

Herman Melville was an American novelist, writer, , and poet. He was born in August 1, 1819 in the United States of New York. He is best known for his novel . British author Maugham argues that Melville's "Moby-Dick" is the ten largest in the world literature classics. Melville is also known as the "Shakespeare of the United States ".

Early life

His path through life was hard. He was born into an American merchant family. His grandfather had taken part in the American War of Independence and had a certain effect in the community. But His father's bankruptcy led him a bad life. When he was 12 years old, his father was died. Three years later he had to drop out of school. Because a family circumstance was worse he had to seek a job to support himself and his family. He worked as a farmer, staff, teachers, seaman, Navy. He had tasted the sweets and bitters of life.

Travels in the Pacific (1841-1845)

In 1841, he became a seaman on the whaling ship. In the next 4 years, he went to many places in the world with the whaling ship, greatly widened horizon. Not only that, he and the other partners on the whaling ship, with the captain’s autocratic behavior to do a struggle. Because worked for riot and other reasons he was imprisoned. He had wandered to Tahiti Island and Mark Island in Texas, at a man-eating custom tribe lived for a period of time. Later, he joined the American warship "American", until 1844 when he landed in Boston, ending his own life at sea. These experiences provide a rich source material for his writing.

Retiring from the army

In 1845, he left the army and returned to American, started his writing life. The first novel Typee is based on his South Pacific's life. As his professional fortunes waned, he had difficulties at home. He died at his home in New York City early on the morning of September 28, 1891, at age 72. The doctor listed "cardiac dilation" on the death certificate.

His first three books gained much contemporary attention but after a fast-blooming literary success in the late 1840s, his popularity declined precipitously in the mid-1850s and never recovered during his lifetime.

When he died in 1891, he was almost completely forgotten. It was not until the "Melville Revival" in the early 20th century that his work won recognition, especially Moby-Dick, which was hailed as one of the literary masterpieces of both American and world literature. In 1919 the unfinished manuscript for his novella was discovered by his first biographer. He published a version in 1924 which was quickly acclaimed by notable British critics as another masterpiece of Melville's. He was the first writer to have his works collected and published by the .

Moby-Dick (The Whale)


It is considered to be one of the and a treasure of world . The story tells the adventures of wandering sailor Ishmael and his voyage on the , commanded by Ahab. Ishmael soon learns that Ahab has one purpose on this voyage: to seek out Moby Dick, a ferocious, enigmatic white . In a previous encounter, the whale

destroyed Ahab's boat and bit off his leg, which now drives Ahab to take revenge. The whale eventually destroys the whaleboats and crew, and sinks the Pequod.

The genesis for Moby-Dick

Two actual events served as the genesis for Moby-Dick. One was the sinking of the ship in 1820, after it was rammed by a large 2,000 miles from the western coast of South America.

The other event was the alleged killing in the late 1830s of the sperm whale , in the waters off the island of . Mocha Dick was rumored to have twenty or so harpoons in his back from other whalers, and appeared to attack ships with premeditated ferocity. Character


Ishmael is a seaman of the Pequod. He is the narrator of the story, and the hunting is narrated by him. He is the only person who was survived at last. Ishmael tells the reader that he has turned to the sea out of a feeling of from human society. In the last line of the book, Ishmael also refers to himself symbolically as an orphan, which maintains the Biblical connection and emphasizes the representation of outcasts. Ishmael has a rich literary background, which he brings to bear on his shipmates and events that occur while at sea. His assurance that "only I alone escaped to tell you" is the messenger's admonishment in Job.


Ahab is the tyrannical captain of the Pequod who is driven by a (偏执的) desire to kill Moby Dick, the whale that had maimed him off the coast of during a previous whaling voyage. Although he is a , he seeks revenge in defiance of his religion's well-known . He is the central character of the story.

Moby Dick

He is a giant, largely white, bull and arguably the main of the novel. Melville describes him as having prominent white areas around his wrinkled forehead and dorsal fin, the rest of his body being of stripes and patchwork between white and gray. He bit off Ahab's leg, leaving Ahab to swear revenge. The also attacked the Rachel and killed the captain's son. At the end of the story he kills the entire crew of the Pequod, with the exception of Ishmael.

Symbolic Meaning

Moby Dick

The white whale Moby Dick is obviously the most important symbol in the novel. Everyone is searching for the symbolic meaning of the White Whale. Moby Dick and everyone are trying to explain their own understanding of it in different ways. Characters like Stub and Flask measure it by monetary value. In Ahab’s eyes, Moby Dick is an incarnation of evil which he feels a compulsion to destroy. However, the Whale holds different meanings for Ishmael. For Ishmael, the Whale is complicated and mysterious. It represents many conflicting meanings: purity, beauty, and innocence on the one hand; evil, terror and death on the other hand. Therefore, the

meaning of the Whale varies if we see it in different circumstances and from different perspectives.


The symbolic meaning contained in the image Ahab is abstruse and various. A contradiction of multi-sided temperament, he is named after King Ahab, a heinous king of Israel in the Bible. He takes his own course, disregards the safety of the crew and finally makes almost all the crew drowned in the sea. From this angle, he is the symbol of an authentic tyrant and the symbol of an evil, and also the symbol of evil and dark in human consciousness. From another angel, Ahab is willing to abandon the easy life and goes to the sea for adventure. His purpose is to chase the whale for vengeance on surface, but actually is the reconstruction of himself and the pursuit of the ease and freedom of soul.

Pequod And The Sea

Pequod is a name of an Indian tribe that was destroyed by Whites. So in the beginning the ship was doomed to be destroyed. Melville uses the sea as a metaphor for the world and mankind. There are many creatures that depend on the water and others who depend on the creatures. In order for everything to be balanced, people must learn to coexist peacefully when they try to meet all of the different needs that they may have. The multiple ships that the Pequod meets at the travel represent different cultures of people.

Ahab Hunt Moby-Dick

Ahab represents human beings and Moby-Dick represents the nature. The contradiction between Ahab and Moby-Dick represents the contradiction between human beings and the nature, good and evil. The contradiction makes people go forward.


