

体验商务英语综合教程3 第二版


Unit1 Made in Europe 欧洲制造

Almost every fashion label outside the top super-luxury brands is either already manufacturing in Asia or 5 thinking of it. Coach, the US leather goods maker, is a classic example. Over the past five years, it has lifted all its gross margins by manufacturing solely in low-cost markets. In March 2002 it closed its factory in Lares, Puerto Rico, its last company-owned plant, and outsources all its products.


Burberry has many Asian licensing arrangements. In 2000 it decided to renew Sanyo's Japanese licence for ten years. This means that almost half of Burberry's sales at retail value will continue to be produced under license in Asia. At the same time however, Japanese consumers prefer the group's European-made products.



Sanyo is now reacting to this demand for a snob alternative to the Burberry products made in its factories across Asia by opening a flagship store in Tokyo's Ginza, where it sells Burberry products imported from Europe.


In interviews with the FT, many executives say the top luxury brands will continue to be seen, particularly in Asia, as European. Domenico De Sole of Gucci says: “The Asian consumer really does believe - whether it's true or not - that luxury comes from Europe and must be made there to be the best.”


Serge Weinberg, Chief Executive of Pinault Printemps Redoute, which controls Gucci, says it will not move Gucci's production offshore. Yet some in the industry recognize that change may be round the corner even for the super-luxury brands. Patrizio Bertelli, Chief Executive of Prada, says: 'The "Made in Italy" label is important but what we are really offering is a style, and style is an expression of culture.' He therefore recognizes that quality fashion items may not always need to be produced in Italy.

古琦的控股公司(Pinault Printemps Redoute)的首席执行官塞格·温伯格说,公司不会将古琦的生产线移到海外。然而一些业人士认识到,就算对顶级奢侈品牌而言,这种变化也将来临。普拉达(Prada)的首席执行官帕特里齐奥·艾特


Amitava Chattopadhya. Professor of Marketing at Insead, the business school. says: A brand is a set of associations in the mind of the consumer and one of these is the country of origin. For luxury goods, the role of the brand is crucial. To damage it is a cardinal sin and no brand manager will want to get the balance between manufacturing location and the brand image wrong.

欧洲工商管理学院的市场营销系的Amitava Chattopadhyay教授说:“品牌就是消费者脑海中的一系列联想,其中之一就是原产地。对于奢侈品来说,品牌的作用是至关重要的。破坏它是一种弥天大罪,没有哪个品牌经理愿意将产地和品牌形象之间的关系搞错。”

From the Financial Times

Unit2 Road rages in the sky 空中的交通暴怒

Airlines and their long-suffering customers arc reporting a steep climb in air rage incidents. Some incidents are apparently caused by problems which are familiar to many regular travelers. One case reported from America stemmed from an interminable delay in takeoff, when passengers were cooped up in their aircraft on the tarmac for four hours, without food, drink or information.



Mass unrest is less common than individual misbehaviour, as in the case of the convict who recently went crazy on a flight, attacked the crew and tried to open a door in mid-flight.


The psychology of air rage is a new area of study, and there are almost as many explanations as examples. Most analysts of the phenomenon blame alcohol, but many people now think that the airlines are at fault. 空中暴怒的心理是一个新的研究领域,对此的解释与案例几乎同样多。大多数分析家都将此现象归咎于酒精,但现在许多人认为航空公司对此负有责任。

To cut costs, they are cramming ever more passengers into their aircraft, while reducing cabin crew, training and quality of service, all of which increase passenger frustration. In addition, there is increasing concern in the US about another cost-cutting exercise, which could seriously harm passengers' health: cabin ventilation.


Modern aircraft are equipped with sophisticated air conditioning devices - but running them at optimum capacity burns up valuable aviation fuel. Many airlines routinely instruct their flight crews to run the systems on minimum settings. Campaigners for improved air quality claim that this

can lead to irritability and disorientation.


In the US, the soaring number of passenger complaints across a wide range of issues is reflected in a number of new Internet sites which criticise the airlines and demand better service. One of the sites is demanding an air passengers* Bill of Rights.


Cabin and flight crews, who are in the front line of the battle against disruptive and dangerous inflighti behaviour, have called for stiffer penalties against the offenders. Management have also called for legislation - while denying that its cost-cutting practices have contributed to the problem.


But there are some signs, in the US at least, that the airlines are at last attempting to respond to customer dissatisfaction. Some major lines have announced concessions to the most frequent complaint of all, and are removing seats to make more room for their customers.


