

Analyzing Characteristics of English Advertisement Language From the Perspective of Pragmatics

Xingrui Liu

School of Foreign Languages, Yunnan Normal University, Kunming, P.R. China


Advertising guru Ogilvie oncce said, advertising is the life of the words. His words point out the importance of advertising language for advertising. In the fierce competitive contemporary society, businessmen try to make use of a variety of advertising to promote products and services in order to quickly expand their products in the market. Because among various kinds of advertisement, a distinctive advertising language plays a great role in selling products. Advertising text is widely concerned by scholars at home and abroad because of its remarkable characteristics. Analyzing characteristics of English advertisement language from the perspective of pragmatics, it’s not difficult to find harmonious and unified context is beneficial to enrich advertisement information and promote the understanding of advertising . Smart advertisers will often hide transfer the information in the presupposition of advertising language, release products information and promote products in the market with the help of presupposition; the advertising language through violation of the cooperative principle intentionally or unintentionally in public to transfer products information, so that consumers can infer the conversational implicature instead of it’s surface meaning, therefore,businessmen are able to highlight the characteristics and advantages of their products .

Keywords: advertising language; pragmatics; theory; usage

1. Introduction

Advertisements are getting their way into our daily life: they may smile to us from the television screen, shout to us from the radio loudspeakers, wave invitingly to us from

every page of the newspaper and magazine, pluck at our sleeves on the buses and escalators, signal to us from roadside billboards and flash to us on the Internet. Advertisements, in any of mass media communication frequently make use of the direct approach of rhetorical devices to objectify appeals and enhance its persuasive power.

However, when a large number of marvelous advertisements flood into another nation, their renditions could not always be as wonderful as the original and, therefore, might fail to produce similar effects on the target audience. Puzzled and stimulated by this problem, the author of this thesis has made an intensive study of analyzing the characteristics of English advertising language from the perspective of pragmatics to find a way of improving the efficiency of advertisement.

With the establishment of socialist market economy and the rapid expansion of economic exchanges, especially after China’s entry into the WTO, international economic activities become more frequent and foreign trade more active. A successful advertisement, fine in the use of words, sentences, and rhetoric in order to be new, vivid and fascinating, is a unique and crafted product of creators. Through the examples of English advertisement, this paper mainly explores the way of improving the efficiency of advertisement.

Advertising has become a popular subject of numerous scholarly studies approached from a wide range of disciplines, such as anthropology, sociology, psychology, linguistics, literary criticism, aesthetics, marketing and media studies, for all kinds of advertisements have bombarded each of us in our daily life. Advertisements from the highways, radio, TV, magazines, newspapers and the Internet invade our ears and eyes with repetitive message and arouse our attention. Advertising is an effective and critical tool not only to promote tangible commodities and services such as hairdressing but also to promote economic, political, religious and social ideas. The essence of advertis ing’s global significance may have been captured by the British novelist Noman Douglas when he remarked, “You can tell the ideals of nation by its advertisements” (Wilson, 1989:263). Therefore, the study of advertising has taken on new significance.

Advertising English is a style of immediate impact and rapid persuasion. The point of an advertisement is to persuade people of the merits of a particular product or service, in order that people will part with some of their money. In general, whether the medium is print, radio or television, the advertiser can rely on people’s attention for only a very short time. Therefore, the sales message must be short, clear, distinctive and memorable.

The paper is composed of four parts. The first part presents the main concern of the thesis and its main theme. In part two, a general study of advertising. Based on the literature review, we are going to know more about the principles used to express the usages of advertising English. Then part three is devoted to the study of the pragmatic basis of English advertising language. Part four is the summary of this thesis.

2. A General Study of Advertising

2.1 Literature Review

The quality of advertising language to some degree determines the effect of an advertisement (hereinafter referred to as “ad”). The literature of the earlier period include Bovee’s Contemporary Advertising, Higgins’The Art of Writing Advertising: Conversations with Masters of the Craft, and Ulanoff’s Advertising in America, while Principles of Advertising co-written by Monle and Carla follow into the category of recent works. These publications are mainly devoted to media strategy, marketing planning process, customer behavior, public relation and the ways ads are presented (size, color and position), and seldom lay enough emphasis on copywriting, which has an indispensable relationship with language. Furthermore, the part organized around copywriting only clarifies advertising structure (namely, headline, subhead, body copy, slogan and closing), copy devices (namely, format, design and illustration), and ideas of how to bring originality to copywriting. It seems that marketing perspective of advertising has overwhelmed its linguistic features, which is generally considered as a research objective of studies by the linguists.

2.2 Definition of Advertising

The English word, advertise, means to draw something through newspapers, handbills, radio, etc, so as to make people want to buy it. Up to now, various definitions of advertising have been made from different perspectives. However, the underlying function of advertisement to inform and its ultimate goal to sell remain unchanged. In the Britannica Encyclopedia: advertising is generally defined as any openly sponsored offering of goods, services, or ideas through any medium of public communication. Today, the widely adopted definition was put forward by the American Marketing Association:

“Advertising is the nonpersonal communication of information, usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature, about products (goods and services) or ideas by identified sponsors through the various media.”

2.3 The Characteristics of English Advertising Language

2.3.1 Lexical Features Using More Positive Adjectives

Advertising language often uses amount of modifiers to make advertising vivid and interesting enough to appeal to consumers. And adjectives become the preferential choice. The British linguist G.H.Leech rank the advertising English adjectives according to their frequency in advertising, the first ten are:

(1)new(2)good/better/best(3)free(4)fresh(5)delicious(6)full(7)sure (8)wonderful(9)clean(10)special

eg1.A brand new Hyatt. A whole new feeling.(Hyatt Hotel)

eg2.Feel good. Fast food.(Top Shelf Fast Food) Using Monosyllabic Verbs frequently

The most basi c feature of Advertising is it’s concise in choosing advertising words, and the most eloquent is probably verbs and adjectives. While monosyllabic words are often used .The following monosyllabic words are used most frequently in English advertising:

(1) buy (2) see (3) get (4) use (5) choose (6) feel (7) go (8) have (9) keep (10) give (11) like (12) look (13) love (14) need (15) save (16) take (17) make (18) know (19)come (20) enjoy

eg1. The First Ever. The Last You’ll Ever Need.(Seiko wristwatch)

eg2. Three Letters that Bring the World Together.(YKK zipper) The Innovative Onomatopoeia Combination

Often making use of the homonym of words to make advertisement vivid and attractive in English advertisements,

For example.He’s never gone a sleeper befor e,

Because he wets the bed...

(But tonight, with Goodnites, that will change.)

Goodnites means Good mornings.

There are a few words selected from the Goodnite urine pants ads, this advertisement makes full use of the homonym between Goodnite and Goodnight, stressing that you can have a wonderful overnight sleep if you wear the Goodnite urine trousers, hence enjoying the fun of sleeping out, it also and emphasizes a good sleep will guarantee you have a wonderful morning.

eg2. InLondon Airport, there is one line of words in front of a duty-free shop "Have a nice tripe. Buy-buy!" At first glance, as if it is wrong, it should be Bye-bye! However,thinking carefully, “buy-buy” reminds you of buying some duty-free products before flying .It is such an ingenious advertisement.