There is no doubt that Herman Melville’s (1819-1891) longest novel Moby Dick is one of the great masterpieces of fiction in the nineteenth-century American literature history, for it is “not only a very big book; it is also a peculiarly full and rich one, and from the very opening it conveys a sense of abundance, of high creative power, that exhilarates and enlarges the imagination.”(Richard Chase, 1962:39)The novel is generally regarded as an encyclopedia of many things: history, religion, philosophy and so on, in addition to a detailed account of human beings’ encroachment on nature. My thoughts

In the book lives a deep impression on me is the captain Ahab. He is a brave man and his courage, belief is admirable. But I think it is individualism. Ahab wants to kill Moby-Dick. His heart is full of hatred for Moby-Dick. Anyone would hate the animal that bites off his leg. However, Ahab does not realize that he wants to kill Moby-Dick; he will push himself and other seamen into death. Because of the hate Ahab wants to

kill Moby-Dick, and in spite of the lives of others. The story of Ahab might be regards as a story that a brave man against a strong enemy. In my opinion Ahab’s behavior that in spite of the lives of seamen is not admirable.






《伊斯雷尔·波特》(Israel Potter,1855)

《南北战争诗集》又译《战事集》(Battle Pieces: Civil War poems,1866)

《克拉瑞尔》(Clarel,1876) ——长诗

《约翰·玛尔和其他水手》(John Marr and Other Sailors,1888) ——诗集

《梯摩里昂》(Timoleon,1891) ——诗集

《水手比利·巴德》(Billy Budd,1924) [于作者去世后出版]


梅尔维尔白鲸 作为十九世纪浪漫主义小说的杰出代表,《白鲸》无疑具有极大的艺术魅力,并被普遍认为是世界文学史上最优秀的小说之一。该小说充分展示了赫尔曼?麦尔维尔的丰富学识,吸引了不同阶层的读者。如今,它不仅受到很多文人学士的高度赞扬, 许多普通读者也将其视为珍宝。但由于其在创作上大胆釆用了大量背离当时小说创作规则的、极富独创性的写作技巧,因而,一经出版便遭到了来自当时的读者和批评家们的猛烈攻击和强烈抵制,最终不得不以失败而告终。但随着时间的推移,它在艺术上的成就和魅力开始逐渐为世人所接受和认可。许多学者从各种不同的角度对该作品进行了广泛的研究。然而,对其叙事艺术却少有研究,而麦尔维尔在该小说中叙事技巧的运用乂很巧妙独特。因此,本文从叙述结构、叙述者和聚焦三方面分析 《白鲸》的叙事特征。传统的西方小说往往注重情节的发展。与传统的西方小说不同,《白鲸》在完整的故事情节中插入了许多与故事悄节无关的内容。关于《白鲸》的叙事结构,麦尔维尔在63章一开始就表达了自己的观点:“树干长出枝丫,枝丫乂生出小枝。同样的,小说的各章是从大有可谈的话题中生发出来的。”本文作者就把这种结构形象的称为“树型结构”赫尔曼?梅尔维尔不仅是美国文学史上一位伟大的浪漫主义作家,同时也是世界文坛一位颇具影响的人物。出版于1851年的《白鲸》是梅尔维尔的代表作。尽管未引起其同代人的重视,该书今天已被列为美国最佳小说之一,也被公认为一部世界文学名著。本文集中分析了该书中的两位主要人物,亚哈船长和以实玛利。第一章简要介绍作者生平、时代背景、《白鲸》一书的内容梗概以及评论界对梅尔维尔和《口鲸》的有关评价。笫二章从“骄傲”、“疯狂”以及“人情味”这三个方面入手,深入分析书中的主人公亚哈船长的性格特征。笫三章评论了另一位主要人物以实玛利在小说中的特殊地位,指出他既是事件的参与者,乂是整个故事的叙述者。第四章对以实玛利和亚哈船长作了对比性的研究,比较了两者不同的意象特征。第五章是论文


赫尔曼·梅尔维尔(Herman Melville) (1819年8月1日—1891年9月28日) 一、图书馆资源: (一)图书 1、The Irony of Imperial Dream::a Postcolonial Study of Herman Melville's Billy Budd, Sailor 柯少芬著林斌副教授指导厦门:厦门大学外文学院英语语言文学系,2010 帝国梦的反讽:梅尔维尔小说《比利·巴德》的后殖民主义解读 2、The Cambridge introduction to Herman Melville Kevin J. Hayes著; 杨金才导读.上海: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2008. 3、The Cambridge companion to Herman Melville Robert S. Levine编.上海: 上海外语教育出版社, 2001. 4、Herman Melville and Imperialism:A cultural critique of melville's polynesian trilogy (赫尔曼·麦尔维尔与帝国主义) 杨金才著南京:南京大学出版社,2001 5、Herman Melville :the tragedy of mind William Ellery Sedgwick. Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 1944. 6、《赫尔曼·梅尔维尔的白鲸》 (美)[L.麦克菲]Laurence MacPhee著王克非等译北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1997 (一)相关期刊193篇 1、张晓毓:《同质异构异趣同旨—从《红字》、《白鲸》比较霍桑、麦尔维尔的罪恶观》,阜阳师范学院学报(社会科学版),2002年第五期; 2、马庆霞:《麦尔维尔的悲剧倾向及其对小说<白鲸> 创作的影响》,文教资料,2007年7月号下旬刊; 3、杨金才:《异域想象与帝国主义—论赫尔曼·麦尔维尔的“波里尼西亚三部曲”》,国外文学( 季刊) ,2000 年第3 期( 总第79 期); 4、曾艳兵:《麦尔维尔与大海》,东方论坛,一九九九年第四期; 5、项伟谊:《求索于海上:< 白鲸> 与西方文明》,国外文学( 季刊) ,2000 年第3 期( 总第79 期);(三)学位论文16篇 (四)英文期刊 1、Stanley Brodwin,Herman Melville's Clarel: An Existential Gospel,PMLA, Vol. 86, No. 3 (May, 1971), pp. 375-387. 2、Ronald Mason, Herman Melville and "Billy Budd" ,Tempo, New Series, No. 21 (Autumn, 1951), pp. 6-8 3、Brian Way and David Corker, Herman Melville: Moby Dick ,Journal of American Studies, Vol. 14, No. 3 (Dec., 1980), pp. 467-468. 4、Henry W. Wells, Herman Melville's Clare, College English, V ol. 4, No. 8 (May, 1943), pp. 478-483. 5、C. Merton Babcock, Herman Melville's Whaling Vocabulary, American Speech, V ol. 29, No. 3 (Oct., 1954), pp. 161-174. 6、Joyce Sparer Adler, Billy Budd and Melville's Philosophy of War , PMLA, Vol. 91, No. 2 (Mar., 1976), pp. 266-278.


