广西概况 英语导游词

广西概况 英语导游词
广西概况 英语导游词


Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Guangxi. What a joy it is when our friends from afar come to visit. My name is Amy. I will be your tour guide in Guangxi. During your stay here, I will try to do my best to do your heart good. I highly appreciate your understanding and co-operation.

Now, let me introduce Guangxi briefly for you. Guangxi, officially named Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, is a provincial-level autonomous region in China.

Guangxi is both an ancient and a young region. It is ancient because its history dates back to the Spring and Autumn Period, when it was under the jurisdiction of Jingzhou. Thereafter, its administrative division and name had been changed for several times. Early in Song Dynasty, it belongs to Guangnan Xilu, which was abbreviated as Guangxi Lu, hence comes the name “Guangxi”. On March 5th, 1958, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region was established in the policy on regional ethic autonomy in China. So it is also a young region.

In terms of area, Guangxi is the ninth biggest provincial executive body in China. To the south, it faces Hainan Province across the sea, neighboring Carton Province to the east, Hunan Province to the northeast, Guizhou Province to the northwest, Yunnan Province to the west and Viet Nam to the southwest. Being a basin with plains in the middle and south, Guangxi is a very hilly area at the southeast edge of the Yun-Gui High Plateau. Located in the subtropical region, and traversed by the Tropical of Cancer, it enjoys a subtropical monsoon climate with ample heat and rainfall.

Guangxi breeds more than 50 million populations. Besides the Han people, there are 11 aboriginal minority nationalities. Together, they live harmoniously and create the unique ethnic culture of Guangxi. They all keep well their own unique traditional customs including living, dress, culture and art, as well as festivals.

Guangxi is a famous tourist destination with extraordinary natural and cultural features. The abundant, special and colorful tourist resources in Guangxi are specialized in four characteristics. Then, I will explain them one by one for you. The first is the beautiful landscapes of Karst formations spread over the region, which is represented by those in Guilin and known as “the landscape in Guilin is unapproachable in the world”. The second is the enchanting sub-tropical beach scenery. As we all know, Beihai Silver Beach is the No.1 beach in China. The third is the mysterious and charming border scenery and folkways. The last but not the least, is the simple and unsophisticated ethnic customs and the rich historical culture.

Ok,let’s begin our magical mystery tour from now on. It is my sincere hope that you will enjoy your visit. Thank you!


海南天涯海角导游词范文3篇 下面是为大家带来的海南天涯海角导游词范文,希望可以帮助大家。 篇一:海南天涯海角导游词范文女士们、先生们,早上好!今天我们去参观一个新的旅游景点,这就是:天涯海角。 为什么要将此地称之为“天涯海角呢?世间上真的有“天涯海角这样一个地方吗?这正是我要告诉大家的。 一、“天涯海角的名称是根据古代宗教学说“天圆地方这一理论延伸出来的,这种理论认为:天是圆的而地是方的。 假如这种理论成立的话,那么在这个世间上肯定有某个地方是边缘或者是尽头,即“天边。 那么它又在哪呢?历史上的说法是,它在这里----海南岛最南端的三亚市,出三亚市向西24公里,天涯海角,就是今天我们要去的地方。 这是原因之一,即理论依据。 二、众所周知,苏联有个叫西伯里亚的地方。 那是一年四季冰天雪地、荒芜人烟、萧瑟凄凉,是专门用来流放犯人的。 在我国古代尤其是唐宋两朝,这一带就是中原地区的“西伯里亚,是封建王朝惯用的流放地。 为什么要选择这儿而不选择别处呢?因为这里交通闭塞,人烟稀少,常年干旱,天气酷热,环境极为恶劣。

