


I am indebted for your great kindness (favor).


When his boss expressed appreciation of his work, he was quite overwhelmed.


Chinese people like to have their hair cut on the lunar February 2.

4) 我国有得天独厚的自然资源。

Our country is blessed with unsurpassed natural resources.

5) 三人行,必有我师焉。择其善者而从之,其不善者而改之。

Among any three people walking, I will find something to learn for sure. Their good qualities are to be followed, and their shortcomings are to be avoided.

6)Snow is blowing in at the window.


7)The tea is brewing.


8)The fire was at last under control.


9)The praise of the man goes too far.


10) Heated, water will change into vapor.


11) The progress of the society is based on harmony.


12) Love is not a commodity; the real thing cannot be bought, sold, traded or stolen.


子曰:“三人行,必有我师焉。择其善者而从之,其不善者而改之。”(《论语》The Analects) The Master said, “Among any three people walking, I will find somet hing to learn for sure.

1) 她被花言巧语所陶醉。

She is intoxicated with sweet words.

2) 人们指责他歪曲事实。

He was accused of distorting the facts.

It has been ten years since we met last.


My bashfulness and backwardness annoyed my older sister very much.


The helplessness of his attitude roused me.


To be sue, under the placid surface of life there always is dissatisfied restlessness.


Petrol has a low boiling point; if a little is poured into the hand, it soon vaporizes汽油的沸点低,倒一点在手上,很快就挥发了。

As a police reporter 35 years ago, I saw justice done in hundreds of such affairs, and it was done with dispatch (n. (迅速)处理,速办) and efficiency.



If porridge is prepared from coarse oatmeal (in the proper Scottish manner) it is tasty, economical, and nourishing dish, especially when it is eaten with milk or cream, and sugar or salt.


5) In fact, the willingness to experiment is one of the most striking features of China today, and it seems to be rooted in confidence rather than security.

事实上,敢于实验是今日中国最令人注目的特点之一,它来源于信心而不是不稳定感。6)The drill may just miss the oil although it is near; on the other hand, it may strike oil at a fairly high level.


3) A shadow slipped out of the room and it’s hiding behind the tree.


There is magic in a place where anything can happen, any strange icon can be unearthed. 在一个有魅力的地方任何事情都有可能发生,任何奇怪的神像都可能挖掘出土。

There was, and is, no basis to such charges at all.


There are some that profess Idleness in its full dignity, who call themselves the Idle.


There was no hope for him; he was good for nothing.


There are ways I can defend myself against such objections.


There are as many kinds of essays as there are human attitudes or poses, as many essay flavors as there are Howard Johnson ice cream.

散文种类之多,犹如人的姿态,而散文风格韵味之多则犹如霍华德·约翰逊的冰激凌。There is a reason besides philosophical bias which makes the disconnection in the poem.


But there was something queer!


There is no telling who will be the next one.


Packages were produced (take out拿出), wine uncorked (vt. 拔去…的塞子[瓶塞]), and for a while there was a pleasant, almost graceful festiveness.


2)His successes were so repeated that no wonder the envious and the vanquished spoke sometimes with bitterness regarding them. (Vanity Fair)


3)The injustice of this state of things has not been sufficiently considered.


4)It had been feared that the Commonwealth itself might collapse over this issue.


5)It is believed that the loans will be repaid by exporting some of the new products back to the West.


6)One’s thoughts must be directed to the future, and to things about which there is something to be done.


7)It is understood that such phenomena are not uncommon in today’s China.


8)Tax rates have been reduced, inflation cut dramatically and more people have been employed than ever before in our history.


9) It should be noted that everyone has to pay these contributions, whether or not he has occasion to use the benefits he is entitled to.


10)Again and again, as he looked at each brutal performance, the lesson was driven home to Buck: a man with a club was a lawgiver, a master to be obeyed, though not necessarily conciliated.


1) 踏上了轮船的甲板以后,我便和中国的土地暂别了,心里自然装满了悲哀和离愁。

The moment I set foot on the deck of the ship, my heart was filled with the natural sorrow of parting.

2) 我还不知道这些山峰叫什么名儿。

The names of these mountain peaks are still unknown to me.

3) 谁能否认海的伟大呢?

There is no denying the mightiness of the sea.

4) 我来到厦门中学教书,完全是一种意外的收获。( 谢冰莹:《海恋》)

It has been an unexpected piece of luck for me to become a teacher at Xiamen Middle School.

5) 眼前的景象让我想起故乡放雏鸭的人。

The scene recalls to my mind the duckling raiser in my home town.

6) 我们最后到的是颐和园。

Our last visit was to the Summer Palace.

) 老板忙完后都快两点半了。

It was nearly half past two when the boss finished.

