






















2.短文写了猫的( )、( )、( )和( )。







刺猬是一种有趣的小动物。它的身体活像一只老鼠,只是比老鼠大多了。它的头尖尖的,眼睛和耳朵很小,牙齿非常锋利,门牙特别长。刺猬的四(肢枝)很短,跑起来很快。它的爪子像老鹰的爪子那么锐利,那么有力。除了腹部,刺猬浑身长满了像钢针一样的硬刺,又短又密。遇到强敌时,它就把身体蜷(quán jun )成一团,成为一个可怕的刺球,连凶猛的野猪也拿它没有办法。刺猬不仅用硬刺(保护保卫)自己,还用它来搬东西呢!

夏天,正当人们进入梦乡的时候,它悄悄地从洞中爬出来,趁着月光,窜到瓜地里,用它那锋利的牙齿把瓜柄咬断,然后在地上打个滚,把硬刺扎进瓜皮,一翻身就背(bi bèi )着瓜溜走了。














自然段共有_____句话,分别介绍了公鸡的___ ___、_ _____、______、______、和______。












2.短文细致地描写了小花猫的________、_________、________ 、_______ 和__________。

3.照样子写词。又黑又长_ ___________、_____________、_____________
























猫是捉老鼠的能手。…………………………………(√ )









5.选一选:下列句子中哪个是打比方的,在()里打“√”。(1)刺猬浑身长满了像钢针一样的硬刺。(√ )



1.第2自然段共有__5___句话,分别介绍了公鸡的___ 头___、_ __羽毛___、___眼睛___、___嘴___、和___尾巴___。








一年级上册阅读理解100篇及答案 一、一年级语文上册阅读理解练习 1.读儿歌,完成练习。 做手影 兔来了, 狼来了, 螃蟹爬上墙来了 电灯一关都跑了, 电灯一开又来了。 (1)儿歌中写了________种动物。在儿歌中找出来________。 (2)手影游戏:你能猜出下列手影是什么动物吗?写下来,然后跟着学一学。 ________ ________ ________ ________【答案】(1)3;兔;狼;螃蟹 (2)牛;象;鹿;乌 【考点】词形,儿歌 【解析】 2.读儿歌,回答问题。 房子 池塘是青蛙的房子, 草地是虫儿的房子, 大树是小鸟的房子, 山峰是雄鹰的房子。 (1)找出儿歌中是整体认读音节的字。 (2)找出儿歌中的一对反义词。 ________——________ (3)模仿儿歌填一填。(不会写的字用拼音代替) ________是________的房子。 【答案】(1)子、池、是 (2)大;小 (3)天空;白云 【考点】拼音,字义,语段阅读

【解析】 3.读儿歌,回答问题。 huà wǒ shì yì mínɡ xiǎo huà jiā, ɡěi zán dì qiú huà zhānɡ huà. huà lán tiān,huà bái yún, huà lǜ cǎo,huà hónɡ huā, zài huà yì zhī xiǎo niǎo jiào zhā zhā. wǒ men shēnɡ huó zài dì qiú, ài hù huán jìnɡ měi huà tā.“我”给地球画画时,画了哪些景物? 【答案】 hónɡ huā、x iǎo niǎo、lǜ cǎo、bái yún 【考点】拼音,语段阅读 【解析】 4.读一读,回答问题。 青青草地上,走来鸡鸭鹅, 小鸡jī jī jī,小鸭gā gā gā, 小鹅é é é,大家争着来赛歌: a——o—e… 小鹅是怎样叫的? 【答案】 é é é 【考点】拼音 【解析】


