

由于国际金融危机的严重冲击,我国外部需求大幅萎缩,产能过剩矛盾突出,企业生产经营困难,失业人员增多,经济增速明显[ 1] 下滑。中国政府迅速出台扩大内需、促进经济平稳较快发展的十项措施,实施应对国际金融危机的一揽子计划,短时间内扭转了经济下滑趋势。我们还积极发展与世界各国的经贸合作与交流,扩大商品进口、对外投资和对外援助,加强同有关国家[ 2] 宏观经济政策协调,推动国际经贸和金融体系改革,为世界经济复苏作出了积极努力。

The international financial crisis has taken its toll on China’s export demand. Huge overcapacities and a poor business climate has increased unemployment and slowed economic growth. To boost domestic demand and maint ain a “steady and relatively fast economic growth”, the government swiftly rolled out a ten-measure stimulus package. To secure global recovery, it has also expanded international trade and economic cooperation, increased imports, overseas investment and international assistance, aligned macroeconomic policies to embrace larger needs of the international community, and promoted international trade and financial reform. (86 words)

My Personal Story: Growing Up Gay

Part of the Home Page of Dr. N iclas Berggr en

When I think back of my ear ly childhood, I can remember moving with my parents and little sister

to a city in southern Sweden called Tr an?s. I started in a new school, and I w as fascinated, in a

rather special way, by a particular boy in my class. While my thoughts at that time were not

particular ly sexual (I was nine at the time), I often thought about whether or not I thought this boy

beautiful. I had problems settling the issue in my mind, but nevertheless, I looked at him ever so

often, and I felt pleasure while doing so.

As time went on, as I entered puberty, I began to take a mor e active, albeit still very discrete,

interest in other boys. While in the locker room after physical education, I detected that I was

sexually attracted to several of the other boys, and I also saw many boys walking around the

school corridors who caught my attention. Sometimes I looked them up in the school's photo

catalog to see what their names were, and in my free time, I often dreamt about being physically

close to them.

But dur ing this per iod of adolescence, I never really thought about what I w as. All the things that

took place in the emotional-sexual realm w ere, admittedly, real and concrete to me: I experienced

real feelings for other boys (love, infatuation, sexual attraction). But at the same time, on an

"intellectual" level, I never confr onted these feelings, and so I continued having them w ithout

worrying about them or trying to transform them in any way. They just were, and that was fine with

me. While some opponents of homosexuality often claim that it is "unnatural" (a claim w hich is

thoroughly r efuted in the essay "Homosexuality and the 'U nnaturalness Argument'"), for me, my

homosexual feelings were very natural indeed.

When I was 16, I became a Chr istian, which complicated matters quite a bit. After a conversion in the summer of 1984, dur ing which I confessed Jesus Christ as my lor d and savior, I joined the Pentecostal Church by being baptized on December 9. While I felt great satisfaction about being a part of the Chr istian church, I gradually encountered attitudes among fellow Christians and in the Bible which were rather hostile towar ds homosexuality in any for m. I adopted that negative attitude, and I became quite a vocal homophobe. Dur ing my years in the upper secondary school Holavedskolan, I was well-known for being a devout Fundamentalist Christian, w ith a very strict view of morality.

Looking back at this period, my feelings for other boys were at least as strong as before, while my lack of an emotional-sexual interest in girls continued. I was very attracted to quite a few boys which I only knew from having observed them around the school, and I also experienced tw o strong infatuations, involving two boys in my class. Of course, as before, all of this was kept very secret! So how can it be explained that I, who really was gay, so strongly attacked homosexuality in different contexts? The explanation is, I think, psychological in natur e. That is to say, I now think I was homophobic, not primar ily to have people believe that I was straight (because I never thought anybody doubted that anyway), but to keep myself in check. I was "preaching" to my inner self, in a way.

And I now gradually began to realize, on an intellectual level, what I was. Why did that take so long? I think because when one grows up and hears words like "gay" or "homosexual", one thinks of rather horrid people, who are disgusting, ugly, and immor al. I used to have a pictur e in my mind of two old, ugly men w ith mustaches (which I happen to find quite unattractive) kissing - and I found that revolting. I thought: I cannot be one of them! And yet I was, in a way. What I began to understand was that the term "homosexual" really did not denote anything but a description of towards whom a person was emotionally and sexually attracted. It did not denote anything, in itself, regarding the looks, behavior, or values of anyone. When I realized that gay people are like everyone else - some are nice, some are rude, some are beautiful, some are ugly, some are young, some are old, etc. - I had an easier time using the ter m for myself.

But at this time, while I knew what I was, nobody else knew. And it would take some mor e years before I told anyone. The period that started about this time was, in a w ay, a fair ly unhappy one. While outw ards a success - in 1988 (after a year doing my unarmed military service at a children's day-care center in Gnosj?), I was enrolled as a student at the Stockholm School of Economics - on the inside, the conflict grew stronger. I now lived by myself in a student room in Stockholm, and I had even more time to ponder upon my life: How could I reconcile my faith in God and the Bible with being attracted to other men?

For a long time, I thought the conflict impossible to solve. In 1989, I began dating a girl at the School, and she became my gir lfriend in March of that year (after I asked her at a visit to a fancy restaurant). I liked her a lot: she was smart, nice-looking, stylish, and very kind. But I was not sexually attracted to her. I had one pr imary w ish: to become a heterosexual - that would make my

life perfect, I thought. And so I prayed a lot, asking God to change me and to help me feel lust towards my gir lfriend. None of that happened, not in the least. We remain ed a couple and even got engaged in 1990, planning to get married.