8) 人们都说鲁四老爷家里雇着了女工,实在比勤快的男人还勤快。(《祝福》)

It was generally agreed that the Lu family’s maid actually got through more work than a hard-working man.

9) 老人步履蹒跚,不断喘气。

The old man staggered and his breath came in gasps.

10) 我明白恶的引诱实在太多太多了。

It dawned upon me that there were too many evils.


It is the greatest joy of life for one to spend his leisure time reading in quiet surroundings


It gave me much pain this time to leave home.


It was also at this time that I started to take to drinking.


Thus it took them a dozen days or so to find out bit by bit that she had a strict mother-in-law.


After that, I would come out and sit on the steps at the entrance of the palace, enjoying the big flower beds near the gate filled with blooming tulips of distinctive red, yellow, white and purple. 6)(他)走了一阵,来到了松林坡的山脊。

He kept going until he reached the crest of a wooded slope.

一百八十年前,人们鼓吹、传授朴素高尚的平等原则,并身体力行,但那个原则早以忘却了。One hundred and eighty years ago the simple and sublime(〔诗〕崇高的,高尚的)doctrine of equality was preached(1.布讲,讲道,布道,传道。2.宣扬,宣传,鼓吹)and taught and acted upon, but that principle had long been lost sight of.

我们已经采取了一切可能的措施,以便对犯罪嫌疑人隐瞒我们的活动情况,并迷惑他们。Everything possible was done to conceal our movements from the suspects and to mislead them.


Public meetings had certainly been numerous enough, but something more than meetings was required.


The poet is looked upon by society as one wearing gro`tesque(奇异的,奇形怪状的;怪诞的,可笑的)garments (〔pl.〕服装,衣着) and his `conduct as fantastic.

To be sue, under the placid surface of life there always is dissatisfied restlessness.


2)But the fear of the future was strong upon him.


3) A shadow slipped out of the room and it’s hiding behind the tree.


4)It was a spring without voices.


It was in Haikou that I saw all kinds of sea food for the first time.


It was because of my poor health condition that I gave up that hard work.


There is some consolation in the city that the situation is worse in the suburbs.


There are as many kinds of essays as there are human attitudes or poses, as many essay flavors as there are Howard Johnson ice cream.


9)It is understood that such phenomena are not uncommon in today’s China.


10) 老人步履蹒跚,不断喘气。

The old man staggered and his breath came in gasps.


It is the greatest joy of life for one to spend his leisure time reading in quiet surroundings


1. When I was delivered, nurses took me from the room before Mother could see me.

2. She was effectually prevented, but she wasn’t on speaking terms with her family for several weeks.

3. It was true no direct question had ever been raised touching her own standing in the community life.

4. He has often, not always justly, been accused of indecisiveness.

5. Harry is being brought around.

6. Our former differences were forgotten.

7. The ceremony was abbreviated by rain.

8. Not only politeness but an attitude of reverence is demanded in church.

9. This question will be dealt with in the next chapter.

10. Caesar was brought down to utter nothingness.

11. 我们的目的一定能达到。

12. 不要把这些问题混为一谈。

13. 他们拿钱就是干这个的。

14. 人人都知道世界是由物质构成的。

15. 让我不解的是他们竟然满心恐惧。


1. When the door of happiness closes, another opens, but often times we look so long at the closed door that we don’t see the one which has been opened for us.

2. After all preparations were made, the plane took off.

3. He was thrown into confusion by the return of his old flame.

4. Victoria’s faithfulness was put to crucial test by a violent disturbance in foreign policies.

5. He is to blame for it.

6. Rainbows are formed when sunlight passes through small drops of water in the sky.

7. 你的话容易遭到批评。

8. 凶手渴望在被处决前见自己的女儿一面。

9. 一座房子都看不着。

10. 如有要求,可进一步提供情况。

11. 她被花言巧语所陶醉。

12. 他不是一个可以被随意愚弄的人。

13. 在世界锦标赛决赛时,一位跳板跳水名将被他的同胞战友击败,却热烈地拥抱胜利者,满含热泪向观众挥手告别。

14. 人们指责他歪曲事实。

15. 耳朵是用来听声音的器官,鼻子用来嗅气味,舌头用来尝滋味。


She was shocked that her lover had been married.

Language is shaped by, and shapes human thought.

He has been pursued, day by day, and year by year, by a most phenomenal and astonishing luckiness.

…and therefore it seems (though rarely) that love can find entrance, not only into an open heart, but also into a heart well fortified, if watch be not well kept.

Were some thoughts pushed below the surface, allowed to be changed with time, perhaps to be forgotten forever?

In this dangerous crisis the people of America were not forsaken by their usual good sense, presence of mind, resolution, or integrity.

Better my life would be ended by their hate, than that hated life should be prolonged to live without your love.

She told me that her master had dismissed her. No reason had been assigned; no objection had been made to her conduct. She had been forbidden to appeal to her mistress.