2.3.2 The Characteristics of Sentence Patterns

The often used sentence patterns in English advertisements are ellipsis sentence, imperative sentence and interrogative sentence, and most of them are short and clear with rapid rhythm, so it is easy to remember. A lot of English advertising slogan has been known to every household, for example:

eg1. Come alive with Pepsi! (Pepsi drink)

eg2. Soft shoes for hard world. (Ultrasoft women's shoes)

Advertisement is fond of using a variety form of rhetoric, according to statistics, the

most important title of an English advertisement document utilizing rhetorical has the proportion as high as 86% (McQuarieer&Mick, 1992), the commonly used rhetorical forms in English advertisements are "personification, analogy, pun, repeated" (Zhao Jing, 1992: 278-283). The purpose of applying rhetorical is to highlight the key information, on the other hand, to attract the target audience.

eg1.I’m more satisfied. Ask for More. (More cigarette)

eg2. Opportunity knocks!(A real estate advertisement)

2.4 Functions of Advertising

As is known to everyone, the effects of advertising and advertisers are greatly criticized in the following aspects: 1) Advertising increases the living cost because its costs are added to the prices; 2) Advertising encourages the wrong values in our society-consumer values, make people purchase things they do not need, or even cannot afford. These criticisms do really reflect the fact to some degree. Nevertheless, we should see the other side of the coin. Advertising tells us a great deal about our society, and helps to influence and change it. Although the aim of the ad is to sell products, its function doesn’t stop there. In practice, that is where it starts. Advertising is the first to reflect and stimulate social trends. Basically, advertising fulfills the following functions:

1)The Marketing Function;

2) The Educational Function;

3) The Communicative Function;

4) The Economic Function;

5) The Societal Function.

2.5 The Target Audience of Advertising Language

Advertising is the extension of human communication, it origins from the need of disseminating products information massively. The ultimate aim of advertising is to create the attitude and behavior which is conducive to sales, the British linguist Torben (1985) classified the advertising functions as follows: 1) the dissemination of information; 2) the shape of image; 3) to persuade the reader to take action. Different

forms of communication have their unique focus on both sides. Literary creation is concerned with expressing the author own feelings,science and technology review pays attention to the reader's understanding but not cater to the tastes of readers. While in advertising activities, all aims at the target audience (potential consumers), the target audience’s understanding and respond to advertising information often determine the success or failure of the expensive advertising campaign. Therefore, it is extremely critical to choose the appropriate English advertising language, vivid and interesting language is capable of attract the target audience’s attention and interest to the products, so as to stimulate the desire to buy.

3. The pragmatic Basis of English Advertising Language

3.1 Context

Context refers to the "speech act depends on the performance of the physical and social environment". Context consists of linguistic context and non-linguistic environment. The former mainly refers to the language symbol system within the context. Context restricts the use of linguistic symbols to a certain extent, at the same time, it can also promote the understanding of language symbols. Linguistic context caused by harmonious and unified context is beneficial to enrich advertising information and promote the understanding of advertising. In respect to linguistic context, non-linguistic context have more restriction on advertising language, accordingly, the available accommodation is greater than linguistic context. The advertiser tries to adapt to Veschueren’s "Theory of Adaptation"to better illustr ate. The theory points out, during the process of using language, the language choosed by speaker should adapt to the context. The process that speakers choose language is a dynamic process conformed to himself and listener’s psychological world. The process that speakers using language is the process of selecting language. Starting from the intention of communicator, communicators must select appropriate content, occasion, manner, and determine what should say or what should not say, expressly or implied. Therefore, in order to achieve the anticipated effect, advertisers must estimate the advertising target audience in the first place, and then generate

advertising discourse to adapt to the psychology and taste of consumers.

For example, Nescafe Coffee have an advert known to every family: It is the taste! Which is translated as "the taste is great". However, once the advert separates itself from the context, the meaning of this sentence is uncertain, because the word "taste" can be understood as good taste, can also be understood as bad taste. But this is a slogan to propaganda Coffee the good taste of Nescafe Coffee, naturally, it is very appropriate to translate it into "delicious". If you change a situation, the contextual effect is totally opposite. For example: When a child went home from school, he immediately opened the cookie jar and picked up a biscuit into his mouth, then his mother asked him why he did not have meal in school, the children answered: It is the taste! Taste here can only be understood as the school lunch taste terrible., as a result, he would rather eat biscuits than eat at school. Obviously, the same word may have entirely different meanings in different context.

3.2 Speech Act

According to Austen, language is used for doing things. When we say a series of language that is a request, indicating or have other functions, we are concerned with the speaker’s and the listener’s response. This language entity is called"speech act" by Austen. A series of concrete request, indicating is considered to do things: locutionary act, illocutionary act, perlocutionary act. And analysis an English advertisement language by means of Austen’s Speech act theory .

Are You Trying to Be “Too Perfect”?

1)Do you get caught up in details, no matter what job you undertake?

2)Do you worry more than most people?

3)Do you find it embarrassing to “lose control” and be emotional?

4)If thinking about some future event, do you dwell upon the things that might go wrong?

“Yes” answers indicate that your need for control is comp romising your ability to experience life’ simple, spontaneous pleasures. Read TOO PERFECT:When being in control-the self-help book for people who try to be too perfect for their own good.

$18.00,now at your bookstore.

According to Austen's speech act theory, the discourse strategy of this English advertisement is the illocutionary act, namely, the advertiser uses words to do things through discourse strategies, that is to say, transferring the literal meaning of advertising through grammar and vocabulary. The discourse function of this article is the illocutionary act, advertisers attract consumers to buy this book through the discourse. Once spoken, one will concentrate on the audience's feelings, thoughts and behavior, this is the perlocutionary act. The consequence of this text is to persuade consumers to buy this book. When the advertising is able to stir consumers’ desire to buy, it has achieved the anticipated effect, that is to say the discourse communication is successful. Therefore, in addition to the content and the packing of the book, advertising language plays a decisive role in the sales process.

3.3 The Conversational Implicature

The concept of conversational implicature was first proposed by American linguist H.P.Grice, Based on his cooperate principle, the later researchers complement the politeness principle and developed a new theory - neo-Gricean theory of conversational implicature, compared with the previous theory of Conversational Implicature , the new theory focus on dealing with the "normal" meaning included in conversation by using inference mechanism, and the previous conversational implicature theory tends to understand the "very" meaning, namely, to find the discourse implication by complying with or violating the use cooperative principle. The target of English advertising is to attract the consumers, and its ultimate purpose is to let the audience react favorably to advertising (to purchase products ), but English advertising always uses circuitous equivocate in language expression to impress the audience, so as to let the audience feel the quality of products out of the ordinary and buy the products finally.

eg1. Where do you want to go today?(software advertisement of Microsoft company)

eg2.Unlike me, my Rolex never needs a rest. (Rolex watch ads)

eg3. Wentworth’s students get Auto CAD edge in job hunt. (Recruitment advertising)In example 1, the surface meaning of the sentence is: where did you go today? Whereas as it is a software advertising, the target audience can easily infer its implication, that is Microsoft software will take you travel around the world. And in example 2, the advertisement stresses that Rolex watches never need to have a rest while it will provide the right time forever. For example 3, it implies the commitment of school enrollment: If you are going to be our students, you will get Auto CAD (Computer Aided Design) edge which is essential in job hunt. The statement is not only close to the readers, but also urge the reader into potential students, namely, encouraging students to be their students.

3.4 The Politeness Principle

Leech (1983) thinks that, only through the politeness principle can more fully explain the relevant implication (implicature) and the indirect speech act and other issues. Advertisers have to hide the real communicative intention in the advertising by using of euphemism, indirect, polite words to transform the mandatory speech act into speech act commitment, naturally, turning the proposition of "persuade the consumer to buy a product" int o "a product can bring benefits for consumers”, embodying the maximum of “Yuantong standards" and "generous rule" in Leech’s politeness principle. Businessmen require to exaggerate the benefits to the target audience so that consumers have the feeling of gaining benefits from the purchase. In order to get a better understanding of this two rules, let’s review the two maxims of politeness principle in Leech theory:

The Yuantong criterion: reducing the expression that hurts others.

