


编号:0004 开课单位:外语教研室


学分:2 主讲教师:李蟠缪军











Inventory management Inventory Control On the so-called "inventory control", many people will interpret it as a "storage management", which is actually a big distortion. The traditional narrow view, mainly for warehouse inventory control of materials for inventory, data processing, storage, distribution, etc., through the implementation of anti-corrosion, temperature and humidity control means, to make the custody of the physical inventory to maintain optimum purposes. This is just a form of inventory control, or can be defined as the physical inventory control. How, then, from a broad perspective to understand inventory control? Inventory control should be related to the company's financial and operational objectives, in particular operating cash flow by optimizing the entire demand and supply chain management processes (DSCM), a reasonable set of ERP control strategy, and supported by appropriate information processing tools, tools to achieved in ensuring the timely delivery of the premise, as far as possible to reduce inventory levels, reducing inventory and obsolescence, the risk of devaluation. In this sense, the physical inventory control to achieve financial goals is just a means to control the entire inventory or just a necessary part; from the perspective of organizational functions, physical inventory control, warehouse management is mainly the responsibility of The broad inventory control is the demand and supply chain management, and the whole company's responsibility. Why until now many people's understanding of inventory control, limited physical inventory control? The following two reasons can not be ignored: First, our enterprises do not attach importance to inventory control. Especially those who benefit relatively good business, as long as there is money on the few people to consider the problem of inventory turnover. Inventory control is simply interpreted as warehouse management, unless the time to spend money, it may have been to see the inventory problem, and see the results are often very simple procurement to buy more, or did not do warehouse departments . Second, ERP misleading. Invoicing software is simple audacity to call it ERP, companies on their so-called ERP can reduce the number of inventory, inventory control, seems to rely on their small software can get. Even as SAP, BAAN ERP world, the field of



UNIT 1 TEXT B 刷牙,使用牙线,以及每年2次的牙齿检查是口腔卫生保健标准,但是保护你珍珠样洁白的牙齿的好处远比我们知道的还要多。在一篇评论文章中,塔夫茨大学牙科医学院的一个教员破除了常见的牙科神话,并概述了饮食和营养如何影响儿童,青少年,孕妇,成年人和老年人的口腔健康。误区1:口腔卫生的不良后果是限制嘴巴 准妈妈也许不知道她们所吃的食物会影响到胎儿的牙齿发育。在怀孕过程中的营养缺乏也许会使未出生的孩子在今后的生活中更容易出现蛀牙。“在14周到4个月大的时候,缺乏钙,维生素D,维生素A,蛋白质和卡路里会导致口腔软组织缺损,” Carole Palmer说。Carole Palmer 是,教育学博士(EdD),注册营养师(RD),塔夫茨大学教授,公共健康和社会服务系营养和口腔健康推进部的负责人。有数据表明缺乏足够的维生素B6和B12可能是导致患唇裂和阻碍味觉形成的危险因素。 在童年的时候,最普遍的疾病是蛀牙,大约比儿童哮喘高五倍。“如果一个儿童因为蛀牙而嘴巴受伤,他/她在学校会比较难集中注意力,而且

会更喜欢吃容易咀嚼的食物,这些食物含有的营养往往更少些。甜甜圈和点心这样的食物大多营养品质低下,含糖量高于其他需要咀嚼的富含营养的食物,比如水果和蔬菜,” Palmer说。“口腔并发症与不良的饮食习惯会造成认知和生长发育问题,以及导致肥胖。” 误区2:吃越多糖,越容易蛀牙 这与你吃了多少糖无关,而是糖和牙齿接触的时间有多少。“食物,比如慢慢溶解的糖果和苏打水在嘴巴里停留的时间会比较久。这增加了牙齿暴露在口腔细菌由糖产生成的酸中的时间,” Palmer说。 有研究表明,十几岁的青少年大约40%的碳水化合物是由软饮料中摄取的。这些源源不断地软饮料增加了牙齿腐烂的风险。无糖碳酸饮料和酸性饮料,比如柠檬水,往往被认为比含糖饮料对牙齿更安全,但是经常食用的话仍会造成牙齿釉质脱矿。 误区3:宝宝因蛀牙失去牙齿是可以的 这是常见的误区,认为宝宝因为蛀牙失去牙齿是无关紧要的,因为宝宝的乳牙总会在将来某一天脱落。Palmer指出婴儿牙齿蛀牙可能会损害