Countries such as Japan, Nepal and Vietnam resemble China in human physical appearance and culture, and were also victimized.

He was man of integrity, but unfortunately, he had a certain reputation. I believe the reputation was not deserved.







1. 我一生下来,护士就把我抱出去了,妈妈还没来得及看我一眼。

2. 家人有效地阻止了她,可是事后她有好几个星期不跟家里人说话。

3. 的确,关于她在镇上的名誉问题,没有人当面向她提过。

4. 人们常常指责他优柔寡断,但这种指责并非总是公正的。

5. 哈里有些回心转意了。

6. 我们已捐弃前嫌。

7. 由于下雨,仪式举行得很简短。

8. 在教堂里,人们不仅要行为规矩,还应态度虔诚。

9. 这个问题将在下一章予以讨论。

10. 凯撒已遭彻底失败。

11. Our goal can certainly be attained.

12. These questions should not be confused.

13. They are paid to do it.

14. It is universally known that the world is made of matter.

15. I was puzzled that they were seized with terror.


1. 一道幸福之门关闭时,另一扇就会打开。我们往往只盯着关闭的门,而对开启的门却熟视无睹。

2. 一切准备工作就绪以后,飞机起飞了。

3. 他的老相好回来了,这让他惶恐不安。

4. 由于国际局势的一场剧烈动乱,使维多利亚女王的忠诚受到严峻的考验。

5. 这事全怪他。

6. 阳光穿过天空中的小水珠形成了彩虹。

7. What you said is vulnerable to criticism.

8. The murderer desired to see his daughter before his execution.

9. There was not a house in view.

10. Further information will be supplied on request.

11. She is intoxicated with sweet words.

12. He is not a man to trifle with.

13. A veteran springboard diver, defeated by his compatriot in the finals of a world championship, offering congratulations to the victor in a warm embrace and waving a tearful farewell to the audience.

14. He was accused of distorting the facts.

15. The ear is the organ which is used for hearing. The nose is used for smelling. The tongue is used for tasting.












The difficulties have been overcome, the work has been finished and the problem solved.

Before handing in your translation, you have to read it over and over again and see if there is anything to be corrected or polished.

It is generally considered no advisable to act that way.

Our old clothes and our few sticks of furniture have been pawned or sold.

This must be made clear to the Party. The comrades must be taught to remain modest, prudent and free from arrogance and rashness in their style of work. The comrades must be taught to preserve the style of plain living and hard struggle.


The Generation Gap at Work As offices go, the editorial suites at Time Inc. are pretty laid back. T-shirts are fine. Shave if you like. Slides, sneakers or heels - your choice. Yet there's a limit to what passes for acceptable appearance, and I was sure a recent bunch of college interns had breached it spectacularly with their nose rings, tattoos and low-rise pants. These were bright, ambitious kids. Why the blatant show of disrespect? My younger colleagues wondered too. But they were more amused than aghast, and it occurred to me that there is a widening generation gap when it comes to interpreting casual Fridays. And that's not all: Young folks are putting their stamp on the workplace in ways far more reaching than their wardrobe. And we boomers don't necessarily like it. We're all part of a new-age experiment: four generations working side by side yet often speaking a different language. Think that's an exaggeration? Go ahead. Try to decipher this twentysomething text message: WU CMIW that was CLM or maybe CS. (What's up? Correct me if I'm wrong. That was a career-limiting move or maybe career suicide.) Boomers, the older "silent" generation, and younger ones known as X and Y bring vastly different histories, values and work habits to the job. These gaps have led to stereotypes that hinder our ability to get things done. Nearly 60 percent of HR managers at large companies say they've observed office conflicts that flow from generational differences, according to the Society for Human Resource Management. Tensions typically stem from perceptions of loyalty and respect - as in, we think the kids don't have any. Yet the latest research shows that we may be compatible after all. Debunking some key myths may help you get past the tattoos and belly buttons in your office. Myth No. 1: Young workers love change It's commonly thought that young people embrace change as enthusiastically as older workers resist it. Not so. In a study of 3,200 workers, only 12 across the generations said they liked change at the office, reports the Center for Creative Leadership. "Resistance to change isn't about age, it's about how much you stand to gain or lose," says the Center's Jennifer Deal, author of "Retiring the Generation Gap: How Employees Young and Old Can Find Common Ground." In general, older workers have more to lose. But many younger workers have identical anxieties. Don't make assumptions based on age, says Deal. Ask your young colleagues how a shift would change their life. If it's for the better, can you blame them for loving it? But it might be as upsetting to them as it is to you - and it could be a bonding moment. Myth No. 2: Gen X- and Y-ers lack a strong work ethic(职业道德) Not true. But coming of age under very different circumstances has affected our work styles. Boomers had to scrape and claw for jobs and work long hours to keep them and get ahead because there were so many of us. Competition was keen. Work became central to our identities, and with two-earner households, we did much of our socializing in professional circles. But Gen X is much smaller and has never known job scarcity. They can demand more or move on. They've seen their parents get downsized, seeming victims of company loyalty, and watched them strain to juggle career and family. That different history has led to marked differences in how we work. Younger generations are willing to move every two or three years to get the job experience and work-life balance they want. Ask them to come into the office over the weekend and they are apt to resist.


