



Hannay was nervous. His enemies (敌人)were searching for him. All around him were grassy hills without trees. He had nowhere to hide. How could he escape?

Hannay walked along the country for a long time. Then he saw a road worker, who was working alone, fixing the road. Hannay could see the road worker was not feeling well. Hannay came up to him and said “How are you?”

“My head hurts,” the worker said, “I can’t do it. I want to go home to bed. My daughter got married yesterday, and I dran k a lot of wine with my friends. That’s the problem!”

Hannay agreed that he should be home in bed.

“Yes, and I would be,” he replied,”but yesterday I received a message saying that the new surveyor was coming to look at my work. If he comes and finds me aw ay, I’ll be in trouble.”

Suddenly Hannay had bright idea--he could act as the road worker and get away from his enemies.

“You go off to bed,” Hannay said,”I’ll do your job until the new surveyor comes.”

The road worker was pleased with this idea. He gave Hannay his hat and his old coat. Then he went home to sleep and perhaps to drink a bit more. Hannay put on the worker’s hat and coat and began to fix the road. About an hour later he heard a voice.

“Are you the road worker?” it asked.

It was the new surveyor. He was a young man with a clean face. He sat in a small car.

Hannay said yes. The surveyor told him about some work he wanted him to do before he came by again and drove off. Hannay continued with his work.

Then a village boy came by.”What has happened to the road worker?” he asked.

“He stayed at home today,” Hannay replied.”He’s sick.”

At about midday, a large car came down the hill and stopped near Hannay. Three man got out of the car. Hannay’s heart beat fast. He knew his enemies were coming...

1.What is this passage probably taken from?

A.A history book.

B. A travel book.

C. A novel

D. A science book.

2.Why was the road worker feeling ill?

A.He had a cold.

B.He hadn’t eaten all day.

C.He had been working all day.

D.He d rank too much at his daughter’s wedding.

3.Who did NOT come by while Hannay was working on the road?

A.The surveyor.

B. The road worker’s daughter.

C. Hannay’s enemies.

D. A village boy.

4.What can we infer (推断)from the story?

A.Hannay helped the road worker because he was warm-hearted.

B.The grassy hills were a perfect hiding place for Hannay.

C.The surveyor had lot of working experience.

D.The village boy knew the road worker.

5.What is the correct order of the story?

①Hannay met a road worker who was not feeling well and offered to take over for him.

②Hannay was worried because his enemies were following him.

③A car stopped near Hannay and three men got out.

④Hannay acted as the road worker when the surveyor came by.

⑤The village boy wondered what had happened to the road worker.



C. ①→④→②→⑤→③



Many American presidents in the 19th century were born in poor families. They spent their childhood in little wooden rooms. They got little education. Washington and Lincoln, for example, never went to school and taught themselves. Lincoln once did jobs as a worker, a shopkeeper and a post officer in his early years. A larger number of US presidents had experiences in the army. The two best known were Ulysses Grant and Dwight D. Eisenhower. Grant was a general(将军) in the American Civil War. It happened that they came from the same school—West Point Military Academy(西点军校). One may be surprised to learn that both of the m didn’t do w ell in the school.

Eisenhower, for example, was fined(罚款) because he broke the rules of the school.

The jobs of the US president are tiring. He must keep an eye on everything important which happened both at home and abroad. Every day, a lot of work waited for him to do and he had to make many important decisions. When Franklin Roosevelt was a child, he was once brought to visit President Taft. The old president said to him,

“When you grow up, you should not be a president. It’s a tiring job.”[来

1. In the nineteenth century, many US presidents _______.

A. got poor education during their childhood

B. didn’t like to go to school in their early years

C. got good education during their childhood

D. hadn’t any knowledge in their work at all

2. In the last paragraph, the underlined phrase “keep an eye on” means “_______”.

A. pay no attention to

B. take care of

C. never sleep all the day

D. look at everything with one eye

3. What can be inferred(推测) from the passage?

A. Most of the people who had studied at West Point Military Academy became presidents.

B. Only those who didn’t study well at school could be presidents.

C. All the American presidents were born in poor families.

D. Many American presidents had served in the army before they took office.

4. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. In the US, no one wanted to be president.

B. US presidents’ jobs are important and tiring.

C. None of the presidents except Taft would like to do the tiring job.

D. President Taft didn’t want Roosevelt to be a president because he was too young.


For years I went to school by bus, so I met many “familiar” strangers. We took the same bus but didn’t know each other’s names. I used to think it was impossible for us to be true friends. How wrong I was! Smiles from the “nameless” people have changed my thoughts.

The first time on the bus, I saw different faces, we met, greeted and cold faces turned into smiling faces. As days went on, we chatted like old friends.

But I felt it a pity that I was unable to set up the same friendship with a silent girl in the front of the bus. Her old clothing suggested that she didn’t have much money, but she always took a cup

of water for the driver. I guessed she was a kind girl. But why did she sit in silence instead of talking with us? Why did she never reply to our friendly greetings? Couldn’t she smile?

Then, one evening, I got the answer. I walked to the park nearby and found the girl sitting alone under a tree, lonely and sad. I greeted her with the same warm smile that I had shown to her all these months, but this time her face turned red with a shy smile. As soon as she began her first words, I understood why she hadn’t spoken to us before. Talking was hard for her.

I learned her story: Her parents worked hard somewhere. She lived with her disabled grandparents. She said, “I can’t express myself very well. Most of the time, I can’t say what I want to say. I have no friends but… you always smile to me like an angel…so I also want to smile.” That evening, we exchanged our names and we said goodbye like old friends.

Smile is the key to opening the door of heart; it can break the cold walls in front of us.

