gre作文大讲堂 GRE作文范文大全(87)

gre作文大讲堂 GRE作文范文大全(87)
gre作文大讲堂 GRE作文范文大全(87)

gre作文大讲堂 GRE作文范文大全(87)


The value of skepticism about so-called "facts" is not limited to the physical sciences. When

it es to the social sciences we should always be skeptical about what is presented to us as

historical fact. Textbooks can paint distorted pictures of historical events, and of their causes

and consequences. After all, history in the making is always viewed firsthand through the eyes

of subjective witnesses, then recorded by fallible journalists with their own cultural biases and

agendas, then interpreted by historians with limited, and often tainted, information. And when it

es to factual assumptions underlying theories in the social science, we should be even

more distrusting and skeptical, because such assumptions inherently defy deductive proof, or

disproof. Skepticism should extend to the law as well. While law students, lawyers, legislators,

and jurists must learn to appreciate traditional legal doctrines and principles, at the same time

they must continually question their correctness----m terms of their fairness and continuing


Admittedly, in some cases undue skepticism can be counterproductive, and even harmrial.

For instance, we must aept current notions about the constancy of gravity and other basic

laws of physics; otherwise, we would live in continual fear that the world around us would

literally e crashing down on us. Undue skepticism can also be psychologically unhealthy

when distrust borders on paranoia. Finally, mon sense informs me that young people

should first develop a foundation of experiential knowledge before they are encouraged to

think critically about what they are told is fact.

To sum up, a certain measure of distrust of so-called "facts" is the very stuff of which human

knowledge and progress are fashioned, whether in the physical sciences, the social sciences,

or the law. Therefore, with few exceptions I strongly agree that we should strive to look at facts

through skeptical eyes. 感谢您阅读《GRE作文(87)》一文,出guo(.)部希望本文能帮助到您。



一. 新GRE作文文章整体结构 大负小正:诚然A,但是B,而且C。 承认+转折+递进 大正小负:诚然A,有时甚至B,但是C。 承认+递进+转折 二. 新GRE作文常用句式 开头: a) In this statement, the speaker asserts that…(作者的结论是什么) b) I agree with the speaker insofar as...(某种程度上同意作者的观点) c) Whereas, in my perspective, …is unilateral(作者的观点片面在什么地方) 第二段:a) Admittedly, 第三段:a) However, 第四段:a) Furthermore, 结尾: a) In summary, from what has been discussed above, it is not difficult to draw the conclusion that…(重述观点) 以上就是新GRE作文模板及GRE作文常用句型的介绍,以后考生们进行新GRE作文issue写作就再也不用担心文章的结构了,顺利的剖析题目,与新GRE写作模板再加上独特的观点,即可将高分顺利那些。 页脚内容1

1 Argument 1. 1) In this argument the speaker concludes that 2) To justify this contusion the speaker cites a recent survey of 3) The speaker also points out that 4) This argument is unpersuasive for several reasons. 2. 1) First, the survey must be shown to be reliable before I can accept any contusions based upon it. 2) Specifically, the responses must be accurate, and the respondents must be statistically significant in number and representative of the overall 3) Without evidence of the survey's reliability, it is impossible to draw any firm conclusions about the current dietary habits of 3. 1) Second, the argument relies on the dubious assumption that following the government's nutrition recommendations 2) It is entirely possible that 3) Thus without evidence to substantiate this assumption the speaker cannot reasonably conclude that 4) Third, the speaker assumes too hastily that… Without ruling out this possibility the speaker cannot reasonably conclude with any confidence that 5) Lacking firm evidence that …, the speaker cannot justify any conclusions about the 4. 页脚内容2


GRE写作分数计算细则 拿到GRE分数后,大家都陆陆续续开始了申请的流程,但是不同的学校对新GRE成绩的要求不尽相同,那么新GRE多少分算高分呢?下面我为大家搜集整理的GRE写作分数计算细则,希望大家喜欢! GRE写作分数计算细则 新GRE作文在新GRE考试中是比较有难度的,考官对新GRE写作的要求比较高,考查范围也比较广,考生在这些方面要多做准备。那么新GRE 作文部分是如何算分的呢?智课我在此为大家整理出新GRE作文的算法,考生可以参考一下。 新GRE写作要求考生在30分钟+30分钟内分别完成两篇文章,它是美国所有作文考试中时间最长而质量要求最高的一类作文考试。新GRE写作的记分方式是这样的,两篇作文总分都是六分,计算公式为你的得分= (Issue的得分+ Argument的得分)2,最终的计分是以0. 5分为一个格。 GRE考试逻辑写作包括两个不同的部分: 1.Issue task(30min),要求作者根据所给题目,完成一篇表明立场的逻辑立论文。 2.Argument task (30min),要求考生分析所给题目,完成一篇驳论文,指出并且有力的驳斥题目中的主要逻辑错误。 新GRE作文两个部分是如何算分的? 首先新GRE写作两个部分在总分中的权重是一样的。新GRE作文中有两个项目,最后出的新GRE作文分数是一个,所以如何进行新GRE作文