Sharks are fish. There are about 350 species of sharks. The smallest sharks are only 12.5cm long. The largest, the whale shark, is the world?s largest fish. It grows to about 18m long. Sharks are different from other fish. For example, other fish have skeletons made of hard bones. Sharks have skeletons made of cartilage. In addition, most fish have a special organ called a swim bladder to stop them from sinking but sharks do not. If a shark does not swim constantly, it sinks. Sharks babies grow inside eggs. The baby sharks are called pups. Most sharks eat fish. Some also eat seals and other sharks. Many people are afraid of sharks because of their reputation as …man-eaters?. However, there are fewer than one hundred shark attacks on humans in the world each year. Humans are the sharks? worst enemies. Fishermen kill them because of their valuable dorsal fins. Often, they catch a shark, car off its fin and throw it back into the sea. It a shark has no fin, it dies because it cannot swim. Scientists believe that humans kill more than one million sharks every year. 1、Sharks are _________. A. humans? friends B. man?s enemies C. the world?s largest fish D. not the same as other fish 2、Sharks can stop themselves from sinking because _________. A.their dorsal fins are very valuable B. they have a swim bladder C. they have fins for swimming D. they have skeletons made of cartilage 3、In the writer?s opinion, human are the sharks? worst enemies because _______. A. more than one million sharks are killed by humans every year B. there are fewer than one hundred shark attacks on humans in the worlds each year C. many people are afraid of sharks D. most sharks ear fish and seals and other sharks 一、词汇、词组提示 species 种类(只有复数形式)the sharks?复数名词所有格 organ 器官seal 海豹;印章pup原义为小狗 attack 攻击valuable 有价值的dorsal 背 fin鳍throw 扔constantly不断地 in addition 另外be afraid of 害怕because of因为 reputation as, 声誉,视为skeleton骨架cartilage 软骨 二、做题方法提示 1、寻找语义相反的选项。(表层题) 2、根据题干“stop themselves from sinking”判断,答案所在段落应为第二段(表层题) 3、根据题干“human are the sharks? worst enemies”判断,答案所在段落应为第四段(表层题)


阅读理解训练题1 一、一年级语文下册阅读理解练习 1.阅读下文,回答问题。 我画了个绿绿的太阳,挂在夏天的天空。高山、田野、街道、校园,到处一片清凉。(1)回忆课文填一填。 “我”给夏天画了个绿绿的太阳,给秋天画了个________的太阳,给冬天画了个________的太阳,给春天画了个________的太阳。 (2)“我”给夏天画了个绿绿的太阳,是为了________(填序号) ①给大家带来清凉。 ②给田野带来希望。 (3)你想画什么样的太阳送给谁?为什么? 【答案】(1)金黄;红红;彩色 (2)① (3)我想画个火红的太阳送给卖火柴的小女孩,让她不再受冻。 【解析】 2.阅读理解。 太阳和彩虹 刚下过雨,太阳出来了,天上出现了一道七色彩虹,人们都赞(zàn)美彩虹美丽。彩虹听见了,就骄做起来,说自己比太阳还美丽。 太阳对彩虹说:“你美丽,这是真的,不过,要是没有我,也没有你”。彩虹不相信,反而更加骄做了。 太阳摇(yáo)摇头,躲进云里去了,彩虹立刻消(xiāo)失了。 (1)短文共有________个自然段,第一自然段有________句话。 (2)文中画横线的句子里“你”指的是(),“我”指的是()(填序号) A.太阳 B.云 C.彩虹 D.雨 (3)彩虹不见了,是因为()(填序号) A. 彩虹到别的地方去了。 B. 人们都赞美彩虹。 C. 太阳躲进云里去了。(4)你想对文中的彩虹说些什么? 【答案】(1)三;两 (2)C;A (3)C (4)什么时候都不要骄傲,你的美丽是因为有了太阳的照射。没有太阳就没有你。 【解析】

3.阅读下文,回答问题。 正做着好梦, 又听见大人在叫:“该起床上学啦!” 唉.要是不上学就好了。 不过,去了学校, 就能见到小伙伴,多么开心哪! (1)“我”正做着梦,不想起床去上学,可是去了学校能见到________,也很________,快乐的事情真是一件接一件。 (2)你有这样的经历吗?和同学说一说。 【答案】(1)小伙伴;开心 (2)我正在看电视,妈妈在叫:“该读书啦”!唉,不读书该多好呀!不过,书中有很多有趣的故事,读书也是件开心的事呀! 【解析】 4.阅读下文,回答问题。 两个人玩,很好! 讲故事得有人听才行, 你讲我听,我讲你听。 还有下象棋,打羽毛球,坐跷跷板…… (1)给文段中划线的字注音。 ________ 得 (2)两个人玩时,可以做哪些游戏?用“________”画出游戏的名字。 (3)请你想一想,两个人玩时,还可以做什么游戏? 【答案】(1)děi (2)讲故事、下象棋、打羽毛球、坐跷跷板 (3)剪刀石头布、捉迷藏。 【解析】 5.阅读下文,回答问题。 小树谣 小树 在春风里摇, 绿了嫩芽, 绿了树梢。 小树 在春风里摇, 红了花蕊, 红了树梢。