这是原因之二,可以说是地理因素。 三、唐宋两朝,许多被流放至此的人由于路途艰难,初到伊始,人地生疏、水土不服,加之情绪低落、悲观失望,及少有生还中原的。 他们个个无不怀着走天涯、下海角的心绪。 “天涯海角在他们看来,不仅仅是指地球的尽头,而且以为人生末日的到来。 难怪被流放至此的唐朝两度宰相李德裕称之为“鬼门关。 他在诗中写道:“一去一万里,千去千不还。 崖州在何处,生度鬼门关。 (唐代称“三亚市为“崖州)这可以说是当时的真实写照啊!此乃原因之三,即历史的原因。 今天我们去“体验一下作为一个流放者走天涯、下海角的心情。 但是,我相信作为旅游者,大家不但没有情绪不佳,还会为能前往这么一个带有神奇色彩的地方而感到兴奋的。 在北京旅游人们常说“不到长城非好汉,今天我要说“不到天涯海角誓不罢休。 我为诸位能有机会到此一游而感到骄傲,大家想想,在我们漫长的人生道路上,假如有机会达到天涯海角,这个被李德裕“高度赞誉为“鬼门关的地方,试问在我们今后的人生道路上,还有什么克服不了的艰难困苦呢?一切困难与天涯海角相比皆显得无足轻重。 这是我此时的第一个想法。


Longmen Grottoes tourguide word: Hello, Confucius said, has the friend to come from the distantplace, delight. Today, I am precisely have this kind of feelings toreceive fellow friends the arrival. Luoyang, is the historical famous city which the Chinese and foreignis well-known. She has glorious historical, bright cultural and themultitudinous cultural relic historical site. In order to cause fellowguests at Luoyang period can has the further understanding to thisancient city historical culture and the historical site, is riding ina carriage the scenic spot visit on the way, I Luoyang's history andthe Longmen Grottoes approximate situation, will make the simpleintroduction to everybody. Luoyang is located west Henan Province, theYellow River middle reaches Nanan. Because of is situated at northshore the Luohe river to acquire fame, Italy is positive for the Luoriver water. Luoyang in the history once was the city which the multitudinousdynasty founds a capital, is known to be "nine faces the ancientcapital". In this more than 1,000 years historical perpetual flow,Luoyang once the long time took Chinese the politics, cultural, theeconomical center. Today, we visit the world famous Longmen Grottoesthen are one of multitudinous cultural relic historical sites. The Longmen Grottoes, in the Luoyang Nanjiao's Dragon Gate mountainpass place, are apart from the urban district 12.5 kilometers, too and19 years opens cutting from Northern Wei Dynasty, up to now some morethan 1,500 years history, it with the Dunhuang Mogao Caves, the Datongcloud hillock rock cave, together has composed our country famousthree big rock caves art treasure house. Dragon Gate, in the Spring and Autumn Period Warring States timecalled "Iraq Xiangshan (Dongshan) (Xishan) the thing confrontswith Longmen Mountain, the Iraqi water from the average, has formed agrand gate Latter because is in the Sui and Tang dynasties empiresouth, also calls Dragon Gate. So-called "rock cave", is the hole which opens cutting on the cliffcliff is straight, perhaps natural forms the pit hole, with hides orstores food and the thing. As early as in primitive society, thepeople have used the natural pit hole description zoomorphism and thelife scene, however by the phenomenon appears and the placewhich as the buddhist, the clergy worships buddha and leads a piouslife, actually is starts Buddhism after ancient India to appear. As a result of wooded mountain lonesome and quiet, mystical, rock cavewarm in winter and cool in summer, the rock cave uses the templeconvenience according to Shan Diaozao which the bricks and stonesbuilds to be more durable than, therefore appeared the collectionbuilding, the drawing, the vulture in ancient India has chiselled artto accomplish This kind of art, does missionarywork the activity along with the clergy to spread to our country theborder area and the inland, with our country national characteristicsand the traditional each kind of artistic technique style fusionconnection, becomes our country one kind of unique carving, thecolored drawing on pottery craft. We must look today the LongmenGrottoes are one of in our country multitudinous temple grouptreasures. The Longmen Grottoes group carving, the advantage which said besidesfront, but also has the noticeable natural condition. The Iraqi waterboth banks cliff all belonged to the Paleozoic Era cambrian period andthe Ordovician discipline lime rock layer. Its lithical hard, thestructure is


介绍广西德天瀑布的导游词范文4篇An introduction to the guide words of Guangxi Detian w aterfall 编订:JinTai College

