专八 真题范文




而且文章结构一律规定为三部分:introduction, body 和conclusion. 从这些方面看,专八写作对于学习英语专业达到三年或四年的学生来说并不是特别难的事。




















除此之外,大家还可以通过多读优秀范文来提高写作水平,除了看一些专八的真题范文外,还可以看看TOFEL,GRE 或IELTS 的范文。





能力和基础来复习,如果作文比较薄弱那么最行之有效的方法就是背诵范文,如果作文基础不错,只要掌握专八作文的一般结构,了解提出论点论据的方法,和正确的语言表达就可以,翻译要遵循的一个原则就是要用中文的表达方式做英译汉,用英语的表达习惯做汉译英,这部分一般只要能做到直译,没有语法和单词拼写错误都能得14 15分左右向你推荐基本书单词的可以用双环境突破英语专业八级词汇10000 作文根据自己基础可以看星火的专八写作标准范文背诵和冲击波系列的写作,这个主要是一些讲解,告诉你专八的作文应该如何写听力就听真题和在网上听听新闻就行翻译新东方出了本译艺的书我觉得很好人文知识的就是英语专业八级人文知识精讲改错就冲击波系列吧真题的重要性自然不用我多说了祝考试成功































Last but not least, the Hollywood films also conform to specific cultural demands. Take this year’s Academy Awards as an example, nominated movies include both high-cost productions like The Lord of the Rings and subtle, more moderate budgeted projects like Lost in Translation, these films suggest that Hollywood movies maintain a basic balance in keeping the style of its own and absorbing diverse cultures. Hence, the Chinese filmmakers should spare no efforts to present original domestic films to foreign viewers. We will be left behind if we stick to the so-called orthodox. For instance, Couching Tiger Hidden Dragon was acted by Chinese actors and through cultural icons, but actually its style and structure of the movie all conform to a Hollywood formula. This partly explains why it appeals to a wider range of audiences from different cultural background. In a word, the Oscars are very important to Chinese filmmakers. Nominations are a kind of approval by international peers of their achievements. As China’s market improves, its movie industry will get stronger and will eventually cash in on the Oscars. 2023年专八作文范文MOOCs第2篇 1)抓主旨 根据讲座结构上的特点可知,开头部分往往会对全文的主题和分述的要点加以说明,即使不是第一句,也会是紧随其后的几句,因此要格外留意。


2023年专八作文真题及范文(精选5篇) 2023年专八作文真题及范文第5篇 Financial Disparity: Not a Barrier for Friendship With the development of market economy in China arise the income gaps between people working in different fields: some earn good money; some make ends meet; some others live on narrow means. On top of many social problems this financial disparity may cause there is a claim that it affects friendship. The assumption seems reasonable but we may find it does not really hold water by taking a close look into the subject. First of all true and lasting friendship is built on common values pursuits or hobbies rather than similar incomes. Friends are those who agree with your life views and stick to the some principles those who encourage you when you lack confidence in meeting challenges and pursuing your dream or those who share your interests and appreciate your tastes. Indeed what strengthens these emotional bonds between you and your pals is not the same amount of wealth but spiritual commonalities. Of course with similar financial backgrounds you will probable know better about each other's life style but the difference in this aspect will not matter if you are mutually appreciated needed and trusted. The friendship between Marx and Engels--the two German revolutionists--is a case in point. The former was often in debt while the


人文学科优势的英语作文_专八真题英语作文2篇 关于”人文学科优势“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Advantages of Humanities。以下是关于人文学科优势的专八英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。 关于”人文学科优势“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Advantages of Humanities。以下是关于人文学科优势的专八英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。 高分英语作文1:Advantages of Humanities How should we read selectively or Extensively We should read selectively or extensively. Everyone has his own opinion. Some people think we should read selectively. They think that with the development of modern science and technology, more and more books are published every day. We can't read all the books, right There are many bad books for our mind Harmful, we should not read them, because we can not read all the books, we should not read bad books, we must read selectively, but other people do not agree with them. They emphasize that if you want to succeed, today's society is not what it used to be. If one knows much more in one field and knows nothing in another, you must read and read widely It may be useless to study the knowledge of natural science and humanities, because we must have a lot of knowledge, but we must read widely who is


