

【篇一:新编英语教程4 梅德明主编练习册翻译全集】当他午夜下班回家,他总是蹑手蹑脚地上楼,以免吵醒邻居。

every time he returned home from work at midnight, he would tiptoe upstairs, trying not to disturb his neighborhood.


动帮她把行李搬进屋子。 to establish some kind of rapport with his new neighborhood, mr. green lost no chance in offering to carry her luggage to the house.


if it had not been for the constant encouragement and help

from her friend ,she couldn’t have accomplished anything .



it was only a few days ago that he was full of contempt for the new project ,but now he is working hard with zest for its realization. what a battling change!

6.从她的自传可以断定,她对那名钢琴师始终怀有一种复杂的感情。 judging from her autobiography, she always had mixed

feelings for that pianist.


的跨文化方面的问题。 whiling waiting in the lounge for the

flight ,he struck up a conversation with two american travelers and touched on many interesting cross-culture issues.


these girls all dread working alone on night duty.



i don’t mind working overtime, what i do mind is working on those insignificant trivial things during the weekend.


室里乱七八糟时,便自发地打扫了起来。 actually nobody asked them to do anything on the first day of school. when they saw the classroom in such a mess, however ,they cleaned it spontaneously.

unit 2

1.这个看上去饱经风霜的渔翁伸出他那由于辛劳而布满老茧的双手,开始讲述了他海上生活的艰难历程。 holding out his work-gnarled hands, the old fishman with a weather-beaten face started to

tell us about the hardship of his life on the sea.


the little girl is apparentl y badly injured. she’s been crying for hours and she’s still moaning .


阵欢呼声和鼓掌声。 as the nobel prize winner went onto the platform escorted by the chairman ,the whole hall rocked with cheers and clapping .


when the dance party was in full swing , music and songs swirled all around the ballroom .



for some unknown reasons ,there has been a revival of strong interest in traditional chinese drama, such as beijing opera and shaoxing opera, among the college students.



the traffic downtown was held up for a while because crowds

of people swarmed into the streets

to watch the annual holiday parade.


多麻烦而深感愧疚,他跪在.她们的面前祈求宽恕。when he say his heart-broken parents, the young man felt so ashamed of

himself for causing so much trouble to the family that he went on his knees and begged for their forgiveness.



he was very excited at the sight of his son ,whom he had not met for a long time ,getting off the ship .but it was quite out of his expectation that his son pretended not to see him ,and turning his back on his father ,the young man walked off right away.


国的经济交往和双边贸易得到迅猛发展。 the two neighboring

countries stopped the decade-long war and signed a peace agreement .from then on ,their economic exchange and

bilateral trade developed by leaps and bounds .


的演讲不时被震耳欲聋的掌声所打断。 as soon as the winner of nobel prize of physics appeared before the faculty and

students ,the hall broke into a sea of cheers .and his speech was punctuated by deafening clapping .

unit 3



you are not likely to grasp an article on logic unless you think actively in the course of reading.



according to the author ,one of the most effective ways to

read a good book is by writing between the lines while reading .



he was so absorbed in one of his cloning experiments that he wasn’t aware of my entering the laboratory at all .


i don’t think happiness consists in obtaining what you need ;i believe happiness consists in doing what you can for society.


air pressure ,oxygen and temperature are among the

conditions indispensable to the survival of the astronauts on

the moon.


in a certain sense ,postgraduate students are also researchers.



he would rather set down what he has observed, important or trivial ,in his notebook than commit it to his memory ,because he believ es in the remark that “the worst pen is better than the best memory”.



he was supposed to explain to the students why sharp observation and logical thinking were indispensable qualities to research work ,but his talk was more confusing than clarifying .


according to his theory of foreign language learning ,one can better learn english in a state of relaxation than in a state of concentration .

10.计划和列提纲只是写作的前奏曲,一篇论文的撰写还需要经过初稿,修改,编审等环节。 planning and outlining are only a prelude to writing .drafting ,revising and editing are necessary steps required of thesis writing .

unit 4

1. 如果你上了因特网

if you have access to the internet and log on to it, you can get information online about current affairs, education, science and technology, finance, public health and entertainment.

