


Ex, 10A

1.Don’t speak loudly. The children are sleeping.

2.Don’t disturb me. I’m thinking.

3.The chidlren were jumping to keep warm.

4.The woman got mad. She was hitting her head against the wall.

5.Old Tom knows Russian, but he can’t speak it well.

6.I hope she likes these reses.

7.Halleck resembles his father very much in disposition and appearance.

8.This material feels soft.

9.I believe we will certainly achieve success.

10.Lsat night we dined at a Thai restaurant. These almost all the dishes taste hot.

11.In grammar, English differs greatly from Spanish/

12.This bus can hold 40 people.

13.This rule applies to all the tourists.

14.They were talking about pollution of the environment.

15.Spring is here. The treetops are turning green.

16.The economic situation there has changed from bad to worse.

17.I’m getting old. I can’t walk such a long distance.

18.This trunk weighs 50 kilos.

19.Surely you are imagining things.

20.I am not feeling (I don’t feel) very tired.

Ex. 10B

2. called off

3. carry out

4. catch up with

5. came round / to

6. cutting down

7. looked into

8. held up

9. turn up 10. Keep off 11. Knocked him out 12. let you off

13. leave out 14.mix up 15. bring up 16. blew it up 17. Look out 18. put off 19. look on 20. put up 21. running into 22. run up against 23. sold out 24. send for / call in 25. taking…in 26. turned down 27. turned out 28. work out 29. wound up 30. took on, worn out, give…up

Ex. 10C

1.This case is being looked into by the police.

2.Before long the children had taken to their ner teacher.

3.We can’t rely on other countries to help us tide over the difficulty.

4.The First World War broke out in 1914.

5.When she came to, she found herself lying in a hospital.

6.He was not really feeling sad. He was just putting on.

7.Some new problems cropped up at the last minute.

8.As most members were absent, the meeting had to be called off.

9.Can you figure out a way to solve this problem?

10.When he was criticized, he flared up.

11.Don’t be taken in.

12.I got very angry that he should come out with that rude remark.

13.You must work hand, or you won’t be able to keep up with the rest of the class.

14.Sophie is going to take a day off tomorrow; I must fill in for her.

15.We are going to bring up this question at the next meeting.

16.I’m going to forward to meeting you in Shanghai.

17.We all look up to Doctor Lin, because she serves herpatients selflessly.

18.He worked in the United States for three years, and he made the most of the opportunity to

improve his English.

19.She was so lazy that she made a mess of her room.

20.This is a used car; it has changed hands several times.

Ex. 10D

1. finding

2. occurred

3. waiting

4. studied

5. stood

6. read

7. read

8. decided

9. satisfy 10. carried 11. colored 12. taste 13. watching 14. slipped 15. took 16. found 17. was 18. ran 19. shouted 20. drank 21. tasted 22. was 23. learned 24. to question


课题名称初中英语语法讲义-专题讲练:第10讲:一般现在时 教学目标知识点:一般现在时 考点: 1、动词三单形式变化及运用;(重点) 2、区分三单和非三单;(重点) 3、助动词do, does, don’t, doesn’t运用;(难点) 4、一般现在时句型构成及句型转换。(难点) 能力:掌握动词三单变化规则;能准确区分三单和非三单形式;掌握一般现在时句型转换。 方法:讲练结合 Step 1 Homework Checking ●课后练习讲评; ?词汇听写:得分_____________ 首字母填空练习。 21. There is a c______ on the desk. It can tell you the time. 22. How much does the bike c______? 23. The first day of June is C Day. 24. His father is a d_________. He works in a hospital. 25. The last month of the year is D________. 26. Can you tell me the d________ between the two words? 27. On the evening before the Spring Festival, people usually have a big d__________ with their family. 28. The d________ sits in the front of the bus. 29. He usually d________ a glass of milk and eats two eggs for breakfast. 30. We do eye e every day. answers: 21. clock 22. cost 23. Children’s 24. doctor 25. December 26. difference 27. dinner 28. driver 29. drinks 30. exercises ?知识点回顾; 用所给词的正确形式填空。

大学新编英语语法教程 第五版 课后练习答案

新编英语语法教程第1讲练习参考答案 Ex. 1A 1. A. his home work B. quickly to play 2. A. The huge black horse B. the race 3. A. have thought about B. going into space 4. A. warms up and crawls B. out of the bag 5. A. one of the most beautiful planets to look at through a telescope B. because of the many rings that surround it 6. A. 165 years B. to complete its path or orbit around the sun 7. A. you and your brother B. How many pairs of shorts 8. A. the most expensive meal listed on the menu B. What 9. A. an “Outdoor Code” B. their members 10. A. can blow