(部编语文)一年级上册阅读理解试题经典及解析 一、一年级语文上册阅读理解练习 1.阅读下文,回答问题。 江南水乡景色美,有潺潺的流水,美丽的荷花,绿色的荷叶。看水中的鱼儿一会儿在嬉戏,一会儿在吐泡泡,一会儿在摆尾……他们真可爱! (1)这首儿歌共________句话。 (2)江南水乡有________、________、________、________等四种景物。 【答案】(1)2 (2)流水;荷花;荷叶;鱼儿 【考点】语段阅读,江南 【解析】 2.按课文填空。 《四季》 cǎo yájiān jiān 草芽尖尖, tāduìxiǎo niǎo shuō 他对小鸟说: wǒshìchūn tiān “我是春天。” héyèyuán yuán 荷叶圆圆, tāduìqīng wāshuō 他对青蛙说: wǒshìxiàtiān “我是夏天。” gǔsuìwān wān 谷穗弯弯, tājūzhe gōng shuō 他鞠着躬说: wǒshìqiū tiān “我是秋天。” xuě rén dàdùzi yìtǐng 雪人大肚子一挺, tāwán píde shuō 他顽皮地说: wǒ jiùshìdōng tiān “我就是冬天。” (1)文中写了________、________、________、________四个季节。

(2)________说它就是春天,________说它就是夏天,________说它就是秋天,________说它就是冬天。 【答案】(1)春;夏;秋;冬 (2)草芽;荷叶;谷穗;雪人 【考点】课文内容理解,四季 【解析】【分析】文中一共写了春夏秋冬四个季节。草芽说它就是春天,荷叶说它就是夏天,谷穗说它就是秋天,雪人说他就是冬天。 【点评】此题考查学生对生字的掌握,学生需要仔细书写。这类题目是主要考查了学生对课文的掌握。 3.读儿歌,回答问题。 雪娃娃 飘哇飘,飘哇飘,天上掉下白棉花。 棉花落到花园里,花园里钻出雪娃娃。 雪娃娃,小朋友们喜欢它。 太阳公公一出来,雪娃娃跑得没影啦。 我想问:“雪娃娃,你藏到哪儿去了?” (1)我知道“白棉花”就是________,有“白棉花”的时候是________季。 (2)雪娃娃藏到哪里去了? 【答案】(1)雪花;冬 (2)雪化成水,钻进泥土里了。 【考点】课文内容理解 【解析】 4.读下面的儿歌,回答问题。下雪啦,下雪啦! 雪地里来了一群小画家。 小鸡画竹叶,小狗画梅花, 小鸭画枫叶,小马画月牙。 (1)雪地里来了哪些小画家? (2)短文有________句话。 (3)用线把小画家和他们画的画连起来。


阅读理解 一、阅读理解(共16小题;共32.0分) A British Humor Is it true that the British laugh at different things from people in other countries? Let's have a look at what we laugh at in Britain. To the British, the powerful and important are often figures of fun. It's not just politicians(政治家) who make us laugh quietly, but anyone whose job it is to tell other people what to do and who take themselves too seriously. We giggle at authority(权威), but also, kindly with anyone who is treated unfairly. We know they can't win, but if they do so sometimes, it's even funnier. Our clowns are often silly people doing silly things, while in America, they are often clever people doing clever things—and winning. The British laugh when other people might feel very worried. People say that the British are cold and unwilling to show their feelings and this is expressed in our humor. I don't really think that's true but I know that we do have a strong sense of irony(反讽). “Not very pleasant”, we say after some terrible experience. Along with this, is our love of understatement(轻描淡写). “It's a bit windy today” we might say in the middle of a typhoon, or “There's a slight problem” when something has gone very seriously wrong. A British comedian will often begin by saying “Have you ever noticed…?” We find humor in ordinary, boring life, especially its negative aspects. As well as this, we find it amusing to tell jokes about things that have gone wrong for us, rather than not mentioning them in case we look stupid. Our funny stories might start with “I'm such an idiot, I did something really stupid yesterday”. Another thing that can make it difficult to understand “British humor” is that we don't always la ugh or even smile when we say something funny. We often “keep a straight face” even when we're making a joke. So, is the British sense of humor unique? Well, probably not. It is the combination of all these features that make the British laugh and mak e so many other people ask “Why is that funny?” 1. Which of the following is the British humor? A. The British laugh at themselves B. The British laugh at things that are rude C. The British laugh when they meet boring people D. The British laugh when they think things are funny