1) making others suffe as little as possible ; 2) making others benefit as much as possible

The generous standards: reducing the expression of self-interest.

1) benefiting himself as little as possible; 2)suffering oneself as much as possible

eg1. If you have a taste for quality,you have the taste for Kent. (Kent cigarette)eg2. Four free nights at Five-Star hotel,free airfare,free transfers,and a journey

through a land of enchantment aboard a magnificent Renaissance Cruises ship.

In example1: You will choose Kent cigarette if you have a good taste. The advertisement is very artful is not that it directs you buy his goods by raising your identity instead of ordering you to buy Kent cigarettes. In example 2, the word “Free” has great temptation for consumers, for all the “free charge products” have the magic power of making people have a try. American famous advertiser David Ogily once said, "The powerful words you can use in a headline are free and new." However, advertisers will never send their goods without paying, so the word free is rarely used in commodity brand, it’s function is to attract consumers to buy products or receive services.

3.5 Relevance Theory

In the advertisement, advertisers make use of the coexist cognitive environment with consumers and readers to strive to achieve the mutual manifestness and form the best contextual effect, so as to make consumers completely fall in the atmosphere created by businessmen, at the same time, the reader can also fully understand that the real intention of the advertiser. For example: Not all cars are created equal. (Japan Mitsubishi car) , this seems difficult to understand at first glance, but the trick is that it uses the familiar American declaration of independence in the line "All men are created equal", Japan advertisers cha nge the word “men” in the declaration to “cars” in their advertisement, and change the certainly sentence into negative sentences. These changes reflect the relevance theory, namely, the use of the coexist cognitive environment with consumers and readers to guide the readers understand the real purpose of their advertising: Japanese car is better than other cars produced by other countries all over the world; And another classical example, “We take no pride and prejudice”. (the magazine of Time), readers wi ll naturally think of the famous work Pride and Prejudice wrote by the famous British writer Austen at the first glance. 4. Conclusion

Whether the English advertising language can accurately convey information to desire consumers buy one’s products or serv ice is the ultimate aim of advertisement.

Analyzing English advertising language from the perspective of pragmatics can

provide reference for the choice and innovation of English advertising language. References

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委婉语的语用礼貌分析 一、引言 英语词Euphemism(委婉)来源于希腊语,意为“好听的话”。《语言与语言学词典》(斯托克和哈特曼等编著)中对委婉语的定义是:用一种不明说的、能使人感到愉快的或含糊的说法,代替具有令人不悦的含义或不够尊敬的表达方法。关于委婉语的分类有很多,有人从委婉语的功能上将其分为传统委婉语和文体委婉语两类:前者与禁忌语(taboo)有关,是消极委婉语;后者与礼貌,避免冲突并满足交际双方利益和心理的需要有关,是积极委婉语。例如: janitor被称为building engineer, cemetery叫做memorial park,“He needs help in learning to communicate with others after class.”等都属于委婉语的范畴。 在日常交际中,仅仅清楚、准确地表达信息是不够的,由于语言不当甚至粗俗引起的不必要的误会和摩擦而导致人际关系紧张的例子屡见不鲜。礼貌作为一种社会润滑剂,被时时处处使用着。对此,英国著名语言学家D .H .Leech在1980年从语用学角度,提出言语交际中的礼貌原则,作为对Grice合作原则的“拯救”,解释了人们为什么要违反会话准则以含蓄地、间接地表达自己,并指出,人们之所以这样做是出于礼貌的考虑,为了维护双方的面子,这就不得不与委婉语产生密切的联系。 二、委婉语与礼貌原则 (一)礼貌原则及其准则 Leech(1987)提出的礼貌原则可以归结为一句话:“使自身受惠最小,使他人受惠最大;使自身受损最大,使他人受损最小”。也就是尽量赞誉别人,让自己多吃一点亏。在语言形式上采取赞美对方和自谦的手段,取悦对方从而达到良好的交际目的。其准则如下: 1.策略准则(用于指令和承诺) a.使他人受损最小 b.使他人受惠最大 2.宽宏准则(用于指令和承诺) a.使自身受惠最小 b.使自身受损最大 3.赞扬准则(用于表情和表述)


经典广告文案集锦 红牛饮料平面广告文案 广告语:轻松能量来自红牛 标题:还在用这种方法提神; 正文:都新世纪了,还在用这一杯苦咖啡来提神;你知道吗;还有更好的方式来帮助你唤起精神:全新上市的强化型红牛功能饮料富含氨基酸,维生素等多种营养成分,更添加了8倍牛磺酸,能有效激活脑细胞,缓解视觉疲劳,不仅可以提神醒脑,更能加倍呵护你的身体,令你随时用有敏锐的判断力。提高工作效率。醒题:迅速抗疲劳激活脑细胞 健力士黑啤酒 广告语:尽情享受两全其美 正文:深黑不失清醇。出奇地顺畅和清爽。 选用黑啤材料,以白啤的方式,独特创酿出更加香醇的酒味,犹如宝剑出匣,令人折服。 diploma奶粉 标题:试图使他们相会? 正文:亲爱的扣眼: 你好,我是纽扣, 你记得我们已经有多久没在一起了? 尽管每天都能见到你的倩影, 但肥嘟啷的肚皮横亘在你我之间, 让我们有如牛郎与织女般地不幸。 不过在此告诉你一个好消息, 主人决定极力促成我们的相聚, 相信主人在食用diploma脱脂奶粉后, 我们不久就可以天长地久,永不分离。 鲜菜果蔬食品有限公司 正文:在你品尝过各种零食之后…… 甜的、咸的、酸的乐西 想必你吃过不少、很容易腻的、是不是? 现在,我们把苹果、菠萝、香蕉啦,还有刀豆、黄瓜、胡萝卜、土豆什么的制成原色原味、香脆可口的新款小零食。 这就是来自阳光下的 贝尔脆——天摆果蔬脆片 25克贝尔脆就有250克新鲜果蔬的营养 对不喜欢吃蔬菜的孩子来说 是最好的补充 从今天起,还有一周的免费品尝活动 在各大食品店举行呢

注意,不要错过噢! 凯洛格玉蜀黍片平面广告文案 标题:这是一个一心一意戴着帽子吃凯洛格玉蜀黍片的年轻人 正文:这可以吗?妈妈哪儿去了?她在别的地方,她很放心地不必管他。小孩子很快活。他舀出了牛奶再把那些金黄的玉蜀黍片用调羹盛进去。 看起来他认为那些东西很好——它们发出沙沙的声音。他吃起来嘴里很舒服——既脆又薄。它们风味绝佳——一种甜甜蜜蜜的味道,这使他举起羹勺。凯洛格玉蜀黍片对小孩和大人都有引起食欲的力量,它已经有50年以上的历史。 当洛克威勒替我们画这个小孩的时候,这就是他想努力捕捉的人。也许这会唤起你去查看你所储藏的凯洛格玉蜀黍片的想法。你知道它是怎样——一旦你有了一满包,你知道的下一件事,就是你把玉蜀黍片都吃光了。 台湾地区黑松企业黑松天霖水电视广告文案 挑逗的水(画面为香水) 游戏的水(画面为游泳池中的水) 补充的水(画面为输液的药水) 冒险的水(画面为托起小船的海水) 享乐的水(画面为酒) 成长的水(画面为奶瓶中的乳汁) 发现一瓶好水——黑松天霖水。 s&w罐头平面广告文案 第一则 我们添加的唯一的东西就是盐 (w罐头标签)我们公司的鲑鱼没有必要添加油料以增其汁味。因为它们都是特别肥大的鲑鱼。这些健康的鲑鱼,每年溯游到菩提山之北的长长河川。如果我们在蓝碧河选不出理想的鲑鱼怎么办呢?我们会耐心地等到明年。为什么?因为如果不是完美的,不会被s&w装入罐头。 第二则 从50颗大粒的桃子里,s&w精选出5颗 (画面为一堆平铺开的桃子,中间有5个空白) 光是最好的还不行。贩s&w挑选桃子的条件是:全熟,又圆又肥大。多汁而甘甜是理所当然的。 以此标准挑选出来的桃子,自然不多,而能贴上saw标签的,更是经过精选后的少数。我们坚守此要求:s&w不会把不完美的东西装入罐头。 第三则 一颗s&w豆子的际遇 (画面为一颗豆子经过重重检查进入罐头,正文的每一句话,对应一个检查程序) 这是叫做“完美”的特别品种 在西部广阔丰沃的土壤中育成 在它非常鲜嫩时就要采摘 它外皮的柔软度要经过测试 它的成熟度要用我们的圆熟度计来证明