But as things got more serious, I felt that I could not go through with this. I did not say anything for a long time; rather, I just wanted to meet her less often, and when we met, I was cold and distant. Eventually, in the summer of 1991, we both felt that this could not go on any longer, and w e terminated the engagement and stopped seeing each other. That was painful, considering my motives for having dated her in the first place, but it was also a great relief for me.

On August 7, 1998, I finally got a chance to tell her the real reason why things did not work out between us. We had not spoken for over five years, but I found her via the Internet (listed at her job), so we met for lunch here in Stockholm. After about thirty minutes, I decided that I had to tell her - something I had wanted to do for several years. So I said: "There's something I need to tell you which may surprise you. To make a long story short: I am gay." She reacted with silence at first, so I told her that I was sorry that things had turned out the way they turned out, but that I did what I thought best at the time. She admitted that she had considered the idea that I could be gay, but she also said that she was a little shocked, since w e were engaged and all. We both agreed that it was a lucky thing that w e did not get married. At the end of the conversation, she put her hand on top of mine, and we went our own ways, in my case feeling contented and, I hope, in her case feeling pleased to have been infor med, at last.

After the experience with my gir lfriend, I was deter mined to go on living single, in celibacy, and in that way, I could still be accepted by God. However, I had casual sex a few times, and I felt very guilty about that. I prayed to God for forgiveness, and felt better after that. This was not a

su stainable path for me - I think no one feels well w ith such an internal conflict r aging on the inside.

My "release" came dur ing a year in the U.S. In 1992, I began my graduate studies in economics at the Stockholm School of Economics, and dur ing 1993-94 I was visiting The Center for Study of Public Choice at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia. While there, I lived with four conservative Chr istians, but once a week, I dr ove into Washington, D.C. to be by myself. There, I saw movies and found a gay bookstore called Lambda Rising. Some of the books which I bought there w ere to revolutionize my life. (I was careful to hide them from my roommates.)

Most important was a book by John Boswell (actually, his Ph.D. dissertation in history) entitled Christianity, Social Tolerance, and H om osexuality (University of Chicago Press, 1980) in which he showed that the conservative interpretation of the passages in the Bible dealing with homosexuality was probably incorrect. This formed the basis for a new phase in my life, where I thought homosexuality and Christianity compatible. I still adhere to that view, although I am no longer a Chr istian. This intellectual conviction made life easier for me, and I was finally at ease - around the age of 25 - with being gay. I still am, by the way.

Befor e going to the U.S., I had gotten a few close friends who wer e also gay, and I kept in touch

with them dur ing my year abroad. They were - and are - very supportive, and w e have inspired each other to lead good, fulfilling lives as young gay men. They are good examples of people who are altogether decent, and talking to them also helped me develop. They kept telling me that it was destructive to cling to Fundamentalist Christianity, and although I rejected their objections for a long time, I gradually came to see that they were right. Generally in my life, my fr iends and the books I have r ead have influenced me the most, in all areas.

Anyway, w hen I came home from the U.S., I had decided to tell my parents. I had planned to tell them on a Friday in May of 1994, but during that evening, I did not have the courage to tell them. I remember sitting in a couch at their house, watching some nonsense on TV, while thinking all the time: "I must say it now, or else it w ill never be said!" But nothing happened. The same thing on Satur day. But on Sunday, the day before I was going to go to Stockholm, I thought to myself, "Now or never!" And so, while I and my parents were sitting in the living room, I said: "I have something I must tell you. I am a homosexual."

They looked at me and w ere quite silent. I had planned what to say, so I told them a little about homosexuality: that it is not a choice, that I am happy being gay, that I am not therefor e immoral, that I have many gay friends of high quality, that this changes nothing in our relationship, etc. My mother's first comment w as: "Have you met someone? If not, how do you know?" And I replied, "No, I have not met anyone, and I know myself well enough to say that I am attracted to men." My father's first comment was, "Be car eful, and remember that many people dislike this." And I told him that I would consider his advice. Since then, my homosexuality has been totally unproblematic as far as our relationship is concerned. They have loved me and treated me in exactly the same way as before I told them.

Why did I feel it necessary to tell my parents? Up until I was 26 years old, I had remained convinced that I simply could not tell them. I just couldn't imagine saying something like that to them - mainly because I feared that they would find it vexing. With the benefit of hindsight, I realize how easy it is to build up an unsubstantiated idea that being honest about who one is could result in quite horrible reactions. One imagines that people will hate one too easily - when, in fact, they love one, no matter what!

Anyway, I felt that I had to tell them because I needed to be honest about m e. I was gay, and that was an important fact of life. I did not want to hide my books with the word "homosexuality" in the title when they came to visit; I did not want to lie about who my fr iends were and where I went during weekends; I did not want them to falsely believe that I would marry and have kids; and I did not want to hear questions like "Is there no girl that you find interesting?" all the time. Quite simply: to sustain a good relationship w ith my parents, I felt - finally - that I had to tell them. And it was a virtuous thing to do.

Later on, in 1995, I told my little sister, Malin, dur ing a car ride in the country. She laughed a little and said that she had not suspected it - but that she had no problems at all w ith it. And our relationship has also continued as before. I have also told many of my fr iends, and no one has reacted negatively. The same goes for my colleagues at work. I have not told my religious

grandmother, and I think I may not tell her. It is always a balancing act: while I wish to be open about who I am, I r ealize, like my father, that some people might work against me, if they knew. But this home page is one part of being more open than before.