【部编语文】阅读理解一年级下册经典题型带答案 一、一年级语文下册阅读理解练习 1.课外阅读。 王羲(xī)之(zhī)的故事 有一次,王羲之外出散步(sàn bù),看见路边有一个老婆婆在卖扇(shàn)子。她叫了半天,还是没有人来买扇子。 王羲之看到她那失望的样子,十分同情她,便随(suí)手取过扇子,在上面写了些字,叫老婆婆再拿到市场上去卖。 老婆婆来到市场,那里的人认得扇子上的字是王羲之写的,争着要买扇子。不一会儿,所有的扇子就卖光了。 (1)老婆婆在路边________。 (2)王羲之是怎样帮助老婆婆的?(从文中找出这个句子) (3)后来,扇子为什么再市场上一下子就卖光了呢?() A. 扇子很便宜。 B. 扇子很漂亮。 C. 人们喜欢王羲之的字。 【答案】(1)卖扇子 (2)王羲之看到她那失望的样子,十分同情她,便随(suí)手取过扇子,在上面写了些字,叫老婆婆再拿到市场上去卖。 (3)C 【解析】【分析】这类题目是考查学生的课外阅读理解能力。老婆婆在路边卖扇子,卖不出去,王羲之看到她那失望的样子,十分同情她,便随(suí)手取过扇子,在上面写了些字,叫老婆婆再拿到市场上去卖,人们因为喜欢他的字,就买了扇子。 【点评】考查学生的课外阅读理解能力,对学生的能力是一定的提升。 二、语段阅读 2.阅读短文,回答问题。 树医生 一棵老树生了病,有些叶子黄了。 一个医生飞来,落在树上。他用嘴这里敲敲,那里敲敲,找到了生虫子的地方,就啄一个洞。他伸进长舌头,把虫子一个一个地钩出来吃。吃完虫子,张开翅膀飞走了。 老树的病让医生治好了,慢慢地长出新叶子来。 这个医生就是啄木鸟。 (1)这篇短文共有________个自然段。第二自然段共有________句话。 (2)根据短文内容填写动词。 ________舌头 ________虫子 ________叶子 (3)为什么说啄木鸟是医生呢? 【答案】(1)四;四 (2)伸;吃;长 (3)因为啄木鸟吃树里的虫子。


阅读下面短文,回答问题。 Jane, David and Tom are good friends. They’re in the same school. Jane likes speaking English. She wants to be an English teacher like her aunt Ann. Jane’s father Mr. Smith is a Japanese teacher. He likes playing table tennis. Her mother is a writer. She writes some novels (小说). She likes cooking. David wants to be a reporter. He likes writing. Her parents Mr. and Mrs. White are doctors. They work hard to save the patients (病人). They like watching football matches on TV, but they don’t play f ootball. Tom’s going to be a worker. He wants to make more things. Tom’s father Mr. Green is a driver. He works in a supermarket. He likes collecting stamps. His mother is a dancer. She likes dancing and listening to music. 1. What does Ann do? _______________________________ 2. What’s David going to be? _______________________________ 3. What does Mrs. White like doing? _______________________________ 4. What does Tom want to do? _______________________________ 5. Where does Mr. Green work? _______________________________ 【答案】: 1. She’s an English teacher. 2. He’s going to be a reporter. 3. She likes watching football matches on TV. 4. He wants to make more things. 5. He works in a supermarket.