1. All the following words can describe the girl Except __________.

A. silent

B. kind

C. proud

D. poor

2. The writer often met the girl __________.

A. on the bus

B. in the park

C. at school

D. under the tree

3. Which of the following is True?

A. The girl only talked with the driver.

B. The girl was too shy to talk with others.

C. The writer knew the name of the girl that evening.

D. The writer can’t make friends with those nameless people on the bus now.

4. The main idea of the passage is that __________.

A. we should help those silent people

B. smiles can deal with every difficulty we meet

C. we should smile to the nameless people on the bus

D. smiles can help us get closer and understand each other better


Michael Morpurgo is one of Britain's best loved story makers whose book War Horse is taught in school. He made a speech at Book Trust Annual Lecture. When talking about tests, he said that too much testing in schools was taking the joy out of reading for children because it destroyed their confidence and resulted in feelings of shame and disappointment.

Mr. Morpurgo said testing was "supposed to encourage" all children, whether they passed or not, but his was not the case. "When you fail, it brings a sense of worthlessness. It separates you from those who have passed, rocks confidence, and destroys hopes and dreams." For children who pass, they can have the opportunity to receive the great cultural and material benefits of our society through developing an enjoyment of reading.But for children who fail, they are made to feel that the world of books, stories and ideas is not for them, and they are not clever enough to join that world. It is not the world they belong to, and it is shut off from them forever.

As the president of Book Trust, Mr. Morpurgo also criticized schools for taking the wonder of stories and playfulness of language. Schools have been teaching reading by turning stories into a series of comprehension and grammar tests, because they insist that measurable(可量化的)outcomes and results are the be-all and end-all of the education process. But blaming (责备)governments or schools is passing the buck --- it is a society as a whole that is responsible for whether its children succeed or fail in education, and everyone should make an effort to ensure that reading itself is a pleasure experience for all children.

Mr. Morpurgo, who was a primary teacher before becoming a writer, wants to see a “story time” introduces in every primary school, when stories are read aloud, at the end of each day. His

Book Trust lecture called on schools and the governmemt to keep libriries open, for parents to read to their children every night, etc. “Story time” would be a special time with no testing or teaching. “Let the children go home dreaming of the story, reliving it, wonder… All the rest will come later. Once the seed is sown, the fore is lit, children will want to learn. So give them the love of story first; the rest will follow.”

Diana Gerald, the co-worker of Book Trust, said, “Reading isn’t a tick-list of books. That need to have been read;nor is it just a skill to be learned then put aside. The ability of reading and writing can, and should be tested; reading for pleasure needs to be valued and seen more like exercise-do it as regularly as you can, make it fun and red together whenever possible for maximum benefits.”

1. What does the expression “passing the buck” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?

A. Valuable.

B. Irresponsible.

C. Unnecessary.

D. Harmful.

2. According to the passage, what should children do at their “story time”?

A. Enjoy reading.

B. Prepare for tests.

C. Practise writing stories.

D. Tick their book lists.

3. Which of the following is Mr. Morpurgo’s suggestion?

A. Test should be canceled in schools.

B. Children should join the Book Trust.

C. Reading for pleasure should be encouraged.

D. The government should build more libraries.

4. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. Mr. Morpurgo hopes to become a primary teacher.

B. Children who are t ested can’t get the joy from reading.

C. Mr. Morpurgo wants his book War Horse to be read often in schools.

D. Chilrdren who fail in tests probably won’t explore the wonder of stories.


DIY is very popular in China now. Yang Chen works for a computer business in Beijing. Though he enjoys his work, it is hard for him to relax(放松) after work.

“For a long time, I had no choice(选择) except going to a bar for a drink and karaoke(卡拉OK) to relax myself,” he said.

One day when he saw many toy dogs in a toy shop, he had an idea. “Why not do some kinds of things and relax myself?” Then he began to make model planes, model ships and something else. The things that he made by himself didn’t look as professionally(专业地) made as those in the shops, but he liked doing it. “It is not as much fun to play with things as the things we bought expensively from the shops,” he said. Now his bookshelves are full of many kinds of things he has made. They are very beautiful, and his family and friends like them very much.

More and more young people are like Yang, making or creating(创造) things on their own. They like to do them themselves.

Though making things with our own hands may take much time, some people, now known as DIYers— do-it-yourselfers, enjoy doing them very much. They can make all kinds of things they like. DIY is becoming more and more popular in China. It may be new to the young, yet many people remember when it was a way of life.

During the 1960s and 1970s, when there were not enough living things for people to live on, they had to use their own hands to do many things. White washing the wall or making clothes was a part of life because there was no other choice. If you wanted something done, you had to do it yourself; and if you needed something, you made it yourself.

1. Yang Chen________ in his free time in the past.

A. played computers

B. went to a bar for a drink and karaoke

C. enjoyed his work

D. made something by himself

2. Things that Yang Chen made________ .

A. look as professionally made as those in the shops

B. are much more expensive than those in the shops

C. are popular with his family and friends

D. are only model planes and ships

3. Many young people like making things by themselves because________ .

A. they want to make more money

B. they do them for fun

C. there are not enough living things for them to live on

D. they can’t buy them anywhere

4. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. DIY is becoming more and more popular in China.

B. More and more people begin to make model planes.

C. Between the 1960s and 1970s, people liked making things themselves.

D. More and more young people are like Yang Chen.

5. The main idea of the passage is________ .

A. Yang Chen has a new hobby

B. how young people create new things

C. DIY is a good way of life

D. DIY was a part of life in the past


I’ve loved my mother’s desk since I was just tall enough to see above the top of it as mother sat doing letters. Standing by her chair, looking at the ink bottle, pens, and white paper, I decided that the act of writing must be the more wonderful thing in the world.