1. Love, and Then Be Loved With the development of science and technology, remarkable changes have taken place in our life. Some changes are good while others are not. One of these unwelcome changes is that individualism has come to be accepted among young people. Young people today are in general more self-centered and unsympathetic than older generations although many young people don’t see this way. To start with, most, if not all, young people today are self-centered and indifferent to others. It is a common scene in students’ dormitories. Some student cheerfully talks to his friend on the phone at midnight or at noon when his roommates are trying hard to sleep. In order to live more comfortably and conveniently, some students rent houses outside campus or buy mobile phones little realizing how hard their parents may be working to support their higher education. In contrast to that, the older generation is self-sacrificed. A suitable case in point is my mother. My mother passed away several years ago. Like her generation, she had a congenial relationship with the elderly and all her neighbors because of her considerateness. Another notable characteristic of today’s young people is that they are unsympathetic to others. In public buses, there are usually some seats intended for the old, the weak, the sick, the disabled and the pregnant. But many young people simply take these seats when it’s possible while an elderly man is standing pitifully beside them. Some of them even show no regards for their parents. In sharp contrast, our caring parents always pay attention to our needs and those of others. My parents used to tell me that self-sacrifice is a blessing in disguise and one will be loved only if he loves others. That’s way I draw such a conclusion that young people today are more self-centered and unsympathetic than older generations. It’s necessary for us young people to learn from them: love and then be loved. After all, individualism can only be permitted without the sacrifice of others. (point-by-point pattern) ? 2. Sowing the Seeds, Nurturing Growth and Harvesting the Rewards The academic process of a student in university shares many similarities with the process of farming, which is characterized by the process of sowing the seeds, nurturing growth and harvesting the rewards. Like a farmer, who get good harvest if he spends more time and energy on farming, a college student will surely achieve more in study if he could put more effort in it. Sowing the seeds is the first basic step of farming. A successful farming depends on high-quality seeds. Similarly, obtaining knowledge is a basic step for a student’s academic success. As a college student, he should make use of their precious life in school, attending lectures in school and listening to the teacher, a person who sows the seeds, carefully. Those who skip class or idle away their time, dancing, playing cards or playing computer games, fail to sow any seeds for their future.


2023年专八真题作文范文(热门14篇) 2023年专八真题作文范文第8篇2023年专八真题作文范文第13篇 专八复习冲刺阶段,英语作文该怎么备考才能得高分呢?背些不同主题的范文,或许可以帮到你,下面是新东方在线英语专八频道整理的一系列英语专八作文范文。 Nowadays, many youth changes their jobs frequently which have aroused large focus by public. Some people think young people should stick to one job until they learn things. But others think if young people have higher salary or position, they could change their jobs as well as they like. In my opinion, I prefer the second one. 如今,很多年轻人频繁更换工作已引起社会广阔关注,一些人认为年轻人因专注在一份工作知道他们学习到东西,但另外一些人认为若年轻人有更高工资,职位的工作,只要他们情愿他们可以随便换工作。我赞同其次种观点。 Firstly, many students don’t know what kinds of job they really want after graduate, but if they practice and change constantly, they may find the favor one. Moreover, change means step forward. Of course, they will choose the one with high pay or high position. 首先,许多同学毕业后不知道自己真正想做什么,但假如他们不断尝试和转变,他们马能会找到最喜爱的那份中作,另外,转变意味着