2. 由于现代化电信手段的快速发展thanks to/due to/owing to the rapid development of

modern means of telecommunication, international communication is generally unencumbered by time or space.

3. 她是一个少说话多做事的科学家she is a scientist of action. for example, she more than

4. 我真弄不明白他为什么整天摆弄那台老掉牙的电脑

i really don’t understand why he noodles around that outmoded/old-fashioned computer all day long.

5. 万一你无法进入中央数据库in case you fail to get into the central database, you can call

our technical support service department for help.

6. 语言中介词和冠词数量是有限的a language has a limited number of propositions and

articles, but its nouns and verbs are open-ended and finite —new words are born every day.

7. 越来越多的年轻人意识到英语是全球通用的语言with the awareness that the english

language is the lingua franca of the world, an increasing number of young people try to learn english so much as they can in their spare time.

8. 这个小伙子的与众不同之处在于what distinguishes this young man from others is that he 9. 这个研究所是this research institute is a non-profit institution whose research projects are usually funded by some multi-national corporations.

10. 我们公司的总经理是一个完全以市场经济为取向的人our general manage is one who is

completely oriented toward the market economy. at every critical juncture in the business development of the corporation, he would choose nothing but the market road.

unit 5


i can’t drive a car ,let alone fly an airplane .


the artic is populated with people of different nationalities .the antarctic ,in contrast ,has no permanent residents because the climate there is unfavorable to human survival .

3.虽然她在接受心脏手术后自我感觉正常,但是医生却坚持认为她应该隔天去医院检查一次。 although she felt like a normal person after the heart surgery ,the doctor insisted that she should go to the hospital for examination every other day .


small wonder they lost the games time after time ,they had been out of training for quite some time .


i am inclined to think that there will be strong opposition to our reform plan among quite a few board members .


the employees of the company at all levels think of their new manger as far-sighted ,resourceful and highly competitive .


no matter who he is or where he is from ,we cannot tolerate anyone’s behavior that is jnjurious to social order .



those who claimed to have set eyes on the mysterious savage in the forest all affirmed that the most distinctive feature of the savage was its huge size .


有一种甘甜清新的味道。 as regards the quality of the drinking water on that small island ,the explorers who set foot on the island reported that it was sweet ,pleasant and refreshing .



as far as the business profits are concerned ,the main drawback of the publication of academic treatises is that they usually do not smell well ,with ad average number of only several hundred copied for each printing .

unit 6


i really doubt if the treated drinking water will truly provide sufficient minerals that are essential to human health .

2.灿烂雅文化是如何从地球上突然消失的?这始终是一个难解之谜。 as to how the splendid maya culture disappeared all of a sudden from the earth ,it remains a mystery hard to solve .


口气。不久传送系统便恢复了正常运转。 when it was made plain that it was a big rat that had caused the breakdown of the transmission system ,we all felt relieved .soon the system was brought to its normal operation.



he was almost driven to despair when he learned that he was considered too old to take part in the space voyage .he had spent three years preparing for this long-dreamed-of trip .




the trip turned out to be a disaster ,for the only means of transport available in that area were donkeys .we spend most of our time joggling on the backs of these animals ,almost stifled by the heat and swirling dust .


he was not a very popular professor among the students because he would invariably wander off

his topic during the course of his lecture and drag the class into the time for break .


the prominent collector declared that his collection included some invaluable paintings that no one could afford to buy.


to save the life of the little boy stung by a scorpion,the villagers used all the means and ways available to reduce the effect of poisoning .

9.这座城市举办的一年一度的冰雕节吸引了来自全国的各类人士。 the annual ice sculpture festival in this town attracted all manner of people from all over the country .



some countries were reduced to extreme poverty brought forth by war and natural disasters. for that matter ,a u.n. official insisted that developed countries should take their responsibility to make new contributions to the economic development of the developing countries .

unit 7

1. 我们原无须自己预订雅虎因特网服务we need not have subscribed to the yahoo internet service, because the university did the subscription free of charge for its faculty and postgraduate students a week ago.

