第三部分 题型专题突破 专题三 完形填空



Test 1


One day,a little dog is going to visit his friend in the town.But there’s a small river in front of him.He stops by the road and

says,“How can I cross it?” There’s no1 over the river.

Just then a duck passes by.The dog asks him,“Can I walk2the river?”

“Have a try.It may not be3,” the duck answers.Then he swims across the river easily.

The dog4him,“He can swim,but I can’t.”

After a while,a hen comes to the5.The dog asks her,“Is the river deep?”

“Sorry,sir.I’m not6,” the hen answers.Then she flies across the river.

The dog admires her.“But I can’t

7.She has wings.”

7.A.fly B.swim


D.walk (A)

8.A.grow up B.pick up

C.give up

D.open up (C)

9.A.itself B.themselves


D.ourselves (D)

10.A.long B.wide


D.tall (B)


Once a gentleman was traveling in a train.He felt 11and got down at a station to look for some water.But when he got to the water tap,the train had started.He ran back but 12the train.

It was getting late and he decided to spend the night at the station.The next morning he asked about the next 13.He came to know that the next train was on the other day.So he decided to find a place for a day’s stay.It was getting 14and he could not find a place near the station.

At last he reached a small village.He asked a villager 15he could stay in his house for a night.The villager agreed.The villager cooked him food and 16him a room to stay.But he did not ask for anything in return.

At seven in the evening,the gentleman heard a knock at the door.The villager opened the door.It was a 17man in black.He asked the man to pay his debts(债务).

The next morning,the gentleman 18 some money on the bed.When the villager found the money,he also found a note.It said:“You

19me but didn’t want any pay from

me.Yesterday I heard the conversation between you and the rich man.I knew that you were in need of 20.This is what you need.”

11.A.hungry B.thirsty


D.busy (B)

12.A.caught B.missed


D.saw (B)

13.A.bus B.ship


D.train (D)

14.A.dark B.clean


D.quiet (A)

15.A.and B.or


D.but (C)

16.A.gave B.built


D.bought (A)

17.A.poor B.rich


D.nice (B)

18.A.forgot B.remembered


D.borrowed (C)

19.A.cooked B.taught


D.helped (D)

20.A.food B.money


D.house (B)

Test 2


Once there was a king and his daughter.The king asked his daughter how much she loved him.She said that she loved him as much as she loved 1.Her answer made the king very happy.Salt is a simple thing,2

it is very important.So the king thought his daughter cared a lot about him.

Salt has many 3.Our bodies need salt.If we don’t have enough,our bodies can’t work properly.We put salt on icy roads to make them 4.We also use salt to produce other products,like paper and glass.But for many years,salt’s most important job was to 5 food.Like other living things,most bacteria(细菌) need water to live.Salt takes in plenty of water,so most bacteria cannot live 6 a salty environment.As a result,salt protects food and many other things.For much of human history,this ability has made salt 7.Every ancient culture from Egypt to China depended on salt.Even today,the hard-working,useful people are 8as “the salt of the earth”.

For centuries,salt was also hard to

9.Its usefulness,together with rarity(稀有) made it very expensive.Salt could even be used like 10.In fact,the word “salary(薪水)”comes from the word “salt”.

Today,salt is used more widely and it still plays an important role in our life.

1.A.salt B.air


D.sugar (A)

2.A.or B.so


D.but (D)

3.A.forms B.secrets


D.skills (C)

4.A.wide B.safe


D.thick (B)

5.A.protect B.provide


D.prepare (A)

6.A.in B.outside


D.without (A)

7.A.hopeful https://www.360docs.net/doc/bd19131890.html,fortable


D.successful (C)

8.A.saved B.dreamed


D.described (D)

9.A.sell B.get


D.keep (B)

10.A.money B.medicine


D.food (A)


How can we keep a feeling of balance(平衡) in our lives?How can we live with a positive attitude(态度)?To answer the two

questions,let’s11the following points.

Life isn’t fair(公平的)Our life isn’t always12of pleasure,is it?Life doesn’t always give us a hand and doing our best doesn’t always bring good results.

Failure Failure is necessary to life,almost as necessary as the13we breathe.Failure is part of trying.The only thing that we need to think about is14to deal with it.In

fact,failure can be a great teacher that leads us to success.

Loneliness It’s15for us to be with our family and friends forever.Sometimes we have to be alone.Don’t be afraid when we feel lonely.Treasure the friendship,kindness and love we own now.

Suffering Growing up is not easy and pain is part of our lives.Almost16gets

hurt.Take a deep breath and give life a big smile when we suffer pain.