专八写作辅导材料 1. 话题总览 2. 要求分析 1) 45 分钟如何分配? 2) 400 单词如何布局? 3) 常规要求如下: In the first part ofyour writing you should present your thesis statement, and in the second part you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary. Marks will be awardedfor content , organization , grammar and appropriateness . Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss ofmarks. Write your composition on ANSWER SHEET FOUR. year topic/title 2010 Guiyang unconventional design for CBD 2009 Putonghua /dialect 2008 What I have learned from my years at university 2007 Financial disparity affects friendship. 2006 Forming our own destiny is what ambition is about. 2005 interview as a selection procedure 2004 Should university students go in for business? Young people in China today are more self-centered and unsympathetic than were 2003 previous generations. 2002 the most important personal quality of a university student 2001 the impact of the Internet on … 2000 education as a lifelong process 1999 competition or co-operation 1998 one major problem in the process of urbanization 1997 sowing the seeds, nurturing growth and harvesting the rewards 1996 In Support of Dormitory Policies (title) Should the young take care of their parents or should it be the responsibility of the 1995 state? 1994 Personal Appearance : Looks Really Count 1993 A person’s essential qualities are inherited at birth.

专八 真题范文

专八真题范文 如何写专八中的作文 就字数时间比来看,专八作文难度介于雅思和托福之间;就写作体裁来看,迄今为止,历年真题考的都是议论文;就出题形式来看,都是给出背景和题目的写作;就写作内容来看,考到的基本上都是考生比较熟悉的关于大学生的话题或社会常见话题。 而且文章结构一律规定为三部分:introduction, body 和conclusion. 从这些方面看,专八写作对于学习英语专业达到三年或四年的学生来说并不是特别难的事。 但每年仍有为数不少的考生失利,令人惋惜。 笔者认为,要考好专八作文,应从以下几个方面入手。 首先,必须对以上提到的对作文部分的要求做到充分了解,按照要求写作。 有些同学由于轻视,只根据考试前自己看到的一些其他考试的英语写作模版(如大学英语六级或研究生入学考试英语写作模版)来对付八级,结果与考试要求的文章结构和字数不符,造成严重失分。 其次,必须在考前的一段时间做严格的限时应试练习,以保证在考场上时间比较紧张的情况下发挥出自己真正的水平。 通过练习,主要是提高自己两个方面的素质:一是进行逻辑思维的素质。

与大学英语四、六级、考研以及专业四级考试不同,专八写作要求的字数更多,更体现思维的深度和广度,因此必须通过练习来促使自己提高逻辑思维的速度和质量。 我固然会在课堂上教给大家一些常见的思维方法,如分类法、反证法、举例法、因果法等等,但更具体的素材需要大家平时去积累。 其实如果没有考试,大家是会比较懒惰的,懒于去梳理自己的思维,形成比较成熟的观点。 我们在这里且不多提考试的好处,关键的是我们可以以备考为契机,通过练习来提高思考的速度,并且更重要的是养成一种勤于思考、广泛涉猎的习惯,去关心家事、国事、天下事。 这样考试的时候才会有话可说,字数才会够。 另外一个是应用英语语言的素质。 有些同学不愁没话说,思维也很有广度和深度,但英语语言还是存在问题。 这里面有一部分同学是重视不够,忽视了语法问题,出现了不少诸如单复数、冠词、词性等语法错误,甚至还有标点符号错误。 而更多的同学是由于缺乏写作练习,在用词和造句方面做得不够好。 作为代表我国英语技能教育最高水平的考试,专八肯定会比国内其他英语考试更加重视语言的质量。 其实也很简单,就是用词和造句的准确性和多样性。


2011年 Should famous Chinese sites of historical interest charge higher fees during peak travel seasons? Nowadays,with the rapid development of tourism industry, it has become popular for quite some people to travel at vacation after a long period of heavy load of working. They come to some historical sites to relax themselves. At the same time, holiday is the busiest travel times of the year. Generally speaking, the famous Chinese sites of historical interest will charge higher fees during the time. Recently, a controversial viewpoint towards historic sites' higher charge that whether such action will hurt citizen's sentiment. My opinion is that it's worth charging higher fees. First of all, I firmly believe that it is necessary to charge higher fees. People could understand the meaning of life and the permanent value from these measures, then they will change their thinking style of study and work. Historical sites let people realize death is not far away and we should not waste our life. Moreover, when parents take their children to the historic interest, the children can learn knowledge of history rather than just playing there. At the same time they receive education. In fact,I think it is meaningful to go to Chinese sites of historical interest than to the playground. Last but not least, historical sites' complete preservation needs a large