Chapter 1 Passage 1 Human Body In this passage you will learn: 1. Classification of organ systems 2. Structure and function of each organ system 3. Associated medical terms To understand the human body it is necessary to understand how its parts are put together and how they function. The study of the body's structure is called anatomy; the study of the body's function is known as physiology. Other studies of human body include biology, cytology, embryology, histology, endocrinology, hematology, immunology, psychology etc. 了解人体各部分的组成及其功能,对于认识人体是必需的。研究人体结构的科学叫解剖学;研究人体功能的科学叫生理学。其他研究人体的科学包括生物学、细胞学、胚胎学、组织学、内分泌学、血液学、遗传学、免疫学、心理学等等。 Anatomists find it useful to divide the human body into ten systems, that is, the skeletal system, the muscular system, the circulatory system, the respiratory system, the digestive system, the urinary system, the endocrine system, the nervous system, the reproductive system and the skin. The principal parts of each of these systems are described in this article. 解剖学家发现把整个人体分成骨骼、肌肉、循环、呼吸、消化、泌尿、内分泌、神经、生殖系统以及感觉器官的做法是很有帮助的。本文描绘并阐述了各系统的主要部分。 The skeletal system is made of bones, joints between bones, and cartilage. Its function is to provide support and protection for the soft tissues and the organs of the body and to provide points of attachment for the muscles that move the body. There are 206 bones in the human skeleton. They have various shapes - long, short, cube - shaped, flat, and irregular. Many of the long bones have an interior space that is filled with bone marrow, where blood cells are made. 骨骼系统由骨、关节以及软骨组成。它对软组织及人体器官起到支持和保护作用,并牵动骨胳肌,引起各种运动。人体有206根骨头。骨形态不一,有长的、短、立方的、扁的及不规则的。许多长骨里有一个内层间隙,里面充填着骨髓,这即是血细胞的制造场所。 A joint is where bones are joined together. The connection can be so close that no movement is possible, as is the case in the skull. Other kinds of joints permit movement: either back and forth in one plane - as with the hinge joint of the elbow - or movement around a single axis - as with the pivot joint that permits the head to rotate. A wide range of movement is possible when the ball - shaped end of one bone fits into a socket at the end of another bone, as they do in the shoulder and hip joints. 关节把骨与骨连接起来。颅骨不能运动,是由于骨与骨之间的连接太紧密。但其它的关节可允许活动,如一个平面上的前后屈伸运动,如肘关节;或是绕轴心旋转运动,如枢轴点允许头部转动。如果一根骨的球形末端插入另一根骨的臼槽里,大辐度的运动(如肩关节、髋关节)即成为可能。 Cartilage is a more flexible material than bone. It serves as a protective, cushioning layer where bones come together. It also connects the ribs to the breastbone and provides a structural base for the nose and the external ear. An infant's skeleton is made of cartilage that is gradually replaced by bone as the infant grows into an adult. 软骨是一种比一般骨更具韧性的物质。它是骨连结的保护、缓冲层。它把肋骨与胸骨连结起来,也是鼻腔与内耳的结构基础。一个婴儿的骨骼就是由软骨组成,然后不断生长、


Unit1 1、羞怯可以让人从感觉轻微的不适到高度焦虑,这会对我们做任何事都有影响。Shyness can vary from feeling mild discomfort to high levels of anxiety that impact us in almost everything we do. 2、尽管固执,但他清楚自己应该避免引起怀疑。 Despite his stubbornness,he knew in his heart that he should avoid arousing any suspicions 3、无论你说什么都会被理解成批评 It will be interpreted as criticism no matter what you say(成批评,无论你说什么) 4、让我们不要为该被忽略和忘记的小事翻烦心。 Let’s not all ourselves to be upset by trifles(which) we should ignore and forget. 5、花太多的时间老是想着过去会阻碍你享受生活。 Too much time spent dwelling on the past can get in the way of enjoying life as it happens. 6、相信自己能够完成目标并解决问题的人更有可能在学校里表现得好。 People who believe they can accomplish goals and solve problems are more likely to do well in school. Unit2 1、她穿了一条有玫瑰团的裙子。 She wore a dress with a pattern of roses on it 2、Helen为我们准备了一顿丰盛的晚饭。 Helen had prepared a good meal for us. 3、Ann信誓旦旦的保证她不会说出去。 Ann promised faithfully that she would never tell. 4、你能把这封信送到会计部吗? Could you deliver this letter to the accounts department? 5、他们为我们提供了精选的牛奶和纯巧克力。 We were offered a selection of milk and plain chocolate. 6、告诉孩子们别胡闹。 Tell the children to keep out of mischief/behave themselves. 7、我们能够听见远处打雷的声音 We could hear the sound of distant thunder.