2. 我奶奶说起她街坊的一个戴眼镜的小伙子i simply had no idea of whom my grandmother was referring to when she was talking about a young man with glasses from her

neighborhood who bought her a train ticket with his own money and walked her onto the train.

3. 他在债权人的任意摆布下,处境十分危急his situation was desperate as he was now left to the tender mercies of his creditors.

4. 校长坚定的说,无论是教师the president declared resolutely that these regulations applied to everyone without expectation, be it a teacher, student or administrator.

5. 这个男孩语气坚定地否认the boy confronted his teacher’s accusation with a firm voice and denied the charge that he had cheated in the final exam.

6. 文化传统有很大的约束力cultural traditions have a strong binding power. for example, many westerners keep to the custom of getting married only in june.

7. 在市场经济的时代in the era of market economy, the concept of “consumer first” should be reinforced by the manufacturer.

8.常言道,“文如其人”。“the style is the man,” as the saying goes. i believe that a writer’s personality is, to a large extent, embodied in his or her style of writing.

9. 这个国家的习俗容许妇女穿裙子in this country, convention allows women to wear skirts, but not trousers, to say nothing of jeans.

10. 不是所有的人都有相同的看法。not all people think alike. take architecture for example. people may see a building in a different light and from different angles. some may appreciate its exterior appearance and others appreciate more about its interior decoration.

【篇二:新编英语教程5 练习册答案】

s from the texts:

unit 1:

1.which sentence in the first paragraph establishes the link between the driving of a nail and the choice of a word?

so with language firmly and exactly.

2. what does the word “this” in sentence 1,para 2, refer to? getting the word that is completely right for the writer’s purpose.

3.do you agree with the author that there is a great deal of truth in the seemingly stupid question “how can i know what i think till i see what i say?”

the question sounds irrational, but is true. unless we have found the exact words to verbalize our own thoughts, we can never be very sure of what our thoughts are. without words,

our thoughts can not be defined or stated in a clear and precise manner.

4. expain why the word “imprison” in the example given in para.9, though not a malapropism, is still not the right word for the writer’s purpose?

“malapropism” means the unintentional misuse of a word by confusing it with one that resembles it, such as “human” for “humane”, “singularity” for “singleness”. but the misuse of imprison is different case, it is wrongly chosen because the user has failed to recognise its associations.

5. please make comments on the three pairs of examples given in this section.

compare and contrast their differences in meaning.

human nature; human rights)

or compassion. (humane judge,

humane officer)

human action = action taken by human;

humane action = merciful action;

human killer = person that kills human;

humane killer = instruments which kill but cause little pain, esp. those for the

painless killing of animals.

6. what does the word “alive” in the sentence “a student needs to be alive to these differences” (para.9)mean?

sensitive, alert.

7. the writer begins his article with an analogy between the unskilled use of the hammer and the improper choice of words. indentify the places where the analogy is referred to in the rest of the article.

“we don’t have to look far afield to find the evidence of carpentry”(para.5)

“it is perhaps easier to be a good craftman with wood and nail than a good craftsman with words.”(para.9)

“a good carpenter is not distinguished by the number of his tools, but by the craftsmanship with which he uses them. so a good writer is not measured by the extent of his vocabulary, but by his skill in finding the “mot juste”, the word that wi ll hit the nail cleanly on the head.”(para.11)

unit 3:

1. in the hoffmann’s opinion “simplicity” is the best word to describe the essense of einstein’s character. the abstract notion of simplicity is explained by a phrase in the first paragraph. which is it?

“going instinctively to the heart of a matter”

2. from the two anecdotes related in paras.2-4, what impression of einstein have you got?

einstein was a very modest, never thinking himself any superior to or more authoritative than others because of his fame and achievements as a great scientist of the time.

3. what, according to the author, is einstein’s most outstanding trait as a scientist?

concentration. refer to the first sentence of paragraph 9.