算分呢? 由于AA的写作不牵涉自己观点的展开,只须指出作者逻辑上的漏洞,因此在经过训练以后,写起来并不困难;而AI的写作需要自己展开自己设立的观点,不但需要逻辑上的洞察能力,还需要论证观点的能力,语言组织的能力,因此对于中国考生来讲比较困难,难以短期内有较大提高。 但是这两个部分在总分中的权重是一样的,因此考生的策略应该是尽量提高AI部分的写作能力而力保AA部分满分(或高分)o因为如果AA 部分满分的话,AI部分只需争取在4分以上就可以保证整体作文分数在5 分以上。 ETS的评分标准以及作文分数的计算 参照ETS评过分的范文,我们不难发现:无论是ISSUE还是ARGUMENT 在评分标准上都有共同之处,即: 第一,观点要有深度,论证要有说服力; 第二,组织要有条理,表达清晰准确; 第三,语言流利,句式复杂,词汇丰富。 这三条分别说的是行文的〃思想性〃、〃结构性〃和〃表达性〃,众多GRE 考试高分作文的考生大凡都在这三个方面做得很好,我们理所当然也要从这里入手,采取〃各个击破〃的方法解剖新GRE作文的本质,从而得到一个理想分数。新GRE写作的记分方式是这样的,两篇作文总分都是六分,计算公式为你的得分=(Issue的得分^Argument的得分)/2,最终的计分是以0. 5分为一个格。 对于新GRE作文的分数算法我认为,考生只要了解分数算法即可, 没必 要过于纠结其中。GRE考试看重的还是对实力的检验。考生在新GRE 写


河海大学 ——外国语言文学

首先,介绍一下自己:本人来自本科普通一本院校,报考的是河海大学外国语言文学。废话不说,先上干货。 写作: 1、《GRE写作5.5》李建林,外语教学与研究出版社 写作一般是GRE题型,一篇issue, 一篇argument. 我买了GRE写作5.5,针对所有GRE作文题目分门别类给了一些行文思路的模板以及论证的方法,很能锻炼思维。还有GRE高分到低分的作文,可以对照高分高在哪里。当然也有学姐推荐《GRE作文大讲堂》,称,“最后几十页的素材也很有用,背下来。最后几页的名人名言,多看看,也许就是下次的作文题目。曾经考过的“一燕不成夏”以及“brief isthe soul of wit”都在列”。 这里插一段话,以上的专业课的复习重点我是有依据的,那就是的复习全书!这里不是打广告,很多学姐都有推荐。里面有专业课考试重点,完全按照考试题型走,包括语言学问答,英美文学作家作品、名词解释、人物分析、问答题,另有翻译跟作文,厚厚的一本5斤重,每次自习教室拿进拿出都有一种很神圣的伪学霸的赶脚!不过吹毛求疵一下,里面部分印刷有误,特别是作家名字的拼写!所以大家要抱着取其精华、去其糟粕的心态,辩证地吸取营养。另外,每年最新版的全书要9月份后出,时间比较晚。个人感觉影响不大,毕竟重点就是那一些,很难押题的。 法语: 1、《法语》(1、 2、 3、4册)马晓宏主编,外语教学与研究出版社; 2、《法语》教学辅导参考书马晓宏主编,外语教学与研究出版社; 3、《新大学法语》(1、2册)李志清主编,高等教育出版社; 3、《实用法语语法》张晶主编,中国宇航出版社; 4、《大学法语考研必备》郭以澄等编,世界图书出版公司; 5、《法语动词变位实用手册》陈伯祥主编,外文出版社; 6、《法语词汇练习800》徐素娟、张卓立,东华大学出版社; 7、《法语语法练习800》陈建伟、卢梦雅,东华大学出版社 本科学的是李志清的新大学法语,学了两本打了点基础。因为出卷人是河海本科法语老师,,当然义不容辞地集中火力马晓宏啦。不过时间有限,外加学姐