Unit One 1. neuron 神经 2. office visit(诊所)就诊 3. scan 扫描 4. medical practice 行医 5. blood pressure 血压 6. maintenance(健康)保持 7. mammogram 乳房X线 8. physical 身体 9. side effect 副作用 10. panic 恐慌 11. practicing 执业 12. transplant 移植 13. budget 预算 14. tablet 药片 15. childproof 防孩子 16. randomized 随机 17. allocation(随机)分配 18. prognosis 预后 19. control 对照 20. follow-up 跟踪 21. ward 病房 22. hepatitis 肝炎 23. malaise 身体不适 24. metabolism 代谢 25. liver 肝 26.pathophysiology 病理生理 27. literature 文献 28. investigation 调查 29. incidence 率 30. epidemiology 流行病学 31. bed rest 卧床休息 32. hospital stay 住院33. jaundice 黄疸 34. course 病程 35. intravenous 静脉注射 36. diastolic 舒张 37. perfusion 灌注 38. primary 初级 39. bypass(冠脉)旁路 40. informed 知情 41. humanitarian 人道主义 42. the Red Cross 红十字会 43. relief 援助 44. casualty 人员伤亡 45. emergency 紧急 Unit Two 1. re-emerging 再现 2. strain 变种 3. vaccine 疫苗 4. infectious 传染性的 5. emerging 新出现 6. prevention 预防 7. plague 鼠疫 8. pathogenic 病原的 9. authorities 机构 10. drug resistanc 抗药性 11. course 疗程 12. scarlet fever 猩红热 13. virulence 毒性 14. pandemic 大流行 15. antigen 抗原 16. genetic 基因的 17. neurological 神经性 18. immunity 免疫力 19. infrastructure 基础设施 20. case 病例 21. swine 猪 22. tuberculosis 结核 23. morbidity/incidence发病 率 24. professionals 专业人士 25. latent 潜伏 26. skin test 皮试 27. screening 筛查 28. interferon 干扰素 29. toxicity 毒性 30. curable 可治愈的 31. intractable 难治的 32. pathogen 病原体 33. ulcer 溃疡 34. exposure 接触(带病者) 35. recombination 重组 36. bioterrorism 生物恐怖活动 37. foodborne 生物传播 Unit Three 1. adrenaline 肾上腺素 2. residency 实习 3. autoimmune 自身免疫 4. stamina 持久力 5. transient 短暂的 6. bedridden 卧床不起 7. building block 基本构件 8. model 模型 9. neurodegeneration神经退 化 10.excrete 排除(毒素) 11.optimize 优化 12.load 载量 13.relapse 复发 14.self-experimentation自我 实验 15.trial 试验 16.neuromuscular 神经肌肉 17.therapist 治疗师 18.micronutrient 微量营养素 19.function 功能 20.track 跟踪 21.coordination 协调 22.cardiovascular 心血管 23.rapport 亲密 24.synchronization 同步 25.contagion 传染 26.regulate 调节 27.psychobiological 生物心理 28.solace 慰藉 29.imaging MRI 30.activate 激活 31.mandatory 强制性 32.dubious 无把握的 33.background 背景 34.concept 概念 35.regimen 方案 https://www.360docs.net/doc/9a8813456.html,plications 并发症 37.anti-tumor 抗肿瘤 38.standard 标准的 39.pharmacological 药理学的 40.solubility 溶解性 41.in vivo 体内 Unit Four 1. complementary 补充 2. alternative 替代(医学) 3. paradigm 模式 4. acupuncture 针灸 5. adjunct 辅助 6. nausea 恶心 7. post-operative 术后 8. clinical 临床的 9. physicaltherapy 理疗 10. therapeutic 治疗(方法) 11. intervention 干预 12. design 设计 13. resonance 共振 14. emission 发射PET 15. analgesia 止痛 16. establishment(生物医学)界 17. rehabilitation 康复 18. licensed 持照(针灸师) 19. strategies 策略 20. formulas 配方 21. wide array 各式各样的 22. integrative(中西医)结合 23. acute 急性的 24. administer 给药 25. procedure 程序 26. evaluation 评估 27. prevalence 患病率 28. conventional 传统(疗法) 29. evidence-based 循证的 30. management(压力)处理 31. peripheral 外周/外围 32. mechanisms 机制


