


本科插班生招生考试《C 语言程序设计》试题


一 判断题,正确划√,错误划×。(每题1分,共10分)

1.C 语言的源程序不必通过编译就可以直接运行。( × )

2.在C语言中用到的任何一个变量都要规定其类型。( √ ) 3.C语言的标识符只能使用字母、数字和下划线三类字符,且第1位不能是数字字符。( √ )

4.continue 语句用在循环体中,可使整个循环不结束。( × )

5.静态局部变量只在本函数内可用。( √ )

6.在do-while 循环中,任何情况下都不能省略while 。( √ )

7.char *p="girl";的含义是定义字符型指针变量p ,p 的值是字符串"girl"。( × )

8.用fopen("file","r+"); 打开的文件"file"不能修改。( × )

9.一个共用体变量只能存放其中一个成员的值。( √ )

10.在不出现溢出的情况下,将一个数左移n 位,相当于给它扩大2n 倍。( √ )

二 单项选择题,错选、漏选、多选不得分。(每题2分,共40分)

1.下面关于"A"的说法正确的是( B )。

A ) 它代表一个字符常量

B ) 它代表一个字符串常量

C ) 它代表一个字符

D ) 它代表一个变量

2.若以下选项中的变量已正确定义,则正确的赋值语句是( C )。

A ) x1=26.8%3 ;

B ) 1+2=x2 ;

C ) x3=0x12 ;

D ) x4=1+2=3;

3.为表示关系x ≥y ≥z ,正确C 语言表达式是( A )。

A ) (x>=y)&&(y>=z)

B ) (x>=y) AND (y>=z)

C ) (x>=y>=z)

D ) (x>=z)&(y>=z)

4.设 a=5,b=6,c=7,d=8,m=2,n=2, 则执行 (m=a>b)&&(n=c

A ) 1

B ) 2

C ) 3

D ) 4

5.设a=8、b=13,则printf("%d",(a>b)?a:b); 则输出结果是 ( C )。

A ) 5

B ) 8

C ) 13

D ) 21

6.在C 语言中要求参加运算的数必须是整数的运算符是( C )。

A ) /

B ) !

C ) %

D ) = =

7.设整型变量a 为5,使b 不为2的表达式是( D )。

A ) b=a/2

B ) b=5-(---- a)

C ) b=a>3?2:1

D ) b=a%2

8.若x=5,y=4 则y*=x+5; y 的值为( A )。

A) 40 B) 20 C) 15 D) 30

9.关于break 语句的正确说法是( B )。

A ) 无论在任何情况下,都中断程序的执行,退出到系统下一层。

B ) 在多重循环中,只能退出最靠近的那一层循环语句。

C ) 跳出多重循环。

D ) 只能修改控制变量。

10.设有定义:float a=2,b=4,h=3;,以下C 语言表达式与代数式1/2(a+b)^h 计算结果不相符的是( D )。 A ) (a+b)*h/2 B ) (1/2)*(a+b)*h C ) (a+b)*h*1/2 D ) h/2*(a+b) “*”的运算优先级高于“/”的运算优先级

19.设a=15,则表达式“(a=3*5,a*4),a+5”的值是( C )。 A ) 15 B ) 60 C ) 20 D ) 75

20.结构化程序设计的基本结构不包含( D )。 A ) 顺序 B ) 选择 C ) 循环 D ) 跳转

三 综合题。(第1-2题每题3分,第3-6题每题6分,共30分)

1.阅读以下程序代码,写出程序运行结果。 int main()

{ int i,sum=0;

for(i=1;i<=20;i++) { sum+=i; } printf(“%d”,sum); return 0; }

程序运行后输出: 210 。


2.阅读以下程序代码,写出程序运行结果。 int main() { int i,j,x=0; for (i=0;i<2;i++) { for (j=0;j<3;j++) { if (j%2= =0) continue; x=x+1; } }

printf(“%d”,x); return 0; }

程序运行后输出: 2 。

3.下列程序的功能是求10的阶乘,改正程序中存在的错误(错误行已标出,不可改动其他程序代码否则不能得分),使程序能正确运行并得到正确的结果。 int main()

