









2015-2016年出国访学总结 淮北师范大学外国语学院杜明业 2015年9月1日至2016年2月28日,我前往加拿大西安大略大学进行为期半年的访学,现总结如下: 一、访学单位及导师概况: 西安大略大学(Universityof Western Ontario,简称为UWO或Western),现已更名韦仕敦大学(WesternUniversity,音译),是加拿大一所国际顶尖的医学博士类公立大学,有超过一百三十多年的学术积累及深厚的人力资源背景,被誉为“加拿大最美丽的大学”. 学校规模 西安大略大学坐落在加拿大风景秀美的著名城市伦敦。伦敦市是加拿大第十大城市,人口有49万,距加拿大第一大城市多伦多200公里。始建于1878年的UWO是加拿大最古老的学校之一,她在学术方面已经有上百年历史,并在商科、医学和文科方面取得了辉煌的成就,学校继续保持高速发展并不断扩展在学术方面的研究。尤其是近些年来,UWO 实施了一系列旨在扩展传统优势学科的举措,以期实现专业的多元化,例如开设了健康科学、软件工程以及医学研究等等。西安大略大学占地467万平方米,主校区158万平方米,校园主要建筑达到75个,建筑风格古典和现代相融合.西安大略大学共有约22070名本科在读生以及5000名研究生.国王大学学院共有3100名学生,休伦大学学院共有1000名,布雷舍尔大学学院共有500名。其中有来自120多个国家的留学生约2,200名,国际生占比为4。50%.全日制教职员工3,200人,提供2,000多个学士学位与文凭课程。 硬件设施 西安大略大学位于伦敦市泰晤士河北支附近,占地面积1.6平方公里。主校区共有75座建筑,该大学在校外亦持有土地。校内有印第安考古博物馆、天文观测台、体表风洞等各项专业教学设施。学校可提供3000套住房,住宿区有9处之多,可容纳5,000名学生。加拿大环球邮报(The Global and Mail)的大学学生宿舍排名中,西安大略大学在大型大学(注册全日制学生22000名以上)学生宿舍(StudentResidence)排名第一。 大学的图书馆系统共有七个主要服务区,共藏有超过7700万项目,包括书籍、图像及电子格式档案。这些资源构成了加拿大最大的研究图书馆系统之一.馆内有许多特殊类别的收藏,包括加拿大相关、艺术史、运动史、音乐和法律类别的藏书。西安大略大学的图书馆有:档案及研究收藏中心,商业图书馆,教育图书馆,约翰与道特萨·白特夫家庭法律图书馆,音乐图书馆,爱琳与贝蒂·泰勒图书馆(自然科学类书籍为主),D.B.威尔顿图书馆(人文社科类书籍为主,也是全校最大的图书馆) 大学的运动设施包括可容纳8000观众的TD瓦特豪斯运动场、拥有冰球场、室内跑道、冰上溜石场及网球场的汤普森娱乐运动中心,还有内建室内篮球、排球等多功能厅的校友大堂。大学校园内也拥有艺术表演设施、零售店、食品店,以及加拿大最古老的大学美术馆--麦金托什美术馆。 发展历史 西安大略大学于1878年由主教艾萨克·海尔马瑟以及休伦英国圣公会主教创办,当时名为“安大略伦敦西部大学”。它合并了创办于1863年的休伦学院。该大学首先创办的4个系为艺术、神学、法学及医学.1916年,大学向金斯米尔家族买下现在校区的所在地,