介绍广西德天瀑布的导游词范文4篇 前言:导游词是导游人员引导游客观光游览时的讲解词,是导游员同游客交流思想,向游客传播文化知识的工具,也是应用写作研究的文体之一。本文档根据导游词内容要求和针对旅游地点是广西的特点展开说明,具有实践指导意义,便于学习和使用,本文下载后内容可随意调整修改及打印。 本文简要目录如下:【下载该文档后使用Word打开,按住键盘Ctrl键且鼠标单击目录内容即可跳转到对应篇章】 1、篇章1:介绍广西德天瀑布的导游词范文 2、篇章2:德天瀑布导游词文档 3、篇章3:德天瀑布导游词文档 4、篇章4:德天瀑布导游词文档 篇章1:介绍广西德天瀑布的导游词范文 德天瀑布位于广西壮族自治区崇左市大新县硕龙镇德天村,中国与越南边境处的归春河上游,瀑布气势磅礴、蔚为壮观,与紧邻的越南板约瀑布(“B?n Gi?c 空气中,弥漫着泥土芳香;小路旁,沉甸甸的芭蕉挂在树枝上;池塘里,一群鸭子正在水中嬉戏。这里的一草一木,一沟一渠,都呈现出一种原

始自然的美。在这里,你只要按下相机的快门,拍出的相片都是一幅绝佳的风景照。 这里翠竹绕岸,农舍点缀,独木桥横,稻穗摇曳,农夫荷锄,牧童戏水,风光俊朗清逸,极富南国田园气息。美有丽的山峰,明镜似的小河,划入天际的扁舟,满洒的翠竹,绿油油的稻田,乡土风味十足的水车、水渠与独木桥。 泛舟河上,可感受竹丛山峰蓝天白云倒影如镜,再衬以小桥流水,百鸟啼鸣,以及村舍中的鸡鸣狗吠,是一处难求的令人迷醉的田园风光。 明仕的山光水色的确迷人。这里,青山绿水,相互辉映,形成许多秀丽景点,而最为人称道的,莫过于明仕河。 明仕河发源于越南,从念斗屯流入我国,向东南流经本县的谨汤、明仕、堪圩、芦山、后益等,至雷平镇的科度屯对面与黑水河汇合,全长44.13公里。明仕山水田园风光集中在明仕至拔浪一带。风景区河段长约8公里,目前已开发的河段2.2公里。在已开发的河段,游客可以乘坐竹排,顺流而下,饱览两岸迷人景色。这里,你会看到典型的喀斯特峰林地貌景观,看到凤尾萧萧,龙吟嘀嘀的碧江竹影,看到古风淳厚的壮族村落,看到威武的将军山,灵秀的通天洞,奇特的万乳崖,


海南三亚导游词 海南三亚导游词篇1欢迎大家来到祖国最南端的城市三亚观光旅游。 首先请大家打开车窗感受一下,海南纯净无污染的空气、阳光、海水、沙滩和良好的环境! 我们车现在行驶的这条路,就是三亚最特色的一条路——滨海路。 在车左边,浮在海面上的那两个小岛屿,就是“东玳瑁州岛和“西玳瑁州岛。 东玳瑁州岛现在还未对外开放,西玳瑁州岛由台湾商人投资十多亿开发。 现在成为游人感受自然风光和娱乐的最佳地点,被人称为“水上小蓬莱这两个岛就是是三亚八景之一的“波浮双玳。 有句话说的好,来海南不来三亚——等于没来海南,来三亚不去天涯海角——等于没来三亚。 那天涯海角在哪里呢? 传承中国传统文化的人们更是这样张开想象的翅膀,把遥远的地方定位在天涯海角。 天涯海角被用来形容遥远的难于临至、即使能够临至也要经过千般磨难的地方。 天涯海角游览区坐落与中国最南的三亚市西郊26公里处,我们还要二十分钟就可到达。 今天各位闯天涯下海角的多年愿望很快就可以实现了。

天涯海角游览去是海南旅游最精彩的节目之一,是海南之行的主题曲。 今天让我们在一次回归大自然,开开心心的度过这美好的日子,留下一个难忘的回忆。 该景区主要是有热带海滩花岗岩风景区、购物区和度假村组成,集成热带海洋风光,历史遗迹,中华民俗文化为一体的旅游风景区,我们主要是游览该景区的主题景观,天涯、海角、南天一柱等景观。 各位团友,天涯海角很快就要到了,那么,我们如何理解天涯海角呢?我们先可以从字面上来看,简单来说来,天涯就是天之涯,海角就是海之角。 相信这样的结实大家是不会满意的。 通常认为天是无边无际的,因此无所谓天涯海角。 但是海角,既海的湾是真实实在的,海角不是到处都有吗?真是太平常了,我们所说的海角就是各位现在看到左侧这一汪海角,这就是海之角。 显然人们平时所说的天涯海角并没有那么简单,天涯海角是用来形同虚设遥远而难于临至或者需经千辛万苦才能到达的地方,由此可见,从古到今,人们常说的天涯海角并不是特指某一个地方。 那么,为什么偏偏选择这个地方称之为天涯海角呢?带着这个问题,让我们一起去游览,去揭开心中的这个迷。 现在我们已经进入了天涯海角游览区的停车场,我们所乘坐的观