From The Guardian

Unit3 Dirty Business, Bright Ideas 活儿脏,点子棒

By Gina Imperato

A headquarters with a difference Walk into SOL City, headquarters of one of northern Europe's most admired companies, and it feels like you've entered a business playground. Located in a renovated film studio in the heart of Helsinki, the office explodes with colour, creativity and chaos.


The walls are bright red, white and yellow; the employees wander the halls talking on yellow portable phones. Liisa Joronen developed SOL Cleaning Service 11 years ago, out of a 150-year-old industrial empire owned by her family. SOL's competitive formula has five key ingredients.


Few people dream about becoming a cleaner. But that doesn't mean cleaners can't find satisfaction in their work. The keys to satisfaction,

Joronen believes, are fun and individual freedom. Its cleaners wear red-and yellow jumpsuits that reinforce the company's upbeat image.


SOL's logo, a yellow happy face, is on everything from her blazer to the company's budget reports. Freedom means abolishing all the rules and regulations of conventional corporate life, (here are no titles or secretaries at SOL, no individual offices or set hours of work. The company has eliminated all perks and status.

SOL的标志是一黄色快乐的脸,它出现在所有的东西上,从鲜艳的外套到公司的预算报告。自由意味着废除所有企业传统文化中所拥有的条条框框:在SOL 没有头衔或秘书,没有个人办公室或工作时间表。公司取消了所有的特权和身份符号。

Symbols SOL's training programme consists of seven modules each of which lasts four months and ends with a rigorous exam. Of course, there are a limited number of ways to polish a table or shampoo a carpet. That's why SOL employees also study time management, budgeting and people skills.


Lots of companies talk about decentralising responsibility and authority. At SOL it's a way of life. The real power players of the company


Unit 4 Advertising Part I Business Vocabulary Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. This part totals 20 points, one point for each sentence. C1 Outdoor advertising is one of the fastest growing _______________ in the market. A markets B sections C segments D sectors D2 The world of outdoor advertising billboards, transport and ‘street furniture’ is ______ about $18 billion a year, just 6% of all the worl d’s spending on advertising. A worthwhile B worthy C valued D worth C3 The soaring costs of TV are ______________ clients to consider alternatives. A making B driving C prompting D letting A4 BMW ran a ‘teasers’ campaign in Britain on bus shelters. A exclusively B largely C greatly D inclusively C5 Placing an ad on a bus shelter for two weeks ________________ at about £90. A works on B works away C works out D calculates D6 We are facing a ________________ with our market share. What are we going to do about it? A promotion B sale C order D crisis A7 Focus, a large advertising agency based in Paris, has a reputation for creating imaginative and ____________ campaigns. A effective B efficient C effect D efficacious C8 Focus now needs to ________________ potential clients that it still



大学英语综合教程3第三版答案 【篇一:新标准大学英语综合教程3答案(全版)】 >unit1 active reading(1) 4. b c c d c a 5.productive attendance resistance ambitious acceptance script impressive 6.attendance ambitious productive impressive resistance script acceptance 7.mortgage deck surf coastal;defy lengthy 8.b a b b b a b b active reading(2) 4.triple cemetery rear biography cram budding finite elapse 5.elapsed;cemetery rear;crammed triple budding;biography finite 6.a b a a b b a a 7.a b b a a b b b a language in use 6.(1)我们都觉得在校时间不多了,以后再也不会有这样的学习机会了,所以都下定决心不再虚度光阴。当然,下一年四五月份的期末考试最为重要。我们谁都不想考全班倒数第一,那也太丢人了,因此同学们之间的竞争压力特别大。以前每天下午5点以后,图书馆就空无

一人了,现在却要等到天快亮时才会有空座,小伙子们熬夜熬出了眼袋,他们脸色苍白,睡眼惺忪,却很自豪,好像这些都是表彰他们勤奋好学的奖章。 (2)明天行吗?明天只是个谎言;根本就没有什么明天,只有一张我们常常无法兑现的期票。明天甚至压根儿就不存在。你早上醒来时又是另一个今天了,同样的规则又可以全部套用。明天只是现在的另一种说法,是一块空地,除非我们开始在那里播种,否则它永远都是空地。你的时间会流逝(时间就在我们说话的当下滴答滴答地走着,每分钟顺时针走60秒,如果你不能很好地利用它,它就会走得更快些),而你没有取得任何成就来证明它的存在,唯独留下遗憾,留下一面后视镜,上面写满了“本可以做”“本应该做”“本来会做”的事情。 7.(1)students differ about whether they should have their future mapped out when they are still at university .some think they should have a definite goal and detailed plan, so as to brace themselves for any challenges, whereas some others think they don’t have to think much about the future , because future is full of uncertainties. (2)after a very careful check-up ,the scientist was told he had got a fatal disease .although he knew that his life was ticking away ,instead of complaining about the fate ,the scientist decided to make the best of the remaining days ,and speed up the research project he and his colleagues initiated ,and have a shot at completing it ahead of schedule. unit2 active reading 5.definite perpetual whirl blaze giggle prompt tumble 6.prompted definite whirl perpetual blazing giggling tumbled 7.blinked barren tag torture resemblance napkin