B. as fast as 180 miles (290 kilometers) an hour 11. A. The spiral of heated air and moist air B. to twist and grow and spin 12. A. The direction a hurricane?s spiral moves B. counterclockwise 13. A. does not shine B. At the north pole: for half of the year 14. A. The cold winds that blow off of the Arctic Ocean B. a very cold place 15. A. might have been B. guilty of murder Ex. 1B 1. SVC Within the stricken area not a single soul remained alive and the city centre looked as if it had been razed by monster steam-roller. 2. SV The bomb exploded 1000 ft. above the groun. 3. SVO On August 6 1945 an American aircraft dropped a bomb on the Janpanese town of Hiroshima. 4. SvoO


Ex. 21A 1. I was sorry to learn… 2. You will be sad to hear… 3. They would be very surprised to receive… 4. She is happy to have found… 5. I was afraid to go… 6. Bob was pleased to hear… 7. I am very anxious to meet you. 8. We were delighted to receive your telegram. 9. You were sensible to stay indoors. 10. The clerk was prompt to answer the call. 11. This rule is easy to remember. 12. We are reluctant to leave this neighbourhood. 13. Our house is difficult to heat. 14. Are you ready to leave? 15. You would be foolish to go out in this weather. 16. John is quick to see the point. 17. He is very keen to get on. 18. We are proud to have him as a friend. 19. I was rude not to answer your letter. 20. We are happy to have you with us this evening. Ex. 21B 1. His decision to resign surprised all of us. 2. He showed no inclination to leave. 3. Her resolution never to marry baffled all offers of love. 4. The City Council approved the proposal to build a new dam on the river. 5. Their readiness to accept the peace arrangement really surprised the diplomatic world. 6. He refused the invitation to write another article on the subject. 7. The people of a country should have the freedom to choose their own social system. 8. There is no need for you to start so early. 9. I am not under the obligation to render him any financial support. 10. They have the ability to wage biological warfare. 11. He is not a man to be frightened by the threat of war. 12. There are plans to be made at once. 13. This is a day never to be forgotten. 14. Give me the names of the people to contact. 15. The next train to arrive is from Edinburgh. 16. The last problem to be considered at our next meeting is how to invest the money. 17. Was Cortes the first European ever to see the Pacific Ocean? 18. The best man to see for your eye trouble is the professor of ophthalmology. 19. The way to get into the building is to slip in through the kitchen. 20. The first man to fly non-stop across the Atlantic was John Alcock. Ex. 21C

新编英语教程第二册答案unit 10 dictation and translation

I. Dictation A. Have you ever asked yourself that question? Probably not. We use our language every day, but we rarely think about it. We don’t think about language, because it is so much a part of us. Well, what is language? We might say that it is a means of communication, but it is really more than that. Language is what makes us human. Though language we are able to share our feeling,, our thoughts and our experiences with others. Without language, human society would not be possible. Most linguists believe that human beings and language developed together. They don’t know exactly when the first language was spoken, but they know that it was very simple. At first, people probably used single words in order to talk about things that were necessary for their lives. They probably had a word for water, for example, and words for fire and food. But expressing thoughts and ideas must have been very difficult. B. “Practice makes perfect” has often been said of foreign-language learning, but it is equally true of learning mathematics. For example, Ruby, a student in my class, gives her algebra assignment the same kind of attention she gives to a comic strip. She just goes over it as if she is reading a comedy and that’s all. She reads the explanations and the sample problems in her book and thinks that she doesn’t have to work out the problems so long as she understands them very well. By the time the examination time comes, she finds that she lacks experience in applying what she has learned from reading to the solving of problems. Algebra is learned best through the actual experience of solving problems, not just through reading about how to solve them. In algebra, too, practice does make perfect. II. Translation A. https://www.360docs.net/doc/c119040512.html,st night, I had hardly fallen asleep when hasty knocks woke me up. 2. It was after serious consideration that they decided to leave their hometown and settle down in Paris. 3.The police was at a loss as to how to explain the case. 4.He bought his daughter whatever she wanted, regardless of the expenses. 5. The boy reported the theft to his teacher, and she, in turn, to the headmaster. 6.Rose instructed / asked the taxi driver to take Brook Street instead of Baker Street, since the latter was under repair. B. Ruth: Did you go for a picnic last Saturday as you had planned? Alice: No, we had hardly set off when the rain poured down. We had hoped to go today, but the rain again prevented us from doing so. We were going tomorrow, but our car got a puncture just now, so we can’t go tomorrow either. Ruth: What a pity! Would you like to join us tomorrow?


