


河北省霸州市第一中学李丽丽摘要:在高中英语教学中, 培养学生阅读理解能力一直是教学的重点。在信息发达的当今世界,很大程度上取决于通过阅读进行交流的能力,新课程要求教师创造性地使用教材,开设泛读课,培养学生的阅读兴趣,使学生掌握阅读技巧,提高阅读能力,让学生掌握获取信息,处理信息和综合运用信息的能力,实现语言交际的目的,泛读课就是提高这种交际表达能力的有效途径。


高中英语阅读分为泛读( Extensive Reading ) 和精读( Intensive Reading ),前者侧重于信息的获取,后者则侧重于语言知识的掌握。而且泛读课与精读课也不同,前者属于单项技能训练课,其特征体现在“泛”与“读”两个方面。就“泛”而言,教材选用语言材料的内容呈百科知识性,包括社会生活各个方面。同时,语言材料的文体呈多样性,既有文学作品,又有记叙文、说明文、议论文、新闻、广告等语言风格不同的文章。就“读”而言,泛读课的阅读量大。泛读课的重要任务是指导学生掌握各种阅读方法,从而提高阅读理解的准确性,加快阅读速度,并且通过学生的大量阅读,逐渐扩大其词汇量。泛读课应帮助生活在信息爆炸时代的学生能通过阅读可以快速、准确地获取并处理信息。














(1)略读( Skimming ) 又称为掠读或扫读


(2)跳读( Scanning )


(3)猜读( Guessing )


(4)悟读( Realizing )


(5)细读( Careful Reading )






20世纪80年代,Morris和Stuwart Dore把认知思维发展理论进一步简化为“认知――理解――应用”三个层次,并将其运用到阅读中。根据这一理论,教师在设计阅读理解问题时,应把问题分为以下三类:

(1) 字面类问题。这类问题的提问范围一般不超越句子的表层意思,学生只需读懂字面意思即可回答问题。

(2) 深层理解和推理问题。回答此类问题要求学生不仅能够理解句子的字面意思,而且能理解字里行间的内容联系,并运用各种间接的语言线索进行分析和归纳,通过悟读和细读,从上下文揣摩文章的隐含意义。