文献翻译 原文 Combining JSP and Servlets The technology of JSP and Servlet is the most important technology which use Java technology to exploit request of server, and it is also the standard which exploit business application .Java developers prefer to use it for a variety of reasons, one of which is already familiar with the Java language for the development of this technology are easy to learn Java to the other is "a preparation, run everywhere" to bring the concept of Web applications, To achieve a "one-prepared everywhere realized." And more importantly, if followed some of the principles of good design, it can be said of separating and content to create high-quality, reusable, easy to maintain and modify the application. For example, if the document in HTML embedded Java code too much (script), will lead the developed application is extremely complex, difficult to read, it is not easy reuse, but also for future maintenance and modification will also cause difficulties. In fact, CSDN the JSP / Servlet forum, can often see some questions, the code is very long, can logic is not very clear, a large number of HTML and Java code mixed together. This is the random development of the defects. Early dynamic pages mainly CGI (Common Gateway Interface, public Gateway Interface) technology, you can use different languages of the CGI programs, such as VB, C / C + + or Delphi, and so on. Though the technology of CGI is developed and powerful, because of difficulties in programming, and low efficiency, modify complex shortcomings, it is gradually being replaced by the trend. Of all the new technology, JSP / Servlet with more efficient and easy to program, more powerful, more secure and has a good portability, they have been many people believe that the future is the most dynamic site of the future development of technology. Similar to CGI, Servlet support request / response model. When a customer submit a request to the server, the server presented the request Servlet, Servlet responsible for handling requests and generate a response, and then gave the server, and then from the server sent to