访问学者推荐信范文英文模版 厚谱教育:访问学者申请领跑者 nov. 30, 19xx pratt institute office of graduate admissions 200 willoughby avenue brooklyn, ny 11205 to whom it may concern: i have known him since 1996 and he has worked in our lab of xxx at xxx university for 3 years. mr. x is one of the best students in our department, he is both diligent and independent, intelligent and fast-learning. what impressed me most, is his working attitude and ability. during the years in our lab, he was mainly responsible for the interior design and acoustic model test of xxx theater. as a student majored in architecture, he lacked the skills of such physical experiment at first. but i found that as soon as he was assigned this task, he began to study assiduously for relevant knowledge and read many references. thus he mastered the skill of the experiment in a short time and can even install and debug the whole set of equipment himself. these equipment included some sophisticated acoustic instruments and data processing programs. in the spring of 1998, his instructor, also his experiment director, had to go to japan for academic event. in the next half year, he finished the whole experiment independently, including the reverberation time measurement and the pulse response measurement. the result was soon used to direct the interior design of the theater. also should be mentioned is that from the beginning of the experiment, he took part in it enthusiastically and positively. he helped the layout of the model and made more than 400 exquisite model chairs by hand. all these clearly demonstrate that he has the ability of solving problems effectively, working independently and has organized manner in approaching problems. mr. x is a student eager to learn. in order to acquire more knowledge, he began to study japanese, for many architecture books and journals are published in japan. in one year, he passed the level 3 of the japanese language proficiency test with a high score. recently i heard that he has also got excellent record in gre test. i believe that he would have no trouble in studying abroad. when he told me he was planning for further research in u.s.a, i encouraged him. his talent and ability would ensure him to do outstanding works. i can state unequivocally that he will be well qualified for graduate studies in your group. i would appreciate it if you could give him your favorable consideration. sincerely篇二:出国留学推荐信范例(巨经典!) 推荐信范例 大多数学校都要求申请人提供二至三封推荐信。有力的推荐是录取的重要条件之 一。推荐信要客观、公正、切忌流于形式,内容空洞,要与申请人的其它材料(如成绩 单)等相符。推荐信也应注意格式、文法等。因为向来有“名师出高徒”之说。推荐信的格 式与一般书信基本相同。有信头,发信日期,收信人姓名,称呼,正文,信尾谦称,签名,


2021英国留学担保金问题解读 [导语]英国作为传统的教育强国,每年申请的留学生都不在少数。下面是分享的2021英国留学担保金问题解读。欢迎阅读参考! 2021英国留学担保金问题解读 1、英国留学需要存多少担保金? 伦敦地区的学校:1334x9+学费 非伦敦地区学费:1023x9+学费 2、担保金什么时候存? 如果各位是读6月语言班的,那一般是3-4月初就存好钱了,如果是直接读9月正课的同学,最晚最晚也得在5-6月存好担保金,方便随时做签证。如果6月语言班是网课的话,那就按实际情况往后面推时间。 3、担保金需要存多久?必须存满3个月吗? 英国担保金的话,其实是存28天以上就可以预约签证了,但一般银行对于存款的话是三个月起存的,所以才会有定期三个月的说法。最简单的存法是存单形式,存在自己的名下,定期三个月,自动约转模式,四大行都可以,尽量存中行,准备做签证之前再拿着存单去开存款证明,因为存款证明一单开出,只有1个月的有效期用来办英国签证。 4、担保金怎么提交给大使馆? 英国签证材料现在是改抽查了,但不是不需要存担保金的,你如果不存钱,没被抽查到当然没事,但如果被抽到了,大概率就是拒签信。 5、担保金存活期可以吗? 现在存活期或定期都可以,但你必须要证明自己是满足了28天+存期再预约签证的,而且存活期流水要注意是递交签证前连续的28天内,活期账户余额没有任何一天是低于担保金总额要求的。

6、担保金能否存成英镑? 人民币也好,英镑也好,美元也好,只要在你名下,凑起来符合签证资金要求就可以,没规定一定是存RMB。 7、开存款证明还是开存单? 你要能分清存单和存款证明,这是两个东西,而且钱一旦存了,不要轻易让柜员给你取出来,不然前期存的时间就白存了。另外你递交签证后,只有下签后才能随意支配这笔钱。 8、如果第一次递交签证被拒,需要重新存担保金吗? 如果被拒签,只要没有假材料,重新签一般都可以过,这几年看到的拒签案例都是存钱时间搞错的。 扩展阅读:英国留学要带上的行李 一、随身类 个人的证件是要带好并且保管好的,留学生要带好的,主要是护照、健康证明、CAS信和机票,初次入境还需要接受基本问题问答,按照自己的真实情况回答即可。 现金记得换成英镑或者欧元带好,而且准备零钱,因为平时花钱不会很大,而且初到买东西刷卡就可以了,现金太多可能会遭到不法分子的给予,从而带来经济损失。 贵重的电子产品,手机和电脑等,是不允许托运的,大家需要自己随身备好,记得买个有减震防摔功能的包包,可以有效地保护好这些东西,从而更好的完成自己的出行。 在飞机上要花的时间是比较长的,大家肯定会睡一觉,为了保证旅途的顺利,还可以带上自己的耳塞或者降噪耳机,还有U型枕,小毯子可以找乘务员要,让自己能够在睡梦中度过。 二、托运类 衣服肯定是需要进行托运的,要带的衣服主要是应季的,此外鞋子也要准备舒适的,正装和礼服是正式的场合需要用到的,也可以准备好,这样后续可以避免麻烦。 居家用品是住宿要用到的东西,包括床品和洗护类的东西,属于