Personal responsibility(责任)We each have a choice to be either a17or a loser.We should have responsibility for the choices we make.What we will have in the future depends on what we do18.

Self-confidence We should believe we can do something well.Nothing in the world is difficult for the man who is19himself.

Life is like a long journey.20with a positive attitude and look at the bright side of things.There will always be sunshine and flowers in our eyes.

11.A.cheer up B.fall off

C.focus on

D.give up (C)

12.A.full B.filled


D.thirsty (A)

13.A.water B.air


D.drink (B)

14.A.what B.that


D.why (C)

15.A.possible B.impossible


D.important (B)

16.A.someone B.no one


D.anyone (C)

17.A.driver B.winner


D.teacher (B)

18.A.today B.yesterday


D.tomorrow (A)

19.A.confident of B.angry with

C.similar to

D.difficult in (A)

20.A.Take B.Give


D.Bring (C)

Test 3


I did very badly at school.My headmaster thought I was1and when I was 14,he said,“You are2going to be anything but a failure.”

After five years of3jobs,I fell in love with a very nice middle-class girl.It was the best 4that could have happened to me.I decided to do something positive with my life because I

wanted to prove to her what people said about me was5,especially her mother,who had said to me,“You have failed at everything you have ever done.” So I tried hard with my6 and went to college.My first novel7while I was at college.

After college I taught during the8in high schools and attended evening classes at London University,where I got a9in history.I became a lecturer at a college and was thinking of giving up that job to write full time when I was offered a part-time job at Leeds University.I began to feel proud of myself—it was a working-class boy who had left school early,now teaching at the university.

My writing career(生涯)10when I realized my own style.Now I am rich and famous,have been on TV,and met lots of film stars.But what does it mean?I just wish all the people that have put me down had said,“I believe in you.You will succeed.”

1.A.bright https://www.360docs.net/doc/bd19131890.html,eless


D.hopeful (B)

2.A.never B.sometimes


D.seldom (A)

3.A.low B.poor


https://www.360docs.net/doc/bd19131890.html,eful (B)

4.A.support B.happiness


D.thing (D)

5.A.wrong B.right


D.foolish (A)

6.A.experiment B.experience


D.practice (C)

7.A.came on B.came in

C.came back

D.came out (D)

8.A.day B.night


D.year (A)

9.A.graduation B.pass


D.success (C)

10.A.took off B.put off

C.gave off

D.got off (A)


At the beginning of this term,my PE teacher suggested to me that I should take part

in the marathon(马拉松赛跑).I was very surprised because I was never a good runner.In order to 11me,he said that if I took part in the race,I would get the highest mark for the term’s PE class.Therefore,I decided to have a try because I had 12to lose.

I prepared for the race very 13.I ran every day in the morning before school.And after school,I practiced running with many other runners on the sports ground.I even had the special diet(饮食) for athletes(运动员).I heard that the special diet could 14me to get good results.

When the 15of the marathon arrived,I was very nervous.As usual,I got up in the morning,had my breakfast,and listened to some music.Then my father gave me a 16

to the sports ground,for the marathon race was going to take place there in an hour.All my family wished me good luck because they knew how 17this race was for me and how much effort I had put into its preparation.

My competitors looked like athletes.I was 18that I would be last.However,when I started to run,I thought only about the race.As I paid much attention to the race itself,I did not remember when I 19the other runners.Suddenly I realized that I had come first.I was very happy when I won the

race.From the experience,I learn that 20 always comes out of hard work.

11.A.punish B.hurt


D.encourage (D)

12.A.something B.everything


D.anything (C)

13.A.carefully B.shyly


D.secretly (A)

14.A.teach B.help


D.order (B)

15.A.day B.week


D.year (A)

16.A.hug B.shake


D.lift (D)

17.A.easy B.important


D.silly (B)

18.A.surprised B.lucky


D.happy (C)

19.A.passed B.followed


D.pushed (A)

20.A.feeling https://www.360docs.net/doc/bd19131890.html,petition


D.interest (C)

Test 4


One day,I picked up my daughter Eloise from school and went to the supermarket for a few things.I was hoping to be in and out1.

I found a short line with just one person in front of me.It was a(n)2woman,and she was paying for her things with only3.After a long day at work,I was unhappy with this old woman.

But then I watched the young clerk(职员).He helped her4her change,so carefully taking it from her shaking hands.I5him repeatedly say to her:“Yes,ma’am.” When she asked if she had enough to buy a bag,he told her

she did.Then he went two lines over to get6 for her.Never once did this clerk get annoyed or roll his eyes.He was patient and kind.