第二部分 控制理论 第1章 1.1控制系统的引入 人类控制自然力量的设计促进人类历史的发展,我们已经广泛的能利用这种量进行在人类本身力量之外的物理进程?在充满活力的20世纪中,控制系统工程的发展已经使得很多梦想成为了现实?控制系统工程队我们取得的成就贡献巨大?回首过去,控制系统工程主要的贡献在机器人,航天驾驶系统包括成功的实现航天器的软着陆,航空飞机自动驾驶与自动控制,船舶与潜水艇控制系统,水翼船?气垫船?高速铁路自动控制系统,现代铁路控制系统? 以上这些类型的控制控制系统和日常生活联系紧密,控制系统是一系列相关的原件在系统运行的基础上相互关联的构成的,此外控制系统存在无人状态下的运行,如飞机自控驾驶,汽车的巡航控制系统?对于控制系统,特别是工业控制系统,我们通常面对的是一系列的器件,自动控制是一个复合型的学科?控制工程师的工作需要具有力学,电子学,机械电子,流体力学,结构学,无料的各方面的知识?计算机在控制策略的执行中具有广泛的应用,并且控制工程的需求带动了信息技术的与软件工程的发展? 通常控制系统的范畴包括开环控制系统与闭环控制系统,两种系统的区别在于是否在系统中加入了闭环反馈装置? 开环控制系统 开环控制系统控制硬件形式很简单,图2.1描述了一个单容液位控制系统, 图2.1单容液位控制系统 我们的控制目标是保持容器的液位h 在水流出流量V 1变化的情况下保持在一定 可接受的范围内,可以通过调节入口流量V 2实现?这个系统不是精确的系统,本系 统无法精确地检测输出流量V 2,输入流量V 1以及容器液位高度?图2.2描述了这 个系统存在的输入(期望的液位)与输出(实际液位)之间的简单关系, 图2.2液位控制系统框图 这种信号流之间的物理关系的描述称为框图?箭头用来描述输入进入系统,以及


第三部分:词汇与结构(2016年4月统考)翻译版 1.55个标成红色的题目,重点复习,得分值6分 2.次重点41个为除红色外4月出现频率较高的题目,分值为4分,重点掌握 内部资料请勿传播,复习本资料无需看其他额外资料,词汇结构虽然功在平时,但临考前的准备也必不可少,本部分考5题共10分,基础较差的先重点温习标注红色的55题。 -------- 以下红色1-55 需重点掌握,得分值6分,每5小题后面KEY为答案-------- 1.It was well known that Thomas Edison the electric lamp. 众所周知,托马斯.爱迪生发明了电灯。 A.discovered B.invented C.found D.developed 2.The top of the Great Wall is for five horses to go side by side. 长城上面宽到足以能让五匹马并行。 A.wide B.so wide C.wide enough D.enough wide 3.Measles a long time to get over. 麻疹需要很长一段时间才能治好. A.spend B.spends C.take D.takes 4.-Do you want to wait? 您愿意等吗? -Five days too long for me to wait. 五天等待的时间对于我来说太长了。 A. was B.were C.is D.are 5.There a book and some magazines on the desk.桌子上有一本书和一些杂志。 A.is B.are C.have D.has KEY:BADCA 补充:I don’t know ___B___ to deal with such matter.我不知道如何处理这类问题。A. what B. how C. which D. / 6.This kind of material expands the temperature increasing. 这种材料随温度的升高而膨胀。 A.to B.for C.with D.at 7.People at the party worried about him because no one was aware he had gone.晚会上的人都为他担忧,因为没人知道他去哪儿了。 A.of where B.of the place where C.where D.the place 8.A sudden noise of a fire-engine made him to the door. 火警突然响起使他匆忙走到门口。 A.hurrying B.hurried C.hurry D.to hurry 9.No matter , the little sisters managed to round the sheep up and drive them back home safely. 不管雪下的多大,两个小姐妹还是安全地把养拢起来赶回了家。 A.it was snowing hard B.hard it was snowing C.how it was snowing hard D.how hard it was snowing 10.There’s lots of fruit the tree. Our little cat is also in the tree.树上长了许多果实,我们的小猫也在上面。 A.in B.at C.under D.On