unit1响尾蛇伤 我们在西波顿种植西瓜和香瓜供应市场。我家有一块瓜地和花圃在紧靠甘蔗地的谷仓背后。一天,我从工具棚里拿了把镰刀想去砍个西瓜自己吃。他们是不许我拿这把刀的,因为它的刀刃比我的胳膊还长。但它是切西瓜的最好工具。一刀下去,西瓜就一分为二了。 我正沿着瓜地边走边拍打着想找一个熟瓜,突然感觉脚好像被针一样的东西扎了一下。我为是踩在一堆蒺藜草上了。 转眼一看,却发现是一条响尾蛇。我知道响尾蛇在袭击之前都要发出响声以示警告的,而我对那响声的熟悉程度决不亚于我熟悉鹌鹑。后来我才明白它是没有时间警告,我肯定是一脚踩在它的嘴巴上了。我边往家飞奔,边大声喊叫,满脑子想的都是自己肯定要死了。妈妈赶快解下围裙用上面的带子绑在我的膝盖上部。她扶我到前屋的沙发上躺下,让玛莎照看我。当时在场的既没有一个男人也没有一匹马。最近的住宅是豪威尔先生家,但他家没有马。再远点的是吉姆·安德森家,穿过田地抄近路也有半英里的距离。妈妈冲向安德森家。安德森的一个儿子跳上马就直奔城里,在安德森家打工的克拉克的儿子用车把妈妈送回家。回到家,妈妈发现围裙带已被玛莎解开了,因为我直叫系得太紧。妈妈给我重新绑上,她用力很猛以致于我失声叫了起来。 然后,妈妈又到门廊朝那条通往城里的路张望。这条路位于安德森和豪威尔两家领地中间,一直延伸到小山顶端,因此从这里你可以看见所有路过的人或物。我总是远远就能辨认出我们的马车和汤姆,尤其是爸爸赶车的时候。这时,如果得到允许,汤姆就会因为急于吃到马槽里的东西而撒腿跑起来,爸爸也总是允许它这么做的。 赫伯·安德森的意见是首先找爸爸,如果他不在就找麦肯斯医生,再不成就找菲尔德或别的医生。 妈妈一边盯着看谁的马先出现,一边不时地进屋安慰我。 终于,妈妈说道:“你爸爸来了。” Read more 误解 这是个古老的故事,的确是要说到1864年的事。那时,英国军队驻扎在牙买加的一个团养了只官兵都喜爱的大猴子。那是只善于思考、极有主见的猴子,他的行为习惯和举止总是令军官们开心不已。他的居所对着军官食堂的窗户,尽管身上系着很长但不重的链子,他照样自得其乐,淘气逗人。比如有一天,他觉得一位年轻军官羞侮了他,便立即把食堂窗户敲得惊天动地。军官们只好把他的居所移到一个不太招眼的地方,但他依旧自娱自乐。任何活生生的东西,只要胆敢闯入他链长所及的范围内,就免不了被折腾得手忙脚乱一阵子。而那些倒霉的鸡鸭,却经常误入他的领地。那就会被他一下子抓住,有时竟被他扼杀,不过更多的时候,他都是恶作剧地对这些痛苦的阶下囚实施全身或半身拔毛手术,然后再放开。 然而,有一只鸡却让他突然强烈地喜欢上了。他是逮住了它,但他即不拔毛也不扼杀,反倒是百般怜惜、抚爱有加。这种毫无顾忌的举动使那只不幸的鸡恐怕是宁受拔毛之刑吧。猴子拧它,揉它,抚摸它,搂抱它,把它举得高高地,令它展翅起舞,又把它放开一会儿,可当它试图逃脱时又顽皮地将它两腿一抓。可那只鸡怎么地都不领情,反倒是完全误解了猴情猴意。但猴子却始终不渝,牢牢地紧握着这个心肝宝贝不放松。他满以为忠贞不渝的柔情蜜意即能赢得芳心归,没想到讨好卖乖了一番却不成功,因而更加大献殷勤:不一样地抚摸,更挚着地摩挲,更卖力地搓揉,还逗得它更欢快地舞蹈。可万分钟情也未能赢得回眸一顾。终于,在猴子极其亲昵的拥抱中,鸡给整死了,至死也未能理解猴的一片赤诚。 猴子处于极度悲伤之中。可想而知,他好不容易发现心爱之鸡,而这心爱之鸡未能回报丝毫之柔情,竟弃他而去!可悲复可怜!他开始着手祭奠的仪式,每一动作都表现出他沉痛