{ int i=1,n=10; long t=1; do {

t=t*i; i++;

}while(i<=n) //此行错误,正确为: while(i<=n); prinft(“%d ”,t); //此行错误,正确为: printf(“%ld ”,t); return 0;


4.下列程序的功能是采用选择法对10个整数进行排序,改正程序中存在的错误(错误行已标出,不可改动其他程序代码否则不能得分),使程序能正确运行并得到正确的结果。 int main()

{ int a[10]={18,6,7,35,24,69,52,21,11,41}; int i,j,k,t;

for(i=0; i<10; i++) { k=i;


t=a[i],a[i]=a[j],a[j]=t; //此行错误,正确为: t=a[i],a[i]=a[k],a[k]=t; } }

for(i=0;i<10;i++) printf(“%d ”,a[i]); return 0; }

5.下列程序为使用指针输出数组所有元素。阅读程序,将程序中缺少的代码补充完整,使程序能正确运行并得到正确的结果。(每一空行只填写一条语句或一个表达式,不写、多写、错写不给分。) int main()

{ int *p,i,num[10]={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}; p=&num[i]; i=0;


{ printf(“%d “,*p); p++;

i++; }

return 0; }

6.下列程序中的数组a 包括10个整型元素,从a 中第二个元素起,分别将后项减前项之差存入数组b ,并按每行3个元素的形式输出数组b 。阅读程序,将程序中缺少的代码补充完整,使程序能正确运行并得到正确的结果。(每一空行只填写一条语句或一个表达式,不写、多写、错写不给分。)

int main()


int a[10],b[10], i;

for(i=0; i<10; i++)


for (i=1;i<10; i++)

b[i]= a[i+1]-a[i] ;


{ printf(“%3d”, b[i]);

if ( i%3==0 ) printf(“\n”);





int strLen(char *p)


int number = 0;

while (*p)





return number;


int main()


char *str = "asdfg";

int len = strLen(str);



return 0;




广东省专插本 英语 2007年 历年题集(含答案)

2007年广东省普通高等学校本科插班生招生考试 英语试题 Part I Vocabulary and Structure (35%) 1.Trains stop here in order to ______ passengers. A.get off B.put up C.get on D.pick up 2.Fortunately, the demonstration _____ to be quite peaceful. A.turned on B.turned out C.showed off D.showed up 3.Could you tell me ______ to fly from Chicago to New York? A.it costs how much B.how much does it cost C.how much costs it D.how much it costs 4.The book covers a wide ______ of topics on international politics. A.range B.number C.collection D.amount 5.I know it’s not important but I can’t help ______ about it. A.to think B. thinking C.thinks D.think 6.Solid-fuel engines are simpler than liquid-fuel engines, ______ have important uses. A.both of them B.both C.both of which D.both all 7.Unfortunately, he didn’t ______ to read the agreement carefully before signing it. A.bother B.disturb C.occur D.happen 8.Where do you normally have your hair ______ ?. A.being done B.do C.to be done D.done 9.I ______ y ou with the funds . Why didn’t you ask me? A.could have provided B.should have provided C.must have provided D.ought to have provided 10.The child was ______ to open the window. A.tall barely enough B.barely enough tall C.barely tall enough D.tall enough barely 11.While I ______ the morning paper, a headline caught my eye. A.have read B.was reading C.had read D.am reading 12. ______ the strength of the opposition , we did very well to score two goals. A.To consider B.Considered C.Considering D.Consider 13.At first I thought I understood what she said, but the more I thought about it , ______. A.the more did I become confused B.the more I became confused C.the more confused became I D.the more confused I became 14.Mary has lived here for five years and still hasn’t ______ more than a few words with her neighbors. A.exchanged https://www.360docs.net/doc/a9667393.html,rmed C.said D.spoken 15.A little learning is a dangerous thing, ______ the saying goes. A.like B.as C.with D.if 16.If ______ , the girl would very much like to sing a song at the evening party. A.invite B.invited C.inviting D.to be invited