海南天涯海角导游词五篇 天涯海角游览区坐落与中国最南的三亚市西郊26公里处,该景区主要是有热带海滩花岗岩风景区、购物区和度假村组成,集成热带海洋风光,历史遗迹,中华民俗文化为一体的旅游风景区。下面是小编收集整理的海南天涯海角导游词五篇范文,欢迎借鉴参考。 海南天涯海角导游词五篇(一) 女士们,先生们,各位团友: 你们好! 如果周游列国,穿州过省,游山玩水,你也许会惊奇的发现,只有海南的导游才能陪伴你走完天涯海角。天涯海角是用来形容遥远而难于到达或者需经千辛万若才能到达的地方,天涯行役若,海角路漫漫,大家来到毕生的梦想之地,需要经过一段漫长的热带沙滩才能到达的地方,由此可见,从古至今,人们常说天涯海角并不是特指一个地方,那么为什么最终天涯海角定性在海南呢?带着这个问题,让我们一起去游览,去解开心中这个谜。 在游览天涯海角之前,大家首先想一想古代诗词里有关于天涯的名句:例如:苏东坡的枝上柳绵吹又少,

天涯何处无芳草,张九龄的海上生明月,天涯共此时,白居易的同是天涯沧落人,相逢何必曾相识,王勃的海内存知已,天涯若比邻,马致远的夕阳西下,断肠人在天涯,唐代宰相李德裕的畸岖万里天涯路,野草茺烟正断魂,还有太多太多,很多歌词里也唱到。但是大家发现没有,关于天涯海角的诗词,无不充满凄清,孤独,无助的含义。这就要谈谈古代海南在中国的地位。 大家知道,在中国唐宋以来,天下文人无不对中国四大流放之地怕之入骨,在中国古代,流放是仅此于杀头的一种刑罚,皇帝认为你暂时还有用,不想杀你,就一般采取流放的方式,与披甲人为奴,流放三千里,中国的古代著名的人物,也同流放有关,中国文人也是奇怪,不贬不成材,只要皇帝一贬,所有的才气都出来了,留下很多流芳千古的文字,比如李白,杜甫,苏东坡,韩愈,白居易等等莫不如是,不胜枚举,而那些真正的文状元,武状元可能没有什么名气,我现在还想不出历史上到底有那个状元留下特别著名的文章,只有一个武状元郭子仪在中国历史上还稍有地位,大多成为文学大家的都是举人,进士出生。现在社会也一样,大家认真想一想,原来在你们班上考一二名的同学,也许以后十