一年级上册阅读理解专项训练及答案 一、一年级语文上册阅读理解练习 1.日积月累 古朗月行(节选) _____ _____不识_____,呼作白玉盘。 _____疑瑶台镜,_____青_____端。 (1)把古诗补充完整。 (2)这首诗是________[唐宋]代诗人________[杜甫李白]写的。 (3)诗人把月亮说成是什么?用横线画出来,并写一写月亮还像什么。 【答案】(1)小时;月;又;飞在;云 (2)唐;李白 (3)白玉盘;瑶台镜;示例:金币;灯 【考点】诗 【解析】 2.读儿歌,回答问题。 小兔小兔轻轻跳, 小狗小狗慢慢跑, 要是踩疼了小草, 我就不跟你好。 (1)把下划线字的音节按顺序填在后面的线上。________ 、________ 、________ 、________ 、________ (2)儿歌中没有出现的小动物是()。 A. xiǎo ɡǒu B. xiǎo tù C. xiǎo māo 【答案】(1)tù ;tù ;le ;bù ;nǐ (2)C 【考点】拼音,dtnl 【解析】【分析】第一小题选音节填空,只要能正确拼读出每个音节,对号入座即可解答,第二小题拼读出三个音节词,与儿歌内容对照,答案即可明了。 【点评】本题考查短文听读能力和音节的拼读情况。 3.想一想,填一填。 我有一个布娃娃,可漂亮啦!那是我过生日的时候,妈妈送给我的。娃娃有一对黑宝石的眼睛,红苹果一样的脸蛋,还有一张红红的小嘴。娃娃头戴(dài)太阳帽,身上穿着一条红色的裙(qún)子。真可爱!

(1)这段话有________句。 (2)找出写娃娃的长相的句子。 (3)找出写娃娃穿着(zhuó)的句子。 【答案】(1)5 (2)娃娃有一对黑宝石的眼睛,红苹果一样的脸蛋,还有一张红红的小嘴。 (3)娃娃头戴太阳帽,身上穿着一条红色的裙子。 【考点】语段阅读,小小的船 【解析】【分析】这类题目是考查学生的课外阅读理解能力。数一数可以发现,短文共5句话。描写娃娃长相的句子是:娃娃有一对黑宝石的眼睛,红苹果一样的脸蛋,还有一张红红的小嘴。描写娃娃穿着的句子是:娃娃头戴太阳帽,身上穿着一条红色的裙子。 【点评】考查学生的课外阅读理解能力,对学生的能力是一定的提升。 4.读儿歌,回答问题。 文具歌 铅笔尺子田字本,学习用品好伙伴, 天天帮助我学习,和我成长永相伴, 不损坏,不浪费,学习用品要爱惜! (1)儿歌提到了哪几种文具用品?在儿歌中找出来。 (2)你学习的好伙伴还有哪些?写下来和大家分享吧。 (3)在正确的说法后面画“√”,错误的画“×”。 ①学习用品和“我”的成长永相伴。________ ②我们要爱惜学习用品,不应该借给同学用。________ ③铅笔、尺子、田字本等都是学习用品。________ 【答案】(1)铅笔、尺子、田字本 (2)橡皮、彩笔、蜡笔、转笔刀等。 (3)√;×;√ 【考点】语段阅读 【解析】 5.读一读,想一想。 四季风儿多 春天里,东风多, 吹来燕子做新窝。 夏天里,南风多, 吹得太阳像盆火。 秋天里,西风多, 吹熟庄稼吹红果。 冬天里,北风多,