(3) 应用类问题。要求学生根据文章,联系自己的实际生活,对文中的观点进行题外发挥,谈自己的观点和看法。








1. 教育部《普通高中英语课程标准(实验)》人民教育出版社2003年

2. 贾冠杰《外语教育心理学》广西教育出版社2003年

3. 李翠芝“高中英语报刊阅读教学模式初探”《中小学英语教学与研究》2005年

4. 刘电芝《学习策略研究》外语教学与研究出版社1999年

5. 彭锦绣、杨阳“新课程标准指导下的高中英语泛读课程”《中小学外语教学》2003年

6. 邓道宣、任宝贵“新课程背景下英语学习策略的指导和训练”《基础教育》2007年


英语阅读课评课常用语 2012-03-20 飘雪迎梅开阅 31577 转 495 转藏到我的图书馆 微信分享: 亮点: 1.本节阅读课教学设计符合新课程标准理念。教学过程完整,教学目标明确,教学活动由浅入深,环环相扣。具体表现在: 1).通过提问的方式,用图片视频导入,不但调动了学生学习的兴趣,也激活了学生已有的图式,为阅读教学进一步的铺垫。 2).能设计多种题型来训练学生的阅读能力,符合学生的实际。 3).小组讨论引导学生利用已知信息构想和创设新的信息,有利于培养学生综合运用语言的能力。 4).情感教学的渗透,及时的小结和反馈是另一个亮点。 2.本节课符合本学科的教学要求及阅读课型。老师结合学生的实际来设计及开展教学。以学生熟悉的卡通人物激起学习兴趣,采取了分层教学,由浅入深,结构合理,面向全体学生并照顾差异,重难点突出,既训练了学生的阅读能力,同时又训练了学生的听说能力。在本节课中,学生积极参与课堂活动,踊跃回答问题。教学效果良好,目标达成。 这节阅读课教学目标明确,能够根据学情来设计,切合学生实际。总体来说有: 1). 课堂以学生感兴趣的图片以及视频动画来引出本节课的主题,这样可以很好地激发学生的学习热情。 2). 阅读课型特征明显,并进行分层阅读,整节课的教学策略都是以任务型教学为主,明确每一个环节的教学目的。 3). 在每一个教学环节中教师都有一些微技能的渗透,且不停提示学生解题技巧。 4). 注重学生的反馈(学生举手;利用不同颜色的字母卡)。 3.这一堂课是一堂实在,系统扎实,动静结合的英语课。教师以新的课程理念为指导,充分考虑了学生这一年龄阶段的特点,在本课的教学设计和组织上注重了以下几个方面。1.视频导入,充分调动起学生兴趣。良好的开头对一堂课的成功与否,起着关键的作用。本堂课一开始,教师就用视频导入新课,使学生的注意力在最短的时间里,被激活。 2.本堂课上,老师很好的贯彻了:在用中学,学中用,学用结合,学以致用的原则。同时体现了以学生为主体,教师为主导的新课程理念。在这样的一个学习过程中,学习者处于相对自然的态势,不断的在习得和使用语言,学和用每分每秒都和谐的交织在一起。 4.老师成功地给我们上了一节优秀的示范课.她的成功之处有下面几点: 1).整节课的教学流程非常的流畅,教学环节很紧凑.


Passage 6 (Unit 6, Book II: Fathers and sons: the Bonding Process.Family) The pickle jar as far back as I can remember sat on the floor beside the dresser in my parents' bedroom. When he got ready for bed, Dad would empty his pockets and toss his coins into the jar. When the jar was filled, we would take the coins to the bank. Each and every time, as he slid the box of coins across the counter at the bank toward the cashier, he would grin proudly. "These are for my son's college fund. He'll never work at the mill all his life like me." The years passed, and I finished college and took a job. Once, while visiting my parents, I noticed that the pickle jar in my parents' bedroom was gone. A lump rose in my throat as I stared at the spot beside the dresser where the jar had always stood. My dad was a man of few words, and never lectured me on the values of determination, perseverance, and faith. The pickle jar had taught me all these virtues far more eloquently than the most flowery of words could have done. When I married, I told my wife Susan about the significant part the lowly pickle jar had played in my life. In my mind, it defined, more than anything else, how much my dad had loved me. No matter how rough things got at home, Dad continued to doggedly drop his coins into the jar. The first Christmas after our daughter Jessica was born, we spent the holiday with my parents. After dinner, Susan carried the baby into my parents' bedroom to diaper her. When Susan came back into the living room, there was a strange mist in her eyes. She took my hand and leading me into the room. "Look," she said softly, her eyes directing me to a spot on the floor beside the dresser. To my amazement, there, as if it had never been removed, stood the old pickle jar, the bottom already covered with coins. I walked over to the pickle jar, dug down into my pocket, and pulled out a fistful of coins. With the strong emotion choking me, I dropped the coins into the jar. I looked up and saw Dad who is carrying Jessica. Our eyes locked, and I knew he was feeling the same emotions I felt. Neither one of us could speak. 1.Dad is most likely to agree to compare the pickle jar to __________. A. a farm tool B. a piggy bank C. a teaching aid D. a family tradition 2.It can be inferred that the pickle jar was once gone because __________. A.the parents didn’t save money any more B.the author didn’t have to depend on the parents any more C.the financial situation of the family had greatly changed D.the author had fulfilled all his ambitions 3.By saying that “Dad continued to doggedly d rop his coins into the jar” (Line 3, Para. 4), the author intends to point out that father was __________. A.industrious B.considerate C.determined D.far-sighted 4.When Susan saw the old pickle jar in the bedroom, she __________.