Today, I lead a rewar ding life, both professionally (as an economist) and privately. I spend a lot of time w ith my steadfast circle of gay fr iends (we have dinners, go out together, talk on the phone almost daily, etc.), and even though I disagree with the French philosopher Michel Foucault on many counts, I find his view on fr iendship in line w ith my own, as it is described by Edmund White in his book The Farewell Sym phony (London: C hatto & Windus, 1997, pp. 457-458): "Inspired by the ancient Gr eeks, whom he [Foucault] w as studying, he'd developed a cult of friendship. He thought that w e had nothing else to value now; the death of God had resulted in the birth of friendship. If we could no longer enjoy an afterlife earned by our good deeds, we could at least leave behind a sense of our achievement, measured aestheticall y, and the most beautiful art w e could practice w ould be the art of self-realization through friendship."

I am happy to say that I now view my homosexuality as enriching. I hope to be able to influence people towards mor e of tolerance and acceptance of hom osexuality, and I think the best way to do that is to be yourself and be open - then, people w ill be able to see that gay people ar en't really different, except in one little area.


英语广告的翻译特点及策略分析 姓名:xxx 学号:xxxxxxxxx 专业:xxxx 学校:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 摘要:随着经济全球化的进一步加快,英语广告越来越多的融入到我们的生活,与我们的日常生活有着越来越密切的联系。英语广告用词简洁,隽永,却有着丰富的含义,让人意味深刻。随着人们紧跟时代潮流,英文广告已经越来越普遍的应用到各类广告中。如何使英语广告更易被普通大众所接受所理解,这正是本文提出的研究重点,了解英语广告翻译特点,以及对翻译策略的分析。 一、研究目的:(背景与意义、国内外研究现状与发展趋势) 在经济日益全球化的今天,国际经济的进一步发展带动了广告业的腾飞,英语广告翻译日益成为翻译学研究的重要组成部分,广告翻译的发展对国际贸易的发展不言而喻。广告是商战中的有力的武器,广告英语是一种专门用途的英语,他与普通英语有着较大的差别,本文结合大量的实例,从广告英语的语法特点、句法特点和修辞特点三方面分析了广告英语的特点,并浅析了其翻译策略。英语广告翻译作为翻译学的一个新的领域,引起了众多的翻译工作者和研究人员的注意,发展仍然不够成熟和完善,这篇论文正是针对这一系列的问题提出了英语广告的特点和英语广告的翻译策略等重要意义的课题。从而为英语广告的翻译

提供了有效的途径,为众多的翻译工作人员提供了重要的借鉴,同时也推动广告业及广告翻译事业的长足发展。 二、国内外研究现状与发展趋势: 在国际商品贸易发达的今天,广告也日益具有国际性。从一种语言到另一种语言,广告的翻译既要保留原文的精华,又要符合消费者的心理。与其他翻译不同的是,上述目的要在对一个广告语的翻译中实现,这就需要运用语言,营销以及美学方面的综合知识。在翻译的过程中应根据广告的特点,选用适当的表达方法,使译文在表达出原文全部信息的基础上,充分体现原文风格和表现形式,再现原文风貌。 三、动机及意义: 目前,英语广告的翻译比英语文学的翻译起步晚,发展不成熟,随着国际品牌打入国内,英语广告的翻译成为翻译领域的重要课题。目前国内外的学者已经对英语广告的翻译有了广泛的研究,《文学及语言巨献》杂志中多次刊登了中国的诸多学者关于广告英语翻译策略的文章,并且通过大量的鲜活的例子对具体的翻译方法做出了说明,虽然英语广告翻译的研究已经在国内外取得了显著的成绩,但在国内市场上,有的商家谋利心切且翻译人员也只是粗制滥造,使的众多品牌广告的翻译不够准确有的甚至偏离产品原本别具匠心的宣传口号,实际上是不利于商业和广告翻译事业的发展。因此了解英语广告的特点,提出并发展英语广告的翻译策略是迫在眉睫。 四、主要内容:(要解决的问题,主要思路)


常宝宝 北京大学计算语言学研究所 chbb@https://www.360docs.net/doc/8d8487324.html,

研究目标:研制出能把一种自然语言(源语言)的文 本翻译为另外一种自然语言(目标语言)的文本的计 算机软件系统。 制造一种机器,让使用不同语言的人无障碍地自由交 流,一直是人类的一个梦想。 随着国际互联网络的日益普及,网上出现了以各种语 言为载体的大量信息,语言障碍问题在新的时代又一 次凸显出来,人们比以往任何时候都更迫切需要语言 的自动翻译系统。 但机器翻译是一个极为困难的研究课题,无论目前对 它的需求多么迫切,全自动高质量的机器翻译系统 (FAHQMT)仍将是人类一个遥远的梦。

机器翻译的基本方法 ? 基于规则的机器翻译方法 ? 直接翻译法 ? 转换法 ? 中间语言法 ? 基于语料库的机器翻译方法 ? 基于统计的方法 ? 基于实例的方法 ? 混合式机器翻译方法
目前没有任何 一种方法能实现机 器翻译的完美理 想,但在方法论方 面的探索已经使得 人们对机器翻译问 题的认识更加深 刻,而且也确实带 动了不少不那么完 美但尚可使用的产 品问世。
20世纪90年代以前,机器翻译方法的主流一直是基于规则的方 法,不过,统计方法后来居上,目前似乎已成主流方法,从学术 研究的角度看,更是如此。(Google translate)

20世纪90年代以前,机器翻译方法的主流一直是基于 规则的方法,因此基于规则的方法也称为传统的机器 翻译方法。 直接翻译法 ? 逐词进行翻译,又称逐词翻译法(word for word translation) ? 无需对源语言文本进行分析 ? 对翻译过程的认识过渡简化,忽视了不同语言之间 在词序、词汇、结构等方面的差异。 ? 翻译效果差,属于早期过时认识,现已无人采用 How are you ? 怎么 是 你 ? How old are you ? 怎么 老 是 你 ?