赫尔曼·格茨 赫尔曼?格茨,又一位曾被人遗忘、最近重新被人发现的十九世纪音乐家。 赫尔曼?格茨(Hermann Goetz),德国作曲家、指挥家和音乐评论家,1840年12月7日出生于克尼斯堡(K?ningsberg)。当时,克尼斯堡属于东普鲁士领地的一部分,后来成了德国东部最大的城市。第二次世界大战时,英法联军轰炸了该城,严重损坏了城市建筑。大战结束,克尼斯堡划归苏联。1946年,克尼斯堡改名为加里宁格拉(Kaliningrad),用以纪念苏共领袖加里宁(Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin, 1875-1946)。 格茨的父亲是位销售员。格茨有很多兄弟姐妹。据他母亲说,格茨从小就很安静、瘦弱,不喜欢与他的兄弟姐妹们混在一起玩儿。他幼年时就表现出对音乐和文学艺术的兴趣,莫扎特和席勒是他的偶像,他能背诵席勒的诗篇。十五岁,格茨还没有受过正规音乐教育,就已尝试写一部大型钢琴曲。1857年,十七岁的格茨才有机会向路易斯?科勒(Louis K?hler)学习钢琴。 最初,格茨打算学习科学理论,所以就进了克尼斯堡大学学习数学和物理。同时,他还在课余积极参加音乐活动,

比如演奏钢琴,指挥好几个业余乐队,甚至还指挥了几次歌剧演出。指挥歌剧需要对欧洲歌剧的发展历史有相当的了解才能成功,尤其是指挥莫扎特的歌剧。终于,他得到父亲的同意,放弃数学和物理专业,一心学习音乐。 1860年,格茨进了柏林斯特恩音乐学院。他向学院创办人斯特恩(Julius Stern)学指挥和读谱,跟大指挥家汉斯?冯?彪罗学钢琴和对位法,向乌尔里奇(Hugo Ulrich)学作曲,同时还去管风琴班听课。在学习期间,他的一些作品已经得到演出的机会,比如1862年4月3日,学院演出了他的《E 大调钢琴协奏曲》,这部协奏曲得到彪罗的高度称赞,几年以后,彪罗写信给格茨说:“你是我很高兴教过并为此感到骄傲的学生之一。” 1863年,格茨经时任莱比锡布商大厦管弦乐团指挥的音乐家赖内克(Carl Reinecke)之推荐,得到了瑞士温特图尔市(Winterthur)管风琴师和合唱队指挥的职位。那时,他已知道自己得了肺结核,他希望移居瑞士后,天气会对他的康复有利。 在温特图尔,格茨很快就活跃在当地的音乐界。他演奏钢琴,演出自己的作品,给很多学生教琴,演出清唱剧和歌剧,还创立了一个合唱学会。他忙得只有假期才有时间作曲。 1868年,格茨与一位年轻的艺术家劳拉?维尔特(Laura Wirth)结婚。一年后,全家搬到苏黎世郊区一个名为霍廷根


那些年,遭弹劾的外国领导人(上) 2017年3月10日,随着韩国宪法法院宣布通过针对 总统朴槿惠的弹劾案,朴槿惠这位韩国首位女总统也成了该国首位遭中途罢免的总统。人们在对于朴槿惠这位在国际政治舞台上颇有影响、个人身世颇具传奇色彩的东亚女政治家的悲剧性人生感到唏嘘的同时,也将视线再度聚焦到“弹劾”这一当代国际政治中重现率并不低的现象上来。 什么是“弹劾” 根据《布莱克维尔政治学百科全书》的界定,弹劾是免除不称职公职人员的法律程序。在西方政治话语中,弹劾是民主制国家议会对总统、首相、大法官等政府高级官员的犯罪或失职行为进行控告和制裁的一种制度。西方弹劾制度的理论根基是“分权与制衡”和“议会或国会至上”。由于政治体制、文化背景、意识形态不同,各国提出弹劾案的权限规定有所不同,主要有四种方式:一是先由下议院或众议院提出弹劾,再由上议院通过投票裁定被指控者罪名是否成立,英国的议会和美国的国会属于此类;二是由议会两院共同组成特别机构来通过弹劾案并进行审判,例如日本;三是先由议会两院联席会议作出决定,提出弹劾案,再由宪法法院进行审判,如德国、意大利;四是由议会提出弹劾案,再由普

通法院进行审理,例如比利时。 弹劾起源于14世纪的英格兰,在17世纪斯图亚特王朝时期国王与国会的交锋中得到发展。当时的弹劾主要被新兴资产阶级用来监督和制裁国王及其政府中的封建势力,以维护本阶级利益。后来,随着资产阶级控制议会和政府能力的增强,以及责任内阁制的形成和司法权的独立,过于繁杂的弹劾程序逐步为不信任案程序所代替。1806年对梅尔维尔勋爵的弹劾是英国最后一次弹劾案。与弹劾相比,大选中的失败或下议院中信任投票的失败是驱逐内阁大臣的更迅捷手段,对法官的革职则由议会自行裁决并公布。 许多国家效仿英国建立起弹劾制度。特别是在一些实行“三权分立”的总统制国家,议会加强了对总统、政府的监督,较广泛地采用弹劾制度。《美国宪法》第2条第4款规定:“总统、副总统和合众国的所有文职官员,因叛国、贿赂或其他重罪和轻罪而受弹劾并被定罪时,应予免职”。不过这仅是原则性的规定,在具体实践中各方对罪责的认定经常出现分歧,加上权力、党派、利益之争缠绕其间,美国历史上对总统的弹劾成功率极低。第17任总统安德鲁?约翰逊由于在南方重建问题上采取妥协立场并否决民权法案,成为美国历史上第一位面临弹劾危机的总统。1868年3月参议院启动对他的弹劾程序,罪名是“犯有重大罪行和行为失检”,最终他以一票之差被宣告无罪。第37任总统理查德?尼克松