体验商务英语(第二版)课件第2册案例Dear Sirs or Madams

Dear Sirs or Madams: I am writing to invite you to attend this year’s conference, which will be held in Prague, Czech Republic, 21 – 24 November, 2008. The chief executive and the senior managers from the head office and the overseas sales managers will attend the conference. The purpose of the conference is, first of all, to enable the managers to know each other better. In addition, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your hard work. Most important of all, however, we will at the conference discuss how we can improve our products and services in the future. The venue we have chosen for this year’s conference is Hotel Moda. It is a 4-star hotel located about half an hour by underground to the city center. The hotel facilities are excellent with spacious bedrooms, a large swimming pool, sauna and Jacuzzi. Moreover, during the conference, we will arrange various activities for the participants, such as guided city tours, cultural tours, sightseeing and opera. I hope you will all be able to enjoy yourselves during the conference. The conference will commence on Saturday morning, 22 November. All the participants are required to arrive by Friday evening, 21 November, and leave by noon of Monday, 24 November. I sincerely wish that you can all attend this year’s conference and I look forward to meeting you in Prague. Sincerely yours, (226 words)


Unit 1 1.年轻人有时会抱怨无法和父母沟通。(communicate with) Answer: Young people sometimes complain of being unable to communicate with their parents. 2. 能在中国云南的一个苗家村落住下来一直是玛丽长久以来的梦想,现在她终于梦想成真 了。(to take up residence) Answer: It has been Mary’s long cherished dream to take up residence in a Miao village in Yunnan, China. Now her dream has finally come true. 3. 家养的动物习惯于依赖人,因此很难能在野外活下来。(survive) Answer: Domestic animals are used to depending on humans, so it is difficult for them to survive in the wild. 4. 他突然有种恐惧感,觉得自己会因为经济不景气而被公司裁员。(overtake) Answer: He was suddenly overtaken by a fear that he would be laid off by the company because of depression. 5. 我估计公交路线上堵车了,因为我都等了30分钟也没见一辆车开过去。(figure) Answer: I figure that there is a traffic jam on the route of the bus, for I’ve waited for 30 m without seeing one passing by. 1.十年前,当公司还处在生产的鼎盛时期时,我们就决定投资新技术,将公司转型为技术密 集型企业。由于拥有先进技术,我们在激烈动荡的市场竞争中脱颖而出。现在我们的成本 下降了百分之三十,销售业绩却上涨了三分之二,利润翻了一番。Answer: Ten years ago, when our company was at the height of its production, we decided to invest in new technologies, so as to turn our company into a technology-intensive one. With our advanced technologies, we out-competed all our competitors in the rough and tumble of the marketplace. Now we have reduced the cost by 30 percent, even as / while our sales have grown by two-thirds and the earnings have doubled. 2. 我们将可持续性定义为保持企业盈利,但不以环境为代价。从商业的角度看,这合理吗? 事实上,在追求可持续发展目标的过程中,我们的收益已经超过了所有的投资和开支。可持 续发展的推进起到了如此重要的作用,帮助我们撑过了史上最深重的经济衰退。Answer: We define sustainability as keeping a business profitable, but not at the expense of the environment. Does this make good business sense? Actually, what we get has more than offset all the investments and expenses incurred in pursuit of the goal of sustainable development. The boost of sustainability made such a difference that it helped us survive the deepest recession in the history. Unit 2 1.记者敦促发言人就此次军事打击作出解释。(press for) Answer: Reporters pressed the spokesman for an explanation of the military attack. 2. 他的竞选演讲未能使选民相信他就是参议员的合适人选。(convince) Answer: His election speech failed to convince the voters that he was the right person for the Senate seat. 3. 尽管我承认有问题存在,但我并不认为这些问题不能解决。(while) Answer: While I admit that there are problems, I don’t agree that they cannot be solved. 4. 他在电视上的第一次辩论给观众留下了深刻的印象。(impression) Answer: His first debate on TV made a deep impression on his audience. 5. 一切事物都是互相联系又互相作用的。(interact with) Answer: All things are interrelated and interact with each other. 1.这位年轻的埃及男孩在一些化学项目中积累了丰富的经验。这些经验帮助他在埃及大学读 书时成绩名列班级前茅。在研究生学习即将结束时,他决定在化学学习方面继续深造。当面 临选择去哪所大学时,他选择了宾夕法尼亚大学而放弃了加州理工学院,仅仅只是因为他当 时认为“大学”比“学院”听起来更负盛名。Answer: This young Egyptian boy had received a