教学内容: 单词 interesting, 句型: It’s interesting to…,以一片枫叶在四个季节的不同颜色展开故事教学。 教案一 目标:以四季为主线,操练句型:It is interesting to… 1. 以春天为话题,引入新句型。 T: Now it is spring. It’s so nice. What can you do S1: I can fly the kite. 引导学生运用句型“It is interesting to …”造句,描述春天可以做的事情。 T: Look, here is a little poem for you. 学生读老师创编的小诗。 2.以夏天和秋天为话题,继续操练该句型。 改进之处:在以上教学过程中,丝毫不见阅读课的影子,原因在于教案的设计。阅读课的重点在于读,而教案设计却没有阅读故事课文的环节。 教案二 目标:读懂并理解文章内容。 1.看动画,回答两个简单问题。] (1) Who is he (2) Where is he from (学生观看有声有色的动画短片后,很容易回答了以上两个问题。) 2.学生自主阅读,并根据季节和天气特点的联系完成词与词之间的连线。 What’s the weather like in Canada spring cool summer snowy autumn hot winter rainy (本练习旨在考察学生对文章的整体理解情况,逐步培养学生搜索信息的能力。) 3.集体模仿,跟读录音。 尤其是以下的长难句,要特别注意培养学生的语音、语调和语感。 (1) It is hand to plant flowers in the rain. (2) Is that why we can call autumn “fall” (3) It is so nice to watch the flowers grow. 4.小游戏:猜一猜 设计“猜一猜“的游戏活动,针对教学重点和难点,借助游戏的形式,使操练充满挑战性和趣味性。 5.朗读竞赛:选择你最喜欢的季节所在的段落,并大声朗读这个段落。 (学生喜欢的朗读方式,他们对于自己的表现总是充满期待,并且希望能得到展示自我的机会。)


A teaching design Teacher Hongli Dong Analysis on Learners Senior high students are eager to learn something knowledgeable and interesting. They have their own opinions and attitudes. They're not content with the limited knowledge obtained from the textbooks. Their abstract thinking and cognitive capability have developed a lot. So I must try my best to help them keep up their passion, develop the feeling of success and build up good values. Analysis On the Teachin g Material Teaching Content The content of my lesson is a reading material, through the learning of which, I’ll enable students to know more about Jackie Chan, his life career and the qualities that lead to his success. At the same time, make Ss aware of the question-and-answer format in an interview and learn how to conclude a question from the answer. Teaching Aims Knowledge (1)The Ss can learn question-and-answer format in an interview. (2) The Ss can understand the content of the lesson, talk about Jackie Chan ’s life career and form their own opinion about success. A bilities (1) To develop the Ss’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing (2) To improve Ss' reading abilities, especially their skimming and scanning abilities. (3) To train the Ss’ abilit ies of studying by themselves and through cooperating. Emotion Learn from Jackie Chan and understand the way to success is not smooth. Put the moral education in the process of study. Importan t Points What qualities are required to be successful? Difficult Points Help students to conclude the questions of interviewers according to Jackie Chan ’s answers. Teaching Methods 1. C ommunicative Approach 2. T ask-based Language Teaching 3. T otal Situational Action Teaching Aids A computer and a multi-media courseware. Teaching Procedures Students ’ Activities Purpose Step 1 Lead in (3 min) Greeting. T: Hello, everyone! Do you have an idol? Ss: yes. T: who is he or she? is she Yangmi ? is she Zhao Liying ? is he Wu Yifan ?(while speaking ,i will show those persons’ pict ures mentioned) Ss: he/she is .... T: What qualities of your idol attract you most? Arouse students' interest and lead in the topic for this lesson.