要求:选择一篇和自己论文或者自己专业相关的外文进行翻译,英文字符数在6000-7000字符(注:可以继续按原文的一部分)。排版格式按照下文 公司的核心竞争力 原文来源:The Core Competence of the Corporation, Research Report on Harvard Business Review,1990 至少有三种检验方法可以用来确定公司的核心竞争力。首先,核心竞争力能够为公司进入多个市场提供方便。举例来说,显示器系统方面的核心竞争力能够使一家公司涉足计算器、微型电视机、手提电脑显示屏以及汽车仪表盘等广泛的业务领域,这就是卡西欧公司进军手持式电视机市场不足为奇的原因。第二,核心竞争力应当对最终产品为客户带来的可感知价值有重大贡献。显然,本田公司的发动机专长满足了这个条件。 最后一点,核心竞争力应当是竞争对手难以模仿的。如果核心竞争力是各项技术和生产技能的复杂的融合,那么这项能力就难以被竞争对手模仿。竞争对手或许能够获得核心竞争力中的几种技术,但是要复制其内部协调与学习的整体模式却非常困难。在20世纪60年代初期,JVC决定致力于录像带技术方面的核心竞争力,这个核心竞争力就通过了我们上述的三项检验。20世纪70年代末美国的RCA公司决心开发以唱针为基础的视频转动式系统,这个项目则不能通过上述三项检验。 。。。。。。。。。。。 The Core Competence of the Corporation The Core Competence of the Corporation Research Report on Harvard Business Review,1990 The distinction we observed in the way NEC and GTE conceived of themselves a portfolio of competencies versus a portfolio of businesses was repeated across many industries. From 1980 to 1988, Canon grew by 264%, Honda by 200%. Compare that with Xerox and Chrysler. And if Western managers were once anxious about the low cost and high quality of Japanese imports, they are now overwhelmed by the pace at which Japanese rivals are inventing new markets, creating new products, and enhancing them. Canon has given us personal copiers; Honda has moved from motorcycles to four wheel off road buggies. Sony developed the 8mm camcorder, Yamaha, the digital piano. Komatsu developed an underwater remote controlled bulldozer, while Casio's latest gambit is a small screen color LCD television. Who would have anticipated the evolution of these vanguard markets? In more established markets, the Japanese challenge has been just as disquieting. Japanese companies are generating a blizzard of features and functional enhancements that bring technological sophistication to everyday products. Japanese car producers have been pioneering four wheel steering, four valve-per cylinder engines, in car navigation systems, and sophisticated


English Homework 1、我发现在办公室里坐了一天之后,晚上沿着静静的湖边散散步会令人神清气爽。 I find it refreshing to have a walk along the quiet lakeside after sitting in the office for a whole day. 2、锻炼和放松自己通常被认为是治疗疲劳症的有效方法。Exercise and relaxation are generally considered to be effective methods for the treatment of fatigue. 3、你的活动量很小,机体老化的过程就越快,你就越容易面临生理和心理方面的种种问题。 When you exercise little, the aging process of your body will accelerate, and you are vulnerable to physical and psychological problems. 4、即使你坚持节食,你也不可能减到你所希望的那种身材的程度。Even if you keep diet, you can not get thin to the figure that you want to be. 5、人们认为他有一个幸福的晚年,因为在这期间他除了睡觉、吃饭几乎什么事情都不做。但是他却常常感到疲倦和心情压抑。 People think he lived a happy senectitude, during which he did nothing else except sleeping and eating. But he often felt tired and depressed. 6、过去,人们用搓衣板洗衣服,用手捆干草,很少抱怨疲劳;而如


1)It is+形容词+that It is conceivable that knowledge plays an important role in our life. 可想而知,知识在我们的一生中扮演着一个重要的角色。 2)It is+形容词+to do/ doing She had said what it was necessary to say. 她已经说了一切有必要说的话。 3)祈使句/名词+and/ or Work hard, and you will finally be able to reach your destination. 努力工作,你就能实现自己的目标。 4)as+many/ much+名词+as It is said that visitors spend only half as much money in a day in Leeds as in Lon-don. 据说,游客每天在利兹的花销仅为在伦敦的一半。 5)倍数词+as+形容词+as The reservoir is three times as big as it was ten years ago. 这个水库的面积是十年前三倍。 6) 倍数词+ more +名词/形容词十than Smoking is so harmful to personal health that it kills seven times more people each year than automobile accidents. 吸烟对人体健康的危害极大,每年死于吸烟的人比死于车祸的人多七倍。 7)(not)as/ so...as(和……(不)一样)


浅论广告英语语言特点及其翻译策略 _开题报告XX大学 毕业设计(论文)开题报告 课题名称浅论广告英语语言特点及其翻译策略 使用专业商务英语 开题教师 XXXXX 职称 XXXXX 2010年月日 XXXXXXXXXXXXX大学 2010 届毕业设计(论文)开题报告 浅论广告英语语言特点及翻译策略毕业设计(论文)题目 XXXXX 学生姓名专业班级 XXX 指导教师姓名职称 XXXX XXXX 一、课题背景 当今广告已成为我们生活不可或缺的一部分。我们对于中文广告词或许很了解,但用英文说出广告词却有些难度,同样让你看着英文广告词说中文广告词也是有难度的。本文针对这些问题,从词汇、句法、修辞三方面介绍了广告英语的语言特点,使读者对英语广告的中文含义有更好的、更深的了解;并通过实例分析介绍了广告英语翻译的方法和策略,使读者在了解广告词的同时,能够自己翻译广告词的意思。 二、毕业设计方案或毕业论文研究方案 本文以英语广告语为对象,从而总结出广告语的创新与否对人们的影响以及广告的重要性。在这个研究目标的指向下,本文采取了理论与文本分析相结合的方