《综合英语教程》第二册课文、扩展阅读课文译文 Unit 1 Text 等候的人们 我坐在一个机场,观察着等候所爱之人到达或离开前最后一刻的人们。他们有的不安地来回走着,有的互相凝视着,有的拉着对方的手。此时的感情是强烈的。 一位讲西班牙语的女士正来回转圈地跑着,想要将全家人集中起来道别。她的嗓门很高。当登机前的最后时刻到来时,她用双臂搂着儿子,似乎这一紧紧的拥抱能保佑他将来平安地归来。 在我候机坐位旁的栏杆边站着一位祖母和她的孙子,该来接他们的人还没到。他们旁边有两位女士,互相之间显然没有关系,但她们的眼光都象扫视着大海的探照灯一样朝通道口仔细地搜索着。一位怀抱婴儿的母亲正与丈夫吻别。泪水打湿了她的面颊。这时刻十分令人动情。 在第13号出口处,抵达者们刚刚进站。“我看见她了,她在那儿。”以同样感人的激情,这些抵达者融入了庞杂的人群,仿佛他们是这人群中失而复得的一个组成部分。泪水、笑容,和由衷的快乐洋溢在久别重逢的欢声笑语中。 我坐着边翻书边等着我的登机时刻,感到有点孤独,因为亲人与我的时间不配;而我要去见的人,我的女儿,却在我旅程的另一端。 我在回想往日的离别和重逢。忆起我看见女儿,就是我现在要去见的女儿,正从那狭窄的通道走过来,肩上背着背包,怀里抱着塞得满满的行囊,带着的耳机让她无暇顾及身旁川流不息的人群。她当时上大学一年级,11月回家度假——8月份以来第一次回家。我紧紧地拥抱着她,似乎我曾失去过她。 今天我乘坐的航班晚点两小时。手里的书今天读起来没劲,不如观看眼前这熙来人往的人群。一个5岁左右的男孩第一次见到他的祖父。他一点点往上看,半天才看到了对成人来说并不算高的一位男人的脸。一高一矮的两人脸上都放出了喜悦的光芒,我不知道人们如何能用语言和胶卷来捕捉这一时刻。 当我的航班终于呼叫登机时,我收起书本和行李。既然无人相送,我就没有回头看看来时的方向,而是在想上班的丈夫此刻极想知道我是否已起飞,在另一端的女儿也正惦记着同一件事。 登机时,我回想起另一种离别和重逢。有一次我新婚不久,91岁的祖父去世了。我们的关系一直很密切,那天傍晚,我参加完他的葬礼乘飞机返回,一边离开机场一边哭着。我们刚刚结婚一年的丈夫等候在出站口,把我拥抱在怀中。满脸的泪水招来了大家对我的关注,但我并不在乎。不管怎么说,我内心的那种感受在机场没有什么不合时宜的。 生命始终都需要这般关注。我祝愿所有旅行的人们归来时都能看到有人在等候迎接他们。我也祝愿他们出发前有人去送行。我想到自己的祖父并认识到,如果死亡就像这样,一次旅行而已,那么,我就不会害怕。 (吕睿中译,胡一宁审校) Read more 重要之事