《数据库原理》知识点 参考答案 第三章 1、什么是视图?视图有什么作用? 答: 视图是一个虚表,其内容由查询定义。同真实的表一样,视图包含一系列带有名称的列和行数据。但是,视图并不在数据库中以存储的数据值集形式存在。行和列数据来自由定义视图的查询所引用的表,并且在引用视图时动态生成。 通过以上可看出,数据库管理员可以为用户提供一个观察数据的窗口,而不必像基本表一样将所有字段都提供给用户,从而起到如下几方面作用: (1)简化用户的操作 (2)使用户能够以多种角度看待同一数据 (3)对重构数据库提供了一定程度的逻辑独立性 (4)对机密数据提供安全保护 (5)适当利用视图可以更清晰的表达查询 2、什么是基本表?与视图的区别和联系是什么? 答: 基本表是独立存在的表。在SQL中,一个关系对应于一个表。 视图是从一个或多个基本表所导出的表。视图本身并不独立存储在数据库中,是一个虚表,即数据库中只存放视图的定义而不存放其所对应的数据,这些数据仍然存放在导出视图的基本表中。 视图在概念上与基本表等同,用户可以像使用基本表那样使用视图,可以在视图上再定义视图。 3、结合课后作业11 作业11:请为三建工程项目建立一个供应情况的视图,包括:供应商代码(SNO)、零件代码(PNO)、供应数量(QTY)。并对该视图完成下列查询: (1)找出三建工程项目使用的各种零件代码及其数量; (2)找出供应商S1的供应情况。 答: 根据题意,首先需创建视图,创建视图语句如下: CREATE VIEW V_SPJ AS SELECT SNO、PNO、QTY FROM SPJ WHERE JNO = (SELECT JNO FROM J WHERE JNAME = ‘三建’); 或:


广东省2012年普通高等学校本科插班生招生考试 英语试题 Part I Vocabulary and Structure(35%) l.It is necessary to put the medicine out of the kids'______. A.hold B.Hand C.Reach D.place 2.Mary had a great deal of__________trouble the rest runners. https://www.360docs.net/doc/a9667393.html,ing up with B.keeping up with C.living up to D.making up for 3.We'd better take every________to improve our English. A.time B.case C.thing D.chance 4.He didn't expect to_________his father in the street yesterday. A.run into B.work with C.deal with D.run off 5.Many experiments have shown that moderate exercises contribute____good health. A.towards B.for C.with D.to 6.Their evidence was convincing but not________. A.off the point B.on the point C.to the point D.in the point 7.Her father's death_________her deeply. A.affected B.effected C.offcnded D.infected 8."How do you________the golbal warming?"the scientist asked the students. A.count on B.account on C.count for D.account for 9.The city of Wuhan is of three sections,_______which are separated by the Yangtze River. https://www.360docs.net/doc/a9667393.html,bined B.made https://www.360docs.net/doc/a9667393.html,posed D.formed 10.On second_______,we decided not to sell our house. A.plans B.thoughts C.Ideas D.minds 11.Some plants are very sensitive_______the changes of the environment. A.from B.Against C.to D.with 12.I used to smoke_______but I gave it up a year ago. A.seriously B.heavily C.Badly D.severely 13.The fire that_______yesterday caused at least ten people's death. A.broke off B.broke up C.broke down D.broke out 14.His explanation has_______our misunderstanding. A.Clarified B.surveyed C.classified D.survived 15.The trip to the west has been_______because of the bad weather. A.Insisted B.Canceled C.Challenged D.decided 16.It is believed that_______spending will eventually lead to failure. A.natural B.Mysterious C.moderate D.excessive 17.The guests are often_______very well by the host in that city. A.entertained B.engaged C.reassured D.refreshed 18.The factors which influence reading speed often_______with each other A.Instruct B.install C.interact D.intend 19.The man lost his_______just because his secretary was ten minutes late. A.temper B.mood C.mind D.passion