最新的公派访问学者资助证明文件 厚谱教育:访问学者申请领跑者 这是一位老师最近拿到的最新的资助证明,英文模版,参考如下。 To whom it concern, This is to certif. that MR.AAAA AAAAAA(File No.2010AAAAAA) has been awarder a scholarship under the State Scholarship Fund to pursue study in the United States of America as a visiting scholar .The awardee was selected through a rigid academia evaluation process organized by the China scholarship Council (SCS) in 2010.The scholarship covers the returning international airfare and the living stipend. The stipend is USD 1,400_1,800 per month , including health insurance, for a period of 12 months .The Education Section of the Chinese Embassy or the Chinese Consulate General in your country is entrusted by CSC to look after the welfare of the awardee and make the payment to the awardee. CSC is a non-profit institution affiliated with the Ministry of Education of the P.R.China. It is entrusted by the Chinese Government with the responsibilities of managing the State Scholarship Fund and other related affairs. It sponsors Chinese citizens to pursue study abroad and international students to study in China. In accordance with the laws and regulational and related policies, the awardee has signed with CSC an “Agreement for Study Abroad for CSC Sponsored Chinese Citizens”. In this notarized Agreement for Study Abroad for awardee promises to return to China upon completion of poanned Study within the set time in your country . This document is valid on condition that the awardee arrives in the United States of America no later than December 31,2012. CHINA SCHOLARSHIP COUNCIL


访学申请信样本电子邮件版本 该申请信只是样本,请根据自己的需要增补相关信息,尤其是本专业的研究方向、国内研究团队的优势及申请对方学校的原因等 Dear Professor Harry Smith, I am Wang Mei, an associate professor of Applied Linguistics(专业) at Sichuan International Studies University, Chongqing, P.R.China. I am writing to inquire about the possibility of conducting a one-year research in the area of Second Language Evalution (研究方向) at your renowned university as an academic visitor starting September, 2016. I have obtained a full scholarship from China Scholarship Council (CSC, website: https://www.360docs.net/doc/b714239895.html, ), which allows me to conduct a one-year research on Second Language Evaluation(研究方向) at a prominent overseas university as a visiting scholar. All my living expenses and airfare will be covered by the scholarship. Your research team enjoys a renowned reputation in my research area, I will be very grateful if I can obtain an opportunity to improve my professional expertise as a visiting scholar under your generous guidance. I have being actively involved in __Second Language Evaluation__(研究方向) research for nearly 15 years. It would be my delight to be able to join your brilliant team and share with you my personal research progress, and if possible, I do hope that we establish long-term reciprocal academic cooperation through this visiting scholar program. Attached is my CV. Looking forward to hearing from you soon! Yours sincerely, Wang Mei Associate Professor English Department Sichuan International Stuides University P.R. China Office Tel: Mobile: Email: Letter Two: 回复信