Ex 6E 1. 今天上午你干了多少活儿?(work) How much work have you done this morning? 2. 开凿隧道需要大量劳力。(labour) To dig a tunnel will need a great amount of labour. 3. 他做了最少的工作。(work) He’s done the least work. 4. 处理这一问题有几种方法。(methods) There are several methods of approaching this problem. 5. 我不懂多少法语。 I know little French. 6. 少说空话(empty talk)多干实事。(practical work)There must be less empty talk but more practical work. 7. 有许多人出席招待会吗? Were there many people at the reception? 8. 我可以跟你谈几句话吗?(words) May I have a few words with you? 9. 今天参观展览会的人数比昨天少。 There were fewer people today at the exhibition than yesterday.

10. 哈利犯的错误最少 Harry made the fewest mistakes. 11. 你读的诗(poetry)和做的练习(exercises)都比我多。You’ve learnt more poetry and done more exercises than I have. 12. 杰克做的工作最多,犯的错误也最多。 Jack’s done the most work and made the most mistakes. 13. 他做了很多工作,也犯了汗多错误。 He’s done a lot of work and made a lot of mistakes. 14. 百万富翁有许多钱财(money),也有许多烦恼。 A millionaire has lots of money—and lots of worries. 15. 安娜因为没有足够的钱财而烦恼丛生。 Anna has enough worries because she hasn’t got enough money. 16. 每隔几分钟电话铃就响一次。 The telephone rang every few minutes. 17. 在过去这几天的寒冷日子里,我们一直在坚持实验。We have been persisting in making the experiment all these last few cold days. 18. 他新编的两本英语语言学著作都将在2011年出版。Both his next books on English linguistics will come out in 2006.


Ex10 1. Fumes from the exhaust of an automobile are _______. A) notorious B) anxious C) noxious D) delicious 1. C)noxious意为“有害的,有毒的,不卫生的”,如:Poison ivy is a noxious plant. Avoid touching its leaves.野葛是有毒植物,不要碰它的叶子。notorious意为“臭名昭著的”, 如:He is notorious for his double dealing.他因两面派而声名狼藉。anxious意为“焦急的”,如:He is desperately anxious, you know.你知道,他焦急极了。delicious意为“美味的,芳香的,可口的”,如:The air had a delicious smell.空气里有一股香味。 2. George wasn't in class today. Professor Brown excused him A) from attending B) of attending C) to attend D) attending 2.A)excuse sb.from doing意为“免除,不强求”,例如:The teacher can't excuse me from attending his class.老师不能允许我不上课。excuse sb. from doing sth.to do sth.else意为“允许某人不去做某事而去做另一件事”,表示目的。例如:She asked to be excused from work to attend a wedding.她要求允许请假去参加婚礼。 3. Glass will _______ at a high temperature and will be in a liquid condition. A) dissolve B) disappear C) melt D) evaporate 3.C)melt除了作“融化,溶解”讲外,还可作“熔化”讲,如:Lead can be melted easily.铅极易熔化。dissolve 作“融化,溶解”讲,在此意义上基本可与melt通用,如:The sun dissolved(melted)the snow.太阳使雪融化。disappear意为“消失”,evaporate意为“蒸发”,都不符合本句意思。 4. Good team-work has played an important _______ in the club's success. A) effect B) place C) game D) part 4. D)play a part in是固定搭配,意为“对……有贡献”,如:He played an important part in ensuring the success of the scheme.他对确保该计划的成功作出了重要贡献。effect,place和game均不能构成这样的固定搭配,故只有D)正确。 5. Grace _______ tears when she heard the sad news. A) broke in B) broke into C) broke off D) broke through 5.B)break into意为“突然发出,突然开始”,如:She broke into a loud laughter.她突然大笑起来。break in则意为“打断,插嘴”,如:He broke in with some ideas of his own.他打断别人的话头,谈了自己的一些想法。break off意为“突然停止,暂停”,如:He broke off in the middle of a sentence.他一句话没说完就突然停了下来。break through作“突破,克服”讲,如:The sun broke through(the clouds).太阳钻出(云层)来了。 6. Great as Newton was, many of his ideas _______ today and are being modified by the work of scientists of our time. A) are to challenge B) may be challenged C) have been challenged D) are challenging 6.C)challenge是及物动词,与many of his ideas有逻辑上的动宾关系,因此challenge需用被动语态。可