Years later, during her final illness, mother kept different things for my sister and brother. “But the desk,” she’d said again, “it’s for Elizabeth. ”

I never saw her get angry, never saw her cry. I knew she loved me; she showed it in action. But as a young girl, I wanted heart-to-heart talks between mother and daughter.

They never happened. And a gulf opened between us. I was “too emotional(易动感情的)”. But sh e lived “on the surface(表面)”.

As years passed I had my own family. I loved my mother and thanked her for our happy family. I wrote to her in careful words and asked her to let me know in any way she chose that she did forgive(原谅) me.

I posted the letter and waited for her answer. None came.

My hope turned to disappointment(失望), then little interest and, finally, peace— it seemed that nothing happened. I couldn’t be sure that the letter had even got to mother. I only knew that I had written it, and I could stop trying to make her into someone she was not.

Now the present of her desk told, as she’d never been able to, that she was pleased that writing was my chosen work. I cleaned the desk carefully and found some papers inside —a photo of my father and a one-page letter, folded(折叠) and refolded many times.

Give me an answer, my letter asks, in any way you choose. Mother, you always chose the act that speaks louder than words.

1. The writer began to love her mother’s desk ______.

A. after Mother died

B. before she became a writer

C. when she was a child

D. when Mother gave it to her

2. The passage shows that ______.

A. mother was cold on the surface but kind in her heart to her daughter

B. mother was too serious about everything her daughter had done

C. mother cared much about her daughter in words

D. mother wrote to her daughter in careful words

3. The word “gulf” in the passage means ______.

A. deep understanding between the old and the young

B. different ideas between the mother and the daughter

C. free talks between mother and daughter

D. part of the sea going far in land

4. What did mother do with her daughter’s letter asking forgiveness?

A. She had never received the letter.

B. For years, she often talked about the letter.

C. She didn’t forgive her daughter at all in all her life.

D. She read the letter again and again till she died.

5. What’s the best title of the passage?

A. My letter to Mother

B. Mother and Children

C. My mother’s Desk

D. Talks between Mother and Me


One day Peng Xianzhe learned he would go to the Mashan School in Guizhou. The 16-year-old boy tried to imagine how serious the drought was for the students at that school. However, he realized it was more serious than he had imagined when he saw the sign “DON’T wash clothes with water,or you will be punished(惩罚). ”

Because of drought, the school has been short of water for a long time. Each student has only one bottle of water every day for washing and drinking. The drought has made the poor students much poorer.

Peng is a student from Beijing Chaoyang Foreign Language School. He took part in the school’s Rain & Bow Project from April 2 to 10.

The project idea came from Peng’s principal(负责人). One day, she heard a sad story about Li Guoxian, a poor girl in the Mashan School,who stopped going to school because of drought. The principal started this project to help the school. In one day, 3,000 students made over 10,000 donations of water,books and clothes.

Peng and other four students went to the Mashan School and gave the donations with five teachers. They visited poor families, made surveys and had classes at the school.

Ding Zhentao,16,was worried about the school’s poor learning environment. “The blackboards and playground are too shabby to use,”Ding said. “Besides, there really aren’t enough teachers. A teacher has to teach both history and English, and even the cook is a class teacher. ”

Although life isn’t easy, students at the school have a positive attitude(积极的态度)towards life and they are quite willing to learn. That’s what moved 16-year-old Chen Shi most.

“They sang their songs together as usual before class every afternoon. After class, the students asked us to tell them things about Beijing and our studies,” Chen said. “You can see the

passion(热情)in them. I believe it will make a difference. Their futures will be bright. ”

1.Which school does Peng Xianzhe study?

A. Mashan School.

B. Beijing Chaoyang Foreign Language School.

C. Project School.

D. Training School.

2. The underlined word“shabby”means in Chinese.

A. 黑乎乎的




3. Who started the school’s Rain & Bow Project?

A. The principal of the foreign language school.

B. Peng Xianzhe, a 16-year-old boy.

C. Chen Shi, a student from Beijing.

D. Li Guoxian, a poor girl in Guizhou.

4. How many people went to the Mashan School and gave the donations?

A. Four.

B. Five.

C. Nine.

D. Ten.


Where is Love? How can we find Love?

Once a little boy wants to meet Love. He knows it is a long trip to where Love lives, so he gets his things ready with some pizzas and drinks and starts off. When he passes three streets, he sees an old woman sitting in the park and watching some birds. She looks very hungry. The boy gives her a pizza. She takes it and smiles at him. The smile is so beautiful that he wants to see it again, so he gives her a Coke. She smiles once again. The boy is very happy.

They sit there all the afternoon, eating and smiling, but they say nothing. When it grows dark, the boy wants to leave. But before he goes more than a few steps, he turns around, runs back to the old woman and gives her a hug(拥抱). The woman gives him her biggest smile ever.

When the boy opens the door of his house, his mother is surprised by the look of joy(快乐)on his face and asks what makes him so happy. “I had lunch with Love. She has the most beautiful smile in the world.”At the same time, the old woman’s son is also surprised at his mother’s pleasure(快乐) and asks why.

“I had a pizza in the park with Love,” she says, “and he is much younger than I expected.”

If the world is full of love, we can enjoy a better life.

1. When the little boy sees the old woman, she is ________.

A. looking for a seat in the park

B. passing the street

C. looking at some birds

D. having a pizza

2. The little boy gives the old woman a Coke because ________.

A. the old woman still feels hungry

B. he wants to see the smile again

C. he doesn’t like the drink

D. the old woman pays him for it

3. The old woman gives the little boy the biggest smile ________.

A. after the little boy goes home

B. before it grows dark

C. when she is drinking Coke

D. after the little boy hugs her

4. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. The little boy doesn’t find Love.