法,在进行文献分析总结代写硕士论文前人研究经验的基础上,对各类创意广告语的使用技巧进行详细的文本分析。 目前我已收集了大量的相关信息,以及查阅了很多关于广告英语的资料,所以论文的大致思路已定,提纲如下: 浅论广告英语语言特点及翻译策略 1英语广告的语言特点 1.1 英语广告的词汇特点 1.1.1使用形容词的比较级和最高级 1.1.2 使用简单动词和口语词汇 1.1.3 使用错别字和杜撰新词 1.2英语的句法特征 1.2.1使用短语代替整句 1.2.2使用简单句和省略句 1.2.3使用祈使句 1.2.4使用第一、第二人称 1.3英语广告的修辞特征 1.3.1比喻 1.3.2排比 1.3.3拟人 1.3.4对比 1.3.5仿拟 1.3.6押韵 2英语广告的翻译策略 2.1英语广告的翻译方法


一个汉英机器翻译系统的 计算模型与语言模型* 刘群+詹卫东++常宝宝++刘颖+ (+中国科学院计算技术研究所二室北京100080) (++北京大学计算语言学研究所北京100871) 摘要:本文介绍我们所设计并实现的一个汉英机器翻译系统。在概要介绍本系统的主要目标和设计原则的基础上,着重说明系统的计算模型和语言模型,最后给出实验结果和进一步的打算。 关键词:自然语言处理机器翻译中文信息处理 一、引言 我国的机器翻译研究近年来取得了很大的发展。特别是英汉机器翻译系统的研制已经取得了较大的成功,达到了初步实用的阶段。相对而言,汉英机器翻译的研究却进展比较缓慢,离实用化还有相当的距离[1]。我们的目的是利用目前最新的计算机软件技术、相对成熟的机器翻译方法和先进的汉语语法理论,构造一个初步实用的汉英机器翻译系统。本文将对我们所开发的系统所采用的计算模型和语言模型作一个总体性的介绍,而不涉及过多的细节。 下面我们简要介绍一下本系统的几个主要设计原则: ⑴采用成熟的技术 我们的目的是构造一个真正实用的汉英机器翻译系统,因而在可供选择的若干技术路线面前,我们将尽量选用比较成熟的技术,而在现有技术难以解决问题时再尝试一些新技术。 ⑵开放的体系结构 开放的体系结构主要体现在系统的实现上所采用的软件构件技术[8]。整个系统采用一些相对独立的软件构件组成,因而可以方便地对系统进行修改、维护和扩充。翻译的过程严格按照独立分析、独立生成的原则进行组织,每一阶段的算法相互独立,对其中一个阶段算法的修改不会对其他算法造成影响。 ⑶方便的调试环境 本系统强调为语言工作者提供一个方便的调试环境。系统提供多窗口图形界面的知识库调试工具,支持课题组中多人同时通过网络对一个知识库进行操作。提供对翻译过程直观显示,用户可以清晰地看到翻译过程的每一步操作。提供翻译出错原因查找机制,用户 *本项目的研究受到863-306资助,合同号为863-306-03-06-2


最佳分簇规模的水声传感器网络 Liang Zhao,Qilian Liang 德州大学阿灵顿分校电子工程系 Arlington, TX 76010, USA Email: https://www.360docs.net/doc/8d8487324.html,, https://www.360docs.net/doc/8d8487324.html, 摘要:在这篇论文中,我们主要关注的是的最优化分簇规模对水声传感器网络的影响。由于稀疏部署和信道属性的水声传感器网络是不同于地面传感器。我们的分析表明,最优分簇规模主要工作频率所决定的声音的传播。此外,区域数据聚合中也起着因素在很大程度上决定最佳分簇规模。 1引言 水下传感器网络(UW-ASN)可看成是个自组织网络,组成的传感器与一个声音进行分配感应的任务。为了达到这个目的,传感器必须自组织成一个独立的可以适应水下环境的网络,。UW-ASNs可以沿用许多通讯技术传统自组织网络和陆地的无线传感器网络,但仍有一些重要的区别为有限的能量和带宽约[1],[5],此协议对传统发展无线自组网路并不一定适合绝无仅有的网络的特点。当一个无线传感器可能要在一个微小的电池持续比较长的时间,能源效率就成为一个大问题。 由于广播的性质和有限的带宽,在浅水通信[6] [7],多跳可以引起传感器节点之间严重干扰。一个新的路由称为“矢量为基础的转移” (VBF)缓解了这个问题 [8]。 VBF本质上是一种基于位置的路由选择方法:节点紧邻“矢量”转发源宿信息。 通过这种方式,只有一小部分的节点参与路由。另一种解决办法是,每一个传感器分簇通信应该直接指向簇头和内部分簇通信应协调由簇头,以最大限度地提高带宽利用率以往的研究水下通信经常使用时间计划调度方法[9],[10],这可能是适合的小型网络简单。然而,扁平架构还可能限制网络的规模。特别是由于传播延迟声汇简单的时间调度算法方案并不适合较大的水下网络[11]。在文献[11]中,Salva-Garau 和 Stojanovic建议聚类水声载体网络的方案,这组相邻载体进入分簇,和使用的TDMA(时分多址)内每个群集。在分簇管理的干扰是分配到相邻的簇不同的扩频码,同时可扩展性是通过在空间复用码。网络运行开始初始化阶段,并移动到不断维修期间而流动性管理。他们还利用仿真分析,以获得最佳簇大小和传输功率为一种具有一定的载体密度网络。[12]提出了平台,同时使用光学和声汇水下通信。虽然光通信可以达到更高的数据速率,它的应用仅限于短距离点至点通信。该平台也使得移动使用data muling,,这对于大批量的理想延迟容许的应用程序。