广 告 语 点 评\

洗发水广告语收集 1潘婷洗发水:拥有健康,当然亮泽. 2潘婷洗发水:三千烦恼丝,健康新开始. 3飘柔:洗护二合一,让头发飘逸柔顺 4飘柔:飘柔,就是这么自信. 5飘柔:发动·心动·飘柔 6飘柔:"含丝质润发,洗发护发一次完成,令头发飘逸柔顺". 7海飞丝:你不会有第二次机会给人留下第一印象. 8海飞丝:头屑去无踪,秀发更出众. 9海飞丝:"新海飞丝,就是没头屑. 10海飞丝:"去头屑,让你靠的更近". 11海飞丝:去除头屑的困扰. 12沙宣洗发水:我们的光彩来自你的风采. 13百年润发:青丝秀发,缘系百年 14天顺:天天顺 15隆力奇:真的好实惠 16拉芳:爱生活,爱拉芳 17丽彤:丽彤,丽彤,与众不同。 18蒂花之秀:蒂花之秀青春好朋友! 19伊卡璐:一闻倾情 20伊卡璐:你想要成为童话中的"灰姑娘"吗我帮你来实现! 21伊卡璐:都说是王子唤醒睡美人的,其实是伊卡璐才对,王子能发现这个秘密吗?”22奥妮:黑头发,中国货. 23奥妮:黑亮的头发,我喜欢. 24奥妮皂角洗发浸膏:长城永不倒,国货当自强. 25清逸:有清逸,更飘逸. 26伊然美柔护洗发水:"真魅力由内而发" 27春之叶洗发露:"健康自然有活力"(中草药+天然+活脑素) 28迪彩洗发水:迪彩洗发,十分顺滑. 29好迪:大家好才是真的好. 30飘影:"植物精华,绿色护发". 31飘影:有飘影,更自信! 32夏士莲:活力来自营养,活力来自年轻,活力来自激情. 33雅芳:秀发巧投资. 34霸王:中药养发,乌黑浓密,中药世家,霸王! 35力士:“我只用力士”。 36诗芬:创造秀发表情。 37清扬:清扬,头屑不再 38舒蕾:健康最美,舒蕾 39追风:有追风,去屑止痒很轻松。 40追风:中药去屑,就是追风 41采乐:去屑顺滑,去屑又养发


委婉语的语用分析 摘要:委婉语是语言的“消毒剂”和“润滑剂”,在我们的日常生活中都离不开委婉语的使用,因此对委婉语的语用分析无论在理论上还是实践上都具有重要的意义。本文首先对委婉语进行了简单的介绍,之后运用意义和所指理论及合作原则理论分析了委婉语会话含义产生的原因,最后阐述了委婉语的语用功能。 关键词:语用、会话含义、委婉语、 1、关于委婉语 委婉语是人类语言使用过程中的一种普遍现象。它在各种文化形态中都大量存在,且作为一种语言策略,我们的日常生活中更是离不开它的使用。委婉语的起源地在希腊,它最初是源于宗教迷信的禁语,宗教迷信反映了在委婉语的起源中社会心理的重要性。从古至今,遍及全世界,对于委婉语的解释千变万化,不尽相同,本文且采用邵军航在其《委婉语研究》中对委婉语的界定,即:委婉语是在特定的语境中,对于使人感到畏惧、惊恐、羞耻、自卑、内疚、不适等各种消极心理反应即痛苦的事物,信息组织者(说写者)有意地运用语音、语义、语法等手段而形成的对这些事物非直接的语言或言语表达,从而避免使信息组织者本人和信息理解者(听读者)感到痛苦。这个定义不仅涵盖了委婉语所涉及的语境依赖性(在特定的语境中——既包括时代、地域、文化等大的语境,也包括上下文、话题、交际双方等小的语境)、婉指对象(使人感到畏惧、惊恐、羞耻、自卑、内疚、不适等各种消极心理反应即痛苦的事物)、构成手段(运用语音、语义、语法等手段)、伴生性(非直接的语言或言语表达)、原动力(避免使信息组织者本人和信息理解者感到痛苦)等方面,而且“语言或言语表达”既包括了词语又包括了句子和语篇,从而使委婉语的外延和内涵都得到比较清楚地界定,将委婉语从非委婉语中区分出来。 2、委婉语会话含义成因探析 意义和所指理论中的“意义”主要指词、短语或句子本身的抽象意义,即词典中的意义,它是静态的;“所指”即意义所代表或指示的客观事物。“意义”是用来指称事物的,是人们表达“所指”的媒介,但它也需要具体的言语形式作



十则经典广告赏析与分析 评论1 安泰人寿,到底想干什么? 看美国安泰人寿的这两则广告,我认为是对 智力和眼力的挑战。 这两则广告,创作者试图借助公益宣传到达宣传安泰人寿关注社会资源,致力于公益的企业形象.版画的风格,长文案,手法还算新颖.但是是否很恰当?作者用洋洋三百多字讲水资源的重要,就单从文字传达的信息,就让我不知道安泰要干什么?公益广告——让人珍惜水资源?安泰自己的标志、电话、网址一应俱全,安泰很显然不是环保署。创作者并不关心节约水资源究竟和安泰有何关系,或者说这样做能达到树立安泰形象的目的吗?还是产生更大误解?形象广告——蔡志忠式加日本式的绘图风格无可厚非,但从“找到水比喝水更艰难”到“可能是迅猛龙灭绝原因之一”或“淋到雨比躲雨更享受”到“绝对是地球人灭绝征兆之一”,让人去想到安泰人寿,在逻辑上或许能通但的确费劲,消费者

会怎么理解呢? 所以看似新鲜的做法,如果掌握的分寸有问题,就会失去原来的策略初衷! 评论2福特汽车《过天晴篇》平淡中见真实 广告片的视角独特,画面单纯,通篇采用俯拍镜头。小雨过后,7个人拥上一辆停在露天的房车,故事虽然平淡却真实而富有生活气息。广告创意的高明在于巧妙利用了雨后车痕这一人这一视而不见的现象,两三个简捷的镜头语言就戏剧性地表达了福特车小而载人多的广告诉求。 美中不足的是,片中的人声欢笑,分散了受众对这则以视觉语言说话的广告片对视觉元素的注意力,使雨后车痕这一核心元素往往被忽视,从而给人不知所云的第一印象,对观众的智商提出了过高的要求,限制了广告诉求对目标消费群体的周延度,从而使广告的有效性打了折扣。为了弥补不足,广告用了一个3D制作画面,图解福特车5座加2座的功能特性,落入生硬广告的俗套,破坏了这贞广告如纪实片一般浑然天 成的整体调性.