新GRE写作Argument范文 来源:互联网 新对于国内考生比较难的一个问题就是中国人的思维与西方人不同,所以的方式也不太一样。因此,大家可以通过参考一些优秀的新GRE的范文来提高自己的写作水平。 Discuss how well reasoned you find this argument. following appeared in a memorandum written by the vice president of Nature's Way, a chain of stores selling health food and other health-related products. "Previous experience has shown that our stores are most profitable in areas where residents are highly concerned with leading healthy lives. We should therefore build our next new store in Painesville, which has many such residents. Painesville merchants report that sales of running shoes and exercise clothing are at all-time highs. The local health club, which nearly closed five years ago due to lack of business, has more members than ever, and the weight training and aerobics classes are always full. We can even anticipate a new generation of customers: Painesville's schoolchildren are required to participate in a 'fitness for life' program, which emphasizes the benefits of regular exercise at an early age." following appeared in a letter sent by a committee of homeowners from the Deer haven Acres to all homeowners in Deer haven Acres.

新GRE issue官方范文汇总

GRE ?revised(新GRE) Issue 官方范文整理Materials: 1. 2. Practice Test Number 1GRE Practice Test 1 Complete (Zip) 3. POWERPREP? II sample essay responses (PDF) 4. OG Topic List: 1.As people rely more and more on technology to solve problems, the ability of humans to think for themselves will surely deteriorate. Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.(1.p99) 2.“The best way for a society to prepare its young people for leadership in government, industry, or other fields is by instilling in them a sense of cooperation, not competition.” Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim. In developing and supporting your position, be sure to address the most compelling reasons or examples that could be used to challenge your position.(1.p108) 3.The best ideas arise from a passionate interest in commonplace things. Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement above and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how those considerations shape your position.(2) 4.“A nation should require all of its students to study the same national curriculum until they enter college.” Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and


gre写作超经典范文鉴赏! 想要知道gre写作考试满分作文是肿么写出来的,就非常有必要参考、分析相关范文。出于这样的考虑,在接下来的文章中,天道小编将与您分享一份堪称经典的gre写作范文,相信备战新 gre写作的朋友一定会需要! 以下就是小编准备的gre写作范文啦,备战gre写作的考生们不知道你们准备好了么?提前预祝大家能够在新gre写作考试中取得佳绩! A nationshould require all its students to study the same national curriculum until theyenter college ratherthan allow schools in different parts of the nation to determine which academic courses tooffer. The speaker would prefer a nationalcurriculum for all children up until college instead of allowing schools in different regionsthe freedom to decide on their own curricula. I agree insofar as some common core curriculumwould serve useful purposes for any nation. At the same time, however, individual statesand communities should have some freedom to augment any such curriculum as theysee fit; otherwise, a nation's educational system might defeat its own purposes in the long term. A national core curriculum would bebeneficial to a nation in a number of respects. First of all,by providing all children withfundamental skills and knowledge, a common core curriculum would help ensure that our childrengrow up to become reasonably informed, productive members of society. In addition, acommon core curriculum would provide a predictable foundation upon which collegeadministrators and faculty could more easily build curricula and select course materials for freshmenthat are neither below nor above their level of educational experience. Finally, a core curriculumwould ensure that all school-children are taught core values upon which any democraticsociety depends to thrive, and even survive--values such as tolerance of others with differentviewpoints, and respect for others. However, a common curriculum that isalso an exclusive one would pose certain problems,which might outweigh the benefits,noted above. First of all, on what basis would certain course work be included or excluded,and who would be the final decision- maker? In all likelihood these decisions would be inthe hands of federal legislators and regulators, who are likely to have their own quirkynotions of what should and should not be taught to children--notions that may or may notreflect those of most communities, schools, or parents. Besides, government officials arenotoriously susceptible to influence-peddling by lobbyists who do not have the best interests ofsociety's children in mind.