医学论文英语摘要的写作及难句翻译 [摘要] 2.1 文章标题文章标题具备信息功能(提供文章的主要内容)、祈使功能(吸引读者阅读和购买)、美感功能(简单明了、新颖、醒目)和检索功能(方便读者和科技工作者检索、查阅及引用)。 2.2 语态在英语中却常常采用第三人称的被动语态。 2.3 时态:一般现在时和一般过去时,偶尔也会出现完成时。 结论”中的一句,是论文作者对研究工作进行的总结,并指出其对当前实际工作的指导意义,因此使用的是一般现在时。当然,使用何种时态不能一概而论。在翻译时,要根据原文中所要表达的意思来最后确定。 3 长、难句的翻译 不管是英语还是汉语医学文章,都有一个共同的特点,即它们的句子通常较长,结构较复杂,有时,长长的一段文字仅由一句话组成。在医学论文摘要中更是如此,要做好它们的互译还真不容易。这是因为汉语句子建构在意念主轴(thought?pivot)上'英语句子建构在形式(或主谓)主轴(form?pivot or subject? predict?pivot)上。也就是说,虽然句子是表达完整意义的语言单位,汉语强调的是意义,不太强调句子结构,许多句子没有主语,还有的句子主语不明显,但意义是明确的;而英语句子特别强调句子结构,绝大多数句子需要主语和谓语。这就要求在汉译英过程中注意句意的转换,学会抓找中心词和使用英语中的各个关联词。请看下列例子 例1:“以BPDE诱导恶性转化的人支气管上皮细胞株16HBE为模型,采用cDNA代表性差异分析方法,比较转化细胞及正常对照细胞间基因表达的差异,分离恶变细胞中差异表达的cDNA片段。”翻译:The malignant transformation of human bronchial cell line 16HBE induced by BPDE was used as a m odel for comparing gene expression between the transformed cells and controls. cDNA representational difference analysis was performed to isolate differentially expressed cDNA fragment in transformed cell s.分析:在中文原句中,出现了“以……”、“采用……”以及“比较……”、“分离……”这两个看似并列的机构'如果按照原文翻译'就会不知所云。因此,根据句意和英语的句子结构,将原文分成两层意思,按照两个句子去翻译。在第一层意思中,“上皮细胞株”在句中是中心词,但在实际翻译中,应通过所有格形式将“恶性转化”处理为中心词。翻译时,将它们的位置颠倒过来,并且为了保持和中文“以…”结构相一致,使用了被动语态。第二层意思中,“c DNA代表性差异分析方法”是中心词。其他结构按照英文习惯出现,层次分明,出落自然,毫无累赘之感。 例2:“这些感受器是神经末梢,它们嵌入血管壁,根据该血管扩张的程度发出冲动。”翻译:These r eceptors are nerve endings that discharge impulses according to the extent of stretch in the wall of the vessels in which they are imbedded.分析:原文虽然不是太长'但如果按照中文结构去译'就显得很幼稚。因此'就应使用英语中的各个关联词及关联结构。本句中采用的是定语分译法'即用一个主句带上一个定语从句'该定语从句又带上它自己的定语从句'这不仅符合英文习惯'而且逻辑性很强。整个译文层次明晰、流畅自然。以上是笔者在工作中的一些探索'希望能对进行医学论文英语摘要写作的医务工作者有所启发。 翻译的等效性和灵活性 1. 正确理解“等效翻译”


继续医学教育《医学文献检索》答案 ()主要提供知识查考与查证之用,种类主要包括:词典、百科全书、年鉴、手册、名录等B “木黄桐防治骨质疏松”的最佳检索提问式是()A、木黄桐AND 防治AND 骨质疏松《国际标准化组织标准目录》是一本()E、年刊()全文浏览器是中国知网的专用全文格式浏览器E、caj ()是构成数据库中记录的基本单元B、字段()是北京爱琴海软件公司开发的一款专业级别的文献检索与管理系统D、NoteExpress ()是北京金叶天盛科技有限公司开发的国内第一款医学文献管理软件B、医学文献王()是记录有知识的一切载体B、文献()是目前唯一国际通用的专利文献分类工具A、国际专利分类法()是人们用来反映客观事实而记录下来的可以识别的物理信号A、数据()是人们在认识和改造客观世界的实践中所获得的认识和经验的总和B、知识()是物质存在的一种方式、形态或运动状态,是事物的一种普遍属性A、信息《美国生理学杂志》现分()个分册出版D、7 《默克诊疗手册》是()提供的非营利性医疗服务C、默沙东《中国标准文献分类法》目前有()个一级大类组成E、24 《中国图书馆分类法(第四版)》的“自然科学”大类中涉及医/药学的分类除了“医药卫生(R)”之外,还有()C、生物科学(Q) 《中国学术期刊网络出版总库》收录了下列哪一年以来的中国生物医学期刊()C、1915 《中国学术期刊网络出版总库》数据更新频率是()A、每日更新《中国图书馆分类法(第四版)》将中医药、卫生大类分为()个二级类目B、17 A near B 表示A、B 之间允许插入几个其他单词()A、0 CAJViewer 浏览器是下列哪个数据库专用全文格式阅读器()B、CNKI CALIS 数据库提供哪一类文献()C、学位论文CBM 采用下列哪种词表对文献进行分类标引()A、《中国图书馆分类法-医学专业分类表》CNKI 采用简单检索时,系统默认的文献类型是()A、文献CNKI 的概念是由()在1998 年提出的B、