新西兰留学担保金多少 因为新西兰的教育质量好,费用比较低廉,新西兰已经变成留学市场上比较热门的留学国家。去年六月,新西兰的移民局就颁布了有关学生签证的新政,为了能给学校和学生充足的时间去了解新政带来的影响,原本定于7月底执行的移民新政被延期到2012年的4月初才实行,其中规定,国际学生的新西兰留学担保金上涨五成还有开放工作签证的担保金上涨两项新政将要从3月开始执行。 新西兰留学担保金均上涨 从今年4月起,对于申请新西兰留学的学生将会执行新的签证政策。在新西兰留学的新政中,学生签证还有毕业生开放的工作签证的担保金都有上涨,并且在2012年3月起开始执行。这里面学生签证的资金担保要求将要从每年一万新西兰元增涨到每年一万五千新西兰元,低于9个月的课程按照每个月一千二百五十新西兰元的生活担保金计算;毕业生的开放性工作签证的资金担保要求由两千一百新西兰元增涨到了四千二百新西兰元。 另外,新西兰政府还推出了有关毕业以后工作签证的新政策。新政里规定,由之前每人一次的毕业之后签证,将要调整成只要符合条件的留学生,毕业之后就拥有两次申请工作签证的机会。 从另外一个角度也不难看出,按照现在新西兰的生活费计算标准,资金担保的金额每年只增长了三万元人民币,基本属于合理的变动范围。其实在这项新政执行后,中国学生去新西兰留学每年要准备的担保金依旧是每年十五万元到十八万元人民币,相比于其他英语国家,去新西兰留学的费用依然相对低廉。新西兰教育联盟傅静波老师表示,在全球金融危机的大情况下,新西兰政府这次针对国际留学生增加担保金的新政是比较合理。对于想要申请去新西兰留学的学生而说,新政执行之前要提早规划、做好签证申请也是很重要的。


公派访问学者访学总结 Prepared on 22 November 2020

2015-2016年出国访学总结 淮北师范大学外国语学院杜明业 2015年9月1日至2016年2月28日,我前往加拿大西安大略大学进行为期半年的访学,现总结如下: 一、访学单位及导师概况: 西安大略大学(University of Western Ontario,简称为UWO或Western),现已更名韦仕敦大学(Western University,音译),是加拿大一所国际顶尖的医学博士类公立大学,有超过一百三十多年的学术积累及深厚的人力资源背景,被誉为“加拿大最美丽的大学”。 学校规模 西安大略大学坐落在加拿大风景秀美的着名城市伦敦。伦敦市是加拿大第十大城市,人口有49万,距加拿大第一大城市多伦多200公里。始建于1878年的UWO是加拿大最古老的学校之一,她在学术方面已经有上百年历史,并在商科、医学和文科方面取得了辉煌的成就,学校继续保持高速发展并不断扩展在学术方面的研究。尤其是近些年来,UWO实施了一系列旨在扩展传统优势学科的举措,以期实现专业的多元化,例如开设了健康科学、软件工程以及医学研究等等。西安大略大学占地467万平方米,主校区158万平方米,校园主要建筑达到75个,建筑风格古典和现代相融合。西安大略大学共有约22070名本科在读生以及5000名研究生。国王大学学院共有3100名学生,休伦大学学院共有1000名,布雷舍尔大学学院共有500名。其中有来自120多个国家的留

学生约2,200名,国际生占比为%。全日制教职员工3,200人,提供2,000多个学士学位与文凭课程。 硬件设施 西安大略大学位于伦敦市泰晤士河北支附近,占地面积平方公里。主校区共有75座建筑,该大学在校外亦持有土地。校内有印第安考古博物馆、天文观测台、体表风洞等各项专业教学设施。学校可提供3000套住房,住宿区有9处之多,可容纳5,000名学生。加拿大环球邮报(The Global and Mail)的大学学生宿舍排名中,西安大略大学在大型大学(注册全日制学生22000名以上)学生宿舍(Student Residence)排名第一。 大学的图书馆系统共有七个主要服务区,共藏有超过7700万项目,包括书籍、图像及电子格式档案。这些资源构成了加拿大最大的研究图书馆系统之一。馆内有许多特殊类别的收藏,包括加拿大相关、艺术史、运动史、音乐和法律类别的藏书。西安大略大学的图书馆有:档案及研究收藏中心,商业图书馆,教育图书馆,约翰与道特萨·白特夫家庭法律图书馆,音乐图书馆,爱琳与贝蒂·泰勒图书馆(自然科学类书籍为主),.威尔顿图书馆(人文社科类书籍为主,也是全校最大的图书馆) 大学的运动设施包括可容纳8000观众的TD瓦特豪斯运动场、拥有冰球场、室内跑道、冰上溜石场及网球场的汤普森娱乐运动中心,还有内建室内篮球、排球等多功能厅的校友大堂。大学校园内也拥有艺术表演设施、零售店、食品店,以及加拿大最古老的大学美术馆--麦金托什美术馆。 发展历史