Luoyang Travel Guide Located in the west of Henan Province in central China, Luoyang occupies quite an important geographic location. It is in the middle reaches of the Y ellow River and is encircled by mountains and plains. To its east and west are the Hu Lao Pass and Han Gu Pass which were essential domestic transportation junctions in ancient times. To its north, Mengjin County was an important ferry crossing of the Y ellow River. Thus, Luoyang was selected as the capital city by 13 dynasties starting from the Xia Dynasty (21st-16th century BC) in the 21st century BC. In the period following the Han Dynasty (206BC-220), and particularly during the Sui (581-618) and Tand (618-907) dynasties, the city experienced a period of growth and prosperity and ranked as one of the international metropolitans of the time. Its long history endows Luoyang with a profound sense of culture. The city is the cradle of Chinese civilization where many Chinese legends happened, such as Nvwa Patching the Sky, Dayu Controlling Flood and the Chinese ancestor Huangdi Establishing the Nation. The city is also famed as the 'Poets Capital' as poets and literates of ancient China often gathered there and left grand works, including 'Book of Wisdom' ('Daode Jing'), 'Han History' ('Han Shu') and 'Administrative Theory of Admonishing Official' ('Zi Zhi Tong Jian'). Religious culture once thrived here. Taoism originated there and the first Buddhist temple set up by the government was located there. Luoyang is also the hometown of many of the scientific inventions of ancient China, such as the seismograph, armillary sphere, paper making, printing and the compass. Luoyang has rich historical and cultural sites. The Longmen Grottoes are one of China's three most precious treasure houses of stone sculptures and inscriptions. The White Horse Temple is the first Buddhist temple and is honored as the 'Cradle of Buddhism in China'. Mt. Mangshan is where ancient tombs of emperors, nobles and literates in the past dynasties collected. The Luoyang Ancient Tombs Museum is the world's first example of the kind and presents thousands of treasures discovered in the tombs. Shaolin Temple is the place of origin for Chinese Zen Buddhism and the cradle of Chinese Martial Art. Landscapes in Luoyang hold the same attraction as the cultural sites. White Cloud Mountain, Funiu Mountain, Long Yu Wan National Forest Park, Ji Guan Limestone Cave and the Y ellow River Xiaolangdi Scenic Area are all worth a visit. Additionally, Luoyang is particularly well known for its peonies. Every year in April, the flowers blossom and attract tourists from all over the world. Dining in Luoyang is quite an enjoyable experience. V arious kinds of local dishes, including Water Feast, Y an Cai and others which use the famous Y ellow River carps as an ingredient, together with the uniquely flavored soups, will greatly satisfy your taste buds. Luoyang's local specialties such as Palace Lanterns, bronze vessels and Tri-colored glazed potteries will no doubt delight your eyes and offer you ideal souvenirs. Being a modern city as well, Luoyang has hotels of all standards which provide you quite a broad choice for your stay. Most of the hotels have reasonable room prices and perfect services. Transportation is well developed in Luoyang. Beijiao Airport has many domestic flights extending to many large cities in other provinces. It's also very easy to get to Luoyang by train because one of China's most important railway lines Long Hai Railway traverses the city and connects most cities in east, west and central China. The convenient city buses and taxies can carry you around the city. Near the railway station, special tourist buses can take you to the tourist spots in the suburban areas of the city. Luoyang, a charming city filled with the fragrance of peonies and the primitive atmosphere of ancient civilization, is waiting and welcoming guests from all over the world. Putting the city into the list of your exploration in China, you will get far more than what you expect. The Longmen Grottos The Longmen Grottos are on the Y ihe River bank, some 12 kilometers from ancient Luoyang city, about 30 minutes' drive. It is one of the three most important Buddhist sculptures and carvings in China. The


有关德天瀑布的导游词 各位游客: 大家好,我是大家今天的导游,我的名字是xxx,大家叫我小x就好了,很高兴有缘和大家一起游山玩水,首先我们来一起松心情,深呼吸一下,好了,我们保持着轻松的心情准备亲自大自然咯。 我们现在所听到那美妙的沙沙的水声就是来自德天瀑布的声音,德天瀑布位于中越边境广西崇左市大新县境内,距南宁市170多公里,属南亚热带季风气候的喀斯特地貌地区,是国家4A级旅游景区。 德天大瀑布气势磅礴,银瀑飞泻,三级跌落,蔚为壮观,横跨中越两国,与越南境内的板约瀑布相依相连,由此形成了亚洲第一跨国瀑布,其规模仅次于美国加拿大的尼亚加拉大瀑布,堪称中国最美得瀑布。 景区周边还有明仕田园,黑水河,绿道行林等连延500公里的山水画廊和浓郁的边关风情,为您展现了一幅幅宁静抒情、独自难过特色的风光画卷。 我们都觉得德天大瀑布的雄伟而神奇但是却无法因此而令人忽略孕育它的归春河,归春河是中越两国的界河,隔河相望,一边是颇具神秘色彩的异国风光,另一边则是滨临小楼或壮族民族