4. why did einstein insist on working hard when he was so badly shaken by his wife’s death?

working hard requires concentration, which would help him to dispel the feeling of sorrow.

5. how do you interpret the sentence in para.11 “to help him, i steeered the discussion away from routine matters into more difficult theoretical problems”? tackling more difficult theoretical problems requires greater concentration and absorption. this would help him temporarily forget the sadness caused by his wife’s death..

6. what revelation is made through e instein’s comment on beethoven and mozart’s works?

as a simple man, einstein takes it that beauty exists in the universe. such beauty is natural, pure, and simple. beauty found is even greater and more admirable than beauty created.

7. how did einstein feel about the destructive effect produced as a result of the application of his e=mc2 formula?

this is something he had not expected. he was greatly dismayed by the devastating effect his formula produced once it was put into application.

8.with his favorite anecdote related in para.19, hoffmann aims to illustrate einstein’s whimsically. do you think he is really a whimsical man? what personality trait other than being whimsical is revealed here?

he was not really a whimsical man. if he could be called a whimsical man, then his whimsicality came from the young heart and childlike innocence which he had managed to retain. unit 4

1. how do you account for harrington’s use n para.2 of the first person singular, which is not found anywhere else in the passage?

to enforce his assertion that the other america did exist though most americans might not believe it just because they had never been there personally. what harrington is trying to say is “i myself was once ignorant of its existence, but now i can pr ove to you that it does exist.”

2. what, according to harrington, has rendered poverty less visible in rural america?

refer to paras.4-5

rural poverty is hidden away from tourists who normally travel on highways without penetrating into the country, and sometimes is masked by its natural beauty.

3. how has urban development contributed to the reduced awareness of the existence of the poor?

refer to paras.8-10

urban transformation leads to the distributional segregation of poverty, and urban renewal creates the false impression about the existence of the poor.

4. what have mass-production and age to do with the invisiblity of poverty? refer to paras.11-14

mass production of garments enables even the poor to be decently dressed. most poor people are aged; they are less mobile and thus less visible.

5. how do you understand the statement “the poor are politically invisble”?

politically, the poor are not adequately represented; and their voice is not heard an attended to in the political life of the nation.


he exercises in unit 1

ii. paraphrase

1.a writer who is particular about the exactness of an expression in english will never feel happy with a word which fails to express an idea accurately.

2. to a certain extent, the process of finding the right words to use is a process of perfection where you try to search for words that may most accurately express your thoughts and feelings, and words that may most effectively make your listeners and readers understand your thoughts and feelings.

3. finding the most suitable word to use is in no sense easy. but there is nothing like the delight we shall experience when such a word is located.

4. once we are able to use language accurately, we are in a position to fully understand our subject matter.

iii. translate

1.after citing many facts and giving a number of statistical figures, he finally drove home his point.

2. it took us half a year more or less to carry through the research project.

3. what he said was so subtle that we could hardly make out his true intention.

4. his new book looks squarely at the contemporary social problems.

5. the younger generation today are very much alive to the latest information found on the internet.

6. it is a matter of opinion whether a foreign language is more easily learned in one’s childhood or otherwise.

7. never lose heart in the face of a setback; take courage and deal with it squarely.

8. rice, meat, vegetables, and fruit constitute a balanced diet. language work


1. clumsy-unskillful

2. deft-skilful

3. loose-vague

4. subtle-tricky


precise-accurate 6. shift-alteration 7. vague-ambiguous 8. scrupulous-conscientious 9. ignorance-want of knowledge 10. disadvantages-drawbacks 11.

cultivating-developing 12. mistaken-erroneous

13.unimportant-trivial 14. dark-dim 15. flexible-adaptable 16.

fine-subtle 17. sentimental-emotional 18. essence-quintessence

19. coercion-compulsion 20. fascinating-absorbing


1. less

2. because/since/as

3. not/disagree

4. that

5. resistance

6. runners

7. solve/resolve

8. more

9. that 10. without 11.achievement/feat/accomplishment 12. in 13.

do/achieve/finish 14. physical 15. those 16. few 17. cannot 18. the 19. with 20. not

answers to the exercises in unit 2

ii. paraphrase

1. what happens is that the mediterranean, the cradle of many ancient cultures, is seriously polluted. it is the first of the seas that has been made to suffer from a situation resulting from development mixed with an irresponsible mentality.