gre作文大讲堂 长难句示例五

gre作文大讲堂长难句示例五 Gre写作是美国所有作文考试中时刻最长而质量要求最高的一类作 文考试,而在短期内提高gre写作能力不是一天两天可以完成额,所以我们在备考xx新gre写作时必然要对问题问题深切的剖析,体味以下优异范文的文章结构,以提高新gre写作的整体分数。 21.Studies by Hargrave and Geen estimated natural munity graz-ingrates by measuring feeding rates ofindividual zooplankton species inthelaboratory and then puting munity grazing rates for fieldconditionsusing the known population densityof grazers. 由哈格雷夫(Hargrave)和吉恩(Geen)所进行的研究,对自然条件下的群落食草比例进行了估计,其手段是通过测量出实验室内单独的浮游动物种类的结食比例,然后利用已知的食草动物种群密度,计算出实地状况下的群落食草比例。 22.In the periodsof peak zooplankton abundance,that is,in the latespring and in the summer,Haney recorded maximum daily -munitygrazing rates,for nutrient-poorlakes and bog lakes,respectively,of 6.6percent and 114 percent of daily phytoplankton production.


如何使用gre写作范文2020 当你准备gre写作部分时,你可能会收集一些样本范文。下面就和大家分享如何使用gre写作范文,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。 如何使用gre写作范文 gre考试作文范文虽然需要背诵,但是要选择经典的来背诵,而不是盲目的背诵,追求数量。有一些非常好的例子能够灵活运用是很好的,但是,gre写作重点考察的并不是例子语句的运用,还是对于*题目的论述及说明,所以围绕主题,选取有用的例句才是最重要的。 对于写作,不一定是你例子背得多、反复地用例子来举证论点就能写出一篇好*,最好还是要找一本国外的写作教材来进行参考,弄清楚国外写作的具体要求,像《经济学人》、《时代周刊》这上面的评述类的*都可以拿来进行借鉴,多进行模仿和学习。 在这里像各位同学推荐一本国外教材,叫《分析性写作》,这本书在书店都是可以买到的,大家可以从里面学习如何论证自己的分论点,这些都写得比较详细。

中国学生写作时喜欢写一些大词和长句,觉得句子长了*也就会写得好,但GRE写作却不是这么回事,有可能你自以为自己写的很好,但是逻辑性是不严密的,可能外国人就会觉得很啰嗦,没有什么实质性的内容,结果就会导致分数比较低。 天道gre备考攻略提示,gre写作关键是要反复多练,要仔细地反复地研究备考指导上面的范文,因为只有备考指导上面的*是经过认证的,所以一定要把这些范文研究得分成透彻,达到滚瓜烂熟的程度,掌握它每一个评分标准的要求,研究好为什么会给这篇范文6分而给另一篇3分;另外,学生在做GRE阅读时可以通过模仿这些阅读*来提高自己的写作水平。 gre写作例句虽然需要背诵,但是要选择经典的例句来背诵,而不是盲目的背诵,追求数量。其实例句背诵还有一个最重要的用途便是通过背诵来熟悉英文的叙述方式,通过一些经典语句的背诵,使很多经典语法能够流畅的运用在gre写作当中。 GRE作文范文:知识的影响 The study of an academic discipline alters the way we perceive the world. After studying the discipline, we see the same world as before, but with different eyes. GRE作文范文参考:


高手推荐GRE写作参考书 在大家参加的新GRE写作考试里,传统的背模板套用的做法效果是一点不理想,简单套用通常只会适得其反,更甚也许会被判雷同。今天上海GRE培训机构小编就给大家推荐一些GRE写作参考书,期望会对考生带来更多的帮助。 GRE写作宝典(第一版) 评注:第一版尽管粗糙,但是素材全,练习好,同时今天的许多重考题都在该书范围内,尤其是占全书1/3之多的“写作工具箱”属于准备写作一个最大利器。新GRE作文高分书籍参考,《新GRE写作官方题库与范文》无疑就是一本攻克GRE作文必备书籍。 《新GRE写作官方题库与范文》不仅完整收录了新G考以来的所有写作题目,同时撰写的高度是与官方标准的范文符合的,原汁原味,流畅地道,变成了大部分考生的杀G必备! 上海GRE培训机构小编表示书中结合ETS公布的最新官方题库,根据考生在备考过程里所面临的实际难题出发,针对怎么写作Issue和Argument进行了详细的讲解,同时还给大家精心解读最新GRE写作题库,点拨题目特点,分析成文思路和脉络。题库中的每道题目都提供了由美籍名师精心撰写的高分参考范文,考生可细细研习,学构思、品词句,体会把所学习的方法巧运用到真正的写作中去,最后才能够做到举一反三、触类旁通。 此外,书中还为考生提供了Issue题库以及Argument题库的交叉索引,方便考生查阅。在附录里提供的经常使用连接词有助于大家在写作时增强文章的逻辑性,使文章更加连贯流畅。