高中英语阅读教学反思 高中英语阅读教学涉及到的不仅是阅读能力的培养,也牵动着学习者的注意力、观察力、毅力及兴趣、动机、情感等众多心理素质和思想道德、艺术审美等社会文化素质。那么,在高中阅读课的教学中应如何调动学生学习的主观能动性,激发学生的主体意识,以达到培养学生能力、提高学生素质的目的呢? 本文就高中英语教学如何调动学生学习的主观能动性,激发学生的主体意识,谈几点思考: 一、设计提问,激发学生的主体思维 问题设计是英语阅读教学的重要手段,是帮助学生理解、鉴赏文章的切入点。教师设计问题,要遵循循序渐近的原则,要把问题建筑在学生的注意力和兴趣之上,服务于全面提高学生素质水平的目标需要。高中英语课文大多篇幅较长。课文内容参透了丰富的审美以及科学教育内容。在这些兼顾知识性、趣味性、思想性的阅读课教学中精心设计既有启发性又能激起学生探讨兴趣的系列问题,可以启迪学生动脑,激发学生思维,培养学生主动学习的习惯。 例如在教故事类文章时,可以先对故事细节、实事等向学生进行由表及里的回答,最后提问推断归纳性的问题。通过这样的提问,推想出课文中没有写到但又与之关系密切的若干内容,能使学生加深和拓宽对课文人物刻画、主

题表现的领悟,激起他们去主动思考和探索。教师设计问题时,要紧扣教材,层层推进,要具有一定的思想梯度。在提问、解答的过程中,教师要启发引导,以激活学生的思维欲望,帮助学生认知和理解。 二、授之以法,把学习的主动权交给学生 传统的看法认为教师的任务就是传授知识,按韩愈说的就是“传道授业解惑”,但是仅仅传授知识是不够的。要提高学生的素质,就要培养学生的能力。因此英语阅读教学中要突出“学”字,从让学生“学会”转到培养学生“会学”,授之以法,把学习的主动权交给学生。陶行知先生也说这样一句话:“我认为好的先生不是教书,不是教学生; 乃是教学生学。”学会怎样学习,对学生来说是至关重要的。学生只有掌握了科学有效的学习方法,接受新知识才能举一反三,触类旁通,更好地做到知识的迁移,并使学生受益终身。 1、指导学生认真预习 高中阅读课文长,难度大,抽象概念内容多,形象思维内容少,语法现象较复杂。因此,对学生来说,认真预习是及其重要的。如果学生没任何准备走进课堂那么学习肯定是被动的,教师讲解什么,学生就听什么; 教师演示什么,学生就看什么。这样的学习有什么主动性呢? 预习看起来是学生的事情,但教师精心指导是十分关键的。


篇一:高中英语说课稿模板 材料一 高中英语说课稿模板 good afternoon, teachers, it’s my great pleasure to be here sharing my lesson with you. the content of my lesson is senior english book unit 1(a student of african wildlife/why not carry on the good work)i’ll be ready to begin this lesson from five parts. analysis of the teaching material, the teaching methods, the studying methods, the teaching procedure, and blackboard design. first, let me talk the teaching material. part 1 teaching material: by studying of this unit, we’ll enable the students to know some great women and their achievement and what makes the great women successful the knowledge of farming and dr yuan longping’ achievement and chemical farming and organic farming. charlie chaplin and his funny and encouraging humor people from different area have different body language and use the right body language to showing our feelings. theme park not only provide fun but also provide various knowledge and exciting experience. this lesson not only teach the students to learn the related material about (1) the good character to be a successful person (2)yuan longping’s scientific research spirit and attitudes toward life the disadvantage of using chemical fertilizers and how to increase production in organic farming. (3)charlie chaplin and his humor english jokes (4)different body language and the similarities in body language which make the others understand our feelings. (5)theme park but also learning ability in english . a: if ss can learn it well, it will be helpful to make the ss learn the rest of this unit well. b: it provides all-around practice about listening, speaking, reading and writing revolve around the topic, it is the expansion of this unit and give ss a space to use the language so it plays an important part in the english teaching in this unit. (as we know ,reading belongs to the input during the process of the language learning. the input has great effect on output , such as speaking and writing . )according to the new standard curriculum and the syllabus (新课程标准和教学大纲), after studying the teaching material and analyzing the rule of children’s growing of mind, i think the teaching aims are the followings: 1.knowledge objects: (1)the students can hear, read, and use the main sentence patterns. (2) the students can understand the content of the lesson: (3) the students can use the patterns to express their thoughts in proper situation and learn how to describe people with adjective. ability objects: ability objects of this section are (1)to develop the ss’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing. especially speaking and writing ability. (2) to train the ss’ ability of working in pairs. (4) to improve the ss’ reading abilities ,especially their skimming and scanning ability. 3.emotion objects: by reading a student of african wildlife /why not carry on the good work, students can learn from (1)jane goodall in at least two aspects: one is what is the human way to study animal; the other is that it was her great personality-universal love and mercy that made her successful. lin qiao zhi in at least two aspects:


1. THE EGG 1) What is meant by the comment. ''most philosophers must have been raised on chicken farms'' are we take it seriously ? On the chicken farm, people usually have a lot of grotesque,sophisticated ideas and problems which are most fit for philosophers to cope with. So the writer made such a comment.But however, we don't take it seriously. 2) The scene in which the narrator's father and Jane appear together one night obviously is the main scene in the story.What is Joe kane's reachtion to the father's tricks and his grotesque chickens in alcohol ? Why does the father fail to realize the absurdity and unsuccessfulness of his enterainment? Jos Kene thought the father's tricks are grotesque and hideous. He feels ill at look of those deformed chickens in alcohol. Because the father is trapped in the American passion for success.He tried to be a normrous Doss, and made his restaurant famous so that more customers would come and then he would make a lot of money. The father clung to his grotesque truth and got so feverish in trying to be a success that he because narrow-minded and deformed in behavior and thereby he didn't realized the absurdity and unsuccessfulness of his entertainment. 3) What does the egg symbolize? The egg is a symbol for unfulfilled hopes and promises. The egg hinted American dreams to be‘ in a passion for success, by which people a r e convinced that everybody should be ambitious, through one's efforts one can rise in the world even from humble origin and prowerty. 4) Twice the narrator mentions the detail that when his angry father enters the bedroom with another egg in his hand,instead of destorying it,he lays it gently on the cable.why? Because the egg is Father's hope,his hope for making fortune and success hasn't been shattered completely. He still has to go on running his restaurant and serve the customers. with the egg. 2. HOLIDAY 1) What Kind of family is the Mullers? The mullers is a practical, hard-beaten but warm-hearted and hospitable.There is a respectful and affectionate relationship among the family. They work hard all their lives. They confront troubles and grieves with great courage. 2) Why does the narrator seem disappointed at first, but shortly after her arrival at the Mullers' fell that she is ''going to like it here'' Along the road to the Mullers', what she finds is that desolate, bleak,shapeless, scene which is not in the least the ''paradise'' Louise described to her before, and which is unfit for to spend her holiday. Because of the simplicity, warmness and hospitality of the Mullers and sedate surroundings full of promises of spring and free or troubles and pressures. She feels homely 3) Ottilie is at first a mysterious, tragic nobody. Do you agree with the family's attitude towards her? why does the family treat her like that? Why does the narrator conclude ''there was nothing I could do for Ottlie...she was beyond my reach as well as nay other human reach...''? I n the Mullers' view, nothing is to be gained only by feeling sorry. There are no provisions for coaling invalids.One must work heroically to heal the hurts that can be healed. They are born equally the puppets of life. the narrator's are nothing before Ottilie's agony and misfortune.What is more , Ottilie lives and confronts them more heroiocally, more strenuously heroiocally, more strenuously 4)Why is the afternoon ''lively'' and ''feature'' for both Ottilie and narrator? Although Ottilie and the narrator are suffering a lot in their lives. they are lucky to be fugitives from death. so that they have a little stolen holiday. a breath of spring air and freedom