阅读理解专题 阅读短文,回答问题 A What sport do you like best? Daniel: I like basketball best. I often watch NBA. I play basketball every day. I am short, but I am strong. I am a good basketball player in our school. Lucy: Ping-ping is my favourite sport. I am a Chinese and Chinese ping-pong players are the best in the world. I want to be a good ping-pong player too. I often play it every afternoon. Tom: I am tall and strong. I like football best. My father is a football player. I often watch my father play football. My father often teaches me to play football. I play with my father and others in the park every day. ( ) 1. What sport does Daniel like? A. Football B. Basketball C. Ping-pong D. Swimming ( ) 2. Who likes football best? A. Daniel B. Tom C. Lucy D. Nobody ( ) 3. What does Tom’s father do? A. A teacher. B. A doctor. C. A policeman. D. A football player. ( ) 4. When does Lucy often play ping-pong? A. Every morning. B. Every afternoon. C. Every evening. D. At the weekend. ( ) 5. Which of the following is RIGHT? A. Daniel is tall. B. Lucy wants to be a doctor. C. Tom is thin. D. The passage(文章)is about favourite sports. B Hi! My name is Millie. I am from England. I am twelve years old. I am slim and tall. I have long hair. I like music. I listen to music every evening. I like reading and I am in the Reading Club. But I don’t like sports. Hello! I am Peter from America. But I live in Shanghai now. I am 13 years old. I wear glasses. I am tall and strong. My hair is very short. I like sports very much. Every afternoon, I play football on the playground at school. I am good at swimming too. This is Amy. I was born in Beijing and now I live in Nanjing. My father works in a hospital in Nanjing. So we come here. I am fourteen years old. I am short but strong. I like playing computer games. I am polite and helpful. I often help other students. ( ) 6. How old is Millie? A. Twelve B. Thirteen C. Fourteen D. Fifteen ( ) 7. Where does Amy come from? A. England B. America C. Beijing D. Nanjing ( ) 8. Who wears a pair of glasses? A. Millie B. Peter C. Simon D. Amy ( ) 9. What does Amy’s father do? A. A teacher. B. A doctor. C. A policeman. D. A cook. ( ) 10. What is Peter like? A. Slim and tall. B. Short and strong. C. Tall and strong. D. Thin and tall.


阅读理解。 A Waste can be seen everywhere in the school. Some students ask for more food than they can eat and others often forget to turn off the lights when they leave the classroom. They say they can afford these things. But I don't agree with them. Waste can bring a lot of problems. Although China is rich in some resources(资源) , we are short of (缺乏) others, for example, fresh water. It is reported that we will have no coal or oil to use in 100 years. So if we go on wasting our resources, what can we use in the future and where can we move? Think about it. I think we should say “no” to the students who waste things every day. Everybody should stop wasting as soon as possible. In our everyday life, we can do many things to prevent waste from happening, for example, turn off the water taps when we finish washing, turn off the lights when we leave the classroom, try not to order more food than we need. Little by little, everything will be changed. Waste can be stopped one day, if we do our best. 任务一:根据要求答题。(请注意问题后的词数要求) 1. List the waste mentioned in the first paragraph. (within 15 words) __________________________________________________________________ 2. What problems can waste bring? (within 20 words) (1)________________________________________________________________ (2)________________________________________________________________ 任务二:将短文中划线的句子翻译成汉语。 3. __________________________________________________________________ 4. __________________________________________________________________ 任务三:请给短文拟一个适当的标题。(within 5 words) 5. __________________________________________________________________ B Can you think of a country without paper? British Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, wants to change Britain into just such a country. “Everyone in the country will be given their own website within four years,” he said. After people have their own website, they can do things on the Internet. For example, people can “see” doctors on the Internet, and doctors can also answer them through the Internet; parents can learn about their children’s studies on the Internet. Also, teachers don’t need to give them the report cards. This not only saves time, but also saves money. Many people won’t need to go to their offices; they can work at home. The Prime Minister said that it would save billions of pounds a year. Most importantly, it is especially good for the environment. The country will save a lot of paper if people do so many thing s through the Internet. Saving paper can save a lot of trees. If the plan is carried out, Britain will become the first country without paper. “ I want Britain to be the world leader in the digital economy(电子经济). The digital economy will create over 250,000 jobs by 2020,” said Gordon Brown. ( ) 1. If a country has no paper, it can save _______ a year. A. millions of dollars B. billions of pounds C. billions of yuan D. millions of pounds ( ) 2. In the first paragraph, “ such a country” refers to a country _______. A. where each people has a computer B. where each people has their own websites C. without paper D. where people don’t need to go to their office ( ) 3. What advantages are there if a country does many things through the internet according to the passage? ○1Saving time. ○2Saving money. ○3Saving many trees. ○4No traffic problem. ○5More jobs. A. ○1○2○3○4○5 B. ○1○2○3○5 C. ○2○3○4○5 D. ○1○2○3○4 ( ) 4. If a country has no paper, then students _______.