2019年GRE考试写作经典范文赏析(二) The primary goal of technological advancement should be to increase people's efficiency so that everyone has more leisure time." The speaker contends that technology's primary goal should be to increase our efficiency for the purpose of affording us more leisure time. I concede that technology has enhanced our efficiency as we go about our everyday lives. Productivity software helps us plan and coordinate projects; intranets, the Internet, and satellite technology make us more efficient messengers; and technology even helps us prepare our food and access entertainment more efficiently. Beyond this concession, however, I find the speaker's contention indefensible from both an empirical and a normative standpoint. 注意这种新结构:使用了大量的事实作出对原文观点的让步性同意,但是在最后还是有所创新的提出自己的读到见解。这种开头给人一种很爽的感觉——have forcibly posed your viewpoints.让我们记住:The speaker contends that……I concede that……Beyond this concession, however, I find the speaker's contention indefensible from both an empirical and a normative standpoint. The chief reason for my disaGREement lies in the empirical proof: with technological advancement comes diminished leisure time. In 1960 the average U.S. family included only one breadwinner, who worked just over 40 hours per week. Since then the average work week has increased


作者:老肖 (GRE填空连续三次满分,GRE Verbal 170满分,GRE删减思维创始人,逍客教育创始人)18周GRE学习法(基于普通基础备考学生 / 没有考过托福雅思 / 6级低于580) 9周GRE学习法(基于高基础备考学生 / 托福105+高分,雅思7.5高分) 第一章节—— 18周GRE学习法 第0周:准备阶段 你需要搞定以下问题 1、了解什么是GRE? 2、GRE分数规划 满分:Verbal语文(170)+ Quantitative数学(170)+AW作文(6.0) 最低分:Verbal语文(130)+ Quantitative数学(130)+AW作文(1.5) 中国人均分:Verbal语文(146~147)+ Quantitative数学(164~165)+AW作文(无数据) 3、GRE题目数量 考场分为5个Section和2篇作文 2篇作文一共60分钟时间 5个Section每个Section是20道题目,一共100道题,但是其中有1个Section是加试不算分 考场分配:QVQVQ(有一个Q是加试) / VQVQV(有一个V是加试) 也就是说考场中算分的Section有两个是数学,两个是语文 这里需要注意:很多同学都在问如何分辨哪个Section是加试,无法分辨,不要想着不去做加试,请务必踏实复习! 4、GRE的考试题型是什么? ①.Verbal填空单空题(5选1) ②.Verbal填空多空题(每个空3选1,错1个空即算全错) 这里又分为两种:三空题和双空题 ③.Verbal填空6选2(在选项中找出两个合适的选项,一般为同义词,错1个算全错)