1. Romantic period (8): Washington Irving(华盛顿.欧文) William Cullen Bryant : (威廉.柯伦.布莱恩特) Edgar Allan Poe (埃德加.爱伦.坡) Ralph Waldo Emerson : Nature (论自然), Self-Reliance(自立) (拉尔夫.沃尔多.爱默生) Henry David Thoreau (梭罗): Walden,or Life in the Wood (瓦尔登湖) Nathaniel Hawthorne (纳撒尼尔.霍桑):The Scarlet Letter (红字) Herman Melville(赫尔曼.梅尔维尔): Moby-Dick;or, The Whale(莫比迪克/白鲸) Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (亨利.沃兹沃思.朗费罗) 2. Realistic period (6): Walt Whitman: Song of Myself Beat!Beat!Drums! I Sit and Look Out (沃尔特.惠特曼) 《自我之歌》 《 敲吧!战鼓》 《坐观世间》 Emily Dickinson: (埃米莉.迪金森) Harriet Beecher Stowe: Uncle Tom ’s Cabin (汤姆叔叔的小屋) (哈丽特.比彻.斯托) Rip Van Winkle(瑞普.凡.温克尔) The Legend of Sleepy Hollow(睡谷传说) Rip Van Winkle (瑞普.凡.温克尔) The Legend of Sleepy Hollow (睡谷传说) Thanatopsis (死亡观),To a Waterfowl (致水鸟) The Raven (乌鸦) The Fall of the House of Usher (厄舍古屋的倒塌) A Psalm of life (人生礼赞) My Lost Youth (逝去的青春) The Song of Hiawatha(海华沙之歌) I felt a Funeral in my brain (在头脑中我感受到葬礼) I died for Beauty---but was scarce (我为美而死) I heard a Fly buzz---when I died (我死时听到了苍蝇的嗡嗡声) Because I could not stop for Death (因为我不能等待死神)


美国文学史作品作家汇总【常耀信】 美国文学 Part 1. Colonial America 1.William Bradford威廉?布拉德福德Of Plymouth plantation普利茅斯种植园史: 2.Anne Bradstreet The tenth muse lately sprung up in American最近在北美出现的第十位缪斯Contemplation 沉思录 3. Edward Taylor爱德华?泰勒 God’s determinations上帝的决定Preparatory Meditations内省录Housewifery家务 4..Roger Williams罗杰?威廉斯 The Bloody Tenet Of Persecution for Cause of conscience血腥的迫害教义 The t Bloody Tenet Yet More Bloody血腥的教义变得血腥味更浓 A key into the language of American美国语言的秘密 5. John Woolman约翰伍尔曼Journal日记 6.Thomas Paine托马斯?潘恩1737-1809 The Case of the Officers of Excise税务员问题;Common Sense常识;American Crisis美国危机;Rights of Man人的权利:Downfall of Despotism专制体制的崩溃;The Age of Reason理性时代 7.Philip Freneau菲利普?弗伦诺1752-1832 The Rising Glory of America蒸蒸日上的美洲;The British Prison Ship英国囚船;To the Memory of the Brave Americans纪念美国勇士-----同类诗中最佳;The Wild Honeysuckle野生的金银花;The Indian Burying Ground印第安人殡葬地8.Jonathan Edwards The Freedom of the Will 论意志自由The Great Doctrine of Original Sin defended论原罪The Nature of True Virtue论真是德行的本原 9.Benjamin Franklin本杰明?富兰克林1706-1790 A Modest Inquiry into the Nature and Necessity of a Paper Money;Poor Richard’s Almanack穷查理历书;The Way to Wealth致富之道;The Autobiography自传 10. Hector St. John de Crevecoeur约翰?克雷德福 Letter of an American Farmer美国农夫的来信 Part 2. American Romanticism 1.Washington Irving华盛顿?欧文1783-1859 A History of New York纽约的历史-----美国人写的第一部诙谐文学杰作;The Sketch Book见闻札记The Legend of Sleepy Hollow睡谷的传说-----使之成为美国第一个获得国际声誉的作家;Bracebridge Hall布雷斯布里奇田庄;Talks of Travellers旅客谈;The Alhambra阿尔罕伯拉 2.James Fenimore Cooper詹姆斯?费尼莫尔?库珀1789-1851 The Spy间谍;The Pilot领航者;The Littlepage Manuscripts利特佩奇的手稿;Leather stocking Tales皮裹腿故事集:The Pioneer拓荒者;The Last of Mohicans最后的莫希干人;The Prairie大草原;The Pathfinder探路者;The Deerslayer杀鹿者 Part 3.New England Transcendentalism 1.Ralf Waldo Emerson拉尔夫?沃尔多?爱默生1803-1882 Essays散文集:Nature论自然-----新英格兰超验主义者的宣言书;The American Scholar论美国学者;Divinity;The Oversoul论超灵;Self-reliance论自立;The Transcendentalist超验主义者;Representative Men代表人物;English Traits英国人的特征;School Address神学院演说 Concord Hymn康考德颂;The Rhodo杜鹃花;The Humble Bee野蜂;Days日子-首开自由诗之先河