As I was watching him,I saw Eloise

was,too.I realized that my daughter was learning an important7from a complete stranger.

8the woman was finished,the clerk began ringing up(把……的费用相加) my things and thanked me9my patience.I thanked him,too.

Then we left the supermarket with a full bag,but also with a10full of thankfulness for such an important lesson.

1.A.quickly B.slowly


D.freely (A)

2.A.rich B.old


D.healthy (B)

3.A.change B.bill


D.card (A)

4.A.copy https://www.360docs.net/doc/bd19131890.html,pare


D.borrow (C)

5.A.heard of B.listened to

C.looked at

D.thought of (B)

6.A.it B.that


D.one (D)

7.A.class B.rule


D.habit (C)

8.A.Though B.Before


D.Until (C)

9.A.because B.for


D.to (B)

10.A.sight B.brain


D.heart (D)


In order to reduce the stress on the students,Nanjing No.1 High School has 11

a “mark bank”.The bank lets students “borrow”marks 12they can pass exams,and then repay them in later tests.

Here’s 13it works:The “mark bank” allows students to 14marks if they fail the exam.But,just like real banks,it requires “clients(客户)” to pay back the loan(贷款) on

time,with interest(利息).So students have to pay for the loan by getting extra marks in future exams.Some teachers also allow the students to repay the bank 15doing lab experiments

or giving public speeches.Students who don’t pay back their loans are blacklisted(列入黑名单) by the bank,just like in real life.

“I was sick before the mid-term exams and missed several geography classes,” one student said.“I failed the exam,so I am glad the ‘mark bank’ gave me a 16to pass the exam.”

17many people think the “mark bank” is a great idea,not 18supports the https://www.360docs.net/doc/bd19131890.html,cation expert Xiong Bingqi,for example,believes 19the “mark bank” is not proper,but thinks that it takes stress off the students.Others think that such an idea just causes students to be 20in their studies.

11.A.built B.created


D.started (B)

12.A.so that B.if


D.in case (A)

13.A.why B.what


D.who (C)

14.A.borrow B.lend


D.give (A)

15.A.in B.by


D.at (B)

16.A.place B.time


D.choice (C)

17.A.Though B.But


D.So (A)

18.A.someone B.everyone


D.none (B)

19.A.that B.which


D.where (A)

20.A.busier B.smarter


D.easier (C)

Test 5


Alex was a giraffe who lived in a zoo with his mom,dad and other giraffe friends.As Alex grew,he1his neck was much shorter than the others’.He began to get2.But his

2020高考英语一轮复习 专题突破13 完形填空之词语辨析

专题技能突破(13) 完形填空之词语辨析 【技能讲解】近几年高考完形填空选项的四个选项一般形式完全相同,如都是动词原形、都是副词、都是名词复数等,这就要求考生能区分四个选项的单词在意义上和用法上的不同,选出正确答案。命题者深知学生在英语学习中的弱点,往往会从母语的角度设置干扰项来考察学生的英语思维、语言的基本用法,因此,考生一定要注意英汉两种语言的差异,不能简单的互译。 典例剖析 [2020·福建高考]One of the easiest things in the world is to become a fault-finder. However, life can be __1__ when you are not busy finding fault with it. Several years ago I __2__ a letter from seventeen-year-old Kerry, who described herself as a world-class fault-finder, almost always __3__ by things. People were always doing things that annoyed her, and __4__ was ever good enough. She was highly self-critical and also found fault with her friends. She became a really __5__ person. Unfortunately, it took a horrible accident to change her __6__. 1.A.lonely B.great C.quiet D.uneasy [答案] B 句意:但是,当你不总是挑剔的话,生活可以很美好。lonely意为“孤独的”;great意为“极好的”;quiet意为“安静的”;uneasy意为“心神不安的”。故答案选B。 2.A.received B.answered C.expected D.rejected [答案] A 句意:几年前,我收到了一封来自17岁的Kerry的信,在信中她将自己描述成了一个世界一流的吹毛求疵的人,几乎总是因为各种事情而烦恼。

