在线作业 单选题(共40道题) 收起 For personal use only in study and research; not for commercial use 1.( 2.5分)--How about taking a break?--______. ?A、Thank you ?B、Good idea ?For personal use only in study and research; not for commercial use ? ?C、See you ?D、Good-bye 我的答案:B 此题得分:2.5分 2.(2.5分)Seldom ____ any mistakes during my past few years of working here. ?A、would I make ?B、did I make ?C、I did make ?D、shall I make 我的答案:B 此题得分:2.5分 3.(2.5分)Not until all the fish died in the river, _____ how serious the pollution was. ?A、did the villagers realize ?B、the villagers realized ?C、the villagers did realize ?D、didn’t the villagers realize 我的答案:A 此题得分:2.5分

4.(2.5分)--I just got promoted to sales manager. -- __________ ?A、When? ?B、How could you? ?C、Congratulations! ?D、That' s good 我的答案:C 此题得分:2.5分 5.(2.5分)I have been to the doctor’s about my headache. He says there is_____ but I must lie up for a few days. ?A、something serious ?B、anything serious ?C、not serious ?D、nothing serious 我的答案:D 此题得分:2.5分 6.(2.5分)He is ______ of an actor. ?A、anybody ?B、anyone ?C、somebody ?D、something 我的答案:D 此题得分:2.5分 7.(2.5分)I don’t drink ______ water during the day. ?A、a few ?B、much ?C、little ?D、lots of

中国石油大学(北京) 大学英语(一)第一次在线作业

中国石油大学(北京)大学英语(一)第一次在线作业 第1题 -- How do you do, Mr. Wang? --_________________. 您的答案:A 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注:陌生人初次见面的问候语,也用how do you do 来回答。 第2题 -- What’s up? --______________. 您的答案:C 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注:What’s up? 打招呼时的常用语,询问对方“还好吗?”“最近怎样?”“有什么事情发生吗?”,回答常用nothing much或nothing,表示“没什么事情发生”。 第3题 -- ______________ -- Quite well.And you? 您的答案:B 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注:从回答Quite well.And you?可以猜测问的应该是身体状况,通常打招呼询问最近身体如何常用“how are you?"或”how are you doing?" 第4题 He responded with great anger ________this unfair treatment of his classmates. 您的答案:C 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注:respond to固定短语,表示“对...做出反应”

Y ou should take an umbrella with you when you go to school _______of rain. 您的答案:A 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注:本句意思是:“你上学时应该带上伞,以防有雨。”in case以防,免得 第6题 He works ______. 您的答案:C 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注:这里考察alone和lonely的区别。alone表示“独自、单独、一个人”,而longly是带有感情色彩的“孤单地、寂寞地”,句子只说明他是独自工作。 第7题 He got up at 6:00 that day but he ________up at 7:00. 您的答案:C 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注:句意:“那天他是6点钟起床的,通常他是7点起床”。usually 通常、平常、习惯地,常用于一般现在时。 第8题 The plane is scheduled to arrive ______ because of bad weather. 您的答案:B 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注:arrive late 到得晚,这里指飞机晚点。late 在这里是副词,修饰动词arrive 第9题 -- I don’t think we’ve met before. I’m Jeniff er. --_________________. 您的答案:B 题目分数:0.5 此题得分:0.5 批注:打招呼的常用语,当对方已经介绍过自己了,常用“很高兴见到你,很高兴认识你”来回答。

中国石油大学(北京)《大学英语(四)》第一阶段在线作业 答案

1.( 2.5分)– It’s our great pleasure to have you visit our company. --_________________ ?A、Thank you. ?B、Nice to meet you. ?C、It’s our pleasure, too. ?D、Wonderful. 2.(2.5分)– Would you mind giving me an introduction of your company? --________________ ?A、Of course not. ?B、Thank you. ?C、I’m fine. ?D、You’re welcome. 3.(2.5分)– Are there any morning flights to Wuhan? --_______________ ?A、Which one do you like? ?B、Yes, there are two. ?C、Not at all. ?D、Thank you. 4.(2.5分)– How much is the air ticket? -- ________________ ?A、It’s 150 dollars. ?B、Which flight do you like? ?C、Nice talking with you. ?D、See you. 5.(2.5分)– Which flight do you want? -- _______________ ?A、I like flying. ?B、May I book a ticket? ?C、I’m sorry. ?D、The morning flight.