Table of Contents Uuit 1 What is Geomatics? (什么是测绘学) (2) Unit 2 Geodetic Surveying and Plane Surveying(大地测量与平面测量) (6) Unit 3 Distance Measurement(距离测量) (10) Unit 4 Angle and Direction Measurement(角度和方向测量) (14) Unit 5 Traversing (导线测量) (17) Unit 6 Methods of Elevation Determination(高程测量方法) (21) Unit 7 Robotic Total Station (智能型全站仪) (25) Unit 8 Errors in Measurement(测量工作中的误差) (29) Unit 9 Basic Statistical Analysis of Random Errors (32) Unit 10 Accuracy and Precision (准确度和精度) (35) Unit 11 Least-Squares Adjustment (38) Unit 12 Geodesy Concepts (40) Unit 13 Geoid and Reference Ellipsoid (42) Unit 14 Datums, Coordinates and Conversions (44) Unit 15 Map Projection (46) Unit 16 Gravity Measurment (48) Unit 17 Optimal Design of Geomatics Network (50) Unit 18 Construction Layout (施工放样) (53) Unit 19 Deformation Monitoring of Engineering Struvture (56) Unit 20 Understan ding the GPS(认识GPS) (59) Uuit 21 Understanding the GPS (II) 认识GPS(II) (62) Unit 22 Competition in Space Orbit(太空轨道上的竞争) (64) Unit 23 GIS Basics(GIS 的基础) (69) Unit 24 Data Types and Models in GIS GIS中的数据类型和模型 (75) Unit 25 Digital Terrain Modeling(数字地面模型) (79) Unit 26 Applications of GIS (83) Unit 27 Developments of photogrammetry (87) Unit 28 Fundamentals of Remote Sensing (遥感的基础) (90) Unit 29 Digital Image Processing and Its Applications in RS (94) Unit 30 Airborne Laser Mapping Technology(机载激光测图技术) (99) Unit 31 Interferometric SAR(InSAR) (102) Unit 32 Brief Introduction toApplied Geophysics (104) Unit 33 Origon of Induced Polarization (105) Unit 34 International Geoscience Organization (108) Unit 35 Prestigious Journals in Geomatics (110) Unit 36 Relevant Surveying Instrument Companies (115) Unit 37 Expression of Simple Equations and Scientific Formulsa (116) Unit 38 Professional English Paper Writing (119) Unit 39 Translation Techniques for EST (127)


1、应力和应变 应力和应变的概念可以通过考虑一个棱柱形杆的拉伸这样一个简单的方式来说明。一个棱柱形的杆是一个遍及它的长度方向和直轴都是恒定的横截面。在这个实例中,假设在杆的两端施加有轴向力F,并且在杆上产生了均匀的伸长或者拉紧。 通过在杆上人工分割出一个垂直于其轴的截面mm,我们可以分离出杆的部分作为自由体【如图1(b)】。在左端施加有拉力P,在另一个端有一个代表杆上被移除部分作用在仍然保存的那部分的力。这些力是连续分布在横截面的,类似于静水压力在被淹没表面的连续分布。 力的集度,也就是单位面积上的力,叫做应力,通常是用希腊字母,来表示。假设应力在横截面上是均匀分布的【如图1(b)】,我们可以很容易的看出它的合力等于集度,乘以杆的横截面积A。而且,从图1所示的物体的平衡,我们可以看出它的合力与力P必须的大小相等,方向相反。因此,我们可以得出 等式(1)可以作为棱柱形杆上均匀应力的方程。这个等式表明应力的单位是,力除以面积。当杆被力P拉伸时,如图所示,产生的应力是拉应力,如果力在方向是相反,使杆被压缩,它们就叫做压应力。 使等式(1)成立的一个必要条件是,应力,必须是均匀分布在杆的横截面上。如果轴向力P作用在横截面的形心处,那么这个条件就实现了。当力P没有通过形心时,杆会发生弯曲,这就需要更复杂的分析。目前,我们假设所有的轴向力都是作用在横截面的形心处,除非有相反情况特别说明。同样,除非另有说明,一般也假设物体的质量是忽略的,如我们讨论图1的杆一样。 轴向力使杆产生的全部伸长量,用希腊字母δ表示【如图1(a)】,单位长度的伸长量,或者应变,可以用等式来决定。 L是杆的总长。注意应变ε是一个无量纲的量。只要应变是在杆的长度方向均匀的,应变就可以从等式(2)中准确获得。如果杆


课后翻译 Unit 1 1.汤姆是个非常好奇的男孩,他不仅对是什么感兴趣,而且也对为什么”和“怎么会” 感兴趣。 As a very curious boy, Tom is interested not only in whats but also in whys and hows. 2.据史密斯教授说,幸福就是你能充分利用你所有的一切。 Happiness, according to Prof. Smith, is the ability to make the most of what you have. 3.你最好把这本书放在你15岁儿子找不到的地方。 You’d better keep the book where your 15-year-old son can’t get his hands on it. 4.故事非常滑稽,比尔一边读一边不停地笑。 The story was so funny that Bill kept laughing all the time while reading it. 5.成绩优秀的学生未必比他们得分较低的同学在学习上花费更多的时间。 High-achieving students do not necessarily put in more time on their studies than their lower-scoring classmates. 1