Translation Work 1 The evidence has gotten much stronger that a substance known as C-reactive protein may be every bit as important as cholesterol in the diagnosis and treatment of heart disease. Back in 2002, a thought-provoking study found that a blood test for C-reactive protein, called CRP, was actually better than the standard cholesterol test at predicting the risk of a heart attack or a stroke. Now two studies published in The New England Journal of Medicine have shown that drugs that reduce the levels of that protein in patients with severe heart disease can show the progression of atherosclerosis and prevent heart attacks and cardiac-related deaths. 更有力的证据证明一种被称作C反应蛋白的物质在诊断与治疗心脏疾病中有可能与胆固醇一样重要。早在2002年,人们在一个发人深省的研究中已发现血液C反应蛋白测试,即CRP,比胆固醇水平测试能更好地预测心脏病或中风的风险。现今,在《新英格兰医学期刊》中刊登的两则研究表明,用以减少患有严重心脏病的病人中的C反应蛋白水平的药物可以显示病者动脉粥样硬化的进展,并且该种药物还可以预防心脏病、降低因患与心脏相关疾病而死亡的风险。



精品好文档,推荐学习交流 华北电力大学 毕业设计(论文)附件 外文文献翻译 学号:201001000826姓名:郑蓓 所在院系:电力工程系专业班级:电力1002 指导教师:刘英培 原文标题:Simulation of PMSM Vector Control System based on Non-linear PID and Its Easy DSP Realization 2014年4月10日

基于非线性PID永磁同步电机矢量控制系统仿真及其DSP实现 摘要 本文给出空间矢量脉宽调制(SVPWM)的基本原理,以及构建两条闭合回路矢量控制永磁同步电机(PMSM)的仿真模型方法。同时,在速度闭环对于新型非线性PID控制器进行了研究。仿真结果表明它具有无超调和小速度脉动良好的动态和静态性能。此外,利用在MATLAB中嵌入式目标为TI C2000(C2000 ETTI)的工具,我们将SVPWM仿真模型转换成可执行代码,并下载到TMS320F2812,实现基于DSP永磁同步电机的开环控制。这种方法避免了繁琐的编程工作,缩短了系统开发周期,实现了同步模拟和DSP实现永磁同步电机矢量控制系统的目标。 1 引言 永磁同步电机被广泛使用在交流伺服系统,因为它有如快速响应,出色的操控性能,尺寸小和重量轻等优点。最近,SVPWM技术逐渐取代了传统的SPWM。SVPWM的目的是产生磁通矢量来接近交流电机实际气隙磁通圆,通过在逆变器装置调整切换时间和控制电功率的通断模式。相较于SPWM,SVPWM 技术降低了谐波含量和开关损耗,其直流电压利用率也提高了很多。此外,它很容易被数字化。因此,我们在本文应用SVPWM技术。 原文出处及作者:Wang Song; Shi Shuang-shuang; Chen Chao, "Simulation of PMSM vector control system based on non-linear PID and its easy DSP realization," Control and Decision Conference, 2009. CCDC '09. Chinese , vol., no., pp.949,953, 17-19 June 2009


翻译中常见的句型 1.否定句型 1)部分否定。其否定意义只局限于整体中的一部分。其形式:“概括词all, every等+not+谓语动词”。常用于该句型词:all, both, everybody, everywhere, always, altogether, entirely, wholly等。 All is not gold that glitters. I do not wholly agree. 2) 完全否定。其形式:no, none 等否定词+肯定式谓语。常用于该句型词:no, none, nobody, nothing, nowhere, never, neither, nowhere, nowise, 等。还有一种句型:all等概括词+肯定式谓语+否定意义的词。 No words can describe the scene. 任何言词均不能描绘那景色。 All his plan came to nothing. 3)双重否定 a.主语+cannot+ help/refrain/keep + from + v-ing He could not help showing his pleasure.他不由得喜形于色。 b.主语+cannot+ but/choose but/ help but +do They can not choose but admit that they are wrong. c.(there be) not +主语+but+谓语 (There is )Nobody but has his faults. 人人都有缺点。 2.判断句型 1)强调判断句 a.主语+be+ no/none +other than/but +表语(强调内容) The tall figure that I saw was none other than our commander. b.主语+be+ nothing+(else)but/ else than/ less than+ 表语 Genius is nothing but labor and diligence.天才只不过是劳动加勤奋而已。 c.it is/was +强调部分+that/ who +从句 It is I who am to blame. 2) 正反判断句 a.主语+be +not+表语a, but +表语b What I admire in Columbus is not his discovered a world, but his having gone to search for it on the faith of an opinion. b.(it is) not… that(who) …, but…that (who) Not that we are afraid of them, but that they are afraid of us. 3)比较判断句: a.主语+be less+表语a +than表语b / more+表语b+表语a Experience shows that success is due less to abilities than to zeal. b.主语+be+表语b+ rather than+表语a He is an artist rather than a philosopher. c.主语+be+ not so much +表语a+ as+表语b It is so much advice as approval that he seeks. 他寻求的与其说是忠告,不如说是忠告。3.倍数表示句型: a.主语+be+倍数+that of 被比较对象/ as +形容词+as+被比较对象