1(5.0分) It’s bad _______ for you to smoke in the public places where s moking is not allowed. A) behavior B) action C) manner D) movement 参考答案:?A?? 解析: 无 2(5.0分) Two days is not enough for him to finish the work. He needs ___ ____ day. A) other B) the other C) the third D) a third 参考答案:?D?? 解析: 无 3(5.0分)

—It’s a good idea. But who’s going to _______ the plan?— I think John and Peter will. A) carry out B) get through C) take in D) set aside 参考答案:?A?? 解析: 无 4(5.0分) The red flower goes from one to _______ in the class. A) the other B) others C) another D) other 参考答案:?C?? 解析: 无 5(5.0分) Will you _______ me a favor, please

do B) make C) bring D) give 参考答案:?A?? 解析: 无 6(5.0分) _______ her and then try to copy what she does. A) Mind B) See C) Stare at D) Watch 参考答案:?D?? 解析: 无 7(5.0分) There’s lots of fruit _______ the tree. Our little cat is also in the tree. A) in


《大学英语(二)》模拟题及答案单选题(共40道题) 收起 1. –I failed again. I give up. -- _______ A、I give up too. shock B、Did you fail again? C、I don’t believe you. D、Don’t lose heart. 2. –I got the first prize! --____________ A、I got a prize too. B、Well done! C、When did you get it? D、Come on! 3. –Look at the mess you’ve made! -- _________________ A、I’m sorry. B、I don’t know. C、I like it. D、OK. 4. -- I’m afraid I have a complaint to make. -- _____________ A、Sorry. B、Can I help you? C、What? D、Tell me about it. 5. –Do you like my sweater? -- ______________ A、I’m afraid not. B、I hate your sweater. C、I like not. D、I don’t have a sweater. 6. –Would you like pizza or pie? -- ________________ A、I like. B、I don’t like eating pizza. C、I don’t want pizza. D、Neither. 7. ________ when you cross the road. A、Do care B、Care C、Do be careful D、To be careful


中国石油大学《科技英语》综合复习资料 Part I Vocabulary and Structure(词汇与结构) 1. As parts of the world become __B____, millions of people will try to migrate to more ___B___ areas. A. hospitable… uninhabitable B. uninhabitable… hospitable C. habitable… inhospitable D. inhospitable … uninhabitable 2. A(n) ___C___ is someone who is being considered for a position, for example someone who is running in an election or applying for a job. A. astronomer B. scientist C. candidate D. researcher 3. There are scientific satellites in ____B______ that measure wave heights, but too few to give reliable worldwide coverage. A. mark B. orbit C. store D. line 4. The first-year courses provide short introductions to these areas, while the second-year courses _____B_____ the areas in greater depth. A. classify B. investigate C. clear D. examine 5. Their marriage was in danger of breaking up last year but it seems quite __D____ now. A. favorable B. critical C. profitable D. stable 6. If individuals are awakened each time as they began a dream phase of sleep, they are likely to become irritable even if their total amount of sleep has been ___B___. A. efficient B. sufficient C. deficient D. proficient 7. Linda didn’t like the work because it lacked ____C______; she was doing the same thing all the time. A. anxiety B. priority C. variety D. society 8. She wanted to ask him all about his private life, but wisely _____C_____ herself. A. rescued B. held



《大学英语1》2012年秋学期在线作业(二) 一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 100 分。) V 1. It’s not easy to_______ a foreign language A. catch B. make C. master D. conclude 满分:5 分 2. It was Columbus who _______ America in 1492. A. invented B. created C. discovered D. built 满分:5 分 3. We find _____ difficult that we should finish the work on time. A. that B. them C. us D. it 满分:5 分

4. I usually go there by train.---Why not _______ by boat for a change? A. try to go B. try going C. try go D. go to try 满分:5 分 5. Kate said that _______ A. She had finished writing the composition the night before. B. She had finished writing the composition last day. C. I finished writing the composition on the last night. D. she finished writing the composition before the night. 满分:5 分 6. He came by plane _______ by train. A. instead B. instead of C. insteaded D. insteaded of 满分:5 分 7. --Maria is wanted on the telephone. Where is she?—She _________ the library. You can find her there. A. has left B. will leave C. has been to D. has gone to 满分:5 分 8. Last summer I went to Qingdao. This summer I’m going to Dalian _______. A. but