专八英语真题作文范文(实用5 篇) The mindset of sacrifice is seen as an important part of the Chinese nation’s traditional virtues. Chinese often regard those as heroes who volunteer to offer assistance in times of crisis. Even children and youngsters in primary and middle schools are taught to learn from this kind of heroes and do something alike when confronting a similar circumstance. However, I hold an opposite view on this issue. Firstly, the new concepts of self-protection will not challenge or weaken the traditional Chinese virtue of justice and courage. On the contrary, it will be carried toward In a scientific and rational way. For instance, if primary students see a robbery on their way to school, they are advised to remember the traits of suspects and report the case to school and public security authorities. For high school students, they should report it first, and at the same time take some adequate actions to fight against criminals on the premise of fully guaranteeing their own safety. That is a positive and flexible measure to strengthen the self-protection awareness of students under the age of 18 for whom safety should be the first consideration. Given their physical strength and relevant training, it is not wise for them to stand up for justice at the risk of endangering their own lives.


Nowadays, food has bee easier to prepare. Has this change improved the way people live? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. The twentieth century has brought with it many advances. With those advances, human lives have changed dramatically. In some ways life is worse, but mostly it is better. Changes in food preparation methods, for example, have improved our lives greatly. Healthful eating is also easier than ever now. When people cook, they use new fat substitutes and cooking sprays to cut fat and calories. This reduces the risk of heart disease and high cholesterol. Additionally, we can buy fruits and vegetable fresh, frozen or canned. They are easy to prepare, so many of us eat more of those nutritious items daily. A hundred years ago, you couldn’t imagine the process of taking some frozen fruit and ice from the freezer, adding some low-fat yogurt from a plastic cup and some juice from a can in the refrigerator, and whipping up a low-fat smoothie in the blender! Our lifestyle is fast, but people still like good food. What new food preparation technology has given us is more choices. Today, we can prepare food that is more convenient, healthier, and of greater variety than ever before in history.


大学英语专八作文范文 英语专八作文模板 What kind of happiness is it? Anyone would say that happiness is a wonderful feeling in mood. It's true. Who doesn't need to be happy? I need it all. What is that happiness for me?Happiness is the constant play.Happiness is the game that is not finished.Happiness is a loud cry.Happiness is the singing of all things.Happiness is the endless candy.Happiness is the score of 100 points.Have you ever thought about this? This is the joy we want, an indescribable feeling. At this age of ours, we are constantly playing and going crazy in nature. This is the quickest way to get happiness. When you were young, you could make some friends without knowing anything. You played and played together, and of course you were happy and happy.They all like to play, because it can be fun to play, we are free to understand in the nature, maybe, in the eyes of father and mother, we go out to play is a plaything, but they do not know what we did on earth? We only think that we make some bad things and only judge from the surface. Therefore, we have unwittingly blocked our chances of happiness.I believe everyone likes sweet taste. Sad, it must be sour, relative, that happiness must be sweet. Sometimes, of course, when you are in a bad mood, eat a candy (preferably not chocolate), and feel better. If it is not possible to find a place where nobody is


2022年3月英语专八真题作文答案(网友版)2022年英语专八真题作文答案(网友回忆版) 作文题目:my views on working from home 作文范文:仅供参考,作文自己写 探讨工作是在家里好还是在办公地点好 根据专八写作的套路我们思路可以如下写作思路提示:文章可分为三局部,第一局部,提出问题,有些公司给员工提出便利,在家任务,在家任务视乎很温馨,自己自由支配时间,但实际上在家任务远没有想象的那么好,其次局部,剖析在家任务的弊病。简单懒散,需求自控才能较强,第三局部指出在单位任务的优点,我们需求与人沟通,协作,需求提升,自己的任务得到别人的认可第四局部总结一下。 Working from Home Certain companies, especially some small-scale businesses, start to encourage their staff to work from home or use home as a working base for at least part of the week nowadays. Some offer some form of remote working support to their workforces, such as equipping them with laptops and installing broadband, and others pay for the telephone bills for these workers. This work pattem is popular because it’s clear that there are