国外访学导师评语 篇一:访学年度总结2015 Founded in 1955 NANYANG TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY School of Materials Science and Engineering 50 Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798 国家公派出国留学人员最终总结报告 Final Report (May. 2014–May. 2015) written by xxx 07/April/2015 To: 国家留学基金管理委员会 CHINA SCHOLARSHIP COUNCIL (CSC) (电话Tel.: 0086-10-66063191; 传真Fax: 0086-10-66063195) ? 基本信息(Basic Information) ? 学习总结(Study Report): During the visiting period of 12 months, I learned a lot. I grasped the xxxxx. My research project is xxxxx. Some research results are as follows.

1. xxxxx 2. xxxxx 3. xxxxxx 4. xxxxxx 5. xxxxxx 6. xxxxxx 7. xxxxxx 8. xxxxxxx 9. xxxxxx 10. xxxxxx Two full papers entitled “xxxx”and “xxxx”, have been submitted to the International Journals of “xxxx”and “xxxx”. Moreover, I attended an International Meeting held in Singapore, and submitted an abstract to an International Meeting which will be held in Austria on Sep. 2015. I also attended about 20 times public seminars on advance materials and over 20 times seminars of research group. 本人签名Signature: 日期Date: 二、导师/合作者评语Professor’s Evaluation: 导师签名Signature: 日期Date:


Dear Professor Harry Smith, I am Wang Mei, an associate professor of Applied Linguistics(专业) at Sichuan International Studies University, Chongqing, P.R.China. I am writing to inquire about the possibility of conducting a one-year research in the area of Second Language Evalution (研究方向) at your renowned university as an academic visitor starting September, 2016. I have obtained a full scholarship from China Scholarship Council (CSC, website: https://www.360docs.net/doc/b714239895.html, ), which allows me to conduct a one-year research on Second Language Evaluation(研究方向) at a prominent overseas university as a visiting scholar. All my living expenses and airfare will be covered by the scholarship. Your research team enjoys a renowned reputation in my research area, I will be very grateful if I can obtain an opportunity to improve my professional expertise as a visiting scholar under your generous guidance. I have being actively involved in __Second Language Evaluation__(研究方向) research for nearly 15 years. It would be my delight to be able to join your brilliant team and share with you my personal research progress, and if possible, I do hope that we establish long-term reciprocal academic cooperation through this visiting scholar program. Attached is my CV. Looking forward to hearing from you soon! Yours sincerely, Wang Mei Associate Professor English Department Sichuan International Stuides University P.R. China Office Tel: Mobile: Email: Letter Two: 回复信


日本留学签证代办机构【日本留学签证担保金有什么要求】 赴日本留学签证担保金有什么要求,本文就为大家详细介绍,希望可以为准备赴日本留学的学生提供帮助,仅供参考。 留学申请人的全部资料已经被送到日本的入国管理局进行反签,入国管理局最主要考察两点:一是本人简历(修学理由书):考察申请者的留学目的是否具有说服力;二是经济支付能力:考察申请者是否有足够的经济实力负担留学费用,以保证来日的目的不是就劳而是就学。 一、此提供整套能够证明经费支付能力的资料是拿到在留资格认定证明书的关键。对这方面的要求,根据申请校的不同而有具体的规定,所以在决定申请之前一定要调查清楚。 二、只需要经费支付人。 多数学校只需要申请者提供证明有经费支付能力的一套证明书。 经费支付人可以是:a、居住在中国国内的亲属。b、申请人本人。c、居住在日本的亲属(或有贸易关系的日本人)。 需要的资料主要有:a、存款证明(10万人民币左右/年)、在职证明、收入证明、个体经营者的营业执照、经费支付理由书、亲属关系证明及公证等。b、存款证明(10万人民币左右/年)、在职证明、收入证明、个体经营者的营业执照等。c、户口证明、在职证明、纳税证明、银行存款证明、经费支付理由书、与留学申请人的关系证明等。 三、要求预存在日经费。 少数学校要求申请人来日之前把学费和就读期间的生活费预先存到日本指定的银行帐户,申请人来日后以每个月退还一定金额的生活费的方式把预存金退还给本人。这样经费支付能力方面就被入国管理局方面100%认可,相对来说容易拿到在留资格认定证明书。 A、需要在日保证人和经费支付人。 有些学校要求申请人必须具有在日保证人。需要保证人提供的资料主要有: 户口证明、在职证明、纳税证明、银行存款证明、与留学申请人的关系证明等。 在经费支付者存在的同时如果还有在日保证人的话,相对来说更容易被入国管理局认可,拿到在留资格认定证明书的机会比较高。 感谢您的阅读!