B. The little boy and the old woman find what they want at last.

C. The little boy doesn’t want to go home.

D. The old woman gives the little boy a hug to thank him.


A class teacher,in my opinion,plays an important role in a child's development.Every year when my daughter moves to a new class,I have a usual big worry—her new class teacher.This year,she is moving to Class Three and I can't wait to see how things are going on.

Last year,my daughter did not like her teacher at all.It was so bad that she did not look forward to school.It was a year full of trouble and worries.

This year,Miss Purity is gentle and humorous.It's hard not to like her.Here are the changes in my daughter.

She becomes an early https://www.360docs.net/doc/8c7206000.html,st year,mornings were like a fight because I had to force Tasha to hurry up when she was preparing for school.I had to pull her out of bed,tell her to take breakfast and then drove her to school.But now,our mornings are like a party.She wakes up early,prepares everything at a high speed and then rushes to school to be with Miss Purity.

She's happy.She enjoys school and school work and keeps talking about what they did at school when she comes home.

She's responsible.She used to be careless and forgetful.But now she never forgets even her water bottle at school.She makes her bed and helps in the kitchen.

Her diary is full of praises.The diary is the tool of communication between the teacher and the https://www.360docs.net/doc/8c7206000.html,st year,her diary was always full of negative reports.One time,she poured water in a child's lunchbox,and another time she threw another kid's textbook in the toilet.Now she begins to share her snacks with those who do not have anything.She's always volunteering to clean the blackboard,the teacher's chair and desk.

She does well in school.Finishing her classwork was such a big problem.She had to do it at home.But now,she finishes both the classwork and homework at school.

1.What is the big worry of Tasha's father every year?

A.Who will be Tasha's class teacher. B.Which class Tasha will be in.

C.How Tasha goes to school in the morning. D.What Miss Purity looks like.

2.What did Tasha do when she didn't like her class teacher?

A.She had a fight with her mother in the morning. B.She didn't want to go to school.

C.She missed a lot of classes. D.She refused to do classwork and homework.

3.What does“early bird”mean in the passage?

A.It is a lovely little child. B.It is the most beautiful bird.

C.It is someone who lives alone. D.It is someone who gets up early.

4.Which of the following is not true about Tasha's past?

A.She couldn't finish her classwork at school. B.She often forgot things at school.

C.She didn't get on well with her classmates. D.She was careless and silent.

5.What is not mentioned about the changes in Tasha?

A.Her progress with Miss Purity. B.Her hobbies.

C.Her habit of living. D.Her behaviors at school.


The Silk Road is the name of different roads that long ago connected Europe,Africa and Asia.People reached these different places along these roads.Scientists believe people began to travel the Silk Road about 3,000 years ago.By the time the Chinese silk trade became important in the world,the Silk Road covered almost 6,500 kilometers.It went from Rome to China,which is from the West to the Far East.

Merchants traveled along t he Silk Road to carry silk,of course.They also carried and traded


阅读理解整体分析 选材 ①阅读材料通常在150~250词之间 ②选材广泛,具有浓厚的时代气息 ③阅读语段生动活泼,语句富子变化 命题原则 ①要求考生既能理解具体的事实,也能理解抽象的概念; ②要求考生既能理解文章的表层意思,也能理解文章的深层含义; ③要求考生既能理解某句、某段的意思,也能理解全篇的逻辑关系; 中考阅读理解的应试策略 在解答阅读理解题时,要根据如下步骤进行解题。 1.浏览问题明确要求 先了解文章后面所要解决的问题再去看文章,能使思路更加清晰,做到心中有数。 2.略读全文,了解梗概 略读就是在尽可能短的时间内把握文章或段落的内容,略读时要特别注意主题。 3.通读寻读猎取信息 寻读时可把与答题无关的内容一扫而过,而与答题有关的重要信息要认真读。 4逐条分析,对号入座 即把寻读时所获得的信息与答题要求结合起来,逐条进行分析,对号人座。 5.复读全文,验证答案 再次仔细阅读全文,进一步加深对文章的理解,核实所选内容是否正确。 阅读理解不同题型解题技巧 基于不同的考查目的,阅读理解题通常可分类为“细节理解题”“主且大意题”“词义猜测题”与“推理判断题”,不同的考查目的,会有不同的设题特点可使用不同的解题技巧。 一、细节理解题解题技巧 细节理解题主要是考查who, what, which, when, where等文章细节些细节理解题比较简单,只需浏览文中所叙述的事实或细节,就可以作答。 但一些细节理解题则需要通过语句的同义或反义转换来考查学生对英语的理解能力,对文中个别难词、关键词、词组或句子作出解释或需要对有关的上下文提供的语境和信息、甚至对整篇文章的内容建立准确、立体的理解和判断。这些题的难度较大解答细节理解题时,要先看题于,然后带着问题读文章。同学们做这类题时可以边读边做记号,加强阅读的针对性提高做题的准确率, 1.语义转换题一跳读查找法。语义转换题通常考查对某句话或某几包话的理解,可根据题干内容从原文中找到相关句子,然后进行比较和分析,并确定最佳答案运用跳读查找法时,要特别注意试题及其选项与原文之间的语义变换,如同义变换、概念解析、归纳事实等 2.生活应用题一常识理解法。生活应用题要求学生在读懂文章的基础上结合定的生活常识进行判断。但有些时候,一些常识性判断题,甚至只看题干,就可选出最佳答案。 3.细节排序题一首尾定位法。这种试题要求学生根据动作发生的先后顺序和句子之间的逻辑关系,找出事件发生的正确顺序,做此类题时可采用“首尾定位第一个动作和最后一个动作,迅速缩小选择范围,从而快速选出正确答案 4.寻找值息题一干定位法。快速寻找信息题一般为功能阅读题,主要形式有广告、公告、演出信息、航班时间表、购物就餐等,做这类题时没有必要阅读全文,直采用“题干定位法,根据题干要求,直接从表格中查找相关信息