Vol.10No.1 2013年1月 第10卷第1期 Journal of Hubei University of Economics(Humanities and Social Sciences) 湖北经济学院学报(人文社会科学版) Jan.20131.生态语言学 生态语言学(ecolinguistics )是生态学和语言学相结合而形成的交叉学科。其宗旨是“研究任何特定语言与环境之间的相互作用关系”。(Haugen ,1972)近几十年以来,人口急剧增长、社会和经济发展、环境污染、不合理的资源开发导致生态环境遭受了前所未有的破坏。全球生态环境的恶化使人们渴望和谐的生态环境,不同学科的学者们也在积极寻找各种途径以防止生态环境的进一步恶化。生态语言学正是在这种背景下产生的。(王晋军,2007) 生态语言学的研究范围相当广泛,但总体上说来可归入 Halliday 和Haugen 所创的两大研究领域。第一,用“生态”作 为语言在环境系统中的隐喻,此类研究强调会强化或弱化语言功能的环境因素。第二,从生物学角度理解“生态”的含义并探讨语言对环境的影响。前者被称为“语言的生态学”,重视诸如语言多样性、濒危语言、语言活力、语言进化一类的问题。后者被称为“环境语言学”,研究课题涉及对特定语言系统的生态学分析、语言对生态系统的作用、生态语法等。(范俊军, 2005) 从生态语言学的角度出发的话语分析吸收了当代批评语言学的理念,即从生态学出发去批评和分析在语言上社会化的生态意识形态和行为。对话语和语篇的生态学批评主要集中在对“表面生态化”(surface ecologization )现象的分析。如今,到处都是“绿色广告”,声称其产品或技术是“绿色”的、“环境友好”的,这种现象可归入语言使用的“表面生态化”。语篇的生态学分析就是要揭开这种表面生态化的虚伪面纱。 本文通过对英语化妆品和汽车广告进行生态批评话语分析,试图揭示这些广告中表面生态化的现象,并指出其对环境的潜在的危害,提高人们对语篇中的非生态现象的识别能力。 2.广告语篇的生态话语批评分析2.1化妆品广告 化妆品广告的主要作用是宣传其具有美容或延缓衰老的功效,因此化妆品广告通常会使用极其优美的语言来诱惑女性购买。这些广告还经常强调它们是纯天然无污染的化妆品,对人体和环境没有任何伤害,从而让消费者更加放心地去购 买和使用。下面是二则国际著名化妆品广告: 例一:ELIZABETH ARDEN Ceramide Gold Ultra Restorative Capsules Pure,potent,intensive.These new single dose capsules are worth their weight in gold.Our exclusive CLX Complex delivers the restorative power of Ceramides and essential lipids to help strengthen skin ’s barrier against the visible signs of time. Supports skin ’s own natural collagen for a firmer outlook.Takes the focus off lines and wrinkles to maximise smoother,even toned,younger looking skin. 该广告使用pure 这样的词语,很容易使读者认为该产品是由天然成分制成的。其实我们除了Ceramide 之外,根本不知道它的主要成分是什么。一方面强调该产品是高科技化妆品,另一方面又强调其天然属性,让读者感觉迷惑不已。 Restortive,younger,smoother 这些词语巧妙的使用,让人们觉 得会拥有漂亮光滑的皮肤,但却不知道能到达何种程度。 例二:LANCOME ABSOLUE ULTIMATE BX Replenish -Radiance -Anti-Brown spot Absolue Ultimate βX serum is enriched with our highest concentration of Pro https://www.360docs.net/doc/9a11882341.html,bined with a bio -network of wild yam,soy,sea algae and barley,this serum helps the skin to regain a look of vitality and firmness ;deeply replenished with moisture,the skin ’s barrier function is reinforced.Reveal skin that looks visibly younger:wrinkles appear reduced,skin feels denser to the touch and your complexion looks more even and luminous LIFE BEGINS AR 50 Deeply replenish the skin,visibly reduce the appearance of brown spots. 这则广告中使用了大量的科学术语,如βX serum ,Pro- Xylane 。广告中提到该产品使用了wild yam ,soy ,sea algae and barley 等天然成分,以减少我们对这种化妆品真实成分的 担忧。同样,该广告通过故意模糊天然和人造成分来蒙蔽消费 英语广告中的生态批评话语分析 程建山 (武汉工程大学外语学院,湖北武汉430205) 摘 要:近几十年来的环境污染和生态系统的破坏导致生态语言学的诞生。生态语言学的重要研究领域之一就 是生态批评话语分析,即从生态和环境的角度对语言的使用进行批评分析。本文从英语化妆品和汽车广告中发现,这些广告大量使用环保、天然等语言成分来掩饰其对环境的破坏作用,从而揭示了这些语篇中的非生态因素,提高人们的环保意识。 关键词:生态语言学;广告;批评话语分析 124··


评价一则你印象最深的广告语 “今年过节不收礼,收礼还收脑白金。”已经不记得这条广告语是多少年前出来的了,但是一直记忆犹新。首先是因为这条广告语简单易懂,主题突出;其次是广告的画面是以动画的形式出现的,对于当时,足以让人耳目一新。 对于脑白金广告语的评价,众人褒贬不一。一派人从商业角度认为,这是一则成功的广告。因为一个企业为产品所做广告的更本目的是吸引消费者,满足消费者需求,提高产品销售量,实现利润的最大化。脑白金的广告就做到了这一点。另一派人则是从广告作品本身出发,将之归为“恶俗广告”,认为其广告整体缺乏创意,无法以其独特性、新颖性打动消费者,广告内容直白,没有艺术色彩。 如今,我对脑白金广告语的态度是赞赏的。许多人认为,这条广告语是一个病句,以至于都上过中学语文试卷修改病句的行列。即使是这样,但是并没有影响脑白金的销售量。 “今年过节不收礼,收礼还收脑白金。”从这句广告语的表面更本看不出它有什么内涵,也看不出它有什么创意,而且还是一个病句。但是它却洞察出中国人在逢年过节时的一种“礼尚往来”的行为,正是这种行为被洞察出,那么脑白金的广告语则是对消费者起到了消费引导的作用。 中华民族上下五千年,尚礼是延续不变的习俗,甚至可以说是中国一道独特的文化风景。直至今天,礼仍然是社会

生活的一个重要组成部分。每到过年过节,走亲访友再正常不过了。去亲戚朋友家,总不能空手去,人们于是为送礼烦了起来。 礼品要具备的是:档次、实用,实惠等。脑白金正是满足了一件礼品所具备的这些特点。首先,脑白金的包装精美、有品位,可以提高送礼者的身份地位。对于我们大众来说,知道一个产品,大多数是从电视上的广告得知。那么收礼者看到脑白金,也就会觉得它是一个“名牌”,相应的,收礼者也会觉得自己的身份地位得到了提高。其次,现在的人们生活水平已经达到了小康生活水平,更多的则是追求健康,同时脑白金也道出了大众的心声,“年轻态健康品”这一口号刚好符合大众的心里需求。最后,是脑白金的价格,一盒脑白金价格正常在60—70元之间,价格合理,消费者可以接受。 不同的角度看待脑白金的广告语,那么它的评价也就不一样。