2. further, while the places such as cannes and tel aviv dispose of their wastes through a pipe stretching out half a mile from the shore, most cities do not even bother to do that but simply dump their sewage directly into the sea along the coastline.

3. there is an even bigger hazard hidden in the seafood dishes that are forever so appealing to those holiday- makers.

4.factories are set up around the coastline, few of which, including the most sophisticated, have been equipped with a satisfactory system for

dealing with their effluents.


1. one man’s effort is not enough to cope with such a complicated situation.

2. when do you think the new it (information technology) regulations will take effect?

3.the chances of winning a prize in a lottery are slim; perhaps only a

one-in-a-hundred chance.

4. it is deplorable that many a youngster has fallen victim to the use of drugs.

5.there is virtually no one who is in favor of his proposal.

6. beware of the swindler with a slick tongue and a smiling face.

7. don’t touch the bag! the explosive in it may blow up at any minute. your life will be at risk.

8. he looked quite confident about the job, though some doubts lurked in the depth of his mind.

language work

i. 1-5babba 6-10 dbadc

ii. 1-5cdbcc 6-10 cdcdc


1. in contras

2. on the contrary

3. but/except

4. apart from/ besides

5. besides/apart from

6. without

7. except for

8. except for/ apart from

9. also 10. in contrast 11. apart from/except for 12. beside 13. on the contrary 14. in … contrast


1. heats

2. if

3. colder

4. climate

5. affected/influenced

6. maritime

7. warm/mild

8. continental

9. evaporates 10.

absorb/hold 11. sponge/cloth 12. saturate 13. surface 14. small/tiny 15. raindrop 16. clouds 17. as 18. out 19. land

answers to the exercises in unit 3 ii. paraphrase

1. this natural ability of getting to the essence of a subject was the key to the great discoveries made by him in science-this natural gift and his unusual awareness of beauty.

2. his engrossment in ideas was incredibly intense and deep. when attacking a

problem difficult to solve, he kept attempting to deal with it with great effort, just as an animal chases and bites a weaker animal it preys upon until the latter gives in.

3. he would look lost in thought, thinking about something distant, and yet meditating within himself. he did not seem to be in deep thought, nor did he knit his brows—he was just in self-contained peaceful contemplation.

4.the theories, considered isolated one by one, was really credible, so much so that they seem to be simple and clear. but when considered together, they were so strongly contradictory to each other that a less learned scholar would have given up one or the other completely and would no longer take up the issue again.

5. einstein’s wo rk was done quietly with pencil on paper and seemed to be far

removed from the confusion of everyday life, but his ideas were so radical that they led to strong arguments and made people ueasonably angry.

iii. translation

(1) he honked his car horn to alert the pedestrians.

(2) the fast development of information technology is an outstanding example of human endeavour.

(3) mary groped for the appropriate words to express her indebtedness to her teacher.

(4) the school p rincipal’s plain words conveyed a message of challenge to the young people.

(5) don’t tamper with the wires, or you may cause a short circuit.

(6) he thought he could beat everyone at the competition, but his excessive confidence failed him.

(7) what he said seemed simple and clear, but there was an implied meaning that we couldn’t quite fathom.

(8) he tried to steer the group’s random talk towards some constructive subjects.

answers to the exercises in unit 6

ii. paraphrase

(1) when i got ready to enter college, i was expecting a college education in some definite fields. i was very eager to know the answers to some questions difficult to understand, and that has made me work and improve myself; especially in areas of study where there were no prompt answers, but there were endless questions.