特色的民房,归春河如青丝玉带婀娜多姿,随着巍峨山势穿越突兀,在树 林间,花草中缓缓而行,悠然静谧,清澈无瑕。 我们看那德天大瀑布浩浩荡荡的归春河水从北面奔涌而来,高崖三叠的浦汤岛,巍然耸峙,横阻江流,江水从高达70余米的山岸跌岩而下,撞在坚石上,一波三折,水花四溅,形成了三级瀑布。瀑布的观瀑台也分成几级,我们可以从不同的位置不同的角度远观近赏,行走其间瀑布的轰临声悄然而致,这天籁之音,浑厚深沉,数里可闻,站在瀑布下,以这样的方式身临其境观赏无疑是最刺激的,那声势浩大滚滚洪流犹如势不可挡的千军万马奔腾而下,震魂摄魄,动摇心惊,呼啸着从天而降,这无忌的宣言,释放者生命的遗愿,不禁令人赞叹天地力量之美呀。 在德天瀑布的上游约600米处,立有一块编号为53的界碑,那是中法战争后我国与法国订立的国界碑于1888年由清政府所订立,据说清朝年间要划分定中越边界,当时的交通极为不便,山高路远,极其难行,几个官兵奉旨抬着界碑到此,看天色已晚,于是偷懒就地挖坑埋下了,这样一来竟使我国失去了大片领土,这块富有传奇色彩的界碑,历经了岁月的磨砺,如今仍被用作我国与越南的国界碑,观景大道是游览瀑布景区最平坦的道路,但是在行走的时候请务必留意,不要跨越国界哦。 大自然自然情有独钟,将山水神秀进给予此地,自身与山水画廊之中,抛开一切烦嚣,融入大自然的怀抱,山水相依,在清


天涯海角导游词 各位游客: 今天我们将去参观游览的景点是一个非常著名的地方,他的名字给人无限遐想,他就是三亚天涯海角风景区。天涯海角风景区位于祖国最南端的城市海南三亚。首先请大家打开车窗感受一下,海南纯净无污染的空气、阳光、海水、沙滩和良好的环境!我们车现在行驶的这条路,就是三亚最特色的一条路——滨海路。在车左边,浮在海面上的那两个小岛屿,就是“东玳瑁州岛”和“西玳瑁州岛”。东玳瑁州岛现在还未对外开放,西玳瑁州岛由台湾商人投资十多亿开发。现在成为游人感受自然风光和娱乐的最佳地点,被人称为“水上小蓬莱”这两个岛就是是三亚八景之一的“波浮双玳”。 有句话说的好,来海南不来三亚——等于没来海南,来三亚不去天涯海角——等于没来三亚。那天涯海角在哪里呢?传承中国传统文化的人们更是这样张开想象的翅膀,把遥远的地方定位在天涯海角。天涯海角被用来形容遥远的难于临至、即使能够临至也要经过千般磨难的地方。 天涯海角游览区坐落与中国最南的三亚市西郊26公里处,我们还要二十分钟就可到达。今天各位闯天涯下海角的多年愿望很快就可以实现了。天涯海角游览去是海南旅游最精彩的节目之一,是海南之行的主题曲。今天让我们在一次回归大自然,开开心心的度过这美好的日子,留下一个难忘的回忆。该景区主要是有热带海滩花岗岩风景区、购物区和度假村组成,集成热带海洋风光,历史遗迹,中华民俗文化为一体的旅游风景区,我们主要是游览该景区的主题景观,天涯、海角、南天一柱等景观。 各位团友,天涯海角很快就要到了,为什么要将此地称之为“天涯海角”呢?在这个世界上真的有“天涯海角”这样一个地方吗?这正是我要告诉大家的。 一、那么,我们如何理解天涯海角呢?我们先可以从字面上来看,简单来说来,天涯就是天之涯,海角就是海之角。相信这样的结实大家是不会满意的。通常认为天是无边无际的,因此无所谓天涯海角。但是海角,既海的湾是真实实在的,海角不是到处都有吗?真是太平常了,我们所说的海角就是各位现在看到左侧这一汪海角,这就是海之角。显然人们平时所说的天涯海角并没有那么简单,天涯海角是用来形同虚设遥远而难于


洛阳地陪英语导游词 luoyang travel guide located in the west of henan province in central china, luoyang occupies quite an important geographic location. it is in the middle reaches of the yellow river and is encircled by mountains and plains. to its east and west are the hu lao pass and han gu pass which were essential domestic transportation junctions in ancient times. to its north, mengjin county was an important ferry crossing of the yellow river. thus, luoyang was selected as the capital city by 13 dynasties starting from the xia dynasty (21st-16th century bc) in the 21st century bc. in the period following the han dynasty (206bc-220), and particularly during the sui (581-618) and tand (618-907) dynasties, the city experienced a period of growth and prosperity and ranked as one of the international metropolitans of the time. its long history endows luoyang with a profound sense of culture. the city is the cradle of chinese civilization where many chinese legends happened, such as nvwa patching the sky, dayu controlling flood and the chinese ancestor huangdi establishing the nation. the city is also famed as the 'poets