龙源期刊网 https://www.360docs.net/doc/9a11882341.html, 浅析英语委婉语 作者:赵玲 来源:《读写算》2013年第43期 【摘要】委婉语使用较含蓄的语言表达强烈、难以启齿或禁忌的话语。在世界大融合的当今社会其正确使用变得尤为重要。分析如何使用以及其在社会交往中发挥怎样作用也逐渐凸显出其价值。 【关键词】委婉语应用功能使用 人们在交际和交流中希望找到一种合适的表达方式,既使双方能够顺利完成交际,又能使双方感到此次交际的愉快。委婉用语就是实现这一理想交际的合适的表达方式。 一、委婉语的分类 委婉语在英语中应用较为广泛。Euphemism 一词eu表示好,phemism表示说话,也就是说好话的意思。委婉语大致可以分为传统委婉语(traditional euphemisms)和文体委婉语(stylistic euphemisms)。 传统委婉语又叫消极委婉语(negative euphemism),即表示消极事务的词语。比如,当 人们直接说出死亡、葬礼、性、排泄物以及一些生理现象时,往往会给人一种粗俗、没有礼貌、没有教养的感觉。如果能换一种方式表达这些意思,结果就会大不相同,也会给人一种 有文化、有涵养、举止高雅的感觉。 文体委婉语也称之为积极委婉语(positive euphemisms)。使用时多是为了拉近与他人之间的距离,让人有愉悦的感觉。如黑人negro,在交往中为了避免人们想到黑奴这一层面,我们往往会使用black;在政治上,官方常用conflict 来代替war;slum(贫民窟),经常用old areas来表达。 二、委婉语的应用 1、与某些病症有关的的委婉语 正常健康的身体是人们最为关注的,也是幸福生活的主要保障。可是有些人由于生理原因或是某些疾病原因不能够拥有正常人的简单生活。在人与人的交往中往往会注意避讳对方的这些痛处,在遇到这些疾病的名称的时候后采取较为委婉的说法。“得重病”的委婉表達形式是in a bad way, have a terminal illness。而不同的疾病有各自的委婉表达方式。cancer-词是人们极 度回避的禁忌词,人们通常使用a long illness来指代它。也有人用the C word, the Big C ,that disease来说癌症。目前较为常用的筛查Mongol baby(先天性愚型婴儿)的检查,叫做Down’s baby筛查。还有疾病”(disease)这一字眼也是令人不愉快的,不可避免要提到时,常


品质宣传经典广告语 细心、精心、用心,品质永保称心。创新突破稳定品质,落实管理提高效率。贯彻iso 系列标准,树立企业新形象。品质管理标准化,iso成功靠大家。内部审核定期做,系统维持不会错。作业标准能遵守,品质效率不用愁。顾客反馈勤分析,品质改善有主意。原始记录要可靠,统计分析才有效。不接受不良品,不制造不良品, 品质就是做出来的,不就是检验出来的。以科技为动力,以质量求生存。 每天自我检讨,品质自然更好。 您思考,我思考,品质提升难不倒。我们的承诺:不做不良品。 革除马虎之心,提升产品品质。 品质您我做得好,顾客留住不会跑。找方法才能成功,找借口只会失败。没有措施免谈管理,没有计划如何工作不收不良品、不做不良品、不出不良品发现问题马上报,及时处理 要做好。改革创新追求品质,落实管理提高效率。检验测试坚持做,一点问题不放过。来料检验按标准,产品质量有保证。宁愿事前检查,不可事后返工。 品质管理讲技巧,沟通协调很重要。 生产没有质量的产品,等于制造无用的垃圾。想要产品零缺点,全面品管不可免。眼到、手到、心到,不良自然跑不掉。 一个疏忽百人忙,人人细心更顺畅。做好产品包装工作,保障产品最终质量。优质建设,以质为根。 品质——成功之轮。 优质产品,丰厚成果。 品质为重 品质为本,财富为果。 醒觉起来 累积点滴改进,迈向完美品质。一丝之差,优劣分家。 手连手,发扬优质精神。 自检互检,确保产品零缺点。 品质就是生产出来的,不就是靠检验出来的。留意多一点,问题少一点。 每天自我检讨,品质自然更好!杜绝不良思想,发扬优质精神。 老毛病,要根治;小问题,要重视!篇二:品质宣传经典广告语 品质宣传经典广告语 细心、精心、用心,品质永保称心。创新突破稳定品质,落实管理提高效率。贯彻iso 系列标准,树立企业新形象。品质管理标准化,iso成功靠大家。内部审核定期做,系统维持不会错。作业标准能遵守,品质效率不用愁。顾客反馈勤分析,品质改善有主意。原始记录要可靠,统计分析才有效。不接受不良品,不制造不良品, 品质就是做出来的,不就是检验出来的。以科技为动力,以质量求生存。 每天自我检讨,品质自然更好。 您思考,我思考,品质提升难不倒。我们的承诺:不做不良品。 革除马虎之心,提升产品品质。 品质您我做得好,顾客留住不会跑。找方法才能成功,找借口只会失败。没有措施免谈管理,没有计划如何工作不收不良品、不做不良品、不出不良品发现问题马上报,及时处理 要做好。改革创新追求品质,落实管理提高效率。 检验测试坚持做,一点问题不放过。来料检验按标准,产品质量有保证。宁愿事前检查,不可事后返工。 品质管理讲技巧,沟通协调很重要。 生产没有质量的产品,等于制造无用的垃圾。想要产品零缺点,全面品管不可免。眼到、手到、心到,不良自然跑不掉。一个疏忽百人忙,人人细心更顺畅。做好产品包装工作,保障产品最终质量。优质建设,以质为根。


广告语手法分析范文 更新 Zhlzw .com 中华勵誌网实用范文 1.比喻: 彩蝶纷飞,多姿多彩。来源:中华励志网https://www.360docs.net/doc/9a11882341.html,(手帕广告) 我的第一张名片。(潇翔西服) 长虹——中国人心中的彩虹。(电器广告) 2.对偶: 使头发根根柔软,令肌肤寸寸嫩滑。(白丽香皂) 召唤东方男性阳刚之气,尽显中国男士不凡气派。(杉杉西服) 笑意写在脸上,满意装在心里。(南京新街口百货商场) 3.引用:

何以解忧?惟有杜康。(杜康酒) 衣带渐宽终不悔,常忆宁红减肥茶。 敢问路在何方,路在北旅脚下。(北京旅行 ','_blank');"onmouseout="kwL(event);">旅行社广告) 趁早下“斑”,请勿“豆”留。(化妆品广告) 4.反复: 熬呀熬呀,熬瓣酱,好东西都在酱里藏,熬呀熬呀,熬瓣酱,熬出读书好儿郎。 字幕——阿香婆熬出来的好酱。(阿香婆瓣酱) 燕舞,燕舞,一曲歌来一片情。(燕舞牌录音机) 5.对比: 千军易得,一将难求。(将军冰箱) 6.夸张: 今后不必再用牙齿了。(美国啤酒)

眼睛一眨,东海岸变成西海岸。(航空公司) 7.讳饰: 晚一分钟回家比永远不回家要好得多。(交通广告) 8.双关: 华讯寻呼,勿失良机。 不打不相识。(打字机广告) 饲宝920,催猪不吹牛。 爱是正大无私的奉献。 实不相瞒,天仙牌的名气是吹出来的。 人类失去联想,世界将会怎样。(联想电脑) 美满http://生活 ','_blank');"onmouseout="kwL(event);">生活从中意开始。(中意冰箱) 9.排比: 天天呼吸,空气不可污染;日日饮用,水源不可污染;餐餐进食,蔬菜不可污染。(公益广告)