毕业设计说明书 英文文献及中文翻译 学院:专 2011年6月 电子与计算机科学技术软件工程

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(文档含英文原文和中文翻译) 中英文对照外文翻译文献 Biological effects of the Magnetic Stimulation on the T oad Heart Abstract-W e stimulated the exposed toad heart by a low frequency and high energy magnetic. By analyze the data of this experiment, it shows that the pulsating of the weak toad heart would make change after stimulated by magnetic. W eak heartbeat strengthened, the single peak curve would become the two peaks curve with atria wave and ventricle wave after the magnetic stimulation. But the cycling of rhythmic pulsatile curve of toad doesn't change. I. INTRODUTION All life forms have magnetism. All kinds of magnetic field would have some effects on the configuration and activities of life forms that whichever environmental magnetic, additional magnetic or inside magnetic of organism. The biologic effects are related to the characteristics and


A reading course I Chapter1 TextA prematurely 过早地 diagnosis 诊断 sub health 亚健康 immune system 免疫系统 respectively 分别地 prevalent 普遍地 spearhead 为…带头,为…先锋 sustained 可持续的 intellectual 知识分子 transitional 过度的 chronic 慢性的 infectious传染的 massage 按摩,推拿 blood circulation 血液循环 textB defect 缺点,缺陷 abnormality 畸形,异常 cardiac 心脏的,心脏病的 cardiac arrest 心搏停止 screening test 筛选试验,屏蔽试验coroner 验尸官 autopsy 验尸,尸体解剖 ventricular 心室的,脑室的 fibrillation 纤维性颤动 ventricular fibrillation 心室纤维性颤动hypertrophic 肥厚的 cardiomyopathy 心肌症 hypertrophic cardiomyopathy 肥大型心肌病myocardium 心肌,心肌层 coronary 冠状的 artery 动脉 compress 压缩,压紧 syndrome 综合征 inherit 继承,遗传 chaotic 混乱的,无秩序的 erratic 不稳定的,古怪的 commotia cordis 心脏震动 red flag 危险信号 on the outlook 寻找,警惕着 syncope 晕厥 exertion 努力,用力


复旦大学上海医学院 2011~2012学年第二学期期末考试试卷 课程名称:_ _医学文献检索与利用_____ 课程代码:__ _MED130046.01____ 开课院系:____图书馆文献检索教研室___ 考试形式:课程报告 姓名:王康安学号: 10340700153 专业:临床医学八年制 医学信息检索与利用 综合实习报告 (临床医学八年制、基础医学版) 检索题目(中英文)跟骨骨折治疗方法 ------------ The Treatment of the Calcaneal Fractures --------------------- 一、围绕课题需求,开展信息检索 1.根据检索需求,选择检索工具:列出所选数据库(3种)

2.分析课题,确定检索词和检索语句:编写各种数据库的检索式(格式详见说明) 3.列出所选数据库检索获得的记录数、各摘录3条相关文献题录(格式详见说明) 数据库1:中国学术期刊网络出版总库 检索式:核心期刊=Y 并且年 between(2010,2010)并且((主题=跟骨骨折并且主题=治疗方法)) (模糊匹配),专辑导航:骨科学 检索记录数:23 主要相关文献(3条题录): 1.彭光军. 跟骨骨折不同内固定方法治疗的比较研究[J]. 中国矫形外科杂志, 2010,18(2):124-127. 2. 范江荣. 跟骨骨折的分型和治疗进展[J]. 中国矫形外科杂志, 2010,18(20):1686-1688. 3. 吴子征, 张东华, 丁徐.严重跟骨骨折治疗方法的临床研究[J]. 中国矫形外科杂志, 2010,18(21):1825-1827. 数据库2:万方数据 检索式:title:跟骨骨折治疗 date:2010-2010 检索记录数:160 主要相关文献(3条题录): 1.沈爱东. Sanders1型跟骨骨折治疗的临床分析[J]. 创伤外科杂志, 2010,12(6):563. 2. 顾凯明. 临床跟骨骨折治疗20例分析[J].中国社区医师(医学专业), 2010, 12(34):68. 3. 徐国浩. 跟骨骨折治疗51例临床分析[J]. 中国医学创新, 2010,07(21):9-11. 数据库3:PubMed 检索式:(Treatment AND Calcaneal Fractures[Title/Abstract]) AND ("2010"[Date - Create] : "2010"[Date - Create]) 检索记录数:40 主要相关文献(3条题录): 1. Mailk A K, Solan M, Sakellariou A. Primary subtalar arthrodesis for the treatment of comminuted intra-articular calcaneal fractures[J]. INJURY-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THE CARE OF THE INJURED, 2010,41(7):702-706.