新编英语语法教程 第27-30讲 练习参考答案

新编英语语法教程第27讲练习参考答案Ex. 27A 1. You’re an American, I suppose. 2. I’m afraid she… 3. …tea, if you please. 4. …some help, if I’m not mistaken. 5. …man, if I might say so. 6. …open, if you don’t mind. 7. I’m sorry to say you… 8. I suspect no less than… 9. I guess you… 10. …yet, if I’m not mistaken. 11. …chimney, he does. 12. Without any question the rogue… 13. Never have I seen… 14. I was indeed very glad to… 15. He will certainly give… 16. I’m not at all interested… 17. … no doubt whatever about it. 18. I’ll be hanged if that’s true. 19. You won’t catch him smoking again. 20. Not a single soul was seen… Ex. 27B 1. I never have much to do in the morning. 2. …have not finished it ye t. 3. I have not much to do in the morning either. 4. His wife didn’t ever make him any curry. 5. I didn’t tell anybody anything. 6. We have not enough evidence yet. 7. There isn’t anybody doing research in this field. 8. Smoking has not a nything… 9. …didn’t produce skin cancer on any of them. 10. This doesn’t apply to any of the people here yet. 11. …hasn’t revealed anything of importance. 12. It does not help us at all in our daily work either. 13. We need not / don’t have to go far to find anyone… 14. …is not yet living at this address. 15. He has not been away very long. 16. …cannot find anywhere… 17. …hasn’t ever given me any… 18. There are not many people…yet.


《新编英语语法教程》第28讲练习参考答案 Ex. 28A 1. There was a ready… 2. There’a man sitting… 3. There was a student who came… 4. There’s another student (that) I ought to see. 5. There’s at least one book … in our library. 6. There’ll be a good film on… 7. There’s certain to be trouble… 8. There were several trains coming… 9. There were things called firesquirts used… 10. Is there anyone waiting…

11. There were people who believed that… 12. There was an old cellar with a thick flint wall… 13. There was a boy named George Sampeter sitting… 14. There were monkeys under the trees, … 15. There was a strange caller yesterday who… 16. There is likely to be… 17. There should be… 18. There must have been a mistake… 19. There are several thousand little islands in the Maldives. 20. There was a bolt on my front door… Ex. 28B 1. there to be 2. there being 3. there to be 4. there being 5. there to be 6. there


新编英语语法教程第版练 习参考答案 The following text is amended on 12 November 2020.

新编英语语法教程(第6版)第08讲练习参考答案 Ex. 8A 1-5 AABDB 6-10 CCCDB 11-15 ACABC 16-20 DBDCD Ex. 8B 1. books 2. end 3. words 4. news 5. weeks 6. sign 7. money 8. intelligence 9. books 10. line 11. sentences 12. strength 13. apple, money, etc 14. case 15. nurses 16. bales 17. novel, ones 18. years, cause 19. rooms 20. case s Ex. 8C 1-5 BDCAD 6-10 BDBDC 11-15 BBCAB 16-20 CDDCC Ex. 8D 1.…little opportunity to travel. 2.…many such novels. 3.… / Neither sentence is correct English. 4.He has many more problems… 5.…this kind of apple / these kind (s) of apples. 6.I enjoy either kind, … 7.…every book in the fiction section. 8.…than in any other country in the world. 9.…a greater amount of rainfall this year than there was last year. 10.…all this luggage / all the luggage at the airport. 11.…such beautiful poetry / such a beautiful poem that it is hard to believe she has never had a formal education. 12.…a great many friends in New York. 13.Whatever nonsense… 14.That third sister of his… 15.I can’t for the life of me remember. 16.Presumably there are fewer / less diseases… 17.…than all other methods. 18.…once every three months. 19.…study of language. 20.…some more soup Ex. 8E Of all the things we eat and drink, water is the most important. Not many people understand this but it is quite true. The human (人类


英语语法练习题及答案参考 英语语法练习题及答案参考 选择填空 1. ____ more attention,the trees could have grown better. A.Given B.To give C.Giving D.Having given 2.The murderer was brought in,with his hands ____ behind his back. A.being tied B.having C.to be tied D.tied 3.He was disappointed to find his suggestions ____ A.been turned down B.turned down C.to be turned down D.to turn down 4.There was a terrible noise ____ the sudden burst of light. A.followed B.following C.to be followed D.being followed 5.Most of the artists ____ to the party were from South Africa. A.invited B.to invite C.being invited D.had been invited 6.The computer centre, ____ last year,is very popular among the students in this school. A.open B.opening C.having opened D.opened 7. ____ in thought,he almost ran into the car in front of him. A.Losing B.Having C.Lost D.To lose 8.When he entered the kitchen,he found the gas ____ and the window ____ . A.burning;shutting B.burning;shut C.burnt;shutting D.burnt; shut 9.He looded at me with a ____ expression.Maybe the problem was quite ____ . A.puzzled;puzzling B.puzzling;puzzled C.puzzled;puzzled D.puzzling;puzzling 10.He will not come unless ____.