广告语的语用分析 引言 广告(advertising)一词源自拉丁语“advertere”,意为“唤起大众对某种事物的注意,并诱导至一定的方向所使用的一种手段”。在当今社会,广告作为一种大众传媒语言在企业竞争中起着举足轻重的作用,已经成为宣传和促销的一种必不可少的手段。广告大师Leonard认为:“广告是人与人沟通的行业,广告效果实现的关键在于向人们提供一种切中销售要点的利益承诺或消费理念,而这主要是靠语言来实现的。” 我们认为广告是一种特殊形式的言语交际行为。言语交际行为涉及下面几个方面,孙维张概括为:①言语交际行为的主体——说话人和听话人;②言语交际行为的环境;③言语交际行为的目的;④言语交际行为的手段,即语言形式。 [1]主体是言语交际行为的参与者;环境是言语交际行为发生的背景,任何言语交际行为都是特定环境中的行为,离开了环境就没有言语交际行为;目的是言语交际行为的启动因素和终极目标,没有无目的的言语交际行为;语言形式是目的的实现手段,是言语交际行为主体相互连接的外在手段。我们再来看广告言语行为的构成要素:①交际主体——广告制作者和受众者;②交际环境——广告言语行为发生的背景(语境);③交际目的——传递商品信息,最大可能地激起受众者购买的欲望甚至行为;④语言形式——广告语。需要强调的是,本文关注的是成功的广告言语行为。 本文将从语用学角度,分析广告语有意违反合作原则所产生的会话含义,同时考察关联理论在广告语理解中的体现。 一、广告语对合作原则的违反 美国哲学家格赖斯(HP.Grice)认为,在所有的语言交际活动中,为了达到特定的目标,说话人和听话人之间存在着一种默契,一种双方都应该遵守的原则,他称这种原则为会话的合作原则(Cooperative Principle,简称CP)。 [2]分别包括:质量准则,数量准则,关联准则和方式准则。但是在广告这一言语交际行为中,广告制作者会有意违反合作原则的某条准则,并力求使受众者能够察觉这一违反,迫使受众者解读广告语蕴含的会话含义,从而使这一交际行为获得成功。 (一)广告语对质量准则的违反 质量准则要求人们在交谈中不要说自己认为是不真实的话;不要说自己缺乏足够证据的话。违反质量准则,广告语会显得缺乏逻辑性,夸大事实或者自相矛盾。然而在广告语中,广告制作者总是喜欢用一些夸张的表达手段向受众者传递信息,而受众者则能从这些夸张、矛盾的语句中推断出广告的真正含义。


摘要 广告充斥着人们生活中的每一个角落,并时时刻刻影响着人们的社会生活。广告语言在广告的劝说性和有效性方面发挥着至关重要的作用。模糊语言作为一种语言策略是广告的一个重要特征,前人分别从文体学、符号学、话语分析法、社会语言学以及语义学等方面对其进行了分析研究。然而模棱两可作为模糊语言在交际中的语用运用在广告语言领域尚未引起学界的足够重视。鉴于此,本文试图从语用学角度出发,以七条简短的广告词为蓝本,对广告用语的四种句式即简单句,省略句,散句和疑问句进行深入细致的分析,并以Grice的会话的合作原理和Leech的礼貌原则为理论支撑来对广告用语模棱两可的现象进行阐释。 Abstract Advertising permeants our life and exerts a considerable influnce on our society.The language of advertising is of decisive importance to the persuasiveness and effectiveness of advertising. Vagueness, a strategy often used in advertising, is a remarkable feature of advertising language. So far the study on it has been approached mainly form stylistic semiotic, discoursal, socialinguistic, and semantic perspectives. However, ambivalence, which is a special kind of vagueness, has not been paid much attention to as the pragmatic use of vague language in advertising. Enlightened by this gap, this thesis attempts to comduct a systematic analysis on the use of ambivalence in commercial English advertisements from a pragmatic perspective with seven advertisements based on the theoretical frame of Cooperative Principle and Politeness Principle. Key Words:Vagueness; Cooperative Principle;Politeness Principle. 模糊语言在广告中的运用 1.引文 语用学,顾名思义,研究的是语言的运用。它有别于语义学,语义学研究的是语言符号与符号所代表的事物之间的关系,而语用学则研究语言符号与符号解释者之间的关系,即把语言文字的自身意义同他们的使用者联系起来。在广告中引入语用学,将语用学的研究成果运用到广告之中,这是广告的新课题。广告除了告知功能外,更为突出的是说服和引导消费功能,这有赖于广告语言的功效。有时候为达到吸引消费者的目的,广告用语可能含有虚假、不实信息,或通过特殊的语言处理引起消费者的误解,这一切都是通过广告用语的模棱两可造成的。本文从广告用语模棱两可的现象出发,以七条简短的广告词为蓝本,对广告用语的四种句式即简单句,省略句,散句和疑问句进行深入细致的分析,并以Grice的会话的合作


十则经典广告词评论 评论1佳通轮胎卷尺篇评点再简单些简单是广告的灵魂。看看佳通轮胎这则广告,第一眼 ... 评论1佳通轮胎卷尺篇评点再简单些简单是广告的灵魂。看看佳通轮胎这则广告,第一眼够简单的:用软尺绕成一个无穷大(倒8字)的图型,细节也注意到了,让软尺破格延伸出去。左上角是标志和广告语,右下角是标题、随文和产品图。让我们看看能不能再简单些,我认为至少有2处。文字部分:“能跑多长,你量不出来”的标题和“你能量的出佳通轮胎上的花纹深了几毫米,你能量的出它的胎体加厚了几层,但是,你量不出,它的行驶里程有多长!”的随文,其实在讲两个字:耐磨!为什么不直接呢?为什么不可以用更简单的语言说出来?怕跟固特异冲突,那你就是从策略调整,玩文字和这样的卖弄有时会适得其反.难以弥补策略的不足!设计部分,我看不出有什么理由将在左上角和右下角的元素分开,根据本创意(倒8字),不如全部聚中的好,简单嘛! 看美国安泰人寿的这两则广告,我认为是对智力和眼力的挑战。这两则广告,创作者试图借助公益宣传到达宣传安泰人寿关注社会资源,致力于公益的企业形象.版画的风格,长文案,手法还算新颖.但是是否很恰当?作者用洋洋三百多字讲水资源的重要,就单从文字传达的信息,就让我不知道

安泰要干什么?公益广告——让人珍惜水资源?安泰自己的标志、电话、址一应俱全,安泰很显然不是环保署。创作者并不关心节约水资源究竟和安泰有何关系,或者说这样做能达到树立安泰形象的目的吗?还是产生更大误解?形象广告——蔡志忠式加日本式的绘图风格无可厚非,但从“找到水比喝水更艰难”到“可能是迅猛龙灭绝原因之一”或“淋到雨比躲雨更享受”到“绝对是地球人灭绝征兆之一”,让人去想到安泰人寿,在逻辑上或许能通但的确费劲,消费者会怎么理解呢?所以看似新鲜的做法,如果掌握的分寸有问题,就会失去原来的策略初衷! 评论2福特汽车《过天晴篇》平淡中见真实广告片的视角独特,画面单纯,通篇采用俯拍镜头。小雨过后,7个人拥上一辆停在露天的房车,故事虽然平淡却真实而富有生活气息。广告创意的高明在于巧妙利用了雨后车痕这一人这一视而不见的现象,两三个简捷的镜头语言就戏剧性地表达了福特车小而载人多的广告诉求。美中不足的是,片中的人声欢笑,分散了受众对这则以视觉语言说话的广告片对视觉元素的注意力,使雨后车痕这一核心元素往往被忽视,从而给人不知所云的第一印象,对观众的智商提出了过高的要求,限制了广告诉求对目标消费群体的周延度,从而使广告的有效性打了折扣。为了弥补不足,广告用了一个3D 制作画面,图解福特车5座加2座的功能特性,落入生硬广