第九单元 TEXT 学习语言 当我们谈论起学习一种语言,比如英语,日语或者西班牙语时,我们讲的和想的仿佛所说的这种语言是固定不变的事物。我们期望学习一种语言就像学几何学或学习如何骑自行车一样,系统地学、并且最终有明确的成就。许多人发现这种观念错了后,最后就放弃了学习。实际上人们要学会一种语言,可能是走上了一条要持续终生的道路。学习语言的经历使人们意识到如果要想成功,不仅要实实在在地努力,而且还认识到,在许多情况下,即使是他们称为“母语”的语言,他们也并不是大师。 实际上,学习任何一种语言是一种永无止境的航行。目前世界上所使用的数千种语言中的任何一种都是复杂的。虽然许多语言的确有它的标准形式,尤其是书面语,这也就是我们所学习的语言,但是这些语言可能也有各种各样的地区方言和社会风格,而且许多语言是在历史上与其他语言混合的产物。英语就是这种混合的语言。英语开始自己语言航程不到两千年,它开始是一种古德语,接着与一种特殊的古法语相碰撞,然后受到几波拉丁语和大量的希腊语浪潮的冲击,以后,英语又从与人们使用的其他每一种语言接触中获得了多多少少的成分。 第二个有关语言的错误观念是词语有固定和明确的意思。不管有利还是有弊,这都完全不正确。以看似简单,而且很具体的英语单词man为例:该词的意思似乎很清楚,它指的是成年男子。当然它是这个意思,不过考虑一下下面这些句子: 1) There are several men missing in that chess set.那使(国际)象棋里少了几个棋子。

2) The boat was manned entirely by women and children. 这条船完全由妇女儿童驾驭。 人们也可能认为这些句子有一点自然;确实,它们并不代表man这个词惯常的核心意思,然而,这些意义是核心意义的合理延伸。第二句尤其有意思,因为man是动词而不是名词,而且man一词表示人们期望成年男子当船员,不是妇女,当然更不是儿童。语言的一部分乐趣和天赋很可能就产生于单词使用时的“偏颇”。如果人们把某人称为一匹猫或一棵大白菜,它所表达的不是字面意思,然而它确实表达了多种意义。 关于这种语言的第三个错误观念是每一种语言能被或应被各地的所有使用者一样使用和理解。当然联合王国的标准英语使用者一般能理解美国英语使用者所说的语言。这两种主要的英语形式存在着很大的相似性。然而,这些国家讲方言的人在相互理解方面的问题有时严重到他们怀疑是否使用的是同一种语言。纽约布鲁克林人很难与伦敦佬交流,一位老派的英军上校不能顺利地与一位加利福尼亚反战部进行讨论。然而他们都生活在20世纪世界英语的大家庭中。 (陈同英译,吕睿中校) READ MORE 希腊和罗马的神话


体验商务英语综合教程3 第二版 双语对照版 Unit1 Made in Europe 欧洲制造 Almost every fashion label outside the top super-luxury brands is either already manufacturing in Asia or 5 thinking of it. Coach, the US leather goods maker, is a classic example. Over the past five years, it has lifted all its gross margins by manufacturing solely in low-cost markets. In March 2002 it closed its factory in Lares, Puerto Rico, its last company-owned plant, and outsources all its products. 除了顶级奢侈品牌外几乎所有的时尚品牌都已经在亚洲生产,或者正在考虑这么做。美国的皮革商品制造商蔻驰(Coach)就是一个经典的例子。在过去的五年中,它通过仅在低成本市场生产来提升毛利率。在2002年的3月,它关闭了在波多黎各拉雷斯的最后一间公司所属工厂,将所有产品全部外包。Burberry has many Asian licensing arrangements.In 2000 it decided to renew Sanyo's Japanese licence for ten years. This means that almost half of Burberry's sales at retail value will continue to be produced under license in Asia. At the same time however, Japanese consumers prefer the group's European-made products. 巴宝莉(Burberry)在亚洲持有许多许可授权安排。2000年它决定给日本三洋公司的特许授权延长十年。这意味着按零售价计算巴宝莉几乎一半的销售额将是亚洲授权生产的。但是同时,日本的消费者却偏好于该集团在欧洲生产的产