德天瀑布导游词 德天瀑布位于广西自治区西南山区,靠近中越边境的崇左市大新县境内,是亚洲第一、世界第四大的跨国瀑布(排在巴西-阿根廷之间的伊瓜苏大瀑布、赞比亚-津巴布韦之间的维多利亚瀑布以及美国-加拿大的尼亚加拉瀑布之后,是世界第四大、亚洲第一大跨国瀑布,.它起源于广西靖西县归春河,终年有水,流入越南又流回广西,经过大新县德天村处遇断崖跌落而成瀑布.)。 德天瀑布横跨中国越南两个国家,中方瀑布叫做德天瀑布,越方瀑布叫做板约瀑布。所在地地质为厚层状白云岩。瀑布发育于归春河的上游,硕龙镇德天村,距首府南宁市140多公里,自北南流的归春河流入越南又流回广西,经大新县德天村处被峙在江心的浦汤岛所阻挡,使河水激石咆哮,夺路而下,遇断崖跌落而形成高达50余米的瀑布。 德天瀑布分三层。第一层河水沿笔直的山势,俯冲而落在百多米下的山潭中,银瀑飞泻,震魂摄魄的风采与魅力,摇动人之心旌。第二层比较低缓,山势在此造了一个几十米的台阶,让第一层瀑布猛冲而下后有一个喘息的机会,然后蓄势而发,形成了最为壮观的第三层。在第三层已汇聚了从源头流出的四散的河水,几乎是垂直流下的水幕,冲击着宽广的河面,流淌出一幅掩映在绿树怀抱中的天然画卷。 德天主体瀑布宽100米,纵深60米,落差70米,与越南的板约瀑布连为一体,瀑布总宽208米,是东南亚最大的天然瀑布,雄奇瑰丽,变幻多姿,碧水长流,永不涸歇,巨大的跌水分成数股飞泻直下,水花四溅,烟雾溟蒙,在阳光下,色彩缤纷,蔚为壮观。 瀑布上游,河水时急时缓,时分时合,迂回曲折,于参天古木间,花草掩映,百鸟低徊,江水忽遇断崖,飞泻而下。恰似一巨大银练,高悬挂于峡谷之上。瀑布之下,水气蒸腾,上接云汉,其滚滚洪流,折而复聚,飞泻而下,连冲三关。涛声回荡于山间,声若巨雷,数里可闻,仰望瀑顶,群峰若浮动,巨瀑如海倾,水沫飞溅,如万斛明珠,若遇晴日,彩虹横跨瀑布,为雄奇的瀑布增加了几分娇媚。瀑布四季景色不同,春天凌草泛青,山花吐艳,瀑布四周被镶起五彩缤纷的花边;秋天梯田铺金,层林尽染,高挂的银帘雾气冲天;冬天琼珠闪闪,玉液潺瀑,山风把细流吹得飘飘洒洒;夏天激流如龙,排山倒海,似万马奔腾而来。 德天瀑布是中国最大的瀑布和中最美的六大瀑布之一,以其自然美成为国家特级景点。