2006年广东省普通高等学校本科插班生招生考试 英语试题 Part I Vocabulary and Structure (35%) 1.By the end of this month, all this ______. A.is changed B.had changed C.will have changed D.has changed 2.Such questions are often _____ through negotiations. A.settles B.settle C.settled D.settling 3.Since you are a college student now, you should ______ yourself more than you used to. A.rely on B.work on C.run out D.carry out 4.He stopped ______ last week and feels much better now. A.smoking B.smoked C.smokes D.smoke 5.We ______ so smoothly that the passenger could hardly feel it. A.got rid of B.tore off C.called off D.took off 6.You wouldn’t have seen her if it ______ not been for him . A.has B.had C.have D.is having 7.She insists that he ______ his vacation now. A.takes B.took C.take D.taking 8.The teachers don’t make us wear a school uniform and we can wear ______ we like. A.any B.that C.as D.what 9.I don’t know the man ______ you are talking about. A.who’s B.whose C.whom D.who 10.Metals expand ______ heated and contract when cooled. A.where B.when C.that D.which 11.Even though she herself has never had such an experience, it’s ______ she can recognize from what has happened to her good friend. A.that B.one C.such D.all 12.Only after the storm was over ______. A.could we start off B.we could start off C.had we started off D.we had started off 13.That was one example of having responsibility ______ I’m on my own and of making my own decisions. A.since that B.as that C.now that D.because of 14.The new government building is ______ in the center of the city. A.located B.stationed C.set D.found 15.Doctors are developing a new ______ for treating that disease. A.operation B.mean C.technique D.cure 16.Religinon has a great ______ on man’s thought. A.effects B.affect C.affection D.influence 17.In that country, hospital doctors don’t go sightseeing very often because their work ______ almost all their time.


命题人:何国辉审核人:试卷分类(A卷或B卷) A 五邑大学试卷 学期: 2011至 2012学年度第 2 学期 课程:数据库原理课程代号: 使用班级:姓名:学号: 并将正确答案的序号填在括号内。每小题1.5分,共30分) 1.数据库系统的核心是( B )。 A. 数据库 B. 数据库管理系统 C. 数据模型 D. 软件工具 2.在数据库的三级模式结构中,内模式有 ( A ) 。 A.1个B.2个C.3个D.任意多个 3.描述事物的符号记录称为 ( B )。 A.信息B.数据C.记录D.记录集合 4.用二维表结构表示实体以及实体间联系的数据模型称为( C )。 A.网状模型B.层次模型 C.关系模型D.面向对象模型 5.( B )属于信息世界的模型,实际上是现实世界到机器世界的一个中间层次。 A.数据模型B.信息模型C.E-R图D.关系模型 6.从E-R模型向关系模型转换时,一个m:n 联系转换为关系模式时,该关系模式的码是( C )。

7.有15个实体类型,并且它们之间存在着15个不同的二元联系,其中5个是1:1联系类型,5个是 1:N联系类型,5个是M:N联系类型,那么根据转换规则,这个ER结构转换成的关系模式至少有( B )。 A.15个B.20个C.25个D.30个 8.在数据库系统中,最接近于物理存储设备一级的结构称为( D )。 A.外模式 B.概念模式 C.用户模式D.内模式 9.设关系R和S的元组个数分别为100和300,关系T是R与S的笛卡尔积,则T的元组个数是( C )。 A.400 B.10000 C.30000 D.90000 10.数据库中只存放视图的( C )。 A .操作 B. 对应的数据 C. 定义 D. 限制 11.同一个关系模型的任意两个元组值( A )。 A. 不能全同 B. 可不同 C. 必须全同 D. 以上都不是 12.数据库中的封锁机制(lock)是( C )的主要方法。 A. 完整性 B.安全性 C.并发控制 D.恢复 13.消除了部分函数依赖的1NF的关系模式,必定是( B )。 A.1NF B.2NF C.3NF D.4NF 14.设有关系B(编号,名称),如果要检索第3个字母为N,且至少包含4个字母的名称,则SQL查询 语句中WHERE子句的条件表达式应写成:名称 Like( C )。 A. ’_ _N _’ B. ‘_ _ N%’ C. ‘_ _ N _ %’ D. ‘_%N_ _’ 15.在SQL的下列语句中,能够实现实体完整性约束的语句是( B )。 A.FOREIGN KEY B.PRIMARY KEY C.REFERENCES D.FOREIGN KEY和REFERENCES 16.在关系数据库设计中,设计E-R图是( B )的任务。