世界著名电影导演大师 让-皮埃尔·梅尔维尔(1917-10-20 至1973-08-02)梅尔维尔被电影史家视为新浪潮电影运动间接的先驱者,有“新浪潮之父”的美誉。不论早期还是晚期作品,他电影的特殊手法正是新浪潮推崇的作者论方式和独立作业方式,即编、导、剪接一体化。同时,也在电影拍摄技法和导演思路上具有前后一致的作者意识。 赛尔乔·莱翁内(1929-01-03 至1989-04-30)赛尔乔·莱翁内,意大利导演,自1964年起连续三年连拍三部“镖客”系列意大利式西部片而大受世界影迷欢迎。虽然莱翁内只导演过九部电影,但他对世界影坛的影响极为深远,特别是动作片类型电影及导演;著名香港导演吴宇森即是其中之一。他最得意的作品是以美国近百年历史为背景的“美国三部曲”,即《西部往事》、《革命往事》和《美国往事》。

赛尔乔·莱翁内(1929-01-03 至1989-04-30)赛尔乔·莱翁内,意大利导演,自1964年起连续三年连拍三部“镖客”系列意大利式西部片而大受世界影迷欢迎。虽然莱翁内只导演过九部电影,但他对世界影坛的影响极为深远,特别是动作片类型电影及导演;著名香港导演吴宇森即是其中之一。他最得意的作品是以美国近百年历史为背景的“美国三部曲”,即《西部往事》、《革命往事》和《美国往事》。

赛尔乔·莱翁内(1929-01-03 至1989-04-30)赛尔乔·莱翁内,意大利导演,自1964年起连续三年连拍三部“镖客”系列意大利式西部片而大受世界影迷欢迎。虽然莱翁内只导演过九部电影,但他对世界影坛的影响极为深远,特别是动作片类型电影及导演;著名香港导演吴宇森即是其中之一。他最得意的作品是以美国近百年历史为背景的“美国三部曲”,即《西部往事》、《革命往事》和《美国往事》。 赛尔乔·莱翁内(1929-01-03 至1989-04-30)赛尔乔·莱翁内,意大利导演,自1964年起连续三年连拍三部“镖客”系列意大利式西部片而大受世界影迷欢迎。虽然莱翁内只导演过九部电影,但他对世界影坛的影响极为深远,特别是动作片类型电影及导演;著名香港导演吴宇森即是其中之一。他最得意的作品是以美国近百年历史为背景的“美国三部曲”,即《西部往事》、《革命往事》和《美国往事》。


《白鲸》赫尔曼·梅尔维尔美国文学简史 有些十九世纪伟大作家的创作生涯在他谈论起了是相当有趣的。梭罗和迪金森在当时没有读者,坡和惠特曼被人误解,麦尔维尔由于忠于自己的风格,当时也没有受到重视。他不像梭罗和迪金森那样对此满不在乎,而是常常因此痛苦万分,与惠特曼相比,他有生之年甚至完全没有得到人们的肯定。 赫尔曼·梅尔维尔的童年是快乐的,但在他11岁时,父亲去世,留下了一大笔债。麦尔维尔很早就开始工作了,没有受过什么教育。他做过银行职员、商人、老师,还在叔叔的农场帮过忙。这些日子都没有让他过上好日子。在20岁左右的时候他做了海员。麦尔维尔的人生中有三件事应当引起我们的特别注意,出海就是其中一件事,另外两件事分别是他的婚姻和与霍桑的友谊。但是普通的水手是工人阶级的最底层,而麦尔维尔不过是个捕鲸手,而捕鲸手有事水手里地位最低的。但和马克·吐温一样,麦尔维尔由此了解到最底层人民的生活。麦尔维尔去过英国的利物浦和南太平洋,他的青年时光所经历的事情对普通人来说是相当严酷,但是他在海上的经历却使他受益匪浅,为他的小说提供了丰富的素材。 麦尔维尔的婚姻生活与马克·吐温稍有不同,倒是与菲茨杰拉德更为相似。这是三位作家区的太太的地位都比自己高,但只有马克·吐温一人获得了太太的理解与支持。麦尔维尔和菲茨杰拉德都为了挣钱满足太太奢华的生活而写了很多粗罗德文学作品。麦尔维尔区的市一位有钱的法官的女儿,伊丽莎白·肖。为了供养太太和人数不断增多的家庭,麦尔维尔不得不靠写作为生,在当时的情况下,靠写作谋生是极其不易的,更何况麦尔维尔又是一位醉心文学的艺术家。麦尔维尔曾经经济上非常窘迫,直到年迈塔菜不为这个问题操心。 1850年的夏天,麦尔维尔与霍桑相识了。当时麦尔维尔住在马萨诸塞州的皮茨菲尔德,霍桑住在勒诺克斯。他们成为了好朋友,相互拜访至少九次以上,并且经常通信,尽管后来霍桑这边的消息中断了。麦尔维尔看过霍桑的书并深有感悟。他对霍桑十分认同。他的文章《霍桑和他的青苔》就讲述了《古屋青苔》对自己的世界观和生活态度的影响。尽管当时流行的而是新英格兰超验主义者对人类与世界的乐观主义,而麦尔维尔还是从霍桑的作品里认识到美国的罪恶。麦尔维尔对霍桑的罪恶的理解以及黑暗场面的描写十分着迷。当两人相遇的时候,《白鲸》已经完成了差不多三分之一,但在遇到霍桑之后,麦尔维尔