相信大家都听过《请到天涯海角来》这一首歌,这首歌把天涯海角唱红色了大江南北,众所周知,所以很多人来三亚都会去“天涯海角”看一看。有句话说的好,来海南不来三亚——等于没来海南,来三亚不去天涯海角——等于没来三亚。现在我们就将前往天涯海角风景区,去圆一圆大家心中的天涯海角的梦。 天涯海角游览区,位于三亚市天涯区,距主城区西南约23公里处,背对马岭山,面向茫茫大海,是海南建省20年第一旅游名胜,新中国成立60周年海南第一旅游品牌。景区海湾沙滩上大小百块石耸立,"天涯石"、"海角石"、"日月石"和"南天一柱"突兀其间。 清雍正年间(1727年),崖州知州程哲在天涯湾的一块海滨巨石上题刻了"天涯"二字。民国抗战时期,琼崖守备司令王毅又在相邻的巨石上题写了"海角"二字。1961年,郭沫若在"天涯"石的另一侧题写了"天涯海角游览区"七个大字。至此,天涯湾畔的这片滨海地带便成了名副其实的"天涯海角"。 天涯海角游览区,位于三亚市天涯区距主城区23公里处,以漂亮迷人的热带自然海滨风光,悠久独特的历史文化和浓郁多彩的民族风情驰名海内外,是海南建省20年第一亮丽品牌。碧海、青山、白沙、巨磊、礁盘浑然一体,宛若七彩交融的丹青画屏;椰林、波涛、渔帆、鸥燕、云层辉映点衬,形成南国特有的椰风海韵。 "天涯海角"一词,早时是用来表达一种异乡的情结,经过千百年的积淀,承载了丰富深刻的文化内涵。清雍正年间崖州知州程哲在景区一海滨巨石上题刻了"天涯"二字,民国时期当地政要又在相邻的巨石上题写了"海角"二字,使这里成了名副其实的"天涯海角"。与"天涯"、"海角"石相隔不远处的"南天一柱"巨石,雄峙南海之滨,笑傲惊涛骇浪。"南天一柱"据说是清代宣统年间崖州知州范云榜所书。翻到2元人民币背面,您会发现这精彩撼人的石景竟深入在中国人民生活的每一天中。 天涯海角游览区使人们心中的"天涯情结"找到了物化的载体,"五大名石"又成为景区与游人心灵连接的 纽带,每年四方游人慕名来到他们向往的这块圣地,沿着"历史名人雕塑园、笆篱凝霞景区、海天自然景区、天涯路"等景点尽兴游览,以圆心中"走遍天涯海角"的梦想。一曲《请到天涯海角来》唱响大江南北,更使"天涯海角"成为海南和三亚旅游的标志和代名词。 "天涯海角"并非地理位置上的尽头,而是意境意义上的天涯海角。年程"的琼岛,人烟稀少,荒芜凄凉,是古代封建王朝流放"逆臣"之地。宋代名臣胡铨曾用"区区万里天涯路,野草若烟正断魂"的诗句与唐代宰相李德裕的"一去一万里,千之千不还。"倾吐了谪臣的际遇。这里记载着历史上贬官逆臣的悲剧人生,游人至此,似有一种到了天地尽头感觉。 为什么古人把这里定为天涯海角呢?长期以来,一直是难解的历史之谜。在二十一世纪经过多方考察,这一历史之谜已经揭开。清代康熙盛世时期,曾进行了第一次全国性版图《皇舆全览图》的测绘活动,位于海南岛南端的天涯海角景区所在地,成为这次测绘中国陆地版图南极点的标志。负责主持测绘的钦差官员们在此处剖石刻碑镌书"海判南天"四个大字,"以为标志,并须永久保留"。由此"海判南天"成为天涯海角游览区内最早的石刻。


Hello everyone. Today I will show you around White Horse Temple. White Horse Temple is located 12 km away from Luoyang City. Established by the Han Dynasty in 68 AD when Buddhism started to spread, this temple is believed to be the first Buddhist temple built by the government in China. According to historical records, Emperor Ming of the Eastern Han Dynasty (25 - 220 AD) once sent his minister on a diplomatic mission to western region to learn about Buddhism. After finishing study, they came back with two eminent Indian dignitary monks - She Moteng and Zhu Falan, and a white horse carried the sutra and the figure of Buddha. In order to memorialize the contribution of the white horse, Emperor Ming has bulit the temple and named it White Horse Temple.White Horse Temple was regarded as the "originating court" and the "cradle of Chinese Buddhism" by the Buddhist disciples. Since its establishment, White Horse Temple has experienced vicissitudes of centuries. It was rebuilt for several times, in which the restoration during the reign of Emperor Wu Zetian was especially notable in its large scale. Today's White Horse T emple is a rectangle courtyard facing south. The gate of the White Horse Temple was built in Ming Dynasty (1368 - 1644) and it is three arches side by side. Covering a total area of 40, 000 square meters, the temple mainly consists of Tianwang Hall, Great Buddha Hall, Daxiong Hall, Jieyin Hall, Qingliang Terrace and Pilu Pavilion, which are all distributing along the north-south central axis. Wish it to be helpful!