英语阅读课教学设计 滨海县大套中学水克祥 一、教材依据 本课时选择的是《牛津初中英语》七年级上Unit4 Food,主要围绕本单元中心任务“ Food and lifestyles”而展开的。这篇文章主要讲述了Kitty 和Daniel 过去和现在的饮食和生活习惯,通过比较,让学生明白什么是健康饮食和生活习惯。 二、教学原则与理念 1 实行课堂教学任务化,任务生活化,评价方式过程化,以学生为主体,以话题为主 线,以任务为中心。 2 教学设计突出学生的主体地位,尊重学生个体差异。 3 灵活使用、整合教学资源,优化教学效果。 三、教学目标 1. 知识目标: (1)词汇:扩展有关食物和生活方式的词汇 (2)日常交际用语: 1. What is your favorite food? 2. I like/dislike …… 2. 能力目标 (1)根据图片猜测大意 (2)掌握模仿主题进行描述的技巧,练习了解文章大意,快速浏览查找细节的快速阅读技巧 3. 情感目标 创造机会,鼓励学生用所学的英语知识合作交流,共同完成任务,使他们体验成功,激发学习英语兴趣。 4. 德育目标 通过本文学习增强学生健康意识,使他们明白生活中不能挑食,要珍惜粮食,养成优良的生活方式。 四、教学重点掌握文章中的词汇和理解课文内容,掌握阅读的技巧。 五、教学难点 明白健康饮食和优良生活习惯的重要性

六、教学准备 1. 教师:挂图、录音机、小黑板、实物(水果、素菜、饮料……) 2. 学生:课前词汇预习;健康食物、生活习惯资料收集笔录。 七、教学过程: Step 1: Warming - up (热身) (一)Free Talk: To ask the student on duty to make a speech : “Whats my favourite food ? ” 设计思路:每天都有值日生报告,可以锻炼学生的书写和口头表达能力,另外,在交流过程中,也互相锻炼了学生的听力水平。同时,活跃了课堂气氛。 (二) 1. Revise some names of food (Let the students speak freely.) 2. To show the students beautiful pictures of food during the talking .The teacher can write some of them on the blackboard, especially some new words: fruit, sweet, coke, bread, meat, juice. 3. To ask the students to ask and answer : “What is it ? ”, “Do you like it ? ” ,then discuss: “(1)What food can we? e a(t2a) Wlothich is your favorite food? Why? 设计思路: ( 1)让学生自由回答,复习已学了的食物名称,满足学生表现的欲望,进一步活跃课堂气氛,调动学生积极性。 (2)通过形象直观图片教学,激活旧知识,为学习新知识做铺垫。 (3)通过有趣的话题极大地激发学生的好奇心,为进入正文教学打下基础。让他们参与 初步讨论,知道哪些才是正确的饮食。 Step 2: Pre-listening( 听读) 1. First, let the students look at the photos on Page 60. 2. Second, listen to the tape and read the articles about Kitty and Daniel and tell the teacher who is healthy. 设计思路: 听和读都是获取信息的有效途径,通过边听边读(默读)初步感知文 章内容培养学生快速概括文章主题能力


A teaching design Teacher Hongli Dong Analysis on Learners Senior high students are eager to learn something knowledgeable and interesting. They have their own opinions and attitudes. They're not content with the limited knowledge obtained from the textbooks. Their abstract thinking and cognitive capability have developed a lot. So I must try my best to help them keep up their passion, develop the feeling of success and build up good values. Analysi s On the Teachin g Materia l Teaching Content The content of my lesson is a reading material, through the learning of which, I ’ll enable students to know more about Jackie Chan, his life career and the qualities that lead to his success. At the same time, make Ss aware of the question-and-answer format in an interview and learn how to conclude a question from the answer. Teaching Aims Knowledge (1)The Ss can learn question-and-answer format in an interview. (2) The Ss can understand the content of the lesson, talk about Jackie Chan ’s life career and form their own opinion about success. A bilities (1) To develop the Ss ’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing (2) To improve Ss' reading abilities, especially their skimming and scanning abilities. (3) To train the Ss ’ abilities of studying by themselves and through cooperating. Emotion Learn from Jackie Chan and understand the way to success is not smooth. Put the moral education in the process of study. Importan t Points What qualities are required to be successful? Difficul t Points Help students to conclude the questions of interviewers according to Jackie Chan ’s answers. Teaching Methods 1. Communicative Approach 2. Task-based Language Teaching 3. Total Situational Action Teaching Aids A computer and a multi-media courseware. Teaching Procedures Students ’ Activities Purpose Step 1 Lead in (3 min) Greeting. T: Hello, everyone! Do you have an idol? Ss: yes. Arouse students' interest and