人物传记阅读训练(一)答案 一、①生活简朴:坐公交上班,穿打补丁的衣服,一双军绿色的解放胶鞋,下班时还会带上两个单位食堂里买的馒头。参加国际会议时穿打了三层补丁的鞋,提着人造革的破书包。住的是老旧的单元房,小客厅不到14平方米。(列举2点即可) ②爱情朴素:他们的爱情与事业紧密结合,风雨与共,相依相携。 ③对国家的挚爱:一生的重大选择都和祖国的需要连在一起。(6分,每点2分) (4)“对国家的挚爱”是何泽慧这一代人成名成家、令后人仰慕的重要原因。(2分)①由于抗日救亡的需要,何泽慧在德国留学时毅然选择实验弹道学的专业方向,这奠定了她一生事业的基础。(2分)②坚信只有科学能够使祖国尽快摆脱贫弱落后的局面,在祖国需要时,不顾一切及时回国,在十分简陋的条件下开展工作,拥有了展现自己才华的舞台。(2分)③在92岁高龄时,不小心摔断了腿,但痊愈之后照样去单位,赢得了敬重。(2分) 人物传记阅读训练(二)答案 三、汪曾祺笔下的沈从文 .①他是一个有蛮劲狠劲,敢于拼搏的人。②他是一个做事情“耐烦”,锲而不舍,对作品苦心雕琢,精益求精的人。③他是一个热爱自己的家乡的人。④他是一个看破人事乘除,得失荣辱置之度外,心地明净的人。(需结合文章分析,答出三点即可) 四、慧眼识英才 【答案】①热爱数学,锐利进取,思维缜密;②知恩善报,对恩师非常尊敬和感激;③习惯于单枪匹马地进行自我研究,语言表达能力较差。 人物传记阅读训练(三)答案 五、追随我心 ①人生有些东西是应该放弃的,所以不要固执盲目地坚持;人生有些东西是应该坚持的,所以不要轻易地放弃。(2分)②李开复对自己不感兴趣的政治学科没有坚持,对备受冷落的计算机领域的语音学没有坚持,对苹果、微软、SGI和Google的高职位没有坚持,他的人生一直是不断改变的过程,所以他是没有遗憾的。(3分)③李开复一直坚持“自己设计自己”的人生信条,一直坚持“追随本心”的人生理念,一直坚持创新的意识,且从没有放弃这些坚持,即使是在人生的辉煌时期,所以他的人生是值得尊敬的,没有遗憾的。(3分) 六、一位让人心疼的大师 (4)①面对生活的各种磨难,他能既不畏敬也不诅咒,坦然面对苦痛,冷静思考生活,超越自身苦难,创作《堂吉诃德》,达到叙事艺术的高峰。②塞万提斯在晚年时看到别人伪作《堂吉诃德》第二卷,为还读者以真实,不顾年迈体衰,极力赶写真的第二卷,这正体现了塞万提斯作为一个文人的责任感。 人物传记阅读训练(四)答案 七、答案:示例一是闲笔。①说自己“不懂美术”,但从全文内容看,作者其实有深厚的美术素养,有前后矛盾之嫌。②“我是学历史的”与文章毫无关系。去掉这两句,以“我喜欢吴先生的画”起笔更能收开门见山、简捷显明之效。(每点4分,其中观点2分,分析2分) 示例二十分必要。①说自己“不懂美术”,就可以在美术方面节省笔墨,而着力塑造人物,使文章重点突出,主次分明。②说自己“不懂美术”,却仍被吴冠中

中考英语阅读理解01 人物故事

阅读理解(一) 人物故事 A[2018·曲靖] One night, four naughty(顽皮的) boy students stayed out of school having a late party at a night club and having a great time. They were partying so happily that they forgot they were going to take an exam the next day. The next morning, they got up too late to take their exam. In order not to be punished, they thought of a plan which they believed was perfect. They made their clothes dirty and went to the teacher’s office. “Mr. Johnson, we went to a friend’s house last night in another town. On the way back, our car got a flat tire(爆胎), so we had to push the car all the way back to school. That’s why we didn’t make it for the exam.” The teacher listened to their story, and told them in a kind voice, “It doesn’t matter. I am going to give you another chance to take the test three days later.”The four students thanked him and left happily. The test day arrived in the end. The teacher asked them, “I am going to put each one of you in a different room for the test. Are you OK with that? ” “OK,”the students were fine with that because they had all studied hard. Then they got the test paper. It had only two questions. Test Paper (100 points) ①Your name: (1 point) ②Which tire burst (轮胎爆裂)? (99 points) A.Front left. B.Back left. C.Front right. D.Back right. 1.Why didn’t the students take the exam? A.Because their car had a flat tire. B.Because they stayed up too late the night before. C.Because the teacher didn’t want them to. D.Because their clothes were too dirty. 2.What did the teacher do after listening to their story? A.He believed them by giving them a second chance. B.He didn’t do anything about it. C.He used a different way to tell if they were lying. D.He was very angry.


湖北省武汉市中考英语阅读理解真题汇编(精选2017-2019年中考真题+详细解析答案,值得下载) 2019 四、阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下面三篇材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A 56. The material above is mainly about . A. The New YorkTimes B. “36 Hours” guides C. an introduction t o “Explorer” D. prices of the new books 57. The two books cover subjects.