(2) when he read or recited greek poetry, it seemed that what was described in the verse became alive; both the romantic ideas and the poetical lines sounded like

beautiful music, and i, just like him, was motivated to be neither a hero in poetry nor a poet who created poetry, but

only a student of greek culture and poetry, in such a way that i would be able to interpret greek poetry.

(3) ―come on, boy. the world belongs to you—you are expected to do creative

thinking and to act creatively for the world. there is still a lot to be accomplished, and

a lot to be found out. no poem written can be called the greatest and no railroad built can be the best. the perfect state has yet to be conceived. everything has yet to be done.

(4) what i was hearing was the uestrained, earnest, and sparkling interchanges of great intellect as sharp as first-rate tools. they were always polite, speaking one at a time; no one spoke to anyone in secret and no one digressed; they all

spoke when there was an issue everyone was interested in;

and while they were explaining something, anyone, no matter whether he was for or against the issue, would tell others what he knew about a philosopher’s opinion or a poet’s phrase in order to clarify or to beautify the theme.

iii. translate

1. can you make out the meaning of his long-winded harangue?

2. being worried about his exam results, he was not in the

least attentive to the visiting professor’s lecture.

3. is it easier for a child or a grown-up to pick up the

rudiments of a foreign language in a short period of time?

4. did what he said about the short-term training course

appeal to you?

5. the biography of the great scientist inspired him to greater efforts in doing research.

6. should we be indifferent to the living conditions of the people in the lower income bracket?

7. the decision made recently by the school board had little to bear on our curriculum.

8. the ship was so strongly built that it can withstand any storm.

language work

i 1-5. abcbd 6-10. bbbad answers to the exercises in unit 7

ii. paraphrase

1. in my opinion, gifted children are children who are specially endowed with natural abilities which rank high on testing scales.

2. i am of the opinion that children should be grouped according to their interest and ability and be subject to a form of training that will develop their abilities and capabilities to

the utmost.

3. it is the teacher, rather than the way that the classes are formed, that influences the students in how they look at differences in ability among themselves.

4.i am confident that if teachers are aware of individual differences and motivate young people in different ways, the students will develop through cultivating their own interests and abilities.

iii. translate

1. her questions about the functioning of the software manifest

a great interest in information technology on her part.

2. we have no grounds to prove the validity of the theory of the ―missing link.‖

3. to a certain extent, his reasoning is valid, but not as a general rule.

4. his tireless efforts yielded great fruits – a new theory in genetics.

5. don’t think that all great scientists are endowed with special talents –it’s 99% of perspiration and only 1% of inspiration that make them great.

6. what criteria did you use when you elected the chairperson of the students’ union?

7. can you identify the handwriting of all your students?

8. whether or not the outcome is successful lies with the efforts made by the candidates.

language work

i. 1-5 acbdc 6-10. dacbb 11-15 adaca 16-20 bbcad

answers to the exercises in unit 8

ii. paraphrase.

1.people spend much of their life time trying hard to keep things in good shape. they think a product, after leaving its factory, should last at least for a reasonably long period before ceasing to work.

2. quality-control instruments and testing devices are also governed by murphy’s law, so they are not reliable.

3. look at the artifacts of the pre-industrial era exhibited in a museum and you will see that technology is not the factor that decided the quality of these items.

4. if a handmade basket or boat is made by an inexperienced or irresponsible worker, it may break down as easily as machine-made baskets or boat.

5. my opinion is that it is the social relationship between producer and consumer rather than the technological relationship between producer and product that

makes ―handmade‖ items so highly regard ed.

iii. translate

1. the harsh reality of daily life dispelled all his hopes for a bright future.

2. our sports meet will be postponed to next week because of the unpredictable weather.

3. every visitor to this exhibition must show his/her identity card no matter who he/she is.

4. the renovation plan for the old city centre is subject to the approval of the municipal government.

5. his hopes withered away after he had experienced one failure after another.

6. e-mail is so quick and convenient in sending messages that it may soon replace ordinary mail service.

7. the sight of the great wall evoked a sense of wonder in him.

8. the maintenance of quality-control instrument can be very costly.

language work