五邑大学《电路分析基础》考试大纲 Ⅰ考试性质 普通高等学校本科插班生招生考试是由专科毕业生参加的选拔性考试。高等学校根据考生的成绩,按已确定的招生计划,德、智、体全面衡量,择优录取。因此,本科插班生考试应有较高的信度、效度、必要的区分度和适当的难度。 Ⅱ考试内容 总要求: 《电路分析基础》是电子信息与通信类、电气工程及自动化类、仪器仪表类以及计算机应用类等专业的专业基础课。是信息学院平台课程之一。 一、考试基本要求: 1. 熟练掌握电路分析基础的基本概念和基本语法知识; 2. 能熟练地运用电路分析基础知识解决电路问题的能。 二、考核知识范围及考核要求: 第一篇总论和电阻电路的分析 第一章集总参数电路中电压、电流的约束关系 §1-1 电路及集总电路模型(A) §1-2 电路变量电流、电压及功率(A) §1-3 基尔霍夫定律(A) §1-5 电阻元件(A) §1-6 电压源(A) §1-7 电流源(A) §1-8 受控源(A) §1-9 分压公式和分流公式(A) §1-10 两类约束(A) KCL、KVL方程的独立性(B) §1-11 支路电流法和支路电压法(A) 第二章运用独立电流、电压变量的分析方法 §2-1 网孔分析法(A) §2-2 节点分析法(A) 第三章叠加方法与网络函数 §3-1 线性电路的比例性(A) 网络函数(B) §3-2 叠加原理(A) §3-3 功率与叠加原理(B) 第四章分解方法及单口网络 §4-1 分解的基本步骤(A) §4-2 单口网络的电压电流关系(A)

§4-3 单口网络的置换——置换定理(A) §4-4 单口网络的等效电路(A) §4-5 一些简单的等效规律和公式(A) §4-6 戴维南定理(A) §4-7 诺顿定理(B) §4-8 最大功率传递定理(A) 第二篇动态电路的时域分析 第六章电容元件与电感元件 6-1 电容元件(B) 6-2 电容的VCR(A) 6-3 电容电压的连续性和记忆性(A) 6-4 电容的贮能(A) 6-5 电感元件(B) 6-6 电感的VCR (A) 6-7 电容与电感的对偶性(A) 6-8 电容电感的串并联(B) 第七章一阶电路 7-1 分解的方法在动态电路分析中的运用(A) 7-2 一阶微分方程的求解(B) 7-3 零输入响应(A) 7-4 零状态响应(A) 7-5 线性动态电路的叠加原理(A) 7-6 三要素法(A) 第八章二阶电路 8-1 LC电路中的正弦振荡(A) 8-2 RLC串联电路的零输入响应(A) 8-3 RLC串联电路的完全响应(A) (上述内容中,A的内容是重点,必须讲清讲透,要求学生掌握;B的内容重要程度次于A,要求学生熟悉) Ⅲ考试形式及试卷结构 1、考试形式为闭卷、笔试。考试时间为120分钟,试卷满分为100分。 2、试卷内容比例:试卷内容将覆盖全部7章。其中:第1、2、 3、4等4章所占比例为70-80%,其余3章所占比例为20-30%。 3、试卷难易比例:易、中、难分别为40%、40%和20%。 4、试卷题型比例:简单计算题占60-70%;复杂计算题占30-40%。