以上是Verbal填空题型,每个Section10道填空题 ④.Verbal阅读短阅读(2个题目的) ⑤.Verbal阅读中阅读(3个题目的) ⑥.Verbal阅读长阅读(4个题目的) ⑦.Verbal阅读逻辑单题(1个题目的) 以上是Verbal阅读题型,每个Section10道阅读题(是10道,篇数不确定) 5、GRE的考核侧重点是什么? GRE主要考核在逻辑思维,而非语言功底。 ①.繁中抽简:在繁琐的信息中迅速抽出逻辑线索,并不是背诵以及原封不动的复述。 ②.灵活自由:一句严格按照语法结构的英文,并非去死板的按照它的结构去一步一步翻译,而是用一种更易理解的思维去解析,就像很多美剧字幕组一样,只要保证基础逻辑和意思不变,结构可以随意变换。 6、找几本适合自己的词汇书 策略1、18周学习法基于普通基础的学生,所以这里建议红宝书,红宝书的词汇选取相对较为经典,里面包含了很多GRE常考的词汇。但是这本书也有其致命的缺陷,词汇解释非常非常死板,用老话讲,就是对英文字典的直接照搬,所以在背诵红宝书的时候,很多词汇需要自己去进一步分析这些词汇在GRE中的考法,这里引用我的GRE词汇讲解——GRE广义辨析/GRE 广义必考18组 另外还需要Magoosh Flashcards GRE词汇,一共1000多一点。这些词汇和红宝书有部分的重叠,同时也更为核心,可以作为红宝书的辅助与补充加强。 策略2、托福词汇+3000,这里很多同学都会有一个盲点,发现到处都在推3000这本书,但是却忽略了3000的一个要求,基于托福词汇基础,所以这也是为什么有些学生在背诵完3000之后发现考场依旧有很多很多不认识的词汇。 切忌盲目听从网络的一些不负责言论,选择3000之前务必要先评估自己的托福词汇基础。 策略3、我后期出版的《逻G国度:GRE词汇广义必考组》+托福词汇,这本书是对词汇广义的分类与整理,以及深入分析GRE考法,GRE核心词汇的考法往往并非表面形容的这么简单。 第1周~第5周:词汇巩固加强(基于策略1 - 红宝书+Magoosh) 这里推荐《杨鹏17天》搞定红宝书,虽然前期真的很痛苦,但是中期和后期会觉得无比舒心。不会单词去刷题,和会核心单词去刷题完全是两种不同的体验!就像我在满分感悟里面讲的,题目价值的巅峰永远都是第一遍,不可否定后期巩固错题的重要性,但是再多次的巩固都不及第一遍认真做的价值,所以请务必保证第一遍刷题的效果,可以保证第一遍效果的唯一途径,就是搞定核心词汇。 17天+17天两轮,在这5周里,什么都不需要去做,静下心啃下词汇难关,但是注意并不是死记硬背,上面我已经链接了我的另外一篇关于GRE词汇的讲解,一定要按照GRE的思维去背诵词汇,而不是死板的记住一些肤浅的表面含义。 关于词汇的背诵方法,没有必要拘泥于一种固定的模式,我个人也不喜欢去对词汇背诵方式去多说什么,你喜欢怎么背就怎么背,考GRE是要去顶尖学府攻读研究生的,如果这种层次了还不知道怎么背单词?那确实需要去反思一下。 注意:不要忘了数学词汇的背诵,免得后期手忙脚乱、一脸懵比。数学词汇不太多,这里就不再多说。 第6周~第7周:药(词汇)别停的基础上,开始Verbal的逻辑基础训练 首先是词汇


G R E作文官方新增考题 文档编制序号:[KK8UY-LL9IO69-TTO6M3-MTOL89-FTT688]

2015年G R E作文官方新增考题正在备考的考生请注意啦,2015年GRE作文官方对Issue和Argument分别扩充了几道题目,小编为考生汇总如下,希望考生可以按照最新的题库进行复习,以免因为疏忽而错失获得高分的机会。 一、2015年GRE作文官方issue新增考题及分析 新赠题目编号:150 Some people believe that corporations have a responsibility to promote the well-being of the societies and environments in which they operate. Others believe that the only responsibility of corporations, provided they operate within the law, is to make as much money as possible. Write a response in which you discuss which view more closely aligns with your own position and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should address both of the views presented. 1.题目中文翻译 有人认为,公司有责任促进所在社会的福祉和环境。也有人认为,公司唯一的责任就是,在不违反法律的前提下多赚钱。 2.参考提纲

gre写作模板 GRE作文范文大全(107)

gre写作模板 GRE作文范文大全(107) Gre写作是美国所有作文考试中时刻最长而质量要求最高的一类作 文考试,而在短期内提高gre写作能力不是一天两天可以完成额,所以我们在备考xx新gre写作时必然要对问题问题深切的剖析,体味以下优异范文的文章结构,以提高新gre写作的整体分数。 Argument 33 A new study collected data that shows that people who snore are more likely to gain weight than are people who do not snore. It is well known that many people who snore also stop breathing frequently during the night for a few seconds, a condition called sleep apnea. The interruption of breathing wakes the person---often so briefly that the waking goes unnoticed---and can leave the person too tired during the day to exercise. Anyone who snores,

therefore, should try to eat less than the average person and to exercise more In this argument the speaker concludes that any person who snores should try to eat less and exercise more than the average person. To justify this conclusion the speaker points out that many snorers awaken frequently during sleep--often so briefly that they are unaware that they are awake in order to catch their breath (a condition called sleep apnea), and as a result are too fired during normal waking hours to exercise. The speaker also cites data collected during a recent study, suggesting that snorers are more likely to gain weight than other people.