广告英语翻译探美 摘要:在广告英语翻译的过程中,为了确保广告语言艺术和广告语篇风格的再现,译者必须透彻地了解广告产品和广告语篇的内容及其艺术形式,遵循英汉两种不同语言的特点和表达习惯, 通过忠实和准确的翻译来再现原文的音韵美、形象美、简约美等语言艺术美。本文对列举的许多实例进行对比分析,演示美学观照下广告英语的翻译实践。 关键词:广告; 翻译; 美学 广告作为一种应用语言,是当今社会广泛使用的交流媒介。为了使广告具有特殊的感染力,能在瞬间引起读者注意,刺激其购买欲望,最终促成购买行为,许多广告都是经多番推敲而成,用词优美独到,句法洗练而内涵丰富,具有强烈的艺术感染力和语言艺术美。优秀的广告,不仅具有很高的商业价值,同时具有一定的语言研究价值和审美价值。随着我国对外经济贸易交往的迅速加深和扩大,国外广告的大量涌入使之成为我国企业和消费者获取商品经济信息的重要来源。广告英语的翻译涉及到市场学、广告学、顾客心理学、美学及跨文化交际学等多科知识,本文主要从美学的角度来探讨。 傅仲选认为:“翻译是审美主体(译者) 通过审美中介(译者的审美意识) 将审美客体(原文) 转换为另一审美客体(译文) 的一种审美活动。”[1 ] (P28~29) 而翻译美的标准就是要求译者忠实地再现原文的内容及其审美品质,要求译文具有与原文等同的内容和审美品质。由于各个民族,各个国家的历史发展各不相同,因而形成了各自不同的审美心理和审美标准。 在翻译过程中,译者一般都会对原文进行审美加工处理,尽可能地让译文具备与原文等效的审美效果。 当美学与广告英语的翻译“联姻”,译者笔下的译文将发生哪些具体的变化呢? 一、音韵美 1.Big thrills , small bills. (出租车广告) a) . 大刺激,小花费。 b) . 莫大的激动,微小的费用。 音韵美是指广告词发音响亮、节奏分明、富有乐感,给人以听觉上美的享受。广告英语常利用各种语音表现手段,诸如与声音强度有关的音节、音步、停顿,与声音一致的押韵以及与语音关系密切的修辞手法如拟声、谐音等,取得广告的美音效果。[2 ]在翻译英语广告时,应尽量注意原文的音韵美,尽量运用汉语双韵母和复合韵母的特点,再加上音节长短变化的汉语特色,使广告语读起来铿锵有力、流畅自如。上例中,原文与译文b 都押尾韵,使得译句与原句同样精彩,朗朗上口,易于传诵。 2. Red hot fashion at Ravel . Sizzling styles. All these and many , many more. In a riot of colors ,

机器翻译研究现状与展望1 Machine TranslationPast,Present,future

机器翻译研究现状与展望1 戴新宇,尹存燕,陈家骏,郑国梁 (南京大学计算机软件新技术国家重点实验室,南京 210093) (南京大学计算机科学与技术系,南京 210093) 摘要:本文回顾机器翻译研究的历史,介绍典型的机器翻译方法,包括:基于规则、基于统计以及基于实例的机器翻译方法;针对机器翻译的研究现状,详细介绍和分析了基于混合策略的机器翻译方法,对统计以及机器学习方法在机器翻译中的应用进行了描述;论文还介绍了当前机器翻译评测技术;最后对机器翻译进行总结和展望。 关键字:机器翻译,基于规则,基于统计,基于实例,混合策略,机器学习 Machine Translation:Past,Present,future Dai Xinyu, Yin Cunyan, Chen Jiajun and Zheng Guoliang (State Key Laboratory for Novel Software Technology, Department of Computer Science & Technology Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093) Abstract:This paper firstly presents the history of machine translation, and introduces some classical paradigms of machine translation: RBMT, SBMT and EBMT. Secondly, we introduce the recent research on machine translation, and describe the hybrid strategies on machine translation in detail, and discuss the applications of machine learning for machine translation. We also analyze the current techniques about evaluation on machine translation. Finally, we draw a conclusion and prospect on the research of machine translation. Keywords:Machine Translation, RBMT, SBMT,EBMT, HSBMT, Machine Learning. 1本论文工作得到863课题资助(编号:2001AA114102, 2002AA117010-04) 戴新宇博士生,主要研究自然语言处理;尹存燕助教,主要研究自然语言处理;陈家骏教授,博士生导师,主要研究自然语言处理、软件工程;郑国梁教授,博士生导师,主要研究软件工程。


杭州电子科技大学 毕业论文外文文献翻译要求 根据《普通高等学校本科毕业设计(论文)指导》的内容,特对外文文献翻译提出以下要求: 一、翻译的外文文献可以是一篇,也可以是两篇,但总字符要求不少于1.5万(或翻译成中文后至少在3000字以上)。 二、翻译的外文文献应主要选自学术期刊、学术会议的文章、有关著作及其他相关材料,应与毕业论文(设计)主题相关,并作为外文参考文献列入毕业论文(设计)的参考文献。并在每篇中文译文标题尾部用“脚注”形式注明原文作者及出处,中文译文后应附外文原文(全文,格式为word)。不能翻译中国学者的文章,不能翻译准则等有译文的著作。 三、中文译文的基本撰写格式 1.题目:采用小三号、黑体字、居中打印;段前二行,段后二行。 2.正文:采用小四号、宋体字,行间距一般为固定值20磅,标准字符间距。页边距为左3cm,右2.5cm,上下各2.5cm,页面统一采用A4纸。 四、外文原文格式 1.题目:采用小三号、Times New Roman、居中打印;段前二行,段后二行。 2.正文:采用小四号、Times New Roman,行间距一般为固定值20磅,标准字符间距。页边距为左3cm,右2.5cm,上下各2.5cm,页面统一采用A4纸。 五、封面格式由学校统一制作(注:封面上的“翻译题目”指中文译文的题目),并按“封面、封面、译文、外文原文、考核表”的顺序统一装订。