新编英语教程第三版练习册6答案 【篇一:新编英语教程3 unit1-10练习册1-10课答案及 书本第一部分连词题】 fumesmoke or vapour ; offensive or suffocating gas 2. sandyof the colour of sand ; pale reddish-yellow 3. somehowfor some reason or other 4. stale dry and unappetizing 5. dingy dirty-looking ; not fresh or cheerful 6. proceed go ahead 7. bloodshotfull of blood ; red because the small blood vessels are swollen or broken 8. dismayedmade afraid or discouraged at the prospect of trouble unit 2 1. rage be very angry 2. a vegetable plot a small piece of land for growing vegetables 3. croaking rough and harsh 4. murmur speak in a low but not clear voice 5. wind down lower ( the car window ) by turning the handle 6. gesture of despairmovement of the head or hand to show helplessness 7. brutalcruel

新编英语语法教程 第10讲练习参考答案

Lecture 10 Ex. 10A 1. Don’t speak loudly. The children are sleeping. 2. Don’t disturb me. I’m thinking. 3. The children were jumping to keep warm. 4. The woman got mad. She was hitting her head against the wall. 5. Old Tom knows Russian, but he can’t speak it well. 6. I hope she likes these roses. 7. Halleck resembles his father very much in disposition and appearance. 8. This material feels soft. 9. I believe we will certainly achieve success. 10. Last night we dined at a Thai restaurant. There almost all the dishes taste hot. 11. In grammar, English differs greatly from Spanish. 12. This bus can hold 40 people. 13. This rule applies to all the tourists. 14. They were talking about pollution of the environment. 15. Spring is here. The treetops are turning green. 16. The economic situation there has changed from bad to worse. 17. I’m getting old. I can’t walk such a long distance. 18. This trunk weighs 50 kilos. 19. Surely you are imagining things. 20. I am not feeling (I don’t feel) very ti red. Ex. 10B 2.called off 3.carry out 4.catch up with 5.came round/to 6.cutting down 7.looked into 8.held up 9.turn up 10.Keep off 11.knocked him out 12.let you off 13.leave out 14.mix up 15.bring up 16.blew it up 17.Look out 18.put off 19.look on 20.put up 21.running into 22.run up against 23.sold out 24.send for/call in 25.taking … in 26.turned down 27.turned out 28.work out 29.wound up 30.took on, worn out, give … up Ex. 10C 1.This case is being looked into by the police. 2.Before long the children had taken to their new teacher. 3.We can’t rely on other countries to help us tide over the difficulty. 4.The First World War broke out in 1914. 5.When she came to, she found herself lying in a hospital. 6.He was not really feeling sad. He was just putting on. 7.Some new problems cropped up at the last minute. 8.As most members were absent, the meeting had to be called off. 9.Can you figure out a way to solve this problem? 10.When he was criticized, he flared up.

Unit10 语法复习练习(含答案)2020-2021学年人教版英语八年级下册

人教版八年级英语下册Unit10 语法复习练习 Ⅰ.用since或for填空 1.Jim has been in Ireland ________ Monday. 2.Jill has been in Ireland ________ three days. 3.Two years has passed ________ he left Beijing. 4.Molly has kept the book ________ two years ago. 5.India has been an independent country ________ 1947. 6.The bus is late. They've been waiting ________ 20 minutes. 7.Nobody lives in those houses. They have been empty ________ many years. 8.Mike has been ill ________ a long time. He has been in hospital ________ October. Ⅱ.用所给单词的适当形式填空 1.I ________ already ________ the film. I ________ it last week. (see) 2.—________ he ________(finish) his work today? —Not yet. 3.My father ________ just ________(come) back from work. He is tired now. 4.—Where's Li Ming? —He ________(go) to the teacher's office. 5.I ________(work) here since I ________(move) here in 1999. 6.So far I ________(make) quite a few friends here. 7.—How long ________ you ________(stay) here? —For two weeks. 8.Stephen Hawking ________(die) for over 3 months, but his spirit still lives on. 9.He ________(go) to school on foot every day. 10.________ you ________(find) your science book yet? 11. which drink do you like________, tea or coffee? (well)