本文由sylar1995贡献 xls文档可能在WAP端浏览体验不佳。建议您优先选择TXT,或下载源文件到本机查看。 新东方大愚文化传播有限公司图书目录 序号 出国考试 TOEFL系列 系列 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 TOEFL iBT 100分词汇(附MP3) TOEFL iBT 120分短语(附MP3) TOEFL iBT 120分词汇(附MP3) 托福考试技能培训教程——高级(附MP3) 托福考试技能培训教程——中高级(附MP3) 托福考试技能培训教程——中级(附MP3) ETS新托福考试官方指南第3版(附CD-ROM) TOEFL词汇词根+联想记忆法(附mp3) TOEFL词汇词根+联想记忆法:45天突破版(附MP3) 新托福考试备考策略与模拟试题(附MP3) 新托福考试专项进阶——初级写作(附MP3) 新托福考试专项进阶——中级写作(附MP3) 新托福考试专项进阶——高级写作(附MP3) 新托福考试专项进阶——高级听力(附MP3) 新托福考试专项进阶——初级听力 新托福考试专项进阶——中级听力 新托福考试专项进阶——初级阅读 新托福考试专项进阶——中级阅读 新托福考试专项进阶——高级阅读 新托福考试专项进阶——初级口语(附MP3) 新托福考试专项进阶——中级口语(附MP3) 新托福考试专项进阶——高级口语(附MP3) 新托福考试专项进阶——阅读模拟试题(上) 新托福考试专项进阶——阅读模拟试题(下) 新托福考试专项进阶——听力模拟试题(上)(附MP3) 新托福考试专项进阶——听力模拟试题(下)(附MP3) 新托福考试写作剖析及高分范文 TOEFL.iBT阅读词汇小伴侣 新托福考试写作高分速成 25.00 28.00 25.00 48.00 48.00 48.00 88.00 28.00 45.00 98.00 40.00 38.00 42.00 45.00 42.00 45.00 35.00 38.00 40.00 42.00 38.00 42.00 36.00 36.00 40.00 36.00 48.00 15.00 35.00 书名 定价 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 新托福考试口语胜经(附MP3) 新托福考试听力胜经 TOEFL iBT口语满分模板 TOEFL iBT词汇10000(附MP3) TOEFL iBT口语词汇小伴侣 TOEFL iBT语法精要 TOEFL iBT听力词汇小伴侣 新托福考试冲刺试题(附MP3) TOEFL iBT写作词汇小伴侣 新托福考试全真模考题与精解(附MP3、CD-ROM) TOEFL词组 词以类记:TOEFL iBT词汇(附MP3) 挑战TOEFL.iBT作文满分 新托福考试阅读技能与考点精练1(附MP3) 新托福考试阅读技能与考点精练2(附MP3) 新托福考试阅读技能与考点精练3(附MP3) 10天搞定TOEFL作文 TOEFL.iBT高分作文(附MP3) TOEFL.iBT听力新思维(附CD-ROM) TOEFL.iBT听力习语必备(另配磁带4盘) 新托福考试完全攻略 新托福考试阅读特训 新托福考试听力特训 新托福考试听力特训 配套CD(7张) 新托福考试写作特训(附CD1张) 新托福考试口语特训 新托福考试口语特训 配套CD(4张) 新托福考试口语特训 配套磁带(4盘) 新托福考试综合教程(光盘版,含8张CD及1张CD-ROM) 49.00 45.00 25.00 45.00 15.00 17.00 18.00 58.00 16.00 118.00 28.00 35.00 30.00 38.00 38.00 38.00 10.00 48.00 28.00 24.00 10.00 48.00 48.00 49.00 46.00 48.00 28.00 28.00 148.00 新托福考试综合教程(磁带版,含8盘磁带及1张CD-ROM) 148.00 TOEFL词汇 TOEFL词汇精选 TOEFL核心词汇21天突破 30.00 23.00 29.00 GRE系列 系列 63 64 65 GRE写作论证论据素材大全 GRE词汇精选(便携版) GRE阅读必备专业词汇 35.00 18.00 15.00 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 GRE&GMAT阅读难句教程 GRE写作高分速成——Argument GRE写作高分速成——Issue GRE官方题库范文精讲 GRE词汇精选(附MP3) 词以类记:GRE词汇(附MP3光盘) GRE作文大讲堂——方法、素材、题目剖析 手把手教你GRE作文 GRE综合指导与全真考场(附CD-ROM) GRE全真模拟试题集 17天搞定GRE单词 GRE写作 GRE词汇逆序记忆小词典 30.00 30.00 30.00 48.00 58.00 55.00 48.00 28.00 78.00 55.00 10.00 48.