2017年广东省普通高等学校专插本考试《英语》试题及详解 Part I Vocabulary and Structure(30%) Directions:There are30incomplete sentences in this part.For each sentence,there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the one that best completes the sentence,and then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. 1.I was in that I forgot to lock the door when I left. A.so a hurry B.such a hurry C.a so hurry D.a such hurry 2.I am worried about my brother.I am not sure he has arrived at the school or not. A.whether B.what C.when D.how 3.She is old enough on her own. A.live B.to live C.living D.be living 4.He was very excited to read the news Mo Yan had won the Nobel Prize for literature. A.which B.what C.how D.that 5.I do not have my own room,. A.neither does Tom B.neither has Tom C.so does Tom D.so has Tom 6.I think you should buy this novel.It is really worth. A.reading B.being read C.read D.to read 7.Though the firefighters tried very hard to the fire,it still caused at least five people’s death. A.put off B.put out C.put on D.put forward 8.He could hardly tell the differences between the twins because they look each other. A.likely B.unlike C.alike D.like 9.By the time you come back,I cleaning the house. A.will finish B.will have finished C.have finished D.will be finishing 10.Chinese people spend money on travelling today as they did ten years ago. A.more than twice B.as twice much C.twice as much D.twice more than 11.She wants to study abroad so she has to some money every month to prepare for that. A.set aside B.set up C.set about D.set out 12.John had planned to leave but he decided to stay in the hotel for two days because of the heavy rain. A.other B.the other C.another D.others 13.Parents should cooperate with teachers and themselves in their children’s education. A.get B.involve C.find D.keep 14.The teacher is very to the needs of her students and she can adapt her teaching very


单项选择题(在每小题的四个备选答案中,选出一个正确答案,并将正确答案的序号填在题目的括号内。每小题1分,共20分) 1. 数据库系统的三级模式中,表达物理数据库的是( )。 A.外模式 B.模式 C.用户模式 D.内模式 2. 设关系R 和S 的基数分别为r 和s ,则R×S 的基数为( )。 A.r+s B.r-s C.r×s D.MAX(r,s) 3. 设有关系R (A ,B ,C )和S (D ,A ),如下图所示,R 的主键为A ,S 的主键为D 且外键 为A ,则关系S 中违反参照完整性约束的元组是( )。 A.(1,2) B.(2,NULL ) C.(3,3) D.(4,4) 4. 为了使索引键的值在基本表中唯一,在建立索引的语句中应使用保留字( )。 A.UNIQUE B.COUNT C.DISTINCT D.UNION 5. SQL 的SELECT 语句中,“HAVING 条件表达式”用来筛选满足条件的( )。 A .列 B .行 C .关系 D .分组 6. 实现关系代数投影运算的SQL 子句是( )。 A .SELECT B .ORDER BY C .FROM D .WHERE

7.设有关系模式R(A,B,C),F={A→B,C→B}。相对于F,R的候选键为()。 A.AC B.ABC C.AB D.BC 8.现有关系表:医疗(患者编号,医生编号,医生姓名,诊断日期,诊断结果,恢复情 况)的主码是()。 A.患者编号,医生编号,诊断日期B.医生编号 C.诊断日期D.患者编号 9.当关系R和S自然联接时,能够把R和S原该舍弃的元组放到结果关系中的操作是 ( )。 A.左外联接 B. 右外联接 C. 外部并 D. 外联接 10.下列聚合函数中不忽略空值 (null) 的是 ( )。 A. SUM (列名) B. MAX (列名) C. COUNT ( * ) D. AVG (列名) 11.具有坚实数学理论基础的数据模型是( )。 A.关系模型 B.层次模型 C.网状模型 D.E—R模型 12.以下关于E-R方法的叙述中,正确的是 ( )。 Ⅰ. E-R方法是设计数据库管理系统的方法 Ⅱ. E-R方法应用于数据库概念结构设计阶段 Ⅲ. 实体、联系、属性都是E-R方法中的基本概念 Ⅳ. 在E-R方法中,总可以用三个二元联系来替代一个三元联系 Ⅴ. 在E-R方法中,无法表示同一实体集内实体之间的联系 A.Ⅰ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ B.Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅴ C.Ⅱ、Ⅲ D.Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ 13.SQL语言中,用GRANT/REVOKE语句实现数据库的()。 A.并发控制B.完整性控制 C.一致性控制D.安全性控制 14.以下关于事务调度和封锁的描述中,正确的是()。 A.遵守两段封锁协议的并发事务一定是可串行化的 B.可串行化的并发事务一定遵守两段封锁协议