6.你是怎样设法说服这些学生修读快速阅读课的? How did you manage to persuade these students to take the speed-reading course? 7.用功是重要的,但知道如何充分利用自己的才能更重要得多。 Working hard is important, but knowing how to make the most of one’s abilities counts for much more. 8.她要求学生独立思考,而不是告诉他们该思考什么。 She asked her students to think for themselves rather than telling them what to think. 2


艺术装饰风格 被宣告是“唯一一个总体设计”,艺术装饰必然是在众多消费者中间找到观众的最高产的设计之一。虽然它起源于19世纪20年代高度专有的法国手工裁剪装潢艺术,但它通过利用廉价的新金属材料,塑料和玻璃而发展迅速,找到了便宜,短期利用,并可以大批生产的装饰用品,如香烟盒,香水瓶,家庭用的陶瓷和玻璃,流行纺织品及各种装饰物,还有可以像鸡尾般甩动的物品。作为一种装饰风格它可以运用于无数物品的形状和表面装饰,因而赋予它们全部以相同质量的瞬间的现代性和时尚性。 就像许多这个世纪其它的流行风格一样,艺术装饰风格扎根于高雅文化,例如,立体主义、俄国芭蕾、美洲印第安风格和欧洲纯粹主义,但是相对其他文化而言,艺术装饰风格取长补短,装饰特征表现得更为折衷一些。结合艺术装饰风格在1930年代流行的因素,大规模批量生产使用新材料是商品价格相对低廉的必要条件。但这些是远远不够的,更深层次的原因是艺术装饰风格具有典型的适应性。在那段经济萧条的时期,豪华奢侈的装饰风格所带来的美感让当时的消费者有了逃避现实的放松心情。艺术装饰风格的宣传方式也促进了它的流行,艺术风格被好莱坞应用于多种流行电影中。通过影片媒体使大量观众接触到装饰风格,除此之外,艺术装饰风格也运用在广告和包装上,使其有效的影响了大量的环境之外,艺术装饰风格也影响到了建筑领域,许多新场所也运用了这种风格,美化建筑的外表,那些新商业的

娱乐楼房,例如商场电影院,工厂,甚至于新的豪华游轮,它也被利用于在1933年芝加哥展览之中。艺术装饰风格开始象征着高效率的现代化生活和新的生活理念,这种动人的方式随着人们对时尚性和社会地位的追求与渴望,艺术装饰风格得到了大量消费者的高度喜爱地位。 艺术装饰的大量应用伴随着消费产品的需求。但是,从不好的方而来看,艺术装饰风格只是作为一种中档的艺术手法,来装饰非常廉价的商品甚至留有一种杂乱的感觉。在英国有一群针对低端市场开发产品的地毯制造商,他们意识到了这个新潮流里的商业潜力。 但是,这些地毯制造商也很注意他们消费群里的保守心理,因此,即使是在一块地毯里的花紋也会出现那些很传统的1案象是老式的叶子造型和较灰暗的颜色。这种设计的消费市场不同于那些要不就是现代型或是完全传统的设计方案。1920年代到30年代,英国都铎王室的一些新居住者和新建筑的到来,使工艺美术运动和现代风格可以较为自由的发展和合理的被采用.这些各异的艺术风格也被按照使用者的喜好不同加入到地毯的设计之中。在20世纪30年代的中期,改良过的艺术装饰风格在数不清的家居装饰里都可以看到"在花园门饰上,无线电机的面板装饰上,阿芝台克寺庙的壁炉上和那些扶手椅和沙发的几何形体上。"

大学英语 翻译部分

Unit 1 1)I haven’t see it myself ,but it is supposed to be a really good movie. 2)The hostess cut the cheese into bite-size pieces ,it would be more convenient for the guests to eat it. 3)No one can function properly if they are deprived of adequate sleep. 4)He carefully copied my pretense that nothing unusual had occurred. 5)The first decree he issued after he came into office was that private ownership of guns be banned. 6)I’ve come to see his fabled footwork that people talk so much about. 7)I am not a teacher proper ,since I haven’t been trained ,but I’ve had a lot of teaching experience. 8)Students tend to anticipate what questions they will be asked on the examination.