人教版一年级语文上册阅读理解练习题 可爱的秋娃娃 秋娃娃挥舞着彩笔来了, 它淘气地一画,大地神奇地变了颜色。 一片片树叶黄了,一个个果子熟了。 稻子一片金灿灿, 五彩的秋菊乐得笑开了怀。 秋娃娃多呆会儿好吗? 我多想把这些美妙的景象永远留住。 可是来不及了,因为冬姐姐马上就要来了。 那么,再见吧,秋娃娃, 咱们明年再相会! 1、文章共()句话。 2、量词填空: 一()树叶一()工匠 一()筷子一()牛皮 一()大 衣一()水珠 3、在()里填上合适的词语:

()的秋娃 娃()的稻子 ()的景 象()的冬姐 姐 4、秋天,除了()的稻子, ()的树叶, ()的秋,还有 ()的枫叶, ()的棉花。 5、为什么我不能把这些美妙的景象留住() A、因为冬姐姐马上就要来了 B、因为秋娃娃太淘气了 6、在短文中找出意思相近的词语: 顽皮——()美好— () 2 春雨 春天,一群小鸟在屋檐下躲雨,它们在争论一个有趣的问题: 春雨到底是什么颜色? 小白鸽说:“春雨是无色的,你们伸手接几滴瞧瞧吧!”

小燕子说:“不对,春雨是绿色的,你们瞧!春雨落在草地上,草地绿了,春雨淋在柳树上,柳枝儿绿了。。。。。。” 麻雀说:“不不!春雨是红色的,你们瞧!春雨洒在桃树上,桃花红了,春雨滴在杏树上,杏花儿红了。。。。。。” 1、给短文标上小节号。 2、在括号里填上合适的词: ()的小 草()的桃花 ()的柳 树()的杏花 3、春天,一群小鸟在屋檐下躲雨,它们在争论一个什么有趣的问题?请你用“————”把句子划下来。 4、按短文内容填空: 1)小白鸽认为春雨是(),小燕子认为春雨是(),麻雀认为春雨是()。 2)你能像小鸟们一样说说春雨的颜色吗? 我说:“春雨是()的。你们瞧!,春雨 ()。” 5、连词成句:


阅读理解 A Dear Earthmen, I have enjoyed my stay on your interesting unusual planet. I think I understand the life on earth now and I would like to give you my impressions. First of all you live in boxes. Every morning you leave your big boxes and get into smaller boxes on wheels. All these small boxes race around and around, and finally stop to rest. You then leave these boxes on wheels and go to very large tall boxes. After testing all days you get back in your little boxes and return to your big boxes. There you sit and stare at tiny glowing boxes with moving pictures on the front. Only one thing puzzles me. One day, I went to a football game. A bunch of angry boys fought over a little round ball. Everyone yelled for them to stop but they kept on fighting. They were angry, I suppose, about being cooped up(被关起来)in boxes all day. Thank you earthmen for this chance to get to know you. Gratefully, The man from the Mars(火星) 1.The small boxes on wheels are ________. A. toys B. cars C. houses that can be moved D. boxes in which there are wheels 2.The tiny glowing boxes with moving pictures on the front are ______. A. cameras B. cinema screens https://www.360docs.net/doc/9613543853.html, sets D. telescopes 3.In the football game ________. A. the players were very angry because there was only one ball on the playground B. the man from the Mars saw a close match C. the man from the Mars saw fighting among the angry boys D. the players were very angry because everyone yelled at them 4.The best title of this passage is ______. A. The Man from the Mars B. Something about Boxes C. A Letter from the Mars D.A football Game 5.The man from the Mars thinks _______. A. it is interesting to live on our unusual planet B. there are so many boxes on the earth C. the tiny glowing boxes are moving pictures D. the angry boys are too foolish to fight over a little round ball 答案: 1.B 从讲的box的特征可知是汽车。 2.C 根据第三段第二句:在那儿,你坐下来,看着那带有生动画面的盒子(看电视)。故选C。 3.B 根据第四段最后一句:我想他们可能整天被关在盒子里。可知B为正确答案。 4.C 根据本文开头:亲爱的地球人。可知写信人不是地球人。又落款为:The man from the Mars(火星),可知,这是一封来自火星的信,故选C. 5.A 根据全文第一句可知:火星人认为生活在这样一个不平常的星球上很有意思。