2005年广东省普通高等学校本科插班生招 生考试 英 语 试 题 Part I Vocabulary and Structure (35%) 1.The machine operators are so ______to the noise that they don’t even notice it. A.associated B.sensitive C.accustomed D.familiar 2.He doesn’t work but he gets a good ______ from his investments. A.wage B.income C.earning D.salary 3.The result must be accurate ,because all the calculations have been done by an______computer. A.electric B.electrical C.electron D.electronic 4.Mary is a conscientious student;she works very hard and is ______to her teachers. A.respected B.respectable C.respectful D.respecting 5.The new ______ machine is a great help in the production of this factory. A.adequate B.sufficient C.efficient D.effective 6.The new regulation does not______ until the first of March. A.take into account B.go into effect C.carry into practice D.put into operation 7.The TV advertising ______against the destruction of the rainforests in South America has drawn attention from millions of people . A.act B.campaign C.conduct D.movement 8.The bus ______has gone up another nickel. A.expense B.cost C.fee D.fare 9.Do you mind if I______with my work while you are getting tea ready?. A.get through B.carry out C.turn to D.carry on 10.Following two days of shooting along their borders,the two countries have ______diplomatic relations.


命题人:朱翠娥审核人:郑晓曦试卷分类(A卷或B卷)A 五邑大学试卷 学期: 2010 至 2011 学年度第二学期 课程:数据库语言及应用专业: 班级:姓名:学号: 选择题(每小题1分,共10分) 请选择正确答案,并将答案填写到“D:\试卷”文件夹中的文件“选择题.xls”中,答完按原文件名存盘。 1.Access是()类型的软件。 (A)文字处理(B)电子表格(C)演示软件(D)数据库 2.E-R图中使用()表示实体。 (A)矩形(B)椭圆(C)菱形(D)三角 3.以下的()不属于Access中的数据类型。 (A)文本型(B)图表型(C)数字型(D)自动编号型 4.二维表的每一行称作()。 (A)记录(B)字段(C)单元(D)模块 5.表的创建方法包括()。 (A)表的向导(B)表的设计器(C)通过输入数据(D)以上都可以 6.以下的()不属于Access中的动作查询。 (A)选择查询(B)追加查询(C)生成表查询(D)删除查询 7.Access的报表对象能建立()。 (A)报表(B)标签(C)图表(D)以上都可以 8.Access中查询的数据源可以是()。 (A)表(B)查询(C)表和查询(D)以上都不是 9.OpenQuery的操作打开()。 (A)表(B) 查询(C)报表(D) 窗体 10.Access文件的扩展名是()。 (A)ppt (B)doc (C)xls (D)mdb 数据库表的操作(20分) 打开“D:\ 试卷”文件夹中的“testa1.mdb”数据库(其中已有两张数据表),再依次完成下面的操作。 1.在“testa1.mdb”中新建一个名为“成绩”的数据表,含学号{文本,9}、课程号{文本,4}、成绩{数字,整型}三个字段;要求设置成绩字段的默认值为0、有效性规则为“0到100之间”、有效性文本


专插本背后的故事 姓名:张春妮 考试成绩:335/215 专科院校:广东科技学院 本科院校:东莞理工学院 (一)过程篇 2012年4月29日,我考上了梦想中的东莞理工学院,实现了我人生的第二次飞跃。这一路走来,酸甜苦辣······ 回首三年前,自己高考的分数线只上了3B线。当时心里很矛盾,一想到昂贵的学费,我很想放弃。但是在家人的鼓励下,我选了一所3B学校的会计电算化专业。很幸运,我录取了,进入了大专的学习。从那一刻起,我就想方设法,利用大专三年的时间来实现自己的本科梦——专插本。 很早就听说,专插本很难,考上的机率很小。尽管听到的都是负面的说法,但是我心中仍然坚持插本梦。于是,我从大一就开始了解专插本,在网上找资料,主动找那些考上专插本或即将考专插本的师兄师姐聊天讨论。他们说的最多的就是“坚持”、“恒心”和“心态”。的确,一路走过,这点我深有体会。 转眼间,到了大三。我放弃了所有活动和考证的机会,全力以赴备战专插本。我开始选择自己心目中的本科院校。我心里想着,既然要拼,就拼个2A院校吧。所以我在那么多学校中,选了五邑大学和东莞理工学院。经过和家人商量后,再根据自己的能力,我毅然选择了东莞理工学院。 也许是心中有了梦想和目标,我在大二的下半段时间久开始着手买插本的教材。虽然每本书都很厚,当时觉得很迷茫,不知道从何开始复习。于是,我每周坚持写学习计划,并贴在墙上,时刻提醒自己。就这样,从2011年8月至2012年3月,在这190天,自己的学习计划,一直在坚持!始终牢记“有计划不乱,有目标不累”。 2011年11月,我报了学校专插本的培训班,上了政治理论,英语,管理学三科统考的科目。老师很详细给我们讲解知识点,当然,最重要的还是学习方法,归纳总结。我结识很多战友,我们都为了同一个目标梦想而走到了一起。感谢广