1)Nowdays,some parents are hard on their sons and daughters ,asking them to learn English ,to learn to play the piano ,to learn painting ,and to learn many things. 2)He is determined to give up gambling ,so when he sees his former gambling friends ,he is more than eager to disassociate himself from their company. 3)The reporters received a stern warning not to go to earthquake-stricken area without official permission. 4)Life is tough to the parents whose kids fail to keep up in school. 5)The suspect considered sneaking away ,but his family to dissuade him. 6)The cables are all bright yellow to prevent pedestrians from tripping over them. 7)Infuriated by the decision ,he threw up his arms in exasperation. 8)The paint on the door of this old house has been blotched and striped by years of weathering.


Unit 1 safety management system Accident causation models 事故致因理论 Safety management 安全管理Physical conditions 物质条件 Machine guarding 机械保护装置 House-keeping 工作场所管理 Top management 高层管理人员 Human errors 人因失误Accident-proneness models 事故倾向模型 Munitions factory 军工厂Causal factors 起因Risking taking 冒险行为Corporate culture 企业文化Loss prevention 损失预防Process industry 制造工业Hazard control 危险控制Intensive study 广泛研究Organizational performance 企业绩效 Mutual trust 相互信任Safety officer 安全官员 Safety committee 安全委员会Shop-floor 生产区Unionized company 集团公司Seniority 资历、工龄Local culture 当地文化 Absenteeism rate 缺勤率Power relations 权力关系Status review 状态审查 Lower-level management 低层管理者 Business performance 组织绩效 Most senior executive 高级主

管 Supervisory level 监督层Safety principle 安全规则Wall-board 公告栏Implement plan 执行计划Hazard identification 危险辨识 Safety performance 安全性能 One comprehensive definition for an organizational culture has been presented by Schein who has said the organizational culture is “a pattern of basic assumptions – invented, discovered, or developed by a given group as it learns to cope with its problems of external adaptation and internal integration –that has worked well enough to be considered valid and, therefore, to be taught to new members as the correct way to perceive, think, and feel in relation to those problems” 译文:Schein给出了组织文化的广泛定义,他认为组织文化是由若干基本假设组成的一种模式,这些假设是由某个特定团体在处理外部适应问题与内部整合问题的过程中发明、发现或完善的。由于以这种模式工作的有效性得到了认可,因此将它作为一种正确的方法传授给新成员,让他们以此来认识、思考和解决问题[指适应外部与整合内部的过程中的问题]。 The safety culture of an organization is the product of individual and group values, attitudes, perceptions, competencies, and patterns of behavior that determine the commitment to, and the style and proficiency of , an organization’s health and safety management. 译文:组织的安全文化由以下几项内容组成:个人和群体的价值观、态度、观念、能力和行为方式。这种行为方式决定了个人或团体对组织健康安全管理的责任,以及组织健康安全管理的形式和熟练程度。 Unit 2 System Safety Engineering System safety engineering 系统安全工程 By-product 附带产生的结果 Engineering practice 工程实践



大学英语实用翻译答案 【篇一:《大学英语实用翻译教程》参考答案】 s=txt>第二章第一节 练习一: 一、 1.保护人类基因健康是个比较严峻的问题,但这不过是问题的一个方面而已。 2.这些是科学家和技术专家研制的机器和产品。 3.科学已成为力量的一种源泉,不只是适宜于幻想的题材了。 4.建造和装饰宫殿、教堂和寺院的款项都由经商的富户承担支付。 5.查理一世和下议院的争吵已到了紧要关头,后来内战爆发,并在白厅把斯图尔特王朝的君主送上了断头台。 6.在开辟第二战场之前,美国步兵精神饱满,营养充足,还没有在战斗中受过创伤。 练习二: 一、 1.已经拟就一张至今已教过的所有动词的表。 2.每天从全国各地传来各行各业取得伟大成就的消息。 3.城乡之间的差别依然存在。 4.那一年,建立了旨在促进研究和试验的英国航空学会。 5.这里出版的报纸谴责侵略者屠杀大批无辜人民。

6.凡是成功的科学家常常把注意力集中在他发现尚未得到满意解答的问题上。 练习三: 1.所有植物组织和动物组织主要由碳化合物、水和少量的矿物质组成。 2.他们并不认为有必要提供学生经常使用的名词化规则和构造使役句的规则。 3.各种族集团的文化特性、民间传说、神话和信仰都是根据文化进化规律起源于每一个集团的内部。 4.个别国家的科学努力可能将由跨国机构来进行统一和协调。 5.解放前,这个城市的垃圾和苍蝇一向无人过问,结果经常发生地方性病疫。 6.他是美国印第安人作家、演讲家和争取印第安人权利运动的活动家。 第二章第二节 练习一: 一、 1.我原先以为这部机器不过是一种没有什么价值的玩具。 2.第二天一早,饱饱地吃了一顿早餐之后,他们便动身了。 3.你愿意别人如何待你,你就应该如何待别人。 4.这部打印机真是物美价廉。 5.我七岁时就会织毛衣。 6.钢铁制品常常涂上油漆以免生锈。