八: 1. 在传统戏剧《白蛇传》里,白蛇以美女化身来到人间,爱上了许仙,与之结为夫妻。(in the shape of) 1. In the traditional Chinese opera, The White Snake, the white Snake comes down to the earth in the shape of a beautiful girl and falls in love with Xuxian to whom she gets married later. 2. 她一看到血就会头晕。(at the sight of) 2. She feels dizzy at the sight of blood. 3. 他今天上课时不停地打盹。(drowse) 3. He kept drowsing off in class this morning. 4. 他全盘道出了两家不和的事实。(relate) 4. He related the whole story of the long-standing dispute between the two families. 5. 她一想起她那死于车祸的孩子就泪水涟涟。(at the thought of) 5. She would burst into tears at the thought of her child killed in a traffic accident. 6. 我突然明白他原来是想帮助我。(dawn on) 6. It dawned on me that he was actually trying to help me. 7. 他们三人藏身的岩洞仅有两米高。(no more than) 7. The cave for the three of them to hide in was no more than two metres high. 九: 1. 那天晚上詹姆斯(James)和你一起吃晚饭了吗?(in question) 1. Did James have supper with you on the night in question? 2. 教练对比赛的最终结果表示满意。(untimate) 2. The coach was satisfied with the ultimate victory of the match. 3. 为了排除各国人民交往中的语言障碍,许多语言学家都在研究新的世界语。(embark on) 3. To remove the linguistic barriers in communication among the peoples of the world, linguists have embarked on the study of a new universal language. 4. 合资企业的出现使我们有了更多接触外国人的机会。(contact with) 4. The emergence of joint-venture enterprises has increased our opportunities to have contact with foreigners. 5. 妈妈嘱咐他收拾起桌上的零碎东西,把它们放进抽屉里。(bits and pieces) 5. Mother asked him to gather up the bits and pieces of his belongings from the desk and put them in the drawer. 6. 因为一句小小的玩笑,他们之间发生了一场争吵。(arise out of) 1

体验商务英语综合教程2 教案

外语系教案 第次课学时:授课时间:第周

Context: Unit 1 Title: Introductions The tone of a business relationship can be set by an initial introduction. It is important to make a good impression right from the first handshake. When meeting businesspeople for the first time, is it better to be formal or informal? If in doubt, advise students to adopt a more formal approach. Here are some points to remember when making business introductions in English-speaking Western countries: a.Introduce businesspeople in order of professional rank –the person of highest authority is introduced to others in the group in descending order, depending on their professional position. b.When possible, stand up when introductions are being made. c.If clients are present, they should be introduced first. d.The same and title of the person being introduced is followed by the name and title of the other person. PROCEDURES Lesson 1 Starting up Ss listen to four businesspeople and match the speakers to their business cards. Vocabulary 1: Job titles Ss list word as job titles or departments. Then Ss talk about their jobs or studies. Vocabulary 2: Nationalities Ss match countries and nationalities. Reading: Describing people This reading section can be completed in two parts. Ss can start preparatory work on the article about Phil Knight, the founder and CEO of Nike, and complete Exercise A. Lesson 2

综合英语教程3第三版Unit 1课后答案

Unit 1(reference answers) 2.Language Work A. in other words unapproachable incredibly humble vain rehearsed autograph challenging ideal B. work with sentences Above all/ Showing off /settle down in revision/break up/let me down/getting well on/out of touch with/an easy-going 3. grammar work Jewel,jewellery/ machinery,machine/clothing,garment/loaf,bread/luggage,suitcas e/laugh,laughter/money,coin,note/ 4.vocabulary work DDBADAB 5.translation 1,It seems that she doesn’t get along with the new classmate. 2, I was out of touch with Mary for few years,but I reached her through the phone yesterday. 3,That old soldier feels like showing off his medals to every visitor. 4,Her husband seems very opposed to her going abroad. 5,Because Thomas didn’t settle down in his work so that his


Unit1 1.羞怯可以让人从感觉轻微的不适到高度焦虑,这会对我们做任何事都有影响。Shyness can vary from feeling mild discomfort to high level of anxiety that impact us in almost everything we do. 2.尽管固执,但他清楚自己应该避免引起怀疑。 Despite his stubbornness, he knew that he should avoid arousing any suspicions. 3.无论你说什么都会被理解成批评。 It will be interpreted as criticism no matter what you say. 4.让我们不要为该被忽略和忘记的小事翻烦心。 Let’s not allow ourselves to be upset by trifles which we should ignore and forget. 5.花太多的时间老是想着过去会阻碍你享受生活。 Too much time spent dwelling on the past can get in the way of enjoying life as it happens. 6.相信自己能够完成目标并解决问题的人更有可能在学校里表现得好。 People who believe they can accomplish goals and solve problems are more likely to do well in school. Unit2 1.她穿了一条有玫瑰团的裙子。 She wore a dress with a pattern of roses on it. 2.Helen为我们准备了一顿丰盛的晚饭。 Helen had prepared a wonderful meal for us. 3.Ann信誓旦旦的保证她不会说出去。 Ann promised faithfully that she would never tell. 4.你能把这封信送到会计部吗? Could you deliver this letter to the accounts department. 5.他们为我们提供了精选的牛奶和纯巧克力。 We were offered a selection of milk and plain chocolate. 6.告诉孩子们别胡闹。 Tell the children to keep out of mischief.