2012广东专插本考试 英语试题

广东省2012年普通高等学校本科插班生招生考试 《英语》(公共课)试题 Part I Vocabulary and Structure (35%) l. It is necessary to put the medicine out of the kids' . A. hold B. hand C. reach D. place 2. Mary had a great deal of trouble the rest runners. A. coming up with B. keeping up with C. living up to D. making up for 3. We'd better take every _ to improve our English. A. time B. case C. thing D. chance 4. He didn't expect to _ his father in the street yesterday. A. run into B. work with C. deal with D. run off 5. Many experiments have shown that moderate exercises contribute____ good health. A. towards B. for C. with D. to 6. Their evidence was convincing but not . A. off the point B. on the point C. to the point D. in the point 7. Her father's death _ her deeply. A. affected B. effected C. offcnded D. infected 8. "How do you _ the golbal warming?" the scientist asked the students. A. count on B. account on C. count for D. account for 9. The city of Wuhan is of three sections. which are separated by the Yangtze River. A. combined B. made C. composed D. formed 10. On second _, we decided not to sell our house. A. plans B. thoughts C. ideas D. minds 11. Some plants are very sensitive _ the changes of the environment. A.from B. against C. to D. with 12. I used to smoke__ but I gave it up a year ago. A. seriously B. heavily C. badly D. severely 13. The fire that____ yesterday caused at least ten people's death. A. broke off B. broke up C. broke down D. broke out 14.His explanation has our misunderstanding. A. clarified B. surveyed C. classified D. survived 15. The trip to the west has been because of the bad weather. A. insisted B. canceled C. challenged D. decided 16. It is believed that_ __ spending will eventually lead to failure. A. natural B. mysterious C. moderate D. excessive 17. The guests are often very well by the host in that city. A. entertained B. engaged C. reassured D. refreshed 18. The factors which influence reading speed often _ with each other A. instruct B. install C. interact D. intend 19. The man lost his _ just because his secretary was ten minutes late. A. temper B. mood C. mind D. passion


广东省2013年普通高等学校本科插班生招生考试英语 Part I V ocabulary and Structure(35%) Directions: There are 35 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence, and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. 1. I'll accept any job I don't have to get up early. A even if B as long as C in case D even though 2. of the two authors thinks that the danger of a nuclear war is increasing. A None B Either C Both D Neither 3. I walked too much yesterday and are still aching now. A my leg's muscles B my leg muscles C my muscles of leg D my leg's muscles 4. In some countries, is called “equality”does not really mean equal rights for all people. A which B that C what D this 5. we have finished the course, we shall start revision and prepare for the final exams. 6. The bridge was named the hero who had given his life to save a child. A after B by C with D from 7. There is no in insisting on the impossible. A mind B meaning C help D sense 8. The Internet of the fourth generation is now in the experimental stage. The time will come when it possible for ordinary people to use it in their daily life. A is B will be C must be D may be 9.The shopping mall built a few months ago is in the south of the city . A located B lied C laid D placed 10. It may be five to ten years we can test this medicine on human patients. A since B after C before D when 11. Bob, Dick and Tom are 6,8,and 10 years old . A respectively B respectably C respectedly D respectful 12. Children who are over-protected by their parents may become . A hurt B spoiled C damaged D harmed 13. Your explanation is still not easy enough to understand. Could you give any -examples A specific B special C specialist D spare 14. Her duties include cleaning the desks and mopping the floor. But she also need to do