公派访问学者申请信模板 Name: M No. XXX XX Road XX City XX Province PR. China. Tel.: +86-xxxxxxxxxxxxx E-mail: XXXX@https://www.360docs.net/doc/b714239895.html, Dear XXX, I am writing to you about the possibility of studying and researching in your lab as a visiting scholar. The X has approved my request to study abroad. They will provide me with XXXX dollars per month along with a round-trip ticket as financial support for X year. Your researches are of particular interest to me, especially in XXXX that XXX Your group’s research is so outstanding that I believe that if given the opportunity to study and research under your guidance, the experience at your lab can improve my research capacity, learn technology that is more new, and enlarge my knowledge in this field, which will benefit me a lot. I am a professor of organic chemistry and the director of organic synthesis laboratory at Department of Chemistry and Biology, XXX University, XX Province, PR China. I graduated from XXX University and got my XX degree in XXXX. Since that time, I have been working forXXX. My current research focuses on (1) XXX (supported by the key subject of XXX); (2) XXX(project supported by the XXX Natural Science Foundation, Granted No. XXX ).; (3) XXX I am satisfied with my research work. However, due to the condition of the experiments, finances, and personal experiments are restricted, I would like to find an opportunity to go abroad for further study and research. After I finish my research and study in USA, I will continue my research work and construct a new organic synthesis lab in my college in order to bridge the gap between my lab and the others Your comments and consideration will be highly appreciated. I am looking forward to hear from you. Sincerely yours, Michael


Dear Professor......, I am writing to apply for a position of visiting scholar at your Lab. My name is ......, from ...... University, China. I’ve got my Ph. D degree in ...... under the supervision of Professor ...... in ...... University, majored in Organic Chemistry. From 2010 to 2013, I researched in ...... as a Post-Doctor. Recently, I have been awarded the financial support from China Scholarship Council (CSC) to pursue further research in America as a visiting scholar for 12 months. The financial support covers international airfares, health insurance, and necessary expenses during my stay in America. Currently, I'm working in the field of ...... and my projects mainly involve in the design and synthesis of ......, I need to widen my vision and perspectives. Checking into my advisor's guide and other sources, I have found that your Lab is an ideal place for ambitious youth. I will greatly appreciate an opportunity to do some further research under your direction. So I write to you to see if you can give me a chance to be a visiting scholar in your group and let me take part in some of the research work to extend my research skill and knowledge on molecular recognition. I strongly believe that with your instruction I can make big progress in my research career. In the following section of this email, I list part of my research achievements for you. If time permits, I hope you can look up and give some suggestions. Thank you for your time and consideration. Best regards to you and your family. Sincerely yours, Name: M No. XXX XX Road XX City XX Province PR. China. Tel.: +86-xxxxxxxxxxxxx E-mail: XXXX@https://www.360docs.net/doc/b714239895.html, Dear XXX, I am writing to you about the possibility of studying and researching in your lab as a visiting scholar. The XXX has approved my request to study abroad. They will provide me with XXXX dollars per month along with a round-trip ticket as financial support for X year. Your researches are of particular interest to me, especially in XXXX that XXX