步进电机的知识 什么是步进电机: 步进电机是一种把电脉冲转化为角位移的执行机构。通俗的说:当驱动程序收到一个步进脉冲信号,将驱动步进电机轴旋转一个固定的角度(步进角)。您可以通过控制脉冲个数来控制角位移,从而达到准确定位的目的;同时,你可以通过控制脉冲频率来控制电机的旋转速度和加速度,实现速度控制的目的。 步进电机的种类: 步进电机分为三种:永磁式(PM),反应式(VR)和混合式(HR)永磁式步进电机一般为两相,转矩和体积较小,步进角一步7.5度或15度;反应式一般有三相可以实现大转矩输出,步进角一般是1.5度,但噪声和振动大。在欧洲和美洲80个国家已被淘汰;混合式步进是混合了永磁式和反应的优势。它由两相和五相:一般两相的步距角是1.8度,而的五相步距角为0.72度。是使用最广泛的的步进电机。 步进电机允许的最高表面温度 步进电机温度过高首先会的磁性材料退磁,导致转矩降低甚至失步,电机表面温度允许的最大值取决于的磁性材料退磁点;一般来说,磁性材料退磁点在摄氏130度以上有些材料甚至高达摄氏200度高,所以步进电机表面温度在摄氏80-90度是正常的。 步进电机精度为多少?是否累积 一般步进电机的精度为步进角的3-5%,且不累积 如何确定步进电机驱动器直流电源 A.电压确定 混合式步进电机驱动器的电源电压范围较广(比如IM483的供电电压12?48VDC),电源电压通常根据电机的转速和响应要求来选择。如果要求较快的运行速度较高的响应速度就选用较高的电压,但注意电源电压的峰值不能超过驱动器的最大输入电压,否则可能会损坏驱动器。 B.电流确定 电源电流一般根据输出相电流I来确定。如果采用线性电源,电源电流一般可取I的1.1?1.3倍;如果采用开关电源,电源电流一般可取I的1.5?2.0倍。 步进电机的主要特性 在步进电机关机时要确保没有脉冲信号,当电机运行时 如果加入适当的脉冲信号,它会转过一定的角度(称为步距角是)。转速与脉冲频率成正比。 2龙式步进电机步距角7.5度,旋转360度,需要48个脉冲来完成。 3步进电机具有快速启动和停止的优良特性。 4只要改变脉冲,可以很容易地改变电机轴旋转的方向。 因此,目前的打印机,绘图仪,机器人设备以步进电机作为动力核心。 步进电机控制的例子 我们以四相单极步进电机为例: 四个相绕组引出四个相和两个公共线(连接到正极)。一相接地。会被激发,。我们使用四相八拍控制,即第1阶段第2阶段交替反过来,会提高分辨率。步距角0.9°,可以转移到控制电机励磁是为了转移如下: 如果电机反转的要求,传输的激励信号可以逆转的。2控制方案 控制系统框图如下


医学护理中英文对照外文翻译文献 宗教信仰在应对乳腺癌患者以后生活中的作用 目的: 识别并检查新诊断为乳腺癌的老年患者中是否存在宗教和精神应对策略现象。 方法: 一个简易样本,由被招募来进行为期6个月的诊断的33名65岁女性组成。受访者被要求参加一个会提出灵活性问题的结构式访谈。访谈的誊本由三名研究人员各自独立分析讨论其主题,直至达成共识。 结果: 参加者的宗教背景为:17名新教徒,五,六名犹太人,天主教和另外四个其它教徒。她们在出席宗仪式的频率上存在着很大的不同。而在健康危机期她们的宗教和/或精神信仰或增加或保持不变。誊本分析显示出了三个主题。宗教和宗教信仰