2018年高考英语全国专用考前三个月文档:专题三 完形填空 满分方略 第三步 体裁突破(一) Word版含解析

体裁突破(一)记叙文1 A (2017·四川成都七中二模) Christina Parra brushed her cane(手杖) across the carpet at the entrance to Walgreens.She tapped her way past the shopping carts(手推车) and red lipsticks she could only 1 . Christina,a 16-year-old with two prosthetic(假的) brown eyes,had visited this store several times in 2 for this moment:She was shopping.Love songs 3 through the loudspeakers of the North Highlands,California store.Christina reached the end of Aisle(通道) 1-A and turned right, 4 her way past smooth bottles of liquid soap,toward the individual soap bars.She wanted to buy a bar of soap.A simple goal,but not 5 an easy one. Christina was 18 months old when she was diagnosed with cancer in both her eyes.Doctors 6 Christina’s left eye immediately;a few years later,they removed the right.Since then,activities other kids 7 for granted—taking a bus,8 the street,shopping at a store—have posed(造成) plenty of 9 for her. The teacher showed the little girl how to find her classroom by 10 her cane along a lawn’s edge.She learned to count driveways while 11 to a certain address.Yet for a long time,shopping still seemed 12 .How would she ever walk 13 those vast aisles,14 with row after row of products she couldn’t see? Finally,Christina told her teacher that she was ready to shop 15 .Together,they took inventory (目录册) at Walgreens.Over the course of several 16 ,Zermeno told Christina the kinds of products each aisle held;Christina took careful 17 on her Braille computer(盲人电脑). And 18 it was,on Monday,that her 19 came to rest on the bars of soap.She felt her way down to a lower shelf,until she 20 the one she wanted. 语篇解读本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了一个盲人女孩购物的情况。 1.A.see B.find

2018年高考英语全国专用考前三个月文档:专题三 完形填空 满分方略 第三步 体裁突破(三) Word版含解析

体裁突破(三)记叙文3 A (2017·山东菏泽一模) On Friday I called my parents,who are in their early 90s now.They were upset as they didn’t 1 what to send us and our adult kids for Christmas presents.Both of them have suffered serious 2 problems recently,and I 3 them not to worry about it because all of us had what we needed and didn’t 4 anything more. Not happy with that,they 5 getting us all something.Although they were in poor health this year,they still thought it was 6 for them to send something to us all.My mother said that she was 7 the other brothers and sisters fruit and delicious food baskets.That gave me a(n) 8 .I asked her to 9 ,in that case,giving whatever she would have given us to a local food bank.Or 10 ,they donate money they would have 11 on all of us to the food bank.When I checked with my kids,I knew what I suggested was proven exactly 12 ,for all of us would be 13 to know we had been able to donate to a local food bank. She and my father 14 this idea,but had no idea where a food bank would be. 15 my father was still quite able and interested in doing his own computer searches,his 16 to do this has gradually been going down.I looked it up right there and then discovered not one 17 three local food banks,and the center for a state-wide food bank 18 right there in their town.I gave them the 19 and phone number,which they asked for.They seemed to feel a great 20 at this suggested solution and I was very grateful. 1.A.admit B.abolish C.know D.keep 答案 C 解析admit承认;abolish废除;know知道,了解;keep保留。根据本空后的内容可知,此处指让我父母心烦的是他们不知道送自己的子孙们什么东西作为圣诞礼物。故C项正确。 2.A.finance B.health C.work D.affection


速测(十三) 完形填空+阅读理解(B+C)+阅读理解填词 (限时:30分钟) Ⅰ.完形填空 “Can I have a glass of hot water?” This is a very common question for Chinese customers in a 1 .But if you go abroad, you may find that meals in the West tend to come with tall glasses of ice water. Are you curious about this 2 ? For most Chinese people, drinking hot water is part of everyday life. More importantly, it is strongly 3 with traditional Chinese culture. One idea suggests that water of a warm temperature (25—30℃) is good for people’s health, especially for the 4 . It also helps to stop digestion(消化) problems. But for many Western people, they drink cold water even in 5 . One possible reason is that in Western countries people can drink water 6 from the tap(水龙头), rather than having to boil it. After 7 , it’s normal to jump into a cold shower to bring the heart rate down. 8 , there is one common thing encouraged by both the East and the West: One can cool down by drinking a 9 drink in summer. As sweating(出汗) is a good way to cool off in summer, hot drink makes you hotter and you begin to sweat. Of course, it doesn’t matt er whether you drink hot or cold water. The 10 our body feels, the better it is. ( )1.A.library B.restaurant C.hospital D.museum ( )2.A.difficulty B.difference C.invention D.performance ( )https://www.360docs.net/doc/bd19131890.html,pared B.satisfied C.connected D.filled ( )4.A.mouth B.stomach C.throat D.head ( )5.A.spring B.summer C.autumn D.winter ( )6.A.quickly B.slowly C.directly D.seriously ( )7.A.school B.class C.travel D.exercise ( )8.A.Although B.Because C.Unless D.However ( )9.A.coffee B.juice C.hot D.cold