A. 2 B. 4 C. 6 D. 8 58. “TASCHEN” in the material refers to. A. the name of a writer B. the sign of dream trips C. a store that sells books online D. a company that produces books 59. What can we learn about the books from the material? A. They are very expensive. B. They are well designed and made. C. They are sold by a team of writers. D. One of them is about ‘Beaches’, ‘Islands’and ‘Deserts’. 60. What the book series describes has something to do with . A. journeys B. readers C. lifestyles D. advertisements B You don’ t have to be a scientist to solve big environmental problems. One Dutch designer is finding creative ways to make a change—and he’s inviting bikers to join him. Daan Roosgaarde, 38, is a designer from Holland. He uses creative ideas to improve city life. For his Smog (雾霾) Free Project, he designed a special tower that cleans air in Chinese parks. In Holland, he designed a shining bicycle path. Now Daan and his team are working with engineers at Chinese bike-sharing company Ofo -cleaning machine connected to a bicycle and is to create a new product for public use. It’s an air part of the Smog Free Project. In smoggy weather, the machine would breathe in the air in front of the bike and blow out a stream of clean air toward the biker’s face. It’s no secret that air pollution is a big problem for China. In winter, it’s common for thick clouds of haze (霾), caused largely by factory production, burning of coal and car emissions (排放 物), to cover areas of China. air quality standards, In 2016, only one-fourth of Chinese cities met the country’s according to a survey of 338 cities nationwide from the Ministry of Environmental Protection. “Of course one tower and a few bikes won’t solve China’s air pollution problem,” -free bikes are an exciting idea that will hopefully inspire communities to create said, “But smog greener cities.” 61. According to the writer, _ . A. air pollution is not a big problem in China B. creative ideas may help improve city life C. only scientists can solve big environmental problems D. the survey of 338 cities nationwide was not necessary 62. The air-cleaning machine offers clean air to the hiker by . A. blowing out dirty air B. running fast with the bike C. cleaning the air around the biker D. breathing in dirty air and cleaning it 63. From the passage, we know that . A. people who have creative ideas can get free bikes B. only smog-free bikes can go on the shining bicycle path C. Daan and his family spent all their time im proving China’s air quality D. China’s haze in winter happens because of more than three causes 64. Daan is inviting bikers to join him in order to . A. raise money for the tower B. test his new machine


高考实用文本阅读:人物传记解题技巧 人物传记类文本阅读作为高考选考实用类阅读文本形式一种,也是一种热门文体。因而高中语文教材在必修中单列1 个人物传记单元,并单独编辑了选修《传记选读》,所选内容涉及古今中外的政治、科学、文学、艺术等名人,包括项羽、苏武、文天祥、徐霞客、谭嗣同、孙中山、华罗庚、邓小平、袁隆平、梁思成、富兰克林、爱因斯坦、罗曼罗兰、贝多芬、盖茨等世界级名人的生平事迹或人生观、价值观的文篇。 高考之所以特别青睐人物传记类文本,还有一个原因是人物传记,往往可以让我学习人类的先进文化、科学思想和美好情操;传记人物的人生经历、所作所为、所思所感可以对我们的思想观念、生活学习、为人处世起到表率和榜样作用,而且可以理解许多素材,有利于我们的写作、表达和交流。 1、定义和类型: 传记是记录人的生活历程和生命轨迹的文体。 根据不同的分类标准,传记可分为不同的类别。从叙述人称看,传记可分为自传和他传(通过对传主的典型事迹的叙写,突出传主形象、性情、品格、成就,表达出对传主的崇敬之情(为反面人物立传则相反)。前者是作者自己撰写的,后者是他人撰写的。 根据篇幅的长短,传记可分为大传和小传。 根据创作方法看,传记可分为史学性传记和文学性传记。 从表达方式看,一般的传记以记叙为主,还有一类传记则记叙与评论各半,叫评传。评传是人物传记夹杂着作者评述的一种带有文学评论色彩的体裁。它由传主、本事、作者的思考与评析三要素构成。“传中有评,评中有传,评传结合”是其特点。“传要真实,评要中地”是评传写作的基本要求。(高考重点) 2、传记的特点: 传记属应用文体,同时兼具真实性和文学性这两个特点。其中,真实是传记的生命。因为传记叙写的是历史或现实中存在的活生生的人,有真名实姓、居住地点、活动范围等,写作时不允许任意虚构。但传记不同于一般的枯燥的历史记录,它具有文学性。它是写人的,有人的生命、情感在内;它通过作者的选择、剪辑、组合,倾注了爱憎的情感;它需要用艺术的手法加以表现,以达到传神的目的。 人物传记类文本的阅读方法 理清文本陈述的基本事实,按时间顺序逐一整理,把握传主的人生经历。一般来说,可以按照下面要素去归纳整理,即:什么人、在什么时候、什么地方、做了什么事、体现了他什么品格、作者有什么评价、这事产生了什么影响、对我们有什么启迪。这一过程是 解答阅读题的基础,也是关键。 考点考查方向:


中考英语阅读理解专项复习经典 一、初三英语阅读理解(含答案详细解析) 1.阅读理解 Science fiction is a popular kind of writing, and many people think of Jules Verne(凡尔纳) as the father of science fiction. He was born in France in 1828. His father wanted him to become a lawyer, but from his early 20s Verne decided to become a writer. At first he wrote plays for the theater. Then, in 1863, he wrote a story called Five Weeks in a Balloon. The success of this book encouraged him to write more stories such as A Journey to the Center of the Earth(1864) and From the Earth to the Moon(1865). In the 19th century, many people were interested in science and inventions. Jules Verne wrote about scientific subjects in his stories and, as a result, they were very popular. Verne's writing included many predictions(预言)for the 20th century and many of them came true. He described space flight, movies, and air conditioning, a long time before they appeared. These books were very successful and they made Verne rich. Jules Verne's books have been the subjects for many movies. 20, 000 Leagues under the Sea was a successful movie for Walt Disney. It was the first time that Disney movie had used real actors instead of cartoon drawings. Around the World in Eighty Days is another famous movie based on one of Verne's books. The main character is an Englishman called Phileas Fogg. For him, the most important thing is to be always on time! (1)What does the phrase "the father of science fiction" mean? A. The father who has several children. B. The man who loves science and inventions. C. The writer whose father wrote science fiction. D. The man who first started writing science fiction successfully. (2)What encouraged Jules Verne to write more stories? A. The plays he wrote for the theater. B. The encouragement from his father. C. The success of Five Weeks in a Balloon. D. The scientific subjects in his stories. (3)Why were Jules Verne's books very popular in the 19th century? A. Because his books made him rich and famous. B. Because he wrote many plays for the theater at that time. C. Because his books were the subjects for many movies. D. Because many people were interested in science and inventions. (4)Which of the following has the main character called Phileas Fogg? A. Five Weeks in a Balloon. B. Around the World in Eighty Days. C. A Journey to the Center of the Earth. D. From the Earth to the Moon. (5)According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE? A. The space flight Verne described was different from others. B. The main characters in Verne's books are always on time. C. Jules Verne only wrote in the 19th century. D. Many of the predictions in Verne's stories came true.


人教版2020年备战中考初中英语专项训练--阅读理解(人物传记类)B卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 一、阅读理解 (共3题;共21分) 1. (3分) (2019九上·诸暨月考) 阅读理解 Andrew Hollennan, a 12-year-old boy, loved playing in the open land near his home. The land was wet and forested, and made a home for birds, other animals and many different plants. It made the perfect place for him to study and get to know the nature. He had seen some red- tail hawks, red foxes, wood turtles and other animals. He also found special native flowers. Suddenly it was announced that the "empty" land would be improved by a lot of houses on it. The plants would be removed, the animals would run away and most would probably die. Then the wet soil would be covered with extra grounds. When he heard about the news, he was not happy. He was very worried that the land and water would be polluted. Andrew wrote down clearly all the researches he had down about the area, and how the houses would affect the local environment. He sent letters to members of local government and television reporters. He also called on his neighbors to oppose the building of the houses. Although he was only 12 years old, he had the courage and wisdom of a person much older. Andrew's teachers described him as gentle, shy and active. His classmates also admired how much he knew about local animals and plants, and the environment. Each day after school, Andrew went door-to-door, to ask the people to sign, who did not want the houses to be built. In only one month, he got the signatures of 250 people. In the end, the land remained a safe place for birds, animals and plants that belonged there. Andrew won many prizes for his brave and great work to stop the houses being built, and thus help save the environment. (1) The passage is mainly about _______. A . 250 people who signed to help Andrew B . a brave boy who cared for the environment



中考英语阅读理解命题特点及复习建议 §历年来我省中考阅读理解题的特点 1、考试时间为40分钟,共20题,每题2分,共计40分。阅读理解主要有五篇短文, 短文的长度平均为260词左右,总阅读量为1400词左右,阅读速度平均为60 Wpm(word per minute) 2、阅读理解的题材广泛,体裁多种,题型多样。阅读理解的题材广泛,内容包罗万象,如有关动植物、人物传记、历史、文化、环境、资源、交通、医学、经济、信息等方面。总体上说,其题材主要集中在科普知识,社会文化和经济生活三方面。 阅读理解文章的体裁主要有三类:叙述文、说明文和议论文。 1)、叙述文 叙述文一般以讲述个人生活经历为主,对于经历的陈述通常由一定的时间概念贯穿其中,或顺序或倒序。但是在考试中一般不出现单纯的叙述文,因为单纯的叙述文比较简单、易懂。所以中考中的叙述文大多是夹叙夹议的文章。这类文章的基本结构模式是: (1)一段概括性的话引入要叙述的经历(话题) (2)叙述先前的经历及其感悟或发现 (3)叙述接下来的经历及其感悟或发现 (4)做出总结或结论 2)、说明文(描述文) 仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除谢谢2

说明文的一般结构模式和叙述文的结构模式有相通之处即:提出问题(或以一个事例引出问题)---- 发现直接原因----- 分析深层原因-----得出结论或找到出路。知道了类似的文章结构特点,就可以据此来进行考题预测。比如,我们看出了该篇文章属于这种结构类型,就能判断出几个问题中肯定有一个要问原因,还有可能要出现推断题。 3)、议论文 我们大家最容易辨认出来的议论文模式是主张---反主张模式。在这一模式中,作者首先提出一种普遍认可的观点或某些人认可的主张或观点,然后进行澄清,说明自己的主张或观点,或者说提出反主张或真实情况。议论文的这种结构特点决定了它的主要题型是作者观点态度题,文章主旨题以及推理判断题。只要发现了这种结构特点,解答问题的主要任务就变成了到段落内找答案,基本上不存在任何困难。 通过研究以上的文章结构特点,我们不难发现,在我省中考阅读理解中无论任何体裁的文章往往都遵循着这样一个共同的模式:提出话题(观点或事例)---- 用事例分析原因(或批驳观点)------得出结论。对文章结构特点的把握有助于读者更加自觉地关注文章的开始和结尾,分清观点和事例,从而在阅读理解中准确定位,快速答题。 通过历年试题的分析我们发现我省中考阅读文章主要是议论文和说明文。 阅读理解的题型主要有主观性题型和客观性题型。前者主要包括主旨型、推理型、作者语气、态度型、结论型等。后者主要包括事实型、推测词义型、指代关系型、常识题、是非题等。 §英语课程标准对阅读理解的具体要求 仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除谢谢3


竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除历史人物传记读书笔记 篇一:名人的读书笔记 《名人传》读书笔记600字(3篇)《名人传》读书笔记600字(第1篇)《名人传》一书讲述了三位伟人——贝多芬、米开朗琪罗、托尔斯泰的一生。贝多芬为 人类音乐事业做出了伟大的贡献;米开朗琪罗把纯美的心灵用圣洁的雕塑、绝美的壁画留在人 间;托尔斯泰用真理与爱创造了动人的文章。他们一生虽然经历了无数的坎坷,但并未停下为 自己的事业奋斗拼搏的步伐。这本书撰写了这3位伟人伟大而不朽的生平。他们生活的年代虽然不同,但是他们有着同样的遭遇——生活的艰辛、精神的痛苦、思 想的烦恼,绝望与敌人,还有病魔的一次次来访。命运总是在捉弄他们,但是他们凭着顽强 的意志、不懈的努力、不屈不挠的坚持着,熬过了这些坚难困苦。他们一生追寻着真、善、美,他们为此奉献了毕生的心血,他们用自己永恒的作品向世

界表达出他们对人生的崇敬和爱,他们的成功就是因为他们有崇高的信念,伟大的理想。面 对质疑他们坚持着真理,面对疾病他们不屈不挠,再大的困难他们都不言放弃。他们为了崇 高的信念像猛虎那样难以驯服不向世俗低头,他们对真理不屈不挠的坚持像水滴穿石那样锲 而不舍,他们的精神和意志像顽石那样坚不可摧,这样高尚的人格和伟大的思想、持之以恒 的精神是我们终生学习的楷模。《名人传》为我介绍了3位知名伟人的故事,让我明白:虽然他们以前都是等闲之人,但他们之所以成为了三个不同领域的伟人,是因为他们拥有崇高的理想、对人类真挚的爱、 顽强的意志、坚持不懈的决心,如果我们具备这些品德,我们就一定能够成为对社会有用的 人。 《名人传》读书笔记600字(第2篇)英雄在我的心中总是那样的高大,而又可望不可及。今日当我手捧一本《名人传》细品 其华之时,才领悟了什么是真正的英雄。贝多芬伴着失聪的双耳谱写出了千百名曲;米开罗琪罗在岁丧母的悲痛下雕琢百千佳作, 终逝世于工作室中;托尔斯泰在战争的烈火中释放满心

2019中考英语阅读理解专项练习:The report

2019中考英语阅读理解专项练习:The report The report came to the British on May 21,1949. The German battleship Bismarck, the most powerful warship(战舰) in the world, was moving out into the Atlantic Ocean. Her task: to destroy the ships supplies from the United Statesto war-tornEngland. The British had feared such a task. No warship they had could match theBismarckin speed or in firepower. TheBismarckhad eight 15-inch guns and 81 small guns. She could move at 30 nautical(海上的) miles an hour. She was believed to be unsinkable. However, the British had to sink her. They sent out a task force headed by their best battleship Hood to hunt down theBismarck. On May 24, the Hood found theBismarck. It was a meeting that the German commander Luetjens did not want to see. His orders were to destroy the British ships that were carrying supplies, but to stay away from a fight with British warships. The battle didn’t last long. The Bismarck’s first torpedo(鱼雷) hit the Hood, which went down taking all but three of her 4,419 men with her. But in the fight, theBismarckwas slightly damaged. Her commander decided to run for repairs toFrance, which had at that time been taken by the speed and the heavy fog, they lost sight of her.

2020年中考英语题型集训 阅读理解01 人物故事

阅读理解(一) 人物故事 A[2019·辽阳] Devon Gallagher, a college graduate from Philadelphia, wants the world to know exactly where she’s been during her worldwide vacation in a special way. The traveler, who was born with a congenital bone disease(先天性骨病), lost her right leg at the age of four. Although she had a hard time at first, she now thinks that nothing can stop her living her best life. To spread that message, Gallagher shares photos of her travels around the world online, and writes her location across her artificial leg(假肢) before taking a picture. Now she has been taking pictures across Europe, all with the well-known locations written on her artificial leg. “I get a new leg every two years and I can choose the design (设计) on it. One day I had a sudden idea to get a chalkboard,” Gallagher said. “My mum and grandmother didn’t like the idea, but my friends liked it and told me to go for it, so I did.” Gallagher said people often stared when she was writing on her leg. But once she shared the photos, she received only positive feedback(正面的反馈). “My leg hasn’t stopped me doing anything I’ve wanted to do, and I’ve been able to keep up with my peers(同龄人) and lead a pretty great life.” Gallagher shows us that you should never let anything stand in the way of your dreams. And if you run into difficulties, get creative with it—because if life gives you an artificial leg, make art. 1.Gallagher has only one leg because she .( ) A.was born with one leg B.had a car accident at the age of 4 C.got hurt at college D.had a congenital bone disease 2.A(n) is written on Gallagher’s artificial leg each time she takes a picture.( ) A.disease B.location C.message D.idea 3.Gallagher has been sharing pictures to .( )


2017 年全国各省市中考英语阅读理解汇总新鲜出炉(附答案及解析) 1心存感恩 People once went hungry. A rich man who made bread and cakes sent for twenty of the 16 children in the town, and told them to take a loaf (条) of bread from a 17 every day till the hard days passed. The hungry children came together 18 , and argued for the bread, because each wished to have the largest one. Finally they went away without even thanking the good gentleman. But Gretchen, a poorly-dressed little girl, did not argue or 19 with the rest, but remained standing quietly far away from them. 20 the bad-mannered girls left, she took the smallest bread, which alone was left in the basket, kissed the gentleman’s hand, and went home. The next day the children were as bad-mannered as before, and poor, shy Gretchen 21 a loaf hardly the size of the one she got the first day. When she came home, her mother cut the loaf open. Many new shining pieces of 22 fell out of it. Her mother was very surprised and worried, and said,“Take the money back to the good gentleman at once, for it must have got into the dough (生面团) 23