美国当代电影导演的出身问题王润07-8-27 美国当代国际著名的导演共28位,其中经我的统计:非电影专业出身的导演共计13位。他们或者自学或者开始时从事与电影无关的职业,他们占总数的几乎一半,这说明了什么?至少说明电影的某种真正繁荣。 01克林特·伊斯特伍德Clint Eastwood :(服务生,演员) 1930年5月31日生于美国。作过多种职业:打过零工,当过加油站服务员,群众演员。他的电影生涯是从跑龙套开始的。1971年伊斯特伍德推出了自己的导演处女作《迷雾追魂》,同时成立了自己的制片公司Malpaso,接下来的十五年佳片不断。主要作品有:《黑心猎人》《杀无赦》又译《不可饶恕》《火线大行动》《完美的世界》《廊桥遗梦》《一触即发》等 02罗伯特·本顿Robert Bentin:(编辑) 1931年生于美国。作过《绅士》杂志编辑。在那里遇到了此后的合作多年的搭档大卫·纽曼,1979年的《克莱默夫妇》才真正走向成功。作品有:《坏家伙》《克莱默夫妇》。 03雷德利·斯考特Ridley Scott:(画家) 1937年出生于英国的诺萨布兰,毕业于西哈特普艺术学院和伦敦皇家艺术学院。60年代就职于英国广播公司,70年代曾是欧洲商业电视剧领域最富创造力的人。作品有:《异形》《2020》《末路狂花》《哥伦布传》《角斗士》《沉默的羔羊Ⅱ》《黑鹰计划》 04特伦斯·马利克Terrence Malick:(哲学学者) 他毕业于哈佛大学哲学及佛学研究专业。被美国当代电影界称为“电影哲学家”。主要作品:《穷山恶水》(1973)《天堂的日子》(1978)《红色警戒》(1998) 05乔纳丹·戴姆Jonathan Demme:(兽医) 1944年2月22日生于纽约长岛,在佛罗里达长大,就读于佛罗里达大学主修兽医专业,当过电影宣传工作,后成为导演。主要作品:《嫁入黑帮》(1988)《沉默的羔羊》(1991)《费城故事》(1993)《真爱》(1998) 06大卫·林奇David Lynch:(画家) 1946年1月20日出生于蒙大拿州米苏拉市。他是职业画家。也是当代美国独立电影的领军人物,作品游走于现实和超现实之间。具有鲜明的个性。主要作品有:《橡皮头》《蓝丝绒》《我心狂野》《卢米埃尔和他的伙伴们》《迷失公路》《斯特来特的故事》《穆赫兰道》 07罗恩·霍华德Lon Howard:(演员) 1954月1日生于俄克拉荷马州邓肯市,父母都是演员,1973年在卢卡斯的《美国风情画》中扮演高中毕业生里奇,表现出了惊人的才气。1982年他执导的黑色喜剧片《夜班》大受欢迎。《阿波罗13号》,《美丽心灵》为他赢得了多项大奖获得巨大成就。主要作品:《狂恋爱跑天下》《休息五分钟》《烈火雄心》《阿波罗13号》《毒气室》《艾德的私人频道》《美丽心灵》 08迈克尔·摩尔Michael Moore:(工人) 1954年生于美国北部密歇根州弗林特小镇的爱尔兰家庭。高中时便开始关心政治,并表现出惊人的天赋。曾在通用汽车当工人,但和3万人同时被解雇。失业的摩尔开始拍摄这次事件的记录片。期间由于资金不足摩儿卖掉了房子并办起赌博来筹集资金。主要作品:《罗杰和我》《哥伦拜因的保龄球》《华氏911》《大家伙》 09詹姆斯·卡梅隆James Cameron:(美术设计) 1954年8月6日生于加拿大安大略省。酷爱美术。他自己写的剧本《魔鬼终结者》以一美圆卖给制片人高尔,条件是让他以自己的方式导演这部影片。《泰坦尼克号》中的人体素描就是他本人的作品。主要作品:《食人鱼2》《终结者》《第一滴血2》《异形2》《真实的谎言》《泰坦尼克号》《魔鬼终结者3》 10蒂姆·伯顿Tim Burton:(美术设计)


拉亚RAYAH 拉亚RAYAH葡萄酒 拉亚RAYAH是中国百强企业湖北宜化集团旗下的运营的葡萄酒品牌。2012年湖北宜华集团全资收购了澳大利亚最古老的路斯格兰酒庄,拉亚RAYAH葡萄酒为路斯格兰酒庄专为中国市场开发和打造的品牌。 湖北宜化集团 湖北宜化集团是中国石化行业最具影响力十大代表企业之一。旗下拥有266家法人主体,包含78家生产型公司,30家矿产型公司,79 家贸易型公司,38家投资型公司,10家化机公司,16家房地产公司,4家酿酒企业,8 家金融服务型公司,2家超市公司,1家种业公司,其中2家上市公司(湖北宜化、双环科技),5家中外合资公司。 宜化集团现有总资产544亿元,从业人员5万多人,在2013中国企业500强中排名161位,中国制造业500强中排名第72位。公司先后荣获“全国先进基层党组织”、“全国国有企业创建‘四好’领导班子先进集体”等荣誉称号。 一、简介 拉亚葡萄酒为路斯格兰酒庄专为中国市场开发和运营的品牌。 路斯格兰酒庄(Rutherglen estates)位于澳大利亚维多利亚州墨尔本市东北290公里的维多利亚产区。 路斯格兰酒庄坐落在澳大利亚极富盛名维多利亚的产区,它是澳大利亚无可争议的加度酒之都,所出产的佳酿享誉世界各地。其酿酒历史可以追溯到1850年,当年的淘金热将葡萄酒从法国、意大利、西班牙等旧世界葡萄酒国家,一起带到了路斯格兰。种植葡萄和酿造美酒在当地作为家族传统得以传承,拥有30多年从业和管理经验的CEO菲尔,第五代家族传承酿酒师马克,澳大利亚最有天赋的葡萄种植师马太等一流的管理团队,所酿造的葡萄酒已经屡获嘉奖,闻名于世。