完形填空模拟检测(六) 议论文 (共3篇,限时50分钟) A A teacher at Cedar Bluff Elementary School, Andrew Klicka writes rap music to help students learn and remember concepts.“I started writing raps __1__ the social studies tests were so hard,” Klicka said.“Kids had a(n)__2__ time remembering all of the information that we had to __3__.” This piece of news has __4__ that music can help kids do better in school.The best way to __5__ facts might be to set them to music.Medical students, for example, have long used rhymes and songs to help them __6__ vast quantities of information.A doctor by the name of Tupas Mukherjee __7__ that at the hospital he worked at no one __8__ the procedures for managing asthma (哮喘).So he created a video and recorded himself __9__ the guidelines on asthma procedures.It has spread quickly, and now all __10__ use it and are able to remember the guidelines.Thus Tupas Mukherjee has __11__ lots of people because without him these people could have been treated __12__. Music also makes the school day more fun.It makes school more __13__.Many students come to school with electives (选修课程) like Spanish.No gym or music.If they had a music hour or program, they could reduce __14__ and relax their brain in a way. Music __15__ provides better self-confidence.Performing in public more than once helps kids build up __16__, have good posture (姿态), learn to deal with unexpected events, etc.These __17__ are useful for educational presentations. Therefore, I __18__ with some people who think that music is worth sacrificing for other __19__ such as upgraded websites.We shouldn't __20__ music programs. 语篇解读:本文是一篇议论文。作者认为音乐对学习很有帮助,因此音乐课不应该被其他课程取代。 1.A.because B.though C.until D.unless 解析:选A Klicka创作说唱音乐帮助学生记忆概念是“因为(because)”考试太难了,学生们记忆这些信息的时候很“艰难(difficult)”。 2.A.difficult B.long C.unforgettable D.boring 解析:选A 参见上题解析。 3.A.write B.teach C.collect D.store

第三部分 题型专题突破 专题三 完形填空


专题三完形填空 Test 1 A One day,a little dog is going to visit his friend in the town.But there’s a small river in front of him.He stops by the road and says,“How can I cross it?” There’s no1 over the river. Just then a duck passes by.The dog asks him,“Can I walk2the river?” “Have a try.It may not be3,” the duck answers.Then he swims across the river easily. The dog4him,“He can swim,but I can’t.” After a while,a hen comes to the5.The dog asks her,“Is the river deep?” “Sorry,sir.I’m not6,” the hen answers.Then she flies across the river. The dog admires her.“But I can’t 7.She has wings.”

7.A.fly B.swim C.jump D.walk (A) 8.A.grow up B.pick up C.give up D.open up (C) 9.A.itself B.themselves C.himself D.ourselves (D) 10.A.long B.wide C.full D.tall (B) B(2019·四川广安) Once a gentleman was traveling in a train.He felt 11and got down at a station to look for some water.But when he got to the water tap,the train had started.He ran back but 12the train. It was getting late and he decided to spend the night at the station.The next morning he asked about the next 13.He came to know that the next train was on the other day.So he decided to find a place for a day’s stay.It was getting 14and he could not find a place near the station.

2022年高考英语二轮专题复习专题三完形填空 第二讲多法并举、瞻前顾后, 稳取句内、句组、语篇层次题

第二讲多法并举、瞻前顾后,稳取句内、句组、语篇层 次题 一、5 大方法速判句内层次题 句内层次题的解题信息分布在本句内,在读懂文意的前提下,利用本句的一些信息凭借语感即可顺利选出答案。对于此类题目,考生可以边读边填,将原文信息尽量复原。 方法1 利用习惯搭配和固定结构解题 [典例][2020·全国卷Ⅱ]It was just after sunrise on a June morning. “Nicolo,” whose real name cannot be __41__ to the public because of Italy's privacy laws, 42.finished working the whole night at a factory in Turin. 41.A.attached B.allocated C.exposed D.submitted 分析:本题可以利用习惯搭配解题。根据下文的“because of Italy's privacy laws”可知主人公的真名是隐私的、不可透露的。由此可知正确选项。 自主解答:________ 方法2 利用生活常识和文化背景解题 完形填空的语篇中往往渗透着诸如文化科学、历史地理、风俗民情等方面的知识。考生在做题时,若能积极地调动自己掌握的文化背景知识和生活常识,巧妙地加以运用,特别是注意中西文化的差异,将会大大简化复杂的分析与判断过程,节省宝贵的时间,从而轻松地做出正确判断。 [典例][2021·全国卷乙]And there you have it. To many people, __59__ lives is part of the job but styling hair is an extra and should be rewarded. 59.A.risking B.changing C.saving D.building 分析:第59题考查语境和常识推断。对许多人来说,挽救(saving)生命是医护人员工作的一部分,但是做头发是额外的(extra)事,应当得到酬谢。risk“冒险”;change“改变”;build“培养,发展”。 自主解答:________ 方法3 利用对应成分分析法解题 完形填空文章的上下文之间以及句子内部之间往往有着一定的逻辑关系,它使句子的各