为受访者提供了必要的情感支持(91%)、社会支持(70%)来面对她们的乳腺癌,以及赋予了她们一些使日常生活变得有意义的能力,特别是癌症经验(64%)。 结论: 宗教和宗教信仰为新诊断为乳腺癌的老年女性患者提供了一些重要的应对这些疾病的方法,这些方法也得到了诊断医生的认可。这可能对于鼓励这些患者寻求宗教的支持和/或重新与她们的宗教团体再结合是非常重要的。 引言 一个关于乳腺癌的新的诊断已被证实对女性有重大的影响(格里,1979;琼斯和格林伍德1994;罗兰和马西,1996分;安徒生,1998)。在老年妇女中,乳腺癌是最常见的癌症,其影响还会因为人口老龄化继续上升。更好的了解老年妇女如何应对乳腺癌可以使人们更好的增强功能和改善生活质量。 最近日益让人们产生浓厚兴趣的是,宗教或信仰在患者对乳腺癌的反应中所扮演的角色。 在这些老年人中,宗教经常可以帮助她们缓解生理疾病中的固有压力,比如那些伴随着医师会诊、治疗及其它事件所产生的相关压力(包括罗斯,1982;考恩威博士(1985 - 1986);曼弗雷德和皮克特,1987)。


Research Article Mechanical Properties of Fiber Reinforced Lightweight Concrete Containing Surfactant Y oo-Jae Kim, Jiong Hu, Soon-Jae Lee, and Byung-Hee Y ou Department of Engineering Technology, Texas State University, San Marcos, TX 78666, USA Correspondence should be addressed to Y oo-Jae Kim, yk10@https://www.360docs.net/doc/9a8813456.html, Received 21 June 2010; Accepted 24 November 2010 Academic Editor: Tarun Kant Copyright ? 2010 Y oo-Jae Kim et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Fiber reinforced aerated lightweight concrete (FALC) was developed to reduce concrete’s density and to improve its fire resistance, thermal conductivity, and energy absorption. Compression tests were performed to determine basic properties of FALC. The primary independent variables were the types and volume fraction of fibers, and the amount of air in the concrete. Polypropylene and carbon fibers were investigated at 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4% volume ratios. The lightweight aggregate used was made of expanded clay. A self-compaction agent was used to reduce the water-cement ratio and keep good workability. A surfactant was also added to introduce air into the concrete. This study provides basic information regarding the mechanical properties of FALC and compares FALC with fiber reinforced lightweight concrete. The properties investigated include the unit weight, uniaxial compressive strength, modulus of elasticity, and toughness index. Based on the properties, a stress-strain prediction model was proposed. It was demonstrated that the proposed model accurately predicts the stress-strain behavior of FALC. 1. Introduction In the last three decades, prefabrication has been applied to small housing and tall building construction, and precast concrete panels have become one of the widely used materials in construction system. Recently, much attention has been directed toward the use of lightweight concrete for precast concrete to improve the performances, such as dead load reduction, fire resistance, and thermal conductivity, of the buildings. Additionally, the structure of a precast building should be able to resist impact loading cases, particularly earthquakes, since resisting earthquakes of these buildings under the performances is becoming an important consideration [1, 2].Many efforts have been applied toward developing high performance concrete for building structures with enhanced performance and safety. V arious types of precast concrete products, such as autoclaved aerated lightweight concrete (AALC), fiber reinforced concrete (FRC), and lightweight concrete, have been developed and experimentally verified. A number of them have been applied in full-scale build-ing structures. AALC is well known and widely accepted, but its small size and weak strength limit its use instructural elements [3]. Lightweight aggregate concretes offer strength, deadload reduction, and thermal conductivity,