二、酒庄历史 1、历史 路斯格兰酒庄(Rutherglen estates)位于澳大利亚维多利亚州墨尔本市东北290公里的路斯格兰(Rutherglen)产区。 路斯格兰是澳大利亚最古老、最负盛名的产区,它是澳大利亚无可争议的加度酒之都,所出产的佳酿享誉世界各地。作为路斯格兰产区规模最大的酒庄,路斯格兰酒庄坐拥10000多亩葡萄种植基地,包含伯戈因、梅尔维尔、雪莉1号、雪莉2号四片葡萄园;三座总库容超过90万立方的水库;一家年产能超过3000千升的酿酒厂;一家配备酒窖、展厅、餐厅、会务中心、游泳池、网球场、婚庆花园等设施的别墅式酒店。其中的伯戈因葡萄园始建于1850年,距今已有百年历史,是澳大利亚诞生的第一个葡萄种植园;酒窖展厅建在1886年的斯佩尔茨酒窖原址,是一处列于澳大利亚历史遗产名录的古老建筑。它是戴维·哈弥尔顿父子兴建的路斯格兰产区第一家葡萄酒厂,也是澳大利亚最早的葡萄酒厂之一,是澳大利亚第一家出口葡萄酒的酒厂。 2012年11月中国百强企业----宜化集团全资收购了路斯格兰酒庄的全部资产,使这个历史悠久的酒庄重新焕发出勃勃生机。酒庄在宜化集团强有力的平台下,充分学习、调研国内外优秀酒庄,打造集庄园种植、生产游览、酒窖展厅、健康养生、城堡酒店、私人别墅等一体的大型度假休闲酒庄城堡,使之成为澳洲地标建筑。 2、酒庄团队


英美文学史上最尖酸刻薄的13条书评 “评论家与作家的关系,就如同狗跟电线杆子的关系一样。” ——美国作家杰弗瑞·罗宾森(Jeffrey Robinson) 吃文学饭,难免遇到差评,即使是最成功的作家,也难以幸免。看看瑞典作家史迪格·拉森(Steig Larsson)吧,他恐怕是近几年来最火的小说家了,就连他的作品,都不得不经历一番冷血毒舌、狂风暴雨的洗礼。他写的《龙纹身的女孩》被《纽约时报》挑了好多刺,还被称“太假”。但最狠的一条差评,来自独立制片人苏珊·科恩(Susan Cohen):“这本书,绝对是我读过最烂的一本书。而且你别忘了,我可是读过……”(点击这个链接,看看苏珊到底拿拉森跟哪些作家相提并论。)3 译注:此处原文如此,并非译者卖关子。没时间移步的读者,我现在就可以揭晓谜底;不喜欢剧透的读者,请跳过此段。苏珊说“我可是读过约翰·格里森姆(John Grisham)的!”(她是有多瞧不起格里森姆……)她还拿《龙纹身的女孩》系列同《甜甜谷高中》(Sweet V alley High)系列青春小说比较,这个系列,看书名大概也能猜出是什么内容吧。 但是,广大作家、读者朋友们千万不要以为当今这些评论就可以算是刻薄,这些毛毛雨同以前的评论相比,简直不值一提。以前我们的脸皮可能更厚,所以毒舌也更加尖酸;那时的口水仗,简直就跟硫酸一样酸。我们现在称为“经典”的作品,也曾是“大师”初出茅庐的处女作,自然难逃评论家们一顿生剥活剐。也难怪萨缪尔·贝克特(Samuel Beckett)的《等待戈多》里,两位主人公大开骂戒,互相羞辱,最后爱斯特拉冈大获全胜凭的竟是一句:“评你妹!”译注:《等待戈多》原著中,弗拉基米尔与爱斯特拉冈两人对骂四个回合,弗拉基米尔最后骂了一句crétin,意思是“白痴”,然后爱斯特拉冈以“决定性的口吻”(with finality)回了一个crritic,结束骂战。这是贝克特玩文字游戏,故意将critique/critic(批评家)错拼为crritic,臆造一个荒诞词汇,既与crétin谐音,又暗指了“批评家”这类人,将批评家调侃成最可恶的一种人。在国内广为流传的施咸荣译本中,这里就是直接译为了“评论家”,丢失了一点点原

The Lighting-Rod Man 译文

The Lightning-Rod Man Herman Melville 避雷针商人 赫尔曼·梅尔维尔 1.What grand irregular thunder, thought I, standing on my hearth-stone among the Acroceraunian hills, as the scattered bolts boomed overhead, and crashed down among the valleys, every bolt followed by zigzag irradiations, and swift slants of sharp rain, which audibly rang, like a charge of spear-points, on my low shingled roof. I suppose, though, that the mountains hereabouts break and churn up the thunder, so that it is far more glorious here than on the plain. Hark! - some one at the door. Who is this that chooses a time of thunder for making calls? And why don't he, man-fashion, use the knocker, instead of making that doleful undertaker's clatter with his fist against the hollow panel? But let him in. Ah, here he comes. "Good day, sir:" an entire stranger. "Pray be seated." What is that strange-looking walking-stick he carries: "A fine thunder-storm, sir." 真是一场巨大的不同寻常的闪电啊,我想,我站在Acroceraunian山脉里的我的房间的壁炉旁,当分叉的闪电划过我的头顶,撞击到山谷

美国文学史 学习指南中文翻译 Herman Melvill

《白鲸》赫尔曼·梅尔维尔 美国文学简史 有些十九世纪伟大作家的创作生涯在他谈论起了是相当有趣的。梭罗和迪金森在当时没有读者,坡和惠特曼被人误解,麦尔维尔由于忠于自己的风格,当时也没有受到重视。他不像梭罗和迪金森那样对此满不在乎,而是常常因此痛苦万分,与惠特曼相比,他有生之年甚至完全没有得到人们的肯定。 赫尔曼·梅尔维尔的童年是快乐的,但在他11岁时,父亲去世,留下了一大笔债。麦尔维尔很早就开始工作了,没有受过什么教育。他做过银行职员、商人、老师,还在叔叔的农场帮过忙。这些日子都没有让他过上好日子。在20岁左右的时候他做了海员。麦尔维尔的人生中有三件事应当引起我们的特别注意,出海就是其中一件事,另外两件事分别是他的婚姻和与霍桑的友谊。但是普通的水手是工人阶级的最底层,而麦尔维尔不过是个捕鲸手,而捕鲸手有事水手里地位最低的。但和马克·吐温一样,麦尔维尔由此了解到最底层人民的生活。麦尔维尔去过英国的利物浦和南太平洋,他的青年时光所经历的事情对普通人来说是相当严酷,但是他在海上的经历却使他受益匪浅,为他的小说提供了丰富的素材。 麦尔维尔的婚姻生活与马克·吐温稍有不同,倒是与菲茨杰拉德更为相似。这是三位作家区的太太的地位都比自己高,但只有马克·吐温一人获得了太太的理解与支持。麦尔维尔和菲茨杰拉德都为了挣钱满足太太奢华的生活而写了很多粗罗德文学作品。麦尔维尔区的市一位有钱的法官的女儿,伊丽莎白·肖。为了供养太太和人数不断增多的家庭,麦尔维尔不得不靠写作为生,在当时的情况下,靠写作谋生是极其不易的,更何况麦尔维尔又是一位醉心文学的艺术家。麦尔维尔曾经经济上非常窘迫,直到年迈塔菜不为这个问题操心。 1850年的夏天,麦尔维尔与霍桑相识了。当时麦尔维尔住在马萨诸塞州的皮茨菲尔德,霍桑住在勒诺克斯。他们成为了好朋友,相互拜访至少九次以上,并且经常通信,尽管后来霍桑这边的消息中断了。麦尔维尔看过霍桑的书并深有感悟。他对霍桑十分认同。他的文章《霍桑和他的青苔》就讲述了《古屋青苔》对自己的世界观和生活态度的影响。尽管当时流行的而是新英格兰超验主义者对人类与世界的乐观主义,而麦尔维尔还是从霍桑的作品里认识到美国的罪恶。麦尔维尔对霍桑的罪恶的理解以及黑暗场面的