2021届新高考英语二轮复习教学案:专题三 完形填空(共2节)含解析

试卷年份体裁 考查类型 命题趋势动词 (短语) 名词 (短语) 形容 词(短 语) 副 词 介词 (短 语) 全国卷Ⅰ2020 记叙文 6 8 3 2 1 1.选材特点:以记叙 文、夹叙夹议文为主, 选材内容生活化,有 明显的教育意义,体 现人文底蕴、健康生 活等核心话题。短文 一般在250词左右, 注重原汁原味。 2.设题特点:以考查实 词为主,动词和名词 的考查占绝对位置。 近几年增加了对名词 的考查,减少了对副 词的考查,高考更加 注重对文章内容的理 解和把握。 2019 夹叙夹议 文 8 7 4 1 2018 记叙文9 8 2 1 全国卷Ⅱ2020 记叙文11 4 3 2 2019 记叙文9 5 3 2 1 2018 记叙文9 3 5 2 1 全国卷Ⅲ2020 记叙文8 3 6 1 2 2019 夹叙夹议 文 9 4 5 2 2018 记叙文10 6 4 命题分析 完形填空的设题方式大致可分为语篇层次、句间层次及句内层次三种题型。在难易程度上,句内层次题和句间层次题较容易,考生只 需要结合语境理解空格所在句或相邻的几句就可以确定答案,且句内层次、句间层次题考查最多,能保障考生取得基本分数。但高考是选拔性的考试,每篇完形填空总会有那么几个比较难的语篇层次题成为考生取得高分的拦路虎。二轮复习在确保句内层次题和句间层次题全做对的前提下,要全力争取语篇层次题多得分。 句间层次题:是指空格的答案由与空格相距不远的一组句子决定。句内层次题:是指空格的答案由空格所在句子决定。语篇层次题:是指空格的答案由整篇文章的内涵决定。 第一条:初读文章抓要点 初读文章只需要明白大意(who,when,where,what),总体把握文章内容、结构、时态变化、情节发展、结果。不必过于求细求全。 第二条:重视首句巧预判 完形填空首句不设空给考生留下了认真审读的空间。通过首句,要达到:1.预判文章的体裁;2.知晓文章的题材。如:2019年全国卷Ⅱ完形填空的首句:It's about 250 miles from the hills of west-central Iowa to Ehlers' home in Minnesota.During the long trip home,following a weekend of hunting...根据首句交代的时间(During the long trip home、following a weekend of hunting)、地点(about 250 miles from the hills of west-central Iowa to Ehlers' home in Minnesota)、人物(Ehlers)可知,本文体裁是一篇记叙文,题材与周末打猎有关。 第三条:分段阅读脉络现 每篇完形填空都有一个明确的主题,每个段落都是围绕着该主题展开的。每段之所以成


2022年浙江省高考英语热点突破专题三完形填空Word 版含答案 完形填空真题检测(一)2022年6月浙江高考 AliaBakerialibrarianinIraq.Herlibraryuedtobea__36__placefora llwholovedbookandlikedtohareknowledge.They__37__varioumatterallo vertheworld.Whenthewarwanear,Aliawa__38__thatthefireofwarwouldde troythebook,whicharemore__39__toherthanmountainofgold.Thebookare ineverylanguage— newbook,ancientbook,__40__abookonthehitoryofIraqthatievenhundred yearold. Shehadakedthegovernmentfor__41__tomovethebooktoa__42__place, buttheyrefued.SoAliatookmatterintoherownhand.__43__,hebroughtbookhomeeverynight,__44__hercarlateafterwork.Herfriendc ameto__45__herwhenthewarbrokeout.Aniwhoownedaretaurant__46__tohi deomebook.Allthroughthe__47__, Alia,Ani,hibrotherandneighbourtookthebookfromthelibrary,__48__th emovertheeven- footwalland__49__themintheretaurant.Thebooktayedhiddenathewar__5 0__.Thenninedaylater,afireburnedthe__51__totheground. Oneday,thebombingtoppedandthe__52__left.Butthewarwanotoverye t.Aliaknewthatifthebookweretobeafe,theymutbe__53__againwhilethec itywa__54__.Sohehiredatrucktobringallthebooktothehoueoffriendint heuburb(郊 区).NowAliawaitedforthewartoendand__55__peaceandanewlibrary.