摘要:从语用学的角度,用礼貌原则、合作原则和会话含义、语境理论、距离原则、动听原则和模糊理论对英语“死亡”委婉语进行了分析,为英语“死亡”委婉语的名用提供了理论依据,期望能够帮助人们了解重视这些委婉语,在社会交际中正确选择、使用它们,从而避免在交际中可能产生的误会和冲突,提高跨文化交际能力。 关键词:死亡委婉语;语用学;合作原则;语境 委婉语是人类语言中的一种普遍现象,是人类进行社会交际活动的润滑剂,它在人类交际中发挥着不可或缺的作用。一些专家学者曾从不同角度对英语委婉语进行了研究。归纳起来,主要有5个方面:(1)研究历史及演变;(2)界定其定义;(3)探讨其构成手段;(4)从语言学角度研究;(5)从语用学角度研究。笔者发现到目前为止,还没有从语用学的角度对英语中的“死亡”委婉语作专门分析研究的文章。而笔者认为,英语中关于“死亡”的委婉语数量很多,它在一定层面反映了一个社会的社会文化、民族心理、价值观念等,它是我们了解西方社会的一个重要视角。对它进行研究还可以避免在交际中可能产生的误会和冲突,提高我们跨文化交际能力。因此,笔者试图在前人研究的基础上,分析英语中的“死亡”委婉语所体现的一些语用学原则,希望人们可以加深对它以及西方社会的认识,也可以在言语交际中更好地、正确地选择使用,提高跨文化交际能力。 上处以绞刑,人们就用一些与白杨树有关的温和的、甚至是好听的表达委婉说出这些人的死,如“to be a cottonwood blossom”、“to decorate a cottonwood”、“riding under a cottonwood limb”。 (2)得体准则。减少有损于他人的观点,增大有益于他人的观点。如将人死后称为“to became a land owner”、“go to Heaven/paradise”、“be with God、rest/be in Abraham?8 bosom”等。这是出于礼貌,给对方留有面子,也有可能让他人对自己有好感等。 (3)赞誉准则。减少对他人的贬降,增大对他人的赞誉。如对为国家或事业而献身的人给予崇敬和赞美,称他们是“to lay down one?S life”、“to make the Illtimate/l船t sacrifice”、“to be present at the last roll call”、“to fire one?s last shot”礼貌原则为死亡委婉语提供了理论基础,这些死亡委婉语的礼貌功能也使得尖锐的社会问题显得缓和与轻松。 1礼貌原则2合作原则和会话含义Leech?提出了一套各社会、各群体共享的普遍性的“礼貌原则”,它包括6个准则:策略准则(Tact Maxim)、赞扬准则(Approbation Maxim)、谦逊准则(Modesty Maxim)、慷慨准则(Generosity Maxim)、一致准则(Agreement Maxim)和同情准则(Sympathy Maxim)。英语死亡委婉语则体现了这些准则。如: (1)同情准则。即减少对他人的反感,增大对他人的同情。如西方国家以前多将犯人吊在白杨树Grice[2]根据会话的内容提出了合作原则,他认为言语和非言语交际中存在着一个总的合作原则。为了成功的交际,双方都必须遵守一定的原则,它包括4条准则:数量准则(适量)、质量准则(正确)、关系准则(关联)、方式准则(简明)。但人们有时会出现违反某条准则的情形。这时,违反准则的一方可能有言外之意,另一方要能领会“话外话”。英语“死亡委婉语”就故意违反了交际中必须遵守的这些准则,而这恰恰是为了遵循礼貌原则,维护他人的面子,保持他人的尊严,如合作原则中质的准则要求不要说自知是虚假或缺乏足够证据的话。死亡委婉语从本质上说违反了这一准则,如将死亡称为“to be on vacation”,“to take a one way ride/trip”等。另外,关系准则和方式准则要求讲话要有关联,要清楚明白,避免晦涩和歧义。而死亡委婉语往往委婉含蓄,如将死亡称为“to cancel olae?s account”、“to return to dust/earth”、“to turn one?s toes to daisies”等,这样故意违反合作原则其实隐含着其他的目的,即遵循礼貌原则,维护他人的面子,保持他人的尊严。 3语境理论 言语交际中的参与者不是任意地、毫无节制地选择交际语码的;相反,语码的选择与交际目的、交际语境密切相关。语境包括显性语境和潜性语境:前者指交际活动发生的时间、地点、场景、参与者、话题、面部表情等可感知的具体直接的物理因素;后者指交际参与者的文化


经典广告创意案例分析 “U是时候红牛了” 红牛饮料简介: 14年前,风靡全球的红牛饮料来到中国,在中央电视台春节晚会上首次亮相,一句“红牛来到中国”广告语,从此中国饮料市场上多了一个类别叫做“能量饮料”,金色红牛迅速在中国刮起畅销旋风。 红牛功能饮料源于泰国,至今已有40年的行销历史,产品销往全球140个国家和地区,凭借着强劲的实力和信誉,“红牛”创造了奇迹。做为一个风靡全球的品牌,红牛在广告宣传上的推广,也极其具有特色。 红牛饮料广告创意特点分析: 一、独特性 红牛是一种维生素功能型饮料,主要成分为牛磺酸、赖氨酸、B族维生素和咖啡因(含量相当于一杯袋泡茶)。红牛功能饮料科学地把上述各种功效成分融入产品之中,与以往普通碳酸饮料不同。从推广之初,就将产品定位在需要补充能量的人群上。 “汽车要加油,我要喝红牛”,产品在广告宣传中就将功能性饮料的特性:促进人体新陈代谢,吸收与分解糖分,迅速补充大量的能量物质等优势以醒目、直接的方式传达给诉求对象。 让大家通过耳熟能详、朗朗上口的广告语,接受“红牛”作为功能性饮料能够提神醒脑、补充体力、抗疲劳的卓越功效。 二、广泛性 “红牛”的消费群体适合于需要增强活力及提升表现的人士饮用。特别适合长时间繁忙工作的商务人士、咨询服务业人士、需要长时间驾驶的专业司机、通宵达旦参加派对的休闲人士、正在进行运动或剧烈运动前的运动爱好者和需要保持学习状态的大中学生。目标对象较为广泛,供不同职业、不同年龄段人饮用。 三、树立品牌形象,注重本土化 红牛初来中国时,面临的是一个完全空白的市场。引用营销大师的观点而言,那是一个彻底的“蓝海”。因为当时的中国市场,饮料品牌并不多,知名的外来饮料有可口可乐和百事可乐,运动类型饮料有健力宝,几大饮料公司广告宣传力度都非常强,各自占据大范围的市场。红牛饮料要想从这些品牌的包围中迅速崛起,不是一件容易的事情。 因此,红牛饮料“中国红”的风格非常明显,以本土化的策略扎根中国市场。公司在广告中宣传红牛的品牌上,尽力与中国文化相结合。这些叙述固化在各种宣传文字中,在色彩表现上以“中国红”为主,与品牌中红牛的“红”字相呼应,从而成为品牌文化的底色。中国人万事都图个喜庆、吉利,因而红红火火,越喝越牛。这正体现了红牛饮料树立品牌形象的意图,了解中国市场消费者的购买心理后,将红牛自身特点与中国本土文化结合的完美体现。 四、多媒体、大冲击、深记忆 红牛在1995年春节联欢晚会之后的广告上首次出现,以一句“红牛来到中国”告知所有中国消费者,随后红牛便持续占据中央电视台的广告位置里,从“汽车要加油,我要喝红牛”到“渴了喝红牛,累了困了更要喝红牛”,大量黄金时间广告的宣传轰炸。并配合以平面广告的宣传,红牛在短短的一两年里,让汽车司机、经常熬夜的工作人员、青少年运动爱好者,都成为红牛的忠实消费群体。红牛一举成名,给中国消费者留下很深的记忆。后来出现了大量模仿甚至假冒红牛的饮料,比如:蓝狮、金牛、红金牛、金红牛等等。 四、一句广告词,响彻十余年 一个来自于泰国的国际性品牌——红牛,以功能性饮料的身份挟着在当时看来颇为壮观的广告声势向人们迎面铺来。一直以来,“困了累了喝红牛”这句带有明确诉求的广告语惹得