高等教育出版社综合英语教程 2 (第三版) 课后翻译答案汇总Unit 1 The Snake Bite (P14) 1. It started raining, so she made for the nearest shelter. 2. She picked out a cap to match her dress. 3. I waited for an hour, but he didn’t show up. 4. They figured it was better to stay where they were. 5. The earthquake that struck the little island caused 23 deaths. 6. He returned home at length after being away from the village for 20 years. 7. She managed to hold on to her job while many of her colleagues lost theirs. Unit 2He was my father (P30) 1. My teacher told me that the liquid in the bottle could remove stains from metal and china. 2. The student sitting beside me looked around the examination room with apprehension. 3. He is now out of college and lives on his own. 4. They took turns staying awake in case anything went wrong. 5. The elder daughter will probably follow in her father's footsteps, and take over the family business when she's old enough.


Unit 1 1. 年轻人有时会抱怨无法和父母沟通。(communicate with) Answer: Young people sometimes complain of being unable to communicate with their parents. 2. 能在中国云南的一个苗家村落住下来一直是玛丽长久以来的梦想,现在她终于梦想成真了。(to take up reside nee) An swer: It has bee n Mary ' s long cherished dream to take up reside nee in a Miao village in Yunnan, China. Now her dream has finally come true. 3. 家养的动物习惯于依赖人,因此很难能在野外活下来。(survive) Answer: Domestie animals are used to depending on humans, so it is diffieult for them to survive in the wild. 4. 他突然有种恐惧感,觉得自己会因为经济不景气而被公司裁员。(overtake) Answer: He was suddenly overtaken by a fear that he would be laid off by the eompany beeause of depression. 5. 我估计公交路线上堵车了,因为我都等了30 分钟也没见一辆车开过去。(figure) Answer: I figure that there is a traffie jam on the route of the bus, for I ' ve waited for 30 without seeing one passing by. 1. 十年前,当公司还处在生产的鼎盛时期时,我们就决定投资新技术,将公司转型为技术密集型企业。由于拥有先进技术,我们在激烈动荡的市场竞争中脱颖而出。现在我们的成本下降了百分之三十,销售业绩却上涨了三分之二,利润翻了一番。Answer: Ten years ago, when our eompany was at the height of its produetion, we deeided to invest in new teehnologies, so as to turn our eompany into a teehnology -intensive one. With our advaneed teehnologies, we out-eompeted all our eompetitors in the rough and tumble of the marketplaee. Now we have redueed the eost by 30 pereent, even as / while our sales have grown by two-thirds and the earnings have doubled. 2. 我们将可持续性定义为保持企业盈利,但不以环境为代价。从商业的角度看,这合理吗?事实上,在追求可持续发展目标的过程中,我们的收益已经超过了所有的投资和开支。可持续发展的推进起到了如此重要的作用,帮助我们撑过了史上最深重的经济衰退。Answer: We define sustainability as keeping a business profitable, but not at the expense of the environment. Does this make good business sense? Aetually, what we get has more than offset all the investments and expenses ineurred in pursuit of the goal of sustainable development. The boost of sustainability made sueh a differenee that it helped us survive the deepest reeession in the history. Unit 2 1. 记者敦促发言人就此次军事打击作出解释。(press for) Answer: Reporters pressed the spokesman for an explanation of the military attaek. 2. 他的竞选演讲未能使选民相信他就是参议员的合适人选。(eonvinee) Answer: His eleetion speeeh failed to eonvinee the voters that he was the right person for the Senate seat. 3. 尽管我承认有问题存在,但我并不认为这些问题不能解决。(while) Answer: While I admit that there are problems, I don ' t agree that they eannot be solved. 4. 他在电视上的第一次辩论给观众留下了深刻的印象。(impression) Answer: His first debate on TV made a deep impression on his audienee. 5. 一切事物都是互相联系又互相作用的。(interaet with) Answer: All things are interrelated and interaet with eaeh other. 1. 这位年轻的埃及男孩在一些化学项目中积累了丰富的经验。这些经验帮助他在埃及大学读 书时成绩名列班级前茅。在研究生学习即将结束时,他决定在化学学习方面继续深造。当面临选择去哪所大学时,他选择了宾夕法尼亚大学而放弃了加州理工学院,仅仅只是因为他当时认为“大学”比“学院”听起来更负盛名。Answer: This young Egyptian boy had reeeived a wealth of experience in some chemistry projects. Such experience helped him to sail to the top of his class at college in