篇一:澳大利亚留学签证将简化保证金英语要求或有变 澳大利亚留学签证将简化保证金英语要求或有变 据澳大利亚新快网报道,澳大利亚教育和培训部长柏恩(christopher pyne)和移民助理部长卡诗(michaelia cash)联合发布了简化留学生签证的消息。声明称,澳大利亚国际留学生签证框架将被简化,用以支持澳大利亚教育服务行业。政策变化内容包括: 1.将留学生签证的类别减少,从8个减少为2个。 2.引入简化的单一移民风险衡量框架。 柏恩指出:“澳大利亚永远开门营业,欢迎那些以留学为真实目的的高质量留学生。他们为我们的国家经济发展、社区繁荣和就业提供了必需的资源,他们还强化了澳大利亚和中国的关系。” “我们热情地欢迎这些留学生,也致力于改善和保护移民系统的真实和完整。在联盟党政府上台以来,马上实施政策提高了澳大利亚在国际教育产业的竞争力,现在国际留学生来澳的数量快速反弹让人欣慰。” 卡诗说,改善后的学生签证体系,将马上产生优势。学生签证的完整性得到保护,而监管的措施也得以加强,来避免给教育提供者带来更大的成本和负担。简化学生签证体系(ssvf)将取代此前的政策和现行的签证风险衡量标准。 资料来源:教育优选/retype/zoom/84c0f19f5f0e7cd18525365c?pn=1&x=0&y=0&raww=630&rawh=42&o=jpg_6_0___ ____&type=pic&aimh=32&md5sum=f17d4580e97813bb884ea3aba1c24744&sign=0cedeec0e7&zo om=&png=0-10048&jpg=0-1156" target="_blank">点此查看 新的政策中,学生的财产保证金和英语要求将主要受到两方面因素影响:移民部对于留学生来源国的政策,以及教育培训机构的要求。 卡诗表示,新政策是政府讨论文件《简化签证处理的未来方向》发布后得出的结论。在现行政策于2016年6月30日失效后,自动实施新的政策框架。 澳洲留学费用之担保金 澳洲费用不仅包含澳大利亚大学费用和澳洲生活费用,还有相关的担保金。今天小编为您详细讲解澳洲费用之担保金的相关规定,希望对您有所帮助,了解准备保证金的正确做法。 1.尽早进行澳洲费用中担保金的准备,从2011年4月起,使馆要求担保金有3个月的存款历史。例如,今年5月递交申请,您应该在今年的2月份就把担保金存入银行。 2.存款必须存入银行,邮局、信用社和商业银行的存款大使馆是不认可的。 3.为了避免不必要的麻烦,建议您的银行存款为定期存款,因为国内有相当一部分银行不为活期存款出具证明,且公证处也不为活期存款办理公证。这将为您将来申请签证时带来一定的困难。 4.请一定不要轻易将以往的存款转存!因为当您转存后,您在银行里的钱的起息日会发生变化,从而不能说明您在签证时钱已在银行存有3个月以上,造成签证成功率下降。因此,即使存款到期后也一定要让原封不动的存在银行里。 5.如果家长都是工薪阶层,建议分笔、分期、分银行存入,这样相对于将一大笔整笔存入一家银行来说对签证更为有利。 6.如您是公司的老板或股东,可以另行准备。 7.一定是足额担保,如不配语言1年的担保额为25万人民币左右;如配语言课,每10周的语言课加5万人民币担保。 8.在您的所有资金在使馆签证过程中,请一定记住不要动您的资金,因为签证期间使馆是不允许动用您所担保的资金的,非常重要! 澳洲留学担保金规定:不走svp的同学,也就是审理级别为三类风险(al3)的学生,如就读本科或硕士课程,需要提供18个月的留学保证金,按照一般的算法,读本科的生活费加学费大约为每年3万澳元,也就是说,一次性提供4.5万澳元留学保证金;读硕士为每年2-3万澳元,即提供3-4.5万澳元担保金。而读高中则需提供24个月的担保金,通常情况学费加生活费,一年是5万澳元,所以读高中的留学生需要提供10万澳元担保金。此外,如果担保金是由申