美国文学简史 什么是文学? 文学是语言的艺术来实现识别的文艺气质,并传达有意义的信息。 第1章殖民时期一,项目背景:清教主义 一,特点清教主义 (1)宿命:神决定一切之前的事情发生。 (2)原罪:人类天生是邪恶的,并可以通过这种原罪了一代又一代。 (3)总的堕落 (4)有限赎罪:※当选§可以保存。 2.Influence (1)A组每艰苦奋斗,勤俭节约,虔诚,庄重(认真周到的)影响了美国文学的优秀品质。 (2)它导致了永恒的神话。所有文献的基础上每伊甸园的神话。 (3)象征主义:美国的清教徒*隐喻模式的看法,主要是在调用的文学象征,这是典型的美国。 (4)关于他们的写作,风格清新,简单和直接的说辞是平原和诚实,不无淡淡的贵族往往可以追溯到“圣经”的直接影响。 II。文献综述 1。型式的写作 日记,历史,日记,信件,书籍,自传/传记,布道 2.writers的殖民时期 (1)安妮邓白氏 (2)爱德华·泰勒 (3)罗杰·威廉斯 (4)约翰伍尔曼 (5)托马斯·潘恩 (6)菲利普Freneau III。乔纳森·爱德华兹 1.life

2.works (1)自由的意志 (2)大原罪的学说辩护 (3)自然真德 3.ideas每超验主义的先锋 (1)精神的复兴运动 (2)再生人 (3)神*的存在 (4)清教徒理想主义 IV。本杰明·富兰克林 1.life 2.works (1)差理查德*年鉴 (2)自传 3.contribution (1)他帮助了宾夕法尼亚州的医院和美国哲学学会。 (2)他被称为※新普罗米修斯偷火从天上(在这种情况下,电力)§。 (3)一切似乎都在这一个男人,以满足每※万事通§。赫尔曼·梅尔维尔如此描述他※大师和掌握的没有§。 第2章美国浪漫主义 第1节什么是早期浪漫主义时期的浪漫主义呢? 古希腊柏拉图的LAN的方法 LA文学思潮:18C在英国(1798?1832) lSchlegel兄弟 I.预览:浪漫主义的特点 1.subjectivity (1)感觉和情绪,寻找真理 (2)强调想象力


Herman Melville was an American novelist, writer, , and poet. He was born in August 1, 1819 in the United States of New York. He is best known for his novel . British author Maugham argues that Melville's "Moby-Dick" is the ten largest in the world literature classics. Melville is also known as the "Shakespeare of the United States ". Early life His path through life was hard. He was born into an American merchant family. His grandfather had taken part in the American War of Independence and had a certain effect in the community. But His father's bankruptcy led him a bad life. When he was 12 years old, his father was died. Three years later he had to drop out of school. Because a family circumstance was worse he had to seek a job to support himself and his family. He worked as a farmer, staff, teachers, seaman, Navy. He had tasted the sweets and bitters of life. Travels in the Pacific (1841-1845) In 1841, he became a seaman on the whaling ship. In the next 4 years, he went to many places in the world with the whaling ship, greatly widened horizon. Not only that, he and the other partners on the whaling ship, with the captain’s autocratic behavior to do a struggle. Because worked for riot and other reasons he was imprisoned. He had wandered to Tahiti Island and Mark Island in Texas, at a man-eating custom tribe lived for a period of time. Later, he joined the American warship "American", until 1844 when he landed in Boston, ending his own life at sea. These experiences provide a rich source material for his writing. Retiring from the army In 1845, he left the army and returned to American, started his writing life. The first novel Typee is based on his South Pacific's life. As his professional fortunes waned, he had difficulties at home. He died at his home in New York City early on the morning of September 28, 1891, at age 72. The doctor listed "cardiac dilation" on the death certificate. His first three books gained much contemporary attention but after a fast-blooming literary success in the late 1840s, his popularity declined precipitously in the mid-1850s and never recovered during his lifetime. When he died in 1891, he was almost completely forgotten. It was not until the "Melville Revival" in the early 20th century that his work won recognition, especially Moby-Dick, which was hailed as one of the literary masterpieces of both American and world literature. In 1919 the unfinished manuscript for his novella was discovered by his first biographer. He published a version in 1924 which was quickly acclaimed by notable British critics as another masterpiece of Melville's. He was the first writer to have his works collected and published by the . Moby-Dick (The Whale) Summary It is considered to be one of the and a treasure of world . The story tells the adventures of wandering sailor Ishmael and his voyage on the , commanded by Ahab. Ishmael soon learns that Ahab has one purpose on this voyage: to seek out Moby Dick, a ferocious, enigmatic white . In a previous encounter, the whale