安徽省中考英语 第三部分 重难题型过关 语篇组合练(三)

一、完形填空 Themanwastryingveryhardtotiehisshoesanditwastoodifficultforhim.Iwonderedfor asecondwhetherIshouldhelphim.I 1 andhewasgrateful. "Thankyou,"hesaid,withabigsmile. "I'mgladI2help,"Ismiledbackandsaid.Hewasabadly 3 man.Hisarmsandlegsweretwisted(扭曲)terribly.However,hislovely 4 letmefeelwarmandcomfortable.Iwasstillonmykneesbyhiswheelchair. "Niceshoes,"hesaid. "Thanks.Nooneeverpraised 5 before,"Isaid. "NoonehasthesameviewoftheworldasIdo,"hereplied. "Wouldyoutellmeaboutthe 6 asyouseeit?"Ibecameinterested. "Mostpeoplecanseeifsomeoneiscomfortableornotintheireyes.Iseeitbytheir 7,"saidhe."Ifpeoplekeepmovingtheirfeet,Ijustletthemgo,8 Iknowthey'reimpatientwithme.Idon'twanttomakepeopleuncomfortable." "Whataboutme?"Iasked. "Icouldseeyourkindness.Andthenyoucamedowntomylevel.Iwastheonewhowasnervous, "hesaid."I 9 havesomeonelookatmeintheeyes." "Theydon'tknowwhatthey'remissing,"Itoldhim. "Myoldfaceis 10 tobrag(自夸)about,"hesaid. "Butthatsmileissobig." Yes,andit'snotonlyabigsmilebutanattitude. 1.A.did B.made C.had D.took 2.A.would B.should C.might D.could 3.A.sick B.ill C.unhealthy D.disabled 4.A.face B.smile C.eyes D.kindness 5.A.you B.it C.them D.me 6.A.world B.life C.mind D.result

2023课标版英语高考第一轮专题练习--第三部分 专题三 完形填空

2023课标版英语高考第一轮专题练习 第三部分高考题型突破 专题三完形填空 题组1 人与自我·个人经历及感悟 Cloze 1[2022江西南昌摸底]主题:每个人都要为自己的选择负责建议用时:16分钟When we feel failure, we learn to figure it out. In the process, we learn, we 1, and we become more understanding. But without that 2failure, this beautiful chain reaction doesn't even have a chance to begin. The other day, I was 3six kids at my house, and while my oldest son was playing with the other kids, he started acting 4and aggressively. 5, I tried to stop it. I corrected him and separated him from the 6. I even punished him. 7was working, until 8, one of the other kids said, "We don't want to 9you anymore." And the rest agreed. My son kept trying to 10the group. He walked to the other side of the circle to see if another 11 would let him in. He said please. He went to his room to find some toys to 12everyone. But it was too 13. He was refused. My first instinct (直觉) was to ask the other kids to 14him. But then, I realized that if I did that, I'd be 15my son the greatest lesson that the painful exclusion (排斥) resulted from his bad behavior. And so, next time you want to 16your child from skinned knees or a bruised ego or 17the bus, you might be cheating them out of the greatest 18they could ever have: the power of knowing that there are natural 19for their actions, and that they are finally 20for the choices they make. 1.A. grow B. regret C. enjoy D. risk 2.A. huge B. initial C. complete D. instant 3.A. training B. raising C. watching D. directing 4.A. rudely B. nervously C. talkatively D. confidently 5.A. Of course B. In general C. In a word D. Out of curiosity 6.A. family B. group C. class D. audience 7.A. Everything B. Nothing C. Everybody D. Nobody 8.A. gradually B. immediately C. casually D. eventually 9.A. attend to B. rely on C. play with D. care about 10.A. rejoin B. observe C. rebuild D. offend