专四专八优秀范文 1.引言 1.1 概述 文章概述: 随着专四和专八考试的临近,备考的紧张氛围也逐渐升温。每年都有无数考生竞相参与,为了能够在这场残酷的竞争中脱颖而出,我们需要做好充分的准备。本文旨在探讨如何撰写一篇优秀的专四和专八范文来提升我们的写作能力和应试技巧。 在这篇文章中,我们将从以下几个方面进行讨论。首先,我们将介绍文章的结构和要点,帮助读者了解一篇优秀范文所应包含的内容和组织形式。其次,我们将探讨专四和专八写作的目的和意义,帮助读者明确自己写作的目标和追求。最后,我们将总结全文,并对未来的写作提出一些展望和建议,希望能给读者带来启发和帮助。 写作是一门艺术,也是一种技巧。在备考专四和专八写作的过程中,我们需要不断积累素材、提升语言表达能力,并且掌握一定的写作方法和技巧。只有这样,我们才能够在有限的时间内写出一篇内容充实、结构合理、语言优美的范文,从而获得高分。 希望通过本文的阐述和探讨,读者们能够对专四和专八写作有更深入的了解,为自己的备考工作提供一些建设性的参考和指导。相信只要我们持续努力,并不断提升自己的写作水平,一定能够在考试中取得令人满意的成绩。让我们一起为写作梦想努力奋斗吧! 1.2文章结构

文章结构 文章的结构是指文章整体的组织方式,它决定了文章的逻辑顺序和条理性。一个好的文章结构可以使读者更好地理解作者的观点,有助于文章的表达和阐述。 在本篇文章中,我们将按照以下结构来组织文章的内容: 1. 引言:本部分主要概述文章的主题和内容,引起读者的兴趣,并明确文章的目的和意义。 2. 正文:本部分是文章的核心部分,将展开具体的要点和论述。在本文中,我们将分为两个主要要点来阐述观点。 2.1 第一个要点:我们将详细探讨第一个要点,并通过举例、分析等方式来支持和证明观点的正确性。同时,我们将提供对于第一个要点的相关定义、特点、重要性等详细介绍。 2.2 第二个要点:接着我们将转入第二个要点的论述,同样采用类似的方法来展开探讨。我们将提供具体的实例、事实或数据来支持我们的观点。同时,我们还将分析第二个要点与第一个要点的联系和关系,以加深读者的理解。 3. 结论:在文章的结尾,我们将做一个总结和归纳。我们将回顾和概括前面部分的论述,并得出一些结论。同时,我们还将对未来的发展进行展望,提出我们的看法和建议。 通过以上结构的组织,我们可以清晰地向读者呈现出我们的观点和论述。同时,良好的结构也有助于读者更好地理解和记忆文章的内容。在撰写长文时,合理的结构是非常重要的,它能够使文章更具逻辑性和条理性,


2023年专八写作教育话题范文 2023年专八写作教育话题范文 教育话题始终是社会热点之一,因此专八的.考生在备考专八的时候肯定要留意教育话题。下面,我为考生送上两篇2023年专八写作教育话题范文。 2023年专八写作教育话题范文一 早教 People have different views on what children should do at a very early age.Some think that children should begin their formal education and start to spend most of their time on studies.Others believe that it is still time for young children to play. Both views are based on respective ground. Those who argue for the playing time for children suggest that children at a very early age are still too young to focus their attention on learning.Their brain may not be ready for serious studies such as comprehension and memorizing learning materials.These people are partially right, for it is true that young children can hardly concentrate.Their attention on one thing lasts for no longer than 15 minutes or so.But we can arrange classes for shorter periods, cant we? And we can shift teaching subjects.Through putting them to study, young children are occupied with learning but not with playing. Those who argue for childrens early commencement for formal