毕业论文外文文献翻译 毕业论文题目Xxx 翻译题目指翻译后的中文译文的题目学院会计学院(以本模板为准)专业XXXXXX(以本模板为准)姓名XXXXXX(以本模板为准)班级XXXXXX(以本模板为准)学号XXXXXX(以本模板为准)指导教师XXXXXX(以本模板为准)


毕业设计(论文)英文翻译 课题名称 系 部 专 业 班 级 学 号 姓 名 指导教师 校内: 校外: 2012年4月5日

原文: CHARACTERISTICS OF COMPUTER INTRUSION AND KINDS OF SECURITY BREACHES CHARACTERISTICS OF COMPUTER INTRUSION AND KINDS OF SECURITY BREACHES 1.CHARACTERISTICS OF COMPUTER INTRUSION The target of a crime involving computers may be any piece of the computing system.A computing system is a collection of hardware,software,storage media,data,and persons that an organization uses to do computing tasks.Whereas the obvious target of a bank robbery is cash,a list of names and addresses of depositors might be valuable to a competing bank.The list might be on paper,recorded on a magnetic medium,stored in internal computer memory,or transmitted electronically across a medium such as a telephone line.This multiplicity of targets makes computer security difficult.In any security system,the weakest point is the most serious vulnerability.A robber intent on stealing something from your house will not attempt to penetrate a two-inch thick metal door if a window gives easier access.A sophisticated perimeter physical security system does not compensate for unguarded access by means of a simple telephone line and a modem.The “weakest point” philosophy can be restated as the following principle.


英语翻译常考句型详解 1.It is not that…but that… 这不是说…,而是说… 「例文」It is not that the scales in the one case, and the balance in the other, differ in the principles of their construction or manner of working; but that the latter is much finer apparatus and of couse much more accurate in its measurement than the former. 「译文」这并不是说在一种情况下所使用的磅秤和在另一种情况下所使用的天平在构造原理上或工作方式上存在差别,而是说与前者相比,后者是一种更精密得多的装置,因而在计量上必然更加准确。 2.nothing else than 完全是,实在是 「例文」What the man said was nothing else than nonsense. 「译文」那个人讲的话完全是一派胡言。 3.as引导的特殊状语从句,翻译时做定语从句处理。 「例文」We hope the measures to control prices, as they have been taken by the government, will succeed. 「译文」我们希望,政府已经采取的控制物价的措施将取得成功。 4.名词+or+名词结构中,or后的名词是同位语,应译为即…;或者称…. 「例文」Moreover, technology includes techniques , or ways to do things , as well as the manchines that may or may not be necessary to apply them. 「译文」再者,除机器外技术还包括技艺,即制作方法,而运用这些记忆并不一定都需要机器。 5.more…than…结构有三种译法:than连接肯定形式的从句时,该从句译为否定句;在比较的基础上表示选择关系时,可译为与其说…不如说;进行同类比较时,译成比…更. 「例文」The complexity of the human situation and injustice of the social order demand far more fundamental changes in the basic structure of society itself than some politicians are willing to admit in their speeches. 「译文」人类社会形势的复杂性和社会制度的不公正性要求对社会基本结构进行彻底变革,而一些政客口头上是很不愿意承认这一点的。 「分析」这是一个主从复合句,连词than前为主句,than后为从句。虽然本句是进行程度上的比较,但从句意义是否定的, 故译成否定句。 6.no more …than 与not… any more than no more …than 与not… any more than同义,不可简单地看成是more …than的否定形式。具体地说,这一结构可能是带有一定的感情色彩的否定形式,也可能是一种较特殊的类比形式。其翻译方法有二;表示同类否定比较时,可译为不比…更或都…同样不;表示比喻关系时,可译为正如…不,…也不. 「例文」The food on the ship was no better than on any other ship on which Billy had sailed. 「译文」这条船上(供应的)食品并不如比利工作过的其他船上的(食品)好。(括号里的词是可以省略的。) 「分析」这是一个主从复合句、主句是The food …no better , than on any other ship 是省略了比较对象的比较状语从句,从句on which引导的定语从句修饰先行词ship.本句中no more… than用于同类否定的比较,可译为不如…. 7.not so much as与其说…不如说… 「例文」Science moves forward, they say, not so much through the insights of great men of genius as because of more ordinary things like improved techniques and tools. 「译文」新学派科学家说,科学的发展与其说源于天才伟人的真知灼见,不如说源于改进了的技术和工具等等更为普遍的东西。 「分析」这是一个主从复合句。插入语they say是主句,Science moves forward,……and tools是宾语从句。not so much……as 连接的是状语,as引导的状语从句中,由于上下文清楚,主谓语都省略了,即as(sciencemoves forward.)because of……not so much……as也可译为与其说……不如说……,它所表达的逻辑关系和more than有相似之处,也是在比较的基础上进行判断和选择,被比较的事物也同属一个范畴。所不同的是,more……than表示前重后轻的逻辑关系,而not so much… as和less than表示前轻后重的逻辑关系,这两个结构中信息重心落在句尾,因此不必倒过来译,只须按原文的词序顺译即可。