人教版高中英语必修一 unit3_完形填空(旅行篇) 题型专项突破 word版含答案

题型专项突破-Unit3 完形填空(旅行篇) 一、完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并写在答题卡上。 1. When I was a college student, I did a lot of traveling abroad. That was because a professor (1) me to do so. She said, “Now is the time for you to travel around the world, (2) your knowledge through actual experiences and have fun!” I (3) her. Since I started to work for a (4) company, however, I have done most of my traveling through the Internet. By using the Internet, I have seen the (5) of many cities on my computer screen. And I have really made business (6) , too. With the help of the Internet, I have also got (7) about food in different countries. Therefore, I was beginning to feel that actual trips were (8) necessary when I happened to read a famous chefs (厨师)comment on the Internet. He said, “ It is very difficult to have real Italian food in a foreign country, because we enjoy food and the (9) around us at the same time. So why don’t you fly over to Italy an d enjoy real Italian (10) ?’,Those words reminded me of my (11) advice. As information technology (12) , you might be able to do without making some real trips. But this also means that you will miss the various (13) you can get from traveling. Today there are people who (14) direct communication with others and spend much of their time on the Internet. It is not surprising to see a group of people (15) not with each other but into their micro phones. It seems as if j such people are (16) by an invisible wall. They seem to be losing out on a good chance to (17) and talk with other people. I do not think that they are taking good advantage of information technology. We should use information i technology as a tool to make our daily (18) more fruitful. However, we should never let it (19) our time for face-to-face communication. Let’s make use of information technology more (20) , and have great fun in experiencing the actual world


专题三国家统一与民族关系 一、民族关系的发展 时期概况 春秋战国中原的“诸华”“诸夏”在同周边的戎、狄、蛮、夷等民族长期交往和斗争中,出现 了大规模的民族交融 秦朝秦始皇派蒙恬北击匈奴,修建了西起临洮、东到辽东的“万里长城” 汉朝汉武帝两次派张骞出使西域;东汉明帝时,派班超出使西域,加强了与西域各国的联系;公元前60年,设西域都护,标志着西域正式归属中央政权 魏晋南北 朝东汉、魏、晋时期,北方的游牧民族陆续内迁;北魏孝文帝迁都洛阳,并推行了一系列的汉化措施,促进了北方民族的大交融,增强了北魏的实力 唐朝唐太宗发兵击败东突厥,加强了对西域的统治;唐高宗时,唐朝联合回纥灭西突厥,中央政权完全统一西域;北方和西北地区的各族首领尊称唐太宗为“天可汗”;唐朝设置安西都护府和北庭都护府,管辖西域的天山南北地区;文成公主、金城公主入藏;唐玄宗封渤海国首领为渤海郡王,封回纥首领为怀仁可汗,封南诏首领为云南王 两宋北宋与辽议和,达成“澶渊之盟”,北宋与西夏议和后,北宋给西夏岁币,宋夏边界贸易兴旺;金灭北宋,南宋的岳飞抗金,后宋金议和 元朝元朝境内大规模的人口流动,形成了新的民族——回族;设立宣慰使司都元帅府,由宣政院直接统辖。从此中央政府对西藏正式行使行政管辖

清朝 西藏:顺治帝册封五世达赖“达赖喇嘛”封号;康熙帝册封五世班禅“班禅额尔德 尼”封号;清朝在西藏设置驻藏大臣;1793年,清朝颁布《钦定藏内善后章程》29 条,规范西藏地方行政体制和法规;确立金瓶掣签制度 新疆:康熙帝平定噶尔丹叛乱,乾隆帝平定大、小和卓叛乱,并在新疆设伊犁将军 续表 时期 概况 中华人民 共 和国成立后 原则:民族平等、民族团结、各民族共同繁荣 措施:和平解放西藏;实行民族区域自治制度;在民族地区实行一系列民主改革和社会主义改造;重视少数民族文化的保护与发展;实施西部大开发战略等 影响:极大地带动了少数民族地区的经济社会发展 二、台湾问题的由来 【命题点】历代中央政府强化对边疆地区的管辖(考查角度侧重:史料实证) 材料一 “自古皆贵中华,贱夷狄,朕独爱之如一。” ——唐太宗 【设问1】材料一中唐太宗实行了怎样的民族政策?请举一例历史事实说明唐朝与吐蕃关系的和睦。 答:开明的民族政策;文成公主嫁给松赞干布。 材料二 (辽)与朝廷和好年深,蕃汉人户休养生息,人人安居,不乐战斗。 ——苏辙《栾城集》 【设问2】材料二中“(辽)与朝廷和好年深”是通过什么盟约实现和好的?与辽签订盟约的是哪个政权? 答:澶渊之盟;北宋。
